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1 Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for ChemComm. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015! Synthesis)and)characterisation)of)an)open1cage) fullerene)encapsulating)hydrogen)fluoride! Supplementary!Information! Experimentalprocedurescompoundcharacterizationdataanddetailsofcalculations. A.KrachmalnicoffR.BoundsS.MamoneM.H.LevittM.CarravettaandR.J.Whitby* *ChemistryUniversityofSouthamptonSouthamptonSO171BJUK TABLE!OF!CONTENTS:! General!Materials!Solution!NMR!Solid8state!!1! Simulations!and!DFT!calculations!...page283!!9! ) )

2 General:!! All!reactions!were!executed!under!nitrogen!atmosphere.!All!additions!were!performed! using!regular!air8free!techniques.!reactions!involving!hydrogen!fluoride!pyridine!were! carried! out! in! polytetrafluoroethylene! (PTFE)! or! polyethylene! (PE)! tubes! fitted! with! screw!caps.!hydrogen!fluoride!pyridine!was!handled!using!pe!or!ptfe!containers!and! tubing.!the!reaction!course!was!monitored!by!tlc!using!merck!silica!gel!60!f254!plates! detecting!the!spots!using!an!uv!lamp!or!by!hplc!performed!on!a!cosmosyl!bukyprep! analytical! column! with! detection! at! 326nm.! Flash! column! chromatography! was! run! using!merck!silica!gel!geduran!si60!(40863!μm)!as!stationary!phase.!ft8ir!spectra!were! recorded! on! a! Bruker! Alpha8T! instrument.! UV8Vis! spectra! were! recorded! on! an! Ocean! Optics!USB2000+!UV/Vis!spectrometer.!Electrospray!mass!spectra!were!recorded!in!the! positive!ion!mode.!the!expected!peaks!due!to!natural!abundance!of! 13 C!were!present! but!not!reported.!note!that! due! to! the! noise! reducing! threshold! used! in! processing! relative!intensities!of!weak!peaks!are!reduced.! Materials:) Compound!1!was!synthesised!according!to!the!reported!procedure. 1!Dichloromethane! was! distilled! over! calcium! hydride! under! nitrogen! atmosphere.! 70%! w/w! hydrogen! fluoride!in!pyridine!was!purchased!from!sigma8aldrich!company!ltd.!and!directly!used! as!supplied.!! Solution)NMR:) Spectra! were! recorded! on! Bruker! DPX400! or! 500! spectrometers.! Chemical! shifts! are! reported!in!ppm!and!referenced!to!the!residual!solvent!peak!for! 1 H!and! 13 C!or!CFCl3!for! 19 F!spectra.) Solid1State)NMR:) 1 H! NMR! Experiments! were! performed! at! 20! T! (850! MHz)! at! the! National! High! field! facility! at! the! University! Of! Warwick! on! a! Bruker! AVANCE! III! console.! A! Hahn! echo! experiment! with! a! 92! KHz! amplitude! pulse! was! used! to! generate! the! transverse! magnetization!and!a!dead!time!of!5!µs!was!left!before!recording!the!free!induction!decay.! The! spectrum! is! the! average! of! 8! transients! with! 4! seconds! between! scans.! The! 1

3 experiments!were!performed!using!magic!angle!spinning!at!variable!spinning!speeds!to! remove!anisotropic!interactions!and!increase!resolution.! 1 H!proton!NMR!spectra!were! referenced!to!adamantane!at!1.8!ppm. 2! 19 F!experiments!were!also!performed!at!20!T!the!spectra!are!the!result!of!256!scans! with!a!2!second!pulse!delay.! 19 F!spectra!were!referenced!to!β8Polyvinylidene!fluoride! (PVDF)!as!an!indirect!reference!for!the!accepted!0!ppm!IUPAC!standard!CFCl3(aq)!with! a!chemical!shift!of!898!ppm. 2!To!protect!the!sample!against!heat!generated!from!high! spinning! speeds! a! nitrogen! gas! stream! was! used! for! cooling! at! speeds! of! 20! KHz! and! above.!processing!of!spectra!was!done!using!matnmr.! Simulations:! In! order! to! extract! NMR! interaction! parameters! we! used! SPINACH 34! for! global! minimization!with!multiple!experimental!datasets.!then!we!verified!error!margins!with! SIMPSON 5! by! simulating! a! matrix! of! various! interaction! magnitudes! and! monitoring! RMS!between!experiment!and!simulations!centered!around!the!best!fit!values.! DFT)calculations:) Density!Function!Theory!calculations!on!the!formation!of!H2@2B!H2O@2B!and!HF@2B! where!2b!is!a!model!for!2!in!which!the!58tert8butyl8pyridyl!substituents!were!replaced! by! methyl! groups! were! carried! out! using! Guassian! 09 6! and! the! results! are! shown! in! Table! 1.! Minimum! energy! and! transition! state! structures! were! obtained! using! the! B3LYP!functional 7!with!6831G(d)!basis!set. 8!Frequency!calculations!were!carried!out!to! confirm!the!nature!of!the!structures!(single!imaginary!frequency!for!transitions!states)! and!to!provide!a!zero!point!energy!correction.!energies!were!obtained!by!single!point! calculations! using! Truhlar s! MO62X! hybrid! functional! (which! copes! well! with! dispersion8like! interactions) 9! with! Dunning s! cc8pvdz! correlation! consistent! double8 zeta!basis!set 10!correcting!for!Basis!Set!Superposition!Errors!using!counterpoise. 11!Note! that! B3LYP! gives! poor! results! as! would! be! expected! for! a! functional! which! neglects! dispersion8like!interactions.!!!! 2

4 Table&1."Calculations"on"activation"energy"for"entry"/"exit"and"binding"energy"for"H2"H2O"and"HF"into&2B." " Energies(/(Hatree( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( H 2 # 2B# zpe( H 2 ( zpe( H cp( zpe( TS( cp( zpe( B3LYP/631d( < ( ( < ( ( < ( ( ( < ( ( ( m062x/vdz@b3lyp/631d( < ( ( < ( ( < ( ( ( < ( ( ( H 2 O# 2B# zpe( H2O( zpe( H2O@2B( cp( zpe( TS( cp( zpe( B3LYP/631d( < ( ( < ( ( < ( ( ( < ( ( ( m062x/vdz@b3lyp/631d( < ( ( < ( ( < ( ( ( < ( ( ( HF# 2B# zpe( HF( zpe( HF@2B( cp( zpe( TS( cp( zpe( B3LYP/631d( < ( ( < ( ( < ( ( ( < ( ( ( m062x/vdz@b3lyp/631d( < ( ( < ( ( < ( ( ( < ( ( ( " # Energies(/(Hartree( Energies(/(kJ/mol( H2# E(H 2 +2B))( Ea((entry)( Ea((exit)( E(H 2 +2B))( Ea((entry)( Ea((exit)( B3LYP/631d( ( ( ( 14.87( 84.38( 69.51( m062x/vdz@b3lyp/631d( < ( ( ( <21.01( 64.32( 85.33( H2O# E(H 2 O@2B<(H 2 O+2B))( Ea((entry)( Ea((exit)( E(H 2 O@2B<(H 2 O+2B))( Ea((entry)( Ea((exit)( B3LYP/631d( ( ( ( 18.04( ( 92.77( m062x/vdz@b3lyp/631d( < ( ( ( <39.89( 52.22( 92.11( HF# E(HF@2B<(HF+2B))( Ea((entry)( Ea((exit)( E(HF@2B<(HF+2B))( Ea((entry)( Ea((exit)( B3LYP/631d( ( ( ( 8.89( 74.33( 65.44( m062x/vdz@b3lyp/631d( < ( ( ( <25.91( 29.84( 55.75( " cp">"counterpoise"correction"for"basis"set"superposition"error" zpe">"zero"point"energy"correction"(taken"from"b3lyp/631d"frequency"calculation)." TS" "Transition"state"of"entry/exit"of"the"endohedral"molecule." 3"

5 Compound! 1) (316! mg! 0.282! mmol)) was! placed! inside! an! oven! dried! polytetrafluoroethylene!(ptfe)!tube!equipped!with!a!screw!cap.!the!tube!was!flushed! with!nitrogen!gas!and!distilled!dichloromethane!(16!ml)!was!added!under!nitrogen!gas.! 70%!w/w!hydrogen!fluoride!in!pyridine!(1.5!mL!205!eq!of!HF)!was!added!and!the!tube! was! closed.! The! mixture! was! stirred! at! room! temperature! for! 23! hours.!the!reaction! was!quenched!by!dropping!it!via!ptfe!tubing!inside!a!round!bottom!flask!containing! Na2CO3! saturated! solution! (50! ml)! and! toluene! (50! ml)! under! stirring.! After! the! evolution!of!gas!had!stopped!the!organic!layer!was!collected!washed!with!brine!dried! over!mgso4!filtered!and!evaporated!to!dryness!to!afford!a!black!solid.!this!material!was! purified! by! flash! column! chromatography! over! silica! gel! (eluent! gradient!5%! to! 15%! ethyl!acetate!in!toluene).!the!fractions!containing!the!spot!located!at!rf!=!0.31!(eluent! as!a!black!solid!(283!mg!89%).! 1 H)NMR!(400!MHz!CDCl3!δ):!7.64!(t!J!=!7.8!Hz!1H!H84!of! pyridyl)!7.57!(t!j!=!7.8!hz!1h!h84!of!pyridyl)!7.49!(dd!j!=! 7.5!2.2!Hz!1H!H83!or!H85!of!pyridyl)!7.23!(d!J!=!7.8!Hz! 1H!H83!or!H85!of!pyridyl)!7.22!(d!J!=!7.8!!Hz!1H!H83!or! H85! of! pyridyl)! 7.17! (d! J! =! 7.7! Hz! 1H! H83! or! H85! of! pyridyl)!7.12!(d!j!=!10.2!hz!1h!alkenyl)!7.02!(d!j!=!10.1! Hz!1H!alkenyl)!6.28!(s!broad!1H!hydroxyl)!6.00!(s!broad!1H!hydroxyl)!1.24!(s!9H!t8 butyl)!1.18!(s!9h!t8butyl)!86.55!(d!j!=!508!hz!0.5!h!endohedral!hf).) Note:!the!signals!of!the!H83!or!H85!protons!of!the!pyridyl!groups!falling!between!7.25! and!7.15!ppm!overlapped!with!the!aromatic!ch!signals!from!residual!toluene!present!in! the!sample.!prolonged!exposure!of!the!sample!to!high!vacuum!(>0.1!mmhg)!to!achieve! complete!removal!of!residual!toluene!led!to!a!substantial!loss!(850%)!of!the!endohedral! HF.! 13 C) NMR:) (125! MHz! odcb8d4! δ):! ! ! ! ! ! ! !164.42!162.84!153.56!149.94!149.56!149.5!148.47!148.39!147.78!147.63! !147.04!146.69!146.15!145.21!145.16!144.96!144.42!143.61!143.48!142.96! 4

6 142.57! ! ! ! ! ! ! 140! ! ! 138.2! 137.5! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 134.3! ! !131.98!131.45!131.3!129.02!119.99!119.86!117.45!117.42!116.86!116.83! !96.97!59.75!59.72!54.87!37.65!37.46!29.94!29.8.! Note:! the! solvent! signals! overlapped! between! 132.3! and! 128.8! ppm.! The! signals! of! compound!1!are!present!but!not!listed.! 19 F)NMR:)(376!MHz!CDCl3!δ):! !(d!J!=!508!Hz).) { 1 H} 19 F)NMR:)(376!MHz!CDCl3!δ):! !(s).) IR:!(ν!cm81):!3445!2958!1761!1694!1571!1515!1444!1145!1080.) UV:!CH2Cl2!λmax!(ε):!258.60!(92550)!327.93!(36421).! MS1ESI:!m/z!(relative!intensity!ion):!1141!(100%![M+H] +!HF@1)!1121!(53%![M+H] +! empty!1)! 1HNMR.esp 1HNMR.esp CHCl3 CHCl HNMR.esp Toluene Water H)NMR)spectrum)of)compound)HF@1.)) 5

7 ) 19 F)NMR)spectrum)of)compound)HF@1.)!! {1H}19FNMR.esp { 1 H} 19 F)NMR)spectrum)of)compound)HF@1.)) 6

8 13CNMR.esp odcb-d C) ) ) ) Transmittance [%] Wavenumber cm-1 IR)spectrum)of)compound)HF@1.)) 7 Page 1/1

9 ) 8

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Supporting Information. Experimental section

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Supporting Information. Experimental section

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Supporting Information

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Supporting Information

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Electronic Supplementary Information

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Electronic Supplementary Information

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Iodine-catalyzed synthesis of sulfur-bridged enaminones and chromones via double C(sp 2 )-H thiolation

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Supporting information

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Supporting information

Supporting information Electronic upplementary Material (EI) for New Journal of Chemistry. This journal is The Royal ociety of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche cientifique 7 upporting information Lipase catalyzed,-addition

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Electronic Supplementary Information

Electronic Supplementary Information Electronic Supplementary Information The preferred all-gauche conformations in 3-fluoro-1,2-propanediol Laize A. F. Andrade, a Josué M. Silla, a Claudimar J. Duarte, b Roberto Rittner, b Matheus P. Freitas*,a

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Kishore Natte, Jianbin Chen, Helfried Neumann, Matthias Beller, and Xiao-Feng Wu*

Kishore Natte, Jianbin Chen, Helfried Neumann, Matthias Beller, and Xiao-Feng Wu* Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for rganic & Biomolecular Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 204 Kishore Natte, Jianbin Chen, Helfried Neumann, Matthias Beller, and Xiao-Feng

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Site-Selective Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions of 2,3,4,5-Tetrabromofuran

Site-Selective Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions of 2,3,4,5-Tetrabromofuran 1 Site-Selective Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions of 2,3,4,5-Tetrabromofuran Munawar Hussain, a Rasheed Ahmad Khera, a Nguyen Thai Hung, a Peter Langer* a,b a Institut für Chemie, Universität Rostock,

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Novel electroluminescent donor-acceptors based on dibenzo[a,c]phenazine as

Novel electroluminescent donor-acceptors based on dibenzo[a,c]phenazine as Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for New Journal of Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2016 Novel electroluminescent donor-acceptors

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for ChemComm. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Synthesis of 3-omosubstituted Pyrroles via Palladium- Catalyzed Intermolecular Oxidative Cyclization

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Efficient and Simple Zinc mediated Synthesis of 3 Amidoindoles

Efficient and Simple Zinc mediated Synthesis of 3 Amidoindoles Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for rganic and Biomolecular Chemistry SUPPRTIG IFRMATI Efficient and Simple Zinc mediated Synthesis of 3 Amidoindoles Anahit Pews-Davtyan and Matthias Beller* Leibniz-Institut

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gem-dichloroalkenes for the Construction of 3-Arylchromones

gem-dichloroalkenes for the Construction of 3-Arylchromones Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for ChemComm. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Pd(OAc)2/S=PPh3 Accelerated Activation of gem-dichloroalkenes for the Construction of 3-Arylchromones

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Supplementary information

Supplementary information Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for MedChemComm. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Supplementary information Synthesis of carboxyimidamide-substituted benzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazoles

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The Free Internet Journal for Organic Chemistry

The Free Internet Journal for Organic Chemistry The Free Internet Journal for Organic Chemistry Paper Archive for Organic Chemistry Arkivoc 2018, part iii, S1-S6 Synthesis of dihydropyranones and dihydropyrano[2,3- d][1,3]dioxine-diones by cyclization

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Synthesis of Imines from Amines in Aliphatic Alcohols on Pd/ZrO 2 Catalyst at Ambient Conditions

Synthesis of Imines from Amines in Aliphatic Alcohols on Pd/ZrO 2 Catalyst at Ambient Conditions This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 213 Synthesis of Imines from Amines in Aliphatic Alcohols on Pd/ZrO 2 Catalyst at Ambient Conditions Wenjing Cui, a Bao Zhaorigetu,* a Meilin Jia, a and Wulan

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Room Temperature Highly Diastereoselective Zn-Mediated. Allylation of Chiral N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Imines: Remarkable Reaction Condition Controlled

Room Temperature Highly Diastereoselective Zn-Mediated. Allylation of Chiral N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Imines: Remarkable Reaction Condition Controlled Supporting Information for: Room Temperature Highly Diastereoselective Zn-Mediated Allylation of Chiral N-tert-Butanesulfinyl Imines: Remarkable Reaction Condition Controlled Stereoselectivity Reversal

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Supporting Information Metal-catalyzed Stereoselective and Protecting-group-free Synthesis of 1,2-cis-Glycosides Using 4,6-Dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl Glycosides as Glycosyl Donors Tomonari Tanaka,* 1

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 Supporting Information Crotonols A and B, Two Rare Tigliane Diterpenoid

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Synthesis of novel 1,2,3-triazolyl derivatives of pregnane, androstane and D-homoandrostane. Tandem Click reaction/cu-catalyzed D-homo rearrangement

Synthesis of novel 1,2,3-triazolyl derivatives of pregnane, androstane and D-homoandrostane. Tandem Click reaction/cu-catalyzed D-homo rearrangement Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Supporting Information Synthesis of novel 1,2,3-triazolyl derivatives of

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Tributylphosphine-Catalyzed Cycloaddition of Aziridines with Carbon Disulfide and Isothiocyanate

Tributylphosphine-Catalyzed Cycloaddition of Aziridines with Carbon Disulfide and Isothiocyanate upporting Information Tributylphosphine-Catalyzed Cycloaddition of Aziridines with Carbon Disulfide and Isothiocyanate Jing-Yu Wu, Zhi-Bin Luo, Li-Xin Dai and Xue-Long Hou* a tate Key Laboratory of Organometallic

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Supporting Information Copper/Silver Cocatalyzed Oxidative Coupling of Vinylarenes with ICH 2 CF 3 or ICH 2 CHF 2 Leading to β-cf 3 /CHF 2 -Substituted Ketones Niannian Yi, Hao Zhang, Chonghui Xu, Wei

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Heterobimetallic Pd-Sn Catalysis: Michael Addition. Reaction with C-, N-, O-, S- Nucleophiles and In-situ. Diagnostics

Heterobimetallic Pd-Sn Catalysis: Michael Addition. Reaction with C-, N-, O-, S- Nucleophiles and In-situ. Diagnostics Supporting Information (SI) Heterobimetallic Pd-Sn Catalysis: Michael Addition Reaction with C-, N-, -, S- Nucleophiles and In-situ Diagnostics Debjit Das, a Sanjay Pratihar a,b and Sujit Roy c * a rganometallics

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Aminofluorination of Fluorinated Alkenes

Aminofluorination of Fluorinated Alkenes Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for ChemComm. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 Synthesis of ɑ CF 3 and ɑ CF 2 H Amines via Aminofluorination of Fluorinated Alkenes Ling Yang,

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Electronic upplementary Material (EI) for Green Chemistry. This journal is The Royal ociety of Chemistry 204 upporting Information ynthesis of sulfonamides via I 2 -mediated reaction of sodium sulfinates

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Table of Contents 1 Supplementary Data MCD

Table of Contents 1 Supplementary Data MCD Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Dalton Transactions. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 Supporting Information for Magnetic circular dichroism and density functional theory

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Supplementary Figure S1. Single X-ray structure 3a at probability ellipsoids of 20%.

Supplementary Figure S1. Single X-ray structure 3a at probability ellipsoids of 20%. Supplementary Figure S1. Single X-ray structure 3a at probability ellipsoids of 20%. S1 Supplementary Figure S2. Single X-ray structure 5a at probability ellipsoids of 20%. S2 H 15 Ph Ac Ac I AcH Ph Ac

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Synthesis and evaluation of novel aza-caged Garcinia xanthones

Synthesis and evaluation of novel aza-caged Garcinia xanthones Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for rganic & Biomolecular Chemistry Synthesis and evaluation of novel aza-caged Garcinia xanthones Xiaojin Zhang, a,1 Xiang Li, a,1 Haopeng Sun, * b Zhengyu Jiang,

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Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI)

Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for rganic & Biomolecular Chemistry Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) For Iron-Catalysed xidative Amidation of Alcohols with Amines Silvia Gaspa, a Andrea

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Copper-mediated radical cross-coupling reaction of 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123) with phenols or thiophenols. Support Information

Copper-mediated radical cross-coupling reaction of 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123) with phenols or thiophenols. Support Information Copper-mediated radical cross-coupling reaction of 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123) with phenols or thiophenols Dr. Xiao un Tang and Prof. Qing un Chen* Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry,

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SUPPORTING INFORMATION SUPPRTING INFRMATIN Per(-guanidino--deoxy)cyclodextrins: Synthesis, characterisation and binding behaviour toward selected small molecules and DNA. Nikolaos Mourtzis, a Kyriaki Eliadou, a Chrysie Aggelidou,

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Supporting Information rigin of the Regio- and Stereoselectivity of Allylic Substitution of rganocopper Reagents Naohiko Yoshikai, Song-Lin Zhang, and Eiichi Nakamura* Department of Chemistry, The University

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Eco-friendly synthesis of diverse and valuable 2-pyridones by catalyst- and solvent-free thermal multicomponent domino reaction

Eco-friendly synthesis of diverse and valuable 2-pyridones by catalyst- and solvent-free thermal multicomponent domino reaction Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Green Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 SUPPRTIG IFRMATI Eco-friendly synthesis of diverse and valuable 2-pyridones by catalyst-

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Electronic Supplementary Information

Electronic Supplementary Information Electronic Supplementary Information NbCl 3 -catalyzed [2+2+2] intermolecular cycloaddition of alkynes and alkenes to 1,3-cyclohexadiene derivatives Yasushi Obora,* Keisuke Takeshita and Yasutaka Ishii*

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Mandelamide-Zinc Catalyzed Alkyne Addition to Heteroaromatic Aldehydes

Mandelamide-Zinc Catalyzed Alkyne Addition to Heteroaromatic Aldehydes 1 Mandelamide-Zinc Catalyzed Alkyne Addition to Heteroaromatic Aldehydes Gonzalo Blay, Isabel Fernández, Alícia Marco-Aleixandre, and José R. Pedro Departament de Química Orgànica, Facultat de Química,

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First DMAP-mediated direct conversion of Morita Baylis. Hillman alcohols into γ-ketoallylphosphonates: Synthesis of

First DMAP-mediated direct conversion of Morita Baylis. Hillman alcohols into γ-ketoallylphosphonates: Synthesis of Supporting Information File 1 for First DMAP-mediated direct conversion of Morita Baylis Hillman alcohols into γ-ketoallylphosphonates: Synthesis of γ-aminoallylphosphonates Marwa Ayadi 1,2, Haitham Elleuch

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Lewis Acid Catalyzed Propargylation of Arenes with O-Propargyl Trichloroacetimidate: Synthesis of 1,3-Diarylpropynes

Lewis Acid Catalyzed Propargylation of Arenes with O-Propargyl Trichloroacetimidate: Synthesis of 1,3-Diarylpropynes Supporting Information for Lewis Acid Catalyzed Propargylation of Arenes with O-Propargyl Trichloroacetimidate: Synthesis of 1,3-Diarylpropynes Changkun Li and Jianbo Wang* Beijing National Laboratory

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Supporting Information for

Supporting Information for Supporting Information for An atom-economic route to densely functionalized thiophenes via base-catalyzed rearrangement of 5-propargyl-2H-thiopyran-4(3H)-ones Chunlin Tang a, Jian Qin b, Xingqi Li *a a

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Supporting Information. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2006

Supporting Information. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2006 Supporting Information Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, 2006 1 A Facile Way to Synthesize 2H-Chromenes: Reconsideration of the Reaction Mechanism between Salicylic Aldehyde and

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Supporting information

Supporting information Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Green Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 204 Supporting information Palladium nanoparticles supported on triazine functionalised mesoporous

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Pd Catalyzed Carbonylation for the Construction of Tertiary and

Pd Catalyzed Carbonylation for the Construction of Tertiary and Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for rganic & Biomolecular Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Pd Catalyzed Carbonylation for the Construction of Tertiary and Quaternary

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Supporting Information. A catalyst-free multicomponent domino sequence for the. diastereoselective synthesis of (E)-3-[2-arylcarbonyl-3-

Supporting Information. A catalyst-free multicomponent domino sequence for the. diastereoselective synthesis of (E)-3-[2-arylcarbonyl-3- Supporting Information for A catalyst-free multicomponent domino sequence for the diastereoselective synthesis of (E)-3-[2-arylcarbonyl-3- (arylamino)allyl]chromen-4-ones Pitchaimani Prasanna 1, Pethaiah

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Design and Solid Phase Synthesis of New DOTA Conjugated (+)-Biotin Dimers Planned to Develop Molecular Weight-Tuned Avidin Oligomers

Design and Solid Phase Synthesis of New DOTA Conjugated (+)-Biotin Dimers Planned to Develop Molecular Weight-Tuned Avidin Oligomers Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for rganic & Biomolecular Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Supplementary Information Design and Solid Phase Synthesis of New DTA Conjugated

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Construction of Cyclic Sulfamidates Bearing Two gem-diaryl Stereocenters through a Rhodium-Catalyzed Stepwise Asymmetric Arylation Protocol

Construction of Cyclic Sulfamidates Bearing Two gem-diaryl Stereocenters through a Rhodium-Catalyzed Stepwise Asymmetric Arylation Protocol Supporting Information for: Construction of Cyclic Sulfamidates Bearing Two gem-diaryl Stereocenters through a Rhodium-Catalyzed Stepwise Asymmetric Arylation Protocol Yu-Fang Zhang, Diao Chen, Wen-Wen

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Supporting Information Ceric Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) catalyzed efficient one-pot three component aza-diels-alder reactions for a facile synthesis of tetrahydropyranoquinoline derivatives Ravinder Goud Puligoundla

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Supporting Information. Introduction of a α,β-unsaturated carbonyl conjugated pyrene-lactose hybrid

Supporting Information. Introduction of a α,β-unsaturated carbonyl conjugated pyrene-lactose hybrid Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for RSC Advances. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 16 Supporting Information Introduction of a α,β-unsaturated carbonyl conjugated pyrene-lactose hybrid

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New excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) dyes based on naphthalimide and observation of triplet excited states

New excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) dyes based on naphthalimide and observation of triplet excited states Electronic upplementary Material (EI) for Chemical Communications This journal is The Royal ociety of Chemistry 2012 Electronic upplementary Information for: ew excited state intramolecular proton transfer

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ESI for. A simple and efficient protocol for the palladium-catalyzed. ligand-free Suzuki reaction at room temperature in aqueous DMF.

ESI for. A simple and efficient protocol for the palladium-catalyzed. ligand-free Suzuki reaction at room temperature in aqueous DMF. ESI for A simple and efficient protocol for the palladium-catalyzed ligand-free Suzuki reaction at room temperature in aqueous DMF Chun Liu,* Qijian i, Fanying Bao and Jieshan Qiu State Key Laboratory

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Electronic supplementary information for

Electronic supplementary information for Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Journal of Materials Chemistry C. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 Electronic supplementary information for Highly responsive ethylenediamine

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Direct Palladium-Catalyzed Arylations of Aryl Bromides. with 2/9-Substituted Pyrimido[5,4-b]indolizines

Direct Palladium-Catalyzed Arylations of Aryl Bromides. with 2/9-Substituted Pyrimido[5,4-b]indolizines Direct Palladium-Catalyzed Arylations of Aryl Bromides with 2/9-Substituted Pyrimido[5,4-b]indolizines Min Jiang, Ting Li, Linghua Meng, Chunhao Yang,* Yuyuan Xie*, and Jian Ding State Key Laboratory of

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Supporting Information. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 2,3-Bis(het)aryl-4-azaindoles Derivatives as protein kinases inhibitors

Supporting Information. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 2,3-Bis(het)aryl-4-azaindoles Derivatives as protein kinases inhibitors Supporting Information Synthesis and biological evaluation of 2,3-Bis(het)aryl-4-azaindoles Derivatives as protein kinases inhibitors Frédéric Pin, a Frédéric Buron, a Fabienne Saab, a Lionel Colliandre,

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Rhodium-Catalyzed Oxidative Decarbonylative Heck-type Coupling of Aromatic Aldehydes with Terminal Alkenes

Rhodium-Catalyzed Oxidative Decarbonylative Heck-type Coupling of Aromatic Aldehydes with Terminal Alkenes Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for RSC Advances. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Electronic Supplementary Information Rhodium-Catalyzed Oxidative Decarbonylative Heck-type

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Supporting Information Wiley-VC 007 9 Weinheim, Germany ew ear Infrared Dyes and Fluorophores Based on Diketopyrrolopyrroles Dipl.-Chem. Georg M. Fischer, Dipl.-Chem. Andreas P. Ehlers, Prof. Dr. Andreas

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Phosphorus Oxychloride as an Efficient Coupling Reagent for the Synthesis of Ester, Amide and Peptide under Mild Conditions

Phosphorus Oxychloride as an Efficient Coupling Reagent for the Synthesis of Ester, Amide and Peptide under Mild Conditions Supplementary Information for Phosphorus xychloride as an Efficient Coupling Reagent for the Synthesis of Ester, Amide and Peptide under Mild Conditions u Chen,* a,b Xunfu Xu, a Liu Liu, a Guo Tang,* a

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Supporting Information for Synthesis of Fused N-Heterocycles via Tandem C-H Activation

Supporting Information for Synthesis of Fused N-Heterocycles via Tandem C-H Activation This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 212 Supporting Information for Synthesis of Fused -Heterocycles via Tandem C-H Activation Ge Meng, Hong-Ying iu, Gui-Rong Qu, John S. Fossey, Jian-Ping Li,*

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Chiral Brønsted Acid Catalyzed Enantioselective Intermolecular Allylic Aminations. Minyang Zhuang and Haifeng Du*

Chiral Brønsted Acid Catalyzed Enantioselective Intermolecular Allylic Aminations. Minyang Zhuang and Haifeng Du* Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Chiral Brønsted Acid Catalyzed Enantioselective Intermolecular Allylic

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multicomponent synthesis of 5-amino-4-

multicomponent synthesis of 5-amino-4- Supporting Informartion for Molecular iodine-catalyzed one-pot multicomponent synthesis of 5-amino-4- (arylselanyl)-1h-pyrazoles Camila S. Pires 1, Daniela H. de Oliveira 1, Maria R. B. Pontel 1, Jean

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The N,S-Bidentate Ligand Assisted Pd-Catalyzed C(sp 2 )-H. Carbonylation using Langlois Reagent as CO Source. Supporting Information.

The N,S-Bidentate Ligand Assisted Pd-Catalyzed C(sp 2 )-H. Carbonylation using Langlois Reagent as CO Source. Supporting Information. Electronic upplementary Material (EI) for rganic & Biomolecular Chemistry. This journal is The Royal ociety of Chemistry 2018 The,-Bidentate Ligand Assisted Pd-Catalyzed C(sp 2 )-H Carbonylation using

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College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian , PR China.

College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian , PR China. Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for New Journal of Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2018 Postsynthetic modification

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difluoroboranyls derived from amides carrying donor group Supporting Information

difluoroboranyls derived from amides carrying donor group Supporting Information The influence of the π-conjugated spacer on photophysical properties of difluoroboranyls derived from amides carrying donor group Supporting Information Anna Maria Grabarz a Adèle D. Laurent b, Beata Jędrzejewska

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Supplementary Data. Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing , P. R. China;

Supplementary Data. Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing , P. R. China; Supplementary Data Synthesis, Chemo-selective Properties of Substituted 9-Aryl-9H-fluorenes from Triarylcarbinols and Enantiomerical Kinetics of Chiral 9-Methoxy-11-(naphthalen-1-yl)-11H-benzo[a]fluorene

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for RSC Advances. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Supporting Information A Convenient and Efficient Synthesis of Glycals by Zinc Nanoparticles

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Protease-catalysed Direct Asymmetric Mannich Reaction in Organic Solvent

Protease-catalysed Direct Asymmetric Mannich Reaction in Organic Solvent Supplementary information for the paper Protease-catalysed Direct Asymmetric Mannich Reaction in Organic Solvent Yang Xue, Ling-Po Li, Yan-Hong He * & Zhi Guan * School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,

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Supplementary Materials for. Kinetic and Computational Studies on Pd(I) Dimer- Mediated Halogen Exchange of Aryl Iodides

Supplementary Materials for. Kinetic and Computational Studies on Pd(I) Dimer- Mediated Halogen Exchange of Aryl Iodides Supplementary Materials for Kinetic and Computational Studies on Pd(I) Dimer- Mediated Halogen Exchange of Aryl Iodides Indrek Kalvet, a Karl J. Bonney, a and Franziska Schoenebeck a * a Institute of Organic

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Supplementary Materials: Development of Amyloseand β-cyclodextrin-based Chiral Fluorescent Sensors Bearing Terthienyl Pendants

Supplementary Materials: Development of Amyloseand β-cyclodextrin-based Chiral Fluorescent Sensors Bearing Terthienyl Pendants S1 of S12 Supplementary Materials: Development of Amyloseand β-cyclodextrin-based Chiral Fluorescent Sensors Bearing Terthienyl Pendants Tomoyuki Ikai, Changsik Yun, Yutaka Kojima, Daisuke Suzuki, Katsuhiro

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Supplementary Material

Supplementary Material Supplementary Material Control experiments S2 Characterization data for the products S2-S7 References S8 MR spectra for the products S9-S28 S1 Control experiments 2a (99.5 mg, 0.5 mmol), I 2 (50.8 mg,

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Sequential catalysis for the production of sterically hindered amines: Ruthenium(II)-catalyzed C-H bond activation and hydrosilylation of imines

Sequential catalysis for the production of sterically hindered amines: Ruthenium(II)-catalyzed C-H bond activation and hydrosilylation of imines Electronic Supporting Information Sequential catalysis for the production of sterically hindered amines: Ruthenium(II)-catalyzed C- bond activation and hydrosilylation of imines Bin Li, Charles B. Bheeter,

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Supporting Information for: Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding-Assisted Cyclocondensation of. 1,2,3-Triazole Synthesis

Supporting Information for: Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding-Assisted Cyclocondensation of. 1,2,3-Triazole Synthesis Supporting Information for: Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding-Assisted Cyclocondensation of α-diazoketones with Various Amines: A Strategy for Catalytic Wolff 1,2,3-Triazole Synthesis Zikun Wang, a Xihe

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Malgorzata Korycka-Machala, Marcin Nowosielski, Aneta Kuron, Sebastian Rykowski, Agnieszka Olejniczak, Marcin Hoffmann and Jaroslaw Dziadek

Malgorzata Korycka-Machala, Marcin Nowosielski, Aneta Kuron, Sebastian Rykowski, Agnieszka Olejniczak, Marcin Hoffmann and Jaroslaw Dziadek Molecules 2017, 21, 154; doi:10.3390/molecules22010154 Supplementary Materials: Naphthalimides Selectively Inhibit the Activity of Bacterial, Replicative DNA Ligases and Display Bactericidal Effect against

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Catalyst-free transformation of levulinic acid into pyrrolidinones with formic acid

Catalyst-free transformation of levulinic acid into pyrrolidinones with formic acid Catalyst-free transformation of levulinic acid into pyrrolidinones with formic acid Yawen Wei, a Chao Wang,* a Xue Jiang, a Dong Xue, a Zhao-Tie Liu, a and Jianliang Xiao* a,b a Key Laboratory of Applied

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Supporting Information Transition-metal-free Ring Expansion Reactions of Indene-1,3-dione: Synthesis of Functionalized Benzoannulated Seven-Membered Ring Compounds Qiyi Yao, Lingkai Kong, Mengdan Wang,

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Supporting Information Visible Light Initiated Hantzsch Synthesis of 2,5-Diaryl Substituted Pyrroles at Ambient Conditions Tao Lei, Wen-Qiang Liu, Jian Li, Mao-Yong Huang, Bing Yang, Qing-Yuan Meng, Bin

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for ChemComm. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 Supporting Information 1. General experimental methods (S2). 2. Table 1: Initial studies (S2-S4).

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Supporting Information Rhodium-catalyzed Intramolecular Dehydrogenative Aryl Aryl Coupling Using Air as Terminal Oxidant Hannah Baars, 1,2 Yuto Unoh, 1 Takeshi Okada, 1 Koji Hirano, 1 Tetsuya Satoh,* 1,3

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Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O

Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O Q1. (a) Explain the meaning of the terms mean bond enthalpy and standard enthalpy of formation. Mean bond enthalpy... Standard enthalpy of formation... (5) (b) Some mean bond enthalpies are given below.

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Synthesis, structural studies and stability of the model, cysteine containing DNA-protein cross-links

Synthesis, structural studies and stability of the model, cysteine containing DNA-protein cross-links Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for New Journal of Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2017 ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION

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First Total Synthesis of Antimitotic Compound, (+)-Phomopsidin

First Total Synthesis of Antimitotic Compound, (+)-Phomopsidin First Total Synthesis of Antimitotic Compound, (+)-Phomopsidin Takahiro Suzuki, a Kenji Usui, a Yoshiharu Miyake, a Michio Namikoshi, b and Masahisa Nakada a, * a Department of Chemistry, School of Science

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Free Radical Initiated Coupling Reaction of Alcohols and. Alkynes: not C-O but C-C Bond Formation. Context. General information 2. Typical procedure 2

Free Radical Initiated Coupling Reaction of Alcohols and. Alkynes: not C-O but C-C Bond Formation. Context. General information 2. Typical procedure 2 Free Radical Initiated Coupling Reaction of Alcohols and Alkynes: not C-O but C-C Bond Formation Zhongquan Liu,* Liang Sun, Jianguo Wang, Jie Han, Yankai Zhao, Bo Zhou Institute of Organic Chemistry, Gannan

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