Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level
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1 Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level * * CHEMISTRY 5070/22 Paper 2 Theory October/November hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Section A Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in the Question Paper. Section B Answer any three questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in the Question Paper. Electronic calculators may be used. You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units. A copy of the Periodic Table is printed on page 20. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. This document consists of 20 printed pages. DC (SJF/SW) 72257/4 [Turn over
2 2 Section A Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided. The total mark for this section is 45. A1 The diagram shows part of the Periodic Table. Only some of the elements are shown. H C N F Si P S Cl Ti Fe Cu Zn As Br (a) Answer each of the following questions using only those elements shown in the diagram. Each element may be used once, more than once or not at all. Give one element which (i) is a simple molecular solid at room temperature and pressure, oxidises in the presence of water and air to form rust, (iii) has an atom with three occupied electron shells, the outer of which has only 5 electrons, (iv) has an oxide which is amphoteric, (v) has a chloride of type X Cl 3 whose aqueous solution forms a reddish-brown precipitate on addition of aqueous ammonia, (vi) is a colourless diatomic gas.
3 3 (b) (i) Arsenic reacts with oxygen to form arsenic(iii) oxide, As 2 O 3. Construct the equation for this reaction. Arsenic(III) oxide is slightly soluble in water. A weak acid, arsenous acid, H 3 AsO 3, is formed. Use kinetic particle theory to explain why a 0.05 mol / dm 3 solution of arsenous acid reacts much more slowly with magnesium ribbon than a 0.05 mol / dm 3 solution of hydrochloric acid....[2] [Total: 9] [Turn over
4 A2 The table shows some properties of the Group I metals. 4 metal density in g / cm 3 melting point / C boiling point / C lithium sodium potassium rubidium caesium (a) (i) Describe the general trend in the density of the Group I metals. Predict the boiling point of potassium. (iii) What is the physical state of caesium at 35 C? Explain your answer. (b) (i) Describe the trend in reactivity of the Group I metals with water. Construct the equation for the reaction of rubidium with water. (iii) The reaction of rubidium with water is exothermic. What is meant by the term exothermic? (c) Sodium and calcium form ionic hydrides containing the hydride ion, H. Sodium and calcium hydrides react with water to form the hydroxide and hydrogen. NaH + H 2 O NaOH + H 2 CaH 2 + 2H 2 O Ca(OH) 2 + 2H 2 Deduce the general ionic equation for these reactions....
5 (d) Sodium is a soft metal with little catalytic activity. Nickel is a hard metal which is often used as a catalyst. 5 (i) Describe two other differences in the physical properties of sodium and nickel [2] State one industrial use of nickel as a catalyst. (iii) Explain why an alloy of nickel and copper is less malleable than copper alone....[2] [Total: 12] [Turn over
6 A3 Seawater contains a variety of dissolved salts. 6 (a) The diagram shows a simple distillation apparatus that can be used to produce purified water from seawater. water out seawater condenser heat water in purified water Explain how distillation purifies seawater....[3] (b) Magnesium chloride, MgCl 2, is present in seawater at a concentration of 1.26 g / dm 3. (i) Write the formulae for the ions present in magnesium chloride. Calculate the concentration of chloride ions, in mol / dm 3, arising from the magnesium chloride in seawater. concentration =... mol / dm 3 [1] (iii) Aqueous silver nitrate is added to a small sample of seawater. Describe what you would observe.
7 (c) The concentration of sulfate ions in seawater is 1.24 g / dm 3. Excess aqueous barium chloride is added to a 50.0 cm 3 sample of seawater. Calculate the mass of barium sulfate precipitated in this reaction. 7 Ba 2+ (aq) + SO 4 2 (aq) BaSO 4 (s) mass =... g [3] [Total: 9] [Turn over
8 A4 Sulfuric acid reacts with the alkali sodium hydroxide. 8 H 2 SO 4 + 2NaOH Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O (a) Write the ionic equation for this reaction.... (b) The graph below shows how the ph changes when aqueous sulfuric acid is added slowly to 45.0 cm 3 of mol / dm 3 sodium hydroxide until the acid is in excess ph volume of acid added / cm (i) What volume of acid has been added when the ph is 7?
9 9 Use your answer to part (i) to calculate the concentration, in mol / dm 3, of the sulfuric acid. concentration =... mol / dm 3 [3] (c) The experiment was repeated using ethanoic acid of the same concentration as the sulfuric acid. The same volume and concentration of aqueous sodium hydroxide was used. (i) The volume of ethanoic acid required to neutralise the aqueous sodium hydroxide was twice as great compared with the volume of sulfuric acid. Explain why. Suggest the value of the ph after excess ethanoic acid has been added. (d) Sulfuric acid is one of the acids present in acid rain. (i) Suggest how sulfuric acid is formed in the atmosphere....[2] State one effect of acid rain on human health. [Total: 10] [Turn over
10 10 A5 The table below shows the reactivity of five metals with either cold water or steam or with both. metal barium copper magnesium sodium nickel reactivity reacts rapidly with cold water no reaction with steam or cold water reacts very slowly with cold water but reacts with steam reacts very rapidly with cold water only reacts when powdered and heated strongly in steam (a) Deduce the order of reactivity of these metals using the information in the table. most reactive least reactive... [1] (b) A simple electrochemical cell contains two electrodes in an electrolyte. (i) Complete the diagram below to show how you could measure the voltage between the two different metal electrodes X and Y. X Y electrolyte [1] The order of reactivity of some metals is shown below. iron cobalt tin copper silver most reactive least reactive Which combination of metals from this list would produce the highest voltage when used as electrodes in an electrochemical cell?
11 (c) Strips of zinc can be attached to the hull of a ship to stop the steel from rusting. Explain how these strips of zinc stop the steel from rusting [2] [Total: 5] [Turn over
12 12 Section B Answer three questions from this section in the spaces provided. The total mark for this section is 30. B6 The structures of sodium chloride and chlorine are shown below. Cl Na + Cl Na + Cl Cl Na + Cl Cl Cl Na + Cl sodium chloride chlorine (a) The melting point of sodium chloride is 801 C. The melting point of chlorine is 101 C. Explain, in terms of structure and bonding, the difference between the melting points of these two substances....[4] (b) Explain why molten sodium chloride conducts electricity but solid sodium chloride does not....
13 (c) Draw a dot-and-cross diagram for sodium chloride, showing all the electron shells. 13 (d) The electrode reactions occurring when molten sodium chloride is electrolysed are shown below. negative electrode Na + + e Na positive electrode 2Cl Cl 2 + 2e Refer to these equations to explain why this electrolysis involves both oxidation and reduction....[2] [2] (e) Chlorine reacts with excess ammonia, NH 3, to form hydrogen chloride and nitrogen. Construct an equation for this reaction.... [Total: 10] [Turn over
14 14 B7 The alkanes are a homologous series of hydrocarbons. (a) Give the name of another homologous series of hydrocarbons.... (b) The graph below shows how the melting points of the first nine alkanes vary with the number of carbon atoms melting point / C number of carbon atoms Describe how the melting points of the alkanes with more than two carbon atoms vary as the number of carbon atoms increases....[2] (c) Nonane is an alkane with nine carbon atoms. Give the molecular formula for nonane....
15 15 (d) One mole of undecane, C 11 H 24, is cracked to form a mixture containing one mole of ethene, one mole of propene and one mole of another hydrocarbon. (i) Construct the equation for this reaction. Explain why oil companies crack the longer chain hydrocarbons....[2] (e) Hydrogen cyanide, HCN, is manufactured by reacting methane with ammonia and oxygen. 2CH 4 + 2NH 3 + 3O 2 2HCN + 6H 2 O (i) Calculate the mass of hydrogen cyanide that can be formed from 500 g of methane if the percentage yield of hydrogen cyanide is 65%. mass =...g [2] Hydrogen cyanide reacts with calcium hydroxide to form calcium cyanide and water. The formula of the cyanide ion is CN. Construct the equation for this reaction. [Total: 10] [Turn over
16 B8 The ester, ethyl ethanoate, reacts with hydroxide ions to form ethanoate ions and ethanol. 16 CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 + OH ethyl ethanoate CH 3 COO + C 2 H 5 OH ethanoate ions (a) The graph shows how the concentration of ethanoate ions, CH 3 COO, changes as the reaction proceeds concentration of CH 3 COO ions in mol / dm time / s (i) Use the information in the graph to deduce the mass of ethanoate ions in 200 cm 3 of solution when the reaction is complete. mass =...g [2]
17 17 Use the information in the graph to calculate the average rate of reaction, in mol / dm 3 / s, during the first 300 seconds. average rate of reaction...mol / dm 3 / s [1] (iii) Describe and explain, using the kinetic particle theory, the change in the rate of reaction with time....[3] (b) Aqueous sodium hydroxide reacts with aqueous iron(ii) sulfate, FeSO 4. Construct the ionic equation, with state symbols, for this reaction....[2] (c) Iron(II) sulfate can be prepared by reacting excess iron powder with sulfuric acid. Describe the essential practical details to prepare pure dry crystals of iron(ii) sulfate....[2] [Total: 10] [Turn over
18 18 B9 Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber process. Fe catalyst N 2 + 3H 2 2NH 3 ΔH = 92.4 kj / mol The table below shows how the percentage yield of ammonia at equilibrium varies with both temperature and pressure. pressure / atmospheres % yield at 200 C % yield at 300 C % yield at 400 C % yield at 500 C (a) Describe how, and explain why, the percentage yield of ammonia at equilibrium changes with temperature....[2] (b) Describe how, and explain why, the percentage yield of ammonia at equilibrium changes with pressure....[2] (c) Explain why the conditions for the synthesis of ammonia in most chemical plants are between C and atmospheres pressure....[2] (d) Explain how using a catalyst in the Haber process has an economic advantage....[2]
19 (e) Ammonia is used to make fertilisers such as ammonium phosphate, (NH 4 ) 3 PO 4. Calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium phosphate. 19 [2] [Total: 10] Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity. Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
20 20 DATA SHEET The Periodic Table of the Elements Group I II III IV V VI VII H Hydrogen 2 4 He Helium 3 7 Li Lithium 4 9 Be Beryllium 5 11 B Boron 6 12 C Carbon 7 14 N Nitrogen 8 16 O Oxygen 9 19 F Fluorine Ne Neon Na Sodium Mg Magnesium Al Aluminium Si Silicon P Phosphorus S Sulfur Cl Chlorine Ar Argon K Potassium Ca Calcium Sc Scandium Ti Titanium V Vanadium Cr Chromium Mn Manganese Fe Iron Co Cobalt Ni Nickel Cu Copper Zn Zinc Ga Gallium Ge Germanium As Arsenic Se Selenium Br Bromine Kr Krypton Rb Rubidium Sr Strontium Y Yttrium Zr Zirconium Nb Niobium 96 Mo Molybdenum Tc Technetium Ru Ruthenium Rh Rhodium Pd Palladium Ag Silver Cd Cadmium In Indium Sn Tin Sb Antimony Te Tellurium I Iodine Xe Xenon Cs Caesium Ba Barium 139 La Lanthanum 57 * Hf Hafnium Ta Tantalum W Tungsten Re Rhenium Os Osmium Ir Iridium Pt Platinum Au Gold Hg Mercury Tl Thallium Pb Lead Bi Bismuth 84 Po Polonium 85 At Astatine 86 Rn Radon Fr Francium Ra Radium 227 Ac Actinium 89 * Lanthanoid series Actinoid series Key b a X a = relative atomic mass X = atomic symbol b = atomic (proton) number Ce Cerium 232 Th Thorium 141 Pr Praseodymium Pa Protactinium Nd Neodymium 238 U Uranium Pm Promethium Sm Samarium Eu Europium Gd Gadolinium Tb Terbium Dy Dysprosium Np Neptunium 94 Pu Plutonium 95 Am Americium 96 Cm Curium 97 Bk Berkelium 98 Cf Californium Ho Holmium Es Einsteinium Er Erbium Fm Fermium Tm Thulium Md Mendelevium Yb Ytterbium No Nobelium Lu Lutetium Lr Lawrencium 103 The volume of one mole of any gas is 24dm 3 at room temperature and pressure (r.t.p.).
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *2517291414* GREEK 0543/02 Paper 2 Reading and Directed Writing May/June 2013 1 hour 30 minutes
ΜΟΡΙΑΚΟ ΒΑΡΟΣ ΟΡΥΚΤΟΥ (MB) Oρυκτό: A x B y C z A x B y C z (MB) = x*a (AB) + y*b (AB) + z*c (AB) Κοβελλίνης (Cv): CuS Ατομικά βάρη: Cu=64, S=32 Cv (ΜΒ) = Cu (AB) + S (AB) = 64 + 32 = 96 Χαλκοπυρίτης (Cp):
*2354431106* GREEK 0543/02 Paper 2 Reading and Directed Writing May/June 2009
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *2354431106* GREEK 0543/02 Paper 2 Reading and Directed Writing May/June 2009 1 hour 30 minutes
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education GREEK 0543/04 Paper 4 Writing For Examination from 2015 SPECIMEN PAPER Candidates answer on the Question
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *4358398658* GREEK 0543/04 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *1880009435* GREEK 0543/04 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2018 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question
Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O
Q1. (a) Explain the meaning of the terms mean bond enthalpy and standard enthalpy of formation. Mean bond enthalpy... Standard enthalpy of formation... (5) (b) Some mean bond enthalpies are given below.
Lecture 6 September 21, 2009 Particle-Wave Duality
Welcome to 3.091 Lecture 6 September 1, 009 ParticleWave Duality 1 3.091 Periodic Table Quiz 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 1 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 30 31 3 33 3 35 36 37 38 39 0 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 50 51 5
Candidate Number. In addition to this paper you will require: a calculator. Number
Surname Other Names Leave blank Centre Number Candidate Number Candidate Signature General Certificate of Education June 2004 Advanced Subsidiary Examination CHEMISTRY CHM1 Unit 1 Atomic Structure, Bonding
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
ambridge International Examinations ambridge International General ertificate of Secondary Education *5634281822* EMISTRY 0620/43 Paper 4 Theory (Extended) May/June 2017 1 hour 15 minutes andidates answer
ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ. Εικόνα 1. Φωτογραφία του γαλαξία μας (από αρχείο της NASA)
ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ Φύση του σύμπαντος Η γη είναι μία μονάδα μέσα στο ηλιακό μας σύστημα, το οποίο αποτελείται από τον ήλιο, τους πλανήτες μαζί με τους δορυφόρους τους, τους κομήτες, τα αστεροειδή και τους μετεωρίτες.
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level * 307981 8904* CHEMISTRY 5070/21 Paper 2 Theory May/June 2010 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates
CHM1. General Certificate of Education June 2008 Advanced Subsidiary Examination. Unit 1 Atomic Structure, Bonding and Periodicity
Surname Other Names For Examiner s Use Centre Number Candidate Number Candidate Signature General Certificate of Education June 2008 Advanced Subsidiary Examination CHEMISTRY Unit 1 Atomic Structure, Bonding
Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού.
Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού. Περιοδικός πίνακας: α. Είναι µια ταξινόµηση των στοιχείων κατά αύξοντα
Figure 1 T / K Explain, in terms of molecules, why the first part of the graph in Figure 1 is a line that slopes up from the origin.
Q1.(a) Figure 1 shows how the entropy of a molecular substance X varies with temperature. Figure 1 T / K (i) Explain, in terms of molecules, why the entropy is zero when the temperature is zero Kelvin.
ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ V. Πρότυπα δυναμικά αναγωγής ( ) ΠΡΟΤΥΠΑ ΔΥΝΑΜΙΚΑ ΑΝΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΣΤΟΥΣ 25 o C. Ημιαντιδράσεις αναγωγής , V. Antimony. Bromine. Arsenic.
ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ V. ΠΡΟΤΥΠΑ ΔΥΝΑΜΙΚΑ ΑΝΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΣΤΟΥΣ 5 o C ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ V. Πρότυπα δυναμικά αναγωγής ΠΡΟΤΥΠΑ ΔΥΝΑΜΙΚΑ ΑΝΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΣΤΟΥΣ 5 o C, V, V Auminum Bervium A ( H ) e A H. 0 Be e Be H. 1 ( ) [ ] e A F. 09 AF
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6301456813* GREEK 0543/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One 1 March 30
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SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Fully Automated Total Metals and Chromium Speciation Single Platform Introduction System for ICP-MS
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Fully Automated Total Metals and Chromium
Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου
Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου Δυναμικό Coulomb Εξίσωση Schrödinger h e (, r, ) (, r, ) E (, r, ) m ψ θφ r ψ θφ = ψ θφ Συνθήκες ψ(, r θφ, ) = πεπερασμένη ψ( r ) = 0 ψ(, r θφ, ) =ψ(, r θφ+, ) π Επιτρεπτές ενέργειες
Unit 4 Further Physical and Organic Chemistry
Surname Other Names Leave blank Centre Number Candidate Number Candidate Signature General Certificate of Education January 2003 Advanced Level Examination CHEMISTRY Unit 4 Further Physical and Organic
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level * 0 5 1 0 3 4 8 7 8 5 * MATHEMATICS (SYLLABUS D) 4024/21 Paper 2 May/June 2013 Candidates answer on the
ΝΟΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΠΕΡΙΟ ΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ : Οι ιδιότητες των χηµικών στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού.
1. Ο ΠΕΡΙΟ ΙΚΟΣ ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ Οι άνθρωποι από την φύση τους θέλουν να πετυχαίνουν σπουδαία αποτελέσµατα καταναλώνοντας το λιγότερο δυνατό κόπο και χρόνο. Για το σκοπό αυτό προσπαθούν να οµαδοποιούν τα πράγµατα
Candidate Number. In addition to this paper you will require: a calculator. Number
Surname Other Names Leave blank Centre Number Candidate Number Candidate Signature General Certificate of Education January 2005 Advanced Level Examination CHEMISTRY Unit 4 Further Physical and Organic
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/cigapan/public_html/plugins/sys tem/rokcandy_system.php on line 144
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/cigapan/public_html/plugins/sys tem/rokcandy_system.php on line 144 Cigapan Εσωτερικές οδηγίες για τον Χρηστή Δοσολογία Συμπλήρωμα διατροφής Σύνθεση:
Estimation of grain boundary segregation enthalpy and its role in stable nanocrystalline alloy design
Supplemental Material for Estimation of grain boundary segregation enthalpy and its role in stable nanocrystalline alloy design By H. A. Murdoch and C.A. Schuh Miedema model RKM model ΔH mix ΔH seg ΔH
Enthalpy data for the reacting species are given in the table below. The activation energy decreases when the temperature is increased.
Q1.This question is about the reaction given below. O(g) + H 2O(g) O 2(g) + H 2(g) Enthalpy data for the reacting species are given in the table below. Substance O(g) H 2O(g) O 2(g) H 2(g) ΔH / kj mol
The table shows some standard enthalpy of formation data.
Q1.Vanadium is an important metal. Ferrovanadium, an alloy of iron and vanadium, is used to make a strong type of vanadium-steel. Pure vanadium is used in nuclear reactors. (a) The table shows some standard
Nuclear Physics 5. Name: Date: 8 (1)
Name: Date: Nuclear Physics 5. A sample of radioactive carbon-4 decays into a stable isotope of nitrogen. As the carbon-4 decays, the rate at which the amount of nitrogen is produced A. decreases linearly
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education GREEK 0543/03 Paper 3 Speaking and Listening Role Play Booklet One For Examination from 2011
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Ι ΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΤΟΜΩΝ. Παππάς Χρήστος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής
ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΟΜΗ ΚΑΙ Ι ΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΤΟΜΩΝ Παππάς Χρήστος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής ΤΟ ΜΕΓΕΘΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΤΟΜΩΝ Ατομική ακτίνα (r) : ½ της απόστασης μεταξύ δύο ομοιοπυρηνικών ατόμων, ενωμένων με απλό ομοιοπολικό δεσμό.
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education GREEK 0543/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One For Examination from 2015 SPECIMEN ROLE PLAY Approx.
CHM5. General Certificate of Education June 2007 Advanced Level Examination. Unit 5 Thermodynamics and Further Inorganic Chemistry
Surname Other Names For Examiner s Use Centre Number Candidate Number Candidate Signature General Certificate of Education June 2007 Advanced Level Examination CHEMISTRY CHM5 Unit 5 Thermodynamics and
Ασβέστιο. Calcium στερεό 40,078. Πυκνότητα. Άνθρακας. Carbon στερεό 3642! 12,0107 3642! Πυκνότητα 18.350. Χλώριο. Chlorine αέριο -101,5 35,453 -34,04
Αργίλιο Al Aluminium στερεό 13 26,9815386 2,375 As 660,32 74,92160 5,22 5000 10,811 2,08 1,378 C 615! Cl 2076 3927 16.200 3,515 1484 35,453 1,5625 24 51,9961 3810 58,933195 18.350 7,75 Cu -101,5-34,04
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *5654976718* ISLAMIYAT 0493/12 Paper 1 May/June 2015 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CMRIDGE INTERNTIONL EXMINTIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *3788429633* GREEK 0543/03 Paper 3 Speaking and Listening Role Play ooklet One
ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΤΩΝ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ (1) Ηλία Σκαλτσά ΠΕ ο Γυμνάσιο Αγ. Παρασκευής
ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΤΩΝ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ (1) Ηλία Σκαλτσά ΠΕ04.01 5 ο Γυμνάσιο Αγ. Παρασκευής Όπως συμβαίνει στη φύση έτσι και ο άνθρωπος θέλει να πετυχαίνει σπουδαία αποτελέσματα καταναλώνοντας το λιγότερο δυνατό
ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΣ ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ Περίοδοι περιοδικού πίνακα Ο περιοδικός πίνακας αποτελείται από 7 περιόδους. Ο αριθμός των στοιχείων που περιλαμβάνει κάθε περίοδος δεν είναι σταθερός, δηλ. η περιοδικότητα
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *9458676952* GREEK 0543/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One 1 March 30 April 2015 No Additional
CHEM5 (JUN15CHEM501) General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2015. Energetics, Redox and Inorganic Chemistry
Centre Number Candidate Number For Examiner s Use Surname Other Names Candidate Signature Examiner s Initials General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2015 Question 1 2 Mark Chemistry
HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER DATA BOOK 1 PROPERTY VALUES OF METALS AT 20 C OR AS INDICATED Density Thermal Diffusivity Specific Heat Thermal Conductivity Metal ρ α = k/ρc c k kg/m 3 m 2 /s J/kgK W/mK Aluminium,
the total number of electrons passing through the lamp.
1. A 12 V 36 W lamp is lit to normal brightness using a 12 V car battery of negligible internal resistance. The lamp is switched on for one hour (3600 s). For the time of 1 hour, calculate (i) the energy
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education
UNIVERSITY OF CMRIDGE INTERNTIONL EXMINTIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *3788429633* GREEK 0543/03 Paper 3 Speaking and Listening Role Play ooklet One 1 March 30 pril 2012
NMR Frequencies vs. Bruker Field Strengths sorted by increasing atomic number
NMR Frequency Tables NMR Frequencies vs. Bruker Field Strengths sorted by increasing atomic number Isotope Spin Nat. Receptivity Abund. (%) Natural Molar rel. 13 C rel. 1 H Larmor Frequencies (MHz) vs.
CH 3 CH 2 COOCH 2 CH 2 CH 3 + H 2 O
Q1.An experiment was carried out to determine the equilibrium constant, K c, for the following reaction. CH 3 CH 2 COOH + CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH CH 3 CH 2 COOCH 2 CH 2 CH 3 + H 2 O A student added measured
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education
ambridge International Examinations ambridge International General ertifi cate of Secondary Education GREEK 0543/01 Paper 1 Listening For Examination from 2015 SPEIMEN PPER andidates answer on the Question
τροχιακά Η στιβάδα καθορίζεται από τον κύριο κβαντικό αριθµό (n) Η υποστιβάδα καθορίζεται από τους δύο πρώτους κβαντικούς αριθµούς (n, l)
ΑΤΟΜΙΚΑ ΤΡΟΧΙΑΚΑ Σχέση κβαντικών αριθµών µε στιβάδες υποστιβάδες - τροχιακά Η στιβάδα καθορίζεται από τον κύριο κβαντικό αριθµό (n) Η υποστιβάδα καθορίζεται από τους δύο πρώτους κβαντικούς αριθµούς (n,
Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11
Potential Dividers 46 minutes 46 marks Page 1 of 11 Q1. In the circuit shown in the figure below, the battery, of negligible internal resistance, has an emf of 30 V. The pd across the lamp is 6.0 V and
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *3282737091* GREEK 0543/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One 1 March - 30 April 2008 No Additional
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
ambridge International Examinations ambridge International General ertificate of Secondary Education *8412306169* GREEK 0543/03 Paper 3 Speaking and Listening Role Play ooklet One 1 March 30 pril 2014
01/2008:50700 5.7. TABLE OF PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RADIONUCLIDES MENTIONED IN THE EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA Thefollowingtableisgiventocompletethegeneral monograph Radiopharmaceutical preparations (0125).
CHEM5. General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2011. Unit 5 Energetics, Redox and Inorganic Chemistry
Centre Number Surname Candidate Number For Examiner s Use Other Names Candidate Signature Examiner s Initials General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2011 Question 1 2 Mark Chemistry
Appendix B Table of Radionuclides Γ Container 1 Posting Level cm per (mci) mci
3 H 12.35 Y β Low 80 1 - - Betas: 19 (100%) 11 C 20.38 M β+, EC Low 400 1 5.97 13.7 13 N 9.97 M β+ Low 1 5.97 13.7 Positrons: 960 (99.7%) Gaas: 511 (199.5%) Positrons: 1,199 (99.8%) Gaas: 511 (199.6%)
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education GREEK 0543/03 Paper 3 Speaking Role Play Card One 1 March 30 April 2009 *8775605210* No Additional
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
ambridge International Examinations ambridge International General ertificate of Secondary Education *4180418050* GREEK 0543/01 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2018 pprox. 45 minutes andidates answer on the
KISII SOUTH DISTRICT JOINT EVALUATION EXAMS-2014 Kenya certificate of secondary education (K.C.S.E)
Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1776/04 Edexcel GCSE Modern Greek Paper 4 Writing. Thursday 21 May 2009 Afternoon Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1776/04 Edexcel GCSE Modern Greek Paper 4 Writing Thursday 21 May 2009 Afternoon Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Materials required for examination Nil Paper Reference
DATE of Analysis: 5 March 23 BC RESEARCH INC DATE of Report: 7 March 23 365 Westbrook Mall PROJECT No.: 8-3-124 Vancouver, B.C. APPROVED BY: Anna Becalska TEL: (64) 224-4331 FAX: (64) 224-54 Advanced Nutrients
Enthalpy and Entropy
F35 Equilibria, Energetics & Elements Enthalpy and Entropy 1. A Born Haber cycle for the formation of calcium sulphide is shown below. The cycle includes enthalpy changes for all Steps except Step F. (The
, are amongst the easiest enthalpy changes to determine directly.... [2]
1 Enthalpy changes of combustion, Δ c, are amongst the easiest enthalpy changes to determine directly. (a) Define the term enthalpy change of combustion.. [2] (b) A student carried out an experiment to
Lecture 2 September 11, 2009 The Periodic Table
Welcome to 3.091 Lecture 2 September 11, 2009 The Periodic Table Public domain image from Wikimedia. John Dalton 1803 Public domain image from Wikimedia. Dalton s Model of the Atom (1803) 1. Matter
(1) Describe the process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube (3)
Q1. (a) A fluorescent tube is filled with mercury vapour at low pressure. In order to emit electromagnetic radiation the mercury atoms must first be excited. (i) What is meant by an excited atom? (1) (ii)
Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
ambridge ssessment International Education ambridge International General ertificate of Secondary Education *4366113336* GREEK 0543/01 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2019 pprox. 45 minutes andidates answer
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
ambridge International Examinations ambridge International General ertificate of Secondary Education *9431396559* GREEK 0543/01 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2017 pprox. 45 minutes andidates answer on the
[1] P Q. Fig. 3.1
1 (a) Define resistance....... [1] (b) The smallest conductor within a computer processing chip can be represented as a rectangular block that is one atom high, four atoms wide and twenty atoms long. One
Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response
Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GE entre Number andidate Number Greek dvanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response Thursday 16 May 2013 Morning Time: 2 hours 45 minutes
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education * 0 6 8 9 4 8 9 7 8 8 * GREEK 0543/02 Paper 2 Reading and Directed Writing May/June 2014 1 hour 30
Αλληλεπίδραση ακτίνων-χ με την ύλη
Άσκηση 8 Αλληλεπίδραση ακτίνων-χ με την ύλη Δ. Φ. Αναγνωστόπουλος Τμήμα Μηχανικών Επιστήμης Υλικών Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων Ιωάννινα 2013 Άσκηση 8 ii Αλληλεπίδραση ακτίνων-χ με την ύλη Πίνακας περιεχομένων
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
ambridge International Examinations ambridge International General ertificate of Secondary Education *2022097877* GREEK 0543/01 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2015 pprox. 45 minutes andidates answer on the
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certifi cate of Secondary Education *7662998175* MATHEMATICS 0580/13 Paper 1 (Core) May/June 2014 Candidates answer on the Question
CHEM5. (JUN13CHEM501) WMP/Jun13/CHEM5. General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013
Centre Number Surname Candidate Number For Examiner s Use Other Names Candidate Signature Examiner s Initials General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013 Question 1 2 Mark Chemistry
F321. CHEMISTRY A Atoms, Bonds and Groups ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY GCE. Thursday 13 January 2011 Morning. Duration: 1 hour
ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY GCE CHEMISTRY A Atoms, Bonds and Groups F321 * OCE / 2 5757* Candidates answer on the question paper. OCR supplied materials: Data Sheet for Chemistry A (inserted) Other materials required:
CH3HP. (Jun13CH3HP01) General Certificate of Secondary Education Higher Tier June 2013. Unit Chemistry C3. Written Paper TOTAL. Time allowed 1 hour
Centre Number Surname Candidate Number For Examiner s Use Other Names Candidate Signature Examiner s Initials Chemistry General Certificate of Secondary Education igher Tier June 2013 C3P Question 1 2
Br, is used in the production of polymers.
1 Allyl bromide, =CH Br, is used in the production of polymers. (a) Part of the C=C double bond in allyl bromide is called a π-bond. Draw a labelled diagram to show the formation of the π-bond. [2] (b)
Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme
Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme. (a) Note: Award A for vertical line to right of mean, A for shading to right of their vertical line. AA N (b) evidence of recognizing symmetry
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level *9048802011* PHYSICS 9702/22 Paper 2 AS Structured
Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: The Core Principles of Chemistry
Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GCE Centre Number Chemistry Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: The Core Principles of Chemistry Candidate Number Wednesday 3 June 2009 Morning Time: 1 hour 15
DENSITY, REFRACTIVE INDEX, FREEZING POINT DEPRESSION, AND VISCOSITY This table gives properties of aqueous solutions of 66 substances as a function of concentration. All data refer to a temperature of
Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
ambridge International Examinations ambridge International General ertificate of Secondary Education *0483227863* GREEK 0543/01 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2016 pprox. 45 minutes andidates answer on the
In your answer, you should make clear how evidence for the size of the nucleus follows from your description
1. Describe briefly one scattering experiment to investigate the size of the nucleus of the atom. Include a description of the properties of the incident radiation which makes it suitable for this experiment.
2 Answer all the questions.
2 Answer all the questions. 1 Lattice enthalpy can be used as a measure of ionic bond strength. Lattice enthalpies are determined indirectly using an enthalpy cycle called a Born Haber cycle. The table
ΛΥΣΕΙΣ. 1. Χαρακτηρίστε τα παρακάτω στοιχεία ως διαµαγνητικά ή. Η ηλεκτρονική δοµή του 38 Sr είναι: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6 5s 2
ΛΥΣΕΙΣ 1. Χαρακτηρίστε τα παρακάτω στοιχεία ως διαµαγνητικά ή παραµαγνητικά: 38 Sr, 13 Al, 32 Ge. Η ηλεκτρονική δοµή του 38 Sr είναι: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6 5s 2 Η ηλεκτρονική δοµή του
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education
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PHYA1. General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2012. Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity
Centre Number Surname Candidate Number For Examiner s Use Other Names Candidate Signature Examiner s Initials Physics A Unit 1 For this paper you must have: l a pencil and a ruler l a calculator l a Data
REDOX (2) pe as a master variable. C. P. Huang University of Delaware CIEG 632
REDOX (2) pe as a master variable C. P. Huang University of Delaware CIEG 632 1 8.0 pe as a Master Variable E O,R = E o O,R 2. 303RT log n R O E O, R = E o O, R + 2. 303RT n O log R E R, O = E o R, O 2.
SPECIMEN EL Entry Level Certificate in Classical Greek R446: Language Test 1: Vocabulary, Grammar and Origins of Words Candidates answer on the Question Paper OCR Supplied Materials: None Duration: 20
Modern Greek Extension
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Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6665/01 Edexcel GCE Core Mathematics C3 Advanced. Thursday 11 June 2009 Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
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Supporting information. An unusual bifunctional Tb-MOF for highly sensing of Ba 2+ ions and remarkable selectivities of CO 2 /N 2 and CO 2 /CH 4
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Journal of Materials Chemistry A. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Supporting information An unusual bifunctional Tb-MOF for highly sensing
Candidate Name. A.M. THURSDAY, 13 January hours
Candidate Name Centre Number Candidate Number 2 GCE AS/A level 1091/01 CHEMISTRY CH1 A.M. THURSDAY, 13 January 2011 1 1 2 hours FOR EXAMINER S USE ONLY Section A B Question 1-5 6 Mark ADDITIONAL MATERIALS
Tuesday 17 June 2014 Afternoon
Tuesday 17 June 2014 Afternoon A2 GCE CHEMISTRY A F325/01 Equilibria, Energetics and Elements *3175284854* Candidates answer on the Question Paper. OCR supplied materials: Data Sheet for Chemistry A (inserted)
* * GREEK 0543/02 May/June 2011 Paper 2 Reading and Directed Writing 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *3638016883* GREEK 0543/02 May/June 2011 Paper 2 Reading and Directed Writing 1 hour 30 minutes
Conductivity Logging for Thermal Spring Well
/.,**. 25 +,1- **-- 0/2,,,1- **-- 0/2, +,, +/., +0 /,* Conductivity Logging for Thermal Spring Well Koji SATO +, Tadashi TAKAYA,, Tadashi CHIBA, + Nihon Chika Kenkyuusho Co. Ltd., 0/2,, Hongo, Funabashi,
Na/K (mole) A/CNK
Li, W.-C., Chen, R.-X., Zheng, Y.-F., Tang, H., and Hu, Z., 206, Two episodes of partial melting in ultrahigh-pressure migmatites from deeply subducted continental crust in the Sulu orogen, China: GSA
Wednesday 12 June 2013 Afternoon
Wednesday 12 June 2013 Afternoon A2 GCE CHEMISTRY A F325/01 Equilibria, Energetics and Elements *F314750613* Candidates answer on the Question Paper. OCR supplied materials: Data Sheet for Chemistry A
Lecture 8 September 25, 2009 Ionic Crystals; Born-Haber Cycle
Welcome to 3.091 Lecture 8 September 25, 2009 Ionic Crystals; BornHaber Cycle Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Properties of Ionic Crystals solid at room temperature high melting points & boiling points transparent
CHEM2. (JAN13CHEM201) WMP/Jan13/CHEM2. General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination January Unit 2 Chemistry in Action PMT
Centre Number Surname Candidate Number For Examiner s Use Other Names Candidate Signature Examiner s Initials General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination January 2013 Question 1 2