27 7 Vol. 27 No CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY July CV SEM EIS DTD. MCMB / 0. 01% DTD MCMB /Li. 300 ma h /g 350 ma h /g
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1 27 7 Vol. 27 No CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY July * 1 mol /L LiPF 6 / CV SEM EDS EIS DTD MCMB / 0. 01% DTD MCMB /Li 300 ma h /g 350 ma h /g CV DTD 1. 4 V vs Li /Li + MCMB SEI DTD LiMn 2 O 4 O646 DOI /SP. J A EV HEV SEI 1-2 SEI SO 3 2 S 2 - x 4 CS SO 2 SEI ES EC Yu 6 1 mol /L LiPF 6 /EC + DMC + DEC % ES LiCoO 2 / DTD 1 mol /L LiPF 6 /EC + DMC + EMC DTD CV SEM EDS EIS DTD / mol /L LiPF 6 /EC + DMC + EMC DTD > 98% MCMB LiMn 2 O 4 CT2001A CHI 660C LEO-1530 FE-SEM LEO EDS Oxford CB zcwang@ xmu. edu. cn
2 MCMB MCMB PVDF N- -2- NMP h 16 MPa LiMn 2 O 4 PVDF Gaussian 03 B3LYP 6-31G d 8 EC DMC EMC DTD MCMB LiMn 2 O 4 Ar < 0. 05% < 0. 01% 0 ~ 0. 5 mv /s CV SEI Celgard2400 Ar 15 h MCMB /Li V 5 mv Hz ~ 100 khz DTD MCMB frontier molecular orbital FMO HOMO LUMO HOMO LUMO 1 DTD LUMO E LUMO LUMO DTD MCMB Table 1 1 DTD Frontier orbital energies for common solvents used and DTD Reagent Structure E HOMO /ev E LUMO /ev EC DMC EMC DTD
3 MCMB /Li 0. 2C DTD DTD DTD 0. 1% DTD 0. 01% DTD 300 ma h /g 350 ma h /g MCMB 0. 01% DTD MCMB DTD C MCMB /Li DTD Fig. 1 Plot of capacity retention of MCMB /Li cell 0. 6 V 1 at 0. 2C rate and room temperature φ DTD /% a. 0 b c d SEI The cell charge and discharge cut-off voltages were 0. 6 V 3. 0 V and V respectively SEI 0. 01% DTD MCMB 1. 4 V 1 DTD MCMB SEI 0. 6 V DTD SEI 1. 4 V MCMB SEI DTD MCMB SEI Fig. 2 2 MCMB Cyclic voltammograms of MCMB electrode in different electrolytes at 0. 5 mv / s SEM EDS 3 MCMB CV 2 SEM 3 2 MCMB DTD MCMB DTD MCMB SEI DTD SEI
4 Fig. 3 3 MCMB SEM SEM images of surface morphologies of MCMB electrodes DTD SEI EDS SEI 4 MCMB DTD CV 2 EDS 2 C O F DTD S DTD MCMB SEI F P LiPF 6 SEI MCMB Fig. 4 4 MCMB EDS EDS analysis of MCMB electrode surface SEI / Warburg Li + 13 ~ 15 5 DTD MCMB /Li V Nyquist 5A 5B DTD DTD DTD / DTD MCMB SEI Li DTD LiMn 2 O 4 6 LiMn 2 O % DTD 5 DTD DTD 7 LiMn 2 O 4 /Li 1C 7 DTD LiMn 2 O 4
5 7 827 Fig. 5 5 MCMB /Li Nyquist Nyquist plots for MCMB / Li cell measured at different voltages φ DTD /% A. 0 B V /V vs Li /Li + a b c d Fig. 6 6 LiMn 2 O 4 7 Cyclic voltammograms of LiMn 2 O 4 electrode in different electrolytes at 0. 5 mv /s 1C LiMn 2 O 4 / Li Fig. 7 Plot of capacity retention of LiMn 2 O 4 /Li cell at 1C rate and room temperature φ DTD /%. a. 0 b The cell charge and discharge cut-off voltages were 3. 5 V and 4. 5 V respectively 8 LiMn 2 O 4 CV 5 SEM 8a 8b Fig. 8 8 LiMn 2 O 4 SEM SEM images of surface morphologies of LiMn 2 O 4 electrodes
6 % DTD LiMn 2 O 4 DTD LiMn 2 O 4 SEI DTD LiMn 2 O 4 1 Buqa H Wursig A Vetter J Spahr M E Krumeich F Novak P. J Power Sources J Lu M Cheng H Yang Y. Electrochim Acta J Ein-Eli Y Thomas S R Koch V R. J Electrochem Soc J Wagner M W Liebenow C Besenhard J O. J Power Sources J Ein-Eli Y. J Electroanal Chem J Yu B T Qiu W H Li F S Cheng L. J Power Sources J Xu M Q Li W S Zuo X X Liu J S Xu X. J Power Sources J Wang B Qu Q T Xia Q Wu Y P Li X Gan C L Ree T V. Electrochim Acta J Xie X H Chen L B Sun W Xie J Y. J Power Sources J Chen R J Wu F Li L Guan Y B Qiu X P Chen S Li Y J Wu S X. J Power Sources J Matsuoka O Hiwara A Omi T Toriida M Hayashi T Tanaka C Saito Y Ishida T Tan H Ono S S Yamamoto S. J Power Sources J Ota H Sakata Y Inoue A Yamaguchi S. J Electrochem Soc J A Ufheil J Baertsch M C Wursig A Novak P. Electrochim Acta J Zheng H H Fu Y B Zhang H C Abe T Ogumi Z. Electrochem Solid State Lett J A Nakahara H Yoon S Y Nutt S. J Power Sources J Effect of Ethylene Sulfate as Electrolyte Additive on Performance of Li-ion Batteries YAO Yi-Wen XU Jie YAO Wan-Hao WANG Zhou-Cheng * YANG Yong College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Xiamen University Xiamen Abstract Ethylene sulfate DTD was studied as an additive to 1 mol /L LiPF 6 /ethylene carbonate EC + dimethyl carbonate DMC + methyl ethyl carbonate EMC by volume electrolyte for lithium ion batteries. The effects of DTD on lithium ion battery performance and on the mesocarbon microbead MCMB electrode /electrolyte interphase were investigated by galvanostatic charge-discharge measurements cyclic voltammetry CV scanning electron microscopy SEM energy dispersive spectroscopy EDS and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy EIS. The results show that DTD with a volume ratio of 0. 01% can increase the reversible discharge capacity from 300 ma h /g to 350 ma h /g and cycleability of MCMB /Li cell. SEM observation and EIS analysis suggest that DTD facilitates the morphology of solid electrolyte interface SEI formed on the surface of the MCMB electrode and reduces the total resistance of the cell. CV measurements reveal that DTD can be electrochemically reduced at potentials around 1. 4 V vs Li /Li + during the first reduction engaged in the formation of SEI. At the same time DTD has no adverse effect on the LiMn 2 O 4 electrode. Keywords lithium ion battery ethylene sulfate additive solid electrolyte interface
Effect of Fluoroethylene Carbonate Additive on the Performance of Lithium Ion Battery
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Novel Concepts and Approach of Immunoassay and Cellular Analysis
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Separation and Determination of Ephedrine Pseudoephedrine and Methylephedrine by Capillary Electrophoresis with Electrochemiluminescence Detection
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Pyrrolo[2,3-d:5,4-d']bisthiazoles: Alternate Synthetic Routes and a Comparative Study to Analogous Fused-ring Bithiophenes
SUPPORTING INFORMATION Pyrrolo[2,3-d:5,4-d']bisthiazoles: Alternate Synthetic Routes and a Comparative Study to Analogous Fused-ring Bithiophenes Eric J. Uzelac, Casey B. McCausland, and Seth C. Rasmussen*
Supporting Information
Supporting Information for AgOTf-catalyzed one-pot reactions of 2-alkynylbenzaldoximes with α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds Qiuping Ding 1, Dan Wang 1, Puying Luo* 2, Meiling Liu 1, Shouzhi Pu* 3 and
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Glucose on Carbon Nanotube/ Nanocrystalline TiO 2 Film Loaded Pt Complex Electrode
2004 62 24, 2403 2406 ACTA CHIMICA SINICA Vol 62, 2004 No 24, 2403 2406 / TiO 2 Pt Ξ, a a a a b Ξ ( a 241000) ( b 361005) / TiO 2 Pt (CNT/ nano2tio 2 / Pt), CNT/ nano2tio 2 / Pt, 13 ma/ cm 2, ;,,,, TiO
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Glucose on Carbon Nanotube/ Nanocrystalline TiO 2 Film Loaded Pt Complex Electrode
2004 62 24, 2403 2406 ACTA CHIMICA SINICA Vol. 62, 2004 No. 24, 2403 2406 / TiO 2 Pt Ξ, a a a a b Ξ ( a 241000) ( b 361005) / TiO 2 Pt (CNT/ nano2tio 2 / Pt)., CNT/ nano2tio 2 / Pt, 13 ma/ cm 2, ;,,,.,
Advance in Nanorealgar Studies
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and Selective Allylic Reduction of Allylic Alcohols and Their Derivatives with Benzyl Alcohol
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Stress Relaxation Test and Constitutive Equation of Saturated Soft Soil
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Supporting Information. A Combined Crossed Molecular Beams and ab Initio Investigation on the Formation of Vinylsulfidoboron (C 2 H
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. This journal is the Owner Societies 2014 Supporting Information for A Combined Crossed Molecular Beams and ab Initio Investigation
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Supporting Information rigin of the Regio- and Stereoselectivity of Allylic Substitution of rganocopper Reagents Naohiko Yoshikai, Song-Lin Zhang, and Eiichi Nakamura* Department of Chemistry, The University
Protease-catalysed Direct Asymmetric Mannich Reaction in Organic Solvent
Supplementary information for the paper Protease-catalysed Direct Asymmetric Mannich Reaction in Organic Solvent Yang Xue, Ling-Po Li, Yan-Hong He * & Zhi Guan * School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
the total number of electrons passing through the lamp.
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Supplementary Information for
Supplentary Information for Aggregation induced blue-shifted ission molecular picture from QM/MM study Qunyan Wu, a Tian Zhang, a Qian Peng,* b Dong Wang, a and Zhigang Shuai* a a Key Loratory of Organic
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Effects of lime sulphur synthetic solution on leaching characteristic of gold concentrates
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Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. This journal is the Owner Societies 2016 MS No.: CP-ART-03-2016-002134.R1 Optical Response and Gas Sequestration Properties
Supporting Information. Asymmetric Binary-acid Catalysis with Chiral. Phosphoric Acid and MgF 2 : Catalytic
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Νανοσύνθετα πολυαιθυλενίου υψηλής πυκνότητας (HDPE) / νανοϊνών χαλκού (Cu-nanofibers) με βελτιωμένη σταθερότητα στην υπεριώδη ακτινοβολία
17 min R A (2009) To probe into the thermal property the mechanism of the thermal decomposition and the prospective
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College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian , PR China.
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for New Journal of Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2018 Postsynthetic modification