Σχετικά έγγραφα
ΑΔΑ: ΩΟΩΞ465ΦΘ3-ΝΔΞ. α ούσι, 09 /06/ / . , 2194,2577, ,2928.


Ο Ι ΙΑ ο Ο Ο ης Α Α Ι ΑΙΩ ΙΧΑ Α Α «αι ο ο ία και η ιο γική ιχει η α ικό η α»


T.: /4 Fax:


,00-20, ,00-19, ,00-18, ,00-17,00

13PROC Α /

CRETAPLANT A Pilot Network of Plant Micro-Reserves in Western Crete Πιλοτικό Δίκτυο Μικρο-Αποθεμάτων Φυτών στη Δυτική Κρήτη (LIFE04NAT_GR_000104)

Α Α: 6ΙΜ9Η-Φ2Φ Α Α : 15PROC Αθή α, α : , FAX:


α :

14SYMV Fax : e mail:

η. :

167. ώς φ άσα σ α ό ο ά ι; ι ά ας άθ 7.1 Η σ ς ς α ώ α ό ια α ό ίσο ό ας σ α α ίσ α α ό α ίς θ ούς α ά ς: ο Α α ήθ α ό ισ. ο 2001 σ 2 ισ. ο. Α ο ούθ σ

Ό α ο ά ος θ α ύ ι ια ι ό α. ύ α σ ο ιβά ο ος, ό α οσφέ ι έ α όσιο α αθό. θ ι ή ά α, ό α θ ί ι ήσ οι ό ό. ο όσι ο ό, ο ί α α ήσ ι οι ο ο ι ή ία αι ό α

ι ού ασφα ίας α ά έ σ α ο ισ ασ ι ώ ασιώ σ οία.» Κ /. 12. ο ο ός ό ι α ό ά α ή ο α ί αι α ά σ βά ος ο α ι ού οϋ ο ο ισ ού. ΑΠ Α : Ά θ ο ιβο ή Κ ώσ, α







Η ούσια εκ των οτέ ων ιαφά ια.

αι ί Η ι ύ ι αι θέ ι βοήθ ια! αι α ό άς! Η Η Αφού ό οι ί ασ σ ο όσ ο ας, ίς α σ φ ό ασ Ο όσ ο ας!! Η Η 4

Caption describing picture or graphic.

6 Α σ Ε Ε Ε ΓΑ Α Ε Α: Η σ σ ς σ ς & σ ώ : A χ ς: : Σ Π σ


Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς Τμήμα Πληροφορικής Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών «Πληροφορική»


Η Α ο Η Α ο Η Α ο οση ία σ Ι ι ι ή Κ ι ι ή ός ι ύο, η σ β β η έ η ο Α- ΟΙΚ ο α α ισ έ η ή ί ο σα οση ία Η Α ο

Η ERASMUS. gr.pdf




Επισκέψεις Μελέτης - Study Visits για Στελέχη & Εμπειρογνώμονες της Εκπαίδευσης & Κατάρτισης


ο. 3199/2003 αι ο Π.. 51/2007

«Π ς το οιητι ά, ς το ια ιστο ία:


7 ο. αι οι. Η ERASMUS Α Η Α URL 2-gr.pdf. αθησια ά Αποτε έσ ατα


ΑΔΑ: 6ΓΜΒ465ΦΘ3-8ΔΗ. α ούσι, 26/06/2015 Α / 26917/ ς. αθ ός Ασφα ίας: -----

ισ οσ ί α σας (


Το πρόγραμμα Junicoast. Τίτλος: Δράσεις για την προστασία των παράκτιων αμμοθινών με είδη Juniperus στην Κρήτη και το Ν. Αιγαίο

11:30-12:00 ιά ι α 12:00-14:00 ία: Α αιο ο ία αι α ς Α έ ος. ο ισ ς: ά ο ιο. οβο ή βί α ι έ ο ή ο Αθ αίω, Α φιθέα ο «Α ώ ς ί σ ς» Α α ίας

1. Ό οι Συμμετοχή ι ό α σ ό ς ις ι ι ι ές ι ι ήσ ις ο ιο οιού αι σ ά α ι ές σαί ς ά ς ι ι ήσ ις ο ά ς α ύ ο α ισ ώ

Η ΙΧ Ι Η Η Η ι ι ήσ ς α ο έ σ α ς ι ι α ι ό ας α ο ί βασι ό σ οι ίο ι ο ίας ς σύ ο ς οι ίας. ο α ύ ο έ ος α θ ώ α ασ ο ί αι ή ιαθέ ι ο 1/3 ο ό ο ο σ ι

LIFE ForestLife ...3 ABSTRACT

Η ERASMUS gr.pdf


σί ς α ο ής ά α ό σ ια ό ιο α ίας ήσ ς φασ -φο, α ο ή αθίσ α ος, α ά ό ι σ βι ίσ α ος σί ς ο α έ ο αι α ό α α ή ιο


15SYMV Α ιθ. βάσ ως : 09/2015

Fax. : , Ω Ο. οσό σύ βασης : ,59 οσό σύ βασης α αθ ώ ηση & Α : ,52

Μεσογειακό Αγρονομικό Ινστιτούτο Χανίων Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania

Key Action 2 Σ α ηγι ές Σ ά εις Σχο ι ής σης η ή ης Μα α ός Υ ύθ ος ι οι ω ίας Erasmus+ Π ι αιάς, / /

-ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ- Εκδήλωση Ενημέρωσης για τη λίμνη Ορόκλινης και το έργο LIFE Oroklini





Α Α Α Α Α Η Α Α Α ο ο ιο ι ια



15SYMV Λεωφόρος Εθνικής Αντιστάσεως, Νέα Ιωνία



Μελέτη των μεταβολών των χρήσεων γης στο Ζαγόρι Ιωαννίνων 0

Α ο ά... 26

ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ. Οργάνωση Study Visit στο πλαίσιο του έργου ClusterPoliSEE στην Αθήνα Απριλίου 2013

Πρωτό κόλλό Παρακόλόύ θησης Έργόύ


Study of urban housing development projects: The general planning of Alexandria City



Τα Προγράμματα Ευρωπαϊκής Εδαφικής Συνεργασίας συγχρηματοδοτούνται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και Εθνικών Πόρους των κρατών, που συμμετέχουν σε αυτά

2nd Training Workshop of scientists- practitioners in the juvenile judicial system Volos, EVALUATION REPORT


LIFE07NAT/GR/ Progress Report Covering the project activities from 01/10/2009 to 31/12/2010

Development and operation of University-Industry Liaison Offices in the Republic of Cyprus: Creating the future Dr Gregory Makrides, Director of


3 7,5. Η ERASMUS αθησια ά Αποτε έσ ατα



Η ERASMUS gr.pdf

22,875 17, Central line associated bloodstream infection 18,432 1,257

ΑΔΑ: ΒΕΤ49-Ψ4Χ. αθ ός Ασφα ίας:. α ούσι, PROC έφ ο : , α :

opasd lzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmσ qw dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopa sdfg

Η τελική επιλογή των εταιρειών που θα παρουσιάσουν τις δραστηριότητες/προϊόντα τους θα γίνει από το Υπουργείο Άμυνας.


1. Α Α α) ια ι ασ α ία ς Α ι ής ώσσας ως άθη α ι ής αι ίας α ά ο σ ο ι ό έ ος ο ί ο αι α α α ά ι α ι ά ι ί ια: Η Η Α Α ά η: «Α Α Α Α Α Η ο» Α Α


ACTIONS FOR THE CONSERVATION OF COASTAL DUNES WITH JUNIPERUS spp. IN CRETE AND THE SOUTH AEGEAN (GREECE) Action E.4 Deliverable E.4.1 LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 REPORT ON NETWORKING WITH OTHER SIMILAR LIFE PROJECTS Prepared by MAICh: International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania Dany Ghosn George Kazakis Elektra Remoundou National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology Region of Crete, Regional Development Fund Forest Directorate of Chania Forest Directorate of Lasithi CHANIA JANUARY 2013

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 2 LIFE07NAT/GR/000296 Actions for the conservation of coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. in Crete and the South Aegean (Greece) - JUNICOAST - Action E.4: Networking with other similar LIFE projects Deliverable E.4.1: Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects Responsible beneficiary: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) Prepared by: Dany Ghosn George Kazakis Elektra Remoundou Chania January 2013

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 3 Table of Contents Π ί... 4 Introduction... 10 Objective of the deliverable... 11 Communication approach with other similar projects... 11 JUNICOAST meets PROVIDUNE... 13 JUNICOAST meets JUNIPERCY... 18 Conclusion... 24 Annex I Invitation letters from PROVIDUNE and JUNIPERCY... 25 Annex II Agendas of the meetings... 28 Annex III List of participants... 30

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 4 Π ί Ο οι ό ο ος α ά ι α οθι ώ ί Juniperus έ ι α α ισθ ί ς οι ό ο ος ο αιό ας ι ός * σύ φ α ο ία / ς ο ο οίο σ αί ι ό ι, ια έ ι ί ο αφά ισ ς ό ς ιο ισ έ ς αφι ής ο ά σ ς ή ο έθο ς ς φ σι ής ο α α ο ής αι ό ι α ά - έ φέ ο ι ιαί θύ ια οσ ασία αι ια ή σή ο. α ι ός σ ό ος ο ο ά α ος JUΠICOAST ΚIFE ΠAT/GR/ ΚIFE+ «άσ ις ια οσ ασία α ά ι α οθι ώ ί Juniperus σ ή αι σ ο ό ιο Αι αίο» ί αι α ο θήσ ι αι α α ασ ήσ ι α ή α ο ό ια ια ή σ ο οι ο ό ο α ά ι α οθι ώ ί Juniperus σ ά α. ό ι αι ια έ α ι ι ι ό ό α α ο θέ ι σ φα ο ή, ο ι ά ι, α ιο ο ί αι ια ί ι άσ ις / θο ο ο ί ς ο ί αι οσα οσ έ ς σ α ι ά αφι ά, οι ο ο ι ά αι οι ι ο-οι ο ο ι ό αίσια. Α ό σ αί ι ό ι οι ο ι ό ς άσ ις οσ ασίας αι οι άσ ις αισθ ο οί σ ς ο οι ού αι ιά οσ ς α ο σ ά ο ο ά α ος έ ο σ α θ ί α ό ις ι θ ίς / ι ί ς αι έ ο οσα οσ ί ώσ α αι ιά ο σ ις σ ι έ ς α ι ές ς ή ς αι ο ό ιο Αι αίο. ο έ ς, ο ό α α ο ι ά ι φα ο ή σ ι έ άσ οσ ασίας αι σ σ έ ια α ιο ο ί α ο σ α ι ό ά ο ς, έσ ιας σ ο έ ς σ α ι ής έ ο. ι έο, έσ ς ι οι ια ής σ α ι ής ο ο ά α ος, ια έο αι οι α ο σ α ι ές α ι ές, α έ αι αί σ σ ις ι ές ο σι ο οιήθ α αι ια ί αι ώσ ο α ο ήθ σ ή, σ ό ά α, ί ο ας α ό α ια ύ οσ ασία αι α ο α άσ ασ α ού ο α ι ού ο ο οι ο ό ο. α α α ά αίσια, αφο ά ς ο σίας α ό α ό οι ς έ ς σ ώ αι ι ύ σ ά α α ό οια ο ά α α ί αι ίσ ς σ ασίας. Η ι οι ία αι α α α ή ι ιώ σ α οβ ή α α αι σ ις ύσ ις, α α α ή α ο σ α ι ώ οσ ίσ αι α ιο οί σ αι ο ό θό, σ βά ι σ ι ία ο ο ά α ος.

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 5 Οι ι ί ς α ό α ά ο α ο ά α α σ ά ς αϊ ές ώ ς, ο σ ι α βά ο α ιο ό σ θο ο ο ιώ, ώσ ο α ο ήθ β έ α α ο έο D-E.. «Α ιο ό σ ο ού ο α ά σ ώ» αι ις ι α ό ς έ ς, ί ι έ α σ α ια σ ασία, α α α ή ι ώ αι ι ιώ α ύ ο α ά ο σ ί ο αι α ό οια θέ α α οσ ασίας αι ια ί ισ ς α ά ι α οθι ώ. Έ σι, ι ύ αι ο ίο φα ο ής, ί αι ιο ο έ ο αι ι ό ο α οσ ασ α ι ό. Η ι ύ σ έ ι ίσ ς α ό α α α α ύ ι σ έσ ις σ έ ιας α ύ θ ι ώ αι ιφ ια ώ οσ αθ ιώ σ θέ α α ια ή σ ς. Α ό ι ά αι α α ή ασ ιο ή θ ι ής ί α ας σ ιφ ια ό ί ο αι σ ά σ ιφ ια ώ οσ αθ ιώ σ θ ι ό ί ο. ι έο, ι ύ σ, έσ ς ο οί σ ς οσ αθ ιώ, βο θά σ ι ύ σ ο ίο ι ί σ ς αι σ αύ σ ς αισθ ο οί σ ς, όσο ο οι ού όσο αι α ώ ο ά ο αι σ α ίσ οι α θέ α α οσ ασίας. Η ι α ό α ι οι ίας α ύ ώ ο ά ο αι σ α ό οια θέ α α α ά σ ιαφο ι ά ο ά α α, ί αι έ α α ό α ιο σ α ι ά α α ισ ι ά ς ι ύ σ ς. Η ια ι ασία ς ι οι ίας ο ί α ά ι ο ές ο φές: Έ σ ι οι ία, έσ α ο αφίας, ο α ο ίο ή ο ι ά έσα, έσ α α α ής ί ύ ο, οσι ύσ αι ο έ ή ι ώ Ά σ ι οι ία, έσ σ α ήσ, ί, αι ι ώ σ ι α ί, ή ισ έ σ ο ίο Οι σ α ήσ ις θ ού αι α α αί ς ια ι ία ς ι ύ σ ς. Οι ύ ιοι ό οι ια α ές ις σ α ήσ ις ί αι α σ θού α α ο έσ α α, α ί ι α α α ή οφο ιώ α ά αι α θού α έ ια α σ έ ια αι ις ο ι ι ές ο α ο ο θού αι. Ο σ ό ος α ού ο α α ο έο ί αι α οβά ι ια έ θ σ σ ι ά ο ό ο ι ύ σ ς αι ις ιάφο ς ασ ιό ς α α α ή ισ έ, ι α ό ς σ ήσ ις ο α α ο οιήθ α σ σ ασία ά α α ό οια ο ά α α ΚIFE+ σ Ι α ία αι σ ύ ο σ α αίσια ς άσ ς. " ι ύ σ ά α α ό οια έ α".

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 6 Ο σ ο ισ ής ι αιού ος ο ο ά α ος ΚIFE+ JUΠICOAST ί σ ια σ ι ά αφώ, έ σ ι οι ία έσ e- ail ο ς σ ο ισ ές ι αιού ά α ό οι ο α ά ΚIFE+ ο ι αιώ ο αι α ή σ ι ή, ο ι έ ο α άσ ι ά ά ι α ό α α ά αι α οιβαίο ιαφέ ο ια α α α ή ώσ ς, βέ ισ α ι ώ αι ο σίας. ιο σ ι έ α, έ ι α αφές ο ό α α ΚIFE+ PROVIDUΠE ΚIFE ΠAT/IT/ αι ο ό α α JUΠIPERCζ ΚIFE ΠAT/Cζ/ σ Ι α ία αι σ ύ ο, α ίσ οι α. ο ό α α PROVIDUΠE σ ο ύ ι σ οσ ασία ο οι ο ό ο ο αιό ας * ο α ο ί αι α ό α ά ι ς α οθί ς ί Ju iperus σ ις α ί ς ο Cagliari, Matera αι Caserta σ Ι α ία, ώ ο ό α α JUΠIPERCζ ( σ ο ύ ι σ β ί σ ς α άσ ασ ς ια ή σ ς ο οι ο ό ο ο αιό ας * ι ά άσ ς σο ίο ί Juniperus σ ις ιο ές ο οό ο ς, Α ά α αι α α ή σ ύ ο. α ία α ά ο ά α α JUNICOAST, PROVIDUNE αι JUNIPERCY) α ο ο ού αι α ό ο ό α α ΚIFE+ ύσ αι βιο οι ι ό α ς. Οι ύο σ α ήσ ις α ό οια ο ά α α ΚIFE+ σ Ι α ία αι σ ύ ο α α ο οιήθ α σ α αίσια ς άσ ς. " ι ύ σ ά α α ό οια ο ά α α". ο ό α α JUNICOAST ο οι ί αι α ό ο σο ια ό Α ο ο ι ό Ι σ ι ού ο α ί σ ο ισ ής ι αιού ος, ο θ ι ό αι α ο ισ ια ό Πα ισ ή ιο Αθ ώ, αι ο Π ιφ ια ό α ίο Α ά ς ή ς έσ ι θύ σ ασώ α ί αι ασιθίο σ ά ο ς ι αιού οι. ο ύ ι σ ις α α ά ιο ές Πatura σ ή αι σ ο ό ιο Αι αίο: ή αύ ος GR, GR ό ασος, σή GR, GR α άσα α. ό ιο Αι αίο GR ήσος ή ος, ήσος ο ύαι ος- ί ος GR, ι ή αι ό ια ά ος GR, ό ος GR.

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 7 ο ό α α PROVIDUNE ο οι ί αι α ό ο Provinces ο Cagliari σ ο ισ ής ι αιού ος, α Provinces ς Caserta αι Matera, ο Πα ισ ή ιο ο ά ια ι ισ ή ς ς αι ή α ο α ι ής αι Έ σ TECLA σ ά ο ς ι αιού οι αι σ ο ύ ι σ ο ς α α ά ό οι οι ο ι ής ασίας : Province ο Cagliari: Porto Campana ITB042230, Stagno di Piscinnì ITB042218, Isola dei Cavoli Serpentara, Punta Molentis e Campolongu ITB040020 Province ς Caserta: Pineta della Foce del Garigliano IT8010019 Province ς Matera: Bosco di Policoro Pantano e Costa Ionica Foce Sinni IT92220055 ο ό α α JUNIPERCY ο οι ί αι α ό ο ή α ασώ, ο ίο ίας, σι ώ Πό αι Π ιβά ο ος σ ο ισ ής ι αιού ος, ο ή α Π ιβά ο ος ο Α οι ού Πα ισ ίο ς ύ ο, ο ή α Π ιβά ο ος, ο ίο ίας, σι ώ Πό αι Π ιβά ο ος, ο Πα ισ ή ιο ο Frederick- ο ά α ια ή σ ς ς ύσ ς, αι Α ή έ ο ώ αι Έ ας σ ά ο ς ι αιού οι. Α θύ αι σ ις α α ά ιο ές Πatura ς ύ ο : α α ή - Πα ού σα CY2000005 σό σος Α ά α CY4000010 θ ι ό ασι ό Πά ο οό ο ς CY5000004 ί αι σ α ι ό α σ ι θ ί ό ι ι ο ή α α ά σ ασιώ έ ι α ά σ α ι ό ό ο, έ σι ώσ άθ ία α ό α ές α φέ ι σ ι έ α α ο έσ α α, α ο σ α ι ές οσ ίσ ις αι ύσ ις. ο PROVIDUΠE σ ο ύ ι σ ις α ά ι ς α οθί ς ί Juniperus ί ιος οι ό ο ος ό ς αι σ ο JUΠICOAST, ώ ο JUΠIPERCζ σ ο ύ ι ι ά άσ ς σο ίο ί Ju iperus ί ια α α ισ ι ά ί ό ς αι σ ο JUΠICOAST. ά ιβ βαί σ ο α οιβαίο ιαφέ ο ος ια α α α ή ώσ ς, βέ ισ α ι ώ αι ο σίας α ύ οι ο α ιώ,

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 8 σ ά θ α σ α ύο ο ά α α οι ίσ ς αι ήσ ις ια σ ασία. ίσ α ο αφία σ ήθ α α α α ή ισ έ, σ ο ή σ ο ίσ ο ό α α ή σ ις σ ιάσ ις ς ισ ο ι ής ι ο ής αι όσ σ ια σ ο ή σ αι ι ά σ ι ά ια / ώσ ις. ις - Ιο ίο, οι όσ οι ο α ά JUNICOAST ΚIFE ΠAT/GR/ αι PROVIDUNE ΚIFE ΠAT/IT/ σ α ήθ α σ ο Cagliari ς Ι α ίας. ις - ο β ίο, οι όσ οι ο α ά JUNICOAST (LIFE07NAT/GR/0 αι JUNIPERCY ΚIFE ΠAT/Cζ/ σ α ήθ α σ σία σ ύ ο. ό ος ύο σ α ήσ ο α α ο οιήθ α σ ο Cagliari αι σ σία, ή α α σ θού οι α ι ές ο α ι ί ι ο οι ό ο ος 22 0* αι ο οι ό ο ος 9 0* αι α α ο έσ α α α ό ις ιάφο ς ο α ασ ασ ι ές άσ ις αι ις άσ ις οσ ασίας ο ο οιού αι α ό α ία έ α σ ά α, Ι α ία αι ύ ο, α α ιο ο θού ιθα ές ο ι ές οι ές άσ ις ιά οσ ς αι α ί ι α α α ή ο σίας αι ισ ο ι ώ οσ ίσ α ύ ύο ο α ά. α αίσια σ α ήσ α α ο οιήθ α σ ήσ ις ό ο α ο σιάσ όο ος ο άθ ο ά α ος αι α α ο έσ α α ο έ ο ι θ ί έ ι σή α. ι έο, α ο σιάσ α οι σ α ι ές ι οι ίας αι οι ασ ιό ς αισθ ο οί σ ς ο οι ού. Ό οι οι σ έ ο ς σ φώ σα α α ό ο θα: α σ ισ ί α α α ή ο σίας, βέ ισ α ι ώ αι ισ ο ι ώ θο ο ο ιώ α ύ ύο ο α ά, α σ έ ο σ ις ι ές φάσ ις ο α ά α οσ θ ί ο σύ σ ος ο α ά JUΠICOAST, PROVIDUΠE αι JUΠIPERCζ α ίσ οι α σ ις ισ οσ ί ς ο ς. άσ α α Οι α ά ι ς Α οθί ς ί Juniperus σ ά α αι Ι α ία α ι ί ο α ό οι ς φ σι ές αι α θ ο ίς ιέσ ις αι α ι ού αι ί ς α ό ασ ι ή α ά, ο ο ισ ό, ιο ισ έ φ σι ή

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 9 α α έ σ ο ί ο ς Juniperus, ιάβ σ α ώ, βόσ σ αι ο ο ά σ, ο α α α ισ ό οι ο ό, αι, ί ς, έ ι αισθ ο οί σ ς ο οι ού. Η α ία αι α έ α ά ο ο ισ ού, σ σ ασ ό έ ι ιβα ο ι ής αί σ ς αι αισθ ο οί σ ς ο οι ού, θ ί αι ία α ό ις ιο σοβα ές α ι ές ια ο ς οι ο ό ο ς ο αιό ας σ ό ά α αι Ι α ία. α ί Juniperus, α α α ισ ι ά ί φ ώ ο οι ο ό ο * (Juniperus macrocarpa αι Juniperus phoenicea αι ο οι ο ό ο * Juniperus phoenicea, σ α ά ια ώ, Juniperus foetidissima, Juniperus excelsa αι Juniperus oxycedrus σ α ύ α ό α α ι ού αι ί ς α ό α ή α α έ σ ο έ ο ς Juniperus, ο οφ ί αι σ ιάφο ο ς φ σι ούς α ά ο ς, ό ς α ή α ά, α ή βι σι ό α σ ό αι / ή σ ο ία σ φύ σ αθώς αι α ισο ο ία ς α α ο ίας α ύ θ ώ αι α σ ι ώ α ό σ ις φ σι ές σ σ ά ς. α α ο έσ α α α ό ις ο α ασ ασ ι ές άσ ις ο α ά JUΠICOAST, PROVIDUΠE αι JUΠIPERCζ α έ ι α ό ι α αι ού αι ισσό ς οσ άθ ι ς ια α α ισ ο οι θού οι φ σι ές αι α θ ο ίς ιέσ ις αθώς αι οι ι ώσ ις σ ο οι ό ο ο * αι σ ο οι ό ο ο *. ίσ ς, ιβ βαί σα ι α ι ή α ά ια ο οί σ άσ οσ ασίας αι άσ αισθ ο οί σ ς ο οι ού, ο ι έ ο α ισ θ ί οσ ασία / ια ή σ ο οι ο ό ο * αι ο οι ο ό ο *, α ά αι ια α α α ι ού οι α ί ς οι ο ό. έ οι ς οι ές οβο ί ς, ο αφο ού α α α ή ι ιώ, α ο σ ά αι φα οσ έ ισ ο ι ώ θο ο ο ιώ, αθώς αι ο σ ιασ ό ιας οι ής ο ίας, ι ί ς όσο αφο ά ις ώσ ις αισθ ο οί σ ς ο οι ού, έ ο ά α ία ια α ά ο α ά ΚIFE. ί ο α ό α ια ι ύ σ ο ι ού αισίο αι ια α α α ή ιαφο ι ώ ο ι ώ, αι α ό ο α α έ ο σ ις ο ά ς ασίας αι ία α ι α ού α ό ις ι ί ς αί αί, οσθέ ο ας ια αϊ ή οή σ ις ο ι ές άσ ις.

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 10 Introduction Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. have been classified as a priority habitat (code 2250*) by the 92/43 EU Habitat Directive which means types of habitats in danger of disappearance of which the Community has a particular responsibility for their conservation. The primary aim of the JUNICOAST (LIFE07NAT/GR/000296) LIFE+ project Actions for the conservation of coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. in Crete and the South Aegean is to promote and enable the long term conservation of the coastal dune habitats with Juniperus spp. in Greece. It is a demonstration project that puts into practice, test, evaluate and disseminate actions/methodologies that are unfamiliar to the Greek geographical, ecological and socio-economical context. This means that the proposed concrete conservation and dissemination actions have been drawn from International/EU experiences and tailored to the specific threats in Crete and the South Aegean. Therefore, the project trials specific concrete conservation actions, and through a targeted monitoring strategy, evaluates their effectiveness. In addition, the project through its communication strategy disseminates the effective practices, provide training in techniques and transfer lessons learnt in Crete throughout Greece enabling the wider protection and restoration of this threatened habitat. The transfer of know-how and networking with other similar projects is of utmost importance. It contributes to the project success by sharing problems and solutions, by circulating efficient and effective approaches and by taking advantage of innovative methods. Story lines from similar projects in other European countries including the evaluation of initiatives, lessons learned (see deliverable D-E.4.2 Report on the success and failures of previous experiences in Europe ), and conducted surveys; enable the stimulation and the exchange of ideas and experiences between consortia working on similar topics of coastal dunes conservation and management. As a result, the field as a whole becomes stronger, more structured, and less scattered. Networking also has the potential to develop symbiotic relationships between national and regional efforts by sharing country-wide activities at the

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 11 regional level and by integrating regional efforts into national ones. Additionally, it has the potential to widen the pool of expertise by consolidating efforts and to raise awareness, both among the general public as well as those working in the field. The communication ability between the members of different consortia working on similar topics is one of the most important features in networking. It consists of the linkages that put together a network and enable ideas, information, materials, and services to move between members. The communication procedure can take many forms: Indirect communication through correspondence by post or by electronic means, newsletters, publications, data or materials exchange Direct communication through joint meetings, common workshops, training sessions, or filed visits Regular face to face meetings are considered to be essential for success in networking. The main reasons for network meetings are to share results and information and to consider and update policies and plans. Objective of the deliverable The objective of this deliverable is to report on the approach and the various activities (exchange of visits, discussions, etc) carried out with other similar LIFE+ projects in Italy and Cyprus within the framework of action E.4 Networking with other similar projects. Communication approach with other similar projects The coordinating beneficiary of the JUNICOAST LIFE+ project initiated a series of indirect communications and contacts (via e-mail) with the coordinating beneficiaries of other similar and current LIFE+ projects in order to examine if there is a mutual interest and opportunity to exchange knowledge, best practices and know-how. More specifically, the LIFE+ projects PROVIDUNE (LIFE07NAT/IT/000519) and the JUNIPERCY (LIFE10 NAT/CY/000717) in Italy and Cyprus respectively.

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 12 PROVIDUNE ( aims at protecting the priority habitat type 2250* consisting of coastal dunes with Juniperus ssp. in the sites of the Provinces of Cagliari, Matera and Caserta in Italy while JUNIPERCY ( aims to improve the conservation status of the priority habitat type 9560* of Mediterranean Endemic forests with Juniperus spp. in the sites of Troodos, Akamas and Madari in Cyprus. It is important to note that the selection of the above-mentioned consortia has been done in a complementary manner so that each one will bring specific inputs, effective approaches and solutions. PROVIDUNE is targeting coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. (same habitat as JUNICOAST) while JUNIPERCY is targeting Mediterranean endemic forests with Juniperus spp. (same typical species as JUNICOAST). Following the confirmation of the mutual interest in exchanging knowledge, best practices and know-how between the consortia, official requests for collaboration were sent to both projects. Activities such as exchange of visits, participation in official project or scientific committee meetings and invitation to participate in training workshops/final events were discussed.

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 13 JUNICOAST meets PROVIDUNE On 27-28 June 2012, the representatives of the PROVIDUNE (LIFE07NAT/IT/000519) and the JUNICOAST (LIFE07NAT/GR/000296) projects met in Cagliari, in the framework of their respective networking actions with similar LIFE initiatives, to share methodologies and exchange know-how, best practices and experiences. Both projects, funded by EU Fund LIFE + Nature and Biodiversity, aim at protecting the priority habitat consisting of coastal dunes with Juniperus ssp., which is one of the most endangered habitats in the EU. PROVIDUNE is being implemented by the Provinces of Cagliari (coordinating Beneficiary), the Provinces of Caserta and Matera, the University of Cagliari (Earth Sciences and Botany Departments) and the Association TECLA (associated beneficiaries) targets the following 5 SCI (Sites of Community Importance): Province of Cagliari: Porto Campana ITB042230; Stagno di Piscinnì ITB042218, Isola dei Cavoli Serpentara, Punta Molentis e Campolongu ITB040020 Province of Caserta: Pineta della Foce del Garigliano IT8010019 Province of Matera: Bosco Pantano di Policoro e Costa Ionica Foce Sinni IT92220055 JUNICOAST is being implemented by the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (coordinating beneficiary), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and the Regional Development Fund of Crete - Forest Directorates of Chania and Lasithi (associated beneficiaries). It targets the following Natura 2000 sites in Crete and the South Aegean: Crete (Gavdos GR4340013, Kedrodasos GR4340015, Chrysi GR4320003, Falassarna GR4340001). South Aegean (Nisos Milos GR4220020, Nisos Polyaigos-Kimolos GR4220006, Kentriki kai Notia Naxos GR4220014, Rodos GR4210005).

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 14 The objectives of the joint meeting held in Cagliari were to discuss the threats facing habitat 2250*, the various on-site concrete conservation actions being implemented by both projects in Greece and Italy, evaluate common potential future dissemination actions and exchange know how and scientific methodological approaches between both projects. Day 1 of the meeting was dedicated to the visit to the Sardinian Chia and Piscinni study sites. Results from actions A2 (Sediment studies and marine-coastal dynamics), A3 (Detailed mapping of habitats), A4 (Setup and operation of a telecontrol system for extreme events and their impact) and C5 (Creation of a plant species/vegetation cover database for the long-term management of the dune systems) of the Providune project were presented by the Earth Sciences Department of the University of Cagliari. Moreover, various concrete conservation actions carried out by both projects such as boardwalks, habitat demarcation, waste removal and information signs and their implementation approach were discussed. The Botany department presented in details the botanical study carried out on the Chia site. Additionally, specific threats (trampling, grazing and sand excavation) related to the Chia site and their mitigation measures were discussed. Furthermore, the creation of artificial dunes using dry posidonia present on the beach was discussed at the Piscinni site. Members of the JUNICOAST and the PROVIDUNE projects at the Piscinni site

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 15 In the afternoon, a visit to the OCEANS labs was conducted where a presentation of the remote control monitoring devices (sedimentology database; modeling; monitoring network/remote control) was made by the Earth Sciences Department. Moreover, the design and content of various communication and awareness activities such as a video trailer of the PROVIDUNE project and a YouTube slide show of the JUNICOAST project were presented and discussed. Other dissemination materials of both projects such as leaflets, T-shirts, Junicoast fairy tale were exchanged. Members of the JUNICOAST and the PROVIDUNE projects at the OCEANS labs On the second day, visits to the premises of the Biodiversity Conservation Center (CCB) and the Botanical Garden of Cagliari were conducted. Seed Bank activities and germination tests of Juniperus macrocarpa were discussed with the personnel of the CCB. Later on during the day, a round table discussion took place at the premises of the Environmental Department of the Province of Cagliari. The representatives of both projects presented their respective communication strategy and the dissemination activities carried out by both projects. Subsequently, potential ideas for common future dissemination activities between PROVIDUNE and JUNICOAST were discussed.

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 16 Members of the JUNICOAST and the PROVIDUNE projects at the Botanical Garden of Cagliari Round table discussion at the at the premises of the Environmental Department of the Province of Cagliari

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 17 Consequently, all participants agreed on the following: Investigate the possibility of organizing a common final event (conference, seminar) for both projects, or alternatively Junicoast to participate in the final event of Providune and vice versa; Investigate the possibility of producing a common AFTER-LIFE conservation plan for both projects, Add a link of each project on the official websites of Providune and Junicoast, The PROVIDUNE project had already met previously the representatives of the following Italian LIFE projects: HABI COAST (LIFE05NAT/IT/000050); DUNETOSCA (LIFE05NAT/IT/000037) and Co.Me.Bi.s (LIFE06NAT/IT/000050) while JUNICOAST, within the framework of its action E.3 (Scientific Committee), had already met representatives of the Spanish LIFE project, ENEBRO (LIFE04 NAT/ES/000044). It is important to note that the visit made by the JUNICOAST team to Cagliari- Italy was followed by the mission of the PROVIDUNE expert Prof. Gianluigi Bacchetta to the JUNICOAST study sites and the premises of the MAICh in Crete on the 10th of July 2012.

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 18 JUNICOAST meets JUNIPERCY On 21-22 November 2012, the representatives of the JUNICOAST (LIFE07NAT/GR/000296) and the JUNIPERCY (LIFE10 NAT/CY/000717) projects met in Nicosia-Cyprus, in the framework of their respective networking actions with similar LIFE initiatives, to share methodologies and exchange know-how, best practices and experiences. Both funded by the EU Fund LIFE + Nature and Biodiversity, JUNICOAST aim at protecting priority habitat 2250* consisting of Coastal Dunes with Juniperus ssp., while JUNIPERCY aim at protecting priority habitat Mediterranean Endemic Forests with Juniperus spp. 9560* consisting of JUNIPERCY is being implemented by the Department of Forests, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (coordinating beneficiary), the Open University of Cyprus, the Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, the Frederick University- Nature Conservation unit, and the Akti Project and Research Center (associated beneficiaries). It targets the following Natura 2000 sites in Cyprus: Madari Papoutsa CY2000005 Chersonisos Akama CY4000010 Ethniko Dasiko Parko Troodous CY5000004

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 19 The objectives of the joint meeting held in Nicosia were to discuss the threats facing habitat 2250* and habitat 9650*, the results from various preparatory actions and on-site concrete conservation actions being implemented by both projects in Greece and Cyprus; evaluate common potential future dissemination actions and exchange know-how and scientific methodological approaches between both projects. Day 1 of the meeting was dedicated to present the progress of each project and results achieved so far. The project manager of the JUNICOAST project presented the results of all preparatory actions, the onsite concrete conservation actions being implemented in Crete and the various dissemination actions being implemented in both Crete and the South Aegean. Different partners from the JUNIPERCY project presented the progress and results of their preparatory, concrete conservation and dissemination actions. JUNICOAST meets JUNIPERCY at the Open University of Cyprus It is interesting to note that although the distribution of both habitats is different, they are both dominated by coniferous woodlands mainly Juniperus spp. habitat 2250* occurs on coastal sand dunes and consist primarily of Juniperus macrocarpa and Juniperus phoenicea. Habitat 9650* occurs on coastal and high altitude low forest formations and consist of Juniperus phoenicea, in the coastal

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 20 zone, Juniperus foetidissima, Juniperus excelsa and Juniperus oxycedrus at highest altitudes (above 1200m). Habitat 2250* in Agios Ioannis-Gavdos, Greece Habitat 9650* in the Troodos National Forest Park of Cyprus

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 21 Juniperus oxycedrus on high altitude forest formations Juniperus macrocarpa on coastal sand dunes Particular threats (restricted natural regeneration of the Juniperus spp., uncontrolled tourism combined with lack of public awareness, trampling, grazing and fire) related to specific sites where both projects are being implemented were also discussed. Moreover, dissemination actions such as the communication strategy, the environmental education campaign and other innovative dissemination tools (social networking, radio spots, fairy tale for children, YouTube slide show) were presented and discussed. Dissemination materials of both projects such as leaflets, T-shirts, JUNICOAST fairy tale were exchanged. On the second day, a field visit to the premises of the Visitor Center of the Troodos National Forest Park and to areas within the National Park where specific concrete conservation actions such as minimizing the impact of competitive vegetation on the natural regeneration of Juniperus species, enhancement of Juniper regeneration and restoration of the floristic composition and structure of

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 22 the targeted habitat 9560* was carried out. Onsite discussions on the competitive vegetation, on the technical interventions such as micro-fencing, protection of naturally emerging seedlings, collection of seeds, and on the planting and protection of target keystone habitat species were conducted. Restoration of the floristic composition and structure of the habitat 9560* on mount Troodos Enhancement of Juniper regeneration on mount Troodos

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 23 Finally, all participants agreed on the following: To continue the exchange of know-how, best practices and scientific methodological approaches between both projects, To participate in the final event of both projects; Add a link of each project on the official websites of JUNICOAST and JUNIPERCY It is important to note that the visit made by the JUNICOAST team to Sardinia- Cyprus was preceded by the mission of the JUNIPERCY experts (Prof. Ioannis Vogiatzakis, Dr. Maria Zemeni and Mr. Costantinos Kounamas) who attended the 3 rd scientific committee meeting of the JUNICOAST project that was held at the premises of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania and visited the Kedrodasos site in Elafonisi (Crete) on the 25-26 of October 2012.

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 24 Conclusion Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. in Greece and Italy are facing similar natural and anthropogenic pressures and are threatened mainly by urban development, tourism, restricted natural regeneration of Juniperus, coastal erosion, grazing and browsing, habitat fragmentation, and more importantly lack of public awareness. Rapid and uncontrolled tourism growth in combination with lack of environmental education and public awareness is considered one of the most serious threats to this priority habitat throughout Greece and Italy. Juniperus, the typical plant species of habitat 2250* (Juniperus macrocarpa and Juniperus phoenicea) and habitat 9650* (mainly Juniperus phoenicea, in the coastal zone, Juniperus foetidissima, Juniperus excelsa and Juniperus oxycedrus at highest altitudes) is threatened mainly by the low regeneration potential of the Juniperus genus which is due to several natural factors such as slow growth, low seed viability and/or difficulty in germinating as well as the imbalance between the female/male ratio in the natural stands. Results from the preparatory actions of JUNICOAST, PROVIDUNE and JUNIPERCY proved that more efforts are needed to mitigate the natural and anthropogenic pressures and impacts on habitat 2250* and habitat 9650* and confirmed the urgent need to implement concrete conservation and public awareness actions in order to enhance the protection/conservation of habitat 2250* and habitat 9650* as well as to preserve their habitat values. Similar joint initiatives, directed at sharing experiences, achieved results and applied scientific methodologies as well as to plan a common path, especially as far as dissemination events are concerned, have a great value in the development of LIFE projects since they allow projects to go further their territorial context by enlarging their view and provide the working teams with the opportunity to learn from the experiences of other European partners, thus adding a European breath to local actions.

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 25 Annex I Invitation letters from PROVIDUNE and JUNIPERCY Invitation letter from PROVIDUNE

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 26 Invitation letter from JUNIPERCY

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 27

Deliverable E.4.1 Report on networking with other similar LIFE projects 28 Annex II Agendas of the meetings AGENDA JOINT MEETING PROVIDUNE-JUNICOAST PROJECTS CAGLIARI, 26-29 of JUNE 2012 Tuesday 26 of June 2012: Arrival of Greek participants Wednesday 27 of June 2012 8:30-13.30 Departure from the premises of the Province of Cagliari and visit to Chia and Piscinnì sites 13:30-14.00 Packed Lunch on the sites 14.00 17.00 Back to Cagliari and visit to the OCEANS labs (sedimentology database; modeling; monitoring network/remote control): Discussion and brainstorming on the technical-scientific aspects of the two projects 17.00 20.00 Free time 20.00 Dinner Thursday 28 of June 2012 9.00-11.00 Visit to the CCB Labs and to the Botanical Gardens of Cagliari 11.00 13.00 Meeting at the premises of the Province of Cagliari: hypothesis of cooperation of both projects 13:00-14:30 Lunch break 14:30-16:30 Final discussion Friday 29 of June 2012: Departure of Greek participants