On a Subclass of k-uniformly Convex Functions with Negative Coefficients
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1 International Mathematical Forum, 1, 2006, no. 34, On a Subclass of k-uniformly Convex Functions with Negative Coefficients T. N. SHANMUGAM Department of Mathematics Anna University, Chennai Tamilnadu, India S. SIVASUBRAMANIAN Department of Mathematics Easwari Engineering College, Chennai Tamilnadu, India M. DARUS School of Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM, Bangi Malaysia Abstract Certain classes of analytic functions are defined which will generate new, as well as k-uniformly convex functions. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions, distortion bounds, extreme points and radii of convexity for this class Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30C45 Keywords: Analytic functions, Hadamard product, k-uniformly convex functions. 1 Introduction and Definitions Let A be the class of all analytic functions f(z) =z + a n z n defined on the open unit disk Δ = {z : z < 1}. Let S denote the subclass of A consisting of functions that are univalent in Δ. Let S (α) and K(α) be the classes of
2 1678 T.N.Shanmugam, S.Sivasubramanian, and M.Darus functions respectively starlike of order α and convex of order α, Let T be the subclass of S, consisting of functions 0 α<1. f(z) =z a n z n, a n 0. (1) A function f(z) T is called a function with negative coefficients. The class T was introduced and studied by Silverman [4]. In [4], Silverman investigated the subclasses of T denoted by T (α), and C(α), 0 α<1, that are respectively starlike of order α and convex of order α. In this present paper, we study the following class of function: Definition 1.1 For 0 λ 1, 0 β<1and k 0, we let U(k, λ, β), consist of functions f T satisfying the condition { λz 3 f (z)+(1+2λ)z 2 f (z)+zf } (z) R λz 2 f (z)+zf (z) λz 3 f (z)+(1+2λ)z 2 f (z)+zf (z) >k λz 2 f (z)+zf (z) 1 + β. (2) The family U(k, λ, β) is of special interest for it contains many well known, as well as new, classes of analytic univalent functions. In particular U(k, 0, 0) is the class of k uniformly convex function introduced and studied by Kanas and Wisniowska [3] and U(0, 0,β):= C(β) is the class of uniformly convex functions of order β studied by Silverman [4]. We remark that the class of k uniformly convex functions is an extension of uniformly convex functions introduced by Goodman [2]. In this paper we provide necessary and sufficient conditions, coefficient bounds, extreme points, radius of starlikeness and convexity, closure theorem for functions in U(k, λ, β). 2 Characterization We employ the technique adopted by Aqlan et al. [1] to find the coefficient estimates for our class. Theorem 2.1 f U(k, λ, β) if and only if n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] a n (3) where 0 λ 1, 0 β<1, k 0.
3 On a Subclass of k-uniformly convex functions 1679 Proof. We have f U(k, λ, β) if and only if the condition (2) is satisfied. Upon the fact that R(ω) >k ω 1 + β R { ω(1 + ke iθ ) ke iθ} >β, π θ<π. Equation (2) may be written as { λz 3 f (z)+(1+2λ)z 2 f (z)+zf } (z) R (1 + ke iθ ) ke iθ >β λz 2 f (z)+zf (z) or equivalently { λz 3 f (z)+(1+2λ)z 2 f (z)+zf (z)(1 + ke iθ ) ke iθ (λz 2 f (z)+zf } (z)) R >β. λz 2 f (z)+zf (z) (4) Now, we let A(z) =λz 3 f (z)+(1+2λ)z 2 f (z)+zf (z)(1+ke iθ ) ke ( iθ λz 2 f (z)+zf (z) ) and let B(z) =λz 2 f (z)+zf (z). Then (4) is equivalent to A(z) +(1 β)b(z) > A(z) (1 + β)b(z) for 0 β<1. For A(z) and B(z) as above, we have A(z)+(1 β)b(z) = (2 β)z n(n +1 β)[λ(n 1) + 1] a n z n and similarly ke iθ (2 β) z n(n +1 β)[λ(n 1) + 1] a n z n k n(λ + n 1)a n z n n(λ + n 1)a n z n A(z) (1 + β)b(z) <β z + n(n )[λ(n 1) + 1] a n z n +k n(λ + n 1)a n z n. Therefore, A(z) +(1 β)b(z) A(z) (1 + β)b(z)
4 1680 T.N.Shanmugam, S.Sivasubramanian, and M.Darus or 2()z 2 n(n β)[λ(n 1) + 1] a n z n 2k n(λ + n 1)a n z n 0 () {n(n β)[λ(n 1)+1]+nk(λ + n 1)} a n which yields (3). On the other hand, we must have { λz 3 f (z)+(1+2λ)z 2 f (z)+zf } (z) R (1 + ke iθ ) ke iθ >β, π θ<π. λz 2 f (z)+zf (z) Upon choosing the values of z on the positive real axis where 0 z = r<1, the above inequality reduces to { () R n(n β)[λ(n 1) + 1] a nr n 1 ke iθ n(λ + n 1)a nr n 1 } 1 0 n [1 + λ(n 1)] rn 1 Since R( e iθ ) e iθ = 1, the above inequality reduces to { () R n(n β)[λ(n 1) + 1] a nr n 1 k n(λ + n 1)a nr n 1 } 1 0. n [1 + λ(n 1)] rn 1 Letting r 1, we get the desired result. By taking λ =0, k = 0 in Theorem 2.1, we get Corollary 2.2 Let f T. Then f C(β), if and only if n(n β)a n. The above result was obtained by Silverman [4]. Theorem 2.3 If f U(k, λ, β), then a n n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] (5) Equality holds for the function f(z) =z (0 λ 1, 0 β<1, k 0). n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] zn. (6)
5 On a Subclass of k-uniformly convex functions 1681 Proof. Since f U(k, λ, β), (3) holds. Since n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] a n we have, a n n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)]. Clearly the function given by (6) satisfies (5) and therefore f(z) given by (6) is in U(k, λ, β). For this function, the result is clearly sharp. By taking k =0, and λ = 0, in Theorem 2.3, we get Corollary 2.4 If f C(β), then Equality holds for the function a n f(z) =z n(n β). n(n β) zn. 3 Distortion and Covering theorems for U(k, λ, β) Theorem 3.1 If f U(k, λ, β), then () () r 2(1 + λ)(2 + k β) r2 f(z) r + 2(1 + λ)(2 + k β) r2, z = r<1. (7) Equality holds for the function () f(z) =z 2(1 + λ)(2 + k β) z2. Proof. We only prove the right hand side inequality in (7), since the other inequality can be justified using similar arguments. Since f U(k, λ, β), by Theorem 2.1, n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] a n. Now, 2(1 + λ)(2 + k β) a n = 2(1 + λ)(2 + k β)a n n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] a n
6 1682 T.N.Shanmugam, S.Sivasubramanian, and M.Darus and therefore a n Since, f(z) =z a n z n, 2(1 + λ)(2 + k β). (8) f(z) = z a n z n z + z 2 a n z n 2 r + r 2 = r + a n () 2(1 + λ)(2 + k β) r2, which yields the right hand side inequality of (7). Theorem 3.2 If f U(k, λ, β), then 1 () (1 + λ)(2 + k β) r f () (z) 1+ r, z = r<1. (9) (1 + λ)(2 + k β) Equality holds for the function Proof. We have f(z) =z () (1 + λ)(2 + k β) z2. f (z) 1+ na n z n 1 1+r na n (10) Since, f U(k, λ, β), we have (2 β)(1 + λ)(1 + k) na n n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] a n. Hence, () na n (2 β)(1 + λ)(1 + k). (11) Substituting (11) in (10), we get f (z) 1+ () r. (12) (2 + k β)(1 + λ)
7 On a Subclass of k-uniformly convex functions 1683 Similarly, This completes the proof. f (z) 1 () (2 + k β)(1 + λ) r. Theorem 3.3 If f U(k, λ, β), then f T (δ) where δ =1 The result is sharp, with being the extremal. () (2 + 2k β)(λ +1)+(1 β). f(z) =z 2(1 + λ)(2 + k β) z2 Proof. It is sufficient to show that (3) implies that is, n δ 1 δ Since, (14) is equivalent to (n δ)a n 1 δ, (13) n(n β)(λn λ +1)+nk(n λ +1), n 2. (14) δ (n 1)() 1 n(n β)(λn λ +1)+nk(λ + n 1) () = Ψ(n) n 2 and Ψ(n) Ψ(2), (14) holds true for any n 2, 0 λ 1, 0 β< 1, k 0. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.3. If we take λ = 0 and k =0, in Theorem 3.3, then we have the following result of Silverman [4]. Corollary 3.4 If f C(β), then f T ( 2 ). The result is sharp, with 3 β being the extremal. f(z) =z () 2(2 β) z2
8 1684 T.N.Shanmugam, S.Sivasubramanian, and M.Darus 4 Extreme points of the class U(k, λ, β) Theorem 4.1 Let f 1 (z) =z and f n (z) =z n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] zn, n =2, 3, 4... Then f U(k, λ, β), if and only if it can be represented in the form f(z) = λ n f n (z), (15) n=1 where λ n 0 and n=1 λ n =1. Proof. Suppose f(z) can be expressed as in (15). Then f(z) = } λ n {z n=1 n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] zn, = z λ n n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] zn Now, λ n n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] Thus f U(k, λ, β). Conversely, suppose f U(k, λ, β). then a n and therefore we may set λ n = n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] = λ n =1 λ 1 1, n =2, 3,... n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] a n, n =2, 3,... and λ 1 =1 λ n. Then f(z) = λ n f n (z), n=1 and hence the proof is complete.
9 On a Subclass of k-uniformly convex functions 1685 and Corollary 4.2 The extreme points of U(k, λ, β) are the functions f n (z) =z f 1 (z) =z n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] zn, n =2, 3, 4... If we take k = 0 and λ = 0 in Corollary 4.2, we have the following result by Silverman [4]. Corollary 4.3 The extreme points of f C(β) are the functions f 1 (z) =z and f n (z) =z n(n β) zn, n =2, 3, Radius of Convexity Theorem 5.1 If f U(k, λ, β), then f is convex of order γ in z <R, where R = inf n 2 { [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] Proof. By a computation, we have zf f = Thus f is convex of order γ if Since f U(k, λ, β), we have n(n 1)a n z n 1 1 na n z n 1 n(n 1)a n z n 1 1. na n z n 1 } 1 n 1 1 γ. (16) (n γ) n(n γ) 1 γ a n z n 1 1. (17) [ ] (n β)(λn λ +1)+k(n 1+λ) n a n 1. (18)
10 1686 T.N.Shanmugam, S.Sivasubramanian, and M.Darus Now, (17) holds if n(n γ) 1 γ a n z n 1 n [ ] (n β)(λn λ +1)+k(n 1+λ) or if z n 1 [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] 1 γ (19) (n γ) which yields the desired result. As observed earlier for λ = 0, and k = 0 in Theorem 5.1, we get the following result. Corollary 5.2 If f C(β), then f is convex of order γ in z <R,where R = inf n 2 { (n β) 1 γ (n γ) 6 Modified Hadamard Product } 1 n 1. (20) For functions f j (z) =z a n,j z n (j =1, 2) in the class A, we define the modified Hadamard product f 1 f 2 (z) off 1 (z) and f 2 (z) by f 1 (z) f 2 (z) =z a n,1 a n,2 z n. Then, we prove Theorem 6.1 If f j (z) U(k, λ, β), j=1, 2, then f 1 f 2 (z) U(k, λ, ξ), where ξ = 2(2 β)2 (λ +1)+2k(λ + 1)(2 β) 2() 2 2(2 β) 2 (λ +1)+2k(λ + 1)(2 β) () 2. Proof. Since, f j (z) U(k, λ, β), j =1, 2, n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] a n,j (j =1, 2), (21) the Cauchy Schwartz inequality leads to [ ] (n β)(λn λ +1)+k(n 1+λ) n an,1 a n,2 1. (22)
11 On a Subclass of k-uniformly convex functions 1687 Note that we have to find the largest ξ such that [ ] (n ξ)(λn λ +1)+k(n 1+λ) n a n,1 a n,2 1 1 ξ (j =1, 2). (23) Therefore, in view of (22) and (23), if n ξ an,1 a n,2 n β 1 ξ (n 2), (24) then (23) is satisfied. We have, from (22) [ ] an,1 a n,2 (n β)(λn λ +1)+k(n 1+λ) (25) Thus, if [ n ξ ] 1 ξ (n β)(λn λ +1)+k(n 1+λ) n β (n 2), (26) or, if ξ n(n β)2 (λn λ +1) n() 2 + nk(λ + n 1)(n β), (n 2) n(n β) 2 (λn λ +1) () 2 + nk(λ + n 1)(n β) then (22) is satisfied. Letting Φ(n) = n(n β)2 (λn λ +1) n() 2 + nk(λ + n 1)(n β), (n 2), n(n β) 2 (λn λ +1) () 2 + nk(λ + n 1)(n β) we see that ϕ(n) is increasing on n. This implies that, ξ Φ(2) = 2(2 β)2 (λ +1)+2k(λ + 1)(2 β) 2() 2 2(2 β) 2 (λ +1)+2k(λ + 1)(2 β) () 2, Finally, by taking the function f(z) =z we can see that the result is sharp. 2(1 + λ)(2 + k β) z2,
12 1688 T.N.Shanmugam, S.Sivasubramanian, and M.Darus 7 Convolution and Integral Operators Let f(z) = a n z n, g(z) = b n z n. Then the Hadamard product or convolution of f(z) and g(z), written as (f g)(z) is defined n=0 n=0 by (f g)(z) = a n b n z n. (27) n=0 Theorem 7.1 Let f U(k, λ, β), and g(z) =z + g n z n, 0 g n 1. Then f g U(k, λ, β). Proof. Since, 0 g n 1, n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] a n g n which completes the proof. n [(n β)(λn λ +1)+k(λ + n 1)] a n, Corollary 7.2 If f U(k, λ, β), then F (z) = 1+c z c is also in U(k, λ, β). z 0 t c 1 f(t)dt (c > 1) Proof. Since, c +1 F (z) = c + n a nz n, 0 < c +1 c + n < 1, the result follows from Theorem 7.1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The author Maslina Darus is supported by IRPA EAR. References [1] E.Aqlan,J.M.Jahangiri and S.R.Kulkarni, Classes of k-uniformly convex and starlike functions, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 35(3), (2004), [2] A. W. Goodman, On uniformly convex functions, Ann. Polon. Math. 56 (1991), no. 1,
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Generating Set of the Complete Semigroups of Binary Relations
Applied Mathematics 06 7 98-07 Published Online January 06 in SciRes http://wwwscirporg/journal/am http://dxdoiorg/036/am067009 Generating Set of the Complete Semigroups of Binary Relations Yasha iasamidze
derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates
derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates swapnizzle 03-03- :5:43 We begin by recognizing the familiar conversion from rectangular to spherical coordinates (note that φ is used
Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations
99 Section 8. Trigonometric Equations Objective 1: Solve Equations Involving One Trigonometric Function. In this section and the next, we will exple how to solving equations involving trigonometric functions.
Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3
Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3 1 State vector space and the dual space Space of wavefunctions The space of wavefunctions is the set of all
Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ.
Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο The time integral of a force is referred to as impulse, is determined by and is obtained from: Newton s 2 nd Law of motion states that the action
k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R +
Chapter 3. Fuzzy Arithmetic 3- Fuzzy arithmetic: ~Addition(+) and subtraction (-): Let A = [a and B = [b, b in R If x [a and y [b, b than x+y [a +b +b Symbolically,we write A(+)B = [a (+)[b, b = [a +b
F A S C I C U L I M A T H E M A T I C I Nr 46 2011 C. Carpintero, N. Rajesh and E. Rosas ON A CLASS OF (γ, γ )-PREOPEN SETS IN A TOPOLOGICAL SPACE Abstract. In this paper we have introduced the concept
Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests
Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests Shirsendu Mukherjee Department of Statistics, Asutosh College, Kolkata, India. shirsendu st@yahoo.co.in So far we have treated the testing of one-sided
Math 446 Homework 3 Solutions. (1). (i): Reverse triangle inequality for metrics: Let (X, d) be a metric space and let x, y, z X.
Math 446 Homework 3 Solutions. (1). (i): Reverse triangle inequalit for metrics: Let (X, d) be a metric space and let x,, z X. Prove that d(x, z) d(, z) d(x, ). (ii): Reverse triangle inequalit for norms:
Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude
Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Jan Behrens 2012-12-31 In this paper we shall provide a method to approximate distances between two points on earth
Other Test Constructions: Likelihood Ratio & Bayes Tests
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Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------
Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. 1. Sin ( ) = a) b) c) d) Ans b. Solution : Method 1. Ans a: 17 > 1 a) is rejected. w.k.t Sin ( sin ) = d is rejected. If sin
AN APPLICATION OF THE SUBORDINATION CHAINS Georgia Irina Oros Abstract The notion of differential superordination was introduced in [4] by S.S. Miller and P.T. Mocanu as a dual concept of differential
Normalization of the generalized K Mittag-Leffler function and ratio to its sequence of partial sums
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Second Order Partial Differential Equations
Chapter 7 Second Order Partial Differential Equations 7.1 Introduction A second order linear PDE in two independent variables (x, y Ω can be written as A(x, y u x + B(x, y u xy + C(x, y u u u + D(x, y
F19MC2 Solutions 9 Complex Analysis
F9MC Solutions 9 Complex Analysis. (i) Let f(z) = eaz +z. Then f is ifferentiable except at z = ±i an so by Cauchy s Resiue Theorem e az z = πi[res(f,i)+res(f, i)]. +z C(,) Since + has zeros of orer at
Solution Series 9. i=1 x i and i=1 x i.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Mete SONER Coordinator: Yilin WANG Solution Series 9 Q1. Let α, β >, the p.d.f. of a beta distribution with parameters α and β is { Γ(α+β) Γ(α)Γ(β) f(x α, β) xα 1 (1 x) β 1 for < x
A summation formula ramified with hypergeometric function and involving recurrence relation
South Asian Journal of Mathematics 017, Vol. 7 ( 1): 1 4 www.sajm-online.com ISSN 51-151 RESEARCH ARTICLE A summation formula ramified with hypergeometric function and involving recurrence relation Salahuddin
Some new generalized topologies via hereditary classes. Key Words:hereditary generalized topological space, A κ(h,µ)-sets, κµ -topology.
Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (3s.) v. 30 2 (2012): 71 77. c SPM ISSN-2175-1188 on line ISSN-00378712 in press SPM: www.spm.uem.br/bspm doi:10.5269/bspm.v30i2.13793 Some new generalized topologies via hereditary
Approximation of Entire Functions of Slow Growth 1
General Mathematics Vol. 14, No. 2 (2006), 59 76 Approximation of Entire Functions of Slow Growth 1 Ramesh Ganti and G. S. Srivastava Abstract In the present paper, we study the polynomial approximation
On Numerical Radius of Some Matrices
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis Vol., 08, no., 9-8 HIKARI Ltd, www.m-hikari.com https://doi.org/0.988/ijma.08.75 On Numerical Radius of Some Matrices Shyamasree Ghosh Dastidar Department
The k-α-exponential Function
Int Journal of Math Analysis, Vol 7, 213, no 11, 535-542 The --Exponential Function Luciano L Luque and Rubén A Cerutti Faculty of Exact Sciences National University of Nordeste Av Libertad 554 34 Corrientes,
A Two-Sided Laplace Inversion Algorithm with Computable Error Bounds and Its Applications in Financial Engineering
Electronic Companion A Two-Sie Laplace Inversion Algorithm with Computable Error Bouns an Its Applications in Financial Engineering Ning Cai, S. G. Kou, Zongjian Liu HKUST an Columbia University Appenix
GANIT J. Bangladesh Math. oc. IN 606-694) 0) -7 DIRECT PRODUCT AND WREATH PRODUCT OF TRANFORMATION EMIGROUP ubrata Majumdar, * Kalyan Kumar Dey and Mohd. Altab Hossain Department of Mathematics University
3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β
3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS Page Theorem cos(αβ cos α cos β -sin α cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α NOTE: cos(αβ cos α cos β cos(α-β cos α -cos β Proof of cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α Let s use a unit circle
Homomorphism and Cartesian Product on Fuzzy Translation and Fuzzy Multiplication of PS-algebras
Annals of Pure and Applied athematics Vol. 8, No. 1, 2014, 93-104 ISSN: 2279-087X (P), 2279-0888(online) Published on 11 November 2014 www.researchmathsci.org Annals of Homomorphism and Cartesian Product
Homomorphism of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Groups
International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 6, 20, no. 64, 369-378 Homomorphism o Intuitionistic Fuzz Groups P. K. Sharma Department o Mathematics, D..V. College Jalandhar Cit, Punjab, India pksharma@davjalandhar.com
Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential. be continuous functions on the interval
Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential Equations Let a (t), a 2 (t),..., a nn (t), b (t), b 2 (t),..., b n (t) be continuous functions on the interval I. The system of n first-order differential equations
DiracDelta. Notations. Primary definition. Specific values. General characteristics. Traditional name. Traditional notation
DiracDelta Notations Traditional name Dirac delta function Traditional notation x Mathematica StandardForm notation DiracDeltax Primary definition x Π lim ε ; x ε0 x 2 2 ε Specific values
Quadratic Expressions
Quadratic Expressions. The standard form of a quadratic equation is ax + bx + c = 0 where a, b, c R and a 0. The roots of ax + bx + c = 0 are b ± b a 4ac. 3. For the equation ax +bx+c = 0, sum of the roots
forms This gives Remark 1. How to remember the above formulas: Substituting these into the equation we obtain with
Week 03: C lassification of S econd- Order L inear Equations In last week s lectures we have illustrated how to obtain the general solutions of first order PDEs using the method of characteristics. We
Partial Differential Equations in Biology The boundary element method. March 26, 2013
The boundary element method March 26, 203 Introduction and notation The problem: u = f in D R d u = ϕ in Γ D u n = g on Γ N, where D = Γ D Γ N, Γ D Γ N = (possibly, Γ D = [Neumann problem] or Γ N = [Dirichlet
HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch:
HOMEWORK 4 Problem a For the fast loading case, we want to derive the relationship between P zz and λ z. We know that the nominal stress is expressed as: P zz = ψ λ z where λ z = λ λ z. Therefore, applying
The Number of Zeros of a Polynomial in a Disk as a Consequence of Restrictions on the Coefficients
The Number of Zeros of a Polynomial in a Disk as a Consequence of Restrictions on the Coefficients Robert Gardner Brett Shields Department of Mathematics and Statistics Department of Mathematics and Statistics
ORDINAL ARITHMETIC JULIAN J. SCHLÖDER Abstract. We define ordinal arithmetic and show laws of Left- Monotonicity, Associativity, Distributivity, some minor related properties and the Cantor Normal Form.
Tridiagonal matrices. Gérard MEURANT. October, 2008
Tridiagonal matrices Gérard MEURANT October, 2008 1 Similarity 2 Cholesy factorizations 3 Eigenvalues 4 Inverse Similarity Let α 1 ω 1 β 1 α 2 ω 2 T =......... β 2 α 1 ω 1 β 1 α and β i ω i, i = 1,...,
Nowhere-zero flows Let be a digraph, Abelian group. A Γ-circulation in is a mapping : such that, where, and : tail in X, head in
Nowhere-zero flows Let be a digraph, Abelian group. A Γ-circulation in is a mapping : such that, where, and : tail in X, head in : tail in X, head in A nowhere-zero Γ-flow is a Γ-circulation such that
SOLVING CUBICS AND QUARTICS BY RADICALS The purpose of this handout is to record the classical formulas expressing the roots of degree three and degree four polynomials in terms of radicals. We begin with
Bessel functions. ν + 1 ; 1 = 0 for k = 0, 1, 2,..., n 1. Γ( n + k + 1) = ( 1) n J n (z). Γ(n + k + 1) k!
Bessel functions The Bessel function J ν (z of the first kind of order ν is defined by J ν (z ( (z/ν ν Γ(ν + F ν + ; z 4 ( k k ( Γ(ν + k + k! For ν this is a solution of the Bessel differential equation
The Negative Neumann Eigenvalues of Second Order Differential Equation with Two Turning Points
Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 3, 009, no., 6-66 The Negative Neumann Eigenvalues of Second Order Differential Equation with Two Turning Points A. Neamaty and E. A. Sazgar Department of Mathematics,
Research Article Some Properties of Certain Class of Integral Operators
Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Inequalities and Applications Volume 211, Article ID 53154, 1 pages doi:1.1155/211/53154 Research Article Some Properties of Certain Class of Integral Operators
w o = R 1 p. (1) R = p =. = 1
Πανεπιστήµιο Κρήτης - Τµήµα Επιστήµης Υπολογιστών ΗΥ-570: Στατιστική Επεξεργασία Σήµατος 205 ιδάσκων : Α. Μουχτάρης Τριτη Σειρά Ασκήσεων Λύσεις Ασκηση 3. 5.2 (a) From the Wiener-Hopf equation we have:
Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016
Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Silvio Capobianco Exercise 1.7 Let H(n) = J(n + 1) J(n). Equation (1.8) tells us that H(2n) = 2, and H(2n+1) = J(2n+2) J(2n+1) = (2J(n+1) 1) (2J(n)+1)
5. Choice under Uncertainty
5. Choice under Uncertainty Daisuke Oyama Microeconomics I May 23, 2018 Formulations von Neumann-Morgenstern (1944/1947) X: Set of prizes Π: Set of probability distributions on X : Preference relation
6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq.
6.1. Dirac Equation Ref: M.Kaku, Quantum Field Theory, Oxford Univ Press (1993) η μν = η μν = diag(1, -1, -1, -1) p 0 = p 0 p = p i = -p i p μ p μ = p 0 p 0 + p i p i = E c 2 - p 2 = (m c) 2 H = c p 2
CHAPTER 3 Application of Differential Subordination, Ruscheweyh Derivative and Linear Operator for Analytic and Meromorphic Functions
CHAPTER 3 Application of Differential Subordination, Ruscheweyh Derivative and Linear Operator for Analytic and Meromorphic Functions Introduction This Chapter is mainly concerned with the study of application
New bounds for spherical two-distance sets and equiangular lines
New bounds for spherical two-distance sets and equiangular lines Michigan State University Oct 8-31, 016 Anhui University Definition If X = {x 1, x,, x N } S n 1 (unit sphere in R n ) and x i, x j = a
Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates
Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the
Fractional Colorings and Zykov Products of graphs
Fractional Colorings and Zykov Products of graphs Who? Nichole Schimanski When? July 27, 2011 Graphs A graph, G, consists of a vertex set, V (G), and an edge set, E(G). V (G) is any finite set E(G) is
SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions
SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES GLMA Linear Mathematics 00- Examination Solutions. (a) i. ( + 5i)( i) = (6 + 5) + (5 )i = + i. Real part is, imaginary part is. (b) ii. + 5i i ( + 5i)( + i) = ( i)( + i)
The semiclassical Garding inequality
The semiclassical Garding inequality We give a proof of the semiclassical Garding inequality (Theorem 4.1 using as the only black box the Calderon-Vaillancourt Theorem. 1 Anti-Wick quantization For (q,
CHAPTER 5 SOLVING EQUATIONS BY ITERATIVE METHODS EXERCISE 104 Page 8 1. Find the positive root of the equation x + 3x 5 = 0, correct to 3 significant figures, using the method of bisection. Let f(x) =