Finitary proof systems for Kozen s µ
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1 Finitary proof systems for Kozen s µ Bahareh Afshari Graham Leigh TU Wien University of Gothenburg homc & cdps 16, Singapore 1 / 17
2 Modal µ-calculus Syntax: p p φ ψ φ ψ φ φ x µx φ νx φ Semantics: For Kripke structure K = (W,, λ) and valuation V : Var 2 W p V K = {u W p λ(u)} φ ψ K V = φ K V ψ K V φ V K = {u W v(u v v φ K V )} x K V = V (x) and similarly for p, and µx φ V K = least fixpoint of the function X φ K V [x X ] { = X W φ K V [x X ] X } νx φ V K = greateast fixpoint of the function X φ K V [x X ] { } = X W X φ K V [x X ] Examples: µx( x p); νx( x p); νxµy( y (p x)) Duality: Define φ as the De Morgan dual of φ: µxφ(x) = νxφ(x) φ V K = W \ φ K y V (y) 2 / 17
3 Validity and proofs Let φ be a closed formula Define K = φ iff φ K = W where K = (W,, λ), = φ (φ is valid) iff K = φ for every K Theorem (Kozen 1983; Walukiewicz 2000) For every closed φ, = φ iff Koz φ Soundness: Proved by Kozen (1983) Completeness: Kozen: aconjuntive fragment; Walukiewicz: full µ-calculus: 1 Completeness of disjunctive fragment: tableaux 2 Provable equivalence between disjunctive and µ-formulæ: tableaux, games/automata 3 / 17
4 almost always implies infinitely often Consider the formula ψ = µxνyφ(x, y) ν yµxφ(x, y) ψ is valid easy semantic argument Koz ψ non-trivial Questions: 1 Is there a more direct/constructive proof of completeness? 2 Is cut necessary? 3 Are there other natural sound and complete finitary proof systems? 4 / 17
5 Tableaux proofs A tableau is a Fix-tree in which every infinite path contains a ν-thread Theorem (Niwinski, Walukiewicz 1996; Studer 2008; Friedman 2013) For every closed guardedguarded formula φ, = φ iff there exists a tableau for φ ( ) Y (νxy ), X (νyx ) νx νxy, X (νyx ) Y (νxy ),νyx ( ) φ(νxy,y (νxy )), φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) µy + µ x Y (νxy ), X (νyx ) ( ) νy Y (νxy ),νyx ( ) νx νxµyφ,νyµxφ where Y (x) = µyφ(x, y) and X (y) = µxφ(x, y) 5 / 17
6 Stirling s tableaux proofs with names Fix a set of names for each variable: N x = {x 0, x 1, } and N = x:var N x An annotated sequent is an expression a 0 φ a 1 1,, φa n n st a 0,, a n N Definition A Stirling proof is a finite tree built from rules Fix N + reset x + ν x + exp st 1 For every sequent a φ a 0 0,, φa k and every i k, a k i a; 2 Every non-axiom leaf has the configuration axb axb Π resetx axb Π axb where: 21 x appears in every sequent between repetition 22 reset x occurs between the two nodes We write Stir Γ if there exists a Stirling proof with root ε {φ ε φ Γ} Theorem (Stirling 2014) Tableaux can be effectively transformed into Stirling proofs 6 / 17
7 Stirling proofs: interpreting tableaux [xy Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y ] reset x [xy Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y ] reset y xyx Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y ν x xy νxy x, X (νyx ) y xyy Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) yy ν y xy Y (νxy ) x,νyx y xy φ(νxy,y (νxy )) x, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ x + µ y xy Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y ( ) νy x Y (νxy ) x,νyx ε ν x ε νxy ε,νyx ε Pros: 1 Fintary proofs 2 Proofs constructed semantically Cons: 1 Non-locality 2 Guessing resets 7 / 17
8 Circular proofs with ν-closure Consider the rule Definition [ Γ,νxφ(x) ax ] Γ, φ(νxφ) ax where a x, x is not in Γ or a clo Γ,νxφ a Clo Γ iff there exists a finite tree built from rules Fix N + ν x + clo satisfying 1 Every sequent has the form ε φ a 1 1,, φa k k ; 2 Every leaf is either an axiom or discharged by an application of clo: Theorem Stir Γ implies Clo Γ Proof 1 Unravel Stirling proofs; 2 Delete resets; 3 Search for clo 8 / 17
9 Example: Stirling to circular proofs (I) [xy Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y ] reset x [xy Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y ] reset y xyx Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y ν x xy νxy x, X (νyx ) y xyy Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) yy ν y xy Y (νxy ) x,νyx y xy φ(νxy,y (νxy )) x, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ x + µ y xy Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y ( ) νy x Y (νxy ) x,νyx ε ν x ε νxy ε,νyx ε 9 / 17
10 Example: Stirling to circular proofs (II) Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y reset x Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y reset y Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y ν x νxy x, X (νyx ) y Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) yy ν y Y (νxy ) x,νyx y φ(νxy,y (νxy )) x, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y reset x Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y reset y Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y ν x νxy x, X (νyx ) y Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) yy ν y Y (νxy ) x,νyx y φ(νxy,y (νxy )) x, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ x + µ y Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y ν y Y (νxy ) x,νyx ε ν x νxy ε,νyx ε 10 / 17
11 Example: Stirling to circular proofs (III) Y (νxy ) xx x, X (νyx ) y reset x Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) yy reset y Y (νxy ) xx x, X (νyx ) y clo x νxy xx, X (νyx ) y Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) yy clo y Y (νxy ) xx,νyx y φ(νxy,y (νxy )) xx, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y reset x Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) yy reset y Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y clo x νxy x, X (νyx ) y Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) yy clo y Y (νxy ) x,νyx y φ(νxy,y (νxy )) x, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y clo y Y (νxy ) x,νyx ε clo x νxy ε,νyx ε 11 / 17
12 Example: Stirling to circular proofs (IV) Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y reset x Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y reset y Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y clo x [νxy xx, X (νyx ) y ] Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) yy clo y [Y (νxy ) xx,νyx y ] φ(νxy,y (νxy )) xx, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y reset x Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y clo x νxy x, X (νyx ) y Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y reset y Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) yy clo y [Y (νxy ) x,νyx y ] φ(νxy,y (νxy )) x, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y clo y Y (νxy ) x,νyx ε clo x νxy ε,νyx ε 12 / 17
13 Example: Stirling to circular proofs (V) A proof in Clo: [νxy xx, X (νyx ) y ] [Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y ] exp Y (νxy ) xx,νyx y φ(νxy,y (νxy )) xx, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ Y (νxy ) xx, X (νyx ) y clo νxy x, X (νyx ) y [Y (νxy ) x,νyx y ] φ(νxy,y (νxy )) x, φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) y µ Y (νxy ) x, X (νyx ) y clo Y (νxy ) x,νyx ε clo νxy ε,νyx ε 13 / 17
14 Taking stock We have shown φ valid φ has a tableau Stir φ Clo φ Corollary Circular proofs with ν-closure are complete for the modal µ-calculus Can we get closer to a sequent calculus? no discharge rules no annotations 14 / 17
15 Eliminating assumptions Let Z = νzψ (z) [Γ 1, Z az 1 ] [Γ k, Z az 1 z k ] (νzψ ) az 1 z i νz(γ i Γ 1 ψ a ) Theorem Γ k,ψ (Z ) az 1 z k clozk Γk, Z az 1 z k 1 Γ i,ψ (Z ) az 1 z i clozi Γ i, Z az 1 z i 1 Γ 1,ψ (Z ) az 1 cloz1 Γ1, Z a Clo Γ Koz +con+ d Γ Γ i,ψ a (νz Γ i Γ 1 ψ a ) d Γ i,ψ a (Γ i νz Γ i Γ 1 ψ a ) + νz Γ i,νz Γ i 1 Γ 1 ψ a (Γ i z)) ind Γ i,νyνz Γ i 1 Γ 1 ψ a (y z)) con Γ i,νz Γ i 1 Γ 1 ψ a Theorem Koz + con + d Γ implies Koz Γ 15 / 17
16 Summary Clo Stir Valid Koz + d + con Koz 1 We introduce two sound and complete cut-free proof systems; 2 Doing so we provide a new proof of completeness for Koz yielding a procedure for obtaining proofs from tableaux; 3 Koz is complete iff d and con are admissible 16 / 17
17 Proving almost always implies infinitely often νxy, X (νyx ) Y (νxy ),νyx d Y (νxy ),νyx φ(νxy,y (νxy )), φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) µx + µ y Y (νxy ), X (νyx ) (ν x + d + ind + con) νxy, X (νyx ) Y (νxy ),νyx where φ(νxy,y (νxy )), φ(x (νyx ),νyx ) µx + µ y Y (νxy ), X (νyx ) (ν y + d + ind + con) Y (νxy ),νyx νx νxµyφ,νyµxφ Y (x) = µyφ(x, y) X (y) = µxφ(x, y) Y = X (µyx ) Y X = Y (µxy ) X 17 / 17
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Uppsala Universitet Matematiska Institutionen Andreas Strömbergsson Prov i matematik Funktionalanalys Kurs: F3B, F4Sy, NVP 2005-03-08 Skrivtid: 9 14 Tillåtna hjälpmedel: Manuella skrivdon, Kreyszigs bok
Parametrized Surfaces
Parametrized Surfaces Recall from our unit on vector-valued functions at the beginning of the semester that an R 3 -valued function c(t) in one parameter is a mapping of the form c : I R 3 where I is some
Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1
Eon : Fall 8 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 Email questions or omments to Dan Fetter Problem. Let X be a salar with density f(x, θ) (θx + θ) [ x ] with θ. (a) Find the most powerful level α test
Quadratic Expressions
Quadratic Expressions. The standard form of a quadratic equation is ax + bx + c = 0 where a, b, c R and a 0. The roots of ax + bx + c = 0 are b ± b a 4ac. 3. For the equation ax +bx+c = 0, sum of the roots
DiracDelta. Notations. Primary definition. Specific values. General characteristics. Traditional name. Traditional notation
DiracDelta Notations Traditional name Dirac delta function Traditional notation x Mathematica StandardForm notation DiracDeltax Primary definition x Π lim ε ; x ε0 x 2 2 ε Specific values
An Inventory of Continuous Distributions
Appendi A An Inventory of Continuous Distributions A.1 Introduction The incomplete gamma function is given by Also, define Γ(α; ) = 1 with = G(α; ) = Z 0 Z 0 Z t α 1 e t dt, α > 0, >0 t α 1 e t dt, α >
Physical DB Design. B-Trees Index files can become quite large for large main files Indices on index files are possible.
B-Trees Index files can become quite large for large main files Indices on index files are possible 3 rd -level index 2 nd -level index 1 st -level index Main file 1 The 1 st -level index consists of pairs
Simulation of G i with prenex cuts
Simulation of G i with prenex cuts Emil Jeřábek Phuong Nguyen November 25, 2010 Abstract We show that the quantified propositional proof systems G i are polynomially equivalent to their restricted versions
Αλγόριθμοι και πολυπλοκότητα NP-Completeness (2)
ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ Αλγόριθμοι και πολυπλοκότητα NP-Completeness (2) Ιωάννης Τόλλης Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών NP-Completeness (2) x 1 x 1 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 4 x 4 12 22 32 11 13 21
The Probabilistic Method - Probabilistic Techniques. Lecture 7: The Janson Inequality
The Probabilistic Method - Probabilistic Techniques Lecture 7: The Janson Inequality Sotiris Nikoletseas Associate Professor Computer Engineering and Informatics Department 2014-2015 Sotiris Nikoletseas,
Διάρκεια Διαγωνισμού: 3 ώρες Απαντήστε όλες τις ερωτήσεις Μέγιστο Βάρος (20 Μονάδες) Δίνεται ένα σύνολο από N σφαιρίδια τα οποία δεν έχουν όλα το ίδιο βάρος μεταξύ τους και ένα κουτί που αντέχει μέχρι
On the Galois Group of Linear Difference-Differential Equations
On the Galois Group of Linear Difference-Differential Equations Ruyong Feng KLMM, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Ruyong Feng (KLMM, CAS) Galois Group 1 / 19 Contents 1 Basic Notations and Concepts
1. Introduction and Preliminaries.
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia Available at: Filomat 22:1 (2008), 97 106 ON δ SETS IN γ SPACES V. Renuka Devi and D. Sivaraj Abstract We
k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R +
Chapter 3. Fuzzy Arithmetic 3- Fuzzy arithmetic: ~Addition(+) and subtraction (-): Let A = [a and B = [b, b in R If x [a and y [b, b than x+y [a +b +b Symbolically,we write A(+)B = [a (+)[b, b = [a +b
PARTIAL NOTES for 6.1 Trigonometric Identities
PARTIAL NOTES for 6.1 Trigonometric Identities tanθ = sinθ cosθ cotθ = cosθ sinθ BASIC IDENTITIES cscθ = 1 sinθ secθ = 1 cosθ cotθ = 1 tanθ PYTHAGOREAN IDENTITIES sin θ + cos θ =1 tan θ +1= sec θ 1 + cot
Second Order Partial Differential Equations
Chapter 7 Second Order Partial Differential Equations 7.1 Introduction A second order linear PDE in two independent variables (x, y Ω can be written as A(x, y u x + B(x, y u xy + C(x, y u u u + D(x, y
Homomorphism of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Groups
International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 6, 20, no. 64, 369-378 Homomorphism o Intuitionistic Fuzz Groups P. K. Sharma Department o Mathematics, D..V. College Jalandhar Cit, Punjab, India
derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates
derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates swapnizzle 03-03- :5:43 We begin by recognizing the familiar conversion from rectangular to spherical coordinates (note that φ is used
Partial Differential Equations in Biology The boundary element method. March 26, 2013
The boundary element method March 26, 203 Introduction and notation The problem: u = f in D R d u = ϕ in Γ D u n = g on Γ N, where D = Γ D Γ N, Γ D Γ N = (possibly, Γ D = [Neumann problem] or Γ N = [Dirichlet
6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq.
6.1. Dirac Equation Ref: M.Kaku, Quantum Field Theory, Oxford Univ Press (1993) η μν = η μν = diag(1, -1, -1, -1) p 0 = p 0 p = p i = -p i p μ p μ = p 0 p 0 + p i p i = E c 2 - p 2 = (m c) 2 H = c p 2
Durbin-Levinson recursive method
Durbin-Levinson recursive method A recursive method for computing ϕ n is useful because it avoids inverting large matrices; when new data are acquired, one can update predictions, instead of starting again
Main source: "Discrete-time systems and computer control" by Α. ΣΚΟΔΡΑΣ ΨΗΦΙΑΚΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ 4 ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ 1
Main source: "Discrete-time systems and computer control" by Α. ΣΚΟΔΡΑΣ ΨΗΦΙΑΚΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ 4 ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ 1 A Brief History of Sampling Research 1915 - Edmund Taylor Whittaker (1873-1956) devised a
Lecture 15 - Root System Axiomatics
Lecture 15 - Root System Axiomatics Nov 1, 01 In this lecture we examine root systems from an axiomatic point of view. 1 Reflections If v R n, then it determines a hyperplane, denoted P v, through the
Second Order RLC Filters
ECEN 60 Circuits/Electronics Spring 007-0-07 P. Mathys Second Order RLC Filters RLC Lowpass Filter A passive RLC lowpass filter (LPF) circuit is shown in the following schematic. R L C v O (t) Using phasor
Distances in Sierpiński Triangle Graphs
Distances in Sierpiński Triangle Graphs Sara Sabrina Zemljič joint work with Andreas M. Hinz June 18th 2015 Motivation Sierpiński triangle introduced by Wac law Sierpiński in 1915. S. S. Zemljič 1 Motivation
Simulating non-prenex cuts in quantified propositional calculus
Simulating non-prenex cuts in quantified propositional calculus Emil Jeřábek Phuong Nguyen May 2, 2011 Abstract We show that the quantified propositional proof systems G i are polynomially equivalent to
Local Approximation with Kernels
Local Approximation with Kernels Thomas Hangelbroek University of Hawaii at Manoa 5th International Conference Approximation Theory, 26 work supported by: NSF DMS-43726 A cubic spline example Consider
Proving with Computer Assistance Lecture 2. Herman Geuvers
Proving with Computer Assistance Lecture 2 Herman Geuvers 1 Typed λ calculus as the basis for a Proof Assistant (e.g. Coq) λ-term program proof type specification formula Integrated system for proving
Heisenberg Uniqueness pairs
Heisenberg Uniqueness pairs Philippe Jaming Bordeaux Fourier Workshop 2013, Renyi Institute Joint work with K. Kellay Heisenberg Uniqueness Pairs µ : finite measure on R 2 µ(x, y) = R 2 e i(sx+ty) dµ(s,
Iterated trilinear fourier integrals with arbitrary symbols
Cornell University ICM 04, Satellite Conference in Harmonic Analysis, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea August 6, 04 Motivation the Coifman-Meyer theorem with classical paraproduct(979) B(f, f )(x) :=
The semiclassical Garding inequality
The semiclassical Garding inequality We give a proof of the semiclassical Garding inequality (Theorem 4.1 using as the only black box the Calderon-Vaillancourt Theorem. 1 Anti-Wick quantization For (q,