Verification. Lecture 12. Martin Zimmermann
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1 Verification Lecture 12 Martin Zimmermann
2 Plan for today LTL FairnessinLTL LTL Model Checking
3 Review: Syntax modal logic over infinite sequences[pnueli 1977] Propositional logic a AP ϕandϕ ψ Temporal operators ϕ ϕuψ atomicproposition negationandconjunction nextstatefulfillsϕ ϕholdsuntilaψ-stateisreached linear temporal logic is a logic for describing LT properties
4 Review: Intuitive semantics atomic prop. a a arbitrary arbitrary arbitrary arbitrary... arbitrary a arbitrary arbitrary arbitrary nextstep a... a b a b a b b arbitrary until aub... a a a a arbitrary eventually a... always a a a a a a...
5 Semantics over words TheLT-propertyinducedbyLTLformulaφoverAPis: Words(φ) = {σ (2 AP ) ω σ φ},where isthesmallestrelationsatisfying: σ true σ a iff a A 0 (i.e.,a 0 a) σ φ 1 φ 2 iff σ φ 1 andσ φ 2 σ φ iff σ / φ σ φ iff σ[1..] =A 1 A 2 A 3... φ σ φ 1 Uφ 2 iff j 0. σ[j..] φ 2 and σ[i..] φ 1, 0 i<j forσ= A 0A 1A 2... wehaveσ[i..]= A i A i+1 A i+2... isthesuffixofσ fromindexion
6 Semantics over paths and states LetTS =(S,Act,,I,AP,L)beatransitionsystemwithoutterminal states,andletφbeanltl-formulaoverap. ForinfinitepathfragmentπofTS: Forstates S: π φ iff trace(π) φ s φ iff ( π Paths(s). π φ) TSsatisfiesφ,denotedTS φ,iftraces(ts) Words(φ)
7 Semantics for transition systems TS φ iff (* transition system semantics*) Traces(TS) Words(φ) iff (* definition of for LT-properties*) TS Words(φ) iff (* Definition of Words(φ)*) π φforallπ Paths(TS) iff (* semanticsof forstates*) s 0 φforalls 0 I.
8 Example s 1 s 2 s 3 {a,b} {a,b} {a}
9 Semantics of negation Forpaths,itholdsπ φifandonlyifπ/ φsince: Words( φ) =(2 AP ) ω Words(φ). But: TS/ φandts φarenotequivalentingeneral Itholds: TS φ impliests/ φ.notalwaysthereverse! Note that: TS/ φ iff Traces(TS)/ Words(φ) iff Traces(TS) Words(φ)/= iff Traces(TS) Words( φ)/=. TSneithersatisfiesφnor φifthereare pathsπ 1 andπ 2 intssuchthatπ 1 φandπ 2 φ
10 Example s 1 s 0 s 2 {a} AtransitionsystemforwhichTS / aandts / a
11 Semanticsof,, and σ φ iff j 0. σ[j..] φ σ φ iff j 0. σ[j..] φ σ φ iff j 0. i j.σ[i...] φ σ φ iff j 0. i j. σ[i...] φ
12 Equivalence LTLformulasϕ,ψareequivalent,denotedϕ ψ,if: Words(ϕ) =Words(ψ)
13 Duality and idempotence laws Duality: ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ Idempotency: ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕu(ϕuψ) ϕuψ (ϕuψ)uψ ϕuψ
14 Absorption and distributive laws Absorption: ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ Distribution: (ϕuψ) (ϕ ψ) (ϕ ψ) ( ϕ)u( ψ) ϕ ψ ϕ ψ but...: (ϕuψ) / ( ϕ)u( ψ) (ϕ ψ) / ϕ ψ (ϕ ψ) / ϕ ψ
15 Distributive laws (a b) / a b and (a b) / a b {b} {a} {a} TS / (a b)andts ( a) ( b) TS / ( a) ( b)andts (a b)
16 Expansion laws Expansion: ϕuψ ϕ ϕ ψ (ϕ (ϕuψ)) ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ
17 Expansion for until P U =Words(φUψ)satisfies: P U = Words(ψ) {A 0 A 1 A 2... Words(φ) A 1 A 2... P U } and is the smallest LT-property P such that: Words(ψ) {A 0 A 1 A 2... Words(φ) A 1 A 2... P} P ( )
18 Proof: Words(φ U ψ) is the smallest LT-prop. satisfying(*) LetPbeanyLT-propertythatsatisfies(*).Weshowthat Words(φUψ) P. LetB 0 B 1 B 2... Words(φUψ). Thenthereexistsak 0such thatb i B i+1 B i+2... Words(φ)forevery0 i<kand B k B k+1 B k+2... Words(ψ). Wederive B k B k+1 B k+2... P becauseb k B k+1 B k+2... Words(ψ)andWords(ψ) P. B k 1 B k B k+1 B k+2... P becauseifa 0 A 1 A 2... Words(φ)andA 1 A 2... PthenA 0 A 1 A 2... P. B k 2 B k 1 B k B k+1 B k+2... P,analogously... B 0 B 1 B 2... P.
19 Weak until Theweak-until(or:unless)operator: φwψ def = (φuψ) φ asopposedtountil,φwψdoesnotrequireaψ-statetobe reached Until U andweakuntil W aredual: (φuψ) (φ ψ)w( φ ψ) (φwψ) (φ ψ)u( φ ψ) Until and weak until are equally expressive: ψ ψwfalseandφuψ (φwψ) ψ Untilandweakuntilsatisfythesameexpansionlaw butuntilisthesmallest,andweakuntilthelargestsolution!
20 Expansion for weak until P W =Words(φWψ)satisfies: P W = Words(ψ) {A 0 A 1 A 2... Words(φ) A 1 A 2... P W } and is the greatest LT-property P such that: Words(ψ) {A 0 A 1 A 2... Words(φ) A 1 A 2... P} P ( )
21 Proof: Words(φ W ψ) is the greatest LT-prop. satisfying(**) LetPbeanyLT-propertythatsatisfies(**).Weshowthat P Words(φWψ). LetB 0 B 1 B 2.../ Words(φWψ). Thenthereexistsak 0such thatb i B i+1 B i+2... φ ψforevery0 i<kand B k B k+1 B k+2... φ ψ. Wederive B k B k+1 B k+2... / P becauseb k B k+1 B k+2... / Words(ψ)and B k B k+1 B k+2... / Words(φ)and B k 1 B k B k+1 B k+2... / P becauseb k B k+1 B k+2... / PandB k 1 B k B k+1 B k+2... / Words(ψ) B k 2 B k 1 B k B k+1 B k+2... / P,analogously... B 0 B 1 B 2... / P.
22 (Weak-until) positive normal form Canonical form for LTL-formulas negationsonlyoccuradjacenttoatomicpropositions disjunctiveandconjunctivenormalformisaspecialcaseofpnf foreachltl-operator,adualoperatorisneeded e.g., (φuψ) ((φ ψ)u( φ ψ)) (φ ψ) thatis: (φuψ) (φ ψ)w( φ ψ) Fora AP,thesetofLTLformulasinPNFisgivenby: φ = true false a a φ 1 φ 2 φ 1 φ 2 φ φ 1 Uφ 2 φ 1 Wφ 2 and arealsopermitted: φ φwfalseand φ =trueuφ
23 (Weak until) PNF is always possible For each LTL-formula there exists an equivalent LTL-formula in PNF Transformations: true false false true φ φ (φ ψ) φ ψ (φ ψ) φ ψ φ φ (φuψ) (φ ψ)w( φ ψ) (φwψ) (ϕ ψ)u( ϕ ψ) φ φ φ φ but an exponential growth in size is possible
24 Example ConsidertheLTL-formula ((aub) c) ThisformulaisnotinPNF,butcanbetransformedintoPNFas follows: ((aub) c) ((aub) c) ( (aub) c) ((a b)w( a b) c) can the exponential growth in size be avoided?
25 The release operator Thereleaseoperator:φRψ def = ( φu ψ) ψalwaysholds,arequirementthatisreleasedassoonasφ holds Until U andrelease R aredual: φuψ φrψ ( φr ψ) ( φu ψ) Until and release are equally expressive: ψ falserψandφuψ ( φr ψ) Release satisfies the expansion law: φrψ ψ (φ (φrψ))
26 Semantics of release σ φrψ iff (*definitionof R *) j 0. (σ[j..] ψ i <j.σ[i..] φ) iff (* semantics of negation*) j 0.(σ[j..]/ ψ i <j.σ[i..]/ φ) iff (*dualityof and *) iff iff iff j 0. (σ[j..]/ ψ i <j.σ[i..]/ φ) j 0.( (σ[j..]/ ψ) i <j.σ[i..]/ φ) j 0.(σ[j..] ψ i <j.σ[i..] φ) (*demorgan slaw*) (* semantics of negation*) j 0.σ[j..] ψ or i 0.(σ[i..] φ k i. σ[k..] ψ)
27 Positive normal form(revisited) Fora AP,LTLformulasinPNFaregivenby: φ = true false a a φ 1 φ 2 φ 1 φ 2 φ φ 1 Uφ 2 φ 1 R φ 2
28 PNFinlinearsize For any LTL-formula φ there exists an equivalent LTL-formula ψ in PNF with ψ = O( φ ) Transformations: true false false true φ φ (φ ψ) φ ψ (φ ψ) φ ψ φ φ (φuψ) φr ψ (φrψ) φu ψ φ φ φ φ
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Commutative Monoids in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets S K Mala #1, Dr. MM Shanmugapriya *2 1 PhD Scholar in Mathematics, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu- 641021 Assistant Professor of Mathematics,
λρ-calculus 1. each λ-variable is a λρ-term, called an atom or atomic term; 2. if M and N are λρ-term then (MN) is a λρ-term called an application;
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Lecture 21: Scattering and FGR
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Arithmetical applications of lagrangian interpolation. Tanguy Rivoal. Institut Fourier CNRS and Université de Grenoble 1
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1. Introduction and Preliminaries.
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia Available at: Filomat 22:1 (2008), 97 106 ON δ SETS IN γ SPACES V. Renuka Devi and D. Sivaraj Abstract We
Μηχανική Μάθηση Hypothesis Testing
ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ Μηχανική Μάθηση Hypothesis Testing Γιώργος Μπορμπουδάκης Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών Procedure 1. Form the null (H 0 ) and alternative (H 1 ) hypothesis 2. Consider
Α Ρ Χ Α Ι Α Ι Σ Τ Ο Ρ Ι Α Π Ο Λ Ι Τ Ι Κ Α Κ Α Ι Σ Τ Ρ Α Τ Ι Ω Τ Ι Κ Α Γ Ε Γ Ο Ν Ο Τ Α Σ η µ ε ί ω σ η : σ υ ν ά δ ε λ φ ο ι, ν α µ ο υ σ υ γ χ ω ρ ή σ ε τ ε τ ο γ ρ ή γ ο ρ ο κ α ι α τ η µ έ λ η τ ο ύ
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Math 446 Homework 3 Solutions. (1). (i): Reverse triangle inequalit for metrics: Let (X, d) be a metric space and let x,, z X. Prove that d(x, z) d(, z) d(x, ). (ii): Reverse triangle inequalit for norms:
Review: Molecules = + + = + + Start with the full Hamiltonian. Use the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
Review: Molecules Start with the full amiltonian Ze e = + + ZZe A A B i A i me A ma ia, 4πε 0riA i< j4πε 0rij A< B4πε 0rAB Use the Born-Oppenheimer approximation elec Ze e = + + A A B i i me ia, 4πε 0riA
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MATHEMATICS. 1. If A and B are square matrices of order 3 such that A = -1, B =3, then 3AB = 1) -9 2) -27 3) -81 4) 81
1. If A and B are square matrices of order 3 such that A = -1, B =3, then 3AB = 1) -9 2) -27 3) -81 4) 81 We know that KA = A If A is n th Order 3AB =3 3 A. B = 27 1 3 = 81 3 2. If A= 2 1 0 0 2 1 then
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Όλνκα πνπδάζηξηαο: Γξεγνξία αββίδνπ Α.Δ.Μ:7859. Δπηβιέπνλ Καζεγεηήο: Παζραιίδεο Αζαλάζηνο ΑΝΩΣΑΣΟ ΣΔΥΝΟΛΟΓΗΚΟ ΔΚΠΑΗΓΔΤΣΗΚΟ ΗΓΡΤΜΑ ΚΑΒΑΛΑ
ΑΝΩΣΑΣΟ ΣΔΥΝΟΛΟΓΗΚΟ ΔΚΠΑΗΓΔΤΣΗΚΟ ΗΓΡΤΜΑ ΚΑΒΑΛΑ ΥΟΛΖ ΓΗΟΗΚΖΖ ΚΑΗ ΟΗΚΟΝΟΜΗΑ ΣΜΖΜΑ ΛΟΓΗΣΗΚΖ Εςπωπαϊϊκή Εταιιπείία,, ο θεσμόρ καιι η ανάπτςξη τηρ. Όλνκα πνπδάζηξηαο: Γξεγνξία αββίδνπ Α.Δ.Μ:7859 Δπηβιέπνλ Καζεγεηήο:
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Θεωρία Πληροφορίας και Κωδίκων
Θεωρία Πληροφορίας και Κωδίκων Δρ. Νικόλαος Κολοκοτρώνης Λέκτορας Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου Τμήμα Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών Τέρμα Οδού Καραϊσκάκη, 22100 Τρίπολη E mail: Web:
Completeness Theorem for System AS1
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