arxiv: v2 [math.dg] 14 Oct 2017

Σχετικά έγγραφα
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Invarants of Thrd Type Almost Geodesc Mappngs of Generalzed Remannan Space arxv:1710.04504v2 [math.dg] 14 Oct 2017 Nenad O. Vesć Abstract e studed rules of transformatons of Chrstoffel symbols under thrd type almost geodesc mappngs n ths paper. From ths research, we obtaned some new nvarants of these mappngs. These nvarants are analoges of Thomas projectve parameter and eyl projectve tensor. Key words: almost geodesc mappng, dfference, nvarant 2010 Math. Subj. Classfcaton: 53C15, 47A15, 58C30, 55C99, 53A55, 35R01 1 Introducton Followng the Esenhart s work [6 8], t s started the research about Remannan spaces endowed wth non-symmetrc metrcs [26,27]. An N-dmensonal manfold endowed wth metrc tensor g j non-symmetrc by ndces and j s the generalzed Remannan space GR N. Affne connecton coeffcents of the space GR N are Chrstoffel symbols of the second knd jk wth respect to the connecton of the metrc g j. Because jk kj, the symmetrc and antsymmetrc parts of the Chrstoffel symbol jk are defned as jk = 1 2 jk + kj and jk = 1 2 jk kj. 1.1 The ant-symmetrc part jk of the coeffcent jk s called the torson tensor of the space GR N. The Remannan space R N, endowed wth affne connecton coeffcents jk s the assocated space of the space GR N [2,23 25,28,29]. th regard to the affne connecton of Remannan space, t s defned one knd of covarant dervaton a j;k = a j,k + k a j jk a, 1.2 for a tensor a j of the type 1,1 and partal dervaton denoted by comma. Curvature tensor Rjmn of the assocated space R N s R jmn = jm,n jn,m + jm n jn m. 1.3 Ths paper s fnancally supported by Serban Mnstry of Educaton, Scence and Technologcal Development, Grant No. 174012 1

Four knds of covarant dfferentaton wth regard to affne connecton of the space GR N are [15]: a j 1 a j 3 k = a j,k + k a j jk a a j k = a j,k + k a j kj a, 1.4 2 k = a j,k + k a j kj a a j k = a j,k + k a j kj a. 1.5 There are twelve curvature tensors of the space GR N [15]. They are elements of the famly Kjmn = Rjmn +u jm;n +u jn 4 ;m +v jm n +v jn m +w mn j, 1.6 for real constants u,u,v,v,w. Fve of these curvature tensors are lnearly ndependent [16]. 1.1 Mappngs of generalzed Remannan spaces Remannan and generalzed Remannan spaces are specal affne connected spaces. e are gong to pay attenton on mappngs between generalzed Remannan spaces n ths paper. Dfferent mappngs of Remannan and generalzed Remannan spaces as well as ther nvarants have been nvestgated see [1,2,6,9 25,28,29,31]. N. S. Snyukov started the research about almost geodesc mappngs [19]. Hs work has been contnued by by J. Mkeš and hs research group see [12 14]. Snyukov [19] generalzed the term of geodescs. He nvolved the terms of almost geodesc lnes and almost geodesc mappngs of symmetrc affne connecton spaces. He founded that are three types π 1,π 2,π 3 of almost geodesc of a symmetrc affne connecton space. The terms of almost geodesc lnes and almost geodesc mappngs are generalzed n [20 22]. It s founded that there are three types and two knds of almost geodesc mappngs of a nonsymmetrc affne connecton space. Because generalzed Remannan spaces are specal nonsymmetrc affne connecton spaces, the basc equatons of an almost geodesc mappng f : GR N GR N of the thrd type and s-th knd, s = 1,2, are: jk = jk π3 : +ψ jk +ψ kj +2σ jkϕ +ξjk, s ϕ j + 1s 1 ξj ϕ = ν j ϕ +µj, 1.7 s for tensor ξ jk ant-symmetrc by ndces j and k, covarant vectors ψ j,ν j, contravarant vector ϕ and scalar functon µ. Thrd type almost geodesc mappng f has the property of recprocty f ts nverse mappng s thrd type almost geodesc mappng. In ths paper, we wll pay attenton to nvarants of equtorson thrd type almost geodesc mappngs whch satsfy the property of recprocty. 1.2 Motvaton A. Ensten was the frst scentst who appled the non-symmetrc affne connecton n the theory of gravtaton [3 5]. In hs theory, eyl projectve tensor s related to gravty. In ths paper, we wsh to generalze eyl projectve tensor as an nvarant of equtorson thrd type almost geodesc mappngs. It wll be obtaned transformaton rules of covarantly 2

dfferentated torson tensor jk under equtorson thrd type almost geodesc mappngs whch have the property of recprocty. In the next, we wll fnd famles of nvarants of these mappngs wth regard to the changes of curvature tensors Kjmn gven by the equaton 1.6. 2 Man results Let f : GR N GR N be an equtorson almost geodesc mappng of the thrd type and s-th knd s = 1,2, whch satsfes the property of recprocty. Basc equatons of ths mappng are jk π3 : = jk +ψ jk +ψ kj +2σ jkϕ, s ϕ j = ν jϕ +µj, 2.1 s for scalar functon µ, covarant vectors ψ j,ν j, contravarant vector ϕ and tensor σ jk of the type 0,2 symmetrc by ndces j and k. It s obtaned n [30] that the geometrcal objects jmn = Rjmn + j 1 1 [mn] m j;n jn +µσ jn 1 n j;m jm +µσ jm 1 σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ +σ jm nϕ σ jn mϕ, jmn = Rjmn + j 2 2 [mn] m j;n jn +µσ jn 2 n j;m jm +µσ jm 2 σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ σ jm n ϕ +σ jn m ϕ, for j and j gven by the followng equatons: 1 2 jk = 1 jk = 2 1 2 ϕ σ jk β β +σ βϕ β j +σ j ϕ β kβ +σ kβϕ β σj;k ϕ +σ jk µ+σ j ν k ϕ βkϕ β, 1 2 ϕ σ jk β β +σ βϕ β j +σ jϕ β kβ +σ kβϕ β σj;k ϕ +σ jk µ+σ j ν k ϕ + βkϕ β, 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 scalar functon µ and antsymmetrzaton wthout dvson denoted by square brackets, are nvarants of the mappng f. 3

2.1 Transformatons of covarant dervatve of torson tensor Let f : GR N GR N be an equtorson thrd type almost geodesc mappng of an s-th knd, s = 1,2, whch has the property of recprocty. Based on the equaton 1.2 and the nvarance jk = jk, we obtan that s jm;n jm;n = n jm = jm jn m mn j n jm n n m jn jn j + jn m + mn j 2.6 mn mn Because the mappng f has the property of recprocty, t s got n [30] that s.e. ψ j = ψ j and σ jk ϕ = σ jk ϕ, 2.7 jk jk = 1 j +σ j ϕ k + k +σ k ϕ j σjk ϕ j +σ j ϕ k + k +σ kϕ j +σjk ϕ. th regard to the expressons 2.6, 2.8, we obtan that t holds 2.8 p = 1,...,8, for jm;n jm ;n = σ jmn σ jmn, 2.9 p p σ jmn = 1 jm σ jmn = 2 jm n m jn j mn, 2.10 n + mϕ σ jn + jϕ σ mn 2 jm ϕ σ n + jn σ jmn = jm n m jn + jϕ σ mn 3 σ jmn = 4 jm jm n + jn n j mn + mϕ σ jn jm n mn σ jmn = jmϕ σ n m jn j 5 n jm β β + jm 2 jm n + jn m mn j ϕ σ m mn ϕ σ j, 2.11 m + jmϕ σ n + jnϕ 2.12 σ m, j + jmϕ σ n mnϕ 2.13 σ j, mn n + n jmϕ β σ β + jmϕ 2.14 σ n, 4

σ jmn = jmϕ σ n + mϕ σ jn + jϕ σ mn 6 n jm n jm β β jm ϕ β σ β jm n jn σ jmn = jmϕ σ n m jn + jϕ σ mn 7 n jm β β jn m + mn j ϕ σ n jnϕ σ m + mnϕ σ j, m 1 + σ jmn = jmϕ σ n j mn + mϕ σ jn 8 n jm β β + mn 1 j + and the correspondng σ p jmn. Let be n jm ϕ β σ β jn 2.15 ϕ σ m, 2.16 n jmϕ β σ β + mnϕ 2.17 σ j, U = jm 1 n, U = jn 2 m, U = m 3 jn, U = n 4 jm, U = j 5 mn, U = jm n, U = 6 7 jn m, U = 8 mn j, U = 9 mϕ σ jn, U = nϕ σ jm, 10 U = jϕ σ mn, U = jmϕ σ n, U = jnϕ σ m, U = mnϕ σ j, 11 12 13 14 U = 15 n jm β β, U = 16 m jn β β,u = 17 n jmϕ β σ β, U = 18 m jnϕ β σ β, U = jmϕ σ n, U = jnϕ σ m. 19 20 2.18 It holds the followng lemma: Lemma 1. Let f : GR N GR N be an equtorson thrd type almost geodesc mappng whch has the property of recprocty. a Covarant dervatves jm satsfy the equatons ;n and jm ;n of the torson tensor of the spaces GR N and GR N jm ;n = jm;n + σ jmn σ jmn = jm p p 8 20 ;n + ρ=1 θ=1 p = 1,...,8, for the correspondng real constants u ρ θ, geometrcal objects σ u ρ θ Uθ U θ, 2.19 jmn,u p θ gven by the equatons 2.10 2.18. b The rank of matrx [ u ρ ] θ,ρ = 1,...,8, s 4,.e. there are four lnearly ndependent 8 20 transformatons of the transformatons from 2.19. 5

Corollary 1. Geometrcal objects ρ T jm;n = jm;n 20 θ=1 u ρ θ U θ jmn, 2.20 ρ {1,...,8}, for the correspondng real constants u ρ θ, are nvarants of an equtorson almost geodesc mappng f : GR N GR N whch has the property of recprocty. Four of these nvarants are lnearly ndependent. 2.2 Transformatons of curvature tensors under almost geodesc mappngs Let f : GR N GR N be an equtorson almost geodesc mappng of the thrd type and s-th knd, s = 1,2, whch has the property of recprocty. From the nvarance of the geometrcal objects 1 jmn and 2 jmn gven by the equatons 2.2, 2.3, we drectly obtan that s R jmn = R jmn j 1 [mn] n m j;n 1 j;m jm +µσ jm 1 jn +µσ jn + σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ σ jm nϕ +σ jn mϕ +j 1 [mn] m j;n jn +µσ jn 1 n j;m jm +µσ jm 1 σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ +σ jm nϕ σ jn mϕ, R jmn = Rjmn j 2 [mn] m j;n jn +µσ jn 2 n j;m jm +µσ jm 2 + σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ +σ jm nϕ σ jn mϕ +j 2 [mn] m j;n jn +µσ jn 2 n j;m jm +µσ jm 2 σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ σ jm n ϕ +σ jn m ϕ. 3.1.1 3.1.2 Hence, based on these transformatons and the equaton 2.19 we establsh the followng equatons: 6

K jmn = Kjmn j 1 [mn] n m j;n 1 j;m jm +µσ jm 1 jn +µσ jn + σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ σ jm nϕ +σ jn mϕ +j 1 [mn] m j;n jn +µσ jn n 1 j;m jm +µσ jm 1 σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ +σ jm nϕ σ jn mϕ +uσ jmn +u σ jnm uσ jmn u σ jnm, p q p q K jmn = Kjmn j 2 [mn] m n j;m jm +µσ jm 2 j;n jn +µσ jn 2 + σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ +σ jm nϕ σ jn mϕ +j 2 [mn] m j;n jn +µσ jn n 2 j;m jm +µσ jm 2 σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ σ jm nϕ +σ jn mϕ +uσ jmn +u σ jnm uσ jmn u σ jnm. p q p q Based on these transformatons, we obtan that s 2.21 2.22 for p,q {1,...,8} 2 and p,q 1 jmn = jmn and p,q 1 p,q 2 jmn = jmn, p,q 2 p,q 1 jmn = K jmn + j 1 [mn] m j;n n j;m jm +µσ jm 1 1 jn +µσ jn σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ +σ jm nϕ σ jn mϕ uσ jmn u σ jnm, p q 2.23 7

p,q 2 jmn = K jmn + j 2 [mn] m j;n n j;m jm +µσ jm 2 2 jn +µσ jn σ jm;n σ jn;m σ jm σ n σ jn σ m ϕ ϕ σ jm nϕ +σ jn mϕ uσ jmn u σ jnm. p q 2.24 Theorem 1. Let f : GR N GR N be an equtorson almost geodesc mappng of the thrd type and s-th knd, s = 1,2, whch has the property of recprocty. Famles p,q 1 jmn and jmn gven by the equatons 2.23, 2.24 are famles of nvarants of mappng of the correspondng knd. Corollary 2. The famles jmn p,q s p,q 2,s = 1,2, of nvarants of an equtorson almost geodesc mappng f : GR N GR N whch has the property of recprocty and the nvarants s jmn gven by the equatons 2.2, 2.3 satsfy the equatons p,q s for p,q {1,...,8} 2. jmn = jmn uσ jmn u σ s p +u jm;n +u jn q jnm ;m +v jm n +v jn m +w mn j, 2.25 Corollary 3. The rank of matrx = [ 1 u ρ 1... u ρ 20 u u v v w ] 2.26 of the type 64 26 s equal 6,.e. there are sx lnearly ndependent famles p,q {1,...,8} 2, of nvarants gven by the equatons 2.23, 2.24. References jmn p,q s,s {1,2}, [1] V. Berezovsk, J. Mkeš, On a Classfcaton of Almost Geodesc Mappngs of Affne Connecton Spaces, Acta Unv. Palack. Olomuc, Fac. rer. nat., Mathematca 35 1996 21 24. [2] M. S. Ćrć, M. Lj. Zlatanovć, M. S. Stankovć, Lj. S. Velmrovć, On geodesc mappngs of equdstant generalzed Remannan spaces, Appled Mathematcs and Computaton 21812, 2012, 6648 6655. [3] A. Ensten, A generalzaton of the relatvstc theory of gravtaton, Ann. of. Math., 45 1945, No. 2, 576 584. 8

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