Oxazines: A New Class Of Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Switches Supporting Information
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1 Oxazines: A New Class Of Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Switches Supporting Information Pierre Beaujean, a Flavie Bondu, b Aurélie Plaquet, a Jaume Garcia-Amorós, c Janet Cusido, c Françisco M. Raymo, c,* Frédéric Castet, b,* Vincent Rodriguez, b,* and Benoît Champagne a,* a University of Namur, Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique, Unité de Chimie Physique Théorique et Structurale, rue de Bruxelles, 61, B-5000 Namur, Belgium b Université de Bordeaux, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires (ISM), UMR 5255 CNRS, Cours de la Libération 351, F Talence Cedex, France c Laboratory for Molecular Photonics, Department of Chemistry, University of Miami, 1301 Memorial Drive, Coral Gables, FL , USA c a R 2 M06-2X Table S1. Correlation [ΔE TDDFT = c x ΔE Exp. + a] between experimental maximum absorption energies and TDDFT/M06-2X vertical excitation energies for the lowest-energy band of the UV/vis absorption spectra of compounds 3, 4, 11, and 12 in their closed and protonated open forms. IEF- PCM was used to describe the solvent (chloroform) effects. The G(d) basis set was employed. S1
2 Closed (a) Open (b + ) ΔE (ev) Γ (cm -1 ) F ΔE (ev) Γ (cm -1 ) F Table S2. Characteristics of the main low-energy band of the UV/vis absorption spectra of the closed and protonated open forms in chloroform [Energies of the maximum of absorption (ΔE), full width at half maximum, Γ], and frequency dispersion factor, F = β HRS (1064)/ β HRS (1907). Closed (a) Open (b + ) Open (b) β MP2 (0) β CPHF (0) β TDHF (1907) β MP2 (1907) β MP2 (0) β CPHF (0) β TDHF (1907) β MP2 (1907) β MP2 (0) β CPHF (0) Table S3. First hyperpolarizabilities (a.u.) of the protonated open and closed forms as determined at different levels of approximation within the IEFPCM solvation model (solvent = chloroform) with the G(d) basis set together with the estimates of the MP2 dynamic first hyperpolarizabilities calculated using the multiplicative scheme. The last two columns report the static MP2 and HF first hyperpolarizabilities of the zwitterionic open forms evaluated within the IEFPCM solvation model (solvent = chloroform) and the G(d) basis set. S2
3 S 1 N S 3 O 2 N S 2 OH S 4 R 1 S 5 acid base S 1 S 3 a N S 2 S 4 R 1 O S 5 NO 2 hν S 2 S 1 N S 3 O 2 N O S 4 R 1 S 5 b b + 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a 12a S S S S S R b 5b 6b 7b 8b 9b 10b 11b 12b S S S S S R b+ 4b+ 5b+ 6b+ 7b+ 8b+ 9b+ 10b+ 11b+ 12b+ S S S S S R Table S4. Mulliken charges on the fragments of the oxazine compounds 3-12 in their closed (a) as well as photochemically- (b) and acidly-open (b + ) forms as determined at the IEF-PCM/M06/6-311G(d) level (in chloroform). S3
4 Closed (a) open (b) open (b+) static 1064nm static 1064nm static 1064nm β HRS DR β HRS DR β HRS DR β HRS DR β HRS DR β HRS DR Table S5: Static and dynamic (1064nm) hyper-rayleigh scattering first hyperpolarizabilities (!!"#, a.u.) and depolarization ratios (DR) of the closed and open forms of compounds 1-12, obtained at the IEF-PCM/TDHF/6-311+G(d) level (in chloroform). β HRS (b)/ β HRS (a) Static 1064nm β HRS (b + )/ β HRS (a) Static 1064nm Table S6: Static and dynamic (1064nm) β HRS (open)/ β HRS (closed) contrast ratios for the photo- and acido-triggered opening of compounds 1-12, as determined at the IEF-PCM/TDHF/6-311+G(d) level (in chloroform). S4
5 Normalized absorbance (arb. unit.) nm 446 nm 3a 3b + Normalized absorbance (arb. unit.) nm 421 nm 4a 4b Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) Normalized absorbance (arb. unit.) nm 610 nm 11a 11b + Normalized absorbance (arb. unit.) nm 545 nm 12a 12b Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) Figure S1. Experimental UV/vis absorption spectra of the closed and protonated open forms of 3, 4, 11, and 12 recorded in chloroform. The vertical grey line at 532 nm highlights the SHG signal wavelength. S5
6 50 HRS Intensity (a.u.) Incident Power (a.u.) 5 Calc. Exp. 5.0x x x x x10-3 C X (mol L -1 ) x10 0 Hyper Rayleigh Intensity (arb. unit) Ψ (deg.) ρ = HRS Intensity (a.u.) Incident Power (a.u.) 5 Calc. Exp x x x x10-4 C X (mol L -1 ) Figure S2. Power scan (left) and polarization scan (right) of closed (top) and protonated open (bottom) forms of 3. Hyper Rayleigh Intensity (arb. unit) Ψ (deg.) ρ = 0.87 S6
7 7 HRS Intensity (a.u.) Incident Power (a.u.) 5 Calc. Exp x x x x10-3 C X (mol L -1 ) Hyper Rayleigh Intensity (arb. unit) Ψ (deg.) ρ = HRS Intensity (a.u.) Incident Power (a.u.) 5 Calc. Exp x x x x10-3 C X (mol L -1 ) Figure S3. Power scan (left) and polarization scan (right) of closed (top) and protonated open (bottom) forms of 4. Hyper Rayleigh Intensity (arb. unit) Ψ (deg.) ρ = 0.78 S7
8 18 HRS Intensity (a.u.) Incident Power (a.u.) 5 Calc. Exp. 6.0x x x x10-4 C X (mol L -1 ) x10 0 Hyper Rayleigh Intensity (arb. unit) Ψ (deg.) ρ = HRS Intensity (a.u.) Incident Power (a.u.) 5 Calc. Exp. 1.0x x x x x10-5 C X (mol L -1 ) x10 0 Figure S4. Power scan (left) and polarization scan (right) of closed (top) and protonated open (bottom) forms of 11. Hyper Rayleigh Intensity (arb. unit) Ψ (deg.) ρ = 0.83 S8
9 9 HRS Intensity (a.u.) Incident Power (a.u.) 5 Calc. Exp. 1.0x x x x10-4 C X (mol L -1 ) x10 0 Hyper Rayleigh Intensity (arb. unit) Ψ (deg.) ρ = HRS Intensity (a.u.) Incident Power (a.u.) 5 Calc. Exp. 8.0x x x x10-5 C X (mol L -1 ) x10 0 Figure S5. Power scan (left) and polarization scan (right) of closed (top) and protonated open (bottom) forms of 12. Hyper Rayleigh Intensity (arb. unit) Ψ (deg.) ρ = 0.80 S9
10 Δq = q(b + ) - q(b) S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 R Figure S6a. Variations of the Mulliken charges from the zwitterionic to protonated open forms, Δq = q(b + ) q(b) of the oxazines (3-12) as determined at the IEF-PCM/M06/6-311G(d) level (in chloroform). S10
11 Figure S6b Spatial distribution on the S 1 -S 5 and R 1 molecular moieties of the variations of the Hirshfeld charges when opening the oxazine, as determined at the IEF-PCM/M06/6-311G(d) level (in chloroform). Top) photo-triggered opening, Δq = q(b) q(a); middle) acido-triggered opening, Δq = q(b + ) q(a) and bottom) from the photo- to the acido-triggered open forms, Δq = q(b + ) q(b). S11
12 Figure S6c Spatial distribution on the S 1 -S 5 and R 1 molecular moieties of the variations of the NPA (natural population analysis) charges when opening the oxazine, as determined at the IEF- PCM/M06/6-311G(d) level (in chloroform). Top) photo-triggered opening, Δq = q(b) q(a); middle) acido-triggered opening, Δq = q(b + ) q(a) and bottom) from the photo- to the acido-triggered open forms, Δq = q(b + ) q(b). S12
13 Figure S7(1-12).IEF-PCM (solvent= chloroform )/TDDFT/M 06-2X/6-311+G (d)uv/visabsorptionspectraofthe closed(a),photochem icaly open (b),and acidlyopen(b+)form s ofcom pounds 1-12togetherwith details (excitation energies and wavelengths,oscilatorstrengths,and m olecularorbitals involved in the m ajorsingly-excited determ inants)on dom inantlow-energy transitions. Molecule 1 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) HOMO LUMO HOMO LUMO Photochemically open (b) HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO 94.9 Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO LUMO Acidly open (b + )
14 Molecule 2 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Acidly open (b + ) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) { HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO { HOMO-2 LUMO+1 HOMO-3 LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO Photochemically open (b) HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO 83.3 Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO
15 Molecule 3 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) HOMO-2 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO Photochemically open (b) HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUIMO HOMO-1 LUMO Acidly open (b + )
16 Molecule 4 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) HOMO-2 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO Photochemically open (b) HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO Acidly open (b + )
17 Molecule 5 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) HOMO LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO-3 LUMO 71.8 Photochemically open (b) HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO-4 LUMO Acidly open (b + )
18 Molecule 6 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Acidly open (b + ) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) HOMO-1 LUMO Photochemically open (b) HOMO-3 LUMO+1 HOMO-3 LUMO HOMO LUMO { Acidly open (b + ) { HOMO-3 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO-6 LUMO
19 Molecule 7 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) HOMO-1 LUMO { Photochemically open (b) HOMO-3 LUMO+1 HOMO-3 LUMO HOMO LUMO Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO-4 LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO states of < f < in 7b Acidly open (b + )
20 Molecule 8 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Acidly open (b + ) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) HOMO LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO HOMO LUMO Photochemically open (b) { { HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO
21 Molecule 9 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Acidly open (b + ) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) { HOMO-2 LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO Photochemically open (b) HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO 55.2 Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO
22 Molecule 10 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Acidly open (b + ) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) { HOMO LUMO+1 HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO Photochemically open (b) HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO
23 Molecule 11 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) HOMO LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO { Photochemically open (b) HOMO LUMO+7 HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO LUMO Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO Acidly open (b + )
24 Molecule 12 Closed (a) Photochemically open (b) Acidly open (b + ) Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Closed (a) { HOMO-3 LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO Photochemically open (b) HOMO-1 LUMO HOMO-2 LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO-7 LUMO 43.2 Acidly open (b + ) HOMO LUMO HOMO-3 LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO
25 p-nitrophenol p-nitrophenol p-nitrophenolate Root Energy (ev) Wavelength (nm) f Transition % Neutral HOMO LUMO HOMO-3 LUMO HOMO LUMO HOMO-1 LUMO Negatively charged HOMO LUMO HOMO-4 LUMO 91.9
26 Closed (a) 1a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H C H C C C C H C H C H H N C H H H C H H H C H H C H H O C H H H C H H H a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C H H H H C S26
27 C C C C C H C C C H H S N O C H H H C H H H N O C H H H O O a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N S27
28 O O H C H C H C C C H C H H S a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H C H C H C C C S H C H H S28
29 5a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H C H C H C C C C H C H C H H N C C C C H C H C H H H C C S29
30 C C H C H C H H H a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H C C C C H C H C H H H a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C S30
31 C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H H a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C S31
32 C N O O H C H C H C C C C H C H C H H N C H H H C H H H a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O S32
33 H C H C H C C C C H C H C H H O N O a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H C H C H C C C C H S33
34 C H C H H C O H a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H C H C H C C C C H C C C H C C H H O O S34
35 N C H H C H H C H H H C H H H a, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H C H C H C C C C H C H C S35
36 H C C C C C H C H H H N C H H H Photochemically open (b) 1b, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H C H C C C C H C H C H H N C H H H C H H H C H H C H H O C H H H S36
37 C H H H b, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C H H H H C C C C C C H C C C H H S N O C H H H C H H H N O C H H H O O b, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C S37
38 H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H C H C H C C C H C H H S b, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C S38
39 N O O H C H C H C C C H H S C H b, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H C H C H C C C C H C H S39
40 C H H N C C C C H C H C H H H C C C C H C H C H H H b, IEF-PCM(chloroform)/M06/6-311G(d), E= C C C C C C C C H H H H N C H H H C H H H O C H H C C C H C H C C N O O H C S40
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Electronic Supplementary Information for: Fundamental and overtone virational spectroscopy, enthalpy of hydrogen ond formation and equilirium constant determination of the methanol-dimethylamine complex
Supporting Information
SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR: Trialkylstibine complexes of boron, aluminium, gallium and indium trihalides: synthesis, properties and bonding Victoria K. Greenacre, William Levason and Gillian Reid Chemistry,
Supporting Information. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2006
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Heterobimetallic Pd-Sn Catalysis: Michael Addition. Reaction with C-, N-, O-, S- Nucleophiles and In-situ. Diagnostics
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Supplementary materials. Mode Analysis. Matthias M. N. Wolf, Christian Schumann, Ruth Groß, Tatiana Domratcheva 1 and Rolf. Diller
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Novel electroluminescent donor-acceptors based on dibenzo[a,c]phenazine as
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for New Journal of Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2016 Novel electroluminescent donor-acceptors
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SUPPRTING INFRMATIN Per(-guanidino--deoxy)cyclodextrins: Synthesis, characterisation and binding behaviour toward selected small molecules and DNA. Nikolaos Mourtzis, a Kyriaki Eliadou, a Chrysie Aggelidou,
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Fused Bis-Benzothiadiazoles as Electron Acceptors
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LUO, Hong2Qun LIU, Shao2Pu Ξ LI, Nian2Bing
2003 61 3, 435 439 ACTA CHIMICA SINICA Vol 61, 2003 No 3, 435 439 2 ΞΞ ( 400715), 2, 2, 2, 3/ 2 2,, 2,, Ne w Methods for the Determination of the Inclusion Constant between Procaine Hydrochloride and 2Cyclodextrin
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Butadiene as a Ligand in Open Sandwich Compounds
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SUPPORTING INFORMATION TO On Two Alizarin Polymorphs by Michał K. Cyrański, a Michał H. Jamróz, b Anna Rygula, c Jan Cz. Dobrowolski, b,d Łukasz Dobrzycki *,a, and Malgorzata Baranska*,c,e a FACULTY OF
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Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for New Journal of Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2017 ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
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Malgorzata Korycka-Machala, Marcin Nowosielski, Aneta Kuron, Sebastian Rykowski, Agnieszka Olejniczak, Marcin Hoffmann and Jaroslaw Dziadek
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상대론적고에너지중이온충돌에서 제트입자와관련된제동복사 박가영 인하대학교 윤진희교수님, 권민정교수님 Motivation Bremsstrahlung is a major rocess losing energies while jet articles get through the medium. BUT it should be quite different from low energy
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Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2003 Chem. Eur. J Supporting Information. for
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