Engineering Tunable Single and Dual Optical. Emission from Ru(II)-Polypyridyl Complexes. Through Excited State Design
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1 Engineering Tunable Single and Dual Optical Emission from Ru(II)-Polypyridyl Complexes Through Excited State Design Supplementary Information Julia Romanova 1, Yousif Sadik 1, M. R. Ranga Prabhath 1,, J. David Carey 1,2 and Peter D. Jarowski 1, * 1 Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom. 2 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom. Table S1. TD-DFT/PBE0/PCM wavelengths, λ [nm] of all S 0 T n excitations above 400 nm in [Ru(bpy) 2 X] + complex ions. The theoretical results are obtained in acetonitrile by TD-DFT/PBE0 approach. 12PYAZ 13PYAZ 124PYAZ 12PZAZ 13PZAZ 124PZAZ S 0 T n T n λ T n λ T n λ T n λ T n λ T n λ
2 Romanova et al. J. Phys. Chem C 121, 2333 (2017) Supplementary Information S0S0 12PYAZ S0S0 12PZAZ S0 S0 13PYAZ S0S0 13PZAZ S0 S0 124PYAZ S0 S0 124PZAZ PZAZ-Ph 124PZAZ-Ph 124PYAZ-CH3 124PYAZ-CH (2) (7) 72.4 (2) 78.4 (4) (16) 78.0 (2) 1.446(8) 1.367(9) (8) 1.347(18) 78.6 (4) 78.2 (4) 1.451(17) 1.362(16) Figure S1. Optimized bond lengths [Å] and N-Ru-N valence angles [ ] in S0 ground states of [Ru(bpy)2X]+ complex ions (12PYAZ, 13PYAZ, 124PYAZ, 12PZAZ, 13PZAZ and 124PZAZ). Bond lengths [Å] and N-Ru-N valence angles [ ] from X-ray measurements in 124PYAZ-CH3 (Ref.49, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1990, ) and 124PZAZ-Ph (Ref.63, Dalton Trans. 2003, ). The colored dot denotes the carbon atom to which CH3 or Ph (phenyl) group is attached. The mean average error between the calculated and experimentally measured Ru-N distances can be found in Table S6 and Table S7. 2
3 Table S2. MOs and CI coefficients for S 0 T n excitations in [Ru(bpy) 2 X] + complex ions. The results are obtained in acetonitrile by TD-DFT/PBE0 approach. λ [nm] (f) T (d-π azo )-π L bpy * T (d-π azo )-π bpy R * T (d-π azo )-π azo * λ [nm] (f) T (d-π azo )-π L bpy * T (d-π azo )-π bpy R * T (d-π azo )-π azo * λ [nm] (f) T (d-π azo )-π L bpy * T (d-π azo )-π bpy R * T (d-π azo )-π azo * 12PYAZ MO involved CI coefficients PYAZ MO involved CI coefficients PYAZ MO involved CI coefficients λ [nm] (f) T (d-π azo )-π L bpy * T (d-π azo )-π bpy R * T (d-π azo )-π azo * λ [nm] (f) T (d-π azo )-π L bpy * T (d-π azo )-π bpy R * T (d-π azo )-π azo * λ [nm] (f) T (d-π azo )-π L bpy * T (d-π azo )-π bpy R * T (d-π azo )-π azo * 12PZAZ MO involved CI coefficients PZAZ MO involved CI coefficients PZAZ MO involved CI coefficients
4 Figure S2. MOs associated with S 0 T n transitions in [Ru(bpy) 2 X] + complex ions. 12PYAZ 13PYAZ 124PYAZ 12PZAZ 13PZAZ 124PZAZ LUMO+3 LUMO+3 LUMO+2 LUMO+2 LUMO+2 LUMO LUMO LUMO LUMO LUMO LUMO LUMO LUMO 128 LUMO 128 LUMO 128 LUMO 128 LUMO 128 LUMO 127 HOMO 127 HOMO 127 HOMO 127 HOMO 127 HOMO 127 HOMO 4
5 Table S3. HOMO and LUMO energies [ev] of the bpy and isolated anionic ligands (S 0 ) calculated with PBE0/6-311G* in acetonitrile. 12PYAZ 13PYAZ 124PYAZ bpy LUMO HOMO E(HOMO/LUMO) PZAZ 13PZAZ 124PZAZ LUMO HOMO E(HOMO/LUMO) Table S4. Orbital energies [ev] of the complex ions and the corresponding energy splitting. The results are for ground states (S 0 ) and are obtained with PBE0/6-311G* in acetonitrile. 12PYAZ 13PYAZ 124PYAZ LUMO+2/+3(π azo *) LUMO (π R bpy *) HOMO (d-π azo ) E(HOMO/LUMO) E(HOMO/LUMO+2/+3) PZAZ 13PZAZ 124PZAZ LUMO+2 (π azo *) LUMO (π R bpy *) HOMO (d-π azo ) E(HOMO/LUMO) E(HOMO/LUMO+2)
6 Table S5. MOs and CI coefficients for T n S 0 transitions in [Ru(bpy) 2 X] + complex ions. The λ [nm] (f) T (d-π azo )-π L bpy * T (d-π azo )-π bpy R * T (d-π azo )-π azo * T (d-π azo )-π bpy L * results are obtained in acetonitrile by TD-DFT/PBE0 approach. 12PYAZ MO involved CI coefficients PYAZ λ [nm] (f) T (d-π azo )-π L bpy * T (d-π azo )-π azo */π bpy * T (d-π azo )-π bpy L * 12PZAZ MO involved CI coefficients PYAZ T (d-π azo )-π bpy L * 124PYAZ T (d-π azo )-π bpy L * 124PZAZ T (d-π azo )-π azo */π bpy *
7 Figure S3. MOs associated with T 1 S 0 transitions in [Ru(bpy) 2 X] + complex ions. 12PYAZ 13PYAZ 124PYAZ 12PZAZ 13PZAZ 124PZAZ LUMO LUMO LUMO LUMO LUMO LUMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO 7
8 Table S6. Optimized bond lengths [Å] in S 0 ground state of 124PYAZ. Bond lengths [Å] from X-ray measurements in 124PYAZ-CH 3 (Ref.49, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1990, ); R exp(-) =R exp mean- exp Error; R exp(+) =R exp mean+ exp Error; MAE (mean average error). 124PYAZ 124PYAZ-CH 3 R th R exp(-) R exp mean R exp(+) exp Error R th -R exp(-) R th -R exp mean R th -R exp(+) Ru-N azo Ru-N py L Ru-N1 bpy L Ru-N2 bpy R Ru-N1 bpy R Ru-N2 bpy MAE th/exp Table S7. Optimized bond lengths [Å] in S 0 ground state of 124PYAZ. Bond lengths [Å] from X-ray measurements in 124PZAZ-Ph (Ref.63, Dalton Trans. 2003, ); R exp(-) =R exp mean- exp Error; R exp(+) =R exp mean+ exp Error; MAE (mean average error). 124PZAZ 124PZAZ-Ph R th R exp(-) R exp mean R exp(+) exp Error R th -R exp(-) R th -R exp mean R th -R exp(+) Ru-N azo Ru-N py L Ru-N1 bpy L Ru-N2 bpy R Ru-N1 bpy R Ru-N2 bpy MAE th/exp
9 XYZ coordinates of 12PYAZ, S
10 XYZ coordinates of 13PYAZ, S
11 XYZ coordinates of 124PYAZ, S
12 XYZ coordinates of 12PZAZ, S
13 XYZ coordinates of 13PZAZ, S
14 XYZ coordinates of 124PZAZ, S
15 XYZ coordinates of 12PYAZ, T
16 XYZ coordinates of 12PYAZ, T
17 XYZ coordinates of 12PYAZ, T
18 XYZ coordinates of 13PYAZ, T
19 XYZ coordinates of 124PYAZ, T
20 XYZ coordinates of 12PZAZ, T
21 XYZ coordinates of 12PZAZ, T
22 XYZ coordinates of 13PZAZ, T
23 XYZ coordinates of 124PZAZ, T
24 XYZ coordinates of 124PZAZ, T
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Electronic Supplementary Information
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Capture of Elusive Hydroxymethylene and its Fast Disappearance through Tunnelling Peter R. Schreiner a, Hans Peter Reisenauer a, Frank Pickard b, Andrew C. Simmonett b, Wesley D. Allen b, Edit Mátyus c
D-Glucosamine-derived copper catalyst for Ullmann-type C- N coupling reaction: theoretical and experimental study
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for RSC Advances. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 D-Glucosamine-derived copper catalyst for Ullmann-type C- N coupling reaction: theoretical
Electronic supplementary information for
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Journal of Materials Chemistry C. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 Electronic supplementary information for Highly responsive ethylenediamine
Supporting Information: Expanding the Armory: Predicting and Tuning Covalent Warhead. Reactivity.
Supporting Information: Expanding the Armory: Predicting and Tuning Covalent Warhead Reactivity. Richard Lonsdale, Jonathan Burgess, Nicola Colclough, Nichola Davies, Eva M. Lenz, Alexandra L. Orton and
Novel electroluminescent donor-acceptors based on dibenzo[a,c]phenazine as
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for New Journal of Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2016 Novel electroluminescent donor-acceptors
Supporting Information
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. This journal is the Owner Societies 2018 Supporting Information Fluorine Substituent Effect on the Stereochemistry of Catalyzed
DuPont Suva. DuPont. Thermodynamic Properties of. Refrigerant (R-410A) Technical Information. refrigerants T-410A ENG
Technical Information T-410A ENG DuPont Suva refrigerants Thermodynamic Properties of DuPont Suva 410A Refrigerant (R-410A) The DuPont Oval Logo, The miracles of science, and Suva, are trademarks or registered
Supplementary Information. Living Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactones by N-Heterocyclic Olefin/Al(C 6 F 5 ) 3
Supplementary Information Living Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactones by N-Heterocyclic Olefin/Al(C 6 F 5 ) 3 Lewis Pairs: Structures of Intermediates, Kinetics, and Mechanism Qianyi Wang, Wuchao Zhao,
1 P age. Hydrogen-abstraction reactions of methyl ethers, H 3 COCH 3-x (CH 3 ) x, x=0 2, by OH; Chong-Wen Zhou C 3
Table S1. Rotational constants and vibrational frequencies of Reactants, Complexes, Transition States and Products Computed at the MP2/6-311G(d,p) level. Species I a, I b, I c (GHZ) Frequencies (cm -1
Supporting Information
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Supporting Information: Design principles for α-tocopherol analogues
Supplementary Material for Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005 Supporting Information: Design principles for α-tocopherol analogues David Shanks,* a Håkan
Electronic Supporting Information
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Dalton Transactions. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 Electronic Supporting Information robing steric influences on electrophilic phosphonium
(1) Describe the process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube (3)
Q1. (a) A fluorescent tube is filled with mercury vapour at low pressure. In order to emit electromagnetic radiation the mercury atoms must first be excited. (i) What is meant by an excited atom? (1) (ii)
Multifunctinality and Crystal Dynamics of Highly Stable Porous Metal-Organic Framework [Zn 4 O(NTB) 2 ]
Supporting Information Multifunctinality and Crystal Dynamics of Highly Stable Porous Metal-Organic Framework [Zn 4 O(NTB) 2 ] Eun Young Lee, Seung Yeon Jang, and Myunghyun Paik Suh* School of Chemistry,
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for RSC Advances. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL-RSC Adv. Studies of molecular structure, hydrogen bonding
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Structural Trends for Selenium(IV)
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Structural Trends for Selenium(IV) Imides and Oxides: X-ray Structure of Se 3 (NAd) 2 Tiina Maaninen, Heikki M. Tuononen, Gabriele Schatte, Reijo Suontamo,
DuPont Suva 95 Refrigerant
Technical Information T-95 SI DuPont Suva refrigerants Thermodynamic Properties of DuPont Suva 95 Refrigerant (R-508B) The DuPont Oval Logo, The miracles of science, and Suva, are trademarks or registered
1 Decay Scheme. 2 Nuclear Data. 2.1 α Transitions
1 Decay Scheme Cf- disintegrates by alpha emissions mainly to the Cm-248 ground state level, and by spontaneous fission for 3,086(8) %. The average number of neutrons emitted by spontaneous fission is: