Laboratory Studies on the Irradiation of Solid Ethane Analog Ices and Implications to Titan s Chemistry
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1 Laboratory Studies on the Irradiation of Solid Ethane Analog Ices and Implications to Titan s Chemistry 5th Titan Workshop at Kauai, Hawaii April 11-14, 2011 Seol Kim
2 Outer Solar System Model Ices with Ionizing Radiation Model Ices to investigate: Ethane ( H 6 in different morphology and temperatures Ammonia (NH 3 and methane (CH 4 ice system Ammonia (NH 3 and C n H 2n+2 (n = 1-6 ice system (a Radioylsis-induced products (b Production rates and yields (c Astrophysical implications (radiative transfer (1 Kim et al. ApJ 711, 744 (2010 (2 Kim & Kaiser ApJ 729, 68 (2011
3 Outer Solar System Model Ices with Ionizing Radiation Model Ices to investigate: Ethane ( H 6 in different morphology and temperatures Ammonia (NH 3 and methane (CH 4 ice system Ammonia (NH 3 and C n H 2n+2 (n = 1-6 ice system (a Radioylsis-induced products (b Production rates and yields (c Astrophysical implications (radiative transfer (1 Kim et al. ApJ 711, 744 (2010 (2 Kim & Kaiser ApJ 729, 68 (2011
4 Radiolysis-Driven Processing of Saturn s Satellites Enceladus Titan Cooper et al. Planet. Space. Sci. (2009 Lorenz et al. Geophys. Res. Lett. (2008
5 Laboratory Simulation: GCR-Induced Secondary Electrons 100 na, 1 hr: Fluence of electrons cm -2
7 Electron Trajectories and Energy Loss: CASINO Code Probability Tranmitted Energy (kev NH 3 C n H 2n+2 (n = 1 6 Ices E trans (5 kev: 4.53 kev Linear Energy Transfer: 470 ev/129 nm or 3.6 kev/µm Radiation Dose: 3.8 ev molecule -1 (20 min, 1 µa
8 Infrared Spectra of Ethane ( H 6 Ice at 10 K Wavelength (µm Wavelength (µm ν Absorbance ν 5 ν 8 +ν 11 Absorbance ν 11 ν ν ν 2 +ν Wavenumber (cm -1 Wavenumber (cm -1 Thermally Amorphous Crystalline II Radiolytically
9 Phase Reversibility of Solid Ethane ( H 6 Thermally Wavelength (µm Radiolytically Wavelength (µm Absorbance K 28 K Absorbance after Irradiation at 30 K K Wavenumber (cm -1 Before Irradiation at 30 K Wavenumber (cm -1
10 Flux-Dependent Product Formation at 10 K Wavelength (µm ν 3 ( H 2 ν 3 (CH Wavelength (µm ν 9 ( H H 4 Absorbance na 20 na ν 10 ( H 5 Absorbance na H 8 CH4 H 8 H 8 H 4 H 2 H na na na Wavenumber (cm Wavenumber (cm -1 Major Products: Ethylene( H 4 and Butane ( Others: Ethyl Radical ( H 5, Acetylene ( H 2, Methane (CH 4, and Butene ( H 8
11 Ion Current Profiles during Warm-Up Phases Ethane (m/z=30 Blank 100 na Emission Currents (a E-7 (b E-7 1E-8 m/z = 30 1E-8 m/z = 30 1E-9 1E-9 Current (A 1E-10 1E-11 Current (A 1E-10 1E-11 1E-12 m/z = 16 1E-12 m/z = 16 1E-13 1E-13 m/z = Temperature (K Fragment due to EI ionization Temperature (K Product ion currents of methane (CH 4+ and butane ( + monitored
12 Temperature and Phase-dependent Yield CH 4 Temperature, K Amorphous 10 Crystalline 10 Crystalline 30 Crystalline 50 (1.5±0.2E15 (1.5±0.2E15 (1.4±0.3E15 (1.4±0.3E15 Solid Phase IR Column Density, molecule cm -2 Normalized, % Ion Charge, C (13.0±0.3E-10 (12.1±0.3E-10 (11.1±0.3E-10 (9.7±0.3E-10 Gas Phase QMS Normalized, % Amorphous 10 (9.9±1.4E (5.8±0.0E Crystalline 10 (9.2±1.7E15 93 (4.1±0.0E Crystalline 30 (7.6±1.4E15 77 (3.5±0.3E Crystalline 50 (6.3±1.1E15 64 (4.0±0.3E (Fluence of electrons cm -2 impinging on (1.3±0.1E17 molecules cm -2
13 Kinetic Model and Column Density Fits H 6 column density, cm E E E E E+017 H 6 10 K H 6 10 K H 6 30 K H 6 50 K 1.00E+017 CH 4 CH E E E+015 H 5 H 5 H 5 H 5 k 2 k 4 H 6 k 3 H 5 column density, cm E E E E+014 k E E+016 H 4 H 4 H 4 H 4 H 2 k 12 k 6 H 5 k 5 H k 7 H 2 column density, cm E E E E E H 2 H 8 H 4 H/H 2 k 8 H 4 column density, cm E E E+014 H 2 H 2 H 2 H E+014 H 3 H k E E+015 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 k 9 H 2 H/H 2 CH 4 column density, cm E E E E+000 X k 11 column density, cm E E E E E E H + H 6 k 13 C2 H 5 + H 2 H 8 column density, cm E E E+014 H 8 H 8 H 8 H E E Kim et al. ApJ 711, 744 (2010 time, minutes time, minutes time, minutes time, minutes
14 Energy Deposition of Titan Surface (ev cm -2 sec -1 4E-8 1E-8 solar min solar max Ground Level Scalar Muons (cm 2 sec MeV -1 1E-9 1E-10 1E-11 1E-12 1E-13 1E-14 π Φ = 2π 0 d(cosθ ψ ( Θ Φ( E Ed( E 0 1E Energy (GeV/Muon Lorenz et al. (2008 Energy flux (MeV cm -2 sec -1 Particle Solar minimum Solar maximum Muon Muon Gamma-ray Keran O Brien - NAU
15 Radiative Transfer to Titan Surface: Methane (CH 4 and Butane ( Production Rates Laboratory: ev cm -2 2E16 2E16 1/125 yrs 1E16 1E16 Column Density (cm -2 Titan Surface: 46 MeV cm -2 s -1 CH 4 Butane ( : kg cm -2 s -1 1E15 5E14 1E15 5E Temperature (K Methane (CH 4 : kg cm -2 s -1
16 Radiolysis-Induced Cyanide (CN - Formation at 10 K Wavelength (µm A ν 3 (NH 3 2ν 4 ν 1 NH 3 CH 4 NH 3 C n H 2n+2 (n = 1 6 ν 3 (CH 4 ν 4 (CH 4 a: ν 1 (CH 4 b: ν 2 +ν 4 (CH 4 c: 2ν 4 (CH 4 ν 4 (NH 3 ν 2 (NH Wavelength (µm B ν 3 (NH 3 2ν 4 ν 1 ν as (-CH 3 ν as (-CH 2 - ν s (-CH 3 δ as (-CH 3 δ(-ch 2 - ν 4 (NH 3 ν 2 (NH 3 δ s (-CH 3 a: H 6 ρ(-ch 2 - Absorbance d,e,f,g,h: H 6 a b c Absorbance a ν 3 (CH d e f δ(nh 2 ν 2 (CH ν 4 (CH 4 δ(nh 2 a: H 6 ω(=ch 2 g CN - h Wavenumber (cm -1 CN Wavenumber (cm -1 a
17 Temporal Evolution of CN - at 10 K 8.00E+015 A B C Scheme 6.00E µa 4.00E+015 A C Scheme column density, cm E E E E µa k 1 A NH 3 / C n H 2n+2 ; n =1-6 NH 3 / CH 4 -H -H NH 2 / CH E+015 k B: CH 3 NH E E time, minutes k 2 C -2H/H 2 CH 2 NH +Ba -2H/H 2 -HBa + CN -
18 Methylamine (CH 3 NH 2 Formation via Radical-Radical Recombination during Warm-up Gas Phase Wavelength (µm A Solid Phase (113 K 1E-7 1E-9 1E-11 A 1E-13 1E-7 B m/z=17 m/z=30 m/z=31 Absorbance CH 3 NH ν 3 (MA ν 12 /ν 5 (MA Wavenumber (cm -1 Kim & Kaiser ApJ 729, 68 (2011 Current (A 1E-9 1E-11 1E-13 1E-7 1E-9 1E-11 1E-13 1E-7 1E-9 1E-11 m/z=17 30,31 C m/z=30 D m/z=17 30,31 1E Temperature (K
19 Aminoacetonitrile (NH 2 CH 2 CN Production in Sgr B2(N Constrain the formation mechanism of Aminoacetonitrile (NH 2 CH 2 CN on Icy grains: Strecker-type synthesis CH 2 =NH + CN - + HBase + NH 2 CH 2 CN + Base vs. Radiolysis at as low as 10 K CH 2 =NH / H CN CH 2 =NH / H + CN CH 2 NH 2 / CN NH 2 CH 2 CN k 1 A NH 3 / C n H 2n+2 ; n =1-6 NH 3 / CH 4 -H -H NH 2 / CH 3 k Miao et al k 2 B: C CH 3 NH 2-2H/H 2 CH 2 NH +Ba -2H/H 2 -HBa + CN -
20 Acknowledgements
Table S1. Summary of data collections and structure refinements for crystals 1Rb-1h, 1Rb-2h, and 1Rb-4h.
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UNIVERSAL speed of light in vacuum c, c 0 299 792 458 m s 1 exact magnetic constant µ 0 4π 10 7 N A 2 = 12.566 370 614... 10 7 N A 2 exact electric constant 1/µ 0 c 2 ɛ 0 8.854 187 817... 10 12 F m 1 exact
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Supporting Information (SI) Heterobimetallic Pd-Sn Catalysis: Michael Addition Reaction with C-, N-, -, S- Nucleophiles and In-situ Diagnostics Debjit Das, a Sanjay Pratihar a,b and Sujit Roy c * a rganometallics
«Σχηματισμός αμυλοειδούς-τύπου πρωτεϊνών και επασβέστωση της αορτικής βαλβίδας»
«Σχηματισμός αμυλοειδούς-τύπου πρωτεϊνών και επασβέστωση της αορτικής βαλβίδας» Ιωάννης Μαμαρέλης 1, Ε. Κουτουλάκης 2, Χρ. Κωτούλας 3, Β. Δρίτσα 4, Β. Μαμαρέλη 5, Ι. Αναστασοπούλου 4,6 1 Καρδιολογική Κλινική,
FEATURE Operating Temperature: -55 ~ +155 C 3 Watts power rating in 1 Watt size, 1225 package High purity alumina substrate for high power dissipation Long side terminations with higher power rating PART
Facile construction of the functionalized 4H-chromene via tandem. benzylation and cyclization. Jinmin Fan and Zhiyong Wang*
Facile construction of the functionalized 4H-chromene via tandem benzylation and cyclization Jinmin Fan and Zhiyong Wang* Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Science at Microscale, Joint- Lab of Green
Efficient and Simple Zinc mediated Synthesis of 3 Amidoindoles
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for rganic and Biomolecular Chemistry SUPPRTIG IFRMATI Efficient and Simple Zinc mediated Synthesis of 3 Amidoindoles Anahit Pews-Davtyan and Matthias Beller* Leibniz-Institut
C121. External Dimensions (L W) (mm) 0603 [0201] [0402] [0603] [0805]
Multilayer Chip SDV Series Operating Temp. : -55 ~+125 FEATURES SMD type suitable for high density mounting Excellent clamping ratio and quick response time (
1 h, , CaCl 2. pelamis) 58.1%, (Headspace solid -phase microextraction and gas chromatography -mass spectrometry,hs -SPME - Vol. 15 No.
2 0 1 5 7 Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology Vol. 15 No. 7 Jul. 2 0 1 5 1,2 1 1 1 1* ( 1 315211 2 315502) : ( ) : (E-Nose), - : GC-MS, 20.98% 2.5%, 53.15% 11.2%, 0. 51% 71.86%
Phosphorus Oxychloride as an Efficient Coupling Reagent for the Synthesis of Ester, Amide and Peptide under Mild Conditions
Supplementary Information for Phosphorus xychloride as an Efficient Coupling Reagent for the Synthesis of Ester, Amide and Peptide under Mild Conditions u Chen,* a,b Xunfu Xu, a Liu Liu, a Guo Tang,* a
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Supplementary Material
Supplementary Material Control experiments S2 Characterization data for the products S2-S7 References S8 MR spectra for the products S9-S28 S1 Control experiments 2a (99.5 mg, 0.5 mmol), I 2 (50.8 mg,
Spindle Production Department
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38 Te(OH) 6 2NH 4 H 2 PO 4 (NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4
Fig. A-1-1. Te(OH) NH H PO (NH ) HPO (TAAP). Projection of the crystal structure along the b direction [Ave]. 9 1. 7.5 ( a a )/ a [1 ] ( b b )/ b [1 ] 5..5 1.5 1 1.5 ( c c )/ c [1 ].5 1. 1.5. Angle β 1.
Supporting Information. Introduction of a α,β-unsaturated carbonyl conjugated pyrene-lactose hybrid
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for RSC Advances. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 16 Supporting Information Introduction of a α,β-unsaturated carbonyl conjugated pyrene-lactose hybrid
Σύγχρονες Τεχνικές Λέιζερ στον Έλεγχο της Λειτουργικότητας Συνθετικών Μονωτήρων Προκλήσεις και Προοπτικές
Σύγχρονες Τεχνικές Λέιζερ στον Έλεγχο της Λειτουργικότητας Συνθετικών Μονωτήρων Προκλήσεις και Προοπτικές Ο. Κοκκινάκη, Α. Κλίνη, Γ. Κατσοπρινάκης, Δ. Σοφικίτης, Κ. Καλπούζος, Δ. Άγγλος Ινστιτούτο Ηλεκτρονικής
The mass and anisotropy profiles of nearby galaxy clusters from the projected phase-space density
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Optimizing Microwave-assisted Extraction Process for Paprika Red Pigments Using Response Surface Methodology
2012 34 2 382-387 http / /xuebao. jxau. edu. cn Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis E - mail ndxb7775@ sina. com 212018 105 W 42 2 min 0. 631 TS202. 3 A 1000-2286 2012 02-0382 - 06 Optimizing
2. Laser Specifications 2 1 Specifications IK4301R D IK4401R D IK4601R E IK4101R F. Linear Linear Linear Linear
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Supporting Information
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Switching of the Photophysical Properties of. Bodipy-derived Trans Bis(tributylphosphine) Pt(II) bisacetylide Complexes with Rhodamine
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Dalton Transactions. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Electronic Supplementary Information for: Switching of the Photophysical Properties
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The effect of curcumin on the stability of Aβ. dimers
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ΦΙΛΙΚΗ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝ ΧΗΜΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΚΥΚΛΩΣΗ ΦΙΑΛΩΝ ΑΠΟ ΡΕΤ ΜΕ ΧΡΗΣΗ ΜΙΚΡΟΚΥΜΑΤΩΝ ηµήτρης Σ. Αχιλιάς*, Γεωργία Π. Τσίντζου, Αλέξανδρος Κ. Νικολαϊδης, Γιώργος Π. Καραγιαννίδης Εργαστήριο Οργανικής Χηµικής
Lewis Acid Catalyzed Propargylation of Arenes with O-Propargyl Trichloroacetimidate: Synthesis of 1,3-Diarylpropynes
Supporting Information for Lewis Acid Catalyzed Propargylation of Arenes with O-Propargyl Trichloroacetimidate: Synthesis of 1,3-Diarylpropynes Changkun Li and Jianbo Wang* Beijing National Laboratory