Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 3, U CP. (P < 0101) ; U CP 2 m RNA , R T 2PCR

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1 ISSN CN gQ 16 3 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 3, (,, ) (U CP1, 2, 3), R T 2PCR U CP 1, 2, 3 m RNA U CP 1. U CP 2, 3, U CP 2 ; U CP3 U CP1, 3 m RNA (P < 0101) ; U CP 2 m RNA, (P < 0105) ; U CP3 48 h, U CP 2, 3, U CP s U CP s, U CP s U CP3 (P < 0105) U CP s ; U CP s ; U CP s U CP s, 2,,,,, 2, R T 2PCR Q 51 Regula tory Effects of Fa sting and In sulin on Expression of Uncoupling Prote in-1, 2, 3 Genes J IN Jun2hua, ZHAN G T ie2m ei, ZHAN G En2yi,L I Y i (K ey L aboratory of Geriatrics, B eij ing Institute of Geriatrics, B eij ing H osp ital, M inistry of H ealth of P. R. China, B eij ing , China) Abstract In o rder to investigate the effects of fasting (overn igh t and 48 hou rs) and in su lin on exp ression of uncoup ling p ro tein (U CP) 1, 2 and 3 genes, U CP1, 2 and 3 m RNA levels w ere ob2 served by reverse tran scrip tion g g po lym erase chain reaction (R T 2PCR ) assay in in terscapular b row n adipo se tissue (BA T ), periep ididym al w h ite adipo se tissue (W A T ) and gastrocnem iu s of rats. U CP 1 gene w as exp ressed exclu sively in BA T. U CP2 and 3 genes w ere exp ressed in these th ree types of tissues w hereas m RNA levels of U CP2 and U CP3 w ere rich in W A T and in skeletal m u scle respectively. U CP 1 and U CP 3 m RNA levels w ere decreased (P < 0101) in BA T bu t U CP 2 m RNA level w as increased in th ree types of tissues by overn igh t fasting. U CP3 gene exp ression w as no t influenced in W A T and skeletal m u scle by fasting. P ro longing fasting tim e to 48 hou rs, U CP s m RNA levels in all tissues w ere up regu lated to the sam e as o r over con tro l group excep t 3 (A ) 3 3 Tel: (010) , Fax: (010) , E2m ail: tm zhang@cenpok. net,, , : , :

2 3 : U CP2, 3 m RNA levels that w ere decreased in BA T. In su lin up regu lated U CP s gene exp ression in BA T,W A T and skeletalm u scle (P < 0105). U CP s gene exp ression of rats show ed tissue specifici2 ty. T he differen t exp ression of U CP s gene induced by fasting fim e suggests that the function of sub types of U CP s m ay p lay differen t ro les in energy m etabo lism regu lation. T hese resu lts have al2 so p rovided basis fo r fu rther understanding of the relation sh ip betw een diet2therm ogen sis and body w eigh t regu lation, and the association w ith disease and body w eigh t2m etabo lism equ ilib ri2 um. Key words U ncoup ling p ro tein, Fasting, In su lin,o besity, T ype 2 diadetes, R T 2PCR (uncoup ling p ro tein s, U CP s) U CP s,, 1, A T P,, 111 A T P,,U CP s : W istar 14 ( 8 U CP1, (BA T ), RNA TR Izo l [ 1 ] G IBCO, BA T P rom ega U CP2 112 U CP3, : (1) (n= U CP2 U CP3 3), ; (2) (n= 3),, U CP2 U CP3 5 8, ; (3) 73%, U CP1 59% 57%,U CP2 3 8, (1 IU g,,, ), 4 h ; (4) 48 h (n U CP2 3 U CP1 = 4), 8 2 d 8, [ 2, 3 ], (w h ite adipo se tissues, U CP s W A T ) (b row n adipo se tissues, BA T ) ( skeletal U CP2 m u scle, SM ) 100 m g, RNA, 2 [ 4 U CP3 ] U CP s RNA : G IBCO RNA, 100 m g, U CP s RNA 50 g, A 260g A S 18S, RNA U CP s U CP s 9, 200 g ), (n= 4), : U CP1 U CP2 Β2, actin U CP3 [ 1 3 ] U CP s cdna, Cybercyn T ab le 1 U CP s, R T 2PCR: RNA 10 g

3 396 16, U CP1 Β2actin o ligo (dt ), U CP2 U CP3 3 (an ti2sen se), g RNA M 2M L v 80 U, 75 l, 37 2 h, 5140 mu gl ), 48 h cdna ; PCR 410 l, 64% (P < 0105) 83% (P < 300 nm o lgl, T aq DNA 0101), 215 U, 50 l, PCR 92 (T ab le 2) 45 s, 55 1 m in, 72 1 m in, 35 Table 2 P lasm a gluco se and insulin levels in four group s of Table 1 DNA sequences of U CP1,U CP2,U CP3 and Β2actin gene p rim ers N am e P rim ers L ength of PCR p roducts U CP1 5 2GT GA GT TCGA CAA CT TCC GAA GT G23 Sense 620 bp 5 2CA T GA GGTCA TA T GTCA C CA GCTC23 U CP2 5 2AA CA GT TCTA CA CCAA GG GC23 Sense 479 bp 5 2A GCA T GGTAA GGGCA CA G T G23 U CP3 5 2GGA CTA CCA CCT GCTCA C T G23 Sense 302 bp 5 2CCCGTAA CA TCTGGA CTT T 23 Β2actin 5 2T T GTAA CCAA CT GGGA CG A TA T GG23 Sense 650 bp 5 2GA TCTTGA TCTTCA TGGT GCTA GG23 (P < 0101) (T ab le 2) 212 (2413 rats Gluco se (mmo lgl ) Insulin (mu gl ) Standard fed (contro l) (n= 3) overnigh t fasting (n= 3) overnigh t fasting + insulin (n= 4) 48 h fasting (n= 4) Compared w ith contro l. 3 P < P < PCR U CP1, 2, 3 cdna, U CP1 H ind g 505, 115 bp U CP2 Sm a g 335, 145 bp U CP3 H p a g 219, 83 bp R T 2PCR 2%, (F ig. 1), PCR : PCR, 2% DNA m RNA : Im agem aster VD S 310 ( ) R T 2PCR Β2actin R T 2PCR A 100%, A g A Β2actin m RNA : ; : x θ s, t 2 F ig. 1 Restriction endonuclease m ap of U CP s PCR p rod UCP1 m RNA 48 h U CP1 ( (F ig. 2A ) mm o lgl ) 55% 73% 15%, U CP1 m RNA ucts 1, 21U CP2 PCR p roduct digested w ithout o r w ith Sm a g ; 31PCR m arker; 4, 5. U CP3 PCR p roduct digested w ithout o r w ith H p a g ; 6, 7. U CP1 PCR p roduct digested w ithout o r w ith H ind g

4 3 : % (P < 0101), 48 h (P < 0101), ; U CP1 m RNA, U CP2 84% 99% (P < m RNA (P < 0105), 0101) (F ig. 2B ) 215 UCP2 m RNA 216 UCP3 m RNA U CP2 U CP3, U CP2 m RNA, U CP3 m RNA (F ig. 2A ), U CP2 m RNA, 48 h U CP3, 48h, U CP2 m RNA, U CP3 63% 65% (P < 0101) ; m RNA (P < 0105), U CP2 m RNA ( U CP3 25% 18% (P <, ) 0105),, 48 h U CP2 m RNA (P < 0105), 48 h 23% 28% (P < 0105), ; ; U CP2 m RNA 26% (P < 0101),, U CP3 m RNA, 48 h U CP3 m RNA U CP2 m RNA 34% 28% (F ig. 2C) (F ig. 2A ), U CP3, U CP3, 17% 19% (P < 0101) (F ig. 2D ) F ig. 2 U CP sgβ2actin mrna ratio of WA T, BA T and m uscle in rats of four group s w h ich are fed standard diet (contro l), overnight fasting (O F), overnight fasting w ith insulin adm inistration (O F+ Ins) and fasting fo r 48 hours (48hF) (A )Rep resentative bands of U CP s by RT2PCR; (B)U CP1gΒ2actin mrna ratio; (C)U CP2gΒ2actin mrna ratio; (D )U CP3gΒ2actin mrna ratio 3 P < 0105, 3 3 P < 0101, compared w ith contro l; + P < 0101, compared w ith O F

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Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep , 1 [7 ] ,, 2 ,, 1 85% [1 4 ], [ ]

Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep , 1 [7 ] ,, 2 ,, 1 85% [1 4 ], [ ] 33 9 () V o l. 33 N o. 9 2005 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2005 60 Co Χ Ξ,,, (, 712100) [ ] 3 60 Co Χ, 3,, 60 Co Χ, Χ, ; 60 Co Χ,,,, ;, 60 Co Χ, 3,

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Postna ta l D evelopm en ta l Expression of Phosphoprote in s in Synaptosom e

Postna ta l D evelopm en ta l Expression of Phosphoprote in s in Synaptosom e 14 1 V o l114,n o11 1998 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Feb 1998 3 (, 100875),,, (PND ) 3 d 7 d 21 d,, ; PND 21d, :,,, Postna ta l D evelopm en ta l Expression of Phosphoprote

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(P seudo rab ies, PR ) (A u jeszky, s D isease, AD ), (Pesuderab ies viru s, PRV )

(P seudo rab ies, PR ) (A u jeszky, s D isease, AD ), (Pesuderab ies viru s, PRV ) 34 9 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 9 2006 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2006 W G Ξ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 (1, 712100; 2, 723600) [ ]ge2el ISA 6 187 (P seu2 do rabies

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Investiga tion on L ipoprote in (a) Receptor in the M em brane of M onkey L iver Cells

Investiga tion on L ipoprote in (a) Receptor in the M em brane of M onkey L iver Cells ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 1 Ch in J B iochem M o l B io l 2000, V o l 16, N o 1, 96 100 2000 2 (a) 3 (, 310009; 3, 030001) SD S2PA GE, LDL LDL L p (a) PL G 3, 370 kd 290 kd 80 kd, L p (a) + PL G L

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1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42,

1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42, 1998, 18 (1): 17 A cta T heriolog ica S inica Ξ (,, 210097), 3,, 3 C (O dum, 1983), 0 2, 24 11 3 R 0 Κ1, rm 0,, ; ; ; ;, (Sh i2 rak ihara, 1993; Gao, 1993)Gao (1993) 3 56,, (, 1995),, 3,, 1974 229, 86,

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Parts Manual. Trio Mobile Surgery Platform. Model 1033

Parts Manual. Trio Mobile Surgery Platform. Model 1033 Trio Mobile Surgery Platform Model 1033 Parts Manual For parts or technical assistance: Pour pièces de service ou assistance technique : Für Teile oder technische Unterstützung Anruf: Voor delen of technische

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Con struction and B ioactiv ity of Cys57 M utan t of Human In testina l Trefo il Factor

Con struction and B ioactiv ity of Cys57 M utan t of Human In testina l Trefo il Factor ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 5 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 5, 606 611 2000 10 57 3 (,, 100871) PCR C 57 h IT F pgex24t 21, IT PG, Glu tath ione2sepharo se 4B, Sephacryl S

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IRBB 4 (Xa24) IRBB 7 (Xa27) IRBB 21 (Xa221) 6

IRBB 4 (Xa24) IRBB 7 (Xa27) IRBB 21 (Xa221) 6 J ou rna l of N anj in ricu ltu ra l U n iversity Ξ F 1 (, 210095) 12 7 10 : Xa24 xa25 Xa27 xa213 Xa221 5 3 I 4 (Xa24) I 7 (Xa27) I 21 (Xa221) 6 5, F 1 KS266 ZJ2173, Xa27 Xa221 F 1, Xa24 F 1 Xa27 Xa221

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Quan tif ica tion of Polym era se Cha in Reaction Products Using Solid Pha se Hybr id iza tion-enzym e Color im etr ic D etection

Quan tif ica tion of Polym era se Cha in Reaction Products Using Solid Pha se Hybr id iza tion-enzym e Color im etr ic D etection 14 2 V o l114,n o12 1998 4 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy A p ṙ 1998 3 - (, 100044),,,, 125 g, :,,, Quan tif ica tion of Polym era se Cha in Reaction Products Using Solid

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China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. O ct., 2005

China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.  O ct., 2005 23 10( 142) V ol. 23, N o. 10 200510 System s Engineering O ct., 2005 100124098 (2005) 1020081205 Ξ 1, 2, 1 2, (1., 710049; 21, 266033),,,,,,,, ; ; F224. 32 A 20 6070 [1, 2 ], 1, 1. 1, (1) T = {1, 2},

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D NA , ) SCGE DNA. 14 5 V o l114,n o15 1998 10 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy O cṫ 1998 SCGE D NA (, (, 030006) 030006) (SCGE) ; SCGE Χ DNA, Χ DNA, :,DNA,, Pr inc iple and M ethod of the Single

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TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004 , P I2. , 120 M Pa, P I. 6 mm 7 mm 30 mm [7, 8 ] mm,. JSM 25600LV 1. 1 (EDXA ).

TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004 , P I2. , 120 M Pa, P I. 6 mm 7 mm 30 mm [7, 8 ] mm,. JSM 25600LV 1. 1 (EDXA ). 24 6 V o l 24, N o 6 2004 11 TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004,,, (, 730000) : MM 2200 (PT FE) M os2 (P I) GC r15, X P I, PT FE M os2 P I, P I+ 30%M os2, P I 50%. P I+ 10% PT FE+ 20%M os2, P I, P I+ 20% PT FE+ 10%M

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(M u ltidrug resistance, M DR )

(M u ltidrug resistance, M DR ) V o l. 26 N o. 8 2 0 0 5 8 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1446 1450 1, 1, 2 (1., 132013; 2., 130023) V CR Bel27402 M DR,.,, V CR. Bel27402, V CR, V CR G2, P2170, M DR 1gmRNA, Topo gαmrna.

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A ( SPA ) Su lfo succin im idyl 62[ 3 2( 22pyridyldith io ) p rop ionam ido ]hexanoate (Su lfo2l C2SPD P) C E2m ail: w

A ( SPA ) Su lfo succin im idyl 62[ 3 2( 22pyridyldith io ) p rop ionam ido ]hexanoate (Su lfo2l C2SPD P) C E2m ail: w V o l. 25 N o. 1 2 0 0 4 1 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 44 49 -C 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 (1., 400038; 2., 400032; 3. 26, 400060) A T 10M H z, C, 2 5 2C.. 215 16010 m IU gl C 01375 1210 nggml,

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Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity

Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity 2006, 26 (1): 87 92 Journal of T riticeae C rop s Ξ,,,,, ( g, 225009) : 6,,,,,,, : ; ; ; ; : S 512. 1; S 318 : A : 100921041 (2006) 0120087206 Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects

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IL - 13 /IL - 18 ELISA PCR RT - PCR. IL - 13 IL - 18 mrna. 13 IL - 18 mrna IL - 13 /IL Th1 /Th2

IL - 13 /IL - 18 ELISA PCR RT - PCR. IL - 13 IL - 18 mrna. 13 IL - 18 mrna IL - 13 /IL Th1 /Th2 344 IL - 13 /IL - 18 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 13 18 IL - 13 /IL - 18 10% / OVA /AL OH 3 5% 16 ~ 43 d 44 d ELISA BALF IL - 13 IL - 18 PCR RT - PCR IL - 13 IL - 18 mrna IL - 13 mrna 0. 01 IL - 18 mrna 0.

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Human In sulin- like Growth Factorg in M ethylotroph ic Y ea st P. p astoris

Human In sulin- like Growth Factorg in M ethylotroph ic Y ea st P. p astoris 15 6 1999 12 V o l. 15,N o. 6 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy D ec., 1999 g P. p astoris 3 (, 100005), : 5 IGF2g ; ; Α P. p astoris, IGF2g ;, 60 m ggl P. p astoris rh IGF2g,,N

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N 120 kgghm 2, m (N ) m (P 2O 5) m (K 2O ) = ,

N 120 kgghm 2, m (N ) m (P 2O 5) m (K 2O ) = , 34 11 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 11 2006 11 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) N ov. 2006 α 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3 (1, 450002; 2, 610000; 3, 409600) [],,, 3 6 25 62 252

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Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 6,

Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 6, ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 6 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 6, 814 819 2000 12 3 RNA 3 3 (, 200032) upa R RNA pu RA S M DA 2M B 2231, G418 N o rthern upa R RNA, R T 2PCR upa

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(H ipp op hae rham noid es L. ) , ; SHB 2g , 1. 0, 2. 0, 3. 0, 4. 0, 5. 0 ml mm. : Y = X - 0.

(H ipp op hae rham noid es L. ) , ; SHB 2g , 1. 0, 2. 0, 3. 0, 4. 0, 5. 0 ml mm. : Y = X - 0. 34 10 () V o l. 34 N o. 10 2006 10 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) O cṫ 2006 Ξ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2 (1, 712081; 2, 712100; 3, 123000) [ ],,, : V ( ) V ( 95% ) =

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DY NAM IC CHANGE OF EP ID ERM AL STEM CELL S IN THE WOUND HEAL ING COURSE OF D IABETIC RATSg 693 (diabetes m ellitus, DM ) (ep iderm al stem cells, ESC s), ESC s DM 48 W istar,, 180 200 g DM, 24 DM DM 115 cm 118 cm 2154 cm 2 ( 96 ), 3 7 14 21, ;, H E 19 (keratin 19, K19) Β1, 3 7 14 21, 24148%

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CHEM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES , 20% 30%. . ( A spart pv K100. :

CHEM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES , 20% 30%. . ( A spart pv K100. : V ol. 25 N o. 6 2 0 0 4 6 CHEM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 10601064 [B10Glu, B24-A sp-b25 ],,, (,, 100871) PCR, B B 10 H is Glu, B 24 B 25 A sp, [B 10Glu, B 242A sp2b 25 ]. pbv 220, DH

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Stud ies on Chem ica l Con stituen ts and M orpholog ica l Characters of the Fruits of Seven Labia tae Plan ts

Stud ies on Chem ica l Con stituen ts and M orpholog ica l Characters of the Fruits of Seven Labia tae Plan ts 2003, 21 (3): 276 280 J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch 7 1, 2, 1 1, Ξ (1., 361005; 2., 350007) : ; ; ; ; ; : Q 946; Q 949. 777. 6 : A : 10002470X (2003) 0320276205 Stud ies on Chem ica l Con

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(M ed icag o sa tiva L. )

(M ed icag o sa tiva L. ) 33 8 ( ) V o l. 33 N o. 8 2005 8 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A ug. 2005 Ξ,,,,,,,, (, 266109) [ ] (CF) (Ca) (P), 3 8, 8, 6, 61. 5, 101. 0, 136. 0, 170. 5,

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: H IV. Screen ing of 1F7 Id iotyp ic An ti-gp160 An tibod ies from Phage An tibody L ibrary

: H IV. Screen ing of 1F7 Id iotyp ic An ti-gp160 An tibod ies from Phage An tibody L ibrary 14 1 V o l114,n o11 1998 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Feb 1998 H IV-1 gp 160 2) 1) 1) 1) 3) (, 100850; 2), 100071; 3), 130062) : H IV m RNA, IgG Fd Fab, pcom b3, XL

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, 4, 6, 8 m in; 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% 100% 15, 30, 45, 60, s V c

, 4, 6, 8 m in; 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% 100% 15, 30, 45, 60, s V c 32 6 ( ) V o l. 32 N o. 6 2004 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) June 2004 Vc Ξ 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3 (1, 712100; 2, 450002; 3, 453003) [ ], V c, V c, V c ; V c,

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A (GPA ), (Perco ll) A, Gene Express ion of Erythrocyte M em brane Glycophor in A in N IDDM

A (GPA ), (Perco ll) A, Gene Express ion of Erythrocyte M em brane Glycophor in A in N IDDM 14 5 V o l114,n o15 1998 10 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy O cṫ 1998 g GPA 3 (, 410078) g (N IDDM ) A (GPA ), (Perco ll) 15 25 N IDDM, RNA, N o rthern GPA GP W estern, N

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V irus ide ntifica tion a nd sc re e ning v irus ic ide s of pe ppe r v irus d ise a se in S ha a nxi P rov ince

V irus ide ntifica tion a nd sc re e ning v irus ic ide s of pe ppe r v irus d ise a se in S ha a nxi P rov ince 35 1 () V o l. 35 N o. 1 2007 1 Journal of N o rthw est A & F U niversity (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jan. 2007 Ξ 1, 2, 2, 1, 1 (1, 712100; 2, 710003) [] 126, 5, DA S2EL ISA,, (CM V ) (TM V ) (T EV ) Y (PV Y) (BBWV

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OPN antisense oligodeoxynucleotide inhibits p roliferation and apop tosis of human breast carcinoma cell line

OPN antisense oligodeoxynucleotide inhibits p roliferation and apop tosis of human breast carcinoma cell line 2009 8 29 8 Basic & C linical M edicine August 2009 Vol. 29 No. 8 : 1 00 1 263 25 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 0 8 20 8 5 0 20 5 13, 2, 3, 4, 5 (11, 730030; 21, 730000; 31, 730000; 41, 730000; 51, 730020) : (OPN ) mrna

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Effects of soothing liver and invigorating spleen recipes of TCM on hepatic inflammatory cytokines of rats with nonalcoholic steatosishepatitis

Effects of soothing liver and invigorating spleen recipes of TCM on hepatic inflammatory cytokines of rats with nonalcoholic steatosishepatitis 33 2 Vol. 33 No. 2 2012 4 Journal of Jinan University Medicine Edition Apr. 2012 TNF-α IL-6 IL-1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 1. 510630 2. 510632 3. 510630 NASH TNF-α 6 IL-6 1 IL-1 NASH NASH 16 HE O ELISA TNF-α IL-6

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Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy. E, m RNA T IR

Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy. E, m RNA T IR ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 2001 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy 17 (1): 29 34 m RNA 5 3,, (, 200031) 21 bp B 50 PCNA 2L ac Z m RNA SD 11 bp H ind g, B 50il B 50i2 m RNA,B

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:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P

:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P 31 3 ( ) V o l. 31 N o. 3 2003 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) June 2003 Ξ,,,, (, 712100) [],, 100, 217,, 18, 8,, 36. 34, 1. 32, 2. 4 : 1 15 45 2 h, 2 10 70

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(g ) A quanau tics,, , 33. 1%. O , O CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES (,,, )

(g ) A quanau tics,, , 33. 1%. O , O CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES (,,, ) V o l. 19 N o. 10 1 9 9 8 10 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1584 1588 (g ) (,,, 300071) (, ),,..,, 1. 0 g1,., 33. 1%.,,, O 632. 5, O 629. 7. (H b),., Bonaven tu ra 80, H b, H b 50 100

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Expression and Pur if ica tion of W ild and M utan t Type NAD H-Cytochrom e b5 Reducta se in E. coli

Expression and Pur if ica tion of W ild and M utan t Type NAD H-Cytochrom e b5 Reducta se in E. coli ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 4 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 4, 452 457 2000 8 NAD H- b5 (, 350025) NADH 2 b5, (b5r ), (C203Y) b5r cdna pgex22t, BL 21 W estern GST 2b5R 2Sepharo

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China B iotechnology, 2005, 25 (12) : pcamb IA21201 DH5 1. 2

China B iotechnology, 2005, 25 (12) : pcamb IA21201 DH5 1. 2 China B iotechnology, 2005, 25 (12) : 24 28 A tkup1 3 133 1 2 3 3 (1 150001 2 201106) (3 157011) RNA, RT2PCR,, Km ( ), A tkup1, PCR GUS Southern A tkup1 mrna PCR, PCR 2100bp, A tkup1 ( Genbank No: AF029876)

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acrysta ll iferous stra in Btk BE20

acrysta ll iferous stra in Btk BE20 J ou rnal of N anj ing A g ricu ltu ral U niversity S18-4 - Btk BE20 3 1 2 2 2 2 ( 1, 321004; 2, 510275) S1824, PH T 3101, DNA P stl, B tk BE 20 SD S2PA GE, 2,, S1824 ; 2 ; ; S48217 Clon ing and expression

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cm, ph 7 8, m 1. 3 m 1. 5 m, 1. 5 cm,, , mm

cm, ph 7 8, m 1. 3 m 1. 5 m, 1. 5 cm,, , mm 33 9 () V o l. 33 N o. 9 2005 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2005 Ξ,,,, (, 450002) [ ] 750, 5 0 ( ), 50 (g ), 100 (g ), 150 (g ) 200 ggkg (g ),, (1)

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(TPP)Co 1. 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] V o l. 3 N o. 4 N ov EL ECTROCH EM ISTR Y ) ) ,, Co V V. (T PP) Co (Py) , - 1.

(TPP)Co 1. 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] V o l. 3 N o. 4 N ov EL ECTROCH EM ISTR Y ) ) ,, Co V V. (T PP) Co (Py) , - 1. 3 4 1997 11 EL ECTROCH EM ISTR Y V o l 3N o 4 N ov 1997 (TPP)Co a 3 b a a (a 110015) (b 230026) (Py) (T PP)Co 1 22 Py Co (g ) gco (g ) 0 25-0 40 V (vṡ SCE) Py Co (g ) gco (g ) 0 25 V - 0 40 V Py Co (g

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Further Study on the Spon taneous Fold ing of Ch icken Apocytochrom e c

Further Study on the Spon taneous Fold ing of Ch icken Apocytochrom e c 15 1 1999 2 V o l 15,N o 1 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Feb 1999 3 c 3 3 (, 100101) c V 92A 17, V 92A gc17s W gc17s IA EDAN S A EDAN S2Cys214 A EDAN S T rp 259 V 92A c

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copula, 5 3 Copula Κ L = lim System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : (2006) ,,, copula Ξ A rch im edean copula (Joe,

copula, 5 3 Copula Κ L = lim System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : (2006) ,,, copula Ξ A rch im edean copula (Joe, 24 5 ( 149 ) V ol. 24, N o. 5 2006 5 System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : 100124098 (2006) 0520088205 copula Ξ, (, 230052) : (copula), A rch im edean copula, Gum bel2hougard copula,, : Copula; ; : F830 :

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T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s and Its So lving M ethod

T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s and Its So lving M ethod 2003 6 6 00026788 (2003) 0620042206 H arlow, 2 3, (., 70049; 2., 7006; 3., 200433) H arlow,,,,, ;, ; ; F832. 5; F830. 9 A T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s ad Its So lvig M ethod W AN

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Table S1. Summary of data collections and structure refinements for crystals 1Rb-1h, 1Rb-2h, and 1Rb-4h.

Table S1. Summary of data collections and structure refinements for crystals 1Rb-1h, 1Rb-2h, and 1Rb-4h. Supporting Information [NH 3 CH 3 ] [In SbS 9 SH]: A novel methylamine-directed indium thioantimonate with Rb + ion-exchange property Kai-Yao Wang a,b, Mei-Ling Feng a, Jian-Rong Li a and Xiao-Ying Huang

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ZrO 2, ZrO 2. (M ) W O 3g ( 100% ) SO 4 2- W O 3 M oo 3, SO ( Zr (OH ) 4 ) ( ( 0. 1 mo l. L - 1 A gno 3 ), Zr (OH ) 4 SO (0.

ZrO 2, ZrO 2. (M ) W O 3g ( 100% ) SO 4 2- W O 3 M oo 3, SO ( Zr (OH ) 4 ) ( ( 0. 1 mo l. L - 1 A gno 3 ), Zr (OH ) 4 SO (0. 14 2 V o l. 14,N o. 2 2000 4 JOU RNAL O F M OL ECULA R CA TAL YS IS (CH INA ) A p r. 2000 : 100123555 (2000) 0220111208 WO 3gZrO 2 - g. ZrO 2,,, 1) (, 130022) : ZrO 2 WO 3gZrO 2 SO 4 2- gzro 2 M oo 3gZrO

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Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου

Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου Δυναμικό Coulomb Εξίσωση Schrödinger h e (, r, ) (, r, ) E (, r, ) m ψ θφ r ψ θφ = ψ θφ Συνθήκες ψ(, r θφ, ) = πεπερασμένη ψ( r ) = 0 ψ(, r θφ, ) =ψ(, r θφ+, ) π Επιτρεπτές ενέργειες

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Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 2004 3 4 1 Ch in J Pancreato l, M arch 2004, V o l. 4, N o. 1 5 (severe acute pancreatitis, SA P), SA P 32,, 4 : (N S) (tetrandrine, T et) (ch inese m edicine qing yi tang, CM Q ) T et + CM Q 12 h, 6 h,,

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IL -4 . IL 24, cp IL 42PE38KD EL,.

IL -4 . IL 24, cp IL 42PE38KD EL,. V o l. 26 N o. 5 2 0 0 5 5 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 874 879 IL -4 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2 (1., 110016; 2., 100039; 3. Beckm an R esearch Institute, C ity of Hope N ationalm edical

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, 3. EXPER IM ENTAL STUDY OF XENOGENE IC HEART VAL VE M ATER IAL gs H I K ai2hu, ZH A N G X i, ZH A N G 496 2 1# 1 2 2 4 8, 4 : 1 (GA ), 2 (EC), 3 + (EC+ L 2GA ), 4 + + (EC+ L 2 GA + CE) (6 ), M 199 (10% + 20% + + ),, g : 1, 2, 3 4 (P < 0. 01) : 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4,,,,,,, EXPER IM ENTAL STUDY OF XENOGENE IC HEART

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Use of Site-D irected M utagenesis to Investiga te the Properties of Recom binan t H irud in-hv2

Use of Site-D irected M utagenesis to Investiga te the Properties of Recom binan t H irud in-hv2 14 1 V o l114,n o11 1998 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Feb 1998 (, 100101),,, rhv 2 47 11 rhv 2 Gln11 A sn47 H is11 L ys47, rhv 22H 11 30%, rhv 22K47 61% K i, rhv 22

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E#ects of Drying on Bacterial Activity and Iron Formation in Acid Sulfate Soils

E#ects of Drying on Bacterial Activity and Iron Formation in Acid Sulfate Soils J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Phys. No. 3+, p..3 /1,**, * ** ** E#ects of Drying on Bacterial Activity and Iron Formation in Acid Sulfate Soils Kaoru UENO*, Tadashi ADACHI** and Hajime NARIOKA** * The Graduate School

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60 s 72, 60 s 94, 30 s; 5

60 s 72, 60 s 94, 30 s; 5 342 Ch inese Journal of Parasito logy and Parasitic D iseases 3 510515 :, CS : PCR CS, M 13, 3 M 132CSP DNA, PCGEN E CS : (PFD - 3gYN ) T 4 W ellcom e N F54 3D 7 7G8 CS, P. f T hgt c : CS (circum spo rozo

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Αξιοποίηση Φυσικών Αντιοξειδωτικών στην Εκτροφή των Αγροτικών

Αξιοποίηση Φυσικών Αντιοξειδωτικών στην Εκτροφή των Αγροτικών Ζώων για Παραγωγή Προϊόντων Ποιότητας» 1 Αξιοποίηση Φυσικών Αντιοξειδωτικών στην Εκτροφή των Αγροτικών Ζώων για Παραγωγή Προϊόντων Ποιότητας Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών Εργαστήριο Ζωοτεχνίας MIS 380231

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Ο ρόλος του λιπώδους ιστού

Ο ρόλος του λιπώδους ιστού Ο ρόλος του λιπώδους ιστού Γιώργος Βαλσαμάκης Ενδοκρινολόγος Eπιστημονικός συνεργάτης Ενδοκρινολογικήs Μονάδαs Β Μαιευτικής και Γυναικολογικής κλινικής Αρεταίειο Νοσοκομείο Θέματα συζήτησης Α. Ο λιπώδης

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kg, H 2O 14 g, KH 2PO 4 2 g,n H 4C l 3 g, KC l 5 g, CaC l2

kg, H 2O 14 g, KH 2PO 4 2 g,n H 4C l 3 g, KC l 5 g, CaC l2 34 7 () V o l. 34 N o. 7 2006 7 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) July 2006 Ξ 1a, 2, 1a, 1b, 1b (1 a., b., 214036; 2, 230036) [ ], L 2 (M et) ( ) L 2 ( ), 2 (A

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Electronic Supplementary Information

Electronic Supplementary Information Electronic Supplementary Information The preferred all-gauche conformations in 3-fluoro-1,2-propanediol Laize A. F. Andrade, a Josué M. Silla, a Claudimar J. Duarte, b Roberto Rittner, b Matheus P. Freitas*,a

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TR IBOLO GY July, %. [1 3 ]. [7, 8 ], , mm mm , 350 # 700 # 900 # 1. 1 PAN. R a = Λm, : ( ).

TR IBOLO GY July, %. [1 3 ]. [7, 8 ], , mm mm , 350 # 700 # 900 # 1. 1 PAN. R a = Λm, : ( ). 25 4 V o l 25, N o 4 2005 7 TR IBOLO GY July, 2005 M os2 PTFE 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 (1., 730000; 2., 100039) : 2 PT FE M os2, M os2, X. : M os2, PT FE ; M os2 5% 15%,M os2 ; M os2 10%,M os2 ;, M os2 ; 240,,

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(diam inobenzidine,dab ) ; 0. 5 mmo lgl, : N ac l 8 g, KC l 0. 2 g T ris 3

(diam inobenzidine,dab ) ; 0. 5 mmo lgl, : N ac l 8 g, KC l 0. 2 g T ris 3 34 8 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 8 2006 8 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A ug. 2006 Ξ 1, 2, 1 (1, 712100; 2, 100850) [ ] g,,, 85%,,, 8 ; 6. 5 10 5 g; Fas2L, 95% ;, [

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SIEMENS Squirrel Cage Induction Standard Three-phase Motors

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F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE

F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE 839 1, 1, 2, 2 1Ξ, (11, 110015; 21, 110016) : 10, 10, 10, 10,,,,,,, 27 14, 10 ( 7 ), 9 : ; ; : R 283; R 286102 : A : 0253 2670 (2006) 06 0839 05 F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE GUO T

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, ( , (P anax qu inquef olius) ) ; L C2V P series U H PE), M Pa R E252. C18 (5 Λm, 250 mm 4. 6 mm ) ( )

, ( , (P anax qu inquef olius) ) ; L C2V P series U H PE), M Pa R E252. C18 (5 Λm, 250 mm 4. 6 mm ) ( ) 150 21 5 2005 5 T ransactions of the CSA E V o l. 21 N o. 5 M ay 2005,,,,, (, 130025) :,, CO 2 : 70%, 200M Pa, 50 1, 2 m in, : ; ; ; : O 62335; TQ 036 +. 4 : A : 100226819 (2005) 0520150205,,,. [J ].,

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U (x, y ) = : K (x i- x k) K (x i- x k, y j- y l), 2. 1

U (x, y ) = : K (x i- x k) K (x i- x k, y j- y l), 2. 1 22 5 V o l 22, N o 5 2002 9 TR IBOLO GY Sep, 2002,, (, 100084) :, (FFT )., 2 (Green ),,, 3,. ; ; FFT; ; TH 117. 2 A 100420595 (2002) 0520390205,.,,,. L ub rech t [1 ]. (FFT ) [2 5 ]., [4, 5 ].,L iu [6

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Science of Sericulture

Science of Sericulture Science of Sericulture 2012 38 1 0065-0069 ISSN 0257-4799 CN 32-1115 /S E-mail CYKE@ chinajournal. net. cn 215123 25 0 ~ 24 h GSH GSSG GSH + 2GSSG GSH /GSSG S- GST TPX 23% GR 57% GSH TPX GST GSSG 61% GSH

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STUD IES ON THE GENOTOX IC ITY OF 83- ITS M AJOR M ETABOL ITE 1 HERB IC ID E AND. H eng Zhengchang 1, T O ng 2 1997 9 3 Carcinogenesis T eratogenesis and M utagenesis V o l 9 N o 3 1997 831 1 T O ng 2 1 610041 2 D ivision of R esp irato ry D isease Studies,N IO SH,U SA Am es V 79 H PR T (SCE) 831 ( ) 2, 4 6 (DCA

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Η νέα προσέγγιση στην ταχεία προγεννητική διάγνωση των χρωµοσωµατικών ανωµαλιών του εµβρύου

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Metal-free Oxidative Coupling of Amines with Sodium Sulfinates: A Mild Access to Sulfonamides

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Effects of PD on IL -6- induced Growth Arrest and Term ina l D ifferen tia tion of M 1 Cells

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Nucleotide Sequence of Cloned cd NA for alpha Subunit of Goat Follicle Stimulating Hormone

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Μελέτη της έκφρασης του ογκοκατασταλτικού γονιδίου Cyld στον καρκίνο του μαστού

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G IS N N E E, , km 2, 92% A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 55 4 2000 7 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 4 July, 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0420407210 G IS,, (, 100101) : G IS, 1982 1997 ;, : ; ; ; G IS; : F301124; F29312; N 94511 : A 20 80 90, [1, 2

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ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ. Εικόνα 1. Φωτογραφία του γαλαξία μας (από αρχείο της NASA)

ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ. Εικόνα 1. Φωτογραφία του γαλαξία μας (από αρχείο της NASA) ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ Φύση του σύμπαντος Η γη είναι μία μονάδα μέσα στο ηλιακό μας σύστημα, το οποίο αποτελείται από τον ήλιο, τους πλανήτες μαζί με τους δορυφόρους τους, τους κομήτες, τα αστεροειδή και τους μετεωρίτες.

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F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn

F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn V o l. 25 N o. 9 2 0 0 4 9 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1632 1636,,,, (, 116011) H PL C2PAD 2M S,,.,. H PL C2PAD 2M S.,.,,. 2 ; ; O 652. 7 A 025120790 (2004) 0921632205,,., [1 5 ]

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