Emulation system of the asynchronous push-broom remote sensing stereo imaging
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1 Vol.39 No.5 Infrared and Laser Engineering Oct.2010, (, ) : CCD,,,, :, : ; ; ; : P236 : A : (2010) Emulation system of the asynchronous push-broom remote sensing stereo imaging ZHANG Zhao-cai, WANG Xiang-jun, PANG Bo (State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, College of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronic Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin , China) Abstract: The 3-line array CCD push-broom remote sensing stereo imaging mode was discussed and the rigorous optical collinear imaging model of the remote sensing stereo imaging was studied in this paper. Then the effect of the topographic gradient on the push -broom remote sensing stereo imaging was analyzed. Finally, based on the premise of invariant orbit and fixed attitude, the 3D topographic gradient was simulated by using the Gauss synthesis curve and the effect of the topographic gradient on the space borne linear CCD push -broom imaging was verified with the math simulation method, which was also certificated with the CE -1 CCD image data. The experimental results show that, because of the topographic gradient, the information omission or overlap between the adjacent remote sensing images is created in the flying direction and the projection error is created in the push -broom direction during the push-broom remote sensing stereo imaging. Key words: Remote sensing push-broom imaging; Topographic gradient; Emulation system; Gauss synthesis curve : ; : : ( ); (08ZCKFJC27900) : (1984-),,,, zhangzhaocai@gmail.com : (1955-),,,,, xdocuxjw@vip.163.com
2 X X % Si 0 % Y % = Y % Si % +λm i y i % (1) # Z & Z % # CCD( ) Si - & # f & :(X,Y,Z) ;(X, Si Si,Z Si i, ;λ ;M i i, 准 i,ω i,κ i CCD, CCD, [1-2], SPOT [3], IKONOS [3-4] CCD,,, CCD, [5],, CCD x, [6] : φ i =φ 0 +φ 觶 x+φ 咬 x ω i =ω 0 +ω 觶 x+ω 咬 x CCD 100% 3 3 2, 1 1 CCD Fig.1 Three linear CCD push-broom imaging 1.2 [5] :,,, k 1 i =k 0 +k 觶 x+k 觶 x X Si =X s0 +X 觶 S x+... Y Si =Y s0 +Y 觶 S x+... CCD Z, CCD, Si =Z s0 +Z 觶 S x+... (2) :(X s0,y s0,z s0,φ 0,ω 0,k 0 ) , 3 CCD ; (X 觶 S,Y 觶 S,Z 觶 S,φ 觶,ω 觶,k 觶 ) ; (φ 咬, T, 3 ω 咬,κ 咬 ), 2, ;, x y, i X Si,Y Si,Z Si, 准 i,ω i,κ i, Fig.2 Image omission/overlap introduced by the topographic gradient 2 /
3 5 : 889 Δh, 3.1 l, CCD L, : y [-1 200,1 200]}, 4 l L Δh H (3) {x [-1 200,1 200],, Z [ , ], Z=0,, CCD,, 5, CCD, 3 4 Fig.4 Simulation of the topography 3 Fig.3 Imaging deviation introduced by the topographic gradient : Δu= Δh H u (4) :Δh ;H 4 5 :x=0 y ;u ;Δu,,,, {x=0,y [-1 200,1 200]}, : k= Δu u 3 (5), 6,, :,, [8] : Z=A[1-( x m )2 ] e -( x m ) 2 -( y n +1)2 -B[0.2( x m )- ( x m )3 - ( y n )5 ] e -( x m ) 2 -( y n ) 2 -C e -( x m +1)2 -( y n ) 2 (6) :A,B,C ;m,n ; Fig.6 Slope of the selected lateral section x,y,z / 5 Fig.5 Simulation of the 2D gradient of the terrain 3.2 y [-1 200,1 200], 6,
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