Adaptive grouping difference variation wolf pack algorithm
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1 ( ) Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Science) No. 3 May 2017 : (2017) , (, ) :,,.,,,,.,,. : ; ; ; : TP301.6 : A DOI: /j.issn Adaptive grouping difference variation wolf pack algorithm ZHANG Qiang, WANG Mei (School of Computer and Information Technology, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing Heilongjiang , China) Abstract: Due to the shortcomings that wolf pack algorithm is not high solving precision and easy to fall into the local convergence region, adaptive grouping difference variation wolf pack algorithm is proposed based on the excellent characteristics of cloud model transformation between qualitative and quantitative. Individual wolves are initialized by good-point set. Individual hunting behavior is accomplished through the cloud model theory and the self energy of the wolf is considered in the siege behavior. Finally, the differential evolution algorithm and the chaos theory are used to complete the individual variation to explore the global optimal location. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has fine capability of finding global optimum, especially for multi peak function. Key words: wolf pack algorithm; good-point set; differential variation; chaos 0,. Liu [1],, ; [2] : :,,,,. dqpi
2 3, : 79 3,,, ; [3] ; [4] ; [5],., 3 :,,,, ;,, ;,,., (Adaptive Grouping Difference Variation Wolf Pack Algorithm, AGDV-WPA),,,,,,. 1, 3. (1) :,, h, x id = x id + rand( ) x stepa, (1), rand( ) [ 1, 1], x stepa, x id i d. (2) :,,, x id = x id + rand( ) x stepb (x gd x id ), (2), rand( ) [ 1, 1], x stepb, x id i d, x gd d. (3) :,,, ,,. [6] s, n n. [7-8],,.
3 80 ( ) 2017 G s s, r G s, p n (k) = {({r (n) 1 k}, {r (n) 2 k},, {r s (n) k}), 1 k n}, φ(n) φ(n) = C(r, ε)n 1+ε,, C(r, ε) r ε(ε > 0), p n (k), r., r = {2 cos(2πk/p), 1 k s}, p (p s)/2 s. 2.2,, ,.. (1) m, n. (2), m m, m + 1. (3).,,,. (4) m. Em(x) t = (e t 1(x), e t 2(x),, e t m(x)) t, α t i (x) = et i (x)/ m e t i (x), 1 i m, αt i (x) αt k (x), k (1,, i 1, i + 1,, m),,,, m 1 = m 1. α t i (x), m 2 = m (m 1) sin( π 2 t T ),,, m, 1. m = min{m 1, m 2 },, ( ). 2.4,,., h,,. (1) h,,., [9-11]., C(Ex, En, He), h,,. : (Ex) ; σ 2 (En) ; (He) h ;,, He = En λ, λ = λ max (λ max λ min ) t T,, λ max λ min λ, t, T. 2.4 ( ),,,, :,
4 3, : 81 [12-13]. n d jk = (x js x ks ) 2, s=1 F jk = f(x j) f(x k ) d jk, F jk = F kj. (3) x i F jk x nx., x g x nx, x i = x i + rand( ) step (x g x i ) + w (x nx x i ), (4), rand( ) [ 1, 1], step, w. (4), w,,,, w ;, w. w, [a, b] w. ( w = a + (b a) 1 f ( x i π sin f best 2 t )), T 2.5,.,,,,,.., [14-15],. [16]. :, ;,,. [17],,. k Chebyshev, [18] Chebyshev, (5). x w = x w + F ((x r1 x r2 ) + (x r3 x r4 )), (5.1) x w = cos(k arccosx w ), k = 2, (5.2), r1, r2, r3, r4, F.,, F i,
5 82 ( ) 2017 ;,, F i,. F i F i = F l + (F u F l ) f r1 f w f r2 f w f r3 f w f r4 f w. (6),. : f avg. : f avg f avg. : f avg Num. :, Num max, Num/2 Num Num max (5.1), 0 < Num < Num/2 (5.2). 3. ; :, t = 1, T, limit :. : 2.2, limit : 2.3. : 2.4 (3) (4). : 2.5 (5.1) (5.2) (6).. : t = t + 1,, 4 8, (Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO) (Genetic Algorithm, GA) [1] (Wolf Colony Algorithm, WCA) [2] (Wolf Pack Algorithm, WPA),. 100, 5 000, 20 ; PSO [19] ; GA P c = 0.95, P m = 0.05; 5,,,,,. 8. f 1 = sin2 x 2 1 +x , 100 x [ (x 2 i 100., 1 +x2 2 )]2, 0. f 2 = n [x 2 i 10 cos(2πx i) + 10], x i 5.12, n = 10., 0. f 3 = n x i + n x i, x i 10, n =
6 3, : f 4 = x x cos(3πx 1 + 4πx 2 ) + 0.3, 100 x i 100. f 5 = n Xi 2, 100 x i 100, n = 10., 0. f 6 = 20 + exp(1) 20 exp ( n n x 2 i ) exp ( 1 n n ) cos(2πx i ), x i , n = n f 7 = x 2 i n cos( xi i ) + 1, 600 x i 600, n = 10.,, 0. f 8 = n (x 2 i 10 cos(2πx i)), 5.12 x i 5.12, n = 10., 0. 1 f 1 Tab. 1 f 1 run simulation results comparison f 1 /s PSO E E E-01 GA 2.932E E+03 WCA 4.208E E E E-19 WPA 6.481E E E E-21 AGDV-WPA 9.135E E E E-25 2 f 2 Tab. 2 f 2 run simulation results comparison f 2 /s PSO E-01 GA E+02 WCA 3.863E E E E-11 WPA 2.536E E E E-19 AGDV-WPA 8.927E E E E-25 3 f 3 Tab. 3 f 3 run simulation results comparison f 3 /s PSO 3.603E E+04 GA 5.038E E+05 WCA 4.706E E E E-19 WPA 1.758E E E E-21 AGDV-WPA 1.351E E E E-25
7 84 ( ) f 4 Tab. 4 f 4 run simulation results comparison f 4 /s PSO 2.138E E E E-13 GA 2.459E E E E-11 WCA 4.198E E E E-17 WPA 2.636E E E E-21 AGDV-WPA 8.737E E E E-25 Tab. 5 5 f 5 f 5 run simulation results comparison f 5 /s PSO 9.667E E E-05 GA E+01 WCA 6.428E E E E-15 WPA 2.281E E E E-19 AGDV-WPA 2.547E E E E-25 Tab. 6 6 f 6 f 6 run simulation results comparison f 6 /s PSO 8.416E GA E+02 WCA 2.651E E E E-13 WPA 6.078E E E E-19 AGDV-WPA 4.746E E E E-25 Tab. 7 7 f 7 f 7 run simulation results comparison f 7 /s PSO E-02 GA E+02 WCA 2.713E E E E-15 WPA 4.812E E E E-19 AGDV-WPA 6.462E E E E-25
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An experimental and theoretical study of the gas phase kinetics of atomic chlorine reactions with CH 3 NH 2, (CH 3 ) 2 NH, and (CH 3 ) 3 N
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Creative TEchnology Provider
1 Oil pplication Capacitors are intended for the improvement of Power Factor in low voltage power networks. Used advanced technology consists of metallized PP film with extremely low loss factor and dielectric
[1] DNA ATM [2] c 2013 Information Processing Society of Japan. Gait motion descriptors. Osaka University 2. Drexel University a)
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