Quick algorithm f or computing core attribute
- Φωτινή Βασιλειάδης
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1 24 5 Vol. 24 No. 5 Cont rol an d Decision May 2009 : (2009) a, 2, 1b (1. a., b., ; 2., ) :,,.,.,. : ; ; ; : TP181 : A Quick algorithm f or computing core attribute GE H ao 1a, L I L ong2shu 2, YA N G Chuan2j i an 1b (1a. Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, 1b. Department of Computer Science, Chuzhou University, Chuzhou , China ; 2. School of Computer Science, Anhui University, Hefei , China. Correspondent : GE Hao, E2mail : com) Abstract : The algorithms for computing the core have following shortcoming : The core acquired f rom these algorithms is not the core based on positive region, and the time complexity and space complexity are not good. Therefore, a new approach for computing core is provided and proved that the core is equivalent to the core based on positive region. The partition of the equivalence class is the key step for computing the core. An efficient algorithm for computing the equivalence class is designed with the approach based on radix sort by using distributing counting. On the foundation, the quick algorithm for computing the core is designed. The experimental result shows that the algorithm is correct and efficient. Key words : Rough set ; Equivalence class ; Positive region ; Core attribute 1 [ 1 ] Pawlak 1982.,,.. Hu [2 ] Skowron [3 ],, O( C U 2 ). [4 ] Hu,, O( C U 2 ). [5 ],,:,Hu. [6 ], O( C 2 U log U ), O( U ),,.,, [7210 ] : [7 ],, O( C U 2 ) ; [8 ], max{ O( C U log U ), O( C U POSC ( D) ) } O( C U POSC ( D) ) ; [9 ],, max{ O( C U/ C 2 ), O( C U ) } max{ O( U ), O( C U/ C 2 ) }. [7210 ] : ; : : ( ) ; ( KJ2008B117). : (1976 ),,,,, ; (1956 ),,,,,.
2 5 : 739,,,,..,,., U/ C, U/ C O ( C U ).,O( C 2 U ), O( U ). 2 1 [11 ] S = (U, A,V, f ). :U,,U = { x1, x2,, x n} ; A, A = { a1, a2,, am, d}, A 2, A = C D C D =, C, D, D D = { d} ;V,V = { V a1,v a2,,v am, V d} ; f f :U A V, Πa A, x U, f ( x, a) V a. 2 [11 ] S = (U, A, V, f ), R Α A, ind ( R) = { ( x i, x j ) f ( x i, b) = f ( x j, b), Πb R} S.,, x [ x ]ind( R) [ x ] R. R U U/ ind ( R) U/ R. 3 [11 ] S = (U, A, V, f ), R Α A, R- X = { x U [ x ]ind( R) Α X} X R ; R - X = { x U [ x ]ind( R) X } X R ; POSR ( X) = R- X X R. 4 [11 ] S = (U, C D, V, f ), P Α C, D P POSP ( D), POS P ( D) = P - ( X). X U/ D D P U ind ( P) D. 5 [11 ] S = (U, C D, V, f ), a C, POSC ( D) = POSC- { a} ( D), a C D ;, a C D. C C D, Core ( C). 6 [11 ] S = (U, C D, V, f ),x i, x j U, i j, f ( x i, C) = f ( x j, C) f ( x i, D) f ( x j, D),, x i x j ( ) ;,. 3, Hu ;, Hu.,.. 7 S = (U, C D,V, f ), a C, GCore ( C) GCore ( C) = { a a C}, ConSet ( C - { a} ) > ConSet ( C) ; <, ot herwise. ConSet ( C) = { x i x i U, ϖ x j, f ( x i, C) = f ( x j, C) f ( x i, D) f ( x j, D) }., ConSet ( C), ConSet ( C) ConSet ( C). 7,ai,,ai ;, ai. 1 S = (U, C D, V, f ), Core ( C) = GCore ( C). U/ C = { X1, X2,, X n},u/ D = { Y1, Y2,, Y m}. 1) GCore ( C) Α Core ( C). Πa GCore ( C),7, a, ConSet. x ConSet ( C), x ConSet ( C - { a} ),y [ x ] C y [ x ] C- { a}, f ( x, D) f ( y, D). x Y q, y Y p, y Y q, y [ x ] C- { a} y Y q,x ( C - { a} ) - Y q, x POSC- { a} ( D). x S x Y q, x C- Y q, x POSC ( D), POSC ( D) POSC- { a} ( D). a Core ( C)., GCore ( C) Α Core ( C). 2) Core ( C) Α GCore ( C). Πa Core ( C), POSC ( D) POSC- { a} ( D),x [ x ] C Α Y k [ x ] C- { a} Y k. ϖ y, y [ x ] C- { a} y [ x ] C. f ( x, C - { a} ) = f ( y, C - { a} ) f ( x, D) f ( y, D)., a. x S.. z, z, x [ x ] C Α Y k f ( x, D) f ( z, D), x, z U/ D, z, x [ x ] C Α Y k, x S., a, ConSet ( C - { a} ) > ConSet ( C), a
3 GCore ( C). Core ( C) Α GCore ( C). 1) 2) Core ( C) = GCore ( C). 1,. U, C,., ;,. O( C U 2 ). 1 S = (U, A,V, f ), x i, x j U C Πa A, f ( x i, a) = f ( x j, a). 2, 1. 1,S C ; S,. [6 ], O( C U log U ) ; [9 ], O( C U )., C S. O( C U ), O( U ),. : S = (U, C D), C = { ai i = 1,, m}, D = { d},, S = { S i i = 1,, n}, S i m + 2, S i = ( x i, a1, a2,, am, d). : S i x i, S i a j i a j, S i d i. C S, ai S., ai, [1 e], 0 < e U ;, count Pos[0 e],count Pos ind ( ai), ind ( ai), count Po s S i., 2,count Pos, sorteds. 1 : S = (U, C D,V, f ),U = { x i i = 1,, n}, C = { ai i = 1,, m} ; :U/ C. Step1 : for i = 1 to C Do / / Step1. 1 : { count Pos : count Pos[0 e] = 0. Step1. 2 : ind ( ai),,count Pos. Step1. 3 : for j = U to 1 Do Step : { S j a i, count Pos S j pos; po s ; Step : S j sorteds Step : [ S j a i ]ind( a i ) () ; } ) Step2 : s = 1, E1 } / / end_for_ i Step3 : for i = 2 to U Do } = { x1 } ; / / s {if ( x i x i- 1 C t hen Es = Es { x i} ; else s = s + 1, Es = { x i} ; Step4 : E( U/ C) s. 1, Step1 O( e) + O( U ) + O( U ) = O( U ). O( C ), Step1 O( C U ), Step3 O( U ). Step1, count Pos U + 1, Step3 sorteds 2 U., 2 O( U ). 1 O( C U ) + O( U ) = O( C U ), O( U ) , : 2 :S = (U, A,V, f ). : U ; A, A = C D C D = ; C ; D. E s. : Core ( C). Step1 : Core ( C) =, ConSet ( C) =. Step2 : 1,C S, Step3 : count Po s,, count Pos. Step4 : for j = 1 to s Do if ( ( Ej x t x k x t d
4 5 : 741 x k d) t hen ConSet ( C) = ConSet ( C) Ej. Step5 : for i = 1 to C Do Step5. 1 : { 1,C - { ai} S, E s ; Step5. 2 : count Pos,, count Pos ; x k d) Step5. 3 : ConSet ( C - { ai} ) Step5. 4 : for j = 1 to s Do - { ai} ) Ej ; = ; if ( Ej x t x k x t d t hen ConSet ( C - { ai} ) = ConSet ( C Step5. 5 : if ( ConSet ( C - { ai} ) > ConSet ( C) ) then Core ( C) = Core ( C) { ai} ; } / / end_for_ i. Step6 : Core ( C). Step7 :. 2, Step2 O( C U ), Step3 Step4 O( U ). Step5. 1 O( C U ), Step5. 2 Step5. 4 O( U ), Step5 O( C U ) + 2O( U ) = O( C U ), Step5 C, Step5 O( C 2 U )., 2 O( C U ) + 2O( U ) + O( C 2 U ) = O( C 2 U ), O( U ) Hu, O( C U 2 ),., O( C 2 U log U ) O( U ),. max{ O( C U log U ), O( C U POSC ( D) ) } O( C U POSC ( D) ) ; max{ O( C U/ C 2 ), O( C U ) } max{ O( U ), O( C U/ C 2 ) },, U, U/ C POSC ( D) C, UCI Car evaluation 1 728, C 6, U/ C = 972, POSC ( D) = 1 196, U, U/ C POSC ( D) C., , [4 ] , 5, C = { a, b, c}, D. 1 S1 U a b c D x x x x x , x1 x2, x3 x4., ConSet ( C) = { x1, x2, x3, x4 } ; ConSet ( C - { a} ) = { x1, x2, x3, x4 }, ConSet ( C - { b} ) = { x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 }, ConSet ( C - { c} ) = { x1, x2, x3, x4 }., ConSet ( C - { b} ) > ConSet ( C), Core ( C) = { b} , C = { a, b, c}, D. 2 S2 U a b c D x x x x , ConSet ( C) = { x2, x3 } ; ConSet ( C - { a} ) = { x1, x2, x3 }, ConSet ( C - { b} ) = { x1, x2, x3, x4 }, ConSet ( C - { c} ) = { x2, x3 }., ConSet ( C - { a} ) > ConSet ( C) ConSet ( C - { b} ) > ConSet ( C), Core ( C) = { a, b} [6 ]UCI 6, Petium GHz, RAM 512 M, EAB KF, 3. AL G1,AL G2 EAB KF, AL G3, AL G4,
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Test Data Management in Practice
Problems, Concepts, and the Swisscom Test Data Organizer Do you have issues with your legal and compliance department because test environments contain sensitive data outsourcing partners must not see?
athanasiadis@rhodes.aegean.gr , -.
παιδαγωγικά ρεύµατα στο Αιγαίο Προσκήνιο 88 - * athanasiadis@rhodes.aegean.gr -., -.. Abstract The aim of this survey is to show how students of the three last school classes of the Primary School evaluated
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Control Theory & Applications PID (, )
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CORDIC Background (4A)
CORDIC Background (4A Copyright (c 20-202 Young W. Lim. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version.2 or any later
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CORDIC Background (2A)
CORDIC Background 2A Copyright c 20-202 Young W. Lim. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version.2 or any later
HOSVD. Higher Order Data Classification Method with Autocorrelation Matrix Correcting on HOSVD. Junichi MORIGAKI and Kaoru KATAYAMA
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Δυσκολίες που συναντούν οι μαθητές της Στ Δημοτικού στην κατανόηση της λειτουργίας του Συγκεντρωτικού Φακού
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