UAV. UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle LED Light Emitting Diodes LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator
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1 November 2013 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Vol 39 No 11 UAV UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle LED Light Emitting Diodes LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator TP 273 A Hardware-in-loop simulation platform for UAV autonomous aerial refueling based on computer vision Duan Haibin Zhang Qifu Science and Technology on Aircraft Control Laboratory Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing China Fan Yanming Shenyang Aircraft Design and Research Institute AVIC Shenyang China Li Hao Science and Technology on Aircraft Control Laboratory Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing China Abstract A hardware-in-loop simulation platform of unmanned aerial vehicle UAV autonomous aerial refueling based on computer vision was developed Point feature matching and LHM pose estimation algorithms were adopted to the recognition of light emitting diodes LEDs on the drogue The models of atmospheric disturbances and wake vortex had been built and the drogue model was also presented Subsequently a linear quadratic regulator LQR control law for UAV was designed The hardware-in-loop simulation platform with airborne monocular camera for UAV autonomous aerial refueling had been developed in lab environment Series of hardware-in-loop experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our presented approaches in this simulation platform Key words unmanned aerial vehicle UAV autonomous aerial refueling AAR computer vision linear quadratic regulator LQR wake vortex www cnki net /kcms /detail / V html ZC NCET hbduan@ buaa edu cn
2 UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 1 1 LED Light E- 1 UAV mitting Diode 2 RGB Red-Green-Blue AAR Autonomous Aerial Refueling HSV Hue-Saturation-Value H UAV S V H S LED point feature matching 8 u^ j v^j 6 p 1 p 2 p n p j = UAV u j v j p^1 p^2 p^ m p^ j = u^ j v^j p j p^ j 1 UAV m n d p^1 p 1 d p^1 p 2 d p^1 p n d p^2 p E rr = 1 d p^2 p 2 d p^2 p n 1 d p^ m p 1 d p^ m p 2 d p^ m p n UAV A BS ik A i B k A B min N i = 1 N k = 1 s ikx ik N s ik = 1 k = 1 2 N 2 i = 1 N x ik = 1 i = 1 2 N 1 UAV i = 1 s ik > 0 x ik 0 1 Hungarian 1 Munkres Lu Hager Mjolsness LHM k j u j v j 1 T h j k = u j v j 1 T 3 k e j
3 e j k = I - V j k CT T X - k T P j V j k = h j k h T j k h T j k h j k x C d = Δx d Δy d Δz d Δx d Δy d Δz d T T T Δx d Δy d Δz d Δx d Δy d Δz d 11 E X - k = m j = 1 e j k ~ 1 5 m UAV h^ jh T j h^ T j h^ j CT T TP = 0 7 j h^ j = u^ j v^j 1 T 8 UAV u^ j v^j T P j 1 5 ~ UAV UAV 3 UAV UAV UAV LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator UAV 1493 x d t = A d x d t + B d w g t y d t = C d x d } 9 t 0 w g t UAV r d 0 r = 0 MV UAV
4 LQR UAV 4 / LED UAV 4 PSO Particle Swarm Optimization UAV PSO a 2 UAV b 3 UAV 4 2 / AVT Manta-G125C CCD UAV 30 /s ~ 7 20 /s 3 5 / ROI Region of Interest 3 OpenCV 5
5 11 UAV 1495 LED H = H inv = H S HSV LED 7 8 a b H / c S 9 HSV H S V a H b S 8 OpenCV c V d 11
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ΕΥΡΕΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΑΝΥΣΜΑΤΟΣ ΘΕΣΗΣ ΚΙΝΟΥΜΕΝΟΥ ΡΟΜΠΟΤ ΜΕ ΜΟΝΟΦΘΑΛΜΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΟΡΑΣΗΣ Νικόλαος Κυριακούλης *, Ευάγγελος Καρακάσης, Αντώνιος Γαστεράτος, Δημήτριος Κουλουριώτης, Σπυρίδων Γ. Μουρούτσος Δημοκρίτειο
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