2009 Classical Greek. Standard Grade General & Credit Translation. Finalised Marking Instructions
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1 2009 Classical Greek Standard Grade General & Credit Translation Finalised Marking Instructions Scottish Qualifications Authority 2009 The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications only on a noncommercial basis. If it is to be used for any other purposes written permission must be obtained from the Question Paper Operations Team, Dalkeith. Where the publication includes materials from sources other than SQA (secondary copyright), this material should only be reproduced for the purposes of examination or assessment. If it needs to be reproduced for any other purpose it is the centre s responsibility to obtain the necessary copyright clearance. SQA s Question Paper Operations Team at Dalkeith may be able to direct you to the secondary sources. These Marking Instructions have been prepared by Examination Teams for use by SQA Appointed Markers when marking External Course Assessments. This publication must not be reproduced for commercial or trade purposes.
2 Classical Greek 2009 General Level Translation Block 1: πι δε Ατυος βασιλεως Atys being king Block 2: σιτοδεια σχυρα ανα πασαν την Λυδιαν γενετο. there being famine in Lydia. Block 3: ο δε Λυδοι τεως μεν διηγον λιπαρουντες, Lydians enduring (it) some Lydians for a while Block 4: μετα δε,..., πολλα ακη ζητουν. (Lydians) looking for solution(s) many looked for a solution Block 5: τι σιτοδεια ο κ παυετο, famine not ending because the famine had not stopped Block 6: και φασι α τοι (Lydians) saying and they said (no α τοι) it is said Page 2
3 Block 7: τοτε δη ξευρειν τα ε δη και των κυβων και των αστραγαλων they discovered games then If then is in Block 6, penalise only in Block 7 (0+1 BR) Block 8: και της σφαιρας και των αλλων παιγνιων πλην πεσσων (EITHER ball games OR the other games ) + except draughts Block 9: τουτων γαρ ο κ ο κειουνται την ξευρεσιν. Lydians not inventing this (= draughts) Maximum for Paragraph 1: 26 points Block 10: μηχανησαμενοι ο ν ταυτας τας παιγνιας, (Lydians) inventing games Block 11: ποιουν δε προς τον λιμον. (Lydians) doing something about the famine they dealt with the famine as follows Block 12: την μεν τεραν των μερων πασαν παιζον ο τως (Lydians) playing every other day Page 3
4 Block 13: Block 14: Block 15: στε μη σιτια ζητειν, not looking for food so that they did not seek food (= Result) NB If Results Clause not brought out, 1 Block Review in EITHER Block 12 OR Block 13 την δε τεραν σιτουντο, παυομενοι των παιγνιων. feeding on the other day on the others και τοιουτ τροπ διηγον πι τη δυοιν δεοντα ε κοσιν. (them) living for eighteen years such was the method that they carried on living they carried on in this way for 18 years Maximum for Paragraph 2: 18 points Block 16: αλλα του λιμου τι μαλλον βιαζομενου, famine becoming severe omission of τι Block 17: βασιλευς,..., κελευσε κληρωσαι. king giving an order and 1 BR if sentence has no main verb Block 18: διελων δυο μοιρας παντων των Λυδων, dividing all the Lydians into two groups Block 19: και λαχοντων α των (them) drawing lots having drawn lots, (some...) and having drawn lots himself Page 4
5 Block 20: ο μεν μενον ν τ χωρ, some staying Block 21: one on one hand stayed... (0+1 BR) ο δε ε ς Σμυρναν απηλθον, some leaving and on the other left (IF already penalised Block 20 for error or omission of ο μεν... ο δε) Block 22: και νθενδε απεπλεον, and sailing away Block 23: βιον τε και γην ζητουντες. seeking a life OR seeking a country seeking new life/new country and looked for... Maximum for Paragraph 3: 22 points TOTAL: 66 points Page 5
6 Credit Level Translation Block 1: Block 2: μεγαλη δε πολις ν Γαζα, πι χωματος ψηλου ο κισμενη. Gaza being large city OR Gaza being on a high mound banks the large city of Gaza was built Αλεξανδρος μεν δη κελευσε τους στρατιωτας μηχανας συμπηγνυναι Alexander giving orders about siege engines/artillery OR Alexander giving orders to soldiers to construct something omission of δη if all else correct Block 3: το τειχος μαλιστα πιμαχον α τ φαινετο where the wall seemed easy to attack must have = where or else 1 BR Block 4: ο δε μηχανοποιοι πελαβον engineer(s) replying 0+1 for no indication of δε (if μεν not translated in Block 2) Block 5: α πορον ε ναι βι λειν το τειχος δια το του χωματος ψος. wall hard to capture because of mound force a capture of Block 6: Αλεξανδρος μεντοι... φη, Alexander saying Page 6
7 Block 7: α λλα δια τουτο... δει προσβαλειν it being necessary to attack Block 8: λοντες γαρ τειχος ο τως α πορον, if we capture wall(s) Block 9: κπληξομεν μαλλον τους πολεμιους. alarming enemies Maximum for Paragraph 1: 25 points Block 10: Block 11: Block 12: Block 13: α λλ ο πολλ προ της προσβολης, just before the attack Αλεξανδρου στεφανωμενου θυοντος κατα νομον, Alexander performing a sacrifice NB 1 BR in this sentence if sense of simultaneous action of bird and sacrifice is not made clear 0+1 BR if not clear that it is Alexander who is performing the sacrifice ρνις τις,..., ξαιφνης μβαλλει λιθον ε ς την κεφαλην α του. bird dropping something on (Alexander s) head 0+1 BR for a stone dropped if all else correct περπετομενος περ του βωμου, (bird) flying over altar 0+1 BR for flew if no other linkage used Page 7
8 Block 14: και Αλεξανδρος ρετο τον μαντιν Alexander asking omission of και if all else correct Block 15: τι νοει ο ωνος about the meaning of the omen must have Indirect Question Block 16: δε α ποκρινομενος βασιλευ, φη, (prophet) replying and he answered, Oh King ( said omitted) Block 17: την μεν πολιν α ρησεις, (Alexander) going to capture city must have α ρησεις correct Block 18: σε δε δει σημερον πιμελως σεαυτον φυλασσειν. you must look after yourself Maximum for Paragraph 2: 25 points Block 19: πρωτον μεν ο ν Αλεξανδρος αυτον ξω βελους ε χεν Alexander out of weapon range outside missile Page 8
9 Block 20: τελος δε,..., α τος βαλλεται καταπελτ ε ς τον μον. (Alexander) struck by a catapult-bolt Block 21: παραβοηθησας τοις Μακεδοσι πιεζομενοις, (Alexander) helping Macedonians Block 22: α λλ χαιρετο, (Alexander) being pleased Block 23: του μαντεως περι του τραυματος α ληθευσαντος prophet having told the truth Block 24: νυν γαρ δοξεν α τ και την πολιν α ρησειν. he (Alexander) being likely to capture the city the city would be captured (unless previously penalised in Block 17) Maximum for Paragraph 3: 17 points TOTAL: 67 points Page 9
10 General Conversion Table Points Mark Points Mark Page 10
11 Credit Conversion Table [END OF MARKING INSTRUCTIONS] Page 11
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Math221: HW# 1 solutions
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LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV. 18 February 2014
LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV 18 February 2014 Slowly/quietly Clear/clearly Clean Quickly/quick/fast Hurry (in a hurry) Driver Attention/caution/notice/care Dance Σιγά Καθαρά Καθαρός/η/ο
Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1776/01 Edexcel GCSE Modern Greek Paper 1 Listening and Responding
Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 1 7 7 6 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 1776/01 Edexcel GCSE Modern Greek Paper 1 Listening and Responding Friday 18 June 2010 Morning Time: 45 minutes
3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β
3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS Page Theorem cos(αβ cos α cos β -sin α cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α NOTE: cos(αβ cos α cos β cos(α-β cos α -cos β Proof of cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α Let s use a unit circle
Congruence Classes of Invertible Matrices of Order 3 over F 2
International Journal of Algebra, Vol. 8, 24, no. 5, 239-246 HIKARI Ltd, www.m-hikari.com http://dx.doi.org/.2988/ija.24.422 Congruence Classes of Invertible Matrices of Order 3 over F 2 Ligong An and
Section 1: Listening and responding. Presenter: Niki Farfara MGTAV VCE Seminar 7 August 2016
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Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Βάσεων Δεδομένων
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Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics
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Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O
Q1. (a) Explain the meaning of the terms mean bond enthalpy and standard enthalpy of formation. Mean bond enthalpy... Standard enthalpy of formation... (5) (b) Some mean bond enthalpies are given below.
Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required)
Phys460.nb 81 ψ n (t) is still the (same) eigenstate of H But for tdependent H. The answer is NO. 5.5.5. Solution for the tdependent Schrodinger s equation If we assume that at time t 0, the electron starts
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Overview. Transition Semantics. Configurations and the transition relation. Executions and computation
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MSM Men who have Sex with Men HIV -
,**, The Japanese Society for AIDS Research The Journal of AIDS Research HIV,0 + + + + +,,, +, : HIV : +322,*** HIV,0,, :., n,0,,. + 2 2, CD. +3-ml n,, AIDS 3 ARC 3 +* 1. A, MSM Men who have Sex with Men
Οδηγίες Αγοράς Ηλεκτρονικού Βιβλίου Instructions for Buying an ebook
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The Nottingham eprints service makes this work by researchers of the University of Nottingham available open access under the following conditions.
Luevorasirikul, Kanokrat (2007) Body image and weight management: young people, internet advertisements and pharmacists. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Access from the University of Nottingham repository:
14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense
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Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations
99 Section 8. Trigonometric Equations Objective 1: Solve Equations Involving One Trigonometric Function. In this section and the next, we will exple how to solving equations involving trigonometric functions.
This is an electronic reprint of the original article. This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail.
This is an electronic reprint of the original article. This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail. Author(s): Chasandra, Mary; Tsiaousi, Louisa; Zisi, Vasiliki; Karatzaferi,
(1) Describe the process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube (3)
Q1. (a) A fluorescent tube is filled with mercury vapour at low pressure. In order to emit electromagnetic radiation the mercury atoms must first be excited. (i) What is meant by an excited atom? (1) (ii)
Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES
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