ἀναστροφή, ῆς, ἡ = conduct expressed according to certain principles, way of life, conduct, behavior under BDAG 73a. [minor punctuation error]

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1 James 3:13-4:7 (3:13) σοφός, ή, όν = clever, skilful, experienced, wise, learned (of human intelligence and education above the average, perhaps related to philosophy) under BAGD 760a. ἐπιστήμων, ον = pertaining to being knowledgeable in a way that makes one effectual in the exercise of such knowledge, expert, learned, understanding under BDAG 381a. δειξάτω aorist active imperative δείκνυμι = to exhibit something that can be apprehended by one or more of the senses, point out, show, make known; to prove or make clear by evidence or reasoning explain, prove under BDAG 214b. ἀναστροφή, ῆς, ἡ = conduct expressed according to certain principles, way of life, conduct, behavior under BDAG 73a. [minor punctuation error] πραΰτης, ητος, ἡ = the quality of not being overly impressed by a sense of one s self-importance, gentleness, humility, courtesy, considerateness, meekness under BDAG 861a. σοφία, ας, ἡ = the capacity to understand and function accordingly, wisdom; personified wisdom, Wisdom; a book titled The Wisdom of God under BDAG 934b. (3:14) ζῆλος, ου, ὁ = intense positive interesting in something, zeal, ardor; intense negative feelings over another s achievements or success, jealousy, envy under BDAG 427a. πικρός, ά, όν = pertaining to being bitter to taste, bitter; pertaining to being bitter in feeling or attitude, bitter, embittered, harsh under BDAG 813a. ἐριθεία, ας, ἡ = (found before the NT times only in Aristotle where it denotes a self-seeking pursuit of political office by unfair means, its meaning in our literature is a matter of conjecture) selfishness, self ambition (in all cases gives a sense that is just a problematic(?) under BDAG 392a.

2 κατακαυχᾶσθε present middle imperative κατακαυχάομαι = to boast at the expense of another, boast against, exult over; to have a cause for boasting because of advantage in power, triumph over under BDAG 517b. Rare. ψεύδεσθε present middle imperative ψεύδομαι = to tell a falsehood, lie; to attempt to deceive by lying, tell lies to, impose (upon) someone under BDAG 1096b. ἀλήθεια, ας, ἡ = the quality of being in accord with what is true, truthfulness, dependability; the content of what is true, truth; an actual event or state, reality under BDAG 42a. (3:15) ἄνωθεν = in extension from a source that is above, from above; from a point of time marking the beginning of something, from the beginning; for a relatively long period in the past, for a long time; at a subsequent point of time involving repetition, again, anew under BDAG 92a. κατερχομένη present middle participle κατέρχομαι = to move in a direction considered the opposite of up but not necessarily with suggestion of a gradient, come down; to arrive at a place, arrive, put in (nautical technical term of ships ad those who sail in them) under BDAG 531b. ἐπίγειος, ον = pertaining to what is characteristic of the earth as opposed to heavenly, earthly; pertaining to earthly things, with implication of personal gratification, (substantive) worldly things under BDAG 368b. ψυχικός, ή, όν = (in our literature) pertaining to the life of the natural world and whatever belongs to it, in contrast to the realm of experience whose central characteristic is πνεύμα, natural, unspiritual, worldly under BDAG 1100a. δαιμονιώδης, ες = originating from the lower spirit-world, infernal, demonic under BDAG 210b. Hapax in the NT. (3:16)

3 ὅπου = marker of a position in space, where; whither; marker of more immediate circumstance or expressing a premise, where; marker of cause or reason, in so far as, since under BDAG 717a. ἀκαταστασία, ας, ἡ = unsettled state of affairs, disturbance, tumult; opposition to established authority, disorder, unruliness under BDAG 35a. Rare. φαῦλος, η, ον = pertaining to being low-grade or morally substandard, base; pertaining to being relatively inferior in quality, ordinary (in reference to the kinds of awards that are offered) under BDAG 1050b. πρᾶγμα, ατος, τό = that which is done or happens, deed, thing, event, occurrence, matter; that which is to be done, undertaking, occupation, task; matter or concern of any kind, thing, matter, affair; a matter of contention, dispute, lawsuit under BDAG 858b. (3:17) Phew! A lot of rare vocabulary in this verse. πρῶτος, η, ον = pertaining to being first in a sequence, inclusive of time, set (number), or space, first (of several, but also when two persons or things are involved); (the neuter as adverb of time) first, in the first place, before, earlier, to begin with; (of space) outer, anterior; pertaining to prominence, first, foremost, most important, most prominent; (adverb πρωτον of degree) in the first place, above all, especially under BDAG 893b. ἁγνός, ή, όν = pure, holy (cultic word, originally an attribute of the divinity and everything belonging to it) under BDAG 13b. ἔπειτα = being next in order of time, then, thereupon; being next in position of an enumeration of items, then under BDAG 361a. εἰρηνικός, ή, όν = pertaining to being conducive to a harmonious relationship, peaceably, peaceful under BDAG 288b. ἐπιεικής, ές = not insisting on every right of letter of law or custom, yielding, gentle, kind, courteous, tolerant under BDAG 371a. εὐπειθής, ές = compliant, obedient under BDAG 416a. Hapax in the NT.

4 ἔλεος, ους, τό = kindness or concern expressed for someone in need, mercy, compassion, pity, clemency under BDAG 316a. καρπός, οῦ, ὁ = product or outcome of something, fruit; advantage, gain, profit under BDAG 309b. ἀδιάκριτος, ον = pertaining to not being judgmental or divisive, nonjudgmental, not divisive, impartial; pertaining to not being uncertain, unwavering under BDAG 19b. ἀνυπόκριτος, ον = pertaining to being without pretense, genuine, sincere (literally without play-acting ) under BDAG 91b. (3:18) δικαιοσύνη, ης, ἡ = the quality, state, or practice of judicial responsibility with focus on fairness, justice, equitableness, fairness; quality or state of juridical correctness with focus on redemptive action, righteousness; the quality or characteristic of upright behavior, uprightness, righteousness under BDAG 247a. σπείρεται present passive σπείρω = sow seed; scatter, disperse under BDAG 936a. ποιοῦσιν present active participle ποιέω. εἰρήνη, ης, ἡ = a state of concord, peace, harmony; (harmony in personal relationships) peace, harmony; good order; a state of well-being, peace under BDAG 287b. (4:1) πόλεμος, ου, ὁ = military conflict, war; (of a single engagement) battle, fight; a state of hostility/antagonism, strife, conflict, quarrel under BDAG 844a. μάχη, ης, ἡ = (in our literature only in plural and only of battles fought without actual weapons) fighting, quarrels, strife, disputes under BDAG 622a. Rare.

5 ἐντεῦθεν = pertaining to extension from a source near the speaker, from here; pertaining to the reason for, or source of, something, from this under BDAG 339b. ἡδονή, ῆς, ἡ = state or condition of experiencing pleasure for any reason, pleasure, delight, enjoyment, pleasantness; pleasurable experience of sensation, agreeable taste under BDAG 434b. στρατευομένων present middle participle στρατεύω = do military service, serve in the army; to engage in a conflict, wage battle, fight under BDAG 947b. μέλος, ους, τό = a part of the human body, part, limb; a part as member of a whole, member under BDAG 628b. (4:2) ἐπιθυμέω = to have a strong desire to do or secure something, desire, long for; to have sexual interest in someone, desire under BDAG 371b. φονεύω = murder, kill under BDAG 1063b. ζηλόω = be positively and intensely interested in something, strive, desire, exert oneself earnestly, be dedicated; to have intense negative feelings over another s achievements or success, be filled (with) jealously, envy (toward someone) under BDAG 427a. ἐπιτυχεῖν aorist active infinitive ἐπιτθγχάνω = successful in achieving or gaining what one seeks, obtain, attain to, reach under BDAG 385a. μάχεσθε present middle μάχομαι = to engage in physical combat, fight; to engage in heated dispute, without use of weapons, fight, quarrel, dispute under BDAG 622b. πολεμέω = wage war; (passive) be warred upon, be fought against; to be in opposition to, be hostile under BDAG 844a. αἰτεῖσθαι present middle infinitive αἰτέω = to ask for, with a claim on receipt of an answer, ask, ask for, demand under BDAG 30a.

6 Grammatical note = Infinitives. Cause. The causal infinitive communicates the (usually unintentional) reason or ground for the action of the controlling verb, answering the question Why? The most common construction for this type of infinitive is δια τό + infinitive (του + infinitive is rarely used). Such infinitival constructions are best translated using because, since, for plus the appropriate finite verb. You do not have because you do not ask αἰτεῖσθαι (James 4:2). See KMP, 367-368. Grammatical note = Adverbial Infinitives. Cause. Communicates the reason or ground for the action of the controlling verb, answering Why? (δια τό + infinitive). See KMP, 375. (4:3) κακῶς = pertaining to being bad in a moral sense, wrongly, wickedly; pertaining to being bad in a physical sense, bad, badly under BDAG 302a. δαπανήσητε = aorist active subjunctive δαπανάω = to use up or pay out material or physical resources, spend, spend freely; to cause destruction by external means, wear out, destroy under BDAG 212b. (4:4) μοιχαλίς, ίδος, ἡ = adulteress under BAGD 526a. Being used as an adjective so not generation adulteress but adulterous generation. 1 φιλία, ας, ἡ = friendship, love (followed by the objective genitive) under BDAG 1057a. ἔχθρα, ας, ἡ = enmity under BDAG 419a. βουληθῇ - aorist passive subjunctive βούλομαι = to desire to have or experience something with implication of planning accordingly, wish, want, desire under BDAG 182a. 1 {A} μοιχαλιδες 307 2 Ψ 5 א A B 33 vg syr p, h geo Augustine. μοιχοι και μοιχαλιδες *א 100 Byz [K L P] Lect syr h with* geo mss slav.

7 φίλος, ου, ὁ = pertaining to having a special interest in someone; (substantive) one who is on intimate terms or in close association with another; friend; (woman) friend (feminine) under BDAG 1058b. καθίσταται present passive καθίστημι = to take someone somewhere, bring, conduct, take; to assign someone a position of authority, appoint, put in charge; (with accusative) authorize, appoint; cause someone to experience something, make, cause; marker of similarity under BDAG 492b. Not entirely clear how it is being used or how best to translate. (4:5) δοκέω = to consider as probably, think, believe, suppose, consider (transitive, of subjective opinion); to appear to one s understanding, seem, be recognized; (impersonal) it seems to be under BDAG 254b. κενῶς = pertaining to being without effect or to no purpose, in an empty manner, idly, in vain under BDAG 540a. Similar to but not quite the same as.ה ב ל φθόνος, ου, ὁ = envy, jealousy under BDAG 1054b. Used as an adverb. ἐπιποθέω = to have a strong desire for something with implication of need, long for, desire (something) under BDAG 377b. κατῴκισεν aorist active κατοικίζω = cause to dwell, establish, settle under BDAG 535a. Hapax in the NT. 2 Grammatical note = Perfective Present. An infrequent use of the present tenseform is to express the present state of a past action (which is normally found with the perfect tense-form). This can be based on lexical reasons (such as ἥκω a present tense-form verb which means I have come ) or on contextual factors (λεγει used to introduce an OT quotation). For use of λεγει as an introductory formula, see James 4:5, 6. See KMP, 263-264 and n31. (4:6) 2 {B} κατώκισεν 81 1175 l 680. B Ψ 1739. κατώκησεν 5 33 307 Byz [K L P] Lect Nilus. κατώκεισεν A א 74

8 δίδωσιν present active δίδωμι. Sigh. μι verbs! μείζονα comparative μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα. χάρις, ιτος, ἡ = graciousness, attractiveness, favor, grace, gracious care or help, good will under BAGD 877a. ὑπερήφανος, ον = (in our literature only in an unfavorable sense) arrogant, haughty, proud under BDAG 1033b. ἀντιτάσσεται present middle ἀντιτάσσω = oppose, resist under BDAG 90b. Rare. ταπεινός, ή, όν = pertaining to being of low social status or to relative inability to cope, lowly, undistinguished, of no account; pertaining to being servile in manner, pliant, subservient, abject; pertaining to being unpretentious, humble under BDAG 989a. (4:7) ὑποτάγητε aorist passive imperative ὑποτάσσω = to cause to be in a submissive relationship, to subject, to subordinate; (passive) become subject; subject oneself, be subjected (or) subordinated, obey; to add a document at the end of another document, attach, append, subjoin under BDAG 1042a. ἀντίστητε aorist active imperative ἀνθίστημι = to be in opposition to, set oneself against, oppose; to be resistant to power, resist under BDAG 80a. φεύξεται future middle φεύγω = to seek safety in flight, flee; to become safe from danger by eluding or avoiding it, escape; to keep from doing something by avoiding it because of its potential damage, flee from, avoid, shun; to cease being visible, vanish, disappear under BDAG 1052a. (4:8) [incorrectly listed in the index of KMP] Grammatical note = Conditional Imperative. Like the subjunctive, an imperative can be used to state a condition. The construction consists of an imperative followed by a future indicative (or a subjunctive or another imperative both functioning like a future indicative) connected by και. Though this use is not common, there are at least 20 such imperatives in the NT. Draw near to God, and

he will draw near to you (James 4:8). The idea here is If you draw near to God, then he will draw near to you. See KMP, 211-212. 9