BY THE CONSECRATION OF THE HOLY CHRISM The most prominent, but also the "darkest':

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ω ω ω ω ω ω+2 ω ω+2 + ω ω ω ω+2 + ω ω+1 ω ω+2 2 ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω+1 ω ω2 ω ω2 + ω ω ω2 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω ω+1 ω ω2 + ω ω+1 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω




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_' 0 "6Vo'i 4v OKOUETE O\iK l:otiv E~6'i -Kal En"I'ta9Iloov 6nOVTE'i nveu~oto'i 'Ayiou. lama TOU nef' OVTO'i ~E notpcu;_. (' Iwav, 4:24) Kol "'p~avto AoAEiv ETEpal'i V"WOOOI'i": (np6~ewv 2:4) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GREEK ORTHODOX IUVTOaOfTOI uno ' Enorponi\o;, npolloiq lou I~POOIIWT6TOU 'ApXI Ema~6nou ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA 242 Cleveland 5.. Redfern, 206. Tel. 698-5066 ETl]ofo Iuvc5po.II'I- Annual Subscriplion $20,00 VOLUME 3 No 6 Registered by Australia Post Publication No NAR 3565 TeQxo<; 50 'Yrro 'Ap)(lemaKorrOU Avarpa}.{ac; K. L rualavod By Archbishop Styianos of Australia. TE\OYMENA KAI NOOYMENA AIlO TON KA0AfW:MO TOY AIlOY MYPOY O 'Olanp TTEarepo<;, 6).)..0 Koi «OKOTElvOTEpoQ>, a6v TOV ' HpOKAElTO, <)liaooo</>a<; TOU 200u oiwvo, Martin Heidegger, 'XOpaKT~ploe w~ TOlleyoAUTepo Koi 0 Ti~ I3ap{>Tepe~ ouvenele~ ollopttlilo TWV 6v8pwnwv - ioiw~ Tfj~ Enoxfi~ l0~ - T~V "Seinsvergessimheit': OTlAOOi] T~V (.T)O.IoaVVT) roo CiVT09>, TO va ~exvo~ auto noo unopxei. AUT6v T6v ~9IKO <)liaooo</>ik6 O</lOpI0I6 TOU r epllovou oo</>ou <)lepvw ouxvo ar6 vou, OTav ~AEnW n600 Aiyo npowaro ~Epel 6 eupotepo<; 'illt)vik~ AO~ ~Ilepa an6 lo~ jepwtaro\x; OUIlI3aAIOIO~ TWV nopaoooewv lou Koi OEv KOvoulle OIOKPIOT] 'ow Ov IlIAOUlle YlO nopa660el~ npoxpiotiovike~ Ii Bu~oVTlVE~, Op9000~e~, noo npoe~ereivav Koi K09ayiOOav Ti~ npwte~. "Onole~ KI Ov etvoi oute~ oj nopa660el~, ExOUV aneploplare~ OIOarOOEl~ aro xwpo TOU (l/.lv80v». KI 6 (l/.lvioq> etvoi '~loou TpORI><; TWV 'illi]vwv, 000 KI 0 (.6y09>, YlO va Ili] Ilnopei va Uno~el 'ow i OIOOlOOT] nov olaniarwoe 0 L'luTIKo Eupwnoia<; Ov9pwna<; IlETO~, Aoio~ Koi EupwTT]~, Yl our6 Koi 6iEOTEIAe XWPIOTlKO, Koi KOnoTe TeAeiw~ avtl9etiko, avolleoo 0' oute~ Ti~ ou6 gelleaeooel~ AelToupyie~ Tfj~ ouvelo~oew~. "AMware, Ov (.6y09> etvoi npwtop)(iko i 6UvallTl noo «OVV AEy-Em Koi «ovv'tt)pefi> Koi «ovv'e)(em TO TEW~ OIT)PTlIlEva, E~ooq,aAi~oVTO~ lo~..,ottlto, OICIPKElO Koi (3IO<tIlOTTlTO, «/.0809> OEv etval OnAW~ TO IlOrOIo KaroOKeUaOlO Tfj~ q,avtooio~ noo OEv ex un6aroot]. «MOioQ> YlO T6v "illtlva etval 6 K090PIlEva<; ano TO EmKOlPIK6 arol)(eio Koi ari]v an6autt) i0x6 Tfj<; olwvlo~ Mi]9EtO~ avu!>wgei~ «A6y09>, akpi~w~ YlCl va Ilnopei va etvoi (mopt)yopio» Koi «(TopGKAT)OT)), ave~opti]tw~ Tonou Koi xp6vou Mi]nw<; OEv </loivetoi OKOIlTl Koi ErUIlOAOYlKO n600 3a9Eo EvWIlEva<; IlEvel o Myo~ (w~ oeotepo OUv9ETIKO TOU opou) IlE T6v IIv90 Koi otic; 006 AE~e\(; (nopokatlot) Koi nopt)yopia) 0 npwto OUV9ETIKO T~V np6geot] «(TO{X>, t'i 6noio OKPI~<; 0TlAWVe, T6 rn6 REpa, TO mekelva an6 TO Op)(IKO oe60ilevo; rl' auro llnopoooolle va 6vollaooulle EnioTlllo ' T~V novoyio (,n0po/.v8ioi>. rl' ouro EniOT)~ 6 oeiilvt)ara<; narplopxt)c;, A9T)vay6pa~, 90UIl0~OVlO~ T~V noitlot] noo exouv oi nopa660elc; Koi TO 9tl0 l0c;, Aeye nw~ 8l0are oj "illtlve~ «Aa~ nopo/.ve.ou». "OAO~ TO~ rno navw ouvelpllo~ E<)lepe ai>96pilt)lo WHAT IS DONE AND WHAT IS MEANT BY THE CONSECRATION OF THE HOLY CHRISM The most prominent, but also the "darkest': philosopher of the 20th century Martin Heidegger, like Heraclitus, chracterised "Seinsvergessenheit'; namely "forgetfulness of being'as the greatest wrong of people - especially of our age - with the greatest consequences. It is this ethico philosophical aphorism of the German philosopher that often bring to mind, when see how little the broader Greek public knows today from the most sacred symbolisms of its traditions. We make no distinction here whether we speak of pre christian or Byzantine Orthodox traditions, which consecrated the former. Whatever these traditions be, they have unlimited dimensions in the space of the "myth': Now "myth" is equally a way of the Greeks, just as t~eason" is, so as not to allow here the dimension ascertained here by the Western European between Asia and Europe, resulting in the separation and sometimes in the complete antithesis of these two fundamental functions of the conscience. In any case, if ureason'is primarily the power that "collects" and 'preserves" and rthods together" what was before divided, safeguarding their unity, duration and viability, "myth" is not simply the vain creation of imagination that has no substance. For Greeks "myth" is "reason" purified from the temporal element and elevated to the absolute power of eternal truth, precisely that it may be "conso/ation'; regardness of place and time. Furthermore, does it not appear even etymologically how deeply united "reason "remains (as the second part of the word) with "myth'; in the Greek words with its first part meaning precisely what is beyond the original datum? For this reason we could officially call the Panagia "Conso/ation ': It is for the same reason, too, that the late Patriarch Athenagoras, admiring the poetry of our traditions and customs, said that we Greeks are "peop/e of the myth': All the above thoughts spontaneously came to my mind recently, as a result of the ceremony of the Consecration of the Holy Chrism, which was conducted this year at Phanar, being one of the historic events which the new Leader of the Ecumenical Throne Bartholomeos began his blessed Patriarchy. Reading a recent study on the "Order Service of 53

OT~V ~V~~Tl ~OU TOV TeAEUTOiO KOIpO ~ TeAET~ Ka80'(a~ou TOU 'Ayiou MDpoU, nod yve KI e<jlet(x; OTO <l>av6pi, w~ Eva ano T<l IOTOPIKO yeyovoto, ~E TO onoia apxloe T~V euaoytl~evtl notplapxeia TOU 6 VE~ npoka8~~ev~ TOU OIKou~EVIKou E>pOvou Bap80Ao~ai~ A'. t.laf36~ovto~ np6a<»<rro ~eaettl~a yto T~V «{),CrrOQV - 'AKOAov8iav napaokevfc; Kai KaBaytaO/ov rov 'A yfov Mvpov» ano TOV <jliaiotopa Kai AOYIO 'lepopxtl TOU notplapxeiou, MTlTponoAiTTl EouTl6iae; nauao - 6 6noi~, 0Tl~elw8~Tw, eypat)e Kai T~V 6ooKTopia TOU OTO 8E~a TOU 'Ayiou MDPOU - ~pe8tlkan6a ~u8t~~ OTO~ OWOTIKODe; ool66ao~ nod OUyKPOTOUV 0 OU~~AI~oi «(feaouievwv» Kai «aooievwv» OT~ AOTpeia ~ae;. Kai 0 «00(30..'0/0» autoi, onw~ 80 oou~e mo KOTW, etval 0)( ~ov6xa Ka8apT~plOI, aaaa OT~V KuploAe~ia AUTPWTlKOi, apkei va TOUe; KPOT~oou~e evapyeie; Kai AElTOupyoilvTOe; TOOO OT~V ouvei6tl~ ~ae; 000 Kai a' 6MKATlpo TO ow~a TOU motou AaoU. BE~la npenel va 6~OAOYTl8ei OTt akooovtoe; Koveie; ~laotiko Kai emnoaoia TO nwe; napaokeu6~etoi Kai t)~vetoi ~Eoa OE AE~TlTe~ el6lko~ TO "Ayto Mupov OTO <l>av6pi, Exel KOT' aprnv T~V EvTDnwOTl OTt e6w IO~ Exou~e Eva «KEAV<jxx;», ~IO Aiyo - nom 6TlAa6~ TunoAOTpIK~ napa6aon nod aa<)laawe; 80 npoepxetoi an6 TO~ 'E~paio~, onwe; ilmwote TO neploootepa arn~ota Kai OvTtKei~eva Tfie; XPIOTlOVIKfie; AOTpeia~. "O~we; OT~V n~otikottlto 6Ev etval TO "Ayto Mupov TO KaAlrrepo napa6e~a yto va 6ou~e T~ auyyevetu XPIOTlovl~oil Kai 'lou6ai ~ou. lowe; ~6AIOTa 8iinprne va noil~e akpi~we; TO OvTi8ETO. "OTt 6TlAa6~ TO "Ayto Mupov 6eixvel KOTO TOV novtlyupikotepo rpono TO nov Kai mo~ 6 XPIOTIOVI~6c; ~rnepvii Kai ~ETa~op<pwvel TOV 'lou6ai~o. flo va yivouv o~we; <jlavepa TO ~OIKO OTolxeia nod 80 6Kaiwvav autov TOV IOXVPI~o, npenel u6 8WTl80u~e Preparation and Consecration of the Holy Chrism" by the learned hierarch of the patriarchate Metropolitan Paul of Sweden - who also wrote his doctoral dissertation on the theme of Holy Chrism - I found myself again involved in the saving ramifications which constitute the symbolisms of " "what is done" and Uwhat is chanted" in our worship. As we shall see further below, these "symbolisms" are not only purifying, but literally saving, provided we keep them active and functioning both in our conscience and in the entire body of the faithful. Of course it must be admitted that on hearing hurriedly and superficially how the Holy Chrism is prepared and boiled in special boilers at Phanar, initially one has the impression that here perhaps we have a "shell'; namely a more or less formalist tradition that is surely deriving from the Hebrews, just as most forms and objects of christian worship do. Yet in reality, the Holy Chrism is not the best example to see the relationship between Christianity and udaism. Perhaps we should even say precisely the opposite, namely that the Holy Chrism shows in the most celebrated way where and how Christianity transcends and transforms udaism. But to render obvious the the basic elements that would justify this allegation, we should remember what is the historical basis and the prototype of the Holy Chrism. One of the greatest, if not the leading, Byzantine liturgiologist, Archbishop Symeon of Thessaonika, says that the Myron "is called alabaster as a type of that which was shed on the head of esus by the harlot or Mary the sister of Lazarus'W G. 55: 24 ff). From this passage it appears obvious that only the repenting soul can offer the "myron" to the Lord of compassion and of glory. The myron becomes almost synonymous with the most stirring repentance, that does "AvO,lV7anK7) (p6toypaqia fcrq rov K08ayIOOIO TOU 'Ayiou Mupou ur6 C])aVOpI rrj MeydAq nt./ttttf and mv Ae.n rov OiKOUIlF;VIKO {btpiopxt/ If. Bap8oAo,loio. 54

...... nou] Eival r't IOTOPIKtl t360tl Kai TO npotuno TOU 'Ayiou Mupou "Evae; AOmOV Ono TOUe; "EYaAUTEPOUC;, Ov 0)( 0 Kopu aioc;, AElTOUPytOAOYoc; TOU BU~avTiou, 0 'Ap)(lrnlaKOnoc; LU"EWV eeooaaovik~e;, "de; MYEl OTt TO Miipov «KOAEiTOI da6/30orpov Eie; Tvnov TOU h<xu8evtcx; rfi KE<>a}.fi rou 'IT/OOU nopa Trye; OpVT/e; Ilvpou r'i Trye; 6&A<I>rye; rou \o(6pou Mopior:;» (PG 55: 240 l{). 'Ano TO cjlaivetat Ka6apO OTI TO «IlUPOV» "nopei va npoo<)lepel "ovo ri "ETavooUOO "'um OTOV Kuplo Ttiiv oiktlp"tiiv Kai Tfie; 66I;r]e;. To piipo yivetat <)(Eoov ouvwvu"o,,0 TtlV 76 OUYKAOVIOTIKtl pacvola, nou 5ev YVWpi~EI nolo TpOno 80 ~pei, 0)( yto va «E<EUIlEVioEI», clam yto va «5o<60EI» TOV eeo. Kai ri 5acpapO ETval ~E~ata cl~uooaaea. 'Evtii Aom6v 0 ' Iou&iiO.l6c; ~~Ta,,0 TO lepyo rou v6l0v», nou KOnOTE ETval OnM TunoAOTpEia, va QAEWOEI TOV Ovepwno OnevravTl OTOV eeo - yt' auro Kai KupiWC; 8EWPOUVTat Ka6appoi TOU 6v6pwnou 0 6p~aKEUTtKEe; npo~ele; TOU 'E~poiou - 0 XPIOTIOVIO.l6c;,,0 TtlV pacvola, nou ETval TO Ka8apO <l>p6~pa Kai "nopei va "tl 5a8ETEI KOVEva evtunwolako 'Pyo, OnO~AEnEI "ovo OTtl ~a TOU eeoii. rl ' auto Kai KOTa<)lEuYEI 0 XpIOTlaVIO"oe; ae xapovopie~ "aaaov napo ae npq~ei~. 0 XElpoVO"iEe; o"we; 5la<)lEpouv PI~IKO Ono Tie; npo~eie;. rloti 0 nptiitee; imalviooovtoo TtlV Onapm Kai TtlV KOTEU8uVOTl "Iae; 6a8EaEWC; nou 5ev ~OVTAEiTOI note OTtl OUYKEKPI"~ evepyela, evtii 0 5EUrEpEe; EK-<I>pQ~OVV TO TETEAEO.lEva Kai OTall.ll~o"EVO 'Pyo, yto TO onoio "nopei Koveie; va Kaum8Ei. L' auttlv clkpi~ TtlV arauplktl TO"tl ~ptaketal ri 5acpapO 6v6.lEOO OTOV XplarlOVIO.l0 Kai TOV ' Iou6aiO.lo. Kai TtlV 5acpapO auttl TtlV evoopkwvei OpIOTOUp~"OTIKO OA~ ri 5tOra~ Kai TEAETtl TOU Ka6aytaO.lOU TOU 'Ayiou Mupou, nou <)lavepwvei, onwc; Eioo"E, OTt ri "ETOvola Tfie; nop~ e; - nou 5ev ETval OnAtiie;, onwe; eaaeye 0 Sartre, (a) nopvt/ 0V Oe/3ETOI» - OnOTEAEi TO npotuno Kai Ttl t360tl TOU OytaO.lou "ae;. AUTO ETval TO "Eya «ak6v6cr?lo» TOU XPIOTlOVIO.l0U, OnEvavTt arov ristko ~ 6p~aKEUTIKO EUaE~IO.lO Kat VO"IKIO.lO K08E aaaou TpOnou ~wfie;. U Y OTEPO On' autee; Tie; 8E.lEAElli>5EIe; napar~ptlaele; de; 50ii"E OTT] auvexela Kai AtYEe; xapakt~platikee; AETTrO"EpEIEe; Ono TtlV napoakeutl Kai TOV Ka6aytaO.lO TOU 'Ayiou Mupou, ytoti ri AETTrO"EpEIEe; auree; OnOKaAUmOUV, K08E,,0,,0 TOV TpOno T~e;, 0)( "ov6xa rie; PVOTlKE~ 6AA0 Kai Tie; KOOlIKE~ 5laOToaEIe; nou ~PETEi T6 "UOTtlPIOV TOU 'Ayiou Mupou,,000 On' ailttl TtlV nomnaok~ TEAETOUpytKtl 5a6Kaaia TtiiV Twaopwv npwtwv T\"Eptiiv Tfie; MEyaAo~"oooe;. a) npwttarwe; npenei va napartlp~8ei an TO ~putt"a DAIKO Ono TO onoia OUYKpoTEiTat ri ila~ TOU 'Ayiou Mupou 5ev ETval Tuxaia, "tlte noikiaouv KOTO ~UA~OTl. 'AvTt8erwe;, Ono naalo ExEI Ka8Epw8Ei EnaKpl~tiie; TO n60ee; Kat noiee; DAIKee; ouaiee; npenei va Aa"t36vovTOI yt' auro T6 akono. "Erat, Onaplll.louVTat «E<rKOVTO EvWliT/ 86T/» Kai yivetat ova<)lopo arov "AYlo ' Iwo vv~ TOV L'ia"aaK~vo, nou nepiypo<)lei iooplll.lee; OPETee; - T7VEU"OTIKee; Kai aw"otikee; - ae Ei5KO ooyypo""o TOU, Evtii Aomov ri YEVIKtl 500aKaAia Tfie; 'EKKA~aiae; "ae; nept Tfie; noiktaiae; ootfie; TtiiV Ei6tiiv ETval OTt OU"~At~ETat TO OnEIPO nai;8oc; Ttiiv xaplo.lorwv TOU 'Ayiou nveu"otoc; (nou napexei TO 5' 'Ayiou Mupou, e6tii ~AEnO"E not know what way to find not only to "expiate'; but to "glorify" God. Of course the difference here is abyssmal. While udaism seeks with the "works of the aw'; which sometimes are mere fonnalism, to expiate man before God - and precisely for this reason the religious acts of the Hebrew are considered to be purifying acts - Christianity aims only at glorifying God with ' repentance, which is the pure spirit and may present no impressive work. For this reason Christianity turns to gestures rather than actions. Now gestures radically differ from actions. For the fonner hint Patriarch 8artholomeos pours aromatic oils to prepare the Holy Chrism. at the starting point and the direction of a disposition that is never exhausted in the concrete action, while the latter express the finished and weighed act, for which one can boast. It is precisely at this crucial point that the difference between Christianity and udaism is to be found. It is a difference that is best incarnated by the order and ceremony of the consecration of the Holy' Chrism, that manifests, as seen above, that the repentance of the harlot - which is not merely "the harlot that is pious," as Sartre would say - constitutes the prototype and basis of our sanctification. This is the great "scandal" of Christianity before the moral or religious pietism and legalism of any other manner of life. After these fundamental remarks let us now look at some characteristic details from the preparation and consecration of the Holy Chrism, for these details reveal, each in its own manner, not only the mystical but also the secular dimensions served by the mystery of the Holy Chrism from within the complicated ceremonial order of the first four days of Holy Week. a} First, it should be remarked that the significant materials which comprise the substance of the holy Chrism are not accidental nor is their variety according to one's will. On the contrary it has been decided from early times precisely how many and which materials are to be used fro this purpose. Some sixty perfume oils are in number, while reference is 55

0 yivetoi Myoc; yu] OUYKEKPI~Evo api9!.to Ei&iiv, Kai ~6Alara EU6apwV. '0 Mytoc; 'IEpo~oVO)(oc; ~Wp66Eoc; BoUAIlO\lOe;, nou neeove TO 98 arf]v KwvarOVTlvoUnoAIl, Kai TOU onoiou TO O)(ETIKO ~E TO "Ayto Mupo «anoooao/lo» napouoiaoe 0 MwponoAiTIle; LoIl6iae;, OvOyEt TOV api9!.to niiv Ev My", «el>tvowv Ei&iiv» arov "llillva ytotpo Kai <Pap~aKoMyo ~IOOKopi6l neoovio, nod E~l0E TOV a' ~.x. aiwva Kai 9EWPEITOI 0 onoooolotepoc; ouyypo<peae; Tfie; apxalotiltoc; aro xwpo Tfie; <l>ap~akoaoyiae;. "ETOI o~we;, nap6milaa ~E TO Ovw9fV napexo~evo xapio\lota TOU 'Ayiol nveu~otoc;, Tovi~ETOI Kai ~ KUrw9fV OvTanoKplOl OE noikiaia TWV KTlarwv nou Em0l~aivEI TtlV OAOKAIlPia TOU K~IKOU OVToc;, tl onoia npenei va Ow9EI «Eie; c3aprjv Euw6ioQ) Kai ocx;a TOU ~l~loipyou Tile;. ~) "Av nopa 9eAtlOO~E va 6ou~E Kanola ~larlktl Ol~aoia Kai ara ova~ota ako~l TWV 600 uno~vl~otarwv Tfie; noikiaiae;, 6lAa6tl TOUl\IOOKOpi6 Kai TOU EK ~a~aokou 'Ayiol 'IwcivVIl, 9ci npenei va unev9~iooi~e OTt ~6OKolpoc; (= ~6c;-Koupoc;) Ol~aivEI yt6c; TOU ~ia, apa aeoyevt~, 'lwovvile; 6E ~TOV, We; yvwarov 0 KOT' E~OxtlV ~a9ilttle; Tfie; 6yclrnj~. 06 ~nopouoe EnO~EvWC; ~' aino TOV OUO)(ETIO\lO va Aex9EI 0 ano a,oii anokaaulttetal ~ «Ei'xxlIlOQ) noikiaia Kai OAOKAIlPia TOU KTlarOU, EvW ~E TtlV Oy<lnTl ~ 6a noikiaia Ovllnpoo<pepETOI Kai TeAEIOUral we; ~upov «Eie; c3aprjv EUw5iae; TTVEuPOTIKfjQ). nepltto va Aex9EI 0 OAIl auttl tl f3a9ituril auaxerl0l 'AKTiarol Kai KTIaTOU ~aptipei KOTa Eva ako~ apxetuntko Kai «EpTTpCryarO» TpOno, TtlV yvwartl op966o/;rj 6000KaAia nepi OIv,py,ia~ 9EioI Kai 6u9pwnivol napoyoltoc; aro 9E~a Tfie; owtllpiae;. y) AMIl XapaKTIlPIOTlKtl AElTTO~EpEla ETval TO YEYOv6c; 0 KOTa TO tl>tlol~o TOU 'Ayiol Mupol xpilo~onoiouvtoi yta TtlV <j>wlla naalee; Kai KOTEarpa~~EvEe; lepee; EiKOVEe;. AUTO ~Ef3ala 90 ~nopouoe va 9EWPll9EI EK npwtile; otl>ewe; OTt yivetoi ano Ka9ap6 npaktikouc; Myot<;, 6lAa6tl yta va ~tlv ~E~IAw90t3v anopptnte~evee; OTa apxplloto ~ KOTaarpE<t>6~EVEe; xwpie; Ka~la AElTOlpytKtl OIva<j>Ela o!!epee; EiKOVEe;. 'E~ 00 o~we;, Kai lowe; ako~ owarotepa, eo ~nopouoe KOVEie; E6w va 6EI Kai TOV iepo OI~f3aAIO\lO OTt (0] TTaAOIWeEioa <pvoe; TOU YEvot<; I)PWV» nou napoloiaoe <j>9ap~evil TOU 0EOU TtlV EiKova arov /lv9pwno, napa6i6etoi aro ni3p TOU a<j>avio\lou yta va OvayEVVIl9EI ~E TO B6mIO\la Kai TO XplO\la OE «KOIvrj KTiOT)). AUTO OAAwarE TOvi~Et XapaKTIlPlarlKa Kai a 'An. nauaoc; OTOV ~oe; KaAEI (NG <popeowpev TryV EiKova TOU Enoupaviow) (A' KOPIv9. IS, 49). 6) MIa TeAElraia E6w xapaktilplarlktl AElTTO~EpEta dno TtlV OAIl TeAETOlpyia Kai TOV Ka9OytaO\lo TOU 'Ayiol Mupol ETvOI Kai 6 ap90~ TWV AE~tlTWV ~EO' TOUe; 6noiot<; tl>tlvetoi OIY(pOvwe;, Kai TWV 60XEiwv nou nepl xcrol artlv OIv xela KOTa TtlV AElTolpyia Tfie; MEY. ne~lttlle; TO Ka9Oyta09Ev "Aytov Mupov. O! AE~IlTEe; AOtnoV ETval rnra - yvwaroe;!epoe; api9~ee; 0' 6MKAllPll TtlV '0600XPlarlaVIKtl nap6600 - Kai TO 60XEla nou neplexolv TO "A yto Mupo ETval "Kom"va, E~<j>avEe; nomanaooio TOU wa ~E TO Tpia nou EnI0l~aivEt TOV Eie; TO OnEIPO nomanaaotao\lo TOU \6 KOO\lIKWe; we; «CmEipow) 9EWPOI~EvOI wa, 60 TOU a~eooi ~larllplakou OUOXETIO\lou TOI ~E TtlV 'Ayia Tplaoo. ria OAOIe; TOUe; me navw Myole; ETvOI xapaktilplarlkototo TO YEYOv6c; OTt ~ETO TtlV OAOKAtlPw0l Tfie; OAIle; TeAETOlpyiae; Evwmov TOU notplopxoi Kai TOU 56 made to Saint ohn of Damascus, who refers to equal virtues in nwnber, both spiritual and physical, in one of his special treatises. While the general teaching of the Church concerning the variety of these materials is that the infinite multitude of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is symbolised by the materials used for the Holy Chrism, here wesee that there is a concrete nwnber of materials of perfume oils. The learned Priest monk Dorotheos Boulismas, who died in 98 in Constantinople, and whose study on the Holy Chrism is presented by the metropolitan of Sweden, says that the of the said "fragrant materials" are ascribed to the Greek physician and pharmacist Dioskoridis Pedanios, who lived in the first century A.D. and is regarded to be the most prominent writer of antiquity in the field of Pharmacology. In this way, parallel to the gifts of the Holy Spirit offered from above, their correspondence from below is emphasised in a variety of created elements, which stresses the entirety of the worldly being, which must be preserved '~s a sweet fragrance" and to the glory of its Greator. b) Now if we want to see a certain mystical significance even in the names of another two commentators of the variety, namely of Dioskoridis and of St ohn of Damascus, we should remember that Dioskouros means son of Zeus, therefore born of God, while ohn as, as known, the disciple par excellence of love. In this relationship it could be said that from God is revealed the "fragrant" variety and totality of the creation, while with love the same variety is offered in return and is perfected as myron "a sweet spiritual fragrance'; Needless to say that the entire deep relationship of the uncreated with the ccreated bears witness to yet another archetypal and realistic way, namely the well known orthodox teaching concerning the synergy of the divine with the hwnan factor in the matter of salvation. c) Another characteristic detail is the fact that during the baking of the Holy Chrism old and destroyed icons are used as fuel. This could at first be considered as being for purely practical reasons, so as not to throw them to the rubbish or destroy them without some related function. However, equally and perhaps even more correctly, one could also see here the sacred symbolism that "the old nature of our race" represented by the old icon of man in the icon of God, is given to fire so that the "new creation" may be reborn with Baptism and Chrism. In any case, this is stressed by SI. Paul when he calls us to "wear the heavenly icon" (I Cor. 5,49). d) A final characteristic detail here from the whole ceremony and consecration of the Holy Chrism is also the number of boilers in which it is boiled, as well as the nwnber of the vases that contain the Holy Chrism at the liturgy of Holy Thursday. The boilers are seven, a well known nwnber for the entire udeochristian tradition, while the vases which contain the Holy Chrism are twenty one, an obvious multiple of seven by three, which denotes the infinite multiplication of the already worldly seven considered as "infinite'; through its direct sacramental relationship with the Holy Trinity. For all the reasons above, it is most characteristic that after the end of the whole ceremony the Archon Myrrh seller cries, before the Patriarch and the multitude, to the ]

MINISTRY IN THE ORTHODOX CHURCH,,,..... i) Orders T he Orthodox Church is a hierarchical Church. this hierarchy is an attribute which "corresponds to the imitation of God" and reflects the holy order "even among the celestial beings" (St Dionysius the Areopagite). In the Orthodox Church there are three basic or "major orders'~ bishop, priest and deacon. The "minororders"include sub deacons and readers. An essential element in the structure of the Church is the Apostolic Succession of bishops. 'f any are not with the bishop'; wrote Cyprian, "they are not with the Church': During his consecration, the bishop is endowed with the threefold power of Christ: the royal function (ruling), the priestly function (celebrating the sacraments) and the prophetic function (teaching). All ordinations of the ministerial orders take place during the Divine Liturgy. The bishop, however, is ordained prior to the Gospel reading on account of his peculiar "charisma "as teacher of the faith. Nevertheless, in the early Church the celebrant of the Eucharist itself was normally the bishop, and to this day a priest celebrating the Liturgy does so in the name of his local bishop. Only a bishop has the power to ordain. The bishop, however, must be unmarried; on the contrary, the priest or deacon may marry. Their only limitation is to marry before ordination. There is, here, no undermining of the marital status but only an underlining of the practical difficulties involved in a married clergyman's life. The fundamental function of the priest is to consecrate the gifts of bread and wine, through the invocation of the Holy Spirit, and to transform these into the body and blood of Christ, the only High Priest. This is why the priest is ordained prior to the moment of Consecration in the Divine Liturgy. The order of deacons is far more prominent in the Orthodox Church than in other communions. The diaconate is not merely a preliminary stage on the way to priesthood, a kind of "half-way house'; but rather a permanent office. The role of the deacon is to minister unto his brethren, to na~80ue; 0 "Apxwv MupE<joe; ava<l>wvei npoe; T~V Ka8aylOO]Ev~ UA~ TOU 'Ayiou Mupou TO Ellie; auyk'v~tlko : «' EurEtPavwO"t; EPYOV /6" heaeiwo"t;b, Tov'\5.0 5E clmaacly.l6 OvTOTI055E. T6 nap.otoj.levo naii8oc; j.letex0vtoe; OT"V TIVEUj.lOTlK" nav50laa nou 5~j.l'OUPYEi " TOaO xapokt~p'ot'ko ' Opfl65oQ] ain" TEAET" TOU 'Ayiou Mupou Kal npene. va AEX8Ei, Ev KmaKAEI5., OT. onwe; j.lnpomo OT6 ' ApTo<POP'o, nou nep,exe' T6v Ka8ayaO]Evo Tiie; MEY. mj.lm~e; "ApTo Tiie; 8. Euxap.OTlae;, KalE' j.lovlj.lwe; clkolj.l~t~ Kav5"Aa, hoi Kal Eie; T6 MUpo<>uAaK.o TOU OiKouj.lEV.Kou nmp.apxelou nou auvt~pei yto TIe; 6v6yKEe; TWV emavtoxou motwv T"V Ka8aytaO]Ev~ noo6t~to TOU 'Ayiou Mupol, KalE. EnIOlle; VUx8~j.lEp6V OKOlj.l~T~ Kav5"Aa. K.' aut6 ytml iirlelpee; <!>OPEe; 6,\5'0<; 6 Xp.OTOc; 6VOj.lOCETOl OT"V AmpEUTlK" yawaoa Tiie; 'EKKA~aae; «Mvpov T6 vot)t6v». "The most natural thing in the world is to be a priest" (Fr Alexander Schmemann) serve at the feet of Christ within Hi~ Church. He transmits the life of Christ to the world: this is why his ordination occurs just before the communion in the Liturgy. * * * * * The Church, however, is not only hierarchical in its ministry: the Holy Spirit is poured out on all the people of God. Every Orthodox faithful is considered king, priest and prophet. The gifts of the Spirit are many ( Cor. 2:28 30) and cannot be limited to an ordained ministry alone. (d. Thess. 5: 9 20). One recalls the influence in the Christian East of the tradition of the elders (abba, starets), often far greater than that of any hierarch. This "spiritual" aspect of the Church is particularly emphasised by the Desert Fathers (4th 5th centuries), by St. Symeon the New Theologian (d. 022) and by such persons as St. Seraphim of Sarov (d. 833). In the Orthodox tradition, no sharp distinction has ever been drawn between the institutional and the charismatic within the Church. The sacramental authority of the ordained ministry and the spiritual authority of the saints coexist, and any tensions arising cannot justify the suppression of either one. The authority of the Church is not opposed to but identified with that of the Spirit. For the role of the holy people does not undermine the responsibility of the bishops. The Orthodox Church has never attempted to resolve this paradoxical simultaneous existence by reducing the Christian faith either to a few charismatics or by relying on the bishops alone. In preserving this paradox, what is underlined is the nature of the Church as an Eucharistic community in continuity with the Apostolic faith. (ii) Structures The Orthodox Church, therefore, understands that the ministry is not the monopoly of the clergy (d. Eph. 4: - 2) but the. responsibility of au. We are, all of us, "the Body of Christ, and each of us is a member of it" (Eph. 5:30). ust as no single function of Christ as king, priest and prophet may be isolated, so also clergy and laity cannot exist without one another. Together do they comprise the Body of Christ, together they live out the mystery of Christ. Their consecrated material of the Holy Chrism the following moving words: "You have been crowned, Now you are perfected!" The same cry is uttered by the multitude present participating in this spiritual banquet of this characteristic Orthodox ceremony of the Holy Chrism. In conclusion, it should be said that as a permanent lamp burns before the tabernacle on the holy altar, which has the reserved Sacraments, likewise a permanent lamp burns at the Ecumenical Patriarchate where the Holy Chrism is preserved for the needs of the faithful everywhere. For Christ Himself is frequently called the "spiritual Myrrh'; in the language of the worship of the Church. 57

distinction is functional, not essential. In this way, the Orthodox Church avoids two extremes: on the one hand, a clericalism that disdains equality, and on the other hand an anti hierarchical uniformity that does away with distinctions. Clergy and laity are joined together in an organic unity: neither is set up over or against the other. "The Church'; says Cyprian, "is the people united to the bishop, the flock clinging to its shepherd': This unity, and diversity in its organisation illuminates the conciliarity' of the Church. The Council always played a central role in the life of the Church from its origin (d. Acts 5 for the "apostolic council'') to this very day when the Orthodox like to refer to the Ecumenical Councils as the highest doctrinal authority. Even the bishop, who is elected by the people, is consecrated by at least two other bishops who represent the "seed" of the council. This ecclesial character of ministry and ordination is further exemplified in the organisation of the Church which emphasises the fullness of Christ in the local Church while avoiding such religious dangers as nationalism or denominationalism. All Orthodox Churches - Greek, Russian, Antiochian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian etc - believe the very same doctrinal truths and constitute the "one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church': For catholicity transcends practicality, geography, culture and even history, while at the same time expressing itself through these. The Orthodox Church has always been closely identified with the life of the people, to the degree that at times Orthodox forget the universality of their Church. Yet, in its structure the Orthodox Church has - at least up until recently with the creation of national Churches in Europe - preserved its catholicity. Thus, in Australia, the Greek Orthodox Church is under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate whose representative is the local Archbishop with spiritual responsibility for this country. The hierarchy, however, is never understood as infallible in the Church. Rather, they are responsible for the teaching of the faith, while the guardian of the faith is the Church in its entirety. Infallibility thus belongs to the whole Church, not just to any bishop or to the episcopate in isolation. The Councils themselves must be received by the conscience of the Church, not so much by way of a formal proclamation as by living. Truth cannot be exteriorised; rather, the tradition of the Church as transmitted by the Holy. Spirit and experienced by the community as a whole is the condition of truth in the Orthodox Church. Truth is not the prerogative of one or more persons but the promise of Christ to the Church. Vocation comes from above - it is the ordination and order of God. The ministry reveals the complete dependence of the Church, not on certain human individuals, but on' the love of Christ, on His unique priesthood which is the source of "the priesthood of all believers': The ministry is not a result of human pride in the Church but an expression of humility before God, of obedience to the divine will, of assimilation to the divine hierarchy. And it is to the degree that one is rendered subject to the Church that one is given authority in the Church; to the degree that the bishop, for instance, is son of the Church is the truly father in the Church. This is why, whether they be bishops, priests or lay persons, Orthodox faithful are able to read the work by St ohn Chrysostom On the Priesthood as directed to themselves. (iii) Theology Centuries of llclericalism" and the resulting "revolution of the laity'; in both liturgically conservative and anti hierarchical churches, have rendered the priest a being apart 5 8 from the people of God, separated from and above the lay persons in our community. For the Orthodox Church, however, the fundamental definition of man is that he is the priest in God's creation: he stands at the centre of the universe, receiving life from God and offering it back to his creator in a liturgy of thanksgiving. Originally - indeed, also etymologically - the word "laity" referred to the "laos'; the people of God which included clergy. Yet priesthood, as understood in the Orthodox tradition, belongs to the very essence of humanity. It is because man has failed to be the priest in the world that there has been an error, a sin, in his relationship with God, his fellow man and the world. Firstly, then, there has been a radical distinction between the sacred and the secular. Yet, all things are potentially and dynamically sacred; the whole world is a burning bush of God's energies and one is able to discern the sacrament of divino humanity in every detail of the universe. Secondly, man has treated his neighbour in an utilitarian manner, seeing in him something positive only until he is threatened by him. How different this is to the philosophy of the Desert Fathers who claimed: "My neighbour is my God': Finally, the loss of the sacramental vision has led to an abuse of the beauty of the world which is a reality to be loved. One's environment is a gift from God and must be respected as such. Perhaps there is, here, a lesson to be learnt concerning our ecological problems which are a result of failure to accept the world as gift. It is in the Eucharist that the Son of God becomes both Giver and Receiver of the gifts, transforming them into His body and blood. Salvation is not brought about by acts of virtue but by a participation in the sacrament of life brought from the fragments of bread and wine, and from the fragmented human beings. For the Eastem Church Fathers, From the ordination of Diamantis Kourabis at our Church in Coburg, Vic. (0.5.92). j l D

... _l!'!_... _l!'!_... _ l!'!_....... 0....... _l!'!_... _ l!'!_... _l!'!_. ' ~~~.~~~~~.~.~.~.~~.~~~~,.,.. c H E>EIA i\eitoypria 2. 0 Koopo<; Kat oi ntotot H. avat anjv en6~eiiil oenoll 6 i5takov~ Ii 0 iepea~ ~a~ npotpenet TOO 0EOO avkaata~et oaou~ TOU~ avelpolnou~. oaou~ TOU~ T6nou~ Koi OAou~ TOU~ xp6vou~. rt ' auto va npooeuxn90u ~E vta 6MKAnpo T6v KOO~O VEVtKt'l, Kai Eii5tKOlTEPO Vta TOU~ morou~:,, ' Ynep nj, n6aew<; mum,. "CIon, "6A"w<; Kof xc{xt; Kof rwv rtfarsl O;KOUVTWV tv Qurair;, rod Kupiou OCT)I3C!."v»,. H. EKKAnOia TOU XptoroO oev ElvOl ~ovov orov oupov6. ama ElvOl Kt eow anj vii. r t' auto npooeuxo~aore Vta niv noan ~a~. onou ElvOl il. EKKAnoia, Kaew.; Kai Vta Kaee n6an Kai XOlpa. onou unapxouv moroi Kai TEA irot il 0Eia AEtTOUPvia. 'ACCjlaAOi<; il. EKKAnoia Mv npaepxetat ana T6v KOO~O. ama EupioKETOI or6v KOO~O. Kai eani~et va cp960et or6v oupavo. vta va 6AoKAnpWoet Tilv niorn Kai niv eaniia oro XptorO.. H. EKKAnOia avta~et Kai EUAOVEi T6v KOO~O. vta va a~twtlei va nepooet ana ni <p9apo Kai T6v savato orilv a<p9apaia Kai ni ~""i. AUT6 elvol TO epvo TIj~. EKKAnoia~ or6v KOO~O. ii5taitepa ~e T6 ~uanjpto TIi~ 0Eia~ AEtTOUpvia~. KaeE 0da AEtTOUPVia elvol Eva ali~a m6 KovTa Kai mo ~Eoa oril BaotilEia TOO 0EOU. rtati KaeE cpapo n00 reaeitoi il 0Eia AEtTOUPVia. omkanpn il. EKKAnoia ElvOl ~a~i Kai 0 oupavo~ ViVOvTOt eva Kai omkanpo~ 0 XPtor~ ElvOl napolv. ~a~, il vii 'Ano avat. Aotnov. vta T6v K60~o ' ~a~ ~Eoa or6v 6noio ~OO~E. Kt an6 niv emeu~ia ~a~ va ow9ei a KOO~~ ~a~. va avta08ei Kai va AUTpwtlEi 0 K6o~~ ~a~. npaoeux6~aore Vta niv n6an ~a~. Kaew.; Kai vta KaeE noan Kai xolpa.. H. EKKAnOia npooeuxetoi vta 0.0 T6v K6o~0. ama npooq>epet niv 0Eia AEtTOUPvia ~6vo Via TOU~ maroue; KI ' autouc;.l6vo Kahci Via va KOlvwvrioouv TWV 'AXpOVTWV MUOTl)piwv. rt ' auto il. EKKAnoia ~EXWpi~Et <<TOU, nfarel OiKOUVTQr; tv aum» Kat npooeuxetm t60ttepa VI ' autouc;. vta va (jlum~et 0 0E~ ~a~i ~e TOU~ Aivou~ Kai TOU~ nomou~. ~a~i ~e TOU~ i5tkaiou~ Kai TOU~ aoeaei~. TeTOta Kai T60l elvol il avat TOU 0EOO Vta omkanpa T6v K6o~0. ETot Kai T600 npenet va oyanoov oi maroi T6v Ko8e r6no Kal Ko8e avspwno. Iil~Epa ViVETOI noau~ Mvo~ Vta Tilv akepatotnro TIi~ ~n~toupvia~ TOU 0EOU. vta Ta npoaat'wora TIj~ OiKoAovia~. Ini MnOll auni il. EKKAnoia evolvet TOU~ avelpolnou~ KaeE KOIPOO Kai KaeE T6nou IuvMEt TOU~ avelpolnou~ ~e T6v T6no TOU~. ~e niv noan TOU~ Kai ~e niv XOlpa TOU~. Kai eu~~et OTt evi ~oov Kai Epva~ovTOI anj vii. npaop~ovtot vta TOV oupav6.. H ~wil eow anj vii elvol il apxi TIj~ ~wli~ orov oupav6.. H owrnpia TOO avelpolnou nepvaet ~Eoa an6 T6v K6o~0 TOUTO. rt auto 6 av9pwn~ npenet va TOV (jlpavti~et Kai va TOV avana T6v K60~o. rt ' aut6 eep~a npooeux6~aore :,, ' Ynep njr; n6aew<; TOUmr;. "Clonr; TTOAeGX; Koi XG..,X(; Kaf rcv nforel OiKOUVTlAV tv aurafc;...» npwtonpeoautepo~ MtIITta~n~ Xpuoauvli~ THE DIVINE LITURGY 2. The World and the Faithful G od's love is all inclusive and embraces all people. all places and all times. It is for this reason that the next petition urges us to pray for the entire world generally. and more particularly for the faithful living in the world: "For this city, for every city and land, and for the faithful living in them, let us pray to the Lord': The Church of Chiist is not only in the heavens; it is also here on earth. Precisely for this reason we pray for our city. in which the Church is established. as well as for every city and land. where there are faithful and where the Divine Liturgy is celebrated. Of course the Church "is not of this world'; but it is established here in the world and hopes to arrive in heaven, in order to consummate its faith and hope in Christ. The Church sanctifies and blesses the world, so that it may proceed from corruption and death to incorruption and life. Such is the, t of the Church in the world, particularly through the n,y",ery of the Divine Liturgy. Each Divine Liturgy brings us one step closer to and within God's Kingdom. For each time the Divine Liturgy is celebrated. the entire Church is present, heaven and earth become one and the whole Christ is with us. Out of love. then, for our world in which we live and in earnest desire for the salvation of our world. we pray for our city. as well as for every city and land. The Church prays for the entire world. but offers the Divine Liturgy only for its faithful. and calls only upon its faithful to participate in Holy Communion. For this reason the Church sets apart "the faithful that dwell in the world" and prays particularly for them. so that together with the few faithful God may protect the many others who are unfaithful, and together with the righteous He may keep the unrighteous. Such is God's love for the whole world. In the same way the faithful should extend their love for every land and for every person. In our times people talk a lot about the integrity of God's creation and the problems of ecology. With the petition in question, the Church unites the peoples of all times and of all lands; it binds together the people with their land. their city and their country; and it reminds them that, while living and working on earth, they are destined for heaven. Life here on earth is but the beginning of life in heaven. Salvation passes through this world. And it is precisely for this reason that people should care for, and love, the world. It is for this reason that we fervently pray: "For this city and for every city and land and for the faithful who live in them... " Protopresbyter Miltiades Chryssavgis c the entire universe is a cosmic Liturgy, and it is in this concelebration of all creation that the human person stands as priest, thereby bridging the gulf between Uncreated and created, between Immortality and mortality. In assuming the whole world - food, drink, clothing, technical skill, art - man transfonns matter into the life giving flesh of the Word of God. If there are priests in the world, if priests are essential to the Church, it is precisely in order to reveal this priestly vocation to all as the "royal priesthood" ( Pet. 2:9). Priests, then, are neither a part of nor apart from the world, but the expression of the very heart of the world as created and intended by God. The symbol of the priest - and I use the word ''Symbo''in its literal meaning in Greek, implying ffcontribution"- is to manifest the "world to come" in this world, the old as new, the created order as kingdom of God. Some are called to be priests and some are not. The sacrament, however, of priesthood, the essence of ministry, concerns everyone because it concerns life itself as vocation. The beginning and end of our life (Rev. 2:6), the Alpha and Omega (Rev. :8) of our existence is the mystery of the Body of Christ, His Church. It is there that one may correctly understand one's individual vocation and properly appreciation the fullness of the priesthood of Christ. Rev. Dr. ohn Chryssavgis 59

T_o_x_p_o_N_K_o T_H_~_A_P_x_I_E_n_I_~_K_o_n_H_~_M_~ -----I A' APXIErm:KOrDKH flepl<i>epeia Kt\lt'lu\(; :rej3auptwtcrtov Ap)(IDnUKOrrOV AVUTpaAtOl; K. :r TVAtaVOU Kard r6v Ilt;va Maio 6 Ie{3ao/..lIwTOrcx;: - nap'ko}o.ou8noc TnV i56ae~' TOO K. nepil, Ka9TlVITOO elc; TO naventarrl,ho Kpt;t; Kol Kunpou, n~ TOU\'; <l>ot",rac; n;e; geoaoyii<ijc; ~a~ IxoA~~ ~t at~a ~ «AtUTtpa 'OMoatla ~ T6 Blc.>~a TOO 'OOuoota arnv. EMrwua'l 00'0)), T6... OltAln') napouoioae KO npomyloe 6 Ie!3a0WTOTCX;, EuXapiOTllCe ot tmaoyrioac; 6 'Avani'.IlPwn'!c; KoalliTwp n. ' loovvnc; XpuoouyfjC;.. Ev ouv XEiQ, napeupt9n etc; TOUe; E:oprQolouc; 0eriae; an6 nic; i6pudew<; TOU ' EMrl'voauarpaAtQvoO ' IVaTlTOUTOU 'APXoloAoyiac; 'A9r]vwv ai cnatct tnpavlatonot~8.,oav napouoiq nputov (.)V, Ka8'lvrlTwv, noaitikwv Kat O..wv tntcn'uwv eic; TO tv Iu6veu TOO tv MyC!> ' IvaTlTouTOu (.5.92). - npatotfj ~~ Ka9ltpc.>~tllTl~ noauapxltpatl~~ navop9006~ou e. \eitoupyim; nou KQT ' ftoc; TeAeTrOI un6 n;v aiyioo Tne; S.C.C.O.C.A. tn ' eukalpit; TOU rl6oxa. IUVeM:ITOUPvrlOOV eie; TOV 'Op866, Pou~av lkov Naov nie; eeo~')topc>f; (Enfield) oi Elecxp.. EnioKonol K. AoyyivCX; n;e; Iepj3IKile;. EKK~'loioe;, Koi ' Ano~~wvlat5oc; K. Iepocpei~ Tile; '. 'ApXlentOKontje;, ~era nm80uc; ieptwv t50cp6pwv ' Opeot56~wv ' EKtU..l0tWV.. ETTTKO~OUSnoe naouoia novtlyupuo'! Tp6ne~a tk ~poue; Tile; c>taomc.':lxou TOU Noou Kai avttlm0vrloov T600v tv T4) Nat!>, 600' Kai KOTO niv ouveoriaolv 6vMoyoi npoocpwvr'joeu; tk )..Itpoue; TOU n nontokou. Koi TOU Pou~6vou rev. npolitvou K. n~at6vuxp KO&X; Kat OVTlcpulvr'joele; EK ~tpoue; TOU Iel3ao~lwTOTOU, TOU ' EntOK6nou /\oyyivou Kai TWV 6~lw~QTOUXWV TOU AUorpal.lavou Iu~P, ' EKtU..l0IWV Rev. D. Gill Kat Rev, R. Williamson (2.5.92). - ' EM.:ITOUPvrlru Koi tkr')pu~e eic; T6v ' I. N. 'Ay. Po<par')~ Liverpool, tv ouvexeit; M tttm:ocv 6Yloo~ov tie; TOe; tnektelvo~tvoe; vtoe; tykotoorooelc; TOU ' EVOptOKOU KtvTPOU Kai TWV Ixo~IKwv oi60udwv nic; tv My", ' Evopiac;-KOIv6TTO~ (3,5,92), - npotor'l nie; Ko9tepw~tVTlC; tv T4) Koget5pIK4) N04) TeM:nic; Ko90olc;,oec.x; TWV vtwv 6mxpoiTwv, a. Moorto Koi. KunplwTTl, eie; T')v onoiov tnione;: noptoti00v 0 eeoql. ' EnioKonOe; 'AnoMwvlot5oe;:, ouooo~ov T6 KoSnVllnK6v DW~o, oi nm:iotol TWV KAIlPIKWV nie; A ' ApXlen. neplcpepeiae;:, 6 rev, n~evoc; K. K nioxlvoc;, oi MeyOAOI EuepytTol Sir Arthur George Kai X. rl6onaall, K08Wc; auyyeveic; Koi cpiaot TWV anocpoitwv Koi naij90e;: ntotwv.. ETTTKO~ou9rloc r' ouvr'jsne; i5e~iwan eie; T')V d'90uoa Te~eTwv Tilc;: '. 'ApXlentOKOm;e;: (5.5.92). - ' EMX9l TOV K. KOpO~ne~o 0 6noioc;: npoatq>epe oopeav npoc;: Tr')V eeo~oviktiv IxoAr')v nar')p n')v apvup') OClpO ietamiwv ~t TOC;: ~opcp6.c;: tvvto r')pwwv TOU 82. - ' Ec5txSn T6v ocptx8tvto 00 TOUC;: toptoa~oue; nic;: Moxne; nie; KPliTTle;: ~eto nic;: ou~uyou TOU Koi TWV ouvooeu6vtwv autov ' Alilw~anKw v, ITpaTTlVOV K. ' twov, 8epuj3.(lKTv, 'APXTlYOV TWV ' Evon~wv luvo~ewv. EM.oooe; Kat tkpottlocv OUTOUe; eic; tniolwov TpOne~ov nou napt9rlkev oro o~oyeveloko. EOTlaToplo Le Sands (6,5.92). - ' EMX9l eic;: ouvepvooiav T6v rev. np6~evo K. K. nioxiva, tnicllc;: tmx6l T6v ocpix6tvto isla TOUe; toptao~ouc;: Tile; MOXe; Tfie; KpriTIle; ')~opxov Xoviwv K. rewpylov T~OVOKOKTl (8.5.92). - 'Acptxgeie; ele; MeNrouPVTl Kai ouvoi5e:u6~e voc;: on6 TOV tkei 8096'. EnioKonov Itpf3ll e;: K. ' te~ektr')~ tneokt<p9f niv tv Me~(30upVI] veo~aio ~ac;: ri onoio toloc rlaoxaatvov tnioll~ov leinvov n'p6c;: n~ri v Tau, eic;: TO Xw~ Tfie;. Evopiac;: AV. KupiMou KOt Me90iS!ou 'Q~iATtoe KOTaM')~WC; ~et6 TO leinvov KO! ttoouvkploe: ~t 6~o u e;: TO Ko9lepWIE:Vo nooxaalv6 ouvo. 'Ev ouvexeit; leto TOU eeocpl~eototou tneokt<p9tt0ov Triv oikovtvelov TOU r. npo~tvou K. N. MOTCIl eie; niv KOTolKiav TWV (9.5.92). - IUVeAeITOUPYTtOe ~eto TOU 8eocpv OTQroU Koi ttt~eoe TO tnian~o eupavoi~lo TOU ve06ir')tou ' Iepou Naou. Ynonovnic; TOO Kupiou Coburg VtC xeipotovr'jooc; eic;: 0KOVOV TOV tk KWVOToVTIVOUnOM:c.x; 0eoMyov K. 'AOOIOVTIOV Koupe~m;, oneu9uvoc; KaTaMr')~ouc;: np6c;: OUTOV vou6eoiac;:. KOTO TO 9upavoi~la, eic; TO onoia naptotttoov ~ct6 TWV tv 60 Me~(30upVl] n~evlkwv 'Apxwv, ti.6.')iopx0c; nie; neptoxiie; Koi ') unoupy~ K, Caroline Hogg, 6 OXtnK~ tpav~ 0 TO KAtlll0 antq>tpt T6 noo6v TWV $20,000. ' ETTTKO~OU9rloev tnioliov yeula. - T6 IlpMu ~~ ioia~ ~~pa~ txapoor6trot Kal t~pu~t ti~ T6v navyupl~ovto ' I. N. 'AV' Kupl).ou Koi Me90t5lou Preston Vic. ' ETTTKO~ou9rloe navtlyupik6 leinvo KaTo T6 onoiov npoae<pwvnoov eknpoownoi Tile; veo~oloc;:, Qm'lvT'lOOV t5t KaTo~M~we; TOOOV a Itjlao~lolTOTO~, ooov Kal6 rtv, n~tv~ K, MOTOTl~, (0,5,92), - ' EMx9rl eic; T6. tv MeNroupV] rpacpeta nie; ' I. 'ApXlentOKonije; TOV ' Y<PIYTtniv NeoeMvlKwv eie; T6 Phillip Institu.d of Technology K. II I~KAtoue;, OPYOTCpoV t5t TOUe; t~ ' ~66oc;: oneanoo~tvoue;, EtmOIi5eunKoue; KUPIOV Koi Kupio KOljOKapat5l, TOV 'ApXIj..L n. N. Iepy6Kr) Koi cw.ou~ o~oveveie;: (.5.92), - Eior'jX6 eie;: TO voooko~iov 5t Vincent's Private Hospital Koi T')V tnoie:vtlv lntolt) tnttuxwc;: tvxcipatv npoototou on6 T6v l5tonpem; XtlpaOpyov K,. Blackman (2,5.92). - 'E~f\~8e TOO voooko~eiou KG! tnovli~gev, ouv El(4), eie; TO KaElT'jKoVTo TOll T6 an6ytu~a ~~ ioia~ ~~tpac; tmx9r] T6v npto~~ ~~. EM66oc;: K. B. Zocpetp6nou~ov Kol niv KO nptopelpcl, oi onoiol ~tcppaoov TO~ tuxo~ Tc.>V tni nj ytvo~vd tvxtlp~otl (8,5,92), -. EMx9rl TOV tk Eleooa.\oviKTlC;: K. r. T OlanO, un6mtt~ov nie; ' OAu~",a~~ ' Atpanopia~ (28,5,92), - ' ElStx9rl TOV n, ITu~lav6 Kal niv npeof3uttpa IKouTO, tnianc;: npot'lt5peuoe ouvet5ptoocc.x; TOO Property Trust nic;: '. 'ApXlentOKOm;c;: (29,5,92), 'Ana 7)v fboxaalvt7 ck6nac..0] Tfit: NcoAoiat; lot: an) McAf30upvr), ar6 Xc.iA TIlt: 'cvopf0t: TCiiv KupW.ou Kol Mc806iou Preston. '0 IcfjaO.uwTonx; 'APXlcnioKoncx; AUorpaAiat: K. ITUAIClVO(; dncubuvcl XOlpcno,lav oro 0066 Tnt: Nco).afac; Kol6nAo TOU a eu)(p.. nfokoncx; MPl3rlt: K. ' /~cki"a (9.5,92). Ki\lt'lffi<; 0W<!tAEUTOTOV Bo.,eoii EmUKorrou AnOAAWVlOOo<; K. I:fpa<!ElIl Kortz rov IfjVQ Mtziov 0 eeofpiascttorrx;: - Iuvei\etTOUPvrlOe ~et6 TOO Iel3ao~lwTOTOU. 'ApXlemOK6nou K. ITu~lavoO, TOO. EntOKOnou /\oyyivou. TijC; Iepf3IKfjc;: OIKQlo6ooioe;. TOO n. M. nontokou KO! Q)"wv tu..ipikoov, eie; T6v PouIovtK6v tepo Na6v ~ rlavayia~ KaTa ~ Ka9Itp~V navop6<iool;~ naoxcw~ e, MITOUpyia. ~v 6noiav 6pyavwvtl ~ S,C,C,O,C,A, (2.5.92). - ' E~eIToupYTtoe Koi tkr')pu~ev de;: T6v novrvupi~ovta '. Naov 'Aviou re:wpviou Springwood (3,5,92). - npor'!t5peuoe TOO npwtof309liou nveu~otlkoo IIKoarlpiou N.N.O. (4.5.92). - naptotn eie; n'lv Te~eTr')v Tile; KoSootc;,oewc; TooV onocpoitwv nie; Eleo~oYIKfjc; Ixo~fic; TOO ' AnoOT6~ou 'AviSptou eie; T6v Ko6et5plKov Na6v Ka&X; Kai eie; niv tv ouvexeiq 006eioov 6cl;iwaw (5.5.92). - rlaptottl, ouvooeuwv T6v Ie~OIIWTOTOV, eie; T6 ocinvov TO anoiov nopt8eoev ') ' I. 'ApXlemoKont'! np6c; n~')v TOO 'ApXnYoO r.e.eea ITpanWOU I. 8epuj3.(lKT Koi Tile; ouvoociac; TOU (6.5.92).

c L L -. ExopoaroTloc KOTa TOV. Eam~plv6v, tn' EUKOlpio. Tnt:; ~vr'<; TOU Ay. ~ ' Iw6.wou TaU 0eoA6you, tv T<!> <DePc",)VUIlC! napekm'oi~ nit:; 0EO~oyu<iie; ~ae; IxoAlie; (7.5.92). -. EAeITOUPVT\OC eic; TO We; QVW nape:kkar,0i0v TOU 'AV. ' Iwawou TaU ee:oa6ydu (8.5.92). -. EAeITOUPYIlOe Kai 000..0 eic; TOV 'lep6v Naov 'Ay. EUqlTlllia<; Bankstown (0.5.92). - npo';6peuo ouve6ptqoew<; nic; ' Emrpomic; &6 Tit" &oookaaiav TOU l.m8nllora<; rwv 9p0K UTIKWV etc; TO.6.ll000 IxoM';ia (.5.92). - IuvoOeuollEvCX; uno TaU oi&o. n. 'lw6.wou rpumil naptcrrn eic; niv 608e:ioo.v uno TOO llruopxou TOO Marrickville OE~iooIV, np6c; Tt~lI'iv TOO 6rU.lapXOU Xaviwv K. rewpy. T~aVaK6K Koinic; ou~uyou TOU (3.5.92). - flaptarn eic; niv ouve6piamv nie;.6.iqkoivonkilc;. Emrpom;c; N.N.O. (4.5.92). - T~v ll orul3piav napt8eoe YEOIlO, E:K ~pouc; TOO 606evoOvT(X; nolllevapxou!lac;. eic; TOV.6.rUoPXov XaviVv K. T~ovoKal<l Koi Tr'\V ou~uyo TOll, eic; TO onoiov nop Koenoav eniot}c; 0 K, Mlxor'\A 6lolovnic; Koi n KO "tao '!opoovioou - To tantpac; npor'\i5p uoe: ouvei5plooe:c.x; TOO IUlpouAiou nic; KE;vTpIKlje; N<o~aiae; N.N.O. (5.5.92). - IuvoOeuolevoc; 6no iep ic; TOO Iui5veu I Ttl3 ec; TO Martin Place onou nopouoiq. TOO 'ApXflYOO ree8a ITpanlVOO I. BePU~<l TOO 'ApXflYOO TWV AUOTpW.IOVWV 'EvonAVv 6uvollewv ITPQTTlYOO Gration, AUOTpW.WV Koi ' EAArivwv Entarillwv, TWV l3etepovwv noaeiiotwv Koi nmieoc; KOOIOU, ete:a Oe TploaYlov unep TWV neoovtwv ' EMvOOUOTPo.\WV eic; TT'lV Maxnv TfjC; KPnT'lC;, Koi tv ouv XelQ. nop'lkoaou6rloe: leto TWV OMwv tntcnillwv nope:aoolv AUOTpW.IOVOO OTpaTIWTIKOOTIr'\IOTa<;, TIr'\IOTCX; TWV Eu~wvwv nic; npoei5puo;c; <l>poupoc; ano n'jv ' EA.\6oo, oxoaewv KO! OUIOTe!wv, - noptottl eic; Tlv eniol0v xopoeonepii5o TWV KPTlKWV IWlloTeiwv, e!c; TO Westside Lounge tni nj 5] tnetei4> nic; M6.X'lC; nic; KPnT'lC; Koi ~ lial0e KOTOAAriAwC;, i5i0336.00c; Koi TiC; euxtc; TOO I<IlaO~I"'TCrrOU (6.5.92). - 'EAelToupynoe KO! tktjpu~ev eic; T6v K08ei5PIK6v No6v TOU EuoyyeAIOIOO Koi tv ouvexeiq tttaeoe.6.o~oaoyio Koi WlliA0e KOTaMr'\Ac.x; tni nj 5] tnetei4> n;c; MaXflC; nic; KPriC; nopouoiq TOO, El;oxWT6.TOU npe:oj3ew<; nic; ' EAAoooC; K. Bao, Zoq>elponouAou, TOO rev, npol;tvou K, KWVOTOVTivou nioxlvo, TOO npol;tvou nic; Kunpou K, Ao~ou,, EKOpooWnwv TWV ' EvonAwv.6.UVOIe:wv nic;, EAAo6cx; Koi nic; AUOTpW.iac;, TWV BeTe:pOVWV noaelllotwv, TOO npoti5pou nic; KPITKiC; 'AOeAqxTllTO<; K, ' I, '!opoovie's, TOO npote'spou nic; ' EvWoeW<; KPITWV K. ZO~e:TOI<l, OM",v tm0i~"'v Kai n~~8o<; K60~ou (7.5.92). - ' EAEIToupynae KOt WlllAl0ev KOTO TOV ' Eaneplvov eic; TOV novtlvupi~ovto ' lep6v Noov 'Ay, KWVOTOVTivou Kai ' EAtVlC; Newtown nepiotolxoullevcx; uno TOO ' lepoo KAr;pou (20,5,92). - 'EAeITOUpynoe: Koi tkipu~e e:ic; TOV We; civw navlyupi~ovto ' lepov Naov (2.5.92). - Iuvoi5euolevoc; ano TOU <l>oitoc; nic; ee:oaoyiio;c; IxoAfjc; TOO 'AnoOToAou 'Ave'SpE:ou, IETi:j3" eic; Newcastle 6nou taeitoupytloe: KOt tktjpu~e: e:ic; TOV ', Noov 'Ayiwv 'AnoOToAwv, KOTa n;v e, "eltoupyiov ljamev 20le:AfjC; xopooio TWV <lloitlltwv nic; IXOAfjc;, MeTa TO ntpac; nic; e. Ae:ITOUpyioC; nop Ka6rloe:v eic; tniot}llov yeoio lleto Tcilv ct>oltitwv Kai nafj90c; ntolwv, TO onoiov noptee:oe:v TO.6.IOIKTlTIKOV IUI~UAIOV nic; 'EvopioC;-KOtvoTCX; (24,5,92). - Iuvoi5euoIe:vo<; 6.n6 TOV oie's, n, N. Mno~iKr naptlkoaou8r]oe: e:ic; Tr'!V AtoXI M. 'AAe:l;ave'Spou Tr'lV e' TOO. YtpIY"TOO TWV NeoeMIVIKWV 06 naventarr'}iio TOU Iue'Sve:u K, Bpaouoo Ilt etllo «' H ' lcrroplktj napoooolc; TfjC; MaKe:ooviac;» (26.5.92). - IuvoOeuolEvCX; uno TOO Ale'S. n. ' Iw6.WIl rpuaarl Ie:Ttj3" e:ic; KOllntpav, 6nou ic; T6v 'I. Noov 'Ay,.6.IITpiou Queanbeyan npotottl nic; t~ooiou OKOAOUeiac; TOO npoti5pou Kai npwte:pyatou nic; ' Evopioc; olhfjc; 6.e:Ivt;OTOu 6"IITpiou Zotpe:ip", wial0ev KOTaMr'\Ac.x; Koi ovtyvwoe e:ic5tkov ou'\'\urrnn'jplov rivuo TOO Ie:I3aOj.IIWTCrrOU, 0 onoicx; MY4> o08eve:ioc; Mv r'!e'suvoto va nopaon;. Tnv 'E~oc5tov OKOAOUeiav napnko~ouenoav 6 'E~ox. npto~ne; T~e; ' EMci60e; K, Baa. Zocpe:lpOnouAO<;, 0 - YnOTOC; 'APoon'lC; nic; Kunpou K, A. nlpioiic; Koi ouooc.l~oc; ~ tv Ka~ntPQ 6~oytvEla (29.5.92). ANAKOINQI:II: ' Orrwt; etvgi yvworo, 0 Ka8r/pl)j./evOt; ev MsA{3oupvr/ ' /sp08sot; KOUpTeOl)t; TsAsuraiwc; errste8) Kai Ol)j./ooiwt; KaTa TWV ev MsA{3oupvr/ npo~svikwv ekttpooottwv Kai Ttit;, EMaoot; YSVIKWt;, errslorj oev avexovral va ouykaaurrrouv TO OUVSXI~Oj./SVO om8pio epyo TOU sit; (3apot; TOU 'EMl)vlaj./ou Kai Ttit; ' EKKAI)aiat;. 'ArraVTI)OI)-KararreArI)t; orit; axapaktrjplorst; autet; evspyslst; TOU akavoaawowt; suspystl)8evtot; arro TO 'EAAI)VIKO tll)j./ooio TOpaxorrolOu KOUPTtOI), eowac aj./eowt; TO ' Yrroupycio TWV 'E~WTCPIKWV j./e ol)awaclt; rrou ekoivorroil)oc ola Ttit;. EMl)v/ldjt; npso{3siat; Kaj./rrepat; 0' GAa Ta (;j./j./ioba Kai aj./laba npo~cvcia ev AuorpaAir;l oruul; Kai OTrjV ' /epd 'ApXlsmoKonrj, OTS vd rrai)porpopl)8ci ettlttaout; OAOKAl)pl) rj 'O./oytvsla Tit; avtlkclj./cviket; ektij./rjocit; Ttit; ' EMl)v/ldjt; Ku{3spvrjaswt;, wt; rrpot; Tit; SOW 68AIOTI)TSt;. napa8stoj./cv TO rrat'jpct; Kcij./cvo Ttit; 0XCTlKtit; (3apUOI)j./avTOU 6vaKOlvwOSWt;: A6HNA,- 'Ano TO unoupyslo ' E~"lTSPIKWV tko69nks mi~spol 2 'Iouviou I Ii i:~jc; ivokoivwol): «To i:unviko imoupvclo 'E~WTCPIKWV i:k'iipa~ci Tljv,,:vaAn Atinn TOU v,a Ti~ npoa'llatc~ i:vi:pvcic~ Kai IInAwacI~ TOU K. KOU,>Ti:0, ai: liapo~ TWV 'EAAtivwv npo~cvikwv i:knpoawnwv OTtiv McAliotipvn, To taanviko unoupvclo 'E~WTCPIKWV, KaTa&Ka~ov;'a~ Kai anoppimovta~ KaTIVOpnpaTIKIi TOti~ linaplilicktou~ xapaktnplapoti~ TOU K, KOUPTi:0 noti, pi:a", TWV npo~cvikwv 'Apxwv, IIliAAouv KaTIi Tij~ 'IIIa~ Tij~ natpilla~ pa~, ciixctal ativtopa vii i:kaciljouv oi 6~uTITec; OTllY AUaTpaAia Kai oi npwtaitlol TWY 9Alllcpwv auplllivtwv vii acllaotouv TtiV i:kkanalaotikti TIi~n, aup'll",va pt Ti~ etaci~ Tij~ ' Icpii~ 'ApXICntaKonii~ AtiOTpaAia~», - ' EKOpoownwv T6v Ie:I3a0IWTaTOV, nope:c e:ic; n'jv ttnolav xopoe:ane:pioo TOU KoMe:yiou nic; 'Ayiac; EUQ)IioC; Bankstown Koi "~ian"" KOTaM~~c.x; 6<a~lfl6oae; Tcie; <uxcl<; TOU nolievqpxou ~ae; (30.5.92). - ' EAeITOUPynoe: Koi tkipu~e:v e:ic; TOV 'I. Naov 'Ayiou ITe:c.p6vOU Hurlstone Park (3.5.92). 'AlTO rd eupavoj{la TOU '/cpou Noou rfj~ 'YITarravrfj~ TOU ICirn}pot;Coburg mv KuplaKTjv 0 Maiou 992, tliokp(vovtai 0 Ic~ 'APXICITfoKOITCX; AUawaAim; K.K. ITuAlav~, 0 ecocplatororcx;. EITfOKOITCX; ltp{ri; K. ' fc{ckir'/a, 0 tvn.l rc VIK~ r7pd{cvcx; K. N. M6rCH/~, 6

B' APXlEm~KOfIKH IlEPI~EPEIA KiVfmc; 0wqnAEOTClTOU Bol')8oii > EmOKOIIOU ~Epl3l')C; K. > IE~El{\A Karo r6v Irjva M6iov " BSoqtMCTTOrot;: -. 8EITOUPYIlOEV elc; T6v ' lep6v No6v TWY Tplwv 'Iepapxwv nic;. Evopiac; Clayton tnt n] Evano9toel n;c; ' lepoc; EK6voC; ni<; navayiq(; Tile; noptoitioont; Kat U}~.di\loe KOTOAAr'AwC; eic; TO noaunal9tc; tkka~oiao ~a. (.5.92). -. EAE:lroupynoe Kat tkflpul;ev eic; T6v navtyupi~ovto ' lep6v No6v n;)v 'Ayiwv Po(pcu;A, NtKOMou Kat EipnVTlC; nie; ' Evopiac; 8entleigh (3.5.92). - T6 i:ontpac; eit; T6 XwA nie; 'I. 'APXLEntOKOrn'lC; npot;~peuoe auvec'5plllocc.x; nie;. OpyavwnKiic;. EntTpom;C; TOO noatteiqkou IuveiSpiou lii~ NeoAaia~. (4.5.92). - T6 npwi eic; TO Xu'lA nic; ' I. 'APXIEnlOKOnfiC; npoe:0ti ouval;e:c.x; TOO 'I. KA';pou nic; Bac; 'ApXIEmoKomKiic; neplq>epeiac;. To tofltpoc; nponopeuoe ouveispuoec.x; nie; KEvTpucric; <l>taomwxou (5.5.92). - T6 npwi tmx8r eic; T6 r paq>eiov T6v a&u9uvn'lv Kat TOV AOYIan'lv nic;: Commonwealth Bank Ka( ouve~ritfloc ~et ' Olhwv 9t~aTa acpopwvta liiv ' EKKA~oiav. (6.5.92). - T6 &onepo.c;: lmdjtx9tl elc;: TO ciep06p6~lov T6v Iea 'ApXlenioKonov Kai tv ouvf;xeiq, ouvoi5e;ucuv T6v lelxlo~iwtqtov, naptoll eic;: naoxmlvrlv tk6'laoolv nic;: NeoAaim; j..iac;: eic;: T6 XWA nic;: 'Evopia.c;: TWV 'Ayicuv KupiMou Kai MeSoliiou Preston (9.5.92). - luveaeitoupytloc ~et{ TOO lea. 'APXlEnlOK6nou elc;: T6v ' lep6v Naov n;c;:. Ynanavnic;: TOCi Kupiou Coburg Kai ti3o'l9oev autov KaTo. niv TeAeTnV T~V eupavol~iwv TOCi vtou neplkamooc;: 'lepoci NaoCi nic;:. Evopioc;:. KOla n']v lxo.pkeiav nic;: e. l\eltoupyioc;: eic;: TOV tv AOy~ 'lep6v Noov a lelxlo~uwtotcx; txelpot6vtloev elc;: 6aKovov TOV K. 60~ovniv Koup~m;v, anacpoltov nic;: eeoaoylloic;: lxoatic;: TOO 'AplOTOTeAeiou navenu:rrtl~iou 8eOCCAoviKC;:. KOla TOV lxe~ax9tvro "Epavo ouvemyfl T6 no06v T~V $20.000. Ta KAel6o. eaojidv oi Ko.Tw6t: Ta xpu06 KAel6i a K. rewpyloc;: ~epl~wn;c;:, 0 onoicx; npootcpepe T6 no06v T~V $5.000. T6 apyup6 KAel6i n KO laxopouao KOpOO~iTOIl, n anoia npootcpepe TO no06v T~V $2.000, Kat T6 X6..KIVO KAelOi 0 K. 'lakwflo<: 'AI5a~iO~~, 6 onoi<><; npootcpepe $.000. - Ta tontpac;: nopt0l ou~npoocux6~evcx; eic;: TO ' lep6v Bil~o KOTa TOV novtlyuplkov. Eoneplv6v 0 6noicx; ttemo8r) eic;: TOV novtlyupt~ovtq 'lep6v Noov TWV 'Ayiwv Kupw..ou Kat MeSOOiou Preston KOla TOV onoiov txopoorott)oev 0 ea. 'ApXlenioKoncx; AUorpa}.iac;: K.K. ITUAIOVOC;: Koi ou~~eteixov oi lepei~ lii~ MeAll<>uplll~. (0.5.92). - 'EAeITOUPYfloe Koi tktipu~ev eic;: TOV novtyup~ovtq 'lep6v Noov T~V 'Ayiwv KupiMou Koi MeSOOiou Preston n']v KUPIWVU~OV ti~tpav nic;: toplii~ jlo~60u~evo~ uno ieptwv lii~ MeAll<>uplll~. - Tn v ~eot)~3ptov eic;: TnV alsouoqv Tile;: ' I. 'ApXlentOKOm;c;: napeko.9oev eie;: reo~o j..te;to TOO Iea. 'ApXlentOKOnOu, TOO' EVTlIL rev. npo~tvou K. NIKoMou MOTOIl Koi TOO ' EVTlIL n~tvou K. noauoopou KOKOVo.. To tontpac;: ~eto n']v avoxwptloiv TOO lelxlo~lwtatou &0 T6 lu6veu o eeoqllmototcx; naptottl eic;: n;v ~Tlvloiov o~t.\iov lxo n;v NeoAoiav. ri onoia. C;X; ouvri6wc;: tmen eie;: TOV ' I. 'ApXlenlOKOnlKOV No6v TOO 'Ayiou EUOT09iou 8th Melbourne. ~t O~tATln;V TOV Oii5E;OI~OAOYIWTOTOV n. 'HAlov KevTpwliiv. (.5.92) - To ~eotwtpl tmx9 eic;: r6. r pocpeio TOV tv Me!4k>upVT.l NO~IKOV lu~jiduaov nic;: 'I. 'ApXlenlOKOm;e;: K.. Anthony Rose Kai ouvelpy008r ~T autou. (3.5.92). - T6 ~eoll~tpl ouvo6euo~evoc;: uno TOCi npcutonpeoauttpou Boot.\eiou XPIOTOCPil nopek09tloev ele;: reo~o nopote9tv uno TOO lumoyou 'HAtK IW~VCUV nic;: KOIVOTflTCX; nic;: 'Ayioc;: TPUlOOc;: Richmond tn' eukolpiq. T~V toptwv TOO n6.oxo. 'Q~)..Tloe np6c;: TOUC;: napeupeetvroc;: Koi lxeailxloev TOC;: euxoe;: Koi euaoyioe;: TOO lelxlo~lwt6rou T6 tontpoc;: naptot eic;: ouve6piaolv TOO 60KTlKOO luj..t30uaiou TOO KtVTPOU npovoloc;: eic;: T6 XWA nic;: 'APXlEntOKOm;c;:. (4.5.92). - To npwi ouvoise:u6~evcx; uno ieptwv nic;: Me!4k>uPVTlC;: naptot eic;: TO vrineoov TOO Hellas Soccer Club 6nou ttemoer, 'Aytoo~6c;: Kat o 8eoq>tAtOToToc;: TluAOVTloe TOUC;: aywvec;: TWV a9al~6t(o)v ete;: TOUe;: 6noioue;: EAOjIDv Itpoc;: VtOI ono 6Aa TO T~n~OTO veoaaloe;: T~V. EVOPIWV KOt KOIvoliiTWV ~a~ tv MeAll<>upVD (6.5.92). - 'EAeITOUPYfloe Kai tkl'lpu~ev eic;: T6v 'lep6v 'ApXlemoKomKov Noov TOCi 'Ayiou Euoro9ou loou9 MtA~noupv. MeTa T6 ntpoc;: nic;: 8. l\eltoupyioe;: tttaeoe 6o~OAOyiov tnt Tfj 5] tnetei~ nic;: MOXTle;: nie;: KpnTTlC;. KOTO TnV e. l\eltoupyiav Kal niv 6ol;oAoyiav noptott)oov, 6 'APXTlY6c;: TWV. EAAlVIKWV 'EvonAcuv 6uv6.~ewv, OTPOTTW6c;: K. 'loovvlc;: Bepul36.Kle;: ~et6. Tiic;: ou~uyou Tau, 6 OTpaTTly6c;: K, 'I. ltoupoe;:, OTp<lTIWTIKix; 'AKOAou6o<; tv Ka~ntppa ~T6lii~ ou~uvou TOll 0 'APxrlVix; TWV AUOTpa}.tavwv 'Ev6nAwv 6uvoj..tE;oov OTpcrrr)y6c;: P. Gration j..teta nic;: Ou~uVOU TOll 0 tvti~ revikix; np6~ ev<><; K. NIK6Aa<><; M6TOIl~ ~et6 lii~ 'Ana rrjv Koro8co/V oreqxivou cir; ro Mvr')ICfov TOU 'Ayvcarou Shrine of Remembrance tni TO 5] tncreif! njr; Maxnr; njr; Kprjmr;. LIOKpivOVTOI 6 8ccxptAturarrx; 'EnioKoncx; LtPPrjr; K. '/et;cklrja,; 'I. 8cpufOKrr;, 6.Irpa7y6(' P Gration, 6 rev. npo{evcx; Tljt; revercipar; K. N. MorOlt; KalOMo/ trrior)lol. (McA/30upvr'), 7.5. 992}. 62

r ou~uvou TOU, 6 tvtlj..l np6~evoc; K. nomi5w~ KOKovfiC;, 6.vnnp6awnOl TOO R. S.L., avtlnp6ownoi (Awv TWV tv MtA30upVT] KPITKWV Iw~aT.:iwv, avnlo Eu~wvwv Tiic; npoei5pucric; >poupoc;. KO! nm90c; O.lOYE:IIWV. MeTa TID ntpoc; nie; Setae; AeIToupy!m;: de; 0 r pacpeto Tiic;. I... APXIEntOKOm;c; npooeq>tp8r] KOcptC; etc; TOUe; npooke:karu.u!;vouc; Koi tv ouvexeiq. 6 0eoqll.MarQTOC; I-IETO rwv tmm'ii..wv,. EAAr'}vwv Koi AUarpaAwv Koi 6wv Tcj)V napeupe8tvtwv 0.l0YEVWV lertt3loov, eic; TO MVTlI.le:Tov TaU 'AyvWOTOU (Shrine of Remembrance) 600u tlj6.\n TploOYIOV KO! ti"0koaouer,oe KQT68eOIC; OT&<pQVOU (7.5.92). - T6 npwi ouvvn'}9rl IET6 TOO 6.PXITtKTWV~, nap6vtoc; KO! TOO K. BaotAeiou KOpOalliTOl, de; TO oikoneoov 600u 86 6veyepgeT T6 KliplOV TOO rl')poko~iou rile; 'Iepac; r'u.!ciw 'ApXl&mOKOmlC; tv MeAf30upVl «BAIIAEIAI) Koi OUVe:~nTI0&..& ' QliToO 9tl-lQra 6cpOpWVTO T6 uno 6.vtyepolV KTlPIOKOV ouvkporru.lq. (9.5.92). - To eonepat; neplotolxou~evot; uno TOU 'lepoo KAnpou MeA)ouPVTlC; txopootclttloe KOTa TOV. Eooeplvov eit; TOV nqvtlvupi~ovta 'lepov Naov TWV 'AViwv KWVOTQVTivou Kat' EAtVTC; South Yarra-Prahran Kai wlllanae KaTaM~Awc; npoc; TO noaunanetc; tkkm)oiooilo (20.5.92). MeTa TO ntpac; TOU. EooeplvoO nopeka9r)oev eic;.o.elnvov lleta TWV, lepewv Kai TWV OMwv npookuvltwv Bic; TO XW'\ naponi\e:upwc; TOO ' lepoo NaoO. -. Ei\E:lTOuPVae Kat tkr'jpu~ev eic; TOV navtvupi~ovto 'lepov Noov TWV 'AViwv KwvoravTivou Kat ' EMvnc; South Yarra-Prahran TnV KUPIWVUIlOV riltpav TfjC; EOPTfjt; l3on90ulevoc; uno ' Iepewv TfjC; M AllouPVIC;. (2.5.92). - 'Ei\E:ITouPVae KOt tkr'jpu~ev eic; TOV novtlvupi~ovto ' lepov Naov TWV 'AViwv KWVOTOVTivou Kai. EAtVTC; South Yarra-Prahran Koi eumvnoc 'APTOMooiov nic; KOOTeMopl~loKiC; 'AocAcpOTTToc; tnt nj topnj TWV 'AVtwv KCUVOTaVT!VOU Kat. EMvnc;, noaiouxwv TOO KOOTeMop~ou. (26.5.92). - To E000ItPl ouvooeuollevoc; uno TOO revlkoo npo~tvou tvtlil. K. NlKoMou MaTOTI KO! TOO npo~tvou K. noauoopou KOKOVQ tneokt<p9n TOV unoovtyepolv ' lepov Noov nic; MeTollopcpOOeW<; TOO Iwn;poc; Leilor Thomastown (26.5.92). - To lleotllltpl npototn ouva~ewc; n;c; 0ll0&x; TWV ' Ieptcuv nou 96 OUIlIETOOXOUV eic; TnV tttoiav revlio;v IuvtAEUOIV TOO Aliorpa.,\IOVOO IUIl)ouAiou TWV. EKMnOIWV. (28.5.92). - ' Ei\E:lTOuPVlae KOt tkylpu~ev eic; TOV vtov Tploun6orarov ' lepov Noov nic; 'Aviac; nopaokeufjc;, TOO 'AViou ' lw6wou TOO. Ei\E:ri\lovoC; KOt n;c; 'Aviac; Bapf3cipoc; nic; veoiopugeiotlc; ' Evopiot; Ilac; eic; TO St. Albans. MeTa TO ntpat; nit; E>. AelTOuPvioC; 6 8eoqnMoroToc; tttaeae 'AVIOOIlOV Kai TT')v Tei\E:Tnv TWV 9UPOVOl~icuv TOO vtou neplkamooc;. lepoo NooO. AKOAouS<.x; 0 geoqn.\eorotoc; nopeko9r)aev eic; reola lee' o.\wv TWV npookuvttwv, TOO ' Iepar. npoioroltvou, nic; ' EKMnOloorlioic;. EmTpomjc;. Tiic; ()"'omwxou Koi Tiic; N oaolac;. (3.5.92). Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia ~L ~twrefn's 'ID4enlogical <tinllege, News concerning our Graduates. Fr. ohn Grillis (990) Fr. Leslie Kostoglou (990) Fr. Sotiris Drapaniotis (990) Mr. Michael Michael (990) Dn. Constantine Varipatis (990) Serving as parish priest of the Cathedral of the Annunciation, as well as the Chapel of "SI. Athanasius", Rookwood Cemetery. Ordained to the Holy Diaconate and Priesthood in 99. Currently serving as the parish priest at SI. Nicholas Church, Marrickville N.S.W. Ordained to the Holy Diaconate and to the Priesthood in 99. Currently serving as the parish priest at Renmark, South Australia. Completed a Masters degree. He is the Religious Education Teacher, as well as an English and P.E. teacher at SI. Spyridon High School, Maroubra N.SW. In the process of completing a Masters degree at Sydney University, whilst serving as His Eminence's personal Deacon. L L 'An6 rrv tkotawo'iv nou opydvc.oc Ii. Evopia-KoIV07Tt; TOU Newcastle untp nir; 0eoAoYIlG}'r; IxoArjr; (24.5.92). «c>qnh TH~ OpeOdO=I~» 242 Cleveland St., Redfern, 206, EniarUlov opyavov rile;, I pfi.c;. ApXL&mOKol'ilc; AUarpaAiac; ' EKOiocTOI ono IuvTOImKr'j 'EmTponi), Yneueuvoc; ekooaewc;: Bon86c; ' EnioKonoc; 'AnoMwvloOoC; K. Iepacpeill TeXVIKYl emlt.\elo: npeol3un~poc; A. A.\lcplepOKC; Printed by S. Halkeas Printing pty. Ltd. TeL 698 85 Mr. im Polyzoidis (99 ) Mr. Raymond Haddad (99 ) Mr. Peter Panagiotidis (99 ) Mr. Dimitrios Masteas (992) Mr. Dimitrios Kepreotes (992) Serves as a part-time chaplain to the Orthodox inmates in prisons throughout N.S.W. Assists Mr. Polyzoidis in ministering to some 250 Orthodox prisoners in this State. Has completed a Masters degree at Sydney University and will pursue further theological studies in Thessaloniki, Greece. Was married in May of this year and hopes to pursue further theological studies at Athens, Greece. Was appointed full-time Registrar of the College. 63

'. r A0HNAI -. EKliiAW0l CUPIEPW~tlll arov aoiot~o OiKOU~EVIKO natplapm K. LI~~iTPIO TOV A' npay~atonolie~ke ariv MEyM~ A:'t8ouoa Teherwv TOU naventct~iou 'Aenvwv. Ei~viOEI~ ekavav 0 nputav~~ K, nttpo~ rt~to~, 0 Kae~~ri~ TOU T~i~aTo~ NO~II(li~ K. Lnup Tpwiavo~ Kai 0 KOo~';Topa~ Tti~ 6EOAOYIKti~ LxoAti~ 'Ae~vwv K.. HAia~ OiKOVO~OU. A0HNAI - Xawli~ Kai ave~taeykt~ xapakt,;ploe 0 LE~. M~TpanoAiT~~ Llpu'ivo unoaew~ K. LE~arlavo~ riv KQTaara~ ar';v 'M~via oi~epa. ~tawvta~ aro a~tpletatpa Tti~ NO~IKti~ LxoAti~ 'A9r)vwv at naiie~ tpol~twv.. 0 LE~O~IWTQTO~, ou~natipwoe ako~~, nox; i KaTaara~ «6IOla~el & tic:paiarelo nau eival etoljo va tkpayei» Ka! nwe; «oi. AAl3avo~ ehe KOllouvlaro evoi she ' ESvIKIOTOi, i5tanvtovtoi an6 IlocMTlVIKO nveulo Kof moxa exouv 0.\0 TOUe;; TO nwe; IE ric; navtoetc5etc; KoromEOEL<;; Kat T6 arpayymloilo rwv OtKOIWIOTWV Tti~ ' EAA~vIKti~ MElov6T~Ta~, va avaykaoouv TOU~ BapElo~nElpWTE~ va tykataaeiljouv T';V B6pelo "HnElpa Kai va tpuyouv np6~ riv 'EMaoo KQTa TO nap60clwa TWV. EM';vwv Tti~ Kwv / AEW<;", KQNrTANTINOvnOIlH - Oi avekti~~toi nveu~atlkoi' 9~oaupai TOU natplapxeiou Kai Tti~ LxoAii~ Tti~ XM~~, Yla npw~ tpop6 eo ETvat npooneat'tol~ol at KaeE tntoktnr~ TOU <lavapiou., H nopeia Tti~. Op90oo~ia~ ~too ari~ OUO XtAIETiE~ ~t 6Aa TO iotopiko VTOKou~tvTa, TO~lvo~ElTal ~t Tli ~0i9Ela tiaektpovikwv unoaoyiotwv an6 KAr'lPIKOUC; Kai hqikouc;; nau tpya~ovtat aro narplapxelo. ITiv E.:KToioeUOTl TWV I<ATlPIKWV Kat haikwv TaU notptapxeiou Yla T'; xpli~ TWV. HAEKTPOVIKWV. VnOAOYlarwv ouvt~e anotpoolarlka TO 'IvarlvTouTO na~potpopikti~ TOU EIIKEnA, TOU onoiou T';V Llloi~~ Euxapiar~oE o~~oola at EiolK/ TEAET'; aro <lavapi i A6 0 OiKOU~EVIK~ natplapm~ K. Bap9oAo~alo~. tl>iiinnlnu - LTi MaviAa, npwteuouoa TWV tl>talnnivwv, 0 LE~. M~TponoAiT~~ N. Z~Aavoia~, K. LlIOVUOIO~, " E~apxo~ TOU OiKou~EvlKou natplapxeiou ariv "Anw 'AvaTOA';, KaTteEOE TO ee~talo Ai90 vaou TOU EuaVVEAlo~OU Tti~ 0EOTOKOU, TOV onolov oi 30 ~ovov.. EM~vE~ Tti~ tkei. 0p9006~ou KOtvOT~TO~, ~t iep6 ~iiao Kai tpaoyepi niar~, avtaa~v va aveyeipouv. To oikoneoo OWPIOE 0 avtlnp6eopo~ TOU. EKKA~OIaarIKou Lu~~ouAiou Kai Ii. opeooo~~ t>iatnntvt~a ou~uyo~ TOU. L~~aVTlKt~ OiKOVO~IKt~ EiOtpOpt~ TWV ~EAWV Tti~ KOIVO~TO~ Kai OwPEt~ OUVEPYWV TOU, t~aotpmloov TiV npay~atonoi~~ Tii~ iepii~ tnteu~ia~ «va UI)w6EI. 0p9600~0~ vao~" Kai ori xwpa auri Tti~ NOTloavaAoTlKti~ Aoia~. A0HNA - Oi tk06oei~ AKPITAL at ouvepyaoia ~t TO ILlPVMA roviianllph-xopn Kai TO ITAIIIKO MOPtI>QTIKO INHITOVTO A6HNQN olopyavwoav OtIi~Epo O~tAIWV, ekee~~ tpwtoypatpia~, tm~vikwv Kai ~u~avtlvwv ~II~Eiwv Tti~ KaAa~pia~, ~~Aiou Kai OCIWaTWV XElpaTExvia~ Tti~ KaAa~pia~. LTOXO~ Tti~ EKO~AWaEW<; lirav Ii tvioxu~ TWV tio~ OYKOU~tvwv nveu~atlkwv OEO~WV Tti~. EMaio~ ~ TOV. EM~vlo~o Tii~ KaAa~pia~, 64 ATHENS - A reception dedicated to the blessed memory of the Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrius A ; was realized in the Great Reception Hall of the University of Athens. A welcome and introduction were presented by the president Mr Petros Gemtos, the professor of the law faculty Mr Spyr, Troianos and the dean of the Theological College of Athens Mr Elias Economou. ATHENS - Chaotic and uncontrolled was the way in which His Eminence Metropolitan Drinoupoleos Sebastian regarded the state of Albania today, in his speech to a multitude of students at the amphitheatre of the Law School of Athens. His Eminence also added that the situation "resembles a volcano which is ready to explode" and that "the Albanians, whether they are communists or whether they are Nationalists, are driven by a Greek hating spirit and everyone's aim is as to how with every sort of oppression and with the strangling of the rights of the Greek minority group, Ihey will force the Northern Epirus citizens to abandon North Epirus and leave for Greece following the example of the Greeks of Constantinople", CONSTANTINOPLE - The priceless spiritual treasures of the Patriarchate and the school of Halki, will be approachable for the first time to every visitor of the Fanar. The course of Orthodoxy within the two thousand years with all the historical documents, is classified with the' help of computers, clergy, and lay people who work at the Patriarchate. In the training of the clergy and the laymen of the Patriarchate for the use of the Computers the Advisory Institute of ELKEPA contributed decisively, and whose jurisdiction was thanked publically at a special function at the Fanar by His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. PHILIPPINES - In Manila, the capital of the Philippines, His Eminence, Metropolitan of New Zealand Dionysius, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Far East, deposited the foundation stone of the church of the Annunciation of Our Lady Mary, which only the 30 Greeks of the Orthodox Community of that area, with sacred zeal and burning faith, undertook to erect. The property was donated by the Vice President of the Church Committee and his Philippine Orthodox wife, significant monetary contributions from the members of the community and donations of their co-workers, secured the realization of the sacred desire "to erect an Orthodox Temple" in this country of South"East Asia. ATHENS - The publishing firm AKRITAS in conjuction with the GOULANDRIS-HORN INSTITUTE and THE ITALIAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ATHENS recently organized a two-day conference with seminars, exhibitions of photographs, Greek and Byzantine sites of Kalabria as well as a display of handcrafts from Kalabria. The purpose of the conference was to strengthen the already growing spiritual and cultural ties between Greece and the Greek constituents of Kalabria (Southern Italy), r r l