Τροφίμων και Διατροφής, Τμήμα Τεχνολόγων Γεωπόνων, Λάρισα Τηλέφωνο Fax

Σχετικά έγγραφα
Τροφίμων και Διατροφής, Τμήμα Τεχνολόγων Γεωπόνων, Λάρισα Τηλέφωνο Fax

Καθηγητής Γεωργικής Μηχανικής


Καθηγητής (Προσωποπαγούς θέσης)

ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ. Σπυρίδων Ι. Λουτρίδης

Δημήτριος Κατέρης. Εκπαιδευση. Επαγγελματική δραστηριότητα. Γεωπόνος Α.Π.Θ.-Τεχν. Γεωπόνος, M.Sc. Ph.D.

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ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ. ΓΙΑΛΑΜΑΣ ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΣ του ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΥ. Προσωπικές πληροφορίες. Διδακτορική Διατριβή

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ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ ΛΕΩΝΙΔΑΣ Α. ΣΠΥΡΟΥ Διδακτορικό σε Υπολογιστική Εμβιομηχανική, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών, Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας.

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Ηλεκτρονικές Πηγές: πεπραγμένα Άννα Φράγκου Μερσίνη Κακούρη Παναγιώτης Γεωργίου Μαρία Νταουντάκη. και. Πόπη Φλώρου Ελευθερία Κοσέογλου

Εφαρμογή Υπολογιστικών Τεχνικών στη Γεωργία


CorV CVAC. CorV TU317. 1

Δημήτριος Θ. Τόμτσης, Ph.D. Αναλυτικό Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα

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Χαρτογράφηση θορύβου

Εφαρμογή Υπολογιστικών Τεχνικών στην Γεωργία





Εφαρμογή Υπολογιστικών Τεχνικών στη Γεωργία


Ερευνητική+Ομάδα+Τεχνολογιών+ Διαδικτύου+

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ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΗΣ Κ. ΣΟΦΙΑΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια. Τµήµα Τεχνολογίας & Συστηµάτων Παραγωγής.

Ελαφρές κυψελωτές πλάκες - ένα νέο προϊόν για την επιπλοποιία και ξυλουργική. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΣ και ΜΠΑΡΜΠΟΥΤΗΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ

Εφαρμογή Υπολογιστικών Τεχνικών στην Γεωργία

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Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα Προσωπικά Στοιχεία Επίθετο / Όνομα Διεύθυνση Γράβαλος Ιωάννης Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα Θεσσαλίας, Σχολή Τεχνολογίας Γεωπονίας, Τεχνολογίας Τροφίμων και Διατροφής, Τμήμα Τεχνολόγων Γεωπόνων, 41110 Λάρισα Τηλέφωνο 2410 684 216 Fax 2410 613 153 E-mail gravalos@teilar.gr Θέση εργασίας / Τομέας απασχόλησης Τεχνολογία και Μηχανοποίηση Γεωργικής Παραγωγής Επαγγελματική Εμπειρία Χρονολογίες 04/05/1992-31/01/2003 Απασχόληση ή θέση Όνομα και διεύθυνση εργοδότη Τεχνικός Διευθυντής Διαχείριση τεχνικών θεμάτων γεωργικού μηχανολογικού εξοπλισμού. Οργάνωση και διαχείριση ανθρώπινου δυναμικού (80 ατόμων). Εκπροσώπηση της εταιρείας σε μεγάλους οίκους κατασκευής γεωργικών μηχανημάτων του εξωτερικού. Η ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ Α.Ε. (Εισαγωγές - Εξαγωγές - Βιομηχανία), Αυλώνος 107, 10443 Αθήνα Χρονολογίες 01/02/2003-31/03/2006 Απασχόληση ή θέση Όνομα και διεύθυνση εργοδότη Έκτακτος Καθηγητής Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα Λάρισας, Σχολή Τεχνολόγων Γεωπονίας, Τμήμα Γεωργικών Μηχανών & Αρδεύσεων, 411 10 Λάρισα Χρονολογίες 01/04/2006-20/06/2013 Απασχόληση ή θέση Όνομα και διεύθυνση εργοδότη Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα Λάρισας, Σχολή Τεχνολόγων Γεωπονίας, Τμήμα Μηχανικής Βιοσυστημάτων, 411 10 Λάρισα Χρονολογίες Απασχόληση ή θέση Όνομα και διεύθυνση εργοδότη 20/06/2013 - σήμερα Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα Λάρισας, Σχολή Τεχνολογίας Γεωπονίας, Τεχνολογίας Τροφίμων και Διατροφής, Τμήμα Τεχνολόγων Γεωπόνων, 41110 Λάρισα Page 1 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του

Εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση Τίτλος του πιστοποιητικού ή διπλώματος Κύρια θέματα / επαγγελματικές δεξιότητες Επωνυμία και είδος του οργανισμού που παρείχε την εκπαίδευση ή κατάρτιση Χρονολογίες 15/09/1981-26/08/1986 Dipl.-Ing. Γεωργική Μηχανική Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Πράγας, Σχολή Γεωργικής Μηχανικής - Πράγα / Δημοκρατία Τσεχίας Χρονολογίες 15/11/2009-20/07/2012 Τίτλος του πιστοποιητικού ή διπλώματος Κύρια θέματα / επαγγελματικές δεξιότητες Επωνυμία και είδος του οργανισμού που παρείχε την εκπαίδευση ή κατάρτιση MSc Βιοτεχνολογία Ποιότητα διατροφής & περιβάλλοντος Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας, Τμήμα Βιοχημείας & Βιοτεχνολογίας - Λάρισα Τίτλος του πιστοποιητικού ή διπλώματος Κύρια θέματα / επαγγελματικές δεξιότητες Επωνυμία και είδος του οργανισμού που παρείχε την εκπαίδευση ή κατάρτιση Ατομικές δεξιότητες και ικανότητες Χρονολογίες 15/11/1989-04/11/1992 PhD Αυτοματισμοί & Συστήματα Ελέγχου στη Γεωργία Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Πράγας, Σχολή Γεωργικής Μηχανικής, Τμήμα Ηλεκτροτεχνίας & Αυτοματισμών - Πράγα / Δημοκρατία Τσεχίας Μητρική γλώσσα(-ες) Ελληνική Άλλη γλώσσα(-ες) Αυτό-αξιολόγηση Κατανόηση Ομιλία Γραφή Αγγλική Τσεχική Ιταλική Προφορική Γραπτή (ανάγνωση) Επικοινωνία Προφορική έκφραση Πρόσθετες πληροφορίες Παραρτήματα ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΕΙΣ & ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΑ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΕΙΣ Page 2 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του A. Εργασίες σε διεθνή περιοδικά: A1. Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Gialamas, Th., Cavitation erosion of wet-sleeve liners:

Case study, Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of Cars (MECCA), IV (3), 10-16, (2006). A2. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Koutsofitis, Z., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Georgiades, A., Energetic study on animal fats and vegetable oils using combustion bomb calorimeter, Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science, 4 (1), 69-74, (2008). A3. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Koutsofitis, Z., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Lianos, G., Comparison of performance characteristics of agricultural tractor diesel engine operating on home and industrially produced biodiesel, International Journal of Energy Research, 33, 1048-1058 (2009). A4. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Moshou, D., Augousti, A., Kateris, D., Moschodimou, E., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos Z., Georgiadis, A., Maintenance of hydraulic systems based on optical monitoring of contamination, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 4, 19-25, (2010). A5. Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Libra, M., Heating value study of cottonplant organs, Fine Mechanics and Optics, 55 (3), 79-81, (2010). A6. Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Sawalhi, N., Loutridis, S., Gravalos, I., Fault Severity Estimation in Rotating Mechanical Systems Using Feature Based Fusion and Self-Organizing Maps, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 6353, 410-413, (2010). A7. Moshou, D., Natsis, A., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Sawalhi, N., Kalimanis, I., Loutridis, S., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Tractor engine fault detection system based on vibration and acoustics monitoring, Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science, 7(1), 1-6, (2011). A8. Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Vibration effects on spark ignition engine fuelled with methanol and ethanol gasoline blends, Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science, 7(4), 367-372, (2011). A9. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Loutridis, S., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos Z., An experimental study on the impact of the rear track width on the stability of agricultural tractors using a test bench, Journal of Terramechanics, 48, 319-323, (2011). A10. Loutridis, S., Gialamas, Th., Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., A study on the effect of electronic engine speed regulator on agricultural tractor ride vibration behavior, Journal of Terramechanics, 48, 139-147, (2011) A11. Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Loutridis, S., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Design of a pipeline sensor-based platform for soil water content monitoring, Biosystems Engineering, 113, 1-10, (2012). A12. Gravalos, I., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., A low-cost greenhouse monitoring system based on internet connectivity, Acta Hort. (ISHS), 952, 937-943, (2012). A13. Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos Z., Emissions characteristics of spark ignition engine operating on pure and high alcohol blended gasoline fuels, Renewable Energy, 50, 27-32, (2013). A14. Gravalos, I., Loutridis, S., Moshou, D., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Detection of fuel type on a spark ignition engine from engine vibration behaviour, Applied Thermal Engineering, 54(1), 171-175, (2013). A15. Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Loutridis, S., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Bompolas, E., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Fountas, S., 2D and 3D Soil Moisture Imaging Using a Sensor-Based Platform Moving Inside a Subsurface Network of Pipes, Journal of Hydrology, 499, 146-153, (2013). Page 3 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του

A16. Avgoustis, A., Papadopoulos, S., Kateris, D., Georgiadis, A., Gravalos, I., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Assessing quality of an irrigation canal ecosystems, through water and environmental parameters (temperature, total hardness, ph, D.O, EC, BOD5, COD, N, P, Na+, NO3-, Cl-, PO43-, NH4+ and SO4-). A case study in Thessaly region, Greece, WSEAS Transactions on Enviromental and Development, 9 (3), 181-194, (2013). A17. Moshou, D., Pantazi, X-E., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Water stress detection based on optical multisensor fusion with a least squares support vector machine classifier, Biosystems Engineering, 117, 15-22, (2014). A18. Pantazi, X-E., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Xyradakis, P., Automatic Identification of Gasoline Biofuel Blend Type in an Internal Combustion Four-stroke Engine based on Unsupervised Novelty Detection and Active Learning, Procedia Technology, 8, 229-237, (2013). A19. Kateris, D., Moshou, D., Pantazi, X-E., Gravalos, I., Sawalhi, N., Loutridis, S., A machine learning approach for the condition monitoring of rotating machinery, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 28(1), 61-71, (2014). A20. Moshou, D., Natsis, A., Kateris, D., Pantazi, X-E., Kalimanis, I., Gravalos, I., Fault Detection of Fuel Injectors Based on One-Class Classifiers, Modern Mechanical Engineering, 4, 19-27, (2014). A21. Gravalos, I., Loutridis, S., Gialamas, Th., Avgousti, A., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Libra M., Vibrational behavior of tractor engine hood, Fine Mechanics and Optics, 3, 69-71, (2014). A22. Gravalos, I., Xyradakis, P., Kateris, D., Gialamas, Th., Loutridis, S. Avgousti, A., Georgiadis, A., Tsiropoulos, Z., Comparison and analysis of the emissions of a small non-road SI engine operating under different alcohol gasoline blended fuels, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, (2014). (In press) B. Κεφάλαια βιβλίων B1. Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Kateris D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Performance and Emission Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Ethanol and Methanol Gasoline Blended Fuels, "Alternative Fuels", Edited Book by Maximino Manzanera, Published by In-Tech, Rijeka, Croatia, (2011). B2. Moshou, D., Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Bravo, C., Oberti, R., West, J. S., Ramon, H., Multisensor Fusion of Remote Sensing data for Crop Disease Detection, "Geospatial Techniques: Managing Environmental Resources", Edited Book by J.K., Thakur, S.K., Singh, A., Ramanathan, M.B.K., Prasad, and W., Gossel, Published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, (2012). B3. Moshou, D., Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Natsis, A., Sawalhi, N., Loutridis, S., Condition monitoring in centrifugal irrigation pumps with self-organizing feature visualization, Monograph ICT for Agriculture and Environment, Edited by E. Gelb and K. Charvát, Prague, Czech Republic, (2012). C. Εργασίες σε πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων:. Gravalos, I., Raptis, I., Varvoutis, I., Tsikas, D., A Distributed Monitoring System for Agricultural Applications, Proceedings of the II International Scientific Conference on "Information Technologies and Control Engineering in Management of Production Systems", Tome I, 60-67, TF CUA Prague, Czech Republic, 2005. C2. Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Dimitriadis, Ch., Cavitation erosion of wet-sleeve liners: Case study, KOKA 2006, XXXVII International Conference of Czech and Slovak Universities Departments and Institutions Dealing with the Research of Combustion Engines, Kostelec N.Č.L., Czech Republic,2006. C3. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, T., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Ralli, M., A control system Page 4 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του

to achieve optimum soil water conditions for plant growth, Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference on Trends in Agricultural Enginnearing (TAE 2007), 115-120, FE CULS Prague, Czech Republic, pp.. 2007. C4. Gravalos, I., Tsiropoulos, Z., Kateris, D., Gialamas, T., Xyradakis, P., Ralli, M., Libra, M., A software tool to compute autonomous photovoltaic water pumping systems, Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference on Trends in Agricultural Enginnearing (TAE 2007), 121-125, FE CULS Prague, Czech Republic, 2007. C5. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Koutsofitis, Z., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Georgiades, A., Energetic study on animal fats and vegetable oils using combustion bomb calorimeter, Proceedings of 10th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agricultural (AntAgEng 2008), Antalya, Turkey, 2008. C6. Tsiropoulos, Z., Gaganis, P., Tsiropoulou, A., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Gravalos, I., GIS application for drill digitalization, Proceedings of the 1st International workshop on Physics in Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008. C7. Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Koutsofitis, Z., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Augoustinos, A., Georgiades, A., An investigation on calorific energy distribution in cotton plant organs. Proceedings of the 1 st International workshop on Physics in Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008. C8. Tsiropoulos, Z., Tsiropoulou, A., Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., GIS software tool for digitalization of Greek cartographic background, Proceedings of International conference on agricultural engineering (AgEng 2008), Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 2008. C9. Gravalos, I., Tsiropoulos, Z., Kateris, D., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulou, A., An innovative software tool facilitates maintenance estimation of agricultural machinery diesel engine, Proceedings of International conference on agricultural engineering (AgEng 2008), Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 2008. 0. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Moshou, D., Vibration measurements and analysis of agricultural tractors operating on traditional and electronic regulator, Proceedings of XXXIII CIOSTA - CIGR V Conference on Technology and Management to Ensure Sustainable Agriculture, Agro Systems, Foresty and Safety, Vol. 2, 1511-1515, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 2009. 1. Novotny, R., Libra, M., Poulek, V., Gravalos, I., Mares, J., Electric energy production in the small on-grid PV system, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference on Physics Research and Education, Nitra, Slovakia, 2009. 2. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Moshou, D., Augousti, A., Kateris, D., Moschodimou, E., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Georgiadis, A., A Method of Determining Total Impurities in Lubricant of Agricultural Tractors, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Agricuture Engineering, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009. 3. Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Loutridis, S., Sawalhi, N., Gialamas, T., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Determination of fault topology in mechanical subsystems of agricultural machinery based on feature fusion and neutral networks, Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Trends in Agricultural Enginnearing (TAE 2010), 448-453, Faculty of Engineering Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic, 2010. Page 5 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του 4. Loutridis, S., Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Gialamas, T., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Diagnosis of gearbox faults in agricultural machinery using energy of transient features, Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Trends in Agricultural Enginnearing (TAE 2010), 406-409, Faculty of Engineering Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic, 2010.

5. Gravalos, I., Loutridis, S., Moshou, D., Gialamas, T., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Georgiadis, A., Effects of the rotor systems on ball bearing dynamic characteristics, Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Trends in Agricultural Enginnearing (TAE 2010), 196-201, Faculty of Engineering Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic, 2010. 6.Gravalos, I., Loutridis, S., Moshou, D., Gialamas, T., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Savoulidis, M., Koutsofitis, Z., An underground experimental autonomous platform for soil moisture monitoring, Proceedings of International Conference on Agricultural Engineering (AgEng 2010), Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2010. 7. Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Gialamas, T., Loutridis, S., Augousti, A., Georgiades, A., Tsiropoulos, Z., A study on calorific energy values of biomass residue pellets for heating purposes, Proceedings of 43th Forestry Mechanization Symposium (FORMEC 2010), Padova, Italy, 2010. 8. Gravalos, I., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., A real time monitoring and control system targeted to support greenhouse automation & internet connectivity, Proceedings of Advanced technologies and management towards sustainable greenhouse ecosystems (Greensys2011), Chalkidiki, Greece, 2011. 9. Moshou, D., Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Sawalhi, N., Loutridis, S., Condition monitoring in centrifugal irrigation pumps with self-organizing feature visualization, Proceedings of 8th European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment/ World Congress on Computers in Agriculture, Edited by E. Gelb and K. Charvát, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011. C20. Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Gialamas, T., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos Z., Xyradakis P., Tracing boundaries of weeds using digital images, Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Edited by John V. Stafford, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011. C21. Xyradakis, P., Gialamas, Th., Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Augusti, A., Tsatsarelis K., Emissions characteristics of spark ignition engine operating on pure and high alcohol blended gasoline fuels, Proceedings of XXXIV CIOSTA-CIGR V Conference on Efficient and safe production processes in sustainable agriculture and forestry, Edited by E. Quendler and K. Kössler, Vienna, Austria., 2011. C22. Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Sawalhi, N., Gravalos, I., Loutridis, S., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Condition monitoring of mechanical subsystems of agricultural vehicles based on fusion of vibration features, Proceedings of XXXIV CIOSTA-CIGR V Conference on Efficient and safe production processes in sustainable agriculture and forestry, Edited by E. Quendler and K. Kössler, Vienna, Austria, 2011. C23. Moshou, D., Natsis, A., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Sawalhi, N., Kalimanis, I., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Agricultural vehicle condition monitoring system based on unsupervised novelty detection, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2011), Edited by M. Salampasis and A. Matopoulos, Skiathos, Greece, 2011. C24. Moshou, D., Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Pantazi, X.-E., Water stress detection based on Optical Multisensor Fusion with a Least Squares Support Vector Machine Classifier, Proceedings of International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR-Ageng 2012), Valencia, Spain, 2012. C25. Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Augousti, A., A study on spatial and temporal soil water distribution using an underground sensor-based platform, Proceedings of International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR-Ageng 2012), Valencia, Spain, 2012. C26. Gravalos, I., Loutridis, S., Moshou, D., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Vibration effects of bumper suspension system on pipeline sensor-based platform for soil water monitoring, Proceedings of 1 st International Conference on Robotics and associated Hightechnologies and Equipment for agriculture (RHEA-2012), Pisa, Italy, 2012. C27. Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Pantazi, X-E., Gravalos, I., Crop and weed species recognition based on hyperspectral sensing and active learning, Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Precision Page 6 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του

Agriculture, Edited by John V. Stafford, Vageningen Academic Publishers, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain, 2013. C28. Tsiropoulos, Z., Fountas, S., Gemtos, T., Gravalos, I., Paraforos, D., Management information system for spatial analysis of tractor-implement draft forces, Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Edited by John V. Stafford, Vageningen Academic Publishers, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain, 2013. C29. Pantazi, X-E., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Xyradakis, P., Automatic identification of fuel type in internal combustion engines based on vibration behavior and Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LSSVM), Proceedings of XXXV CIOSTA-CIGR V Conference, Billund, Denmark, 2013. C30. Moshou, D., Pantazi, X-E., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Mouazen, A-M., Cognitive fusion architectures for decision support in precision farming (FARMFUSE), Proceedings of XXXV CIOSTA- CIGR V Conference, Billund, Denmark, 2013. C31. Gravalos, I., Loutridis, S., Gialamas, Th., Avgousti, A., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Vibrational behavior of tractor engine hood, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering (TAE 2013), Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. C32. Pantazi, X-E., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Xyradakis, P., Automatic prediction of gasoline-biofuel blend type in combustion four-stroke engine based on one class support vector machines, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering (TAE 2013), Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. C33. Moshou, D., Pantazi, X-E., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Mouazen, A.M., Active learning sensor fusion system for crop disease detection, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering (TAE 2013), Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. C34. Pantazi, X-E., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Xyradakis, P., Automatic identification of gasoline biofuel blend type in an internal combustion four-stroke engine based on unsupervised novelty detection and active learning, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agricultural, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2013), Corfu Island, Greece, 2013. C35. Gravalos, I., Tsiropoulos, Z., Kateris, D., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Avgoustis, A., Georgiadis, A., Fountas, S., Soil moisture remote monitoring from an agricultural tractor, Proceedings of the 2 nd International Conference on Robotics and associated High-technologies and Equipment for Agriculture and forestry (RHEA-2014), Madrid, Spain, 2014. C36. Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Georgiadis, A., Agarici, R., The effect of anti-vibration material on whole-body vibration exposures via the cabin-floor, Proceedings of International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (AgEng 2014), Zurich, Swiss Confederation, 2014. D. Εργασίες σε ελληνικά περιοδικά: D1. Gravalos, Ι., Raptis, I., Power parameters measurement of a diesel engine, Geotechnical Scientific Issues, VI, (16/2), 12-19,(2005). D2.Gravalos, Ι., Raptis, I., DIAS: An on -board diagnosis system for diesel engines, Geotechnical Scientific Issues, VI, (16/2), 20-30, 2005. D3. Gravalos, Ι., Starting time for determining the irrigation by using electronic wetting front detector, Geotechnical Scientific Issues, VI, (16/4), 26-33, 2005. Page 7 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του D4. Gravalos, Ι., Gialamas, Th., Koutsofitis, Z., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Ζ., Xyradakis, P., Study of factors influencing the movement characteristics of agricultural tractor on inclined plane and driver s safety, Geotechnical Scientific Issues, I, (19/1), 27-37, 2008.

D5. Gravalos, Ι., Gialamas, Th., Koutsofitis, Z., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Ζ., The significance of rear wheel width on agricultural tractor stability, Geotechnical Scientific Issues, VI, (20/1), 27-37, 2010. E. Εργασίες σε πρακτικά ελληνικών συνεδρίων: E1. Gravalos, Ι., A fault injection system for the controller software of agricultural tractor governors, Proceedings of 3rd National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 207-213, Thessaloniki, 2003. E2. Gravalos, Ι., Soil moisture switching controller, Proceedings of 3rd National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 325-334, Thessaloniki, 2003. E3. Gravalos, Ι., Gialamas, Th., Raptis, Ι., Κateris, D., Examination of the consequences of the worn tyres on fuel consumption, Proceedings of 4th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 185-193, Athens, 2005. E4. Gialamas, Th., Gravalos, Ι., Filintas, A., Koutsofitis, Z., Iosifidis, A., Kateris, D., Tsatsarelis, K., Determination of coefficient deformation of soil by experimental vehicle, Proceedings of 4th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 80-88, Athens, 2005. E5. Gravalos, Ι., Raptis, Ι., Κateris, D., Veliotis, I. Serafim, G., A diagnosis device for appreciating the technical condition of the hydraulic pump of agricultural tractors, Proceedings of 4th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 71-79, Athens, 2005. E6. Filintas, Α., Dioudis, P., Gravalos, Ι., Κoutseris, Ε., Gialamas, Th., Study of drip irrigation effects in corn productivity in an experimental field, Proceedings of 10th National Scientific Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association, Β, 653-660, Xanthi, 2006. E7. Gravalos, Ι., Dioudis, P., Filintas, Α., Κateris, D., Molla, A., Experimental determination of soil moisture sensors position in drip irrigation systems, Proceedings of 10th National Scientific Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association, Β, 769-776, Xanthi, 2006. E8. Gravalos, Ι., Dioudis, P., Filintas, Α., Κateris, D., Dimitriadis, Gh., A comparison study between soil moisture sensors, Proceedings of 10th National Scientific Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association, Β, 837-844, Xanthi, 2006. E9. Filintas, Α., Dioudis, P., Gravalos, Ι., Κoutseris, Ε., Controlled Drip Irrigation in Maize (ZEA MAYS L.): Effects on Production and Biomass ratio in different parts of Plant and Environmental Impact, Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Conference JEAN MONNET, Veria, 2007. E10. Gravalos, Ι., Gialamas, Th., Koutsofitis, Z., Augousti, Α., Κateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Lianos, G., Τsiropoulos, Ζ., Georgiadis, A., The use of biodiesel as fuel in diesel engines of agricultural tractor, Proceedings of Workshop "Renewable Energy", Technical Chamber of Greece, Larissa, 2007. E11. Augousti, Α., Sapountzis, Μ., Κateris, D., Gravalos, Ι., Xyradakis, P., Specification of the geomorphologic, ground and climatologic features of the basin of the smokovos reservoir, Proceedings of 5th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 787-794, Larissa, 2007. E12. Dimitriadis, Ch.Ι., Brighton, J.L., Kokkoras, Ι., Gravalos, Ι., Gialamas, Th., The design of a lavender harvester for in field flower removal, Proceedings of 5th National Conference of Agricultural Page 8 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του

Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 95-102, Larissa, 2007. E13. Gialamas, Th., Gravalos, Ι., Κateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Τsatsarelis, Κ., Gemptos, Th., Experimental determination of mechanical vibrations on safety cab of agricultural tractors, Proceedings of 5th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 79-86, Larissa, 2007. E14. Gialamas, Th., Gravalos, Ι., Andreou, Α., Τsantzos, S., Κateris, D., Τsatsarelis, Κ., Gemptos, Th., Experimental determination of shearing force and slipping by template of wheeled tractor, Proceedings of 5th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 65-72, Larissa, 2007. E15. Gialamas, Th., Papachristou, Ε., Gravalos, Ι., Κateris, D., Dimitriadis, Ch.Ι., Τsatsarelis, Κ., A computer program of hydraulic lifting systems for agricultural products packages, Proceedings of 5th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 73-79, Larissa, 2007. E16. Gialamas, Th., Κateris, D., Gravalos, Ι., Xyradakis, P., Τsatsarelis, Κ., Experimental analysis of slope angles for cross movement on inclined plane, Proceedings of 5th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 87-94, Larissa, 2007. E17. Gravalos, Ι., Τsiropoulos, Ζ., Gialamas, Th., Koutsofitis, Z., Xyradakis, P., Κateris, D., Dafas, Ε., Lellis, Th., AMADA: a multipurpose data base for agricultural machinery, Proceedings of 5th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 779-786, Larissa, 2007. E18. Gravalos, Ι., Gialamas, Th., Koutsofitis, Z., Augousti, Α., Κateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Τsiropoulos, Ζ., Technical problems confronted by the installation of fuel consumption meter on the fuel injection system, Proceedings of 5th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 44-51, Larissa, 2007. E19. Gravalos, Ι., Gialamas, Th., Koutsofitis, Z., Augousti, Α., Lianos, G., Κateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Τsiropoulos, Ζ., Lellis, Th., Experimental data by utilization of biodiesel as fuel in a diesel engine of agricultural tractor, Proceedings of 5th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 699-706, Larissa, 2007. E20. Gravalos, Ι., Atzemis, Α., Savoulidis, Μ., Chadini, Ch., Κateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Τsiropoulos, Ζ., Dalakouras, Α., An autonomous soil water monitoring system. Proceedings of joint Conferences of 11th Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association & 7th Hellenic Committee of Water Resource Management, I, 387-394, Volos, 2009. E21. Tsiropoulos, Z., Gaganis, P., Tsiropoulou, A., Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Drill s mapping and classification application, Proceedings of joint Conferences of 11th Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association & 7th Hellenic Committee of Water Resource Management, I, 661-668, Volos, 2009. E22. Gravalos, I., Tsiropoulos, Z., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., A fault diagnosis system for diesel engines, Proceedings of 6th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 433-440, Thessaloniki, 2009. E23. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., A hybrid transmission system, Proceedings of 6 th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 441-448, Thessaloniki, 2009. E24. Gialamas, Th., Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Tsatsarelis, K., Moshou, D., Gemtos, Th., Vibrations on the operators seat during plowing with different tractors, Proceedings of 6th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 471-478, Thessaloniki, 2009. E25. Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Dimitriadis, X., Tsatsarelis, K., Gemtos, Th., Vibrations on the seat of tractor operator during soil treatment with disc harrow, Proceedings of 6th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, 425-432, Thessaloniki, 2009. Page 9 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του

E26. Augousti, Α., Papadopoulos, S., Kateris, D., Vafiadis, D., Gravalos, I., Georgiadis, Α., Neophytou, Ν., Sediment pollution with heavy metals in drainage, irrigation ditch asmakiou, thessaly, Greece, Proceedings of 7th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Athens, 2011. E27. Kateris, D., Moshou, D., Gravalos, I., Sawadhi, N., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Tsiropoulos, Z., Condition monitoring of mechanical subsystems of agricultural vehicles based on fusion of vibration features, Proceedings of 7th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Athens, 2011. E28. Poulek, V., Libra, M., Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Moshou, D., Xyradakis, P., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Lellis Th., A study on evaluation of producing energy on PV systems installed in Greece and Czech republic, Proceedings of 7th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Athens, 2011. E29. Gialamas, Th., Kateris, D., Gialama, Μ., Gravalos, I., Xyradakis, P., Μenexes, G., Georgiadis, Α., Τsatsarelis, Κ., Gemtos, Th., The effect of acoustic vibrations (noise) on health of agricultural tractor operators, Proceedings of 7th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Athens, 2011. E30. Kateris, D., Moshou, D., Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Xyradakis, P., Fault diagnosis system in mechanical gearbox using multilayer perceptron neural networks, Proceedings of 8th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Volos, 2013. E31. Gialamas, Th., Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Gialama, M., Xyradakis, P., Gialama, A., Dimitriadis, Ch., Tsiropoulos, Ζ., The experimental determination of mechanical vibration to the tractor cabin from the interaction of agricultural tools, Proceedings of 8th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Volos, 2013. E32. Gravalos, I., Gialamas, Th., Loutridis, S., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Bompolas, E., Xyradakis, P., Augousti, A., Georgiadis, A., Two-dimensional and three-dimensional soil water imaging, Proceedings of 8th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Volos, 2013. E33. Gravalos, I., Image segmentation of ficus carica trees during the harvesting season, Proceedings of 8th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Volos, 2013. E34. Tsiropoulos, Z., Fountas, S., Gravalos, I., Gemtos, Th., Augoustis, A., Kateris, D., Xyradakis, P., Liakos, V., Mapping software for tractor s fuel consumption, Proceedings of 8th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Volos, 2013. E35. Pantazi, X-E., Moshou, D., Kateris, D., Gravalos, I., Xyradakis, P., Automatic identification of gasoline- bioalcohol mixture type in four stroke internal combustion engines using pattern classifiers, Proceedings of 8th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Volos, 2013. E36. Avgoustis, A., Papadopoulos, S., Gravalos, I., Kateris, D., Georgiadis, A., Tsiropoulos, Z., Xyradakis, P., Sediment pollution with heavy metals in drainage, irrigation ditch Asmakiou, Thessaly, Greece, Proceedings of 8th National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Hellenic Society of Agricultural Engineers, Volos, 2013. ΕΥΡΕΣΙΤΕΧΝΙΕΣ 1. Γράβαλος, Ι., Βελιώτης, Ι., Σεραφείμ, Γ., "Φορητή διαγνωστική συσκευή υδραυλικών συστημάτων". Δίπλωμα Ευρεσιτεχνίας, Αριθμ. 1005465, Οργανισμός Βιομηχανικής Ιδιοκτησίας, Αθήνα 2007 [Διεθνής Ταξινόμηση (INT.CL 8 ): F15B 19/00]. Page 10 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του

ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΑ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑ 1. NUMBER: LIFE 09 ENV/GR/000296, POSITION: Leader, TITLE: Adapt agricultural production to climate change and limited water supply, START/FINISH YEAR: 2010-2014, FUND ( ): 2.600.000. 2. NUMBER: ESPA/55227525-01-000228, POSITION: Coordinator, TITLE: The use of alcohol gasoline blends in non-road gasoline engines, START/FINISH YEAR: 2011-2012, FUND ( ): 7.000. 3. NUMBER: ESPA/55227525-01-000228, POSITION: Coordinator, TITLE: Estimation of calorific value of biomass, START/FINISH YEAR: 2011-2012, FUND ( ) : 7.000. Page 11 / 11 Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα του