arxiv: v2 [math-ph] 17 Aug 2017

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CFT approach to the q-painlevé VI equation

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CFT APPROACH TO THE q-painlevé VI EQUATION arxiv:706.0940v math-ph] 7 Aug 07 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI Dedicated to Professor Kazuo Okamoto on the occasion of his seventieth birthday Abstract. Iorgov Lisovyy and Teschner established a connection between isomonodromic deformation of linear differential equations and Liouville conformal field theory at c =. In this paper we present a q analog of their construction. We show that the general solution of the q-painlevévi equation is a ratio of four tau functions each of which is given by a combinatorial series arising in the AGT correspondence. We also propose conjectural bilinear equations for the tau functions.. Introduction Theory of isomonodromic deformation and Painlevé equations has long been a subject of intensive study with many applications both in mathematics and in physics. Recent discovery of the isomonodromy/cft correspondence GIL] GIL] ILTy] opened up a new perspective to this domain. In a nutshell it states that the Painlevé tau functions are Fourier transform of conformal blocks at c =. The AGT relation allows one to write a combinatorial formula for the latter thereby giving an explicit series representation for generic Painlevé tau functions. The initial conjectures of GIL] GIL] ILTy] concern the sixth Painlevé PVI equation and at present three different proofs are known. In the first approach ILTe] one constructs solutions to the linear problem out of conformal blocks with the insertion of a degenerate primary field. The second approach BS] also makes use of CFT ideas but leads directly to bilinear differential equations for tau functions. The third approach GL] is based on the Riemann-Hilbert problem. It is shown that Fredholm determinant representation for tau functions reproduces the combinatorial series expansion without recourse to conformal blocks or the AGT relation. Painlevé equations of other types are also studied by confluence GIL] in the framework of irregular conformal blocks N BS] through the AGT correspondence BLMST] and using Fredholm determinants GL]. It is natural to ask whether a similar picture holds for the q difference analog of Painlevé equations. This has been studied in BS] for the qpiiid 8 equation. The aim of the present paper is to give a q analog of the construction of ILTe]. Our method is based on the work AFS] where the five-dimensional AGT correspondence was studied in the light of the quantum toroidal gl algebra also known as the Ding-Iohara- Miki algebra. Having the central charge c = corresponds to choosing t = q where tq are the parameters of the algebra. This is a sort of classical limit in the sense that the quantum algebra reduces to the enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra see Section.. We use the trivalent vertex operators of AFS] to introduce a q analog of primary fields and conformal blocks. As in the continuous case a key property is the braiding relation in the presence of the degenerate field. Following the scheme of ILTe] we then write the solution

M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI Yx of the Riemann problem as Fourier transform of appropriate conformal block functions. For the sake of concreteness we restrict our discussion to the setting relevant to the qpvi equation. Also we do not discuss the issue of convergence of these series. The above construction allows us to relate the unknown functions yz of qpvi to tau functions. More specifically we express yz in terms of four tau functions which arise from the expansions at x = 0 or x = ; see 3.4 3.5 below. On the other hand in view of the work S] TM] we expect that there are four more tau functions which naturally enter the picture; these are the ones related to the singular points other than x = 0. However for the lack of the notion of fusion it is not clear to us how to related them to yz. The absence of fusion is the main obstacle in the q analog of isomonodromy theory. We present conjectural bilinear relations satisfied by these eight tau functions see 3.6 3.3. Assuming the conjecture we give the final expression for yz in 3.4. The plan of the paper is as follows. In Section we give a brief account of the results of AFS] restricting to the special case t = q. We introduce a q analog of primary fields conformal blocks degenerate fields and their braiding. In Section 3 we apply them to the q analog of the Riemann problem focusing attention to the setting of the qpvi equation. We derive a formula expressing the unknowns y z in terms of four tau functions. We then propose conjectural bilinear difference equations for eight tau functions. In Appendix we give a direct combinatorial proof of the braiding relation used in the text. Notation. Throughout the paper we fix q C such that q <. We set u] = q u / q a;q N = N j=0 aqj a...a k ;q = k j= a j;q anda;qq = jk=0 aqj+k. We use the q Gamma function q Barnes function and the theta function Γ q u = q;q q u ;q q u G q u = qu ;qq q;qq q;q u q u u / ϑu = q uu / Θ q q u Θ q x = xq/xq;q which satisfy Γ q = G q = and Γ q u+ = u]γ q u G q u+ = Γ q ug q u ϑu+ = ϑu = ϑ u. A partition is a finite sequence of positive integers λ = λ...λ l such that λ... λ l > 0. We set lλ = l. The conjugate partition λ = λ...λ l is defined by λ j = {i λ i j} l = λ. We denote by Λ the set of all partitions. We regard a partition λ also as the subset {ij Z j λ i i } of Z and denote its cardinality by λ. For = ij Z >0 we set a λ = λ i j and l λ = λ j i. In the last formulas we set λ i = 0 if i > lλ resp. λ j = 0 if j > lλ.. q analog of conformal blocks In this section we collect background materials from AFS]. We shall restrict ourselves to the special case t = q where formulas of AFS] simplify considerably. We then introduce a q analog of primary fields conformal blocks and the braiding relation for the degenerate fields analog of operators.

CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi 3.. Toroidal Lie algebra. Let Z D be non-commuting variables satisfying ZD = qdz. The ring of Laurent polynomials C Z ± D ± in ZD is a Lie algebra with the Lie bracket given by the commutator. We consider its two-dimensional central extension which we denote by L. As a vector space L has C-basis Z k D l kl Z \{00} and central elements c c. The Lie bracket is defined by We set Z k D l Z k D l ] = q l k q l k Z k +k D l +l +δ k +k 0δ l +l 0q k l k c +l c. a r = Z r x + n = DZn x n = Zn D b r = D r y + n = ZD n y n = D n Z and introduce the generating series x ± z = n Z x± n z n y ± z = n Z y± n z n. We have two Heisenberg subalgebras of L a = r 0 Ca r Cc and b = r 0 Cb r Cc : a r a s ] = rδ r+s0 c b r b s ] = rδ r+s0 c. We say that an L-module has level l l if c acts as l id and c acts as l id. The Lie algebra L has automorphisms ST given by S : Z D D Z c c c c T : Z Z D DZ c c c c +c. They satisfy S 4 = ST 6 = id so that the group SLZ acts on L by automorphisms. We have Sb r = a r Sy ± z = x ± z... Fock representations. The most basic representations of L are the Fock representations of levels 0 and 0. Following AFS] we denote them by F u 0 and F u 0 u C respectively. The Fock representation F u 0 is irreducible under the Heisenberg subalgebra a. As a vector space we have F u 0 = Ca a...] vac where vac is a cyclic vector such that a r vac = 0 r > 0. The action of the generators x ± n is given by vertex operators x ± z q u± exp r q r a r z r exp ± q r a r z r. r r r The Fock representation F u 0 is the pullback of F u 0 by the automorphism S. It is irreducible with respect to the Heisenberg subalgebra b and y ± z act as vertex operators. On the other hand the action of a on F 0 u are labeled by all partitions and constitute a basis of F u 0 have is commutative. The joint eigenvectors { λ } λ Λ of a. In particular for the vector we a r = ur q r x z = 0 x + z = δu/z where δx = n Z xn. Formulas for the action of a r and x ± z on a general λ can also be written explicitly. Since we do not use them in this paper we refer the reader to FT AFS]. Tensor products of N copies of F u 0 are closely related to representations of the W N algebra see e.g. FHHSY] Mi]. We briefly explain this point in the case N =.

4 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI Consider the tensor product of two Fock representations and its decomposition with respect to the Heisenberg subalgebra a F 0 u F 0 u = H Ω u u where H is the Fock space of a and Ω u u is the multiplicity space. The operators x ± z act on F u 0 F u 0 as a sum of two vertex operators. We can factor it into a product of two commuting operators q x ± z g ± z u u ±/ Tz;u /u ±/. The first factor represents the action of a on H g ± z =: exp ± q r a r +a r z r r r 0 where a r = a r id a r = id a r. The second factor acts on Ω u u Tz;u = uλ + z+u Λ z Λ ± z =: exp ± q r a r a r z r : r r 0 and gives a free field realization of the deformed Virasoro algebra SKAO]. The space Ω u u is a q analog of the Virasoro Verma module with central charge c = and highest weight = where q = u /u..3. Trivalent vertex operators. For N Z we denote by F w N the pullback of F w 0 by the automorphism T N. The following intertwiners of L-modules are called trivalent vertex operators. N +wx ] Φ = Φ 0 w;nx Φ = Φ Nx;0 w N +wx : : F 0 w F x N F wx N+ ] : F N+ wx F N x F 0 w. Such non-trivial intertwiners exist and are unique up to a scalar multiple AFS]. We introduce their components Φ λ w Φ λ w relative to the basis { λ } of F0 w as follows. Φ λ α = ˆtλxwN Φ λ wα α F N x Φ α = λ Λ The numerical factors in front are ˆt λxwn Φ λwα λ α F N+ wx. ˆtλxwN = qnλ f N λ c λ x w N λ ˆt λxwn = qnλ c λ f N λ qw N λ x

CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi 5 where nλ = λ l λ nλ = λa λ f λ = λ q nλ nλ c λ = λ q l λ+a λ +. We normalize Φw Φ w so that Φ w vac = vac + Φ w vac = vac +. Proposition.. AFS] The operators Φ λ w Φ λ w are given by Φ λ w =: Φ + wη+ λ w : Φ λ w =: Φ wη λ w : lλ η ± λ w =: λ i η ± q j i : i= j= where Φ ± w =: exp q n n q na nw n : n 0 η ± w =: exp q n n a nw n :. n 0 Of particular importance is their normal ordering rule. For a pair of partitions λµ Λ we introduce the Nekrasov factor by N λµ w = λ q l λ a µ w µ q a λ+l µ+ w. Proposition.. AFS] Let XY be either Φ or Φ. Then the following normal ordering rule holds. {Ĝq qw/zn µλ w/z for X = Y. X λ zy µ w =: X λ zy µ w : Ĝ q qw/zn µλ w/z for X Y where Ĝqz = z;qq. It is useful to note the relations..3 N λµ w = N µλ w w λ + µ f λ f µ q nλ = f λq λ N λλ. c λ

6 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI.4. Chiral primary field. In what follows we set V w := F 0 q w F0 q w. We fix its basis λ = λ + λ labeled by a pair λ = λ + λ of partitions. Consider the compositions of trivalent vertex operators Ψ : F 0 q F /x q 3 /xw F0 q 3 F w /xw F0 q 3 w F0 q 3 w Ψ : F 0 q w F0 q w F /xw F0 q w F q F0 /xw /x. By composing them we obtain an intertwiner of L-modules.4 V w F 0 id Ψ q /x V w F /xw V Ψ id 3 q w F 0 /x V 3 q w. Taking further the vacuum-to-vacuum matrix coefficient of.4 we obtain a map.5 V ;wx : V w V 3 q w. The matrix coefficients of.5 are given by λ.6 µ V ;wx 3 = C qnλ + c λ+ q nλ c λ 3 q nµ + c µ+ q nµ c µ f λ f µ + f µ q λ + 3 + + µ + + + µ x µ λ vac Φ λ+ q w Φ λ q w Φ µ + q 3 w Φ µ q 3 w vac where we set λ = λ + + λ for λ = λ + λ Λ and C is a scalar factor independent of λµ Λ. We choose the normalization.7 V 3 ;wx N = 3 = N q 3 x 3 3 ǫǫ =± G q+ǫ 3 ǫ. G q + 3 G q Here and after stands for the matrix coefficient. We regard.5 as a q analog of the chiral primary field of conformal dimension =..5. Conformal block function. The m + point conformal block function is the expectation value of a product of chiral primary fields m m F ;x m...x m+ σ m σ m σ 0 m m = V ;w m x m V ;w m x m V ;w x m+ σ m σ m σ m σ 0 where w p = q p w. The right hand side is actually independent of w.

CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi 7 m m σ m σ m σ m+ 0 x m x m x x Figure. q-conformal block function Using formula.6 applying the normal ordering rule. and further using..3 for simplification we obtain the following explicit expression. m m.8 F ;x m...x m+ σ m σ m σ 0 m p m = N q pσp x σ p p σ p p σ p σ p p= m λ...λ m p= p= q p x p x p+ λp m p= m p= ǫǫ =± N λ p ǫ λ p q ǫσp p ǫ σ p ǫ ǫǫ =± N. q λ p ǫ λ p ǫσp ǫ σ p ǫ We have set σ 0 = 0 σ m = m+ λ 0 = λ m = and the sum is taken over all λ p = λ p + λ p Λ p =...m. Formula.8 is the q version of the AGT formula for conformal blocks AY] specialized to the case t = q. The derivation given above from the quantum algebra viewpoint is due to AFS]..6. Degenerate field and braiding. The normalization factor.7 has a zero when = / and 3 = ±/. In this case we redefine the primary field by N ± V ;wx ± = lim ε 0 G q ε N ε ± = lim ε 0 G q ε V ε ± ;wx. Weconsider the conformal block function when oneof the primary fields is V. Wekeep using the same letter F to denote them. Bychoosing m = andspecializing parameters in.8 the four point conformal blocks can be evaluated in terms of Heine s basic hypergeometric

8 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI series F αβ γ ;x = Γ qαγ q β q α q β φ ;qx Γ q γ q γ as follows. Here we have set F + ε F F ;x x = Nq q ε x +/4 0 x +ε + 0 +ε 0 x ; q +ε 0 + ε ;x x 0 F = Nq 0 qx x ε0 +/4 + +ε 0 +ε 0 +ε 0 ; qx x N = q x /4 x 0 The following braiding relation holds. Theorem.3. We have µµ =± G q x. +µ +µ 0 G q + G q 0..9 V ;x V ;x + ε + ε 0 = ε=±v 0 + ε ;x V 0 + ε ;x 0 B εε ] x q / 0 x x x where the braiding matrix is given by.0 B εε ] x = ε ϑ 0 +ε + ε 0 ϑ 0 ϑ +ε + +ε 0 +u ϑ +u with x = q u. For the vacuum matrix element the relation.9 is a consequence of the known connection formula for basic hypergeometric functions. At this writing it is not clear to us whether the general case can be deduced from this and the intertwining relation. In Appendix we give a direct combinatorial proof of the braiding relation.9.

CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi 9 The braiding matrix.0 has the following properties. ] B εε qx ] = B εε x. 0 0. B.3 detb 0 x ] 0 x ] ] B x 0 ] = B q x 0 ϑ u = ϑ ϑ 0 ϑ u+ is -periodic in 0. 3. q-painlevé VI equation 3.. Riemann problem. This paper deals with a nonlinear nonautonomous q-difference equation called q-painlevé VI qpvi equation. It is derived from deformation theory of linear q-difference equations as a discrete analog of isomonodromic deformation JS]. A remark is in order concerning the name of the equation. Discrete Painlevé equations are classified by rational surface theory and sometimes called by the name of the surface S]. From that viewpoint qpvi is an equation corresponding to the surface of type A 3. Besides this surface has symmetry by the Weyl group D 5. Accordingly qpvi is also referred to as the q-painlevé equation of type A 3 or the q-painlevé equation with D 5 -symmetry. Regarding discrete Painlevé equations pioneering researches by Ramani Grammaticos and their coworkers are well-known. The qpvi equation in the special case when an extra symmetry condition is fulfilled has been studied earlier by them under the name of discrete Painlevé III equation RGH]. In this section we review the content of JS] concerning the generalized Riemann problem associated with the qpvi equation. Let 0 t C. We set R = max q tq tq t R = min q q tq tq t and assume that R < R. Fix also σ C and s C. Suppose we are given matrices Y xty 0t xty 0 xt with the following properties. i These matrices are holomorphic in the domains 3. Y xt : R < x Y 0t xt : R < x < R Y 0 xt : x < R. ii They are related to each other by 3. 3.3 Y xt = Y 0t xtb x Y 0t xt = Y 0 xtb x ] B x = B + q σ x B x = B t σ + 0 q t t x ] 0 s 0

0 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI iii At x or x 0 they have the behavior Y xt = I +Y tx +Ox x 0 3.4 x 0 x x Y 0 0 0 xt = GtI +Ox 0 x x t 3.5 x 0. 0 It follows that Yxt = Y xt is a solution of linear q-difference equations of the form 3.6 3.7 We have Yqxt = AxtYxt Axt = A x +A tx+a 0 t x q x tq Yxqt = BxtYxt Bxt = xi +B 0t x tq t. A = diagq q A 0 t = tq 3 t Gt diagq 0 q 0 Gt detaxt = x q x tq t x q x tq Though the argument is quite standard we outline the derivation for completeness. We take the determinant of the relations 3. 3.3 and rewrite them as /xtq /x;q q /xtq t /x;q dety xt = ϑ q + xq t/x;q q + x dety 0t xt ϑσ qxtq t /x;q = s ϑ q + xq t++ x/t;q q t + t+ + q x ϑ 0 qxq + x/t;q t. t x dety 0 xt. Both sides of this expression are single-valued and holomorphic on C. In view of the behavior 3.4 3.5 we conclude that dety xt = q /xtq t /x;q /xtq /x;q. In particular the matrices Y xt Y 0t xt and Y 0 xt are generically invertible. Rewriting 3. 3.3 and using the periodicity of the braiding matrices we obtain Axt := Y qxty xt = Y 0t qxty 0t xt = Y 0 qxty 0 xt. A similar argument shows that Axt is a rational function of x with the only poles at x = q q t. Using 3.4 3.5 once again we find that Axt has the form stated above. The derivation of 3.7 is quite similar. Introduce y = yt z = zt and w = wt by Axt + = q wx y x q x tq Ayt ++ = y tq t qzy q

CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi where we use ± to indicate components of a matrix. Notation being as above the compatibility 3.8 Ax qtbx t = Bqx tax t of 3.6 and 3.7 leads to the qpvi equation. Here and after we write ft = fqt ft = fq t. Proposition 3.. JS] The functions y z solve the qpvi system with the parameters yy a 3 a 4 = z tb z tb z b 3 z b 4 zz b 3 b 4 = y ta y ta y a 3 y a 4 a = q a = q t a 3 = q a 4 = q b = q 0 t b = q 0 t b 3 = q b 4 = q. Remark 3.. From the compatibility condition 3.8 we obtain the expression of the matrix Bxt in terms of y and z etc. In particular the + element of the matrix B 0 q t is written as 3.9 B 0 q t + = q+ zw q z. 3.. CFT construction. We are now in a position to construct solutions of the generalized Riemann problem in terms of conformal block functions. Following the method of ILTe] we consider the following sums of 5 point conformal blocks 3.0 Y εε xt = k ε 3. Y 0t εε xt = x k 0t ε 3. = x k 0t ε Y 0 εε xt = x t k 0 ε where s n t F ;q t+ xq t t ε ε ε σ +n 0 n Z n Z n Z n Z s n t F ;q t q t+ xt ε σ +n+ ε σ +n 0 s n+ ε F t ε σ +n+ σ +n+ ε 0 ;q t q t+ xt s n t F ;q t tq t+ x ε σ +n+ 0 + ε 0 k ε = q ε/ ε t+ N ε ˆτ k 0t ε = k εq + / k 0 ε = k 0t εq t +t/+ t t t

M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI and ˆτ = n Zs n F t ;q t t. σ +n 0 We assume that these series converge in the domains 3.. The asymptotic behavior 3.4 3.5 are simple consequences of the expansion.8 of conformal blocks. The crucial point is the validity of the connection formulas 3. 3.3 due to the periodicity property.3 of the braiding matrix. Therefore formulas 3.0 3. 3. solve the generalized Riemann problem. Define the tau function by ] τ t sσt = q t+ +t Gq + G q 0 ˆτ. 0 Explicitly it has the AGT series representation ] τ t sσt = ] ] s n t σ+n t 0 C t σ +n Z t σ 3.3 +nt 0 0 0 n Z with the definition ] C t σ = 0 ] Z t σt = 0 εε =± G q+ε +ε σg q +εσ t +ε 0 G q +σg q σ λ=λ + λ Λ t λ εε =± N λ ε q ε ε σ N λε q εσ t ε 0 εε =± N. λ ελ ε q ε ε σ Comparing the asymptotic expansion at x = 0andx = we can express the+ element of the matrix Axt and Bxt in terms of tau functions. Theorem 3.3. The following expressions hold for y z and w in terms of tau functions: 3.4 3.5 y =q t τ3τ 4 τ τ τ τ τ τ z = q τ τ q τ τ w =q Γ q q Γ q τ. τ Here we put ] ] τ = τ t sσt τ = τ t sσt 0 0 ] ] τ 3 = τ t 0 + sσ + t τ 4 = τ t 0 sσ t.

CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi 3 Proof. From the explicit expression of the 5-point conformal block function.8 we have 3 F ;x 3 x x = N q σ σ x 0 3 F ;x 3 x +Ox 4 σ σ 0 σ 0 4 σ σ 3 = N q 3 4 x 4 3 σ 3 F ;x x +O. 4 σ σ σ 0 By using this expression we calculate the asymptotic behavior of Y xt Y 0 xt and get ] τ t Gt εε = q C Γ t t q ε ε sσ + 0 + t ε Y Γ q +ε t + = Γ q 0 τ Γ q τ τ where C = 0 + t +ε + t ++ε see 3.4 3.5 for Gt and Y t. WecanwritedowntheexponentsofmatricesAxtandBxtintheseterms. Inparticular the expressions A 0 t + = q 3 t q 0 q 0 Gt ++Gt + A t + = q q Y t + det Gt give the formula for w and y. The expression of z is obtained from x 3 and the relation 3.9. B 0 q t + = Y t + Y q t + In Ma] Mano constructed two parametric local solutions of the qpvi equation near the critical points t = 0. The above formula for y extends Mano s asymptotic expansion to all orders. We expect that the formula 3.5 for z can be simplified see 3.4 below. 3.3. Bilinear equations. In TM] Tsuda and Masuda formulated the tau function of the qpvi equation to be a function on the weight lattice of D 5 with symmetries under the affine Weyl group. Motivated by TM] we consider the set of eight tau functions defined by the AGT series 3.3: ] ] τ = τ t sσt + τ = τ t sσt 0 0 ] ] τ 3 = τ t 0 + sσ + t τ 4 = τ t 0 sσ t τ 5 = τ ] t sσt + τ 6 = τ ] t sσt 0 0 τ 7 = τ t ] sσ + t τ 8 = τ t + ] sσ 0 t. 0 For convenience we shift the parameter in the previous section to +/. On the basis of a computer run we put forward:

4 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI Conjecture 3.4. For the eight tau functions defined above the following bilinear equations hold. 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.0 3. 3. 3.3 The solution yz of qpvi are expressed as 3.4 τ τ q tτ 3 τ 4 q tτ 5 τ 6 = 0 τ τ tτ 3 τ 4 q t tτ 5 τ 6 = 0 τ τ τ 3 τ 4 + q tq t τ 7 τ 8 = 0 τ τ q t τ 3 τ 4 + q t tq t τ 7 τ 8 = 0 τ 5 τ 6 +q + t / tτ 7 τ 8 τ τ = 0 τ 5 τ 6 +q + + t / tτ 7 τ 8 τ τ = 0 τ 5 τ 6 +q 0+ t τ 7 τ 8 q t τ 3 τ 4 = 0 τ 5 τ 6 +q 0+ t τ 7 τ 8 q t τ 3 τ 4 = 0. y = q t τ3τ 4 τ τ z = q t t τ7τ 8 τ 5 τ 6. The bilinear equations 3.6 3.3 were originally proved in S] in the special case when the tau functions are given by Casorati determinants of basic hypergeometric functions. It would be interesting if one can prove them in the general case by a proper extension of the methods of BS] or GL]. Remark 3.5. Formula 3.5 for z is obtained from the asymptotic expansion at x =. The expansion at x = 0 gives an alternative formula for the same quantity. Comparing these and shifting to +/ we arrive at the following bilinear relation: τ τ τ τ = q/+ q / q 0 q 0 q t τ 3 τ 4 τ 3 τ 4. This is consistent with the conjectured relations 3.0 3.3. Appendix A. Braiding relation In this appendix we give a direct proof of Theorem.3. We rewrite the braiding relation.9 into the form of matrix elements α β λ µ for any partitions λµαβ. The matrix element α β V ;x V + ε + ε σ ;x λ µ can be read off from the coefficient of t λ + µ x α β 3 in the 6 point conformal block t F ;x 3 x x t. 3 + ε σ 0

CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi 5 Formula.8 tells that it is a sum over a pair of partitions. By using N λµ = δ λµ N λλ the sum can be reduced further to one over a single partition. We thus find that Theorem.3 is equivalent to the following proposition. Proposition A.. For any partitions λ µ α and β we have q q ε x +/4 ε =± Γ q +ε +ε σ A. x Γ q +ε = εσ+/4 qx q σ ε =± Γ q +ε +εσ x ε=± Γ q +εσ B εε x ] q σ x / where X + λµαβ σ;x x x x X ε λµαβ σ;x x Y ε λµαβ σ;x x = N αβ q N βλ q / σ N βµ q / +σ λ + µ q η + β x qx α + β N αηq N ηλ q +/ σ N ηµ q +/ +σ x η Λ x N ηβ q + N ηη X λµαβ σ;x x = X + λµβα σ;x x Y + λµαβ σ;x x = N λµ q σ N αλ q σ / N βλ q σ / λ + µ λ + η qx q x α + β N ηµq N αη q +σ+/ N βη q +σ+/ x η Λ x N λη q σ+ N ηη Y λµαβ σ;x x = Y + µλαβ σ;x x. In the following we show that the identity A. is reduced to the connection formula of basic hypergeometric functions. First we prepare several lemmas. Lemma A.. For any λµ Λ we have N λ µ u = N µλu. Proof. Since a λ ji = l λ ij for all ij Z >0 we have N λ µ u = q a λij l µij u q aµij+lλij+ u. ij λ ij µ Therefore to prove the Lemma it suffices to show that the identity A. q a λij l µij u = q aµij+lλij+ u ij λij/ µ ij λij/ µ holds for all λµ Λ. Note that the product consists of all entries ij such that λ i > µ i and µ i + j λ i. We show A. by induction with respect to the length of λ.

6 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI Consider a sub-sequence λ n+ λ n+...λ n+s in λ such that λ n µ n λ i > µ i i = n+...n+s λ n+s+ µ n+s+. Put λ = λ n+...λ n+s and µ = µ n+...µ n+s. Then we have for i =...s and µ i + j λ i l µ n+ij = l µij l λ n+ij = l λ ij because λ n µ n and λ n+s+ µ n+s+. We further divide a partition λ into sub-sequences λ m+... λ m+r such that λ m+ µ m λi > µ i i = m+...m+r λm+r+ µ n+r. Put ˆλ = λ m+... λ m+r and ˆµ = µ m+... µ m+r. Then we have again for i =...r and ˆµ i + j ˆλ i l µm+ij = lˆµij l λ m+ij = lˆλ ij because λ m+ µ m and λ m+r+ µ m+r. Replacing λµ by ˆλˆµ we may assume without loss of generality that A.3 λ > µ λ i > µ i i =...lλ. If lλ = it is easy to check A.. Suppose A. is true for lλ = l. Let λ satisfy lλ = l. Assuming A.3 we choose the number k such that µ l k+ > λ l µ l k. Writing λ = νλ l we compare A. for λ and for ν. In the left hand side of A. the factors for i < l remain the same as for ν. The product of factors for i = l is expressed as q k j u A.4 λl µ l +k j=0 k j= q λ l+µ l j +j u. In the right hand side of A. the factors for j > λ l remain the same as for ν. The product of factors for i = l is equal to λ l µ l j=0 q j u. The products of factors for i = l k...l and j λ l are equal to λ l µ i m= q l i m u before adding the l-th row and after they become λ l µ i m=0 q l i m u. Namely we lose the factor l i=l k q λ l+µ i +l i u and gain the factor k m= qm u. Therefore the outcome can be written as A.4.

We introduce the following operations on partitions λ Λ: CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi 7 A.5 A.6 λ =λ...λ lλ r n λ =λ +...λ n +λ n+... n Z 0. Here we identify a partition λ with a sequence λ...λ lλ 00... Lemma A.3. Let λη be partitions. Then N ηλ q 0 if and only if η = r n λ for some n 0. Proof. It is easy to show the if part. To show the only if part assume that η satisfies N ηλ q 0. Then we have A.7 A.8 l η ij+a λ ij+ 0 ij η l λ ij+a η ij 0 ij λ. Using them we show i If lλ < i lη then η i =. ii If i minlλlη then η i λ i + iii If i minlλlη and η i λ i then i < lλ and η i λ i+. iv If i minlλ lη then η i λ i+. To see i suppose there exists such an i that lλ < i lη and η i. Then η η l η η = 0 and a λη = in contradiction with A.7. Since η i > 0 for i lη we must have η i =. To see ii suppose there exists such an i minlλlη that η i > λ i +. Take the largest such i and let j = λ i +. Then ij η l η ij = 0 and a λ ij = which contradicts A.7. Under the assumption of iii we have iη i λ and a η iη i = 0. Further if i = lλ or else i < lλ and λ i+ < η i then we have l λ iη i = 0 which contradicts A.8. To show iv first assume i lλ and η i < λ i+ η i+ = λ i+ hold. Then iη i + λ a η iη i + = and l λ iη i + = which contradicts A.8. Similarly if i = lλ and η lλ < λ lλ then the same conclusion takes place. Now we prove the Lemma. If η i = λ i + for all i lλ then together with i we have η = r lη λ. Otherwise fromiiiiiandivthereexistsannsuchthatη i = λ i + i n and η i = λ i+ for all n < i lλ. Moreover if lη lλ then η lλ η lλ = λ lλ which contradicts iii. Therefore lη = lλ and η = r n λ. Lemma A.4. Let λµ Λ and n Z 0. Using the notation A.5 and A.6 we set l = lλ k = lµ η = r n λ γ = r n µ { η n l η = λ n l+ n l.

8 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI Then we have A.9 A.0 A. A. A.3 A.4 N ηλ q N ηη = N η λq N η η q η λ µ l N µη u =N µ η q q j u l u q l i+aµi u q lµlj+j u j= i= µ l+ N µλ u =N µ λq q j u u q lµl+j+j u j= N µλ u N µη qu =N µ λq u u N µ η u N µλ u N µη qu = N µλqu q η λ + k u N µη q u qu j= l q l i+aµi+ u µ l N γλ u =N γ λq u q l+ γ µ q j u l u q l i+aµi u. q lµlj+j u i= i= Proof. By the definition we have a λij =a λ ij + i =...l j Z >0 l λij =l λ ij + ij λ a η ij =a η ij + i =...minl ηl j Z >0 { l η ij + ij η n l or n l and j l η ij = n+ i i > 0j = n l. Using these relations we show below A.9 A.4. Proof of A.9. First we consider the case n l. We have N ηλ q N η λq = = ij η q l ηij a λ ij ij η q lηij+ a λij+ λl j= ql λlj+ j l l q l+i λ i q l i+η i i= i= ij λ q l λ ij+a ηij ij λi<l ql λij++a ηij+

and N η η N ηη = ij η q l ηij+ a ηij+ ij η q lηij aηij CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi 9 l = q l+i+ η i q l i+η i. i= ij η q l ηij++a ηij++ ij η qlηij+aηij+ Since η = λ +...λ n +λ n+...λ l and η λ = l+n+ λ n+ we obtain A.9 for n l. Second we consider the case n l. We have N ηλ q n i= q n i λ i l N η λq = i= q l i λ i q i l i+λ l i= q n+ i λ i n+ i=l+ q n+ i λ i l i= q l+i λ i q l i+λ i and = q n l N η η N ηη = q n l q n l+ l i= q l+i λ i q l i+λ i. Since η λ = n+ l we obtain A.9 for n l. Proof of A.0. First we consider the case n l. Then by l η l we obtain N µη u N µ η q u = ij µi l j= q lµij+j u l q l i+aµi+ u q lµij+j u i= µ l q j u l = q l i+aµi u. q lµlj+j u Second we consider the case n l. Then we have a η i + j = a η ij if l < i n and l η i = l η i+ for i Z >0. Hence we obtain lµ µi N µη u N µ η q u = i=l+ j=µ i+ + q aηij u l i= ql i+aµi u µl+ j= q lµl+j+j 3 u q aµn+ u µl i= l j=µ = n+ + qj u µ n+ j= qj u i= ql i+aµi u µl q µ l u j= q lµl+j+j 3 u q µ n+ u µ l q j u l = q l i+aµi u. q lµlj+j u j= i= Proof of A.. In A.0 choose n = l then rename l by l+ and λ i by λ i. We obtain A.. Proof of A.. This follows from A. and A.0.

0 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI Proof of A.3. Using the relation. and A. we have N µλ un µη q u N λµu N η µ q u N µλ qun µη qu =q η λ k N λ µ qu N ηµ qu =q η λ k k i= λ k+ j= q j u η k+ q lηk+j+j 3 u q l λk+j+j u q j u j= q k i+a λi+ u q k i+aηi u. First we consider the case n l. By definition we have for k + n l λ k +j j =...λ n+ l η k +j = n k + j = λ n+ + l λ k +j j = λ n+ +...λ + and for k + n+ Hence we obtain for k + n N µλ un µη q λ u k+ N µλ qun µη qu =q η λ k We also obtain for k + n+ l η k +j = l λ k +j j =...η k+. j= q j u q l λk+j+j u q k+ n+λ n+ u λ k++ =q η λ k qk n+λ n+ u q u. λ n+ j= j=λ n+ + q l λ k+j+j u q l λ k+j +j 3 u λk+ + j= q j u N µλ un µη q λ u k+ q j u λ k+ q lλk+j+j u N µλ qun µη qu =q η λ k q l λk+j+j u q j u j= j= k i=n+ q k i+a λi+ u q k i+a λi+ u =q η λ k qk n+λ n+ u q u. Since η λ = n λ n+ we obtain A.3 for n l. Second we consider the case n l. By the definition we have l η ij =l λ ij ij η j l η i =n i i Z >0.

CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi Hence we obtain N µλ un µη q u N µλ qun µη qu = q η λ k k i=n+ λ k+ j= q k i u q k i u q j u η k+ q lλk+j +j 3 u qn+k u q l λk+j+j u q j u q u j= = q η λ k q n+k u q u. Since η λ = n we obtain A.3 for n l. Proof of A.4. By A. we have γ l+ N γλ u =N γ λq q j u u q lγl+j+j u j= l q l i+aγi+ u. Recall that γ = s n µ. First we consider the case n µ. By the definition we have l γ ij = a γ ij = i= { l µ ij+ ij γj n l µ ij + ij γj n+ a µ ij i =...µ n+j Z >0 n j i = µ n+ +j Z >0 a µ i j ij γi µ n+ +j Z >0. Hence for l+ µ n+ we have µl+ N γλ u =N γ λq j= q j u u n j= q lµl+j+j 3 u µ l+ j=n+ q lµl+j++j u l q l i+aµi u i= µ l =N γ λq q j u u q lµlj+j u q µ q µ l u j= l q u q l i+aµi µ l u. i= n+ +l+n u

M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI Similarly for l+ = µ n+ + we have N γλ u =N γ λq u n j= j= q j u q lµl+j+j 3 u l q u q l i+aµi µ l u i= µ l =N γ λq q j u u q lµlj+j u qn u l q u q l i+aµi µ l u. q µ l u Here we use the inequality µ l+ n. For l+ µ n+ + we have i= µ l N γλ u =N γ λq q j µ u n+ u q l i+a µi u q l µ q lµlj+j n+ +n u u j= i= l q l i +a µi u i=µ n+ + µ l =N γ λq q j u l u q l i+aµi u q lµlj+j u j= i= q l µ n+ +n u. Here we use the inequality µ l n. Since γ µ = n µ n+ we obtain A.4 for n µ. Second we consider the case n µ. By the definition we have l γ ij =l µ i j ij γi { n j i = j Z >0 a γ ij = a µ i j ij γi j Z >0. Hence we obtain µ l N γλ u =N γ λq q j u u q lµlj+j u j= l q l i+a µi + u q l +n u. i= Since γ µ = n we obtain A.4 for n µ. Lemma A.4 enables us to reduce λ to λ of X ε λµαβ and Y ε λµαβ. Denote by T the q-shift operator with respect to x : T fx...x n = fqx...x n.

Lemma A.5. For partitions λ µ α β we have CFT APPROACH TO q-pvi 3 Xλµαβ ε σ;x x =C q ε σ / q ε σ / q lλ ε ++σ+/ T X + λµαβ + σ + ;x x Y + λµαβ σ;x x =C q± σ / q σ+ q lλ++σ T Y λµαβ + + σ + ;x x Y λµαβ σ;x x =C q σ x x where q lλ T Y λµαβ + σ + ;x x C = α lλ j= q j+ lλ σ / q lαlλj+j+ σ 3/ β lλ j= i= q j lλ σ / q l βlλj+j σ 3/ q lλ α β x lλ. i= q lλ i+aαi+ σ+/ q lλ i+a βi σ+/ Proof of Proposition A.. Byinduction. If all partitionsλ µ α andβ areequal to then the identity A. is the connection formula of basic hypergeometric functions. By definition we have the symmetries X ε λµαβ σ;x x = X ε µλαβ σ;x x X λµαβ σ;x x = X + λµβα σ;x x Y λµαβ σ;x x = Y + µλαβ σ;x x Yλµαβ ε σ;x x = Yλµβα ε σ;x x B ε x ] σ x and by Lemma A. we have = B +ε σ x ] B ε x ] = B σ ε+ x σ x X ε λµαβ σ;x x = Y ε β α µ λ σ ;qx q x. Recall also the relations. and. for the braiding matrix. Because of these relations it suffices to show that for any partitions λ µ α and β the connection formula A. is equivalent to the formula A. for λ µ α and β acting by a q-difference operator. x x ]

4 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI By Lemma A.5 the left hand side of A. is computed as follows: q q x +/4 ε =± Γ q + +ε σ X + λµαβ x Γ q + σ;x x = q q + +/4 x q /4 ε =± Γ q + + +ε σ + x Γ q + Cq σ / q lλ ++σ+/ T X + λµαβ + σ + ;x x = Cq σ 3/4 q± σ / q q q lλ+ +σ+3/4 T q + x x ε =± Γ q + + +ε σ + Γ q + +/4X + λµαβ + σ. q ± σ / q Similarly by Lemma A.5 the right hand side of A. is computed as follows: εσ+/4 qx q σ ε =± Γ q +ε +εσ Yλµαβ ε x ε=± Γ q +εσ σ;x x B ε+ x ] q σ x / x x = εσ+/+/4 qx q σ+/ ε =± Γ q +ε + +εσ + x ε=± Γ q +εσ+ q + B ε+ σ + x ] +/ q +/ +// x q σ 3/4 x x Cq lλ++εσ+/ T Y λµαβ ε + σ + = Cq σ 3/4 q± σ / q σ+/ ε =± Γ q +ε + +εσ + q Γ ε=± q +εσ+ { qx εσ+/+/4 q lλ++σ+3/4 T Y λµαβ ε + σ + + B ε+ σ + x ] q +/ +// x x x x +/ }. q ± σ / Therefore the identity A. with parameters σ for λµαβ is reduced to the identity A. with parameters +/σ+/ for λµαβ. Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank Kazuki Hiroe Oleg Lisovyy Toshiyuki Mano Yousuke Ohyama Yusuke Ohkubo Teruhisa Tsuda Yasuhiko Yamada and Shintaro Yanagida for discussions.

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6 M. JIMBO H. NAGOYA AND H. SAKAI MJ: Department of Mathematics Rikkyo University Toshima-ku Tokyo 7-850 Japan E-mail address: HN: School of Mathematics and Physics Kanazawa University Kanazawa Ishikawa 90-9 Japan E-mail address: HS: Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo Meguro-ku Tokyo 53-894 Japan E-mail address: