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1 ATA PL YMERIA SIIA o 4 Aug, ( ) ( ),, TEMP,,,,, [12,13 ], (1) [14 ], (ATRP) [3 ],2 TEMP [4 ],,,,, ( 2) ATRP TEMP(St2TEMP) TEMP(MMA2 [57 ], PSt2b2PE2b2PMMA, TEMP) (St) (MMA) ATRP PSt2b2 ATRP, PTHF [8,9 ], oca [10 ], St2TEMP MMA2TEMP ATRP PSt2b2PMMA, St MMA ATRP, Hawker [11 ] TEMP ATRP TEMP ATRP TEMP EPBr + nmma+ H 2 H 3 H 3 H 3 ul/ bpy 60 EP ( H 2 ) n (H 2 ) xl H 3 H 3 mst 120 EP ( H 2 ) n (H 2 ) xl H 3 H 3 1 EP Scheme 1 EP (H 2 H ) m , ; Tsinghua Tongfang ptical Disc o, Ltd All rights reserved
2 H 2 H 3 MMA2TEMP H 2 H H 2 Scheme 2 1 St2TEMP 111 ; ( ) ( 1 :1) ( ),50 [14 ] 2,2,6, ( HTEMP),BASF (SE) Waters 150, ( bpy) (, ), 2 ( EP2Br) Bruker ( 12PEBr) 2,, TMS ( EIBBr) Aldrich (onv) 112 2,2,6, , 12 ( St2TEMP) 60 ml 50 %ah,, 211 ATRP 70 ml,2 h 011 mol St2TEMP MMA2TEMP HTEMP, 24 h 200 ml, (2),, 200 ml, (2) TEMP St MMA ATRP, 3470 cm - 1 HTEMP,, 1604 cm - 1,() TEMP, ( mπz = 288) %, H 9101 %, 4189 %, 5 molπl), 0, 1024 h,, TEMP 3470 cm - 1 HTEMP,1730 cm - 1 ( mπz = 240) %, H 9120 %, 5192 %, %, 13 H ATRP 2 3,, 3,,,, 2 1, ATRP, %, 18 H 26 2 (R2X) TEMP 1, 113 2,2, 6, , ( MMA2TEMP) TEMP 1,ATRP 015 mol 100 ml 015 mol HTEMP ( Tsinghua Tongfang ptical Disc o, Ltd All rights reserved
3 4 : 461 Table 1 Synthesis of the macroinitiator via ATRP b Initiation system M 1 M 2 R2XΠM 2 Solvent a T ( ) T (h) Polymerization EP2BrΠuBrΠbpy = 1 3 St MMA2TEMP 1 3 Xyl o 12PEBrΠuBrΠbpy = 1 3 St MMA2TEMP Xyl o EP2BrΠulΠbpy = 1 3 MMA MMA2TEMP Ace o EP2BrΠulΠbpy = 1 3 MMA St2TEMP Ace o EP2BrΠulΠuΠbpy = St St2TEMP 2 1 Xyl Yes a Ace : acetonitrile ; Xyl : xylene ; b [MMA] = [ St ] = 613 molπl, [ EP2Br ] = 0118 molπl 212 St2TEMP MMA2TEMP ATRP EP2BrΠuBrΠSt2TEMPΠSt,, 1 2 1, 2,,,, ( M n( GP) ) ( M n(th) ) : M n(th) = { ( [M 1 ] + [M 2 ])Π ( [ I]2[M 2 ]) } MW 1 onv,[m 1 ]St MMA,[M 2 ]St2 TEMP MMA2TEMP,[ I],MW 1 M 1,onv, 13 M 2 M 2 M 2,, [15 Matyjaszewski ] ATRP, (PS) [16 ] (PMMA), 12 PEBrΠulΠSt2TEMPΠSt 3 M 2, ( <,, ( M w ΠM n < 115), Π Fig 1 Time versus ln[m] 0 Π[M] at 100 for copolymerization of St and St2TEMP [M] 0 and [M] are the overall monomer concentration at times 0 and t,respectively Experimental conditions : [ St ] = 7124 molπl, [ EPBr ]Π[ ubr ]Π [ u]π[ bpy]π[ St2TEMP] = 4Π2Π2Π8Π3,[ St2TEMP] = molπl, xylene as solvent Fig 2 Dependence of molecular weight ( M n, ), M n(th) ( solid line) and polydispersity ( M w ΠM n, ) on monomer conversion for the copolymerization of St and St2TEMP Experimental conditions are as same as those listed in Fig 1 60 %), TEMP St2TEMP MMA2, StΠSt2TEMP, TEMP ATRP 6 40, MMA St2TEMP 4 5,EP2BrΠ ATRP, 80 St MMA2TEMP, Tsinghua Tongfang ptical Disc o, Ltd All rights reserved
4 , ; (2), TEMP, Fig 3 Dependence of molecular weight ( M n, ), M n(th) (solid line) and polydispersity ( M w ΠM n, ) on monomer conversion for copolymerization of St and St2TEMP at 100 Experimental conditions : [ St ] = 817 molπl, [ 12PEBr ]Π [ ul ]Π [ bpy ]Π[ St2TEMP ] = 2Π2Π6Π1, [ St2TEMP ] = molπl, xylene as solvent Fig 6 Dependence of molecular weight ( M n, ), M n(th) (solid line) and polydispersity ( M w ΠM n, ) on monomer conversion for copolymerization of MMA and St2TEMP at 40 Experimental conditions : [MMA] = 2186 molπl,[ St2TEMP] = molπl,[ EP2Br ]Π[ u]π[ ul ]Π[ bpy]π[ St2TEMP] = 3Π115Π115Π6Π2,acetonitrile as solvent Fig 4 Time versus ln[m] 0 Π[M] at 80 for copolymerization of St and MMA2TEMP Experimental conditions :[ St ] = 1018 molπl, [MMA2TEMP] = 0117 molπl, [ EP2Br ]Π[ u ]Π[ ul ]Π[ bpy ]Π[ MMA2Tempo ] = 2Π1Π1Π4Π 1,xylene as solvent Fig 7 Dependence of molecular weight ( M n, ), M n(th) ( solid line) and polydispersity ( M w ΠM n, ) on the monomer conversion for copolymerization of MMA and MMA2TEMP at 60 Experimental conditions : [ MMA ] = 417 molπl, [ MMA2TEMP ] = molπl,[ EP2Br ]Π[ u ]Π[ ul ]Π[ bpy ]Π[ MMA2TEMP ] = 3Π 115Π3Π9Π2,acetonitrile as solvent Fig 5 Dependence of molecular weight ( M n, ), M n(th) (solid line) and polydispersity ( M w ΠM n, ) on the monomer conversion for copolymerization of St and MMA2TEMP Experimental conditions are as same as those listed in Fig MMAΠSt2TEMP StΠMMA2TEMP 1 H2MR 8 (a), = 316 PMMA, = 710 St2TEMP, MMAΠSt2TEMP ( M n,mr ),GP,, M w ΠM n, (b), = MMA MMA2TEMP PS, = 316, 2 H 2 H 3 114,MMA, St2TEMP MMA2TEMP, 2 (1) St2TEMP 2, MMAΠSt2TEMP,, 60, Tsinghua Tongfang ptical Disc o, Ltd All rights reserved
5 4 : 463 ( M w ΠM n = 114), ;, TEMP,, 315 Fig 8 1 H2MR spectra for P (MMA2co2( St2TEMP) ) and P ( St2 co2(mma2temp) ) a) P (MMA2co2( St2TEMP) ) synthesized at 60, [ MMA ] = 1018 molπl,[ EPBr ] = 0117 molπl, [ EPBr ]Π[ u ]Π[ ul ]Π[ bpy ]Π[ St2 TEMP] = 2Π1Π1Π4Π1 b) P ( St2co2( MMA2TEMP ) ) synthesized at 80, [ St ] = 1018 molπl,[ EPBr ] = 0117 molπl, [ EPBr ]Π[ u]π[ ul ]Π[ bpy]π [MMA2TEMP] = 2Π1Π1Π4Π1 Fig 9 GP trace of macroinitiator (a) and P(MMA2b2St) (b) a) Gained from the experiments, EP2BrΠulΠbpy = 1 1 2,MMAΠ Ace = 5Π5 mlπml,60,polymerized 10 h first,then added HTEMP (HTEMPΠEP2Br = 112 1) for 30 min b) Gained from the experiments of macroinitiatorπst = 1 8 ( gπml ) 120,7 h Table 2 Some physical parameters for different copolymers synthesized by ATRP Initiators (R X) M 1 M 2 R XΠM 2 Temperature ( ) M w ΠM n Average graft site number a EPBr MMA St2TEMP 2 : EPBr MMA MMA2TEMP 3 : EPBr St MMA2TEMP 2 : EPBr St St2TEMP 2 : EPBr MMA St2TEMP 4 : EIBBr St MMA2TEMP 3 : a Average graft site number = M n,gp ΠM n,mr 1, ATRP TEMP 1, MMA ATRP (, 10 h), ( EP2Br) 112 (St HTEMP, MMA) TEMP ( St2TEMP MMA2, GP TEMP) (St 10400, 1123 St2TEMP, ) ATRP (R X),120, GP,, 91900, ;, 1186,GP 9, (3) Tsinghua Tongfang ptical Disc o, Ltd All rights reserved
6 Matyjaszewski [15 ], TEMP, R X TEMP, ATRP (4) R X + [L 2 u(i) ] + [L 2 u( ) X] + + R u() H 2 [L 2 u( ) X] + + H 2 R Scheme 3 R X + [L 2 u(i) ] + [L 2 u( ) X] + + R St H 2 R R ( H 2 H) n ( H 2 H ) m X H 2 Scheme 4 R, 0,1,2,31 ) 2 n + 1Π TEMP, ATRP n 1 H2MR TEMP n + 1Πn ( n = REFEREES 1 tsut T,Matsunaga T,Doi T,Matsumoto A Eur Polym J,1995,31 : John,hong Y K,France E,Julia K,Justine J Macromolecules,1998,31 : Wang J S,Matyjaszewski KJ Am hem Soc,1995,117 : Georges M K,Veregin R P,Kazmuier P M Macromolecules,1993,26 : Liu Bing( ),Liu Feng( ),Luo ing( ),Ying ShengKang( ),Liu Qing( ) hemical Journal of hinese University( ),2000,21(3) : Liu B,Liu F,Luo and Ying S K hinese J Polym Sci,2000,18(1) : Liu F,Luo,Liu B,Ying S K,Liu Q Polym Prepr,1999,40(2) : Tsinghua Tongfang ptical Disc o, Ltd All rights reserved
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Novel Polysiloxanes Containing Sulfonyl Chromophores as Side Chains
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