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5 Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhaltsverzeichnis DE 1 Allgemeine Hinweise DE 1 Sicherheitshinweise DE 2 Bedienung DE 3 Pflege Wartung DE 4 Transport DE 5 Lagerung DE 5 Sonderzubehr DE 5 Hilfe bei Strungen DE 6 Technische Daten DE 7 Allgemeine Hinweise Sehr geehrter Kunde Lesen Sie vor der ersten Benutzung Ihres Gertes diese Originalbetriebsanleitung handeln Sie danach und bewahren Sie diese fr spteren Gebrauch oder fr Nachbesitzer auf Bitte beachten dass der 100% Tested Aufkleber keinesfalls von der Pumpe entfernt werden darf Nach Entfernen des Aufklebers wird keine Garantie mehr fr die Dichtheit der Pumpe gewhrt Bestimmungsgeme Verwendung Dieses Gert wurde fr den privaten Gebrauch entwickelt und ist nicht fr die Beanspruchungen des gewerblichen Einsatzes vorgesehen Der Hersteller haftet nicht fr eventuelle Schden die durch nicht bestimmungsgemen Gebrauch oder falsche Bedienung verursacht werden Das Gert ist vorwiegend zur Entnahme von Regenwasser aus dafr vorgesehenen Sammelbehltern bestimmt Zustzlich kann das Gert als Tauchpumpe zum Entwssern verwendet werden Zugelassene Frderflssigkeiten: Wasser mit einem Verschmutzungsgrad bis Korngrsse 1mm Schwimmbadwasser (bestimmungsgeme Dosierung der Additive vorausgesetzt) Waschlauge Warnung Nicht gefrdert werden drfen tzende leicht brennbare oder explosive Stoffe (zb Benzin Petroleum Nitroverdnnung) Fette le Salzwasser und Abwasser aus Toilettenanlagen und verschlammtes Wasser das eine geringere Fliefhigkeit als Wasser hat Die Temperatur der gefrderten Flssigkeit darf 35 C nicht berschreiten Das Gert ist nicht fr einen ununterbrochenen Pumpbetrieb oder als stationre Installation (zb Hebeanlage Springbrunnenpumpe) geeignet Umweltschutz Die Verpackungsmaterialien sind recyclebar Bitte werfen Sie die Verpackungen nicht in den Hausmll sondern fhren Sie diese einer Wiederverwertung zu Altgerte enthalten wertvolle recyclingfhige Materialien die einer Verwertung zugefhrt werden sollten Bitte entsorgen Sie Altgerte deshalb ber geeignete Sammelsysteme Hinweise zu Inhaltsstoffen (REACH) Aktuelle Informationen zu Inhaltsstoffen finden Sie unter: wwwkaercherde/reach Garantie In jedem Land gelten die von unserer zustndigen Vertriebsgesellschaft herausgegebenen Garantiebedingungen Etwaige Strungen an Ihrem Gert beseitigen wir innerhalb der Garantiefrist kostenlos sofern ein Material- oder Herstellungsfehler die Ursache sein sollte Im Garantiefall wenden Sie sich bitte mit Kaufbeleg an Ihren Hndler oder die nchste autorisierte Kundendienststelle DE 1 5

6 Symbole in der Betriebsanleitung Gefahr Fr eine unmittelbar drohende Gefahr die zu schweren Krperverletzungen oder zum Tod fhrt Warnung Fr eine mglicherweise gefhrliche Situation die zu schweren Krperverletzungen oder zum Tod fhren knnte Vorsicht Fr eine mglicherweise gefhrliche Situation die zu leichten Verletzungen oder zu Sachschden fhren kann Sicherheitshinweise Lebensgefahr Bei Nichtbeachtung der Sicherheitshinweise besteht Lebensgefahr durch elektrischen Strom! Anschlussleitung mit Netzstecker vor jedem Betrieb auf Schden prfen Beschdigte Anschlussleitung unverzglich durch autorisierten Kundendienst/ Elektro-Fachkraft austauschen lassen Alle elektrischen Steckerverbindungen sind im berflutungssicheren Bereich anzubringen Ungeeignete Verlngerungsleitungen knnen gefhrlich sein Verwenden Sie im Freien nur dafr zugelassene und entsprechend gekennzeichnete Verlngerungsleitungen mit ausreichendem Leitungsquerschnitt Stecker und Kupplung einer verwendeten Verlngerungsleitung mssen spritzwassergeschtzt sein Das Netzanschlusskabel und das Kabel des Niveauschalters nicht zum Transportieren oder Befestigen des Gertes benutzen Nicht am Netzanschlusskabel sondern am Stecker ziehen um das Gert vom Netz zu trennen Das Netzanschlusskabel nicht ber scharfe Kanten ziehen und nicht einquetschen Die angegebene Spannung auf dem Typenschild muss mit der Spannung der Stromquelle bereinstimmen Um Gefhrdungen zu vermeiden drfen Reparaturen und der Einbau von Ersatzteilen nur vom autorisierten Kundendienst durchgefhrt werden Elektrische Schutzeinrichtungen beachten: Tauchpumpen drfen in Schwimmbecken Gartenteichen und Springbrunnen nur ber einen Fehlerstromschutzschalter mit einem Nennfehlerstrom von max 30mA betrieben werden Wenn sich Personen im Schwimmbecken oder Gartenteich befinden darf die Pumpe nicht betrieben werden Aus Sicherheitsgrnden empfehlen wir grundstzlich das Gert ber einen Fehlerstromschutzschalter (max 30mA) zu betreiben Der elektrische Anschluss darf nur von einer Elektrofachkraft vorgenommen werden Die nationalen Bestimmungen hierzu sind unbedingt zu beachten! In sterreich mssen Pumpen zum Gebrauch in Schwimmbecken und Gartenteichen die mit einer festen Anschlussleitung ausgestattet sind nach VE B/EN Teil 1 bis 3 ber einen VE-geprften Trenn-Transformator gespeist werden wobei die Nennspannung sekundr 230V nicht berschreiten darf Das Gert kann von Kindern ab acht Jahren und von Personen mit verringerten physischen sensorischen oder geistigen Fhigkeiten oder Mangel an Erfahrung und Wissen benutzt werden wenn sie beaufsichtigt oder bezglich des sicheren Gebrauchs des Gertes unterwiesen wurden und die daraus resultierenden Gefahren verstehen Kinder beaufsichtigen um sicherzustellen dass sie nicht mit dem Gert spielen 6 DE 2

7 Voraussetzungen fr die Standsicherheit Vorsicht Vor allen Ttigkeiten mit oder am Gert Standsicherheit herstellen um Unflle oder Beschdigungen durch Umfallen des Gerts zu vermeiden Die Standsicherheit des Gertes ist gewhrleistet wenn es auf einer ebenen Flche abgestellt wird Bedienung Gertebeschreibung 1 Netzanschlusskabel mit Stecker 2 Fassrandhalterung 3 Absperrventil 4 O-Ring 5 Gehuseschale fr Niveauschalter (SBP 3800) 6 Gehusedeckel fr Niveauschalter (SBP 3800) 7 Schlauchkupplung 8 Druckschlauch 9 Schlauchklemme 10 Niveauschalter 11 Niveauschalterfixierung 12 Tragegriff 13 Schlauchanschluss G 3 / 4 (244 mm) fr Schlauchkupplung 14 Schaumstofffilter 15 Filterkorb Vorbereiten zum Fasspumpenbetrieb Schlauchanschluss auf die Pumpe schrauben Verbinden sie den Schlauchanschluss mit der Schlauchkupplung der Fassrandhalterung Abbildung nur SBP 3800 Gehuseschale und O-Ring mit Fassrandhalterung verschrauben Niveauschalter in Gehuseschale einlegen DE 3 Gehusedeckel auf Gehuseschale bis zum Einrasten andrcken Abbildung Fassrandhalterung auf Behlterrand schieben bis ein fester Sitz gewhrleistet ist Abbildung Pumpe standsicher auf festem Untergrund in der Frderflssigkeit aufstellen Durch ein am Tragegriff befestigtes Seil eintauchen oder am Schlauch in den Behlter hngen Der Ansaugbereich darf nicht durch Verunreinigungen ganz oder teilweise blockiert werden Abbildung Absperrventil schliessen (Pfeil waagerecht) Verwendungsmglichkeiten des Niveauschalters Abbildung Bei automatischem Betrieb gewnschte Schalthhe durch Einklemmen des Niveauschalterkabels in Fixierung einstellen Abbildung Bei manuellem Betrieb Niveauschalter nach oben (Kabel nach unten) ausrichten Tipp: Kabel des Niveauschalters als Schlaufe durch den Tragegriff schieben Hinweis: Bei Nutzung der SBP 3800 kann der Niveauschalter in die Gehuseschale eingelegt werden (Abbildung 1) Vorbereiten zum Tauchpumpenbetrieb Schlauchanschluss G 3 / 4 (244 mm) fr 3 / 4 (19 mm) Schlauch auf die Pumpe schrauben (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) Schlauch auf Schlauchanschluss schieben und mit geeigneter Schlauchschelle befestigen 7

8 Hinweis: Ein kurzer Schlauch und ein groer Schlauchquerschnitt ergeben eine hohe Frdermenge Abbildung Bei automatischem Betrieb gewnschte Schalthhe durch Einklemmen des Niveauschalterkabels in Fixierung einstellen Abbildung Bei manuellem Betrieb Niveauschalter nach oben (Kabel nach unten) ausrichten Tipp: Kabel des Niveauschalters als Schlaufe durch den Tragegriff schieben Betrieb Damit die Pumpe selbststndig ansaugt muss sie mindestens 3 cm in der Flssigkeit stehen Netzstecker in Steckdose stecken Achtung Sind die Voraussetzungen fr den Pumpvorgang (Wasserstand Position / Niveauschalter) gewhrleistet startet die Pumpe nach dem Einstecken des Netzsteckers sofort Automatikbetrieb Im Automatikbetrieb steuert der Niveauschalter den Pumpvorgang automatisch Erreicht der Flssigkeitsstand die eingestellte Hhe wird die Pumpe Ein bzw Aus geschaltet Die Bewegungsfreiheit des Niveauschalters muss gewhrleistet sein Absperrventil zur Wasserentnahme ffnen (Pfeil senkrecht) Manueller Betrieb Im manuellen Betrieb bleibt die Pumpe stndig eingeschaltet Absperrventil zur Wasserentnahme ffnen (Pfeil senkrecht) Hinweis: Trockenlauf fhrt zu erhhtem Verschlei Pumpe im manuellen Betrieb nicht unbeaufsichtigt lassen Bei Trockenlauf Pumpe innerhalb von 3 Minuten abschalten Komfortbetrieb (SBP 3800) Um die Pumpe unabhngig vom Wasserstand zu betreiben mu der Niveauschalter im Gehuse montiert werden (Abbildung 1) Gehuse mit Niveauschalter in Pfeilrichtung ON drehen Pumpe schaltet sich ein Absperrventil zur Wasserentnahme ffnen (Pfeil senkrecht) Betrieb beenden Gehuse mit Niveauschalter in Pfeilrichtung OFF drehen Pumpe schaltet sich aus (SBP 3800) Netzstecker aus Steckdose ziehen Pflege Wartung Gefahr Vor allen Pflege und Wartungsarbeiten das Gert ausschalten und den Netzstecker ziehen Pflege Hinweis: Verschmutzungen knnen sich ablagern und zu Funktionsstrungen fhren Die Pumpe wchentlich mit klarem Wasser durchsplen Abbildung Filterkorb abnehmen und mit klarem Wasser reinigen Abbildung Schaumstofffilter unter klarem Wasser aussplen Wartung Das Gert ist wartungsfrei 8 DE 4

9 Transport Vorsicht Um Unflle oder Verletzungen zu vermeiden beim Transport das Gewicht des Gertes beachten (siehe technische Daten) Transport von Hand Gert am Tragegriff hochheben und tragen Transport in Fahrzeugen Gert gegen Verrutschen und Kippen sichern Lagerung Vorsicht Um Unflle oder Verletzungen zu vermeiden bei der Auswahl des Lagerortes das Gewicht des Gertes beachten (siehe technische Daten) Gert aufbewahren Abbildung Fassrandhalterung nach vorne kippen und danach nach oben entnehmen Gert an einem frostfreien Ort aufbewahren Sonderzubehr Die Abbildungen der nachfolgend aufgefhrten Sonderzubehre finden Sie auf Seite 4 dieser Anleitung Saugschlauch Meterware 3/4 (19 mm) 25 m Vakuumfester Spiralschlauch zum Zuschneiden von individuellen Schlauchlngen Kombiniert mit Anschlussstcken und Saugfilter als individuelle Sauggarnitur einsetzbar DE 5 9

10 Hilfe bei Strungen Achtung Um Gefhrdungen zu vermeiden drfen Reparaturen und der Einbau von Ersatzteilen nur vom autorisierten Kundendienst durchgefhrt werden Vor allen Arbeiten am Gert Gert ausschalten und Netzstecker ziehen Strung Ursache Behebung Pumpe luft aber frdert nicht Pumpe luft nicht an oder bleibt whrend des Betriebs pltzlich stehen Frderleistung nimmt ab Frderleistung zu gering Luft in der Pumpe Ansaugbereich verstopft (nur bei manuellem Betrieb) Wasserspiegel unter Mindestwasserstand Druckschlauch verstopft Absperrventil ist geschlossen (Pfeil waagerecht) Stromversorgung unterbrochen Thermoschutzschalter im Motor hat die Pumpe wegen berhitzung des Motors abgeschaltet Schmutzpartikel im Ansaugbereich eingeklemmt Niveauschalter stoppt Pumpe Ansaugbereich verstopft Frderleistung der Pumpe ist abhngig von Frderhhe Schlauchdurchmesser und Schlauchlnge Netzstecker der Pumpe mehrmals ein- und ausstecken bis Flssigkeit angesaugt wird Netzstecker ziehen und Ansaugbereich reinigen Pumpe wenn mglich tiefer in Frderflssigkeit eintauchen oder wie im Kapitel Vorbereiten (Automatischer Betrieb) beschrieben vorgehen Netzstecker ziehen und Druckschlauch reinigen Absperrventil ffnen (Pfeil senkrecht) Sicherungen und elektrische Verbindungen prfen Netzstecker ziehen Pumpe abkhlen lassen Ansaugbereich reinigen Trockenlauf verhindern Netzstecker ziehen und Ansaugbereich reinigen Position des Niveauschalters berprfen Netzstecker ziehen und Ansaugbereich reinigen Max Frderhhe beachten siehe technische Daten ggf anderen Schlauchdurchmesser oder andere Schlauchlnge whlen Bei Fragen oder Strungen hilft Ihnen unsere Krcher-Niederlassung gerne weiter Adresse siehe Rckseite 10 DE 6

11 Technische Daten Technische nderungen vorbehalten! SBP 2200 SBP 3800 Spannung V Stromart Hz Leistung P nenn W Max Frdermenge l/h Max Druck MPa (bar) 011 (11) Max Frderhhe m Max Eintauchtiefe m 7 7 Max Korngre der frderbaren Schmutzpartikel mm 1 1 Gewicht kg Schallleistungspegel (EN ) db(a) Netzkabellnge (EN ) m (11) Die mgliche Frdermenge ist umso grer: - je geringer die Ansaug- und Frderhhen sind - je grer die Durchmesser der verwendeten Schluche sind - umso krzer die verwendeten Schluche sind - je weniger Druckverlust das angeschlossene Zubehr verursacht DE 7 11

12 Contents Contents EN 1 General information EN 1 Safety instructions EN 2 Operation EN 3 Maintenance and Care EN 4 Transport EN 5 Storage EN 5 Special accessories EN 5 Troubleshooting EN 6 Specifications EN 7 General information Dear Customer Please read and comply with these original instructions prior to the initial operation of your appliance and store them for later use or subsequent owners Please keep in mind that the label "100% tested" may not be removed from the pump If the label is removed there will be no more warranty for the tightness of the pump Proper use This appliance has been designed for use in private households and is not intended for commercial use The manufacturer is not responsible for any damages that may occur on account of improper use or wrong operations The appliance is mainly intended to remove rain water from collection containers In addition the appliance may be used as an immersion pump for removing water Approved fluids that can be drained: Water with impurities up to a maximum grain size of 1mm Water from swimming pool (provided the dosing of additives is proper) Washing lye Warning Caustic slightly inflammable and other explosive substances such as petrol petroleum diluted nitrogen greases 12 EN 1 oils salt water and waste water from toilets as well as sludgy water that has a slower flow capacity than water should not be transported using the pump The temperature of the transported fluids should not exceed 35 C The appliance is not suitable for continuous pump operation or as a stationary installations (such as a lifting device fountain pump) Environmental protection The packaging material can be recycled Please do not place the packaging into the ordinary refuse for disposal but arrange for the proper recycling Old appliances contain valuable materials that can be recycled Please arrange for the proper recycling of old appliances Please dispose your old appliances using appropriate collection systems Notes about the ingredients (REACH) You will find current information about the ingredients at: wwwkaerchercom/reach Warranty The warranty terms published by the relevant sales company are applicable in each country We will repair potential failures of your appliance within the warranty period free of charge provided that such failure is caused by faulty material or defects in manufacturing In the event of a warranty claim please contact your dealer or the nearest authorized Customer Service centre Please submit the proof of purchase

13 Symbols in the operating instructions Danger Immediate danger that can cause severe injury or even death Warning Possible hazardous situation that could lead to severe injury or even death Caution Possible hazardous situation that could lead to mild injury to persons or damage to property Safety instructions Danger of death Violating these safety instructions may result in death through electrocution Check the power cord with mains plug for damage before every use If the power cord is damaged please arrange immediately for the exchange by an authorized customer service or a skilled electrician All electrical sockets should be fixed in an area that is protected against floods Unsuitable extension cables can be hazardous Only use extension cables outdoors which have been approved for this purpose and labelled with a sufficient cable cross-section The plug and coupling of the extension cable used must be spray watertight Do not use the mains cable or the cable of the level sensor to transport or fasten the appliance To separate the machine from the mains pull the plug and not the power cord Do not scrape the power cord across sharp edges and ensure that it does not get pressed The voltage indicated on the type plate must correspond to the voltage of the electrical source To avoid risks all repairs and replacement of spare parts may only be carried EN 2 out by the authorised customer service personnel Follow the rules for electrical safety of equipment: Immersion pumps should be operated in swimming pools garden ponds and fountains only using a earth-leakage circuit breaker with a nominal leakage current of max 30 ma Do not operate the pump if there are persons located in the swimming pool or the garden pond For safety reasons we recommend that you operate the appliance only via a earth-leakage circuit breaker (max 30 ma) The electrical connection of the system may only be performed by a qualified electrician Please follow the respective national regulations! In Austria pumps to be used in swimming pools and garden ponds should be equipped with a fixed connection line according to VE B/EN Part 1 to 3; power supply should be via a VEtested isolating transformer whereby the secondary nominal voltage should not exceed 230V The appliance may be used by children over the age of eight and individuals with limited physical sensory or cognitive abilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they are under supervision or were instructed regarding the safe use of the appliance and understand the resulting risks Supervise children to prevent them from playing with the appliance Prerequisites for the appliance's stability Caution Create stability for the appliance prior to all work on or with the appliance to prevent accidents or damage The stability of the appliance is warranted when it is placed onto an even surface 13

14 Operation Description of the Appliance 1 Power cord with plug 2 Drum edge holder 3 Locking valve 4 O ring 5 Housing bowl for level switch (SBP 3800) 6 Housing cover for level switch (SBP 3800) 7 Hose coupling 8 Pressure hose 9 Hose clamp 10 Level sensor 11 Level switch attachment 12 Carrying handle 13 Hose connection G 3 / 4 (244 mm) for hose coupling 14 Foam filter 15 Filter basket Preparing the drum pump operation Screw the hose connection on to the pump Connect the hose connection to the hose coupling of the drum edge holder Illustration SBP 3800 only Screw the housing bowl and the O-ring onto the drum edge holder Place the level switch into the housing bowl Press the housing cover down onto the housing bowl until it locks Illustration Slide the drum edge holder onto the container edge until it is properly seated Illustration Place the pump on a stabil surface in the liquid to be transported Immerse it using a rope tied to the handle or hang it into the container by the hose The suction area should not be blocked fully or partially through the impurities 14 EN 3 Illustration Close locking tap (arrow horizontal) Different uses of the level switch Illustration In automatic operation set the required switching height by clamping the level switch cable into the stopper Illustration In manual operations mode align the level sensor upward (cable pointing downward) Tip: Push the cable of the level sensor like a loop through the handle Note: When using the SBP 3800 the level switch can be placed inside the housing bowl (Figure 1) Preparing the immersion pump operation Screw the hose connection G 3/4 (244 mm) for the 3/4 (19 mm) hose onto the pump (not included in the delivery) Slide the hose onto the hose connection and fasten it with an appropriate hose clamp Note: A short hose and a large hose diameter yield a high volume Illustration In automatic operation set the required switching height by clamping the level switch cable into the stopper Illustration In manual operations mode align the level sensor upward (cable pointing downward) Tip: Push the cable of the level sensor like a loop through the handle

15 Operation The liquid level must at least be 3 cm for the pump to suck in liquids independently Insert the mains plug into the socket Caution If the prerequisites for the pump operation are met (water level position / level switch) the pump will start immediately after the mains plug has been plugged in Automatic operation In the automatic mode the level switch automatically controls the pumping operations The pump switches on or off when the fluid level reaches the height that has been set Ensure that the level sensor is not obstructed in any way Open the locking tap to remove water (arrow vertical) Manual operation In manual opertions the pump remains switched on continuously Open the locking tap to remove water (arrow vertical) Note: Dry run leads to increased wear and tear; do not leave the pump unattended when it is running Switch off the pump within 3 minutes of dry running Comfort operation (SBP 3800) In order to run the pump independent of the water level the level switch must be mounted inside the housing (Fig 1) Rotate the housing with the level switch in the arrow direction "ON" The pump will turn on Open the locking tap to remove water (arrow vertical) Finish operation Rotate the housing with the level switch in the arrow direction "OFF" The pump will turn off (SBP 3800) Disconnect the main plug from the socket EN 4 Maintenance and Care Danger Turn off the appliance and remove the mains plug prior to any care and maintenance work Care Note: Contaminations can accumulate and lead to malfunctions Rinse the pump with clean water once a week Illustration Remove the filter basket and clean with clear water Illustration Rinse the foam filter with clear water Maintenance The appliance is maintenance-free 15

16 Transport Caution In order to prevent accidents or injuries keep in mind the weight of the appliance during transport (see Specifications) When transporting by hand Lift appliance by the carrying handle and carry it When transporting in vehicles Secure the appliance against shifting and tipping over Special accessories Storage Caution In order to prevent accidents or injuries keep in mind the weight of the appliance when selecting a storage location for it (see Specifications) Storing the Appliance Illustration Tip the drum edge holder forward and take out toward the top Store the appliance in a frost free area The figures of the following special accessories can be found on page 4 of these instructions Suction hose by the meter 3/4" (19 mm) 25 m Vacuum-tight spiral hose to be cut into individual lengths Can be used as individual suction assembly combined with connections and suction filters 16 EN 5

17 Troubleshooting Caution To avoid risks all repairs and replacement of spare parts may only be carried out by authorized customer service personnel First pull out the plug from the mains before carrying out any tasks on the machine Fault Cause Remedy Pump runs but does not transport Pump does not run or suddenly comes to a standstill during operations Pumping capacity is reducing Pumping capacity too low Air in the pump Suction area blocked (only in manual mode) Water level below the minimum water level Pressure hose is blocked Locking tap is closed (arrow horizontal) Power supply interrupted Thermal protection switch in the motor has switched off the pump as it was overheated Dirt particles have got jammed into the suction area Pump operation stopped by sensor Suction area blocked The pumping capacity depends on the flow height hose diameter and hose length Plug in/ pull out the mains plug of the pump a few times till the fluid gets sucked Pull out the mains plug and clean the suction area Where possible immerse the pump deeper into the liquid or proceed according to the instructions in the chapter describing the preparations necessary for automatic operation Pull out the mains plug and clean the pressure hose Open the locking tap (arrow vertical) Check fuses and electrical connections Pull out the mains plug let the pump cool down clean the suction area prevent dry running Pull out the mains plug and clean the suction area Check position of level sensor Pull out the mains plug and clean the suction area Keep max flow height see technical data If necessary select a different hose diameter or hose length Our Krcher branch will be pleased to help you further in the case of questions or faults See address on the reverse EN 6 17

18 Specifications Subject to technical modifications! SBP 2200 SBP 3800 Voltage V Current type Hz Output P nom W Max flow rate l/h Max pressure MPa (bar) 011 (11) Max flow height m Max immersion depth m 7 7 Max grain size of the dirt particles that can be transported mm 1 1 Weight kg Sound levels (EN ) db(a) Mains cable length (EN ) m (11) The possible feed volume is even larger: - the lower the suction and flow heights - the larger the diameter of the hoses used - the shorter the hoses used are - the lower the pressure loss caused by the connected accessories 18 EN 7

19 Table des matires Table des matires FR 1 Consignes gnrales FR 1 Consignes de scurit FR 2 Utilisation FR 3 Entretien maintenance FR 4 Transport FR 5 Entreposage FR 5 Accessoires en option FR 5 Assistance en cas de panne FR 6 Caractristiques techniques FR 7 Consignes gnrales Cher client Lire cette notice originale avant la premire utilisation de votre appareil se comporter selon ce qu'elle requirt et la conserver pour une utilisation ultrieure ou pour le propritaire futur Prendre en compte que l'autocollant "100% tested" ne doit en aucun cas tre dcoll de la pompe La garantie pour l'tanchit de la pompe est annule si l'autocollant est dcoll Utilisation conforme Cet appareil ne doit tre utilis que pour un usage domestique Le fabricant dcline tout responsabilit en cas de dommages issus d'une utilisation non conforme ou incorrecte de l'appareil L'appareil est essentiellement destin au prlvement d'eau de pluie de rservoirs collecteurs prvus cet effet L'appareil est en outre prvu comme pompe d'immersion pour le drainage Fluides d'alimentation autoriss : de l'eau avec un degr de salissure avec granulomtrie jusqu' 1mm Eau de piscine (dosage de l'additif selon les dispositions impos au pralable) Eau de lavage Avertissement Il est interdit de transporter des substances corrosives facilement inflammables ou explosives (par ex essence ptrole diluant pour laque cellulosique) graisses huiles eau sale et eaux uses en provenance des toilettes et pour les eaux boueuses dont la fluidit est infrieure celle de l'eau La temprature du fluide transport ne doit pas dpasser 35 C L'appareil n'est pas appropri pour un fonctionnement ininterrompu en pompe ou pour une installation stationnaire (par ex installation de levage pompe de fontaine) Protection de l environnement Les matriaux constitutifs de l emballage sont recyclables Ne pas jeter les emballages dans les ordures mnagres mais les remettre un systme de recyclage Les appareils uss contiennent des matriaux prcieux recyclables lesquels doivent tre apports un systme de recyclage Pour cette raison utilisez des systmes de collecte adquats afin d'liminer les appareils uss Instructions relatives aux ingrdients (REACH) Les informations actuelles relatives aux ingrdients se trouvent sous : wwwkaerchercom/reach Garantie Dans chaque pays les conditions de garantie en vigueur sont celles publies par notre socit de distribution responsable Les ventuelles pannes sur l appareil sont rpares gratuitement dans le dlai de validit de la garantie dans la mesure o celles-ci relvent d'un dfaut matriel ou d'un vice de fabrication En cas de recours en garantie adressez-vous votre revendeur ou au service aprs-vente agr le plus proche munis de votre preuve d'achat FR 1 19

20 Symboles utiliss dans le mode d'emploi Danger Pour un danger immdiat qui peut avoir pour consquence la mort ou des blessures corporelles graves Avertissement Pour une situation potentiellement dangereuse qui peut avoir pour consquence des blessures corporelles graves ou la mort Attention Pour une situation potentiellement dangereuse qui peut avoir pour consquence des blessures lgres ou des dommages matriels Consignes de scurit Danger de mort Danger de mort par le courant lectrique en cas de non-respect des consignes de scurit! Vrifier avant chaque utilisation que le cble et la fiche mle ne sont pas dfectueux Un cble d alimentation endommag doit immdiatement tre remplac par le service aprs-vente ou un lectricien agr Toutes les connexions enfiches lectriques doivent tre effectues dans une zone protge contre les inondations Des rallonges non adaptes peuvent prsenter des risques N'utiliser en plein air que des rallonges homologues avec une section suffisante Les fiches mles et les raccords des cbles de rallonge utiliss doivent tre protgs contre les claboussures Ne pas utiliser le cble de raccordement au secteur et le cble du commutation de niveau pour transporter ou fixer l'appareil Pour dbrancher l'appareil tirer au niveau de la fiche secteur et non sur le cble d'alimentation Ne pas faire passer le cble d'alimentation sur des artes vives et ne pas le coincer La tension indique sur la plaque signaltique de l'appareil doit correspondre celle de la prise Afin d'viter tout danger seul le service aprs-vente agr est habilit effectuer des rparations ou monter des pices de rechanger sur l'appareil Respecter les dispositifs de scurit lectriques : Les pompes d'immersion peuvent tre exploites dans les piscines les tangs de jardin et les fontaines uniquement avec un disjoncteur courant de dfaut d'une intensit nominale de max 30mA Si des personnes se trouvent dans les piscines ou l'tang de jardin la pompe ne doit pas tre utilise Pour des raisons de scurit nous recommandons fondamentalement que l'appareil soit exploit avec un disjoncteur de courant de dfaut (max 30mA) Le raccordement lectrique doit tre excut uniquement par un lectricien Respecter imprativement les dispositions nationales pour cette opration! En Autriche les pompes qui sont destines une utilisation dans les piscines et les tangs de jardin qui sont quips d'un conduite de raccordement fixe doivent tre selon VE B/EN parties 1 3 aliments par un transformateur d'isolation contrl selon VE la tension nominale secondaire ne devant pas dpasser 230V L'appareil peut tre utilis par des enfants partir de huit ans personnes ayant des capacits physiques sensorielles ou intellectuelles rduites ou par des personnes qui manquent d'exprience ou de connaissances si elles sont surveilles ou informes de l'usage sr de l'appareil et des dangers qui peuvent en rsulter Surveiller les enfants pour s'assurer qu'ils ne jouent pas avec l'appareil 20 FR 2

21 Conditions pour la stabilit Attention Avant d'effectuer toute opration avec ou sur le travail en assurer la stabilit afin d'viter tout accident ou tout endommagement La stabilit de l'appareil est assure lorsqu'il peut tre pos sur une surface plane Utilisation Description de l appareil 1 Cble d alimentation avec fiche secteur 2 Support de bord de ft 3 Soupape de dblocage 4 Joint torique 5 Coque de l'appareil pour le commutateur de niveau (SBP 3800) 6 Couvercle de l'appareil pour le commutateur de niveau (SBP 3800) 7 Raccord pour flexible 8 Flexible de pression 9 Collier de serrage 10 Commutateur de niveau 11 Fixation de commutateur de niveau 12 Poigne de transport 13 Raccordement tuyau G 3 / 4 (244 mm) pour raccord pour flexible 14 Filtre de matire plastique mousse 15 Panier de filtrage Prparation pour le fonctionnement en pompe de ft Visser le raccord du tuyau sur la pompe Connecter le raccordement de tuyau avec le raccord pour flexible du support de bord de ft Illustration uniquement SBP 3800 Visser la coque de logement et le joint torique avec le support de bord de ft Disposer le commutateur de niveau dans la coque du logement Enfoncer le couvercle du logement sur la coque de logement jusqu' son enclenchement Illustration Enfoncer le support de bord de ft jusqu' ce qu'il soit bien fix Illustration Toujours installer la pompe de manire stable sur un support stable dans le fluide transport L'immerger avec un cble fix sur la poigne de transport ou l'accrocher au flexible dans le rservoir La zone d'aspiration ne doit pas tre bloque ni partiellement ni compltement par des impurets Illustration Fermer la vanne d'arrt (flche horizontale) Possibilits d'utilisation du commutateur de niveau Illustration En fonctionnement automatique rgler la hauteur de commutation souhaite en serrant le cble du commutateur de niveau dans la fixation Illustration En fonctionnement manuel mettre le commutateur de niveau en position leve (cble vers le bas) Conseil : Faire passer le cble du commutateur de niveau en boucle travers la poigne de transport Remarque : En cas d'utilisation de la SBP 3800 le commutateur de niveau peut tre dpos dans la coque du logement (illustration 1) FR 3 21

22 Prparation pour le fonctionnement en pompe immerge Raccord de flexible G 3/4 (244 mm) pour (19 mm) visser le flexible sur la pompe (non compris dans la livraison Enfoncer le tuyau sur le raccord du tuyau et le fixer avec un collier de serrage appropri Remarque : Un flexible court et une grande section de flexible ont pour rsultat un dbit lev Illustration En fonctionnement automatique rgler la hauteur de commutation souhaite en serrant le cble du commutateur de niveau dans la fixation Illustration En fonctionnement manuel mettre le commutateur de niveau en position leve (cble vers le bas) Conseil : Faire passer le cble du commutateur de niveau en boucle travers la poigne de transport Fonctionnement Afin que la pompe aspire de manire autonome elle doit tre 3 cm au moins dans le fluide Brancher la fiche secteur dans une prise de courant Attention Si les conditions pralables pour le processus de pompage (niveau d'eau position / commutateur de niveau) la pompe dmarre immdiatement aprs l'enfichage de la fiche de secteur Fonctionnement automatique En fonctionnement automatique le commutateur de niveau dirige automatiquement le processus de pompage Lorsque le niveau du fluide atteint la hauteur paramtre la pompe est mise en ou hors service La libert de mouvement du commutateur de niveau doit tre garantie Ouvrir la vanne d'arrt pour le prlvement de l'eau (flche verticale) 22 FR 4 Fonctionnement manuel En mode manuel la pompe reste enclenche en permanence Ouvrir la vanne d'arrt pour le prlvement de l'eau (flche verticale) Remarque : Un fonctionnement sec est synonyme d'usure suprieure ne pas laisser la pompe en fonctionnement manuel sans surveillance En cas de fonctionnement sec couper la pompe dans les 3 minutes Mode confort (SBP 3800) Pour exploiter la pompe indpendamment du niveau d'eau le commutateur de niveau doit tre mont dans le logement (illustration 1) Tourner le logement avec le commutateur de niveau dans la direction de la flche "ON" La pompe ne se met pas en service Ouvrir la vanne d'arrt pour le prlvement de l'eau (flche verticale) Fin de l'utilisation Tourner le logement avec le commutateur de niveau dans la direction de la flche "OFF" La pompe ne se met pas hors service (SBP 3800) Dbrancher la fiche secteur Entretien maintenance Danger Avant tout travail d'entretien et de maintenance mettre l'appareil hors tension et dbrancher la fiche secteur Entretien Remarque : Les salissures peuvent se dposer et provoquer des dfauts de fonctionnement Rincer la pompe chaque semaine l'eau claire Illustration Retirer le panier de filtrage et le nettoyer l'eau claire Illustration Rincer le filtre en mousse l'eau claire

23 Maintenance L'appareil ne ncessite aucune maintenance Transport Attention Afin d'viter tout accident ou toute blessure lors du transport tenir compte du poids de l'appareil (voir les caractristiques techniques) Transport manuel Soulever l'appareil avec la poigne et le porter Transport dans des vhicules Freiner l'appareil pour l'empcher de glisser et de basculer Accessoires en option Entreposage Attention Afin d'viter tout accident ou toute blessure tenir compte du poids de l'appareil (voir les caractristiques techniques) en choisissant son emplacement pour le stockage Ranger l appareil Illustration Basculer le support de bord de ft vers l'avant et ensuite l'enlever par le haut Conserver l'appareil dans un lieu l'abri du gel Les illustrations des accessoires en option prsents ci-dessous se trouvent sur la page 4 de ce manuel Tuyau d'aspiration au mtre 3/4 (19mm) 25m Tuyau spiral rsistant au vide pour la dcoupe de longueurs de tuyau individuelles Combin des pices de raccordement et des filtres d'aspiration aussi utilisable comme garniture d'aspiration individuelle FR 5 23

24 Assistance en cas de panne Attention Afin d'viter tout danger seul le service aprs-vente agr est habilit effectuer des rparations ou monter des pices de rechanger sur l'appareil Avant d'effectuer tout type de travaux sur l'appareil le mettre hors service et dbrancher la fiche lectrique Panne Cause Remde La pompe tourne mais ne dbite pas La pompe ne tourne pas ou s'arrte soudainement en cours de fonctionnement Le dbit diminue Dbit trop faible Air dans la pompe Zone d'aspiration bouche (uniquement en fonctionnement manuel) niveau de l'eau infrieur au niveau d'eau minimum Flexible de pression bouch La vanne d'arrt est ferme (flche horizontale) Alimentation lectrique coupe Le disjoncteur thermique dans le moteur a mis la pompe hors service en raison d'une surchauffe du moteur Particules d'impurets bloques dans la zone d'aspiration Le commutateur de niveau arrte la pompe Zone d'aspiration bouche La capacit de refoulement dpend de la hauteur manomtrique du diamtre et de la longueur du flexible Brancher et dbrancher le cble d'alimentation secteur plusieurs reprises jusqu' ce que le fluide soit pomp Dbrancher le cble d'alimentation et nettoyer la zone d'aspiration Plonger si possible la pompe encore plus profond dans le fluide ou procder de la manire dcrite dans le chapitre Prparation (mode automatique) Dbrancher le cble d'alimentation et nettoyer le flexible de pression Ouvrir la vanne d'arrt (flche verticale) Contrler les fusibles et les connexions lectriques Dbrancher la fiche secteur laisser refroidir la pompe nettoyer la zone d'aspiration empcher qu'elle ne tourne sec Dbrancher le cble d'alimentation et nettoyer la zone d'aspiration Contrler la position du commutateur de niveau Dbrancher le cble d'alimentation et nettoyer la zone d'aspiration Respecter la hauteur manomtrique max cf les caractristiques techniques le cas chant slectionner un autre diamtre de flexible ou une autre longueur de flexible Notre succursale Krcher se tient votre entire disposition pour d'ventuelles questions ou problmes L'adresse figure au dos 24 FR 6

25 Caractristiques techniques Sous rserve de modifications techniques! SBP 2200 SBP 3800 Tension V Type de courant Hz Puissance P nom W Dbit max l/h Pression max MPa (bar) 011 (11) Hauteur manomtrique max m Profondeur d'immersion max m 7 7 Granulomtrie max des particules d'impurets transportables mm 1 1 Poids kg Niveau de puissance acoustique (EN ) Longueur du cble d'alimentation (EN ) db(a) m (11) La quantit transporte possible augmente - paralllement la rduction des hauteurs de transport et d'aspiration - Plus le diamtre des flexibles utiliss est grand - plus les flexibles utiliss sont petits - moins les accessoires raccords ne causent de perte de pression FR 7 25

26 Indice Indice IT 1 Avvertenze generali IT 1 Norme di sicurezza IT 2 Uso IT 3 Cura e manutenzione IT 4 Trasporto IT 5 Supporto IT 5 Accessori optional IT 5 Guida alla risoluzione dei guasti IT 6 Dati tecnici IT 7 Avvertenze generali Gentile cliente Prima di utilizzare l'apparecchio per la prima volta leggere le presenti istruzioni originali seguirle e conservarle per un uso futuro o in caso di rivendita dell'apparecchio Accertarsi che l'adesivo 100% Tested non venga rimosso dalla pompa Quando si rimuove l'adesivo non concessa pi alcuna garanzia sulla tenuta della pompa Uso conforme a destinazione Questo apparecchio concepito per il solo uso domestico e non deve essere adibito ad uso commerciale o industriale Il produttore non responsabile per eventuali danni causati dall'uso improprio e/o uso che non corrisponde a quello conforme a destinazione L'apparecchio indicato prevalentemente il prelievo di acqua piovana da appositi contenitori di raccolta L'apparecchio pu essere inoltre utilizzato anche come pompa sommersa per la fuoriuscita di acqua Liquidi trasportabili consentiti: Acqua con un grado di sporco fino a grandezza granulare di 1 mm Acqua piscine (partendo da un dosaggio conforme degli additivi) Liscivia Attenzione Non possibile trasportare materiali irritanti facilmente infiammabili o esplosivi (ad es benzina petrolio nitrodiluente) grassi oli acqua salata e acque di scarico delle toilette ed acquafango con una fluidit inferiore all'acqua La temperatura del liquido trasportato non deve superare i 35 C L'apparecchio non si adatta al funzionamento con pompa continuo o come installazione fissa (ad es impianto di sollevamento pompa per fontane) Protezione dell ambiente Tutti gli imballaggi sono riciclabili Gli imballaggi non vanno gettati nei rifiuti domestici ma consegnati ai relativi centri di raccolta Gli apparecchi dismessi contengono materiali riciclabili preziosi e vanno perci consegnati ai relativi centri di raccolta Si prega quindi di smaltire gli apparecchi dismessi mediante i sistemi di raccolta differenziata Avvertenze sui contenuti (REACH) Informazioni aggiornate sui contenuti sono disponibili all'indirizzo: wwwkaerchercom/reach Garanzia Le condizioni di garanzia valgono nel rispettivo paese di pubblicazione da parte della nostra societ di vendita competente Entro il termine di garanzia eliminiamo gratuitamente eventuali guasti all apparecchio se causati da difetto di materiale o di produzione Nei casi previsti dalla garanzia si prega di rivolgersi al proprio rivenditore oppure al pi vicino centro di assistenza autorizzato esibendo lo scontrino di acquisto 26 IT 1

27 Simboli riportati nel manuale d'uso Pericolo Per un rischio imminente che determina lesioni gravi o la morte Attenzione Per una situazione di rischio possibile che potrebbe determinare lesioni gravi o la morte Attenzione Per una situazione di rischio possibile che potrebbe determinare danni leggeri a persone o cose Norme di sicurezza Pericolo di morte In caso di inosservanza delle avvertenze di sicurezza sussiste il pericolo di morte a causa di scosse elettriche! Prima di ogni utilizzo controllate eventuali danni sulla linea di allacciamento e sulla spina di alimentazione Lasciate sostituire immediatamente la linea di allacciamento danneggiata dal servizio clienti autorizzato/personale specializzato in elettricit Tutte le connessioni elettriche a spina devono essere collocate in una zona antiallagamento Prolunghe non adatte possono risultare pericolose All'aperto utilizzate solo prolunghe autorizzate e previste per quell'utilizzo con sezione di conduzione sufficiente La spina ed il collegamento del cavo prolunga utilizzato devono essere protetti dagli spruzzi d'acqua Non utilizzare il cavo di allacciamento alla rete e il cavo dell'interruttore di livello per trasportare o fissare l'apparecchio Non scollegare la spina dalla presa tirando il cavo di collegamento Tenere lontano il cavo di allacciamento da spigoli vivi ed evitare di schiacciarlo La tensione indicata sulla targhetta dell'apparecchio deve corrispondere a quella della sorgente di corrente Per escludere qualsiasi rischio gli interventi di riparazione e il montaggio dei pezzi di ricambio vanno effettuati esclusivamente dal servizio assistenza autorizzato Rispettare le norme vigenti per i dispositivi elettrici di protezione: Le pompe sommerse devono essere utilizzate in piscina vasche da giardino e fontane a getto solo con un interruttore differenziale con una corrente di guasto nominale di max 30 ma Non utilizzare la pompa se nella piscina o nella vasca da giardino si trovano delle persone Per motivi di sicurezza si consiglia in linea di principio di utilizzare l'apparecchio solo con un interruttore differenziale (max 30 ma) Il collegamento elettrico deve essere eseguito solo da un elettricista qualificato Osservare assolutamente le disposizioni nazionali vigenti In Austria le pompe da utilizzare in piscine e vasche da giardino dotate di una linea di allacciamento fissa devono essere alimentate secondo VE B/EN parte 1-3 mediante un trasformatore di separazione certificato VE laddove la tensione nominale secondaria non deve superare i 230 V Questo apparecchio indicato per essere usato da bambini con et di 8 anni e pi e da persone con delle limitate capacit fisiche sensoriali o mentali e da persone che abbiano poca esperienza e/o conoscenza dell'apparecchio solo se queste vengono supervisionate oppure se hanno ricevuto istruzioni su come usare l'apparecchio e che abbiano capito i pericoli derivanti dall'uso Sorvegliare i bambini per assicurarsi che non giochino con l'apparecchio IT 2 27

28 Presupposti per la stabilit Attenzione Prima di qualsiasi intervento con o sull'apparecchio necessario renderlo stabile per evitare incidenti o danneggiamenti La stabilit dell'apparecchio garantita quando viene posizionato su una superficie piana Uso Descrizione dell apparecchio 1 Cavo di allacciamento alla rete con spina 2 Sostegno per bordo fusto 3 Valvola di chiusura 4 O-Ring 5 Guscio del corpo per interruttore di livello (SBP 3800) 6 Coperchio del corpo per interruttore di livello (SBP 3800) 7 Giunto per tubo flessibile 8 Tubo flessibile a pressione 9 Morsetto per tubo flessibile 10 Interruttore di livello 11 Fissaggio interruttore di livello 12 Maniglia trasporto 13 Attacco tubo flessibile G 3 / 4 (244 mm) per giunto per tubo flessibile 14 Filtro in materiale espanso 15 Cestello filtrante Preparazione per il funzionamento di pompaggio da fusto Avvitare il giunto per tubo flessibile alla pompa Collegare l'attacco del tubo flessibile con il giunto del tubo flessibile del sostegno del bordo del fusto Figura solo SBP 3800 Avvitare il guscio del corpo e l'o-ring al sostegno del bordo del fusto Introdurre l'interruttore di livello nel guscio del corpo Introdurre fino al fissaggio il coperchio dell'alloggiamento sul guscio del corpo Figura Spingere il sostegno del bordo del fusto sul bordo del contenitore fino ad assicurare un posizionamento stabile Figura Posizionare la pompa su una base stabile nel liquido trasportabile Immergere con una fune fissata sulla maiglia o agganciare la fune nel contenitore La zona di aspirazione non deve essere bloccata del tutto o parzialmente da impurit Figura Chiudere la valvola di chiusura (freccia orizzontale) Possibilit d'uso dell'interruttore di livello Figura Durante il funzionamento automatico regolare l'altezza di contatto inserendo il cavo dell'interruttore di livello nel rispettivo fissaggio Figura Durante il funzionamento manuale orientare l'interruttore di livello verso l'alto (cavo verso il basso) Consiglio: spingere il cavo dell'interruttore di livello a cappio attraverso la maniglia di trasporto Avviso: Quando si utilizza il dispositivo SBP 3800 l'interruttore di livello pu essere introdotto nel guscio del corpo (Figura 1) Preparazione per il funzionamento di pompa ad immersione Avvitare l'attacco tubo flessibile G 3/4 (244 mm) per tubo flessibile da 3/4 (19 mm) sulla pompa (non in dotazione) Spingere il tubo flessibile sul rispettivo attacco e fissarlo con una fascetta stringitubo idonea 28 IT 3

29 Avviso: Un tubo flessibile corto ed un diametro grande determinano una portata elevata Figura Durante il funzionamento automatico regolare l'altezza di contatto inserendo il cavo dell'interruttore di livello nel rispettivo fissaggio Figura Durante il funzionamento manuale orientare l'interruttore di livello verso l'alto (cavo verso il basso) Consiglio: spingere il cavo dell'interruttore di livello a cappio attraverso la maniglia di trasporto Funzionamento In modo che la pompa aspiri autonomamente necessario che sia immersa in almeno 3 cm di liquido Inserire la spina in una presa elettrica Attenzione Una volta garantiti i presupposti per il pompaggio (livello dell'acqua posizione / interruttore di livello) la pompa si attiva immediatamente dopo l'inserimento della spina di rete Funzionamento automatico Durante il funzionamento automatico l'interruttore di livello controlla la pompa Quando il livello del liquido raggiunge l'altezza impostata la pompa viene attivata e/ o disattivata Verificare la libert di movimento dell'interruttore di livello Aprire la valvola di chiusura per il prelievo dell'acqua (freccia verticale) Funzionamento manuale In funzionamento manuale la pompa resta sempre accesa Aprire la valvola di chiusura per il prelievo dell'acqua (freccia verticale) Avviso: il funzionamento a secco causa un'usura elevata Non lasciare incustodita la pompa in funzionamento manuale In caso di funzionamento a secco disattivare la pompa entro 3 minuti Funzionamento comfort (SBP 3800) Per utilizzare la pompa indipendentemente dal livello dell'acqua necessario che l'interruttore di livello sia montato nell'alloggiamento (Figura 1) Ruotare l'alloggiamento con l'interruttore di livello in direzione della freccia ON La pompa si attiva Aprire la valvola di chiusura per il prelievo dell'acqua (freccia verticale) Dopo l uso Ruotare l'alloggiamento con l'interruttore di livello in direzione della freccia OFF La pompa si disattiva (SBP 3800) Staccare la spina di alimentazione dalla presa Cura e manutenzione Pericolo Prima di ogni intervento di cura e di manutenzione spegnere l'apparecchio e staccare la spina Cura Avviso: Si possono depositare delle impurit e comportare guasti funzionali Sciacquare la pompa con acqua pulita ogni settimana Figura Rimuovere il cestello filtrante e pulire con acqua pulita Figura Sciacquare il filtro in materiale espanso sotto acqua corrente Manutenzione L'apparecchio senza manutenzione IT 4 29

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4K HDMI Splitter 1x4. User s Guide / Bedienungsanleitung / Εγχειρίδιο Χρήστη

4K HDMI Splitter 1x4. User s Guide / Bedienungsanleitung / Εγχειρίδιο Χρήστη 4K HDMI Splitter 1x4 User s Guide / Bedienungsanleitung / Εγχειρίδιο Χρήστη INTRODUCTION The EDISION 4K HDMI Splitter 1x4 uses a single HDMI input source, to distribute it to 4 HDMI outputs. The splitter

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Montage - Raccordement Implantation EURO-RELAIS MINI & BOX. Mini & Box

Montage - Raccordement Implantation EURO-RELAIS MINI & BOX. Mini & Box Montage - Raccordement Implantation EURO-RELAIS MINI & BOX 3 Fiche technique EURO-RELAIS MINI & BOX DESCRIPTIF La borne Euro-Relais MINI est en polyester armé haute résistance totalement neutre à la corrosion

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BP 1 Barrel BP 1 Barrel Set

BP 1 Barrel BP 1 Barrel Set BP 1 Barrel BP 1 Barrel Set BP Barrel Deutsch 4 English 13 Français 21 Italiano 30 Nederlands 38 Español 46 Português 54 Ελληνικά 62 59662360 08/2013 2 3 Inhaltsverzeichnis

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BPE 4200/50 BPE 5000/55

BPE 4200/50 BPE 5000/55 BPE 4200/50 BPE 5000/55 Deutsch 5 English 15 Franais 24 Italiano 34 Nederlands 44 Espaol 54 Portugus 64 Ελληνικά 74 59631330 01/09 2 2 3 3 6.997-350.0 / 6.997-349.0 6.997-348.0 6.997-347.0 / 6.997-346.0

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ZLW Series. Single-stage Monoblock Centrifugal Pump ZL PUMP GROUP.,LTD

ZLW Series. Single-stage Monoblock Centrifugal Pump ZL PUMP GROUP.,LTD ZLW Series Single-stage Monoblock Centrifugal Pump ZL PUMP GROUP.,LTD 1 Application Apply as the transportation of liquids in the fields of air condition, heating, sanitary water, water treatment cooling,

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Lowara SPECIFICATIONS SH Series Centrifugal pumps entirely made of AISI 36 stainless steel according to EN 733 (ex DIN 24255). Designed to pump hot, cold and moderately aggressive liquids. Available versions: SHE Close-coupled

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SPARE PARTS LIST. for. Infrared oil heater. Model. Daystar. Type. PH5 for 120V 60Hz. May, 2017

SPARE PARTS LIST. for. Infrared oil heater. Model. Daystar. Type. PH5 for 120V 60Hz. May, 2017 SPARE PARTS LIST for Infrared oil heater Model Daystar Type PH5 for 120V 60Hz May, 2017 *PRICES AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE..* 2017 J.S.O'will, Inc.. Shizuoka Seiki Co. Ltd.

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, / 230 4,6 / 2, , / 230 5,4 / 2,7

, / 230 4,6 / 2, , / 230 5,4 / 2,7 Einstufige Kompressoren mit Einphasen-Wechselstrom Motor; Volumenstrom bis zu 335 m 3 /h Single stage compressors with single phase AC motor; volume flow up to 335 m 3 /h Bestell-Nr. Motor (IP55, Wärmeklasse

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Register and win! SCP 12000 IQ Level Sensor. SDP 14000 IQ Level Sensor. SCP 12000 IQ Level Sensor

Register and win! SCP 12000 IQ Level Sensor. SDP 14000 IQ Level Sensor. SCP 12000 IQ Level Sensor SCP 12000 IQ Level Sensor SDP 14000 IQ Level Sensor SCP 12000 IQ Level Sensor Deutsch 5 English 13 Français 21 Italiano 29 Nederlands 37 Español 45 Português 53 Ελληνικά 61 Register and win!

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UDZ Swirl diffuser. Product facts. Quick-selection. Swirl diffuser UDZ. Product code example:

UDZ Swirl diffuser. Product facts. Quick-selection. Swirl diffuser UDZ. Product code example: UDZ Swirl diffuser Swirl diffuser UDZ, which is intended for installation in a ventilation duct, can be used in premises with a large volume, for example factory premises, storage areas, superstores, halls,

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65W PWM Output LED Driver. IDLV-65 series. File Name:IDLV-65-SPEC


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BFN3000 ΕΠΙΤΡΑΠΕΖΙΟΣ ΑΝΕΜΙΣΤΗΡΑΣ. Owner s manual. Μετάφραση του πρωτοτύπου των οδηγιών χρήσης

BFN3000 ΕΠΙΤΡΑΠΕΖΙΟΣ ΑΝΕΜΙΣΤΗΡΑΣ.   Owner s manual. Μετάφραση του πρωτοτύπου των οδηγιών χρήσης BFN3000 ΕΠΙΤΡΑΠΕΖΙΟΣ ΑΝΕΜΙΣΤΗΡΑΣ Μετάφραση του πρωτοτύπου των οδηγιών χρήσης Owner s manual GR Οδηγίες ασφαλούς λειτουργίας 1. Τα χαρακτηριστικά της παροχής ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος θα

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Εγκατάσταση λογισμικού και αναβάθμιση συσκευής Device software installation and software upgrade

Εγκατάσταση λογισμικού και αναβάθμιση συσκευής Device software installation and software upgrade Για να ελέγξετε το λογισμικό που έχει τώρα η συσκευή κάντε κλικ Menu > Options > Device > About Device Versions. Στο πιο κάτω παράδειγμα η συσκευή έχει έκδοση λογισμικού με πλατφόρμα

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FDL - FXDL FBDL SERIES FDL - FXDL FBDL SERIES SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS FOR WITH ENTRAINED SOLIDS WASTE WATER Sewage pumps with power up to 22 kw (30 HP). Available in cast iron (FDL), AISI 316 stainless steel (FXDL), B10 bronze (FBDL).

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Siemens AG Rated current 1FK7 Compact synchronous motor Natural cooling. I rated 7.0 (15.4) 11.5 (25.4) (2.9) 3.3 (4.4)

Siemens AG Rated current 1FK7 Compact synchronous motor Natural cooling. I rated 7.0 (15.4) 11.5 (25.4) (2.9) 3.3 (4.4) Synchronous motors Siemens 2009 FK7 Compact motors Nural cooling Selection and ordering da Red speed Shaft height n red S P red ΔT=00 K rpm kw (P) Red power Stic torque M 0 ΔT=00 K Red torque ) M red ΔT=00

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Instruction Execution Times

Instruction Execution Times 1 C Execution Times InThisAppendix... Introduction DL330 Execution Times DL330P Execution Times DL340 Execution Times C-2 Execution Times Introduction Data Registers This appendix contains several tables

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DLG Series. Lowara SPECIFICATIONS APPLICATIONS ACCESSORIES MATERIALS. General Catalogue DLG Series Submersible pumps with open impeller with grinder assembly for pumping sewage, liquids, wastewater in general and industrial sludge, draining of flooded excavations. SPECIFICATIONS Delivery:

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the total number of electrons passing through the lamp.

the total number of electrons passing through the lamp. 1. A 12 V 36 W lamp is lit to normal brightness using a 12 V car battery of negligible internal resistance. The lamp is switched on for one hour (3600 s). For the time of 1 hour, calculate (i) the energy

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Tipologie installative - Installation types Types d installation - Die einbauanweisungen Tipos de instalación - Τυπολογίες εγκατάστασης

Tipologie installative - Installation types Types d installation - Die einbauanweisungen Tipos de instalación - Τυπολογίες εγκατάστασης Types d installation Die einbauanweisungen Tipos de instalación Τυπολογίες εγκατάστασης AMPADE MOOCROMATICHE VIMAR DIMMERABII A 0 V~ MOOCHROME DIMMABE AMP VIMAR 0 V~ AMPE MOOCHROME VIMAR DIMMABE 0 V~ EUCHTE

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Lowara APPLICATIONS MATERIALS. General Catalogue

Lowara APPLICATIONS MATERIALS. General Catalogue FH Series Centrifugal electric pumps according to EN 733 (ex DIN 24255). Electric pumps with pump casing in cast iron and impeller in AISI 36* stainless steel, designed to pump hot, cold and moderately

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Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response

Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GE entre Number andidate Number Greek dvanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response Thursday 16 May 2013 Morning Time: 2 hours 45 minutes

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MS SERIES MS DESK TOP ENCLOSURE APPLICATION EXAMPLE FEATURE. Measuring instruments. Power supply equipments

MS SERIES MS DESK TOP ENCLOSURE APPLICATION EXAMPLE FEATURE. Measuring instruments. Power supply equipments MS SERIES MS DESK TOP ENCLOSURE FEATURE Available in 176 sizes. Screws are not appeared on the surface. Usable as rack mount case with optinal mounting bracket. There are no ventilation hole for cover

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Applications Water distribution

Applications Water distribution 1 FH Series Centrifugal electric pumps according to EN 733 (ex DIN 24255). Electric pumps with pump casing in cast iron designed to pump clean, chemically non-aggressive water and liquids. Available versions:

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑΣ Model/Μοντέλο: WKH-1132 INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑΣ ENGLISH General Safety Instructions Before commissioning this kettle, please read the instruction manual carefully. Please keep the instruction

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RSDW08 & RDDW08 series


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Επιτραπέζιος Η/Υ K30AM / K30AM-J Εγχειρίδιο χρήστη

Επιτραπέζιος Η/Υ K30AM / K30AM-J Εγχειρίδιο χρήστη Επιτραπέζιος Η/Υ K30AM / K30AM-J Εγχειρίδιο χρήστη GK9380 Ελληνικα Πρώτη Έκδοση Μάιος 2014 Copyright 2014 ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Διατηρούνται όλα τα δικαιώματα. Απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή οποιουδήποτε τμήματος

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CYTA Cloud Server Set Up Instructions

CYTA Cloud Server Set Up Instructions CYTA Cloud Server Set Up Instructions ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ENGLISH Initial Set-up Cloud Server To proceed with the initial setup of your Cloud Server first login to the Cyta CloudMarketPlace on

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NMBTC.COM / Common Common Vibration Test:... Conforms to JIS C 60068-2-6, Amplitude: 1.5mm, Frequency 10 to 55 Hz, 1 hour in each of the X, Y and Z directions. Shock Test:...Conforms to JIS C 60068-2-27, Acceleration

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MSN DESK TOP ENCLOSURE WITH STAND / CARRYING HANDLE MSN SERIES MSN DESK TOP ENCLOSURE WITH STAND / CARRYING HANDLE W H FEATURE Available in 176 sizes. Stand / carrying handle can be adjusted in 30 degree. Maximum load is kg. There are no ventilation hole

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Bbc7000 ΦΟΡΤΙΣΤΗΣ - ΕΚΚΙΝΗΤΗΣ ΜΠΑΤΑΡΙΑΣ. Art Nr: Owner s manual. Μετάφραση του πρωτοτύπου των οδηγιών χρήσης

Bbc7000 ΦΟΡΤΙΣΤΗΣ - ΕΚΚΙΝΗΤΗΣ ΜΠΑΤΑΡΙΑΣ.   Art Nr: Owner s manual. Μετάφραση του πρωτοτύπου των οδηγιών χρήσης Bbc7000 ΦΟΡΤΙΣΤΗΣ - ΕΚΚΙΝΗΤΗΣ ΜΠΑΤΑΡΙΑΣ Μετάφραση του πρωτοτύπου των οδηγιών χρήσης Art Nr: 022213 Owner s manual Διαβάστε προσεχτικά όλες τις οδηγίες χρήσης και ασφάλειας πριν την λειτουργία του μηχανήματος.

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First Sensor Quad APD Data Sheet Part Description QA TO Order #

First Sensor Quad APD Data Sheet Part Description QA TO Order # Responsivity (/W) First Sensor Quad PD Data Sheet Features Description pplication Pulsed 16 nm laser detection RoHS 211/65/EU Light source positioning Laser alignment ø mm total active area Segmented in

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Surface Mount Multilayer Chip Capacitors for Commodity Solutions

Surface Mount Multilayer Chip Capacitors for Commodity Solutions Surface Mount Multilayer Chip Capacitors for Commodity Solutions Below tables are test procedures and requirements unless specified in detail datasheet. 1) Visual and mechanical 2) Capacitance 3) Q/DF

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A, B. Before installation of the foam parts (A,B,C,D) into the chambers we put silicone around. We insert the foam parts in depth shown on diagram.

A, B. Before installation of the foam parts (A,B,C,D) into the chambers we put silicone around. We insert the foam parts in depth shown on diagram. Corner Joints Machining, Frame edge sealing. Page ID: frame01 D D C A, B A C B C A 20 60 Before installation of the foam parts (A,B,C,D) into the chambers we put silicone around. We insert the foam parts

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Modbus basic setup notes for IO-Link AL1xxx Master Block

Modbus basic setup notes for IO-Link AL1xxx Master Block n Modbus has four tables/registers where data is stored along with their associated addresses. We will be using the holding registers from address 40001 to 49999 that are R/W 16 bit/word. Two tables that

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Επιτραπέζιος Η/Υ ASUS M12AD and M52AD Εγχειρίδιο χρήστη

Επιτραπέζιος Η/Υ ASUS M12AD and M52AD Εγχειρίδιο χρήστη Επιτραπέζιος Η/Υ ASUS M12AD and M52AD Εγχειρίδιο χρήστη M12AD M52AD GK9559 Πρώτη Έκδοση Ιούλιος 2014 Copyright 2014 ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Διατηρούνται όλα τα δικαιώματα. Απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή οποιουδήποτε

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Surface Mount Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors


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Register and win! GP 40. Deutsch 5 English 14 Français 22 Italiano 31 Nederlands 40 Español 49 Português 58 Ελληνικά 67

Register and win!  GP 40. Deutsch 5 English 14 Français 22 Italiano 31 Nederlands 40 Español 49 Português 58 Ελληνικά 67 GP 40 Deutsch 5 English 14 Français 22 Italiano 31 Nederlands 40 Español 49 Português 58 Ελληνικά 67 Register and win! 59621350 10/12 2 3 6.997-347.0 / 6.997-346.0 6.997-348.0 6.997-350.0

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La Déduction naturelle

La Déduction naturelle La Déduction naturelle Pierre Lescanne 14 février 2007 13 : 54 Qu est-ce que la déduction naturelle? En déduction naturelle, on raisonne avec des hypothèses. Qu est-ce que la déduction naturelle? En déduction

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Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11

Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11 Potential Dividers 46 minutes 46 marks Page 1 of 11 Q1. In the circuit shown in the figure below, the battery, of negligible internal resistance, has an emf of 30 V. The pd across the lamp is 6.0 V and

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1. Πως μειώνεται η ταχύτητα των καυσαερίων από το σημείο εξόδου τους στο ακροφύσιο εξόδου του κινητήρα? 2. Με ποιους τρόπους γίνεται η σήμανση της

1. Πως μειώνεται η ταχύτητα των καυσαερίων από το σημείο εξόδου τους στο ακροφύσιο εξόδου του κινητήρα? 2. Με ποιους τρόπους γίνεται η σήμανση της 1. Πως μειώνεται η ταχύτητα των καυσαερίων από το σημείο εξόδου τους στο ακροφύσιο εξόδου του κινητήρα? 2. Με ποιους τρόπους γίνεται η σήμανση της επικίνδυνης περιοχής μπροστά από το κινητήρα? 3. Ποιοιείναιοικύκλοιασφαλείαςγύρωαπότοαεροσκάφοςκαιτιαντιπροσωπεύουν?

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[1] P Q. Fig. 3.1

[1] P Q. Fig. 3.1 1 (a) Define resistance....... [1] (b) The smallest conductor within a computer processing chip can be represented as a rectangular block that is one atom high, four atoms wide and twenty atoms long. One

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Digital motor protection relays

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The challenges of non-stable predicates

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 19/5/2007 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Αν κάπου κάνετε κάποιες υποθέσεις να αναφερθούν στη σχετική ερώτηση. Όλα τα αρχεία που αναφέρονται στα προβλήματα βρίσκονται στον ίδιο φάκελο με το εκτελέσιμο

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Homework 8 Model Solution Section

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Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1

Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8  questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1 Eon : Fall 8 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 Email questions or omments to Dan Fetter Problem. Let X be a salar with density f(x, θ) (θx + θ) [ x ] with θ. (a) Find the most powerful level α test

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65W PWM Output LED Driver. IDPV-65 series. File Name:IDPV-65-SPEC


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Group 30. Contents.

Group 30. Contents. Group 30 Contents Pump type Page Pump type Page Pump type Page 30A(C)...X002H 4 30A(C)...X013H 5 30A(C)...X068H 6 30A(C)...X068HU 7 30A(C)...X136H 8 30A(C)...X136Y 9 30A(C)...X146H 10 30A(C)...X160H 11

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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *2517291414* GREEK 0543/02 Paper 2 Reading and Directed Writing May/June 2013 1 hour 30 minutes

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DC-DC Constant Current Step-Down LED driver LDD-300L LDD-350L LDD-500L LDD-600L LDD-700L CURRENT RANGE

DC-DC Constant Current Step-Down LED driver LDD-300L LDD-350L LDD-500L LDD-600L LDD-700L CURRENT RANGE SPECIFICATION ORDER NO. LDD-00L LDD-0L LDD-00L LDD-00L LDD-700L CURRENT RANGE 00mA 0mA 00mA VOLTAGE RANGE Note. ~ VDC for LDD-00~700L/LW ; ~ 8VDC for LDD-00~700LS CURRENT ACCURACY (Typ.) ±% at VDC input

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EE512: Error Control Coding

EE512: Error Control Coding EE512: Error Control Coding Solution for Assignment on Finite Fields February 16, 2007 1. (a) Addition and Multiplication tables for GF (5) and GF (7) are shown in Tables 1 and 2. + 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3

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IDPV-45 series. 45W PWM Output LED Driver. File Name:IDPV-45-SPEC S&E


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SPEEDO AQUABEAT. Specially Designed for Aquatic Athletes and Active People

SPEEDO AQUABEAT. Specially Designed for Aquatic Athletes and Active People SPEEDO AQUABEAT TM Specially Designed for Aquatic Athletes and Active People 1 2 Decrease Volume Increase Volume Reset EarphonesUSBJack Power Off / Rewind Power On / Fast Forward Goggle clip LED Status

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Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES

Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES TEACHER s NOTES Time: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: To relate the genetic code to the assembly of proteins To summarize factors that lead to different types of mutations To distinguish among positive,

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ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΣΥΝΑΡΜΟΛΟΓΗΣΗΣ/ ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION ΤΟΜΜΥ ΚΡΕΒΑΤΙ/BED ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΣΥΝΑΡΜΟΛΟΓΗΣΗΣ/ ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION ΤΟΜΜΥ ΚΡΕΒΑΤΙ/BED 1. Παρακαλώ πολύ διαβάστε προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες πριν την συναρμολόγηση/ Please read the instructions carefully. 2. Παρακαλώ πολύ όπως ελέγξτε

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ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣTΑΣΗΣ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΤΩΜΑ WPC INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR WPC DECKING 1/12 ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣTΑΣΗΣ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΤΩΜΑ WPC INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR WPC DECKING Ανοίγουμε τρύπες Ø8 x 80mm στο σημείο κατασκευής, με τρυπάνι. To προτεινόμενο πλάτος και μήκος μεταξύ των 2 οπών να είναι 30-35εκ.,

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Strain gauge and rosettes

Strain gauge and rosettes Strain gauge and rosettes Introduction A strain gauge is a device which is used to measure strain (deformation) on an object subjected to forces. Strain can be measured using various types of devices classified

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4 Way Reversing Valve

4 Way Reversing Valve STANDARD 4 Way Reversing Valve SHF series four-way reversing valves are applicable for heat pump systems such as central, unitary and room air conditioners to realize switching between cooling mode and

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Εγγύηση καλής λειτουργίας

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Heat exchanger. Type WT. For the reheating of airflows in rectangular ducting PD WT 1. 03/2017 DE/en

Heat exchanger. Type WT. For the reheating of airflows in rectangular ducting PD WT 1. 03/2017 DE/en X X testregistrierung Heat exchanger Type For the reheating of airflows in rectangular ducting Rectangular hot water heat exchanger for the reheating of airflows, suitable for VAV terminal units Type TVR,

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2 Composition. Invertible Mappings

2 Composition. Invertible Mappings Arkansas Tech University MATH 4033: Elementary Modern Algebra Dr. Marcel B. Finan Composition. Invertible Mappings In this section we discuss two procedures for creating new mappings from old ones, namely,

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5.4 The Poisson Distribution.

5.4 The Poisson Distribution. The worst thing you can do about a situation is nothing. Sr. O Shea Jackson 5.4 The Poisson Distribution. Description of the Poisson Distribution Discrete probability distribution. The random variable

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(1) Describe the process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube (3)

(1) Describe the process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube (3) Q1. (a) A fluorescent tube is filled with mercury vapour at low pressure. In order to emit electromagnetic radiation the mercury atoms must first be excited. (i) What is meant by an excited atom? (1) (ii)

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Precision Metal Film Fixed Resistor Axial Leaded

Precision Metal Film Fixed Resistor Axial Leaded Features EIA standard colour-coding Non-Flame type available Low noise and voltage coefficient Low temperature coefficient range Wide precision range in small package Too low or too high ohmic value can

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Δημιουργία Λογαριασμού Διαχείρισης Business Telephony Create a Management Account for Business Telephony

Δημιουργία Λογαριασμού Διαχείρισης Business Telephony Create a Management Account for Business Telephony Δημιουργία Λογαριασμού Διαχείρισης Business Telephony Create a Management Account for Business Telephony Ελληνικά Ι English 1/7 Δημιουργία Λογαριασμού Διαχείρισης Επιχειρηματικής Τηλεφωνίας μέσω της ιστοσελίδας

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Η ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΗ ΣΗΜΑΝΣΗ ΚΑΙ ERP Η ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΗ ΣΗΜΑΝΣΗ ΚΑΙ ERP 2 1 ΠΛΑΙΣΙΟ ΓΙΑΤΙ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΗ ΣΗΜΑΝΣΗ ΚΑΙ ErP? Αντιμετωπίζοντας την κλιματική αλλαγή, διασφαλίζοντας την ασφάλεια της παροχής ενέργειας2 και την αύξηση της ανταγωνιστικότητα

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Session novembre 2009


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TRC ELECTRONICS, INC LED Driver Constant Voltage 45W MEAN WELL IDLV-45 Series

TRC ELECTRONICS, INC LED Driver Constant Voltage 45W MEAN WELL IDLV-45 Series LED Driver Constant Voltage 5W MEAN WELL IDLV5 Series ~ A File Name:IDLV5SPEC 0707 TRC ELECTRONICS, INC..888.6.95 LED Driver Constant Voltage 5W MEAN WELL IDLV5 Series TRC ELECTRONICS, INC. SPECIFICATION

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Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door

Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door Right Rear Door Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door You may have been already guessed my steps, so there is not much to describe in detail. Old upper one file:///c /Documents

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1000 VDC 1250 VDC 125 VAC 250 VAC J K 125 VAC, 250 VAC

1000 VDC 1250 VDC 125 VAC 250 VAC J K 125 VAC, 250 VAC Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor Type: ECQE(F) Non-inductive construction using metallized Polyester film with flame retardant epoxy resin coating Features Self-healing property Excellent electrical

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SPBW06 & DPBW06 series


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2013 REV 01 ELECTRONICS CAPACITORS. DC Applications Metallized Polypropylene Film Self Healing


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QUICKTRONIC PROFESSIONAL QTP5 QUICKTRONIC PROFESSIONA QTP5 ECG for T5/ 16mm, T8/ 26mm, DUUX fluorescent lamps QTP5 i.e. UMIUX T5 HO ES 01 Product Features: Up to 100.000 hours lifetime 1 amp start with optimized filament

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Bulletin 1489 UL489 Circuit Breakers

Bulletin 1489 UL489 Circuit Breakers Bulletin 489 UL489 Circuit Breakers Tech Data 489-A Standard AC Circuit Breaker 489-D DC Circuit Breaker 489-A, AC Circuit Breakers 489-D, DC Circuit Breakers Bulletin 489-A Industrial Circuit Breaker

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Engineer Reference 1 / / A 35 7/16 X 7 7/8 X 23 5/8 31 1/8 X 21 7/8 X 11 1/4 14 T T 75 R410A oz/ft over 50' 265 / 318 / 388

Engineer Reference 1 / / A 35 7/16 X 7 7/8 X 23 5/8 31 1/8 X 21 7/8 X 11 1/4 14 T T 75 R410A oz/ft over 50' 265 / 318 / 388 Slim Duct, single zone split system SUBMITTAL EH035CAV / UH035CAV Specifications Nominal Capacity Cooling/Heating (Btu/h) 12,000 / 13,600 Cooling (Btu/h) 3,300-14,300 Capacity Range Heating (Btu/h) 3,100-18,000

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

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Οδηγός χρήστη. LiveDock multimedia station DK10

Οδηγός χρήστη. LiveDock multimedia station DK10 Οδηγός χρήστη LiveDock multimedia station DK10 Περιεχόμενα Επισκόπηση του LiveDock multimedia station...4 Επισκόπηση πίσω πλευράς... 5 Επισκόπηση της κάτω πλευράς...5 Εισαγωγή... 6 Φόρτιση...7 Ξεκινώντας

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Ημερομηνία Τελευταίας Ενημέρωσης: Μαϊος 2017

Ημερομηνία Τελευταίας Ενημέρωσης: Μαϊος 2017 DegerHellas Μον.ΕΠΕ Ενεργειακά Συστήματα, Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου 169, 13562,Αγιοι Ανάργυροι, Αθήνα Τ: 211-0127290 F: 211-0127293, E: Θέμα: Κείμενο Εγγυήσεων DegerTrackers Ημερομηνία

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DC-DC Constant Current Step-Down LED driver LDD-300L LDD-350L LDD-500L LDD-600L LDD-700L CURRENT RANGE

DC-DC Constant Current Step-Down LED driver LDD-300L LDD-350L LDD-500L LDD-600L LDD-700L CURRENT RANGE SPECIFICATION ORDER NO. LDD-00L LDD-0L LDD-00L LDD-00L LDD-700L CURRENT RANGE 00mA 0mA 00mA 00mA VOLTAGE RANGE Note. ~ VDC for LDD-00~700L/LW ; ~ 8VDC for LDD-00~700LS CURRENT ACCURACY (Typ.) ±% at VDC

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VENERE. GR. Οδηγός Χρήσης EN. User Guide

VENERE. GR. Οδηγός Χρήσης EN. User Guide GR. Οδηγός Χρήσης EN. User Guide ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ! ΚΡΑΤΗΣΤΕ ΓΙΑ ΜΕΛΛΟΝΤΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ: ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΡΟΣΕΚΤΙΚΑ Κίνδυνος από φωτιά και άλλες πηγές έντονης θερμότητας, όπως ηλεκτρικές αντιστάσεις, υγραέριο, φωτιά κλπ,

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User s Manual / Οδηγίες Χρήσης

User s Manual / Οδηγίες Χρήσης User s Manual / Οδηγίες Χρήσης EUROPEAN STANDARDS Your child s safety depends on you. Proper bed rail usage cannot be assured unless you follow these instructions. DO NOT USE YOUR BED RAIL UNTILL YOU READ

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ΞΕΝΟΔΟΧΕΙΟ ΝΕΟΝ ΑΣΤΡΟΝ ΞΕΝΟΔΟΧΕΙΟ ΠΛ. ΛΑΟΥ 5 ΤΗΛ 22310 26245 - Wifi: hot3l1234 ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΕΛΑΤΕΣ Μετασχηματιστές και καλώδια προέκτασης είναι διαθέσιμα στην Ρεσεψιόν. Στην Ελλάδα η τάση είναι 220v. Ψύκτης με φιλτραρισμένο

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CSR series. Thick Film Chip Resistor Current Sensing Type FEATURE PART NUMBERING SYSTEM ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FEATURE Operating Temperature: -55 ~ +155 C 3 Watts power rating in 1 Watt size, 1225 package High purity alumina substrate for high power dissipation Long side terminations with higher power rating PART

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Thin Film Chip Resistors


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Εμπορική αλληλογραφία Ηλεκτρονική Αλληλογραφία

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Οδηγίες Αγοράς Ηλεκτρονικού Βιβλίου Instructions for Buying an ebook

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0.635mm Pitch Board to Board Docking Connector. Lead-Free Compliance

0.635mm Pitch Board to Board Docking Connector. Lead-Free Compliance .635mm Pitch Board to Board Docking Connector Lead-Free Compliance MINIDOCK SERIES MINIDOCK SERIES Features Specifications Application.635mm Pitch Connector protected by Diecasted Zinc Alloy Metal Shell

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The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus Type Inference Instead of writing type annotations, can we use an algorithm to infer what the type annotations should be? That depends on the type system. For simple type systems the answer is yes, and

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derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates

derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates swapnizzle 03-03- :5:43 We begin by recognizing the familiar conversion from rectangular to spherical coordinates (note that φ is used

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(REV:01) RYOBI 48 Volt Lawn Mower Model No. RY14110 Replacement Parts List

(REV:01) RYOBI 48 Volt Lawn Mower Model No. RY14110 Replacement Parts List 9800-86 2-0-0 (REV:0) RYOBI 48 Volt Lawn Mower Model No. RY0 Replacement Parts List RYOBI RY0 48 volt lawn mower 3 38 39 44 39 36 34 36 42 38 39 3 4 37 34 3 43 2 32 0 8 9 2 4 33 8 7 6 3 6 7 22 8 20 3 30

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GP 45 GP 55 GP 45. Deutsch 5 English 13 Français 21 Italiano 29 Nederlands 37 Español 45 Português 53 Ελληνικά 61. Register and win!

GP 45 GP 55 GP 45. Deutsch 5 English 13 Français 21 Italiano 29 Nederlands 37 Español 45 Português 53 Ελληνικά 61. Register and win! GP 45 GP 55 GP 45 Deutsch 5 English 13 Français 21 Italiano 29 Nederlands 37 Español 45 Português 53 Ελληνικά 61 Register and win! 59634290 11/2011 2 3 6.997-347.0 / 6.997-346.0 6.997-348.0

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