Rektangulär fläns, Rectangular fin
- Αμάραντος Θεοδωρίδης
- 6 χρόνια πριν
- Προβολές:
1 Rekangulär fläns, Recangular fin. Z d f d αc d λ ( f ) (3 3) m αc λ α Z λz α λ Randvillkor, Boundary condiions: : d : λ ( f ) d unn och lång fläns, long and hin fin d d f
2 Rekangulär fläns, recangular fin ösning, Soluion: C e m + C e m C 3 cosh m + C 4 sinh m e (cosh m e sinh m m m + e e m m )
3 Rekangulär fläns, recangular fin f f cosh m( ) cosh m (3 38) För, for cosh m från flänsen, from* he* fin? ll värme som lämnar flänsyan genom konvekiv avkylning har kommi in i flänsen genom värmeledning vid. ll hea rejeced mus have enered he fin ase a d λ d m λ αc λ sinh m ( m) cosh m αcλ anh m αλ Z anh m (3 4) 3
4 Rekangulär fläns, recangular fin Cu, λ 385 W/m K.8.6 Rosfri sål, λ 7 W/m K.4. Glas, λ.8 W/m K [cm] α 5 W/m K, cm, cm 4
5 Rekangulär fläns, recangular fin Om vi använder villkore, If he condiion elow is used d λ d fås isälle, one has cosh m( ) + cosh m + och, and sinh m( ) mλ sinh m mλ (3 4) (3 4) cosh m + sinh m mλ och, and + anh m m mλ λ (3 43) + anh m mλ 5
6 Rekangulär fläns, recangular fin funkion funcion ( ) ( ). lönsam, d > d preferaleif Z Fig rrangemang av rekangulära flänsar. arrangemen of recangular fins 6
7 önsamheskrav, crierion for enefi: d > d mλ + anh m mλ + anh m mλ d d d d + eller, or m ( + anh m) cosh m mλ mλ N m anh m m + λ cosh m mλ N > anh m mλ m λ m > λ anh m > mλ 7
8 Rekangulär fläns, recangular fin m αc λ α λ nag, assume α eller, or α λ α λ α > λ λ > α > (3 46) Tumregel, rule of hum: λ α > 5 (3 47) 8
9 Flänsverkningsgrader, fin effeciveness, fin efficiency, η η från flänsen från asyan uan fläns from he fin from he asearea wihou he fin, ϕ ϕ från flänsen från en likadan fläns med λ from he fin from a similar fin u wih λ 9
10 Opimal fläns, opimal fin Krierium, Crierion: Ma. värmeflöde vid given vik, maimum hea flow a a given weigh Z M ρ Z ρ Z, Z, ρ givna, are given. Sök ma, find maimum för, for konsan, consan. (3-4): αcλ anh m C Z, Z m αc λ α λ α αλ Z anh λ
11 Opimal rekangulär fläns, opimal recangular fin Villkor, condiion d d ger opimum, gives opimum några mellan räkningar ger; afer some algera one oains /.49 λ α (3 55)
12 Flänsarrangemang, Fin arrangemen mλ αλ Z anh m anh α λ (3 5) { α u (3 58) λ anh u 3u cosh (3 54) u ( 3 54) ur villkore, from he condiion d / d } Efer lie räknearee finner man; afer some algera one finds: 3 u (3 6a) 3 3 Z anh u 4α λ
13 3 Flänsens vik, Weigh of he fin M ρ Z ρ Z ρ/λ maerialparameer, is he maerial parameer se aell 3-, see Tale 3-. λ ρ α u anh u Z
14 Rak riangulär fläns, Sraigh riangular fin f δ d f Värmealans, Hea alance d + d d d α λ ösning, Soluion: K då α λ ( ) + BK ( ) I (3 6) Z B y, as ändlig, finie för, for ( ) I 4
15 5 riangulär fläns, riangular fin ) ( I 65) (3 ) ( I ) ( I d d λ d ) ( di ) ( I Z λ
16 6 riangulär fläns, riangular fin. ξ ξ ξ ξ d d d d d d d d Inför / inroduce, ξ ξ d ) ( di / d ) ( di ) ( I ) ( I / λ α 66) (3 ) ( I ) ( I Z αλ
17 Triangular fin Opimal riangulär fläns, opimal riangular fin. Ma. värmeflöde vid given vik, maimum hea flu a given weigh. /.39 λ α (3 67) 7
18 Sammansällning rekangulär och riangulär fläns, summary of formulae for recangular and riangular fins f f cosh m( ) cosh m (3 38) I( I( ) ) (3 65) m α λ α λ η αλ Z anh m λ α anh m (3 4) η I( αλ Z I( λ I( ) α I( ) ) ) ϕ anh m m ϕ I( ) / I( ) Opimal fläns, opimal fin (ma värmeflöde vid given vik) λ.49 (3 55) / α Opimal fläns, opimal fin (ma värmeflöde vid given vik).39 / λ α (3 67) 8
19 Formler för flänsverkningsgrader. Formulas for fin efficiencies Några enkla räkningar ger följande resula, Some simple calculaions give: Rekangulär fläns, recangular fin η λ α anh m ϕ anh m m Triangulär fläns, riangular fin η λ α I I ( ( ) ) ϕ I( ) / I( ) 9
20 Cirkulära flänsar, circular or annular fins r r Värmeledande yan, hea conducing area πr Konvekiv omkres, convecive perimeer C πr 4πr
21 nvändning av flänsverkningsgraden ϕ, How o use he fin efficiency in engineering calculaions s flänsar area oflänsad fin unfinned area + + ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( f fins f fläns fins f flänsar f + + α λ α λ ϕ α ϕ α { } { } ) 7 (3 ) ( 7) (3 ) ( + + fins f fläns f ϕ α ϕ α fläns
(b) flat (continuous) fins on an array of tubes
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(a) Individually finned tubes (b) flat (continuous) fins on an array of tubes
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Α Ρ Χ Α Ι Α Ι Σ Τ Ο Ρ Ι Α Π Ο Λ Ι Τ Ι Κ Α Κ Α Ι Σ Τ Ρ Α Τ Ι Ω Τ Ι Κ Α Γ Ε Γ Ο Ν Ο Τ Α Σ η µ ε ί ω σ η : σ υ ν ά δ ε λ φ ο ι, ν α µ ο υ σ υ γ χ ω ρ ή σ ε τ ε τ ο γ ρ ή γ ο ρ ο κ α ι α τ η µ έ λ η τ ο ύ
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13.021 Marine Hydrodynamics, Fall 2004 Lecture 10 Copyright c 2004 MIT - Department of Ocean Engineering, All rights reserved. 13.021 - Marine Hydrodynamics Lecture 10 3.5 - Boundary Conditions for Potential
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upplement on Radiation tress and Wave etup/et down Radiation tress oncerned wit te force (or momentum flu) eerted on te rit and side of a plane water on te left and side of te plane. plane z "Radiation
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1. a) 5 points) Find the unit tangent and unit normal vectors T and N to the curve at the point P, π, rt) cost, t, sint ). b) 5 points) Find curvature of the curve at the point P. Solution: a) r t) sint,,
Problem 7.19 Ignoring reflection at the air soil boundary, if the amplitude of a 3-GHz incident wave is 10 V/m at the surface of a wet soil medium, at what depth will it be down to 1 mv/m? Wet soil is
If we restrict the domain of y = sin x to [ π, π ], the restrict function. y = sin x, π 2 x π 2
Chapter 3. Analytic Trigonometry 3.1 The inverse sine, cosine, and tangent functions 1. Review: Inverse function (1) f 1 (f(x)) = x for every x in the domain of f and f(f 1 (x)) = x for every x in the
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ω = radians per sec, t = 3 sec
Secion. Linear and Angular Speed 7. From exercise, =. A= r A = ( 00 ) (. ) = 7,00 in 7. Since 7 is in quadran IV, he reference 7 8 7 angle is = =. In quadran IV, he cosine is posiive. Thus, 7 cos = cos
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Thi=Τ1. Thο=Τ2. Tci=Τ3. Tco=Τ4. Thm=Τ5. Tcm=Τ6
Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude
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Answer sheet: Third Midterm for Math 2339
Answer sheet: Third Midterm for Math 339 November 3, Problem. Calculate the iterated integrals (Simplify as much as possible) (a) e sin(x) dydx y e sin(x) dydx y sin(x) ln y ( cos(x)) ye y dx sin(x)(lne