- Σαλώμη Ρέντης
- 5 χρόνια πριν
- Προβολές:
1 PROS ROMAIOUS [Salutation] ) Pauloj( douloj Ihsou Cristou( klhtoj apostoloj( afwrismenoj eij euaggelion Qeou( o] proephggeilato dia twn profhtwn autou en Grafaij ~AgiaijÇ peri tou ui`ou autou( tou genomenou ek spermatoj Dauid kata sarka( tou o`risqentoj Ui`ou Qeou en dunamei $kata Pneuma a`giwsunhj% ex anastasewj nekrwn Ihsou Cristou tou Kuriou h`mwn div ou- elabomen carin kai apostolhn eij u`pakohn pistewj en pasin toij eqnesin u`per tou onomatoj autou $en oi-j este kai u`meij klhtoi Ihsou Cristou%\ pasin toij ousin en ~Rwmh agaphtoij Qeou( klhtoij a`gioijç Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj h`mwn kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou) [To Gentiles] [Paul has been hindered from visiting Rome] ) Prwton men eucaristw tw Qew mou dia Ihsou Cristou u`per pantwn u`mwn( o`ti h` pistij u`mwn kataggelletai en o`lw tw kosmw) Martuj gar mou estin o` Qeoj( w- latreuw en tw pneumati mou en tw euaggeliw tou Ui`ou autou( w`j adialeiptwj mneian u`mwn poiou& mai( pantote epi twn proseucwn mou 0 deomenoj ei pwj hdh( pote( euodwqhsomai en tw qelhmati tou Qeou elqein proj u`maj) Epipoqw gar idein u`maj i`na ti metadw carisma u`min pneumatikon( eij to sthricqhnai u`maj touto de estin( sumparaklhqhnai en u`min dia thj en allhloij pistewj( u`mwn te kai emou) Ou qelw de u`maj agnoein( adelfoi( o`ti pollakij proeqemhn elqein proj u`maj $kai ekwluqhn acri tou deuro%( i`na tina karpon scw kai en u`min( kaqwj kai en toij loipoij eqnesin) ~Ellhsin te kai barbaroij( sofoij te kai anohtoij ofeilethj eimi) Ou`twj( to katv eme( proqumon kai u`min toij en ~Rwmh euaggelisasqai) [Faith] Ou gar epaiscunomai to euaggelion tou Cristou( 0 dunamij gar Qeou estin eij swthrian panti tw pisteuonti $Ioudaiw te prwton( kai ~Ellhni%\ dikaiosunh gar Qeou en autw apokaluptetai( ek pistewj eij pistin\ kaqwj gegraptaiç ~~~O de dikaioj ek pistewj zhsetai)vv [Unrighteousness] Apokaluptetai gar orgh Qeou apv ouranou epi pasan asebeian kai adikian anqrwpwn twn thn alhqeian en adikia katecontwn( dioti to gnwston tou Qeou faneron estin en autoij( o` gar Qeoj autoij efanerwsen) 0 Ta gar aorata autou apo ktisewj kosmou( toij poihmasin nooumena( kaqoratai( h[ te aidioj autou dunamij kai qeiothj( eij to einai autouj anapologhtouj\ dioti gnontej ton Qeon( ouc w`j Qeon edoxasan h. eucaristhsan\ allv emataiwqhsan en toij dialogismoij autwn kai eskotisqh h` asunetoj Both the Text and the apparatus are the responsibility of Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD,. I venture to affirm to the reader that all original wording of is preserved in this edition, if not in the Text, at least in the apparatus. Diminish not a word Jeremiah : (see Deut. : and Luke :, every word [as in.% of the MSS]). The last note at the end of this book gives explanation about the apparatus. ihsou cristou f ℵA [.%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ P 0 B [0.%] NU afwrismenoj rell aforismenoj [0%] proephggeilato rell proepaggeilato CP proephggilato ℵ uper f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP peri ℵA,B,C [%] NU euodwqhsomai rell euodoqhsomai [%] agnoein rell agnwein [%] tina karpon f ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU ~ [%] TR kai rell --- [0%] CP 0 tou cristou f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B,C [%] NU gar qeoj f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ ℵA,B,C [%] NU gnontej rell gnwntej [%] eucaristhsan f B [0%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP hucaristhsan ℵA,C [0%] NU 0
2 autwn kardia) Faskontej einai sofoi( emwranqhsan( kai hllaxanto thn doxan tou afqartou Qeou en o`moiwmati eikonoj fqartou anqrwpou kai peteinwn kai tetrapodwn kai e`rpetwn Dio kai paredwken autouj o` Qeoj( en taij epiqumiaij twn kardiwn autwn eij akaqarsian( tou atimazesqai ta swmata autwn en eàutoij oi`tinej methllaxan thn alhqeian tou Qeou en tw yeudei( kai esebasqhsan kai elatreusan th ktisei para ton Ktisanta( o[j estin euloghtoj eij touj aiwnaj) Amhn) [Depravity] Dia touto paredwken autouj o` Qeoj eij paqh atimiaj\ ai[ te gar qhleiai autwn methllaxan thn fusikhn crhsin eij thn para fusin\ o`moiwj kai oi` arrenej( afentej thn fusikhn crhsin thj qhleiaj( exekauqhsan th orexei autwn eij allhlouj( arsenej en arsesin thn aschmosunhn katergazomenoi( kai thn antimisqian h]n edei thj planhj autwn en eàutoij apolambanontej) Kai kaqwj ouk edokimasan ton Qeon ecein en epignwsei( paredwken autouj o` Qeoj eij adokimon noun( poiein ta mh kaqhkontaç peplhrwmenouj pash adikia( porneia( ponhria( pleonexia( kakia\ mestouj fqonou( fonou( eridoj( dolou( kakohqeiaj\ yiquristaj( 0 katalalouj( qeostugeij( u`bristaj( u`perhfanouj( alazonaj( efeuretaj kakwn( goneusin apeiqeij( asunetouj( asunqetouj( astorgouj( aspondouj( anelehmonaj\ oi`tinej to dikaiwma tou Qeou epignontej( o`ti oi` ta toiauta prassontej axioi qanatou eisin( ou monon auta poiousin alla kai suneudokousin toij prassousin) [Judgment] ) Dio anapologhtoj ei=( w anqrwpe( paj o` krinwn( en w- gar krineij ton e`teron( seauton katakrineij( ta gar auta prasseij( o` krinwn) Oidamen de o`ti to krima tou Qeou estin kata alhqeian epi touj ta toiauta prassontaj) Logizh de touto( w anqrwpe( o` krinwn touj ta toiauta prassontaj kai poiwn auta( o`ti su ekfeuxh to krima tou Qeou?.H tou ploutou thj crhstothtoj autou kai thj anochj kai thj makroqumiaj katafroneij( agnown o`ti to crhston tou Qeou eij metanoian se agei? Kata de thn sklhrothta sou kai ametanohton kardian qhsaurizeij seautw orghn en h`mera orghj kai apokaluyewj kai 0 dikaiokrisiaj tou Qeou( o]j apodwsei e`kastw kata ta erga autouç toij men( kaqv u`pomo& nhn ergou agaqou( doxan kai timhn kai afqarsian zhtousin zwhn aiwnion\ toij de( ex eriqeiaj( kai apeiqousin men th alhqeia $peiqomenoij de th adikia% qumoj kai orgh( qliyij kai stenocwria( epi pasan yuchn anqrwpou tou katergazomenou to kakon( Ioudai& ou te $prwton% kai ~Ellhnoj\ 0 doxa de kai timh kai eirhnh panti tw ergazomenw to agaqon( Ioudaiw te $prwton% kai ~Ellhni) Ou gar estin proswpolhyia para tw Qew) ~Osoi gar anomwj h`marton( anomwj kai apolountai\ kai o`soi en nomw h`marton( dia nomou kriqhsontai) Ou gar oi` hllaxanto f [%] CP hllaxan ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU kai f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B,C [%] NU eautoij f [%] RP,HF,TR,CP autoij P 0v ℵA,B,C [%] OC,NU eautwn [%] omoiwj f C [%] CP te ℵB [0%] RP,HF,TR,NU de A [%] OC arrenej f ℵA,C [.%] RP,HF,TR,CP arenej [%] arsenej B [.%] OC,NU exekauqhsan f [0%] CP en ℵA,B,C [0%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU porneia f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- (ℵA)B(C) [%] NU (An easy case of homoioteleuton, or arcton.) aspondouj f C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B [%] NU (An easy case of homoioteleuton, or arcton.) ekfeuxh rell ekfeuxei [%] 0 kai f [.%] OC,RP,HF,CP --- ℵA,B [.%] TR,NU thj [%] [OC is in small print] zhtousin rell epizhtousi [%] CP men f A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵB [%] NU qumoj kai orgh f [.%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ ℵ(A)B [.%] NU proswpolhyia rell proswpolhmyia ℵA,B [%] NU three other spellings 0
3 akroatai tou nomou dikaioi para tw Qew( allv oi` poihtai tou nomou dikaiwqhsontai $o`tan gar eqnh ta mh nomon econta fusei ta tou nomou poih( ou`toi( nomon mh econtej( eàutoij eisin nomoj\ oi`tinej endeiknuntai to ergon tou nomou grapton en taij kardiaij autwn( summarturoushj autwn thj suneidhsewj( kai metaxu allhlwn twn logismwn kathgo& rountwn h. kai apologoumenwn% en h`mera o`te krinei/ o` Qeoj ta krupta twn anqrwpwn( kata to euaggelion mou( dia Ihsou Cristou) [To Jews] [Law] ) Ide( su Ioudaioj eponomazh( kai epanapauh tw nomw( kai kaucasai en Qew( kai ginwskeij to Qelhma( kai dokimazeij ta diaferonta( kathcoumenoj ek tou nomou\ pepoi& qaj te seauton o`dhgon einai tuflwn( fwj twn en skotei( 0 paideuthn afronwn( didaska& lon nhpiwn( econta thn morfwsin thj gnwsewj kai thj alhqeiaj en tw nomw) ~O oun didaskwn e`teron( seauton ou didaskeij? ~O khrusswn mh kleptein( klepteij? ~O legwn mh moiceuein( moiceueij? ~O bdelussomenoj ta eidwla( ièrosuleij? }Oj en nomw kau& casai( dia thj parabasewj tou nomou ton Qeon atimazeij? ~~To gar onoma tou Qeou div u`maj blasfhmeitai en toij eqnesinvv( kaqwj gegraptai) [Circumcision] Peritomh men gar wfelei ean nomon prasshj( ean de parabathj nomou h=j( h` peritomh sou akrobustia gegonen) Ean oun h` akrobustia ta dikaiwmata tou nomou fulassh( 0 ouci h` akrobustia autou eij peritomhn logisqhsetai? Kai krinei/ h` ek fusewj akrobustia ton nomon telousa( se ton dia grammatoj kai peritomhj parabathn nomou? Ou gar o` en tw fanerw Ioudaioj estin( oude h` en tw fanerw en sarki peritomh\ allv o` en tw kruptw Ioudaioj( kai peritomh kardiaj en pneumati( ou grammati ou- o` epainoj ouk ex anqrwpwn allv ek tou Qeou) [Advantage] ) Ti, oun to perisson tou Ioudaiou( h. ti,j h` wfeleia thj peritomhj? Polu kata panta tropon! Prwton men gar o`ti episteuqhsan ta logia tou Qeou) Ti, gar ei hpisthsan tinej? Mh h` apistia autwn thn pistin tou Qeou katarghsei? Mh genoito! Ginesqw de o` Qeoj alhqhj( paj de anqrwpoj yeusthj\ kaqwj gegraptaiç ~~~Opwj an dikaiw& qhj en toij logoij sou( kai nikhshj en tw krinesqai se)vv [A conundrum] Ei de h` adikia h`mwn Qeou dikaiosunhn sunisthsin( ti, eroumen? Mh adikoj o` Qeoj o` epiferwn thn orghn? $Kata anqrwpon legw)% Mh genoito! Epei pwj krinei/ o` Qeoj ton kosmon? Ei gar h` alhqeia tou Qeou en tw emw yeusmati eperisseusen eij thn doxan autou( ti, eti kagw w`j a`martwloj krinomai? Kai mh $kaqwj blasfhmoumeqa tou f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B [%] NU tw f ℵA [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- B [%] tou f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B [%] NU poih f [.%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP poiei [%] poiwsin ℵA,B [.%] NU poiousin [%] ihsou cristou f A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ ℵB [%] NU ide f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR ei de ℵA,B [%] CP,NU h de [%] tw f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B [%] NU kaucasai rell kaucash CP kaucase [%] prasshj rell prasseij [0%] four other spellings 0 fulassh rell fulassei [0%] two other spellings ouci f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ouc ℵB [%] NU --- A two other spellings and two long omissions [%] tou rell --- [%] CP gar f ℵA [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- B [%] katarghsei rell katarghsh [0%] one other spelling dikaiwqhj rell dikaiwqeij [%] dikaioqhj [%] nikhshj f B [%] RP,HF,TR,CP nikhseij ℵA [%] OC,NU o rell --- [%] gar f B [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP de ℵA [%] NU 0
4 kai kaqwj fasin tinej% h`maj legein o`ti ~~Poihswmen ta kaka iǹa elqh ta agaqavv w-n to krima endikon estin [All are under sin] Ti, oun? Proecomeqa? Ou pantwj Prohtiasameqa gar Ioudaiouj te kai ~Ellh& naj pantaj u`fv a`martian einai) 0 Kaqwj gegraptaiç ~~Ouk estin dikaioj( oude ei`j\ ouk estin o` suniwn( ouk estin o` ekzhtwn ton Qeon) Pantej exeklinan( a`ma hcreiwqhsan\ ouk estin poiwn crhstothta( ouk estin e`wj e`noj)vv ~~Tafoj anewgmenoj o` larugx au& twn\ taij glwssaij autwn edoliousan)vv ~~Ioj aspidwn u`po ta ceilh autwnvv\ ~~w-n to stoma araj kai pikriaj gemei)vv ~~Oxeij oi` podej autwn ekceai ai`ma\ suntrimma kai talaipwria en taij o`doij autwn( kai o`don eirhnhj ouk egnwsan)vv ~~Ouk estin foboj Qeou apenanti twn ofqalmwn autwn)vv Oidamen de o`ti o`sa o` nomoj legei( toij en tw nomw lalei( iǹa pan stoma fragh kai u`podikoj genhtai paj o` kosmoj tw Qew) 0 Dioti ex ergwn nomou ou dikaiwqhsetai pasa sarx enwpion autou( dia gar nomou epignwsij a`martiaj) [Righteousness by faith] Nuni de( cwrij nomou( dikaiosunh Qeou pefanerwtai( marturoumenh u`po tou nomou kai twn profhtwn( dikaiosunh de Qeou dia pistewj Ihsou Cristou( eij pantaj kai epi pantaj touj pisteuontaj) Ou gar estin diastolhç pantej gar h`marton kai u`sterountai thj doxhj tou Qeou( dikaioumenoi dwrean th autou cariti dia thj apolu& trwsewj thj en Cristw Ihsou\ o]n proeqeto o` Qeoj i`lasthrion dia thj pistewj en tw autou ai`mati( eij endeixin thj dikaiosunhj autou dia thn paresin twn progegonotwn a`mar& thmatwn( en th anoch tou Qeou\ proj endeixin thj dikaiosunhj autou en tw nun kairw( eij to einai auton dikaion( kai dikaiounta ton ek pistewj Ihsou) 0 Pou oun h` kauchsij? Exekleisqh) Dia poiou nomou( twn ergwn? Ouci( alla dia nomou pistewj) Logizomeqa oun pistei dikaiousqai anqrwpon cwrij ergwn nomou).h Ioudaiwn o` Qeoj monon? Ouci de kai eqnwn? Nai( kai eqnwn( 0 epeiper ei`j o` Qeoj( o]j dikaiwsei peritomhn ek pistewj kai akrobustian dia thj pistewj) Nomon oun katargoumen dia thj pistewj? Mh genoito! Alla nomon i`stwmen) [Abraham] ) Ti, oun eroumen ~Abraam ton patera h`mwn eu`rhkenai( kata sarka? Ei gar ~Abraam ex ergwn edikaiwqh( ecei kauchma allv ou proj ton Qeon) Ti, gar h` Grafh legei? ~~Episteusen de ~Abraam tw Qew( kai elogisqh autw eij dikaiosunhn)vv Tw de gegraptai f [%] CP oti ℵA,B [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU hcreiwqhsan f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP hcrewqhsan ℵA,B [%] NU hcriwqhsan [%] estin f A,B [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP o ℵ [%] NU ouk estin f ℵA (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- B (0.%) larugx rell larux A [0%] autou rell tou qeou [0%] kai epi pantaj f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P 0 ℵA,B,C (.%) NU [easy homoioteleuton] dia thj pistewj f B [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] ℵC [%] --- A proj f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP thn ℵA,B,C [%] NU 0 ihsou rell ihsoun [%] CP --- [%] oun f B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP gar ℵA [%] NU pistei dikaiousqai f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ ℵA,B,C [%] NU monon rell monwn B [%] de f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B,C [%] NU epeiper f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP eiper ℵ(A)B,C [%] NU istwmen f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP istanomen ℵA,B,C [.%] NU six other variants [.%] a`braam f [0%] abraam [0%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP,NU (This statement will obtain wherever the name occurs.) abraam ton patera hmwn eurhkenai f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ propatora ℵA,C [.%] NU propatora B [0.%] ton f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B,C [%] NU 0
5 ergazomenw o` misqoj ou logizetai kata carin alla kata ofeilhma) Tw de mh ergazomenw( pisteuonti de epi ton dikaiounta ton asebh( logizetai h` pistij autou eij dikaiosunhn) Kaqaper kai Dauid legei ton makarismon tou anqrwpou w- o` Qeoj logizetai dikaiosunhn cwrij ergwnç ~~Makarioi w-n afeqhsan ai` anomiai( kai w-n epekalufqhsan ai` a`martiai) Makarioj anhr w- ou mh logishtai Kurioj a`martian VV [Before circumcision] ~O makarismoj oun ou`toj epi thn peritomhn( h. kai epi thn akrobustian? Lego& men gar o`ti elogisqh tw ~Abraam h` pistij eij dikaiosunhn( 0 pwj oun elogisqh? En peritomh onti h. en akrobustia? Ouk en peritomh( allv en akrobustia Kai shmeion elaben peritomhj( sfragida thj dikaiosunhj thj pistewj thj en th akrobustia( eij to einai auton patera pantwn twn pisteuontwn div akrobustiaj( eij to logisqhnai kai autoij thn dikaiosunhn( kai patera peritomhj toij ouk ek peritomhj monon( alla kai toij stoicousin toij icnesin thj pistewj thj en akrobustia 0 tou patroj h`mwn ~Abraam) [The promise] Ou gar dia nomou h` epaggelia tw ~Abraam( h. tw spermati autou( to klhro& nomon auton einai tou kosmou( alla dia dikaiosunhj pistewj) Ei gar oi` ek nomou klhronomoi( kekenwtai h` pistij kai kathrghtai h` epaggelia\ o` gar nomoj orghn katergazetai( ou- gar ouk estin nomoj( oude parabasij) Dia touto ek pistewj i`na kata carin( eij to einai bebaian thn epaggelian panti tw spermati ou tw ek nomou monon( alla kai tw ek pistewj ~Abraam( o[j estin pathr pantwn h`mwn\ kaqwj gegraptai o`ti ~~Patera pollwn eqnwn teqeika sevv katenanti ou- episteusenç Qeou( tou zwopoiountoj touj nekrouj kai kalountoj ta mh onta w`j onta) }Oj parv elpida( epv elpidi episteusen( eij to genesqai auton patera pollwn eqnwn( kata to eirhmenonç ~~Ou`twj estai to sperma souvv) Kai mh asqenhsaj th pistei( ou katenohsen to eàutou swma( hdh nenekrwmenon $e`katontaethj pou u`parcwn%( kai thn nekrwsin thj mhtraj Sarraj) 0 Eij de thn epag& gelian tou Qeou ou diekriqh th apistia\ allv enedunamwqh th pistei( douj doxan tw Qew( kai plhroforhqeij o`ti o] ephggeltai dunatoj estin kai poihsai dio kai elogisqh autw eij dikaiosunhn) Ouk egrafh de div auton monon o`ti elogisqh autw( alla kai div h`maj( oi-j mellei logizesqai( toij pisteuousin epi ton egeiranta Ihsoun ton Kurion h`mwn ek nek& rwn( o]j paredoqh dia ta paraptwmata h`mwn( kai hgerqh dia thn dikaiwsin h`mwn) [To believers] [Peace with God] kata f ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU to [%] TR afeqhsan rell afeiqhsan [%] CP afhqhsan [%] epekalufqhsan rell apekalufqhsan [0%] w f A,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ou ℵB [%] NU ou rell --- [%] CP oti f A,C [.%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵB [.%] NU th rell --- [%] kai f C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- ℵA,B [%] thn f B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- ℵ [%] eij A [%] 0 pistewj thj en akrobustia f [%] th [0%] RP,HF,CP ~ th [%] OC,TR ~ A,B(C) [%] NU ℵ tou f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B,C [%] NU gar f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP de ℵA,B,C [%] NU ek f [0%] tou ℵA,B,C [0%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP,NU [OC is in small print] teqeika rell teqhka [0%] teqika ℵ ou f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B,C [%] NU hdh f A,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- B [%] thj rell --- OC kai f ℵA,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- B [%] dikaiwsin rell dikaiosunhn [%] dikewsin ℵ 0
6 ) Dikaiwqentej oun ek pistewj( eirhnhn ecwmen proj ton Qeon dia tou Kuriou h`mwn Ihsou Cristou( div ou- kai thn prosagwghn eschkamen( th pistei( eij thn carin tauthn en h- e`sthkamen( kai kaucwmeqa epv elpidi thj doxhj tou Qeou) Ou monon de( alla kai kaucwmeqa en taij qliyesin( eidotej o`ti h` qliyij u`pomonhn katergazetai\ h` de u`pomonh( dokimhn\ h` de dokimh( elpida\ h` de elpij ou kataiscunei( o`ti h` agaph tou Qeou ekkecutai en taij kardiaij h`mwn dia Pneumatoj ~Agiou tou doqentoj h`min) [Reconciliation] Eti gar Cristoj( ontwn h`mwn asqenwn( kata kairon( u`per asebwn apeqanen) Molij gar u`per dikaiou tij apoqaneitai $u`per gar tou agaqou taca tij kai tolma apo& qanein%( sunisthsin de thn eàutou agaphn eij h`maj o` Qeoj o`ti eti a`martwlwn ontwn h`mwn Cristoj u`per h`mwn apeqanen Pollw oun mallon( dikaiwqentej nun en tw ai`mati autou( swqhsomeqa div autou apo thj orghj 0 Ei gar( ecqroi ontej( kathllaghmen tw Qew dia tou qanatou tou Uiòu autou( pollw mallon( katallagentej( swqhsomeqa en th zwh autou Ou monon de( alla kai kaucwmeqa en tw Qew dia tou Kuriou h`mwn Ihsou Cristou( div ou- nun thn katallaghn elabomen [Death X Life] Dia touto( w`sper div e`noj anqrwpou h` a`martia eij ton kosmon eishlqen( kai dia thj a`martiaj o` qanatoj( kai ou`twj eij pantaj anqrwpouj o` qanatoj dihlqen( efv w- pantej h`marton acri gar nomou a`martia h=n en kosmw( a`martia de ouk ellogeitai mh ontoj nomou) AllV ebasileusen o` qanatoj apo Adam mecri Mwuseoj( 0 kai epi touj mh a`marthsantaj epi tw o`moiwmati thj parabasewj Adam $o[j estin tupoj tou mellontoj%) AllV ouc w`j to paraptwma( ou`twj kai to carisma) Ei gar tw tou e`noj paraptwmati oi` polloi apeqanon( pollw mallon h` carij tou Qeou kai h` dwrea en cari& ti th tou e`noj anqrwpou( Ihsou Cristou( eij touj pollouj eperisseusen Kai ouc w`j div e`noj a`marthsantoj( to dwrhmaç to men gar krima ex e`noj eij katakrima( to de caris& ma ek pollwn paraptwmatwn eij dikaiwma) Ei gar tw tou e`noj paraptwmati o` qana& toj ebasileusen dia tou e`noj( pollw mallon oi` thn perisseian thj caritoj kai thj dwreaj thj dikaiosunhj lambanontej en zwh basileusousin dia tou e`noj( Ihsou Cristou) Ara oun( w`j div e`noj paraptwmatoj eij pantaj anqrwpouj eij katakrima( ou`twj kai div e`noj dikaiwmatoj eij pantaj anqrwpouj eij dikaiwsin zwhj) ~Wsper gar dia thj parakohj tou e`noj anqrwpou a`martwloi katestaqhsan oi` polloi( ou`twj kai dia thj u`pakohj tou e`noj dikaioi katastaqhsontai oi` polloi) 0 Nomoj de pareishlqen i`na pleonash to paraptwma\ ou- de epleonasen h` a`martia( u`pereperisseusen h` carij( i`na w`sper ebasileusen h` a`martia en tw qanatw( ou`twj kai h` carij basileush dia dikaiosunhj eij zwhn aiwnion dia Ihsou Cristou tou Kuriou h`mwn) [Newness of life] ecwmen f ℵA,B,C (%) ecomen 00 (%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP,NU th pistei f (ℵ)C (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] en A (.%) --- B,00 (0.%) one other variant (0.%) h rell --- CP kataiscunei rell kataiscunh [%] asqenwn f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP eti ℵA,B,C [%] NU swqhsomeqa rell swqhswmeqa [%] kaucwmeqa f [%] CP kaucomeqa [%] kaucwmenoi ℵB,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU kaucomenoi [%] en rell tw [0%] CP all rell alla B [0.%] NU 0 mwuseoj f [0%] CP mwusewj [0%] OC,RP,NU mwsewj ℵA,B,C [0%] HF,TR tw rell to [%] --- [%] basileusousin rell basileuousin [%] basileush f ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP,NU basileusei [%] 0
7 ) Ti, oun eroumen? Epimenoumen th a`martia iǹa h` carij pleonash? Mh genoito! Oi`tinej apeqanomen th a`martia( pwj eti zhsomen en auth?.h agnoeite o`ti o`soi ebap& tisqhmen eij Criston Ihsoun eij ton qanaton autou ebaptisqhmen? Sunetafhmen oun autw dia tou baptismatoj eij ton qanaton( i`na w`sper hgerqh Cristoj ek nekrwn dia thj doxhj tou Patroj( ou`twj kai h`meij en kainothti zwhj peripathswmen) Ei gar sumfutoi gegonamen tw o`moiwmati tou qanatou autou( alla kai thj anastasewj esomeqa\ touto ginwskontej( o`ti o` palaioj h`mwn anqrwpoj sunestaurwqh iǹa katarghqh to swma thj a`martiaj( tou mhketi douleuein h`maj th a`martia o` gar apoqanwn dedikaiwtai apo thj a`martiaj) Ei de apeqanomen sun Cristw( pisteuomen o`ti kai suzhsomen autw( eidotej o`ti Cristoj( egerqeij ek nekrwn( ouketi apoqnhskei\ qanatoj autou ouketi kurieuei 0 o] gar apeqanen th a`martia apeqanen efapax\ o] de zh( zh tw qew) Ou`twj kai u`meij( logizesqe eàutouj nekrouj men einai th a`martia( zwntaj de tw Qew en Cristw Ihsou tw Kuriw h`mwn) [Down with sin!] Mh oun basileuetw h` a`martia en tw qnhtw u`mwn swmati( eij to u`pakouein auth en taij epiqumiaij autou mhde paristanete ta melh u`mwn o`pla adikiaj th a`martia( alla parasthsate eàutouj tw Qew w`j ek nekrwn zwntaj( kai ta melh u`mwn o`pla dikai& osunhj tw Qew) ~Amartia gar u`mwn ou kurieusei( ou gar este u`po nomon( allv 0 u`po carin) [Grace, not license] Ti, oun? ~Amarthsomen o`ti ouk esmen u`po nomon allv u`po carin? Mh genoito! Ouk oidate o`ti w- paristanete eàutouj doulouj eij u`pakohn( douloi este w- u`pakouete htoi a`martiaj eij qanaton( h. u`pakohj eij dikaiosunhn? Carij de tw Qew o`ti hte douloi thj a`martiaj( u`phkousate de ek kardiaj eij o]n paredoqhte tupon didachj) Eleuqe& rwqentej de apo thj a`martiaj( edoulwqhte th dikaiosunh) Anqrwpinon legw dia thn asqeneian thj sarkoj u`mwn) ~Wsper gar paresth& sate ta melh u`mwn doula th akaqarsia( kai th anomia eij thn anomian( ou`twj nun para& sthsate ta melh u`mwn doula th dikaiosunh eij a`giasmon) 0 ~Ote gar douloi hte thj a`mar& tiaj( eleuqeroi hte th dikaiosunh) Ti,na oun karpon eicete tote efv oi-j nun epais& cunesqe? To gar teloj ekeinwn qanatoj Nuni de( eleuqerwqentej apo thj a`martiaj( doulwqentej de tw Qew( ecete ton karpon u`mwn eij a`giasmon to de teloj zwhn aiwnion Ta gar oywnia thj a`martiaj qanatoj( to de carisma tou Qeou zwh aiwnioj en Cristw Ihsou tw Kuriw h`mwn) [More about law] ).H agnoeite( adelfoi $ginwskousin gar nomon lalw%( o`ti o` nomoj kurieuei tou anqrwpou efv o`son cronon zh? ~H gar u`pandroj gunh tw zwnti andri dedetai nomw( ean epimenoumen f [0%] OC,TR,CP epimenomen ℵ [%] RP,HF epimenwmen A,B,C [0%] NU epimeinwmen [0%] epimeinomen [%] zhsomen rell zhswmen [%] hmwn rell umwn CP suzhsomen rell suzhswmen C [%] sunzhsomen ℵA,B [0%] logizesqe rell logizesqai A,B [%] nekrouj men einai f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ ℵB,C [%] [NU] A [%] tw kuriw hmwn f ℵC (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P A,B (.%) NU auth en taij epiqumiaij autou f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP (.%) authj (.%) autwn (0.%) (0.%) ℵA,B,C (.%) NU P (%) wj f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP wsei ℵA,B,C [%] NU 0 all rell alla ℵB,C [%] NU amarthsomen f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP amarthswmen ℵA,B,C [0%] NU amartiswmen [%] long omission [%] all rell alla ℵB,C [%] NU uphkousate rell upakousete CP 0
8 de apoqanh o` anhr( kathrghtai apo tou nomou tou androj) Ara oun( zwntoj tou androj( moicalij crhmatisei ean genhtai andri e`terw\ ean de apoqanh o` anhr( eleuqera estin apo tou nomou( tou mh einai authn moicalida genomenhn andri e`terw) ~Wste( adelfoi mou( kai u`meij eqanatwqhte tw nomw dia tou swmatoj tou Cristou eij to genesqai u`maj e`terw tw ek nekrwn egerqenti iǹa karpoforhswmen tw Qew) ~Ote gar hmen en th sarki( ta paqhmata twn a`martiwn ta dia tou nomou enhrgeito en toij melesin h`mwn eij to karpoforhsai tw qanatw) Nuni de kathrghqhmen apo tou nomou( apoqanontej en w- kateicomeqa( w`ste douleuein h`maj en kainothti Pneumatoj kai ou palaiothti grammatoj) [Law and sin] Ti, oun eroumen? ~O nomoj a`martia? Mh genoito! Alla thn a`martian ouk egnwn ei mh dia nomouç thn te gar epiqumian ouk hdein ei mh o` nomoj elegen( ~~Ouk epiqumhseijvv) Aformhn de labousa h` a`martia dia thj entolhj( kateirgasato en emoi pasan epiqumian) Cwrij gar nomou a`martia nekra) Egw de ezwn( cwrij nomou( pote\ elqoushj de thj entolhj( h` a`martia anezhsen( egw de apeqanon) 0 Kai( eu`reqh moi h` entolh h` eij zwhn( au`th eij qanaton) ~H gar a`martia( aformhn labousa dia thj entolhj( exhpa& thsen me( kai div authj apekteinen) ~Wste( o` men nomoj a`gioj( kai h` entolh a`gia kai dikaia kai agaqh) [Indwelling sin] To oun agaqon emoi gegonen qanatoj? Mh genoito! Alla 0 h` a`martia( iǹa fanh a`martia( dia tou agaqou moi katergazomenh qanaton( iǹa genhtai kaqv u`perbolhn a`martwloj h` a`martia dia thj entolhj) Oidamen gar o`ti o` nomoj pneumatikoj estin( egw de sarkikoj eimi( pepramenoj u`po thn a`martian o` gar katergazomai ou ginwskwç ou gar o] qelw touto prassw( allv o] misw touto poiw Ei de o] ou qelw touto poiw( sumfhmi tw nomw o`ti kaloj) Nuni de ouketi egw katergazomai auto( allv h` oikousa en emoi a`martia) Oida gar o`ti ouk oikei en emoi( toutv estin( en th sarki mou( agaqon\ to gar qelein parakeitai moi( to de katergazesqai to kalon ouc eu`riskw) Ou gar o] qelw poiw agaqon\ allv o] ou qelw kakon touto prassw) 0 Ei de o] ou qelw egw touto poiw( ouketi egw katergazomai auto( allv h` oikousa en emoi a`martia) Eu`riskw ara ton nomon( tw qelonti emoi poiein to kalon( o`ti emoi to kakon parakeitai) Sunhdomai gar tw nomw tou Qeou kata ton esw anqrwpon( blepw de e`teron nomon en toij melesin mou( antistrateuomenon tw nomw tou nooj mou kai aicmalwtizonta me 0 tw nomw thj a`martiaj tw onti en toij melesin mou) crhmatisei rell crhmatizei [%] crhmathsei [%] three further spellings umaj f ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU andri [%] CP kateicomeqa rell kathcomeqa [%] eroumen f ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU oti [%] CP kateirgasato rell kathrgasato B [0%] anezhsen rell ezhsen CP h rell --- [%] di rell dia OC gegonen f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP egeneto ℵA,B,C [%] NU 0 alla rell all C [0%] sarkikoj f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP sarkinoj ℵA,B,C [%] NU [In the context, fleshly (not physical ) is correct.] prassw rell poiw [%] poiw rell prassw [%] auto rell autw [%] all rell alla B [%] NU ouc euriskw f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ou ginwskw (.%) ou ℵA,B,C (.%) NU long omissions (.%) all rell alla ℵB [%] NU egw f ℵA [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- B,C [%] all rell alla ℵB [%] NU 0 me f (A)C [%] RP,TR en ℵB [%] OC,HF,CP,NU [OC is in small print] 0
9 Talaipwroj egw anqrwpoj! Ti,j me r`usetai ek tou swmatoj tou qanatou toutou? Eucaristw tw Qew dia Ihsou Cristou tou Kuriou h`mwn! Ara oun( autoj egw tw men noi douleuw nomw Qeou( th de sarki( nomw a`martiaj) [Deliverance] ) Ouden ara nun katakrima toij en Cristw Ihsou mh kata sarka peripatousin alla kata Pneuma( o` gar nomoj tou pneumatoj thj zwhj en Cristw Ihsou hleuqerw& sen me apo tou nomou thj a`martiaj kai tou qanatou) To gar adunaton tou nomou( en w- hsqenei dia thj sarkoj( o` Qeoj ton eàutou Uiòn pemyaj en o`moiwmati sarkoj a`martiaj( kai peri a`martiajç katekrinen thn a`martian en th sarki( iǹa to dikaiwma tou nomou plhrwqh en h`min toij mh kata sarka peripatousin alla kata Pneuma) [Spirit X flesh] Oi` gar kata sarka ontej ta thj sarkoj fronousin( oi` de kata Pneuma ta tou Pneumatoj) To gar fronhma thj sarkoj qanatoj( to de fronhma tou Pneumatoj zwh kai eirhnh\ dioti to fronhma thj sarkoj ecqra eij Qeon( tw gar nomw tou Qeou ouc u`po& tassetai( oude gar dunatai) Oi` de en sarki ontej Qew aresai ou dunantai) ~Umeij de ouk este en sarki allv en Pneumati( eiper Pneuma Qeou oikei en u`min) Ei de tij Pneuma Cristou ouk ecei( ou`toj ouk estin autou) 0 Ei de Cristoj en u`min( to men swma nekron di a`martian( to de pneuma zwh dia dikaiosunhn) Ei de to Pneuma tou egeirantoj Ihsoun ek nekrwn oikei en u`min( o` egeiraj ton Criston ek nekrwn zwopoihsei kai ta qnhta swmata u`mwn dia to enoikoun autou Pneuma en u`min) [Sonship] Ara oun( adelfoi( ofeiletai esmen ou th sarki( tou kata sarka zhn\ ei gar kata sarka zhte( mellete apoqnhskein\ ei de Pneumati taj praxeij tou swmatoj qanatoute( zhsesqe) ~Osoi gar Pneumati Qeou agontai( ou`toi eisin uiòi Qeou 0 ou gar elabete pneuma douleiaj palin eij fobon( allv elabete Pneuma uiòqesiaj en w- krazomen( ~~Abba( o` Pathr!VV Auto to Pneuma summarturei tw pneumati h`mwn o`ti esmen tekna Qeou ei de tekna( kai klhronomoiç klhronomoi men Qeou( sugklhronomoi de Cristou $eiper sum& pascomen iǹa kai sundoxasqwmen%) [Redemption of the body] Logizomai gar o`ti ouk axia ta paqhmata tou nun kairou proj thn mellousan doxan apokalufqhnai eij h`maj) ~H gar apokaradokia thj ktisewj thn apokaluyin twn uiẁn tou Qeou apekdecetai\ 0 th gar mataiothti h` ktisij u`petagh( ouc e`kousa( alla dia ton u`potaxanta( epv elpidi o`ti kai auth h` ktisij eleuqerwqhsetai apo thj douleiaj thj fqoraj eij thn eleuqerian thj doxhj twn teknwn tou Qeou) Oidamen gar o`ti pasa h` ktisij sustenazei kai sunwdinei acri tou nun) Ou monon de( alla kai autoi thn eucaristw f ℵA [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP carij de [%] NU carij B h carij [%] mh kata sarka peripatousin alla kata pneuma f (%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP variations on the long form (0.%) A (.%) --- ℵB (.%) NU two other readings (0.%) me f A,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP se ℵB [%] NU three other variants [%] all rell alla ℵB [%] NU cristou rell qeou [%] di f ℵ [%] OC,TR dia A,B,C [%] RP,HF,CP,NU dia thn [%] egeirantoj f C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ton ℵA,B [%] NU ton criston f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP kurion (.%) B (.%) NU ihsoun (ℵA) (.%) ihsoun (C) (.%) auton (0.%) four other variants (0.%) long omissions (.%) to enoikoun ))) pneuma f B (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR(CP) tou enoikountoj ))) pneumatoj ℵA,C (.%) NU two other variants (0.%) 0 eisin uioi qeou f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ ℵA,C [.%] NU ~ B [0.%] all rell alla ℵA,B,C [%] NU ep f P A,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ef P ℵB [%] NU autoi rell oi [0%]
10 aparchn tou Pneumatoj econtej( kai h`meij autoi en eàutoij stenazomen( uiòqesian apekdecomenoi( thn apolutrwsin tou swmatoj h`mwn) Th gar elpidi eswqhmen( elpij de blepomenh ouk estin elpij o] gar blepei tij( ti, kai elpizei? Ei de o] ou blepomen elpizomen( div u`pomonhj apekdecomeqa) ~Wsautwj de kai to Pneuma sunantilambanetai taij asqeneiaij h`mwn( to gar ti, proseuxomeqa kaqo dei ouk oidamen) AllV auto to Pneuma u`perentugcanei u`per h`mwn stenagmoij alalhtoij( o` de ereunwn taj kardiaj oiden ti, to fronhma tou Pneumatoj( o`ti kata Qeon entugcanei u`per a`giwn) [Glory] Oidamen de o`ti toij agapwsin ton Qeon panta sunergei eij agaqon( toij kata proqesin klhtoij ousin) ~Oti ou]j proegnw kai prowrisen summorfouj thj eikonoj tou Ui`ou autou( eij to einai auton prwtotokon en polloij adelfoij\ 0 ou]j de prowrisen( toutouj kai ekalesen\ kai ou]j ekalesen( toutouj kai edikaiwsen\ ou]j de edikaiwsen( toutouj kai edoxasen) [Summary to this point] Ti, oun eroumen proj tauta? Ei o` Qeoj u`per h`mwn( ti,j kaqv h`mwn? ~Oj ge tou idiou Ui`ou ouk efeisato( allv 0 u`per h`mwn pantwn paredwken auton( pwj ouci kai sun autw ta panta h`min carisetai? Ti,j egkalesei kata eklektwn Qeou? Qeoj o` dikaiwn) Ti,j o` katakrinwn? Cristoj o` apoqanwn( mallon de kai egerqeij( o]j kai estin en dexia tou Qeou( o]j kai entugcanei u`per h`mwn) Ti,j h`maj cwrisei apo thj agaphj tou Cristou? Qliyij h. stenocwria h. diwgmoj h. limoj h. gumnothj h. kindunoj h. macaira? $Kaqwj gegraptai o`ti ~~~Eneka sou qanatou& meqa o`lhn thn h`meran\ elogisqhmen w`j probata sfaghj)vv% AllV en toutoij pasin u`per& nikwmen dia tou agaphsantoj h`maj) Pepeismai gar o`ti oute qanatoj oute zwh( oute aggeloi oute arcai oute dunameij( oute enestwta oute mellonta( oute uỳwma oute baqoj oute tij ktisij e`tera dunhsetai h`maj cwrisai apo thj agaphj tou Qeou thj en Cristw Ihsou tw Kuriw h`mwn) [Israel] ) Alhqeian legw en Cristw ou yeudomai\ summarturoushj moi thj suneidhsewj mou en Pneumati ~Agiw o`ti luph moi estin megalh kai adialeiptoj odunh th kardia mou) Eucomhn gar autoj egw anaqema einai apo tou Cristou u`per twn adelfwn mou( twn suggenwn mou kata sarka( oi`tinej eisin Israhlitai\ w-n h` uiòqesia kai h` doxa kai ai` kai hmeij autoi f (0%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ P ℵA,C (%) NU ~ (.%) B (.%) (.%) (0.%) (0.%) stenazomen rell sustenazomen [%] CP ti kai f A,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP (ℵ) [0.%] --- P B,NU [%] taij asqeneiaij f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP th asqeneia ℵA,B,C (.%) NU thj (0.%) two other variants (0.%) proseuxomeqa f [%] OC,RP,HF,CP proseuxwmeqa ℵA,B,C [%] TR,NU all rell alla ℵ [%] NU uper hmwn f C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR --- ℵA,B [%] NU umwn CP ereunwn f A(C) [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP eraunwn P ℵB [%] NU eij f ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU to [%] CP 0 all rell alla P ℵB [%] NU cristoj f B [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ihsouj ℵA,C [%] [NU] kai f P (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P (ℵA)B(C) (.%) NU kai rell --- ℵA,C [%] eneka f C [0%] OC,TR eneken ℵA,B [0%] RP,HF,CP,NU dunameij oute enestwta oute mellonta f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ (dunamij P ) (P )ℵA,B,C [%] NU [%] adialeiptoj rell adialhptoj [%] three further spellings P eucomhn f [%] RP,HF,CP hucomhn P ℵA,B,C [%] OC,TR,NU (Alternate spellings of the Imperfect = same meaning.) autoj egw anaqema einai f C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ P A,B [%] NU ~ ℵ
11 diaqhkai kai h` nomoqesia kai h` latreia kai ai` epaggeliai\ w-n oi` paterej( kai ex w-n o` Cristoj $to kata sarka%( o` wn epi pantwn( Qeoj euloghtoj eij touj aiwnaj Amhn) [Children of promise] Ouc oi`on de o`ti ekpeptwken o` logoj tou Qeou Ou gar pantej oi` ex Israhl( ou`toi Israhl\ oudv o`ti eisin sperma ~Abraam( pantej tekna\ allv( ~~En Isaak klhqhsetai soi spermavv) ToutV estin( ou ta tekna thj sarkoj( tauta tekna tou Qeou( alla ta tekna thj epaggeliaj logizetai eij sperma) Epaggeliaj gar o` logoj ou`tojç ~~Kata ton kairon touton eleusomai( kai estai th Sarra uiòj)vv 0 Ou monon de( alla kai ~Rebekka ex eǹoj koithn ecousa( Isaak tou patroj h`mwn $mhpw gar gennhqentwn( mhde praxantwn ti agaqon h. kakon( iǹa h` katv ekloghn proqesij tou Qeou menh( ouk ex ergwn allv ek tou kalountoj%( erreqh auth o`ti ~~~O meizwn douleusei tw elassonivv) Kaqwj gegraptaiç ~~Ton Iakwb hgaphsa( ton de ~Hsau emishsa)vv [It is pointless to fight God s Sovereignty!] Ti, oun eroumen( mh adikia para tw qew? Mh genoito! Tw gar Mwush, legeiç ~~Elehsw o]n an elew( kai oikteirhsw o]n an oikteirw)vv Ara oun( ou tou qelontoj oude tou trecontoj( alla tou eleountoj Qeou) Legei gar h` Grafh tw Faraw o`ti ~~Eij auto touto exhgeira se( o`pwj endeixwmai 0 en soi thn dunamin mou( kai o`pwj diaggelh to onoma mou en pash th gh)vv Ara oun( o]n qelei eleei( o]n de qelei sklhrunei) Ereij oun moi( ~~Ti, eti memfetai? Tw gar boulhmati autou ti,j anqesth& ken?vv 0 Menounge( w anqrwpe( su ti,j ei= o` antapokrinomenoj tw Qew? Mh erei to plasma tw plasanti( ~~Ti, me epoihsaj ou`twj?vv.h ouk ecei exousian o` kerameuj tou phlou( ek tou autou furamatoj poihsai o] men eij timhn skeuoj( o] de eij atimian? Ei de qelwn o` Qeoj endeixasqai thn orghn kai gnwrisai to dunaton autou( hnegken en pollh makroqumia skeuh orghj kathrtismena eij apwleian( kai i`na gnw& rish ton plouton thj doxhj autou epi skeuh eleouj( a] prohtoimasen eij doxan( ou]j kai ekalesen h`maj( ou monon ex Ioudaiwn alla kai ex eqnwn? ~Wj kai en tw Wshe legeiç ~~Kalesw ton ou laon mou ~laon mouv( kai thn ouk hgaphmenhn ~hgaphmenhnv)vv ~~Kai estai en tw topw ou- erreqh autoij( ~Ou laoj mou u`meijv( ekei klhqhsontai ui`oi Qeou zwntoj)vv ~Hsaiaj de krazei u`per tou IsrahlÇ ~~Ean h= o` ariqmoj twn ui`wn Israhl w`j h` ammoj thj qalasshj( to kataleimma swqhsetai\ logon gar suntelwn kai kakon f P [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP faulon ℵA,B [%] NU proqesij tou qeou f P ℵA,B [%] RP,HF,CP,NU ~ [%] OC,TR erreqh f P ℵA,B [%] OC,HF,CP,NU errhqh [%] RP,TR (Alternate spellings = same meaning.) h`sau f [%] hsau [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP,NU (ℵA,B,C are presumably ambiguous.) gar mwush f A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ P ℵB [%] NU mwush f [%] OC,RP,HF mwusei P ℵ [%] CP,NU mwsh A,B [%] TR mwsei [%] oikteirhsw rell oiktirhsw ℵ [%] NU three further spellings [%] oikteirw rell oiktirw ℵ,NU two further spellings [%] eleountoj f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP elewntoj P ℵA,B [%] NU three other variants [%] 0 endeixwmai rell endeixomai [0%] diaggelh rell diaggelei [%] three further spellings oun moi f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ P ℵA,B [%] NU ti f ℵA [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP oun P B [%] [NU] menounge w anqrwpe f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ ℵA [%] NU P [%] ~ menoun B gnwrish rell gnwrisei [%] four further spellings wshe f [%] TR w`she [%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU wsie [%] erreqh f [%] OC,HF,CP,NU errhqh ℵA,B,C [0%] RP,TR erhqh [%] h`saiaj f [%] OC,TR,CP hsaiaj [%] RP,HF,NU (This statement obtains for all subsequent occurrences of the name.) kataleimma f (P ) (%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP upoleimma (ℵ)A(B) (%) NU egkataleimma (%)
12 suntemnwn en dikaiosunh\ o`ti logon suntetmhmenon poihsei Kurioj epi thj ghj)vv Kai kaqwj proeirhken ~HsaiajÇ ~~Ei mh Kurioj Sabawq egkatelipen h`min sperma( w`j Sodoma an egenhqhmen( kai w`j Gomorra an w`moiwqhmen)vv [Their present condition] 0 Ti, oun eroumen? ~Oti eqnh( ta mh diwkonta dikaiosunhn( katelaben dikaiosunhn( dikaiosunhn de thn ek pistewj\ Israhl de( diwkwn nomon dikaiosunhj( eij nomon dikaio& sunhj ouk efqasen) Dia ti? ~Oti ouk ek pistewj( allv w`j ex ergwn nomou) Prosekoyan gar tw liqw tou proskommatoj\ kaqwj gegraptaiç ~~Idou tiqhmi en Siwn liqon pros& kommatoj kai petran skandalou( kai paj o` pisteuwn epv autw ou kataiscunqhsetai)vv 0 [Israel needs salvation] 0) Adelfoi( h` men eudokia thj emhj kardiaj kai h` dehsij h`0 proj ton Qeon u`per tou Israhl estin eij swthrian) Marturw gar autoij o`ti zhlon Qeou ecousin( allv ou katv epignwsin) Agnoountej gar thn tou Qeou dikaiosunhn( kai thn idian dikaiosunhn zhtountej sthsai( th dikaiosunh tou Qeou ouc u`petaghsan) [How to be saved] Teloj gar nomou Cristoj eij dikaiosunhn panti tw pisteuonti Mwshj gar grafei thn dikaiosunhn thn ek tou nomou( o`ti ~~~O poihsaj auta anqrwpoj zhsetai en autoijvv) ~H de ek pistewj dikaiosunh ou`twj legeiç ~~Mh eiphj en th kardia sou( ~Ti,j anabhsetai eij ton ouranon?vvv $toutv estin( Criston katagagein% ~~h.( ~Ti,j katabhsetai eij thn abusson?vvv $toutv estin( Criston ek nekrwn anagagein%) Alla ti, legei? ~~Egguj sou to r`hma estin( en tw stomati sou kai en th kardia souvv $toutv estin( to r`hma thj pistewj o] khrussomen%ç o`ti ean o`mologhshj en tw stomati sou( ~~Kurion IhsounVV( kai pisteushj en th kardia sou o`ti o` Qeoj auton hgeiren ek nekrwn( swqhsh) 0 Kardia gar pisteuetai eij dikaiosunhn( stomati de o`mologeitai eij swthrian) Legei gar h` GrafhÇ ~~Paj o` pisteuwn epv autw ou kataiscunqhsetaivv\ ou gar estin diastolh Ioudaiou te kai ~Ellhnoj( o` gar autoj Kurioj pantwn ploutwn eij pantaj touj epikaloumenouj auton\ ~~Paj gar o]j an epikaleshtai to onoma Kuriou swqhsetai)vv [The message is necessary] Pwj oun epikalesontai eij o]n ouk episteusan? Pwj de pisteusousin ou- ouk hkousan? Pwj de akousousin cwrij khrussontoj? Pwj de khruxousin 0 ean mh apos& talwsin? Kaqwj gegraptaiç ~~~Wj w`raioi oi` podej twn euaggelizomenwn eirhnhn( twn en dikaiosunh oti logon suntetmhmenon f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B (.%) NU three other variants (.%) kai rell --- [%] CP egkatelipen rell egkateleipen (P )A [%] one other variant wmoiwqhmen rell omoiwqhmen P A [%] dikaiosunhj f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B [%] NU nomou f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B [%] NU gar f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B [%] NU idou rell egw CP paj f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B [%] NU 0 h f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B [%] NU tou israhl estin f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR(CP) autwn P ℵA,B [%] NU autwn [%] dikaiosunhn f P ℵ (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- A,B (.%) long omissions (%) mwshj f A [0%] TR mwushj P ℵB [0%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU tou f P [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- ℵA,B [%] auton hgeiren rell ~ [%] grafh f ℵA,B [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU oti [%] CP epikalesontai f P [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP epikaleswntai ℵA,B [%] NU pisteusousin f A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP pisteuswsin P ℵB [%] NU pisteuousin [%] akousousin f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP akouswsin A,B [0%] NU akousontai ℵ [%] akouswntai P 0 khruxousin f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP khruxwsin P ℵA,B [%] NU twn euaggelizomenwn eirhnhn f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B,C (0.%) NU [easy homoioteleuton]
13 euaggelizomenwn ta agaqa)vv $AllV ou pantej u`phkousan tw euaggeliw\ ~Hsaiaj gar legeiç ~~Kurie( ti,j episteusen th akoh h`mwn?vv% Ara h` pistij ex akohj( h` de akoh dia r`hmatoj Qeou) [A rebellious people] Alla legw( mh ouk hkousan? MenoungeÇ ~~Eij pasan thn ghn exhlqen o` fqoggoj autwn( kai eij ta perata thj oikoumenhj ta r`hmata autwn)vv Alla legw( mh ouk egnw Israhl? Prwtoj Mwshj legeiç ~~Egw parazhlwsw u`maj epv ouk eqnei( epi eqnei asunetw parorgiw u`maj)vv 0 ~Hsaiaj de apotolma kai legeiç ~~Eu`reqhn toij eme mh 0 zhtousin\ emfanhj egenomhn toij eme mh eperwtwsin)vv Proj de ton Israhl legeiç ~~~Olhn thn h`meran exepetasa taj ceiraj mou proj laon apeiqounta kai antilegonta)vv [The remnant] ) Legw oun( mh apwsato o` Qeoj ton laon autou? Mh genoito! Kai gar egw Israhlithj eimi( ek spermatoj ~Abraam( fulhj Beniamin Ouk apwsato o` Qeoj ton laon autou o]n proegnw).h ouk oidate en Hlia ti, legei h` Grafh( w`j entugcanei tw Qew kata tou Israhl legwnç ~~Kurie( touj profhtaj sou apekteinan kai ta qusiasthria sou kateskayan\ kagw u`peleifqhn monoj( kai zhtousin thn yuchn mou VV Alla ti, legei autw o` crhmatismoj? ~~Katelipon emautw e`ptakisciliouj andraj oi`tinej ouk ekamyan gonu th Baal)VV Ou`twj oun kai en tw nun kairw( leimma katv ekloghn caritoj gegonen) Ei de cariti( ouketi ex ergwn\ epei h` carij ouketi ginetai carij) Ei de ex ergwn( ouketi estin carij\ epei to ergon ouketi estin ergon) Ti, oun? ~O epizhtei Israhl( toutou ouk epetucen\ h` de eklogh epetucen( oi` de loipoi epwrwqhsan) Kaqwj gegraptaiç ~~Edwken autoij o` Qeoj pneuma katanuxewj( ofqalmouj tou mh blepein kai wta tou mh akouein( eẁj thj shmeron h`meraj)vv Kai Dauid legeiç ~~Genhqhtw h` trapeza autwn eij pagida kai eij qhran( kai eij skandalon kai eij antapodoma autoij) 0 Skotisqhtwsan oi` ofqalmoi autwn tou mh blepein( kai ton nwton autwn dia pantoj sugkamyon)vv [The restoration] Legw oun( mh eptaisan iǹa peswsin? Mh genoito! Alla( tw autwn parap& twmati h` swthria toij eqnesin( eij to parazhlwsai autouj) Ei de to paraptwma autwn ploutoj kosmou( kai to h`tthma autwn ploutoj eqnwn( posw mallon to plhrwma autwn! ta f P ℵ [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- A,B,C [%] ara rell oun [0%] qeou f A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP cristou P ℵB,C [%] NU ouk egnw israhl f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ P ℵA,B,C [%] NU mwshj f A [0%] TR mwushj P ℵB,C [0%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU parazhlwsw rell parazhlw [%] CP eqnei rell eqnh [%] eqni ℵ epi f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ep ℵA,B,C [%] NU eureqhn f ℵA,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP en P B [%] [NU] 0 mh rell --- [0%] beniamin rell beniamhn [%] beniamein P ℵA,C [%] hlia f [0%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU h`lia [0%] TR legwn f ℵ [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- A,B,C [%] NU kai f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B,C [%] NU katelipon f ℵB [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP,NU kateleipon P A,C [%] ei de ex ergwn ouketi estin carij epei to ergon ouketi estin ergon f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP -,-, B (0.%) - (%) - (.%) -, (0.%) --- P ℵA,C (.%) NU one other variant (0.%) toutou f [%] TR touto (P )ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU (The verb normally takes the genitive.) sugkamyon rell sugkayon [0%] CP sunkamyon P ℵB [%] swthria rell sothria CP
14 ~Umin gar legw toij eqnesin $efv o`son men eimi egw eqnwn apostoloj( thn diakonian mou doxazw%( ei pwj parazhlwsw mou thn sarka kai swsw tinaj ex autwn) Ei gar h` apobolh autwn katallagh kosmou( ti,j h` proslhyij ei mh zwh ek nekrwn? Ei de h` aparch a`gia( kai to furama\ kai ei h` rìza a`gia( kai oi` kladoi) [Grafted olive branches] Ei de tinej twn kladwn exeklasqhsan( su de( agrielaioj wn( enekentrisqhj en autoij( kai sugkoinwnoj thj rìzhj kai thj piothtoj thj elaiaj egenou( mh katakaucw twn kladwn $ei de katakaucasai ou su thn rìzan bastazeij( allv h` rìza se%) Ereij oun( ~~Exeklasqhsan 0 kladoi iǹa egw egkentrisqw)vv 0 Kalwj) Th apistia exeklasqh& san( su de th pistei e`sthkaj) Mh uỳhlofronei( alla fobou Ei gar o` Qeoj twn kata fusin kladwn ouk efeisato( mh pwj oude sou feisetai Ide oun crhstothta kai apotomian QeouÇ epi men touj pesontaj( apotomian\ epi de se( crhstothta( ean epi& meinhj th crhstothti\ epei kai su ekkophsh) Kai ekeinoi de( ean mh epimeinwsin 0 th apistia( egkentrisqhsontai( dunatoj gar o` Qeoj estin palin egkentrisai autouj) Ei gar su ek thj kata fusin exekophj agrielaiou( kai para fusin enekentrisqhj eij kallielaion( posw mallon ou`toi( oi` kata fusin( egkentrisqhsontai th idia elaia? [Hardening] Ou gar qelw u`maj agnoein( adelfoi( to musthrion touto $iǹa mh hte parv eàutoij fronimoi%ç o`ti pwrwsij apo merouj tw Israhl gegonen acrij ou- to plhrwma twn eqnwn eiselqh) Kai ou`twj paj Israhl swqhsetai( kaqwj gegraptaiç ~~~Hxei ek Siwn o` ~Ruomenoj( kai apostreyei asebeiaj apo Iakwb\ kai au`th autoij h` parv emou diaqhkh( o`tan afelwmai taj a`martiaj autwn)vv Kata men to euaggelion( ecqroi div u`maj\ kata de thn ekloghn( agaphtoi dia touj pateraj) Ametamelhta gar ta carismata kai h` klhsij tou Qeou) 0 ~Wsper gar kai u`meij pote hpeiqhsate tw Qew( nun de hlehqhte th toutwn apeiqeia( ou`twj kai gar f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP de ℵA,B [%] NU oun C ef o`son [0%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU efo,son f [0%] CP (for the record; the scribes were just saving ink.) men f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP oun P ℵA,B,C [%] NU --- [%] ei pwj rell eipw [%] CP ei rell h [%] proslhyij rell proslhmyij P ℵA,B [%] NU prolhyij C four further spellings ei rell --- P [0%] thj rizhj kai f A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ℵB,C [%] NU --- P [%] all rell alla ℵB [%] NU 0 exeklasqhsan f P ℵA,B,C [%] RP,HF,CP,NU oi [%] OC,TR [OC is in small print] egkentrisqw rell enkentrisqw P ℵA,B [%] apistia rell apisteia A [%] uyhlofronei f C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP uyhla fronei P ℵA,B [%] NU mh pwj f P [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- ℵA,B,C [%] feisetai f P (ℵ)A,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU feishtai [%] TR apotomian f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP apotomia P ℵA,B,C [%] NU crhstothta f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP crhstothj qeou P (ℵ)A,B,C [%] NU epimeinhj f A,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP epimenhj ℵB [%] NU epiminhj C two other spellings [%] kai ekeinoi f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP kakeinoi ℵA,B,C [%] NU 0 epimeinwsin f C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP epimenwsin ℵB [%] NU epiminwsin A two other spellings [%] apistia rell apisteia A [0%] o qeoj estin f [%] OC,RP,CP ~ ℵA,B,C [%] HF,TR,NU par f ℵC [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] en A,B [0.%] --- P [.%] fronimoi rell fronhmoi [%] kai f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B,C [%] NU kai f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P A,B,C [%] NU omit whole verse ℵ umeij pote f P ℵB,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU ~ A ~ kai [%] CP apeiqeia rell apeiqia B [%] CP
15 ou`toi nun hpeiqhsan tw u`meterw eleei iǹa kai autoi elehqwsin) Sunekleisen gar o` Qeoj touj pantaj eij apeiqeian iǹa touj pantaj elehsh) [Doxology] W baqoj ploutou kai sofiaj kai gnwsewj qeou! ~Wj anexereunhta ta krimata autou kai anexicniastoi ai` o`doi autou! ~~Ti,j gar egnw noun Kuriou?.H ti,j sumbou& loj autou egeneto?vv.h ~~Ti,j proedwken autw( kai antapodoqhsetai autw?vv ~Oti ex autou kai div autou kai eij auton ta panta) Autw h` doxa eij touj aiwnaj Amhn) [The will of God] ) Parakalw oun u`maj( adelfoi( dia twn oiktirmwn tou Qeou( parasthsai ta swmata u`mwn qusian zwsan( a`gian( euareston tw Qew thn logikhn latreian u`mwn) Kai mh suschmatizesqe tw aiwni toutw\ alla( metamorfousqe th anakainwsei tou nooj u`mwn eij to dokimazein u`maj ti, to qelhma tou Qeou( to agaqon kai euareston kai teleion) [Be sensible] Legw gar( dia thj caritoj thj doqeishj moi( panti tw onti en u`min( mh u`perfronein parv o] dei fronein( alla fronein eij to swfronein( e`kastw w`j o` Qeoj emerisen metron pistewj) Kaqaper gar en eǹi swmati melh polla ecomen( ta de melh panta ou thn authn ecei praxin( ou`twj oi` polloi eǹ swma esmen en Cristw( o` de kaqv ei`j 0 allhlwn melh) Econtej de carismata kata thn carin thn doqeisan h`min diaforaç eite profhteian( kata thn analogian thj pistewj\ eite diakonian( en th diakonia\ eite o` didaskwn( en th didaskalia\ eite o` parakalwn( en th paraklhsei\ o` metadidouj( en a`plothti\ o` proistamenoj( en spoudh\ o` elewn( en i`larothti) [Behave!] ~H agaph anupokritojç apostugountej to ponhron\ kollwmenoi tw agaqw\ 0 th filadelfia eij allhlouj filostorgoi\ th timh allhlouj prohgoumenoi\ th spoudh mh oknhroi\ tw pneumati zeontej tw Kuriw douleuontej\ th elpidi cairontej\ th qliyei u`pomenontej\ th proseuch proskarterountej\ taij creiaij twn a`giwn koinwnountej\ thn filoxenian diwkontej) Eulogeite touj diwkontaj u`maj\ eulogeite kai mh katarasqe) Cairein meta cairontwn kai klaiein meta klaiontwn) To auto eij allhlouj fronountej mh ta uỳhla fronountej( alla toij tapeinoij sunapagomenoi\ mh ginesqe fronimoi parv eàutoij) Mhdeni kakon anti kakou apodidontej) Pronooumenoi kala enwpion pantwn anqrwpwn) Ei dunaton( to ex u`mwn( meta pantwn anqrwpwn eirhneuontej) Mh eàutouj ekdikountej( agaphtoi\ alla dote topon th orgh\ gegraptai garç ~~Emoi ekdikhsij\ egw antapodwswvv( legei Kurioj) 0 ~~Ean oun peina o` ecqroj sou( ywmize auton\ ean diya( potize auton\ touto gar poiwn anqrakaj puroj swreuseij epi thn kefalhn autou)vv Mh nikw u`po tou kakou( alla nika en tw agaqw to kakon) [Submit] autoi f P A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP nun ℵB [%] [NU] usteron [%] anexereunhta f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP anexeraunhta ℵA,B [%] NU suschmatizesqe f (P ℵB) [%] HF,TR,NU suschmatizesqai A [%] OC,RP,CP metamorfousqe f P B [%] HF,TR,NU metamorfousqai ℵA [%] OC,RP,CP umwn f ℵ [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P A,B [%] NU caritoj f P ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP,NU tou qeou [%] doqeishj rell doqhshj [%] six further spellings ℵ [%] melh polla f A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ P ℵB [%] NU o f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP to P ℵA,B [%] NU 0 kaqv ei`j [0%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU kaqei.j f [0%] CP (Since there is no ambiguity, they were just saving ink.) doqeisan rell doqhsan [%] two further spellings ℵ [%] kuriw rell kairw [%] TR umaj f ℵA [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- P B [%] kai f A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P ℵB [%] NU ean oun f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP P (.%) ~ alla A,B (%) NU ~ all ℵ (.%) all (0.%)
16 ) Pasa yuch exousiaij u`perecousaij u`potassesqw( ou gar estin exousia ei mh u`po Qeou( ai` de ousai exousiai u`po tou Qeou tetagmenai eisin) ~Wste o` antitas& somenoj th exousia th tou Qeou diatagh anqesthken( oi` de anqesthkotej eàutoij krima lh& yontai) Oi` gar arcontej ouk eisin foboj twn agaqwn ergwn alla twn kakwn) Qeleij de mh fobeisqai thn exousian( to agaqon poiei kai e`xeij epainon ex authj\ Qeou gar diakonoj estin soi eij to agaqon) Ean de to kakon poihj( fobou( ou gar eikh thn macairan forei\ Qeou gar diakonoj estin( ekdikoj eij orghn tw to kakon prassonti) Dio anagkh u`potassesqai( ou monon dia thn orghn( alla kai dia thn suneidhsin) Dia touto gar kai forouj teleite( leitourgoi gar qeou eisin( eij auto touto proskarterountej) Apodote oun pasin taj ofeilajç tw ton foron ton foron( tw to teloj to teloj( tw ton fobon ton fobon( tw thn timhn thn timhn) [Love] Mhdeni mhden ofeilete ei mh to agapan allhlouj( 0 o` gar agapwn ton e`teron nomon peplhrwken) To gar ~~Ou moiceuseijvv( ~~Ou foneuseijvv( ~~Ou kleyeijvv( ~~Ou yeu& domarturhseijvv( ~~Ouk epiqumhseijvv( kai ei tij e`tera entolh en toutw tw logw ana& kefalaioutai( en twç ~~Agaphseij ton plhsion sou w`j seauton)vv 0 ~H agaph tw plhsion kakon ouk ergazetai\ plhrwma oun nomou h` agaph) [Put on Christ] Kai touto( eidotej ton kairon( o`ti w`ra h`maj hdh ex u`pnou egerqhnai( nun gar egguteron h`mwn h` swthria h. o`te episteusamen) ~H nux proekoyen( h` de h`mera hggiken\ apoqwmeqa oun ta erga tou skotouj( kai enduswmeqa ta o`pla tou fwtoj) ~Wj en h`mera( euschmonwj peripathswmen( mh kwmoij kai meqaij( mh koitaij kai aselgeiaij( mh eridi kai zhlw) AllV 0 endusasqe ton Kurion Ihsoun Criston( kai thj sarkoj pro& noian mh poieisqe( eij epiqumiaj) [The law of liberty] ) Ton de asqenounta th pistei proslambanesqe( mh eij diakriseij dialogis& mwn) }Oj men pisteuei fagein panta( o` de asqenwn lacana esqiei) ~O esqiwn ton mh esqionta mh exouqeneitw( kai o` mh esqiwn ton esqionta mh krinetw( o` Qeoj gar auton upo f ℵA,B [%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU apo [%] TR exousiai f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B [%] NU tou f [0%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- ℵA,B [0%] NU [OC is in small print] lhyontai rell lhmyontai P ℵA,B [%] NU twn agaqwn ergwn alla twn kakwn f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP tw agaqw ergw tw kakw P ℵA,B (.%) NU (0.%) poihj rell poieij [0%] ekdikoj eij orghn f (P )A,B [%] RP,HF,TR,CP,NU ~ ℵ [%] OC upotassesqai rell upotassesqe [%] upotasesqe P,CP upotasesqai [%] oun f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B [%] NU 0 agapan allhlouj f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ P ℵA,B [%] NU ou yeudomarturhseij f (ℵ) [%] TR --- P A,B [%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU toutw tw logw f A [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ P ℵB [%] NU en tw f ℵA [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP[NU] --- P B [%] seauton f P ℵA,B [%] OC,RP,HF,CP,NU eauton [%] TR tw rell tou [%] CP to [%] ouk ergazetai f P ℵA,B,C [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,NU ou katergazetai [%] CP katergazetai [%] hmaj hdh f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ umaj ℵ(A)B,C [%] NU ~ P [%] gar rell --- [%] CP kai enduswmeqa f [%] OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ de A,B,C [%] [NU] ℵ [0.%] ~ oun P 0 all rell alla P AB [%] NU poieisqe rell poihsqe [%] CP poieisqai ℵA [%] poihsqai [%] dialogismwn rell logismwn [%] kai o mh f (.%) OC,RP,HF,TR,CP ~ de P ℵA,B,C,0 (%) NU (.%) four other variants (.%) auton rell autwn CP
PROS FILIPPHSIOUS [Salutation] ) Pauloj kai Timoqeoj( douloi Ihsou Cristou( pasin toij a`gioij en Cristw Ihsou toij ousin en Filippoij( sun episkopoij kai diakonoijç Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj
PROS GALATAS 1 1)11. [Introduction] [Salutation] 1)1. kai kuriou hmwn f 35 P 46,51 B [75%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ 312 ℵA [9%] NU 12 [16%] 3
PROS GALATAS [Introduction] [Salutation] ) Pauloj( apostoloj ouk apv anqrwpwn oude div anqrwpou( alla dia Ihsou Cristou kai Qeou Patroj tou egeirantoj auton ek nekrwn kai oi` sun emoi pantej adelfoi( taij
PROS QESSALONIKEIS A [Opening considerations] [Greeting] ) Pauloj kai Silouanoj kai Timoqeoj th ekklhsia Qessalonikewn en Qew Patri kai Kuriw Ihsou CristwÇ Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj h`mwn
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-nine representative MSS,,, 0, 0,,,,, 0,,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
PROS QESSALONIKEIS A [Opening considerations] [Greeting] ) Pauloj kai Silouanoj kai Timoqeoj th ekklhsia Qessalonikewn en Qew Patri kai Kuriw Ihsou CristwÇ Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj h`mwn
IWANNOU EPISTOLH PRWTH [Prologue] ) {O h=n apv archj( o] akhkoamen( o] e`wrakamen toij ofqalmoij h`mwn( o] eqeasameqa kai ai` ceirej h`mwn eyhlafhsan peri tou logou thj Zwhj kai h` Zwh efanerwqh( kai e`wrakamen
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-seven representative MSS,, 0, 0,,,,,, 0,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH 1 1)1 Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations]
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH ) Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations] ) Pasan caran h`ghsasqe( adelfoi mou( o`tan peirasmoij peripeshte
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH 1 1)1 Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations]
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH ) Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations] ) Pasan caran h`ghsasqe( adelfoi mou( o`tan peirasmoij peripeshte
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH 1. 1)1 Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations]
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH ) Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations] ) Pasan caran h`ghsasqe( adelfoi mou( o`tan peirasmoij peripeshte
Hebrews PROS ~EBRAIOUS 1. [The supremacy of the Son]
PROS ~EBRAIOUS [The supremacy of the Son] ) Polumerwj kai polutropwj palai o` Qeoj lalhsaj toij patrasin en toij profhtaij( epv escatou twn h`merwn toutwn elalhsen h`min en Ui`w( o]n eqhken klhronomon
THE GENERAL EPISTLES f 35 variants Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD
THE GENERAL EPISTLES f variants Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-nine representative
PROS TIMOQEON A [Greeting] ) Pauloj( apostoloj Ihsou Cristou katv epitaghn Qeou Swthroj h`mwn kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou thj elpidoj h`mwn( Timoqew( gnhsiw teknw en pisteiç Carij( eleoj( eirhnh apo Qeou
KATA IWANNHN f 35 variants 1
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following fifty-seven representative MSS,,,,, 0, 0,, 0,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,
EUAGGELION KATA IWANNHN [Prologue] ) En arch h=n o` Logoj( kai o` Logoj h=n proj ton Qeon( kai Qeoj h=n o` Logoj) Ou`toj h=n en arch proj ton Qeon) Panta div autou egeneto( kai cwrij autou egeneto oude
EUAGGELION KATA IWANNHN [Prologue] ) En arch h=n o` Logoj( kai o` Logoj h=n proj ton Qeon( kai Qeoj h=n o` Logoj) Ou`toj h=n en arch proj ton Qeon) Panta div autou egeneto( kai cwrij autou egeneto oude
Η αυτοχειρία στην αρχαία Ελλάδα: Γνώμες των φιλοσόφων
Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ Η αυτοχειρία στην αρχαία Ελλάδα: Γνώμες των φιλοσόφων Κυριακή, 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 ΣΩΚΡΑΤΗΣ aãpeimi de/, w j eãoike, th/meron: keleu/ousi ga\r ¹AqhnaiÍoi.
Mt 21:44 Does P104 (POxy 4404) omit this verse?
Mt 21:44 Does P104 (POxy 4404) omit this verse? NA 27 Matthew 21:44 Îkai. o` pesw.n evpi. to.n li,qon tou/ton sunqlasqh,setai\ evfv o]n dv a'n pe,sh likmh,sei auvto,nåð omit: P104?, D, 33, it(a, b, d,
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-two representative MSS,,, 0, 0,,,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0,,,,,,,,,, 00,,,,
Il ministero apostolico. 2Cor 2,14-6,2
Il ministero apostolico 2Cor 2,14-6,2 La presentazione 14 Tw/ de. qew/ ca,rij tw/ pa,ntote qriambeu,onti h`ma/j evn tw/ Cristw/ kai. th.n ovsmh.n th/j gnw,sewj auvtou/ fanerou/nti div h`mw/n evn panti.
PROS TIMOQEON B [Greeting] ) Pauloj( apostoloj Ihsou Cristou dia qelhmatoj Qeou( katv epaggelian zwhj thj en Cristw Ihsou( Timoqew( agaphtw teknwç Carij( eleoj( eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj kai Cristou Ihsou
I am. Present indicative
εἰμί eimi Present indicative εἰμί εἶ ἐστί(ν) ἐσμέν ἐστέ εἰσί(ν) John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos the Christ John 1:19 Σὺτίςεἶ; Su tis
Vetus Testamentum, Vol. XXV, Fasc. 3 pp. 497 499 + 2 plates THE 'LOST' FOLIO OF THE CHESTER BEATTY BY ALBERT PIETERSMA Toronto One folio of Chester Beatty Biblical Papyrus XII (964) was reported missing
EUAGGELION KATA LOUKAN [Dedicatory] ) Epeidhper polloi epeceirhsan anataxasqai dihghsin peri twn peplhroforhmenwn en h`min pragmatwn( kaqwj paredosan h`min oi` apv archj autoptai kai u`phretai genomenoi
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following twenty-five representative MSS, 0, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,, 0, and. The first
Matthew EUAGGELION KATA MATQAION 1. [Abraham to Christ 1997 BC to 5 BC]
EUAGGELION KATA MATQAION [Abraham to Christ BC to BC] ) Bibloj genesewj Ihsou Cristou( ui`ou Dauid( ui`ou ~AbraamÇ ~Abraam egennhsen ton Isaak( Isaak de egennhsen ton Iakwb( Iakwb de egen& nhsen ton Ioudan
Mt-²-± tou de ihsou gennhqentoj en bhqleem thj ioudaiaj en hmeraij hrwdou tou basilewj idou magoi apo anatolwn paregenonto eij ierosoluma
Mt-±-± bibloj genesewj ihsou xristou uiou dabid uiou abraam Mt-±-² abraam egennhsen ton isaak isaak de egennhsen ton iakwb iakwb de egennhsen ton ioudan kai touj adelfouj autou Mt-±-³ ioudaj de egennhsen
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-seven representative MSS,, 0, 0,, 0,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,
Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας «σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ» Σάββατο, 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2013
Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας «σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ» Σάββατο, 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2013 Στωικοί και Επικούρειοι: διαφορετικότητα και σύγκλιση ΕΠΙΚΟΥΡΟΣ ΖΗΝΩΝ Ο Επίκουρος ιδρύει τον Κήπο το 306 π.χ. Ο Ζήνωνας ιδρύει
PROS TIMOQEON B [Greeting] ) Pauloj( apostoloj Ihsou Cristou dia qelhmatoj Qeou( katv epaggelian zwhj thj en Cristw Ihsou( Timoqew( agaphtw teknwç Carij( eleoj( eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj kai Cristou Ihsou
EUAGGELION KATA LOUKAN [Dedicatory] ) Epeidhper polloi epeceirhsan anataxasqai dihghsin peri twn peplhroforhmenwn en h`min pragmatwn( kaqwj paredosan h`min oi` apv archj autoptai kai u`phretai genomenoi
1)1 Arch tou euaggeliou Ihsou Cristou( Ui`ou tou Qeou [John the baptizer]
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following fifty-one representative MSS,,,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,, 0, 00, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,
Transliterated Textus Receptus CSR9
##################################################### # # # T I T L E N O T I C E # # # # TEXTUS RECEPTUS CSR9 # # Copyright 2005-2013 # # Dr. Michael J. Bisconti # # # # Textus Receptus CSR9 # #
INTRODUCTION. Page 1. Introduction
INTRODUCTION Introduction What follows is a demonstration. The goal is to produce a text of Philippians based on the theory of the copy text (that is, a manuscript followed where there is no other clear
EUAGGELION KATA MARKON ) Arch tou euaggeliou Ihsou Cristou( Uiòu tou Qeou [John the Baptizer] ) ~Wj gegraptai en toij profhtaij ~~Idou( egw apostellw ton aggelon mou pro proswpou sou( o]j kataskeuasei
Revelation APOKALUYIS 1. [Introduction]
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, for, as identified by a complete collation of the following eighteen representative MSS,,, 0, 0,,, 0,,,,, 0,,,, and. The first reading
Revelation APOKALUYIS 1. [Introduction]
APOKALUYIS [Introduction] ) Apokaluyij Ihsou Cristou( h]n edwken autw o` Qeoj deixai toij douloij autou a] dei genesqai en tacei) Kai eshmanen( aposteilaj dia tou aggelou autou tw doulw autou Iwannh( o]j
ΕΙΔΙΚΗ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ Μάθημα 5 ΤΑ ΛΟΓΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΙΗΣΟΥ ΔΙΑΤΑΞΗ ΤΟΥ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΟΣ Επιχειρήματα υπέρ υπάρξεως της Q Φιλολογική μορφή της Πηγής των Λογίων Χρόνος, τόπος, συγγραφέας της Q Έκταση της Πηγής των Λογίων και
ΟΙ ΦΙΛΟΛΟΓΙΚΕΣ ΑΝΑΛΥΣΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ Κ.Δ. 1. Η φιλολογική ανάλυση Η θεματική διαίρεση του κειμένου Διαφορετικές διαιρέσεις Ο στρουκτουραλισμός 2. Η γλωσσολογική ανάλυση 3. Η ρητορική ανάλυση Η φιλολογική ανάλυση
Didach kuriou dia twn dwdeka apostolwn toiv eqnesin 1 1 odoi duo eisi, mia thv zwhv kai mia tou qanatou, diafora de pollh metaxu twn duo odwn. 2 h men oun odov thv zwhv estin auth, prwton agaphseiv ton
Η μορφολογία και η δυναμική της αγάπης στις πρωτοπαύλειες επιστολές
Αικατερίνη Φ. Μπατσιόλα Η μορφολογία και η δυναμική της αγάπης στις πρωτοπαύλειες επιστολές ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών Ειδίκευση Καινή Διαθήκη Τμήμα Θεολογίας Θεολογική Σχολή Α.Π.Θ.
hv'îl{v.w ~ymi Þy" hv'îl{v. gd"êh; y[eä hn"ay yhiûy>w: hn"+ay-ta, [:l{ß ladêg" gd"ä hw"hy>!m:üy>w: 2:1 `tal)yle
Το βιβλίο του Ιωνά Δεύτερο Κεφάλαιο hv'îl{v.w ~ymi Þy" hv'îl{v. gd"êh; y[eä hn"ay yhiûy>w: hn"+ay-ta, [:l{ß ladêg" gd"ä hw"hy>!m:üy>w: 2:1 `tal)yle 2:1 kai. prose,taxen ku,rioj kh,tei mega,lw katapiei/n
The Psalms. Uncial Script (the hand of Konstantinos presbyteros, A.D. 995) Ross G. Arthur. edited by
The Psalms Uncial Script (the hand of Konstantinos presbyteros, A.D. 995) edited by Ross G. Arthur In parentheses Publications Greek Series Cambridge, Ontario 2002 Psalm 1 Maka!rioß a%nh!r o7ß ou%k e5poreu!
10/2013. Mod: 02D-EK/BT. Production code: CTT920BE
2017 Academic Scholarship. Greek. Time Allowed: 1 hour and 30 minutes No dictionaries allowed
2017 Academic Scholarship Greek Time Allowed: 1 hour and 30 minutes No dictionaries allowed Instructions: Please answer the following questions on your answer paper: o How long have you been learning Greek?
CRASH COURSE IN PRECALCULUS Shiah-Sen Wang The graphs are prepared by Chien-Lun Lai Based on : Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus by J. Stuwart, L. Redin & S. Watson, 6th edition, 01, Brooks/Cole Chapter
1Cor 15. La Risurrezione
1Cor 15 La Risurrezione La norma apostolica Gnwri,zw de. u`mi/n( avdelfoi,( to. euvagge,lion o] euvhggelisa,mhn u`mi/ n( o] kai. parela,bete( evn w- kai. e`sth,kate( 2 div ou- kai. sw, zesqe( ti,ni lo,gw
Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας «σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ» Σάββατο, 26 Ιανουαρίου 2013
Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας «σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ» Σάββατο, 26 Ιανουαρίου 2013 Η έννοια της δικαιοσύνης στην Πολιτεία του Πλάτωνα Η πλατωνική Πολιτεία είναι διάλογος που ανήκει στην μέσηόψιμη περίοδο συγγραφής
Plato. Apology. minuscule script. edited by. Ross G. Arthur
Plato Apology minuscule script edited by Ross G. Arthur In parentheses Publications Greek Series Cambridge, Ontario 2002
ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION #2. h 0 h h 0 h h 0 ( ) g k = g 0 + g 1 + g g 2009 =?
Teko Classes IITJEE/AIEEE Maths by SUHAAG SIR, Bhopal, Ph (0755) 3 00 000 ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION # Question Type A.Single Correct Type Q. (A) Sol least
3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β
3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS Page Theorem cos(αβ cos α cos β -sin α cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α NOTE: cos(αβ cos α cos β cos(α-β cos α -cos β Proof of cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α Let s use a unit circle
Finite Field Problems: Solutions
Finite Field Problems: Solutions 1. Let f = x 2 +1 Z 11 [x] and let F = Z 11 [x]/(f), a field. Let Solution: F =11 2 = 121, so F = 121 1 = 120. The possible orders are the divisors of 120. Solution: The
Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας «σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ» Ενηλίκων. Σάββατο, 10 Νοεμβρίου 2012
Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας «σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ» Ενηλίκων Σάββατο, 10 Νοεμβρίου 2012 Πολιτεία Πλάτωνος και Πολιτικά Αριστοτέλους Ο Πλάτωνας και ο μαθητής του Αριστοτέλης είναι οι θεμελιωτές της πολιτικής
ΜΑΘΗΜΑ 2, Έλεγχος ροής προγράμματος ΒΑΣΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΤΑΞΗ:
ΜΑΘΗΜΑ 2, 080312 Έλεγχος ροής προγράμματος Μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε μια σειρά από λογικούς ελέγχους (συγκρίσεις) και με βάση το αποτέλεσμά τους γίνεται η λήψη αποφάσεων για τη συνέχεια του προγράμματος
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CHAPTER 5 SOLVING EQUATIONS BY ITERATIVE METHODS EXERCISE 104 Page 8 1. Find the positive root of the equation x + 3x 5 = 0, correct to 3 significant figures, using the method of bisection. Let f(x) =
Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme
Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme. (a) Note: Award A for vertical line to right of mean, A for shading to right of their vertical line. AA N (b) evidence of recognizing symmetry
Κλιτικές προσωπικές αντωνυµίες στο Λειµωνάριον του Ιωάννου Μόσχου 1
Κλιτικές προσωπικές αντωνυµίες στο Λειµωνάριον του Ιωάννου Μόσχου 1 Maxim Kissilier The analysis of enclitic pronouns in the so-called Late Koine (5 10 c. AD) is very important for studies in Greek prosody
de. pa,sh yuch/ fo,boj( polla, te te,rata kai. shmei/a dia. tw/n avposto,lwn evgi,netoå 44 pa,ntej de. oi` pisteu,ontej h=san evpi. to. auvto. kai.
BNT Acts 1:1 To.n me.n prw/ton lo,gon evpoihsa,mhn peri. pa,ntwn( w= Qeo,file( w-n h;rxato o` VIhsou/j poiei/n te kai. dida,skein( 2 a;cri h-j h`me,raj evnteila,menoj toi/j avposto,loij dia. pneu,matoj
department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι
She selects the option. Jenny starts with the al listing. This has employees listed within She drills down through the employee. The inferred ER sttricture relates this to the redcords in the databasee
Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door
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ΟΜΗΡΟΥ ΙΛΙΑΔΑ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΠΑΛΛΗΣ SCHOOLTIME E-BOOKS [- 2 -] The Project Gutenberg EBook of Iliad, by Homer This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions
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ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑΣ ΠΑΙ ΑΓΩΓΙΚΗΣ ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑΣ ΕΛΙΣΑΒΕΤ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΪ ΟΥ Επανερµηνεία του Αριστοτελικού ορισµού της ψυχής, µέσα από µία κριτική αντιπαράθεση προς τη θεωρία
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Second Order Partial Differential Equations
Chapter 7 Second Order Partial Differential Equations 7.1 Introduction A second order linear PDE in two independent variables (x, y Ω can be written as A(x, y u x + B(x, y u xy + C(x, y u u u + D(x, y
BNT Matthew 1,1 Bi,bloj gene,sewj VIhsou/ Cristou/ ui`ou/ Daui.d ui`ou/ VAbraa,mÅ 2 VAbraa.m evge,nnhsen to.n VIsaa,k( VIsaa.k de. evge,nnhsen to.
BNT Matthew 1,1 Bi,bloj gene,sewj VIhsou/ Cristou/ ui`ou/ Daui.d ui`ou/ VAbraa,mÅ 2 VAbraa.m evge,nnhsen to.n VIsaa,k( VIsaa.k de. evge,nnhsen to.n VIakw,b( VIakw.b de. evge,nnhsen to.n VIou,dan kai. tou.j
2 ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΙΑΜΑΝΤΗ -ΣΤΟ ΧΡΙΣΤΟ, ΣΤΟ ΚΑΣΤΡΟ- 3 Ἐπιμέλεια ἐκδόσεως e-book, δακτυλογράφησις-σελιδοποίησις, σχεδιασμὸς ἐξωφύλλου: Γεώργιος Σ. Ζάρβανος Πρώτη ἔκδοσις: Ἀπρίλιος 2017 Δευτέρα ἔκδοσις: Δεκέμβριος
2 Composition. Invertible Mappings
Arkansas Tech University MATH 4033: Elementary Modern Algebra Dr. Marcel B. Finan Composition. Invertible Mappings In this section we discuss two procedures for creating new mappings from old ones, namely,
CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Pre-U Certificate MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2013 series 9787 CLASSICAL GREEK 9787/03 Paper 3 (Unseen Translation), maximum raw mark 100 This mark scheme is published
Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations
99 Section 8. Trigonometric Equations Objective 1: Solve Equations Involving One Trigonometric Function. In this section and the next, we will exple how to solving equations involving trigonometric functions.
Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response
Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GE entre Number andidate Number Greek dvanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response Thursday 16 May 2013 Morning Time: 2 hours 45 minutes
Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Αν κάπου κάνετε κάποιες υποθέσεις να αναφερθούν στη σχετική ερώτηση. Όλα τα αρχεία που αναφέρονται στα προβλήματα βρίσκονται στον ίδιο φάκελο με το εκτελέσιμο
ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ. ΕΠΛ342: Βάσεις Δεδομένων. Χειμερινό Εξάμηνο Φροντιστήριο 10 ΛΥΣΕΙΣ. Επερωτήσεις SQL
ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ ΕΠΛ342: Βάσεις Δεδομένων Χειμερινό Εξάμηνο 2013 Φροντιστήριο 10 ΛΥΣΕΙΣ Επερωτήσεις SQL Άσκηση 1 Για το ακόλουθο σχήμα Suppliers(sid, sname, address) Parts(pid, pname,
ΘΟΤΚΤΔΙΔΗ ΠΕΡΙΚΛΕΟΤ ΕΠΙΣΑΦΙΟ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΝ 2 ον, ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟΝ 36 ον Ἀπόδοσις τοῦ ἀρχαίου κειμένου εἰς λογίαν καθαρεύουσαν, παράρτημα σημειώσεων, σχόλια καὶ ἑρμηνεία ὑπὸ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Σ. ΖΑΡΒΑΝΟΥ
Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 1: Elements of Syntactic Structure Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια
Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------
Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. 1. Sin ( ) = a) b) c) d) Ans b. Solution : Method 1. Ans a: 17 > 1 a) is rejected. w.k.t Sin ( sin ) = d is rejected. If sin
C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions
C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions Paul Liu November 15, 2007 Note that these are sample solutions only; in many cases there were many acceptable answers. 1 Reynolds Problem 10.1 1.1 Normal-order
7 Present PERFECT Simple. 8 Present PERFECT Continuous. 9 Past PERFECT Simple. 10 Past PERFECT Continuous. 11 Future PERFECT Simple
A/ Ονόματα και ένα παράδειγμα 1 Present Simple 7 Present PERFECT Simple 2 Present Continuous 8 Present PERFECT Continuous 3 Past Simple (+ used to) 9 Past PERFECT Simple she eats she is eating she ate
IE NH ETAIPEIA E HNIKH I O O IA 5, 17456 - TEL: +30210 9956955, +30210 7277545, +30210 7277548 FAX: +30210 9923281, +30210 7248979 website:, E-mail:
Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 11: The Unreal Past Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια Creative Commons
The Nottingham eprints service makes this work by researchers of the University of Nottingham available open access under the following conditions.
Luevorasirikul, Kanokrat (2007) Body image and weight management: young people, internet advertisements and pharmacists. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham. Access from the University of Nottingham repository:
ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΣΥΝΑΡΜΟΛΟΓΗΣΗΣ/ ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION ΤΟΜΜΥ ΚΡΕΒΑΤΙ/BED 1. Παρακαλώ πολύ διαβάστε προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες πριν την συναρμολόγηση/ Please read the instructions carefully. 2. Παρακαλώ πολύ όπως ελέγξτε
k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R +
Chapter 3. Fuzzy Arithmetic 3- Fuzzy arithmetic: ~Addition(+) and subtraction (-): Let A = [a and B = [b, b in R If x [a and y [b, b than x+y [a +b +b Symbolically,we write A(+)B = [a (+)[b, b = [a +b
ab illo die - a)p e)kei/nhj th=j h(me/raj - from that day ad placendum - pro\j xa/rin - with a view to pleasing
ab illo die - a)p e)kei/nhj th=j h(me/raj - from that day ad placendum - pro\j xa/rin - with a view to pleasing ad vesperam - pro\j e(spe/ran - towards evening ad vesperam - ei)j e(spe/ran - towards evening
Similarly, we may define hyperbolic functions cosh α and sinh α from the unit hyperbola
Universit of Hperbolic Functions The trigonometric functions cos α an cos α are efine using the unit circle + b measuring the istance α in the counter-clockwise irection along the circumference of the
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Homework 3 Solutions
Homework 3 Solutions Igor Yanovsky (Math 151A TA) Problem 1: Compute the absolute error and relative error in approximations of p by p. (Use calculator!) a) p π, p 22/7; b) p π, p 3.141. Solution: For
Παραμύθια τησ Χαλιμϊσ, τομ. A Σελύδα 1
Παραμύθια τησ Χαλιμϊσ, τομ. A Σελύδα 1 Παραμύθια τησ Χαλιμϊσ, τομ. A Σελύδα 2 Dervish Abu Bekr, «Παραμύθια τησ Χαλιμϊσ, τομ. Α» Ιούνιοσ 2013 Φωτo εξωφύλλου: Βαςιλεύα Αςπαςύα Μαςούρα Επιμϋλεια ϋκδοςησ: