- Ἀριστόβουλος Αλεξανδρίδης
- 5 χρόνια πριν
- Προβολές:
1 EUAGGELION KATA LOUKAN [Dedicatory] ) Epeidhper polloi epeceirhsan anataxasqai dihghsin peri twn peplhroforhmenwn en h`min pragmatwn( kaqwj paredosan h`min oi` apv archj autoptai kai u`phretai genomenoi tou logou( edoxen kamoi( parhkolouqhkoti Anwqen pasin( akribwj kaqexhj soi grayai( kratiste Qeofile( i`na epignwj peri w-n kathchqhj logwn thn asfaleian) [The birth of John the baptizer foretold] ) Egeneto en taij h`meraij ~Hrwdou( tou basilewj thj Ioudaiaj( ièreuj tij onomati Zacariaj( ex efhmeriaj Abia\ kai h` gunh autou ek twn qugaterwn Aarwn( kai to onoma authj Elisabet) Hsan de dikaioi amfoteroi enwpion tou Qeou( poreuomenoi en pasaij taij entolaij kai dikaiwmasin tou Kuriou amemptoi) Kai ouk h=n autoij teknon( kaqoti h` Elisabet h=n steira\ kai amfoteroi probebhkotej en taij h`meraij autwn hsan) [The setting] Egeneto de en tw ièrateuein auton en th taxei thj efhmeriaj autou enanti tou Qeou( kata to eqoj thj ièrateiaj( elacen tou qumiasai eiselqwn eij ton naon tou Kuri& ou\ 0 kai pan to plhqoj tou laou h=n proseucomenon exw th w`ra tou qumiamatoj) Wfqh de autw aggeloj Kuriou e`stwj ek dexiwn tou qusiasthriou tou qumiamatoj\ kai etaracqh Zacariaj idwn( kai foboj epepesen epv auton) [Gabriel delivers] Eipen de proj auton o` aggelojç ~~Mh fobou( Zacaria( dioti eishkousqh h` dehsij sou( kai h` gunh sou Elisabet gennhsei ui`on soi( kai kaleseij to onoma autou Iwannhn) Kai estai cara soi kai agalliasij( kai polloi epi th gennhsei autou carhsontai\ estai gar megaj enwpion tou Kuriou\ kai oinon kai sikera ou mh pih\ kai Pneumatoj ~Agiou plhsqhsetai eti ek koiliaj mhtroj autou) Kai pollouj twn ui`wn Israhl epistre& yei epi Kurion ton Qeon autwn\ kai autoj proeleusetai enwpion Autou en pneumati kai dunamei Hliou( epistreyai kardiaj paterwn epi tekna( kai apeiqeij en fronhsei dikaiwn( e`toimasai Kuriw laon kateskeuasmenon)vv [Zacharias doubts] Kai eipen Zacariaj proj ton aggelonç ~~Kata ti, gnwsomai touto? Egw gar eimi presbuthj( kai h` gunh mou probebhkuia en taij h`meraij authj)vv Kai apokriqeij o` agge& loj eipen autwç ~~Egw eimi Gabrihl( o` paresthkwj enwpion tou Qeou\ kai apestalhn lalhsai proj se kai euaggelisasqai soi tauta) 0 Kai idou( esh siwpwn kai mh dunamenoj lalhsai acri h-j h`meraj genhtai tauta( anqv w-n ouk episteusaj toij logoij mou( oi`tinej plhrwqhsontai eij ton kairon autwn)vv [Zacharias punished] Both the text and the apparatus are the responsibility of Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD,. I venture to affirm to the reader that all original wording of is preserved in this edition, if not in the Text, at least in the apparatus. Diminish not a word Jeremiah : (see Deut. : and :, every word [as in.% of the MSS]). The last note at the end of this book gives explanation about the apparatus. tou f A,C,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,W [%] NU h gunh autou f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC autw ℵB,C,D,W [.%] NU enwpion f A,D,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC enantion ℵB,C [0.%] NU h elisabet hn f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵD [.%] NU [.%] B,W [0.%] enanti f B,D,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU enantion ℵA,C [0%] tou laou hn f A,C,D [%] CP,TR ℵB,W [%] HF,RP,OC,NU (The verb works with the participle in a periphrastic construction; the reading of A,C,D is the more natural, by far.) gennhsei f [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC genesei ℵA,B,C,D,W [0%] NU tou f B,D,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC[NU] --- ℵA,C [0%] 0
2 Kai h=n o` laoj prosdokwn ton Zacarian( kai eqaumazon en tw cronizein auton en tw naw) Exelqwn de ouk hdunato lalhsai autoij( kai epegnwsan o`ti optasian e`wraken en tw naw kai autoj h=n dianeuwn autoij( kai diemenen kwfoj) Kai egeneto( w`j eplhsqhsan ai` h`merai thj leitourgiaj autou( aphlqen eij ton oikon autou) Meta de tautaj taj h`meraj sunelaben Elisabet h` gunh autou( kai periekruben eàuthn mhnaj pente\ legousa o`ti ~~Ou`twj moi pepoihken o` Kurioj en h`meraij ai-j epeiden afelein to oneidoj mou en anqrwpoij!vv [The birth of Jesus foretold BC] ) En de tw mhni tw e`ktw apestalh o` aggeloj Gabrihl u`po tou Qeou eij polin thj Galilaiaj h` onoma Nazaret( proj parqenon memnhsteumenhn andri w` onoma Iwshf( ex oikou Dauid\ kai to onoma thj parqenou Mariam) Kai eiselqwn o` aggeloj proj authn eipen( ~~Caire( kecaritwmenh( o` Kurioj meta sou\ euloghmenh su en gunaixin!vv 0 ~H de idousa dietaracqh epi tw logw autou( kai dielogizeto potapoj eih o` aspasmoj ou`toj) [Gabriel delivers] 0 Kai eipen o` aggeloj authç ~~Mh fobou( Mariam( eu`rej gar carin para tw Qew) Kai idou( sullhyh en gastri kai texh Ui`on( kai kaleseij to onoma autou Ihsoun) Ou`toj estai megaj( kai Ui`oj ~Uyistou klhqhsetai\ kai dwsei autw Kurioj o` Qeoj ton qronon Dauid tou patroj autou\ kai basileusei epi ton oikon Iakwb eij touj aiwnaj\ kai( thj basileiaj autou ouk estai teloj!vv [Mary agrees] Eipen de Mariam proj ton aggelon( ~~Pwj estai touto( epei andra ou ginws& kw?vv Kai apokriqeij o` aggeloj eipen authç ~~Pneuma ~Agion epeleusetai epi se( kai dunamij ~Uyistou episkiasei soi\ dio kai to gennwmenon ~Agion klhqhsetai Ui`oj Qeou! Kai idou( Elisabet h` suggenhj sou( kai au`th suneilhfuia ui`on en ghrei authj( kai ou`toj mhn e`ktoj estin auth th kaloumenh steira\ o`ti ouk adunathsei para tw Qew 0 pan r`hma)vv Eipen de MariamÇ ~~Idou h` doulh Kuriou Genoito moi kata to r`hma sou)vv Kai aphlqen apv authj o` aggeloj) [Mary visits Elizabeth] Anastasa de Mariam en taij h`meraij tautaij eporeuqh eij thn oreinhn( meta spoudhj( eij polin Iouda( 0 kai eishlqen eij ton oikon Zacariou kai hspasato thn auton en tw naw f ℵA,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC B,W [%] NU [.%] hdunato f C,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC edunato ℵA,B [%] NU (Attic or Koine?) o f A,B [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵC,D,W [0.%] NU to f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [.%] NU upo f A,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC apo ℵB,W [.%] NU nazaret f ℵB,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC nazareq (C) [.%] NU nazaraq A [.%] memnhsteumenhn f C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC emnhsteumenhn ℵA,B,W [0.%] NU memnhsmenhn D [alone] oikou f A,B,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU kai patriaj ℵC [%] o aggeloj proj authn f A,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC B,W [.%] NU ℵ [%] 0 euloghmenh su en gunaixin f A,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,W [.%] NU idousa f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [.%] NU dietaracqh epi tw logw f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB(D)W [%] NU C [alone] autou f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,C,D,W [.%] NU sullhyh f [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC sullhmyh ℵA,B,C(D,W) [0.%] NU estai f ℵA,B,C,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,NU moi [%] OC suggenhj f C [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC suggenij ℵA,B(D) [0%] NU sungeneij W [alone] au`th f auth CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU suneilhfuia f A,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC suneilhfen ℵB,W [.%] NU ghrei f ℵA,B,C,D,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU ghra [0%] TR 0 tw qew f A,C [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC tou qeou ℵB,D,W [%] NU anastasa de f ℵB,C,D,W [0.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU kai A [.%] 0
3 Elisabet) Kai egeneto w`j hkousen h` Elisabet ton aspasmon thj Mariaj eskirthsen to brefoj en th koilia authj( kai eplhsqh Pneumatoj ~Agiou h` Elisabet) [Elizabeth prophesies] Kai anefwnhsen fwnh megalh kai eipenç ~~Euloghmenh su en gunaixin( kai euloghmenoj o` Karpoj thj koiliaj sou! Kai poqen moi touto i`na elqh h` mhthr tou Kuriou mou proj me? Idou gar( w`j egeneto h` fwnh tou aspasmou sou eij ta wta mou eskirthsen to brefoj en agalliasei en th koilia mou) Kai makaria h` pisteusasa( o`ti estai teleiwsij toij lelalhmenoij auth para Kuriou)VV [Mary worships] Kai eipen MariamÇ ~~Megalunei h` yuch mou ton Kurion( kai hgalliasen to pneuma mou epi tw Qew tw Swthri mou\ o`ti epebleyen epi thn tapeinwsin thj doulhj autou) Idou gar( apo tou nun makariousin me pasai ai` geneai( o`ti epoihsen moi mega& leia o` Dunatoj( kai ~Agion to onoma autou) 0 Kai to eleoj autou eij geneaj genewn toij foboumenoij auton) Epoihsen kratoj en bracioni autou\ dieskorpisen u`perhfanouj dianoia kardiaj autwn\ kaqeilen dunastaj apo qronwn kai u`ywsen tapeinouj\ pei& nwntaj eneplhsen agaqwn kai ploutountaj exapesteilen kenouj) Antelabeto Israhl paidoj autou( mnhsqhnai eleouj( kaqwj elalhsen proj touj pateraj h`mwn( tw ~Abraam kai tw spermati autou e`wj aiwnoj)vv Emeinen de Mariam sun auth w`sei mhnaj treij( kai u`pestreyen eij ton oikon authj) [The birth of John] ) Th de Elisabet eplhsqh o` cronoj tou tekein authn( kai egennhsen ui`on) Kai hkousan oi` perioikoi kai oi` suggeneij authj o`ti emegalunen Kurioj to eleoj autou metv authj( kai sunecairon auth) [John is named] Kai egeneto en th ogdoh h`mera 0 hlqon peritemein to paidion( kai ekaloun auto epi tw onomati tou patroj autou( Zacarian) 0 Kai apokriqeisa h` mhthr autou eipen( ~~Ouci( alla klhqhsetai Iwannhj!VV Kai eipon proj authn o`ti ~~Oudeij estin en th suggeneia sou o]j kaleitai tw onomati toutwvv) Eneneuon de tw patri autou to ti, an qeloi kaleisqai auton) Kai aithsaj pinakidion egrayen legwn( ~~Iwannhj estai to onoma autou!vv Kai eqaumasan pantej) Anewcqh de to stoma autou paracrhma kai h` glwssa autou( kai elalei eulogwn ton Qeon) $Kai egeneto epi pantaj foboj touj peri& oikountaj autouj\ kai en o`lh th oreinh thj Ioudaiaj dielaleito panta ta r`hmata tauta) Kai eqento pantej oi` akousantej en th kardia autwn legontej( ~~Ti, ara to paidion touto estai?vv Kai ceir Kuriou h=n metv autou)% h elisabet ton aspasmon thj mariaj f A,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB,C,D [.%] NU anefwnhsen f A,B,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU anebohsen ℵC [%] fwnh f ℵA,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC kraugh B,W [0.%] NU me f A,C,D,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC eme ℵB [0.%] NU to brefoj en agalliasei f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,OC ℵB,C,D,W [.%] TR,NU megaleia f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC megala ℵB,D,W [0.%] NU geneaj genewn f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC kai [.%] genean D [0.%] genean kai genean ℵ [.%] kai B,C,W [0.%] NU three other variants [.%] ewj aiwnoj f C [%] CP aiwnaj [%] eij ton aiwna ℵA,B,D,W [%] HF,RP,TR,OC,NU [Render while there is an age I take the point to be that the things mentioned are pertinent to this world, not the next.] wsei f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC wj ℵB,W [%] NU --- D [0.%] 0 ogdoh hmera f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC th ℵB,C,D,W [.%] NU eipon f A,B,C [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC eipan ℵD,W [%] NU en th suggeneia f D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ek thj suggeneiaj ℵA,B,C,W [%] NU auton f A,C,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC auto P ℵB,D [%] NU estai f C [%] CP estin ℵA,B,D,W [%] HF,RP,TR,OC,NU to f ℵA,C,D,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P B [0.%] NU kai f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC gar P ℵB,C,D,W [.%] NU 0
4 [Zacharias prophesies] Kai Zacariaj( o` pathr autou( eplhsqh Pneumatoj ~Agiou kai proefhteusen legwnç ~~Euloghtoj Kurioj o` Qeoj tou Israhl( o`ti epeskeyato kai epoihsen lutrwsin tw law autou( kai hgeiren keraj swthriaj h`min en tw oikw Dauid tou paidoj autou 0 kaqwj elalhsen dia stomatoj twn a`giwn twn apv aiwnoj profhtwn autou swth& rian ex ecqrwn h`mwn kai ek ceiroj pantwn twn misountwn h`maj\ poihsai eleoj meta twn paterwn h`mwn( kai mnhsqhnai diaqhkhj a`giaj autou( o`rkon o]n wmosen proj ~Abraam ton patera h`mwn\ tou dounai h`min afobwj $ek ceiroj twn ecqrwn h`mwn r`usqentaj% latreuein autw( en o`siothti kai dikaiosunh enwpion autou pasaj taj h`meraj thj zwhj h`mwn) ~~Kai su( paidion( profhthj ~Uyistou klhqhsh( proporeush gar pro prosw& pou 0 Kuriou e`toimasai o`douj autou( tou dounai gnwsin swthriaj tw law autou en afesei a`martiwn autwn( dia splagcna eleouj Qeou h`mwn( en oi-j epeskeyato h`maj anatolh ex u`youj\ epifanai toij en skotei kai skia qanatou kaqhmenoij( tou kateu& qunai touj podaj h`mwn eij o`don eirhnhj)vv 0 To de paidion huxanen kai ekrataiouto pneumati( kai h=n en taij erhmoij e`wj h`meraj anadeixewj autou proj ton Israhl) [The birth of Jesus BC] ) Egeneto de en taij h`meraij ekeinaij exhlqen dogma para Kaisaroj Augoustou apo& grafesqai pasan thn oikoumenhn) Au`th h` apografh prwth egeneto h`gemoneuontoj thj Suriaj Kurhniou) Kai eporeuonto pantej apografesqai( e`kastoj eij thn idian polin) [At night, in Bethlehem, the Savior is born] Anebh de kai Iwshf apo thj Galilaiaj( ek polewj Nazaret( eij thn Ioudaian( eij polin Dauid h`tij kaleitai Bhqleem( dia to einai auton ex oikou kai patriaj Dauid( apograyasqai sun Mariam( th memnhsteumenh autw gunaiki( oush egkuw) Egeneto de en tw einai autouj ekei eplhsqhsan ai` h`merai tou tekein authn\ kai eteken ton Ui`on authj ton prwtotokon( kai esparganwsen auton kai aneklinen auton en th fatnh( dioti ouk h=n autoij topoj en tw katalumati) [Angels and shepherds] Kai poimenej hsan en th cwra th auth( agraulountej kai fulassontej fulakaj thj nuktoj epi thn poimnhn autwn) Kai idou( aggeloj Kuriou epesth autoij kai doxa Kuriou perielamyen autouj( kai efobhqhsan fobon megan) 0 Kai eipen autoij o` aggelojç ~~Mh fobeisqe( idou gar( euaggelizomai u`min caran megalhn( h`tij estai panti tw law\ proefhteusen f (D) [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC eprofhteusen P ℵA,B,C,W [.%] NU eproefhteusen [.%] tw f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,C,D,W [%] NU tou f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵB,D,W [0.%] NU twn f A,C,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵB,W [%] NU twn f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [.%] NU hmwn f A,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,W [.%] NU pasaj taj hmeraj f ℵA,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC pasaij taij hmeraij P B,W [0.%] NU thj zwhj f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵA,B,C,D,W [%] NU su f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC de P ℵB,C,D,W [0.%] NU 0 pro proswpou f A,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC enwpion (P )ℵB,W [0.%] NU autwn f P ℵB,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU hmwn A,C [%] autou W [%] --- [%] epeskeyato f A,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC episkeyetai P ℵB,W [0.%] NU h f ℵA,C,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- B,D [0.%] NU idian f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC eautou B,D,W [0.%] NU eautwn ℵ nazaret f B,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC nazareq ℵD [.%] NU nazaraq A,C [0.%] memnhsteumenh f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC emnhsteumenh ℵA,B,C,D [0.%] NU ememnhsteumenh C two other variants [0.%] gunaiki f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,C v D,W [.%] NU th f [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵA,B,D,W [.%] NU idou f A,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,W [0.%] NU 0
5 o`ti etecqh u`min shmeron Swthr( o[j estin Cristoj Kurioj( en polei Dauid) Kai touto u`min to shmeionç eu`rhsete Brefoj esparganwmenon( keimenon en fatnh)vv Kai exaifnhj egeneto sun tw aggelw plhqoj stratiaj ouraniou ainountwn ton Qeon kai legontwn( ~~Doxa en u`yistoij Qew kai epi ghj eirhnh( en anqrwpoij eudokia!vv [Shepherds go and report] Kai egeneto w`j aphlqon apv autwn eij ton ouranon oi` aggeloi( kai oi` anqrwpoi( oi` poimenej( eipon proj allhlouj( ~~Dielqwmen dh e`wj Bhqleem kai idwmen to r`hma touto to gegonoj( o] o` Kurioj egnwrisen h`min VV Kai hlqon speusantej kai aneuron thn te Mariam kai ton Iwshf( kai to Brefoj keimenon en th fatnh) Idontej de diegnwrisan peri tou r`hmatoj tou lalhqentoj autoij peri tou paidiou toutou) Kai pantej oi` akou& santej eqaumasan peri twn lalhqentwn u`po twn poimenwn proj autouj) ~H de Mariam panta sunethrei ta r`hmata tauta( sumballousa en th kardia authj) 0 Kai u`pestreyan 0 oi` poimenej doxazontej kai ainountej ton Qeon epi pasin oi-j hkousan kai eidon( kaqwj elalhqh proj autouj) [Jesus is named] Kai o`te eplhsqhsan h`merai oktw tou peritemein auton( kai eklhqh to onoma autou Ihsouj( to klhqen u`po tou aggelou pro tou sullhfqhnai auton en th koilia) [Jesus is presented to God] Kai o`te eplhsqhsan ai` h`merai tou kaqarismou autwn kata ton nomon Mw& sewj( anhgagon auton eij ~Ierosoluma parasthsai tw Kuriw (kaqwj gegraptai en nomw Kuriou o`ti ~~Pan arsen dianoigon mhtran a`gion tw Kuriw klhqhsetaivv)( kai tou dounai qusian kata to eirhmenon en nomw Kuriou( ~~zeugoj trugonwn h. duo neossouj peristerwnvv) [Simeon] Kai idou( h=n anqrwpoj en ~Ierousalhm 0 w- onoma Sumewn( kai o` anqrwpoj ou`toj dikaioj kai eulabhj( prosdecomenoj paraklhsin tou Israhl( kai Pneuma h=n ~Agion epv auton) $Kai h=n autw kecrhmatismenon u`po tou Pneumatoj tou ~Agiou mh idein qanaton prin h. idh ton Criston Kuriou)% Kai hlqen en tw Pneumati eij to ièron\ kai en tw eisagagein touj goneij to paidion Ihsoun( tou poihsai autouj kata to eiqismenon eurhsete f B,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU eurhsetai ℵA,W [%] keimenon f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC kai B,W [.%] NU --- ℵD [.%] en f ℵA,B,D,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU th [0%] TR eudokia f (.%) CP,HF,RP,TR,OC eudokiaj ℵA,B,D,W (0.%) NU two other readings (0.%) [ MSS x MSS, according to Text und Textwert] kai oi anqrwpoi f A,D (.%) CP,HF,RP,TR,OC kai (.%) --- (ℵ)B,W (.%) NU one other variant (%) eipon f A,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC elaloun ℵB,W [0.%] NU eipan [0.%] hlqon f ℵD,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC hlqan B [0.%] NU aphlqon [.%] aneuron f ℵA [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC aneuran B,NU euron D,W [%] huran [0.%] euran [0.%] diegnwrisan f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC egnwrisan ℵB,D,W [.%] NU 0 upestreyan f ℵA,B,D,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU epestreyan [.%] TR eplhsqhsan f ℵA,B,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,NU ai D [%] OC auton f ℵA,B,W [%] CP,HF,RP,NU to paidon D [%] TR,OC auto [%] sullhfqhnai f [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC sullhmfqhnai ℵA,B [0.%] NU sunlhmfqhnai D,W autwn f ℵA,B,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU autou D [0%] mwsewj f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR mwusewj ℵB,D,W [%] OC,NU mwuseoj [%] dianoigon f A,B,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU dianoigwn ℵN [%] en f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC tw ℵB,D,W [%] NU neossouj f A,D,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC nossouj ℵB,W [%] NU hn anqrwpoj f A,D,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB,W [%] NU 0 ierousalhm rell ierosolumoij OC hn agion f ℵA,B,W [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU D,N [%] TR prin h f A,D,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC an [0.%] [NU] an B [0.%] W [%] ewj an ℵ
6 tou nomou peri autou( kai autoj edexato auto eij taj agkalaj autou kai euloghsen ton Qeon kai eipenç ~~Nun apolueij ton doulon sou( Despota( kata to r`hma sou( en eirhnh( 0 o`ti eidon oi` ofqalmoi mou to swthrion sou( o] h`toimasaj kata proswpon pantwn twn lawnç fwj eij apokaluyin eqnwn( kai doxan laou sou Israhl)VV Kai h=n Iwshf kai h` mhthr autou qaumazontej epi toij laloumenoij peri autou) Kai euloghsen autouj Sumewn( kai eipen proj Mariam thn mhtera autouç ~~Idou( ou`toj keitai eij ptwsin kai anastasin pollwn en tw Israhl( kai eij shmeion antile& gomenon (kai sou de authj thn yuchn dieleusetai r`omfaia)( o`pwj an apokalufqwsin ek pollwn kardiwn dialogismoi)vv [Anna] Kai h=n Anna profhtij( qugathr Fanouhl( ek fulhj Ashr au`th probebhkuia en h`meraij pollaij( zhsasa eth meta androj e`pta apo thj parqeniaj authj kai auth chra w`j etwn ogdohkonta tessarwn h] ouk afistato apo tou ièrou( nhsteiaij kai dehsesin latreuousa nukta kai h`meran) Kai au`th( auth th w`ra epistasa( anqwmologeito tw Kuriw( kai elalei peri Autou pasin toij prosdecomenoij lutrwsin en 0 ~Ierousalhm) [Back to Natsareth] Kai w`j etelesan a`panta ta kata ton nomon Kuriou( u`pestreyan eij thn Galilaian( eij thn polin eàutwn( Nazaret) 0 To de paidion huxanen kai ekra& taiouto pneumati( plhroumenon sofiaj\ kai( carij Qeou h=n epv autw) [A twelve-year-old Boy] ) Kai eporeuonto oi` goneij autou katv etoj eij ~Ierousalhm th e`orth tou Pasca\ kai o`te egeneto etwn dwdeka( anabantwn autwn 0 eij ~Ierosoluma kata to eqoj thj e`orthj) Kai teleiwsantwn taj h`meraj( en tw u`postrefein autouj( u`pemeinen Ihsouj o` Paij en ~Ierousalhm\ kai ouk egnw Iwshf kai h` mhthr autou) Nomisantej de auton en th sunodia einai( hlqon h`meraj o`don( kai anezhtoun auton en toij suggenesin kai auto f ℵA,B,D,N,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,NU auton [0%] OC autou f A,D,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,W [%] NU $o A,N.%% iwshf kai h mhthr autou $&a) N 0.%% f (A)(N) (.%) CP,HF,RP,TR,OC o pathr $&a) 0.%% $+autou ℵ 0.%) (ℵ)B,D,W (0.%) NU three other variants (0.%) de f ℵA,D,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC[NU] --- B,W [0.%] eth meta androj epta f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB,N,W [.%] NU A,D [.%] wj f W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ewj ℵA,B,N [.%] NU --- D [0.%] apo f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- B,D,W [.%] NU ek ℵ au`th auth f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC A,B,W [.%] ℵD,N [.%] NU kuriw f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC qew ℵB,D,N,W [0.%] NU 0 en f A,D,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,W [.%] NU apanta f A,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC panta ℵB,N,W [.%] NU ta f A,B,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU --- ℵD,N [%] upestreyan f A,D,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC epestreyan (ℵ)B,W [0.%] NU thn f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [%] NU eautwn f ℵA,B,D,N,W [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU autwn [%] TR nazaret f ℵN,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC nazareq B v (D) [.%] NU nazarat A [0.%] nazaraq [.%] pneumati f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [0.%] NU sofiaj f ℵA,D,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC sofia B,W [0.%] NU autw f (D) [%] auto ℵA,B,N,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU auton [%] [The dative is better the grace was resting on Him all the time.] 0 anabantwn autwn f N [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC anabainontwn (ℵ)A,B,W [.%] NU anebhsan (D) [0.%] eij ierosoluma f A,C v D(N) [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,W [0.%] NU egnw f A,C,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC egnwsan ℵB,D,W [.%] NU iwshf kai h mhthr f A,C,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC oi goneij ℵB,D,W [.%] NU en th sunodia einai f A,C(N) [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB,D,W [%] NU suggenesin f ℵA,C(D) [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC suggeneusin B,N,W [%] NU
7 en toij gnwstoij) Kai mh eu`rontej auton( u`pestreyan eij ~Ierousalhm zhtountej auton) Kai egeneto meqv h`meraj treij eu`ron auton en tw ièrw( kaqezomenon en mesw twn didaskalwn( kai akouonta autwn kai eperwtwnta autouj) $Existanto de pantej oi` akouontej autou epi th sunesei kai taij apokrisesin autou)% Kai idontej auton exeplaghsan( kai proj auton h` mhthr autou eipenç ~~Teknon( ti, epoihsaj h`min ou`twj? Idou( o` pathr sou kagw odunwmenoi ezhtoumen se)vv Kai eipen proj autoujç ~~Ti, o`ti ezhteite me? Ouk hdeite o`ti en toij tou Patroj mou dei einai me?vv 0 Kai autoi ou sunhkan to r`hma o] elalhsen autoij) Kai katebh metv autwn kai hlqen eij Nazaret( kai h=n u`potassomenoj autoij) Kai h` mhthr autou diethrei panta ta r`hmata tauta en th kardia authj) Kai Ihsouj proekopten sofia kai h`likia( kai cariti para Qew kai anqrwpoij) [Enter John the baptizer AD] ) En etei de 0 pentekaidekatw thj h`gemoniaj Tiberiou Kaisaroj( h`gemoneuontoj Pon& tiou Pilatou thj Ioudaiaj kai tetrarcountoj thj Galilaiaj ~Hrwdou( Filippou de tou adelfou autou tetrarcountoj thj Itouraiaj kai Tracwnitidoj cwraj( kai Lusaniou thj Abilhnhj tetrarcountoj( epi arcierewj Anna $kai Kaiafa%( egeneto r`hma Qeou epi Iwannhn ton Zacariou ui`on en th erhmw) Kai hlqen eij pasan thn pericwron tou Iordanou( khrusswn baptisma metanoiaj eij afesin a`martiwn\ w`j gegraptai en biblw logwn ~Hsaiou tou profhtou( legontojç ~~Fwnh bowntojç ~En th erhmw e`toimasate thn o`don Kuriou( euqeiaj poieite taj tribouj autou) Pasa faragx plhrwqhsetai( kai pan oroj kai bounoj tapeinwqhsetai\ kai estai ta skolia eij euqeian( kai ai` traceiai eij o`douj leiaj\ kai oyetai pasa sarx to swthrion tou Qeou)VVV [ Brood of vipers! ] Elegen oun toij ekporeuomenoij ocloij baptisqhnai u`pv autouç ~~Gennhmata ecid& nwn! Ti,j u`pedeixen u`min fugein apo thj melloushj orghj? Poihsate oun karpouj axiouj thj metanoiaj( kai mh arxhsqe legein en eàutoij( ~Patera ecomen ton ~AbraamV\ legw gar u`min o`ti dunatai o` Qeoj ek twn liqwn toutwn egeirai tekna tw ~Abraam Hdh de kai h` axinh proj thn r`izan twn dendrwn keitai\ pan oun dendron mh poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eij pur balletai)vv [ What shall we do? ] kai en toij gnwstoij f D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC A,B,C,N,W [.%] NU --- ℵ [0.%] auton f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,C(D)W [.%] NU zhtountej f ℵA,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC anazhtountej B,C,D,W [.%] NU epizhtountej [0.%] meq f A,C,D,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC meta ℵB,W [.%] NU proj auton h mhthr autou eipen f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB,C,D,W [.%] NU nazaret f ℵC,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC nazareq B,D [.%] NU nazarat A,N [0.%] nazaraq [.%] kai h f ℵA,B,C,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU de D [.%] tauta f A,C,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [.%] NU proekopten f A,C,D,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC en th ℵ [0.%] [NU] th B,W [0.%] 0 de rell --- [%] tetrarcountoj f B,D,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC tetraarcountoj ℵA,C,NU tetrarcountoj f A,B,D,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC tetraarcountoj ℵC,NU tetrarcountoj f A,B,D,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC tetraarcountoj ℵC,NU epi arcierewj f ℵA,B,C,D,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,NU ep [0.%] OC arcierewn [.%] ep arcierewn [0.%] TR ton f ℵA,B,C,D,N,W [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU tou [%] TR thn f ℵC,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC[NU] --- A,B,N,W [0.%] legontoj f A,C,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [.%] NU faragx f ℵB,C,D,N,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU farax A [%]
8 0 Kai ephrwtwn auton oi` ocloi legontej( ~~Ti, oun poihsomen?vv Apokriqeij de legei autoij( ~~~O ecwn duo citwnaj metadotw tw mh econti( kai o` ecwn brwmata o`moiwj poieitwvv) Hlqon de kai telwnai baptisqhnai u`pv autou kai eipon proj auton( ~~Didas& kale( ti, poihsomen?vv ~O de eipen proj autouj( ~~Mhden pleon para to diatetagmenon u`min prassetevv) Ephrwtwn de auton kai strateuomenoi legontej( ~~Kai h`meij( ti, poih& somen?vv Kai eipen proj autouj( ~~Mhdena diaseishte mhde sukofanthshte( kai arkeisqe toij oywnioij u`mwnvv) [ A greater One is coming ] Prosdokwntoj de tou laou kai dialogizomenwn pantwn en taij kardiaij autwn peri tou Iwannou( mhpote autoj eih o` Cristoj( apekrinato o` Iwannhj a`pasin legwnç ~~Egw men u`dati baptizw u`maj\ ercetai de o` iscuroteroj mou( ou- ouk eimi i`kanoj lusai ton i`manta twn u`podhmatwn autou) Autoj u`maj baptisei en Pneumati ~Agiw kai puri\ ou- to ptuon en th ceiri autou( kai diakaqariei 0 thn a`lwna autou kai sunaxei ton siton eij thn apoqhkhn autou( to de acuron katakausei puri asbestw)vv [John is imprisoned historical aside] $ Polla men oun kai e`tera parakalwn euhggelizeto tw law) ~O de ~Hrwdhj o` tetrarchj elegcomenoj u`pv autou peri ~Hrwdiadoj( thj gunaikoj tou adelfou autou( kai peri pantwn w-n epoihsen ponhrwn o` ~Hrwdhj 0 proseqhken kai touto epi pasinç kai katekleisen ton Iwannhn en th fulakh)% [Jesus is baptized] Egeneto de en tw baptisqhnai a`panta ton laon( kai Ihsou( baptisqentoj kai proseucomenou( anewcqhnai ton ouranon kai katabhnai to Pneuma to ~Agion swma& tikw eidei w`sei peristeran epv auton( kai fwnhn ex ouranou genesqai legousan( ~~Su ei= o` Ui`oj mou o` agaphtoj\ en soi eudokhsa)vv [Mary s genealogy] poihsomen f [%] CP,RP,TR,OC poihswmen ℵA,B,C(D)N,W [%] HF,NU (The indicative is correct; they are committing themselves to do what he says.) legei f A,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC elegen P ℵB,C,N [.%] NU eipen W up autou f C [0%] CP --- P ℵA,B,D,N,W [0%] HF,RP,TR,OC,NU poihsomen f [%] CP,RP,TR,OC poihswmen P ℵA,B,C(D)N,W [%] HF,NU (The indicative continues to be correct.) kai hmeij ti poihsomen f A [%] CP,RP,TR,OC poihswmen N [.%] HF poihswmen P v ℵB,C,W [.%] NU poihswmen D (Still indicative.) proj autouj f ℵA,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC autoij P B,C,D [0.%] NU diaseishte mhde sukofanthshte rell OC apasin f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC pasin P ℵB,N,W [.%] NU --- D o iwannhj apasin legwn f A,C,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC [.%] [0.%] [.%] P ℵB,W [0.%] NU [0.%] [0.%] --- D 0 kai diakaqariei f A,C,D,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC diakaqarai P ℵB,NU kaqariei [.%] one other reading sunaxei f A,C(D)N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC sunagagein P ℵB,NU tw law f [%] ton laon rell [The verb euaggelizw normally takes the dative, although the accusative does occur; evidently there is no difference in meaning.] tetrarchj f A,B,D,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC tetraarchj ℵC,NU gunaikoj f P,v ℵB,D,N [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU filippou A,C,W [%] TR kai f P v A,C,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC[NU] --- ℵB,D [.%] th f A,C,N,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵB,D [%] NU wsei f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC wj P ℵB,D,W [.%] NU legousan f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵB,D,W [0.%] NU eudokhsa f P ℵB,N [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU hudokhsa A,W [%] TR --- D
9 $ $) Kai autoj h=n o` Ihsouj( w`sei etwn triakonta arcomenoj( wn $w`j enomizeto% ui`oj Iwshf( tou Hlei( tou Matqan( tou Leui( tou Melci( tou Ianna( tou Iwshf( tou Mattaqiou( tou Amwj( tou Naoum( tou Esli( tou Naggai( tou Maaq( tou Mattaqiou( tou Semei( tou Iwshf( 0 tou Iouda( tou Iwannan( tou ~Rhsa( tou Zorobabel( tou Salaqihl( tou Nhri( tou Melci( tou Addi( tou Kwsam( tou Elmwdam( tou Hr( tou Iwsh( tou Eliezer( tou Iwreim( tou Matqat( tou Leui( 0 0 tou Sumewn( tou Iouda( tou Iwshf( tou Iwnam( tou Eliakeim( tou Melea( tou Mainan( tou Mattaqa( tou Naqan( tou Dauid( tou Iessai( tou Wbhd( tou Booz( tou Salmwn( tou Naasswn( tou Aminadab( tou Aram( tou Iwram( 0 tou ~Esrwm( tou Farej( tou Iouda( tou Iakwb( tou Isaak( tou ~Abraam( tou Qarra( tou Nacwr( tou Serouc( tou ~Ragab( o f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵB,D,W [%] NU wsei etwn triakonta arcomenoj f A(D)N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC P ℵB,W [.%] NU wj enomizeto uioj f A(D)N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC P ℵB,W [.%] NU hlei f ℵA,B [0%] hli P N [0%] CP,TR,NU (h`li HF,RP,OC) [Codex W omits the whole genealogy, while codex D replaces it with Matthew s.] matqan f N [%] CP,OC matqat A,B [%] HF,RP,TR maqqaq P (ℵ) [alone] matqa [.%] mattaq [0.%] three other spellings [0.%] maqqat [none!] NU (NU serves up a patchwork quilt.) melci f N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU melcei P ℵA,B [.%] melch [0.%] ianna f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR iannai P v ℵB [.%] NU iwanna N [.%] OC iannan [.%] anna [.%] iwanne [0.%] nine other spellings [.%] esli f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,NU eslei ℵA,B [.%] eslim N [.%] OC esleim [.%] four other spellings P v [.%] semei f [%] CP,RP,TR semeei A,N [.%] HF saimei [.%] semeein P ℵB [0.%] semeh [0.%] semeu OC two other spellings [0.%] semein [none!] NU (NU serves up another patchwork quilt.) 0 iwshf f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR iwshc P ℵB [.%] OC,NU two other spellings [0.%] iouda f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR iwda P ℵB [%] OC,NU four other spellings [0.%] iwannan f [%] CP,OC iwanna [%] TR iwanan P A,B [%] HF,RP,NU iwnan ℵ [%] iwnnan [%] ianan [%] iannan [.%] four other spellings [.%] --- N (If we take the letters one by one, we get: i=00%, w=a. %, a=a. %, n=00%, n=a. %, a=00%, n=a. %; the plurality variant wins all around.) nhri f N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU nhrei P ℵA,B [%] six other spellings [%] melci f N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU melcei P ℵA,B [%] addi f N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU addei P ℵA,B [0%] seven other spellings [.%] elmwdam f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC elmadam ℵB,N [%] NU elmwdan [%] elmwdad [%] elmasam P twelve other spellings [%] iwsh f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ihsou P ℵB [.%] NU six other spellings [%] iwreim A,B [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC iwrim ℵN [%] NU iwrhm [0%] eight further spellings [%] matqat f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC maqqat P B [0.%] NU mattaq A [%] maqqaq ℵ matqan N [%] maqat [.%] eleven further spellings [%] 0 leui f N [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU leuei P ℵA,B [0%] iwnam f ℵB [%] NU iwnan [%] CP,HF,RP,TR iwna OC iwanan A [%] iwannan [%] iwana N seven further spellings [%] eliakeim rell eliakim N [%] NU eleiakeim [%] eliakhm [%] three other spellings mainan f N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC menna P v ℵB [.%] NU eight other spellings [%] --- A naqan f A,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC naqam P ℵB,NU wbhd f N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC iwbhd A [%] NU iwbhl ℵB wbhl D iwbht P five other spellings [%] booz f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC booj A,B,D [%] NU ballj ℵ four other spellings [%] --- N salmwn f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC sala P ℵB,NU salman [%] two other variants [0.%] aminadab f A(D) [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU aminadam [%] amhnadab [%] adam ℵ five other readings [%] --- B aram f A,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC tou arni N admein tou arnei B admin tou arnei ℵ admin tou arni NU [There are at least four further variations. The available statements of evidence are confusing, but it appears that admin has about %, and admein may have up to %.] 0 tou iwram f [0%] HF,OC --- ℵA,B,N [0%] CP,RP,TR,NU (it b gives us overt V century attestation for Joram, though I have demonstrated, to my own satisfaction at least, that f must hark back at least to the III.) qarra f N [0%] CP,HF qara ℵA,B,D [0%] RP,TR,OC,NU serouc f ℵA,B(D)N [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU sarouc [%] TR ragab f [%] ragau ℵA,B,D,N [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU six other spellings [%]
10 tou Falek( tou ~Eber( tou Sala( tou Kainan( tou Arfaxad( tou Shm( tou Nwe( tou Lamec( tou Maqousala( tou Enwc( tou Iared( tou Malelehl( tou Kainan( tou Enwj( tou Shq( tou Adam( tou Qeou)% [Jesus tested by Satan] ) Ihsouj de( plhrhj Pneumatoj ~Agiou( u`pestreyen apo tou Iordanou kai hgeto en tw Pneumati eij thn erhmon( h`meraj tessarakonta peirazomenoj u`po tou diabolou) Kai ouk efagen ouden en taij h`meraij ekeinaij( kai suntelesqeiswn autwn u`steron 0 epei& nasen) Kai eipen autw o` diaboloj( ~~Ei Ui`oj ei= tou Qeou( eipe tw liqw toutw i`na genhtai artoj!vv Kai apekriqh Ihsouj proj auton legwn( ~~Gegraptai o`ti ~Ouk epv artw monw zhsetai anqrwpoj( allv epi panti r`hmati QeouV)VV Kai anagagwn auton o` diaboloj eij oroj u`yhlon( edeixen autw pasaj taj basileiaj thj oikoumenhj en stigmh cronou) Kai eipen autw o` diabolojç ~~Soi dwsw thn exousian tauthn a`pasan( kai thn doxan autwn( o`ti emoi paradedotai( kai w- ean qelw didwmi authn) Su oun( ean proskunhshj enwpion emou( estai soi pasa)vv Kai apokriqeij autw eipen o` IhsoujÇ 0 ~~~Upage opisw mou( Satana! Gegraptai( ~Prosku& nhseij Kurion ton Qeon sou( kai autw monw latreuseijv!vv Kai hgagen auton eij ~Ierousalhm kai esthsen auton epi to pterugion tou ièrou kai eipen autwç ~~Ei Ui`oj ei= tou Qeou( bale seauton enteuqen katw\ 0 gegrap& tai gar o`ti ~Toij aggeloij autou enteleitai peri sou tou diafulaxai sev( kai( ~Epi ceirwn arousin se( mhpote proskoyhj proj liqon ton poda souv)vv Kai apokriqeij eipen autw o` Ihsouj o`ti ~~Eirhtai( ~Ouk ekpeiraseij Kurion ton Qeon souv VV falek f ℵA,B,D,N [0%] CP,HF,TR,OC,NU faleg A [0%] RP e`ber f CP?,RP,someTRs eber HF,OC,someTRs,NU kainan f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC kainam ℵB [0.%] NU three other spellings [%] --- D enwc f CP,RP,TR,OC e`nwc HF,NU iared f D,N [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC iaret P v ℵB,NU iareq A [.%] kainan f A,B,D,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC kainam ℵ,NU plhrhj pneumatoj agiou f P,,v ℵB,D,N,W [%] CP,OC,NU A [%] HF,RP,TR eij thn erhmon f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC en th erhmw P, ℵB,D,W [%] NU tessarakonta f D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC tesserakonta P A,B,N [%] NU m P ℵW 0 usteron f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [%] NU kai eipen f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC de ℵB,D,W [%] NU ihsouj proj auton legwn f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR o [%] OC o ℵB,W [.%] NU autw o [%] o eipen D two other variants zhsetai f [0%] CP,HF,RP,OC o ℵA,B,D,W [0%] TR,NU all epi panti rhmati $!tou 0.%% qeou f A(D) (0.%) CP,HF,RP,TR en D (.%) ekporeuomenw dia stomatoj (.%) OC --- ℵB,W (0.%) NU one other reading (0.%) o diaboloj eij oroj uyhlon f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC (D) [0.%] W --- ℵB [0.%] NU proskunhshj rell proskunhseij [%] emou f ℵB,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,NU mou A [%] TR,OC soi f [%] sou ℵA,B,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU pasa f ℵA,B,D [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU panta W [%] TR [It will be observed that this is the third variant set within the space of four words, and within these sets the attestation varies considerably. In the main, the copyists tried to reproduce faithfully what was in front of them.] 0 autw eipen o ihsouj f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵW [%] NU A [%] D [%] B two other variants upage opisw mou satana f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [.%] NU gegraptai f ℵA,B,D,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,NU gar [0%] TR,OC proskunhseij kurion ton qeon sou f A [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR ℵB,D,W [0%] OC,NU kai hgagen f A,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC de ℵB,W [%] NU ierousalhm rell ierosoluma [%] OC auton f A,D,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC autw [%] --- ℵB [0.%] NU ei rell o [%] TR enteuqen rell anwqen [%] euqen [%] --- [%] kai f D [%] CP,HF,RP oti ℵA,B,W [%] TR,OC,NU
11 Kai suntelesaj panta peirasmon( o` diaboloj apesth apv autou acri kairou) [Jesus begins His public ministry, in Galilee] ) Kai u`pestreyen o` Ihsouj en th dunamei tou Pneumatoj eij thn Galilaian( kai fhmh exhlqen kaqv o`lhj thj pericwrou peri autou\ kai autoj edidasken en taij sunagwgaij autwn( doxazomenoj u`po pantwn) [His home town rejects Him] Kai hlqen eij thn Nazaret( ou- h=n teqrammenoj\ kai eishlqen( kata to eiw& qoj autw( en th h`mera twn sabbatwn eij thn sunagwghn( kai anesth anagnwnai) Kai epedoqh autw biblion ~Hsaiou tou profhtou\ kai anaptuxaj to biblion eu`ren ton topon ou- h=n gegrammenonç ~~Pneuma Kuriou epv eme( ou- ei`neken ecrisen me euaggelisasqai ptwcoij) Apestalken me iasasqai touj suntetrimmenouj thn kardian( khruxai aicmalw& toij afesin kai tufloij anableyin( aposteilai teqrausmenouj en afesei( khruxai eni& auton Kuriou dekton)vv [ Today this Scripture is fulfilled ] 0 Kai ptuxaj to biblion( apodouj tw u`phreth( ekaqisen) Kai pantwn en th sunagwgh oi` ofqalmoi hsan 0 atenizontej autw) Hrxato de legein proj autouj o`ti ~~Shmeron peplhrwtai h` grafh au`th en toij wsin u`mwnvv) $Kai pantej emarturoun autw kai eqaumazon epi toij logoij thj caritoj toij ekporeuomenoij ek tou stomatoj autou\ kai elegon( ~~Ouc ou`toj estin o` ui`oj Iwshf?VV% Kai eipen proj autoujç ~~Pantwj ereite moi thn parabolhn tauthnç ~Iatre( qerapeuson seauton!v o`sa hkousamen genomena en th Kapernaoum poihson kai w`de en th patridi sou)vv [Jesus treads on their toes] Eipen deç ~~Amhn legw u`min o`ti oudeij profhthj dektoj estin en th patridi autou) EpV alhqeiaj de legw u`min( pollai chrai hsan en taij h`meraij Hliou en tw Israhl( o`te ekleisqh o` ouranoj epi eth tria kai mhnaj e`x( w`j egeneto limoj megaj epi pasan thn ghn\ kai proj oudemian autwn epemfqh Hliaj ei mh eij Sarepta thj [A number of months elapsed between verses and ; John :-: records some of what transpired during that interval.] o f ℵA,B,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU --- [%] thn f A [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [0%] NU nazaret f [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC nazareq W [0%] nazara ℵB [0.%] NU nazarat A [0.%] hsaiou tou profhtou f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB,W [.%] NU o profhthj hsaiaj D one other variant eineken f ℵA,B,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU eneken [%] TR euaggelisasqai rell euaggelizesqai [%] TR iasasqai touj suntetetrimmenouj thn kardian f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,D,W [.%] NU ekaqisen rell ekaqhsen [%] 0 en th sunagwgh oi ofqalmoi hsan f D,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC A [%] ℵB,W [%] NU ouc f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ouci ℵB,D,N,W [.%] NU outoj estin o uioj iwshf f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB,W [0.%] NU D N two other variants en th f [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC A,N [%] eij thn ℵB,W [0.%] NU eij D [%] kapernaum f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC kafarnaum ℵB,D,W [0.%] NU w-de [0%] w=de f [0%] (I include this information for the record, and so as not to lose sight of it; since there is no contrast in meaning here, and I am not aware that the Autographs contained breathing marks, I stay with the conventional spelling. However, it may be noted that the difference between w- de ( so to whom ) and w-de ( here ) would be indistinct in most MSS; the simple expedient reflected in f resolves the ambiguity.) legw umin f ℵB,D,N,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU A [%] umin rell oti ℵW [%] sarepta rell sarefqa N [%] sarapta W [%] OC seven other spellings [%]
12 Sidwnoj( proj gunaika chran) Kai polloi leproi hsan epi Elissaiou tou profhtou en tw Israhl\ kai oudeij autwn ekaqarisqh ei mh Neeman o` Suroj)VV [Typical mob action] Kai eplhsqhsan pantej qumou en th sunagwgh akouontej tauta( kai anas& tantej exebalon auton exw thj polewj kai hgagon auton e`wj ofruoj tou orouj efv ou- h` polij autwn wkodomhto( eij to katakrhmnisai auton) 0 Autoj de( dielqwn dia mesou autwn( eporeueto) [Capernaum becomes His base of operations AD] Kai kathlqen eij Kapernaoum( polin thj Galilaiaj\ kai h=n didaskwn autouj en toij sabbasin) Kai exeplhssonto epi th didach autou( o`ti en exousia h=n o` logoj autou) [A demonized man] Kai en th sunagwgh h=n anqrwpoj ecwn pneuma daimoniou akaqartou\ kai anekraxen fwnh megalh legwnç 0 ~~Ea! Ti, h`min kai soi( Ihsou Nazarhne? Hlqej apolesai h`maj? Oida se ti,j ei=( o` ~Agioj tou Qeou!VV Kai epetimhsen autw o` Ihsouj legwn( ~~Fimwqhti( kai exelqe ex autou!vv Kai r`iyan auton to daimonion eij meson( exhlqen apv autou( mhden blayan auton) Kai egeneto qamboj epi pantaj( kai sunelaloun proj allh& louj legontejç ~~Ti,j o` logoj ou`toj! o`ti en exousia kai dunamei epitassei toij akaqartoij pneumasin( kai exercontai!vv Kai exeporeueto hcoj peri autou eij panta topon thj pericwrou) [Peter s mother-in-law] Anastaj de ek thj sunagwghj eishlqen eij thn oikian Simwnoj) Penqera de tou Simwnoj h=n sunecomenh puretw megalw( kai hrwthsan auton peri authj) Kai epistaj epanw authj epetimhsen tw puretw( kai afhken authn) Paracrhma de anastasa dihkonei autoij) [Healings at sunset] 0 Dunontoj de tou h`liou( pantej o`soi eicon asqenountaj nosoij poikilaij hgagon autouj proj auton\ o` de e`ni e`kastw autwn taj ceiraj epiqeij eqerapeusen autouj) Exhrceto de kai daimonia apo pollwn( krazonta 0 kai legonta o`ti ~~Su ei= o` Cristoj( o` Ui`oj tou Qeou!VV Kai epitimwn ouk eia auta lalein( o`ti hdeisan ton Cris& ton auton einai) sidwnoj f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR sidwniaj ℵA,C [%] OC,NU seidwniaj B,W sidoniaj D [%] two other variants [0.%] elissaiou f C [%] CP,HF,RP,TR elisaiou ℵA(B)D [%] OC,NU eleiseou W three other readings epi elissaiou tou profhtou en tw israhl f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB,C,D,W [%] NU neeman f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC naiman ℵA,B,C(D)W [%] NU neemman [%] six other spellings [%] ewj f ℵA,B,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU thj D [.%] TR tou [%] autwn wkodomhto f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC P ℵB(D)W [.%] NU eij to f A,C [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC wste P v ℵB,D,W [%] NU two other variants [%] kathlqen rell o ihsouj [%] kapernaum f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC kafarnaum P ℵB,D,W [0.%] NU 0 legwn f A,C,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,W [%] NU ex f P A,C,Q [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ap ℵB,D,W [%] NU eij f D [0%] CP,HF,RP to P ℵA,B,C,Q,W [0%] TR,OC,NU ek f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC apo P ℵB,C,D,N,Q,W [%] NU sunagwghj rell o ihsouj [%] penqera de f ℵA,B,D,N,Q [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU h C [%] h W [%] TR dunontoj rell dunantoj [%] dusantoj D pantej f ℵA,D,N,Q,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC apantej B,C [%] NU epiqeij f ℵA,C,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR epitiqeij B,D,Q,W [%] OC,NU eqerapeusen f ℵA,C,N,Q [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC eqerapeuen B,D,W [%] NU 0 krazonta f B,C,N,Q [%] CP,HF,RP,TR kraugazonta A,D,W [%] OC[NU] krazontwn ℵ o cristoj f A,N,Q [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵB,C,D,W [.%] NU
13 Genomenhj de h`meraj exelqwn eporeuqh eij erhmon topon\ kai oi` ocloi ezhtoun auton kai hlqon e`wj autou( kai kateicon auton tou mh poreuesqai apv autwn) ~O de eipen proj autouj o`ti ~~Kai taij e`teraij polesin euaggelisasqai me dei thn basileian tou Qeou( o`ti eij touto apestalmaivv) Kai h=n khrusswn en taij sunagwgaij thj Galilaiaj) [By the sea] ) Egeneto de( en tw ton oclon epikeisqai autw tou akouein ton logon tou Qeou( kai autoj h=n e`stwj peri thn limnhn Genhsaret( kai eiden duo ploia e`stwta para thn limnhn $oi` de a`lieij apobantej apv autwn( 0 apeplunan ta diktua%) Embaj de eij e`n twn ploiwn( o] h=n tou Simwnoj( hrwthsen auton apo thj ghj epanagagein oligon) Kai kaqisaj edidasken ek tou ploiou touj oclouj) [A miraculous catch] ~Wj de epausato lalwn( eipen proj ton Simwna( ~~Epanagage eij to baqoj kai calasate ta diktua u`mwn eij agranvv) Kai apokriqeij o` Simwn eipen autw( ~~Epis& tata( div o`lhj thj nuktoj kopiasantej ouden elabomen( epi de tw r`hmati sou calasw to diktuonvv) Kai touto poihsantej sunekleisan plhqoj icquwn polu( dierrhgnuto de to diktuon 0 autwn) Kai kateneusan toij metocoij toij en tw e`terw ploiw tou elqon& taj sullabesqai autoij\ kai hlqon kai eplhsan amfotera ta ploia( w`ste buqizesqai auta) Idwn de Simwn Petroj prosepesen toij gonasin Ihsou legwn( ~~Exelqe apv emou( o`ti anhr a`martwloj eimi( Kurie!VV Qamboj gar periescen auton kai pantaj touj sun autw epi th agra twn icquwn h- sunelabon\ 0 o`moiwj de kai Iakwbon kai Iwannhn( ui`ouj Zebedaiou( oi] hsan koinwnoi tw Simwni) Kai eipen proj ton Simwna o` Ihsouj( ~~Mh fobou\ apo tou nun anqrwpouj esh zwgrwnvv) Kai katagagontej ta ploia epi thn ghn( afentej a`panta hkolouqhsan autw) [The hinge: proof, evaluation, rejection] ezhtoun f [0%] CP,TR epezhtoun P v ℵA,B,C,D,Q,W [0%] HF,RP,OC,NU eij f A,C(D)Q [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC epi P ℵB,W [.%] NU apestalmai f A,Q [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC apestalhn P ℵB,C,D,W [%] NU en taij sunagwgaij f A,C (.%) CP,HF,RP,TR (0.%) th sunagwgh (0.%) eij taj sunagwgaj P ℵB,D,Q,W (.%) OC,NU long omissions (0.%) thj galilaiaj f A,D (.%) CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ioudaiaj P ℵB,C,Q (.%) NU twn ioudaiwn W (0.%) autwn (0.%) conflations (0.%) long omissions (0.%) two other variants (0.%) [Comparing this variant set with the prior one, there are a variety of conflations eij taj sunagwgaj thj ioudaiaj is read by only 0.%, which number includes P ℵB,Q.] tou f C,D,Q [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC kai P (ℵ)A,B,W [.%] NU peri f [%] para P ℵA,B,D,Q,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU genhsaret f [%] gennhsaret P ℵA,B,C,Q,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU gennhsareq [%] gennhsared D two other spellings [%] eiden rell ide A,C,D,Q [%] four other variants [%] 0 anabantej ap autwn f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC P B,C,D,Q,W [%] NU ℵ apeplunan f A [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC epeplunon [%] eplunan ℵC,Q [%] eplunon B,D,W [%] NU tou f A,C,Q [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵB,D,W [%] NU kai kaqisaj f A,C,D [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC de P ℵB,Q,W [0.%] NU edidasken ek tou ploiou f A,C,Q,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC P B [%] NU en tw ploiw ℵD o simwn eipen autw f A,C,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC P B,NU ℵ four other variants D [%] thj f C,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵA,B,W [%] NU to diktuon f A,C [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ta diktua P ℵB,W [%] NU D is wild plhqoj icquwn rell D [.%] TR dierrhgnuto f (A) [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC dierrhsseto P ℵ(B) [0.%] NU dierrhto C dierrhsonto W rhssesqai D 0 to diktuon f A,C [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ta diktua P, ℵB(D)W [.%] NU toij f A,C [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵB,D,W [%] NU gonasin f P, ℵB(D)W [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU tou A,C [%] TR h f ℵA,C,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC wn P B,D [0.%] NU apanta f A,C,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC panta ℵB(D) [%] NU
14 [A leper the proof] ) Kai egeneto en tw einai auton en mia twn polewn( kai idou( anhr plhrhj lepraj! Kai idwn ton Ihsoun( peswn epi proswpon edehqh autou legwn( ~~Kurie( ean qelhj( duna& sai me kaqarisai!vv Kai ekteinaj thn ceira h`yato autou eipwn( ~~Qelw\ kaqarisqhti!vv Kai euqewj h` lepra aphlqen apv autou) Kai autoj parhggeilen autw mhdeni eipein( ~~Alla apelqwn deixon seauton tw ièrei kai prosenegkai peri tou kaqarismou sou kaqwj prosetaxen Mwshj( eij marturion autoij)vv Dihrceto de mallon o` logoj peri autou( kai sunhrconto ocloi polloi akouein kai qerapeuesqai u`pv autou apo twn asqeneiwn autwn) Autoj de h=n u`pocwrwn en taij erhmoij kai proseucomenoj) [An examining council the evaluation] Kai egeneto en mia twn h`merwn kai autoj h=n didaskwn( kai hsan kaqhmenoi Farisaioi kai nomodidaskaloi( oi] hsan elhluqotej ek pashj kwmhj thj Galilaiaj kai Ioudaiaj kai ~Ierousalhm kai dunamij Kuriou h=n eij to iasqai autouj) [ Your sins are forgiven ] Kai idou( andrej ferontej epi klinhj anqrwpon o]j h=n paralelumenoj( kai ezh& toun auton eisenegkein kai qeinai 0 enwpion autou) Kai mh eu`rontej pwj eisenegkw& sin auton( dia ton oclon( anabantej epi to dwma dia twn keramwn kaqhkan auton sun tw klinidiw eij to meson( emprosqen tou Ihsou) 0 Kai idwn thn pistin autwn eipen autw( ~~Anqrwpe( afewntai soi ai` a`martiai sou!vv [A discussion ensues] Kai hrxanto dialogizesqai oi` grammateij kai oi` Farisaioi legontejç ~~Ti,j estin ou`toj o]j lalei blasfhmiaj? Ti,j dunatai afienai a`martiaj ei mh monoj o` Qeoj?VV Epi& gnouj de o` Ihsouj touj dialogismouj autwn( apokriqeij eipen proj autoujç ~~Ti, dialogi& zesqe en taij kardiaij u`mwn? Ti, estin eukopwteron eipein( ~Afewntai soi ai` a`martiai souv( h. eipein( ~Egeirai kai peripatei!v? ~Ina de eidhte o`ti exousian ecei o` Ui`oj tou Anqrwpou epi thj ghj afienai a`martiajvv eipen tw paralelumenwç ~~Soi legw( egei& rai! Kai araj to klinidion sou poreuou eij ton oikon sou)vv [God is glorified] Kai paracrhma anastaj enwpion autwn( araj efv w- katekeito( aphlqen eij ton oikon autou doxazwn ton Qeon) Kai ekstasij elaben a`pantaj kai edoxazon ton Qeon\ kai eplhsqhsan fobou legontej o`ti ~~Eidomen paradoxa shmeron!vv [Enter Levi (Matthew)] kai idwn f A,C,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC de ℵB [%] NU eipwn f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC legwn ℵB,C,D,W [%] NU alla rell all [%] prosenegkai f ℵ [0%] prosenegke A,B,C,D,N,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU mwshj f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR mwushj ℵB,C(D)N,W [%] OC,NU up $ap A% autou f (A)N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- ℵB,C,D,W [.%] NU asqeneiwn rell asqeniwn ℵN,W [%] hn rell o ihsouj [%] autouj f A,C,D,N (.%) CP,HF,RP,TR,OC auton ℵB,W (0.%) NU eight other variants (0.%) (Why would the editors of NU choose such an inferior reading?) 0 qeinai f ℵA,C,D,N,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC auton B [%] [NU] pwj f [%] poiaj ℵA,B,C,D,N,W [%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU poqen [%] dia poiaj [%] TR poiaj odou [%] autw f A,N,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC tw paralutikw C,D [%] tw anqrwpw [0.%] --- ℵB [%] NU afienai amartiaj f ℵA,C,N(W) [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC [0.%] afeinai B,D [0.%] NU egeirai f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR egeire ℵA,B,C,D,N,W [%] OC,NU exousian ecei o uioj tou anqrwpou f ℵA,C,D,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC B,W [%] NU paralelumenw rell paralutikw ℵC,D,N,W [%] egeirai f [%] CP,HF,RP,TR egeire ℵA,B,C,D,N,W [%] OC,NU w f [%] CP,TR o ℵA,B,C,N,W [%] HF,RP,OC,NU D is wild 0
15 Kai meta tauta exhlqen kai eqeasato telwnhn onomati Leuin kaqhmenon epi to telwnion( kai eipen autw( ~~Akolouqei moi!vv Kai katalipwn a`panta anastaj hkolou& qhsen autw) Kai epoihsen dochn megalhn Leuij autw en th oikia autou\ kai h=n ocloj telwnwn poluj kai allwn oi] hsan metv autwn katakeimenoi) [The Pharisees have a problem] 0 Kai egogguzon oi` grammateij autwn( kai oi` Farisaioi( proj touj maqhtaj autou legontej( ~~Dia ti, meta twn telwnwn kai a`martwlwn esqiete kai pinete?!vv Kai apokriqeij o` Ihsouj eipen proj autoujç ~~Ou creian ecousin oi` u`giainontej iatrou( allv oi` kakwj econtej) Ouk elhluqa kalesai dikaiouj( alla a`martwlouj( eij metanoian)vv Oi` de eipon 0 proj auton( ~~Dia ti, oi` maqhtai Iwannou nhsteuousin pukna kai dehseij poiountai( o`moiwj kai oi` twn Farisaiwn( oi` de soi esqiousin kai pinousin?vv ~O de eipen proj autoujç ~~Mh dunasqe touj ui`ouj tou numfwnoj en w- o` numfioj metv autwn estin poihsai nhsteuein? Eleusontai de h`merai o`tan aparqh apv autwn o` numfioj\ tote nhsteusousin en ekeinaij taij h`meraij)vv [New wine X old wineskins] Elegen de kai parabolhn proj autouj o`ti ~~Oudeij epiblhma i`matiou kainou epiballei epi i`mation palaion\ ei de mh ge( kai to kainon scizei kai tw palaiw ou sum& fwnei to apo tou kainou) Kai oudeij ballei oinon neon eij askouj palaiouj\ ei de mh ge( r`hxei o` neoj oinoj touj askouj( kai autoj ekcuqhsetai kai oi` askoi apolountai) Alla 0 oinon neon eij askouj kainouj blhteon( kai amfoteroi sunthrountai) Kai oudeij piwn palaion euqewj qelei neon( legei gar( ~~O palaioj crhstoteroj estinv)vv [Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath] ) Egeneto de en sabbatw deuteroprwtw diaporeuesqai auton dia twn spori& mwn\ kai etillon oi` maqhtai autou touj stacuaj kai hsqion( ywcontej taij cersin) leuin rell leui [0%] leuein ℵA,B,C,N,W [%] leuei (D) [%] katalipwn rell kataleipwn A [%] apanta f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC apantaj ℵ pantaj C panta B,D,N,W [%] NU --- [%] hkolouqhsen f ℵA,C,N [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC hkolouqei B,D,W [0.%] NU megalhn rell o [.%] TR telwnwn poluj f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ℵB,C,D,N,W [%] NU grammateij autwn kai oi farisaioi f A,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC (B)C,W [%] NU [%] ℵ(D) (Render, the scribes and Pharisees complained about them to His disciples. ) twn f ℵA,B,C,D,N,W [0%] CP,HF,RP,OC,NU --- [0%] TR all rell alla A,B,W [0.%] NU 0 eipon rell eipan P B,C,D,N,W [0.%] NU dia ti f ℵA,C,D,N [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P B,W [%] NU de f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC ihsouj P ℵB,C,D,W [%] NU nhsteuein f ℵA,C,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC nhsteusai B [%] NU hmerai f ℵC [%] kai P A,B,D,W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC,NU epiblhma f A,C [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC apo P ℵB,D,W [%] NU kainou f A,C [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC scisaj P ℵB,D,W [%] NU scizei f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR scisei ℵB,C,D,W [%] OC,NU scizetai [%] sumfwnei f [%] CP,HF,RP epiblhma (D) [%] TR to epiblhma [%] OC sumfwnhsei to epiblhma P ℵB,C,W [%] NU sumfwnhsei A o neoj oinoj f A [%] CP,HF,RP,TR P B,C,D,W [%] OC,NU ℵ [%] 0 alla rell all B,C [0%] kai amfoteroi sunthrountai f A,C(D) (.% of which.% have minor variations) CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P (ℵ)B(W) (.%) NU long omissions (0.%) kai f ℵA,C,W [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC[NU] --- P B [0.%] D omits verse euqewj f A [.%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC euquj [%] --- P ℵB,C,W [.%] NU crhstoteroj f A,C [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC crhstoj P ℵB,W [%] NU deuteroprwtw f A,C,D (.%) CP,HF,RP,TR,OC deuterw prwtw (%) --- P ℵB,W (.%) NU four other variants (0.%) twn f C,D [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC --- P ℵA,B,W [%] NU touj stacuaj kai hsqion f A(D)W [%] CP,HF,RP,TR,OC P,v B,C [%] NU ℵ
EUAGGELION KATA LOUKAN [Dedicatory] ) Epeidhper polloi epeceirhsan anataxasqai dihghsin peri twn peplhroforhmenwn en h`min pragmatwn( kaqwj paredosan h`min oi` apv archj autoptai kai u`phretai genomenoi
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following twenty-five representative MSS, 0, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,, 0, and. The first
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-seven representative MSS,, 0, 0,, 0,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,
EUAGGELION KATA MARKON ) Arch tou euaggeliou Ihsou Cristou( Uiòu tou Qeou [John the Baptizer] ) ~Wj gegraptai en toij profhtaij ~~Idou( egw apostellw ton aggelon mou pro proswpou sou( o]j kataskeuasei
EUAGGELION KATA IWANNHN [Prologue] ) En arch h=n o` Logoj( kai o` Logoj h=n proj ton Qeon( kai Qeoj h=n o` Logoj) Ou`toj h=n en arch proj ton Qeon) Panta div autou egeneto( kai cwrij autou egeneto oude
1)1 Arch tou euaggeliou Ihsou Cristou( Ui`ou tou Qeou [John the baptizer]
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following fifty-one representative MSS,,,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,, 0, 00, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,
EUAGGELION KATA IWANNHN [Prologue] ) En arch h=n o` Logoj( kai o` Logoj h=n proj ton Qeon( kai Qeoj h=n o` Logoj) Ou`toj h=n en arch proj ton Qeon) Panta div autou egeneto( kai cwrij autou egeneto oude
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-two representative MSS,,, 0, 0,,,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0,,,,,,,,,, 00,,,,
Mt-²-± tou de ihsou gennhqentoj en bhqleem thj ioudaiaj en hmeraij hrwdou tou basilewj idou magoi apo anatolwn paregenonto eij ierosoluma
Mt-±-± bibloj genesewj ihsou xristou uiou dabid uiou abraam Mt-±-² abraam egennhsen ton isaak isaak de egennhsen ton iakwb iakwb de egennhsen ton ioudan kai touj adelfouj autou Mt-±-³ ioudaj de egennhsen
Vetus Testamentum, Vol. XXV, Fasc. 3 pp. 497 499 + 2 plates THE 'LOST' FOLIO OF THE CHESTER BEATTY BY ALBERT PIETERSMA Toronto One folio of Chester Beatty Biblical Papyrus XII (964) was reported missing
KATA IWANNHN f 35 variants 1
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following fifty-seven representative MSS,,,,, 0, 0,, 0,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,
PROS QESSALONIKEIS A [Opening considerations] [Greeting] ) Pauloj kai Silouanoj kai Timoqeoj th ekklhsia Qessalonikewn en Qew Patri kai Kuriw Ihsou CristwÇ Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj h`mwn
Transliterated Textus Receptus CSR9
##################################################### # # # T I T L E N O T I C E # # # # TEXTUS RECEPTUS CSR9 # # Copyright 2005-2013 # # Dr. Michael J. Bisconti # # # # Textus Receptus CSR9 # #
Matthew EUAGGELION KATA MATQAION 1. [Abraham to Christ 1997 BC to 5 BC]
EUAGGELION KATA MATQAION [Abraham to Christ BC to BC] ) Bibloj genesewj Ihsou Cristou( ui`ou Dauid( ui`ou ~AbraamÇ ~Abraam egennhsen ton Isaak( Isaak de egennhsen ton Iakwb( Iakwb de egen& nhsen ton Ioudan
PROS QESSALONIKEIS A [Opening considerations] [Greeting] ) Pauloj kai Silouanoj kai Timoqeoj th ekklhsia Qessalonikewn en Qew Patri kai Kuriw Ihsou CristwÇ Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj h`mwn
PROS FILIPPHSIOUS [Salutation] ) Pauloj kai Timoqeoj( douloi Ihsou Cristou( pasin toij a`gioij en Cristw Ihsou toij ousin en Filippoij( sun episkopoij kai diakonoijç Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-nine representative MSS,,, 0, 0,,,,, 0,,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Mt 21:44 Does P104 (POxy 4404) omit this verse?
Mt 21:44 Does P104 (POxy 4404) omit this verse? NA 27 Matthew 21:44 Îkai. o` pesw.n evpi. to.n li,qon tou/ton sunqlasqh,setai\ evfv o]n dv a'n pe,sh likmh,sei auvto,nåð omit: P104?, D, 33, it(a, b, d,
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH 1 1)1 Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations]
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH ) Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations] ) Pasan caran h`ghsasqe( adelfoi mou( o`tan peirasmoij peripeshte
IWANNOU EPISTOLH PRWTH [Prologue] ) {O h=n apv archj( o] akhkoamen( o] e`wrakamen toij ofqalmoij h`mwn( o] eqeasameqa kai ai` ceirej h`mwn eyhlafhsan peri tou logou thj Zwhj kai h` Zwh efanerwqh( kai e`wrakamen
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH 1 1)1 Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations]
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH ) Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations] ) Pasan caran h`ghsasqe( adelfoi mou( o`tan peirasmoij peripeshte
PROS ROMAIOUS [Salutation] ) Pauloj( douloj Ihsou Cristou( klhtoj apostoloj( afwrismenoj eij euaggelion Qeou( o] proephggeilato dia twn profhtwn autou en Grafaij ~AgiaijÇ peri tou ui`ou autou( tou genomenou
Hebrews PROS ~EBRAIOUS 1. [The supremacy of the Son]
PROS ~EBRAIOUS [The supremacy of the Son] ) Polumerwj kai polutropwj palai o` Qeoj lalhsaj toij patrasin en toij profhtaij( epv escatou twn h`merwn toutwn elalhsen h`min en Ui`w( o]n eqhken klhronomon
PROS GALATAS 1 1)11. [Introduction] [Salutation] 1)1. kai kuriou hmwn f 35 P 46,51 B [75%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ 312 ℵA [9%] NU 12 [16%] 3
PROS GALATAS [Introduction] [Salutation] ) Pauloj( apostoloj ouk apv anqrwpwn oude div anqrwpou( alla dia Ihsou Cristou kai Qeou Patroj tou egeirantoj auton ek nekrwn kai oi` sun emoi pantej adelfoi( taij
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH 1. 1)1 Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations]
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH ) Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations] ) Pasan caran h`ghsasqe( adelfoi mou( o`tan peirasmoij peripeshte
I am. Present indicative
εἰμί eimi Present indicative εἰμί εἶ ἐστί(ν) ἐσμέν ἐστέ εἰσί(ν) John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos the Christ John 1:19 Σὺτίςεἶ; Su tis
BNT Luke 1,1 evpeidh,per polloi. evpecei,rhsan avnata,xasqai dih,ghsin peri. tw/n peplhroforhme,nwn evn h`mi/n pragma,twn(2 kaqw.j pare,dosan h`mi/n
BNT Luke 1,1 evpeidh,per polloi. evpecei,rhsan avnata,xasqai dih,ghsin peri. tw/n peplhroforhme,nwn evn h`mi/n pragma,twn(2 kaqw.j pare,dosan h`mi/n oi` avpv avrch/j auvto,ptai kai. u`phre,tai geno,menoi
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-seven representative MSS,, 0, 0,,,,,, 0,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,
hv'îl{v.w ~ymi Þy" hv'îl{v. gd"êh; y[eä hn"ay yhiûy>w: hn"+ay-ta, [:l{ß ladêg" gd"ä hw"hy>!m:üy>w: 2:1 `tal)yle
Το βιβλίο του Ιωνά Δεύτερο Κεφάλαιο hv'îl{v.w ~ymi Þy" hv'îl{v. gd"êh; y[eä hn"ay yhiûy>w: hn"+ay-ta, [:l{ß ladêg" gd"ä hw"hy>!m:üy>w: 2:1 `tal)yle 2:1 kai. prose,taxen ku,rioj kh,tei mega,lw katapiei/n
Η αυτοχειρία στην αρχαία Ελλάδα: Γνώμες των φιλοσόφων
Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ Η αυτοχειρία στην αρχαία Ελλάδα: Γνώμες των φιλοσόφων Κυριακή, 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 ΣΩΚΡΑΤΗΣ aãpeimi de/, w j eãoike, th/meron: keleu/ousi ga\r ¹AqhnaiÍoi.
Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations
99 Section 8. Trigonometric Equations Objective 1: Solve Equations Involving One Trigonometric Function. In this section and the next, we will exple how to solving equations involving trigonometric functions.
Revelation APOKALUYIS 1. [Introduction]
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, for, as identified by a complete collation of the following eighteen representative MSS,,, 0, 0,,, 0,,,,, 0,,,, and. The first reading
Matrices and Determinants
Matrices and Determinants SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: Q 1. For what value of k do the following system of equations possess a non-trivial (i.e., not all zero) solution over the set of rationals Q? x + ky + 3z
ΕΙΔΙΚΗ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ Μάθημα 5 ΤΑ ΛΟΓΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΙΗΣΟΥ ΔΙΑΤΑΞΗ ΤΟΥ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΟΣ Επιχειρήματα υπέρ υπάρξεως της Q Φιλολογική μορφή της Πηγής των Λογίων Χρόνος, τόπος, συγγραφέας της Q Έκταση της Πηγής των Λογίων και
THE GENERAL EPISTLES f 35 variants Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD
THE GENERAL EPISTLES f variants Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-nine representative
FINAL TEST B TERM-JUNIOR B STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR UNITS 8-17 Name: Surname: Date: Class: 1. Write these words in the correct order. /Γράψε αυτέσ τισ λέξεισ ςτη ςωςτή ςειρά. 1) playing / his / not /
PROS TIMOQEON A [Greeting] ) Pauloj( apostoloj Ihsou Cristou katv epitaghn Qeou Swthroj h`mwn kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou thj elpidoj h`mwn( Timoqew( gnhsiw teknw en pisteiç Carij( eleoj( eirhnh apo Qeou
1 Εκεί που η ποιότητα συναντά την επιτυχία Λεωφ. Αρχ. Μακαρίου 7, Αρεδιού Τηλ. 22874368/9 2 ENGLISH INSTITUTE A Place where quality meets success 7, Makarios Avenue, Arediou, Tel. 22874368/9 99606442 Anglia
LESSON 6 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΞΙ) REF : 201/045/26-ADV. 10 December 2013
LESSON 6 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΞΙ) REF : 201/045/26-ADV 10 December 2013 I get up/i stand up I wash myself I shave myself I comb myself I dress myself Once (one time) Twice (two times) Three times Salary/wage/pay Alone/only
WEEK 21. The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles OUTLINE DAY 1
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Finite Field Problems: Solutions
Finite Field Problems: Solutions 1. Let f = x 2 +1 Z 11 [x] and let F = Z 11 [x]/(f), a field. Let Solution: F =11 2 = 121, so F = 121 1 = 120. The possible orders are the divisors of 120. Solution: The
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Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door
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Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required)
Phys460.nb 81 ψ n (t) is still the (same) eigenstate of H But for tdependent H. The answer is NO. 5.5.5. Solution for the tdependent Schrodinger s equation If we assume that at time t 0, the electron starts
Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme
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C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions
C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions Paul Liu November 15, 2007 Note that these are sample solutions only; in many cases there were many acceptable answers. 1 Reynolds Problem 10.1 1.1 Normal-order
LESSON 16 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΕΞΙ) REF : 102/018/16-BEG. 4 March 2014
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CHAPTER 5 SOLVING EQUATIONS BY ITERATIVE METHODS EXERCISE 104 Page 8 1. Find the positive root of the equation x + 3x 5 = 0, correct to 3 significant figures, using the method of bisection. Let f(x) =
Instruction Execution Times
1 C Execution Times InThisAppendix... Introduction DL330 Execution Times DL330P Execution Times DL340 Execution Times C-2 Execution Times Introduction Data Registers This appendix contains several tables
Revelation APOKALUYIS 1. [Introduction]
APOKALUYIS [Introduction] ) Apokaluyij Ihsou Cristou( h]n edwken autw o` Qeoj deixai toij douloij autou a] dei genesqai en tacei) Kai eshmanen( aposteilaj dia tou aggelou autou tw doulw autou Iwannh( o]j
CRASH COURSE IN PRECALCULUS Shiah-Sen Wang The graphs are prepared by Chien-Lun Lai Based on : Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus by J. Stuwart, L. Redin & S. Watson, 6th edition, 01, Brooks/Cole Chapter
Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES
TEACHER s NOTES Time: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: To relate the genetic code to the assembly of proteins To summarize factors that lead to different types of mutations To distinguish among positive,
Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------
Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. 1. Sin ( ) = a) b) c) d) Ans b. Solution : Method 1. Ans a: 17 > 1 a) is rejected. w.k.t Sin ( sin ) = d is rejected. If sin
SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions
SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES GLMA Linear Mathematics 00- Examination Solutions. (a) i. ( + 5i)( i) = (6 + 5) + (5 )i = + i. Real part is, imaginary part is. (b) ii. + 5i i ( + 5i)( + i) = ( i)( + i)
EE512: Error Control Coding
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derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates
derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates swapnizzle 03-03- :5:43 We begin by recognizing the familiar conversion from rectangular to spherical coordinates (note that φ is used
Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Αν κάπου κάνετε κάποιες υποθέσεις να αναφερθούν στη σχετική ερώτηση. Όλα τα αρχεία που αναφέρονται στα προβλήματα βρίσκονται στον ίδιο φάκελο με το εκτελέσιμο
EAMCET-. THEORY OF EQUATIONS PREVIOUS EAMCET Bits. Each of the roots of the equation x 6x + 6x 5= are increased by k so that the new transformed equation does not contain term. Then k =... - 4. - Sol.
LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26. 18 November 2014
LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26 18 November 2014 But Weekend I love The song I sing I smile I laugh Greek (thing) Greek(people) Greek (man) αλλά (το) Σαββατοκύριακο αγαπώ (το) τραγούδι τραγουδώ
Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set
Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set May 6, 2008 Abstract A set of first-order formulas, whatever the cardinality of the set of symbols, is equivalent to an independent
Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 11: The Unreal Past Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια Creative Commons
BNT Matthew 1,1 Bi,bloj gene,sewj VIhsou/ Cristou/ ui`ou/ Daui.d ui`ou/ VAbraa,mÅ 2 VAbraa.m evge,nnhsen to.n VIsaa,k( VIsaa.k de. evge,nnhsen to.
BNT Matthew 1,1 Bi,bloj gene,sewj VIhsou/ Cristou/ ui`ou/ Daui.d ui`ou/ VAbraa,mÅ 2 VAbraa.m evge,nnhsen to.n VIsaa,k( VIsaa.k de. evge,nnhsen to.n VIakw,b( VIakw.b de. evge,nnhsen to.n VIou,dan kai. tou.j
3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β
3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS Page Theorem cos(αβ cos α cos β -sin α cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α NOTE: cos(αβ cos α cos β cos(α-β cos α -cos β Proof of cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α Let s use a unit circle
Section 1: Listening and responding. Presenter: Niki Farfara MGTAV VCE Seminar 7 August 2016
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LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV. 4 February 2014
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Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1
Eon : Fall 8 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 Email questions or omments to Dan Fetter Problem. Let X be a salar with density f(x, θ) (θx + θ) [ x ] with θ. (a) Find the most powerful level α test
7 Present PERFECT Simple. 8 Present PERFECT Continuous. 9 Past PERFECT Simple. 10 Past PERFECT Continuous. 11 Future PERFECT Simple
A/ Ονόματα και ένα παράδειγμα 1 Present Simple 7 Present PERFECT Simple 2 Present Continuous 8 Present PERFECT Continuous 3 Past Simple (+ used to) 9 Past PERFECT Simple she eats she is eating she ate
Chapter 29. Adjectival Participle
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Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Ολοι οι αριθμοί που αναφέρονται σε όλα τα ερωτήματα είναι μικρότεροι το 1000 εκτός αν ορίζεται διαφορετικά στη διατύπωση του προβλήματος. Διάρκεια: 3,5 ώρες Καλή
STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR, FINAL TEST C TERM 2012 UNITS 1-18 Name.. Class. Date. EXERCISE 1 Answer the question. Use: Yes, it is or No, it isn t. Απάντηςε ςτισ ερωτήςεισ. Βάλε: Yes, it is ή No, it isn
14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense
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Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά.
Διαστημικό εστιατόριο του (Μ)ΑστροΈκτορα Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά. Μόλις μια παρέα πελατών κάτσει σε ένα
Διάρκεια Διαγωνισμού: 3 ώρες Απαντήστε όλες τις ερωτήσεις Μέγιστο Βάρος (20 Μονάδες) Δίνεται ένα σύνολο από N σφαιρίδια τα οποία δεν έχουν όλα το ίδιο βάρος μεταξύ τους και ένα κουτί που αντέχει μέχρι
Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics
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2 Composition. Invertible Mappings
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[1] P Q. Fig. 3.1
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Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response
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PROS TIMOQEON B [Greeting] ) Pauloj( apostoloj Ihsou Cristou dia qelhmatoj Qeou( katv epaggelian zwhj thj en Cristw Ihsou( Timoqew( agaphtw teknwç Carij( eleoj( eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj kai Cristou Ihsou
10/2013. Mod: 02D-EK/BT. Production code: CTT920BE
Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * *
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k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R +
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BNT Mark 1,1 VArch. tou/ euvaggeli,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/ Îui`ou/ qeou/ðå 2 Kaqw.j ge,graptai evn tw/ VHsai<a tw/ profh,th \ ivdou. avposte,llw to.
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