Hebrews PROS ~EBRAIOUS 1. [The supremacy of the Son]
- Ἀλκαῖος Ζαφειρόπουλος
- 5 χρόνια πριν
- Προβολές:
1 PROS ~EBRAIOUS [The supremacy of the Son] ) Polumerwj kai polutropwj palai o` Qeoj lalhsaj toij patrasin en toij profhtaij( epv escatou twn h`merwn toutwn elalhsen h`min en Ui`w( o]n eqhken klhronomon pantwn( div ou- kai touj aiwnaj epoihsen\ o]j wn apaugasma thj doxhj kai carakthr thj u`posta& sewj autou( ferwn te ta panta tw r`hmati thj dunamewj autou( div e`autou kaqarismon poihsamenoj twn a`martiwn h`mwn ekaqisen en dexia thj megalwsunhj en u`yhloij( tosou& tw kreittwn genomenoj twn aggelwn o`sw diaforwteron parv autouj keklhronomhken onoma) [He is superior to angels] Ti,ni gar eipen pote twn aggelwn( ~~Ui`oj mou ei= su( egw shmeron gegennhka sevv( kai palin( ~~Egw esomai autw eij Patera( kai autoj estai moi eij Ui`onVV? ~Otan de( pa& lin( eisagagh ton Prwtotokon eij thn oikoumenhn legei( ~~Kai proskunhsatwsan autw pantej aggeloi QeouVV) Kai proj men touj aggelouj legei( ~~~O poiwn touj aggelouj autou pneumata( kai touj leitourgouj autou puroj flogavv\ proj de ton Ui`onÇ ~~~O qronoj sou( o` Qeoj( eij ton aiwna tou aiwnoj\ ~~Rabdoj EuquthtojV h` ràbdoj thj basileiaj sou) H& gaphsaj dikaiosunhn kai emishsaj anomian( dia touto ecrisen se o` Qeoj( o` Qeoj sou( elaion agalliasewj para touj metocouj sou)vv 0 KaiÇ ~~Su katv arcaj( Kurie( thn ghn eqemeliwsaj( kai erga twn ceirwn sou eisin oi` ouranoi\ autoi apolountai( su de dia& meneij kai pantej w`j i`mation palaiwqhsontai\ kai w`sei peribolaion e`lixeij autouj 0 kai allaghsontai( su de o` autoj ei= kai ta eth sou ouk ekleiyousin)vv Proj ti,na de twn aggelwn eirhken pote( ~~Kaqou ek dexiwn mou e`wj an qw touj ecqrouj sou u`popodion twn podwn souvv? Ouci pantej eisin leitourgika pneumata eij diakonian apostellomena dia touj mellontaj klhronomein swthrian? [Do not neglect the great salvation] ) Dia touto( dei perissoterwj h`maj prosecein toij akousqeisin( mhpote parar& ruwmen) Ei gar o` div aggelwn lalhqeij logoj egeneto bebaioj( kai pasa parabasij kai parakoh elaben endikon misqapodosian( pwj h`meij ekfeuxomeqa thlikauthj amelhsantej swthriaj? h`tij archn labousa laleisqai dia tou Kuriou( u`po twn akousantwn eij h`maj ebebaiwqh( sunepimarturountoj tou Qeou shmeioij kai terasin kai poikilaij dunamesin kai Pneumatoj ~Agiou merismoij kata thn autou qelhsin) [Temporarily lower than angels] Ou gar aggeloij u`petaxen thn oikoumenhn thn mellousan( peri h-j laloumen\ diemarturato de pou tij legwnç ~~Ti, estin anqrwpoj o`ti mimnhskh autou( h. ui`oj anqrwpou o`ti episkepth auton? Hlattwsaj auton bracu ti parv aggelouj\ doxh kai timh Both the Text and the apparatus are the responsibility of Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD,. I venture to affirm to the reader that all original wording of is preserved in this edition; if not in the Text, at least in the apparatus. Diminish not a word Jeremiah : (see Deut. : and Lk. :, every word [as in.% of the MSS]). The last note at the end of this book gives explanation about the apparatus. escatou f P ℵA,B [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU escatwn [%] TR touj aiwnaj epoihsen f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P ℵA,B,I [%] NU autou di eautou f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ℵA,B (.%) NU (%) (.%) ~ P (0.%) --- part of a larger omission [homoioteleuton] (0.%) poihsamenoj twn amartiwn f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P ℵA,B [%] NU hmwn f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B [%] NU dexia f P ℵA,B [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU tou qronou [0%] CP aiwnoj f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP kai h P ℵA,B (.%) NU euquthtoj h rabdoj f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP thj P A,B (.%) NU (0.%) --- ℵ (I take it that Scepter of Uprightness is a proper name, like Excalibur ; the Alexandrians missed it.) 0 autouj f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP wj imation P ℵA,B (.%) NU hmaj prosecein f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P aa,b [%] NU pararruwmen f [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP pararuwmen P aa,b [0%] NU shmeioij f [%] te P aa,b [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU
2 estefanwsaj auton( panta u`petaxaj u`pokatw twn podwn autou)vv En gar tw u`potaxai autw ta panta( ouden afhken autw anupotakton) Nun de oupw o`rwmen autw ta panta u`potetagmena) Ton de ~bracu ti parv aggelouj hlattwmenonv blepomen( Ihsoun $dia to paqhma tou qanatou%( ~doxh kai timh estefanwmenonv o`pwj cariti Qeou u`per pantoj geushtai qanatou) [ Bringing many sons into glory ] 0 Eprepen gar autw( div o]n ta panta kai div ou- ta panta( pollouj ui`ouj eij doxan agagonta( ton Archgon thj swthriaj autwn dia paqhmatwn teleiwsai) {O te gar a`gia& zwn kai oi` a`giazomenoi ex e`noj pantej\ div h]n aitian ouk epaiscunetai adelfouj autouj kalein( legwn( ~~Apaggelw to onoma sou toij adelfoij mou\ en mesw ekklhsiaj u`mnhsw sevv\ kai palin( ~~Egw esomai pepoiqwj epv autwvv\ kai palin( ~~Idou egw kai ta paidia a[ moi edwken o` Qeoj)VV Epei oun ta paidia kekoinwnhken sarkoj kai ai`matoj( kai autoj paraplhsiwj metescen twn autwn( i`na dia tou qanatou katarghsh ton to kratoj econta tou qanatou toutv estin ton diabolon kai apallaxh toutouj( o`soi fobw qanatou dia pantoj tou zhn enocoi hsan douleiaj) $Ou gar dhpou aggelwn epilambanetai( alla spermatoj ~Abraam epilambanetai)% ~Oqen wfeilen kata panta toij adelfoij o`moiwqhnai( i`na elehmwn genhtai kai pistoj arciereuj( ta proj ton Qeon( eij to i`laskesqai taj a`martiaj tou laou) En w- gar peponqen autoj peirasqeij( dunatai toij peirazomenoij bohqhsai) [The Apostle and High Priest of our confession] ) ~Oqen( adelfoi a`gioi( klhsewj epouraniou metocoi( katanohsate ton Apostolon kai Arcierea thj o`mologiaj h`mwn( Ihsoun Criston! piston onta tw poihsanti auton( w`j kai Mwushj en o`lw tw oikw autou) Pleionoj gar doxhj ou`toj para Mwushn hxiw& tai( kaqv o`son 0 pleiona timhn ecei tou oikou o` kataskeuasaj auton paj gar oikoj kataskeuazetai u`po tinoj( o` de ta panta kataskeuasaj Qeoj kai( Mwushj men pistoj en o`lw tw oikw autou w`j qerapwn( eij marturion twn lalhqhsomenwn( Cristoj de w`j Ui`oj epi ton oikon autou( ou- oikoj esmen h`meij( eanper thn parrhsian kai to kauchma thj elpidoj mecri telouj bebaian katascwmen) [The Holy Spirit s warning] Dio kaqwj legei to Pneuma to ~AgionÇ ~~Shmeron( ean thj fwnhj autou akoushte( mh sklhrunhte taj kardiaj u`mwn w`j en tw parapikrasmw( kata thn h`meran tou peirasmou en th erhmw( ou- epeirasan me oi` paterej u`mwn( edokimasan me kai eidon ta erga mou auton f P B (.%) RP,HF,OC,NU kai katesthsaj epi ta erga twn ceirwn sou ℵA,C (.%) TR,CP gar tw f P A,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ ℵB [%] NU autw f ℵA,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] --- P B [%] sarkoj kai aimatoj f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P aa,b,c [%] NU a`braam f [0%] abraam rell (This name is aspirated throughout the book, and the statement of evidence also obtains throughout the book.) [When Jehovah changed Abram s name to Abraham (Genesis :) the intervocalic aspiration in Hebrew is adequately represented in English by h ; but so far as I know, there is no way in Greek to indicate intervocalic aspiration within a word the only alternative to losing the aspiration altogether would be to place it at the beginning of the word.] ihsoun criston f [%] RP,HF,OC,CP P ℵA,B,C [%] NU ~ TR mwushj rell mwshj ℵA,B [0%] TR (TR has the short form of the name throughout the book; the attestation varies, but does not exceed %.) olw f ℵA,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] --- P,v B [%] doxhj outoj f P [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P v ℵA,B,C [%] NU 0 kaqv o`son rell kaqo,son f [0%] (I include this for the record, and so as not to lose sight of it, but since there is evidently no difference in meaning I stay with the conventional pointing. Because of the theta there is no ambiguity.) ta f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P, ℵA,B,C [%] NU eanper f P A,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] ean P B [%] kan ℵ mecri telouj bebaian f ℵA,C (%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP (.%) --- P, B (0.%) NU me f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P, ℵA,B,C [%] NU edokimasan me f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP en dokimasia P, ℵA,B,C [%] NU
3 tessarakonta eth) 0 Dio proswcqisa th genea ekeinh kai eipon( ~Aei planwntai th kardia\ autoi de ouk egnwsan taj o`douj mou\v w`j wmosa en th orgh mou( ~Ei eiseleuson& tai eij thn katapausin mou!vvv blepete( adelfoi( mhpote estai en tini u`mwn kardia ponhra apistiaj( en tw aposthnai apo Qeou zwntoj\ alla parakaleite e`autouj kaqv e`kasthn h`meran( acrij ou- to ~ShmeronV kaleitai( i`na mh sklhrunqh ex u`mwn tij apath thj a`martiaj) Metocoi gar gegonamen tou Cristou( eanper thn archn thj u`postasewj mecri telouj bebaian katascwmen( en tw legesqai( ~~Shmeron( ean thj fwnhj autou akoushte( mh sklhrunhte taj kardiaj u`mwn w`j en tw parapikrasmw)vv Tinej gar akou& santej parepikranan? AllV ou pantej oi` exelqontej ex Aiguptou dia Mwuseoj? Ti,sin de proswcqisen tessarakonta eth? Ouci toij a`marthsasin( w-n ta kwla epesen en th erhmw? Tisin de wmosen mh eiseleusesqai eij thn katapausin autou( ei mh toij apei& qhsasin? Kai blepomen o`ti ouk hdunhqhsan eiselqein dia 0 apistian) ) Fobhqwmen oun( mhpote kataleipomenhj epaggeliaj eiselqein eij thn katapausin autou( dokh tij ex u`mwn u`sterhkenai) [There is still a promised rest] Kai( gar esmen euhggelismenoi kaqaper kakeinoi( allv ouk wfelhsen o` logoj thj akohj ekeinouj( mh sugkekramenouj th pistei toij akousasin) Eisercomeqa gar eij thn katapausin oi` pisteusantej( kaqwj eirhken( ~~~Wj wmosa en th orgh mou( ~Ei eiseleu& sontai eij thn katapausin mou!vvv kaitoi twn ergwn apo katabolhj kosmou genhqentwn( eirhken gar pou peri thj e`bdomhj ou`twj( ~~Kai katepausen o` Qeoj en th h`mera th e`bdomh apo pantwn twn ergwn autou\vv kai en toutw( palin( ~~Ei eiseleusontai eij thn kata& pausin mou VV Epei oun apoleipetai tinaj eiselqein eij authn( kai oi` proteron euag& gelisqentej ouk eishlqon div apeiqeian( palin tina o`rizei h`meran( ~~ShmeronVV( en Dauid legwn( meta tosouton cronon $kaqwj eirhtai%( ~~Shmeron( ean thj fwnhj autou akoushte( mh sklhrunhte taj kardiaj u`mwn)vv Ei gar autouj Ihsouj katepausen( ouk an peri allhj elalei meta tauta h`meraj) Ara( apoleipetai sabbatismoj tw law tou Qeou) 0 ~O gar eiselqwn eij thn katapausin autou kai autoj katepausen apo twn ergwn autou( w`sper apo twn idiwn o` Qeoj) [We must give an account] Spoudaswmen oun eiselqein eij ekeinhn thn katapausin( i`na mh en tw autw tij u`podeigmati pesh thj apeiqeiaj) Zwn gar o` logoj tou Qeou kai energhj( kai tomwteroj u`per pasan macairan distomon( kai diiknoumenoj acri merismou yuchj te kai pneumatoj( a`rmwn te kai muelwn\ kai( kritikoj enqumhsewn kai ennoiwn kardiaj) Kai ouk estin ktisij afanhj enwpion autou( panta de gumna kai tetrachlismena toij ofqalmoij autou( proj o]n h`min o` logoj) tessarakonta f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP tesserakonta (P )P ℵA,B,C [%] NU proswcqisa rell proswcqhsa [%] ekeinh f C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP tauth P, ℵA,B [%] NU eipon rell eipa CP ex umwn tij f B [0%] RP,HF,OC,CP ~ P ℵA,C [0%] TR,NU gegonamen tou cristou f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ (P )P ℵA,B,C [%] NU mwuseoj f [0%] CP mwusewj ℵB,C [%] RP,HF,OC,NU mwsewj A [%] TR tessarakonta f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP tesserakonta P ℵA,B,C [%] NU epesen rell epeson [%] epesan [%] 0 dia f C [0%] di rell dokh rell dokei [%] kakeinoi f P ℵA,B,C [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU ekeinoi [0%] CP sugkekramenouj f [%] RP,HF,OC,CP [sugkekrammenouj 0%] sugkekramenoj TR sugkekerasmenouj (P A,B)C [%] NU sunkekerasmenoj ℵ thn f ℵA,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] --- P v, B [%] eirhtai f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP proeirhtai P ℵA,C [%] NU proeirhken B [%] autouj f P ℵA,B,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU o [%] autoj [0%] CP te f [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B,C [0%] NU
4 [We have a Great High Priest] ) Econtej oun Arcierea Megan dielhluqota touj ouranouj( Ihsoun ton Ui`on tou Qeou( kratwmen thj o`mologiaj) Ou gar ecomen arcierea mh dunamenon sumpaqhsai taij asqe& neiaij h`mwn( pepeiramenon de kata panta( kaqv o`moiothta( cwrij a`martiaj) Proser& cwmeqa oun meta parrhsiaj tw qronw thj caritoj( i`na labwmen eleon kai carin eu`rwmen( eij eukairon bohqeian) [Qualifications for high priesthood] ) Paj gar arciereuj ex anqrwpwn lambanomenoj u`per anqrwpwn kaqistatai ta proj ton Qeon( i`na prosferh dwra te kai qusiaj u`per a`martiwn( metriopaqein dunamenoj toij agnoousin kai planwmenoij( epei kai autoj perikeitai asqeneian) Kai dia tauthn ofeilei( kaqwj peri tou laou( ou`twj kai peri e`autou prosferein u`per a`martiwn) Kai( ouc e`autw tij lambanei thn timhn( alla kaloumenoj u`po tou Qeou( kaqaper kai Aarwn) [Christ meets the qualifications] Ou`twj kai o` Cristoj ouc e`auton edoxasen genhqhnai arcierea( allv o` lalhsaj proj auton( ~~Ui`oj mou ei= su\ egw shmeron gegennhka sevv\ kaqwj kai en e`terw legei( ~~Su ièreuj eij ton aiwna kata thn taxin MelcisedekVV\ o]j( en taij h`meraij thj sarkoj autou( dehseij te kai i`kethriaj proj ton dunamenon swzein auton ek qanatou( meta kraughj iscuraj kai dakruwn( prosenegkaj( kai eisakousqeij apo thj eulabeiaj( kaiper wn Ui`oj( emaqen afv w-n epaqen thn u`pakohn) Kai teleiwqeij egeneto toij u`pakouousin autw pasin 0 aitioj swthriaj aiwniou( 0 prosagoreuqeij u`po tou Qeou Arciereuj kata thn taxin Melcisedek\ peri ou- poluj h`min o` logoj kai dusermhneutoj legein( epei nwqroi gegonate taij akoaij) [ Let s move on toward perfection ] Kai gar ofeilontej einai didaskaloi dia ton cronon( palin creian ecete tou didaskein u`maj ti,na ta stoiceia thj archj twn logiwn tou Qeou( kai gegonate creian econtej galaktoj( kai ou stereaj trofhj Paj gar o` metecwn galaktoj apeiroj logou dikaiosunhj( nhpioj gar estin) Teleiwn de estin h` sterea trofh( twn dia thn e`xin ta aisqhthria gegumnasmena econtwn proj diakrisin kalou te kai kakou) ) Dio( afentej ton thj archj tou Cristou logon( epi thn teleiothta ferwmeqa( mh palin qemelion kataballomenoi metanoiaj apo nekrwn ergwn kai pistewj epi Qeon( baptismwn didachj( epiqesewj te ceirwn( anastasewj te nekrwn( kai krimatoj aiwniou) Kai touto poihsomen eanper epitreph o` Qeoj) [No one kills Jesus twice] Adunaton gar touj a`pax fwtisqentaj( geusamenouj te thj dwreaj thj epouraniou kai metocouj genhqentaj Pneumatoj ~Agiou( kai kalon geusamenouj Qeou r`hma dunameij te mellontoj aiwnoj( kai parapesontaj( palin anakainizein eij metanoian anastau& rountaj e`autoij ton Ui`on tou Qeou kai paradeigmatizontaj) pepeiramenon f C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP pepeirasmenon P v ℵA,B [%] NU prosercwmeqa rell prosercomeqa [%] eleon f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP eleoj P ℵA,B,C [%] NU dia tauthn f (0.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP di authn P ℵA,B,C (.%) NU tauthj (.%) tauta (.%) eautou f ℵA,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP autou P B [%] NU uper f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP peri P ℵA,B,C (.%) NU --- (0.%) alla f P ℵA,B,C [0%] RP,OC,CP,NU all o [0%] HF,TR kaqaper f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP kaqwsper P ℵA,B [%] NU kaqwj C kai f P ℵA,B,C [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU o [%] TR 0 toij upakouousin autw pasin f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P ℵA,B,C [%] NU kai f A,B [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] --- P ℵC [%] ferwmeqa rell feromeqa [%] poihsomen f P ℵB,I v [0%] OC,TR,CP,NU poihswmen A,C [%] RP,HF poihsantej [%] epitreph rell epitrepei [%]
5 Gh gar h` piousa ton epv authj pollakij ercomenon uèton kai tiktousa botanhn euqeton ekeinoij div ou]j kai gewrgeitai metalambanei eulogiaj apo tou Qeou\ ekferousa de akanqaj kai tribolouj( adokimoj( kai kataraj egguj( h-j to teloj eij kausin) [A word of encouragement] Pepeismeqa de peri u`mwn( agaphtoi( ta kreissona kai ecomena swthriaj ei kai ou`twj laloumen) 0 Ou gar adikoj o` Qeoj epilaqesqai tou ergou u`mwn( kai tou kopou thj agaphj h-j enedeixasqe eij to onoma autou( diakonhsantej toij a`gioij kai diakonountej) Epiqumoumen de e`kaston u`mwn thn authn endeiknusqai spoudhn( proj thn plhroforian thj elpidoj( acri telouj\ i`na mh nwqroi genhsqe( mimhtai de twn dia pistewj kai makroqumiaj klhronomountwn taj epaggeliaj) [Our secure anchor] Tw gar ~Abraam epaggeilamenoj o` Qeoj( epei katv oudenoj eicen meizonoj omosai( wmosen kaqv e`autou( legwn( ~~+H mhn eulogwn euloghsw se kai plhqunwn plhqunw/ se)vv Kai ou`twj( makroqumhsaj( epetucen thj epaggeliaj) Anqrwpoi men gar kata tou meizonoj omnuousin( kai pashj autoij antilogiaj peraj eij bebaiwsin o` o`rkoj( en w- perissoteron boulomenoj o` Qeoj epideixai toij klhro& nomoij thj epaggeliaj to ametaqeton thj boulhj autou( emesiteusen o`rkw( i`na dia duo pragmatwn ametaqetwn( en oi-j adunaton yeusasqai Qeon( iscuran paraklhsin ecwmen( oi` katafugontej krathsai thj prokeimenhj elpidoj\ h]n w`j agkuran ecomen thj yuchj( asfalh te kai bebaian( kai eisercomenhn eij to eswteron tou katapetasmatoj( 0 o`pou Prodromoj u`per h`mwn eishlqen Ihsouj( kata thn taxin Melcisedek Arciereuj genomenoj eij ton aiwna) [Melchizedek, priest and king] ) Ou`toj gar o` Melcisedek basileuj Salhm( i`ereuj tou Qeou tou u`yistou( o` sunanthsaj ~Abraam u`postrefonti apo thj kophj twn basilewn kai euloghsaj auton( w- kai dekathn apo pantwn emerisen ~Abraam $prwton men e`rmhneuomenoj basileuj dikaiosunhj( epeita de kai basileuj Salhm( o[ estin basileuj eirhnhj%( apatwr( amhtwr( agenealoghtoj\ mhte archn h`merwn mhte zwhj teloj ecwn( afwmoiwmenoj de tw Ui`w tou Qeou menei ièreuj eij to dihnekej) 0 [Melchizedek greater than Abraham] Qewreite de phlikoj ou`toj( w- kai dekathn ~Abraam edwken ek twn akroqiniwn o` patriarchjç Kai( oi` men ek twn ui`wn Leui thn ièrateian lambanontej entolhn ecousin apodekatoun ton laon( kata ton nomon toutv estin( touj adelfouj autwn kaiper exelh& luqotaj ek thj osfuoj ~Abraam\ o` de mh genealogoumenoj ex autwn dedekatwken ton ~Abraam kai ton econta taj epaggeliaj euloghken) Cwrij de pashj antilogiaj to elatton u`po tou kreittonoj eulogeitai) Kai( w`de men dekataj apoqnhskontej anqrwpoi lam& banousin( ekei de marturoumenoj o`ti zh kai w`j epoj eipein( dia ~Abraam kai Leui( o` pollakij ercomenon f A,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P ℵB [%] NU [%] one other variant [%] kreissona f P ℵA,B,C [%] RP,HF,CP,NU kreittona [%] OC,TR tou kopou f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP kai (%) skopou (.%) --- P ℵA,B,C (.%) NU h mhn f [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ei P ℵA,B [%] NU ei mh C two other readings [%] (If h is the older form, how could the change, ei h, come about in the middle ages?) men f C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B [%] NU yeusasqai f B [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ton P ℵA,C [%] [NU] ecwmen f P ℵA,B,C [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ecomen [0%] tou rell --- CP o f P v C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU oj ℵA,B,I [%] w CP 0 dihnekej rell en w oti kai tou abraam proetimhqh CP kai f ℵA,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] --- P B [%] exelhluqotaj rell exelhluqotej CP ton f A [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵB,C [%] NU dia f A,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP di P ℵB [%] NU
6 dekataj lambanwn( dedekatwtai( 0 eti gar en th osfui tou patroj h=n o`te sunhnthsen autw o` Melcisedek) [Melchizedek greater than Aaron] Ei men oun teleiwsij dia thj Leuitikhj i`erwsunhj h=n $o` laoj gar epv auth nenomoqethto%( ti,j eti creia kata thn taxin Melcisedek e`teron anistasqai i`erea( kai ou kata thn taxin Aarwn legesqai? $Metatiqemenhj gar thj i`erwsunhj( ex anagkhj kai nomou metaqesij ginetai)% EfV o]n gar legetai tauta( fulhj e`teraj meteschken( afv h-j oudeij proseschken tw qusiasthriw) Prodhlon gar o`ti ex Iouda anatetalken o` Kurioj h`mwn( eij h]n fulhn ouden peri i`erwsunhj Mwushj ( elalhsen) Kai perissoteron eti katadhlon estin ei kata thn o`moiothta Melcisedek anistatai i`ereuj e`teroj( o]j ou kata nomon entolhj sarkinhj gegonen( alla kata dunamin zwhj akatalutou) Marturei gar o`ti ~~Su ièreuj eij ton aiwna kata thn taxin Melcisedek)VV Aqethsij men gar ginetai proagoushj entolhj dia to authj asqenej kai anwfelej $ouden gar eteleiwsen o` nomoj%( epeisagwgh de kreittonoj elpidoj( div h-j eggizomen tw Qew) [Our eternal High Priest represents us eternally] 0 Kai( kaqv o`son ou cwrij o`rkwmosiaj oi` men gar cwrij o`rkwmosiaj eisin ièreij gegonotej( o` de meta o`rkwmosiaj dia tou legontoj proj autonç ~~Wmosen Kurioj kai ou metamelhqhsetai\ su ièreuj eij ton aiwna kata thn taxin MelcisedekVV 0 kata tosouton kreittonoj diaqhkhj gegonen egguoj Ihsouj) Kai( oi` men pleionej eisin gegonotej i`ereij dia to qanatw kwluesqai paramenein\ o` de( dia to menein auton eij ton aiwna( aparabaton ecei thn ièrwsunhn) ~Oqen kai swzein eij to pantelej dunatai touj prosercomenouj div autou tw Qew( pantote zwn eij to entugcanein u`per autwn) Toioutoj gar h`min eprepen arciereuj o`sioj( akakoj( amiantoj( kecwrismenoj apo twn a`martwlwn( kai u`yhloteroj twn ouranwn genomenoj o]j ouk ecei kaqv h`meran anagkhn( w`sper oi` arciereij( proteron u`per twn idiwn a`martiwn qusiaj anaferein( epeita twn tou laou\ touto gar epoihsen efapax eàuton anenegkaj) ~O nomoj gar anqrwpouj kaqisthsin arciereij econtaj asqeneian( o` logoj de thj o`rkwmosiaj( thj meta ton nomon( Ui`on eij ton aiwna teteleiwmenon) [Priest and Mediator of a better covenant] ) Kefalaion de epi toij legomenoijç Toiouton ecomen Arcierea( o]j ekaqisen en dexia tou qronou thj Megalwsunhj en toij ouranoij( twn a`giwn Leitourgoj( kai thj skhnhj thj alhqinhj( h]n ephxen o` Kurioj( kai ouk anqrwpoj) Paj gar arciereuj eij to prosferein dwra te kai qusiaj kaqistatai $o`qen anagkaion ecein ti kai touton o] o f A [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵB,C [%] NU auth f [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP authj P ℵA,B,C [%] NU authn [%] nenomoqethto f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP nenomoqethtai P ℵA,B,C [%] NU ierwsunhj f (0.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ierosunhj (.%) ierewn P ℵA,B,C (.%) NU (Wherever ierwsunhj occurs, the alternate spelling also occurs, its attestation not exceeding 0%.) mwushj f P ℵA,B,C (.%) RP,HF,OC,CP,NU mwshj (.%) TR ouden peri ierwsunhj mwushj f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ A,B,C (.%) NU ~ P ℵ (.%) ~ (.%) sarkinhj f P ℵA,B,C [0%] NU sarkikhj [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP marturei f C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP martureitai P ℵA,B [%] NU su f ℵA,B,C [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ei P [%] --- [%] 0 kata thn taxin melcisedek f A (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P B,C (.%) NU ℵ omits whole quote tosouton f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP tosouto P ℵA,B,C [%] NU tosoutw [%] kreittonoj f P A [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP kai ℵB,C [%] [NU] --- [%] entugcanein uper rell ~ CP hmin f ℵC [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP kai P A,B [%] NU kaqv h`meran rell kaqhme,ran f [0%] (I include this for the record, and so as not to lose sight of it, but since there is evidently no difference in meaning I stay with the conventional pointing. Because of the theta there is no ambiguity.) kai f A [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵB [%] NU 0
7 prosenegkoi% ei men gar h=n epi ghj( oudv an h=n i`ereuj( ontwn twn ièrewn twn prosferontwn kata ton nomon ta dwra\ oi`tinej u`podeigmati kai skia latreuousin twn epouraniwn $kaqwj kecrhmatistai Mwushj mellwn epitelein thn skhnhnç ~~~Ora garvv( fhsin( ~~poihseij panta kata ton tupon ton deicqenta soi en tw oreivv% nuni de diaforwteraj teteucen leitourgiaj( o`sw kai kreittonoj estin diaqhkhj Mesithj( h`tij epi kreittosin epaggeliaij nenomoqethtai) [A new covenant] Ei gar h` prwth ekeinh h=n amemptoj( ouk an deuteraj ezhteito topoj\ memfo& menoj gar autoij legeiç ~~Idou( h`merai ercontaivv( legei Kurioj( ~~kai suntelesw epi ton oikon Israhl kai epi ton oikon Iouda diaqhkhn kainhn ou kata thn diaqhkhn h]n epoihsa toij patrasin autwn en h`mera epilabomenou mou thj ceiroj autwn exagagein autouj ek ghj Aiguptou( o`ti autoi ouk enemeinan en th diaqhkh mou( kagw hmelhsa autwn(vv legei Kurioj) 0 ~~~Oti au`th h` diaqhkh h]n diaqhsomai tw oikw Israhl meta taj h`meraj ekeinajvv( legei Kurioj( ~~didouj nomouj mou eij thn dianoian autwn kai epi kardiaj autwn epigrayw autouj\ kai esomai autoij eij Qeon kai autoi esontai moi eij laon) Kai ou mh didaxwsin e`kastoj ton plhsion 0 autou kai e`kastoj ton adelfon autou( legwn( ~Gnwqi ton Kurion V o`ti pantej eidhsousin me( apo mikrou autwn e`wj megalou autwn) ~Oti i`lewj esomai taij adikiaij autwn( kai twn a`martiwn autwn kai twn anomiwn autwn ou mh mnhsqw eti)vv En tw legein ~kainhnv pepalaiwken thn prwthn\ to de palaioumenon kai ghraskon egguj afanismou) [The earthly sanctuary] ) Eice men oun kai h` prwth dikaiwmata latreiaj to te a`gion kosmikon) Skhnh gar kateskeuasqhç h` prwth( en h- h` te lucnia kai h` trapeza kai h` proqesij twn artwn( h`tij legetai ~Agia\ meta de to deuteron katapetasma skhnh h` legomenh ~Agia ~Agiwn( crusoun ecousa qumiathrion kai thn kibwton thj diaqhkhj perikekalummenhn pantoqen crusiw( en h- stamnoj crush ecousa to manna kai h` r`abdoj Aarwn h` blasthsasa kai ai` plakej thj diaqhkhj\ u`peranw de authj Ceroubim doxhj kataskiazonta to i`lasthrion $peri w-n ouk estin nun legein kata meroj%) [The service of that sanctuary] Toutwn de ou`twj kateskeuasmenwn( eij men thn prwthn skhnhn dia pantoj eis& iasin oi` i`ereij( taj latreiaj epitelountej( eij de thn deuteran a`pax tou eniautou monoj o` arciereuj( ou cwrij ai`matoj( o] prosferei u`per eàutou kai twn tou laou agnohmatwn\ prosenegkoi f [0%] prosenegkh rell (Optative or Subjunctive?) gar f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP oun P ℵA,B [%] NU twn ierewn f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP (.%) --- P ℵA,B (.%) NU ton f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B [%] NU poihseij f ℵA,B [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU poihshj [%] TR --- P nuni f ℵA [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] nun P B [%] teteucen f B [0%] OC,TR tetucen P ℵA [0%] RP,HF,NU tetuchken [0%] CP (These are alternate forms of the perfect [apparently], so the meaning remains the same; tetucen appears to be a simplification of the older form.) kai rell --- [0%] CP autoij f P B [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP autouj ℵA,I [0%] NU 0 plhsion f [%] TR polithn P ℵA,B [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU autwn f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA,B [%] NU ilewj rell ileoj [%] kai twn anomiwn autwn f A (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP (.%) --- P ℵB (.%) NU adikiwn (0.%) kai f ℵA [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] --- P v B [%] prwth f P ℵA,B [0%] RP,HF,CP,NU skhnh [0%] OC,TR ceroubim f (A) [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ceroubin P ℵ (B) [%] NU
8 touto dhlountoj tou Pneumatoj tou ~Agiou mhpw pefanerwsqai thn twn ~Agiwn o`don eti thj prwthj skhnhj ecoushj stasin\ h`tij parabolh eij ton kairon ton enesthkota( kaqv o]n dwra te kai qusiai prosferontai mh dunamenai kata suneidhsin teleiwsai ton latreuonta 0 monon epi brwmasin kai pomasin kai diaforoij baptismoij kai dikaiw& masin sarkoj( mecri kairou diorqwsewj epikeimena) [Christ serves in the heavenly sanctuary] Cristoj de paragenomenoj Arciereuj twn mellontwn agaqwn dia thj meizonoj kai teleioteraj skhnhj ou ceiropoihtou( toutv estin( ou tauthj thj ktisewj( oude div ai`matoj tragwn kai moscwn( dia de tou idiou ai`matoj( eishlqen efapax eij ta ~Agia( aiwnian lutrwsin eu`romenoj) Ei gar to ai`ma taurwn kai tragwn( kai spodoj dama& lewj ràntizousa touj kekoinwmenouj( a`giazei proj thn thj sarkoj kaqarothta( posw mallon to ai`ma tou Cristou( o]j dia Pneumatoj ~Agiou eàuton proshnegken amwmon tw Qew( kaqariei thn suneidhsin u`mwn 0 apo nekrwn ergwn eij to latreuein Qew zwnti? Kai dia touto diaqhkhj kainhj Mesithj estin( o`pwj qanatou genomenou eij apolutrw& sin twn epi th prwth diaqhkh parabasewn thn epaggelian labwsin oi` keklhmenoi thj aiwniou klhronomiaj) [The earthly sanctuary inaugurated with blood] ~Opou gar diaqhkh( qanaton anagkh feresqai tou diaqemenou\ diaqhkh gar epi nekroij bebaia( epei mhpote iscuei o`te zh o` diaqemenoj) ~Oqen oude h` prwth cwrij ai`matoj egkekainistai\ lalhqeishj gar pashj entolhj kata nomon u`po Mwuseoj panti tw law( labwn to ai`ma twn moscwn kai tragwn( meta u`datoj kai eriou kokkinou kai u`sswpou( auto te to biblion kai panta ton laon errantisen( 0 legwn( ~~Touto to ai`ma thj diaqhkhj h-j eneteilato proj u`maj o` Qeoj)VV Kai thn skhnhn de kai panta ta skeuh thj leitourgiaj tw ai`mati o`moiwj errantisen) Kai scedon en ai`mati panta kaqarizetai kata ton nomon( kai cwrij ai`matekcusiaj ou ginetai afesij) [The heavenly sanctuary inaugurated with Christ s blood] Anagkh oun ta men u`podeigmata twn en toij ouranoij toutoij kaqarizesqai( auta de ta epourania kreittosin qusiaij para tautaj) Ou gar eij ceiropoihta a`gia eishlqen o`0 Cristoj( antitupa twn alhqinwn( allv eij auton ton ouranon( nun emfanis& qhnai tw proswpw tou Qeou u`per h`mwn\ oudv i`na pollakij prosferh eàuton( w`sper o` arciereuj eisercetai eij ta ~Agia katv eniauton en ai`mati allotriw epei edei auton pollakij paqein apo katabolhj kosmou\ nun de( a`pax epi sunteleia twn aiwnwn( eij pefanerwsqai rell pefanwsqai CP ton rell touton CP on f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP hn ℵA,B [%] NU kai f B (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA (.%) NU dikaiwmasin f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP dikaiwmata P ℵA,B (.%) NU two other readings (0.%) mellontwn f ℵA (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP twn (.%) genomenwn (P )B (.%) NU euromenoj f [0%] euramenoj rell (nd aorist or st aorist? There is apparently no difference in meaning.) taurwn kai tragwn f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P ℵA,B [%] NU agiou f [%] aiwniou [%] aiwniou rell (The majority reading is certainly inviting.) 0 umwn f ℵ [%] RP,HF,OC,TR hmwn A [%] CP,NU (Codex B is no longer available from here to the end.) diaqemenou f ℵA,B [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU diatiqemenou [%] CP oude f A,C [%] NU oud ℵ [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ouq P kata f ℵ [%] RP,HF,TR,CP ton P A,C [%] OC,NU mwuseoj f [%] CP mwusewj ℵC [%] RP,HF,OC,NU mwsewj A [0%] TR tw rell --- CP kai tragwn f (%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP twn ℵA,C (.%) [NU] --- P (.%) two other readings (0.%) errantisen f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,N-A erantisen P ℵA,C [%] UBS (Also in verse.) tautaj rell tautaij CP agia eishlqen f C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P ℵA [%] NU 0 o f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA,C [%] NU nun f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP nuni ℵA,C [%] NU
9 aqethsin a`martiaj dia thj qusiaj autou pefanerwtai) Kai( kaqv o`son apokeitai toij anqrwpoij a`pax apoqanein( meta de touto krisij( ou`twj kai o` Cristoj( a`pax pros& enecqeij eij to pollwn anenegkein a`martiaj ek deuterou cwrij a`martiaj ofqhsetai toij auton apekdecomenoij eij swthrian) [Animal blood is insufficient] 0) Skian gar ecwn o` nomoj twn mellontwn agaqwn( ouk authn thn eikona twn pragmatwn( katv eniauton taij autaij qusiaij a]j prosferousin eij to dihnekej oudepote dunatai touj prosercomenouj teleiwsai) Epei ouk an epausanto prosferomenai( dia to mhdemian ecein eti suneidhsin a`martiwn touj latreuontaj( a`pax kekaqarmenouj? AllV en autaij anamnhsij a`martiwn katv eniauton( adunaton gar ai`ma taurwn kai tragwn afairein a`martiaj) [ I have come to do your will, O God ] Dio eisercomenoj eij ton kosmon legeiç ~~Qusian kai prosforan ouk hqelhsaj( swma de kathrtisw moi\ o`lokautwmata kai peri a`martiaj ouk eudokhsaj) Tote eipon( ~Idou h`kw en kefalidi bibliou gegraptai peri emou tou poihsai( o` Qeoj( to qelhma souv)vv Anwteron legwn o`ti ~~Qusian kai prosforan kai o`lokautwmata kai peri a`martiaj ouk hqelhsaj( oude eudokhsajvv $ai`tinej kata ton nomon prosferontai%( tote eirhken( ~~Idou h`kw tou poihsai( o` Qeoj( to qelhma souvv) Anairei to prwton i`na to deuteron sthsh) 0 En w- qelhmati h`giasmenoi esmen oi`0 dia thj prosforaj tou swmatoj Ihsou Cristou efapax) [Christ perfects forever] Kai paj men i`ereuj e`sthken kaqv h`meran leitourgwn kai taj autaj pollakij prosferwn qusiaj( ai`tinej oudepote dunantai perielein a`martiaj\ autoj de( mian u`per a`martiwn prosenegkaj qusian eij to dihnekej( ekaqisen en dexia tou Qeou\ to loipon ekdecomenoj e`wj teqwsin oi` ecqroi autou u`popodion twn podwn autou( mia gar prosfora teteleiwken eij to dihnekej touj a`giazomenouj) Marturei de h`min kai to Pneuma to ~Agion( meta gar to proeirhkenaiç ~~~Au`th h` diaqhkh h]n diaqhsomai proj autouj meta taj h`meraj ekeinajv( legei Kurioj( ~didouj nomouj mou epi kardiaj autwn kai epi twn dianoiwn autwn epigrayw autouj( kai twn a`martiwn autwn kai twn anomiwn autwn ou mh mnhsqw etiv)vv ~Opou de afesij toutwn( ouketi prosfora peri a`martiaj) [Hold fast the confession of hope] aqethsin f P C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP thj ℵA,I [%] [NU] kai f P ℵA,C [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU --- [%] TR dunatai f P [0%] OC,TR,CP,NU dunantai ℵA,C [%] RP,HF --- [%] (The subject of the verb is the law [sg], not the sacrifices [pl]; P preserves the correct reading.) ouk rell --- [%] CP kekaqarmenouj f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP kekaqarismenouj P ℵ [%] NU kekaqerismenouj A,C [%] eudokhsaj rell hudokhsaj C [%] (This statement obtains in verse below as well.) qusian kai prosforan f I [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP qusiaj prosforaj ℵA,C [%] NU ton f [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA,C [0%] NU o qeoj to qelhma sou f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR mou (.%) ~ (.%) ~ mou (.%) CP P ℵA,C (.%) NU three other variants (0.%) 0 oi f [0%] RP,HF,TR,CP --- P ℵA,C [%] OC,NU hmeij [%] swmatoj f P ℵA,C [%] RP,HF,CP,NU tou [%] OC,TR iereuj f P,v ℵ [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU arciereuj A,C [0%] CP autoj f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP outoj P,,v ℵA,C [%] NU proeirhkenai f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP eirhkenai P, ℵA,C [%] NU epi twn dianoiwn f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP thn dianoian P, ℵA,B,C,I (.%) NU eij thn dianoian (.%) --- [homoioteleuton] (0.%) autouj rell usteron legei [%] tote eirhken [%] mnhsqw f P [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP mnhsqhsomai P ℵA,C,I [%] NU toutwn f P A,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU autwn [%] CP --- ℵ
10 Econtej oun( adelfoi( parrhsian eij thn eisodon twn ~Agiwn en tw ai`mati Ihsou( 0 h]n enekainisen h`min o`don prosfaton kai zwsan( dia tou katapetasmatoj( toutv estin( thj sarkoj autou( kai i`erea megan epi ton oikon tou Qeou( prosercwmeqa meta alhqinhj kardiaj en plhroforia pistewj( errantismenoi taj kardiaj apo suneidh& sewj ponhraj kai leloumenoi to swma u`dati kaqarw) Katecwmen thn o`mologian thj elpidoj aklinh( pistoj gar o` epaggeilamenoj) Kai katanowmen allhlouj eij paroxusmon agaphj kai kalwn ergwn( mh egkataleipontej thn episunagwghn eàutwn $kaqwj eqoj tisin%( alla parakalountej( kai tosoutw mallon o`sw blepete eggizousan thn h`meran) [A severe warning] ~Ekousiwj gar a`martanontwn h`mwn meta to labein thn epignwsin thj alhqeiaj( ouketi peri a`martiwn apoleipetai qusia( fobera de tij ekdoch krisewj kai puroj zhloj esqiein mellontoj touj u`penantiouj) Aqethsaj tij nomon Mwuseoj cwrij oiktirmwn epi dusin h. trisin martusin apoqnhskei) Posw( dokeite( ceironoj axiwqhsetai timwriaj o` ton Ui`on tou Qeou katapathsaj( kai to ai`ma thj diaqhkhj koinon h`ghsamenoj en w- h`gi& asqh( kai to Pneuma thj caritoj enubrisaj? 0 Oidamen gar ton eiponta( ~~Emoi ekdikhsij( egw antapodwsw( legei KuriojVV\ kai palin( ~~Kurioj krinei/0 ton laon autou)vv Foberon to empesein eij ceiraj Qeou zwntoj! [A word of encouragement] Anamimnhskesqe de taj proteron h`meraj en ai-j( fwtisqentej( pollhn aqlhsin u`pemeinate paqhmatwnç touto men oneidismoij te kai qliyesin qeatrizomenoi( touto de koinwnoi twn ou`twj anastrefomenwn genhqentej) Kai gar toij desmoij mou sune& paqhsate\ kai( thn a`rpaghn twn u`parcontwn u`mwn meta caraj prosedexasqe( ginwskontej ecein eàutoij kreittona u`parxin en ouranoij kai menousan) Mh apobalhte oun thn parrhsian u`mwn( h`tij ecei misqapodosian megalhn) ~Upomonhj gar ecete creian i`na( to qelhma tou Qeou poihsantej( komishsqe thn epaggelian) ~~Eti gar mikron o`son o`son( o` ercomenoj h`xei kai ou croniei) ~O de dikaioj ek pistewj zhsetai( kai ean u`posteilhtai( ouk eudokei h` yuch mou en autw)vv ~Hmeij de ouk esmen u`postolhj eij apwleian( alla pistewj eij peripoihsin yuchj) [About faith] ) Estin de pistij elpizomenwn u`postasij( pragmatwn elegcoj ou blepomenwn) En tauth gar emarturhqhsan oi` presbuteroi) Pistei nooumen kathrtisqai touj aiwnaj r`hmati Qeou( eij to mh ek fainomenwn ta blepomena 0 gegonenai) [Abel, Enoch, Noah] aimati rell tou OC prosercwmeqa f P ℵA,C [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU prosercomeqa (P ) [0%] errantismenoi f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP rerantismenoi P ℵA,C [%] NU leloumenoi f P A,C [%] HF,OC,TR,CP lelousmenoi ℵ [%] RP,NU to swma rell tw swmati [%] katecwmen rell katecomen [0%] mwuseoj f [0%] CP mwusewj ℵC [%] RP,HF,OC,NU mwsewj A [%] TR trisin rell trisi OC legei kurioj f A (%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P v, ℵ (%) NU 0 kurioj krinei f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ ℵA [%] NU [%] anastrefomenwn rell anastrefwmenwn CP desmoij mou f ℵ (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP P (.%) desmioij A (.%) NU eautoij f [%] CP,RP,HF en [%] OC,TR eautouj P, ℵA [%] NU --- [%] en ouranoij f (%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP toij (0.%) --- P, ℵA (.%) NU two other variants (0.%) misqapodosian megalhn f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P ℵA [%] NU oson rell --- [%] oqen [%] croniei f A [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP cronisei P ℵ [%] NU dikaioj f P [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP mou P ℵA [%] NU yuchj rell --- CP 0 ta blepomena f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP to blepomenon P ℵA [%] NU
11 Pistei pleiona qusian Abel para Kain proshnegken tw Qew( div h-j emarturhqh einai dikaioj( marturountoj epi toij dwroij autou tou Qeou\ kai div authj( apoqanwn( eti laleitai) Pistei Enwc meteteqh tou mh idein qanaton( kai ouc eu`risketo dioti meteqhken auton o` Qeoj\ pro gar thj metaqesewj autou memarturhtai euhresthkenai tw Qew) Cwrij de pistewj adunaton euaresthsai( pisteusai gar dei ton prosercomenon tw Qew o`ti estin kai toij ekzhtousin auton misqapodothj ginetai) Pistei( crhmatisqeij Nwe peri twn mhdepw blepomenwn( eulabhqeij( kateskeuasen kibwton eij swthrian tou oikou autou( div h-j katekrinen ton kosmon kai thj kata pistin dikaiosunhj egeneto klhronomoj) [Abraham and Sarah] Pistei( kaloumenoj ~Abraam( u`phkousen exelqein eij ton topon o]n hmellen 0 lambanein eij klhronomian kai exhlqen( mh epistamenoj pou ercetai) Pistei parwkhsen eij ghn thj epaggeliaj w`j allotrian( en skhnaij katoikhsaj( meta Isaak kai Iakwb( twn sugklhronomwn thj epaggeliaj thj authj\ 0 exedeceto gar thn touj qemeliouj ecousan polin( h-j tecnithj kai dhmiourgoj o` Qeoj) Pistei kai auth Sarra dunamin eij katabolhn spermatoj elaben( kai para kairon h`likiaj eteken( epei piston h`ghsato ton epaggeilamenon) Dio kai afv e`noj egennhqhsan( kai tauta nenekrwmenou( kaqwj ta astra tou ouranou tw plhqei( kai w`j h` ammoj h` para to ceiloj thj qalasshj h` anariqmhtoj) [Seeking a heavenly homeland] Kata pistin apeqanon ou`toi pantej mh labontej taj epaggeliaj( alla porrwqen autaj idontej kai aspasamenoi( kai o`mologhsantej o`ti xenoi kai parepidhmoi eisin epi thj ghj) Oi` gar toiauta legontej emfanizousin o`ti patrida epizhtousin) Kai ei men ekeinhj emnhmoneuon afv h-j exhlqon( 0 eicon an kairon anakamyai) Nun de kreittonoj oregontai( toutv estin( epouraniou) Dio ouk epaiscunetai autouj o` Qeoj Qeoj epikaleisqai autwn\ h`toimasen gar autoij polin) [Patriarchs] Pistei prosenhnocen ~Abraam ton Isaak( peirazomenoj\ kai( ton monogenh prose& feren o` taj epaggeliaj anadexamenoj( proj o]n elalhqh o]ti ~~En Isaak klhqhsetai soi abel f [0%] RP,OC,TR,CP a`bel ℵA [0%] HF,NU laleitai f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP lalei P, ℵA [%] NU martureitai [%] enwc f [0%] OC,TR,CP e`nwc ℵA [0%] RP,HF,NU eurisketo f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP hurisketo P ℵA [%] NU meteqhken rell meteteqhken ℵ [0%] metateqhken [%] CP autou f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P, ℵA [%] NU euhresthkenai f P ℵ [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP euaresthkenai A [%] NU (Soden here mentions K r specifically for the second time and assigns it to the minority reading, but he is certainly in error.) exelqein rell exelqwn CP ton f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA [%] NU 0 hmellen f P ℵA [%] RP,HF,TR,NU emellen [%] OC,CP parwkhsen f P ℵA [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU abraam [0%] CP eij f P ℵA [0%] RP,HF,CP,NU thn [0%] OC,TR (Soden here mentions K r specifically for the third time and assigns it to the minority reading, but he is certainly in error.) sarra f P v ℵA [%] RP,HF,OC,TR steira P [%] NU h steira [%] steira ousa [0%] CP eteken f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P v, ℵA [%] NU egennhqhsan f ℵ [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU egenhqhsan P A [0%] N wj h f P ℵA [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP wsei [%] TR ammoj rell amoj CP labontej f P (0.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP komisamenoi ℵI (.%) NU prosdexamenoi A [alone] --- (0.%) idontej f P ℵA [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU kai peisqentej [%] TR 0 exhlqon f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP exebhsan P v ℵA (.%) NU two other variants (0.%) nun f P ℵA [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU nuni [%] TR
12 spermavv( logisamenoj o`ti kai ek nekrwn egeirein dunatoj o` Qeoj\ o`qen auton kai en parabolh ekomisato) 0 Pistei peri mellontwn euloghsen Isaak ton Iakwb kai ton ~Hsau) Pistei Iakwb( apoqnhskwn( e`kaston twn ui`wn Iwshf euloghsen( kai prosekunhsen epi to akron thj ràbdou autou) Pistei Iwshf( teleutwn( peri thj exodou twn ui`wn Israhl emnhmoneusen kai peri twn ostewn autou eneteilato) [Moses] Pistei Mwushj( gennhqeij( ekrubh trimhnon u`po twn paterwn autou( dioti eidon asteion to paidion( kai ouk efobhqhsan to diatagma tou basilewj) Pistei Mwushj( megaj genomenoj( hrnhsato legesqai ui`oj qugatroj Faraw( mallon e`lomenoj sugkakou& ceisqai tw law tou Qeou h. proskairon ecein a`martiaj apolausin( meizona plouton h`ghsamenoj twn Aiguptou qhsaurwn ton oneidismon tou Cristou\ apeblepen gar eij thn misqapodosian) Pistei katelipen Aigupton( mh fobhqeij ton qumon tou basilewj( ton gar Aoraton w`j o`rwn ekarterhsen) Pistei pepoihken to Pasca kai thn proscusin tou ai`matoj( i`na mh o` oloqreuwn ta prwtotoka qigh autwn) Pistei diebhsan thn Eruqran Qalassan w`j dia xhraj( h-j peiran labontej oi` Aiguptioi katepoqhsan) 0 Pistei ta teich ~Iericw epesen( kuklwqenta epi e`pta h`meraj) Pistei ~Raab h` pornh ou sunapwleto toij apeiqhsasin( dexamenh touj kataskopouj metv eirhnhj) [Exploits achieved through faith] Kai ti, eti legw? Epileiyei gar me dihgoumenon o` cronoj peri Gedewn( Barak te kai Samywn kai Iefqae( Dauid te kai Samouhl kai twn profhtwn( oi] dia pistewj kathgwnisanto basileiaj( eirgasanto dikaiosunhn( epetucon epaggeliwn( efraxan stomata leontwn( esbesan dunamin puroj( efugon stomata macairaj( 0 enedunamwqhsan apo asqeneiaj( egenhqhsan iscuroi en polemw( parembolaj eklinan allotriwn) Elabon gunaikej ex anastasewj touj nekrouj autwn\ alloi de etumpanisqhsan( ou prosdexamenoi thn apolutrwsin( i`na kreittonoj anastasewj tucwsin) ~Eteroi de empaigmwn kai mastigwn peiran elabon( eti de desmwn kai fulakhj) Eliqasqhsan( eprisqhsan( epeiras& qhsan( en fonw macairaj apeqanon) Perihlqon en mhlwtaij( en aigeioij dermasin\ u`steroumenoi( qlibomenoi( kakoucoumenoi w-n ouk h=n axioj o` kosmoj en erhmiaij planwmenoi kai oresin kai sphlaioij kai taij opaij thj ghj) Kai ou`toi pantej( marturhqentej dia thj pistewj( ouk ekomisanto thn epagge& lian( 0 tou Qeou peri h`mwn kreitton ti probleyamenou( i`na mh cwrij h`mwn teleiwqwsin) [ Let us run with endurance ] ) Toigaroun kai h`meij( tosouton econtej perikeimenon h`min nefoj marturwn( ogkon apoqemenoi panta kai thn euperistaton a`martian( div u`pomonhj trecwmen ton pistei f ℵ [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP kai P A [%] NU h`sau f [0%] hsau ℵA [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU aiguptou f ℵ [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU en A en aiguptw [%] TR aiguptiwn [%] xhraj f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ghj P, ℵA,0 [%] NU ièricw f [0%] OC,TR,CP iericw ℵA [0%] RP,HF,NU epesen f P [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP epesan ℵA [%] NU katepesen [%] epeson [%] gar me f P, I [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ ℵA [%] NU [%] te kai f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P, ℵA,I [%] NU kai f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P, ℵA,I [%] NU 0 macairaj f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP macairhj P ℵA [%] NU enedunamwqhsan f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP edunamwqhsan P, ℵA [%] NU eprisqhsan epeirasqhsan f P A (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ (ℵ0) (.%) P (.%) NU Two other variants (0.%) macairaj f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP macairhj P ℵA [%] NU kakoucoumenoi rell kakocoumenoi [0%] en f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP epi P, ℵA [%] NU ep [%] euperistaton rell aperistaton CP trecwmen rell trecomen [0%]
13 prokeimenon h`min agwna( aforwntej eij ton thj pistewj Archgon kai Teleiwthn( Ihsoun( o]j anti thj prokeimenhj autw caraj u`pemeinen stauron( aiscunhj katafronhsaj( en dexia te tou qronou tou Qeou kekaqiken) [All legitimate children receive discipline] Analogisasqe gar ton toiauthn u`pomemenhkota u`po twn a`martwlwn eij auton antilogian( i`na mh kamhte( taij yucaij u`mwn ekluomenoi) Oupw mecrij ai`matoj anti& katesthte proj thn a`martian antagwnizomenoi) Kai eklelhsqe thj paraklhsewj h`tij u`min w`j ui`oij dialegetaiç ~~Uiè mou( mh oligwrei paideiaj Kuriou( mhde ekluou u`pv autou elegcomenoj\ o]n gar agapa Kurioj paideuei( mastigoi de panta ui`on o]n paradecetai)vv Ei paideian u`pomenete( w`j ui`oij u`min prosferetai o` Qeoj\ ti,j gar estin ui`oj o]n ou paideuei pathr? Ei de cwrij este paideiaj $h-j metocoi gegonasin pantej%( ara noqoi este kai ouc ui`oi) Eita touj men thj sarkoj h`mwn pateraj eicomen paideutaj kai enetrepomeqa) Ou pollw mallon u`potaghsomeqa tw Patri twn pneumatwn kai zhsomen? 0 Oi` men gar proj oligaj h`meraj kata to dokoun autoij epaideuon( o` de epi to sumferon( eij to metalabein thj a`giothtoj autou) Pasa de paideia proj men to paron ou dokei caraj einai( alla luphj\ u`steron de karpon eirhnikon toij div authj gegumnasmenoij apodidwsin dikaiosunhj) [Watch your step!] Dio taj pareimenaj ceiraj kai ta paralelumena gonata anorqwsate( kai trociaj 0 orqaj poihsate toij posin u`mwn( i`na mh to cwlon ektraph( iaqh de mallon) Eirhnhn diwkete meta pantwn( kai ton a`giasmon ou- cwrij oudeij oyetai ton Kurion\ episkopountej mh tij u`sterwn apo thj caritoj tou Qeou( mh tij r`iza pikriaj anw fuousa enoclh kai dia tauthj mianqwsin polloi( mh tij pornoj( h. bebhloj w`j ~Hsau( o]j anti brwsewj miaj apedoto ta prwtotokia autou) Iste gar o`ti kai metepeita qelwn klhronomhsai thn eulogian apedokimasqh\ metanoiaj gar topon ouc eu`ren( kaiper meta dakruwn ekzhthsaj authn) [Sinai X Zion] Ou gar proselhluqate yhlafwmenw orei kai kekaumenw puri kai gnofw kai skotw kai quellh\ kai salpiggoj hcw kai fwnh r`hmatwn( h-j oi` akousantej parh& thsanto mh prosteqhnai autoij logon 0 $ouk eferon gar to diastellomenonç ~~Kan qhrion kekaqiken f ℵA [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU ekaqisen P [%] TR gar f P ℵA [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU oun [0%] CP auton f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP autouj P, (.%) eauton A (.%) NU eautouj ℵ (.%) four other readings 0 (0.%) antikatesthte f ℵA [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU antekatesthte [%] antikatesthken P antesthte [%] ei f [%] OC,TR,CP eij ℵA [%] RP,HF,NU estin f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵA,I [%] NU este kai ouc uioi f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR(CP) ~ P ℵA [%] NU pollw f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP polu P ℵA [%] NU --- [%] mallon f ℵA,I,0 [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP de P, [%] NU 0 trociaj rell praciaj CP poihsate f A [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP poieite P ℵC [%] NU poihsete 0 [%] dia tauthj f ℵ (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP di authj P A,0 (.%) NU h`sau f [0%] hsau ℵA [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU apedoto f ℵ [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP apedeto P A,C [%] NU autou f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP eautou ℵA,C [%] NU --- P yhlafwmenw orei kai f (%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ (.%) (.%) P ℵA,C,0 (.%) NU scattered among the variants (%) have yhlafomenw kai skotw f (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP skotei P (0.%) zofw ℵA,C,0 (.%) NU --- (.%)
14 qigh tou orouj( liqobolhqhsetai!vv kai ou`twj foberon h=n to fantazomenon( Mwushj eipen( ~~Ekfoboj eimi kai entromoj!vv%\ alla proselhluqate Siwn Orei( kai polei Qeou zwntoj( ~Ierousalhm epouraniw( kai muriasin aggelwn panhgurei( kai ekklhsia prwto& tokwn en ouranoij apogegrammenwn( kai Krith Qew pantwn( kai pneumasin dikaiwn tete& leiwmenwn( kai diaqhkhj neaj Mesith( Ihsou( kai ai`mati r`antismou kreitton lalounti para to Abel) [Warning: Our God is a consuming fire ] Blepete mh paraithshsqe ton lalounta) Ei gar ekeinoi ouk efugon( ton epi ghj paraithsamenoi 0 crhmatizonta( pollw mallon h`meij oi` ton apv ouranou apostre& fomenoi ou- h` fwnh thn ghn esaleusen tote( nun de ephggeltai legwn( ~~Eti a`pax egw seiw ou monon thn ghn alla kai ton ouranonvv) To de ~eti a`paxv dhloi twn saleuomenwn thn metaqesin $w`j pepoihmenwn%( i`na meinh ta mh saleuomena) Dio basileian asaleuton paralambanontej( ecwmen carin div h-j latreuomen euarestwj tw Qew( meta aidouj kai eulabeiaj\ kai gar o` Qeoj h`mwn pur katanaliskon) [Practical instructions] ) ~H filadelfia menetw) Thj filoxeniaj mh epilanqanesqe( dia tauthj gar elaqon tinej xenisantej aggelouj) Mimnhskesqe twn desmiwn w`j sundedemenoi( twn kakoucou& menwn w`j kai autoi ontej en swmati) Timioj o` gamoj en pasin kai h` koith amiantoj( pornouj de kai moicouj krinei/ o` Qeoj) Afilarguroj o` tropoj( arkoumenoi toij parou& sin( autoj gar eirhken( ~~Ou mh se anw( oudv ou mh se egkatalipwvv) 0 `Wste qarrountaj h`maj legeinç ~~Kurioj emoi bohqoj( kai ou fobhqhsomai) Ti, poihsei moi anqrwpoj?vv Mnhmoneuete twn h`goumenwn u`mwn( oi`tinej elalhsan u`min ton logon tou Qeou( w-n anaqewrountej thn ekbasin thj anastrofhj( mimeisqe thn pistin) Ihsouj Cristoj cqej kai shmeron( o` autoj( kai eij touj aiwnaj) Didacaij poikilaij kai xenaij mh paraferesqe( kalon gar cariti bebaiousqai thn kardian( ou brwmasin( en oi-j ouk wfelhqhsan oi` peripathsantej) liqobolhqhsetai rell h bolidi katatoxeuqhsetai [%] TR outwj C [0%] RP,TR,CP outw f ℵA [0%] HF,OC,NU (I include this to illustrate that many MSS do not drop the final j before a consonant, even in the minuscule period; which reinforces my suspicion that the practice did not obtain in the Autographs.) ièrousalhm f [0%] RP,OC,TR,CP ierousalhm ℵA [0%] HF,NU en ouranoij apogegrammenwn f 0 [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ P ℵA,C,0 [%] NU kreitton f ℵA,C [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU kreittona P [%] TR to f P [0%] HF ton ℵA [0%] RP,OC,TR,CP,NU abel f [0%] OC,TR,CP a`bel ℵA [0%] RP,HF,NU efugon f P [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP exefugon ℵA,C,I,0 [%] NU epi rell thj (.%) OC,TR 0 ton epi (+ thj OC) ghj paraithsamenoi f P (.%) RP,HF(OC)TR,CP ~ (.%) (.%) ~ ℵA,C,I,0 (.%) NU three other variants (0.%) pollw f P [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP polu ℵA,C [%] NU posw [%] ouranou f ℵ [0%] CP ouranwn P A,C [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU seiw f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP seisw P ℵA,C,I,0 [%] NU twn saleuomenwn thn f (%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP P 0 (.%) ~ ℵA,C (.%) [NU] one other variant (0.%) ecwmen f A,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ecomen P ℵ [%] latreuomen f ℵ [%] CP,RP,HF latreuwmen A,C,0 [%] OC,TR,NU latreuswmen P aidouj kai eulabeiaj f (0.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ (.%) ~ deouj (P ) ℵA,C(0) (.%) NU deouj (.%) ~ fobou (.%) eusebiaj (0.%) kakoucoumenwn rell kakocoumenon (C) [0%] de f C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP gar P ℵA [%] NU --- [%] 0 egkatalipw f [0%] OC,TR,CP,NU egkataleipw P ℵA,C [0%] RP,HF kai f P A [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] --- ℵC [%] cqej f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ecqej P ℵA,C [%] NU paraferesqe f P ℵA,C [%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU periferesqe [%] TR peripathsantej f C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP peripatountej P ℵA [%] NU
15 [Join Jesus outside the camp] 0 Ecomen qusiasthrion ex ou- fagein ouk ecousin exousian oi` th skhnh latreuontej) _Wn gar eisferetai zwwn to ai`ma( peri a`martiaj( eij ta ~Agia dia tou arcierewj( toutwn ta swmata katakaietai exw thj parembolhj( dio kai Ihsouj( i`na a`giash dia tou idiou ai`matoj ton laon( exw thj pulhj epaqen) Toinun exercwmeqa proj auton exw thj parembolhj( ton oneidismon autou ferontej\ ou gar ecomen w`de menousan polin( alla thn mellousan epizhtoumen) DiV autou oun anaferwmen qusian ainesewj dia pantoj tw Qew( toutv estin( karpon ceilewn o`mologountwn tw onomati autou) $Thj de eupoiiaj kai koinwniaj mh epilanqanesqe( toiautaij gar qusiaij euaresteitai o` Qeoj)% [Concluding requests] Peiqesqe toij h`goumenoij u`mwn kai u`peikete( autoi gar agrupnousin u`per twn yucwn u`mwn w`j logon apodwsontej( i`na meta caraj touto poiwsin kai mh stenazontej $alusitelej gar u`min touto%) Proseucesqe peri h`mwn\ pepoiqamen gar o`ti kalhn suneidhsin ecomen( en pasin kalwj qelontej anastrefesqai\ perissoterwj de parakalw touto poihsai i`na tacion apokatastaqw u`min) [Benediction] 0 ~O de Qeoj thj eirhnhj o` anagagwn ek nekrwn ton Poimena twn probatwn ton megan en ai`mati diaqhkhj aiwniou( ton Kurion h`mwn Ihsoun katartisai u`maj en panti ergw agaqw eij to poihsai to qelhma autou( poiwn en u`min to euareston enwpion autou( dia Ihsou Cristou( w- h` doxa eij touj aiwnaj twn aiwnwn) Amhn) [Sign off] Parakalw de u`maj( adelfoi( anecesqe tou logou thj paraklhsewj( kai gar dia bracewn epesteila u`min) Ginwskete ton adelfon 0 Timoqeon apolelumenon( meqv ou- ean tacion erchtai( oyomai u`maj) Aspasasqe pantaj touj h`goumenouj u`mwn kai pantaj touj a`giouj) Aspazontai u`maj oi` apo thj Italiaj) ~H carij meta pantwn u`mwn) Amhn) ( exercwmeqa rell exercomeqa [0%] mellousan rell menousan CP oun f A,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] --- P ℵ [%] anaferwmen rell anaferomen [0%] pepoiqamen f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP peiqomeqa P A,C [%] NU peiqomai [%] oti kalhn qa ℵ (Aleph really got lost.) ihsoun f P ℵA,C [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU criston [0%] CP ergw f C (.%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP kai logw A (.%) --- ℵ (.%) NU tw P umin f A,C [0%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP hmin P ℵ [0%] NU twn aiwnwn f ℵA(C) [%] RP,HF,OC,TR[NU] --- P [%] CP 0 adelfon f [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP hmwn P ℵA,C [%] NU amhn f A,C [%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP --- P ℵI v [%] NU The citation of f is based on thirty-five MSS,,, 0, 0,,,,, 0,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,, 00,,, and all of which I collated myself. is a perfect representative of f in, as it stands, and the exemplars of,, 00 and may have been, while several others were off by only one variant. Since these MSS come from all over the Mediterranean world (Sinai, Jerusalem, Patmos, Aegean, Constantinople, Bucharest, Trikala, Mt. Athos [six different monasteries], Athens, Grottaferrata, Vatican, etc.) they are certainly representative of the family, giving us the precise family profile it is reflected in the Text without exception. In the statements of evidence I have included the percentage of manuscript attestation for each variant, within either ( ) or [ ]. I have used ( ) for the evidence taken from TuT, which I take to be reasonably precise. For the variant sets that are not covered there I had to revert to von Soden and the apparatus of N-A, supplementing from other sources where possible (Scrivener and Tischendorf) the percentages offered, I have used [ ] for these, are extrapolations based on a comparison of these sources. I venture to predict, if complete collations ever become available, that for any non-byzantine variants listed with to % support (in my apparatus) the margin of error should not exceed ± %; for non-byzantine variants listed with 0 to %
PROS QESSALONIKEIS A [Opening considerations] [Greeting] ) Pauloj kai Silouanoj kai Timoqeoj th ekklhsia Qessalonikewn en Qew Patri kai Kuriw Ihsou CristwÇ Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj h`mwn
PROS FILIPPHSIOUS [Salutation] ) Pauloj kai Timoqeoj( douloi Ihsou Cristou( pasin toij a`gioij en Cristw Ihsou toij ousin en Filippoij( sun episkopoij kai diakonoijç Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj
PROS QESSALONIKEIS A [Opening considerations] [Greeting] ) Pauloj kai Silouanoj kai Timoqeoj th ekklhsia Qessalonikewn en Qew Patri kai Kuriw Ihsou CristwÇ Carij u`min kai eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj h`mwn
IWANNOU EPISTOLH PRWTH [Prologue] ) {O h=n apv archj( o] akhkoamen( o] e`wrakamen toij ofqalmoij h`mwn( o] eqeasameqa kai ai` ceirej h`mwn eyhlafhsan peri tou logou thj Zwhj kai h` Zwh efanerwqh( kai e`wrakamen
PROS ROMAIOUS [Salutation] ) Pauloj( douloj Ihsou Cristou( klhtoj apostoloj( afwrismenoj eij euaggelion Qeou( o] proephggeilato dia twn profhtwn autou en Grafaij ~AgiaijÇ peri tou ui`ou autou( tou genomenou
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-nine representative MSS,,, 0, 0,,,,, 0,,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ΟΙ ΦΙΛΟΛΟΓΙΚΕΣ ΑΝΑΛΥΣΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ Κ.Δ. 1. Η φιλολογική ανάλυση Η θεματική διαίρεση του κειμένου Διαφορετικές διαιρέσεις Ο στρουκτουραλισμός 2. Η γλωσσολογική ανάλυση 3. Η ρητορική ανάλυση Η φιλολογική ανάλυση
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH 1 1)1 Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations]
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH ) Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations] ) Pasan caran h`ghsasqe( adelfoi mou( o`tan peirasmoij peripeshte
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-seven representative MSS,, 0, 0,,,,,, 0,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH 1 1)1 Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations]
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH ) Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations] ) Pasan caran h`ghsasqe( adelfoi mou( o`tan peirasmoij peripeshte
PROS GALATAS 1 1)11. [Introduction] [Salutation] 1)1. kai kuriou hmwn f 35 P 46,51 B [75%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ~ 312 ℵA [9%] NU 12 [16%] 3
PROS GALATAS [Introduction] [Salutation] ) Pauloj( apostoloj ouk apv anqrwpwn oude div anqrwpou( alla dia Ihsou Cristou kai Qeou Patroj tou egeirantoj auton ek nekrwn kai oi` sun emoi pantej adelfoi( taij
Vetus Testamentum, Vol. XXV, Fasc. 3 pp. 497 499 + 2 plates THE 'LOST' FOLIO OF THE CHESTER BEATTY BY ALBERT PIETERSMA Toronto One folio of Chester Beatty Biblical Papyrus XII (964) was reported missing
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH 1. 1)1 Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations]
IAKWBOU EPISTOLH ) Iakwboj( Qeou kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou douloj( taij dwdeka fulaij taij en th DiasporaÇ cairein) [Various exhortations] ) Pasan caran h`ghsasqe( adelfoi mou( o`tan peirasmoij peripeshte
PROS TIMOQEON A [Greeting] ) Pauloj( apostoloj Ihsou Cristou katv epitaghn Qeou Swthroj h`mwn kai Kuriou Ihsou Cristou thj elpidoj h`mwn( Timoqew( gnhsiw teknw en pisteiç Carij( eleoj( eirhnh apo Qeou
Mt 21:44 Does P104 (POxy 4404) omit this verse?
Mt 21:44 Does P104 (POxy 4404) omit this verse? NA 27 Matthew 21:44 Îkai. o` pesw.n evpi. to.n li,qon tou/ton sunqlasqh,setai\ evfv o]n dv a'n pe,sh likmh,sei auvto,nåð omit: P104?, D, 33, it(a, b, d,
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-two representative MSS,,, 0, 0,,,,,,, 0, 0, 00,,, 0,,,,,,,,,, 00,,,,
THE GENERAL EPISTLES f 35 variants Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD
THE GENERAL EPISTLES f variants Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-nine representative
Η αυτοχειρία στην αρχαία Ελλάδα: Γνώμες των φιλοσόφων
Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ Η αυτοχειρία στην αρχαία Ελλάδα: Γνώμες των φιλοσόφων Κυριακή, 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 ΣΩΚΡΑΤΗΣ aãpeimi de/, w j eãoike, th/meron: keleu/ousi ga\r ¹AqhnaiÍoi.
EUAGGELION KATA LOUKAN [Dedicatory] ) Epeidhper polloi epeceirhsan anataxasqai dihghsin peri twn peplhroforhmenwn en h`min pragmatwn( kaqwj paredosan h`min oi` apv archj autoptai kai u`phretai genomenoi
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following twenty-five representative MSS, 0, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,, 0, and. The first
EUAGGELION KATA IWANNHN [Prologue] ) En arch h=n o` Logoj( kai o` Logoj h=n proj ton Qeon( kai Qeoj h=n o` Logoj) Ou`toj h=n en arch proj ton Qeon) Panta div autou egeneto( kai cwrij autou egeneto oude
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following thirty-seven representative MSS,, 0, 0,, 0,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,,,,
EUAGGELION KATA IWANNHN [Prologue] ) En arch h=n o` Logoj( kai o` Logoj h=n proj ton Qeon( kai Qeoj h=n o` Logoj) Ou`toj h=n en arch proj ton Qeon) Panta div autou egeneto( kai cwrij autou egeneto oude
KATA IWANNHN f 35 variants 1
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following fifty-seven representative MSS,,,,, 0, 0,, 0,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,
I am. Present indicative
εἰμί eimi Present indicative εἰμί εἶ ἐστί(ν) ἐσμέν ἐστέ εἰσί(ν) John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos the Christ John 1:19 Σὺτίςεἶ; Su tis
EUAGGELION KATA LOUKAN [Dedicatory] ) Epeidhper polloi epeceirhsan anataxasqai dihghsin peri twn peplhroforhmenwn en h`min pragmatwn( kaqwj paredosan h`min oi` apv archj autoptai kai u`phretai genomenoi
Mt-²-± tou de ihsou gennhqentoj en bhqleem thj ioudaiaj en hmeraij hrwdou tou basilewj idou magoi apo anatolwn paregenonto eij ierosoluma
Mt-±-± bibloj genesewj ihsou xristou uiou dabid uiou abraam Mt-±-² abraam egennhsen ton isaak isaak de egennhsen ton iakwb iakwb de egennhsen ton ioudan kai touj adelfouj autou Mt-±-³ ioudaj de egennhsen
Transliterated Textus Receptus CSR9
##################################################### # # # T I T L E N O T I C E # # # # TEXTUS RECEPTUS CSR9 # # Copyright 2005-2013 # # Dr. Michael J. Bisconti # # # # Textus Receptus CSR9 # # http://lfnexus.com/textusreceptuscsr9.htm
Finite Field Problems: Solutions
Finite Field Problems: Solutions 1. Let f = x 2 +1 Z 11 [x] and let F = Z 11 [x]/(f), a field. Let Solution: F =11 2 = 121, so F = 121 1 = 120. The possible orders are the divisors of 120. Solution: The
1)1 Arch tou euaggeliou Ihsou Cristou( Ui`ou tou Qeou [John the baptizer]
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, as identified by a complete collation of the following fifty-one representative MSS,,,, 0, 0,,,,,,,,, 0, 00, 0, 0,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,
Il ministero apostolico. 2Cor 2,14-6,2
Il ministero apostolico 2Cor 2,14-6,2 La presentazione 14 Tw/ de. qew/ ca,rij tw/ pa,ntote qriambeu,onti h`ma/j evn tw/ Cristw/ kai. th.n ovsmh.n th/j gnw,sewj auvtou/ fanerou/nti div h`mw/n evn panti.
Revelation APOKALUYIS 1. [Introduction]
The purpose of this apparatus is to show all variation within Family, for, as identified by a complete collation of the following eighteen representative MSS,,, 0, 0,,, 0,,,,, 0,,,, and. The first reading
Matthew EUAGGELION KATA MATQAION 1. [Abraham to Christ 1997 BC to 5 BC]
EUAGGELION KATA MATQAION [Abraham to Christ BC to BC] ) Bibloj genesewj Ihsou Cristou( ui`ou Dauid( ui`ou ~AbraamÇ ~Abraam egennhsen ton Isaak( Isaak de egennhsen ton Iakwb( Iakwb de egen& nhsen ton Ioudan
CHAPTER 5 SOLVING EQUATIONS BY ITERATIVE METHODS EXERCISE 104 Page 8 1. Find the positive root of the equation x + 3x 5 = 0, correct to 3 significant figures, using the method of bisection. Let f(x) =
EUAGGELION KATA MARKON ) Arch tou euaggeliou Ihsou Cristou( Uiòu tou Qeou [John the Baptizer] ) ~Wj gegraptai en toij profhtaij ~~Idou( egw apostellw ton aggelon mou pro proswpou sou( o]j kataskeuasei
derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates
derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates swapnizzle 03-03- :5:43 We begin by recognizing the familiar conversion from rectangular to spherical coordinates (note that φ is used
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Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations
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DESIGN OF MACHINERY SOLUTION MANUAL -7-1! PROBLEM -7 Statement: Design a double-dwell cam to move a follower from to 25 6, dwell for 12, fall 25 and dwell for the remader The total cycle must take 4 sec
Section 1: Listening and responding. Presenter: Niki Farfara MGTAV VCE Seminar 7 August 2016
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Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 9: Inversion Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια Creative Commons εκτός
department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι
She selects the option. Jenny starts with the al listing. This has employees listed within She drills down through the employee. The inferred ER sttricture relates this to the redcords in the databasee
PROS TIMOQEON B [Greeting] ) Pauloj( apostoloj Ihsou Cristou dia qelhmatoj Qeou( katv epaggelian zwhj thj en Cristw Ihsou( Timoqew( agaphtw teknwç Carij( eleoj( eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj kai Cristou Ihsou
Matrices and Determinants
Matrices and Determinants SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: Q 1. For what value of k do the following system of equations possess a non-trivial (i.e., not all zero) solution over the set of rationals Q? x + ky + 3z
ΕΙΔΙΚΗ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ Μάθημα 5 ΤΑ ΛΟΓΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΙΗΣΟΥ ΔΙΑΤΑΞΗ ΤΟΥ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΟΣ Επιχειρήματα υπέρ υπάρξεως της Q Φιλολογική μορφή της Πηγής των Λογίων Χρόνος, τόπος, συγγραφέας της Q Έκταση της Πηγής των Λογίων και
Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 11: The Unreal Past Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια Creative Commons
Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------
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[1] P Q. Fig. 3.1
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Teko Classes IITJEE/AIEEE Maths by SUHAAG SIR, Bhopal, Ph (0755) 3 00 000 www.tekoclasses.com ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION # Question Type A.Single Correct Type Q. (A) Sol least
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14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense
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Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set
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Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Αν κάπου κάνετε κάποιες υποθέσεις να αναφερθούν στη σχετική ερώτηση. Όλα τα αρχεία που αναφέρονται στα προβλήματα βρίσκονται στον ίδιο φάκελο με το εκτελέσιμο
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PROS TIMOQEON B [Greeting] ) Pauloj( apostoloj Ihsou Cristou dia qelhmatoj Qeou( katv epaggelian zwhj thj en Cristw Ihsou( Timoqew( agaphtw teknwç Carij( eleoj( eirhnh apo Qeou Patroj kai Cristou Ihsou
3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β
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the total number of electrons passing through the lamp.
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Σύλλογος Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Φιλοσοφίας «σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ» Σάββατο, 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2013
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2007 Classical Greek. Intermediate 2 Translation. Finalised Marking Instructions
2007 Classical Greek Intermediate 2 Translation Finalised Marking Instructions Scottish Qualifications Authority 2007 The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications
Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά.
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Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * *
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10/2013. Mod: 02D-EK/BT. Production code: CTT920BE
ΟΜΗΡΟΥ ΙΛΙΑΔΑ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΠΑΛΛΗΣ SCHOOLTIME E-BOOKS www.scooltime.gr [- 2 -] The Project Gutenberg EBook of Iliad, by Homer This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions
hv'îl{v.w ~ymi Þy" hv'îl{v. gd"êh; y[eäm.bi hn"ay yhiûy>w: hn"+ay-ta, [:l{ßb.li ladêg" gd"ä hw"hy>!m:üy>w: 2:1 `tal)yle
Το βιβλίο του Ιωνά Δεύτερο Κεφάλαιο hv'îl{v.w ~ymi Þy" hv'îl{v. gd"êh; y[eäm.bi hn"ay yhiûy>w: hn"+ay-ta, [:l{ßb.li ladêg" gd"ä hw"hy>!m:üy>w: 2:1 `tal)yle 2:1 kai. prose,taxen ku,rioj kh,tei mega,lw katapiei/n
9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr
9.9 #. Area inside the oval limaçon r = + cos. To graph, start with = so r =. Compute d = sin. Interesting points are where d vanishes, or at =,,, etc. For these values of we compute r:,,, and the values
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Main source: "Discrete-time systems and computer control" by Α. ΣΚΟΔΡΑΣ ΨΗΦΙΑΚΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ 4 ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ 1
Main source: "Discrete-time systems and computer control" by Α. ΣΚΟΔΡΑΣ ΨΗΦΙΑΚΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ 4 ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ 1 A Brief History of Sampling Research 1915 - Edmund Taylor Whittaker (1873-1956) devised a
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