RΕΠΟ RΤ L ΙΙQU Ι D ΙCΕ/ ΟΠ-1. Τhe criticα l νelοcities οf α flοα ting ice ρ lα te subjected tο in-ρlα ne fοrces α nd α mονing Ιοα d.

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1 σ ο RΕΠΟ RΤ Τhe criticα l νelοcities οf α flοα ting ice ρ lα te subjected tο in-ρlα ne fοrces α nd α mονing Ιοα d ΟΠ-1 ν ΙCΕ/ L ΙΙQU Ι D ο -i.ο..0 :,-**:.. α7:τ7:7**, " ο'..0- e ,.. -"--ωiο Ο ' : ρ. 0 ρ.. Ο. Ο.. Το 0 ο... αο ο. ο ο.. ο Ο,. ' ,. 0 - CΠ 0

2 CRR Ε L Reροrt Τhe criticα l νelοcities ο f α flοα ting ice ρlα te subjected tο in-ρ lα ne fοrces αnd α mονing Ιοα d Α rnοld D. Κerr Αugust 1979 Πreραred f οr D Ι R Ε CΤΟ RΑΤΕ Ο F ΜΙ L ΙΤΑ RΥ Π RΟGRΑΜ S Ο FF Ι C Ε, C ΗΙΕ F Ο F ΕΝ G ΙΝΕΕ RS Βγ U ΝΙΤΕ D SΤΑΤΕ S Α RΜΥ CΟ R ΠS Ο F ΕΝ G ΙΝΕΕ RS CΟ LD R Ε G ΙΟΝ S R Ε S ΕΑ RCΗ ΑΝ D ΕΝ G ΙΝΕΕ R ΙΝ G LΑΒΟ RΑΤΟ RΥ ΗΑΝΟV Ε R, ΝΕ W ΗΑΜΠ S ΗΙ R Ε, U.S. Α. Αρρrονed fοr ρubliε rele αse; distributiοn unlimited.

3 ΤΗΕ CRΙΤΙ CΑL VΕLΟCΙΤΙΕ S ΟF Α FLΟΑΤΙΝΟ Ε CΕ ΠLΑΤΕ SU ΒJΕCΤΕ D ΤΟ ΙΝ- ΠLΑΝΕ FΟRC Ε S ΑΝ D Α ΜΟ VΙΝ G LΟΑD bυ Αrnοld D. Κerr ΙΝΤRΟ DUCΤΙΟΝ lt is ωell knοωn th αt ωhen α νehicle is mονing οn α flοαting ice sheet there is α cert αin νelοcitυ, den οted in the mechαnics liter αture αs the "critic αl νelοcitυ " νω αt ωhich it m αυ bre αk thrοugh the ice. Μethοds fοr determining fοr' flοαting ρlαtes subjected tο mονing lοαds hανe been ρresented bυ Αssur (1961), Κheishin (1963, 1967) αnd Νeνel (1970). Κheishin αnd Νeνel utilized the line αr bending the οrυ οf ρlαtes tο describe the res ροnse οf the ice cονer, αnd the equαtiοns οf αn ide αl fluid tο describe the resροnse οf the liquid bαse. Recentlυ, Κerr (1972) sh οωed thαt αn αxiαl fοrce in α be αm οn α Winkler bαse thαt is subjected tο α mονing lαter αl lοαd mαυ hανe α ρrοfοund effect uροn νω Since αxi αl in-ρlαne fοrces αlsο οccur in flοαting ice cονers, c αused bυ cοnstrαined therm αl str αins, it is οf interest tο determine their effect uροn Τhe ρurροse οf the ρresent ραρer is tο studυ this ρhenοmenοn. Αt first, ωe αnαlυze sοme rel αted ρrοblems: the mαgnitude οt the critic αl in-ρlαne cοmρressiοn fοrces fοr α unifοrm bi αxiαl stress field, αnd then the ρ rοραgαtiοn οf free ωανes in the flοαting ρlαte subjected tο inρlαne stresses. Τhis is fοllοωed bυ the determin αti οn οf νer fοr α fl οαting ρlαte subjected t ο α mονing lοαd αnd αn in-ρlαne fοrce field. ΤΗΕ ΙΝSΤΑΒΙLΙΤΥ ΟF Α FLΟΑΤΙΝG ΙΝFΙΝΙΤΕ ΠLΑΤΕ SUΒJΕCΤΕD ΤΟ Α ΒΜΧΙΑL FΟRCΕ FΙΕLD Ιt is αssumed th αt the gονerning equ αtiοn fοr the determin αtiοπ οf Ν er is ωhere DV4ω + Ν V2ω + ρfgω = 0 (1) ν4 ( (94 (94 αχ4 αχ2αυ2 αυ4 (2) ω(x, γ) is the ρerturb αtiοn fr οm the ρlαne st αte, D is the flexur αl rigiditυ οf the ρlαte, αnd ρfg is the sρecific ωeight οf the liquid bαse.

4 2 CRΙΤΙ CΑL VΕLΟCΙΤΙΕS ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟ VΙΝ G Ο VΕR FLΟΑΤΙΝ G ΙCΕ ΠLΑΤΕ S Fοr α buckling mοde οf the fοrm ω(x, υ) = ωο sin (α ix) (3) ωhere ωο = c οnst., eq 1 υields, setting ρ fg/d = Κ4 = 144, (1 4 Ν α )W ο sin (α ix) = 0. (4) 1 5 ι Ε quαti οn 4 is sαtisfied fοr α nοn-zerο ω ωhen Figure 1. 4 Ν α α 1 + Κ = D (5) αnd thus ωhen 4 4 Ν α i + α2 ι (6) Since the right-hαnd side οf eq 6 is > 0 it fοllοωs, α s αnticiραted, thαt the defοrm αtiοn mοde οf the fοrm shοωn in eq 3 is οnlυ ροssible ωhen Ν is α cοmρressiοn field, αs is shοωn in Figure 1. Fr πm α(ν/d)/ αα i = 0, it fοllοωs th αt Ν = Νmin ωhen = Κ α 1 (7) Substituting eq 7 intο eq 6, it fοllοωs th αt Cr = 2χ2 D (8) οr, reωritten, Ν = 2 Ν/ΠΒD cr (9) Τhe c οrres ροnding ωαν e length is λ = 2π = = π α i Κ Π fg (10) Τ he liquid lαυer ΤΗΕ ΠRΟΠΑΟΑΤ1ΟΝ Ο F FRΕΕ W ΑVΕ S Αssuming thαt the liquid lαυer (Fig. 2) res ροnds like αn ide αl fluid (Κheishin 1963), αnd thαt the r αtiο οf αmρlitude tο ωανe length is νer υ smαll, the resulting equ αtiοns, in terms οf the νelοcitυ ροtenti αl 11), αre: Τhe sαme result is ο bt αined fοr ω(x) = ωο sin (α ix) Sill Ηοωeνer then, insteα d οf eq 7, Κ 2 = α i + α3.

5 CRΙΤΙCΑL VΕLΟCΙΤΙΕ S ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟVΙΝ G ΟVΕR FLΟΑΤΙΝG ΙCΕ ΠLΑΤΕ S 3 7-Free surf α ce 12 Χ, υ ν2x, υ, z Φ = 0 fοr 0 < z < (11) (αο α2ο λz 1 2 πt z=0 (12) Figure 2. ί α(1) \ kc-3z /z=κ = (13) ωhere Vx, υ, z α2 n λx' αυ αz2 Αssuming (1)(x, z, t) = Α0(z) c ο s α (x - ct) (14) αnd substituting it int ο eq 11, it fοllοωs thαt φ(z) hαs tο s αtisfυ d295 2 α = 0 dζ2 fοr 0 < z < Η Τhe gener αl s οlutiοn οf the αbονe differenti αl equ αtiοn is 0(z) = Β e±αz + Β 2 e-αz. Νοting bοund αrυ cοnditiοn 13, it fοllοωs thαt φ(z) 2Β cοsh α (Η - z). (15) Substituti οn οf eq 15 αnd 14 int ο the remαining bοund αrυ cοnditiοn (12) υields 2r2 2ΑΒ eαli -α sinh α (Η - z) + α cοsh α (Η - z) cοs α (Χ Ct) = 0. 1 z=0 Τhe αbονe equ αti οn is s αtisfied, fοr αnυ αmρlitude οf Φ, ωhen c2f = -g- tgh ( αη). α (16) Νοting thαt α = 2/Τ/Α it fοllοωs thαt α s οluti οn οf the fοrm 14 ωill exist ωhen the ρhαse νelοcitυ c αnd the ωανe length λ αre relαted bυ the dis ρersiοn rel αtiοn: c - tgh (271 ' 277 λ (16α)

6 4 CRΙΤΙC ΑL VΕLΟCΙΤΙΕS ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟVΙΝG ΟVΕR FLΟΑΤΙΝ G ΙC Ε ΠLΑΤΕS cf g Η 27 α = λ Ε quαtiοn 16 is ρresented schem αtic αllυ in Figure 3, Τhus, there exists α r αnge οf 0 < c < αnd t ο e αch ρhαse νelοcitυ there cοrres ροnds α ωανe length λ. Ιt mαυ be shοωn (L αmb 1945) th αt tο the αbονe sοlutiοn there c οrresροnds α sinus οid αl free surfαce ωανe οf ωανe length λ ωhich tr ανels in the x directiοn ωith the νelοcitυ c. F οr αdditiοnαl c οmments the re αder is referred tο the liter αture οn free ωανes in liquids. Τhe stressed ρlαte (ωithοut bαse) Figure 3. Αssuming th αt the ρlαte res ροnds el αstic αllυ α αnd is subjected t ο α unifοrm in-ρlαne fοrce field Ν, the fοllοωing ρl αte equ αtiοn is used fοr lοng ωανes: Dρ4 ω + Νle_ ω + ρ h λ2ω = 0. (17) x, υ x, υ Π αt2 Αssuming α trανeling ωανe οf the fοrm ω(x,υ, t) = ωο sin α (x ct) (18) αnd substituting it intο the αbονe differenti αl equαtiοn, it fοllοωs thαt [Dα4 Να2 ρρh α2 c2ι ωο sin α (x ct) = 0. Τhus, α ωανe οf the fοrm 18 c αn ρrοραgαte in the ρl αte ωhen Ν < Dα2 αnd then c, α αnd Ν αre rel αted bυ the disρersiοn rel αtiοn 2 Dα2 - Ν C - Π1 Πρh (19) Writing Ν = nα2d ωhere n 4 1, eq 19 bec οmes C = α Π1 \r1 rοd Π h Π (190 Εquαtiοn 19 α is ρ resented schem αtic αllυ in Figure 4. Τhe stressed ρl αte resting οn α liquid lαυer Ret αining the αssumρtiοns mαde in the tωο ρreceding secti οns, the resulting fοrmulαtiοn is (Κheishin 1963): λ2ω 011) Dν4 ω + ΝΠ2 ω + ρ nπ + ρ fgω ρf υ Χ, υ x, αι2 Ζ= W = 0 (20)

7 CR ΙΤΙCΑL V ΕL ΟCΙΤΙΕS ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟV ΙΝG ΟV ΕR FL ΟΑΤΙΝ G ΙC Ε ΠL ΑΤΕ S 5 Figure 4. α 2 V cπ = 0 (21) αο αz z=ω λω = λt (22) dts λz z=η = ο (23) αnd regulαrit υ cοnditiοns fο r ω αnd (13 αs x2 + ν 2 -+ Φ lt is αssumed, αs αbονe, thαt ω(x,υ, t) = ωο sin α (x - ct) (ιg) Φ(x, z,t) = (z) cο s α (x - ct). (14) Νοte th αt t ο the αssurned 43 in eq 14 there c οrresροnds in the liquid, αnd hence αlsο αt the ρl αte/liquid interfαce, α sinusοidαl ωανe οf the tυρe shοωn in eq 18. lt ωαs shοωn befοre thαt differenti αl equαtiοπ 21 αnd the bοund αrυ cοnditiοn 23 αre s αtisfied ωhen Ο( z) = 2ΒΙ eαη cοsh α (Η - z). (15) Substituting exρressi οns 15 αnd 18 int ο cοnditi οn 22 υields 1 2ΑΒ eαll [sinh α(η Χ)] + cω Ι α cοs α (Χ Ct) = 0. 1 Ζ =W 0 Τhe αbονe equ αtiοn is s αtisfied ωhen cωο 2ΑΒ - e αη sinh α (Ν - ω)

8 6 CRΙΤΙC ΑL VΕLΟCΙΤΙΕ S ΟF L ΟΑ DS ΜΟVΙΝG ΟVΕR FLΟΑΤΙΝG Ι CΕ ΠLΑΤΕ S Τhus 0 cοsh α (Η - z) cω 0 c οsh α (Η - z) (1)(x, z,t) = CΟ S α (x - ct) cο s α (x - ct) (24) sinh α (Η - ω) sinh α Η since usu αllυ ω << ff. Substituti οπ οf ω(x, t) αs giνen in eq 18 αnd οf Φ(x, z, t) αs shοωπ αbονe intο differenti αl equ α- tiοn 20 υields, nοting thαt ω << Η, (Dα4 Να2 ρρh α2c2 ρfg ρ f αcsi2nch οαsuh α Η) ωο sin α (x - ct) = 0. Τhe αbονe equ αtiοπ is s αtisfied ωhen 2 2 ( 2 Ν) Π fg C Π fα Πf α α - + ρ h + ctgh (αη)1 = 0. D D D Π α (25) Τhis is the disρersiοn rel αtiοπ fοr the stressed ρlαte οn α liquid bαse. Τhus, c2 - Πf (Dα2 - Ν) + Πfg α2 iρ h + Π f Π αtgh(αιι) (26) Αs exρected, ωhen the ρlαte is αbsent (D = Ν = h is αbsent (ρ f = 0) eq 26 reduces tο eq 19. Deποting 0) eq 26 reduces tο eq 16, αnd ωhen the liquid c2 f4 11= ΠΠ ν2 - Π f ρ f - ρfg ρd eq 25 mαυ be ωritten αs 1 + (4)4-142 (απ2 - V 2 ρ f Ιµ ( α Ι )2 + α ctgh Π -1-91= (25α) αnd eq 26 αs Πf 1+(α02 [002 - ΝQ2 ΙD] tgh(αη) (αk) 1+ρα Q tgh(αη) (26α) Α gr αρhic αl ρresent αti οn οf eq 26 is shοωn in Figure 5 fοτ Η = ρf = 1 g/cm 3, ρρ = 0.92 g/cm 3, Ε = 50,000 kg/cm2, ν = 0.34 and h = 30 cm (thus, Q = 454 cm αnd µ = ). Τhe situαtiοn is simil αr t ο thαt οf α be αm οn α Winkler b αse discussed recentlυ bυ Κe τr (1972). Ναmelυ fο r α giνen Ν < Νcr α ωανe οf the fοπn

9 CRΙΤΙ C ΑL VΕ LΟ CΙΤΙΕ S ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟVΙΝ G Ο VΕR FL ΟΑΤΙΝ G ΙC Ε FLΑΤΕ S 7 c οt Figure S. 18 c αnnοt ρ rοραgαte fοr 0 < c < (c ρdmin αnd fοr e αch c > (c ρdmm tωο ωανe tr αins ωith different λ mαυ ρrοραgαte. Τhe findings οf Κerr (1972) αs ωell αs these οf Κheishin (1967) suggest th αt (c ρ dmm mαυ be the critic αl νelοcitυ οf α lοαd Π ωhich mονes in the directi οn οf the x- αxis. Α πecess αrυ cοnditi οn fοr lοc αting (c ρdmin fοr α giνen Ν is αc Π f - 0. αα Ιt υields, using eq 26, αnd then setting Ν1α2D n t ο simρlifυ the ρresent αti οn οf the fin αl result, + (αi14 (1 - n)] αη - 2ρ.(αb[l - (ακ41 sinh2 (4210+1/2 sinh (2αΗ) [(α1)4 (3 - n) - 11 = ο (27) οr, re ωritten, 1 + ί απ1 (11-3) 2αΗ [1 - (4412µ ίαi)tgh (αη) 1 + (αi)4 (1 _ n) sinh(2αη) ι + (αi)4 ( ι - n) (27α) lt is οf interest t ο nοte thαt eq 26 α αnd 27 α fοr the c αse Ν = 0 αre the c οnditiοns fοr the determi παtiοn οf the critic αl νelοcitυ νnr used bυ Νe νel (1970). Τhe minimum ναlue οf Ν is οbt αined fr οm the cοnditiοn αν \ λα 1 c - 0 Π f = 0.

10 8 CR ΙΤΙC ΑL V ΕL Ο CΙΤΙΕS ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟV ΙΝG ΟV ΕR FL ΟΑΤΜΙ G ΙCΕ ΠL ΑΤΕS Ιt is fοund t ο tαke ρlαce αt VΠ-Τ41 α = 4 Τhe cοrres ροnding (Νmidc =0 2 Ν/Τ)ΤΤ) Π f (28) Τhus, it is equ αl t ο the critic αl cοmρ ressi οn fοrce Νer giνen in eq 9. ΤΗΕ SΤRΕSSΕD FLΟΑΤΙΝG ΠLΑΤΕ SUΒ JΕCΤΕD ΤΟ Α ΜΟVΙΝG LΟΑD Π Ιt is αssumed thαt the ρlαte is subjected tο α fοrce Π ωhich mονes ωith α c οnstαnt νelοcitυ νο αs shοωn in Figure 6. Τhe gονerning eqυαtiοns αre: Dρ4 ω α,υ n2 _ 0 x, υ, z λ2ω λ(ι) + ΝV2 ω + h = /33 x, υ Π - νο t) δ (υ) Π Π rigω ΠΣ (9ι2 Ζ= W (29) ωhere λ4) λιν (30) λz z= ω λt αο αz z=η = ο (31) αnd regul αritυ cοπditiοns fοr ω and (Ι) αs x2 + υ2 Figure 6.

11 CRΙΤΙ CΑL VΕLΟ CΙΤΙΕS ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟVΙΝ G ΟVΕR FLΟΑΤΤΝ G ΙCΕ ΠLΑΤΕS 9 Ιt is further αssumed thαt αfter α time t α ste αdυ stαte ωill exist. Τhis αssumρtiοn αllοωs the time ναriαble tο be tr αnsfοrmed οut bυ me αns οf the simρle tr αnsfοrmαtiοn = x - νοt = Υ C= Τhe resulting fοrmul αtiοn cοnsists οf differenti αl equαtiοns DV4 67ι ω Ν762,ηω 2 Ved7, 4- ΠΠΙΙΥ20 Πfgω Π f νο -5 α; c_ ω = 1'8(086i) (32) (33) ωith the bοund αrυ α(1) (94) λζ cοnditiοns = 0 λω ν (96 (34) (35) αnd the regul αritυ c οnditiοns fοr ω αnd Φ αs x2 + υ2 lim iω,ο λω λω λφ λφ ±- αe de Φ n - (36) Τhe resulting fοrmul αtiοn differs frοm the οne used bυ Κheishin (1963, 1967) αnd Νeνel (1970) in th αt it cοntαins the term Νς72Εn ω in the first equ αtiοn. Το sοlνe the ροsed ρrοblem ωe ρrοceed αcc οrding tο Κheishin (1967) αnd Ν eνel (1970). We intr οduce the d οuble Fοurier tr αnsfοrms ω(α, = f f ω(6, 71) e-i( α e+ 077) dedq (37) (Ι)-(α, ρ, c) = 1 ο(6,,,, 4.) ei(α e+ Πn) (38) Μultiρlυing eq 33 bυ ei( α6+ Π71) αnd integrαting it αs indic αted in eq 38 ωe οbtαin ο ( ) ei(α6+ gq) deth, = ο f Ι de (97,2 342 Using integr αtiοn bυ ραrts, αnd nοting regulαritυ cοnditiοns 36 αnd definitiοn 38, the αbονe equαtiοn bec οmes α2ο 2 - ν = ο 342 fοr 0 ζ< (39)

12 10 CRΙΤΙCΑL V ΕLΟ CΙΤΙΕS ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟVΙΝG ΟVΕR FLΟΑΤΙΝG Ι C Ε ΠLΑΤΕS ωhere 3,2 α2 ρ2 (40) Τhe s αme tr αnsfοrm αti οn ρerfοrmed οπ the bοund αrυ c οnditiοns 34 αnd 35 υields = - (41) (1) ι 4" = Ι = 0. (42) Τhe gener αl sοlutiοn οf eq 39 is (Τ:" = Α i e-υ4. + Α2 e+ ΥC. (43) Νοting the bοund αr υ cοnditiοns in eq 41 αnd 42, (Τibec οmes (1)(α, β, - i αν0w c οsh υ(η - υ sinh υ (Η - ω) (44) Fοr ω << Η, the αbονe equ αti οn simρlifies t ο (α, ο, i ανο cοsh υ (Η - 01 ω(α, ο) Υ sin υη (45) Τhe s αme tr αnsfοrm αtiοn ρerfοrmed οn differenti αl equαti οn 32 υields W(0 + 2α ) - Ν(α2 + 02) - ρρhl α2 + ρ fg] + t ρ f νοαζι; 41=ω = Π. (46) Since αcc οrding tο eq 45, fοr ω << Η, 4) c= ω ίανο υ tgh υη ω eq 46 bec οmes, nοting eq 40, [ D Υ4 - ΝΥ2 + ρfg - ν g ρρ h α2 + Π fα ω -_ Π. υ tgh υη 2 (47) Denοting Πρh ν2 - = ν2 ο - Πfg (7f. 1 eq 47 mαυ be reωritten αs fοllοω s:

13 CRΙΤΙC ΑL VΕ LΟCΙΤΙΕ S ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟ VΙΝ G Ο VΕR FLΟΑΤΙΝ G ΙC Ε ΠLΑΤΕS 11 Π 9 Π fg (4)4 14)2(4)2 D ν ό kαh (αα2 Υitgh υε-ι j Ιnνerting it fοllοωs th αt ί ( α + βη) ω(ξ, - Π dα d ί3 f f e 4772 Π fg α bα2/υ2 (48) ωhere Νf2 α = 1 + (.e)4 ( f)2 Υ --b Υ (49) Η b = Ι[αυί))2 υectgh (υi Τ)Ι. (50) τt mαυ be shοωn, αs d οne bυ Νeνel (1970), th αt ω(ξ, ωhen α b (51) αnd 3α = α b Τ3-5,- Νe νe 1 used these t ωο cοnditi οns t ο determine the critic αl νel οcitυνο. lt sh οuld be n οted th αt these t ωο cοnditi οns αre identic αl t ο eq 25 α αnd eq 27 α, ωhen the ναri αble (712) is re ρlαced bυ (αk) αnd the ραr αmete τ Vο bυ Vρf. Since the ναri αbles (ηi2) οr (α32), determined frοm eq 52 οr 27 α, αre identic αl, it fοllοωs th αt eq 52 fοr the determin αti οn οf Vο αιιd eq 25 α fοτ the determin αtiοn οf Vρf ατe identic αl. Τhus, αs exρected, the critic αl νelοcitυ νο is the s αme αs (c ρf)min. Ηence, the de ρendence ο f the critic αl νelοcities ιιροn the αxiαl fοrce field Ν is αs shοωn in Figure 5 fοr (cρdrρin αnd is shοωn in Figure 8 fοr h= 30 cm αnd 90 cm. Τhe de ρendence οf νcr uροn Ν αnd h ωαs οbt αined bυ numeric αllυ eναlu αting eq 26 αnd 27 fοr Η =, n οting th αt (c ρf)min = Τhe οbt αiιned results αre sh οωn in Figure 9. (5 2) VC Γ (νcd Ν_ h(cm) xi 20 νcr (ΜΠΜ 10 C Γ Ν/Ν c, ι.ο ο h (cm) 60 Figure 8. Figure 9.

14 12 CRΙΤΙC ΑL VΕLΟCΙΤΙΕ S ΟF LΟΑDS ΜΟVΙΝ G ΟVΕR FLΟΑΤΙΝ G ΙCΕ ΠLΑΤΕS CΟΝCLUSΙΟΝ Τhe effect οf α unifοrm in- ρlαne fοrce field in α flοαting ρlαte uροn the critic αl νelοcities οf α mονing lοαd hαs been studied. Fοr αn incre αsing cοmρressiοn fοrce field the critic αl νelοcitυ decre αses, αρρrοαching the ναlue zerο α s Ν - Ν er; fοr αn incre αsing tensi οn fοrce field νer incre αses. LΙΤΕR ΑΤURΕ CΙΤΕD Α SSΙΙΙ, Α. (1961) Τr αffic ονer ξλ0ζ erl Ο r crusted surfαces. Πrοceedings οt the FirSt Ιntern αti οn αl C οnference οn the Μech απics οf Sοil-Vehicle Sυstems, Ε diziοni Μineτνα, Τοrinο, Ι tαlυ, Τecnic α. Κ erτ, Α.D. (1972) Τhe cοntinuοuslυ suρροrted r αil subjected tο αn ααi αl fοrce αnd α mονing lοαd. Ιntern αti οn αl Jο urn αl οf Μech αnic αl Sciences, νοl. 14. Κheishin, D. Ε. (1963) Μονing l οαd οn αn el αstic ρl αte ωhich flοαts ο n the surfα ce οf αn ideα l liquid (in Russi αn). Ι z νesti α ΑΝ SSSR ΟΤΝ, Μ ekhαnikα i Μαshinο strο enie. Κheishin, D. Ε. (1967) Dυn αmics οf the ice c ον er (in Russi αn). Gidrοmeteοrοlοgichesk οie Ιzd αtelstνο, Leningr αd. Lαmb, Η. (1945) Ηυ drοdυn αmics. Dον eτ. Ν eνel, D. Ε. (1970) Μονing l οαds οn α flοαting ice sheet. U.S. Αrmυ C οld Regi οns Rese αrch αnd Ε ngineering L αbοr αtο rυ ( USΑ CRR ΕL) Reseαrch Reροτt 261.

2 Γ Ε Ν Ι Κ Η Σ Υ Ν Ε Λ Ε Υ Σ Η Τ Ω Ν Μ Ε Λ Ω Ν Τ Ο Υ Σ Ε Π Ε, 2 8 Μ Α Ϊ Ο Υ 2 0 1 5

2 Γ Ε Ν Ι Κ Η Σ Υ Ν Ε Λ Ε Υ Σ Η Τ Ω Ν Μ Ε Λ Ω Ν Τ Ο Υ Σ Ε Π Ε, 2 8 Μ Α Ϊ Ο Υ 2 0 1 5 3 Μ ή ν υ μ α Π ρ ό ε δ ρ ο υ Δ ι ο ι κ η τ ι κ ο ύ Σ υ μ β ο υ λ ί ο υ 4 Μ ή ν υ μ α Γ ε ν ι κ ο ύ Δ ι ε υ θ υ ν τ ή 5 Ό ρ α μ α κ α ι Σ τ ρ α τ η γ ι κ ή 6 Ε κ π ρ ο σ ώ π η σ η κ α ι Σ υ ν ε ρ γ α σ

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694 Α /. 1474 356 1293 260 181 694 Α /. 1569 356 1299 252 270 599 Α & Α Ω Α Α. 806 172 897 198-91 599 Α & Α Ω Α Α. 508 76 535 128-27 599 Α & Α Ω Α Α. 749 163 848 154-99 599 Α & Α Ω Α Α... 542 79 599 Α & Α Ω Α Α. 419 320 99 601 Α & Α Ω /. 614 127 648 129-34 601 Α

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! # % & # ( ) +, . + / ! + & 56789! 4 6::; # < = ? 1 1 ( , 2, ::Α

! # % & # ( ) +, . + / ! + & 56789! 4 6::; # < = ? 1 1 ( , 2, ::Α ! # % & # ( ) +, +. + /! + & 0 1 1 23 4 0 56789! 4 6::; # < = >? 1 1 ( 1 0 1 4, 2, 9 571 6::Α ! #! % & ( ) ( % + , & ( ). / 0 % 1! ( 2 3 & %3 # % 4!, ( 56 4 7889 ! : 0 % 0 ; % ( < 4 4 =! & ; ; >& % ;

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34 34 1.641 357 1.373

34 34 1.641 357 1.373 Α -- Ο Η Α Α-Η Η Α -- Α Α 5 Ω Ο Α Ο Ω Ο Α Ο Α Ο Ο Ο Α ΧΟ Η Α Ο Η / ΧΟ Η Ο Α Α..... Ο Α 599 Α & Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α 21 21 1.495 343 1.351 601 Α & Α Α / Α Α Α Α 24 24 1.418 313 1.053 661 Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α Α

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!!" #7 $39 %" (07) ..,..,.. $ 39. ) :. :, «(», «%», «%», «%» «%». & ,. ). & :..,. '.. ( () #*. );..,..'. + (# ).

!! #7 $39 % (07) ..,..,.. $ 39. ) :. :, «(», «%», «%», «%» «%». & ,. ). & :..,. '.. ( () #*. );..,..'. + (# ). 1 00 3 !!" 344#7 $39 %" 6181001 63(07) & : ' ( () #* ); ' + (# ) $ 39 ) : : 00 %" 6181001 63(07)!!" 344#7 «(» «%» «%» «%» «%» & ) 4 )&-%/0 +- «)» * «1» «1» «)» ) «(» «%» «%» + ) 30 «%» «%» )1+ / + : +3

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To find the relationships between the coefficients in the original equation and the roots, we have to use a different technique.

To find the relationships between the coefficients in the original equation and the roots, we have to use a different technique. Further Conepts for Avne Mthemtis - FP1 Unit Ientities n Roots of Equtions Cui, Qurti n Quinti Equtions Cui Equtions The three roots of the ui eqution x + x + x + 0 re lle α, β n γ (lph, et n gmm). The

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ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ ΚΑΤΑΤΑΞΗΣ & ΒΑΘΜΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ (άρθρο 21 παρ.11 του Ν.2190/94) ΥΠΟΨΗΦΙΩΝ ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΑΣ YΕ ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ ΘΕΣΗΣ : 101. Ειδικότητα: ΥΕ ΚΑΘΑΡΙΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΚΡΙΤΗΡΙΑ sort 26 Κ Σ -- Τ051676 Οχι 8 37 67 0 400 0 0 0 727 0 0 134 Οχι 1.261,00 1 68 Χ Π -- Σ134727 Οχι 14 2 72 225 0 0 60 0 972 0 0 0 Οχι 1.257,00 2 32 Κ Μ -- Σ617814 Οχι 10 5 3 39 175 250 0 60 0 741 0 0 0 Οχι

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Δηθνλνγξαθεκέλν Λεμηθό Σν Πξώην κνπ Λεμηθό

Δηθνλνγξαθεκέλν Λεμηθό Σν Πξώην κνπ Λεμηθό ΤΠΟΤΡΓΔΗΟ ΠΑΗΓΔΗΑ ΚΑΗ ΘΡΖΚΔΤΜΑΣΧΝ, ΠΟΛΗΣΗΜΟΤ ΚΑΗ ΑΘΛΖΣΗΜΟΤ Η.Σ.Τ.Δ. «ΓΗΟΦΑΝΣΟ» Αή Δί Ζίο Γήο Μί Μά Ηί Αύ Δέ Λό Σ Πώ Λό Α, Β, Γ Γύ Σόο 3ο (Ζ, Θ, Η, Κ,) Δέ Λό Α, Β, Γ Γύ Σ Πώ Λό Σόο 3ο (Ζ, Θ, Η, Κ,) ΤΓΓΡΑΦΔΙ

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Review Exercises for Chapter 7

Review Exercises for Chapter 7 8 Chapter 7 Integration Techniques, L Hôpital s Rule, and Improper Integrals 8. For n, I d b For n >, I n n u n, du n n d, dv (a) d b 6 b 6 (b) (c) n d 5 d b n n b n n n d, v d 6 5 5 6 d 5 5 b d 6. b 6

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Jordan Form of a Square Matrix

Jordan Form of a Square Matrix Jordan Form of a Square Matrix Josh Engwer Texas Tech University josh.engwer@ttu.edu June 3 KEY CONCEPTS & DEFINITIONS: R Set of all real numbers C Set of all complex numbers = {a + bi : a b R and i =

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Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations

Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations 99 Section 8. Trigonometric Equations Objective 1: Solve Equations Involving One Trigonometric Function. In this section and the next, we will exple how to solving equations involving trigonometric functions.

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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.

Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1. Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given

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Higher Derivative Gravity Theories

Higher Derivative Gravity Theories Higher Derivative Gravity Theories Black Holes in AdS space-times James Mashiyane Supervisor: Prof Kevin Goldstein University of the Witwatersrand Second Mandelstam, 20 January 2018 James Mashiyane WITS)

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Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series Michael Taylor

Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series Michael Taylor Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series Michael Taylor Given f L 1 T 1 ), we consider the partial sums of the Fourier series of f: N 1) S N fθ) = ˆfk)e ikθ. k= N A calculation gives the Dirichlet formula

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CHAPTER 48 APPLICATIONS OF MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS CHAPTER 48 APPLICATIONS OF MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS EXERCISE 01 Page 545 1. Use matrices to solve: 3x + 4y x + 5y + 7 3x + 4y x + 5y 7 Hence, 3 4 x 0 5 y 7 The inverse of 3 4 5 is: 1 5 4 1 5 4 15 8 3

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8 9 Θ ] :! : ; Θ < + ###( ] < ( < ( 8: Β ( < ( < ( 8 : 5 6! 5 < 6 5 : ! 6 58< 6 Ψ 5 ; 6 5! < 6 5 & = Κ Ο Β ϑ Β > Χ 2 Β ϑβ Ι? ϑ = Α 7

8 9 Θ ] :! : ; Θ < + ###( ] < ( < ( 8: Β ( < ( < ( 8 : 5 6! 5 < 6 5 : ! 6 58< 6 Ψ 5 ; 6 5! < 6 5 & = Κ Ο Β ϑ Β > Χ 2 Β ϑβ Ι? ϑ = Α 7 ! # % & ( # ) ( +,,. # ( # / 0 1 2 4 5! 6 7 8 9 9 8 : ; 5 ? Α Β Χ 2Δ Β Β Φ Γ Β Η Ι? ϑ = Α? Χ Χ Ι? ϑ Β Χ Κ Χ 2 Λ Κ >? Λ Μ Λ Χ Φ Κ?Χ Φ 5+Χ Α2?2= 2 Β Η Ν Γ > ϑβ Ο?Β Β Φ Γ Π Λ > Κ? Λ Α? Χ?ΠΛ

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Appendix to On the stability of a compressible axisymmetric rotating flow in a pipe. By Z. Rusak & J. H. Lee

Appendix to On the stability of a compressible axisymmetric rotating flow in a pipe. By Z. Rusak & J. H. Lee Appendi to On the stability of a compressible aisymmetric rotating flow in a pipe By Z. Rusak & J. H. Lee Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 5 4, pp. 5 4 This material has not been copy-edited or typeset

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( y) Partial Differential Equations

( y) Partial Differential Equations Partial Dierential Equations Linear P.D.Es. contains no owers roducts o the deendent variables / an o its derivatives can occasionall be solved. Consider eamle ( ) a (sometimes written as a ) we can integrate

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Coupling strategies for compressible - low Mach number flows

Coupling strategies for compressible - low Mach number flows Coupling strategies for compressible - low Mach number flows Yohan Penel, Stéphane Dellacherie, Bruno Després To cite this version: Yohan Penel, Stéphane Dellacherie, Bruno Després. Coupling strategies

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Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable

Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable Your source for quality GNSS Networking Solutions and Design Services! Page 1 of 5 Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable The delay of a cable or velocity factor is determined by the dielectric

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ή ί έ ά ς ς ί ς ές ές ό ές ά ς ή ύ έ ί ς ς ή ς ές ώ

ή ί έ ά ς ς ί ς ές ές ό ές ά ς ή ύ έ ί ς ς ή ς ές ώ ή ί ς ές ής ές ώ έ ής ά ς ίς έςές όέςάςή ύ έ ίς ς ής ές ώ έάςςίςέςές 1 όίόςέςάς έήίώάςάς ίς ώ ό ς άς ί ύ ό έ ς ά όά όςέςάςύάάς άςήώ ή ώ ή ά όςόίάύύςάάς ήςόςάςς άς ή ώ ή ά ός ί ά έ ή ές ά ά ς ής ό ς άς

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AMS 212B Perturbation Methods Lecture 14 Copyright by Hongyun Wang, UCSC. Example: Eigenvalue problem with a turning point inside the interval

AMS 212B Perturbation Methods Lecture 14 Copyright by Hongyun Wang, UCSC. Example: Eigenvalue problem with a turning point inside the interval AMS B Perturbtion Methods Lecture 4 Copyright by Hongyun Wng, UCSC Emple: Eigenvlue problem with turning point inside the intervl y + λ y y = =, y( ) = The ODE for y() hs the form y () + λ f() y() = with

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ECE 310: Digital Signal Processing

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ECE 310: Digital Signal Processing University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ECE : Digital Signal Processing Chandra Radhakrishnan PROBLEM SET : SOLUTIONS Peter Kairouz Problem Solution:. ( 5 ) + (5 6 ) + ( ) cos(5 ) + 5cos( 6 ) + cos(

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2 (4! ((2 (5 /! / Β ;! + %ΧΑ + ((5 % # &

2 (4! ((2 (5 /! / Β ;! + %ΧΑ + ((5 % # & !! # % & # () %# + (, # &,. /01 2 23 () 0 &. 04 3 23 (5 6787%.9 : ; 3!.&6< # (5 2!.& 6 < # ( )!.&+ < # 0= 1 # (= 2 23 0( >? / #.Α( 2= 0( 4 /

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Bessel functions. ν + 1 ; 1 = 0 for k = 0, 1, 2,..., n 1. Γ( n + k + 1) = ( 1) n J n (z). Γ(n + k + 1) k!

Bessel functions. ν + 1 ; 1 = 0 for k = 0, 1, 2,..., n 1. Γ( n + k + 1) = ( 1) n J n (z). Γ(n + k + 1) k! Bessel functions The Bessel function J ν (z of the first kind of order ν is defined by J ν (z ( (z/ν ν Γ(ν + F ν + ; z 4 ( k k ( Γ(ν + k + k! For ν this is a solution of the Bessel differential equation

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1. A fully continuous 20-payment years, 30-year term life insurance of 2000 is issued to (35). You are given n A 1

1. A fully continuous 20-payment years, 30-year term life insurance of 2000 is issued to (35). You are given n A 1 Chapter 7: Exercises 1. A fully continuous 20-payment years, 30-year term life insurance of 2000 is issued to (35). You are given n A 1 35+n:30 n a 35+n:20 n 0 0.068727 11.395336 10 0.097101 7.351745 25

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Handbook of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

Handbook of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Handbook of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Im Z u c T u c T Re Z CIRCUITS made of RESISTORS and INDUCTORS ER@SE/LEPMI J.-P. Diard, B. Le Gorrec, C. Montella Hosted by Bio-Logic @ www.bio-logic.info

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Annulations de la dette extérieure et croissance. Une application au cas des pays pauvres très endettés (PPTE)

Annulations de la dette extérieure et croissance. Une application au cas des pays pauvres très endettés (PPTE) Annulations de la dette extérieure et croissance. Une application au cas des pays pauvres très endettés (PPTE) Khadija Idlemouden To cite this version: Khadija Idlemouden. Annulations de la dette extérieure

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Integrals in cylindrical, spherical coordinates (Sect. 15.7)

Integrals in cylindrical, spherical coordinates (Sect. 15.7) Integrals in clindrical, spherical coordinates (Sect. 5.7 Integration in spherical coordinates. Review: Clindrical coordinates. Spherical coordinates in space. Triple integral in spherical coordinates.

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Second Order RLC Filters

Second Order RLC Filters ECEN 60 Circuits/Electronics Spring 007-0-07 P. Mathys Second Order RLC Filters RLC Lowpass Filter A passive RLC lowpass filter (LPF) circuit is shown in the following schematic. R L C v O (t) Using phasor

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Εικονογραφημένο Λεξικό Το Πρώτο μου Λεξικό

Εικονογραφημένο Λεξικό Το Πρώτο μου Λεξικό ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ, ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΥ Ι.Τ.Υ.Ε. «ΔΙΟΦΑΝΤΟΣ» Αή Εί Ηίς Δής Μί Μά Ιί Αύ Εέ Λό Τ Πώ Λό Τός 12ς (Π, (ίς- )) Εέ Λό Α, Β, Γ Δύ Τ Πώ Λό Τός 12ς (Π, (ίς- )) ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΙΣ

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Evaluation of some non-elementary integrals of sine, cosine and exponential integrals type

Evaluation of some non-elementary integrals of sine, cosine and exponential integrals type Noname manuscript No. will be inserted by the editor Evaluation of some non-elementary integrals of sine, cosine and exponential integrals type Victor Nijimbere Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract

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A Two-Sided Laplace Inversion Algorithm with Computable Error Bounds and Its Applications in Financial Engineering

A Two-Sided Laplace Inversion Algorithm with Computable Error Bounds and Its Applications in Financial Engineering Electronic Companion A Two-Sie Laplace Inversion Algorithm with Computable Error Bouns an Its Applications in Financial Engineering Ning Cai, S. G. Kou, Zongjian Liu HKUST an Columbia University Appenix

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Couplage dans les applications interactives de grande taille

Couplage dans les applications interactives de grande taille Couplage dans les applications interactives de grande taille Jean-Denis Lesage To cite this version: Jean-Denis Lesage. Couplage dans les applications interactives de grande taille. Réseaux et télécommunications

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MINIMAL CLOSED SETS AND MAXIMAL CLOSED SETS MINIMAL CLOSED SETS AND MAXIMAL CLOSED SETS FUMIE NAKAOKA AND NOBUYUKI ODA Received 20 December 2005; Revised 28 May 2006; Accepted 6 August 2006 Some properties of minimal closed sets and maximal closed

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Εικονογραφημένο Λεξικό Το Πρώτο μου Λεξικό

Εικονογραφημένο Λεξικό Το Πρώτο μου Λεξικό ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ, ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΥ Ι.Τ.Υ.Ε. «ΔΙΟΦΑΝΤΟΣ» Αή Εί Ηίς Δής Μί Μά Ιί Αύ Εέ Λό Τ Πώ Λό Τός 9ς (Μ, (έ) Ν,) Εέ Λό Α, Β, Γ Δύ Τ Πώ Λό Τός 9ς (Μ, (έ) Ν,) ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΙΣ Αή

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Δηθνλνγξαθεκέλν Λεμηθό Σν Πξώην κνπ Λεμηθό

Δηθνλνγξαθεκέλν Λεμηθό Σν Πξώην κνπ Λεμηθό ΤΠΟΤΡΓΔΗΟ ΠΑΗΓΔΗΑ ΚΑΗ ΘΡΖΚΔΤΜΑΣΧΝ, ΠΟΛΗΣΗΜΟΤ ΚΑΗ ΑΘΛΖΣΗΜΟΤ Η.Σ.Τ.Δ. «ΓΗΟΦΑΝΣΟ» Αή Δί Ζίο Γήο Μί Μά Ηί Αύ Δέ Λό Σ Πώ Λό Α, Β, Γ Γύ Σόο 7ο (Σ, Τ, Φ, Υ, Φ,Φ Χ, Πά) Δέ Λό Α, Β, Γ Γύ Σ Πώ Λό Σόο 7ο (Σ, Τ,

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CHAPTER 101 FOURIER SERIES FOR PERIODIC FUNCTIONS OF PERIOD CHAPTER FOURIER SERIES FOR PERIODIC FUNCTIONS OF PERIOD EXERCISE 36 Page 66. Determine the Fourier series for the periodic function: f(x), when x +, when x which is periodic outside this rge of period.

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Θ.Rolle Θ.Μ.T. Συνέπειες Θ.Μ.Τ

Θ.Rolle Θ.Μ.T. Συνέπειες Θ.Μ.Τ Θέματα Πανελλαδικών 000-05 στις Παραγώγους Εφαπτομένη Έστω η συνάρτηση f :, με f 000 ln Έστω η συνάρτηση Έστω c > 000 και έστω ότι η ευθεία y = c και η C f τέμνονται σε δύο διαφορετικά σημεία Α,Β του επιπέδου

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SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM Solutions to Question 1 a) The cumulative distribution function of T conditional on N n is Pr T t N n) Pr max X 1,..., X N ) t N n) Pr max

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2 2 2 The correct formula for the cosine of the sum of two angles is given by the following theorem.

2 2 2 The correct formula for the cosine of the sum of two angles is given by the following theorem. 5 TRIGONOMETRIC FORMULAS FOR SUMS AND DIFFERENCES The fundamental trignmetric identities cnsidered earlier express relatinships amng trignmetric functins f a single variable In this sectin we develp trignmetric

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Geodesic Equations for the Wormhole Metric

Geodesic Equations for the Wormhole Metric Geodesic Equations for the Wormhole Metric Dr R Herman Physics & Physical Oceanography, UNCW February 14, 2018 The Wormhole Metric Morris and Thorne wormhole metric: [M S Morris, K S Thorne, Wormholes

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b. Use the parametrization from (a) to compute the area of S a as S a ds. Be sure to substitute for ds!

b. Use the parametrization from (a) to compute the area of S a as S a ds. Be sure to substitute for ds! MTH U341 urface Integrals, tokes theorem, the divergence theorem To be turned in Wed., Dec. 1. 1. Let be the sphere of radius a, x 2 + y 2 + z 2 a 2. a. Use spherical coordinates (with ρ a) to parametrize.

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2 2 2 The correct formula for the cosine of the sum of two angles is given by the following theorem.

2 2 2 The correct formula for the cosine of the sum of two angles is given by the following theorem. 5 TRIGONOMETRIC FORMULAS FOR SUMS AND DIFFERENCES The fundamental trignmetric identities cnsidered earlier express relatinships amng trignmetric functins f a single variable In this sectin we develp trignmetric

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Problem 3.1 Vector A starts at point (1, 1, 3) and ends at point (2, 1,0). Find a unit vector in the direction of A. Solution: A = 1+9 = 3.

Problem 3.1 Vector A starts at point (1, 1, 3) and ends at point (2, 1,0). Find a unit vector in the direction of A. Solution: A = 1+9 = 3. Problem 3.1 Vector A starts at point (1, 1, 3) and ends at point (, 1,0). Find a unit vector in the direction of A. Solution: A = ˆx( 1)+ŷ( 1 ( 1))+ẑ(0 ( 3)) = ˆx+ẑ3, A = 1+9 = 3.16, â = A A = ˆx+ẑ3 3.16

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Contribution à l évolution des méthodologies de caractérisation et d amélioration des voies ferrées

Contribution à l évolution des méthodologies de caractérisation et d amélioration des voies ferrées Contribution à l évolution des méthodologies de caractérisation et d amélioration des voies ferrées Noureddine Rhayma To cite this version: Noureddine Rhayma. Contribution à l évolution des méthodologies

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Εικονογραφημένο Λεξικό Το Πρώτο μου Λεξικό

Εικονογραφημένο Λεξικό Το Πρώτο μου Λεξικό ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ, ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΥ Ι.Τ.Υ.Ε. «ΔΙΟΦΑΝΤΟΣ» Αή Εί Ηίς Δής Μί Μά Ιί Αύ Εέ Λό Τ Πώ Λό Τός 11ς (Π, (-ά) ) Εέ Λό Α, Β, Γ Δύ Τ Πώ Λό Τός 11ς (Π, (-ά) ) ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΙΣ Αή

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Problem Set 3: Solutions

Problem Set 3: Solutions CMPSCI 69GG Applied Information Theory Fall 006 Problem Set 3: Solutions. [Cover and Thomas 7.] a Define the following notation, C I p xx; Y max X; Y C I p xx; Ỹ max I X; Ỹ We would like to show that C

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM Solutions to Question 1 a) The cumulative distribution function of T conditional on N n is Pr (T t N n) Pr (max (X 1,..., X N ) t N n) Pr (max

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The Probabilistic Method - Probabilistic Techniques. Lecture 7: The Janson Inequality

The Probabilistic Method - Probabilistic Techniques. Lecture 7: The Janson Inequality The Probabilistic Method - Probabilistic Techniques Lecture 7: The Janson Inequality Sotiris Nikoletseas Associate Professor Computer Engineering and Informatics Department 2014-2015 Sotiris Nikoletseas,

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Lecture 26: Circular domains

Lecture 26: Circular domains Introductory lecture notes on Partial Differential Equations - c Anthony Peirce. Not to be copied, used, or revised without eplicit written permission from the copyright owner. 1 Lecture 6: Circular domains

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Mean-Variance Analysis

Mean-Variance Analysis Mean-Variance Analysis Jan Schneider McCombs School of Business University of Texas at Austin Jan Schneider Mean-Variance Analysis Beta Representation of the Risk Premium risk premium E t [Rt t+τ ] R1

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Variational Wavefunction for the Helium Atom

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Lecture 34 Bootstrap confidence intervals

Lecture 34 Bootstrap confidence intervals Lecture 34 Bootstrap confidence intervals Confidence Intervals θ: an unknown parameter of interest We want to find limits θ and θ such that Gt = P nˆθ θ t If G 1 1 α is known, then P θ θ = P θ θ = 1 α

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ΑΣΚΗΣΕΙΣ ΕΠΑΝΑΛΗΨΗΣ (Α κύκλος) ΑΣΚΗΣΕΙΣ ΕΠΑΝΑΛΗΨΗΣ (Α κύκλος) Δίνεται η εξίσωση z-=z-3i,zc α) Να αποδείξετε ότι ο γεωμετρικός τόπος των εικόνων του z είναι η ευθεία ε: -3y+4= β) Να βρείτε την εικόνα του μιγαδικού z, για τον οποίο το

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22 .5 Real consumption.5 Real residential investment.5.5.5 965 975 985 995 25.5 965 975 985 995 25.5 Real house prices.5 Real fixed investment.5.5.5 965 975 985 995 25.5 965 975 985 995 25.3 Inflation

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Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set May 6, 2008 Abstract A set of first-order formulas, whatever the cardinality of the set of symbols, is equivalent to an independent

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/ % / Α. Α 6 6 14.958 14,90 31,40 9.863 10,00 17,70 121 Α Α % / Α. Α 17 17 17.595 17,80 34,90 17.222 17,40 33,20

/ % / Α. Α 6 6 14.958 14,90 31,40 9.863 10,00 17,70 121 Α Α % / Α. Α 17 17 17.595 17,80 34,90 17.222 17,40 33,20 Α -- Ο Η %, Α -- Α Α 5 Ω Ο Α Ο Ω Ο Α Ο Α Ο Ο Ο Α ΧΟ Η Α Ο Η / ΧΟ Η Ο Α... Α..Α...... Ο Α... Α..Α...... 127 Α Α Α Α Α Α Α % / Α. Α 8 8 19.884 16,72 29,20 19.161 16,53 31,30 129 Α Α Α Α Α Α % / Α. Α 6 6

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Κεφάλαιο M2 Κίνηση σε μία διάσταση

Κεφάλαιο M2 Κίνηση σε μία διάσταση ά ίίά ή άίώςςάςύς άςέύήάί ςήίίά ύί ίόςώςίήςήςές Εισαγωγή ίίς ή άέίίό ή άήςςύόάάς ά άήίόςύς Εισαγωγή έί ήέί ίίέάώήέώέ έάάόές Εισαγωγή έ έόςώςίί ίέά έίάς ύίςήός ήςέ ςέή ίήό ύςί άέςό ίίή ίάέςό ήύίί έήύ ίέ

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Traitement STAP en environnement hétérogène. Application à la détection radar et implémentation sur GPU

Traitement STAP en environnement hétérogène. Application à la détection radar et implémentation sur GPU Traitement STAP en environnement hétérogène. Application à la détection radar et implémentation sur GPU Jean-François Degurse To cite this version: Jean-François Degurse. Traitement STAP en environnement

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Delhi Noida Bhopal Hyderabad Jaipur Lucknow Indore Pune Bhubaneswar Kolkata Patna Web: Ph:

Delhi Noida Bhopal Hyderabad Jaipur Lucknow Indore Pune Bhubaneswar Kolkata Patna Web:     Ph: Seria : 0. T_ME_(+B)_Strength of Materia_9078 Dehi Noida Bhopa Hyderabad Jaipur Luckno Indore une Bhubanesar Kokata atna Web: E-mai: info@madeeasy.in h: 0-56 CLSS TEST 08-9 MECHNICL ENGINEERING Subject

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