ISSN O O (Ν External and ntra European. Union trade JJ Ξ 5. Monthly statistics. EME 6 External trade
- Γεννάδιος Στεφανόπουλος
- 7 χρόνια πριν
- Προβολές:
1 ISSN - O O (Ν D OJ External and ntra European Union trade JJ Ξ Monthly statistics EME External trade
2 Our mission is to provide the European Union with a high quality statistical information service Eurostat's collections are adapted to the needs of all users. You will find them in each of the nine themes proposed by Eurostat. &&a ^ihñ General statistics Economy and finance ' Popula^ ar >d social conditions Industry, trade and services Agriculture and fisheries E External trade L~ Transport Environment and energy t L Science and technology IÍÑ Graphs Tables Β Comments ^^S E Content Press releases: Eurostat publishes around press releases every year in connection with the release of new data. The press releases include the key figures on the EU, the Member States and their partners. They are provided free of charge. They are also available on the Internet as soon as they are published: == ' ' Format Paper Html PDF Statistics in focus: This collection is published regularly by Eurostat and provides up to date summaries of the main results of statistical surveys, studies and analyses. It covers all themes and consists of about four to eight pages per issue. Eurostat issues around Statistics in Focus per year. Available as single copies or on subscription. Ini " Paper PDF Pocketbooks: This collection provides the main indicators on a theme or sub theme in an easy to carry booklet of up to pages. Available as single copies or on subscription. Ini Paper Html Panorama of the European Union: This collection highlights the features and trends of a multi sectoral theme or a sectoral sub theme. The publications consist of around pages and include analysis as well as tables and graphs. Available as single copies or on subscription. Methods and nomenclatures are intended for specialists who want to consult the methodologies and nomenclatures used for a theme, a sub theme or a sector. Available as single copies. Detailed tables are intended for specialists. They present part, or all, of the statistical data compiled on a theme, sub theme or sector. Available as single copies or on subscription. Ini w n Hil Paper CD ROM Paper CD ROM Paper CD ROM Studies and research summarise the results of European statistical studies and research and are intended for specialists. Available as single copies or on subscription. Catalogues provide rapid access to concise information on Eurostat's products and services. They are free of charge and include the Mini guide, a selection of Eurostat products and services, and Statistical references, the quarterly newsletter on Eurostat's latest products and services. - : ~." H Paper CD ROM Paper
3 o D External and intra-europea n Union trade Monthly statistics EUROPEAN COMMISSION External trade
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5 ^ EUROSTAT L- Luxembourg Tel. () - Telex COMEUR LU Rue de la Loi, B- Bruxelles Tel. (-) Eurostat is the Statistical Office of the European Communities. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at a European level, that allow comparisons to be made between countries and regions. Eurostat consolidates and harmonizes the data collected by the Member States. To ensure that the vast quantity of accessible data is made widely available, and to help each user make proper use of the information, Eurostat has set up a publications and services programme. This programme makes a clear distinction between general and specialist users and particular collections have been developed for these different groups. The collections Press releases, Statistics in focus, Panorama of the European Union, Key indicators and Catalogues are aimed at general users. They give immediate key information through analyses, tables, graphs and maps. The collections Methods and nomenclatures, Detailed tables and Studies and research suit the needs of the specialist who is prepared to spend more time analysing and using very detailed information and tables. All Eurostat products are disseminated through the Data Shop network or the sales agents of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Data Shops are available in of the Member States as well as in Switzerland, Norway and the United States. They provide a wide range of services from simple database extracts to tailor-made investigations. The information is provided on paper and/or in electronic form via , on diskette or CD-ROM. As part of the new programme Eurostat has developed its website. It includes a broad range of on-line information on Eurostat products and services, newsletters, catalogues, on-line publications as well as indicators on the euro-zone. Yves Franchet Director-General
7 Data Availability Latest data available in this issue O = Intra-EU Π = Extra-EU = Total IMF : ember EU Β DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK IS NO CH ust tember ober O ember ember D D D D D D D D
8 Contents Symbols and abbreviations used / Data sources Trends in European Union trade I: Main trends in world trade II: Extra-EU trade by main partner III: Extra-EU trade by main product IV: Extra-EU trade by Member State V: Intra-EU trade by Member State VI: Intra-EU trade matrix VII: (Extra + Intra-EU) world trade by Member State VIII: Seasonally adjusted time series IX: Extra-EU trade indices by partner country X: Extra-EU trade indices by product XI: intra-eu trade indices by product European Union and world trade A: Trends in world trade B: Share of trade with the European Union, the United States and Japan C: Product breakdown of external trade of the European Union, the United States and Japan European Union trading partners A: Main EU trading partners B/C: Yearly/Monthly trends in EU trade by partner country D: Product breakdown of EU trade by main partner country Extra-EU trade by product A/B: Annual/Monthly trends in EU trade by product C: Geographical breakdown of EU trade by main product D: Main EU trading partners by main product Member States and EU trade A: Trade balance by Member State B: Intra-EU trade by Member State C: Extra-EU trade by Member State D: Breakdown by Member State of extra-eu trade by main partner country E: Breakdown by Member State of goods traded intra-eu F: Breakdown by Member State of goods traded extra-eu
9 Contents External trade by Member State : Belgium : Denmark : Germany : Greece : Spain : France : Ireland : Italy : Luxembourg : Netherlands : Austria : Portugal : Finland : Sweden : United Kingdom EFTA external trade : Iceland : Norway : Switzerland Annexes ECU/euro exchange rate Product list (SITC Rev. ) Geonomenclature Economic zones ) including Liechtenstein
11 Symbols and abbreviations used EU: USA: CEEC: MEDA: CIS: ACP: EFTA: NAFTA: MERCOSUR: OPEC: DAE: OECD: IMF: : Λ; Mio: Bn: ECU: Eurostat: S ITC: Total of the EU Member States United States of America Countries of Central and Eastern Europe Countries of the Euro-mediterranean partnership Commonwealth of Independent States Countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific which signed the Lomé Convention Countries of the European Free Trade Association Countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement Countries of the Southern Common ket (South America) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Dynamic Asian Economies Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development International Monetary Fund Data less than half the unit used Data not available Variation greater than, absolute value,.% Million million European Currency Unit Statistical Office of the European Communities Standard International Trade Classification Data sources B: DK: D: EL: E: F: IRL: I: L NL: A: P: FIN: S: UK: IS: NO: CH: Belgique Danmark Deutschland Ελλάδα España France Ireland Italia Luxembourg Nederland Österreich Portugal Suomi / Finland Sverige United Kingdom Iceland Norway Suisse Other Countries: Banque Nationale de Belgique Danmarks Statistik, København Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden Εθνιχη Στατιστιχή Υπηρεσία Ελλάδας, Αθήνα Dirección General de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales, Madrid Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects, Paris Central Statistics Office, Dublin Istituto centrale di statistica, Roma STATEC, Luxembourg Centraal Bureau voor de statistiek, Heerlen Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt, Wien Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Lisboa National Board of Customs, Helsinki Statistika Centralbyrån, Stockholm HM Customs and Excise, Southend-on-Sea Statistics Iceland, Reykjavik Statistik sentralbyrå, Oslo Direction générale des douanes, Berne International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C.
13 Trends in European Union trade
14 bn euro Extra-eurozone trade 'I I "" I I I π,π,π,ππ,πΐυΐ ι ι Balance Imports Exports bn euro Extra-EUtrade il u U Liuu Γτρτπηι uu y u u ΤΓΠ D _ π ι ι Balance Imports Exports
15 m MAIN TRENDS IN WORLD TRADE EXPORTS IMPORTS TRADE BALANCE Jan- Jan- Jan- (Bn euro) World (w/out Intra EU-)C).,,,,, European Union United States Japan,,,..,,,.,,,,,.,,, -, -, -, -,,, -, -., lntraeu- WorldC),,.,,,.,,,,. Annual variation (%) Bn euro World (w/out Intra EU-)C),.,,,. European Union United States Japan..,.,..,.,,,,,,,,, -, -, -. -,., -, -, -, lntraeu- WorldC),,....,,,,., WORLD EXPORT SHARE (a) WORLD IMPORT SHARE (a) % TRADE BALANCE (b) European Union United States Japan.,,,,.,,,.,,,,.,.. -, -, -, -,,, -, -., Memorandum Items Jan- OO Jan- Jan- (Bn euro) Euro zone (EUR-) intra EUR-..,,,,,,,,.,, Annual variation (%) Bn euro Eurozone(EUR-) Intra EUR-,,,.,.,,.,., -. -, -. Sources : EU-. EUR-: EUROSTAT-COMEXT World: IMF-DOTS USA: IMF-DOTS and Bureau of the Census Japan: IMF-DOTS and Ministry of Finance (a) Share of World Expons/Imports (intra EU- excluded) (b) (Trade Balance/{Exports+lmports))* C) EUROSTAT estimate
16 Il EXTRA - EU TRADE BY MAIN PARTNER m EXPORTS IMPORTS TRADE BALANCE % share Jan- % share Jan- Jan- (Bn euro) Extra EU-,,,,,,,, -, -, - United States Japan EFTA CEEC CIS Africa Latin America DAE China Other countries of Asia Oceania,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,....,,,,,.,,, -, -, -,, -, -,,,, -, -, -, -, -, -,.,, -, -, -, -, -, -,, -,,,,, ACP Mediterranean Basin ASEAN OPEC NAITA,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, -, - -, - ", -, -. -, -.,, Variation / C) annual variation %) Variation / C) annual variation %) absolute annual variation Extra EU-,,,,,, -, -, -, United States Japan EFTA CEEC CIS Africa Latin America DAE China Other countries of Asia Oceania,,, -, -, -, -, -., -,,,,,,,,,, -,, -,, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, -, -, -, -,,, -, -, -,,, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -,,.,,,,,,,,.,,, -, -, -,, -, -, -, -,. -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -,, -, -,, -, -, -, -, -,,., -. ACP Mediterranean Basin ASEAN OPEC NAFTA Oí -, -, -,, -,,,.,. -,,,,,, ^, -, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , -, -, - -, - -, -, -,, -, Source: EUROSTAT-COMEXT (*) in percentage points
17 [m EXTRA-EU TRADE BY MAIN PRODUCT III EXPORTS IMPORTS TRADE BALANCE SITC Products () % share Jan- % share Jan- Jan- (Bn euro) TOTAL,,,,,,, -, -, -, Primary goods (- ) Food and live animals (+ ) Crude materials, except fuels (+ ) Fuel products ( ),,...,.,,,.,....,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,, -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -, -, -, Manufactured goods (- ) Chemical products ( ) Machiner/, transport equipment ( ) Other manufactured (+ ),,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, -,,,, -,,,. -, Articles not classified elsewhere ( ),,,..,,, -, -, -. Variation of share / C) annual variation (%) Variation of share / C) annual variation (%) absolute annual variation TOTAL,,,,, -, -, -, Primary goods (- ) Food and live animals (+ ) Crude materials, except fuels (+ ) Fuel products ( ), -,,,. -..,..,,,,. -, -. -,.,,,, -,,,,,,, -, -,, -, -,, -, -,, -. -, Manufactured goods (- ) Chemical products ( ) Machinery, transport equipment ( ) Other manufactured (+ ) -,, -, -,..,.,...,,., -,. -,,,,,,,,,,,, -,, -, -,., -, -.,. -, Articles not classified elsewhere ( ),.., -. -,,,, -, -. Source: EUROSTAT-COMEXT ) Standard International Trade Classification - Revision O in percentage points
18 IV EXTRA-EU TRADE BY MEMBER STATE Ξ EXPORTS IMPORTS TRADE BALANCE % share Jan- % share Jan- Jan- (Bn euro) European Union,,,,,,, -, -, - Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,.,,.,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,.,,...,...., -, -, -,,,,,,, -, -, -, -, -, -,,,,,,,,,, -. -, -, ,,,, -, -, -.,,,,,, -, -, -, Variation of share / C) annual variation %) Variation of share / C) annual variation %) absolute annual variation European Union,,,,,, -, -, -, Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom -., -,, -,,, -,,, -, -,, -,,,.,,.,, -,,,,,, -..!,,,,, -,, -,,,,,,,. -,.,,,,, -,.,,, -, -, -, -,,,, -,,, -,, -,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, :,,.,,,,,,,,,..,, -,,,,, -,,,,,,, -, -, -,,,. -. -, -,, -,, -, -, -, -, -,,,, -, -, -, -, :,. -, -, -,, -, -, -, -, -, -.,, -,,, -, -, -, Source: EUROSTAT-COMEXT (*) in percentage points
19 m INTRA-EU TRADE BY MEMBER STATE ) EXPORTS IMPORTS TRADE BALANCE % share Jan- % share Jan- Jan- (Bn euro) European Union,,,,,,,, Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom.,..,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,.,,,.,.,,,,,......,,,,..,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,.,..,.,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,, -, -. ' -, -, -, -, -, -, -,,,,, -, -, -, -, -,,,, -, -, -, -, -. -,,,,,, -, -, -, -, Intra EUR-,,,,,,,, Variation of share / C) annual variation %) Variation of share / C) annual variation (%) absolute annual variation European Union,,,,, Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom -,,. -.,, -,, -. -, -, -,,.,,,., -, -,,,,,,,, :,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, -...,. -,,.., -.. -, -. -,, -,,, -,,, ,,,,,,. -,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,..,,,,,,,,, -,,,,,.,....,,, -,.,,., -, , -. -,, -, -.,,, -, -,, : -, -,,,, -., -, -, -,,,, -,, -, -, -,, -, Intra EUR-,,,.,,,. Source: EUROSTAT-COMEXT () Since the introduction of Intrastat the value of dispatches has been consistently higher than the value of arrivals. In theory, as dispatches are declared FOB and arrivals CIF. the value of arrivals should be about % higher than dispatches. Eurostat believes that dispatches are the more reliable measure as arrivals are considered to be underestimated. (") in percentage points
20 VI INTRA-EU TRADE MATRIX () m JANUARY-DECEMBER Reporter Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Partner countries EU- Β DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES (Bn euro),,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,...,..,.,,,,,,.,,....,.,,,,,,.,,,...,.,,...,,,,,..,,,,,....,.,,,..,,,,,.,,.,..,,.,..,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,.,.,,..,...,,.,.,,.,,....,..,,,,.,,.,,....,...,,,,,....,..,., ,..,,,.,,...,,.,,,.,... annual variation (%),,, -,,,,.,,,,,,, -,, -,,,,,.,,.,.,....,,,.,. -..,,,, -,,,,,,,.,,,,..,,,.. -,,, -,..,....,,,.,... -.,,,. -,,.,.,.,,.,,.. -..,.,,,,,,,.,, -,,,.,.,,.,....,,, -.,,. -,,...,,.,., , , -...,..,,,,.,.,,......,.. -,, ,,,,,.,......,,,,,,,,,......, () Source: EUROSTAT-COMEXT
21 INTRA-EU TRADE MATRIX ) VI JANUARY-DECEMBER Reporter Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Partner countries EU- Β DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK ARRIVALS,,,...,,,,,,,.,,,. -,.,,,,,,,,,,....,..,....,... -,.,., ,,...., ,. -,,.....,..,....,..,,,.,, ,,.,......,..,., -,... -,,.,....,,, ,,,.,,,. -,. (Bn euro...,,.,...., ,,...,,.....,,....,.., annual variation , ,,, ,,.,.. -.,..., -,.,,...,... ).....,,, %) ,...,..,.,,....,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,.,...,,,..,..,, ,.....,,..,..,,...,,,,,,,,,, ,, -, ,,,,,,,,.,..,,,.... -,.,,....,,, ,,,..,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,.,..,. -.,,,,.,,,., () Source: EUROSTAT-COMEXT
23 Ξ (EXTRA + INTRA - EU) WORLD TRADE BY MEMBER STATE ) VII EXPORTS/DISPATCHES IMPORTS/ARRIVALS TRADE BALANCE % share Jan- % share Jan- Jan- (Bn euro) European Union,,,,,,,,, -, -, Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,.,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,., -, -,, -. -, -, -., -, -,,,,,, -, -, -, -,,., -, -, -, -, -, -,,,,,,, -, -, -, Variation of share / C) annual variation %) Variation of share / C) annual variation {%) absolute annual variation European Union,,,,,, -, -, -, Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom -., -,, -,,, -.,, -, -, -.,,,,,.,, -,,,,.,., :,,,,....,.,,,,,, -,,,,, -,, ,,, -,,. -,,, -,,. -,,.,,.,., -,,, I :,.,,,,,,,, -,,, -,,. -,,,,.. -,,,,...,..,., -, -,.,,. -, -, -, -,, -, -, -, -. -, -,,,, -, -, -, : -, -, -,. -. -, -, -, -. -, -, -.,,,, -, -, -. -, Source: EUROSTAT-COMEXT ( ) Since the introduction of Intrastat the value of dispatches has been consistently higher than the value of arrivals. In theory, as dispatches are declared FOB and arrivals CIF, the value of arrivals should be about % higher than dispatches. Eurostat believes that dispatches are the more reliable measure as arrivals are considered to be underestimated. (") in percentage points
24 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED TIME SERIES mi Extra-EU Exports (Bn ECU/euro) Extra-EU Imports (Bn ECU/euro).. "Γι' ι \ *,, f Λ A,'I* f- ' V'. -,- Γ,- 'U/v ' ι' * ', f ΙΧ>ΛΛΑΙ Γ ',-,- r * *,, f,, - -v -Allò»* ' i'* ρνιλ^ J ' Γ I.. I IMI«II<BH <-a 'a "- ir Il li Ι Ι Extra-EU trade balance (Bn ECU/euro) Intra-EU trade (Bn ECU/euro)., -, - «*, * **F > * * 'JV\ /il' J * *" ' Γ h ί' 'M! Ί l( V Ί ': 'lís J Vf' t,' \*. t Λ- 'Λ*',, ι < ί ; η * S, ' Λ h,,, Vi ^C' > lili»* I * I ' f ,-,-, - f > \ % '" Ir** i -*P,f \ ' '* ','', '. '< 'y^ ', ί l> ' y$û -, -,-,- Unadjusted series Seasonally adjusted series The series described here relate to EU- (data for Finland, Sweden and Austria have been estimated before ). Dispatches are used to represent intra-eu trade. Figures relate to EU-.
25 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED TIME SERIES VIII (Bn ECU/euro) INTRA - EU TRADE EXTRA - EU TRADE Period DISPATCHES EXPORTS IMPORTS TRADE BALANCE Unadjusted Seasonally adjusted Unadjusted Seasonally adjusted Unadjusted Seasonally adjusted Unadjusted Seasonally adjusted Jan,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, -.,,,,.,,,,,,...,,,.,,,,, Jan,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,, -.,..,,.,,,,,.,,, -, -,, -..,, -, Jan,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -. -,,,, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -, Jan,,..,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,..,,,.,,.,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,. -, -. -, -. -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, Jan...,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,.,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,.,,,,.,...,,,.,,,,,,.,..,.,,,,,,,,., -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -. -,, -,. -,. -. INTRA-EU trade covers trade between the EU- Member States. EXTRA-EU trade covers trade of the EU- Member States with non-members countries. EUROSTAT seasonnal adjustment. Source : EUROSTAT - COMEXT
26 IX EXTRA - EU TRADE INDICES BY PARTNER COUNTRY m EXPORTS = Period «Jan Jan Jan Extra EU- United States Japan CEEC Mediterranean Basin CIS OPEC DAE ACP,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ^,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,, Volume.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....,.,..,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,., Unit value.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,..,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,...,.,,,,...,..,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,..., Source : EUROSTAT - COMEXT
27 EXTRA - EU TRADE INDICES BY PARTNER COUNTRY IX IMPORTS = Period Jan Jan Jan Extra EU- United States Japan CEEC Mediterranean Basin CIS OPEC DAE ACP,,,,,.,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,..,,,,,.,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, Volume.,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,.,.,,.,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,..,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,.,.,,,,..,,,.,,,...,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Unit value,,..,....,,..,,,..,,..,,,.,,,,,.,,,,....,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,..,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,...,,,,.,,.,,,,.,,,,,..,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,...,,,,,..,,,,...,,,, Source : EUROSTAT - COMEXT
28 EXTRA - EU TRADE INDICES BY PRODUCT m SITCRev. = Period Jan Od Jan Jan EXPORTS TOTAL - Food, drink and tobacco + Crude material + Energy Manufacturée goods +++ IMPORTS TOTAL - Food, drink and tobacco + Crude material + Energy Manufactured goods +++,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.S,;,:.,,e,.E,E,;.S,«,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,.,, Volume,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,..,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,<,.C.Í.E,C.C,.É,:,,,.E Unii,:,:.E,,e,,.,,,.E,:.E,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : value,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,..,,,..,,,,,,,..,.,,..,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,. Source : EUROSTAT - COMEXT
29 INTRA - EU TRADE INDICES BY PRODUCT XI DISPATCHES STCI Rev. Period Jan Jan Jan = Adjusted total Food, drink and tobacco + Crude material + Energy Manufactured goods +++,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,. J,,,,,,, '.., Volume,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,.,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, Unit value,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,..,.....,,,,..,.,,,..,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,..,,,,,,,,,. Source : EUROSTAT - COMEXT
31 European Union and world trade
33 TRENDS IN WORLD TRADE A TRADE BALANCE (Bn ECU/euro) Period Jan Main exporters and importers in European Union.., -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -. United States -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, Japan,,.,,,,, Canada Π., ,......,, China...,,,.,.,., Hong Kong -, -, -, -. -, -, , , Mexico O,, -. -, -, -, , -, -, , -. -, South Korea -. -,,,,...,,,...,.,. Singapore -. -,..., -.,. -,, -,,, , Switzerland.. -,, , -,. -, -, -,. -, -, -. Malaysia -. -.,.,.,,, Australia ( ) -,., -, -, -, , ,, Thailand -. -,..,..., (Bn ECU/euro) Period Jan Main exporters and importers in Brazil -, -, , -, -, , -, -, -. -, -, -, -, -, Russia,,,,.,,..,..,,.... Indonesia,...., ,... India -. -, -. -, , -. -, -. -, , Norway., ,.... Saudi Arabia.. -..,.,..,, Poland -, -, -, -, -, , -, -. -, Turkey -, -, -, -. -, , , -, -, -, -. -, -. -, Philippines -. -, -..,, -,,,, , United Arab Emirates , -,. -. -,, -,, -...,,. South Africa O,, , Czech Republic ί ï -, -. -, -, -. -, , -, Israel , , -, -. -, -,, Source : IMF, Eurostat (EU-) C) Imports F.O.B
34 A TRENDS IN WORLD TRADE m EXPORTS (Bn ECU/euro) Period Jan Woríd (w/out Intra EU-),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, European Union,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,.,,,.,., United States,,,,,,,,......,....,,,, Japan.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Canada,,,,..,,,,,,,.,.,, Main exporters in China,,,.,.,......,,.., Hong Kong,.,,,,..,,,,,,,.,, Share (%), excluding,....,,...,,.,, South Korea,,.,,,,.,,,,,,.,,. Mexico,,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,. Intra EU-,.,.,.,... Singapore,,.,, ,,,.,,..,. Malaysia....,,,,..,,.,,.,,.,,.. Switzerland,.,....,..,,, ,., Russia....,,,..,...,,,....,.. (Bn ECU/euro) Period Jan Thailand,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,..,,,, Indonesia,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,, Australia....,,,,.,.,,..,,..,,,. Brazil..,,...,,.,,.,...,..... Saudi Arabia.,,,,....,,,.,,,,, Share..... Main exporters in Norway.,,,..,.,.,.,,,... (%), ex(...,, India...., sluding..... Philippines....,...,,., Intra E...,. South Africa...,...,,.,,,.,.., U United Arab Emirates..,....., ,,..... Poland,..,.,...,......,,,,,,. Czech Republic..,.,,,, Turkey,,,, ,.... Source : IMF, Eurostat (EU-)
35 im TRENDS IN WORLD TRADE A IMPORTS (Bn ECU/euro) Period Jan World (w/out Intra EU-),.,,,,,,,,,,.,,.., European Union.,,,,,,,.....,..,, United States,,,.,.,...,,,,,,., Japan,..,,,....,,..,,,, Canada Π,,,,,.,...,..,,,., Main irr Hong Kong,,,,, ,,,,, porters in China,,,,,,,,,,,,,...., Mexico O,,,,,...,.,.....,. South Korea,,.,,.,, Singapore,,,, ,,,..,, Switzerland,.,,,,,,.....,,... Australia ").,,.,.,..,,.,,,,,. Malaysia..,,...,.,......,, Share (%), excluding Intra EU-,,,,,.....,,.,.,,..,,,,,.,,...,.,,..,,,.,,,,.,, ,. (Bn ECU/euro) Main importers in Brazil Thailand Poland Turkey Norway United Arab Emirates Czech Republic Π Philippines Russia Saudi Arabia Jan..., ,.,..,,......, , ,,...., ,.,, ,....,,..,,,......,....,.,.,....,,..,......,....,,...,.,,...,...,...,.....,,.,..,..,..,....,..,..,,, ,..,..., ,.,,,,,....,., ,.....,, Share (%), excluding Intra EU-.,,, , ,.,..,.,..,.....,..,,,,.,... Source : IMF. Eurostat (EU-) C) Imports F.O.B
36 B (Bn euro) Reporter SHARE OF TRADE WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN Partner m Main world exporters and importers World (w/out Intra EU-) Extra EU- % United States % Japan % EU- + United States + Japan % EXPORTS World (w/out Intra EU-),,,,,,,, European Union Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Russia South Africa United States Canada Mexico Brazil Argentina Iran Israel Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates India Philippines China Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Hong Kong Australia,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,..,,..... IMPORTS World (w/out Intra EU-),,,,,,,, European Union Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Russia South Africa ' ) United States Canada( ) Mexico ' ι Brazil Argentina lian Israel Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates India Philippines China Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Hong Kong Australia,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,..,.,,,,,,.,,......, ,.,..... Source : IMF, Eurostat (EU-) ( ) Imports F.O.B
37 PRODUCT BREAKDOWN OF EXTERNAL TRADE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN C (Bn ECU/euro) and share of total (%) SITC Rev. % % % % % EXPORTS EU-) - TOTAL + Food + Raw materials Energy Chemistry Machinery and transport equip. + Other manufactured goods,.,..,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,....,. United States - TOTAL + Food + Raw materials Energy Chemistry Machinery and transport equip. + Other manufactured goods,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,.,,.,. Japan - TOTAL + Food + Raw materials Energy Chemistry Machinery and transport equip. + Other manufactured goods,..,,,.,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,...,,. IMPORTS EU-() - TOTAL + Food + Raw materials Energy Chemistry Machinery and transport equip. + Other manufactured goods,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,..,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,.. United States - TOTAL + Food + Raw materials Energy Chemistry Machinery and transport equip. + Other manufactured goods,.,.,,.,,.,,..,,.,,,,,,,....,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,..,,,.,,,,.,,,,. Japan - TOTAL + Food + Raw materials Energy Chemistry Machinery and transport equip. + Other manufactured goods,,,...,,......,,,,,,.,..,.,.,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,,.,...,.....,,,,.,.,,..,,,. Source : UN (Comtrade), IMF (total only). Eurostat (EU-) () Excluding intra EU- trade
39 European Union trading partners
40 A MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS Ξ EXPORTS Partners (Bn ECU/euro) % Sum % Rank Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Poland Turkey Norway China Czech Republic Hungary Canada Hong Kong Russia Brazil South Korea Israel Australia Taiwan Singapore Mexico India Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates South Africa Romania Malaysia Slovenia Egypt Morocco Tunisia Slovakia Thailand Argentina Algeria Iran Croatia Indonesia Philippines Nigeria Ukraine Chile Bulgaria Venezuela Estonia Cyprus Lebanon Malta Lithuania Libya Kuwait,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,..,.,,,.,,,,,,,..,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,,..,....,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,
41 m MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS A IMPORTS Partners (Bn ECU/euro) % Sum % Rank Extra EU- United States Japan China Switzerland Russia Norway Taiwan South Korea Poland Hungary Czech Republic Canada Brazil Turkey Malaysia Algeria Singapore Saudi Arabia South Africa Libya Thailand India Hong Kong Indonesia Israel Philippines Australia Iran Romania Mexico Slovakia Nigeria Iraq Slovenia Morocco Tunisia Argentina Chile Vietnam Egypt Syria Kazakhstan Kuwait Estonia Bangladesh Bulgaria Ukraine Venezuela Costa Rica,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,.,..,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,,.,.,, ,....,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,..,,....,,,,..,.,,.,......,.,,.,.,,,,,,,....,,.., ,..,,,..,,.,,,..,.,.,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,, S
42 B (Mio ECU/euro) ana variations (%) YEARLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY EXPORTS m Jan- Main partners / / / / / Extra EU-,,,, Europe excluding EU- Iceland Norway Switzerland Liechtenstein Andorra Gibraltar Malta Turkey Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Albania Ukraine Belarus Russia Slovenia Croatia Macedonia Cyprus Yugoslavia Bosnia-Herzegovina,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. -,.,.,,..,,,,.., -, -. -, -,,,..,,,, -,, -, -,, -,,,., -,, -,. -,.,, -, -, -, -,.. -,..., -, -, -,. -,, -,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,, -,, -. -, -, -,,,,..,,,,,,,,, -, -,,, Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Ubya Egypt Senegal Liberia Côte d'ivoire Ghana Nigeria Cameroon Gabon Congo (Republic) Angola Kenya Mauritius Zimbabwe South Africa -,,.,,,,,,,,.,,..,,,,,,. -..,,,... -, -, -, -, -,, -, -,. -,. -,.. -, -, -,, -,, -,.. -, -,,,,,. -,.,.,,, -,,., -,, V», -,,,, -, -, -,, -,,,,,, -, -,, EFTA OECD, excluding EU- Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA ACP,,,,,,,, -,,,, -,, -,,,,,,,,,., -,
43 [m (Mio euro) MONTHLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY EXPORTS C Main partners Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Iceland Norway Switzerland Liechtenstein Andorra Gibraltar Malta Turkey Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Albania Ukraine Belarus Russia Slovenia Croatia Macedonia Cyprus Yugoslavia Bosnia-Herzegovina Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Ubya Egypt Senegal Liberia Côte d'ivoire Ghana Nigeria Cameroon Gabon Congo (Républic) Angola Kenya Mauritius Zimbabwe South Africa EFTA OECD, excluding EU- Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA ACP
44 B (Mìo ECU/euro) and variations (%) YEARLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY EXPORTS m Jan- Main partners / / / / / North America United States Canada,,,.,,,,,,,,,.. Central America and West Ind. Mexico Bermuda Costa Rica Panama Cuba Bahamas Antigua and Barbuda Cayman Islands Dominican Republic,,,, -,, -,,,,,, -,,, -, -,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, -,.,.,,,,.. -, -. -, -, South America Colombia Venezuela Ecuador Peru Brazil Chile Uruguay Argentina,,,,,,,,,,,, -,., -,., -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -,,,,,.... -,,,.,,.. -, -. Near and Middle East Lebanon Syria Iran Israel Jordan Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bahrain Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Azerbaijan Iraq., -,,,,,, -,,,,., -. -,, -, -, -, -, -,, -,,.,, -, -,. -,,. -, -,, -,. -, -,,,,,..., -,,, -,,,,, ,.,,., Oth«countries of Asia Kazakhstan Pakistan India Bangladesh Sri Lanka China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Macao,, -,,,,,,, -, -,,.,,,,, - -, -, -, -, -,, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -,, -,,,,,, -,, -, -,,.,. -. -, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, -,,,. -., -, Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand NAFTA Latin America MERCOSUR OPEC DAE...,,,,,., -, -, -,,,, -, -,,,,, -, -, -. JS,.,,,,, -....,
45 m (Mio euro) MONTHLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY EXPORTS C Main partners North America United States Canada Central America and West Ind. Mexico Bermuda Costa Rica Panama S Cuba Bahamas Antigua and Barbuda Cayman Islands Dominican Republic South America Colombia Venezuela Ecuador Peru Brazil Chile Uruguay Argentina Near and Middle East Lebanon Syria Iran Israel Jordan Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bahrain Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Azerbaijan Iraq Other countries of Asia Kazakhstan Pakistan India Bangladesh Sri Lanka China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Macao Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand NAFTA Latin America MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
46 B (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) YEARLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY IMPORTS m Jan- Main partners / / / / / Extra EU-,,, Europe excluding EU- Iceland Norway Switzerland Liechtenstein Andorra Gibraltar Malta Turkey Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Albania Ukraine Belarus Russia Slovenia Croatia Macedonia Cyprus Yugoslavia Bosnia-Herzegovina,,,,,. -,,. \Z,,,,,,. -,,,,,., -,,,,, -,,,, -,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, -,,.,,.,,,, -,,,,,,,.,,,.,. -,,,., -,, -,,,,,,,. -,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -....,,....,,....,., -.,., -, -,., Africa North Africa Sonegal Liberia Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Côte d'ivoire Ghana Nigeria Cameroon Gabon Congo (Republic) Angola Kenya Mauritius Zimbabwe South Africa,,,,,, -,, -, -,, -,,, -.,.,. -, -,, -,, -, -,, -,,, -, -, -, -, -,, -,,,.., -.. -, -, -, -, -,,.,,,,.,,,, -,, -, -,,,., -,,.,,,.,.. -, -, ,,,..., EFTA OECD, excluding EU- Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA ACP,,,,. -,, -,, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
47 (Mio euro) MONTHLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY IMPORTS C Main partners Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Iceland Norway Switzerland Liechtenstein Andorra Gibraltar Malta Turkey Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Albania Ukraine Belarus Russia Slovenia Croatia Macedonia Cyprus Yugoslavia Bosnia-Herzegovina Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Senegal Liberia Côte d'ivoire Ghana Nigeria Cameroon Gabon Congo (Républic) Angola Kenya Mauritius Zimbabwe South Africa EFTA OECD, excluding EU- Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA ACP
48 B (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) YEARLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY IMPORTS m Jan- - Main partners Vaiue / Vaiue / / / / North America.,,,, United States,,,.. Canada.,.,. Central America and West Ind. Mexico, -,,,.,,,, Bermuda, -,,.. Costa Rica,,,, -, Panama. -,,,. Cuba. -,,, -. Bahamas Antigua and Barbuda,., -,, -,. Λ -, -, Cayman Islands, -,,,, Dominican Republic, -. -,,. South America,,,,, Colombia Venezuela,, -. -, -,,,,,. Ecuador, -,, -,, Peru Brazil,, -,,,,.,.. Chile...., Uruguay Argentina, -, -,,,, -.,.. Near and Middle East, -,,, -, Lebanon,..,, Syria. -.,,, Iran -, -,,, -, Israel,,.,. Jordan, -,,, -, Saudi Arabia, -,,, -, Kuwait -, -,., -, Bahrain,, -,,. Qatar., -,., United Arab Emirates,..,. Oman.. -,,. Azerbaijan Iraq, Λ -,,,,,,. -, Other countries of Asia Kazakhstan.., -,,,.,. Pakistan,, -.,. India...,, Bangladesh..,.. Sri Lanka.,, -. China Indonesia,,,,, -.,,. Philippines,,,, -, Thailand.,,,. Vietnam,,,,, Malaysia,,.. -. Singapore, S South Korea,,,, -, Japan Taiwan,.,,.,,, Hong Kong Macao,,. -,,,., -. -, Oceania and polar regions,, -,,, Australia New Zealand..., -, -,,,,, NAFTA,,,,. Latin America,,,,, MERCOSUR,.,,, OPEC. -,,.. DAE,,,, -.
49 (Mio euro) MONTHLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY IMPORTS C Main partners Deo North America United States Canada Central America and West Ind. Mexico Bermuda Costa Rica Panama Cuba Bahamas Antigua and Barbuda Cayman Islands Dominican Republic South America Colombia Venezuela Ecuador Peru Brazil Chile Uruguay Argentina Near and Middle East Lebanon Syria Iran Israel Jordan Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bahrain Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Azerbaijan Iraq Other countries of Asia Kazakhstan Pakistan India Bangladesh Sri Lanka China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Macao Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand NAFTA Latin America MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
50 B (Mio ECU/euro) YEARLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY TRADE BALANCE m Main partners Jan- Extra EU Europe excluding EU- Iceland Norway Switzerland Liechtenstein Andorra Gibraltar Malta Turkey Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Albania Ukraine Belarus Russia Slovenia Croatia Macedonia Cyprus Yugoslavia Bosnia-Herzegovina Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Ubya Egypt Senegal Liberia Côte d'ivoire Ghana Nigeria Cameroon Gabon Congo (Républic) Angola Kenya Mauritius Zimbabwe South Africa EFTA OECD, excluding EU- Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA ACP
51 (Mio euro) MONTHLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY TRADE BALANCE C Main partners Extra EU Europe excluding EU » - Iceland Norway Switzerland Liechtenstein Andorra Gibraltar Malta Turkey Estonia Latvia - Lithuania Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania - - Bulgaria Albania Ukraine Belarus Russia Slovenia Croatia Macedonia Cyprus Yugoslavia Bosnia-Herzegovina Africa North Africa Morocco - Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Senegal Liberia Côte d'ivoire Ghana Nigeria Cameroon Gabon Congo (Republic) Angola Kenya Mauritius Zimbabwe South Africa EFTA OECD, excluding EU Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA ACP
52 B (Mio ECU/euro) YEARLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY TRADE BALANCE m Main partners Jan- North America United States Canada Central America and West Ind. Mexico Bermuda Costa Rica Panama Cuba Bahamas Antigua and Barbuda Cayman Islands Dominican Republic South America Colombia Venezuela Ecuador Peru Brazil Chile Uruguay Argentina Near and Middle East Lebanon Syria Iran Israel Jordan Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bahrain Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Azerbaijan Iraq Other countries of Asi«Kazakhstan Pakistan India Bangladesh Sri Lanka China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Macao ^» ^ Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand NAFTA Latin America MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
53 (Mio euro) MONTHLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PARTNER COUNTRY TRADE BALANCE C Main partners North America United States Canada - Central America and West Ind. Mexico Bermuda Costa Rica Panama - Cuba Bahamas Antigua and Barbuda Cayman Islands Dominican Republic South America Colombia Venezuela Ecuador Peru Brazil Chile Uruguay Argentina Near and Middle East - Lebanon Syria Iran Israel Jordan Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bahrain Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Azerbaijan Iraq Other countries of Asia Kazakhstan Pakistan India Bangladesh Sri Lanka China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Macao Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand NAFTA Latin America MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
54 D (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) PRODUCT BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY EXPORTS FOR YEAR m Main partners TOTAL SITC - Food, beverages and tobacco SITC + Raw materials + Energy SITC Chemical products SITC Machinery and transport equipment SITC Miscellaneous manufactured goods SITC + / / / / / / / Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA Australia MERCOSUR OPEC DAE New Zealand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
55 im (Mio euro) and variations (%) PRODUCT BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY EXPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST D Main partners TOTAL SITC - Food, beverages and tobacco SITC + Raw materials + Energy SITC Chemical products SITC Machinery and transport equipment SITC Miscellaneous manufactured goods SITC + / / / / / / / Extra EU-,, -, «,,,, Europe excluding EU-,,, -,,,, Norway,, -,,,., Switzerland,,. -,,,, Turkey -, -, -, -, -, -, -, Poland Czech Republic,.,,,. -,..,,,,, Slovakia,,,,,,, Lithuania,,. -,,,, Estonia -.,,,, -,, Hungary.,,,,,, Romania,,. -.,., Bulgaria.,. -,,,, Ukraine,,,,.,, Russia,,,,,,, Slovenia. -, -, -,,,, Croatia...,.,, Africa,, -, -,,,, North Africa,, -,,,,, Morocco Algeria -,, -,, -,, -,,,, -,,,, Tunisia,, -,,,,, Libya,, -,,.,, Egypt -, -, -. -., -, -, Nigeria,,, -,,,, South Africa, -. -.,,., North America,, -,,,,, United States., -, -,,,, Canada,, -,,,, -, Latin America. -,, -,,,, Mexico, -,, -,,,, Venezuela,,. -,,.. Brazil, -, -,,.,, Chile, -, -, -, -,. -, Argentina -. -, -, -,, -, -. Near and Middle East, -,, -, -,,,, Iraq, -, -,, -,,,, Syria. -,, -.,,, Iran, -,. -,,., Israel -,. -, -,,. -. Saudi Arabia , -... Kuwait.,, -,,.. United Arab Emirates,,,,,,, Other countries of Asia,, -, -,,,, Vietnam.,,,,,, India ,., -, China, -, -. -,,,. Indonesia, -, -,,.. -. Philippines. -, -,,,,, Thailand,, -,,,., Malaysia Singapore,., -, -. -,,,.,,,, -, South Korea -. -, -,.. -., Japan., -, -.,., Taiwan -, -, -,, -,. -, Hong Kong,, -, -. -,,. Oceania and polar regions J -, -, -,., -, Australia -. -, -, -,, -, -. New Zealand. -,., -.,, EFTA,, -,.,,, CEEC,,, -,,,, ACP,, -. -,.,, NAFTA., -,.,., MERCOSUR, -, -,,,,, OPEC,, -,.,,, DAE,, -,, -,,,
56 D (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) PRODUCT BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY IMPORTS m eurostal Main partners TOTAL SITC Food, beverages and tobacco SITC + Raw materials + Energy SITC Chemical products SITC Machinery and transport equipment SITC Miscellaneous manufactured goods SITC + / / / / / / / Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Africa Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latín America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA Australia MERCOSUR OPEC DAE New Zealand.... /,,,,,,,,,,,.,,!.,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,..,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,..,,,..,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,.,...,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,.,,,.,,, Λ,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,...,.,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,..,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,....,.,,.,.,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,..,,,,..,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,
57 sø (Mio euro) and variations (%) PRODUCT BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY IMPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST D Main partners TOTAL SITC - Food, beverages and tobacco SITC + Raw materials + Energy SITC Chemical products SITC Machinery and transport equipment SITC Miscellaneous manufactured goods SITC + / / / / / / / Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Africa Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia North Africa Nigeria Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA Australia MERCOSUR OPEC DAE New Zealand,,,,,.,,,.,..,...,,.,.. -.,,.,.,,..., -, -,, -,. -, -.,.,.,. -,, -, -, ,.,,,,,,. -,.,, -,.,...,,.,.., -,,,....,,, -, -. -.,.,,.., -, , -, -,, -.,,. -,,., -,,.,.,. -,,.., -, ,. -, , -, -, -,.., -, -., -, -. -., -, -, -,, -., -, -,, -,, -, -,.,. -,,. -. -, -,, -,, -, -,,,,. -,. -,,, -,,.,,,,,.,,.,, -.,,,,, Λ -,,, -,... -.,,,,,,. -.,,, -, -., -,. -, -,,,,.,. -. -,,,, -,,,,,.,.,, -, -,.,,,,,,,, -. -,,,,,,.. -,,, -,.,,, -, -,,.,,, -,.,,,,, -,., -,,,,,, -,, -,., -.,.,,,.,,,,,.,,, -, -,.,.. -,,,,, -, -,,,,,. Λ, -, -,,,,. -, -,, -, -. -, -,,. -, -,,, -, -, -, -,..,, -,, -, ,, -,, -. -, -,,,. -,, -,,,, -,,,...,,,., -,,,,,, -,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,, -,, -,..,,,,,,., -, -,, -, -,,,, -,,,,,, -,
59 Extra-EU trade by product
60 A ANNUAL TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PRODUCT m EXPORTS (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) Product list Jan- SITC Rev. / / / / / - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinai and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworklng machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere,, -,..,,.,.,,,,, -.. -,,,..,,,., -,,.,.,,,,,..,.,,.,.,,.,,,,,,..,,,,,, -,,....,, , -, -, , -, -, ,. -. -, -, -, -,. -, -,,,,,,,, -, -,,. -, -,, -, -, ,,, -, -,.....,, , -,,,, -,, , -, -. -,,.,, -,, -,,,,.,, -,,, -, -, -, -,...,.,..,,., , -. -,, ,,,,.,, -, -....,,,..,,.,,,,,,, -,,,,,.,,...,,. -.,,.,..,.,,,,,,,,,..,,......,,,,.....,.,, ,,, -, -,, ,. -,. -. -,. -,, -,,, ,,.., -..,...,,,,,,.,,,,.,.,,, -,
61 [m (Mio euro) MONTHLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PRODUCT EXPORTS B Product list SITC Rev. Jan - TOTAL Food and live animais Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment β Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere '
62 A ANNUAL TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PRODUCT m IMPORTS (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) Product list SITC Rev. / / / / Jan- / - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animais Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics In nnn-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinen/ specialized for particular ind. Metalworklng machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere,.,,,.. -, -,, -,,,,,,, -.,,,,,.,.,,, -,, -, IM,,,,, -,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,, -, -,,, -.. -,, -,,,, -, -, -, -,, -, -.. -, -,, -, -,., -..,,,.... -,,, iw -,,,.. -,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,, ,,, -,,.. -, -,,, -, -,,,, -, -, -, -,.. -, -. -,, -,, -,, -, -, -,,,, -, -,,, -, -,,, -,.,, -,, -, -,,,.. -.,,,,.,,,,,,,,., -,,,,,,,,.. -,,,.,,.,,,,, /,., -, -,, -, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. -,,,,,,.,,,,,. -., ,,,,,, ,.,,,.., -,, -.,,,......,,,....., ,, -, -.,,,,.....,,
63 (Mio euro) MONTHLY TRENDS IN EU TRADE BY PRODUCT IMPORTS B Product list SITC Rev. Jan - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animai oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere '
64 C GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PRODUCT m eurosta (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) EXPORTS Product list Extra EU Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan SITC Rev. / / / / / / / - TOTAL,,,,,,, Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals I Beverages and tobacco II Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,..,,...,..,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,.,,....,,,,..,,,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,.,,,,.,,,,. Λ,,,,.,.,.,,..,,,,,,,,.,.,,. -,,. Λ,,,,.....,,..,,,.,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,., Chemical products,,,,,,, Organic chemicals,,,,,,, Inorganic chemicals,..,.., Tanning and colouring materials,,.,.,. Medicinal and pharmaceutical products,,.,.,. Essential oils, perfume mat. cosmetics,,,,.,, Fertilizers,,,,,., Plastics in primary forms,,,,.,. Plastics in non primary forms,,,,,,, Manufactured goods classified by material,,,,,,, Leather manufactures, dressed furskins,,,,,,, Rubber manufactures,,.,,.. Cork and wood manufactures,,,,,.. Paper, paperboard and articles thereof,,,,,.. Textile yam, fabrics and related products,,.,,.. Non metallic mineral manufactures,..,,,. Iron and steel,..,,., Non ferrous metals,,.,,., Manufactures of metals,,.,,., Machinery, transport equipment,,,,,,, Power generating machinery, equipment,,,.,,, Machinery specialized for particular nd.,..,,,, Metalworklng machinery..,,,,, General industry machinery and equipment,..,.,. Office machines and computers,,.,,,. Telecommunication, sound, TV, video,,.,,.. Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous mnnuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories,,,,,,,,,..,,.,,,..,,.,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,,,,...,,,.,. Footwear,,,.. S,. Professional, scientific, controlling material,,,.,,, Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks,.,,,., Miscellaneous manufactured articles,,,,,., Articles not classified elsewhere,,,,,.,
65 GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PRODUCT C EXPORTS (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) Candidate cntr. / CIS / MEDA / South America / OPEC / / ACP / Product list SITC Rev.,,,. -..,,..,,,,,, -...,,.,, -,.,,,, -.,,,.,.. -,..,...,.,,,.,..,,....,,..,,,...,,., -,, ,.,..,. -.,, -.,...,., ^,.., -,, -,,,,......,, ,..,.. -, ,..,,..,, -,,,, -,,,,,.,,,,,,...,,.,., -, -, -.,,,,......,., ,., -,....,.,...,,,. -,, -....,.,,,,...., -,,,, -.,,.. -,,,...,...,.....,..,,.. -, ,..,..,, -, -,, -....,,,,,, -, -,,,, -,.,,,,,,.,.,,,.,. -,.,,,. -,.....,, ,......,.,.,,,..,....,,.,, ,..., -,. -. -,,.. -,,.,... -,.,,,, ,.,, ,...,.....,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,, -,..,, -. -.,,,.....,,, ,. -.,.,..,,,,,, , - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics In primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound. TV. video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous mnnuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
66 C (Mio euro) and variations (%) GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PRODUCT EXPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST m eurostal Product list SITC Rev. Extra EU- / Norway / Switzerland / United States / Canada / China / Japan / - TOTAL Food and Ihre animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea. cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat, cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics In primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere, -, -,,, -.,,,,,, -, -,, -., -, -, -,., -,, -, -,. -,, -,,,,, -,,,,., '«A,,.., -,.,,,,.,,....,,,.,,,.., -,,, -,,.,,,.. -, -, -,, «, -, -, -, -. -, -, -,, -,, -,,,,,, -,,,,,,. -,,,,, -,,.., -,, -,.,,....,, -, -, -, -, -,,., -,,, -, -,. -.., -,....,, -, -, - -, -,,,, -. -, -.,, -.,,, -, -,,,, -,,,,..,., -.,.. -,,,,, -, -,.,,,,,.., -,,, -. -,. -, ,. -, -,, -, , -, -,, -,, -, -, -,,,. -.,,, -, -, ,, -. -, -, -,,,, -, -,. -,...,, -,.,.. -,,,,,,,, -, -,. -,,. -. -, -,, -, -,. -,, -,. -, -, -,, -, -,, -,,,. -, -,,,, -, -, -.,,. -,. -, -, -, -,,, -,,.. -,. -,,,,,,,,,. -. -,.,, -, -, -, -,. -,.., -, -, -,, -, -, -,, -,, -,,, -, -, -,, -, -, -, -,,,,,, -,,,,,, -,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,, -, -..,,,,. -.,, -, -, ,. -, -, -, -,,,,..., -. -,... -., -, ,, -.,,...,. -., -. -,,, ,
67 GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PRODUCT EXPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST C (Mio euro) and variations (%) Candidate cntr. / CIS / MEDA / South America / OPEC DAE / / ACP / Product list SITC Rev.,, -, , -,, -,,,... -, -,. -, -,. -, -,.,,.., -, -. -,.,. -.,,,,....,.,,..., -,. -.,,....,... -.,..,, -,.., -..,.,,,,,. -, -.. -, -...,,.,..,,,......,, ,, ,.,.,.,.,. -, -, -,.. -, -,,. -, -,, -, -,, -, -, ,. -, -, -. -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -, ,., , -,. -., , , ,.. -., -, -, ,.. -,..,,, -, -, -,. -. -,. -, -,,,,, -, -, -,, -,,,. -,,,..,,... -,....,, ,......, ,, -, -,.. -,.,. -.,,,, -,.., -, -,. -,,,.. -, -, -, -,, -...,,,.,, ,,....,,..,, ,, -t, -, -,, -,.,, -,,. -, -,,, -, -. -, -, -, -,, -,.. -,, -. -, - -, -, -,.. -,. -.,, ,,, ,, ,,,,..,.., -,,, -.,,,. -. -,,.,, -.,. -,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,...,,,.,.....,.....,..,., - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics n primary forms Plastics in non primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed fursklns Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular nd. Metalworking machinery General Industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous mnnuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
68 C GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PRODUCT ( L eurosta (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) IMPORTS Product list SITC Rev. Extra EU- / Norway / Switzerland / United States / Canada / China / Japan / - TOTAL Food and Ihre animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea. cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere,,,,..,., -,,,,,,,.,..,,.,, -, -,, -, -,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. -,,. -,, -, -.,,,,, -,, -,,,,,,,,,,. -,,,,. -,,, -,,,,, -,,,,,.,,, -, ,.,.,,,,, -,,,,,,.,,,,. -,., -. -,, -, -. -,,,,, -,,, -,,,, -,,, -,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,.,,,.,,.,,,,,,,, -,, -,.. -..,,,.,,.,,,,..,, -, -,, -,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,. -,,,, -,...,,,,, -.,,,,,,, -, -, -, -,,,.,,,. -,,,. -, -, -, -,. -,,,., -,,,,, -, -,..,.,,,,..,,,, -,,, -,,.. -,.,,,,,,,,, -,,,,. -,,,,,,,,., Λ,.,,, -,,,,, -,,..., -,,.,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,.,., -,,.,.....,,,,.,,,, -...,. -.,, -.,,,,. -, -,,,, -,..,, -,,,, ,,,.....,.,,....,...,,, ,
69 GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PRODUCT IMPORTS C (Mio ECU/euro) and variations (%) Candidate cntr. / / / South America / OPEC / / ACP / Product list SITC Rev.,.....,.,,,..., ,, ,. -, -,...,,,....,.....,,......,.,, ,..,,,..,.,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,. -, -, Λ -,,., ,,,,....,,.,.. -,,,.., ,,,.,.,, -,.. -.,, -,,, -,.,,,,.,, , ,,,..,,.,.,,,.....,,......,, ,.,,,,, ,..,,..,..,...,. -,. -,,,.,, -,, -,,.,,.. -..,,..., ,.,,,....,,, ,. -.,,,.,, -,......,...,. -,,.. -,. -,,..,,,. -,...,,. -.,,...,......,., -.. -,.,.,, ,. -,. -,.,.,.,,.,.,.., -,, -,, -,.,. -.,.. -,..,.....,...,,,...,, , -,.,,., -,. -, Λ, -,, -, -,,,. -,,...,,...,,,, -,, -,, ,., -, -.,. -.,.,..,,, -,., -....,., -..., -.,,., - TOTAL Food and liveanimals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea. cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam. fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworklng machinery General Industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous mnnuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
70 C (Mio euro) and variations (%) GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PRODUCT IMPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST m eurosta Product list SITC Rev. Extra EU / Norway / Switzerland / United States / Canada / China / Japan / - TOTAL Food and Ihr animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff lor animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat, cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular nd. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous man uf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,.,,.,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,..,,,...,,,,,,.,.,.,,,,.,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,. -,,,,,.,,,,,,..,,.,.,,,.,,..,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, -,,,.,,,,,,,,, -,,,,,,,,... -,,,,,,,,,,,....,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,, -,,,,.,..,.,,, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -,,,,,,,,,...,...,,.,,,,,,,,,,. -,.,.., -,,,, -,,,,.,,,,, -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,..,,, -,,,,,,....,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,..,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,.,,,,,,,..,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, Λ,...,..,,, Λ......,,..,,.,,,,..,..,,,....,,., -....,,...,,,...,,..,
71 GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN OF EU TRADE BY MAIN PRODUCT IMPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST C (Mio euro) and variations (%) Candidate cntr. / / South America / / / / / Product Hst SITC Rev.,, -,,,. -,..,,. -,. -,. -., -, -,. -, -.,,,, -., -,. -,,,,.,, ,.,.,,,,,,,..,,..,.,,..,..,. ",,,.,, -,,.,... -,.,., -.,,.,,,..,,,,.,,..,..,.,,,,., -,,,,, ,,, -...,, -..,,..,,,...,... -,.,,, -,.. -.,...,.,,.,....,,,,,.,.,.,,.,... -,....,,.,,.. -,...., -,,,, ,,,..,...,,.,,..., -,.,,,.,,,,,..,.,.,,.,,, -,,,...., ,,....., -,, -,,, ,, ,, -, ,..,.,.. -.,, -, -, ,. -. -, , , -., , -., -,. -.,. -. -, -,,,,. -, -,. -, -. -», -, -, -. -, -,. -,, -,,,, -,.,,, -, -, -. -,, -, -,. -,, -,, -. -, , , -, -, -, , , -.. -,,. -.., -..,. -,. -, -,.... -, -, -, -.,. -, , -,., -.. -,,, -,. -., -, ,. -. -,., -.,,,.. -,, -, -TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materiais, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Caide fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV. video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous ma nuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
72 D MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT m eurosta EXPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) Period FOOD PRODUCTS Fish, crustaceans, molluscs - SITC Extra EU- Japan Switzerland United States Nigeria Poland Norway China Russia Hong Kong Egypt Total for all %,,,,,,,,..,. Jan- /,, -. -,,,, ,, Cereals and cereal preparations - SITC Extra EU- United States Algeria Saudi Arabia Morocco Russia Switzerland Japan Norway Libya Poland Total for all %,,,.,,,.,.,, Jan- / -,,. -. -,,,.,.,, Vegetables and fruit - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Russia Poland Czech Republic Norway Japan Canada Hungary Saudi Arabia Total for all %..,.,,,,,.., Jan- /,,,,,,,,..,, Beverages - SITC Extra EU- United States Japan Switzerland Canada South Korea Australia Taiwan Hong Kong Singapore Norway Total for all %....,,,,..,, Jan- /,.,.,., -.. -, -..
73 MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT D IMPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) Period FOOD PRODUCTS Fish, crustaceans, molluscs - SITC Extra EU- Norway Iceland China Argentina Russia Morocco United States Faroe Islands Thailand Canada Total for all,,,...,,,.,, Jan- /, -, -.,,. -,,.,,. Cereals and cereal preparations - SITC Extra EU- United States Argentina Canada Switzerland Brazil India Thailand Australia Turkey Pakistan Total for all %,.,..,,..... Jan- / -, -. -, -,. Λ Vegetables and fruit - SITC Extra EU- Turkey South Africa United Stales Brazil Costa Rica Chile Morocco China Poland Argentina Total for all..,.,,,,..,. Jan- /,., -, -.,..,,., Beverages - SITC Extra EU- Australia United States Chile South Africa Bahamas Mexico Czech Republic Argentina Switzerland New Zealand Total for ali o ,.,,. Jan- / ,, -. -, -,,
74 D MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT m eurosta EXPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) RAW MATERIALS Period Cork and wood - SITC Extra EU- Japan Norway United States China Switzerland Egypt Hong Kong Algeria Saudi Arabia Israel Total for all %,,..,,,,,,., Jan- / -., -,, -, -, -, -,, -, -. -, Pulp and waste paper - SITC Extra EU- China Switzerland Indonesia India Slovenia Japan Norway Czech Republic United States Taiwan Total for all %,,..,,,,,.,, Jan- / -,, -, -,, -, -, , -, Textile fibres and their wastes - SITC Extra EU- China Turkey United States Czech Republic Poland Japan Hungary India Switzerland Tunisia Total for all %,....,,,..,. Jan- / -, -, -,.,. -,.,, -, -. Metalliferous ores and metal scrap - SITC Extra EU- China United States India Norway Turkey Japan Taiwan Switzerland Russia Mexico Total for all %,,.,.,,.,.,. Jan- /,, -, ,...,
75 m MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT D IMPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) Period RAW MATERIALS Cork and wood - SITC Extra EU- Russia United States Latvia Cameroon Canada Brazil Malaysia Estonia Czech Republic Poland Total for all o,.,.,.,,.,.. Jan- / -.. -, -. -, -,. -, -. -, -, -. Pulp and waste paper - SITC Extra EU- Canada United States Brazil Chile Norway Indonesia Russia South Africa Czech Republic Switzerland Total for all %..,,,,,.,,,. Jan- / -, -., -. -, -,. -, -. -, -, -, Textile fibres and their wastes - SITC Extra EU- Australia China United States Uzbekistan New Zealand Turkey South Africa South Korea Japan Argentina Total for all...,..,..,,, Jan- /,., -, -,.,. -, -,,, Metalliferous ores and metal scrap - SITC Extra EU- Brazil United States Australia Canada Russia South Africa Indonesia Switzerland Chile Guinea Total for all o ,.,.. Jan- /..,., ,.
76 D MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT M eurosta (Mio euro), share and variations (%) EXPORTS FUEL PRODUCTS AND OTHER COMBUSTIBLES Period Petroleum oils, crude - SITC Extra EU- United States Canada Norway Macedonia China Ukraine Bangladesh Russia Azerbaijan Estonia Total for all %,... : :., : :,,,, Jan- / -, -,,., -, -, : :,,,. -, Petroleum products - SITC + Extra EU- United States Switzerland Norway Czech Republic Tunisia Libya Gibraltar Malta Poland Canada Total for all %,,.,,.,,,,,, Jan- / ,,. -,. -,,. IMPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) FUEL PRODUCTS AND OTHER COMBUSTIBLES Period Petroleum oils, crude - SITC Extra EU- Norway Russia Saudi Arabia Libya Iran Nigeria Algeria Syria Iraq Kazakhstan Total for all %,,,,,,,,,... Jan- / -,,. -., -,, -,. -,. -. Petroleum products - SITC + Extra EU- Russia Algeria Libya Norway Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Kuwait Lithuania Ukraine Egypt Total for all %,,.,,,,,..,. Jan- /.., -, -,,. -,,. -,.
78 D MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT m EXPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) CHEMICALS Period Organic chemicals - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Brazil Canada China Turkey Mexico South Korea Australia Total for all %,,.,.,.,..., Jan- /,,.,,,, -,, -,., Medicinal and pharmaceutical products - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Australia Canada Poland Turkey Russia Brazil Norway Total for all %,,,.,,,,..., Jan- /,,..,,,,,... Fertilizers - SITC Extra EU- United States Brazil China Norway Switzerland Colombia Canada Thailand Chile Morocco Total for all %.,,,,,,...,. Jan- /,,. -,,, Plastics in primary forms - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Poland Turkey China Hong Kong Czech Republic Japan Hungary Russia Total for all %,,,.,,,,.... Jan- /. -, -., -.. -,
79 m MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT D IMPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) CHEMICALS Period Organic chemicals - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Singapore China Norway Russia Saudi Arabia India Hungary Total for all %.,,.,,,,..,. Jan- /.,...,. -..,,. Medicinal and pharmaceutical products - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan China Israel Australia Singapore Canada Norway India Total for all %.,..,,,,,,,. Jan- /,,.,.,,,..., Fertilizers - SITC Extra EU- Russia Norway Poland Tunisia Morocco Lithuania Israel Bulgaria Egypt Ukraine Total for all.,..,...,.,, Jan- /.., , ,, Plastics in primary forms - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Norway Saudi Arabia South Korea Hungary Poland Czech Republic Taiwan Total for all '....,....,., Jan- / ,
80 D MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT m eurostal EXPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Period Power generating machinery and equipment - SITC Extra EU- United States Canada China Switzerland Poland Singapore Turkey Hungary Brazil Hong Kong Totat for all %.,,.,..,,.,. Jan- /.,,. -,,.,,. -,, Machinery specilized for particular industries - SITC Extra EU- United States China Switzerland Russia Poland Brazil Japan Mexico Czech Republic Canada Total for all %,,,,,,,.,... Jan- /, -,,,,,,,.. -,, General industry machinery and equipment - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland China Poland Czech Republic Japan Russia Norway Brazil South Korea Total for all %,,..,..,,.,, Jan- /,,..,,.,,.,, Telecommunication, sound, TV, video - SITC Extra EU- United States China Switzerland Hong Kong Poland United Arab Emirates Hungary Russia Brazil Mexico Total for all %,,.,,..,,,,. Jan- /,,, -. -, -,,.., -.,
81 {m MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT D IMPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Period Power generating machinery and equipment - SITC Extra EU- United States Hungary Japan Poland Switzerland Canada China Czech Republic Mexico Brazil Total for all %,,,,,.,,.... Jan- /,,.,,,,,,,,. Machinery specilized for particular industries - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Czech Republic South Korea Norway Poland Hungary Canada China Total for all %,,..,,,..,., Jan- /... -., -,.,, -.,. General industry machinery and equipment - SITC Extra EU- United States Japan Switzerland China Czech Republic South Africa South Korea Poland Hungary Taiwan Total for all %,..,,,.,,.., Jan- /,, -,,,, Telecommunication, sound, TV, video - SITC Extra EU- United States Japan China Hungary Malaysia South Korea Taiwan Israel Canada Singapore Total for all %.,,..,..,.,, Jan- /., , -..
82 D MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT m eurosta EXPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Period Office machines and computers - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Hungary Russia Norway Poland Czech Republic South Africa Singapore Total for all %,,,,,,,,..,. Jan- /, -,,,,,,,..,. of which computer equipment - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Russia Norway Poland South Africa United Arab Emirates Czech Republic Israel Total for all %,.,.,,,,..,, Jan- /, <B,,,..,..,, Electrical machinery - SITC Extra EU- United States Malaysia Switzerland China Singapore Czech Republic Japan Hungary Poland Hong Kong Total for all 'o,,.,,,.,.,,. Jan- /,,.., -,,,,. -,. of which valves, transistors ect. - SITC Extra EU- United States Malaysia Singapore Philippines Taiwan Japan South Korea China Hong Kong Hungary Total for all %.,.,,,,,..,, Jan- /,., -,, -, ,.,
83 m MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT D IMPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Period Office machines and computers - SITC Extra EU- United States Taiwan Japan China Singapore South Korea Malaysia Philippines Hungary Thailand Total for all '...,...,,,., Jan- / -, -., -,, -, -, -, -. -., -. of which computer equipment - SITC Extra EU- United States Taiwan China Japan Singapore South Korea Malaysia Philippines Thailand Hungary Total for all %,..,,,,,.... Jan- /. -,., -. -.,,.. -,. Electrical machinery - SITC Extra EU- United States Japan China South Korea Taiwan Switzerland Malaysia Singapore Czech Republic Hungary Total for all "',..,...,..., Jan- / -., -,. -, -., -, -.., -, of which valves, transistors ect. - SITC Extra EU- United States Japan Malaysia South Korea Singapore Philippines Taiwan Hong Kong Canada China Total for all '....,.....,, Jan- / , ,
84 D MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT m eurosta EXPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT Period Road vehicles - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Hungary Poland Czech Republic Norway South Africa Mexico Australia Total for all %,.,.,,,,..., Jan- /,,, -., -,.,.,.. of which passenger cars ect. - SITC Extra EU- United States Japan Switzerland Poland Norway Australia Russia Israel Mexico Hungary Total for all %,..,,,,,..,, Jan- /,. -,,,,,,,, -,. Aircraft, spacecraft ect. - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Canada Hong Kong Brazil United Arab Emirates Bermuda China Taiwan Qatar Total for all %,...,,,...., Jan- /,, -.. Λ,.,, Λ,, Ships, boats ect. - SITC Extra EU- Liberia United States Wallis and Futuna Islands Norway Gibraltar Cayman Islands Malta Cyprus El Salvador Thailand Total for all %..,..,,.,.,, Jan- / -. -,, Λ -, , -., -.
85 m MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT D IMPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT Period Road vehicles - SITC Extra EU- Japan United States Czech Republic South Korea Poland Hungary Slovakia Turkey Taiwan Slovenia Total for all %,.,.,,,,...., Jan- / -, -,,. -,,,,, -,. -. of which passenger cars ect. - SITC Extra EU- Japan South Korea United States Czech Republic Hungary Slovakia Poland Turkey Slovenia Mexico Total for all %..,.,,,,..,. Jan- / ,.., , Aircraft, spacecraft ect. - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Canada Bermuda Brazil Qatar Algeria Gabon Hong Kong Turkey Total for all o,,,..,,,.... Jan- /. -, -,, Λ. -,,. Λ -.. Ships, boats ect. - SITC Extra EU- Cayman Islands South Korea Japan Poland Liberia United States Antigua and Barbuda China Cyprus Norway Total for all 'o..,.,.,..,.. Jan- / , , -. -, -.
86 D MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT IE eurosta EXPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) OTHERS MANUFACTURED GOODS Period Non-metallic mineral manufactures - SITC Extra EU- United States India Switzerland Israel Hong Kong Japan United Arab Emirates Poland South Africa China Total for all %,,.,,,,,,.., Jan- / -, -, -., -, -, -.. -,,, -. Iron and steel - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Poland Czech Republic Norway China Turkey Canada Hungary Russia Total for all %,,,,,,.,..., Jan- /, -, -..,,, -, -,., -, Textile yarn, fabrics and related products - SITC Extra EU- United States Poland Romania Tunisia Morocco Switzerland Czech Republic Hong Kong Turkey Hungary Total for all %,,..,.,.,,., Jan- /, -,.,,,,,, -.,, Clothing and clothing accessories - SITC Extra EU- United States Switzerland Japan Russia Norway Romania Hong Kong Tunisia Hungary Poland Total for all %,,.,,,,,,.,. Jan- /,..,, -.,,,.,.
87 MAIN EU TRADING PARTNERS BY MAIN PRODUCT D IMPORTS (Mio euro), share and variations (%) OTHERS MANUFACTURED GOODS Non-metallic mineral manufactures - SITC Extra EU- United States South Africa Switzerland Israel Russia China Botswana India Congo (Democratic Republic) Japan Total for all %,...,.,,,.,., Jan- /.,, -, -,,,, -, -, -.. Iron and steel - SITC Extra EU- Russia Turkey South Africa Czech Republic Switzerland Norway Poland United States Brazil Japan Total for all %...,,,,,,.,, Jan- /, -..., -,,,, -,. -, Textile yarn, fabrics and related products - SITC Extra EU- Turkey China India United States Switzerland Pakistan Czech Republic South Korea Japan Poland Total for all o,.,..,..,,.. Jan- /,, ,,, -,,, Clothing and clothing accessories - SITC Extra EU- China Turkey Romania Tunisia Bangladesh India Morocco Hong Kong Poland Indonesia Total for all ',,..,....,., Jan- / , -,.,.
89 Member States and EU trade
91 TRADE BALANCE BY MEMBER STATE A (Mio euro) Reporter Period B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK WORLD ^ Jan ' INTRA EU- Jan EXTRA EU- ; E " Jan ; Í ; ' Í! "
92 B INTRA - EU TRADE BY MEMBER STATE m eurosta (Mio euro) and variations (%) Reporter Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES %,,. f,., Jan Annual variation -, -, -. -, -, , , -, -, -.,, -, -. -, -. -, -. -, -. -, , -. -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -, ARRIVALS %....,..β...,..... Jan Annual variation -, -, -, , , -, , , -.. -, , , , -. -, -. -,,
93 m EXTRA - EU TRADE BY MEMBER STATE C (Mio euro) and variation (< i) Period EU- B DK D EL.... Reporter E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK EXPORTS Í Jan Annual variation ,....,,,,....,,.,..,,...,,.,,.,,,.,.,..,..,, IMPORTS %....., B. Jan C E :; Annual variation.....,,., ,,.,..... ^.....,,....,,.....,,.,,,
94 D BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF EXTRA BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY EU TRADE m eurosta EXPORTS (Mio euro) Reporter Partner EU- Β DK D EL E F IRL Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
95 m BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF EXTRA BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY EU TRADE D EXPORTS (Mio euro) Reporter Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Africa Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA Australia MERCOSUR OPEC DAE New Zealand
96 D BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF EXTRA BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY EU TRADE m eurosta EXPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST (Mio euro) Reporter Partner EU- Β DK D EL E F IRL Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East S Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
97 m BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF EXTRA - EU TRADE BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY D EXPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST (Mio euro) Reporter Partner I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
98 D BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF EXTRA BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY EU TRADE eurosta IMPORTS (Mio euro) Reporter Partner EU- Β DK D EL E F IRL Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
99 m BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF EXTRA BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY EU TRADE D IMPORTS (Mio euro) Reporter Partner I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions Australia EFTA New Zealand CEEC ACP NAFTA MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
100 D BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF EXTRA - EU TRADE BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY m eurosta (Mio euro) IMPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST Reporter Partner EU- Β DK D EL E F IRL Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Africa Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA Australia MERCOSUR OPEC DAE New Zealand
101 m BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF EXTRA - EU TRADE BY MAIN PARTNER COUNTRY D IMPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST (Mio euro) Reporter Partner I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK Extra EU- Europe excluding EU- Norway Switzerland Turkey Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Ukraine Russia Slovenia Croatia Africa North Africa Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Nigeria South Africa North America United States Canada Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile Argentina Near and Middle East Iraq Syria Iran Israel Saudi Arabia Kuwait United Arab Emirates Other countries of Asia Vietnam India China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Oceania and polar regions Australia New Zealand EFTA CEEC ACP NAFTA MERCOSUR OPEC DAE
102 E (Mio euro) BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED INTRA - EU DISPATCHES eurosta Product list Reporter SITC Rev. EU Β DK D EL E F IRL - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam. fabrics and related products Non metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular nd. Metalworking machinery General Industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
103 m BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED INTRA - EU DISPATCHES E (Mio euro) Reporter Product list SITC Rev. - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind, Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous ma nuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
104 E (Mio euro) BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED INTRA - EU DISPATCHES JANUARY-SEPTEMBER eurosta Product list SITC Rev. EU Β DK D Reporter EL E F IRL - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics n primary forms Plastics In non primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam. fabrics and related products Non metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular nd. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.artjcles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
105 Wh BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED INTRA - EU DISPATCHES JANUARY-SEPTEMBER E (Mio euro) Reporter Product list SITC Rev.! - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
106 E (Mio euro) BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED INTRA - EU ARRIVALS eurosta Product list Reporter SITC Rev. EU Β DK D EL E F IRL - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics n primary forms Plastics in non primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam. fabrics and related products Non metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular nd. Metalworking machinery General Industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.artlcles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
107 m BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED INTRA - EU ARRIVALS E (Mio euro) Reporter Product list SITC Rev. "! - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas. natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
108 E (Mio euro) BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED INTRA - EU ARRIVALS JANUARY-SEPTEMBER eurosta Product list Reporter SITC Rev. EU Β DK D EL E F IRL - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas. natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics n non primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular nd. Metalworklng machinery General Industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound. TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
109 Wã BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED INTRA - EU ARRIVALS JANUARY-SEPTEMBER E (Mio euro) Reporter Product list SITC Rev. - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
110 F (Mio euro) BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED EXTRA - EU EXPORTS eurosta Product list Reporter SITC Rev. EU- Β DK D EL E F IRL - TOTAL Food and live animais Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinai and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworklng machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
111 ~m BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED EXTRA - EU EXPORTS F (Mio euro) Reporter Product list SITC Rev. - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea. cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV. video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
112 F (Mio euro) BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED EXTRA - EU EXPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST eurosta Product list Reporter SITC Rev. EU Β DK D EL E F IRL - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured B Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and anieles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular nd. Metalworklng machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
113 m BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED EXTRA - EU EXPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST F (Mio euro) Reporter Product list SITC Rev. - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials to Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV. video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment β Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
114 F (Mio euro) BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED EXTRA - EU IMPORTS m eurosta Product list SITC Rev. EU- Reporter - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
115 Wh BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED EXTRA - EU IMPORTS F (Mio euro) Reporter Product list SITC Rev. io - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound. TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
116 F (Mio euro) BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED EXTRA - EU IMPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST Ξ Product list Reporter SITC Rev. EU Β DK D EL E F IRL - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products C jal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics n primary forms Plastics n non primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yam, fabrics and related products Non metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steei Non ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular nd. Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
117 =Έ BREAKDOWN BY MEMBER STATE OF GOODS TRADED EXTRA - EU IMPORTS JANUARY-AUGUST F (Mio euro) Reporter Product list SITC Rev. ' - TOTAL Food and live animals Live animals Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and bird's eggs Fish, crustaceans, molluscs Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations, honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices Feeding stuff for animals Beverages and tobacco Beverages Tobacco Crude materials, except fuels Hides and skins, raw Oils, seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres and their wastes Crude fertilizers Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Fuel products Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum and petroleum products Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Oil, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils Animal or vegetable oils and fats, waxes Chemical products Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Tanning and colouring materials Medicinal and pharmaceutical products Essential oils, perfume mat., cosmetics Fertilizers Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Manufactured goods classified by material Leather manufactures, dressed furskins Rubber manufactures Cork and wood manufactures Paper, paperboard and articles thereof Textile yarn, fabrics and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufactures of metals Machinery, transport equipment Power generating machinery, equipment Machinery specialized for particular ind, Metalworking machinery General industry machinery and equipment Office machines and computers Telecommunication, sound, TV, video Electrical machinery Road vehicles Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manuf.articles Prefabr. buildings, sanitary, heating, lighting Furniture, bedding, mattresses Travel goods, handbags and similar goods Clothing and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific, controlling material Photogr. apparatus, optical goods, clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles Articles not classified elsewhere
119 External trade by Member State
120 A BELGIUM TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) HZ Δ, ; -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU C I Extra EU Total INTRA EU (BNeuro),,,,,,? "' / k \l, *'"......,. \,. χ / '~. " \ < \ S. \ / -\f «Ï* *^, * \, β ^? Jan Jan Jan _. '"Arrivals EXTRA EU (BNeuro),,,,, f ""*'..». ; \ =» "" Λ Λ / \ / \l \l \ Γ "\ ' : \ > ^. Χ/, Jan Jan Jan
121 Ξ BELGIUM B TRADE BALANCE INTRA EU (Mio euro) Partner Period EU- DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK - Jan - - EXTRA EU (Mio euro) Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP - -. Jan
122 C BELGIUM m INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES %. Í.Í..., , (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%),.,..,,...,,.,,,. -..,.,.,,...,,,,...,...,,.,.,,. -...,,..,,,,. ARRIVALS %., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -,.,,....,.,..., -,..,..,,..,..,. -,,.,...,,,....,,,.,,., ,
123 \Wh BELGIUM D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS %..,......,.... (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -, ^, , , , , -, -, -, -, -, -.,, -,. -, -. -, -,. -, -. -, , -, IMPORTS 'Í (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -. -, -A. -, , -. -, , , ,. -, , -, -. -, , , -, , -. -, -,
124 A DENMARK TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) Æ,,,,,, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU L=l Extra EU Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,,,,, ι í~.. J, Jan Jan Jan Dispatches "Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro) Jan Jan Jan Exports"" " Imports
125 \Wh DENMARK B TRADE BALANCE INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan Partner B D EL E F - IRL - I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan Extra EU- Partner Norway Switzerland - United States Canada - China Japan Candidate cntr CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP
126 C DENMARK m INTRA EU- Period EU- Partner B D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES %..,..., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -,...., -,.., -, -, ,,, ,. -,. -,, -, -. -, -, -,. -, -, , -, -. -, , -. -, -. -, , -. ARRIVALS % (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%), -, -, -,.,,.., -, -,. -, -,,.,..,, -. -., -.. -,,,,,.. -, , -.. -, ,
127 DENMARK D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS % (Mi oeuro) Jan Annual variation (%, -,,,. -.,,. -, ,, -,. -,,, -, ,. -..,,, -,.. -., -,. -, -. -., -,.. -, -, -.. -, -,. IMPORTS 'Í.,.....,....,. (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -.. -, , -, ,... -, ,, -,, , -.,, , , -, -, -...,..
128 A GERMANY m TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- = Extra EU- Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro) Jan Jan Jan Dispatches "Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Exports ~"-~ ""Imports
129 GERMANY B TRADE BALANCE INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period B DK EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK Jan EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP Jan
130 C GERMANY Ξ INTRA EU- Period EU- Partner B DK EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES % (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%),,,,.. -,.., , -,, , ,. -, , , , -,,. -, -, -, -. -, -, , ARRIVALS % J... (Mio eu ro) Jan Annual variation (%) -,.. -,. -. -, -.,.. -, ,, -., -,,. -,. -,., ,, -, -, -, -,., , -, -.. -,. -, -. -, , -, -,
131 [Wh GERMANY D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. eis MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS 'Í (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%, -. -.,.. -, -,, -, -,. -,.,, -.,., -,., -.,. -,. -,.. -.., -, -., -. -., -,. -, ,. -, -, -.. -, -,. -, -. IMPORTS % (M o euro) Jan ' Annual variation (%) -, , , -. -., -. -, , , ,. -. -, -, -, -, , -. -, -, , , -. -,
132 A GREECE TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) m,,,,, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU I Extra EU Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,, - \- '- ψ- - - ν -V- -s- /_ X \y,,,,, Jan Jan Jan Dispatches Arrivals ; EXTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,,,,, s»-.. ï \ y-\- V, Jan Jan Jan Exports Imports
133 Wh GREECE B TRADE BALANCE INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan EU Partner B DK D E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan Extra EU Partner Norway Switzerland ^ United States - - ^ Canada China Japan Candidate cntr CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP
134 C GREECE HZ ZI INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- B DK D E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES %,,..., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -,, -,, ,, -, ,, -. -,,. -,.,. -., -,, -,, ,. -,, , -, -,, -,, -,, -,. -, , -.. ^t., ARRIVALS %, ,....., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation ("/ -, -, -, -,.,, , -, ,, -,,. -,, -, -, -,. -, , -, , -., -,, -, -, -, -. -, , -, -. -,. -. -,
135 Wh GREECE D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS %..,,.....,..., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (% -,.,.,.,,,,.,,, -,,....,,,,.,..,.....,,,..,., -,,,,,..,....,, IMPORTS %...,.,......,. (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -.,..,.....,..,..,... -,,..,...,,.,..,.,.., ,,.. -,....,,
136 A SPAIN TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) m -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- ι Extra EU- Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Dispatches * - Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Exports'""" Imports
137 Wh SPAIN TRADE BALANCE B INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period EU- B DK D EL F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK Jan EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United Slates Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP Jan
138 C SPAIN m INTRA EU- Period EU- Partner B DK D EL F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES %.,., r...,. (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -,, -.., -, -, -,, -, -, , -, -, -. -, -. -, -, -. -, -, -, ,. -, -. -, -, -. -,. -. -,. -, -.. -, -. -, , -, -, -, , ARRIVALS % , (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -. -, , -, -,, -, -, ^, -. -, -, -. -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -, , -, -, -, -, -., -, -, , -, -, -, -, -.. -, -,
139 Wh SPAIN D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS Í , (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%)., ,.,.... -, -,,. -. -, , -, -, , -,. -, ,.., -, -, -, -, -,. -, -.. -, ,. IMPORTS % (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -,. -, , -., , -, -.., ,., -. -.,.. -, -. -, , ,, ,. -. -, -,
140 A FRANCE TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) Wh, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU I Extra EU Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro),,, Jan Jan Jan Dispatches Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro) Jan Jan Jan Exports " ~ Imports
141 WL FRANCE B TRADE BALANCE (Mio euro) INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK Jan EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United Slates Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP Jan
142 C FRANCE m INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES %,,..., (Mio eu ro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -.,, , -, -, , -, -., , -, -.,, , -,. -.., -, -, -, -, , -. -, -, -, , -, -, -, -, -. -,. ARRIVALS % ,.. (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -,,. -. -, , -. -, -,. -, , , -,, , -, , , , , -. -, -, -..
143 Wh FRANCE D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS % (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%),..,,, , -.,., -, -, -. -., -, -. -,, -, -.,. -, , -, -, ,,,. -. -, -, -,. -, -, -. -, -, -., -, -. IMPORTS % (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -,., , , , -, -, -. -, -, , ,., -,.. -, -, , -. -, -, , , -. -,
144 A IRELAND m TRADE BALANCE (BN euro), Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- ι Extra EU- Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro) Jan Jan Jan Dispatches Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,,, Jan Jan Jan Exports Imports
145 Wh IRELAND TRADE BALANCE B INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period EU- B DK Γ D EL E F I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK Jan EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP Jan
146 C IRELAND INTRA EU- Partner Period B DK D EL E F I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES %,, (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%). -,,,.. -, -,. -. -,. -. -,.,, -, -, -,, -,. -,,, -, -,,, -,. -. -, -, -, -,. -,, -. -», -, -,,.. -., , -,,.... ARRIVALS %., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%), -, -,,. -. -, -,, ,, -,,.,., -,, -,... -, -, -. -, -...,,,.. -,,.. -, -, -, -. -, -. -, -,. -.,,, -. -.
147 Wh IRELAND D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS %., ,.. (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%), -,. -.,,. -., -, , -,, -,., -, -., ,.. -, ,, -,. -, -, -, -, , ,. -, -.. -,. IMPORTS %., ,... (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) ,.., -. -, , -,. -, -. -, , -, -, -, -, , ,. -. -, -., -,.
148 A ITALY d TRADE BALANCE (BN euro), -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU ι Extra EU Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Dispatches "Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro) Jan Jan Jan Exports " Imports
149 Wh ITALY TRADE BALANCE B INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL L NL A Ρ FIN S UK Jan EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. eis MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP Jan
150 C ITALY m INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL L NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES %.,...,...,..... (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -,, -,, -, , -, -, -, -. -, , , -. -, -, -, -,,. -. -, , -. -, -,, , , ARRIVALS %, ro (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -,.,, -, , -, , -. -,, -, -, -, -. -,, ,, ,, , , -. -.
151 Wh ITALY D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS 'Í (Mio euro) Ç Jan Annual variation (%) -.,. -,.., -., -. -,. -. -,,, ,. -, -,..,,,. -...,., -, -,.,,,.. -, -.,,,. -. -,.. -. IMPORTS Í.., (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (% ) -,. -, -», -, -. -, , -.. -, -. -,,,. -. -, , -.. -, -, , -, -. -, -.. -,,.. -, -, -., , -, -, -.
152 A LUXEMBOURG TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) " Δ, -, -, -, -, -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- ι Extra EU- Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Dispatches Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,,,,,, Jan Jan Jan Exports * "-Imports
153 Wh LUXEMBOURG B TRADE BALANCE INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan EU Partner B DK D EL E F - - IRL I NL A Ρ FIN S - UK - - EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan Extra EU Partner Norway - Switzerland United States Canada China Japan, Candidate cntr CIS - MEDA - South America OPEC - - DAE ACP -
154 C LUXEMBOURG m INTRA EU- Period % Jan % Jan EU- Partner B DK D EL E F IRL I NL A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES...,...., (Mio euro).... r.. Annual variation (%),, -, -,,, -, -,, -, -,., -, -,.,,...,,,, -, -,, Λ, -,...., -,, -, -., -, -..., -,....,. -, ARRIVALS,, (Mio eu. ro) Annual variation (%),,, -,, -, -, -, , , -,. -,.,. -..., -., -,, -, , , -. -., -,. -. -,. -, -, -,., -,,.. -.
155 Wh LUXEMBOURG D EXTRA EU- Period % Jan % Jan Extra EU- Partner Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS.. J ,. (Mio euro) Annual variation (%),,, -,... -,. -., -, -, -, -, -.,.,, -, -, -. -, , -. -,,, -. -, , -,.. -., -, -, -, -. -,,, -. IMPORTS.,,.... (M. o euro) Annual variation (%). -..., -, -. -, ,, , , , -..,.. -, -, -, ,, -.., -, -, -,,
156 A NETHERLANDS TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) m /,ö - -, ι,, U u U u y y y N ~/\\ Hl -J^ - II I LI T L s / ** " u KO Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- ZZ~ Extra EU- Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,, ^"", A / V, Jan Jan Jan Dispatches "Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,,,,,, "'^"W A/ V y, Jan Jan Jan Exports ' 'Imports
157 Wh NETHERLANDS TRADE BALANCE B (Mio euro) INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL I L A Ρ FIN S UK Jan EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP Jan
158 C NETHERLANDS WL INTRA EU- Partner B DK D EL E F IRL I L A Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES % (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -, , -. -,, , -,.,, ,... -, -, -,., -. -, , -. -, , -, ARRIVALS %., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -,.. -, -, -, ,,.,. -, -. -., , -, -,, -, -, -, -, -, -, , , -. -, ,
159 Wh NETHERLANDS D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS % (Mi o euro) Jan Annual variation (% -, -, -. -.,, -.. -, -, -, , -, -, -, -, -, , -. -, , -, ,..., -, -, -, -,,. -., IMPORTS % (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (% ) -, -, -, -, ,, , -, -., , -. -, , , -, , , -, -.. -, -. -.
160 A AUSTRIA TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- ι Extra EU- Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,,, \. J... Λ ƒ. *"*\ ί ν \Λ/ Λ / \ s Ι\ Λ t \ Ι Α ] Ι \ ι\ ι \ι ƒν \ ' *. J.\., \ /ν Jan Jan Jan Dispatches 'Arrivals EXTRA EU (BNeuro) Jan Jan Jan Exports " ""Imports
161 Wh AUSTRIA B TRADE BALANCE INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan EU Partner B DK D EL E F - IRL I L NL Ρ FIN s UK - EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan Extra EU- - Partner Norway Switzerland United States - Canada - - China Japan Candidate cntr CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE - - ACP
162 C AUSTRIA m INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL Ρ FIN S UK DISPATCHES % (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%),,, -,.,,,,.... -, , -, , ,. -,, -, ,... ARRIVALS % (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%), -,, -, -, -, -. -,.,,. -, -,, -, -, -, -, -,, , -,.,, -, -. -., -.., ,, ,
163 Wh AUSTRIA D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS % (Mio euro) Dee Jan Annual variation (%) -., -, -,,,, ,.. -,... -, -,, , -, , ,, -, -, , -, -,, , -.,.,, IMPORTS %..,..... "..... (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -. -., -, -, , , , , , -. -, -, -, , -, , -. -., -, -, -..,
164 A PORTUGAL TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) m, il -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU Extra EU Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Dispatches Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Exports ' ""Imports
165 Wh PORTUGAL B TRADE BALANCE INTRA EU- (Mb euro) Period Jan EU Partner B - - DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A FIN ι s UK - EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan Extra EU Partner Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP
166 C PORTUGAL m INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A FIN S UK DISPATCHES %.., ,., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%), -, -, -, -, -, ,, -, -,. -, -,,, -. -,.. -, -, -.,, , ,.... -,. -. -,,, -, -, , -., -, , -, ARRIVALS %, (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%), -, -, -,. -, , -, -,, -, -, -, -, , -, -, ,.. -, -, -. -, -. -,, -, , , -, , -,
167 WL PORTUGAL D EXTRA EU- Period Vo Jan % Jan Extra EU- Partner Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS.., (Mio euro) -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, , -, ,,. -, Annual variation (%. -. -,. -,. -, -, -, -, -, -.,, , ,,.... -, ,,, IMPORTS. -, -, -, -,, ,.. -, A (M. o euro) "inual variation (% -, , ) ,.,....,.. -, -, , -,.. -, -. -,
168 A FINLAND m TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- ι Extra EU- Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Dispatches """Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Exports Imports
169 WL FINLAND B TRADE BALANCE INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan EU- Partner B DK D EL E F S - IRL I L NL A - Ρ S UK EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan Extra EU- Partner Norway Switzerland - - United States Canada - China - - Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP
170 C FINLAND WL INTRA EU- Partner Period B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ S UK DISPATCHES %...,...., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -,. -. -, -, -, -., -,, -. -, -, -, -. -,. -, -, -, , , -, -. -, -, , -. -, , -. -, -, -,. -, , -, ARRIVALS %., Ο.. (Mio euro) ΛΑ Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -. -, -., -.,., -, -, , -. -, -.,.,,. -, ,. -, ,,. -.,. -, , -, -, -, -,. -, -, , -.
171 Wh FINLAND D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS %., (Mio euro), Jan Annual variation (% -, -, , -, -, -,. -,.. -,, -, -. -,, -, -,, ,.,. -, , -.. -, -,. -, -, -, -. -,, -, -, -. -,. -. -, IMPORTS % ,..... (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) , -., -. -, -, , -, -, -, -, -, , , -, -, -,,,. -.,. -, -, -.. -, , -, ,. -, -, -,
172 A SWEDEN TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) m,,., II Milli i jilliiiiillllh -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- C=l Extra EU- Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,,, Jan Jan Jan ! Dispatches -"Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,,,, Jan Jan Jan Γ. Exports ^-'Imports
173 Wh SWEDEN B TRADE BALANCE INTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan EU Partner B DK D EL E F IRL I - L t - - NL A - Ρ FIN UK EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period Jan Extra EU- Partner Norway - - Switzerland - - United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America - OPEC - - DAE ACP -
174 C SWEDEN INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN UK DISPATCHES %., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -,.,. -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -, -, , -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -. -, -,, -, , , -. -, -. -, ARRIVALS %.,...., (Mio eu ro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -. -, -, -, -, -, -, , -, -. -,. -.., -, -, -., -, -, -,. -. -, , , -, -, , -, , -, -, -. -, , -,
175 Wh SWEDEN D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS % (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (% > -, -, -, -, , , -, , -. -, , -, , ,.. -, -. -, -, -, -, -. -, -, , -. -, -. -,... IMPORTS 'Í....., (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (% ) , , -. -, -, -, -,. -. -, , , , -, , ,,, -, -,
176 A UNITED KINGDOM TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) Wh (( ι HI ï Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU l = l Extra EU Total INTRA-EU (BNeuro), Jan Jan Jan Dispatches "Arrivals EXTRA-EU (BNeuro),, Jan Jan Jan Exports Ί mports
177 Wh UNITED KINGDOM TRADE BALANCE B (Mio euro) INTRA EU- Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S Jan J - - EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP Jan?
178 C UNITED KINGDOM Wh INTRA EU- Perlod EU- Partner B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S DISPATCHES %,,..... il.s (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -, -, -. -, -,. -, -, -, -. -, -. -, -, -, -, -, -. -, , -,... -, -. -, -, -, -. -, -, , -. -, -, -,, -,, -,. -,., -. -, -. -, -, -, ARRIVALS % (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -,.., -,. -.,, , -, , -, , -.,,., -, -, -, -,,, , -.,,. -, -. -, -, -.
179 Wh UNITED KINGDOM D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS % J (Mio euro) Jan O Annual variation (% I -, -, -, -, -. -, -, -,. -,. -, -, , -, -, ,.... -, -, -, -, -,, ,.. -,. -, -,,, -, -. IMPORTS %.. J.J.... J.S (M o euro) Jan - Annual variation (%) , -,.,, -., , -, , -, , , -...,. -. -, , -,..,
181 EFTA external trade
182 A ICELAND TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) m, -, -, -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- LZZ Extra EU- Total EU MEMBER STATES (BN euro)
183 Wh ICELAND B TRADE BALANCE EU MEMBER STATES (Mio euro) Period Jan EU Partner B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK EXTRA EU (Mio euro) Period Jan Extra EU Partner Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP
184 C ICELAND HZ 'Δ EU- MEMBER STATES % Jan % Jan Partner B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK EXPORTS, (Mio euro) -,,, -, , -, -. -, -, -, -. -,,,, -.,.. -, Annual variation (% -. -,, , -. -, , ). -., -,... -., -, -. -,.,. -,.., -. -, -. -., , IMPORTS (Mio euro) -, -, -, -,.,, -, , -, -. -,,, -, Annual variation (% -. -, -, -, -. -, -, -, -. -,. -. ) -, Λ. -. -, ,, -, -, -, , , -, -, -. -.
185 Wh ICELAND D EXTRA EU- Period % Jan % Jan Extra EU- Partner Norway Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS.... J (Mio euro). Annual variation (%). -,, -,,, , -, -, -. -.,. -. -,, -, -, -,. -., -,, -, -, -,,. -, -,, -,. -,.., -., -, -, -,,, -, -. IMPORTS.., -, -, J -,,, (M. o euro) Annual variation (% -,, -, ,... -,. ) -,, -, -.., ,. -, -, , -, -. -, ,
186 A NORWAY -il TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- l = l Extra EU- Total EU MEMBER STATES (BN euro) Jan Jan Jan Exports ""-Imports EXTRA-EU (BNeuro)
187 Wh NORWAY B TRADE BALANCE EU- MEMBER STATES (Mio euro) Period Jan EU- Partner B DK D EL E - F IRL - I L - NL A Ρ FIN S UK EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Period ΌΟ Jan Extra EU- Partner Iceland Switzerland United States Canada - China Japan Candidate cntr CIS MEDA - - South America OPEC DAE ACP
188 C NORWAY Wh EU- MEMBER STATES Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK EXPORTS %,,, J,......, O.J,... (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (% ) -, -. -,.,.. -.,. -, -. -, -, -, -. -, -. -,. -,., -, -, , -, -, -, -, -, -, -,. -,. -, , -, -. -, -. -, -,. -, , ,. -, -. -, IMPORTS %.,., (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -,, , -, -, -.,.., ,,.... -, -., , -. -.,, , -. -, -., -, -, ,,. -,
189 Wh NORWAY D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Iceland Switzerland United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS,Í,....., (Mio euro), Jan Annual variation (%) -, -, -, -, -, -,, ,. -. -,. -,, -, -. -, -, -,..,,, -, -, -, -,.. -,.,, -. -,., -. -, , -,.,,, -,,. -, IMPORTS 'Í (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -. -, -, ,,, , , -, , -, -, , , -, -. -, -, -,. -.,. -, -,, -. -,
190 A SWITZERLAND TRADE BALANCE (BN euro) m -, Jan Jan Jan I Intra EU- ι Extra EU- Total EU MEMBER STATES (BN euro), Jan Jan Jan Exports --Imports EXTRA-EU (BNeuro),,,,, Jan Jan Jan Exports- " Imports
191 Wh SWITZERLAND TRADE BALANCE B EU- MEMBER STATES (Mio euro) Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK Jan EXTRA EU- (Mio euro) Partner Period Extra EU- Iceland Norway United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP Jan
192 C SWITZERLAND m EU- MEMBER STATES Partner Period EU- B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A Ρ FIN S UK EXPORTS %,.... J J.... (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -,. -, -,,, -,, -. -,,,,. -, -,.., -...., -., -. -.,,. -, -. -,, , -, ,..,. -, ,, , -, -, IMPORTS %.,.... IJ (Mio euro) Jan Annual variation (%),, -, -,, -. -, -,,,, , -,., -,,,, -, -, -,, -, ,. -, -,, -, -. -, -. -, -. -,, , -,. -.., -, -. -, -, -,.. -, -.
193 Wh SWITZERLAND D EXTRA EU- Partner Period Extra EU- Iceland Norway United States Canada China Japan Candidate cntr. CIS MEDA South America OPEC DAE ACP EXPORTS Í roo, o Í....,. (Mio euro), Jan Annual variation (% -,, ,. -,., -, ,. -,.. -,.. -,,.. -., -.. -,,. -. -,. -,,. -, -..,, -, -.. -,.. -,.. -, -, -. -, -. IMPORTS "Í J... (M o euro) Jan Annual variation (%) -, , -. -, -. -, , -, , , , ,. -, ,
195 Annexes
197 Wh ECU/EURO EXCHANGE RATE Members of the euro zone(*) Country Belgium Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,...,,,,...,,,..,,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,..., ( ' The exchange rates of the euro zone are fixed since, safe for Greece since. Countries outside the euro zone Denmark Sweden United Kingdom Iceland Norway Switzerland United States Japan Period ECU/euro =...DKK ECU/euro =...SEK ECU/euro =...GBP ECU/euro =...ISK ECU/euro =...NOK ECU/euro =...CHF ECU/euro =...USD ECU/euro =...JPY,,,,,,..,.,,,..,,, '.,.,,...,,..,,,.,.,.., Jan,,,,.,,,..,., ,...,, ,.....,.,,.,.,...,.,,,....,,,,,,.,..,,, ,..,,,.,,..,
198 PRODUCT LIST : SITC REV. Food and live animals Live animals other than animals of division Meat and meat preparations Dairy products and birds' eggs Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic invertebrates and preparations thereof Cereals and cereal preparations Vegetables and fruit Sugars, sugar preparations and honey Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals) Miscellaneous edible products and preparations I Beverages and tobacco II Beverages Tobacco and tobacco manufactures Crude materials, inedible, except fuels Hides, skins and fur skins, raw Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed) Cork and wood Pulp and waste paper Textile fibres (other than wool tops and other combed wool), and their wastes (not manufactured into yarn or fabric) Crude fertilizers, other than those of division, and crude minerals (excluding coal, petroleum and precious stones) Metalliferous ores and metal scrap Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s. Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials Coal, coke and briquettes Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials Gas, natural and manufactured Electric current Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes Animal oils and fats Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; waxes of animal or vegetable origin; inedible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats and oils, n.e.s Chemicals and related products, n.e.s Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials Medical and pharmaceutical products Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleaning preparations Fertilizers (other than those of group ) Plastics in primary forms Plastics in non-primary forms Chemical materials and products, n.e.s Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material Complete industrial plant appropriate to section Leather, leather manufacture, n.e.s, and dressed fur skins Rubber manufacture, n.e.s Cork and wood manufacture (excluding furniture) Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s, and related products Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s Iron and steel Non-ferrous metals Manufacture of metals, n.e.s
199 PRODUCT LIST : SITC REV. Machinery and transport equipment Complete industrial plant appropriate to section Power-generating machinery and equipment Machinery specialized for particular industries Metal working machinery General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s, and machine parts, n.e.s Office machines and automatic data-processing machines Telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s and electrical parts thereof (including non-electrical counterparts n.e.s of electrical household type equipment) Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles) Other transport equipment Miscellaneous manufactured articles Complete industrial plant appropriate to section Prefabricated buildings; sanitary plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s Furniture and parts thereof; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishings Travel goods, handbags and similar containers Articles of apparel and clothing accessories Footwear Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and optical goods, n.e.s; watches and clocks Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in SITC Postal packages not classified according to kind Special transactions and commodities not classified according to kind Complete industrial plant, not elsewhere specified Coin (other than gold coin) not being legal tender Gold, non-monetary (excluding gold, ores and concentrates)
200 GEONOMENCLATURE EUROPE AFRICA European Union France Belgium and Luxembourg Netherlands Germany Italy United Kingdom Ireland Denmark Greece Portugal Spain Belgium Luxembourg Sweden Finland Austria Other european countries Iceland Norway Liechtenstein Switzerland Faroe Islands Andorra Gibraltar Vatican City State Malta San ino Turkey Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Albania Ukraine Belarus Moldova Russia Slovenia Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Cyprus North Africa Ceuta Melilia Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Other countries of Africa Sudan Mauritania Mali Burkina Faso Niger Chad Cape Verde Senegal Gambia Guinea Bissau Guinea Sierra Leone Liberia Ivory Coast Ghana Togo Benin Nigeria Cameroon Central African Republic Equatorial Guinea Sao Tomé and Principe Gabon Congo (Republic) Congo (Democratic Republic) Rwanda Burundi St Helena and dependencies Angola Ethiopia Eritrea Djibouti Somalia Kenya Uganda Tanzania Seychelles British Indian Ocean Territory Mozambique Madagascar
201 GEONOMENCLATURE Mauritius Comoros otte Zambia Zimbabwe Malawi South Africa Namibia Botswana Swaziland Lesotho AMERICA North America United States of America Canada Greenland St Pierre and Miquelon Central America and West Ind. Mexico Bermuda Guatemala Belize Honduras El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Anguilla Cuba St Kitts and Nevis Haiti Bahamas Turks and Caicos Islands Dominican Republic US Virgin Islands Antigua and Barbuda Dominica Cayman Islands Jamaica St Lucia St Vincent British Virgin Islands Barbados Montserrat Trinidad and Tobago Grenada Aruba Netherlands Antilles South America Colombia Venezuela Guyana Suriname Ecuador Peru Brazil Chile Bolivia Paraguay Uruguay Argentina Falkland Islands ASIA Near and Middle East Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan Lebanon Syria Iraq Iran Israel Occupied Palestinian Territory Jordan Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bahrain Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Yemen Other countries of Asia Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Afghanistan Pakistan India Bangladesh
202 GEONOMENCLATURE Maldives Sri Lanka Nepal Bhutan Myanmar Thailand Laos Vietnam Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Brunei Singapore Philippines Mongolia China North Korea South Korea Japan Taiwan Hong Kong Macau OCEANIA AND POLAR REGIONS Australia Papua New Guinea Australian Oceania Nauru New Zealand Solomon Islands Tuvalu New Caledonia and dependencies American Oceania Wallis and Futuna Islands Kiribati Pitcairn New Zealand Oceania Fiji Vanuatu Tonga Western Samoa Northern iana Islands French Polynesia Federated States of Micronesia shall Islands Palau Polar Regions
203 ECONOMIC ZONES The economic zones may overlap and must not, therefore, be used to make up larger units. : Intra EU- Member States of the European Union : Extra EU- Grand total less European Union : EFTA Countries of the European Free Trade Association : OECD, excluding EU Member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development : CEEC Countries of Central and Eastern Europe : CIS Commonwealth of Independent States : OPEC Member States of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries : MEDA Countries of the Euro-mediterranean partnership : ACP Countries of Africa, the and the Pacific - Lomé Convention Caribbean : Mediterranean Basin Countries and territories that make up the Mediterranean Basin : NAFTA Countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement + + : Latin America : MERCOSUR Countries of the South Cone common market (in South America) : Dynamic Asian Economies (DAE) : Candidate countries OECD includes Mexico since.., Czech Republic since.., Poland, Hungary and South Korea since... CEEC Includes Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania since... ACP includes Eritrea since...
204 Eurostat Data Shops BELGIQUE/BELGIE Eurostat Data Shop Bruxelles/Brussel Planistat Belgique Rue du Commerce Handelsstraat B Bruxelles/Brussel Tél. (-) Fax ( ) E mail: URL: DANMARK DANMARKS STATISTIK Bibliotek og Information Eurostat Data Shop Sejrøgade DK København Tlf. () Fax () E mail: Internet: DEUTSCHLAND - Statistisches Bundesamt Eurostat Data Shop Berlin Otto Braun Straße (Eingang: Karl x Allee) D Berlin Tel. () / Fax () E Mail: URL: ESPAÑA INE Eurostat Data Shop Paseo de la Castellana, Oficina Entrada por Estébanez Calderón E Madrid Tel. () Fax () E mail: URL: Member of the MIDAS Net FRANCE INSEE Info service Eurostat Data Shop, rue de Bercy Tour Gamma A F Paris Cedex Tél. () Fax () E mail: Member of the MIDAS Net ITALIA - ROMA ISTAT Centro di informazione statistica Sede di Roma Eurostat Data Shop Via Cesare Balbo, a Roma Tel. () / Fax () / E mail: Member of the MIDAS Net ITALIA - MILANO ISTAT Ufficio regionale per la Lombardia Eurostat Data Shop Via Fieno, Milano Tel. () Fax () E mail: Member of the MIDAS Net LUXEMBOURG ~ Eurostat Data Shop Luxembourg BP L Luxembourg, rue Alphonse Wekker L Luxembourg Tél. () Fax () E mail: URL: Member of the MIDAS Net NEDERLAND STATISTICS NETHERLANDS Eurostat Data Shop Voorburg Postbus JM Voorburg Nederland Tel. (-) Fax ( ) E mail: PORTUGAL Eurostat Data Shop Lisboa INE/Serviço de Difusão Av. António José de Almeida, Ρ Lisboa Tel. () Fax () E mail: SUOMI/FINLAND STATISTICS FINLAND Eurostat DataShop Helsinki Tilastokirjasto PLB FIN Tilastokeskus Tyõpajakatu Β,. Kerros, Helsinki P. ( ) F. ( ) Sähköposti: URL: datashop/ SVERIGE STATISTICS SWEDEN Information service Eurostat Data Shop Karlavägen Box S Stockholm Tfn ( ) Fax ( ) E post: Internet: datashop/eudatashop.asp UNITED KINGDOM Eurostat Data Shop Office for National Statistics Room. Cardiff Road Newport South Wales NP XG UK Tel: () Fax: () E NORGE Statistics Norway Library and Information Centre Eurostat Data Shop Kongens gate Boks Dep. N Oslo Tel. () / Fax () E mail: SCHWEIZ/SplSSE/SVIZZERA Statistisches Amt des Kantons Zürich Eurostat Data Shop Bleicherweg CH Zürich Tel. ( ) Fax ( ) E mail: Internet: USA HAVER ANALYTICS Eurostat Data Shop East nd Street Suite New York, NY Tel. ( ) Fax ( ) E mail: EUROSTAT HOME PAGE MEDIA SUPPORT EUROSTAT (only for professional journalists Postal address: Jean Monnet building L Luxembourg Office: BECH A/, rue Alphonse Weicker L Luxembourg Tel. () Fax () E mail: Eurostat
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ΔΕΙΚΤΗΣ ΑΝΤΙΛΗΨΗΣ ΔΙΑΦΘΟΡΑΣ 2013 CPI 2013 Βαθμολογεί και κατατάσσει 177 χώρες και περιοχές ανά τον κόσμο σχετικά με την αντίληψη που υπάρχει για το επίπεδο διαφθοράς στο δημόσιο τομέα Κλίμακα βαθμολόγησης
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Οι Ευρωπαϊκές πολιτικές για την επαγγελματική εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση Θεσσαλονίκη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2016 Λουκάς Ζαχείλας, Επικεφαλής Τομέα DSI, Cedefop Οι σύγχρονες προκλήσεις Λουκάς Ζαχείλας, Cedefop 2 ΑΝΕΡΓΙΑ
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Challenges Facing Teachers Scale, Fourth Grade e Challenges Facing Teachers (CFT) scale was created based on teachers degree of agreement with the eight statements described below. Items in the TIMSS 2015
AYBU INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS - ACADEMIC YEAR.. % 9% % % % % % % % % % 9 9 TOTAL TOTAL Erasmus KA Erasmus KA Mevlana MoU ERASMUS+ KA AGREEMENTS-BY COUNTRY Germany Czech Republic Finland France Croatia
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ΤΥΡΙ - ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ. Η προστατευόμενη ονομασία προέλευσης «φέτα», ως γνωστόν δεν αναγνωρίζεται σε χώρες εκτός Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης όπως είναι η Αυστραλία.
ΤΥΡΙ - ΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑ Η προστατευόμενη ονομασία προέλευσης «φέτα», ως γνωστόν δεν αναγνωρίζεται σε χώρες εκτός Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης όπως είναι η Αυστραλία. Σχετική απόφαση του Οργάνου Επίλυσης Διαφορών του ΠΟΕ
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Αποτελέσματα της έρευνας του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Ιατρικής Φυσικής
Είναι η Ιατρική Φυσική ανδρική υπόθεση? Αποτελέσματα της έρευνας του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Ιατρικής Φυσικής Β. Τσαπάκη Πρόεδρος ΕΦΙΕ International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) Secretary General
Ανάλυση και μελέτη του δείκτη ανθρώπινης ανάπτυξης (HDI) μεταξύ ανεπτυγμένων, αναπτυσσομένων και υποανάπτυκτων κρατών.
Ανάλυση και μελέτη του δείκτη ανθρώπινης ανάπτυξης (HDI) μεταξύ ανεπτυγμένων, αναπτυσσομένων και υποανάπτυκτων κρατών. Γκούμας Στράτος. Πτυχιούχος Οικονομολόγος. MSc Εφαρμοσμένη Οικονομική και Χρηματοοικονομική
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Ελληνική Ένωση Πρακτόρων Επιχειρηματικών Απαιτήσεων. Απολογισμός Έτους 2013
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2005 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Με την επιφύλαξη παντός δικαιώµατος. Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο διατίθεται µόνο για ενηµερωτικούς σκοπούς.
2005 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Με την επιφύλαξη παντός δικαιώµατος. Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο διατίθεται µόνο για ενηµερωτικούς σκοπούς. Όλες οι πληροφορίες που περιλαµβάνονται σε αυτό υπόκεινται σε αλλαγές
DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS growth (%) Crude death Crude birth Life expectancy Average annual growth of urban Afghanistan 29,825 16,317 4,964 4.2 2.1 28 16 8 53 50 35 37 49 61 5.1 24 5.5 3.6 Albania 3,162 857
Αφίξεις Τουριστών / Arrivals of Tourists
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Αφίξεις Τουριστών / Arrivals of Tourists
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Ο ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΤΗΣ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΥΠΟΧΡΕΩΣΗ ΝΑ ΠΛΗΡΩΣΕΙ ΕΑΝ ΔΕΝ ΛΑΒΕΙ ΤΟ ΝΟΜΙΜΟ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΟ (ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΗ - ΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟ). Οι χρεώσεις του Τιμοκαταλόγου δεν συμπεριλαμβάνουν το Τέλος Συνδρομητών Σταθερής Τηλεφωνίας
Αυτόματη ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών Common Reporting Standard. Σωτήρης Γιούσιος Senior Tax Partner
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3-WAY ODDS (1X2) 1 / 2 1 X 2 MIDWEEK REGULAR COUPON DOUBLE CHANCE TOTALS 2.5 1ST HALF - 3-WAY HT/FT BOTH TEAMS TO SCORE 1/ 12 /2 2.5-2.5+ 01 0/ 02 1-1 /-1 2-1 1-/ /-/ 2-/ 2-2 /-2 1-2 ++ -- 1X 12 X2 U O
RECRUITMENT CONFERENCE 2019 GDPR in HR υποχρεώσεις και κίνδυνοι Δρ. Ν. Ιωάννης Ελ. Κοϊμτζόγλου Δικηγόρος, Εταίρος, ΚΡΕΜΑΛΗΣ- Δικηγορική Εταιρεία Αθήνα, 31.01.2019 1. Ο χάρτης των Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων
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Εκπαιδευτικά Συστήματα. Χαρίκλεια Τσαλαπάτα, 21/5/2012
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Ο ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΤΗΣ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΥΠΟΧΡΕΩΣΗ ΝΑ ΠΛΗΡΩΣΕΙ ΕΑΝ ΔΕΝ ΛΑΒΕΙ ΤΟ ΝΟΜΙΜΟ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΟ (ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΗ - ΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟ). Οι τελικές τιμές των προγραμμάτων συμπεριλαμβάνουν α) το Τέλος Συνδρομητών Σταθερής Τηλεφωνίας
Σχετικά με τις βασικές δεξιότητες 18/10/2017. Και παράγοντες που τις επηρεάζουν
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Ο ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΤΗΣ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΥΠΟΧΡΕΩΣΗ ΝΑ ΠΛΗΡΩΣΕΙ ΕΑΝ ΔΕΝ ΛΑΒΕΙ ΤΟ ΝΟΜΙΜΟ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΟ (ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΗ - ΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟ). ALLO Η ALLO κυκλοφορεί στις ονομαστικές αξίες των 3,00 και 6,00 με διαθέσιμο χρόνο ομιλίας
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Ο ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΤΗΣ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΥΠΟΧΡΕΩΣΗ ΝΑ ΠΛΗΡΩΣΕΙ ΕΑΝ ΔΕΝ ΛΑΒΕΙ ΤΟ ΝΟΜΙΜΟ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΟ (ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΗ - ΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟ). Οι τιμές δεν συμπεριλαμβάνουν το Τέλος Συνδρομητών Σταθερής Τηλεφωνίας του άρθρου 55 του
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ΔΡΑΣΗ 2 «ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΗ ΕΘΕΛΟΝΤΙΚΗ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ» ΚΑΝΟΝΕΣ ΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΔΟΤΗΣΗΣ ΑΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΜΟΥ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟ ΕΤΟΣ 2012 Στο πλαίσιο της υπογραφής των Συμβάσεων Επιχορήγησης, του Προγράμματος της Ε.Ε. «Νέα Γενιά σε Δράση» 2007
ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΗ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΣΜΟΥ Α.Ε. ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΙΚΕΣ ΠΡΟΤΕΡΑΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ 21 Νοεμβρίου 2007 0 Πέντε κύριες προτεραιότητες στη στρατηγική της ΔΕΗ Εναρμόνιση με μετο τορυθμιστικό Πλαίσιο Στρατηγική Παραγωγής Βελτίωση
ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΣΥΜΠΛΗΡΩΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΦΟΡΜΑΣ 1 : GRGENER.PL1. Ονοματεπώνυμο παρατηρητών: Υπηρεσία παρατηρητών: Επεξηγηματικά
ΦΟΡΜΑ 1 GRGENERPL1 Ονοματεπώνυμο παρατηρητών: Υπηρεσία παρατηρητών: Επεξηγηματικά στοιχεία 1** 2** 4** 4** 6** 6** 32** 5** 33* 3** 39** 177** 1 4 6 7 9 14 16 22 24 30 32 39 41 48 50 53 55 56 58 60 62
Ôñéìçíéáßá Ýêäïóç ôïõ ÔïìÝá Åðåßãïõóáò êáé ÅíôáôéêÞò ÍïóçëåõôéêÞò ôïõ Åèíéêïý ÓõíäÝóìïõ Íïóçëåõôþí ÅëëÜäáò Ìåóïãåßùí 2, à êôßñéï Ðýñãïò Áèçíþí, ÁèÞíá 115 27 ÔÅÕ ÏÓ 40, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙ 2011 ΗΜΟΣΙΟΣ ΥΠΑΛΛΗΛΟΣ
Ηλεκτρονικές Υπηρεσίες Διαχείρισης Στόλου Νικόλαος Ροδόπουλος
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Cite as: Pol Antras, course materials for International Economics I, Spring MIT OpenCourseWare (, Massachusetts
/ / σ/σ σ/σ θ θ θ θ y 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 θ θ θ x θ θ Φ θ Φ θ Φ π θ /Φ γφ /θ σ θ π θ Φ θ θ Φ θ θ θ θ σ θ / Φ θ θ / Φ / θ / θ Normalized import share: (Xni / Xn) / (XII / XI) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
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European Constitutional Law
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ΕCVET & ελληνική πραγματικότητα: όρια, δυνατότητες και προοπτικές στην εποχή της κρίσης
ΕCVET & ελληνική πραγματικότητα: όρια, δυνατότητες και προοπτικές στην εποχή της κρίσης Νίκος Φωτόπουλος Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας - Κέντρο Ανάπτυξης Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής ΓΣΕΕ η υφιστάμενη κοινωνική
ΕΒΔΟΜΑΔΙΑΙΟ ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΗΣΗΣ ΤΙΜΩΝ ΚΑΥΣΙΜΩΝ. Παρασκευή 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2013. Μέσες τιμές λιανικής πώλησης καυσίμων για όλη την Ελλάδα
ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΟ ΠΟΛΥΚΕΝΤΡΟ ιοσκούρων 4 & Πολυγνώτου ΑΘΗΝΑ 105 55 Τηλ. 2103310080-1-2, Fax: 2103310083 E-mail: ΣΥΓΚΡΙΤΙΚΑ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ: o ΑΠΑΝΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΥΓΕΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΚΠΑΙ ΕΥΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ
PRODEXPO 2013 Aγορά ακινήτων στην Ευρώπη/ Καταστήματα και εμπορικά κέντρα/σημαντικά χαρακτηριστικά/ Τάσεις
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ΠΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΟ. Α. Ανδρέου & ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε. Ι. Κιαπέκου 1 (Πάρκο Λαού) Χαλκίδα Ελλάδα
ανέπτυξε και εφαρμόζει ένα Σύστημα Διαχείρισης της Υγείας & Ασφάλειας στην Εργασία. ΕΛΟΤ 1801 : 2008 / OHSAS 18001 : 2007 466225 OH GRC 2014-03-12 2017-03-11 DQS Hellas Ltd. Dr. Εμμανουήλ Δεληγιαννάκης
Το P σηµαίνει Passenger Vehicle δηλαδή Επιβατικό όχηµα. Ο πρώτος αριθµός 165 είναι το πλάτος ελαστικού σε χιλιοστά. Ο δεύτερος αριθµός 70 είναι η αναλ
ΤΑ ΕΛΑΣΤΙΚΑ ΤΩΝ ΟΧΗΜΑΤΩΝ (ΑΥΤΟΚΙΝΗΤΩΝ) µια αναλυτική προσέγγιση στην ερµηνεία των χαρακτηριστικών τους ή τι σηµαίνουν τα γράµµατα και οι αριθµοί (δηλ. Τα ιερογλυφικά) στην πλευρά των ελαστικών οχηµάτων.
Τα Οικονομικά της Υγείας
ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ Τα Οικονομικά της Υγείας (Κωδ. Μαθήματος 510076) Παναγιώτης Μανωλιτζάς, PhD Σχολή Πολιτικών Επιστημών Τμήμα Κοινωνικής
Η στάση των φοιτητών απέναντι στην επιχειρηµατικότητα. Παρουσίαση ερευνητικών αποτελεσµάτων
Η στάση των φοιτητών απέναντι στην επιχειρηµατικότητα Παρουσίαση ερευνητικών αποτελεσµάτων Εργαστήριο Επιχειρηµατικότητας Τµήµα Βαλκανικών Σλαβικών και Ανατολικών Σπουδών Πανεπιστήµιο Μακεδονίας Δρ. Κατερίνα
Θέμα: Στοιχεία Ελληνικής Συμμετοχής στο 7ο ΠΠ.
Διεύθυνση Διεθνούς Ε&Τ Συνεργασίας Τμήμα Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης Πληροφορίες: Μ. Κόνιαρης Θέμα: Στοιχεία Ελληνικής Συμμετοχής στο 7ο ΠΠ. Η παρούσα αναφορά παρουσιάζει πρόσθετα στατιστικά στοιχεία Ελληνικής συμμετοχής
Σχετικά με την Έρευνα
Σχετικά με την Έρευνα Σε όλη την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, διάφοροι οργανισμοί παρέχουν πρόσβαση και εκπαίδευση στις Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών (ΤΠΕ) καθώς και άλλες υπηρεσίες για τις ομάδες που
ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΞΕΝΕΙΟ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫ Level 2 / 219-223 Castlereagh Street, SYDNEY, NSW 2000 Tel: +61 2 9264 9130 - Fax: +61 2 9264 6135 Email: Βαϊανός Βραιόπουλος-Κελένης,
ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ. Ιστορικό του φακέλου. Επόμενα βήματα ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ. Βρυξέλλες, 11 Απριλίου 2013
ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ Βρυξέλλες, 11 Απριλίου 2013 Ιστορικό του φακέλου Τα στοιχεία συγκεντρώθηκαν από την Eurostat στο πλαίσιο της έρευνας για το εργατικό δυναμικό στην ΕΕ, η οποία παρέχει δεδομένα
Αξιολόγηση της περιβαλλοντικής αποδοτικότητας των πρωτογενών τομέων των χωρών μελών της ΕΕ με εφαρμογή της DEA
Αξιολόγηση της περιβαλλοντικής αποδοτικότητας των πρωτογενών τομέων των χωρών μελών της ΕΕ με εφαρμογή της DEA Γ Ι Ω Ρ Γ Ο Σ Β Λ Ο Ν Τ Ζ Ο Σ Ε Π Ι Κ Ο Υ Ρ Ο Σ Κ Α Θ Η Γ Η Τ Η Σ Π Α Ν Ε Π Ι Σ Τ H Μ Ι Ο
ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΣΥΜΠΛΗΡΩΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΦΟΡΜΑΣ 3 : GR2014.PLO. Ονοματεπώνυμο παρατηρητών: Υπηρεσία παρατηρητών: Επεξηγηματικά
ΦΟΡΜΑ 3 GR2013PLO Ονοματεπώνυμο παρατηρητών: Υπηρεσία παρατηρητών: Επεξηγηματικά στοιχεία 1** 2** 3** 4** 4** 88** 30** 31** 32** 33** 34** 177** 1-4 6-7 9-14 16-21 23-29 31-37 39-41 43 45 47-48 50 52-53
ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣΤΗ ΙΕΘΝΗΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑ: ΜΑΚΡΟΧΡΟΝΙΕΣΤΑΣΕΙΣ Α. Μπαρτζώκας 23 Μαρτίου 2009 Τι είναι η Οικονοµική Ανάπτυξη; 2 Οικονοµική µεγέθυνση Αύξηση εµπορίου και επενδύσεων Οικονοµική ανάπτυξη εκβιοµηχάνιση
1) Νέα ανεξάρτητη αρχή δημοσίων εσόδων (ισχύς από )
ΦΟΡΟΛΟΓΙΚΕΣ ΑΛΛΑΓΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΟΛΥΝΟΜΟΣΧΕΔΙΟΥ 1) Νέα ανεξάρτητη αρχή δημοσίων εσόδων (ισχύς από 1.1.2017) 2) Η παρακράτηση του φόρου μερισμάτων από 10% σε 15% (εφαρμόζεται για τα εισοδήματα από 1 1 2017 και
Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο - Τμήμα Οικονομικής και Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης Χειμερινό Εξάμηνο 2013-2014 Νομισματική και Πιστωτική Θεωρία και Πολιτική
Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο - Τμήμα Οικονομικής και Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης Χειμερινό Εξάμηνο 2013-2014 Νομισματική και Πιστωτική Θεωρία και Πολιτική Γ.Δ. Σιουρούνης 2 η Διάλεξη: : Εθνικοί Λογαριασμοί και το
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Κατσούρας Σταύρος Δρ. Κοινωνιολόγος, ΚΕΣΥΠ Βόλου
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Waverly Hall International Rates Code COUNTRY WH WH Code COUNTRY RATES RATES 93 Afghanistan 1.38 387 Bosnia-Herzegovina 0.62 355 Albania 0.59 387 Bosnia-Herzegovina (Cellular) 0.44 355C Albania (Cellular)
Destination CALLSAVER rate Incl. VAT 19%
Destination CALLSAVER rate Incl. VAT 19% ABKHAZIA 0.2175 ABKHAZIA (to mobile) 0.249 AFGHANISTAN 0.225 AFGHANISTAN (to mobile) 0.228 ALBANIA 0.165 ALBANIA (to mobile) 0.43 ALBANIA - SPECIAL SERVICES 0.43