Lakeside Seeds Catalog

Σχετικά έγγραφα
Botanical Name Common Name Height Spread Color. Achillea lanulosa Woolly yarrow 1' - 2' 1' White. Adenolinum lewisii Blue flax 1' 1' Blue

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Lakeside Seeds Catalog 2018-2019

Dear Loyal Customer, Thank you so much for your past purchase(s)! We wanted you to receive a first look at our 2018 2019 catalog of available seeds. We have added many more this season we now have well over 150 species! You can still purchase many of our items on the Ebay store, but not all are listed there. Perhaps easiest for both of us, if you want, you can simply email us your order directly and we can send you a direct PayPal invoice. Note that all seeds are first come, first served, so orders are filled on a basis of when they are received so get your orders in soon to prevent items being sold out! To see images of each flower, please visit the Catalog Pictures link below! All seed packets are $2, except those from the 2017 crop are $1.75. Shipping is a standard $3.50 (the cheapest a padded envelope can be sent), for up to 35 packets. If you want more than 35 packets, it may increase shipping slightly. Please let us know if you have any questions! Here are all the links you will need: Catalog Pictures: Our Website: Ebay Store: Our Facebook Page: Our Email: Finally, if you have been pleased with the seeds you received from us, please let your family, friends and gardening buddies know about us! We plan to try to offer all of the seeds every season, and add new as well, but some just won't be possible to get every single year. Stay tuned! Thank you! Jeff and Kim, Lakeside Seeds Guide to the Catalog Latin Name shows the Latin name of the plant Common Name shows one of the common names of the plant # - shows the approximate number of seeds per packet Avail shows availability: indicates normal availability; L indicates limited number of seed is available; *** indicates only available through this catalog (not listed on any websites); 2017 indicates no new crop this year, but last year's is still available, if desired; NA indicates the species is not available at all for this season; OUT indicates the plant is sold out for this season Dur shows duration of plant: P perennial, the plant lives 3+ years (usually much more) A annual, the plant lives only one year, or one growing season B biennial, the plant comes up, persists through a winter, and then dies after blooming Other Symbols: - grows in full sun - grows in part sun - grows in full shade - is said to be edible, in part or in full - prefers moist soil - parts or all of the plant are poisonous - plants is a hummingbird favorite - plant attracts butterflies - plant attracts bees - plant has medicinal or herbal applications

Lakeside Seeds Catalog, 2018-2019 Latin Name Common Name # Avail Price Notes Dur 1 Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 2 Actaea pachypoda White Baneberry 15 L $2.00 P X X 3 Actaea rubra Red Baneberry 25 $2.00 P X X 4 Agastache nepetoides Giant Yellow Hyssop 75 $2.00 P X X X X 5 Agastache scrophulariifolia Giant Purple Hyssop 75 NA - P X X X X 6 Agrimonia parviflora Swamp Agrimony 50 $2.00 P X X X X 7 Aletris farinosa Colicroot 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X Sand 8 Allium cernuum Nodding Onion 40 $2.00 P X X 9 Amphicarpaea bracteata Hog Peanut 20 $2.00 A X X X Vine 10 MAIL CAT ONLY 11 Anemone canadensis Canada Anemone 50 $2.00 P X X 12 Anemone cylindrica Candle Anemone 100(+) $2.00 P X X Sand 13 Anemone virginiana Tall Anemone 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 14 Apocynum androsaemifolium Spreading Dogbane 20 L $2.00 P X X X Sand 15 Apocynum cannabinum Indian Hemp 50 $2.00 P X X X X 16 Aquilegia canadensis Wild Columbine 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X X X 17 Arabis glabra Tower Rockcress 100(+) $2.00 A X X Sand 18 Arabis laevigata Smooth Rockcress 50 L $2.00 B X X 19 Aralia racemosa American Spikenard 25 L $2.00 P X X X 20 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry 5 Berry 2017 $1.75 P X X Sand, Acid 21 Arisaema triphyllum Jack in the Pulpit 20 L $2.00 P X X X X 22 Asarum canadense Wild Ginger 35 L $2.00 P X X 23 Asarum caudatum Western Ginger 35 L $2.00 P X X 24 Asclepias amplexicaulis Sand Milkweed 30 NA - P X X X X X Sand 25 Asclepias hirtella Tall Green Milkweed 15 L $2.00 P X X X X X 26 Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed 40 $2.00 P X X X X X X 27 Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed 80 $2.00 P X X X X X 28 Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed 75 $2.00 P X X X X X Sand 29 Baptisia tinctoria Wild Indigo 50 $2.00 P X X Sand 30 Bidens frondosa Devil's Beggartick 50 $2.00 A X X X 31 Bidens polylepis Bearded Beggartick 50 $2.00 A X X X 32 Boltonia asteroides Doll's Eyes 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 33 Boykinia aconitifolia Allegheny Brookfoam 25 $2.00 P X X X 34 Cacalia muhlenbergii Great Indian Plantain 50 L $2.00 P X X 35 Cacalia suaveolens Sweet Indian Plantain 50 $2.00 P X X 36 Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold 50 L $2.00 P X X X X 37 Campanula americana Tall Bellflower 100(+) $2.00 B X X X 38 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 80 $2.00 P X X X X 39 Chamaedaphne calyculata Leatherleaf 50 $2.00 P X X X Acid 40 Chelone glabra White Turtlehead 50 $2.00 P X X X X X 41 Chenopodium album Lamb's Quarter 100(+) $2.00 A X X 42 Chrysopsis mariana Maryland Goldaster 80 $2.00 P X X X 43 Circaea lutetiana Enchanter's Nightshade 70 $2.00 P X X 44 Claytonia caroliniana Carolina Spring Beauty 30 OUT - P X X 45 Clinopodium vulgare Wild Basil 50 $2.00 P X X X 46 Conyza canadensis Horse Balm 100(+) $2.00 A X X 47 Coreopsis tinctoria Golden Tickseed 100(+) $2.00 A X X X 48 Coreopsis tripteris Tall Coreopsis 80 $2.00 P X X X 49 Delphinium exaltatum Tall Larkspur 50 $2.00 P X X 50 Delphinium menziesii Menzies' Larkspur 20 OUT - P X X 51 Dicentra formosa Western Bleeding Heart 50 $2.00 P X X X 52 Dodecatheon meadia alba White Shooting Star 50 $2.00 P X X 53 Doellingeria umbellata Flat Top Aster 80 $2.00 P X X 54 Draba verna Spring Draba 100(+) $2.00 A X X 55 Drosera rotundifolia Roundleaf Sundew 50 $2.00 P X X X Carnivorous 56 Echinacea angustifolia Black Samson 50 *** $2.00 P X X X X 57 Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X X 58 Engelmannia peristenia Engelmann's Daisy 50 2017 $1.75 P X X X Drought 59 Erigeron annuus Annual Fleabane 75 L $2.00 A X X 60 Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia Fleabane 100(+) $2.00 A X X X 61 Erigeron scopulinus Rock Fleabane 30 L $2.00 P X X 62 Eupatorium altissimum Tall Boneset 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 63 Eupatorium coelestinum Blue Mist 75 $2.00 P X X X 64 Eupatorium perfoliatum Boneset 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 65 Eupatorium purpureum Sweet Joe Pye Weed 75 $2.00 P X X X X X 66 Euphorbia corollata Flowering Spurge 40 $2.00 P X X 67 Euphorbia nutans Nodding Spurge 100(+) $2.00 A X X 68 Eurybia macrophylla Bigleaf Aster 75 $2.00 P X X X 69 Euthamia graminifolia Flat Top Goldenrod 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 70 Galium aparine Cleavers 100 $2.00 A X X X Page 1

Lakeside Seeds Catalog, 2018-2019 71 Galium pilosum Hairy Bedstraw 50 $2.00 P X X 72 Gentiana andrewsii Bottle Gentian 100(+) L $2.00 P X X X 73 Geranium carolinianum Carolina Geranium 50 $2.00 A X X 74 Geranium maculatum Wild Geranium 40 L $2.00 P X X X 75 Geranium robertianum Herb Robert 40 L $2.00 P X X X 76 Geum canadense White Avens 70 $2.00 P X X X 77 Geum laciniatum Rough Avens 60 $2.00 P X X X 78 Geum rivale Water Avens 50 2017 $1.75 P X X X X X 79 Geum vernum Spring Avens 50 $2.00 P X X X 80 Gnaphalium obtusifolium Rabbit Tobacco 100(+) $2.00 A X X 81 Hackelia virginiana Stickseed 75 $2.00 A X X X 82 Helianthemum canadense Frostweed 60 $2.00 P X X 83 Helianthus annuus Common Sunflower 50 $2.00 A X X X 84 Hepatica americana Round-lobe Hepatica 15 L $2.00 P X X 85 Heuchera americana Alumroot 100(+) $2.00 P X X 86 Hibiscus palustris Marsh Mallow 25 L $2.00 P X X X X 87 Hieracium venosum Rattlesnake Weed 40 NA - P X X X Sand, Acid 88 Hypericum punctatum Spotted St. Johnswort 100(+) $2.00 P X X 89 Hypericum pyramidatum Great St. Johnswort 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 90 Impatiens capensis Spotted Jewelweed 40 $2.00 A X X X X X X 91 MAIL CAT ONLY 92 Krigia biflora Two Flower Cynthia 50 $2.00 P X X X Sand 93 Lactuca biennis Tall Blue Lettuce 100(+) L $2.00 B X X X X 94 Lactuca canadensis Canada Lettuce 50 $2.00 B X X X X 95 Liatris aspera Rough Blazing Star 75 $2.00 P X X X 96 Liatris pycnostachya Prairie Blazing Star 75 $2.00 P X X X Sand 97 Lilium michiganense Michigan Lily 45 $2.00 P X X X X 98 Lobelia inflata Indian Tobacco 100(+) $2.00 A X X 99 Lobelia siphilitica Great Lobelia 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 100 Lobelia spicata Spiked Lobelia 40 $2.00 P X X X X 101 Ludwigia alternifolia Seedbox 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 102 Ludwigia polycarpa False Loosestrife 100(+) 2017 $1.75 P X X X 103 Lupinus perennis Wild Lupine 45 $2.00 P X X X Sand, Drought 104 Lysimachia ciliata Fringed Loosestrife 50 L $2.00 P X X X 105 Maianthemum racemosum False Solomon's Seal 25 $2.00 P X X X 106 Matricaria discoidea Pineapple Weed 100(+) $2.00 A X X X 107 Mimulus ringens Monkeyflower 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 108 Mirabilis nyctaginea Wild Four O'Clock 40 $2.00 P X X 109 Mitella diphylla Miter's Cap 50 $2.00 P X X 110 Monarda bradburiana Bradbury's Bee Balm 50 $2.00 P X X X X X X 111 Monarda fistulosa Wild Bee Balm 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X X X 112 Monarda pectinata Pony Bee Balm 35 $2.00 A X X X X X X Sand 113 Monotropa uniflora Indian Pipe 300(+) L $2.00 P X X No chlorophyll! 114 Oenothera biennis Wild Evening Primrose 100(+) $2.00 B X X X X 115 MAIL CAT ONLY 116 Osmorhiza claytonii Sweet Cicely 35 $2.00 P X X X X X 117 Osmorhiza longistylis Aniseroot 35 $2.00 P X X X X X 118 Parthenium integrifolium Wild Quinine 50 $2.00 P X X X 119 Pedicularis canadensis Wood Betony 75 $2.00 P X X X 120 Pedicularis lanceolata Swamp Lousewort 75 $2.00 P X X X 121 Penstemon calycosus Calico Beardtongue 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 122 Penstemon digitalis Foxglove Beardtongue 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 123 Penstemon pallidus Pale Beardtongue 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 124 Penthorum sedoides Ditch Stonecrop 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 125 Phryma leptostachya Lopseed 35 $2.00 P X X X 126 Physostegia virginiana Obedient Plant 75 L $2.00 P X X X X X 127 Plantago rugelii Blackseed Plantain 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 128 Platanthera flava Pale Green Orchid 300(+) $2.00 P X X X 129 Polygonum virginianum Jumpseed 70 $2.00 P X X X 130 Potentilla norvegica Rough Cinquefoil 100(+) $2.00 B X X 131 Prunella vulgaris Heal All 75 $2.00 P X X X 132 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Narrowleaf Mountainmint 50 $2.00 P X X X X 133 Ranunculus abortivus Littleleaf Buttercup 100(+) $2.00 A X X 134 Ranunculus recurvatus Hooked Buttercup 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 135 Ranunculus sceleratus Cursed Buttercup 100(+) $2.00 A X X X 136 Ratibida pinnata Gray Head Coneflower 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 137 Rorippa palustris Bog Yellowcress 100(+) $2.00 B X X X 138 Rudbeckia fulgida Orange Coneflower 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 139 Rudbeckia hirta Black Eyed Susan 100(+) $2.00 A X X X X 140 Rudbeckia subtomentosa Sweet Coneflower 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 141 Sagittaria latifolia Common Arrowhead 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X X 142 Salvia lyrata Lyre Leaf Sage 40 $2.00 P X X X Page 2

Lakeside Seeds Catalog, 2018-2019 143 Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot 35 L $2.00 P X X X 144 Sanicula odorata Black Snakeroot 50 $2.00 P X X X 145 Sedum lanceolatum Spearleaf Sedum 50 L $2.00 P X X 146 Sibbaldiopsis tridentata Shrubby Five Finger 35 2017 $1.75 P X X Sand, Acid 147 Sicyos angulatus Bur Cucumber 10 $2.00 A X X Vine 148 Silene antirrhina Sleepy Campion 100(+) $2.00 A X X 149 Silene stellata Starry Campion 100(+) L $2.00 P X X X X 150 Silphium terebinthinaceum Prairie Dock 40 L $2.00 P X X X 151 Solidago caesia Bluestem Goldenrod 75 $2.00 P X X 152 Spigelia marilandica Indian Pink 15 L $2.00 P X X X 153 Strophostyles helvola Woolly Bean 15 $2.00 A X X Vine 154 Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth Aster 80 $2.00 P X X X 155 Symphyotrichum novae-angliae New England Aster 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 156 Symphyotrichum pilosum Frost Aster 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 157 Symphyotrichum praealtum Willow Aster 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X X 158 Trichostema brachiatum Fluxweed 50 L $2.00 A X X 159 Trillium grandiflorum Great Flower Trillium 45 $2.00 P X X X 160 Triodanis perfoliata Venus' Looking Glass 100(+) 2017 $1.75 A X X Sand 161 Triosteum perfoliatum Late Horse Gentian 6 Berry L $2.00 P X X 162 Vaccinium pallidum Hillside Blueberry 50 $2.00 P X X X 163 Verbena bracteata Big Bract Verbena 50 $2.00 A X X 164 Verbena hastata Blue Vervain 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 165 Verbena urticifolia White Vervain 100(+) $2.00 P X X 166 Verbesina alternifolia Wingstem 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X 167 Verbesina encelioides Golden Crownbeard 40 L $2.00 A X X X X 168 Verbesina virginica Frostweed 100(+) 2017 $1.75 P X X X X 169 Veronica peregrina Purslane Speedwell 100(+) $2.00 A X X X 170 Veronicastrum virginicum Culver's Root 100(+) $2.00 P X X X 171 Viola sororia Wild Blue Violet 100(+) $2.00 P X X X X X 172 Yucca flaccida Weak Leaf Yucca 50 $2.00 P X X X Drought Page 3

Thank you for being a great customer! If you have any questions, please let us know! ( If you see something you like, but it is sold out, be sure to let us know. We can let you know as soon as it is back in stock. If there is something you would like to see us carry, let us know and we will try to grow it to get seeds to offer in the future, if it is something we can grow here in zone 6b. Thanks again! Jeff and Kim Lakeside Seeds 2018