Feast of Saints Kosmas and Damianos November 1

Σχετικά έγγραφα
ΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΛΗΨΕΩΣ. Greek Orthodox Church. Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION

ΦωτίστεΤονΚόσμο. ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ Νοεμβρίου Δεκεμβρίου 2017

1 John 5. LGNT - September 6, 2019 Page 1. Book Chapter Verse. Word # 1 John Greek. # of words. Numeric value. Interlinear English.

WEEK 21. The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles OUTLINE DAY 1

I haven t fully accepted the idea of growing older

LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV. 18 February 2014

Ephesians. Wayne Stewart

Πέμπτη 13 Ἰουνίου. Ἡ Ἀνάληψις τοῦ Κυρίου καὶ Θεοῦ καὶ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. Μνήμη τῆς ἁγίας Μάρτυρος Ἀκυλίνης.

Θεία Λειτουργία. Ο λαός προσφέρει τα δώρα Συμμετέχει ενεργητικά Αντιφωνική ψαλμωδία. Δρώμενο: Η αναπαράσταση της ζωής του Χριστού

LESSON 6 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΞΙ) REF : 201/045/26-ADV. 10 December 2013

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First Saturday of the Fast Miracle of Kollyva by Saint Theodore the Recruit February 28, 2015

7 Present PERFECT Simple. 8 Present PERFECT Continuous. 9 Past PERFECT Simple. 10 Past PERFECT Continuous. 11 Future PERFECT Simple

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Wednesday of the Fourth Week After Pascha: The Feast of Mid Pentecost

Ephesians 3. LGNT - September 3, 2019 Page 1. Book Chapter Verse. Word # in Eph. # of words. Interlinear English. Numeric value. # of letters.

the service of Kneeling.

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The Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord Τοῦ Ἁγίου Ἀποστόλου Ἰακώβου τοῦ Ἀδελφοθέου October 23

Κυριακὴ 3 Φεβρουαρίου. Μνήμη τοῦ Ἁγίου καὶ Δικαίου Συμεὼν τοῦ Θεοδόχου καὶ Ἄννης τῆς Προφήτιδος. Ἦχος β. Ἑωθινὸν β.

Revelation 10. LGNT - September 7, 2019 Page 1. Book Chapter Verse. Word # Rev. Interlinear English. Numeric value. # of words. # of letters.

derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates

Παρασκευὴ 29 Ἰουνίου Μνήμη τῶν ἁγίων ἐνδόξων καὶ πανευφήμων ἀποστόλων καὶ πρωτοκορυφαίων, Πέτρου καὶ Παύλου.

Notes are available 1

LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/ November 2014


The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke Τοῦ Ἁγίου Ἀποστόλου καί Εὐαγγελιστοῦ Λουκᾶ October 18

Writing for A class. Describe yourself Topic 1: Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live.

The Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas Τῶν Ἁγίων Ἀποστόλων Βαρθολοµαίου καί Βαρνάβα. June 11

Δεῦτε, προσκυνήσωµεν καὶ


Saturday Before Meatfare Sunday (Saturday of Souls) On which we commemorate all Orthodox Christians departed to eternal life, our fathers and brothers

First Saturday of the Fast Of the Miracle of Kollyva by Saint Theodore the Recruit

Πώς μπορεί κανείς να έχει έναν διερμηνέα κατά την επίσκεψή του στον Οικογενειακό του Γιατρό στο Ίσλινγκτον Getting an interpreter when you visit your

Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb.

1 JOHN 4:1--5:12 The New Testament Eyewitnesses The Son

The Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious, and Praiseworthy Twelve Apostles Ἡ Σύναξις τῶν Ἁγίων Ἐνδόξων καὶ πανευφήµων Ἀποστόλων τῶν ΙΒ' June 30

Τυπικαὶ διατάξεις τῶν Ἱερῶν Ἀκολουθιῶν

ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ΙΙΙ. Ενότητα 12b: The Little Prince. Ζωή Κανταρίδου Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής

ΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΛΗΨΕΩΣ. Greek Orthodox Church. Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION



LESSON 28 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΟΚΤΩ) REF : 201/033/28. 2 December 2014


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14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense

Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού)

The Holy Venerable Martyr Paraskevi Τῆς Ἁγίας Ὁσιοµάρτυρος Παρασκευῆς July 27

LESSON 16 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΕΞΙ) REF : 102/018/16-BEG. 4 March 2014

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13:31 38 Intro to farewell discourse. Jesus is going

the total number of electrons passing through the lamp.

2 Corinthians 3. LGNT - May 30, 2019 Page 1. Book Chapter Verse. Word # in 2 Cor. # of words. Interlinear English. Numeric value. # of letters.

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Κυριακὴ 8 Δεκεμβρίου. Τὰ προεόρτια τῆς συλλήψεως τῆς ἁγίας Ἄννης καὶ μνήμη τοῦ ὁσίου Πατρὸς ἡμῶν Παταπίου. Ἦχος βαρὺς Ἑωθινὸν β.

C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions

The Holy Great Martyr Theodore the Recruit (or Tyro ) was a. Ὁ Ἅγιος Θεόδωρος ὁ Μεγαλοµάρτυρας ὁ Τήρων. February 17


2 Thessalonians 3. Greek

LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV. 4 February 2014

Κυριακὴ 18 Νοεμβρίου. Μνήμη τῶν ἁγίων μαρτύρων Πλάτωνος καὶ Ῥωμανοῦ. Ἦχος βαρύς. Ἑωθινὸν β. Τυπικαὶ διατάξεις τῶν Ἱερῶν Ἀκολουθιῶν

Feast of the Great Martyr Barbara and of Saint John of Damascus December 4

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Romans [and] not ΟΥ only [so] ΜΟΝΟΝ ΔΕ 2 9. LGNT - May 29, 2019 Page 1. Book Chapter Verse

Athanasius Alexandrinus - Magnus - Epistula ad Palladium


Δεῦτε, προσκυνήσωµεν καὶ


Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * *

Κυριακή τῆς Τυρίνης Τῆ Δευτέρα τῆς Α Ἐβδοµάδος February 26, Φεβρουαρίου 2017 EΣΠΕΡΙΝOΣ «ΣΥΓΧΩΡΗΣΕΩΣ»

Κυριακή Δ τῶν Νηστειῶν Τῆ Δευτέρα τῆς Ε Ἐβδοµάδος March 26, η Μαρτίου 2017 Εἰς τὸν Μεγἀλον Ἐσπερινόν

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1776/04 Edexcel GCSE Modern Greek Paper 4 Writing. Thursday 21 May 2009 Afternoon Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

2007 Classical Greek. Intermediate 2 Translation. Finalised Marking Instructions

Ἡ ἐκ τάφου ἔνδοξος Ἀνάστασις τοῦ Κυρίου καὶ Θεοῦ καὶ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. Λάβαρον, Μονὴ Ἁγίου Ἰωάννου τῆς Ρίλας, Βουλγαρία.

Ἦχος πλ. αʹ. Mode pl. 1. Εὐλογητὸς εἶ, Κύριε, δίδαξόν µε τὰ δικαιώµατά σου.

Κυριακὴ 12 Μαῒου. Κυριακὴ τοῦ Ἀντιπάσχα. Μνήμη τῶν ἐν ἁγίοις Πατέρων ἡμῶν, Ἐπιφανίου, Ἐπισκόπου Κύπρου, καὶ Γερμανοῦ Ἀρχιεπισκόπου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως.

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2 Composition. Invertible Mappings


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Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά.

Section 1: Listening and responding. Presenter: Niki Farfara MGTAV VCE Seminar 7 August 2016

Κυριακὴ 1 Δεκεμβρίου. Μνήμη τοῦ ἁγίου Προφήτου Ναοὺμ καὶ τοῦ Ὁσίου Φιλαρέτου τοῦ Ἐλεήμονος. Ἦχος πλ.β - Ἑωθινὸν α

Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1

Κυριακὴ 30 Σεπτεμβρίου. Μνήμη τοῦ ἁγίου ἱερομάρτυρος Γρηγορίου τῆς Μεγάλης Ἀρμενίας. Ἦχος πλ.δ. Ἑωθινὸν στ. Τυπικαὶ διατάξεις τῶν Ἱερῶν Ἀκολουθιῶν

Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

MS 075 Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional. MS 142 Good friends are worth holding onto.

Κάθε γνήσιο αντίγραφο φέρει υπογραφή του συγγραφέα. / Each genuine copy is signed by the author.

3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β

ΕΓΚΩΜΙΑ εις τον άγιον Εφραίμ τον οσιομάρτυρα

Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt April 21, Hexapsalm. God is the Lord... Ὁ Ἑξάψαλµος, Εἰς τὸ «Θεὸς Κύριος...

English Texts and New Testament Greek Sources For Comparative Study

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Τῌ ΚΓʹ ΝΟΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ November 23. Μνήµη τῶν ἐν Ἁγίοις Πατέρων ἡµῶν Ἀµφιλοχίου, Ἐπισκόπου Ἰκονίου, καὶ Γρηγορίου τοῦ Ἀκραγαντίνων.


Feast of Saints Kosmas and Damianos November 1 The Holy and Wonder Working Unmercenaries Kosmas and Damianos Τῶν Ἁγίων καί Θαυµατουργῶν Ἀναργύρων Κοσµᾶ καί Δαµιανοῦ November 1 Kosmas and Damianos were unmercenaries and miracleworkers. They were brothers both in the flesh and in the spirit, born somewhere in Asia Minor of a pagan father and a Christian mother. After their father's death, their mother Theodotia devoted all her time and effort to educating her sons and raising them as true Christians. God helped her, and her sons matured as sweet fruit and luminaries of the world. They were learned in the art of medicine and ministered to the sick without payment, not so much with medicine as by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They were called "unmercenary physicians,'' that is, unpaid physicians, for they healed freely and thus fulfilled the commandment of Christ: Freely ye have received, freely give (Matthew 10:8). So careful were they in healing men free of charge that Kosmas became very angry with his brother Damianos because he accepted three eggs from a woman, Palladia, and ordered that he not be buried alongside his brother Damianos after his death. In fact, Saint Damianos had not accepted these three eggs as a reward for healing the ailing Palladia, but rather because she adjured him in the name of the Most-holy Trinity to accept these three eggs. Nevertheless, after their death in the town of Fereman, they were buried together according to a revelation from God. Many miracles were worked after the death of the holy unmercenaries. There lived at Thereman, near the church of Kosmas and Damianos, a certain man by the name of Malchus. One day he went on a journey, leaving his wife all alone for what would be a long time. He prayerfully entrusted her to the heavenly protection of the holy brothers. But the Enemy of the race of mankind took on the appearance of one of Malchus friends, and planned to kill the woman. A certain time went by, and this man went to her at home and said that Malchus had sent him to bring her to him. The woman believed him and went along. He led her to a solitary place intending to kill her. The woman, seeing that disaster threatened her, called upon God with deep faith. Two fiercesome men then appeared, and the devil let go of the woman and fled, falling off a cliff. The two men led the woman home. At her own home, bowing to them deeply she asked, My rescuers, to whom I shall be grateful to the end of my days, what are your names? They replied, We are the servants of Christ, Kosmas and Damianos, and became invisible. The woman with trembling and with joy told everyone about what had happened to her. Glorifying God, she went up to the icon of the holy brothers and tearfully offered prayers of thanksgiving for her deliverance. And from that time the holy brothers were venerated as protectors of the holiness and inviolability of Christian marriage, and as givers of harmony to conjugal life. From ancient times, their veneration spread also to Russia. The Unmercenary Saints Kosmas and Damianos of Asia Minor should not be confused with the Unmercenary Saints Kosmas and Damianos of Rome (July 1), or the Unmercenary Saints Kosmas and Damianos of Arabia (October 17). 1

Liturgical Materials for Weekday Feast Days Copyright 2014 by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver All rights reserved. These materials remain the property of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver, 4550 East Alameda Avenue, Denver, CO 80246; phone: 303-333-7794. The proper materials contained herein are published solely and exclusively for use by the priests and the chanters in the parishes of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver. They may be copied and/or reproduced only by the clergy of the Metropolis of Denver, and they may be used solely during the liturgical services celebrated in their own parish. They may not otherwise be copied, reprinted, reproduced, distributed, forwarded, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or any other. None of these materials may be used for sale or profit, or in any monetary transaction whatsoever. Disclaimer The Greek text and English translations herein are for the purposes of worship only in the parishes of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver. The rubrics and order of services are those specified by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah to be used in each of the parishes of the Metropolis. The promulgation of these materials does not represent a commitment by the Metropolis of Denver or by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver to their accuracy. The English translations have not been fully verified, but they are allowed for use by Metropolitan Isaiah in the parishes of the Metropolis of Denver. Please submit all corrections, typographical and linguistic, to the Metropolis of Denver. Acknowledgements The English text was compiled from various sources published for public use. These include Learn to Chant (http://www.goarch.org/chapel/chant/), by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The text was produced using Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 version 14.1.14, and the embedded font in the Greek/English texts is Times New Roman. Web Site This document, and other provisional liturgical materials prepared exclusively for use by the clergy of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver, can be accessed at: http://www.denver.goarch.org/clergy/resources/liturgical/metropolis/ 2

At Great Vespers The Proemial Psalm. Great Litany. At the Kyrie Ekekraksa Prosomoia Stichera of the Saint Tone Plagal 2 Having laid up all their hope 3 Εἰς τὸν Μεγἀλον Ἐσπερινόν Ὁ Προιµιακός. Εἰρηνικά. Εἰς τὸ «Κύριε, Ἐκέκραξα» Στιχηρὰ Προσόµοια τοῦ Ἁγίου Ἦχος πλ. β Ὅλην ἀποθέµενοι Stichos 1 Stichos 1 If You should mark iniquities, Lord, O Lord, who shall stand? For with You there is forgiveness. Placing all their hope in heaven, the Saints treasured up for themselves an inviolable treasure; freely they received, freely they give remedies to the sick; in accordance with the Gospel they possessed neither gold nor silver; their kind deeds they shared out to humans and beasts alike; that being in all things obedient to Christ they might intercede with confidence on behalf of our souls. Ἐὰν ἀνοµίας παρατηρήσῃς, Κύριε, Κύριε τίς ὑποστήσεται; ὅτι παρὰ σοὶ ὁ ἱλασµός ἐστιν. Ὅλην ἀποθέµενοι, ἐν οὐρανοῖς τὴν ἐλπίδα, θησαυρὸν ἀσύλητον, ἑαυτοῖς οἱ Ἅγιοι ἐθησαύρισαν δωρεὰν ἔλαβον, δωρεὰν διδοῦσι, τοῖς νοσοῦσι τὰ ἰάµατα, χρυσόν ἢ ἄργυρον, εὐαγγελικῶς οὐκ ἐκτήσαντο, ἀνθρώποις τε καὶ κτήνεσι, τὰς εὐεργεσίας µετέδωκαν ἵνα διὰ πάντων, ὑπήκοοι γενόµενοι Χριστῷ, ἐν παρρησίᾳ πρεσβεύωσιν, ὑπὲρ τῶν ψυχῶν ἡµῶν. Stichos 2 Στίχος β For Your name s sake I have patiently waited for You, O Lord; my soul has waited patiently for Your word, my soul has hoped in the Lord. (Repeat) Placing all their hope in heaven, the Saints treasured up for themselves an inviolable treasure; freely they received, freely they give remedies to the sick; in accordance with the Gospel they possessed neither gold nor silver; their kind deeds they shared out to humans and beasts alike; that being in all things obedient to Christ they might intercede with confidence on behalf of our souls. Ἕνεκεν τοῦ ὀνόµατός σου ὑπέµεινά σε, Κύριε ὑπέµεινεν ἡ ψυχή µου εἰς τὸν λόγον σου, ἤλπισεν ἡ ψυχή µου ἐπὶ τὸν Κύριον. (Πάλιν) Ὅλην ἀποθέµενοι, ἐν οὐρανοῖς τὴν ἐλπίδα, θησαυρὸν ἀσύλητον, ἑαυτοῖς οἱ Ἅγιοι ἐθησαύρισαν δωρεὰν ἔλαβον, δωρεὰν διδοῦσι, τοῖς νοσοῦσι τὰ ἰάµατα, χρυσόν ἢ ἄργυρον, εὐαγγελικῶς οὐκ ἐκτήσαντο, ἀνθρώποις τε καὶ κτήνεσι, τὰς εὐεργεσίας µετέδωκαν ἵνα διὰ πάντων, ὑπήκοοι γενόµενοι Χριστῷ, ἐν παρρησίᾳ πρεσβεύωσιν, ὑπὲρ τῶν ψυχῶν ἡµῶν. Stichos 3 Στίχος γ From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in the Lord. They spurned all perishable matter on earth, while like Angels in the flesh they were declared citizens of heaven, the united comradeship, the like-minded and harmonious pair of saints. And so to all who suffer they award healings, granting their kindness without payment for the needy. Let us Ἀπὸ φυλακῆς πρωΐας µέχρι νυκτός, ἀπὸ φυλακῆς πρωΐας, ἐλπισάτω Ἰσραὴλ ἐπὶ τὸν Κύριον. Ὕλην ἑβδελύξαντο, τὴν ἐπὶ γῆς φθειροµένην, οὐρανοπολῖται δέ, ἐν σαρκὶ ὡς Ἄγγελοι ἐχρηµάτισαν, ἡ ὁµόφρων σύσκηνος, ξυνωρὶς ὁµότροπος, τῶν Ἁγίων καὶ ὁµόψυχος. Διὸ τοῖς κάµνουσι, πᾶσι τὰς ἰάσεις βραβεύουσιν, ἀνάργυρον παρέχοντες, τὴν εὐεργεσίαν τοῖς χρῄζουσιν οὓς ἐν ἐτησίοις, ὑµνήσωµεν ἀξίως

worthily sing their praise with yearly feasts as they intercede with confidence on behalf of our souls. 4 ἑορταῖς, ἐν παρρησίᾳ πρεσβεύοντας, ὑπὲρ τῶν ψυχῶν ἡµῶν. Stichos 4 Στίχος δ For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities. (Repeat) They spurned all perishable matter on earth, while like Angels in the flesh they were declared citizens of heaven, the united comradeship, the like-minded and harmonious pair of saints. And so to all who suffer they award healings, granting their kindness without payment for the needy. Let us worthily sing their praise with yearly feasts as they intercede with confidence on behalf of our souls. Ὅτι παρὰ τῷ Κυρίῳ τὸ ἔλεος καὶ πολλὴ παρ αὐτῷ λύτρωσις καὶ αὐτὸς λυτρώσεται τὸν Ἰσραὴλ ἐκ πασῶν τῶν ἀνοµιῶν αὐτοῦ. (Πάλιν) Ὕλην ἑβδελύξαντο, τὴν ἐπὶ γῆς φθειροµένην, οὐρανοπολῖται δέ, ἐν σαρκὶ ὡς Ἄγγελοι ἐχρηµάτισαν, ἡ ὁµόφρων σύσκηνος, ξυνωρὶς ὁµότροπος, τῶν Ἁγίων καὶ ὁµόψυχος. Διὸ τοῖς κάµνουσι, πᾶσι τὰς ἰάσεις βραβεύουσιν, ἀνάργυρον παρέχοντες, τὴν εὐεργεσίαν τοῖς χρῄζουσιν οὓς ἐν ἐτησίοις, ὑµνήσωµεν ἀξίως ἑορταῖς, ἐν παρρησίᾳ πρεσβεύοντας, ὑπὲρ τῶν ψυχῶν ἡµῶν. Stichos 5 Στίχος ε Praise the Lord, all you nations, praise Him, all you peoples. Bringing all the Trinity to dwell in them, the holy pair, inspired Kosmas and Damianos, like fountains pour out waters of healings from a life-bearing source; whose relics too heal passions through a touch; and their names alone drive sicknesses from mortals; they are saviors for all who flee to them as they intercede to Christ with boldness on behalf of our souls. Stichos 6 For He has made His mercy to prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abides to the ages. (Repeat) Bringing all the Trinity to dwell in them, the holy pair, inspired Kosmas and Damianos, like fountains pour out waters of healings from a life-bearing source; whose relics too heal passions through a touch; and their names alone drive sicknesses from mortals; they are saviors for all who flee to them as they intercede to Christ with boldness on behalf of our souls. Idiomelon of the Saints Tone Plagal 2 Anatolios Αἰνεῖτε τὸν Κύριον πάντα τὰ ἔθνη, ἐπαινέσατε αὐτὸν πάντες οἱ λαοί. Ὅλην εἰσοικίσασα, ἐν ἑαυτῇ τὴν Τριάδα, δυὰς ἡ ἀοίδιµος, Κοσµᾶς καὶ Δαµιανὸς οἱ Θεόφρονες, ὡς κρουνοὶ βλύζουσιν, ἐκ πηγῆς νάµατα, ζωηφόρου τῶν ἰάσεων, ὧν καὶ τὰ λείψανα, πάθη δι' ἁφῆς θεραπεύουσι, καὶ µόνα τὰ ὀνόµατα, νόσους ἐκ βροτῶν ἀπελαύνουσι, πάντων τῶν προσφύγων, σωτήριοι τελοῦντες τῷ Χριστῷ ἐν παρρησίᾳ πρεσβεύουσιν, ὑπὲρ τῶν ψυχῶν ἡµῶν. Στίχος στ Ὅτι ἐκραταιώθη τὸ ἔλεος αὐτοῦ ἐφ ἡµᾶς, καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια τοῦ Κυρίου µένει εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα. (Πάλιν) Ὅλην εἰσοικίσασα, ἐν ἑαυτῇ τὴν Τριάδα, δυὰς ἡ ἀοίδιµος, Κοσµᾶς καὶ Δαµιανὸς οἱ Θεόφρονες, ὡς κρουνοὶ βλύζουσιν, ἐκ πηγῆς νάµατα, ζωηφόρου τῶν ἰάσεων, ὧν καὶ τὰ λείψανα, πάθη δι' ἁφῆς θεραπεύουσι, καὶ µόνα τὰ ὀνόµατα, νόσους ἐκ βροτῶν ἀπελαύνουσι, πάντων τῶν προσφύγων, σωτήριοι τελοῦντες τῷ Χριστῷ ἐν παρρησίᾳ πρεσβεύουσιν, ὑπὲρ τῶν ψυχῶν ἡµῶν. Ἰδιόµελον τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος πλ. β' Ἀνατολίου

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Unlimited is the grace of the Saints, which they obtained from Christ; therefore their relics too, by divine power, unceasingly act by wonders; whose names alone too, when invoked with faith, drive away incurable pains; through them, Lord, free us too from the passions of soul and body, as you love mankind. Theotokion Tone Plagal 2 Having laid up all their hope Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. By my own will I have slipped and become enslaved to the tyrant by deception; in my wretchedness I flee to your most wondrous compassion, Bride of God, All-holy Maiden. And so rescue me from trials and tribulations, and save me, O All-blameless, from the attacks of the demons, that I may glorify you and worship you with love, and praise and magnify you, Lady ever-blest. Or, Stavrotheotokion Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. A sword passed through your heart, All-holy Lady, when you saw him, who had shone from you by an ineffable word, lifted up on a Cross as one condemned by lawless men, given vinegar and gall to drink, pierced in his side, nailed by his hands and feet; and grieving she bewailed him and cried out as a mother: What is this new mystery, my Child? Entrance O gladsome Light, and Prokeimenon of the day. Then, Let us say with all our soul, and with all our mind let us say, etc. 5 Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ Πνεύµατι. Ἀτελεύτητος ὑπάρχει τῶν Ἁγίων ἡ χάρις, ἣν παρὰ Χριστοῦ ἐκοµίσαντο ὅθεν αὐτῶν καὶ τὰ λείψανα, ἐκ θείας δυνάµεως, διηνεκῶς ἐνεργοῦσι τοῖς θαύµασιν, ὧν καὶ τὰ ὀνόµατα µόνα, ἐκ πίστεως ἐπιβοώµενα, τῶν ἀνιάτων ἀλγηδόνων ἀπαλλάττουσι, δι' ὧν Κύριε καὶ ἡµᾶς, τῶν τῆς ψυχῶν καὶ σώµατος παθῶν ἐλευθέρωσον, ὡς φιλάνθρωπος. Θεοτοκίον Ἦχος πλ. β Ὅλην ἀποθέµενοι Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀµήν. Γνώµῃ ὀλισθήσας τε, καὶ δουλωθεὶς τῷ τυράννῳ, ἀπάτῃ Θεόνυµφε, πρὸς τὴν ὑπερθαύµαστον εὐσπλαγχνίαν σου, καὶ θερµὴν δέησιν, Παναγία Κόρη, καταφεύγω ὁ πανάθλιος. Διὸ µὲ λύτρωσαι, τῶν πειρατηρίων καὶ θλίψεων, καὶ σῶσόν µε Πανάµωµε, τῶν δαιµονικῶν ἐπιθέσεων, ἵνα σε δοξάζω, καὶ πόθῳ προσκυνῶ καὶ ἀνυµνῶ, καὶ µεγαλύνω σε Δέσποινα, τὴν ἀειµακάριστον. Ἢ Σταυροθεοτοκίον Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀµήν. Ῥοµφαία ὡς ἔφησεν, ὁ Συµεὼν τὴν καρδίαν, τὴν σὴν διελήλυθε, Παναγία Δέσποινα, ὅτε ἔβλεψας, τὸν ἐκ σοῦ λάµψαντα, ἀπορρήτῳ λόγῳ, ὑπ' ἀνόµων ὡς κατάκριτον, Σταυρῷ ὑψούµενον, ὄξος καὶ χολὴν ποτιζόµενον, πλευρὰν δὲ ὀρυττόµενον, χεῖράς τε καὶ πόδας ἡλούµενον, καὶ ὀδυροµένη, ὠλόλυζες βοῶσα µητρικῶς Τὶ τοῦτο Τέκνον γλυκύτατον, τὸ καινὸν µυστήριον; Εἴσοδος «Φῶς ἱλαρόν...,» καὶ τὸ Προκείµενον τῆς ἡµέρας. Εἶτα «Εἴπωµεν πάντες ἐξ ὅλης της ψυχῆς καὶ ἐξ ὅλης τῆς διανοίας ἡµῶν εἴπωµεν.» Make us worthy, O Lord... «Καταξίωσον, Κύριε...» Then, Let us complete our evening prayer..., and Prayer at the Bowing of Heads. Aposticha Εἶτα «Πληρώσωµεν τὴν ἑσπερινὴν δέησιν...,» καὶ Εὐχῆ τῆς Κεφαλοκλισίας. Ἀπόστιχα

Idiomela Stichera of the Saints 6 Στιχηρὰ Ἰδιόµελα τῶν Ἁγίων Tone 2 Ἦχος β The source of remedies cured one and only one each year; the tabernacle of the Unmercenary Saints cures the whole multitude of the sick; for the wealth of the Saints lacks nothing, is never exhausted. At their intercessions, O Christ, have mercy on us. Tone 2 Theophanes God is wonderful in his Saints: the God of Israel. With divine longing and love for things to come, your way of life was by practice and you passed through the roads of salvation. Therefore having kept your purity of soul unsullied, it left behind completely material things. While gilded by the divine Spirit, Unmercenary Saints, you grant healings to the sick, sacred pair, radiant couple, godlike enlightened twosome, visiting us in troubles and diseases and healing for no money the diseases of our souls. Tone 2 Germanos For his Saints who are on earth, the Lord has worked wonders. Made worthy of great gifts, O All-praised, by the lowliness of your way of life; passing through all places healing the sufferings of the diseased freely, you appeared as companions of the Angels, Kosmas with wise Damianos, kind brothers, and you heal our sufferings by your prayers. Idiomelon of the Saints Tone Plagal 2 Anatolios Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Always having Christ active in you, Unmercenary Saints, you work wonders in the world, curing the sick; for your surgery is an inexhaustible source; when drawn on, it overflows yet more; when poured out, it still Ἡ πηγὴ τῶν ἰαµάτων, ἕνα καὶ µόνον ἐθεράπευε τοῦ ἔτους, ἡ σκηνὴ τῶν Ἀναργύρων, ἅπαν τὸ πλῆθος θεραπεύει τῶν νοσούντων ἀνενδεὴς γὰρ ὑπάρχει καὶ ἀδαπάνητος, ὁ πλοῦτος τῶν Ἁγίων. Ταῖς αὐτῶν ἱκεσίαις Χριστέ, ἐλέησον ἡµᾶς. Ἦχος β Θεοφάνους Θαυµαστὸς ὁ Θεὸς ἐν τοῖς Ἁγίοις αὐτοῦ. Πόθῳ θείῳ καὶ ἔρωτι τῶν µελλόντων, πρακτικῶς πολιτευσάµενοι, τὰς σωτηρίους ὁδοὺς διηνύσατε. Ὅθεν τὸ καθαρὸν τῆς ψυχῆς, ἀκηλίδωτον τηρήσαντες, τῶν ἐνύλων τελείως ἀπέστησε. Πνεύµατι δὲ θείῳ χρυσωθέντες, ἀχρύσως τὰς ἰάσεις τοῖς νοσοῦσι παρέχετε, δυὰς ἱερά, φωταυγὴς ξυνωρίς, πεφωτισµένον θεῖον ζεῦγος Ἀνάργυροι, ἐν θλίψεσι καὶ νόσοις ἐπισκεπτόµενοι ἡµᾶς, καὶ τῶν ψυχῶν ἡµῶν τὰς νόσους, ἀναργύρως ἰώµενοι. Ἦχος β Γερµανοῦ Tοῖς Ἁγίοις τοῖς ἐν τῇ γῇ αὐτοῦ. Μεγάλων ἀξιωθέντες δωρεῶν πανεύφηµοι, ἐν ταπεινότητι βίου, ἐν τῇ γῇ ἐπολιτεύσασθε καὶ διερχόµενοι πανταχοῦ, δωρεὰν τῶν νοσούντων τὰ πάθη ἰώµενοι, ὤφθητε Ἀγγέλων συνόµιλοι, Κοσµᾶ σὺν τῷ Δαµιανῷ τῷ σοφῷ ἀδελφοὶ τερπνότατοι, καὶ ἡµῶν τὰ πάθη, ταῖς εὐχαῖς ὑµῶν ἰάσασθε. Ἰδιόµελον τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος πλ. δ Ἀνατολίου Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ Πνεύµατι. Πάντοτε ἔχοντες Χριστόν, ἐνεργοῦντα ἐν ὑµῖν, Ἅγιοι Ἀνάργυροι, θαυµατουργεῖτε ἐν κόσµῳ ἀσθενοῦντας θεραπεύοντες καὶ γὰρ τὸ ἰατρεῖον ὑµῶν, πηγὴ ὑπάρχει ἀνεξάντλητος, ἀντλουµένη δὲ µᾶλλον ὑπερεκβλύζει, καὶ

runs over; emptied each day, each day filled up; giving to all, yet not failing; and those who draw receive their fill of remedies, and it remains unexhausted. What then shall we call you? Healing physicians of souls and bodies, healers of incurable sufferings, freely curing all, who have received gifts of grace from the Savior Christ, who grants us his great mercy. Theotokion Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Mother of God, you are the true vine who gave bud to the fruit of life; we implore you, Sovereign Lady, intercede, together with the Unmercenary ones and all the saints that he have mercy on our souls. Or, Stavrotheotokion Tone Plagal 2 On the third day you arose, O Christ Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. When the Virgin and your pure Mother saw a lawless people nailing you to a Tree, as Symeon had foretold, O Savior, your heart was wounded. Then, Now let Your servant depart in peace..., and Trisagion Prayers. Apolitikion and Theotokion Apolitikion of the Saints Tone Plagal 4 Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers, visit our weaknesses; freely you have received, freely give to us. Theotokion χεοµένη περισσεύεται, καθ' ἑκάστην κενουµένη καὶ πληθυνοµένη, πᾶσι χορηγοῦσα καὶ µὴ λειποµένη, καὶ οἱ ἀρυόµενοι κορέννυνται ἰάµατα, καὶ αὕτη διαµένει ἀδαπάνητος. Τὶ οὖν ἡµᾶς καλέσωµεν; θεράποντας ἰατρους ψυχῶν τε καὶ σωµάτων, ἰατῆρας παθῶν ἀνιάτων, δωρεάν ἰωµένους ἅπαντας, εἰληφότας χαρίσµατα, παρὰ τοῦ Σωτῆρος Χριστοῦ, τοῦ παρέχοντος ἡµῖν τὸ µέγα ἔλεος. Θεοτοκίον Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀµήν. Θεοτόκε σὺ εἶ ἡ ἄµπελος ἡ ἀληθινή, ἡ βλαστήσασα τὸν καρπὸν τῆς ζωῆς σὲ ἱκετεύοµεν, πρέσβευε Δέσποινα µετὰ τῶν Ἀναργύρων καὶ πάντων τῶν Ἁγίων, ἐλεηθῆναι τὰς ψυχὰς ἡµῶν. Ἢ Σταυροθεοτοκίον Ἦχος πλ. β Τριήµερος ἀνέστης Χριστέ Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀµήν. Λαὸν τὸν ἀνοµώτατον, ἀδίκως καθηλοῦντά σε, ἐπὶ ξύλου, ἡ παρθένος καὶ ἁγνή, καὶ Μήτηρ σου ὁρῶσα, ὡς Συµεὼν προέφη, τὰ σπλάγχνα Σῶτερ ἐτιτρώσκετο. Εἶτα «Νῦν ἀπολύεις τὸν δούλόν σου...,» καὶ τὸ Τρισάγιον. Ἀπολυτίκιον καὶ Θεοτοκίον Ἀπολυτίκιον τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος πλ. δ' Ἅγιοι Ἀνάργυροι καὶ θαυµατουργοί, ἐπισκέψασθε τὰς ἀσθενείας ἡµῶν, δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε ἡµῖν. Θεοτοκίον Tone Plagal 4 Ἦχος πλ. δ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ Πνεύµατι, καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀµήν. Born of a Virgin, O Good One Who also Ὁ δι ἡµᾶς γεννηθεὶς ἐκ Παρθένου, καὶ endured crucifixion for our sake, Who by σταύρωσιν ὑποµείνας ἀγαθέ, ὁ θανάτῳ τὸν death took the spoils of death as plunder and θάνατον σκυλεύσας, καὶ Ἔγερσιν δείξας ὡς 7

showed resurrection, being God, O despise not the ones that You formed with Your own hand; demonstrate Your love for man, O Lord of mercy, and accept Your Mother, the Theotokos, who intercedes on our behalf, O Savior, and save us a despairing people. Θεός, µὴ παρίδῃς οὓς ἔπλασας τῇ χειρί σου δεῖξον τὴν φιλανθρωπίαν σου ἐλεῆµον, δέξαι τὴν τεκοῦσάν σε Θεοτόκον πρεσβεύουσαν ὑπὲρ ἡµῶν καὶ σῶσον Σωτὴρ ἡµῶν, λαὸν ἀπεγνωσµένον. Dismissal, May Christ our true God,... Ἀπόλυσις «Χριστὸς ὁ ἀληθινὸς Θεὸς ἡµῶν...» 8

At Matins 9 Εἰς τὸν Ὄρθρον Hexapsalm. God is the Lord... Ὁ Ἑξάψαλµος, Εἰς τὸ «Θεὸς Κύριος...» Apolitikion of the Saints Tone Plagal 4 Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers, visit our weaknesses; freely you have received, freely give to us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers, visit our weaknesses; freely you have received, freely give to us. Theotokion Ἀπολυτίκιον τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος πλ. δ' Ἅγιοι Ἀνάργυροι καὶ θαυµατουργοί, ἐπισκέψασθε τὰς ἀσθενείας ἡµῶν, δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε ἡµῖν. Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ Πνεύµατι. Ἅγιοι Ἀνάργυροι καὶ θαυµατουργοί, ἐπισκέψασθε τὰς ἀσθενείας ἡµῶν, δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε ἡµῖν. Θεοτοκίον Tone Plagal 4 Ἦχος πλ. δ Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Born of a Virgin, O Good One Who also endured crucifixion for our sake, Who by death took the spoils of death as plunder and showed resurrection, being God, O despise not the ones that You formed with Your own hand; demonstrate Your love for man, O Lord of mercy, and accept Your Mother, the Theotokos, who intercedes on our behalf, O Savior, and save us a despairing people. Small Litany Sessional Hymns Of the day, from the Oktoechos. Psalm 50. Etc. Kontakion of the Saints Read (Tone 2) You have received the grace of remedies, spread strength over those in need, glorious, wonderworking Physicians; but by your visitation, cast down the insolence of enemies, healing the world by wonders. Oikos of the Saints Read (Tone 2) The word of the wise Physicians surpasses all understanding and wisdom; for having received grace from the Most High, they Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀµήν. Ὁ δι ἡµᾶς γεννηθεὶς ἐκ Παρθένου, καὶ σταύρωσιν ὑποµείνας ἀγαθέ, ὁ θανάτῳ τὸν θάνατον σκυλεύσας, καὶ Ἔγερσιν δείξας ὡς Θεός, µὴ παρίδῃς οὓς ἔπλασας τῇ χειρί σου δεῖξον τὴν φιλανθρωπίαν σου ἐλεῆµον, δέξαι τὴν τεκοῦσάν σε Θεοτόκον πρεσβεύουσαν ὑπὲρ ἡµῶν καὶ σῶσον Σωτὴρ ἡµῶν, λαὸν ἀπεγνωσµένον. Συναπτὴ Μικρὰ Καθίσµατα Τῆ συνήθη Στιχολογίαν τῆς Ὀκτωήχου. Ψαλµός Ν, κτλ. Κοντάκιον τῶν Ἁγίων Χῦµα (Ἦχος β ) Οἱ τὴν χάριν λαβόντες τῶν ἰαµάτων, ἐφαπλοῦτε τὴν ῥῶσιν τοῖς ἐν ἀνάγκαις, Ἰατροὶ θαυµατουργοὶ Ἔνδοξοι, ἀλλὰ τῇ ὑµῶν ἐπισκέψει, καὶ τῶν πολεµίων τὰ θράση κατεβάλετε, τὸν κόσµον ἰώµενοι ἐν τοῖς θαύµασιν. Οἶκος τῶν Ἁγίων Χῦµα (Ἦχος β ) Πάσης συνέσεως καὶ σοφίας ὑπέρκειται ὁ λόγος τῶν σοφῶν ἰατρῶν τοῦ γὰρ Ὑψίστου χάριν λαβόντες, ἀοράτως τὴν ῥῶσιν

invisibly bestow strength on all; therefore on me too they have bestowed the grace of narration, to sing their praise as God-bearing, well-pleasing to God and healers, who grant multitudes of cures; for they rescue all from pains, healing the world by wonders. Synaxarion On the 1st of the same month, Commemoration of the holy and Unmercenary Wonderworkers, Kosmas and Damianos, the sons of Theodoti from Asia. On the same day Commemoration of the holy Martyrs Kyriaina and Juliani. On the same day Commemoration of the holy Martyrs Caesarius, Dasios, and five others. On the same day Commemoration of the holy Priest Martyrs, John the Bishop and James the Presbyter. On the same day Commemoration of the holy Martyr Hermingeld. The holy Martyrs Cyprian and Juliani attained perfection by fire. Commemoration of the holy Bishop and New Martyr James and his two disciples, James the deacon and Dionysios, a monk, who attained perfection by the axe in 1520. Our venerable father David, who was a monk in Evoia, attained perfection in peace. Through the intercessions of Your holy ones, O God, have mercy and save us. Amen. Katavasiai of the Theotokos 10 δωροῦνται πᾶσιν ὅθεν καµοί, διηγήσεως χάριν δεδώρηνται, ὑµνῆσαι ὡς θεοφόρους, εὐαρέστους Θεοῦ καὶ θεράποντας, ἰαµάτων πλήθη παρέχοντας ἀλγηδόνων γὰρ πάντας λυτροῦνται, τὸν κόσµον ἰώµενοι ἐν τοῖς θαύµασι. Συναξάριον Τῇ Α' τοῦ αὐτοῦ µηνός, Μνήµη τῶν Ἁγίων καὶ θαυµατουργῶν Ἀναργύρων, Κοσµᾶ και Δαµιανοῦ, υἱῶν Θεοδότης τῆς ἐξ Ἀσίας. Τῇ αὐτῇ ἡµέρᾳ, Μνήµη τῶν Ἁγίων Μαρτύρων γυναικῶν, Κυριαίνης καὶ Ἰουλιανῆς. Τῇ αὐτῇ ἡµέρᾳ, Μνήµη τῶν Ἁγίων Μαρτύρων Καισαρίου, Δασίου, και ἑτέρων πέντε. Τῇ αὐτῇ ἡµέρᾳ, Μνήµη τῶν Ἁγίων Ἱεροµαρτύρων, Ἰωάννου Ἐπισκόπου, καὶ Ἰακώβου Πρεσβυτέρου. Τῇ αὐτῇ ἡµέρᾳ, Μνήµη τοῦ Ἁγίου Μάρτυρος Ἑρµηνιγγέλδου. Οἱ Ἅγιοι Μάρτυρες Κυπριανὸς καὶ Ἰουλιανὴ πυρὶ τελειοῦνται. Μνήµη τοῦ Ἁγίου νέου Ἱεροµάρτυρος, Ἰακώβου, καὶ τῶν δύο µαθητῶν αὐτοῦ Ἰακώβου διακόνου καὶ Διονυσίου µοναχοῦ, τῶν δι' ἀγχόνης τελειωθέντων κατὰ τὸ 1520. Ὁ Ὅσιος πατὴρ ἡµῶν Δαβίδ, ὁ ἐν Εὐβοίᾳ ἀσκήσας, ἐν εἰρήνῃ τελειοῦται. Ταῖς τῶν Ἁγίων σου πρεσβείαις ὁ Θεός, ἐλέησον καὶ σῶσον ἡµᾶς. Ἀµήν. Καταβασίαι τῆς Θεοτόκου Tone Plagal 4 Ἦχος πλ. δ Ode 1 Ἦχος δ My mouth shall I open up and by the Spirit shall it be filled; and I shall pour out a word unto the Mother and Queen; and I shall be seen in cheerful celebration; and joyfully I shall sing lauding her wonders. Ἀνοίξω τὸ στόµα µου, καὶ πληρωθήσεται Πνεύµατος, καὶ λόγον ἐρεύξοµαι, τῇ Βασιλίδι Μητρί καὶ ὀφθήσοµαι, φαιδρῶς πανηγυρίζων, καὶ ᾄσω γηθόµενος, ταύτης τὰ θαύµατα. Ode 3 Ὠδὴ γ Establish, all-holy Theotokos, O living and ever-welling fount, your choristers assembled in spiritual fellowship, and crowns of glory graciously in your divine magnificence grant to them. Τοὺς σοὺς ὑµνολόγους, Θεοτόκε, ἡ ζῶσα καὶ ἄφθονος πηγή, θίασον συγκροτήσαντας, πνευµατικὸν στερέωσον καὶ ἐν τῇ θείᾳ δόξῃ Σου, στεφάνων δόξης ἀξίωσον.

Ode 4 Ὠδὴ δ Comprehending the unfathomable divine will of your incarnation by the Virgin, O most High, the prophet Habbakuk cried out: Glory to your power, O Lord. Τὴν ἀνεξιχνίαστον θείαν βουλήν, τῆς ἐκ τῆς Παρθένου σαρκώσεως, Σοῦ τοῦ Ὑψίστου, ὁ προφήτης Ἀββακούµ, κατανοῶν ἐκραύγαζε Δόξα τῇ δυνάµει Σου Κύριε. Ode 5 Ὠδὴ ε Amazed was the universe by your divine magnificence; for while never consummating marriage, you held, O virgin the God of all in your womb, and gave birth unto a timeless Son Who rewards salvation to all who chant hymns of praise to you. Ἐξέστη τὰ σύµπαντα, ἐπὶ τῇ θείᾳ δόξῃ Σου Σὺ γάρ, ἀπειρόγαµε Παρθένε, ἔσχες ἐν µήτρᾳ, τὸν ἐπὶ πάντων Θεόν, καὶ τέτοκας ἄχρονον Υἱόν, πᾶσι τοῖς ὑµνοῦσί Σε, σωτηρίαν βραβεύουσα. Ode 6 Ὠδὴ ς O Godly-minded people, as we observe this solemn and divine feast in honor of the Mother of God, come let us clap our hands for joy while glorifying God Who was born of her. Τὴν θείαν ταύτην καὶ πάντιµον, τελοῦντες Ἑορτὴν οἱ θεόφρονες, τῆς Θεοµήτορος, δεῦτε τὰς χεῖρας κροτήσωµεν, τὸν ἐξ Αὐτῆς τεχθέντα, Θεὸν δοξάζοντες. Ode 7 Ὠδὴ ζ Godly-minded three did not adore created things in the Creator s stead, but bravely trampling upon the threat of the furnace fire, they chanted joyfully: O supremely praised, and most-exalted Lord and God of our fathers You are blessed. Οὐκ ἐλάτρευσαν, τῇ κτίσει οἱ θεόφρονες, παρὰ τὸν κτίσαντα ἀλλὰ πυρὸς ἀπειλήν, ἀνδρείως πατήσαντες, χαίροντες ἔψαλλον Ὑπερύµνητε, ὁ τῶν πατέρων Κύριος, καὶ Θεὸς εὐλογητὸς εἶ. Ode 8 Ὠδὴ η We praise, we bless, and we worship the Lord. Pious children stood within the furnace, the child of the Theotokos went and rescued them. He was prefigured then, manifestly acting now, is gathering together the entire universe to sing the hymn: O praise and supremely exalt the Lord, O all ye His works, unto the ages. More honorable... «Τὴν Τιµιωτέραν...» Katavasia Αἰνοῦµεν, εὐλογοῦµεν καὶ προσκυνοῦµεν τὸν Κύριον. Παῖδας εὐαγεῖς ἐν τῇ καµίνῳ, ὁ τόκος τῆς Θεοτόκου διεσώσατο, τότε µὲν τυπούµενος νῦν δὲ ἐνεργούµενος, τὴν οἰκουµένην ἅπασαν, ἀγείρει ψάλλουσαν Τὸν Κύριον ὑµνεῖτε τὰ ἔργα, καὶ ὑπερυψοῦτε, εἰς πάντας τοὺς αἰῶνας. Καταβασία Ode 9 Ὠδὴ θ Earthlings one and all, with festival lamps in Ἅπας γηγενής, σκιρτάτω τῷ πνεύµατι, hand, in spirit leap for joy; and you λαµπαδουχούµενος πανηγυριζέτω δέ, ἀύλων incorporeal angelic powers in heaven Νόων, φύσις γεραίρουσα, τὰ ἱερὰ θαυµάσια, celebrate, thus honoring the sacred feast of τῆς Θεοµήτορος, καὶ βοάτω Χαίροις the Mother of God and salute her: O all- παµµακάριστε, Θεοτόκε ἁγνή, ἀειπάρθενε. 11

blessed one, ever-virgin and pure, who gave birth to God. Small Litany Exaposteilarion and Theotokion Exaposteilarion of the Saints Tone 3 The Elder in the spirit in the Temple Receiving the grace of healings from God, O blessed Unmercenaries, you cure diseases and heal all who faithfully have recourse to your divine shrine; therefore with one voice we worthily call your holy memory blessed. Theotokion All-pure one, you bore God the Word of God, when He in His great wisdom accomplished His great dispensation; and therefore we all worthily praise you as her who intercedes with Him that we may be rescued from diseases and every kind of danger. Praises Let every breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest. To You is due praise, O God. Praise Him all you His Angels; praise Him all you His hosts. To You is due praise, O God. Prosomoia Stichera of the Saints Tone Plagal 1 Anatolios 12 Συναπτὴ Μικρὰ Ἐξαποστειλάριον καὶ Θεοτοκίον Ἐξαποστειλάριον τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος γ Ἐν πνεύµατι τῷ Ἱερῶ Τὴν χάριν τῶν ἰάσεων, ἐκ Θεοῦ εἰληφότες, Ἀνάργυροι µακάριοι, θεραπεύετε νόσους, καὶ ἰᾶσθε ἅπαντας, τοὺς πιστῶς προστρέχοντας, τῷ θείῳ ὑµῶν τεµένει διὰ τοῦτο συµφώνως, µακαρίζοµεν ἀξίως, τὴν σεπτὴν ὑµῶν µνήµην. Θεοτοκίον Ἐκύησας Πανάχραντε, τοῦ Θεοῦ Θεὸν Λόγον, τῷ κόσµῳ τὴν σωτήριον, ἐκτελοῦντα πανσόφως, οἰκονοµίαν ἀρίστην διὰ τοῦτό σε πάντες, ὑµνολογοῦµεν ἀξίως, ὡς πρεσβεύουσαν τούτῳ, λυτρωθῆναι ἡµᾶς νόσων, καὶ παντοίων κινδύνων. Αἶνοι Πᾶσα πνοὴ αἰνεσάτω τὸν Κύριον. Αἰνεῖτε τὸν Κύριον ἐκ τῶν οὐρανῶν αἰνεῖτε αὺτὸν ἐν τοῖς ὑψἰστοις Σοὶ πρέπει ὕµνος τῷ Θεῷ. Αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν πάντες οἱ Ἄγγελοι αὐτοῦ αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν, πᾶσαι αἱ Δυνάµεις αὐτοῦ Σοὶ πρέπει ὕµνος τῷ Θεῷ. Στιχηρὰ Προσόµοια τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος α' Ἀνατολίου Stichos 1 Στίχος α Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness. Drawing from the providence from above the abyss of remedies, you pour out healings for all believers, O Unmercenaries; for beyond nature you heal the sufferings of the sick with mystic surgery, as you bring from the treasures of the Spirit saving remedies for the ailing; therefore as you have become an honored temple of the Trinity, source of life, which has made its dwelling in you; intercede with it that our souls may be saved. Αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν ἐπὶ ταῖς δυναστείαις αὐτοῦ, αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν κατὰ τὸ πλῆθος τῆς µεγαλωσύνης αὐτοῦ. Τὴν χάριν τῶν ἰαµάτων, ἐκ Θεοῦ εἰληφότες, ἀναργύρως τὰ πάθη, τῶν ψυχῶν καὶ τῶν σωµάτων ἡµῶν, θεραπεύετε, παγκόσµιοι Ἀνάργυροι ὅθεν δι' ὑµῶν Χριστὸς τοῖς πιστοῖς, τὴν δεδοµένην εὐρωστίαν χαριζόµενος, φωστῆρας ἀπλανεῖς ὑµᾶς ἀναδείκνυσι τῇ οἰκουµένῃ, αὐτῷ πρεσβεύσατε, σωθῆναι τὰς ψυχὰς ἡµῶν.

Stichos 2 Στίχος β Same Tone Germanos Praise Him with the sound of trumpet; praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Drawing from the providence from above the abyss of remedies, you pour out healings for all believers, O Unmercenaries; for beyond nature you heal the sufferings of the sick with mystic surgery, as you bring from the treasures of the Spirit saving remedies for the ailing; therefore as you have become an honored temple of the Trinity, source of life, which has made its dwelling in you; intercede with it that our souls may be saved. Ὁ αὐτὸς Γερµανοῦ Αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν ἐν ἤχῳ, σάλπιγγος, αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν ἐν ψαλτηρίῳ καὶ κιθάρᾳ. Ἐκ τῆς ἄνωθεν προµηθείας, τὴν τῶν ἰαµάτων ἄβυσσον ἐξαντλήσαντες, πᾶσιν ἀναβλύζετε τοῖς πιστοῖς, τὰς ἰάσεις Ἀνάργυροι ὑπερφυῶς γὰρ τῶν νοσούντων τὰ πάθη, ἐν χειρουργίαις µυστικαῖς, ἐκ θησαυρῶν τοῦ Πνεύµατος, φάρµακα προτιθέντες σωτήρια, τοῖς κάµνουσι θεραπεύετε ὅθεν ναὸς σεπτὸς γεγονότες, τῆς ζωαρχικῆς Τριάδος, ἐν ὑµῖν σαφῶς τὴν κατοικίαν ποιησαµένης, αὐτῇ πρεσβεύσατε, σωθῆναι τὰς ψυχὰς ἡµῶν. Stichos 3 Στίχος γ Tone 2 Germanos Praise Him with timbrel and dance; praise Him with strings and flute. The choir of the Saints rejoices to the ages; for they have inherited the kingdom of heaven. Earth has received their relics and is filled with sweet fragrance. Christ s servants have taken up their dwelling for eternal life. Ἦχος β' Γερµανοῦ Αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν ἐν τυµπάνῳ καὶ χορῷ, αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν ἐν χορδαῖς καὶ ὀργάνῳ. Ἀγάλλεται ὁ χορὸς τῶν Ἁγίων εἰς αἰῶνας βασιλείαν γὰρ οὐρανῶν ἐκληρονόµησαν. Γῆ τὰ λείψανα αὐτῶν δεξαµένη, εὐωδίαν διέπνευσε Δοῦλοι Χριστοῦ γεγόνασι, κατασκηνώσαντες εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον. Stichos 4 Στίχος δ Praise Him with tuneful cymbals; praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let every breath praise the Lord. Physicians of the sick, treasuries of remedies, saviors of believers, far-famed Unmercenaries, heal those who cry out in need and who suffer pain, as with Theodoti you intercede with the good God that we may be rescued from all the snares of the foe. Idiomelon of the Saints Tone 4 Theophanes Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν ἐν κυµβάλοις εὐήχοις, αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν ἐν κυµβάλοις ἀλαλαγµοῦ. Πᾶσα πνοὴ αἰνεσάτω τὸν Κύριον. Ἰατροὶ τῶν ἀσθενούντων, θησαυροὶ τῶν ἰαµάτων, σωτῆρες τῶν πιστῶν, Ἀνάργυροι πανευκλεεῖς, τοὺς ἐν ἀνάγκαις κράζοντας, καὶ ὀδυνωµένους ἰάσασθε, σὺν τῇ Θεοδότῃ, ἱκετεύοντες, Θεὸν τὸν ἀγαθόν, λυτρώσασθαι ἡµᾶς, τῶν παγίδων τοῦ ἐχθροῦ. Ἰδιόµελον τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος δ' Θεοφάνους Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ Πνεύµατι. Holy Unmercenaries, you possess a source of Πηγὴν ἰαµάτων ἔχοντες, Ἅγιοι Ἀνάργυροι, τὰς remedies and grant healings to all who ask, for ἰάσεις παρέχετε πᾶσι τοῖς δεοµένοις, ὡς you have been found worthy of the greatest µεγίστων δωρεῶν ἀξιωθέντες, παρὰ τῆς gifts from the unfailing source of the Saviour ἀενάου πηγῆς τοῦ Σωτῆρος Χριστοῦ. Φησὶ 13

Christ. For to you, as rivals of the Apostles in zeal, the Lord says: See, I have given you authority against unclean spirits, so as to cast them out and so as to cure every disease and every weakness. And so, having lived your lives well in accordance with his commands, freely you have received, freely you give, as you heal the sufferings of our souls and bodies. Theotokion Tone 4 You have given as a sign Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Rejoice refuge of Christians and their might; Rejoice heavenly Ladder; Rejoice treasurechest of virginity; Rejoice Mother of God, the spiritual Ark of the divine; Rejoice boast and support of the world, recalling of the fallen, the Tabernacle, wholly light, holy and all good. Or, Stavrotheotokion Tone Plagal 2 On the third day you arose, O Christ Now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. When the All-pure saw Christ the lover of mankind crucified and pierced in the side, she wept and cried out; What is this, my Son? Is this how an ungrateful people repays you for the good things you have done for them? Why, so much beloved, do you hasten to leave me childless? I am filled with amazement, O Compassionate, at your voluntary crucifixion. Great Doxology. Troparion Apolitikion of the Saints Tone Plagal 4 Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers, visit our weaknesses; freely you have received, freely give to us. The Divine Liturgy. γὰρ πρὸς ὑµᾶς ὁ Κύριος, ὡς ὁµοζήλους τῶν Ἀποστόλων. Ἰδοὺ δέδωκα ὑµῖν τὴν ἐξουσίαν, κατὰ πνευµάτων ἀκαθάρτων, ὥς τε αὐτὰ ἐκβάλλειν καὶ θεραπεύειν πᾶσαν νόσον, καὶ πᾶσαν µαλακίαν. Διὸ τοῖς προστάγµασιν αὐτοῦ, καλῶς πολιτευσάµενοι, δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν παρέχετε, ἰατρεύοντες τὰ πάθη, τῶν ψυχῶν καὶ τῶν σωµάτων ἡµῶν. Θεοτοκίον Ἦχος δ' Ἔδωκας σηµείωσιν Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀµήν. Χαῖρε καταφύγιον, Χριστιανῶν καὶ κραταίωµα, χαῖρε κλῖµαξ οὐράνιε, χαῖρε τὸ κειµήλιον, τὸ τῆς παρθενίας, χαῖρε Θεοτόκε, ἡ κιβωτὸς ἡ λογική, τῆς θείας δόξης χαῖρε τὸ καύχηµα, τοῦ κόσµου καὶ στερέωµα, τῶν πεπτωκότων ἀνάκλησις, ἡ σκηνὴ ἡ ὁλόφωτος. ἡ ἁγία καὶ πάγκαλος. Ἢ Σταυροθεοτοκίον Ἦχος πλ. β Τριήµερος ἀνέστης Χριστέ Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀµήν. Σταυρούµενον βλέπουσα, καὶ τὴν πλευρὰν ὀρυττόµενον, ὑπὸ λόγχης ἡ Πάναγνος, Χριστὸν τὸν φιλάνθρωπον, ἔκλαιε βοῶσα Τὶ τοῦτο Υἱέ µου; τὶ σοι ἀχάριστος λαός, ἀνταποδίδωσιν ὧν πεποίηκας, καλῶν αὐτοῖς καὶ σπεύδεις µε, ἀτεκνωθῆναι παµφίλτατε; καταπλήττοµαι εὔσπλαγχνε, σὴν ἑκούσιον σταύρωσιν. Δοξολογία Μεγάλη. Τροπάριον Ἀπολυτίκιον τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος πλ. δ' Ἅγιοι Ἀνάργυροι καὶ θαυµατουργοί, ἐπισκέψασθε τὰς ἀσθενείας ἡµῶν, δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε ἡµῖν. Ἡ Θεία Λειτουργία. 14

At the Divine Liturgy Litany of Peace. Antiphons of Sunday. 15 Εἰς τὴν Λειτουργίαν Εἰρηνικά. Ἀντίφωνα τῶν Κυριακῶν. First Antiphon Ἀντίφωνον Α Tone 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all that He has done for you. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us. The Lord in heaven has prepared His throne, and His Kingdom rules over all. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us. Small Litany. Ἦχος β Εὐλόγει, ἡ ψυχή µου, τόν Κύριον, καί πάντα τά ἐντός µου τό ὄνοµα τό ἅγιον αὐτοῦ. Ταῖς πρεσβείαις τῆς Θεοτόκου, Σῶτερ, σῶσον ἡµᾶς. Εὐλόγει, ἡ ψυχή µου, τόν Κύριον, καί µή ἐπιλανθάνου πάσας τάς ἀνταποδόσεις αὐτοῦ. Ταῖς πρεσβείαις τῆς Θεοτόκου, Σῶτερ, σῶσον ἡµᾶς. Κύριος ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ ἡτοίµασεν τόν θρόνον αὐτοῦ, καί ἡ βασιλεία αὐτοῦ πάντων δεσπόζει. Ταῖς πρεσβείαις τῆς Θεοτόκου, Σῶτερ, σῶσον ἡµᾶς. Συναπτὴ Μικρὰ Second Antiphon Ἀντίφωνον Β Tone 2 Praise the Lord, O my soul; I will praise the Lord in my life, I will chant to my God for as long as I exist. Save us, O Son of God, Who are wondrous among Your saints; we sing to you, Alleluia. Blessed is he whose Help is the God of Jacob, whose Hope is in the Lord his God. Save us, O Son of God, Who are wondrous among Your saints; we sing to you, Alleluia. The Lord shall reign to the ages; your God, O Sion, from generation to generation. Save us, O Son of God, Who are wondrous among Your saints; we sing to you, Alleluia. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Only-begotten Son and Word of God, immortal One, Who for our salvation did so humble Yourself by taking on flesh taking flesh from (from) the Theotokos and evervirgin Mary; without change did You become Man; You were crucified Christ our God, Ἦχος β Αἴνει ἡ ψυχή µου τόν Κύριον αἰνέσω Κύριον ἐν τῇ ζωῇ µου, ψαλῶ τῷ Θεῷ µου ἕως ὑπάρχω. Σῶσον ἡµᾶς Υἱὲ Θεοῦ ὁ ἐν Ἁγίοις θαυµαστός ψάλλοντάς σοι, Ἀλληλούϊα. Μακάριος οὗ ὁ Θεός Ἰακώβ βοηθός αὐτοῦ, ἡ ἐλπίς αὐτοῦ ἐπί Κύριον τόν Θεόν αὐτοῦ. Σῶσον ἡµᾶς Υἱὲ Θεοῦ ὁ ἐν Ἁγίοις θαυµαστός ψάλλοντάς σοι, Ἀλληλούϊα. Βασιλεύσει Κύριος εἰς τόν αἰῶνα ὁ Θεός σου, Σιών, εἰς γενεάν καί γενεάν. Σῶσον ἡµᾶς Υἱὲ Θεοῦ ὁ ἐν Ἁγίοις θαυµαστός ψάλλοντάς σοι, Ἀλληλούϊα. Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ Πνεύµατι, καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Ἀµήν. Ὁ µονογενὴς Υἱὸς καὶ Λόγος τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἀθάνατος ὑπάρχων καὶ καταδεξάµενος διὰ τὴν ἡµετέραν σωτηρίαν σαρκωθῆναι ἐκ τῆς ἁγίας Θεοτόκου καὶ ἀειπαρθένου Μαρίας, ἀτρέπτως ἐνανθρωπήσας, σταυρωθείς τε, Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός, θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας, εἷς ὤν τῆς

trampling down death by Your death; as one of the Holy Trinity, and being glorified together with the Father and the Holy Spirit: save us. Small Litany. Small Entrance Apolitikion of the Saints Tone Plagal 4 Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers, visit our weaknesses; freely you have received, freely give to us. Entrance Hymn Come let us bow to Christ as we worship Him, the Son of God. Save us O Son of God Who are wondrous among Your saints, we sing to You: Alleluia. Apolitikion of the Saints Tone Plagal 4 Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers, visit our weaknesses; freely you have received, freely give to us. Apolitikion of the Temple Kontakion of the Theotokos 16 Ἁγίας Τριάδος, συνδοξαζόµενος τῷ Πατρὶ καὶ τῷ Ἁγίῳ Πνεύµατι, σῶσον ἡµᾶς. Συναπτὴ Μικρὰ Μικρά Εἴσοδος Ἀπολυτίκιον τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος πλ. δ' Ἅγιοι Ἀνάργυροι καὶ θαυµατουργοί, ἐπισκέψασθε τὰς ἀσθενείας ἡµῶν, δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε ἡµῖν. Εἰσοδικόν Δεῦτε προσκυνήσωµεν καὶ προσπέσωµεν Χριστῷ. Σῶσον ἡµᾶς Υἱὲ Θεοῦ, ὁ ἐν Ἁγίοις θαυµαστός ψάλλοντάς σοι Ἀλληλούϊα. Ἀπολυτίκιον τῶν Ἁγίων Ἦχος πλ. δ' Ἅγιοι Ἀνάργυροι καὶ θαυµατουργοί, ἐπισκέψασθε τὰς ἀσθενείας ἡµῶν, δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε ἡµῖν. Ἀπολυτίκιον τοῦ Ναοῦ Κοντάκιον Tone 2 Ἦχος β A protection of Christians unshamable, intercessor to our holy Maker, unwavering, reject not the prayerful cries of those who are in sin. Instead, come to us, for you are good; your loving help bring unto us, who are crying in faith to you: hasten to intercede, and speed now to supplicate, as a protection for all time, Theotokos for those who honor you. Trisagion Holy God... «Ἅγιος ὁ Θεός...» Epistle Of the Saints 1 Corinthians 12:27-31, 13:1-8 Gospel Of the Saints Matthew 10:5-8 Προστασία τῶν Χριστιανῶν ἀκαταίσχυντε, µεσιτεία πρὸς τὸν Ποιητὴν ἀµετάθετε, µὴ παρίδης ἁµαρτωλῶν δεήσεων φωνᾶς ἀλλὰ πρόφθασον ὡς ἀγαθή, εἰς τὴν βοήθειαν ἠµῶν, τῶν πιστῶς κραυγαζόντων σοί Τάχυνον εἰς πρεσβείαν, καὶ σπεῦσον εἰς ἱκεσίαν, ἡ προστατεύουσα ἀεί, Θεοτόκε τῶν τιµώντων σέ. Τρισάγιον Ἀπόστολος Τῶν Ἁγίων Α Κορ. ιβ 27-31, ιγ 1-8 Εὐαγγέλιον Τῶν Ἁγίων Ματθ. ι 1, 5-8

At: Remembering our most-holy... Εἰς τό «Ἐξαιρέτως...» Truly it is proper to call you blessed... «Ἁξιόν ἐστίν ὁς ἀληθός...» Communion Hymn In eternal memory, (in eternal memory), shall the righteous be (shall the righteous be. Alleluia. During the Communion of the Faithful Κοινωνικόν Εἰς µνηµόσυνον αἰώνιον ἔσται δίκαιος (ἔσται δίκαιος). Ἀλληλούϊα. Μετάληψης τῶν Πιστῶν Of Your mystical Supper... «Τοῦ δείπνου σου τοῦ µυστικοῦ...» At: We have seen the Light... We have seen the true light... Dismissal Εἰς τό «Εἴδοµεν τό φῶς» «Εἴδοµεν τό φῶς» Ἀπόλυσις May Christ our true God,... «Χριστὸς ὁ ἀληθινὸς Θεὸς ἡµῶν...» 17