Supplementary Material for Statistical Field Theory for Polar Fluids
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1 Supplementary Material for Statistical Field Theory for Polar Fluids Bilin Zhuang 1, 2 and Zhen-Gang Wang 1, 1 Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA 2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore , Singapore (Dated: September 21, 2018) In this supplementary material, we provide the parameters for the calculation of the dielectric constants, and the results obtained with various theories. PARAMETERS AND RESULTS FOR THE DIELECTRIC CONSTANT CALCULATION TABLE I: Parameters, simulation-observed dielectric constants, and the theoretically-predicted dielectric constants for the GAFF (generalized Amber force field) liquid models. T, ρ, and µ are the simulation temperature, the simulation number concentration, and the permanent dipole moment of the model, respectively. ε sim is the simulation-observed dielectric constant. ε DRGF, ε Onsager, ε SCFT/QOFT, ε DPB-1Loop are the theoretically-predicted dielectric constants using the DRGF, the Onsager equation, the SCFT/QOFT theory, and the DPB-1Loop approach, respectively. The data for the dielectric constants are plotted on Fig. 1(a) of the main text. The simulation data is from Ref ethylbenzene styrene benzonitrile benzyl alcohol benzaldehyde anisole ethyl propanoate diethyl malonate diethyl carbonate methylphenol ,2-dibromoethane bromopropane ,2-dichloroethane chloroethanol propylamine propanenitrile propenenitrile ,2-ethanediamine methyl formate nitropropane vinyl-acetate diisopropylamine diisopropyl ether
2 2 TABLE I. (Cont.) 24. acetic anhydride methylphenol ,4,6-trimethylpyridine ,6-dimethyl-4-heptanone toluene methylpyridine cyclohexylamine cyclohexanone benzenethiol methylpyridine methylpyridine bromobutane chlorobutane N-butylamine butanethiol dimethoxymethane diethylamine pyrrole furan tetrahydrothiophene thiophene heptanone ,4-dichlorobutane pentanenitrile ,4-butanediol pyridine morpholine dibutylamine diethylene glycol dimethyl ether dimethylether methyl salicylate isoquinoline cyclopentanone triethylamine N-methylformamide ,4-pentanedione pyrrolidine
3 3 TABLE I. (Cont.) 61. sulfolane N,N-dimethylacetamide aminoethanol ethyl acetate ,3-dichloropropane dibutyl ether pyrimidine diethyl sulfide ,2-difluorobenzene ,3-difluorobenzene fluorobenzene formaldehyde ,2-ethanedithiol ,2,3,4-tetrafluorobenzene ,2,3-propanetriol ,4-dimethyl-3-pentanone pentanol ethylpropylamine dimethyl disulfide ethanol ,3-dioxolane methanol acetone dimethyl sulfoxide N,N-dimethylformamide butanol pentanol bromomethane dibromomethane bromoethane chloroethane acetonitrile dichloromethane formamide dimethyl sulfide isobutane iodopropane isopropylamine
4 4 TABLE I. (Cont.) 99. 1,1-dichloroethane ,1-dichloroethene dichlorofluoromethane nitromethane tert-butylamine methyl-2-butanol pentachloroethane cyclopropyl-methyl-ketone triethyl phosphate ,2-dibromopropane ,1,2-trichloroethane N-methylacetamide methyl acetate nitroethane ,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane nitropropane methyl-methacrylate quinoline methyl-benzoate o-xylene methylphenol chloroaniline ,2,4-trimethylbenzene ethylene carbonate trifluoromethylbenzene acetophenone nitrobenzene
5 TABLE II: Parameters, simulation-observed dielectric constants, and the theoretically-predicted dielectric constants for the OLPS/AA (all-atom optimized potential for liquid simulation) liquid models. T, ρ, and µ are the simulation temperature, the simulation number concentration, and the permanent dipole moment of the model, respectively. ε sim is the simulation-observed dielectric constant. ε DRGF, ε Onsager, ε SCFT/QOFT, ε DPB-1Loop are the theoretically-predicted dielectric constants using the DRGF, the Onsager equation, the SCFT/QOFT theory, and the DPB-1Loop approach, respectively. The data for the dielectric constants are plotted on Fig. 1(b) of the main text. The simulation data is from Ref ethylbenzene benzonitrile benzyl alcohol anisole diphenyl ether ethyl propanoate diethyl malonate methylphenol ,2-dibromoethane bromopropane ,2-dichloroethane chloroethanol propylamine propanenitrile propenenitrile ,2-ethanediamine methyl formate nitropropane vinyl-acetate diisopropylamine diisopropyl ether acetic anhydride methylphenol ,4,6-trimethylpyridine ,6-dimethyl-4-heptanone toluene methylpyridine cyclohexylamine cyclohexanone phenol benzenethiol methylpyridine methylpyridine bromobutane chlorobutane N-butylamine
6 6 TABLE II. (Cont.) butanethiol dimethoxymethane diethylamine ethyl-vinyl-ether pyrrole tetrahydrofuran furan tetrahydrothiophene thiophene heptanone ,4-dichlorobutane pentanenitrile ,4-butanediol pyridine morpholine diethylene glycol octanol dibutylamine diethylene glycol dimethyl ether dimethylether methyl salicylate isoquinoline cyclopentanone triethylamine N-methylformamide ,4-pentanedione pyrrolidine sulfolane N,N-dimethylacetamide aminoethanol ethyl acetate ,3-dichloropropane dibutyl ether methyloxirane pyrimidine diethyl sulfide ,2-difluorobenzene
7 7 TABLE II. (Cont.) 74. 1,3-difluorobenzene fluorobenzene formaldehyde ,2-ethanedithiol ,2,3,4-tetrafluorobenzene ,2,3-propanetriol ,4-dimethyl-3-pentanone pentanol hexanone acetamide ethylpropylamine dimethyl disulfide ethanol formic acid ,3-dioxolane methanol acetone trichloromethane dimethyl sulfoxide N,N-dimethylformamide butanol pentanol bromomethane dibromomethane bromoethane chloroethane acetonitrile dichloromethane dimethyl sulfide iodopropane isopropylamine ,1-dichloroethane ,1-dichloroethene dichlorofluoromethane nitromethane tert-butylamine methyl-2-butanol pentachloroethane cyclopropyl-methyl-ketone
8 8 TABLE II. (Cont.) 113. triethyl phosphate ,2-dibromopropane ,1,2-trichloroethane N-methylacetamide methyl acetate nitroethane ,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane nitropropane methyl-methacrylate chloronaphthalene ,2-dimethoxybenzene quinoline methyl-benzoate o-xylene methylphenol chloroaniline ,2,4-trimethylbenzene gamma-butyrolactone trifluoromethylbenzene acetophenone nitrobenzene
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1 2 3 ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ Α - ΛΙΣΤΑ ΑΝΑΛΩΣΙΜΩΝ α/α ΕΙΔΟΣ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΑΣΙΕΣ ΤΙΜΗ (ΠΛΕΟΝ ΦΠΑ) ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΑ Α 23.100 ΔΙΑΛΥΤΕΣ 1 Acetone HPLC 2,5 lt 2 Acetone ACS grade 2,5 lt 3 Acetone ACS grade 25 lt 4 Acetone ACS grade 200
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INFORMATICS DEVELOPMEN T AGENCY Digitally signed by INFORMATICS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Date: 2015.03.06 13:20:41 EET Reason: Location: Athens ΑΔΑ: 70ΤΣ469ΗΕΠ-ΚΟΘ Ινστιτούτο Θεωρητικής και Φυσικής Χημείας Εθνικό
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459 Primary chemical names used in the tables together with other (alternative and trade) names are ordered alphabetically in this index. Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Numbers (CASRN) are provided
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je; ^ T'/. Ti/iH im A τϋ ;α I'.'/: TH ΠΟλ T: νθηγητησ ΘΕΟΑΩΡΙΛΗΣ Μ1ΧΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΕΣ ΜΑΛΛΙΑΧΟΒΑΣ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΑΟΣ ΒΟΪΤΣ1ΔΗΣ ΕΑΕΥΘΕΡ10Σ ΚΑΒΑΛΑ 2001 / - ο - 2-?,OU.Oi. Ευχαριστούμε θερμά τους κύριους Θεοδωρίδη Μιχάλη
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Θζμα: «Πρόςκληςη εκδήλωςησ ενδιαφζροντοσ για την προμήθεια Ερευνητικϊν αναλωςίμων»
Αριθμ. Πρωτ: 622/24.09.208 Αθήνα : 24.09.208 ΔΙΕΤΘΤΝΗ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ ΤΠΗΡΕΙΩΝ Σμήμα: Προμηθειών Σατ. Δ/νζη : Αλ.Φλζμιγκ 34, Σ.Κ.-6672 Βάρη Πληροφορίες : Π.κοσλούδης Σηλέφωνο : 20 897997 Fax : 20897998 e-mail
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stability and aromaticity in the benzonitrile H 2 O complex with Na+ or Cl
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An experimental and theoretical study of the gas phase kinetics of atomic chlorine reactions with CH 3 NH 2, (CH 3 ) 2 NH, and (CH 3 ) 3 N
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Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for ChemComm. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015! Synthesis)and)characterisation)of)an)open1cage) fullerene)encapsulating)hydrogen)fluoride! Supplementary!Information!
1 h, , CaCl 2. pelamis) 58.1%, (Headspace solid -phase microextraction and gas chromatography -mass spectrometry,hs -SPME - Vol. 15 No.
2 0 1 5 7 Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology Vol. 15 No. 7 Jul. 2 0 1 5 1,2 1 1 1 1* ( 1 315211 2 315502) : ( ) : (E-Nose), - : GC-MS, 20.98% 2.5%, 53.15% 11.2%, 0. 51% 71.86%
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Quantum dot sensitized solar cells with efficiency over 12% based on tetraethyl orthosilicate additive in polysulfide electrolyte
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Journal of Materials Chemistry A. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 Supplementary Information (SI) Quantum dot sensitized solar cells with
Supporting Information. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2007
Supporting Information Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 6945 Weinheim, 2007 A New Method for Constructing Quaternary Carbon Centres: Tandem Rhodium-Catalysed,4-Addition/Intramolecular Cyclization.
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ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ Α Ρ Ι Σ Τ Ο Τ Ε Λ Ε Ι Ο Π Α Ν Ε Π Ι Σ Τ Η Μ Ι Ο Θ Ε Σ Σ Α Λ Ο Ν Ι Κ Η Σ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ ΚΟΣΜΗΤΕΙΑ Γραμματεία Πληροφορίες: Λίνα Κυργιαφίνη Τηλ. 2310-999184 και 2310 999239 Fax:
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