Prey-Taxis Holling-Tanner
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1 Vol. 28 ( 2018 ) No. 1 J. of Math. (PRC) Prey-Taxis Holling-Tanner, (, ) : prey-taxis Holling-Tanner.,,.. : Holling-Tanner ; prey-taxis; ; MR(2010) : 35B32; 35B36 : O : A : (2018) prey-taxis Holling-Tanner u t = d 1 u + au u 2 uv m + u, v t = d 2 v χ (v u) + bv v2 ru, u ν = v ν = 0, u(x, 0) = u 0 (x), v(x, 0) = v 0 (x), x Ω, (x, t) Ω (0, ), (x, t) Ω (0, ), x Ω (0, ), (1.1) u, v, a, b, ru, u/(m + u) Holling II,. a, m, b, r. d 1, d 2, χ (v u) prey-taxis. Neumann, Ω. (1.1) ( (1.1) d 1 = d 2 = χ = 0) Holling- Tanner [1], Robert May Holling [2],,, [3 5]., [6, 7] Holling-Tanner ( (1.1) χ = 0),,.,,., [8, 9]. : : : ( ). : (1992 ),,,, :.
2 No. 1 : Prey-Taxis Holling-Tanner 141,. (1.1) prey-taxis χ (v u), χ > 0,,. χ < 0,,,, [10]. prey-taxis.,,,., (1.1), (u, v ). Crandall-Rabinowitz [11], χ, (1.1),. 2, (1.1) (u, v ),, u = 1 2 (a m br + 4am + (m + br a) 2 ), v = bru. f(u, v) = au u 2 uv v2, g(u, v) = bv m + u ru, f 1 = f u (u, v ) = a 2u mv (m + u ), 2 = f v (u, v ) = u m + u < 0, g 1 = g u (u, v ) = b 2 r > 0, g 2 = g v (u, v ) = b < 0., f 1 + g 2 < 0, f 1 g 2 g 1 > 0 (H0). (u, v ) (1.1). 0 = µ 0 < µ 1 µ 2 µ 3 Ω Neumann, µ i m i 1, φ ij, 1 j m i µ i, {φ ij i 0, 1 j m i } L 2 (Ω), X ij = {cφ ij : c R 2 }, X i = m i j=1 X ij X = + i=1 X i. (1.1) (u, v ). ( ) d 1 + f 1 L 0 =. (2.1) χv + g 1 d 2 + g 2 ( i 0, X i L 0, ) η L 0 X i η µ i d 1 + f 1. η 2 P µ i χv i (µ i, χ)η + Q i (µ i, χ) = 0, + g 1 µ i d 2 + g 2 P i (µ i, χ) = (d 1 + d 2 )µ i + f 1 + g 2, (2.2) Q i (µ i, χ) = d 1 d 2 µ 2 i (χv + d 2 f 1 + d 1 g 2 )µ i + f 1 g 2 g 1. (2.3)
3 142 Vol. 38, P i (µ i, χ) = P i (µ i, 0), Q i (µ i, χ) = Q i (µ i, 0) χv µ i. χ i = Q i(µ i, 0) v µ i = d 1d 2 µ 2 i (d 2 f 1 + d 1 g 2 )µ i + f 1 g 2 g 1 v µ i, i 1. (2.4) < 0 (H0),. 2.1 (i) P i (µ i, 0) < 0, Q i (µ i, 0) > 0 i 1. χ > 0, (1.1) (u, v ). (ii) i 0, P i (µ i, 0) < 0, i 1 Q i (µ i, 0) < 0. Λ 1 = {i i 1, Q i (µ i, 0) < 0}. χ > max χ i, (1.1) i Λ 1 (u, v ). (iii) P i (µ i, 0) < 0, Q i (µ i, 0) > 0 i 1. χ < max χ i, 1 i + (1.1) (u, v ). 2.1(i), (χ = 0) (χ > 0). 2.1(ii),,,.,,. 2.1(iii),,.,. 3 f 1 < 0, (2.2) (2.3) P i (µ i, 0) < 0, Q i (µ i, 0) > 0 i (i) (iii). f 1 < 0, χ < 0,,., Ω = (0, l), l > 0.. d 1 u + au u 2 uv m + u = 0, d 2 v χ (v u) + bv v2 ru = 0, x (0, l), x (0, l), u (x) = v (x) = 0, x = 0, l., µ i = (πi/l) 2, φ 0 (x) = 1/ l, φ i (x) = 2/l cos iπx/l, i 1. (3.1) Y = L 2 (0, l) L 2 (0, l) Hilbert, (U 1, U 2 ) Y = (u 1, u 2 ) L2 (0,l) + (v 1, v 2 ) L2 (0,l), X = {(u, v) : u, v L 2 (0, l), u = v = 0, x = 0, x = l}. F : R X Y, ( ) d 1 u + f(u, v) F (χ; u, v) =. d 2 v χ (v u) + g(u, v), Γ = {χ; (u, v )} R X.
4 No. 1 : Prey-Taxis Holling-Tanner 143, (χ; u, v ), F (χ; u, v) (u, v) F (u,v) (χ; u, v) (χ; u, v ). 2, (2.1) L 0 χ = χ i, L 0 (χ i ) = F (u,v) (χ i ; u, v ). (2.3) χ = χ i Q i (µ i, χ i ) = 0, F (u,v) (χ i ; u, v ). i 1, (χ i ; u, v ). 3.1 f 1 < 0. i, i j, χ i χ j, δ (3.1) (χ i ; u, v ) χ(s) = χ i + s 2 χ(s), u(s) = u + sφ i + s 2 ũ(s), v(s) = v + sb i φ i + s 2 ṽ(s), s ( δ, δ), (3.2) b i = d1µi f1 < 0, χ(s), ũ(s), ṽ(s) s, 0. l 0 (ũ(s) + b i ṽ(s))φ i dx = KerF (u,v) (χ i ; u, v ) = span {U 0 }, U 0 = (φ i, b i φ i ), b i = d 1µ i f 1 < 0. F (u,v) (χ i ; u, v ) F (u,v) (χ i; u, v ). KerF (u,v) (χ i; u, v ) = span {U 0 }, U 0 = (φ i, b i φ i ), b i = Frédholm, RangeF (u,v) (χ i ; u, v ) = [KerF (u,v) (χ i; u, v )]. codim RangeF (u,v) (χ i ; u, v ) = 1. l Fχ,(u,v) (χ i ; u, v )U 0, U0 = µ i v b i φ 2 i dx > 0, 0 d 2 µ i g 2 < 0. F χ,(u,v) (χ i ; u, v )U 0 / RangeF (u,v) (χ i ; u, v ). [11], (3.1) (χ i ; u, v ) (χ(s); u(s), v(s)), u(s) = u + sφ i + s 2 ũ(s), v(s) = v + sb i φ i + s 2 ṽ(s), χ(s) = χ i + sβ(s), s ( δ, δ), χ(s), ũ(s), ṽ(s) s, l 0 (ũ(s) + b i ṽ(s))φ i dx = 0. (3.2), β(0) = 0., f 11 = f uu (u, v ), f 12 = f uv (u, v ), g 11 = g uu (u, v ), g 12 = g uv (u, v ). (χ(s); u(s), v(s)) (3.1), s s = 0 2d 1 ũ(0) + 2f 1 ũ(0) + 2 ṽ(0) + f 11 φ 2 i + 2f 12 b i φ 2 i = 0, (3.3) (3.3) φ i L 2 -, Green s φ 2 i, φ i = 0, ũ(0), φ i = λ i ũ(0), φ i, ṽ(0), φ i = λ i ṽ(0), φ i, (3.4) ( λ i d 1 + f 1 ) ũ(0), φ i + ṽ(0), φ i = 0. (3.5)
5 144 Vol. 38, (χ(s); u(s), v(s)) (3.1), s s = 0 2d 2 ṽ(0) + 2χ (0)v µ i φ i 2χ i b i {(φ i) 2 µ i φ 2 i } 2χ i v ũ(0) + 2g 1 ũ(0) + 2g 2 ṽ(0) + g 11 φ 2 i + 2g 12 b i φ 2 i + g 22 b 2 i φ 2 i = 0. (3.6) (3.6) φ i L 2 -, (3.4), (φ i) 2, φ i = 0 χ (0)v λ i φ i, φ i + (g 2 d 2 µ i ) ṽ(0), φ i + (g 1 + χ i v µ i ) ũ(0), φ i = 0. (3.7) χ i (2.4), g 1 + χ i v µ i = (f1 d1µi)(g2 d2µi), (3.7) χ (0)v λ i φ i, φ i + g 2 d 2 µ i [(f 1 d 1 λ i ) ũ(0), φ i + ṽ(0), φ i ] = 0, (3.8) (3.5) (3.8), β(0) = χ (0) = 0.. 4, 3.1. χ(0), (3.2) (χ i ; u, v ) Γ. χ(0) > 0, ; χ(0) < 0,. χ(0) L 2 - (A, B, C, D) := ( ũ(0), φ 2 i, ũ(0), (φ i) 2, ṽ(0), φ 2 i, ṽ(0), (φ i) 2 ) (4.1). 4.1 (3.2) χ(s) χ(0) = 1 µ iv [( f11+f12 + g b 11 + g 12 b i + χ i µ i b i )A χ i b i B + ( f12 + g i b 12 + g 22 b i )C i +χ i D + 1 ( f111+3f112bi + g 4l b g 112 b i + 3g 122 b 2 i )], i (4.2) f 111 := f uuu (u, v ), f 112 := f uuv (u, v ), g 111 := g uuu (u, v ), g 112 := g uuv (u, v ), g 122 := g uvv (u, v ). (A, B, C, D),. 4.2 (A, B, C, D) 2f 1 4d 1 µ i 4d A 4d 1 µ 2 i 2f 1 4d 1 µ i 0 2 2g 1 + 4λ i χ i v 4χ i v 2g 2 4d 2 µ i 4d 2 B C 4λ 2 i χ i v 2g 1 + 4λ i χ i v 4d 2 µ 2 i 2g 2 4d 2 µ i D 3 (f 2l f 12 b i ) (πi)2 (f 2l = f 12 b i ) 3(χ l iµ i b i + 1g g 12 b i + 1g 2 22b 2 i ) + (πi)2 χ l 3 i b i. (4.3) (πi)2 (χ l 3 i µ i b i + 1g g 12 b i + 1g 2 22b 2 i ) + 3(πi)4 χ l 5 i b i
6 No. 1 : Prey-Taxis Holling-Tanner 145 (3.3) (3.6) φ 2 i (φ i) 2 L 2 -, φ 2 i, φ 2 i = 3 2l, φ2 i, (φ i) 2 = (πi)2 2l, 3 (φ i) 2, (φ i) 2 = 3(πi)4, 2l 5 (4.3) (χ(s); u(s), v(s)) (3.1), s s = 0 6d 1 ũ (0) + 6f 1 ũ (0) + 6 ṽ (0) + 6(f 11 + f 12 b i )ũ(0)φ i + 6f 12 ṽ(0)φ i +(f f 112 b i )φ 3 i = 0, (4.4) 6d 2 ṽ (0) 6 χ(0)v φ i 6χ i {ṽ(0)φ i + b i φ i ũ(0) + v ũ (0)} + 6g 1 ũ (0) + 6g 2 ṽ (0) +6(g 11 + g 12 b i )ũ(0)φ i + 6(g 12 + g 22 b i )ṽ(0)φ i + (g g 112 b i + 3g 122 b 2 i )φ 3 i = 0. (4.5) (4.4), (4.5) φ i L 2 -, 6(f 1 d 1 λ i ) ũ (0), φ i + 6 ṽ (0), φ i + 6(f 11 + f 12 b i ) ũ(0), φ 2 i +6f 12 ṽ(0), φ 2 i + (f f 112 b i ) φ 3 i, φ i = 0, (4.6) 6d 2 µ i ṽ (0), φ i + 6 χ(0)v µ i φ i, φ i + 6χ i { ṽ(0), (φ i) 2 b i ũ(0), (φ i) 2 µ i φ 2 i +v µ i ũ (0), φ i } + 6g 1 ũ (0), φ i + 6g 2 ṽ (0), φ i + 6(g 11 + g 12 b i ) ũ(0), φ 2 i +6(g 12 + g 22 b i ) ṽ(0), φ 2 i + (g g 112 b i + 3g 122 b 2 i ) φ 3 i, φ i = 0. (4.7) φ i, φ i = 1, (4.6) (4.7) ũ (0), φ i ṽ (0), φ i, (4.7) (4.6) (4.2) [1] Sáez E, González-Olivares E. Dynamies of a predator-prey model [J]. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 1999, 59(3): [2] Holling C S. The functional response of invertebrate predators to prey density [J]. Mem. Ent. Soc. Can., 1965, 45(4): [3] Braza P A. The bifurcation structure of the Holling-Tanner model for predator-prey interations using two-timings [J]. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 2003, 63(2): [4] Collings J B. Bifurcation and stability analysis of a tempreture-dependent of predator-prey interation model incorporating a prey-refuge [J]. Bull. Math. Biol., 1995, 57(3): [5] May R M. Limit cycles in predator-prey communities [J]. Sci., 1972, 77(2) [6] Peng Rui, Wang Mingxin. Positive steady-states of the Holling-Tanner prey-predator model with diffusion [J]. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh. Sect A., 2005, 135(4): [7] Peng Rui, Wang Mingxin. Global stability of the equilibrium of a diffusive Holling-Tanner preypredator model [J]. Appl. Math. Lett., 2007, 20(3): [8]. [J]., 2012, 32(6): [9] Chen Xueyong, Zhang Jincai. The behavior of the solutions to a multi-group chemotaxis model with reproduction term [J]. J. Math., 2011, 31(5):
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BULETINUL ACADEMIEI DE ŞTIINŢE A REPUBLICII MOLDOVA. MATEMATICA Numbers 2(72) 3(73), 2013, Pages 80 89 ISSN 1024 7696 On a four-dimensional hyperbolic manifold with finite volume I.S.Gutsul Abstract. In
On Inclusion Relation of Absolute Summability
It. J. Cotemp. Math. Scieces, Vol. 5, 2010, o. 53, 2641-2646 O Iclusio Relatio of Absolute Summability Aradhaa Dutt Jauhari A/66 Suresh Sharma Nagar Bareilly UP) Idia-243006 aditya
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Motion analysis and simulation of a stratospheric airship
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Appendix to On the stability of a compressible axisymmetric rotating flow in a pipe. By Z. Rusak & J. H. Lee
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DETERMINATION OF DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A 2DOF SYSTEM by Zoran VARGA, Ms.C.E. Euro-Apex B.V. 1990-2012 All Rights Reserved. The 2 DOF System Symbols m 1 =3m [kg] m 2 =8m m=10 [kg] l=2 [m] E=210000
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(1) A lecturer at the University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza. Gaza, Palestine, P.O. Box (1514).
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Supporting Information
Supporting Information Aluminum Complexes of N 2 O 2 3 Formazanate Ligands Supported by Phosphine Oxide Donors Ryan R. Maar, Amir Rabiee Kenaree, Ruizhong Zhang, Yichen Tao, Benjamin D. Katzman, Viktor
EE512: Error Control Coding
EE512: Error Control Coding Solution for Assignment on Finite Fields February 16, 2007 1. (a) Addition and Multiplication tables for GF (5) and GF (7) are shown in Tables 1 and 2. + 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3
Problem Set 9 Solutions. θ + 1. θ 2 + cotθ ( ) sinθ e iφ is an eigenfunction of the ˆ L 2 operator. / θ 2. φ 2. sin 2 θ φ 2. ( ) = e iφ. = e iφ cosθ.
Chemistry 362 Dr Jean M Standard Problem Set 9 Solutions The ˆ L 2 operator is defined as Verify that the angular wavefunction Y θ,φ) Also verify that the eigenvalue is given by 2! 2 & L ˆ 2! 2 2 θ 2 +
2 ~ 8 Hz Hz. Blondet 1 Trombetti 2-4 Symans 5. = - M p. M p. s 2 x p. s 2 x t x t. + C p. sx p. + K p. x p. C p. s 2. x tp x t.
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Risk! " #$%&'() *!'+,'''## -. / # $
Risk! " #$%&'(!'+,'''## -. / 0! " # $ +/ #%&''&(+(( &'',$ #-&''&$ #(./0&'',$( ( (! #( &''/$ #$ 3 #4&'',$ #- &'',$ #5&''6(&''&7&'',$ / ( /8 9 :&' " 4; < # $ 3 " ( #$ = = #$ #$ ( 3 - > # $ 3 = = " 3 3, 6?3
1 (forward modeling) 2 (data-driven modeling) e- Quest EnergyPlus DeST 1.1. {X t } ARMA. S.Sp. Pappas [4]
212 2 ( 4 252 ) No.2 in 212 (Total No.252 Vol.4) doi 1.3969/j.issn.1673-7237.212.2.16 STANDARD & TESTING 1 2 2 (1. 2184 2. 2184) CensusX12 ARMA ARMA TU111.19 A 1673-7237(212)2-55-5 Time Series Analysis
Electronic Supplementary Information DFT Characterization on the Mechanism of Water Splitting Catalyzed by Single-Ru-substituted Polyoxometalates
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X g 1990 g PSRB
e-mail: 2005 1. 40 % 1 4 1) 1 PSRB1913 16 30 2) 3) X g 1990 g 4) g g 2 g 2. 1990 2000 3) 10 1 Page 1 5) % 1 g g 3. 1 3 1 6) 3 S S S n m (1/a, b k /a) a b k 1 1 3 S n m,
= f(0) + f dt. = f. O 2 (x, u) x=(x 1,x 2,,x n ) T, f(x) =(f 1 (x), f 2 (x),, f n (x)) T. f x = A = f
2 n dx (x)+g(x)u () x n u (x), g(x) x n () +2 -a -b -b -a 3 () x,u dx x () dx () + x x + g()u + O 2 (x, u) x x x + g()u + O 2 (x, u) (2) x O 2 (x, u) x u 2 x(x,x 2,,x n ) T, (x) ( (x), 2 (x),, n (x)) T
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Statistical analysis of extreme events in a nonstationary context via a Bayesian framework. Case study with peak-over-threshold data B. Renard, M. Lang, P. Bois To cite this version: B. Renard, M. Lang,
Strain gauge and rosettes
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