Fundamental Physical Constants Complete Listing Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u r
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1 UNIVERSAL speed of light in vacuum c, c m s 1 (exact) magnetic constant µ 0 4π 10 7 NA 2 = NA 2 (exact) electric constant 1/µ 0 c 2 ε Fm 1 (exact) characteristic impedance of vacuum µ 0 /ɛ 0 = µ 0 c Z (exact) Newtonian constant of gravitation G 6.673(10) m 3 kg 1 s G/ħc 6.707(10) (GeV/c 2 ) Planck constant h (52) Js in ev s (16) ev s h/2π ħ (82) Js in ev s (26) ev s Planck mass (ħc/g) 1/2 m P (16) 10 8 kg Planck length ħ/m P c = (ħg/c 3 ) 1/2 l P (12) m Planck time l P /c = (ħg/c 5 ) 1/2 t P (40) s ELECTROMAGNETIC elementary charge e (63) C e/h (95) AJ magnetic flux quantum h/2e (81) Wb conductance quantum 2e 2 /h G (28) 10 5 S inverse of conductance quantum G (47) Josephson constant a 2e/h 0 K J (19) 10 9 Hz V von Klitzing constant b h/e 2 = µ 0 c/2α R K (95) Bohr magneton eħ/2m e µ B (37) JT in ev T (43) 10 5 ev T µ B /h (56) 10 9 Hz T µ B /hc (19) m 1 T µ B /k (12) KT nuclear magneton eħ/2m p µ N (20) JT in ev T (24) 10 8 ev T µ N /h (31) MHz T µ N /hc (10) 10 2 m 1 T µ N /k (64) 10 4 KT ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR General fine-structure constant e 2 /4πɛ 0 ħc α (27) inverse fine-structure constant α (50) Page 1 Source: Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor, CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 1998,
2 Rydberg constant α 2 m e c/2h R (83) m R c (25) Hz R hc (17) J R hc in ev (53) ev Bohr radius α/4π R = 4πɛ 0 ħ 2 /m e e 2 a (19) m Hartree energy e 2 /4πε 0 a 0 = 2R hc = α 2 m e c 2 E h (34) J in ev (11) ev quantum of circulation h/2m e (27) 10 4 m 2 s h/m e (53) 10 4 m 2 s Electroweak Fermi coupling constant c G F /(ħc) (1) 10 5 GeV weak mixing angle d θ W (on-shell scheme) sin 2 θ W = sw 2 1 (m W/m Z ) 2 sin 2 θ W (19) Electron, e electron mass m e (72) kg in u, m e = A r (e) u (electron relative atomic mass times u) (12) 10 4 u energy equivalent m e c (64) J in MeV (21) MeV electron-muon mass ratio m e /m µ (15) electron-tau mass ratio m e /m τ (47) electron-proton mass ratio m e /m p (12) electron-neutron mass ratio m e /m n (12) electron-deuteron mass ratio m e /m d (58) electron to alpha particle mass ratio m e /m α (29) electron charge to mass quotient e/m e (71) Ckg electron molar mass N A m e M(e), M e (12) 10 7 kg mol Compton wavelength h/m e c λ C (18) m λ C /2π = αa 0 = α 2 /4π R ƛ C (28) m classical electron radius α 2 a 0 r e (31) m Thomson cross section (8π/3)re 2 σ e (15) m electron magnetic moment µ e (37) JT to Bohr magneton ratio µ e /µ B (41) to nuclear magneton ratio µ e /µ N (39) electron magnetic moment anomaly µ e /µ B 1 a e (41) electron g-factor 2(1 + a e ) g e (82) electron-muon magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ µ (63) Page 2 Source: Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor, CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 1998,
3 electron-proton magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ p (66) electron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ p (71) electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ n (23) electron-deuteron magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ d (23) electron to shielded helion e magnetic moment ratio µ e /µ h (10) electron gyromagnetic ratio 2 µ e /ħ γ e (71) s 1 T γ e /2π (11) MHz T Muon, µ muon mass m µ (16) kg in u, m µ = A r (µ) u (muon relative atomic mass times u) (34) u energy equivalent m µ c (14) J in MeV (52) MeV muon-electron mass ratio m µ /m e (63) muon-tau mass ratio m µ /m τ (97) muon-proton mass ratio m µ /m p (34) muon-neutron mass ratio m µ /m n (34) muon molar mass N A m µ M(µ), M µ (34) 10 3 kg mol muon Compton wavelength h/m µ c λ C,µ (35) m λ C,µ /2π ƛ C,µ (55) m muon magnetic moment µ µ (22) JT to Bohr magneton ratio µ µ /µ B (15) to nuclear magneton ratio µ µ /µ N (27) muon magnetic moment anomaly µ µ /(eħ/2m µ ) 1 a µ (64) muon g-factor 2(1 + a µ ) g µ (13) muon-proton magnetic moment ratio µ µ /µ p (10) Tau, τ tau mass f m τ (52) kg in u, m τ = A r (τ) u(tau relative atomic mass times u) (31) u energy equivalent m τ c (46) J in MeV (29) MeV Page 3 Source: Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor, CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 1998,
4 tau-electron mass ratio m τ /m e (57) tau-muon mass ratio m τ /m µ (27) tau-proton mass ratio m τ /m p (31) tau-neutron mass ratio m τ /m n (31) tau molar mass N A m τ M(τ), M τ (31) 10 3 kg mol tau Compton wavelength h/m τ c λ C,τ (11) m λ C,τ /2π ƛ C,τ (18) m Proton, p proton mass m p (13) kg in u, m p = A r (p) u (proton relative atomic mass times u) (13) u energy equivalent m p c (12) J in MeV (38) MeV proton-electron mass ratio m p /m e (39) proton-muon mass ratio m p /m µ (27) proton-tau mass ratio m p /m τ (86) proton-neutron mass ratio m p /m n (58) proton charge to mass quotient e/m p (38) 10 7 Ckg proton molar mass N A m p M(p), M p (13) 10 3 kg mol proton Compton wavelength h/m p c λ C,p (10) m λ C,p /2π ƛ C,p (16) m proton magnetic moment µ p (58) JT to Bohr magneton ratio µ p /µ B (15) to nuclear magneton ratio µ p /µ N (29) proton g-factor 2µ p /µ N g p (57) proton-neutron magnetic moment ratio µ p /µ n (34) shielded proton magnetic moment µ p (59) JT to Bohr magneton ratio µ p /µ B (16) to nuclear magneton ratio µ p /µ N (31) proton magnetic shielding correction 1 µ p /µ p σ p (15) proton gyromagnetic ratio 2µ p /ħ γ p (11) 10 8 s 1 T γ p /2π (18) MHz T shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio 2µ p /ħ γ p (11) 10 8 s 1 T γ p /2π (18) MHz T Neutron, n Page 4 Source: Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor, CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 1998,
5 neutron mass m n (13) kg in u, m n = A r (n) u (neutron relative atomic mass times u) (55) u energy equivalent m n c (12) J in MeV (38) MeV neutron-electron mass ratio m n /m e (40) neutron-muon mass ratio m n /m µ (27) neutron-tau mass ratio m n /m τ (86) neutron-proton mass ratio m n /m p (58) neutron molar mass N A m n M(n), M n (55) 10 3 kg mol neutron Compton wavelength h/m n c λ C,n (10) m λ C,n /2π ƛ C,n (16) m neutron magnetic moment µ n (23) JT to Bohr magneton ratio µ n /µ B (25) to nuclear magneton ratio µ n /µ N (45) neutron g-factor 2µ n /µ N g n (90) neutron-electron magnetic moment ratio µ n /µ e (25) neutron-proton magnetic moment ratio µ n /µ p (16) neutron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio µ n /µ p (16) neutron gyromagnetic ratio 2 µ n /ħ γ n (44) 10 8 s 1 T γ n /2π (70) MHz T Deuteron, d deuteron mass m d (26) kg in u, m d = A r (d) u (deuteron relative atomic mass times u) (35) u energy equivalent m d c (24) J in MeV (75) MeV deuteron-electron mass ratio m d /m e (78) deuteron-proton mass ratio m d /m p (41) deuteron molar mass N A m d M(d), M d (35) 10 3 kg mol deuteron magnetic moment µ d (18) JT to Bohr magneton ratio µ d /µ B (50) to nuclear magneton ratio µ d /µ N (94) deuteron-electron magnetic moment ratio µ d /µ e (50) deuteron-proton magnetic moment ratio µ d /µ p (45) Page 5 Source: Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor, CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 1998,
6 deuteron-neutron magnetic moment ratio µ d /µ n (11) Helion, h helion mass e m h (39) kg in u, m h = A r (h) u (helion relative atomic mass times u) (86) u energy equivalent m h c (35) J in MeV (11) MeV helion-electron mass ratio m h /m e (12) helion-proton mass ratio m h /m p (93) helion molar mass N A m h M(h), M h (86) 10 3 kg mol shielded helion magnetic moment µ h (45) JT to Bohr magneton ratio µ h /µ B (14) to nuclear magneton ratio µ h /µ N (25) shielded helion to proton magnetic moment ratio µ h /µ p (12) shielded helion to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio µ h /µ p (33) (gas/h 2 O, spheres, 25 C) shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio 2 µ h /ħ γ h (85) 10 8 s 1 T γ h /2π (14) MHz T Alpha particle, α alpha particle mass m α (52) kg in u, m α = A r (α) u (alpha particle relative atomic mass times u) (10) u energy equivalent m α c (47) J in MeV (15) MeV alpha particle to electron mass ratio m α /m e (16) alpha particle to proton mass ratio m α /m p (11) alpha particle molar mass N A m α M(α), M α (10) 10 3 kg mol PHYSICO-CHEMICAL Avogadro constant N A, L (47) mol atomic mass constant m u = 12 1 C) = 1u m u (13) kg = 10 3 kg mol 1 /N A energy equivalent m u c (12) J in MeV (37) MeV Faraday constant g N A e F (39) Cmol Page 6 Source: Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor, CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 1998,
7 molar Planck constant N A h (30) Jsmol N A hc (91) Jmmol molar gas constant R (15) Jmol 1 K Boltzmann constant R/N A k (24) JK in ev K (15) 10 5 ev K k/h (36) Hz K k/hc (12) m 1 K molar volume of ideal gas RT/p T = K, p = kpa V m (39) 10 3 m 3 mol Loschmidt constant N A /V m n (47) m T = K, p = 100 kpa V m (40) 10 3 m 3 mol Sackur-Tetrode constant (absolute entropy constant) h ln[(2πm u kt 1 /h 2 ) 3/2 kt 1 /p 0 ] T 1 = 1K, p 0 = 100 kpa S 0 /R (44) T 1 = 1K, p 0 = kpa (44) Stefan-Boltzmann constant (π 2 /60)k 4 /ħ 3 c 2 σ (40) 10 8 Wm 2 K first radiation constant 2πhc 2 c (29) Wm first radiation constant for spectral radiance 2hc 2 c 1L (93) Wm 2 sr second radiation constant hc/k c (25) 10 2 mk Wien displacement law constant b = λ max T = c 2 / b (51) 10 3 mk a See the Adopted values table for the conventional value adopted internationally for realizing representations of the volt using the Josephson effect. b See the Adopted values table for the conventional value adopted internationally for realizing representations of the ohm using the quantum Hall effect. c Value recommended by the Particle Data Group, Caso et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 3(1-4), (1998). d Based on the ratio of the masses of the W and Z bosons m W /m Z recommended by the Particle Data Group (Caso et al., 1998). The value for sin 2 θ W they recommend, which is based on a particular variant of the modified minimal subtraction (MS) scheme, is sin 2 ˆθ W (M Z ) = (24). e The helion, symbol h, is the nucleus of the 3 He atom. f This and all other values involving m τ are based on the value of m τ c 2 in MeV recommended by the Particle Data Group, Caso et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 3(1-4), (1998), but with a standard uncertainty of 0.29 MeV rather than the quoted uncertainty of 0.26 MeV, MeV. g The numerical value of F to be used in coulometric chemical measurements is (76) [ ] when the relevant current is measured in terms of representations of the volt and ohm based on the Josephson and quantum Hall effects and the internationally adopted conventional values of the Josephson and von Klitzing constants K J 90 and R K 90 given in the Adopted values table. h The entropy of an ideal monoatomic gas of relative atomic mass A r is given by S = S R ln A r R ln(p/p 0 ) R ln(t/k). Page 7 Source: Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor, CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 1998,
Fundamental Physical Constants Extensive Listing Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u r
UNIVERSAL speed of light in vacuum c, c 0 299 792 458 m s 1 exact magnetic constant µ 0 4π 10 7 N A 2 = 12.566 370 614... 10 7 N A 2 exact electric constant 1/µ 0 c 2 ɛ 0 8.854 187 817... 10 12 F m 1 exact
Fundamental Physical Constants Extensive Listing Relative std. Quantity Symbol Value Unit uncert. u r
UNIVERSAL speed of light in vacuum c, c 0 299 792 458 m s 1 exact magnetic constant µ 0 4π 10 7 N A 2 = 12.566 370 614... 10 7 N A 2 exact electric constant 1/µ 0 c 2 ɛ 0 8.854 187 817... 10 12 F m 1 exact
Some Resources, Data Tables etc.
Some Resources, Data Tables etc. Primary SI Units Meter m Kilogram kg Second s Ampere A Kelvin K Mol mol Candela cd Newton N Farad F Joule J Coulomb C Tesla T Hertz Hz Watt W Prefixes for SI Units 10 10
arxiv: v1 [physics.atom-ph] 21 Jul 2015
CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 2014 Peter J. Mohr, David B. Newell, Barry N. Taylor National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8420,
t H = sec Rg sv
t H.086 0 7 sec t H :.0867 0 7 sec Rg sv : t H c Ovde sam pokusao da pronadjem tacne cifre magicnih brojeva sa Vajnbergove skale.moja istrazivanja su dovela do zakljucka da su magicni brojevi samo koeficijenti
Technical Information T-9100 SI. Suva. refrigerants. Thermodynamic Properties of. Suva Refrigerant [R-410A (50/50)]
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Highly enantioselective cascade synthesis of spiropyrazolones. Supporting Information. NMR spectra and HPLC traces
Highly enantioselective cascade synthesis of spiropyrazolones Alex Zea a, Andrea-Nekane R. Alba a, Andrea Mazzanti b, Albert Moyano a and Ramon Rios a,c * Supporting Information NMR spectra and HPLC traces
Aquinas College. Edexcel Mathematical formulae and statistics tables DO NOT WRITE ON THIS BOOKLET
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Supplementary Information. Living Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactones by N-Heterocyclic Olefin/Al(C 6 F 5 ) 3
Supplementary Information Living Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactones by N-Heterocyclic Olefin/Al(C 6 F 5 ) 3 Lewis Pairs: Structures of Intermediates, Kinetics, and Mechanism Qianyi Wang, Wuchao Zhao,
Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.
Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given
Constitutive Relations in Chiral Media
Constitutive Relations in Chiral Media Covariance and Chirality Coefficients in Biisotropic Materials Roger Scott Montana State University, Department of Physics March 2 nd, 2010 Optical Activity Polarization
Monolithic Crystal Filters (M.C.F.)
Monolithic Crystal Filters (M.C.F.) MCF (MONOLITHIC CRYSTAL FILTER) features high quality quartz resonators such as sharp cutoff characteristics, low loss, good inter-modulation and high stability over
Si + Al Mg Fe + Mn +Ni Ca rim Ca p.f.u
.6.5. y = -.4x +.8 R =.9574 y = - x +.14 R =.9788 y = -.4 x +.7 R =.9896 Si + Al Fe + Mn +Ni y =.55 x.36 R =.9988. core rim.144 4 =.6 ±.6 4 =.6 ±.18.84.88 p.f.u..86.76 y = -3.9 x
B37631 K K 0 60
Multilayer Ceramic acitors High; X5R and X7R Chip Ordering code system B37631 K 7 5 K 6 Packaging 6 ^ cardboard tape, 18-mm reel 62 ^ blister tape, 18-mm reel Internal coding acitance tolerance K ^ ± %
10-π-electron arenes à la carte: Structure. Sr, Ba; n = 6-8) complexes
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. This journal is the Owner Societies 2016 Supporting information 10-π-electron arenes à la carte: Structure and Bonding of
Cable Systems - Postive/Negative Seq Impedance
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DiracDelta. Notations. Primary definition. Specific values. General characteristics. Traditional name. Traditional notation
DiracDelta Notations Traditional name Dirac delta function Traditional notation x Mathematica StandardForm notation DiracDeltax Primary definition x Π lim ε ; x ε0 x 2 2 ε Specific values
Surface Mount Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
01/2008:50700 5.7. TABLE OF PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RADIONUCLIDES MENTIONED IN THE EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA Thefollowingtableisgiventocompletethegeneral monograph Radiopharmaceutical preparations (0125).
CONSULTING Engineering Calculation Sheet
E N G I N E E R S Consulting Engineers jxxx 1 Structure Design - EQ Load Definition and EQ Effects v20 EQ Response Spectra in Direction X, Y, Z X-Dir Y-Dir Z-Dir Fundamental period of building, T 1 5.00
Fused Bis-Benzothiadiazoles as Electron Acceptors
Fused Bis-Benzothiadiazoles as Electron Acceptors Debin Xia, a,b Xiao-Ye Wang, b Xin Guo, c Martin Baumgarten,*,b Mengmeng Li, b and Klaus Müllen*,b a MIIT Key Laboratory of ritical Materials Technology
상대론적고에너지중이온충돌에서 제트입자와관련된제동복사 박가영 인하대학교 윤진희교수님, 권민정교수님
상대론적고에너지중이온충돌에서 제트입자와관련된제동복사 박가영 인하대학교 윤진희교수님, 권민정교수님 Motivation Bremsstrahlung is a major rocess losing energies while jet articles get through the medium. BUT it should be quite different from low energy
H-SERIES MOTOR DATA MOTOR MODEL H-3007 H-3016 H-4030-P H-4030-M H-4040 H-4050 H-4075 H-6100 H-6200 H-6300 MECHANICAL DATA (1) Rated Torque, Cont (Stall) 0.8 2.3 3.4 3.4 5.0 6.8 10.2 11.3 22.6 36.7 lb-in
X g 1990 g PSRB
e-mail: 2005 1. 40 % 1 4 1) 1 PSRB1913 16 30 2) 3) X g 1990 g 4) g g 2 g 2. 1990 2000 3) 10 1 Page 1 5) % 1 g g 3. 1 3 1 6) 3 S S S n m (1/a, b k /a) a b k 1 1 3 S n m,
Manuscript submitted to the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, September 2011.
The Early Life of a Peptide Cation-Radical. Ground and Excited-State Trajectories of Electron-Based Peptide Dissociations During the First 330 Femtoseconds Christopher L. Moss, Wenkel Liang, Xiaosong Li,*
Problem Set 9 Solutions. θ + 1. θ 2 + cotθ ( ) sinθ e iφ is an eigenfunction of the ˆ L 2 operator. / θ 2. φ 2. sin 2 θ φ 2. ( ) = e iφ. = e iφ cosθ.
Chemistry 362 Dr Jean M Standard Problem Set 9 Solutions The ˆ L 2 operator is defined as Verify that the angular wavefunction Y θ,φ) Also verify that the eigenvalue is given by 2! 2 & L ˆ 2! 2 2 θ 2 +
CRASH COURSE IN PRECALCULUS Shiah-Sen Wang The graphs are prepared by Chien-Lun Lai Based on : Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus by J. Stuwart, L. Redin & S. Watson, 6th edition, 01, Brooks/Cole Chapter
Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude
Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Jan Behrens 2012-12-31 In this paper we shall provide a method to approximate distances between two points on earth
ˆŒˆ ˆŸ ˆ Œ ƒ LEPTO/JETSET Ÿ ˆ ƒ
Ó³ Ÿ. 2014.. 11, º 4(188).. 817Ä827 Š Œ œ ƒˆˆ ˆ ˆŠ ˆŒˆ ˆŸ ˆ Œ ƒ LEPTO/JETSET Ÿ ˆ ƒ Ÿ.. ² ± Ì,. Œ. ŠÊ Íμ,.. μ ± Ö 1, Œ. ƒ. μ ±μ Ñ Ò É ÉÊÉ Ö ÒÌ ² μ, Ê Ò Ê²ÓÉ ÉÒ ³ ÒÌμ μ ÉÖ ²ÒÌ μ μ É μ μ ²Ê μ±μ - Ê Ê μ³ Ö
Quantitative chemical analyses of rocks with X-ray fluorescence analyzer: major and trace elements in ultrabasic rocks
98 Scientific Note X : Quantitative chemical analyses of rocks with X-ray fluorescence analyzer: major and trace elements in ultrabasic rocks Kimiko Seno and Yoichi Motoyoshi,**- +, +, ;,**. -,/ Abstract:
ˆ ˆŸ ˆ ˆŸ ˆ ˆŒ ˆˆ Ÿ Œˆ 10 B
Ó³ Ÿ. 2013.. 10, º 4(181).. 566Ä571 ˆ ˆŠ Œ ˆ ˆ Œ ƒ Ÿ. Š ˆŒ ˆ ˆŸ ˆ ˆŸ ˆ ˆŒ ˆˆ Ÿ Œˆ 10 B.. ˆ μ, ˆ.. μ ±μ,.. ŠÊ Ó³ μ,.. ³ μ,. ˆ. Î,.. ÖÎ±μ ²Ó μ μ Ê É μ Ê É μ ÖÉ ƒμ Ê É Ò ÊÎ Ò Í É μ ±μ Í Ä ±μ-ô É Î ± É ÉÊÉ
Supporting Information
Supporting Information Vinylogous elimination/heck coupling/allylation domino reactions: access to 2- substituted 2,3-dihydrobenzofurans and indolines Jianguo Yang, *, Hanjie Mo, Xiuxiu Jin, Dongdong Cao,
Review Test 3. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Review Test MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Find the exact value of the expression. 1) sin - 11π 1 1) + - + - - ) sin 11π 1 ) ( -
The effect of curcumin on the stability of Aβ. dimers
The effect of curcumin on the stability of Aβ dimers Li Na Zhao, See-Wing Chiu, Jérôme Benoit, Lock Yue Chew,, and Yuguang Mu, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University,
SMD Power Inductor-VLH
SMD Power Inductor-VH Dimensions Unit: mm Type A B C E F H I J 252010 2.5±0.2 2.0±0.2 1.0max. 0.4±0.2 1.0min. 2.1 0.90 0.8 252012 2.5±0.2 2.0±0.2 1.2max. 0.4±0.2 1.0min. 2.1 0.90 0.8 321618C 3.2±0.3 1.6±0.2
Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ.
Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο The time integral of a force is referred to as impulse, is determined by and is obtained from: Newton s 2 nd Law of motion states that the action
Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential. be continuous functions on the interval
Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential Equations Let a (t), a 2 (t),..., a nn (t), b (t), b 2 (t),..., b n (t) be continuous functions on the interval I. The system of n first-order differential equations
Regioselectivity in the Stille coupling reactions of 3,5- dibromo-2-pyrone.
Regioselectivity in the Stille coupling reactions of 3,5- dibromo-2-pyrone. Won-Suk Kim, Hyung-Jin Kim and Cheon-Gyu Cho Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea Experimental Section
ÑÏÕËÁ ÌÁÊÑÇ. Στις ερωτήσεις 1-4 να γράψετε στο τετράδιό σας τον αριθµό της ερώτησης και δίπλα το γράµµα, που αντιστοιχεί στη σωστή απάντηση.
ΘΕΜΑ ο Γ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ ΦΥΣΙΚΗ ΓΕΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΑΙ ΕΙΑΣ Στις ερωτήσεις - να γράψετε στο τετράδιό σας τον αριθµό της ερώτησης και δίπλα το γράµµα, που αντιστοιχεί στη σωστή απάντηση.. Μια δέσµη φωτός προσπίπτει στην επιφάνεια
Enantioselective Synthesis of the Anti-inflammatory Agent ( )-Acanthoic Acid
Enantioselective Synthesis of the Anti-inflammatory Agent ( )-Acanthoic Acid Taotao Ling, a Chinmay Chowdhury, a Bryan A. Kramer, a Binh G. Vong, a Michael A. Palladino b and Emmanuel A. Theodorakis a
Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates
Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the
Butadiene as a Ligand in Open Sandwich Compounds
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. This journal is the Owner Societies 2018 Butadiene as a Ligand in Open Sandwich Compounds Qunchao Fan, a Jia Fu, a Huidong
Enantioselective Organocatalytic Michael Addition of Isorhodanines. to α, β-unsaturated Aldehydes
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 Enantioselective Organocatalytic Michael Addition of Isorhodanines to α,
Supporting Information
One-Pot, Three-Component Assembly of Indoloquinolines: Total Synthesis of Isocryptolepine Alexander V. Aksenov,* Dmitrii A. Aksenov, Naila A. Orazova, Nicolai A. Aksenov, Georgii D. Griaznov, Annelise
Smaller. 6.3 to 100 After 1 minute's application of rated voltage at 20 C, leakage current is. not more than 0.03CV or 4 (µa), whichever is greater.
Low Impedance, For Switching Power Supplies Low impedance and high reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at +05 C (3000 / 2000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below). Capacitance ranges
Contents Solution Gas-Oil Ratio... 2... 2... 2... 2 Formation Volume Factor... 3... 3... 3... 3 Viscosity... 4... 4... 4... 4 Density... 5 Bubble Point Pressure... 5... 6... 6... 6 Compressibility... 6
CHAPTER 5 SOLVING EQUATIONS BY ITERATIVE METHODS EXERCISE 104 Page 8 1. Find the positive root of the equation x + 3x 5 = 0, correct to 3 significant figures, using the method of bisection. Let f(x) =
Chapter 22 - Heat Engines, Entropy, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
apter - Heat Engines, Entropy, and te Seond Law o ermodynamis.1 (a).0 J e 0.069 4 or 6.94% 60 J (b) 60 J.0 J J. e eat to melt 1.0 g o Hg is 4 ml 1 10 kg 1.18 10 J kg 177 J e energy absorbed to reeze 1.00
Technical Report. General Design Data of a Three Phase Induction Machine 90kW Squirrel Cage Rotor
Technical Report General Design Data of a Three Phase Induction Machine 90kW Squirrel Cage Rotor Tasos Lazaridis Electrical Engineer CAD/CAE Engineer Three-Phase Induction Machine
Figure 1 T / K Explain, in terms of molecules, why the first part of the graph in Figure 1 is a line that slopes up from the origin.
Q1.(a) Figure 1 shows how the entropy of a molecular substance X varies with temperature. Figure 1 T / K (i) Explain, in terms of molecules, why the entropy is zero when the temperature is zero Kelvin.
Math221: HW# 1 solutions
Math: HW# solutions Andy Royston October, 5 7.5.7, 3 rd Ed. We have a n = b n = a = fxdx = xdx =, x cos nxdx = x sin nx n sin nxdx n = cos nx n = n n, x sin nxdx = x cos nx n + cos nxdx n cos n = + sin