Generation, maintenance and function of memory T cells

Σχετικά έγγραφα
Τα ηπατικά επίπεδα του FOXP3 mrna στη χρόνια ηπατίτιδα Β εξαρτώνται από την έκφραση των οδών Fas/FasL και PD-1/PD-L1

CD4Th CD8T IL 2 NKT 1 T MHC MHC MHC. major histocompatibility complex : MHC CD28 TCR TCR. TCR αβ TCR γδ TCR. CD3 CD3 γ δ ε ζ CD4

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encouraged to use the Version of Record that, when published, will replace this version. The most /BCJ

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Abstract -12, V NSC B

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[11].,, , 316 6, ,., 15.5%, 9.8%, 2006., IDF,, ,500, 2,830.,, ,200.,,, β, [12]. 90% 2,,,,, [13-15].,, [13,


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Δθαξκνζκέλα καζεκαηηθά δίθηπα: ε πεξίπησζε ηνπ ζπζηεκηθνύ θηλδύλνπ ζε κηθξνεπίπεδν.

Matrices and vectors. Matrix and vector. a 11 a 12 a 1n a 21 a 22 a 2n A = b 1 b 2. b m. R m n, b = = ( a ij. a m1 a m2 a mn. def

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Main source: "Discrete-time systems and computer control" by Α. ΣΚΟΔΡΑΣ ΨΗΦΙΑΚΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ 4 ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ 1

Retrieval of Seismic Data Recorded on Open-reel-type Magnetic Tapes (MT) by Using Existing Devices

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Πρώιμη και όψιμη ΙΦΝΕ: διαφορετικός φαινότυπος, διαφορετικά μονοπάτια στη φλεγμονή; Γ. Μπάμιας

Σπύρος Κέλλης Καθηγητής Προπονητικής Τ.Ε.Φ.Α.Α.-Α.Π.Θ.

2 ~ 8 Hz Hz. Blondet 1 Trombetti 2-4 Symans 5. = - M p. M p. s 2 x p. s 2 x t x t. + C p. sx p. + K p. x p. C p. s 2. x tp x t.


22 6 2010 6 Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences Vol. 22, No. 6 Jun., 2010 1004-0374(2010)06-0506-09 T ( 510080) T T T T T T R392.12 A Generation, maintenance and function of memory T cells LIU Yun, WU Chang-you* (Department of Immunology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China) Abstract: Immunological memory is the ability to make a second and more effective immune response to an antigen that encountered previously. Antigen is processed to short peptides and presented by DCs on MHC molecules to initiate the responses of T cells. A TCR signal with co-stimuli leads to clonal expansion of antigen-specific T cells and follows a phase of contraction, in which most short-lived antigen-specific effector T cells die. Some of these cells survive and form long-lived memory cells. Memory cells are heterogeneous in phenotype and function. Understanding the properties of memory T cells will help in the design of vaccines and the immunotherapy for diseases. Key words: T cells; memory; cytokine Thucydides 19, 2010-04-07 ( 973 ) (2007CB512404) * E-mail: changyou_wu@yahoo. com

T 507, 75 65 40, B T T 1 T (naive T cells) ( ) (dendritic cell, DC) (major histocompatibility complex, MHC) MHC CD4 + CD8 + T T (TCR) [1,2] LPS CpG dsrna TLRs DC CD40 CD80 CD86 T CD154 CD28 CD152 T [3,4] DC ( ) T T 2 T T APC T/APC /MHC TCR LCK LAK PCK T (cytotoxic lymphocyte, CTL) T [5-7] CD4 + CD8 + T 24 h CD8 + T 7 CD4 + T CD4 + T CD4 + T CD8 + T 50% CD8 + T 10% CD4 + T 3 T 1~2 T T T 5%~10% [8,9] T T 3.1 T : T T T CD8 + T T T Reiner CD8 + T T [10] OT-1-TCR TCR βtmd CD8 + T CD8 + T T TCR NF-κB CD8 + T T [11] Wu [12] IFN-γ + TCR Tg CD4 + T IFN-γ-TCR Tg

508 IFN-γ T DC T ( CD4 + T IFN-γ CD8 + T GranzymeB) IFN-γ + CD4+ T IFN-γ- CD4 + T [13,14] T CD8 + T IL-2 Bcl-2 CD62L 3.2 T 3.2.1 T CTL [15,16] LCMV 5%~10% CTL CD8 + T CTL DNA CTL CTL 3.2.2 r- T - MHC ( ) ( ) PRRs IFNs IL-12 IFN-γ DCs CTL T T ( ) IL-12 IFN-γ IFNs CD8 + T IL-12 Bcl-3 CD8 + T [17,18] IL-12 -/- Listeria CD8 + T IL-12 CD8 + T T-bet [19,20] ; T-bet KLRG1 high IL-7 Rlow IFN-γ IFN-γ IL-7R IFN-γR CD8 + T [21,22] IL-10 CD8 + T IL-10 24 h CD8 + T [23] IL-10 IL-10R CD8 + T Listeria [24] 3.2.3 r- T IL-7 IL-15 IL-7 IL-7R T T IL-7Rα CD8 + T IL-7R IL-7 CD8 + T IL-7 CD4 + T IL-7 - IL-7R CD4 + T [25,26] Sun [27] IL-7 TCR CD4 + T Bcl-2 GM-CSF/ IL-7R IL-7R LCMV IL-7 IL-2 CD8 + T T IL-2 IL-7 IL-15 CD8 + T [28-30] IL-2 IL-15 KLRG1 hi CD127 lo IL-7

T 509 KLRG1 lo CD127 hi 3.2.4 T-bet Id2 Blimp-1 T T-bet Th1 T-bet eomesodermin (eomes) T-bet CD8 + T CD127 CD8 + T IL-12 T-bet eomes T-bet KLRG1 hi IL-7R lo T-bet KLRG1 lo IL-7R hi Id2 Id2 CD8 + T 80%~90% Id2 CD8 + T [31] Blimp-1 Blimp-1 Id2 Blimp-1 Blimp-1 T Blimp-1 B T Bcl-6 Bcl-6 CD8 + T Bcl-6 3.2.5 T T T CD8 + T [32,33] mtor mtor CD8 + T [32,33] mtor T 3.3 3.3.1 Bim Fas Bcl-2 T [34] Bcl-2 Bim +/- Bcl-2 -/- T LCMV- CD4 + T CD4 + T Bcl-2 CD4 + T Bim(Bcl-2-interacting mediator of death) Bim T Bim -/- Bim - CD4 + T Bim Fas/Fas-L CD8 + T LCMV MHV Fas Bim [35-38] 3.3.2 FOXO3a Noxa FOXO3a STAT5a Bim Fas CD4 + T HIV FOXO3a CD4 + T Noxa T Bim1 Noxa Bim1 CD4 + T Bim1 - Noxa Bim1 CD4 + T Noxa 3.4 T 3.4.1 CD8 + T CD8 + T MHC IL-7 IL-15 [39-42] IL-7R CD8 + T CD8 + T IL-7 CD8 + T IL-7R IL-7R STAT5 Bcl-2 Bcl-2 IL-7 STAT5 Bcl-2 IL-15 CD8 + T

510 CD8 + T IL-7 IL-15 IL-7 IL-15 CD8 + T, CD8 + T Barber [43] CD8 + T PD1(programmed cell death 1) PD1 CD8 + T LCMV IL-10 CD8 + T [44,45] CD8 + T CD8 + T CD8 + T IL-7 IL-15 CD8 + T [46,47] CD8 + T CD8 + T CD8 + T CD8 + T CD8 + T CD8 + T CD8 + T CD4 + T CD8 + T CD4 + T CD40/CD40L DC DC CD8 + T CTL [48-50] LCMV HIV CD4 + T CTL LPS CpG DNA dsdna ssrna DC CTL CD4 + T, LCMV, VSV Listeria CD4 + T CD8 + T [51-53] Castellino [54] CD4 + T DC, CD8 + T CD8 + T CD4 + T CD8 + T TRAIL CD8 + T [55] LCMV CD4 + T TRAIL CD8 + T 60 d CD4 + T ( ) CD8 + T Intlekofer [56] CD8 + T T-bet T-bet CD4 + T CD8 + T (CD62L hi CCR7 hi ) T-bet TRAIL CD4 + T CD8 + T CD4 + T CD8 + T IFN-γ IL-2 IL-7Rα CD62L CD122 IL-2 CD8 + T IL-2R (CD25) CD8 + T [57] IL-2 CD8 + T CD4 + T CD8 + T 3.4.2 CD4 + T CD4 + T TCR CD4 + T CD8 + T CD4 + T MHC IL-7 IL-15 [58,59] IL-7 CD4 + T IL-15 IL-15 (CD122) CD4 + T CD8 + T NK IL-15 CD4 + T CD8 + T NK TCR MHC II CD4 + T

T 511 CD4 + T TCR MHC II IL-7 IL-15 TCR- MHC CD4 + T CD4 + T 4 CD45 T T (CD45RA + ) T (CD45RA - ); CD8 T EM CD45RA (T EMRA ) CD8 + T CD27 CTL CD27 CD27 CD8 + T [60] T (central memory cells,t CM ) (effector memory cells, T EM ) [61,62] T CM CD45RO CCR7 CD62L T CM IL-2 T T EM CD45RO CCR7 CD62L T CM T EM TCR CD4 + CD8 + T IFN-γ IL-4 IL-5 CD8 T EM T EM T CM T CM T EM (1) T CM CCR7 T CM T EM (2) (3) T EM T CM T EM T CM TCR T EM T CM T CM T EM T CM CXCR5 T IL-2 IL-10 CD40L ICOS B T EM T H 1 T H 2 CXCR3 CCR4 T H 1 T H 2 T EM ( T H 1 T H 2 ) T T T DC T T CLA CCR4 T T CCR9 T T T CCR7 5 : (1) CTL CTL (2) T T ( 1000 ) (3) (4) T,, T T 2~3 (5) T CD8 + T IFN-γ B CD8 + T RNA CD8 + T CD8 + T

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