Σχετικά έγγραφα
(a,b) Let s review the general definitions of trig functions first. (See back cover of your book) sin θ = b/r cos θ = a/r tan θ = b/a, a 0


Analytical Expression for Hessian

Matrix Hartree-Fock Equations for a Closed Shell System

Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations

7 Present PERFECT Simple. 8 Present PERFECT Continuous. 9 Past PERFECT Simple. 10 Past PERFECT Continuous. 11 Future PERFECT Simple

2 Composition. Invertible Mappings

Laplace s Equation in Spherical Polar Coördinates

3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β

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r ' Yrro 'Ap)(lETTlOKorrOV Avarpo}Jor:; K..[ TVAlavoV

Example Sheet 3 Solutions

derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates

Finite Field Problems: Solutions

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HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch:

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Matrices and Determinants

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Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas


Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.

ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II

Writing for A class. Describe yourself Topic 1: Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live.

Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * *

The Laplacian in Spherical Polar Coordinates

Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11

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On a four-dimensional hyperbolic manifold with finite volume

1 3D Helmholtz Equation

Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs

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Homework 3 Solutions

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Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1

[1] P Q. Fig. 3.1

Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Βάσεων Δεδομένων

Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb.

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.Kai tnal\a9'1oav 6novTE<; nveuljatoc;. Aylou Koi r'\p(avto AaAEiv c:d:palci vawooa.. ;_. (npli(ewv 2 :4) flatpiapxikh AnO.4EIEIE Em TQ, f7ad(a,

Math221: HW# 1 solutions

department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι

Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests

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«Kai EfiAr\a8lloav anavte<; nve u ~ato". Ayiou. Koi i')pt;ovto AaAEiv ETEpOII; yawaaoll;_. (npaeewv 2:4) XPIUTOC; Koi.

Section 1: Listening and responding. Presenter: Niki Farfara MGTAV VCE Seminar 7 August 2016

Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense

ΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΛΗΨΕΩΣ. Greek Orthodox Church. Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION

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Other Test Constructions: Likelihood Ratio & Bayes Tests

( y) Partial Differential Equations

Ακαδημαϊκός Λόγος Εισαγωγή

Approximate System Reliability Evaluation

C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions

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Srednicki Chapter 55

Chapter 3: Ordinal Numbers


6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq.

ΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ. ΘΕΜΑ: «ιερεύνηση της σχέσης µεταξύ φωνηµικής επίγνωσης και ορθογραφικής δεξιότητας σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας»

4.2 Differential Equations in Polar Coordinates

Μηχανική Μάθηση Hypothesis Testing

9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr

ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α. Διαβάστε τις ειδήσεις και εν συνεχεία σημειώστε. Οπτική γωνία είδησης 1:.

Ακαδημαϊκός Λόγος Εισαγωγή

Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ.

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates


The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

Κατανοώντας και στηρίζοντας τα παιδιά που πενθούν στο σχολικό πλαίσιο

Jesse Maassen and Mark Lundstrom Purdue University November 25, 2013

Strain gauge and rosettes

The Neutrix Product of the Distributions r. x λ

Similarly, we may define hyperbolic functions cosh α and sinh α from the unit hyperbola

Ordinal Arithmetic: Addition, Multiplication, Exponentiation and Limit

Adjectives. Describing the Qualities of Things. A lesson for the Paideia web-app Ian W. Scott, 2015


T A I.' 0 A6yo~ 6v iuouue OUK IOTIV E6~ ama TOO nt:p""avt6~ PE notp6~, Iwav, 4:24).. Ka ma\a9qaav anavte~ nveuiotqci ' Ayiou, Ka I'\pEaVTo AaAEIv.dpa~ yawaaa~'" Inp(EWV 2:4) COONH TH OP60O,=IA VOICE OF ORTHODOXY....,, '. ' ", IuvOoO(OI u"6 'EmpO"",4;, "povocj Tai IfjoojwT6TOU ' APXUToK6nou 242 Ceveand 5., Reden, 206, Te. 698-5066 OFFICIA PUBICATION OF THE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRAIA ' ETaia I uv6po~ - Annua Subscipion $20,00 VOUME 3 No 7 Registeed by Austaia Post Pubication No NAR 3565 TeOxoc; 5 ' Yo 'Ap)(ETTOKoOU AVopaAfac; K. I: mavov By Achbishop Styianos of Austaia noxh Xi\EYAMOY TnN IEPnN KANONnN T 6v Iiiva ain6 OUInA'PWVETOI - onw~ SUIfuO 6 ' OpS660;D<; ' EM'VIOI~ Tii~ AUapoAia~ - Eva~ 6A6KA'PD<; XpOVD<; en6 T6TE nou 6uo ' EniOKono Tii~ ' EKKA'oia~ ' IEpoooAUIWV, 6 ' AfitAwv 'HcUXIO<; Kai 6 nopqvpounoaew<; T.II08EO<;, b<teaqivte~ MoM TOi n OTpU'tpxOU TWV ':II06wpou, e<novov av Met-foupv', ox' W~ npookeka'evoi ITE W~ EmOKemE~ Tii~ E6w 'EKKA'oia~ Ia~, emo W~ o6iaaktoi ';0I3oA6<;. T HASov va EyKOTaaaSoiv 00 OPYOVWIEv' en6 6EKaETIWV ' Evopia KOIvaT'Ta Tii~ 'Ap)(emOKonii~ AOOpaAia~ yto va nape~ouv npaaaoia a6v Ka8'P'evo TeW~, IEpOTIKw~ npo iaoievov ainii~ ' IEp08Eo KOUPTeOTj. T \v EnOpOT' Kai EnaiC)(UVT' ain EneTEO CxpEIAOUIE va unev8uiioouie ofiepo - ~ UnEu8uVD<; noii ev6px'~ Tii~ na'yeiotj~ nepoxii~ - 0)( I6vo ytoti 6Ev npene! va 8EWP'SEi on (((E)(COO.E») ~ OTI KaS ' oiov6note TpOno e XOUIE oui~fo08ei Ie TETOIOU s60~ «("ETEAeO.00I!, emo Koi YIO va npo~oiie En' EUKOpiQ 00 AiYE~ OK6I' yevkwtepo~ <>UOEW~ EnIOTjICtvOE!~, nou Ko8E iaa0 nopo ai0660;e~ ETvOi yto TV ouvoao Op806oqa. KOT ' opxfv npene! va OIOAoyfOOUIE Ie noam 66uv' on a6 Xpovo nou nepooe 6Ev npayj.otono\8'ke 6UOTUXW~ it napaiikp\ np6060 ~ OT<) neawpo np6~a'a n06 6'IIOUPY'OE,; EiofoA Toi ' IEpaooAUIwv a6 Ev AUapaAiQ KavovKo Kai KUPIOPXIKO E6a<>o~ TOi OiKOUIEVIKOi notpapxeiou AVTi va uno~ aoixe!w6'~ ouvai08'otj VTPOni'j~ IETO TO 800 Ev iepq ayovokt0e! KOTayyEAaIE, OIeOW~ T6TE (~An. E<I>'IEpi~ «BHMA) A8'vWV 4'~ Kai '~ Auyouaou 99 Kai «iwvj Tfi~ OpS060~ia~» AU you OTO~ 99) KOTaOTpwS'KE ana naeupa~ TW V EiofoAEWV Eva KUP'OA KTIKO OOTOVIK6 oxe60, nou enefaene 00 6u6 Kupiw ~ fe~'ao~ a6xo~: a) T6 va OI<I>IOf'T'8Ei Ie Ko8E TpOno,; KOVOVIK 6'Kao6ooia Toi OiKOUIEVKOi notpapxeiou av AuapaAia, Kai KOT ' EneKTaOTj O 6A6KA'po TOV en66'o 'EM'VIOIO. f) T6 va OI<I>IOf'T'8Ei OK6I' yevkwtepo Kai T6 Ctv/;Ka8ev Un6 nctvtwv CtvayvWPIOEvo KiPD<; Toi OiKOUIEVIKoi notpapxeiou W~ npwt08p6vou A S~N FOR IE MOCKERY OF HOY CANONS A s a Geek Othodox wi eca, this month maks a whoe yea since two Bishops of the Chuch of eusaem, Isihios of Avion and Timotheos of Pofyoupois, caying out the command of Patiach Diodoos, aived in Meboune, not as guests of the Chuch in Austaia, but as invades. They came to estabish themseves in a paish which fo decades opeated unde the Achdiocese of Austaia in ode to offe potection to the defocked fome Recto of that paish, eotheos Koutessis. As the esponsibe Shephed of this afficted egion I am obiged to eca this detestabe and shamefu annivesay, not ony because it shoud not be consideed that we have "fogotten" o that we have in any way compomised on such a "fait accompi" but aso that we might make a numbe of genea emaks which fo Othodoxy as a whoe ae not at a optimistic. Fisty we must confess that in the past yea not the sightest degee of pogess has been made with egad to the huge pobem ceated though the invasion of Patiach of eusaem on the canonica and soveeign juisdiction of the Ecumenica Patiachate in Austaia. Instead of dispaying an eementay sense of shame foowing a that we denounced in saced fustation (see newspape "VEMA" Athens, 4th and th August 99, and "\hice of Othodoxy", August 99) immediatey a iteay demonic pan was potted by the invades with two basic objectives: a) To dispute, though a means, the canonica juisdiction of the Ecumenica Patiachate ove Austaia, and by extension ove the whoe of Heenism aboad. b) To dispute moe geneay the authoity of the Ecumenica Patiachate as the Potothone Chuch in the entie system of Othodox Chuches, an authoity ecognized by a fom the beginning. They attempt to suppot thei fist objective by audaciousy fabicating the chidish myth that the Chuch of Austaia shoud be consideed as "founded"by the Chuch of eusaem because one of the fist piests who seved hee oiginated fom eusaem. 65

, EKKAToOe; ao OAO auatio TWV ' OpSo66!;wv, EKKATnWv. < TOV npwto aoxo BppOVTaav va XaAKEaOUV IE avof5eio TOV n050p,,':'5t IUSO OTI '" ' EKKATafo Tfie; Auapa"Afoe;, EnE5n evae; ano TOUe; npotoue; IEpEie; nou UnnpETTOOV E5tii nponpxeto ano TO 'IEpoaOAUIO, 86 npenei va SEWPTSEi «i6pueefam) ano TnV ' EKKAToO 'IEpooOAUIWV. Kof d<j>tvouv ~E~0I0 dvonovttto 0 ao<j>of OIho «Ki:vovoA6yo", KOI «'atopikof» TO EPWTTIO TI yvetoi IE TOUe; IiMOue; epeie; nou ouyxp6vwe; UnnpETTOOV TOTE E5tii, ano TOUe; onooue; imo nponpxovto ano TnV ' ME~6v5pEIO, TnV 'EAA050, TnV KwvaavTVOUnOAT, KOI im0i anoimee;, OpS~ec; XWpEe;. ' EnfOTe; 5Ev 0e; AEvE 0 0j>0I autoi «iotopioopa", nou ~Tav '" ' EKKAToO TWV 'IEpoooAUwv ano TO 924 nou OUYKpoTnSTKE E5tii 'IDTvopS~, EKKAToO OE MTTpOnoAT - IE TOV OXETIKO apiop)(ko Ka ~Uv05IKO TOIO TOU OiKOUIEVIKOU napapxeiou - 6EK6KnaE TnV napotto nou otepo 6EK6IKEi; napo TOUe; YeAOIOue; OUTOUe; ioxupioioue; nou aneusuvovtoi aa<j>aatiic; 0VOV ae OvEYKE<j>aAOue;, 0 'IDTvIOIOc; Tfie; AUapa"Aae;, a' omkatpo TO XpOVO nou Exe 5appEUoE ano TnV EnopaT EKEIVT IIEPO Tfie; Eo~Aiie;, ExEI ~noei TIe; mo 6n6IaaIKEe; EvEPYEEe; TOU aoptwaou OUnAEypaoc; 'epoooauwv - KOUPTEOT Ka TWV 6o<j>6pwv npaktopwv TOue; Eie; TO va EnAoUToouv IE TUXOV 5uoapEaTIEvoue; ~ O)(0OTKOUe; TOV KUKAO TOue; KOI va EvIO)(oOUV TnV E5tii napouoia TOue;. Ka Eie; TO ~E~TAO ~E~0I0 auto Ka E~OXWC; OvTe8vIKO YO TOV anootio 'IDTvIOIo noxv6, ~Tav EnOIEVO OTI 86 npooetiseto np08uwtaoc; noxoc; Ka yvwan IEp50 TOU OIOYEVEIOKOU Tunou nou OvEKaSEV SEWPEi KUPIO EPYO TTe; TOV noaeio Kao TTie; KavoVIKTie;, EKKAToae;. 'De; Em~~EUOT YO TIe; «eopeoteq) OUTEe; 6paaTPIOTTTEe;, 0 ' IEpoaoAUwv 666wpoc; iponyaye TOUe; 560 Eio~AEie;, EmOKonoue; TOU, TOV IEv «OTOtipEVoVTO!) akoit Eie; TnV MEA~oupvT 'HouXo Eie; TTOUAOpiov ' ApXIEnoKonov KamTwA05oc;, TOV 6E EmapEj>avO Eie; 'IEpoaOAua YO va ouvexfae TO Kaax80va OXE60 TOU, ano TTie; SEOEWC; TOU, ApXIYPOIIOTEWe;, TIIOSEOV Eie; TTOUAopov, Ap)(niOKonov I\OOTe;., Ev TOUTOIe; 000 KOSTIEPvtiic; EPXOVTO Eie; <j>we; ano TnV <j>80ponoio 5pOOT TWV Ev MY4 IEpoKOT'Awv ETvOI ao<j>eie; Ev6EI~E e; OTI EVTOe; OAIYOU 6OMoVTOI Eie; TO E~ WV OUVETE8Toav. a I~TE IETO~ TWV etv06uvaov va Uno~E Eaw KOI '" OUVWIOTKn EipnVT KOI aosepotto, InTE 0 OAIYOI a<j>eaeie; nou np6c; OTYnV vaioov OT Inopouaav va EnEv6Uoouv Eie; TO IEPO ovoa TWV ' IEpoooAUwv avtexouv OAAO OTtV KUVIKn EKIETOAAEUOT KOI TOV anpokoaunto EnOYo. "ETO, ETvOI ~E~0I0, OTI OvE~OpT ttwe; TOU TI So npo~e Ev TEAE '" ' EKKAToO YO va EnOVO<j>EpEI atv TO~ TOUe; ase6<j>o~ue; OUTOUe; u~p!aoe; TWV ' IEpwv Kavovwv, 6Ev So apyt\awe va 50UIE TtV nmpt XPEwKonio akoit Ka OE KO<!.IKO EnnEOO Tfie; aaptwaije; ouaxae; OAWV TWV nopayovtwv nou 6vo<j>EpaIE, 0 onoioi OvTI (<TTIVOKfov </>OKiiQ) 6Ev E6aaoov va SEOOUV 6uVOIIT50 Eie; TO IEpWTEpa OUI<j>EPOVO TOU 'IDTvIOIoU KOI Tfie;, OpSo5oQae;. ia TOV 6EUTEPO aoxo 0 'IEpooOAUIWV 600WPOC;, EKIETaAAEvOEVoc; TtV noatkokoivwvikn peuaottta Ka TOUe;, E8vo<>UAETOOUe; nou 6vo~WmPWOE '" 60AUOT Tfie; TEWe; ~O~IETIKfie; 'EVWOEWe;, npoonasei va a<j>io~ttnoe Ka va 6 0~PWOE IE KOSE IEOOV ae navop~ KAIaKa TO 66 va Of couse, these wise "awyes" and "Histoians" eave unansweed the question of the othe piests who in those days seved hee concuenty, among whom othes oiginated fom Aexandia, othes fom Geece, othes fom Constantinope and yet othes fom vaious Othodox ands. Aso, these ate "schoas of histoy" omit to te us whee the Chuch of eusaem was since 924, when the Geek Othodox Chuch hee was ecognized as a Metopois by a Patiacha and Synodica Tome of the Ecumenica Patiachate. How can it justify the fathehood it caims today? Despite these aughabe assetions which ae aimed suey at those without common sense, the Geek peope of Austaia, duing a this time which has apsed since that shamefu day of the invasion, have witnessed the most disgusting actions of this sinfu entangement of eusaem Koutessis and thei vaious agents, the pupose of which is to enich the cice with any disappointed o schismatic piests and theeby stengthen thei pesence hee. And in this suey desecating and totay anti-patiotic game against Heenism aboad, it was to be expected that a wiing ay woud be found in that section of the Geek media which fom the outset has seen its majo oe ass attacking the Canonica Chuch. As a ewad fo these "God-peasing" activities, Patiach Diodoos of eusaem eevated the two invades - bishop sihios ("stationed" sti in Meboune) to Titua Achbishop of Capitoia, and bishop Timotheos (having etuned to eusaem to continue his diaboica pans fom the position of Chief Secetay) to Titua Achbishop of yda. Yet despite this, fom what infomation is coming to ight each day about the coosive activities of these desecatos, it is painy evident that they wi shoty dissove and disappea. Because it is not possibe fo a conspiatoia peace and stabiity to exist even amongst them o fo those who momentaiy thought that they coud invest in the name eusaem to endue any onge such cynica expoitation and undisguised mockey. It is, thefoe, cetain that independenty of what the Chuch wi finay do to estoe ode to thse ungody insutes of the Hoy Canons, it wi not be ong befoe we see the compete demise, even on a wody eve, of this sinfu aiance with a those mentioned above who instead of offeing a 7enti tay" did not hesitate to detonate the most saced intests of Heenism and Othodoxy. As fo thei second objective, Diodoos of eusaem, taking advantage of the poitico-socia fuidity and the acia tensions eignited by the dissoution of the fome Soviet Union, is attempting to dispute and to coode by evey means possibe on a Pan-Othodox scae the authoity hed by the Ecumenica Patiachate though the centuies and endosed though matydom. To this end he pocaims that eusaem, not Constantinope, is the "Mothe Chuch", without especting o eveing not ony the eevant Hoy Canons by which the Ecumenica Synods defined concusivey the ode of senioity and the appopiate juisdictions of the Ancient Patiachates, but aso the vey histoy of the Othodox Race which veified divesey the esponsibiities and the contibution of each Chuch. So, in his attempt to gain faithfu fom othe Autocephaous Chuches, and to penetate thei canonica boundaies, Diodoos of eusaem engages systematicay in contacts and negotiations, even con ceebations, with ) I

f f It I IC I 6,0 TWV aiwvwv Kai IE aptupki\ ouva a ffiaa~8euievo KUPO<; TOU OiKOUIEVIKOU notpap)(eiou., ' aino 6aK~pinTEI EUKaipw<; - okaipw<; OTI 0)(,; KWVOTovTuo onoa~, MAo TO ' IEpoooAua, Eva (a7 My'P, EK0.'oio», xwpie; ua OE(3ETOI Kai ua EUAa(3ijTOI 0)( 0UO TOU<; 0XETKOU<; 'IEpou<; Kavova<; IE TOU<; onoiou<; OiKouEVIKai OVoOO Ka8wpoov Ei<; TO 6~VEKE<; TI\V OEipO npw(3eiwv Kai Ti<; 6u6AOYE<; 6KaoOOoiE<; TWV ' Apxaiwv notpapxeiwv, OAM Kai aut\v OKOI~ Tv akpaiwva, Iaopia TOU EuoU<; TWV ' Op6066i;wv,,; onoia Em(3E(3aiwOE noikoaotponw<; i~ Ev9iivE~ Kai T\V npo((jopo K08E ffii IEpou<;, EKKA~oiae;. TI\ V npoon08ea TOU AOITIOV 0 'IEPOOOAUIWV 6,oowpD<; ua npooetapa86 maoue; O.),.wv AinoKEqxAwv, EKKA~OIWV Kai ua 6E0600Ei ao KUpap)(KO KOVOVIKO TOU<; E6acpo<;, Em6i6ETOI OUOT~aTiKO oe EnacpE<; Kai 6,anpayiOTEuoE<;, OKOI~ 6E Kai OE OUAAEITOUpyiE<;, IE O<IOIOTIKOU<; Kai naaoio~iepaaoyite<; K08E napoto~ew<;, OvE~apTI\Tw<; av npokeita \'0 ' EAA06a, Kunpo,, AIEPIKI\, i\onou6\note MAou. Kai TO mo E~OP\'onKO Sva TO YEYOvO<; OTI YIO ua voono\oe Eaw Kai np6<; TO 8E08ijvai Ti<; TEAEiw<; 08EIITE<; aine<; YIO ' Op8~0 notpop~ EvEPYEIEe;, xwpie; va OE(3ETOI TI\V OXETIKI\ 60YOTIK'; 66a0KaAia KGi TO KOUOVIKO 6iKOIO Tije;, EKKA~oa e; - noo Sva yvwao Kai OE npwtoet'; CPOIT~TI\ 8EOAoyiae; - OTIEOOEI ua nopei \'0 K08E nepimw~ (<yvwi066'o'» O.),.OTE TOU OACPO Kai O.),.OTE TOU (3\TO Ka8~~TI\ TOU novena~iou, npokeievou va a~vtoteuoei EK nov npotepwv TO EV npoketev4 OvonoUPYIOTa. ' EPWTOTOI OIW<;: ' Ano note iaxiei E<; TI\V, Op806a~ia TO KUPO<; TOU «K. Ka8'Y'TOU», onw<; TO 6aOPCPWOE w<; onoaut~ au8evtia 0VOV 0 npoteaavtoio<;;, Ano note 0 «Ka8'Y'Ty<;», AaiKO<;, Kai KanOTE I\TE Kav 8EOAOYO<;, axiei UnEP TI\V YVWI~ Tij<; ' IEpapxia<; Tij<;, EKKA~oae;, nou ETva (a7 ;woa wvy TWV 'A00ToAw\» ; " OTov I5AE<; oi ' Op~Ee; AUTOKEcpaAE<;, EKKA~o E<;, an' opxij<; Kai KOT ' E~aKoAo08~~ IExPI oi\epa, ExOUV KOTa6'KOOEI W<; O<IOIOTIKOUe; TOUe; naaoio~iepoaoyite<; TWV AEYOIEvWV (av'oiwv 'Op8oI56f;wv XPIOTOVWV», \'I' auto Kat 6Ev ExOUV note IUa~paKI\ KOvwVta Ia~t TWV, noo<; ETva'o Ka8~~TI\<; K. nup. Tpwi6vo<;, nou YVWIOTEUEI XOPIV TOU ' IEPOOOAUIWV - 6~Aa6\ o)(ano OvI6IOTEAE<; EPEUV~TKO oka6~aiko M acpepov, Kai OE xpouo avvnomo onw<; AEIE, MAo Kaa napayyeaiav TOU neaotou TOU - \'0 TI\V una~ «'A00ToAIKIj, a50xfjq> Ee; TI\v O<IOIOTIKI\ 0060 TOU AU~EvTiou ; ETvOi «(/'7 'AoOToA,Ky,a6oxy» IEYE80<; «KOO)IKIj<;» TO~EW<; KOt 0)( «IUOT'PIOKIj<;», \'0 ua 6KOIOUTOI ua TO EvTOnt~EI KOVEt<; IE vokako, Koi 0VO Ee; TOV VUua «uo» E~OVTAOUIEVO KPITI\PIO, onw<; 80 EKOVE YIO ono06\note neptmwo~ KOOIIKt<; 6IKOIonpa~io<; TO UI(3auAIO Tije;, EmKpOTEio<;; 6Ev huxe note 0 K08~y. Tpwi6vo<; ua OKOUOEI i ua 60(360EI ao KEtEVO TWV notepwv KOt TWV UvOOWV - nou 6Ev npffiei ua ETva aoxeto IE TO ' EKKA~OIOaIKO KOt Bu ~ovnua 6tKOI0 - \'0 TI\v oxe~ aip UE..,C; KOt uxuad<;; Koi KaM OUTOe;. Oi 'IEpoPXE<; 0IWe; Tije; wvtt60e;, EKKA~o0e;, KOt 000 O.),.0 TOUe; ouinoptaovtoi Ee; TOV Ev AOY4 KOTI\CPOPO, Ti ExOUV ua nouv \'0 OAO OUTO TO 6vfKouao TEpOTOUPYIIOTO; Am\ Sva,; nop06a~ TWV 'Ayiwv Tonwv, TI\V 6noto U)(Upt~oVTOI OTt cppoupouv we; OKpiTE<;; schismatics and Od Caendaists of a aays, be they in Geece, Cypus, Ameica o esewhee. Most infuiating is the fact that, in ode to sanction even fo appeaance-sake these totay iega actions of an Othodox Patiach, without again especting the specific Dogmatic teaching and Canon aw of the Chuch - which ae common knowedge even to fist-yea students of theoogy - he hastens to obtain fo wheneve needed the "opinion" of vaious Univesity Pofessos in ode to acquie pio amnesty fo his atocities. Howeve, one might we ask: Since when, fo the Othodox Chuch, does a pofesso's eputation hod such absoute authoity as it woud ony in Potestantism? Since when does a "pofesso~ a ayman, and often not even a theoogian, have vaidity ove the opinion of the Hieachy of the Chuch which is "the iving voice of the Apostes? At a time when a the Autocephaous Othodox Chuches, fom the outset and unceasingy ti today, have condemned and efuse to have sacamenta communion with the Od Caendaists, the so-caed "Genuine Othodox Chistians", then just who is Pofesso Spyidon Toianos who expounds opinions on behaf of eusaem caiming "Apostoic Succession" fo the schismatic goup of Auxentios, suey not out of an unbiased concen fo academic eseach but at the equest of his cient? Is "Apostoic Succession" a measue of "wody" ode and not of the "sacamenta", wheeby one assumes the ight to isoate it in a egaistic manne and exhaust it by bae citeia, just as the State Counci might empoy in the case of any wody ega tansaction? Did not Pof. Toianos eve hea of o ead in the texts of the Fathes and the Synods about the eation of heesy and schism - mattes which ae suey not uneated to Eccesiastica and Byzantine aw? And so much fo him. What opinion do the hieachs of the Zionist Chuch and a those who suppot this downhi movement have about these unpecedented monstosities? Is this the tadition of the Hoy ands of which they caim to be the guadians? If one takes into consideation the most audacious comments of the indescibabe Isihios of Capitoia in Meboune ecenty, as those of his own Patiach in a teephone inteview, one woud have to admit that impudence has no imits when even the sightest fea of God ceases to exist. It is, howeve, time that we became seious, paticuay duing these tying times that we ae facing as a Nation and as a Chuch, because these phenomena ae not simpy signs of wetchedness but exampes of astonishing decay and ieveence, amounting to basphemy against the Hoy Spiit_ And as the indiputabe mouth of ou od confimed this is the ony sin "which wi not be fogiven " (Matthe~ 2:3). "Av Aa~EI KovEie; Un ' otjei KOt Tie; 8paaU-OTEe; 6~AWUEe; TOU OvEK6~YITOU KOTTWA06o<; ' Houxiou, TEAEuTOtwc; a\v MEA(3aup~, Ka8we; KOt TOU t6iou TOU napopxou TOU ano T~AECPWVIKI\ ouvevte\;j, 86 60AoYOEI5T OVTWe; ~ avot6e0 6Ev E)(EI opa, OTOV EKAEttjEI 0 ao IXEIW6~e; cp6(30<; TOU BEOu_ ETvOi OVOYK~ I5we; VO OO(3aPEUTOUIE EnITEAOUe;, TOUAaXaOv aoue; 6UOIKOAOUe; KOIpoUe; nou nepvoue 67

~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~,~~~~~~~~~**~~**~~~~~************~ THEOOGY AND MYSTERY OF THE ICON This bief pape is to be ead aongside the ecenty pubished theoogica eview Phonema (vo. 4, 989) of St. Andew's Geek Othodox Theoogica Coege, Sydney. The icon is an intega pat of Othodox woship and spiituaity, a centa aspect of ceebations. It constitutes a way of knowing God and of being united with God. The entie Chuch - with its achitectue, fescoes and mosaics - epesents in space what the itugy epesents in time: the anticipation of the heaveny Kingdom, the paticipation in the divine pesence. In Othodox ceebation, wod and image ae insepaabe. We must disengage ouseves fom the notion of wod as being pimaiy o soey veba. Befoe the Incanation, the "icon" is impossibe, but the Bibe is fu of visions and images. Indeed, the wod can ony suggest the advent and action of the iving God though symbos and signs. Fom the Od Testament, then, the wod of God is fu of the notion of the "icon". The wod beas within itsef the icon which is in its funess eveaed to the wod with the bith of esus Chist. Thus the pohibition of Exodus (20:4) and Deuteonomy (5:2.0) constitutes an "apophatic" pefiguation of the Incanation - it dispes idos in expectation of the Image. In contast with othe suounding civiisations which emphasise the visua, the Covenant peope adicay eject any "gaven images" as epesentative of God. This is utimatey a efusa to identify God with an imaginay pojection of the individua. Key motives in the Bibe ae the face and the name, fo humanity was ceated "in the image and ikeness of God". These themes, as we as the goy of God -that is, his uminous pesence - ae fuy manifested in the vey Wod and Image of God, esus Chist. The antinomy of the inaccessibe God and of the cucified Chist constitutes the utimate measue of measueess ove. In esus Chist, God assumes a human face, the image of the suffeing sevant who has no beauty (d. Is_ 53:2) and yet whose beauty saves the wod_ Nothing endes the mystey of ife moe sensibe than a human face, which announces an infinite tanscendence and a pofound pesence. The human face embaces both the eve of feedom and the anguish of finitude, the each fo the infinite and the ensavement to the finite. And the icon eveas a tensions, conficts and contadictions though which one is caed to tanspaence and communion. Evey fa and esuection is inscibed on it. This is why outside the incanation of Chist, death aone has the fina wod. Yet to encounte Chist in the icon is to encounte an image beyond suffeing, soitude and he, an image that wi neve die_ So the basis of the icon is Chistoogica, aowing the whoy inaccessibe to be shaed entiey. With the event of TEAEUOia we; "E8voc; Kai 'EKKA'oia, Y'OTi Ta (t>o!v6~evo aina 5Ev avo! CmAwe; 68AI6T'TEe;, ema 5EiYOTa npwto$ovoie; napak~iie; KaicvEUAa~Eia e;, ain6xp'~a f}aomp'io KOTO TOU Ayio nvev"oto~. Kai 8nwe; ~fie; e~e~iwae T6 a5ajeuoto OT6~a Toi XPIOToi, aut~ eva ~ ~6v' a~aptia eefin, auk atpef"oetom (Mae. 2, 3). 68 the incanation and the epiphany of the icon, the cyce of the non-epesentation of God is competed. God's feedom and imitess ove beak down a baies and beak though a imitations. The God who ceated out of ove, who was incanate out of ove, now satuates the whoe wod with divine enegies. "God became human that humanity might be deified"wote the Chuch Fathes. And the Saints ae those who emanate the ight of deified humanity, whie the icons indicate the paticipation of humanity and the entie ceated wod in divine ife and ight. As a esut, faces of saints in icons ae aways fonta, "a eyes"(macaius of Egypt), namey tanspaent, eceptive of divine enegy. Pofie signifies absence, and theefoe sin. I see someone means I am seen, and theefoe I am in communion. In what is visibe, I expeience the invisibe. So the icon constitutes a means of communion wheein I accompish an act of "pascha"(passove, passing ove). It eads though the visibe Chist to the invisibe divinity, though the chaism of the saint to the gace of the Spiit. It suggests one's tue image, the image that God ceated and which one is caed to eaise. The at of iconogaphy, then, exacts objectivity and communion, since it expesses the objective eaity of the divine image, and not some individua imagination of fantasy. This is why Othodox tadition aso equies paye and asceticism fom the iconogaphe. Pide and pejudice on behaf of the atist must by submitted to contempation. The vey mateia fom which icons ae made (wood, paint and egg yok - theefoe both minea and oganic matte) is not meey passive but has aeady been sanctified though the incanation and endeed dynamic. Eveything is fied with peace and ight - cothing is iumined; animas, pants and ocks assume a paadisiac fom. The uminous goy of God (Rev_ 2:23) is eveywhee - indeed the pespective of the Kingdom is what gives meaning and tuth to the pesent eaity. Thus the pespective is often invesed, because one peceives with "the eye of the heat". The vaue of icon is not simpy paedagogica o aesthetic, but pimaiy mystica o "sacamenta~ It supasses any opposition between this wod and the next, but athe unites the two in an act of communion. It aso tanscends any opposition between figuative o non-figuative at, but appeas athe as tansfiguative. The icon poposes anothe means of communication -beyond the conceptua, witten o spoken wod. It is a witing out (that is why the at is caed "iconogaphy) of what cannot be witten in theoogy. The fina book of the Bibe is Reveation. And eveation impies eveation of faces; it impies the cetainty that humanity is caed to Decome God" and to become an icon. Rev. D. ohn Chyssavgis «c)qnhthi: OP00dO::IA> 242 Ceveand St., Redfen, 206, EniaUoy 6pyavov Tie;. &poc;. ApXEmOKoi}c; AimpaAiac;, EK6i&:Tat 6n6 IUVTOKTIKT'}. EntTPOm'! ' Yneu6uvoc:; i:k06aetue;: Bon96c; 'EnicKonoc:; 'AnoMwvC00c; K. Iepa<peh. TE)(Vooi '"'~taea: npeofuepo<; A. 'Mq" pqkt~ Pinted by S. Hakeas Pinting Pty. td. Te: 698 85

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NIKOhAOY KABAEhA AOOBTONEY~ON TH YIEPAIA MnOINH HM!N 0EOTOKOY KAI AEIIAP0ENOY MAPIA '0 'fy'a<; NIK6Aaa<; Ka{36OAae; (y Xaae6c;) YEVVj8)KE at) BEC7aaAOviKI yvpw C7T6 320, ae OiKoYEvEa Tfie; 'ApaTOKpaTiae;. napakoaoveae KAaaC7/KEe; Kai I/IAoao IKEe; unovoee;, Kai ytav eep6c; vnoc7tpiktic; TWV 'HavxaaTwv ovaxwv. EVVEYPOjIE noav aiavtkc AETOVPY'Kc epya (<< 'H ' Ev XPIC7TW ZW)) Kai «nepi Tfie; BEiae; /ETovpyiaQ», KaetIx; Kai CiMa IKpOTEpa KEiEVa, nov apxi;ove vc 6OOEVoVE 66 a/epa. E ov npem KOOTE vc xaipfa Ovepwno<; Kai va C7K.pTa Kai vc j0mf E EU<!>poaVvf, Eav imopxfi'o nepio5o~ nou OOTEi va Aex9~ O,T' unopxe TIO IEyoAO Kai TIO Aanpa Kai nou KOVE. TOV Qv6pwno va n06~ va EXf 000 TO 6uvaTov EUPUTEpf C7KEjf, Wpo.OTEPf EK<!>poOf Koi 6UVOTWTEPO Myo, Y'O vc UIVOf TO ~EyaAEia Tf~, 6Ev ~AEnW no.o QMf InopEi v6 ETvO aut, QV 0)( ~ OfIEP'v Y'OPT. foti aov aepo E<!>6aOE OT ~ AYYeAO<; Oo TOV oupav6 6vayyEMovTO~ TV Oapx oawv TWV KaAwv. 2:Epa a oupav~ peyaauveto. 2:Epa ~ 6yOMETO. 2:Epa amkafpf ~ KTiOf XaiPEI. Kai 6Ev IEvE. E~W ana Ti y,opt OUTE AUT~ nou KpOTEi OTO XEp.O TOU TOV oupavo. f.oti auto nou ou3aivouv aepa ETvO Eva npayot.ko navfyup. "0..0' auvavt.oivto 0' auto, C7Tv.6.a Xapa. "0..0' Coiv Kai 6ivauv Kai 0' Ea~ Tv.6.a Eixt>poaVVf: '0 'f'oupy~, TO 6f.OUPYpOTa oaa, ~.6.a ~ PfTEpa Toi 'fp.oupyoi nou Toi npao<!>epe Ti <!>UOf Ia~ Kai TOV "KapE hoi KO'VWvO C7Ti~ xappoouve~ OUv6~E '~ Kai Ti~ y ' OPTE~ pa~. XaipE' npiv 6' oaou~ a 'fp 'OUPY~. foti ETva. ~EI3a. a EUEPYEf~ K. 60 TV OPx T~~ 6f.oupyia~ ExE. oav "pyo Tou TV EUEpYEoia. n OTE Tou 6Ev ETXE 6v6yKf 60 indte Kai 6Ev ~EPE ' &Mo 60 TO v6 npoa<!>epf Kai v6 EUEPYET~. 2:PEpa opw~, xwpi~ v6 OTapOTOf TO OWTP'o "pyo Tou, nepoo OT 6EUTEPf 6EOf, EPXETOI OvOeoa 0' auto&; nou EUEPYETOivTO. Kai 6EV xaipeto TOOO Y'O Ti~ IEYOAE~ 6WPEE~ nou XOP'OE AUT~ OTV KTiOf Kai nou TOV 606E.Kvuouv YEVva.OOWpo, 000 y.o TO I.Kpa nou "Aa~E ono TOU~ EUEPYETI..EVOUC;. VIO TI! TOI 4>avepwvETOI OT! etvoi <!>.Mv6pwno<;. Kai 6EWPEi OT. TOV 6oI;0Couv 0)( povo EKEiva nou a.6'0<;,,6woe OTO&; <!>TWX0&; 6ouAoo<;, 6AA0 K. ooa 0 <!>Twxoi Toi xop.oav. f.oti Ov KO 6'ME~E 60 Ti 6Eia 66I;a TV KEvWOf Kai KOTa6Ex6fKE va nopf aav 6wpo 60 pa ~ TV ov6pwtivf <!>TWXEO, a naoito~ Tou ovamoiwto~ Kai PETEPEjE navw TOU TO 6wpo pa~ OE KOOpfpa Kai 3a00AEia. f.o TV KTiOf nm. - Kai AEyOVTQ~ KTiOf EvVOW OX. povo TV apot, 6AA0 K. EKEivf nou ~ETIEPOO TO 6v6pwTIVO pan - Ti 60 pnopoiae v6 6oTeAEOf IEYaAUTEPf O<><>PP Eixt>poaVVf~ 60 TO YEYO~ OT. ~AEnE' TO 'fp'oupyo Tf~ v6 EPXETO PEoo Tf ~ Koi TOV Kup.o TWV oawv v6 naipvf 6EOf OvOpeoo OTO&; 6ouAoo<;; K. auto OX' 6OYUvwvovTa~ TOV fouta Tou 60 TV E~ouoio Tou, 6AA0 npooaap~ovta~ TO 6oiAO, 0)( 6o~ovTa~ TOV naoito, omo peto6i60vto~ TOV ao <!>TWXO, 0)( ~ETIE<!>TOVTO~ 60 TO ujf Tou, 6AA0 E~jwVOVTO~ TOV TOOE.vO. ST. NICHOAS CABASIAS ON THE ANNUNCIATION SI. Nichoas Cabasias (o Chamaetos) was bom in Thessainika aound 320, a membe of an aistocatic famiy. He attained biiant cassica and phiosophica studies, and became a fevent suppote of the Hesychast movement. He is the autho of vey significant itugica woks (The ife in Chist and Commentay on the Divine itugy), as we as of othe smae teatises, one of which we ae pinting beow in an Engish tansation by Ms Aexanda Shead. I f thee exists an occasion fo man to ejoice, to exut and sing with gadness, a time that cas fo the geatest and most goious utteance, that ouses in man a desie fo the most soaing thought, the finest expessions and the most vivid eoquence with which to ceebate its spendous, then I cannot conceive that it coud be othe than this day, the day on which an Ange came to eath fom heaven beaing the sum of a goodness. Today heaven is magnified. Today the eath is exutant. Today the whoe of ceation ejoices. Even He who hods heaven in His hands takes pat in this feas.t, fo what happens today constitutes a tuy festa occasion. A come togethe in the same joy, a singe exutation fis eveyone: the Ceato, a ceated beings, and the mothe Hesef of the Ceato, who, by extending to Him ou human natue, made Him a paticipant in ou joyous assembies and festivas. The Ceato ejoices above a othes; fo He is a benefacto, and fom the beginning of ceation His task has been beneficence. He has neve been in need of anything, and knows ony how to give and to be bountifu. Yet today, without ceasing fom His wok of savation, He takes the second pace and stands among the beneficiaies. And He ejoices not so much in the geat gifts He has bestowed on ceation and which testify to His munificence, as in the sma gifts which He has eceived fom those who have benefited, fo this is evidence that He oves mankind. He consides Himsef goified not ony by the things that He has given to His poo sevants, but aso by what the poo have given to Him. Fo athough He chose to abase Himse~ (kenosis) in pefeence to divine goy, and accepted the gift we made Him of ou human povety, nevetheess His weath emained with Him unateed, conveting ou gift to Him into an adonment and a kingdom. Fo the ceated wod ikewise - by which I mean not ony the wod we see but aso the wod which is beyond human vision - what coud be geate cause fo ejoicing than to see its Ceato enteing into it, and the od of a take His pace among His sevants? And this He does not by stipping Himsef of His authoity as maste, but by taking the sevant into Himsef; not by discading His weath, but extending it to the poo; not by faing fom His own height, but aising up the humbe. But the Vigin aso ejoices, who is the cause that a these gifts wee given to mankind. She ejoices fo five easons, 69

, AMo XOPE KOI " nopsevo<;, XOPI~ a"v onoo OAE~ aute~ 0 6wPEE~ 5OSIKOV aou~ avepwnou~. KO XOPE Y'o nevte Myou~. npv an' OAO oav &vepwn~, nou auiietexe, on~ OAOI, ao KOIva OyaSo. XOPEI OIW~ KOI Y'OTI oi 6wPEE~ 5OSIKOV a' AUT" KOI npv KOI a<psovwtepa ano TO~ iaao~, KI ako nepaa6tepa, Y'OTI AUT" ETvOI " oitia nou 0 5wPEE~ O\he~ 06SIKOV a' ot,aou~. ' 0 nemo~ OIW~ KOI IEyaAUTE~ My~ Y'O TOV onoto XOPEI Tj nop6evo<; ETvOI OT! 0)( anaw~ 00 IEaOU OUT~~ 0 GE~, 6M0 KOI OUT" " ioio, XOPI~ a' EKETva nou yvwpae KOI npaetoe, E<pEPE T"V 6v6aoO ao~ avepwno~. 2.,ai" nopsev~ OEv ETva on~ Tj ~ nou auveteaeoe IEv, 6M0 OEv KOE OIW~ " "oa TinoTE a" Ooupyia TOG 6v6pWnou, nou XPIOono\6KE aav anm UAI ano TOV 60UPYO KOI anaw~ «Ey7VE» XWPI~ va mp6e7» TnoTE. 'H napsevo<; npayotonoiae Tjioo IEOO TI~ Ka np6a<pepe ao GEO OAO KETva nou npoaeiakuaov TOV TEXVITI ai) ~, nou nopakvaov TO OIIIOUPYIKO XEp. KO noa ETva auto; BO~ novaw~, ~wi) n6vayvi, OPVIO KOSE KOKIO~, OOKIO OAWV TWV apetwv, IjUxi) ano TO <Pw~ Ka6ap.;,TEPI, awo MEA~ nveuotko, AOnpOTEpa ano T6v iaio, an6 T6v oupavo K06ap.;,TEpa, an6 TO~ XEpau/3IKo~ 9p6vo~ IEpWTEpa. <>EpaUY'OIO vog, nou OEv OEIAIO~EI In~ ae KovEva Ujio~, nou ~nepv<'i ak6 Ka TO <PTEpO TWV, AyyEAwv. GET~ EPW~, nou anopp6<»ae KOI a<»oowae KOSE oa).. msuiio T~~ jium~. K T~0 TOG GEOG, EvWOI IE T6 GE6 nou OEv XWpCE ae KOIIIO 6v6pWnv., OKEIjiI " ETOI, ExOVTO~ aoaaei IE T OIO K6M~ KOI T6 awo KOI Ti)V jiuxi) T I~, KOTOp6WVEI va EAK6OI navw TI~ T6 /3AE!a TOG GEaG. 'AvoEI~E, XOPI~ ai) OIKi) T I~ wpa6tito, WpaO Ti)V KOIvi) av6pwmvi <PUO. KO KOTeKTaE T6v anas~. KO y!ve Ov9pwn~ ~ oitio~ T~~ nop6evou ' EKEi~ nou E~ aita~ T~~ oaptio~ ~Tov ao~ avep.;,nou~ I I 000T~. 3. KO T6 «/EaOTOIXov i), ExfipaQ> KOI 0 «ippay)o<;» OEv ETxov Y'o Ti)V nopsevo KOIIIO ioxu, 6M0 KoSn nou XWPI~E T6 avep.;,mvo YEvo<; an6 T6 GE6 ae O,T! a<»opci Ti)V ioa axe KOTOpY'S~. " ETOI KOI npv an6 Ti)V KOvi) KOTaAAay'\ ETXE auva<ps~ 6v6IEOO a6 GE6 Ka Ti)V nop6evo 6v., Eipi)v.,, AK6 nepaa6tepa, OEv XPEIOaeKE note va npaa<»epi EKEv., anovoe~ Eipi)v.,~ Ka au<p I A wae~, i'a Ka aek6tov an6 Ti)v apxi) ai)v KOPu<t>i) TOG xopag TWV <piawv. "OAO auto npayotonoi)sikav Y'O TO~ iaao~. KO U~~E npv an6 T6v nopckaito, map6ka"/~ vnep y/wv np6c; ov GEOV», Y'O va XPIOonoi)aouE Ti)V K<PpaO TOG na6aou, UIjiWVOVTO~ n~ AUTov Y'o XOPI TWV 6v6pWnwv 0)( TO XEPIO T I~, 6Mo, avtf Y'o iaa IKEaO, Ti)v ioo Ti) ~wi) T I~. KI E<pSoaE " apeti) Ia~ jium~ va aaoti)oi Ti)V KOKIO TWV avsp.;,nwv OAWV TWV oiwvwv. "Onw~" K I f3wt~ nou EOWOE T6v Ov6pwno KOTO T6 KOva vau6yo T~~ oikouiev.,~ OEv EAa/3E Tj '00 IE~ a~ au<»op~ KOI OIEOWOE a6 YEvo<; Ti) 6UVOT6TITO va auve)(ae~, T6.00 auve/3'ke KOI IE Ti)V nopsevo. 6IOTi)P'OE navtote Ti) OKEIjiI T I~ TOOO ae.kt' KOI IEpi), oav va Ii)v ETXE anotoai's~ note ai) ~ KOIIIO OapTIO, oav va ~Tav OAOI auvnet~ a' auto nou npne, a6v va EIEVOV OAOI ak60 ai)v,aia TOG nopaoeioou. OUTE KOv oiaeaveke, npcyiot, Ti)V KaKo nou ~ex6s'ke a' OA' Ti)V ~. KO 0 KOTOKAUOI~ T~~ 60pTa~ nou ~anaws'ke novtog KI MEoe T6v oupavo KI Ovo~e TOV "Ao' KI E/3aAE OE n6aei'o TO~ avepwno~ IE T6v Geo KI EOIW~E an6 Ti) ~ T6v 'Ay066, <PEpvovTO~ ai) SEOI TOU T6v nov.,pc, 6Ev KOTo<pepE oute a6 nopakpo va SI~ Ti) 70 and fisty as a hwnan being who shaes, ike eveyone ese, in the common good. But she aso ejoices because the gifts wee given to He eaie and moe abundanty than to the othes, and sti moe because She is the cause wheeby these gifts wee given to a. Howeve, the fifth and most significant eason fo the Vigin's ejoicing is that it was not ony God, though He, but she Hesef as we, though what she knew and foesaw, who bought the esuection to mankind. 2. Fo the Vigin is not ike the eath, which, athough it contibuted towads the ceation of man, did not itsef activey do anything: it was utiized by the Ceato simpy as a mateia, and "became" something without paying an active oe. The Vigin, on the othe hand, eaised within Hesef and offeed up to God a the things which attacted the Make to the eath and stimuated the ceative hand. What wee these things? An immacuate existence, a competey pue ife, the epudiation of a evi, the pactice of a the vitues, a sou ceae than the ight, a body whoy spiitua, bighte than the sun, ceae than the heavens, moe hoy than the thones of the cheubim. The fight of a mind which feas no height, which tanscends even the wings of the Anges. Divine ove, absobing and assimiating a the othe desies of the sou. God's possession, union with God, inconceivabe to human thought. Having in this way adoned both he body and he sou with such beauty, God's gaze was dawn to He. Though He own oveiness she made manifest the oveiness of ou common hwnan natue, and won the heat of Him who has no passions. Though the Vigin, He who though sin was hated by men, became Himsef a man. 3. Fo the Vigin, the "dividing wa of hostiity" and the "baie" wee not opeative: whee she was concened, eveything that divided the hwnan ace fom God had been aboished. Thus, even befoe the univesa econciiation took pace, pefect peace had been estabished between God and the Vigin. What is moe, she neve needed to make teaties of peace and aiance, because fom the vey beginning she was the eade in the dance of fiendship. Those wee a enacted fo the est of humankind. And pio to the Paacete, she was, to quote Pau, "one who maketh intecession fo us to the od". not with He hands upaised, but with He ife itsef upaised in paye to Him, fo mankinds' sake. So it happened that the vitue pesent in one sou sufficed to put an end to the evi of them thoughout the ages. The Vigin may be ikened to the Ak which saved man at the time of the genea destuction of the wod: it did not itsef have any pat in the disastes that befe, and it peseved the possibiity fo the hwnan ace to continue. Thus the Vigin kept He thoughts as unsuied and hoy as though no one had eve daed to commit a sin on eath, as though peope wee a as steadfast as they ought to be, as though they a sti ived in Paadise. Indeed, she had no sense of the evi which ovewhemed the eath. The food of sin which spead eveywhee, which seaed off Heaven and opened up He, which set men at wa with God, which dove out Good fom the eath and epaced it with Evi, had no powe to affect the bessed Vigin in the sightest. On the contay: athough it eigned supeme in the univese, athough it shook and convused and demoished eveything, yet it was conqueed by a singe thought, by a singe sou. And it was

\.OKOp'O nop8evo. '!\\A' EvW KUpUP)(TOE 0' 6A6KATpT TV OiKOUIEvT KI EOEIOE KO' OUVTOpa~E KO' YKpE\.IOE TO novm, VIK8TKE and Evo \.OVO AOYOiO, and \.0 ju)(t\. Ko' 6Ev VIK!\8TKE and TV nop9evo \.OVO, CiMo xopu; 0' autv unoxwptoe Tj O\.OpT'O KI and 6A6KATpo TO 6v8pwmvo yevo<;. AT Tjmv Tj OU\.BOAn T~e; nop8evou OTO EPYO T~ e; OWTTp'Oe;, np'v q,800t Tj!\\.Epo EKE'VT, KOTO TnV 6no'0 mpne 6 8EO<;, au\.q,wvo \.E TO npoowvio oxe6o Tou, v6 KA'VT TOG<; OUpovoG<; KO' v6 KOTEBT OTn ~: and Tn OTIYin noi yevvn8tke oiko6o\.ouoe KOTMU\.O YO EKEIVOV, nou \.nopouoe v6 OWOT TOV Iiv9pwno, aywvi~omv va KOTOOTOT wpaio T~V KOToKia TOU BEOU, TOV EOUTD T TC;, ThoO nov v6 \.nopfj va ETvOI a~ o YI' AUTov. " ETOI nnote 6Ev BP~KE v6 KOTTYOpOT OTO OVOKTOPO 6 BoOAIQe;. KI OKO\.T nepoootepo, 6Ev TOU npooq,epe Tj nop8h(x; \.OVO BomAIKn KOTOIK'O a~ o TOU \.EyoAEou TOU, CiMo TOU ETO'\.OOE and TOV EOUTO TTe; KOI Tn BoOAIKn nopq,upo KO' T ~wvt KO', e onwe; AEyE 6 'ob6, TnV «EVTTpmEIO)), Tn «6vva/p) KOI TV '60 Tn «/3aOAEio)). "Onwe; \.0 AO\.npn noaiteio, nou ~nepva OAEe; TIe; amee; OTO \.EyE9oc; KO' TnV wpoiottm, OTO ujtao ~8IKO q,povt\.o KO' OTO na~8oc; TWV KOTO'KWV KO' OTOV naouto KO' OE K08E EI60UC; 6Uva\.I, 6Ev nep op'~etoi \.OVO OTO va 6E~w8~ KO' v6 q,ia~ev!\ot anaw<; TO BoOAIO, CiMo Y'VETOI TO KpOTOUC; TOU KO' anoteaei TnV E~ouoio TOU KO' TnV TI\. TOU KO' Tn 6Uva\.T KO' TOV 6mAOio TOU. " ETOI KO'.; n Op8EVOC;, \.e TO v6 6exe~ \.EOO TTe; TO 8 EO, \.E TO v6 TOU 6wOT Tf OOPKO TTe;, EKO\.E va nopouoio09~ 6 8EO<; \.EOO OTOV KOOiO KO' va Y'VT OToG<; \.Ev Ex9poue; OU\.q,opO OKOTO\.O)(TTT, OTOG<; 6E q,iaoue; OWTTP'O KO' TITy!\ OAWV TWV ay08wv. 4. M ' OUTOV TOV TpOno Wq,EATOE TO 6v8ptimvo YEvo<; TTP'V OKO\.T Ep8T 6 KOpO<; T~e; YEVIK~e; OWTTp'Oe;. '!\\Ao KI omv Tip8E 6 KOIpO<; KO' nopou0009tke 6 OUpOvoc; OyyEAoq,Opoc;, nmi EAoBE EvEPYTIKO \.epoc; OTn OWTTP'O \.E TO YEYOvO<; OTI n'oteije OE O,T T~e; ETnE KO' 6Ex9TKE v6 6vaAoBT T 60KOV'0 nou T~ e; ~TTOE 6 8EO<;. ati Timv KI OUTO anopa'ttto KO' xpeo~ovmv 6nw06nnoTE YO Tn OWTTP'O \.oe;. "Av Tj nop9evo<; 6Ev TTPOOOE omn Tn OTOOT, KO\.\.IO mo EAn.60 6Ev 86 ano\.eve OToG<; Ov8pwnouc;. 'Ev Timv BEBoo 6uvmo, onwc; ETno mo novw, v6 npaobaeijt 6 8EO<; \.E EU\.EvEO npo<; TO 6v8pwmvo YEvo<; KO' v6 8EA0T va KOTEBT OT ~, av 6EV ETxE nponopookeuo09~.; nop9evo<;, Ov 6Ev U~PXE 6TA06n EKEIVo<; nou 86 TOV un06 )(omv, KO' 86 \.nopouoe v6 60KOVnOT OTn owttpo. KI oihe nmi Tjmv 6uvmo v6 npayiotonot8fj TO 8EAT\.0 TOU 8EOU YO Tn OWTTP'O \.Oe;, Ov 6Ev n'oteue 0 ' auto Tj n op8evo<; KO' 6Ev 6 )(omv v6 60KOv!\0T. AUTO yvetoi q>avepo and TO OTI 6 \.Ev obpna \.E TO ()(oipe» nou ane OTV nop8evo KO' \.E TO YEyovoe; OTI TV 6VO\.00E «KE)(OPITW/EV))) TEAE'WOE TnV anootoa TOU, q>avepwoe 6A6KATpo TO \.UOTnpo. "OOT O\.We; wpo Tj n op8evo<; ~TToiiOE v6 \.08T TOV TpOno, \.E TOV 6noov 86 Yv6mv.; KUTOT, 6 8 EO<; 6Ev KOTEPxomv. 'Evw Tn OTIYin nou ne09tke KI an06ex9tke TnV npookatot, 6AOKATPO TO EPYO \.E \.IQe; npayiotonon8tke: 6 8EO<; ~PE ffiovw Tou o6v Ev6u\.ooio TOV Iiv9pwno KI EYVE \.ITTEpa TOU K T'OTOU.; nop9evo<;. '!\\Ao TO OKO\.T m6 8aU\.OOTO ETva TO E~e;: ' 0 8EO<; oihe npoei60no'toe TOV 'A66\. oihe TOV meoe v6 TOU 6wOT TV naeupo, and TnV 6no'0 mpne v6 6T\.oupY8~.; Eoo. Tov EKO'\.IOE KI ETOI, Ex0VTOe;TOU oq,oipeoei T'e; o,09oee;, TOU OneonooE TO \.EAoc;. ' Evw YO v6 npoxwpnot OTn not simpy that the Vigin conqueed sin, but that though He it depated fom the entie human ace. This was the Vigin's contibution to the wok of savation, befoe the day on which God, in accodance with His etena pan, incined the heavens and came down to eath. Fom the moment of He bith she was occupied in constucting a dweing fo Him who woud save mankind; she stove to make the od's dweing, He own sef, beautifu, so as to be wothy of Him. And thus the king had no faut to find with the paace. Futhemoe, the Vigin did not meey pesent Him with a oya dweing that was wothy of His exceence; she aso made eady fo Him, of He own sef, the oya pupe and the gide and, as David says, the "majesty", the "stength" and the "kingdom" itsef. She can be ikened to a goious city which, supassing a othes in size and in beauty, in its high moa standads and in the numbe of its inhabitanfs, in weath and in a types of powe, is not imited simpy to eceiving and sheteing the king, but becomes his seat of govenment and constitutes his soveeignty and his honou, his stength and his amouy. Simiay, by eceiving God in to Hesef and giving Him He fesh, the Vigin caused God to become pesent in the wod, binging on His foes unassaiabe disaste and to His fiends savation and the souce of a good things. 4. In this way she bestowed bessings on the human ace befoe the time of its univesa deiveance. But when the moment aived and the heaveny messenge appeaed, she once moe payed an active pat in this deiveance by beieving in what he tod He and ageeing to pefom the sevice that God equied of He. He beief and ageement wee essentiay and absoutey necessay fo ou savation; and if the Vigin had not maintained this position thee woud have been no hope eft fo mankind. Of couse, as I said above, it woud have been impossibe fo God to ook with favou on the human ace and to want to come down to eath, if the Vigin had not been in a state of pepaedness - if, that is, thee had been no one to eceive Him and to seve the cause of savation. ikewise, God's desie fo ou savation coud not possiby have been eaized is the Vigin had not beieved in it and ageed to pomote it. This is evident fom the fact that Gabie, in geeting He with the wod "Hai" and naming He "fu of gace", accompished his mission and eveaed the mystey in its entiety. Nevetheess, as ong as the Vigin sought to discove the way in which the pegnancy was to come about, God did not descend; wheeas the moment she was pesuaded and accepted the poposa, the wok was immediatey and fuy accompished: God cothed Himsef in manhood, and the Vigin became the mothe of the Ceato. Yet thee is something even moe wondefu than this. God did not et Adam know in advance, no did He pesuade him to give Him the ib out of which Eve was to be ceated. He put him to seep and, having depived him of his senses, He took the ib out of his side. In poceeding to ceate the New Adam, on the othe hand, He gave knowedge of His intention to the Vigin and awaited He faith and acceptance. In ceating Adam He took counse with His ony-begotten Son, saying: "et us make man". But when He needed to "induct the fistbegotten" - that "wondefu counseo" - "into the wod", to quote Pau, and to ceate the second Adam, He incuded the Vigin in that decision as His associate. In 7

6n.I0upyio TaU NEou ' AOO E6ioo~E npoyouevw~ Tf)V nop8evo Koi nepieve Tf)V niotf Koi Tf)V nopooo)(\ Tf~..o Tf) 6fI'Oupyio TaU ' AOO nm. OUOKEmETO E TOV 0VOYEVfj TaU Vio AEyOVTO~: <itt0/70w/ev <'iv8pwnov». "OTOV Ow~ XPE.a08fKE va «Eooy6:yj ov npwotokov» ot6v T6v «!!av/ooov EV/{30UAOV» - «Ee; T7V oikou/ev,v» onw~ AEyE. a noua~, Koi va nmof T6v 6EtnEPO, AOO, mipve. OTf)v 6n6<paof) TOU OUTf) OUVEpyOTf Tf)V nop8evo. "ETO' Tf) EYMf EKEivf «{30UAf)>> TaU BEOU, ya Tf)V anoia a.aei a. Hoa"ia~, Tf)V Ovf)YYE.AE a BE~ Koi Tf)V EnEKUPWOE \ nop8~. Koi E 0T6v T6v Tp6no \ OapKWOf TaU f\6you ~TOV fpyo 0)( 6vo TOG not~, nou «EOOOKT/OE», Koi Tfj~ 6uvaEW~ TOU, nod «(EmOKfaoE», KO TOU nve6~ot~, noo «m 6f-,oE», MM Koi Tfj~ 8EMoEW~ Koi Tfj~ niotew~ Tfj~ nop8evou 'OTi, onw~ xwpi~ EKEivo~ 6Ev ~TOV 6UVOT6v va \ma~ Koi va npoo<!>ep8fj OTO~ OvSpumo~ \ 6n6<pa0f ya Tf) ' OapKWOf TaU f\6you, TOI xwpi~ T\V npoo opo Tfj~ 8eAf)9EW~ Koi Tfje; niote~ Tfje; nav6yvou ~TOV 06UVOTf \ npay)otonoifof Tfj~ 8Eioe; 3ouAfje;- 5. 'A ou Aom6v ' out6v T6v TpOno Tf)V K0806f)YfOE Koi Tf)V me.oe a BE~, Tf)V KOvE. OTf) OUVEXE.O ftepo Tao. "hoi 6avEi~ETO T\ OOPKO 6n6 vav Ovepwno nou Koi 8EAE va T\ 6avEiOf KGi ~EPE' yoti T6 KOve. OTi mpene va ousfj OTf)v nopsevo O,T' OUVE~fKE Koi OT6v ".6.0. "On~ AUT~ 8eAE Koi «0ve}.f}<p8T/», TOI K' EKEivf mpene va Koo op\of Koi va yvf ftepo TaU 0)( 6vayKOOT'KO, MM ' OAf T\V EAEU8Epf 8EAfof) Tfe;. OTi mpene OK6f - npciypo nom OfIOVnKwTEpo - 0)( 6vo va OUVTeAEOf OTf)V OiKOVOio Tfje; owtfpioe; oov KaT. T6 ETEPOKivfTO, nou anaw~ XPf0ono.f)8fKE, aam va npoo<>epf,,6.0 T6v fouto T f~ Koi va yivf OUVEpyOTf~ TOU BEau OT\ <>povtioo yo T6 OvSpWmvo y~ T0, WOTE va xt ' AUT6v Epi6.0 Koi va ETva. KO'VW~ Koi OTf) ~o nou npoepxeto, 6n6 OUTf) Tf) <I>.Aov8pwnio. " Enmo, o ou a WTf)poe; 6EV ~TOV av8pwn~ Koi ui~ Ov8pWnou E~ ohioe; IOVO Tfj~ OOPKGe;, MA' ETXE Koi ju)(\ Koi vou Koi 8EAf0f Koi Ka8ET. T6 Ov8pwmvo, ~TOV 0v0yKf va EX" Koi ftepo TeAEio, nou eo UTIfPETOGOE OTf) YEvVfof) Tau 0)(!6vo E Tf) "'UOf TaU OWOT~, MAO Koi E T6 vou Koi Tf) 8EAf0f Koi PE OAf Tf)V uno~ Tfe;: va ETva. PfTEpa KGi KOTa Tf) OOPKO Koi KOTa Tf)V ju)(\, va Eiooy6YT aaokafpo T6v OvSpwno OTf)V 6nappfTf yevvtof AUT~ ETva. a AOy~ yo T6v anoia npiv \ nop8~ 8EOf T6v fout6 Tfe; OT\v UTIfpEoio TaU 8Eiou puotfpiou P08aiVE', moteue., 8EAE. Koi EUXETO Tf)V npay)otonoifof) TOO. ' AAM out6 EyVE Koi EnE.6f) a BE~ 8eAE va Kapf PE out6 T6v TpOno <\>OVEpf) T\V apetf) Tfje; nop8evou. n600 6fA06f) PEYMf ~TOV \ niotf Tf~ Koi n6ao ujfao TO ",povfpa Tf~, no.a \ akepa.6tfe; TaU VOU Koi no.6 T6 EYaAEio Tfje; juxfje; Tf~, npoypoto nou <\>OVEpw8fKOV E T6 YEYOV~ OT. \ nop8~ nopa6ex8fke KGi nioteje T6v nopo~o AOYO TOG ' A yyeaou: OT. 6fA06f) EnpOKE.TO va Ep8f Mf8va a BE~ OTf) vii Koi va <>POVTiOf npoowmka a ".6.~ ya Tf) OWTfpio poe; Koi OT. OUTf) 80 ETva. ikovf) va 6.0KOVf)0f OUPpETEx0VTOe; EvEPYfT'KO 0' OUTO T6 EPYo. To YEYOV~ 6fA06\ on npwto ~\TfOE E~yf)oE.e; Koi nei08fke, ava. AOnpf) 6n66E'~ TaU on YVWP'~E nom KaAO T6v fout6 Tfe; Koi 6Ev E~AenE TinOTE PEYaAUTEPO, a~.o va T6 En.8upf)0f., E~ aaaou T6 OT. a BE~ 8EAfOE va <\>OVEPWOf Tf)V apetf) Tfe; ETva. ioxup\ 6n66E'~ TaU on \ nopsev~ YVWP'~E nom KaAO TO EyE8~ Tfje; 8Eio~ 6y086TfT~ Koi <I>,Aov8pwnio~. 72 this way, God's geat" design", spoken of in Isaiah, was made known by God and confimed by the Vigin; and thus the incanation of the ogos was bought about not ony by the Fathe who "favoued" He, and by His Powe that "oveshadowed"he, and by the Hoy Spiit that "came upon" He, but aso by the fee consent and beief of the Vigin Hesef. Fo just as the decision egading the incanation of the ogos coud not have existed and been impaied to mankind without the initiative taken by God, so the fufiment of the divine wi woud have been impossiie of the Most Pue Vigin had not in.vested it with He own consent and faith. 5. So, having guided and pesuaded He in this fashion, God went on to make He His mothe. He thus boowed fesh fom someone who both wished to end it and knew the eason fo doing so. The same had to happen in the case of the Vigin as in the case of God: just as He desied to be H conceived", she had to bea Him in He womb and become a mothe not out of necessity but with a He own fee wi Futhemoe - and fa moe impotanty - she had to contibute to the economy of savation not simpy as a passive agent, as something used fo the pupose, but by giving Hesef of Hesef and becoming God's associate in His cae fo the human ace, so that she shaed and paticipated togethe with Him in the goy aising out of thei ove fo mankind_ Again, since the Saviou was a man and the son of man not just in the fesh, but possessed a sou and a mind and a wi and evey human attibute, He had aso to have a pefect mothe, who woud bing to His bith the sevice not just of He bodiy natue but of He mind and He wi and a He being: who woud be a mothe both accoding to the fesh and accoding to the spiit, so that humanity in the fuest sense woud be pesent at the pepexing bith. This is the eason why the Vigin, befoe pacing Hesef at the sevice of the divine mystey, eaned, beieved, wished and payed fo its fufiment; besides which, God wanted theeby to show the extent of the Vigin's vituousness. That is to say, He wanted to show how geat He faith was and how eevated He mind, the integity of He thought and the geatness of He sou, a of which wee evident fom the fact that she accepted and beieved the Ange's incedibe wods: that God woud eay and tuy come to eath and invove Himsef pesonay in ou savation, and that she woud be abe to be of sevice and pay an active pat in this wok Thus, the fact that she asked at fist fo an expanation and was pesuaded is cea evidence that she knew Hesef vey we indeed, and coud conceive of nothing that was moe wothy of He desie. Moeove, the fact that God wished to demonstate He vituousness is stong poof that the Vigin was we awae of the geatness of the divine goodness and ove fo mankind. And it seems to me that this is pecisey the eason why she was not initiated diecty by God Himsef: that is, in ode that it might be fuy eveaed that the faith which bought He into such cose poximity to God was an expession of He own fee wi, and that eveything shoud not be egaded as esuting fom God's pesuasive powe. Because, just as those of the faithfu who have not seen and yet beieve ae moe bessed than those who insist on visua evidence, those who beieve in the messages sent fom God though His sevants ae wise than those who need to be convinced by Him in peson. (continued)

~ T_O X P_O_N_I_K_O T_H ~ A_P_X_I_E_n_I~ K_O_n_H_~ M_~ ~ c A' APXEfm:KOfIIKH fiepi<i>epeia KiVfm~ I:efaUwTCOI ' ApXBnOKOOI AUOTPaAia~ K. I: TIAIOVoii KOTO 6v..Iyva ' /OUVIO 6 Ic{3ao/uOTD<;: -. E6tX6T) npoc; 6nOxapETtO~6v TOV n.. EII. IounaOOKI tmapt<povq OPIOTtKW<; eic;. EM65a IE6. 6.n6 EUOPKOV ie:pcm::iav apketwv en;)v tv AUOTpaAa. - Tw iesiav 'I..Itpa npo~6peuoe Iuv6~Ec.x; wv. Evopwv KOvon'iwv Tii c; A '. APXIEntOKOnua;c; ne:p<p piioc;, KOH TT'V 6noiav I,Ea;u OAAwv OU v E~In;e Koi it OUETOXn o).,wv npoe; anom::p6tc.>ai TOO KTiOI,QTO<; Tn C; BI~AI 0 6'II(C; TnC; 0eOAOYIKtjC; IXOAtjC;. ' H t v 'A6 V~ I'uva;u; tnpayiqono6 eic; niv. Evopto-KOIVOTTTO 'Ay. fovtwv Bemoe KOTa TO Ka8tEpw~tvo np6ypa~~o (2-6-92). -. EMXB~ TOV t~ ' A~EPIKiic; 6~OYEvi; K. 'Iwo~v POKKO (5-6-92).. EAf:OUPYToe Kat tkipu~e tic; TOV I. Ka6e6pKo Noo TOO EUQYYCAIOj..OU KaTa TnV IEyOAf ' EOPTI n;c; ff;vtt)koanc;, avayvwooc; KG! i<; O){ TKt<; euxt<; Tii<; yovuiv.oio<; (4-6-92). -. EMx9n T6 ~ 0Kf)TK6 IUI!30U).IO n;<;. Evopo<;- KOV6TTTO<; Ay. NeKTOp'oU Buwood Koi t~t6nke V Ei<; OUTOU<; TO<; OTOIXEwOe<; npoon06t0e<; &0 n;v t~oimuvov TWV O){tocwv TOU<; np6c; TnV I. 'ApXEmoKon;V, nopouota Koi TOU Boneou. EmoK6nou geocp. 'AnoMwVaOO<;, TaU NOIIKOU IUIf30uAOU Kat tk TWV 6VTtnpotOpwv TOU ' APXEntOKOnKOO IUI~OUAtOU K. MtX. atoj.ovtii, KOew<; tntan<; Koi TWV Ie).wv TOO 'ApXenOKCnKCU IUIj30UAicu n. ITUA. IKCUTO Koi K. A. naoapfj (5-6-92). -. EMXen T6v K, A Vcn Bonin npwnv ~twiotcuxo n;<; Qantas (6-6-92). - 'EMx6 ovtnpoowneia n;<; AXEfA on6 TCU<; K,K, KOnVC, B6vo, MaAOVC Kat!\IVT<; (7-6-92). - 'EMx6 T'!V vtav. EKTTatOCUTKO IUIj30UAO e<; T6 tv IuOveu EVIKO n~eveto K, Eipnv) Mnoupvo~ou - ' EMX9' tk Newcaste TOV n. NKCA. IKCp6v..' IETa Tfj<; npeo~uttpa<; TCU Kai n;v K. :tvt MopKe~iVT (8-6-92). - EOOxc OUVt VTEU~T ei<; T'v K. Mow Mwpa).T, ovtonokpttpto n;<; E.P.T. OT,V AUOTPOAio, Via Ti<; npoocpote<; VtE<; npcka,oe<; TOU Ko9TPTtvou KCupTtan un6 T'!V ouv X~OtVT OVTKOVOVtKf KMu4n TOU notpopxou ' IEpoOOAUIWV ~toowpcu Koi TOU. EmoKonou TOU KOnnTWAIOOO<;. HouXiou - ' EMX9) TO ' IEpo6vaxov n.. netpitan ei<; OKpOaOIV np6c; pu6,i0v TOO ana ttwv tkkp IOUVTC<; npoj3anoto<; TCU -. Enion<;, totx9n TOV veovucpcv t K TWV anccpc ttwv Tf\<; 9ECAOYo<; IO<; IXCAf<; K. a. MOOTtO Kat n;v ou ~uy6 TOU Bappapa (9-6-92). - Iuvooeu6Evc<; on6 TOV geoep. 'AnoMwvOOO<; tm9ewpnoe TO 'Ita okivnta ncu 6y6paoc npoocpqtw<; n 'Evopio-KcIVOTTTO Ay. Ewpyiou Rose Bay nopouoio TOO npotopou oui)<; K. K6tpOu Ko TO'O tk TWV ).Wv TOO at0k. IUIj30UAicu K. MIXo'!). ~taiovn;. -. ExopoaOTnOC Koi tkfpu~e KOTO T6v M.. Eon pv6 a6v navwup~ovta I. Noo. Ay. navtwv t v ouv XEiQ M nopeko6nae i<; n;v KOIVi Tp6nE~a (20-6-92). -. EAeITouPYae Koi tkfpu~ e<; T6v aut6 novtvup~ovta I. N. Ay. novtwv Koi tv ouv xeq napeko9noe eto TWV OUMETOUPVWV IV.npIKWV KOt TOO ~IOtK. IUI~OUAicu e<; V OIO tv n) okio TO'O npotopou K. ' wowou. EVV/:~ou (2-6-92). -. AVEXWpnaev o poncpkwc; &0 n;v vttetpov Kai TO OiKOUEVKOV fatpiopxeiov (23-6-92). KiVTffiC; 0eoq)AEO'TCTOU BoTeou ' Emm<oou, AoAAWV(IOoC; K. I:Epa«>Eip KOTO TOV ifjva ' /O,)VIO 6 GecxpAtaax;: - nponopeuae OUVEOptOaeu:K; TOO. EKIV.nOIOOTIKOO IU,3ou).icu n;c; I. Movi;c; Ay. Ewpyiou Spingwood (.6.92). - Iuvcocuwv TOV Iej3aOj.wTOOV naptat Ei<; TI'Iv IUVO~IV TWV IUj.~cui\iwv TWV. EVOPWV-KcVCTTWV T~ A' ' ApXEmoKcmKfj~ n ptcpepeia~ i oncia {:AO~ xwpav ei<; n;v. Evopiav- Kcvo.TnTO 'AV novtwv Bemoe (2.6.92). -. Eotx9} ei~ T6 pac.p Tov TOU TOV n. Rade Raddan KA)PIKOV T~C; OpBo06;ou ~EP~IKiic;. EKKA~oioC;. -. EAeITCuPYae Koi tkfpu~e i~ TOV I. Na6v AV. 6nnTpiou St. May's. Ei~ TO TEAC~ Tfj~ 9. I\ ttoupvia<; nopouoiaoe ei<; TO tkkaoiao,o T6v vtov tcpn,tptcv Tfj~ We; dvci. Evopio~-KoVOTnTO~ n. 'Ai\E;~cv TPIOVTOcpuMcu (7.6.92). - npo'0peuoe TOO npwto~oeiou nveuotkoo ~IKaanpiou N.N.O. (9.6.92). - ' Eotx9' T6v np6eopov Kai tai' TOU UotKTTKOO Iuj.!30u).ou Tfj~. Evopio~-Kotv 6TI'TO~ TCU Tiou ITaupoO Woongong Koi ouv ~'T'ae I T autwv 9EIOTO OtpOPWVTO n;v t v A6V~. Evopio-KotvOTTTO (0.6.92). - IUVOOEUOj.EVO~ uno TO'O npwtonpeo~uttpou n. 'w6vvou Euoyye).tvI6n, noptat ei~ n;v ttnoio. Eonepoo TWV Young Maton's ei~ TO Sheatcn Wentwoth Hote. -. EAeITOUPYOC Kai tkfpu~ e<; 6v I. Na6v Ay. NtKOMou Maickvie Kai ev ouv x ia npotan TOO. Eonepvcu KO! 6vtyvwoe T6.<; eu x6~ Tf}~ VOVUKAoio<; (4.6.92) - aptoti' ei<; n;v t v Toi~ pac.p Tc~ Tfj~ I. 'ApXI / m;~, Kai un6 TnV npo 6peiav TOO Iej3a0wTOTCU, ouv 6pootv I TO TaU ~I0K"TKOO IUI~CUAiou Tfj~. Evcpo~-KoIV6TI'TO~ 'AV. NeKTOpicu Buwood (5.6.92). - npo'!opeuae OUV 6pooew<; n;~. EntTpom;<; 00 TO o6no TWV 8pnoK UTKWV i~ TO ~W600 IxoAeTo (8.6.92). - IuvoO uwv T6v IEj3a0IIWTOTCV en oktq>9) TO 'Ita OKiVTTO nou 6vopaoe npao<jxtwc; Ii. Evopo-Kovo~C; Ay. Ewpyou Rose Bay. -. Enian~ TO tonepo~, ouvooeuwv TOV Iej3aOj.WTOTOV, napeot\ ounpoaeuxo vc<; tv T<! I. B'!IOT~ KOTO T6v M.. Eon ptv6 i<; ov navtvupi~ovto I.N. 'AV. n6.vtwv Be:noe (20.6.92). -. EAeITOUPY0 Koi tky'ipu~e ei~ TOV I. Na6v 'Avaaoocu><; TO'O Kupiou Kogaah (2.6.92) -. EMX9' iean TOU ' EKKAI00OTIKOU IUIiX'ui\iou Tfj<;. Evopio~ AV. ' Ioovvcu evis Bay Kai ouve~nttoe I T' autwv 9Ej.aTa OcpopCVTO T'!V tv i\6v~. Evopiov. -. Enio<; npo6peuoe OU V EOPI6o Ci~ TI;~ "' OpvovwTKii~. EmTpanijc; n;c; Z KA~pIKo~aiKiic; ~U VE.EuOEWC; (22.6.92). - npotnei4e i~ TO oepoopocv, Io~i I,t Q).ou~ KAIPIKOU<;, TOV ovoxwpcuvto &0 TnV evttepa KOt n;v Kwv/noi\tv I!3a0WTOTCV no~evopx~v ~ac; (24.6.92). - 'EMx6 TOV K. ITaup. ITOUpto, tad<; TOO. EKKA)OIOOTKOO IUj.iX'ui\iou n;~. Evopo~ Ay. 6)I)Tpiou Queanbeyan Kat ouve~tttae Bt~OTO acwpwvto n;v tv My", tvopiov (24.6.92)..-. EMxB T6v 'AYoyp6CW K. Kwv / vov BpaOayo (25.6.92). -. E).etTCUPYae Kai tky'ipu~ i~ TOV I. Ncov AV. ewpviou Rose Bay. Meo o ntpo<; Tfj~ 9. I\eITOupvia~ KOt nopouoio TWV ntawv n;~. nepoxn~ :Tei\eO 0'{oo6v e~ TO napan.\ upw<; TOU vaoo oikfioto o oncia ov6paae npoa<pqtw<; i tv i\6vc! tvcpio Ko wi\)ae KOTaMn).tu<;. - apta Koi WiAnae ei~ TO ancv uj.otv6 TOO, TO onotcv wpyavwoe i KevTpua; IPt.\6mwxo<; ei~ n;v tnian asouoo TEi'.eTWV n;~ '. 'APX / nijc; (28.6.92). 73

B' APXIEm:KOfKH nepiq,epeia KiVffi<; 0W<jAEO"nITOU BoI'Ooii Emat<onou \Epf'<; K. IE~EKtA KaTO TOV f.fjva iouvov 6 0eexptAtOTanx;: - T6 tantpa~ EiC; T6 XWM. nic; 'APX nokonfjc; npoi6peuoe auveopooeux; fjc; ' OpyavcuTKii;. Empom;c; TOO E ' TOntKOO Iuveopiou 'nie; NeoAoiac;.. Ev OUVExciQ npo'!opeuoe ouve6ptooet.>c; Tie; oaoeaeoc; n;<; Neo"aia<; (-6-92). - T6 npwi t6tx8n eic; T6 pacpeiov TOV iepta ic; Itppuo;<;. EKKA'oiac; n. Miosav Popovic. T6 6n6veu~a tmxen eic; TO pacpeiov TOV K. ITOIOT'V KapanivTv eaoc; TOO 60KTTKOO IUj)oUAiou TOO KoMeviou Euoyye"apa (2-6-92). - IUVOOe UOI.EV CX; uno TOO novoo. 'ApXII- n. NtKOMou IepyoK') naptoti EtC; ouveopoov fjc; <>Aomwxou 'Ae5eAtpOTT TDC; TWV KUPIWV Kat 6eanOvioov TnC; Evopiac;-KoIVOTTTOC; wv naeyiottuv Ta~apxwv MENTONE (3-6-92). - T6 tcmtpc\(; eic; TO XwM nic;. t.. APX ntokonfjc; npo'opeuoe ouve6pooewc; TOO.6.0KT)TKOO Iu~i3ouAiou TOO "poko~eiou nie; 'ApX mokom;c; ~ae; «BAIIAEIA.I» OT'T'\ ME~UPVT Kat tv ouvcxeiq, ouveopiooewc; Tfic; ' EpaVKi;c; ' EmTpom;e; TOO poko~eiou (4-6-92), - ' E.\eITOUpYIoe Kai tto')pu~ev EiC; TOV iepov vaov TOO 'AViou XopaAonOUC; Tempestowe (7-6-92), - IuvoiSEUOIEVOC; uno TOO novoo, 'APXII, n, XPUOOOTOIOU BoYIO~OY"Ou, TOO npwtonpeoj3uttpou n, BaoAEiou XpOTOcpn Kai TOO 06&0, n, 'AVTWV!OU KPIVO nope:ott Eie; n'jv KI6&iov TOO F, Stoman PWIOOKOSo"IKOO 8EO"6vou Ka8nYTOO Koi YVWoou Tne; ' EAAvtKie; EKYKI\IOE np6<; oue; EuAo{CCTTOoUC; ' /epanktc; npoiaapevoue; Kai 6 -Evn,o ioktnkd Iup{ouAo cv ' E..\AVIKcV 'O~c.v 'EVOPcV-KoIVOmTc.V me; Ko8 ' jpoe; ' /cpoe; 'ApXemoKoi'je; 'AYOfToi 0U, METa 6n6 n\v tv &u"oviote; 8&00 IEYcw,V tmtuxiov nou tof'h.t&iwo&, T6v nopea96vo I&mt~o, T6 tv 'Aoc.).oiO E' avauapaaov6 Iuvtcpo N&o.).oiac; ~ae;, KaAou~ea Kai tcp TCX; - OKO.).OUSWVTOe; T6v Ka8tEpWIEVO pu9i6 - va npaviotonot'oo~ Kat TO io"it&ako Iuvtcpo N&o"oioe;, VIa va tn&kt ivoi Koi va t3a9uvoi& Kat n\v cpop6.v ouniv TO 8tOTO Kai TOUC; npopmiiottoioue; nou IOe; nopouoiaoe TO avouapa}.ovo IUVtOPI6Iae; It T6 vevk6 Mia «Oi cntpee; Tfje; ' EKU.0ioe; KI ' EI&TC;». ' E~&T Oe; "000' TO tv "oyu) no.).iteoko Iuvtopo 86 npovioono.,800v KOTa no"tteiae; WI; OKO.).OUEk.x;:: A' 'APX ntokonuo' epicp peio (Iuov&u) 8 ' 'ApXemoKomK'} n&pcptpea (M&"j30uPVT) ' 'ApX mokomk'} epcp peio ('Aoc"oioo) fj,' 'APX ntokontk'} nepcptpeo (Townsvie) 3-4 'OKTwj3piou 27-28 Ieme~~piou 3-4 'OKTwj3piou 26-27 I&m&j3piou KOT&j3M'8n npoona6&a va Mj30uv Itpcx;, T600v We; KUPIOI ' OAITa 600' Kai We; Iuv&opo~ KOa T6 ouvot6v nepooot&po vtot av6pwnot OcpoTtpwv TWV cpui.wv, YIOTI OUT&; Kupiwc; &ivai 0 okon6c; TWV &iotkwv Iuv&cpiwv nou ' 'ApXentOK0m IOe; 6pyavwv& '(to '}v Neo.oio n;e;, Ooy&veioe;, apakw,oovto.).0n6v oi OVO"'Toi '&peic;, oi yov&ie; KOt 0 KIocI6v&e; TWV vtwv, 6.0 Koi T6. fj,ioikfttk6. IUIj30U"IO N&0.0ioC;. 6nou unapxouv, va napotpuvouv 600 T6 CVVOTOV nepooot&pouc; vtouc; va npoot"80uv, &6TI on6 auto TO IuvtopO tx& anooeix8&i OTt npokumouv noaaonm 6q>t,,~ Via 6Mu<; 600 "a~vouv ~po<;. ' EmnpoaetTWC; tm8uw va tntof0vw OTI KOT&I3M9n np00n66&a Kai aa no"tt&aka Iuvtopa va nopaaw autonpooonwc;, 6nou ot TOOTO Mv TvO ouvo6v eo IE avtikoaot't'\o& onwc; novon, tvoe; on6 oue; Bo.,80uC; ' EmoK6noue;, Eux6evcx; K08& tnttuxia Koi aa t<peteivo no.).iteiokaae; Iuvtopa, oneu8uvw np6c; 6"out; nou epva~ovtoi VI' mha 6&pIOC; euxapoiac; Kai OUVXap.,.fPIQ, Koi &ate > 74 ' Ev Iuoveu T 8t 'AnpAiou 992 M&TO k&:ioc; tv KupiU) notpud)e; oy6fe;. 0 AUapa/,ia~ HY IIIANOI V"WOO'C;, 6one; etcppaoe T6v TOIOV Tie; «AAnHI» fitoi niv 6..).ovpacpiav Iea~u nona au"ou IT' Kof OiKou~evKOO atpapxou. AfvaV6pou (9-6-92). - To j..ieowep eie; niv A"t80uoo OC~IWoeWV Tne; Kotv6TTTOC; 'AVtwv KWVOTOVTivou Kat ' EAt vc; South Yaa-Pahan nponz)peuo& OUV&Z)PIOOCWC;: TWV TOO fj,iokt)tikoo, TWV KIOC6vwv Kat avtnpooonwv Tfic; Tpant~C; KOTO TnV onoiov ouve~itn8noov 8eoTa 0CPOPWVTO Tiv' OiKOVOtK'}v KOTaaaOIV nic; KOIVOTITce; (0-6-92). - To tootpat; nepaoixoui&vcx; un6 TWV ieptwv Tne; Me"j30uPVTC; exopooot'oe Kai tktipu~&v &ie; T6v navtvup!~ovta t&p6v va6v nie; 'Aviae; TPIOOo<;, Richmond (3-6-92). - ' E.).eITOUPYo& Kai &KTipu~ev ete; T6v navtvupi~ovto i&pov voov nie; 'Ayioe; Tpaooe;, Richmond, TnV KUPIWVUIOV 'tpav Tnc; ' EopTnt; Tne; nevtikoone; MeTa T6 ntpoe; ne; 8Eiae; A IToupyiae; tte~o& TOV ' Eonepvov Kat t&6300& TOC; &UXae; ne; yovukaiotoe; (4-6-92), - ' E~TouPVToe Koi tto')pu~&v eic; T6v i&pov vaov Tnc; 'Ayiae; TpICtooC; Richmond, niv KUPIWVUIOV ntpav Tic; toptfje; TOU 'AViou nveu~qto<; (5-6-92). - To npwj tt5tx8 ie; TO pacp Tov TOV ai6&o, n. NtKO"aov A"'naKT)V eta TOO ave4oo TOU KOOIQ ZnOf' uno4icpiou 00 T'V 8eo"oVIK'}v IxoM'v TOU 'Anoo0.0u 'Av6pta TnC; ' epoe; 'IWV 'ApXentOKOn;e;. To tootpae; tit; n'jv A"80uoov nic; ' epqc; nwv 'ApXt&mOKOn;C; npo,6peuoe Kae T~V npwtv ouv&ispiaov TOO ' EKK.).00OTIKOU I UIj30U.).iou n;e; ' Evopim; TOO 'AViou BaoAEiou Bunswick, nopovto<; Koi TOO aio. n. 'A8avooiou TpavTocpuAAou KOTa T'V ouveopioov 6 8eoc.pMaoTOe; &Vexeipoev tic; TO. It.., TnC; ' EntTpon;c; TO &Optan;pO VpQOTO TOO Iej3. 'ApXentOKOnou (6-6-92). EKYKNOE np6~ oue; EuAa!3 oooue; ' /epaikiix; npo;oto~voue; (0 6 ~ EVTiO iioiktnko IU,I{ou).o wv ' EMIVIKcV 'O~wv ' EVOPIWV-KoIVO'/TWV me; Ka8 ' j,ae; ' /epiie; 'ApXemoKoi'je; 'AYO"'Toi IOU, EuxopioWC; 00 n;e; nopouoe; npoc; novot; 6TI evt6c; EToue; ono nic; miepov 86 txw~v ouv 8&& KOt nmv T,V eu.).oviav va OUVKaMOW~V niv to.ipik0.aito'w Iae; IuvtM::uOv. OUcpWvWC; QAAooe Kai np6c; niv Ka8!.&pWtVT)v nmov T~IV n;e; ' &p(ic; 'APX&nOKOn;C; IOe;. ' H Z ' autt to.ipiko.).oikt') Iuvt~uoie; Iae; 86 EXI yevikov sto Kai OUVeTWQ TO: «ANTA IIXYQ EN TQ ENIIYNAMOYNTI ME XPIHQ" (<I>iA 4,3). T6nce; TnC; Iuve~uo&wc;:: Iuov&u XpOvoc; Iuve~uo&wc; : on6 KupoK'}v 24 ' Iavouapiou I&XPI TeTopTIC; 27 'Iovouapiou, 993, ou~.tnepaaj3avotvte;. po<poi&v "OInOV on6 TOOOC 60 va yvooonot'ooi&v TO entk&ievov auto ~~ov yeyovoc; &0 TnV ~w'v Tne; tv AUapaAia 'EKU.0iat; Kai ' Oov&veiae;, wae Koa.Mt!"wc; va ttoiio~wvta 6"0 oi uneu8uvot cpopeie;, ' H 'OPvavwntO') ' EntTpom; Tfic; Z ' to.'piko"aiktie;, n onoia T&~i un6 niv npo&6peiov TOO Bo900 ' EntOK6nou 0&O<p. 'AnoAAwv06oc; K, Iepacpeij., eo anooeaa' t~tie; TO 6ta<PQpa tvtuno Kai T6 AOtnOV tvt)epwtkov U"IKOV, 8&PIWc; nopak~ouva n6vt&e; oi napamimo TOO tv MyU) U"IKOO va OUnM,pWvouv atowc; TO. OX&TIKO tpwttiotomyiq, Koi va TO tntotp.e:cpouv xwpie; Ka8uotp'OV eie; TO KeVTPIKa pacpeia tv Iuov&i.i 00. TnV KaAAT&paV ouvaniv npow8iov TOO tv npok tvu) 6pyavwTIKOO epvou EuX6 voc; 6nwc;: Kai ' tmkeii VT auti KAnptKOAOiK'} OT&cp8ii ono TnV ioiav tnttuxiav nou tyvwpioqv Koi ai npoivoui&voi, on&u9uvw np6c; O.).OUC; 8ep0C; &UXOC; Kai 6ta T6 O~6.I&VOV vtov t Toc;, Kat ootem 'Ev IuiSv&u Tfi 22Q ' Iovouopiou 992 MeTa noaaie; tv KupiU) oyo"'; 0 AUapa/,io<; HY IIIANOI j

- To npw tc5e:x8n ei~ TO pacpeiov T6v Kevin Coutney Kat TOV im Teadwe Kat cuve~to& ~et' auwv Beom acpopwvtq TO KoMt':YIOV «EuoYYEAiapo». To tantpoc; napta eic; ouvec5piaotv oo ti.!ui!30u,)..jou oo Ktvpou npovoiac; Kai tv auvexeiq eic; TOV ' ep6v No6v TOO 'Ayiou Euaa8iou Sth Meboune naptan EiI:; TI" IIVoiav OIAiav T~C; NeoAoiac; KOTa TnV onoiay wotioev 6 K. navaywc; navaywtii5nc; on6qx)toc;: TIe;: 0eo'"'0YIKf)c; IQ(; IxoMc; tv Iu5veu E: sto «' H 4aAooia W<; ISOOKTtKO ~tao a~ 6tO~6pWO oo 'OpeoM~ou ~I"~OTOC;» (7-6-92), - To npwi tc5tx8 TOV BOUAEUT'jv K. Kevin Thompson ane:aaae:vqv TOO ' Ynoupyeiou. EENIKowv, aone; tvexeipcev Eie; TOV 0eoqMaoTov EK ItpoUC; Tiic;. YnoupyoO. ESvIKOTTWV Kat; Caoine Hogg E:ntTay')v $000 - Owpeo.v TOO Ethnic Affais npoe; TO KEvpov npovoim;. T6 ~EC')~tPI tmx9~ Eic; 6 pacpeiov ou, t~' EM6ioc; 6cpx9tvo, KaAATEXVm; MaVWAT MTTOIQ, Tava ToavaKAioou KG! nttpov aitovov auvoeuoevouc; uno TOO K. NIKOAO:OU KOTOOKT, npoujpou Tie; naiiqkeoovt<t<; - T6 an6yeuo eic; T6v 'ep6v 'APXI&nOKOnK6v Noov TOG 'Ayiou EUCTo9ou num\ito& TOUe; YOIOUC; ie; 600;; MntMm; MnMxep IET6. TOO K.. EII. Mnex6p', noiota nic; NeoAoiac;!aC;. T6 tantpoc; f)u)"6ytoe TO OI'AIOV.o.&invov Eie; T6 Southen Coss Hote, Koi annu9uve XOIPETOI-iOv np6t; TOUe; VEOVUq>OUC;.. Ev ouv X&iQ ouvoise:uoi&voc; un6 TOO navoo. cipxii. n. XptaTOOOUAOU KGi TOO iepoj... n. C)wTiou fauaou napeaf eic; TnV xopoeone~pi& w..., XaAKOOiwv ei<; TO PAATAS RECEPTION, tni nj ouna:ipooeic; 30 twv <Sp6ocux; Koi ~WC; TOO IuM6you (20-6-92), -. E}"eITOUPYTOE KO! tki)pu~ev e:ic; TOV iep6v vo6v TOO 'Ayiou BaotAEiou Bunswick KO! avekoivwae:v e:ic; TOUC; maoue; niv I&opom;v T;<; KOv6Io<; eic;. Evopiov, yeyov&; T6 onoiov EYve isektov E: tv80uoiooj,6v 6.n6 ItpoU 6Awv wv mawv. T6 6.n6yeuo ei<; T6 XwAA T; <; 'ApXemoKon;<; noptoi e<; 'AnoyeuoTvOV TOO TO 6noov &'wpy6vwo : NeoAoio 0<; Koi WIAIoev &6 TOV «auaov MeAA6<;n Ko tyve npoj30ai BvTeoKoooto<; (2-6-92). - To npwt ti5tx8 ei<; TO pmpeiov TOV novoo. apxij,. n. Xptao60uAov Kantav Kai TOV &OOOKaAOV K. Xop6.\onov IIWTOV ' EKTOi5eUTIKOV E:~. EM6&x;:, oatc; untpetei tvtou80. KOT' 6n6onaotv (22-6-92). - T6 eontpa<; ei<; TO XwM TWV 'Ayiwv Kwvoovivou Koi. EMVT <; South Yaa npoiispeuoe ouveisp6oe~ TOU.6.otKTtKOU Iuj3ouAiou n;<; KOtVOTITD<;, TWV KIi5e6vwv, nop6vtd<; Koi ou iepat. npoiaa :vou n. Aj,Tpiou anakupakonouaou &6 TO OiKOVOj,IK6 8tjoa T;<; KOvoTIoc; (22-6-92), - To anoyeui0 eic; mv oikov TOO 'AvvAIKavou 'EntOK6nou Keith Rayne noptot ei<; ouveispiootv TWV Head of Chuches (25-6-92). - To Ioj3j3aov npwi ouvooeuoevd<; un6 TWV novoa. 6pXIj. n. NIKOMou IepyoK, TOO npwtonpeoj3uttpou BaotAeou Xpoocpii, TOU aii5eojoa. n. 'HAio KeVTpwn; Koi TOO iepoj. n. <t>wtiou nauaou nopto ei<; TiV tvo~iv wv tpyoowv TOU AUopaAtovoO IUIj30UAiou TWV ' EKKAI0IWV nou tcpto<; AOjj3Qve Xwpav ei<; v MeAj30upv Kai OKoAou&x; napkoaous.,oev TO<; &oc.p6pouc; ouveisp6.oe<; (27-6-92). -. E..eITouPVIO KOt tkipu~ev e<; TOV iep6v vaov TWV noeyiawv TO~opX"v (28-6-92), - IuvoiSeuoevoc; uno 6v WC; dvw avocpepoj :vwv ieptwv nopikoaoue.,oe T6<; tpyaoia<; TOO AuapaAavou IUIj30UAiou. EKKAOtwv (29-6-92), - nepaotxouevd<; uno ieptwv n;<; MeAj30uPVT<; exopoa6.oe Koi tkt')pu~e KOT6 TOV. Eonepv6v ei<; TOV navvupi~ovto iep6v va6v TWV 'Ayiwv 'Avopyupwv, Oakeigh (30-6-92), ' APXIEm::KOnKH nepi~epeia K"'mc; 0EOqAEOTCOV Boeoii ' EO((onoV, Apav~oii K. ' Wm<> KOTO ov fva. fouvfo 0 eeoqtatooo;: - ' Entape4e T6 UnTPEOIOKO TOU a~i& ani evtepa, OiKOUeVIK6 atpopxeio Koi Pooia Koi tk6oe j,o~i TOU Koi TO -AYIOV MOpov ano TO npo0<<; K09aV006tv ao Iemo KtVTPO, Y6 Ti<; o.vo.yke<; ~c; ' IEpOC; ~oc; 'ApXEmOKonjc; (6-6-92), -. EAeITOUPVIoe aav I. Noo AV. InupiOwvoC; -Av} Koi eto. ni e. AeTOupyio npotot tntotou oo;oaova<; Ya n'v 5 tntteto m<; Mom<; TnC; KPTIC; Kat (.\0 KOTaAA'!Aw<;. In'! ouvtxea, ao MVIeio TWV ne06vtwv ;<; nohew<; oc; tte.\eoe TPaOVIO ani v'} TWV neoovtwv KOTo. TnV tv My~ Mom Kai nopakoaoue.,oe n'v KOT68eOf aecp6vwv. KaTomv ettj3 ao evko npo~eveio mc;, EMoooC; Vto niv Ko6tepWI&VT npa~evii<j 5E~iwon (7-6-92), -. Enav'}PXoe Tn 0Ep6 TWV nepi TaU' AViou Bami00To<; tonepvwv TOU 0tAWV aov I. N. AV. InupiOwvoc; -Av.\Eu (8-6-92). - Atxe.,Ke TOV avtnp6ocuno o;v 'AI5eAoioo nic; AOiKfjC; Tpant~C; Kunpou K. NIKoAao AIOKOIIXaAI, 0 onoio<; npoot<pepe on/iv I. 'ApXentOKom'j oep6. tki560ewv nic; Tpant~<;, VI6. tnaoutioo ni<; ~~ho9ikc; ~c; To j3p6.6u npoiispeuoe Tiic; Ivaia<; ouve6piac; T;C; <evtpikfjc; <>ihom",xou (0-6-92), - AtxSIKe at ouvepvaoia TOV pa0tto me; IuvTovanKfje;. EntTpom;<;. EMvop80oo;ou NeoAaiae; Tii<; I. 'ApXentOKOm;<; K. ew~a Mnopa~o, AtxSIKe T6v ' epankwc; npoiaajevo n;<;. Evopio<;-KoIVOTITOC; PtvapK n. IWTPIO Kai TT'IV npeoj3uttpa.6.panaviwtf (-6-92). - Atx8Ke at ouvepyaota Tw ' EKTOi5eUTtKO IUIj30uAO TOU ev. npo~eveiou 'AiSeAaioo<; K. Eu8ujio AIonouAou Atx8Ke 6M.IAo&aMx~ at ouvepvaoia TOUe; K. A KaTOIopa, npoeispo T;<;. Evopia<;-Kov6TTTO<; PtV~OPK, K. Xp. 'w6.wou, ip6eispo Tiic; KOVOTTO<;-' Evopio<; ewnoewc; TOU XPIOTOO nopt 'AvTeMvT, K. wpvio 'A8avaoiou, np6eispo ;c; AoKoVonKt'j<; 'EntTpom;<; N. A., K. CDWno Ka~;, 'ApxntKTova, ItAo<; Tiic; A, E. TOO. EMIVIKOU Ktvpou npovoio<;, K. ~WT. At6nT, IEAoc; TOO E.~. Tiic; 'Evopiac; Ay. 'AviSptou NoopMVKa Kai, TtAoC;, ovtnpoowneio TOO. HvoueVOOUIj30uAiou m<; I. Mov;<; AV. NeKTopiou Kp6UVTOV n6pk NA (2-6-92). -. EAeTOUPYIoe Koi ttoipu~e aov I. Nao 'AV. InupiiSwvo<; -Av.\EU Kat a'! OUVtX IO npeta ou. Eoneptvou T;<; ovukaoiac;. KaTontV tvkoviaoe - EK8eOf XpatOVIKoU Bj3Aiou m<; <>taomwxou 'Ai5eA<p6TfTO<; Tiic; ' Evopia<;-KOvOTITcK; -AvAeu Koi,\oe OVaAOV~. To 6.noveua tmokt<pbike T'!V EK8eOf XptOTavKoO Btj3Aiou Koi iepwv EiKOVWV T; <; ' Evopia<;-KoIVOTI TO<; npo<p'!tou 'H'\ia N6PvoUVT KOt KaTomv iaioe aov Noo T;<; KOIVOTfToc; ~t 8t~o: «T6 nveu a TO 'AVtov» (4-6-92), -. EAetTOUPVIoe Koi tkipu~e aov I. Na6 'AV. novte.\en~ovo<; t<. vthyk, T6 ~p05u ~ii~os a6v I, Noo 'Ay, Inupiwvoc; -AvhEU (5-6-92), - Atx6Ke OAAAoiSIOiS6xw<; TOU<; K. ' HAio <>POVKOUAI, epo!6)..ti -MouOtKOOtOOOKahO, Aii5eo. n.. HAio noaitok, 'epankgx; npoiaoevo n;c;. Evopia<;-KoIV6TI TOC; 'Ayio<; -AWfC; K6AVT K60UOT KouvoMviSI<; Kai Aii5eo. n. Xop6Ao~n.o ITp6TO TnV npeoj3utepa Kai Tn IITtpa TaU To j3p6isu napek6e.,oe ani Ivata ouveispio n;<; 6tOKOtVOTIKfj<; ' Empanjc; NA (6-6-92), -.6.tx8Ke at 6uIOTUntKT') tnioke4i yvwptj,io<; T6v vto 'APXIV6 Tii<; noaiteakfj <; 'Av TnoAITeuoe~ ' EVTII. K. Dean Baun, ItX~KE tnic')c; 6v tk Bpa~VTC; HpO 'Epta Ai5eo, n, NIKMoo. 0 eccxptat~ 'EnIOKOnDt; 'APav'OU K.. f6x'/p caci TpOOyIO VIa TOUt; nc06vcn;' Koo Mom TIft; Kp'Tt;, oo Mvt'/Cio wv 7c06vwv me; 'A6eAOioo<;, napouoa EAM;vwv KOi AUapa.o\wv. Emonwv (7-6-992). 75

KONITANTINOvnOAH - '0 M~TponoAiT~~ 'Avopouo~~ 'AVaOTaOtO~, i:~emyt, an6 T~V 'epov UVOOoV TOO OiKOU~eVtKOO notptapxeiou, 'ApXtenioKOnO~ TtpOvWV Kai na~~ 'AAavia~, '0 M~TponoAiT~~ 'Avopouo~~, Kae~Y~Ti~ TOO naventot~~iou 'Ae~vwv, eixev avam~et O~ - E~apxo~ TOO OiKOUIEVKOU noptopxeiou, TI;V dvaouykpotov TtjC; ' 0p6006~ou 'EKKA~oia~ n;~ 'AAavia~, ~et6 niv KaTappeuOv TaU KOOUVaTKOQ Ka6EOT6">TOC;., H UV~ TOO OiKou~eVtKOO notptapxeiou, t~tae~e, naiv TOO 'ApXtentOKOnou n;~ 'AAav<ii~ ' EKKA~oia~ Kai Tpei~ ako~~ M~TponoAim~: 'APYUPOKOOTPOU, TOV 'ApXt~avopiT~V ' AM~avopov KaAnaKio~v, KOPUTOd~, TOV 'ApXt~aopiT~v XptOTOOoUAOV MouOToKav Kai BepaTiou, - AUAWVO~ Kai Kavi~~ TOV ' ApXt~avopiT~V 'yvotov Tptav~v, KONITANTINOVnOAH - '0 OiKou~eVtK6~ notptopmt; K. Sap60Ao~aio~ opxi~ovta~ Ti~ i:ntokt4et~ TOU E~W ono Tiv KWVOTaVTVOUnOA~, ~et6 T~V i:kaovti TOU Ot; OiKou~eVtKOO naptopxou TOV napea66vto 'OKT6>~PtO, i:neaki:q>6n Tiv vijoov -I~~pav, niv OoKt~a~o~i:~v auniv i:napxia TOO 6pOvou ' 0 M~TponoAIT~~ - I~~pou K, t>6>tot; npompwvwv TOV OiKou~eVtK6v natptopmv i:~~eiwaev 5T evat 6 npwto~ et; T~V 'totopav natptopmt; '~~pi"it; Kamywyiit; Kai evat 0 npwtot; 0IKou~eVtK6t; natptopmt; nou i:neokeq>6n noti: niv vijoov auniv TOO Sapeiou Ayaiou CONSTANTINOPE - Metopoitan Anastasios of Andousa was chosen by the Hoy Synod of the Ecumenica Patiachate as the Achbishop of Tiana and a Abania, MetopOitan Anastasios, who is a pofesso of the Univesity of Athens, had undetaken to eoganise the Othodox Chuch of Abania as Exach of the Ecumenica Patiachate, afte the coapse of communist ue, The Synod of the Ecumenica Patiachate chose, in addition to the Achbishop of the Abanian Chuch, thee othe Metopoitans: Achimandite Aexandos ' Kapakidis as MetopOitan of Agyokasto, Achimandite Chostodouos Moustakas as Metopoitan of Koytsas and Achimandite Ignatios Tiantis as Metopoitan of Veatiou-Avonos and Kaninis. CONSTANTINOPE - Ecumenica Patiach Bathoemeos commenced officia visits outside of Constantinope, afte being eected Ecumenica Patiach ast Octobe, by visiting the isand of Imbos, a distict of the Thone which is undegoing much suffeing, Metopoitan Photios of Imbos noted in his addess to the Ecumenica Patiach that he is the fist Patiach in histoy who coud caim descent fom Imbos and that he is the fist Ecumenica Patiach to eve visit that nothen Aegean isand, Mn\m; Kai TnV npea~uttpa TOU, ouvooeuotvouc; 6n6 TOV avooioa. 'APXt- n. NeKTopto KsM~ (7-6-92), -.6.t:X6nK TOV K. BaaiAEo 4UMOKO, CPOITTni Tfic;;: BEO.\Oyuoic;;: Ixoi\;<; TOU 'Anoa6.\ou 'Av~ptou T6 ppac'su npo'6peuoe ouvespac; Tnc; IUVTOVIOTIKiic;. EmTpom;c;, EMnvo~ou Neo.aat; NA (8-6-92), - 6tXBnKE: 6AAni\OOiOO6xWI; TOUe; K.K. ewpyo Koi KwvaaVTtVO 'Av6peooKn, X~oo Iou~oupa Kai NtKa.aO KapaT~a (9-6-92), -. ETtAeOE: ni 8ea!\etToupyia CT'}v 'AVVAtKi xapv wv VEWV, aov I. No6 'AV. iavn:ae'u.ov~ KAevtA'{K. KaT6ntv MX9}KE TOV noaiteok6 Bou.\eun'} TOO ' EpvanKOO K60TOt; K. MoiK. -ATKIVooV. (20-6-92). - ' EAeiTOUPY0e Koi tkfpu~e o6v I. N06 npoq)tou 'HAio NapyOUVT (2-6-92), - npotott) Tie; t~ooiou OKOAou9iae; TOO oetvtioou VE:OU MOPKOU MIX. MTAIOO. o6v I. N06 npocp')tou ' HAo NopvouVT Kai t-ine T6v ov6aovo napa~u9nka Myo, T6 Pp65u iatoe a6v I. Na6 'AV. InupioovOt; -Av'AEu, I; ouve:xea etx& t5toitept ouvavto I : T6v eupokoievo on'tv n6at m; Via UnnpeOtaKOut; Myout; a~oye~ np6e6pa ~t; Bou.~t; ~~ Kounvo/'ov6nt;, ' E~ox, K.In~ITptO t>oupa. (22-6-92), - tx9}ke TOUe; K.K, Kwaa IaXOIT Koi;N iko ZT06nouAo, I :AT Tie; A E. Tie; IUVTovtoKfje;. EntTponfje; 'EAA'Vop6OO6.!iou NeoAoiae; NA Mx9Ke tniant; TaV K, ITU.tOVa KOVTO./:oV (23-6-92), - atx9}kt TIe; K,K. -Awo MOUoOKO Kai XPUOOUAO ' Ioowou. Taio Kai Bon86 Ta~ou OVTtooiXWt; ~t; KsVTPt~t;"xou Ka exe ~~I TOUe; ouvepvaoia. npo'!5peuoe ouve5poc; TOU npwtop09iou nveui0ttkot.o.koot)pou.o.tx9}k& at ouvepvooio T6v AiSeo. n. Xpfiao ToopaK.i6T. I&p. npaioo~vo ~~ ' Evopat; 'Ay, In~nTpou I".o~nepu (24-6-92), - atx9tke T6v AiSeo. n. 'oovv KOn&TQ, ev..o.eu9uvn' TWV ' 6pUIOTWV Tie; «BAIIAEIA..o.OI» TOO IUOVEU Koi T6v K. BaOi.\eIO 76 KapOOiTon. np6e6po Tie;. Evwaewc; KOIVOn'TWV Kai ' EVOPciv BIKTwpiac;, ouvoiseuof:vouc; ono TOV np6e6po Tfje; AE. Koi EV..o.eu9uvn' Tciv ' 6pUIQTWV Tie; «BAIIAEIA.o.OI» NOTiou AuopaAiae; K. BaoiAeo TaM.toVT~fi Ma~i I: TOUe; QVWTEPW EmOKEcp9TKe TO. ouvkpotdoa Tie; «B.A.IIAEIA..o.Oh T600 o6 NoapMVYKa (AvaTo XWP\o) KOt o6 IoiVT n~t&pt; (nptotpeio), 600 Ka oa Kp60vTov napk (X6OTe.), ITie; VE66ITTEC; tvkotooooec; TOO TpoKoeiou ao Kp6UVTOV n6pk npo'6peuoe Tfjc; tttoiae; KOIVie; ouve5piae; Tciv uneu9uvwv TWV KOTO noaiteo ' 6pU6Twv Tie; «BAIAEIA..o.OI», tkttpoownwv TOV ep. 'ApX&nioKon6 Ioe; K.K. ITYAIANO. In'}v ouve6pa E}.aPE If:PO<; Koi Ti.o.IOtK. 'EmTponn «BaOtAeIOOo<;» NOTiou AUapa\iae;, uno TOV K. B. TaMtaVT~~ (26-6-92), - ' ET&Aeoe TOUe; VOIOUe; TOO K..o.TITTpiou ' ApeT~i IETO nie; 6. <DAWpoC;.o.oPi6. OOV I. Noo 'AViou EwPViou etnaptov (27-6-92). -. EAeITOUPYOE Kai tkipu~& OOV I. Na6 &vv'}oewc; TOO XPIOOO n6pt AVTEAOivT. To 6n6veua EXOpooOToe KaTa T6v Mey6Ao. EonEPv6 TWV 'AViwv 'Anoa6Awv nttpou KonaUAOU, 06v I. N. AV. navte'ae')0vot; K.evtAVK (28-6-92). - ' E'AEtTOUPYTOE Kai tk')pu~e a6v I. Na6 AV. navteae'iiovoe; K.&vt.YK, To ~p66u tk/pu~e oav I. Naa 'Ay, InupoovOt; -AvI.&O (29-6-92. --. EAeITOUPYTO Kat tk')pu~e aov I. Nao 'AV navteaei'.0voe; K.&vt. yk,.o.e:x9}k& at ouvepvaoia T6v np6e6po nic; I.E.KA NoTiou AUOpa\iae; K. XOT~TKaKKOO. atx9)ke at ouvepvaoia TOUe; tk TWV OeAEX,civ ;c; NeOAaiae;.ae; K.K. NiKO Znoo6nouAo Koi Kwaa IIOXO.T. I~i.& TOUe; 'AVovp6cpoue; K. KwvOavTvo BpoOayo Kat O. BIKTWpia T OOKiPT..o.tx9}Ke OK6T TOV 'Avnnp6e6po TOO 'Ap XIEntOKOntKOU IUIf30uAiou K. ' IOOVV Ko06VAou.ETO Tfjc; ou~uvou TOU at tniok&v ap'pocppoouvte; (30-6-92).