ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ ΜΟΝΑΔΕΣ ΠΑΡΑΤΗΡΗΣΕΙΣ Ολοκλήρωση εκπαίδευσης και σπουδών στην ειδικότητα της Καρδιολογίας

Σχετικά έγγραφα


(Π.Φ ) (Π.Φ )

(Π.Φ ) (Π.Φ )

Για ενημέρωση των Ιατρών που επιθυμούν να εργαστούν στην Κύπρο.

Aριθμός 420 ΑΠΟΣΠΑΣΗ Ο κ. Ανδρέας Φραντζής, μόνιμος Διοικητής Πολιτικής Άμυνας, αποσπάται στη Διοίκηση του Υπουργείου Εσωτερικών, για εκτέλεση

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PROFESSIONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT N O : IRC2925

Θεοφάνους Χρυστάλλα Σμηνίας Σπύρου Χρίστος Σμηνίας Αγαθοκλέους Σωφρόνης Σμηνίας 4.9.

Θεοφάνους Χρυστάλλα Σμηνίας Σπύρου Χρίστος Σμηνίας Αγαθοκλέους Σωφρόνης Σμηνίας 4.9.

Aριθμός 420 ΑΠΟΣΠΑΣΗ Ο κ. Ανδρέας Φραντζής, μόνιμος Διοικητής Πολιτικής Άμυνας, αποσπάται στη Διοίκηση του Υπουργείου Εσωτερικών, για εκτέλεση











Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς Τμήμα Πληροφορικής Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών «Πληροφορική»

(Τέλεφαξ ) 18 Μαΐου 2015 Αριθμός 271

Των οποίων η μητρική γλώσσα δεν είναι η Ελληνική και δεν έχουν απολυτήριο Ελληνικού Σχολείου Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης. και οι οποίοι, δυνάμει του Αρθρου 2.

σ σ σ :

Ζητήματα Τυποποίησης στην Ορολογία - ο ρόλος και οι δράσεις της Επιτροπής Ορολογίας ΤΕ21 του ΕΛΟΤ



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α Erasmus . : erasmus.teiep.gr σ σ (imotion project).


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Αγγλική Τουριστική Ορολογία

þÿ ÄÁ±Ä ³¹º  ¹±Çµ Á¹Ã  ³¹± Ä

Professional Tourism Education EΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗ. Ministry of Tourism-Υπουργείο Τουρισμού

þÿ Ç»¹º ³µÃ ± : Ãż²» Ä Â


1) Abstract (To be organized as: background, aim, workpackages, expected results) (300 words max) Το όριο λέξεων θα είναι ελαστικό.

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S. Gaudenzi,. π υ, «aggregation problem»

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þÿ à ¼±Ã ± Ä Â ±¾¹»Ì³ à  ÄÉ þÿœµ» ³ ± º±¹ ÀÁ ²» ¼±Ä¹Ã¼

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þÿ Á±½Äà Å, šåá¹±º Neapolis University þÿ Á̳Á±¼¼± ¼Ìù±Â ¹ º à Â, Ç» Ÿ¹º ½ ¼¹ºÎ½ À¹ÃÄ ¼Î½ º±¹ ¹ º à  þÿ ±½µÀ¹ÃÄ ¼¹ µ À»¹Â Æ Å

Παρατηρήσεις επί των συστάσεων: Competent Authority response received on 2 June 2008



Σπουδάστρια Δακανάλη Νικολέτα Α.Μ "Πώς η εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας επηρεάζει την απόδοση των επιχειρήσεων" ΠΤΥΧΙΑΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ


Αριθμός 341 ΠΡΟΣΛΗΨΗ ΕΡΓΟΔΟΤΟΥΜΕΝΩΝ ΚΑΘΟΡΙΣΜΕΝΗΣ ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΣ ΑΝΑΓΚΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟΥ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ Το Υπουργείο Υγείας ανακοινώνει ότι, σύμφωνα με τις πρόνοιες του περί της Διαδικασίας Πρόσληψης Εργοδοτουμένων Καθορισμένης Διάρκειας στη Δημόσια Υπηρεσία και για άλλα Συναφή Θέματα Νόμου του 2011 (Ν. 25(Ι)/2011), πιθανόν να προκύψουν οι πιο κάτω κατηγορίες αναγκών για απασχόληση εργοδοτουμένων καθορισμένης διάρκειας στις Υπηρεσίες/Τμήματα του Υπουργείου Υγείας, για εκτέλεση έργων τακτής προθεσμίας ή για κάλυψη ανάγκης προσωρινής φύσεως στη Δημόσια Υπηρεσία, για τα έτη 2015-2016: I. ΙΑΤΡΙΚΕΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ Α) Ιατρικός Λειτουργός, 2 ης Τάξης με ειδικό ενδιαφέρον και εκπαίδευση στην Καρδιολογία. Απαιτούμενα προσόντα 1) Ολοκλήρωση εκπαίδευσης και σπουδών στην Ειδικότητα της Καρδιολογίας. 2) Εγγραφή στο Μητρώο Ιατρών Κύπρου. 3) Σε περίπτωση που οι ανάγκες της Υπηρεσίας απαιτούν την εκτέλεση καθηκόντων Ειδικής Ιατρικής, οι υποψήφιοι θα πρέπει να είναι κάτοχοι πιστοποιητικού ειδικότητας σύμφωνα με τον περί Εγγραφής Ιατρών Νόμο. 4) Πολύ καλή γνώση της Ελληνικής και καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής ή της Γαλλικής ή της Γερμανικής γλώσσας, ή Καλή γνώση της Ελληνικής και πολύ καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής ή της Γαλλικής ή της Γερμανικής γλώσσας. 5) Ακεραιότητα χαρακτήρα, υπευθυνότητα, πρωτοβουλία και ευθυκρισία. Τα καθήκοντα της θέσης συνεπάγονται απασχόληση εκτός του συνηθισμένου ωραρίου της Δημόσιας Υπηρεσίας ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες της υπηρεσίας, το σύνολο όμως το ωρών εργασίας δεν θα υπερβαίνει τον καθορισμένο αριθμό ωρών εργασίας την εβδομάδα. 1. Τα καθήκοντα που θα εκτελούν αυτοί που θα προσληφθούν είναι τα καθήκοντα που αναφέρονται στα Οικεία Σχέδια Υπηρεσίας. 2. Η απασχόληση των εργοδοτουμένων καθορισμένης διάρκειας για εκτέλεση έργων τακτής προθεσμίας ή για κάλυψη ανάγκης προσωρινής φύσεως θα είναι για χρονική περίοδο έξι κατά ανώτατο όριο μηνών με δικαίωμα ανανέωσης για ακόμα έξι μήνες, εκτός αν οι ανάγκες που θα ικανοποιούν παύσουν να υφίστανται είτε λόγω πλήρωσης κενών θέσεων είτε άλλως πως. Με τη λήξη της απασχόλησης η εργοδότηση του εργοδοτούμενου καθορισμένης διάρκειας προσωπικού τερματίζεται αυτοδικαίως χωρίς την καταβολή αποζημίωσης ή την τήρηση οποιασδήποτε άλλης διατύπωσης. 3. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε να αποταθείτε στο τηλέφωνο 22605512 και 22605371. 361 4. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι θα πρέπει να συμπληρώσουν αίτηση στο Ειδικό Έντυπο το οποίο μπορούν να προμηθευτούν από το Υπουργείο Υγείας, ή από τις ιστοσελίδες του Υπουργείου Οικονομικών (www.mof.gov.cy) και του Τμήματος Δημόσιας Διοίκησης και Προσωπικού (www.mof.gov.cy/papd). Το έντυπο πρέπει να συμπληρώνεται κατάλληλα και να περιέχονται σε αυτό με ακρίβεια όλα τα ζητούμενα στοιχεία περιλαμβανομένων και των ημερομηνιών απασχόλησης του αιτητή και να τεκμηριώνονται με τα αναγκαία πιστοποιητικά (αντίγραφα απολυτηρίου, διπλώματος ή πτυχίου, βεβαιώσεις προηγούμενης σχετικής πείρας, αντίγραφο απόδειξης πληρωμής εισφορών Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων, λευκό ποινικό μητρώο κ.ά. Οι αιτήσεις θα πρέπει να παραδοθούν στο Υπουργείο Υγείας «Γιώρκειο, Προδρόμου 1 και Χείλωνος 17, Άγιος Ανδρέας, 1448 Λευκωσία», Επίπεδο Κήπου (-1) όροφος, Γραφείο Κ15, ή να αποσταλούν μέσω του Τηλεομοιότυπου 22605481 όχι αργότερα από τις 12 Ιουνίου 2015. (Αρ. Φακ:Υ.Υ. ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ, ΛΕΥΚΩΣΙΑ.

362 ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ ΙΑΤΡΙΚΕΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ ΚΡΙΤΗΡΙΑ ΑΞΙΟΛΟΓΗΣΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΩΝ ΑΙΤΗΤΩΝ ΓΙΑ ΕΡΓΟΔΟΤΗΣΗ ΚΑΘΟΡΙΣΜΕΝΗΣ ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑΣ 2015-2016 ΘΕΣΗ: Ιατρικός Λειτουργός, 2 ης Τάξης με ειδικό ενδιαφέρον και εκπαίδευση στην Καρδιολογία ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ ΜΟΝΑΔΕΣ ΠΑΡΑΤΗΡΗΣΕΙΣ Ολοκλήρωση εκπαίδευσης και σπουδών στην ειδικότητα της Καρδιολογίας 1 Μεταπτυχιακό / Master σε θέμα σχετικό με την Καρδιολογία 1 Διδακτορικό / PhD σε θέμα σχετικό με την Καρδιολογία 1,5 Πείρα στο Δημόσιο τομέα όλων των κρατών μελών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης σχετική με Καρδιολογία (αποδεδειγμένη) Επιπρόσθετη σχετική πείρα με Καρδιολογία στον ιδιωτικό τομέα (αποδεδειγμένη) 0,5-4 0,5 μονάδα για κάθε τρείς συμπληρωμένους μήνες με ανώτατο όριο τα δύο χρόνια 0,25-2 0,25 μονάδα για κάθε τρείς συμπληρωμένους μήνες με ανώτατο όριο τα δύο χρόνια Σημ.: Σε περίπτωση ισοβαθμίας λαμβάνονται υπόψη: 1) Επιπρόσθετο Μεταπτυχιακό ή /και Διδακτορικό. 2) Συνολική βαθμολογία δημοσιεύσεων και ερευνητικού έργου (IMPACT FACTOR). 3) O βαθμός του Πανεπιστημιακού Διπλώματος. 4) H ημερομηνία γεννήσεως.

Αριθμός 342 ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ, ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ ΚΕΝΗ ΘΕΣΗ ΣΕ ΔΙΕΘΝH ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟ Το Υπουργείο Εργασίας, Πρόνοιας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων γνωστοποιεί ανακοίνωση Διεθνή Οργανισμού αναφορικά με την προκήρυξη της πιο κάτω θσης εργασίας: 363 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PROFESSIONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT N O : IRC2866 Issued on: 6 MAY 2015 Deadline For Application: 27 May 2015 POSITION TITLE: Senior Agricultural Officer GRADE LEVEL: P-5 DUTY STATION: Rome, Italy ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: Africa Service, TCIA DURATION*: Fixed-term: 2 years Investment Centre Division, TCI POST NUMBER: 0418374 Technical Cooperation Department, TC CCOG CODE: 1H01 * The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments Qualified female applicants and qualified nationals of non-and under-represented member countries are encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. The incumbent may be re-assigned to different activities and/or duty stations depending on the evolving needs of the Organization. * This Vacancy Announcement cancels and supersedes Vacancy Announcement No. IRC2842. Applicants who applied to VA IRC2842 must apply to the present vacancy in irecruitment in order to be considered. Organizational Setting The Investment Centre Division (TCI) promotes investment in food security, nutrition, agriculture and rural development (FSNARD), sustainable natural resource management (NRM) and climate change mitigation and/or adaptation (CCM/A) in developing countries in developing countries and countries in transition, assisting governments and country stakeholders, main development partners, in particular international financing institutions with the strategic planning and implementation of their investments to achieve growth, poverty alleviation, food security and nutrition goals. TCI is a multidisciplinary division composed of three regionally focused services, namely Africa Service, Asia and the Pacific Service, and Europe, Central Asia, Near East, North Africa, Latin America and the the Global Environment Fund (GEF). Reporting lines The Senior Agricultural Officer reports to the Chief, Africa Service. Technical Focus Design, implementation support and evaluation of investment operations (projects and programmes) in FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A, as well as strategic and policy work, with a focus on sustainable agricultural development, agricultural services, rural institutions, resilience and risk management, and access to markets. Key Results Provision of technical advice and capacity development for (i) the design of investment operations, in collaboration with country stakeholders and cooperating partners, to mobilize resources for FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A; and (ii) implementation support and evaluation of investment operations, in accordance with the FAO Strategic Framework. Key Functions leads, or participates in, multidisciplinary teams to assist governments in the identification and preparation of investment operations in the fields of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A, and participate in pre-appraisal and appraisal missions; leads, or participates in, multidisciplinary teams for the implementation support and the preparation of final evaluation of investment operations; advises governments in the preparation of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A studies and strategies, and in the formulation of national sector and/or sub-sector investment plans and programmes; advises on developing inclusive and sustainable food systems, involving producers, their organizations, other private sector actors, civil society organizations and government; leads the formulation and delivery of capacity development strategies and activities in the areas of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A investment support to government staff, and non-state actors and private sector organizations; prepares reports in accordance with government and financing partner requirements; advises on task organization, selection of consultants, preparation of terms of reference and in ensuring the quality of outputs; represents the Organization at international and inter-governmental meetings and conferences, advocates for strategic partnerships, best practices and effective policy dialogue; develops and negotiates effective working relationships and agreements with international and national partners; leads or participates in resource mobilization activities in accordance with the FAO Corporate strategy; provides guidance, mentoring and advice to junior staff. Specific functions provides substantial contributions to FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A sector strategies, plans and operations for their investment implications, technical and environmental feasibility and compliance with national policies and priorities; leads the identification of constraints and opportunities for enhancing the productivity of agricultural production systems with emphasis on sustainability of farming practices and environmental impact, access to, and functioning of markets, relevance and quality of agricultural services, institutions and organizations, risk management systems, as well as role and

364 engagement of commercial private sector; leads the design of agricultural activities and components of investment operations, including systems of implementation support and monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of agricultural and rural development projects; advises on the practical productivity and sustainability improvements to existing farming systems, formulates crop budgets defines the technical parameters for the establishment of farm models for financial and economic analysis. CANDIDATES WILL BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE FOLLOWING Minimum Requirements Advanced university degree in agriculture or a closely related field Ten years of relevant experience in planning and implementing agricultural development programmes, including experience in the formulation and/or implementation of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A investment operations in developing countries and/or countries in transition Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and limited knowledge of one of the other two or Arabic, Chinese or Russian Competencies Results focus Leading, engaging and empowering Communication and advocacy Partnering and resource mobilisation Knowledge sharing and continuous Improvement Strategic thinking Technical/Functional Skills Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in field positions is essential Extent and relevance of experience in major technical fields related to rain-fed and irrigated agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry in developing countries and countries in transition, including in the development of sustainable production and food systems, and agricultural services Extent and relevance of experience in leading multidisciplinary teams for the design, implementation support or evaluation of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A investment operations Extent and relevance of experience in investment design, implementatio development partners, in particular the World Bank, the International Funds for Agriculture and Development (IFAD), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the GEF Extent of experience in capacity development for the design and implementation of FSNARD, NRM and/or CCM/A investments Demonstrated experience in dealing with senior government officials, development partners and other country stakeholders; Demonstrated capacity to write technical reports in English and French Relevance of experience in the Africa Region Ability to work under pressure and willingness to travel frequently to developing countries and countries in transition Please note that all candidates should adhere to FAO Values of Commitment to FAO, Respect for All and Integrity and Transparency. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All candidates should possess computer/word processing skills. As part of the evaluation of your application for this position, you may be requested to undergo written assessment, which may be followed by a competency-based interview. Your application will be screened based on the information you have entered in your irecruitment profile (see below under the How to Apply section). Before applying for a vacancy, we strongly recommend that the information you have provided in all sections of your profile are accurate and complete, including employment record, academic qualifications and skills. Please note that FAO will only consider academic credentials or degrees obtained from an educational institution that is recognized or sanctioned by a competent national authority, included in the IAU/UNESCO list. Other similar positions at the same level may be filled from this vacancy notice and the endorsed candidates will be considered for the Employment Roster for a period of 2 years. Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments. REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, click on the following link: http://www.un.org/depts/ohrm/salaries_allowances/salary.htm

365 HOW TO APPLY To apply, visit the irecruitment website at http://www.fao.org/employment/irecruitment-access/en/ and complete the on-line application. Only applications received through irecruitment will be considered. Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. Vacancies will be removed from irecruitment at 23:59 Central European Time (CET) on the deadline for applications date. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: irecruitment@fao.org FAO IS A NON-SMOKING ENVIRONMENT

366 Αριθμός 343 ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ, ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ ΚΕΝΗ ΘΕΣΗ ΣΕ ΔΙΕΘΝH ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟ Το Υπουργείο Εργασίας, Πρόνοιας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων γνωστοποιεί ανακοίνωση Διεθνή Οργανισμού αναφορικά με την προκήρυξη της πιο κάτω θέσης εργασίας: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PROFESSIONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT N O : IRC2867 Issued on: 8 May 2015 Deadline For Application: 29 May 2015 POSITION TITLE: Senior Rural Sociologist GRADE LEVEL: P-5 DUTY STATION: Rome, Italy ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: Africa Service, TCIA DURATION*: Fixed-term: 2 years Investment Centre Division, TCI POST NUMBER: 0023388 Technical Cooperation Department, TC CCOG CODE: 1L05 * The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments Applications from qualified women as well as from qualified nationals of non-and under-represented member countries are encouraged Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence The incumbent may be re-assigned to different activities and/or duty stations depending on the evolving needs of the Organization * This Vacancy Announcement cancels and supersedes Vacancy Announcement No. IRC2843. Applicants who applied to VA IRC2843 must apply to the present vacancy in irecruitment in order to be considered. Organizational Setting The Investment Centre Division (TCI) promotes investment in food security, nutrition, agriculture and rural development (FSNARD), sustainable natural resource management (NRM) and climate change mitigation and/or adaptation (CCM/A) in developing countries in developing countries and countries in transition, assisting governments and country stakeholders, main development partners, in particular international financing institutions with the strategic planning and implementation of their investments to achieve growth, poverty alleviation, food security and nutrition goals. TCI is a multidisciplinary division composed of three regionally focused services, namely Africa Service, Asia and the Pacific Service, n unit for the Global Environment Fund (GEF). Reporting lines The Senior Rural Sociologist reports to the Chief of Africa Service. Technical Focus Design, implementation support and evaluation of investment operations (projects and programmes) in FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A to promote agricultural and rural development, inclusive growth, poverty reduction, gender equality and sustainable livelihoods, as well as strategic and policy work with a focus on rural sociology, inclusive sustainable development and social protection. Key Results Provision of technical advice and capacity development for (i) the design of investment operations, in collaboration with country stakeholders and cooperating partners, to mobilize resources for FSNARD, NRM, and CCM/A; and (ii) implementation support and evaluation of investment operations, in accordance with the FAO Strategic Framework. Key Functions leads, or participates in, multidisciplinary teams to assist governments in the identification and preparation of investment operations in the fields of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A, and participate in pre-appraisal and appraisal missions; leads, or participates in, multidisciplinary teams for the implementation support and the preparation of final evaluation of investment operations; advises governments in the preparation of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A studies and strategies, and in the formulation of national sector and/or sub-sector investment plans and programmes; advises on developing inclusive and sustainable food systems, involving producers, their organizations, other private sector actors, civil society organizations and government; leads the formulation and delivery of capacity development strategies and activities in the areas of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A investment support to government staff, and non-state actors and private sector organizations; prepares reports in accordance with government and financing partner requirements; advises on task organization, selection of consultants, preparation of terms of reference and in ensuring the quality of outputs; represents the Organization at international and inter-governmental meetings and conferences, advocates for strategic partnerships, best practices and effective policy dialogue; develops and negotiates effective working relationships and agreements with international and national partners; leads or participates in resource mobilization activities in accordance with the FAO Corporate strategy; provides guidance, mentoring and advice to junior staff. Specific functions advises on approaches to poverty, food and nutrition security, livelihoods and community-based planning, access to services and infrastructure, rural institutions, social protection, gender roles, youth, producer organizations, and other relevant socio-

367 economic factors; plays a key role in the involvement of government officials, non-state actors, development partners and target groups to ensure priorities of diverse stakeholders in investment planning and design; advises on and/or contributes to ensuring that target beneficiaries participate in and benefit from project interventions and are meaningfully engaged in project management; leads or contributes to corporate work related to social analysis, social protection, gender, food security and nutrition, rural livelihoods, community-driven development, community-based natural resources management and resilience. CANDIDATES WILL BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE FOLLOWING Minimum Requirements Advanced university degree in sociology, social development, anthropology, rural development or a closely-related field Ten years of relevant experience in rural sociology in the context of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A, including in the design, implementation and/or evaluation of agricultural and rural development investment programmes in developing countries and/or countries in transition Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and limited knowledge of one of the other two or Arabic, Chinese or Russian Competencies Results focus Leading, engaging and empowering Communication and advocacy Partnering and resource mobilisation Knowledge sharing and continuous Improvement Strategic thinking Technical/Functional Skills Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in field positions is essential Extent and relevance of experience in conducting socio-economic analytical research or surveys, implementing participatory methods focussing on institutional development, rural livelihoods, poverty, social protection, gender analysis and targeting Extent and relevance of experience in leading multidisciplinary teams for the design, implementation support or evaluation of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A investment operations development partners, in particular the World Bank, the International Funds for Agriculture and Development (IFAD), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the GEF Extent of experience in capacity development for the design and implementation of FSNARD, NRM and/or CCM/A investments Demonstrated experience in dealing with senior government officials, development partners and other country stakeholders; Demonstrated capacity to write technical reports in English and French Relevance of experience in the Africa region Ability to work under pressure and willingness to travel frequently to developing countries and countries in transition Please note that all candidates should adhere to FAO Values of Commitment to FAO, Respect for All and Integrity and Transparency. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All candidates should possess computer/word processing skills. As part of the evaluation of your application for this position, you may be requested to undergo written assessment, which may be followed by a competency-based interview. Your application will be screened based on the information you have entered in your irecruitment profile (see below under the How to Apply section). Before applying for a vacancy, we strongly recommend that the information you have provided in all sections of your profile are accurate and complete, including employment record, academic qualifications and skills. Please note that FAO will only consider academic credentials or degrees obtained from an educational institution that is recognized or sanctioned by a competent national authority, included in the IAU/UNESCO list. Other similar positions at the same level may be filled from this vacancy notice and the endorsed candidates will be considered for the Employment Roster for a period of 2 years. Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments. REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, click on the following link: http://www.un.org/depts/ohrm/salaries_allowances/salary.htm

368 HOW TO APPLY To apply, visit the irecruitment website at http://www.fao.org/employment/irecruitment-access/en/ and complete the on-line application. Only applications received through irecruitment will be considered. Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. Vacancies will be removed from irecruitment at 23:59 Central European Time (CET) on the deadline for applications date. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: irecruitment@fao.org FAO IS A NON-SMOKING ENVIRONMENT

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PROFESSIONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT N O : IRC2873 Issued on: 7 May 2015 Deadline For Application: 28 May 2015 POSITION TITLE: Centre Manager (Shared Services Centre) GRADE LEVEL: P-5 DUTY STATION: Budapest, Hungary ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: Shared Services Centre (SSC) DURATION : Fixed term: two years Corporate Services, Human Resources, and Finance Department (CS) POST NUMBER: 2000506 CCOG CODE: 1.A.12 Qualified female applicants and qualified nationals of non-and under-represented member countries are encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. The incumbent may be re-assigned to different activities and/or duty stations depending on the evolving needs of the Organization. Organizational Setting The Shared Services Centre is responsible for providing a coordinated corporate support function to Headquarters and decentralized offices and their staff, for administrative transactional processes including staff and non-staff human resources servicing, travel operations, invoice processing, vendor management, and fixed assets. It also provides advice and user support across the Organization on the use of corporate administrative, financial and HR systems. The Shared Services Centre consolidates administrative functions to deliver them in a cost-effective manner, promoting operational efficiencies and service improvements. Reporting Lines The Centre Manager reports to the ADG, CS. Technical Focus Delivery of administrative transactional processes including human resources servicing, travel operations, finance, vendor management. Key Results Coordination of the operations and functioning of the SSC ensuring achievement of agreed service levels and compliance with established policies. Key Functions 369 Αριθμός 344 ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ, ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ ΚΕΝΗ ΘΕΣΗ ΣΕ ΔΙΕΘΝH ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟ Το Υπουργείο Εργασίας, Πρόνοιας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων γνωστοποιεί ανακοίνωση Διεθνή Οργανισμού αναφορικά με την προκήρυξη της πιο κάτω θέσης εργασίας: Supervises staff, oversees the delivery of multi-disciplinary programmes, policies, products, and services and prepares a variety of plans, strategies, reports and proposals Oversees service delivery and the day-to-day operations of the SSC, ensuring that all standards are met and procedures are followed. Establishes priorities and schedules of main activities Reviews and monitors SSC-related services to identify trends and problem areas, reporting on risks, key performance indicators and proposed corrective action or new approaches Develops and implements new work methods and procedures of the SSC; recommends procedural changes to improve SSC efficiency and ensures appropriate implementation of decisions made by senior management Prepares and monitors the SSC budget Plans and monitors staffing overseeing recruitment and any other administrative functions related to the smooth functioning of the SSC Supervises staff, managing performance, staff development, training and careers Oversees and ensures the smooth functioning of information systems required to deliver the services and the definition and implementation of changes required to maintain the systems operational and fit for purpose. Supports system deployment activities to ensure smooth adoption by clients of the Centre Defines and ensures the implementation of Service Level Agreements; sets standards for quality and ensures that operational activities are implemented in accordance with recognized procedures and guidelines and meet the established standards Establishes quality control mechanisms such as client surveys, periodic data quality assurance reviews, error escalation procedures Plans and develops SSC communication strategy and capacity development; develops procedures and guidelines for use by the SSC customers in order to ensure clarity, accuracy, consistency and accountability and to sustain and increase public awareness of SSC core activities Establishes and maintains close working relationships with functional Divisions/Offices at HQ, liaising on issues in the implementation of established policies and escalating to policy owners any issue requiring policy related decisions Liaises with the host government on matters relating to the SSC management Performs other duties as required CANDIDATES WILL BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE FOLLOWING Minimum Requirements Advanced University degree in Business Administration and/or Management, Human Resources, Finance or other

370 related field Ten years of relevant experience in coordinating, leading and/or managing operations and administrative activities Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and limited knowledge of one of the other two or Arabic, Chinese, Russian Competencies Results Focus Leading, Engaging and Empowering Communication Partnering and Advocating Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement Strategic Thinking Technical/Functional Skills Work experience in more than one location or area of work is considered essential Extent and level of experience in coordinating, leading and/or managing operations and administrative activities Extent of understanding and experience with computerized ERP systems and their application Please note that all candidates should adhere to FAO Values of Commitment to FAO, Respect for All and Integrity and Transparency. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments All candidates should possess computer/word processing skills. Evaluation of qualified candidates may include an assessment exercise which will be followed by a competency-based interview. Your application will be screened based on the information provided in your irecruhow to Apply strongly recommend that you ensure that the information is accurate and complete including employment record, academic qualifications and language skills. Please note that FAO will only consider academic credentials or degrees obtained from an educational institution recognised in the IAU/UNESCO list. Other similar positions at the same level may be filled from this vacancy notice and the endorsed candidates will be considered for the Employment Roster for a period of 2 years. Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments. REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, click on the following link: http://icsc.un.org/ HOW TO APPLY To apply, visit the irecruitment website at http://www.fao.org/employment/irecruitment-access/en/ and complete your online profile. Only applications received through irecruitment will be considered. Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. Vacancies will be removed from irecruitment at 23:59 Central European Time (CET) on the deadline for applications date. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: irecruitment@fao.org FAO IS A NON-SMOKING ENVIRONMENT

371 Αριθμός 345 ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ, ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ ΚΕΝΗ ΘΕΣΗ ΣΕ ΔΙΕΘΝH ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟ Το Υπουργείο Εργασίας, Πρόνοιας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων γνωστοποιεί ανακοίνωση Διεθνή Οργανισμού αναφορικά με την προκήρυξη της πιο κάτω θέσης εργασίας: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PROFESSIONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT N O : IRC2874 Issued on: 8 May 2015 Deadline For Application: 29 May 2015 POSITION TITLE: Internal Auditor GRADE LEVEL: P-2 DUTY STATION: Rome, Italy ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: Office of the Inspector General, OIG DURATION : Fixed-term: 2 years POST NUMBER: 0725293 CCOG CODE: Qualified female applicants and qualified nationals of non-and under-represented member countries are encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. The incumbent may be re-assigned to different activities and/or duty stations depending on the evolving needs of the Organization. Organizational Setting The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) provides oversight of the programmes and operations of the Organization, through internal audit, inspection and investigation. The post is based in Rome in the Internal Audit Group of OIG. The Unit carries out a risk-based programme of audit work as well as ad hoc inspections. Through these activities OIG monitors and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of the Organization's system of internal control, financial management and use of assets. Reporting Lines The Internal Auditor reports to a Senior Auditor. Technical Focus Internal auditing. Key Results The conduct of various audit assignments in HQ and/or the Field to assess the soundness, adequacy and application of internal management and financial controls. Key Functions Participates in multi-disciplinary audit teams Conducts audit assignments in accordance with internal procedures and auditing standards Prepares using TeamMate, electronic working papers that support audit findings and recommendations Organizes and drafts input for audit reports Participates in capacity development activities. Contributes to maintaining and updating the FAO Audit Manual with the latest systems and techniques Performs other duties as required CANDIDATES WILL BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE FOLLOWING Minimum Requirements Advanced university degree in audit, business or public administration, finance, accounting, economics, political science, international development, law or a related field (candidates holding a first level university degree may also be considered if possessing two additional years of relevant work experience) Three years of relevant experience in an organization using modern auditing, accounting, management and information systems techniques (e.g. internal audit department in the public or private sector, or an auditing, accounting or consulting firm) Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and limited knowledge of one of the other two or Arabic, Chinese, Russian Competencies Results Focus Teamwork Communication Building Effective Relationships Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement Technical/Functional Skills Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in field positions is desirable Demonstrated knowledge of auditing, accounting, management and information system techniques Experience in undertaking or reviewing programme/project development, management and operations would be an advantage 1A21

372 Familiarity with specialized audit software would be an advantage Please note that all candidates should adhere to FAO Values of Commitment to FAO, Respect for All and Integrity and Transparency. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All candidates should possess computer/word processing skills. Evaluation of qualified candidates may include an assessment exercise which will be followed by a competency-based interview. How to Apply strongly recommend that you ensure that the information is accurate and complete including employment record, academic qualifications and language skills. Please note that FAO will only consider academic credentials or degrees obtained from an educational institution recognised in the IAU/UNESCO list. Other similar positions at the same level may be filled from this vacancy notice and the endorsed candidates will be considered for the Employment Roster for a period of 2 years. Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments. REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, click on the following link: http://www.un.org/depts/ohrm/salaries_allowances/salary.htm HOW TO APPLY To apply, visit the irecruitment website at http://www.fao.org/employment/irecruitment-access/en/ and complete your online profile. Only applications received through irecruitment will be considered. Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. Vacancies will be removed from irecruitment at 23:59 Central European Time (CET) on the deadline for applications date. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: irecruitment@fao.org FAO IS A NON-SMOKING ENVIRONMENT

373 Αριθμός 346 ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ, ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ ΚΕΝΗ ΘΕΣΗ ΣΕ ΔΙΕΘΝH ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟ Το Υπουργείο Εργασίας, Πρόνοιας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων γνωστοποιεί ανακοίνωση Διεθνή Οργανισμού αναφορικά με την προκήρυξη της πιο κάτω θέσης εργασίας: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PROFESSIONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT N O : IRC2875 Issued on: 8 May 2015 Deadline For Application: 29 May 2015 POSITION TITLE: Investment Support Officer GRADE LEVEL: P-3 DUTY STATION: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: Africa Service, TCIA DURATION : Fixed-term: 2 years Investment Centre Division, TCI POST NUMBER: 0023892 Technical Cooperation Department, TC CCOG CODE: 1E Applications from qualified women as well as from qualified nationals of non-and under-represented member countries are encouraged Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence The incumbent may be re-assigned to different activities and/or duty stations depending on the evolving needs of the Organization Organizational Setting The Investment Centre Division (TCI) promotes investment in food security, nutrition, agriculture and rural development (FSNARD) and sustainable natural resource management (NRM) climate change mitigation and/or adaptation (CCM/A) in developing countries and countries in transition, assisting governments and country stakeholders, main development partners, in particular, international financing institutions with the strategic planning and implementation of their investments to achieve growth, poverty alleviation, food security and nutrition goals. TCI is a multidisciplinary division composed of three regionally focused services, namely Africa Service, Asia and the Pacific Service, and Europe, Central Asia, Near East, North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean Service, as well as coordination unit for the Global Environment Fund (GEF). Reporting lines The Investment Support Officer reports to the Chief, Africa Service and works in collaboration with the Head of the Decentralized Office (DO) of assignment. Key Results Provision of technical assistance and support the capacity development for (i) the design of investment operations, in collaboration with country stakeholders and cooperating partners, to mobilize resources for FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A; and (ii) implementation support and evaluation of investment operations, in accordance with the FAO Strategic Framework. Key Functions Participates in multidisciplinary teams for the identification and preparation of investment operations in the fields of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A, and participates in pre-appraisal and appraisal missions; Supports the implementation of investment operations and the preparation of final evaluation; Participates in the preparation of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A studies and strategies, in the formulation of national sector and/or subsector investment plans and programmes; Supports the development of inclusive and sustainable food systems involving producers, their organizations, other private sector actors, civil society organizations and governments; Contributes to capacity development activities in the areas of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A investment support to government staff, non-state actors and private sector organizations; Prepares reports in accordance with governments and financing partner requirements; Promotes knowledge sharing and best practices at international meetings and conferences, and interacts with international and national partners; Contributes related projects and programmes; Provides inputs in the area of expertise and ensure quality outputs to the DO team; Supports resource mobilization activities in accordance with the FAO Corporate strategy; Performs other related duties as required. CANDIDATES WILL BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE FOLLOWING Minimum Requirements Advanced university degree in economics, agricultural economics, agricultural sciences, environmental sciences, agribusiness management, natural resource management, irrigation and drainage engineering, rural infrastructure engineering, social sciences or a related field Five years of relevant experience in conducting agricultural/rural sector/subsector analytical studies, and/or in planning, design, supervision of agricultural and rural investment operations, including elaboration of feasibility studies and implementation of agricultural and rural investment operations in developing countries and/or countries in transition; Working knowledge of English and limited knowledge of French, Spanish or Arabic

374 Competencies Results Focus Teamwork Communication Building effective relationships Knowledge sharing and continuous Improvement Technical Skills Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in field positions is desirable Relevance of experience in participating in multidisciplinary teams for the design, implementation support or evaluation of FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A investment operations Relevance of experience in FSNARD, NRM and CCM/A analytical studies and programme evaluation Knowledge of investment design, implementation support and evaluation procedures in particular the World Bank; the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and GEF Relevance of experience in capacity development for the design and implementation of FSNARD, NRM and/or CCM/A investments Experience in dealing with government officials, staff of development partners and country stakeholders Demonstrated capacity to write technical reports in English Relevance of experience in the region or subregions covered by the specific vacancy Ability to work under pressure and willingness to travel frequently to developing or transition countries Working knowledge of another language relevant to the region of assignment would be an asset N.B. Willingness to travel frequently to developing countries and/or countries in transition and for geographic mobility zation Policy, a number of TCI professional staff positions have been assigned to Decentralized Offices (DOs), including Regional, Subregional and Country Offices. Locations are based on the needs and priorities identified in the respective regions, and can be modified to respond to changing priorities. Incumbents are expected to remain at least three years at a given duty station; and may rotate with Rome headquarters or another DO. The purpose of this Vacancy Announcement is to build a roster of candidates meeting a wide range of expertise such as economics, agriculture, natural resource management, irrigation and water management, rural sociology, etc. First assignment to a DO of newly recruited officers may be preceded by an initial period at headquarters for on-the-job training and familiarization w For more information of FAO regional coverage in Africa please consult the following link: http://www.fao.org/africa/en/ Please note that all candidates should adhere to FAO Values of Commitment to FAO, Respect for All and Integrity and Transparency. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All candidates should possess computer/word processing skills. As part of the evaluation of your application for this position, you may be requested to undergo written assessment, whichh may be followed by a competency-based interview. Your application will be screened based on the information you have entered in your irecruitment profile (see below under the How to Apply section). Before applying for a vacancy, we strongly recommend that the information you have provided in all sections of your profile are accurate and complete, including employment record, academic qualifications and skills. Please note that FAO will only consider academic credentials or degrees obtained from an educational institution that is recognised or sanctioned by a competent national authority, included in the IAU/UNESCO list. Other similar positions at the same level may be filled from this vacancy notice and the endorsed candidates will be considered for the Employment Roster for a period of 2 years. Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments. REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, click on the following link: http://icsc.un.org/ HOW TO APPLY To apply, visit the irecruitment website at http://www.fao.org/employment/irecruitment-access/en/ and complete the online application. Only applications received through irecruitment will be considered. Vacancies will be removed from irecruitment at 23:59 Central European Time (CET) on the deadline for applications date. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: irecruitment@fao.org FAO IS A NON-SMOKING ENVIRONMENT

375 Αριθμός 347 ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ, ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ ΚΕΝΗ ΘΕΣΗ ΣΕ ΔΙΕΘΝH ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟ Το Υπουργείο Εργασίας, Πρόνοιας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων γνωστοποιεί ανακοίνωση Διεθνή Οργανισμού αναφορικά με την προκήρυξη της πιο κάτω θέσης εργασίας: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PROFESSIONAL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT N O : IRC2879 Issued on: 11 May 2015 Deadline For Application: 1 June 2015 POSITION TITLE: Internal Auditor GRADE LEVEL: P-3 DUTY STATION: Santiago, Chile ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: Office of the Inspector General, OIG DURATION : Fixed-term: 2 years POST NUMBER: 0817082 CCOG CODE: Qualified female applicants and qualified nationals of non-and under-represented member countries are encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. The incumbent may be re-assigned to different activities and/or duty stations depending on the evolving needs of the Organization. Organizational Setting The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) provides oversight of the programmes and operations of the Organization, through internal audit, inspection and investigation. The posts are located in the Internal Audit Group of OIG. The Unit carries out a risk-based programme of audit work as well as ad hoc inspections. Through these activities OIG monitors and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of the Organization's system of internal control, financial management and use of assets. The post is based in the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (RLC), Santiago, Chile. Reporting Lines The Internal Auditor reports to a Senior Auditor based at Headquarters. Technical Focus Internal auditing. Key Results The planning and conduct of audit assignments including project, programme or operational reviews in HQ and/or the Field to assess the soundness, adequacy and application of internal management and financial controls Key Functions Plans, participates and/or provides specialist expertise on multi-disciplinary audit teams and/or project, programme and operational reviews, and inspections, and participates in Organization working groups; Plans and conducts audit assignments, from the initial planning, information gathering and interview stages to the final analysis and report writing stages, in accordance with internal procedures and auditing standards; Prepares using TeamMate, electronic working papers that support audit findings and recommendations; Prepares clear and concise draft reports and presents audit results and recommendations orally to management; Promotes capacity development in audit assignments and provides on the job training to other staff; Contributes to maintaining and updating the FAO Audit Manual with the latest systems and techniques; Performs other duties as required. CANDIDATES WILL BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE FOLLOWING Minimum Requirements Advanced university degree in audit, business or public administration, finance, accounting, economics, political science, international development, law or other related field (candidates holding a first level university degree may also be considered if possessing two additional years of relevant work experience) Five years of relevant experience in an organization using modern auditing, accounting, management and information systems techniques (e.g. internal audit department in the public or private sector, or an auditing, accounting or consulting firm) Working knowledge of English and limited knowledge of Spanish Competencies Results Focus Teamwork Communication Building Effective Relationships Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement Technical/Functional Skills Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in field positions, is desirable 1A21

376 Demonstrated knowledge of auditing, accounting, management and information system techniques Demonstrated knowledge of risk management concepts Extent and relevance of experience in performing financial, operational, performance and IT audits, and/or experience in accounting and/or business administration Extent and relevance of experience in undertaking or reviewing programme/project development, management and operations Familiarity with specialized audit software Please note that all candidates should adhere to FAO Values of Commitment to FAO, Respect for All and Integrity and Transparency. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All candidates should possess computer/word processing skills. Evaluation of qualified candidates may include an assessment exercise which will be followed by a competency-based interview. Your application will How to Apply strongly recommend that you ensure that the information is accurate and complete including employment record, academic qualifications and language skills. Please note that FAO will only consider academic credentials or degrees obtained from an educational institution recognised in the IAU/UNESCO list. Other similar positions at the same level may be filled from this vacancy notice and the endorsed candidates will be considered for the Employment Roster for a period of 2 years. Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments. REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, click on the following link: http://www.un.org/depts/ohrm/salaries_allowances/salary.htm HOW TO APPLY To apply, visit the irecruitment website at http://www.fao.org/employment/irecruitment-access/en/ and complete your online profile. Only applications received through irecruitment will be considered. Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile. Vacancies will be removed from irecruitment at 23:59 Central European Time (CET) on the deadline for applications date. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: irecruitment@fao.org FAO IS A NON-SMOKING ENVIRONMENT