C lon ing of 62phosphoglucona te D ehydrogena se Gene ( 6PGD H ) and M olecu2 lar Conf irma tion of A llotetraplo id in C ucum is

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1 2009, 36 (9) : Acta Horticulturae Sinica 6 - (6PGDH ) 1, 2, 1, 1, 13 ( 1,, ; 2, ) : 6 - (62phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ) 6PGDH cdna ( GenBank : EU815934), 6PGDH, 3 6PGDH, bp 936 bp bp 3, DNAMAN 3, 22,, : ; ; 6 - ; ; : S 652 : A : X (2009) C lon ing of 62phosphoglucona te D ehydrogena se Gene ( 6PGD H ) and M olecu2 lar Conf irma tion of A llotetraplo id in C ucum is W E I Yue 1, 2, WU Zhi2m ing 1, ZHANG Shu2ning 1, and CHEN J in2feng 13 ( 1 Key Laboratory of Southern V egetable C rop Genetics Im provem ent, N anjing A gricultural U niversity, N anjing , China; 2 Polytechnical College of A griculture and Forestry, Zhenjiang, J iangsu , China) Abstract: In order to demonstrate that the synthetic allotetrop loid species ( Cucum is hy tivus Chen and Kirkbride., 2n = 38) was the hybrids p rogeny originated from crossing between the wild Cucum is species (C. hystrix Chakr., 2n = 24) and the cultivated cucumber Beijing J ietou (C. sa tivus L., 2n = 14) in molecu2 lar level, p rimers were designed according to the 62phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ( 6 PGDH ) gene cdna sequence of cucumber ( GenB ank accession number: EU815934). The 6PGDH gene fragm ents were amp lified from allotetrop loid, the wild Cucum is and cultivated cucumber Beijing J ietou, respectively. Sequence analysis showed that the 6 PGDH fragments in three species were highly homologous, having bp length each. It encompassed of 936 bp long open reading frame (ORF) encoding 311 am ino acids and had 162 bp non2translation 3 2term inal end region (3 UTR), no intron existed in 6 PGDH fragment. The sequences were analyzed by software p rogram DNAMAN, detected three variable am ino acid lociπs and twenty2two bases lociπs. The inheritance of variable lociπs were congruence w ith the M endelπs genetics law of inheritance, therefore, it is p roven at molecular level that this synthetic allotetrap loid species was the hybrid originated from C. and C. sativus Beijing J ietou crossing. Key words: cucumber; allotetrop loid; 6PGDH; hybrid; clone hystrix : ; : : ( ) ; ( , ) ; (2008AA10Z150, 2006AA10Z1A8, 2006AA100108) ; (2009CB119000) ; (2008BADB105, 2006BAD13B06, 2006BAD01A725211) 3 Author for correspondence ( E2mail: jfchen@njau1edu1cn)

2 (C. hytivus Chen and Kirkbride., 2n = 38, HHCC) (Cucum is hystrix Chakr., 2n = 24, HH) (C. sativus Bei2 jing J ietou, 2n = 14, CC) (Chen et al., 1997, 2000, 2002, 2003; Chen & Adel2 berg, 2000), (, 2001) (, 2002) (, 2003, 2005, 2006) 2005) RAPD SSR AFLP (, 6 - ( 6PGDH ) (, 1990 ) 6PGDH ( Zea m ays AF061838) (Glycine m ax AB007907) (M edicago sati2 va U18239 ) (A rabidopsis tha liana AY ) ( Spinacia oleracea AF ) (O ryza sativa AY278362) 6PGDH ( GenBank : EU815934), 5, 6PGDH, 6PGDH, 3 6PGDH, 6PGDH 1 F 5, 28, 14 h, 2 3 M2MLV PMD192T Taq TaKaRa, TOP10, TR IZOL B IPEC DNA CTAB (Murray & Thomp son, 1980), RNA TR IZOL, O ligo ( dt) 14 : 5 2GACTCGAGTCGACATCGATTTTTTTTTTTTTT23 ( Hayashi et al., 2004), M 2MLV cdna : 6PGDH cdna ( GenBank : EU815934) 5 2GGGAATTTTGTGAAGATGGT23 ; : 5 2CTGCTATCTACTCCCCTAA23 cdna DNA PCR : 94 3 m in; s, s, m in, 35 ; m in, 4 PMD192T, TOP10, 1 ml LB ( 100 mg L - 1 ) r m in - 1 PCR,, NCB I BLAST, DNAMAN PGD H cdna DNA ( 1) bp 6PGDH NCB I B last, cdna 311 6PGDH 75%, 6PGDH cdna 311, TGA, 162 bp 3 (UTR) 3 6PGDH (ORF) cdna DNA,

3 9 : 6 - (6PGDH) 1377 F ig. 1 cd NA ( A) D NA ( B) 6PGDH PCR M: ; 1: ; 2: ; 3: 1 The electrophoresis results of 6PGDH gene PCR products using cd NA ( A) and D NA ( B) a s tem pla te M: Marker; 1: W ild species; 2: A llotetrop loid; 3: Cucumber Beijing Jietou PGD H DNAMAN 6PGDH 311 ( 2), 3, 99168%, 0196%, 6PGDH F ig. 2 6PGDH 2 A lignm en t of pred icted am ino ac id sequences of 6PGDH from three spec ies 28 99, H A, R V; 183 F, L, 3 6PGDH DNA ( 3), (3 ), 1

4 PGD H D NA F ig. 3 A lignm en t of D NA ba se sequences of 6PGDH from three species 1 6PGDH D NA Table 1 The var iable loc i and ba se types of 6PGDH gene D NA sequences Locus number Samp le G T G C G C T C T T G G C T T C C G G C T C Beijing Jietou G T G C A C T C T C A G C C T C C G G C N 3 N 3 A llotetrop loid A C T G A T C G C C A T G T G T G A A T C T W ild species 3 N =A + T + C + G

5 9 : 6 - (6PGDH) bp 22, 2%,, 22 19, , 16, 22, 16, 7217%, 3, 1316%, 444 T C, %, 911%, 415%, 5 DNA 3 Chen (2002) (2003) 1 ; ( ) ; 1,,,, RAPD SSR AFLP (, 2003, 2005, 2006),,, 3,,,,,, 6PGDH ( Fahrendorf et al., 1995), ( Karsten et al., 2001; Huang et al., 2003; B rover et al., 2006 ), 6PGDH,,,,, ;,,, DNA,, 6PGDH ( Karsten et al., 2001; Huang et al., 2003; B rover et al., 2006 ),,,

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α 1 2- Cloning and Expression of alpha 1 2-fucosyltransferase in E. coli BIOTECHNOLOGY BULLETIN BIOTECHNOLOGY BULLETIN 2011 3 α 1 2-300457 PCR Helicobacter pylori HP DNA α 1 2- α 1 2-fucosyltransferase α 1 2-fuct 906 bp pet-22b + pet-fuct BL21 DE3 25 0. 1 mmol /L IPTG 4 h SDS-PAGE 33 kd α 1 2- BL21

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O rnam en ta l Sunflower

O rnam en ta l Sunflower 2009, 36 (1) : 73-80 Acta Horticulturae Sinica 1, 2, 1, 13, 1, 1, 1, 1 ( 1, 350002; 2, 510640) :, ( Helianthus annuus L. ) PAL CHS CH I F3 H D FR AN S 6, 6, 95% 97% 83% 99% 64% 80% 80% 82% 64% 85% 87%

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Rapid determination of soluble reactive silicate in seawater by flow injection analysis with spectrophotometric detection and its application

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svari Real-time RT-PCR RSV

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Composition Analysis of Protein and Oil and Amino Acids of the Soybean Varieties in Heilongjiang Province of China

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,,, (, 100875) 1989 12 25 1990 2 23, - 2-4 ;,,, ; -

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cm cm 92. 0% DH S 917

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1999, 17 (1): J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch ( ) ( ) 2, 3. (Celosia cristata L. ),

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Science of Sericulture

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Optimizing Microwave-assisted Extraction Process for Paprika Red Pigments Using Response Surface Methodology

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CBF1. Study on CBF1 Gene Transferred from Transgenic Strawberry to Nontransgenic

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Nucleotide Sequence of Cloned cd NA for alpha Subunit of Goat Follicle Stimulating Hormone

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Metal-free Oxidative Coupling of Amines with Sodium Sulfinates: A Mild Access to Sulfonamides

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Table S1. Summary of data collections and structure refinements for crystals 1Rb-1h, 1Rb-2h, and 1Rb-4h.

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A strategy for the identification of combinatorial bioactive compounds. contributing to the holistic effect of herbal medicines

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Effect of ultra son ic2a ssisted extraction on polysacchar ide structure from C oprinus com a tus character ized by FT IR and AFM

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A Systematic Review of Procalcitonin for Early Detection of Septicemia of Newborn

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Studies on the Binding Mechanism of Several Antibiotics and Human Serum Albumin

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Stress Relaxation Test and Constitutive Equation of Saturated Soft Soil

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Accumulation of Soil Arsenic by Panax notoginseng and Its Associated Health Risk

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Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry

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Enzymatic Synthesis of Dithiolopyrrolone Antibiotics Using Cell-Free Extract of Saccharothrix

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ACTA SCIENTIAE CIRCUMSTANTIAE. 16S rrna PNAN5 ( Rhodococcus sp. strain PNAN5). 20. ( Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

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Extract Isolation Purification and Identification of Polysaccharides from Exocarp of Unripe Fruits of Juglans mandshurica

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Analysis on the Ratio of Flesh Content and Nutritional. Quality of Esox lucius

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BL21 (D E3)2p E T28a ( + )2bgl 2

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ΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ. ΘΕΜΑ: «ιερεύνηση της σχέσης µεταξύ φωνηµικής επίγνωσης και ορθογραφικής δεξιότητας σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας»


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High order interpolation function for surface contact problem

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Resurvey of Possible Seismic Fissures in the Old-Edo River in Tokyo

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D-Glucosamine-derived copper catalyst for Ullmann-type C- N coupling reaction: theoretical and experimental study

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Θωμάς ΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΙΟΣ 1, Χρήστος ΚΑΡΑΚΩΣΤΑΣ 2, Βασίλειος ΛΕΚΙΔΗΣ 2, Μίλτων ΔΗΜΟΣΘΕΝΟΥΣ 1, Τριαντάφυλλος ΜΑΚΑΡΙΟΣ 3,

Θωμάς ΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΙΟΣ 1, Χρήστος ΚΑΡΑΚΩΣΤΑΣ 2, Βασίλειος ΛΕΚΙΔΗΣ 2, Μίλτων ΔΗΜΟΣΘΕΝΟΥΣ 1, Τριαντάφυλλος ΜΑΚΑΡΙΟΣ 3, Αξιοποίηση Έξι Σεισμών στην Πελοπόννησο για την Συσχέτιση Φασματικών Επιταχύνσεων με την Απόκριση του Δομημένου Περιβάλλοντος Correlation of Spectral Accelerations with the Response of the Built Environment

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The Research on Sampling Estimation of Seasonal Index Based on Stratified Random Sampling

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Antimicrobial Ability of Limonene, a Natural and Active Monoterpene

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