Application of Object Oriented Programming to a Computational Fluid Dynamics
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1 C03- Alicaion of Objec Oiened Pogamming o a Comaional Flid Dnamics Takashige Inose, Gadae School of Science and Engineeing, Ibaaki Uniesi, Jaan Misako Ishigo, Facl of Engineeing, Ibaaki Uniesi, Jaan Objec oiened ogamming is alied o a simlaion of comaional flid dnamics. A flow domain which chaaceizes each a of flow field is eaed as an objec and calclaed indeendenl haing he elaion wih neighbo objecs. We can comose a oal flow field b combining he flow domains as if combining as of zzles. The CFD ssem oides fo ses o geneae aios flow fields easil and o analze he oe all flow aomaicall. (Fig.), CPU PC () CFD HSMAC (4) (5) CPU Foan C CJaa () (3) (OOP) Fig. Flow field. OOP (FlowPasFig. ) OOP Calclaion BondaCondiion Calclaion BondaCondiion CFD OOP CFD FlowPas Calclaion OOP Paamee Recangle Seco Calclaion BondaCondiion Jaa GUI Fig. Flow as objec. - - Coigh 000 b JSCFD
2 - - Coigh 000 b JSCFD GUI CFD 0 () X Y - ( ) 0 (4) - Θ R, (6) HSMAC Jaa (7) Objec Oiened Fig. 3 Objec and message. Jaa Jaa Jaa C / C CFD CFD OOP CFD
3 FlowPas Fig. 5 Table, FlowPas CondiionTable secondiion ( ) Paam Fig.4 edicionveloci( ) esidalamon ( ) coecveloci ( ) BondaVale enewveloci ( ) sebondavale ( ) CalclaionMehod bondacondiion ( ) bondacondiionp( ) gemad( ) BondaCondiion Fig. 5 FlowPas class Table FlowPas mehod secondiion( ) CalclaionMehod BondaCondiion CalclaionMehod edicion edicionveloci( ) Veloci( ) CalclaionMehod esidal esidalamon ( ) Amon( ) CalclaionMehod coec coecveloci( ) Veloci( ) Fig. 4 Flow se field. CalclaionMehod enew enewveloci ( ) Veloci( ) BondaCondiion sebonda sebondavale( ) Vale( ) Bonda Vale CFD BondaCondiion bonda bondacondiion ( ) Condiion ( ) BondaCondiion bonda bondacondiionp( ) CondiionP( ) gemad( ) CondiionTable FlowPas CondiionTable FlowPas Paamee FlowPas FlowPas Coigh 000 b JSCFD
4 dmin,,, Fig. 6 CalclaionMehod class. BondaVale BondaV( ) BondaV( ) gebondau( ) CalclaionMehod gebondav( ) gebondapu( ) CalclaionMehod gebondapv( ) gebondap( ) CalclaionMehod Fig. 7 BondaVale Class. RecangleCalclaion SecoCalclaion (Fig.6) Table 3 BondaVale mehod.,, BondaV( ) CalclaionMehod Table,, BondaV( ) CalclaionMehod gebondau( ) edicionveloci( ) esidalamon( ) gebondav( ) coecveloci( ) enewveloci() gebondapu( ) gebondapv( ) gebondap( ) Recangle Calclaion Seco Calclaion Table Calclaion mehod edicionveloci ( ) esidalamon ( ) coecveloci ( ) enewveloci ( ) BondaVale,, BondaVale BondaVale (Fig.9) BondaVale Table 3 Fig. 9 BondaVale image Coigh 000 b JSCFD
5 BondaCondiion BondaCondiion bondacondiiont( ) bondacondiionb( ) 0, 0 bondacondiionl( ) bondacondiionr( ) P / 0 P / 0 sebondavalet( ) sebondavaleb( ) (a, b) P / 0 P / 0 sebondavalel( ) sebondavaler( ) / 0 / 0 0 P / P / 0 BondaVale Recangle Seco Seco Seco Seco Fig. Bonda Bonda Bonda Bonda Bonda Condiion Condiion Condiion Condiion Condiion 0 TR TL BR BL BondaCondiion Fig. BondaCondiion Table 3 RecangleBondaCondiion SecoBondaCondiionTR SecoBondaCondiionTL BondaVale SecoBondaCondiionBR SecoBondaCondiionBL sebondavale BondaVale Fig. BondaCondiion class. bondacondiion BondaVale Table 3 BondaVale mehod T T bondacondiion( ) (T, B, L, R) CondiionTable L R L R sebondavale( ) (T, B, L, R) BondaVale B B :BondaValeObjecg : sebondavale() : bondacondiion() Fig. 0 Echange of bonda ale. Simlaion HSMAC Fig. bondacondion() BondaVale Coigh 000 b JSCFD
6 Fig. 3 Gahical se ineface. Fig.4 Fig.5 00 Fig..Main a of Simlaion class. Fig. 4 Eamle. GUI Gahical Use Ineface GUI GUI Jaa AWTAbsac Window Toolki (9) JFCJaa Fondaion Class Swing (0) GUI Fig. 3 GUI Fig. 5 Eamle Coigh 000 b JSCFD
7 CFD CFD BondaVale GUI FlowPas (), PC Clse, 3, (999), () Vol.J8-D-I(999), -3. (3),, Jaa flowbeans, 98 (999), (4),,,,,,994. (5), (), 37, (985), (6),,,993. (7), Jaa,,989. (8) Yoo Hong Jn, Jaa,,997. (9) Seen Holzne, Jaa, IDG,999. (0) Seen Holzne, Jaa Swing Black Book,, Coigh 000 b JSCFD
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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.
Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given
Ασφάλεια Πληροφοριακών και Επικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων
Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου Τμήμα μηχανικών πληροφοριακών & επικοινωνιακών συστημάτων Ασφάλεια πληροφοριακών & επικοινωνιακών συστημάτων Ασφάλεια Πληροφοριακών και Επικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων Έλεγχος Πρόσβασης
1. (25%) Αναφέρετε πέντε (5) «καλoύς» κανόνες (πρακτικές) σχεδίασης web sites (όχι περισσότερες από δύο γραμμές για κάθε κανόνα)
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Τελική Εξέταση. Logic Operations () In the grid areas provided below, draw the results of the following binary operations a. NOT(NOT() OR ) (4) b. ( OR ) XOR ( ND ) (4) c. (( ND ) XOR ) XOR (NOT()) (4)
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Connectionless transmission with datagrams. Connection-oriented transmission is like the telephone system You dial and are given a connection to the telephone of fthe person with whom you wish to communicate.
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(The unsupported status of austerity) Μαυροζαχαράκης Μανόλης. (Mavrozacharakis Emmanouil )
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J. of Math. (PRC) u(t k ) = I k (u(t k )), k = 1, 2,, (1.6) , [3, 4] (1.1), (1.2), (1.3), [6 8]
Vol 36 ( 216 ) No 3 J of Mah (PR) 1, 2, 3 (1, 4335) (2, 4365) (3, 431) :,,,, : ; ; ; MR(21) : 35A1; 35A2 : O17529 : A : 255-7797(216)3-591-7 1 d d [x() g(, x )] = f(, x ),, (11) x = ϕ(), [ r, ], (12) x(
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[1] P Q. Fig. 3.1
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