GPU [16] ( ) GPU [17] GPU GPU Stam [1] 2 [2] Wang [18] Thürey [19] Zhang [20] 2 (smoothed Kim [21] particlehydrodynamicssph) [3] SPH [4] SPH M

Σχετικά έγγραφα
35 10 : 3387 [12] [9] [13] [13] 2.2 PULL PUSH (1)PUSH PUSH 3 1 [14] NAS SAN VPN PUSH 2 2 PUSH 1 2 / PULL 3 [10] [11] 2.1 (2)PULL PULL [14] 3 PULL (3)

Eulerian Simulation of Large Deformations

i j GPS BDS ; (xyz) ;(X i Y i Z i )(X j Y j Z j ) GPSBDS ;V GPS V tr BD GPSBDS ;V ts V ion V trop tr ; ρ : 0 ~ ~360 [8] ;c (1) (2) (x

1181 (real-timespeechdriven) 1 1 ( ) D FAP FAP (voiceactivationdetectionvad) D FaceGen 3- D XfaceEd MPEG-4 1 FAP 66 FAP ( ) FAP 84

GPU. CUDA GPU GeForce GTX 580 GPU 2.67GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E7300 CUDA. Parallelizing the Number Partitioning Problem for GPUs

Quick algorithm f or computing core attribute

1530 ( ) 2014,54(12),, E (, 1, X ) [4],,, α, T α, β,, T β, c, P(T β 1 T α,α, β,c) 1 1,,X X F, X E F X E X F X F E X E 1 [1-2] , 2 : X X 1 X 2 ;

2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems

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ER-Tree (Extended R*-Tree)

POI 2.1 POI POI ( ) ( ) ( 2 ) ; POI 1) POI POI POI ;POI POI Xx ij i 1 TOPSIS [11] TOPSIS POI POI j POI POI ( ) POI POI 2) 1 POI Fig.1 Proc

Optimization, PSO) DE [1, 2, 3, 4] PSO [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] (P)

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394 June2012Vol.41No.3AGCS htp: ADS40 熿 X A 燄熿 X s 燄熿 u燄, GPS IMU Y A = Y s +R v, 燀 ZA 燅燀 Zs 燅燀 w燅, ADS40 (1) 2 ADS40 ADS40 GPS/ IMU (

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ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ ΛΕΩΝΙΔΑΣ Α. ΣΠΥΡΟΥ Διδακτορικό σε Υπολογιστική Εμβιομηχανική, Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών, Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας.

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Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα Γεώργιος Παπαϊωάννου

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CorV CVAC. CorV TU317. 1

Ma;V L V Lj j Lagmur m 3 /m 3 ; L Lj j Lagmur Ma;yyj j ;G a m 3 /m 3 ; g/cm 3 ;a A 5 = GmBg 1- φ m G 1-S mw φ m -φ a a1 -G a2 3 A


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Nov Journal of Zhengzhou University Engineering Science Vol. 36 No FCM. A doi /j. issn

3: A convolution-pooling layer in PS-CNN 1: Partially Shared Deep Neural Network 2.2 Partially Shared Convolutional Neural Network 2: A hidden layer o

ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΠΡΟΟ ΟΥ Υποψήφιος ιδάκτορας: Ιωάννης Κυριαζής

,L sensor (W/(m 2 sr μm));ε ;T sensor (K);K 1 K 2 ;λ : , , , ;c 1 c 2 Planck, W μm 4 /(m 2 sr) μm K; ψ

38 8 Vol. 38, No ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA August, , (Graphic processing unit, GPU). : 1) GPU Based Fast 3D-Object Modeling with Kinect

J. Comput. Chem. Jpn., Vol. 1, No. 4, pp (2002) *

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{takasu, Conditional Random Field

Επιστηµονικός Υπολογισµός Ι

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JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES Electronics and Information Engineering. Cyclic MUSIC DOA TN (2012)

Ηρϊκλειτοσ ΙΙ. Πανεπιζηήμιο Θεζζαλίας. Τμήμα Μηχανικών Η/Υ και Δικτύων

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IPSJ SIG Technical Report Vol.2014-CE-127 No /12/6 CS Activity 1,a) CS Computer Science Activity Activity Actvity Activity Dining Eight-He

R k = r k x r k y r k z

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ROBOT. Design and Realization of a Control System for Laparoscopic Robot

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No. 7 Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique. Jul TH166 TG659 A

Error Evaluation and Monotonic Convergence in Numerical Simulation of Flow


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Ταξινόμηση και διαχρονική παρακολούθηση των βοσκόμενων δασικών εκτάσεων στη λεκάνη απορροής του χειμάρρου Μπογδάνα Ν. Θεσσαλονίκης

Fig Fig. 2 Table 1 Actual dimension of part 1 3D 3D model of part Material parameters ε f /% / / MPa MPa ~ ~ 82 80

2002 Journal of Software


Security in the Cloud Era

GPGPU. Grover. On Large Scale Simulation of Grover s Algorithm by Using GPGPU

Ημερίδα διάχυσης αποτελεσμάτων έργου Ιωάννινα, 14/10/2015

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[1-3] : [12-13] [4-5] x ( H K x x ) + x ( H K y y ) H +w=u s t ( 1) ; :H ;K x K y x y ;w ;u s ;t [6] (2) [7] KH+MH t=q (2) :K ;M ;Q ;H ;H

Μεθοδολογία 3Δ ακουστικής προσοµοίωσης και µετρήσεων από απόσταση σε πραγµατικό χρόνο

J. of Math. (PRC) 6 n (nt ) + n V = 0, (1.1) n t + div. div(n T ) = n τ (T L(x) T ), (1.2) n)xx (nt ) x + nv x = J 0, (1.4) n. 6 n

XIX INDUCTORS XXX XXX XXX. Shielded SMD Power Inductor ORDER INFORMATION FIG1: FIG2: FIG3: Dimensions( unit: mm)

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Speeding up the Detection of Scale-Space Extrema in SIFT Based on the Complex First Order System

Toward a SPARQL Query Execution Mechanism using Dynamic Mapping Adaptation -A Preliminary Report- Takuya Adachi 1 Naoki Fukuta 2.

Control Theory & Applications PID (, )


25 8 2013 8 Vol25No8 JournalofComputer-AidedDesign & ComputerGraphics Aug2013 1) 1)* 2) 3) 2) 1) ( 100190) 2) ( 100190) 3) ( 100190) (xpzhang@nlpriaaccn) SPH TP391 InteractiveSimulationforWaterDropEffects XuShibiao 1) ZhangXiaopeng 1) * ChenYanyun 2) Yu Haitao 3) and WuEnhua 2) 1) (NationalLaboratoryof Patern RecognitionInstituteof AutomationChinese Academyof SciencesBeijing 100190) 2) (State Key Laboratoryof ComputerScienceInstituteof SoftwareChinese Academyof SciencesBeijing 100190) 3) (Science ArtCentreInstituteof AutomationChinese Academyof SciencesBeijing 100190) AbstractInordertoefectivelysimulatethephenomenonofdynamicwaterdrops withgravityand otherexternalforcesthispaperpresentsaninteractivesimulation methodfor waterdropefects FirstlyanaccurateSPH modelistakentosimulatesmal-scalewaterdropphenomenonthemethod includesaccuratepressurestrengthcalculationandartificialvelocityfieldcorrectiontoensurethe accuracystabilityandconvergenceoffluidequationssecondlyasurfacetensionmodelispresented basedonmeancurvatureandfluiddensityfieldforeficientlysimulatingthesurfacetensionofwater dropsfinalyasimplifiedray-tracing methodbasedonanew shader modelispresentedforthe waterdroprenderingtheray-tracing methodincludessimplifiedfluiddensitydistributionfunction fluidsurfacejudgmentbasedondichotomyandfresnelcalculationforovercomingtheproblemsinthe traditionalfluidrenderingmethodwithlitleconsiderationofcamerasandintensivecalculationsthe resultsshowthatthenewalgorithmisefectiveandeficientsuitabletothesimulationofbothwater bodyandsmal-scalewaterdrops Keywordswaterdropinteractiveray-tracingsurfacetension 2012-08-27 2012-11-06 (608330076090207861172104) (4112061) (1986 ) (1963 ) (1971 ) (1981 ) (1947 ) CCF

1160 25 GPU [16] ( ) GPU [17] GPU GPU Stam [1] 2 [2] Wang [18] Thürey [19] Zhang [20] 2 (smoothed Kim [21] particlehydrodynamicssph) [3] SPH [4] SPH MarchingCubes [5-6] Desbrun [11] SPH SPH Müler [4] SPH SPH SPH SPH Sussman [22] 1 MarchingCubes [5-6] Foster [7] [23] MarchingCubes [8-10] [11-12] [13-15] [24]

8 1161 MarchingCubes m A i = A j j W (r i -r j h) j i ρj Wojtan [25] A i h W 2 W (-r)=w (r) W (r)dr=1 Kruger [26] Müler [4] SPH Step1 ρ i = m jw poly6 (ri -r j h) (2) j i Step2 Fi pressure pi +pj =- m ( j Wspiky ri -r j h) j i p = K( ρ -ρ ) 0 Step3 dv dt =Fexternal +F pressure +F viscosity =g- p 2 ρ +μ v ρ (1) 2m j (v j -v i ) v ρ Δv i = j i ρ i + W ρj p μ ε [01] (1) XSPH 23 21 SPH F viscosity i SPH 2ρj =μ j i m j v j -vi ρj 2 Wviscosity ( ri -r j h) SPH 2 22 [27] SPH [28-29] Monaghan [30] (correctedand dρ dt =- ρ v smoothedparticlehydrodynamicsxsph) dv i dt =vi +εδvi

1162 25 Kruger [26] 075 133 3 n i 133 n t 1 <1 n t 2 1 3 31 SPH 21 SPH SPH 24 c=cos(θi) ni n t =-(I n) ni n t 2 n( ) t [ 1-R(0 )] (1-cosθi) 5 (4) [32] 1 n 1 i 075 n t 2 n 2 i ΔP n t n i ( ) Mathias [31] F pressure pi i =- m j + pj W j i ρ 2 i ρ 2 spiky (r i -r j h) j XSPH F = R(θi)= 1 2 c(g+c)- g-c ( ) n( ) ni 2 2 烄熿燄烌 SPH t 1+ 2 g+ c 烅 c(g-c)+ n( ) ni 2 烍 烆燀 t 燅烎 (3) SPH XSPH Fi xsph W poly6 v g= 1+c 2 - 槡 ni = 2m j -v i j j i ρ i + ρj Mathias (3) SPH 32 R(θi) Ra (θi)= R(0)+ 31 1 2

8 1163 SPH Step4 SPH Step5 SPH 2 Step6 κi=ρ i ρ i ρ i (2) 4 κ - κi +κj i = m j W poly6 (r i -r j h) j i 2ρj F surface i =σκ - i ρ i σ discard (2) 33 GPU NVIDIA CUDA SPH 41 GPU (2) 3a CUDA Particles Demo [33] GPU 3b Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Step5 GPU [34] 3c I O Step1 A Step2 SPH Step3 SPH ray-casting A I C 3

1164 25 42 4a 4 1 1) r=a+b =ai+bn (5) 5 a=1b=2(n I) 4b 2) t=a+b =ai-bn (6) a=sinθt?sinθi=n i?n t b=1-x-yx=cosθi sinθt?sinθi=-(n I)n i?n t y= -n - 槡 1-sin 2 DirectXCUDA HLSL θt = GPU 1- 槡 1-(n i?n t ) 2 (1-(n I) 2 ) 4c 1 1 GPU 075??s 133 10000 100 Step2 (5)(6) 1 2 1 2 IntelCorei728GHzCPU 4GB NVIDA GTX460 1GB 700MHz 10000 80 Kinect 5000 30 Step1 SPH 42 Step3 2 2 Step4 (3) 51 5 Step5 Step3~Step4 1 1= 2+ 2 Step6 (4) Step7 Step5~Step6 1 100?s = 1+ 1

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