Perturbation Series in Light-Cone Diagrams of Green Function of String Field
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1 Petuto Sees ht-coe Dms of ee Fucto of St Fel Am-l Te-So Km Chol-M So- m Detmet of Eey Scece Km l Su Uvesty Pyoy DPR Koe E-y Km l Su Uvesty Pyoy DPR Koe Detmet of Physcs Km l Su Uvesty Pyoy DPR Koe Astct ths e we ove the coesoece etwee Feym s ms sce-tme lht-coe ms wol-sheet y us oly th tel eesetto o fee ee fucto the fst qutzto theoy. We lso ote eel eesetto o etuto sees of lht-coe ms esc slt o of sts. Keywos : St fel theoy Pth tel Feym m. toucto 98 A.M. Polykov touce the th tel och to st theoy us sum-ove-sufces vewot tht mts mfest oetz emetzto cofoml vce. Howeve we cosee fuctol fel s fucto fel of ftely sevel vles eelze the ttol th tel fomlsm fucto fel to the ovel th tel fomlsm fuctol fel such tht we ote eet fuctol st fel theoy. Numeous clcultos e eque to ot the esult o cocete ocess y us Feym s ms o ee fucto of oe st eesete y eet fuctol of st fel ut t s ffcult ctclly. Othewse t s lso ffcult to clssfy Feym s ms hse fo et ume of vey ffeet ms e. But ll these comletes c e ovecome f t s covete to lht-coe ms 4. The ses tht Feym s ms sce-tme c e che to lht-coe ms wol-sheet e s follows: Fst t s tht fee ot fucto of st fel theoy c e ote two methos.e. the seco qutzto theoy t s 5 whee T Φ Φ s fee vcuum. O the othe h the fst qutzto theoy 5 D e & whee s the ectul eo the wol-sheet F.. Seco t s ossle tht fcto whch eesets sltt o of st tecto of st fel theoy c e eesse s fuctol wolsheet 5. cse of st s slt Coeso Autho Eml ess: Te-So Km D e F. The ectul eo the wol-sheet
2 lm e t D cse tht two sts e o to oe equto coesoly s multle tel eo wol sheet s tue to F. Equto ws ove y us ee fucto eo efeece 5. The eltos sml to equto e mte covt fel theoy of st. Ou ols e fst to suest the eel oof metho wthout us the cocete fom of ee fucto ote lht-coe ue seco to clculte ee fucto y mes of lht-coe etuto sees wth eet fuctol eesete lht coe ms.. M of sce-tme m to lht-coe m et s cose the follow equto Fom ow we ll eess s. D tet ths equto wth esect to susttut the efto of we ot the follow: e e e D D D D D 4 The tet wth esect to D D we ot: e e e D D D 5 Now let s y tteto to the follow elto. D 6 ecto F. tel Reos wol sheet
3 D 7 f equto 5 s tete wth esect to cose equto 7 -fucto equto 5 s emove. Cose ths fct tel mesue em equto 7 s s follows: D D 8 O oe h the esult tet equto 5 s ove s s follows: e } e{ 9 whee e show F. Theefoe e D O the othe h equto cose the oety of ee fucto f the esult s s follows. lm Fom equto equto flly equto s ote. As show ove t c e kow tht the elct fom of ee fucto ws eve use oly ts efto oetes wee use. So we come to the cocluso tht ths elto oes ot elo to oly lht-coe ue. Ths fct s mott. Now the eesso of eet fuctol ouc Feym s ms sce-tme c e che to the eet fuctol ouc lht-coe m wol-sheet. To o so we ll ut equto of equto ste of. Fst ch } e e{ } e e{ D N y y D Dy D N F.. tel Reos Wol-sheet
4 4 Seco ch e D e lm D. h c e e lm e D Equto 4 cose equto s the eet fuctol of st fel we ty to ot. Ths eet fuctol ouces the lht-coe ms wol-sheet.. ee fucto of st fel et s cose the olem clcult ee fucto y eet fuctol 4 ote ove. Hee we ll f out wht k of sees the eet fuctol 4 ouces. oe to mke t smle we ll cose the ot fucto of oly oe st. 5 The tem wth the lowest oe etuto eso of equto 5 ves the ot fucto the seco-oe tem oes the oe-loo m. The esult s s follows: e 6 D 6 whee s the wee eo wol-sheet s F 4. f ot the hhe oe tems lke ths the she of the tems s ket the m the multlcty of the tel wth esect of ecomes out the -th oe tem the wee she whee fuctol tel wol-sheet s efome s ust che. Eess the ee fucto of oe st schemtc fom t s: e... } { 4... D M 7 F. 4. Wee Reo
5 whee { } mes the sum ove the eos of the wol-sheet wth ll ossle slt les. Fo emle the wee eo ossle u to 4 th s s follows: 8 Ths equto 8 eesses the lht-coe m. ke ths oe to ot the ee fucto of st fel we hve to clculte the fuctol tel o evey k of the wee eos cose coeso ouy cotos o the oues ths hs to e clculte wth cofoml m 4. Evey eo the equto 8 mes the tem of etuto theoy the equto out t s equl to the equto 7. Coclusos We ove the my elto e tsfom the Feym s ms sce-tme to the lht-coe ms the wol-sheet eel fom. By us ths we ote the eet fuctol ouc the lht-coe ms y ths equto ece the eel fom of etuto sees of ee fucto. The esult otte the e ws ote wthout eseclly us the eculty the lht-coe ue so we hve the osslty to tsmt ths to ffeet ue. Refeeces A. M. Polykov Phys. ett. B 98 7 B. Htfel; Qutum Fel Theoy of ot tcles sts Am-l Te-So Km So- m; Pth tel o eel Fuctol Fel v:.67 4 S. Melstm; Nucl. Phys. B M. Kku et l.; Phys. Rev. D
Edexcel FP3. Hyperbolic Functions.
Eeel FP Hpeoli Futios . Solve the equtio Leve lk 7seh th 5 Give ou swes i the fom l whee is tiol ume. 5 7 Sih 5 Cosh osh 7 Sih 5osh's 7 Ee e I E e e 4 e te 5e 55 O 5e 55 te e 4 O Ge 45
Edexcel FP3. Hyperbolic Functions.
Eecel FP Hpeolic Fuctios . Solve the equtio Leve lk 7sech th 5 Give ou swes i the fom l whee is tiol ume. 5 7 Sih 5 Cosh cosh c 7 Sih 5cosh's 7 Ece e I E e e 4 e te 5e 55 O 5e 55 te
[ ] ( l) ( ) Option 2. Option 3. Option 4. Correct Answer 1. Explanation n. Q. No to n terms = ( 10-1 ) 3
Q. No. The fist d lst tem of A. P. e d l espetively. If s be the sum of ll tems of the A. P., the ommo diffeee is Optio l - s- l+ Optio Optio Optio 4 Coet Aswe ( ) l - s- - ( l ) l + s+ + ( l ) l + s- . Leve lk A O c C B Figue The poits A, B C hve positio vectos, c espectively, eltive to fie oigi O, s show i Figue. It is give tht i j, i j k c i j k. Clculte () c, ().( c), (c) the
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 12,999,976 km 9,136,765 km 1,276,765 km 499,892 km 245,066 km 112,907 km 36,765 km 24,159 km 7899 km 2408 km 76 km 12 14 16 3 6 11 1 12 7 1 2 5 4 3 9 10 8 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
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Section 4. 4. Diffeential qations in Pola Coodinates Hee the two-dimensional Catesian elations of Chapte ae e-cast in pola coodinates. 4.. qilibim eqations in Pola Coodinates One wa of epesg the eqations
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VOX Feel Pretty MARA et Trois Filles - N 12 BERNSTEN Leonrd Adpttion F. Pissloux Violons Contrebsse A 2 7 2 7 Allegro qd 69 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 B 10 11 12 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 24 C 25 26 27 28 29
1 Additional lemmas. Supplementary Material APPENDIX. that N 1 N } E } E { N } E + O(N 3 ), Proof. The results follow by straightforward calculation.
1 Additional lemmas Supplementay Mateial APPENDIX Lemma A1. Let (T 1,1, T 2,1, T 3,1, T 4,1 ),..., (T 1,N, T 2,N, T 3,N, T 4,N ) be independent andom vectos of length 4 such that E(T,i ) = 0 (i = 1,...,
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Tuish Joual of Aalysis ad Numbe Theoy, 4, Vol., No. 5, 7-75 Available olie at Sciece ad Educatio Publishig DOI:.69/tjat--5- Idetities of Geealized Fiboacci-Lie Sequece
Hcettepe Jourl of Mthemtics d Sttistics Volume 4 4 013, 331 338 SOME IDENTITIES FOR GENERALIZED FIBONACCI AND LUCAS SEQUENCES Nuretti IRMAK, Murt ALP Received 14 : 06 : 01 : Accepted 18 : 0 : 013 Keywords:
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Qudrti Equtios d Iequtios Polyomil Algeri epressio otiig my terms of the form, eig o-egtive iteger is lled polyomil ie, f ( + + + + + +, where is vrile,,,, re ostts d Emple : + 7 + 5 +, + + 5 () Rel polyomil
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Lens Compatibility Chart 2016
ns patblt hat Md M E gtal L aeas (as f Mach ) L aeas gtal (ens) at x p t p ac a a e n p pt e. P. P P / f f u.. s ds h u u c Mc f l nl t u E E n f un M nn a / Z. / Z.. / U. P U. P P.. / O U. U. / P. / P.
J Koren Mth Soc 47, No, pp 373 383 DOI 434/JKMS47373 INTEGRAL INEQUALITY REGARDING r-convex AND r-concave FUNCTIONS WdAllh T Sulimn Astrct New integrl inequlities concerning r-conve nd r-concve functions
GCE Edexcel GCE in Mathematics Mathematical Formulae and Statistical Tables
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Proceedigs of the Estoia Acadey of Scieces, 20, 60, 2, 5 20 doi: 0.376/proc.20.2.06 Available olie at A study o geeralized absolute suability factors for a triagular atrix Ere Savaş
P r s r r t. tr t. r P
P r s r r t tr t r P r t s rés t t rs s r s r r t é ér s r q s t r r r r t str t q q s r s P rs t s r st r q r P P r s r r t t s rés t t r t s rés t t é ér s r q s t r r r r t r st r q rs s r s r r t str
RMTP Journal of Software. Vol.13, No /2002/13(08) , )
000-985/00/3(08)70-08 00 Joun of oftwe Vo3, No8 T,,, (, 00876) E-m: {b0073056,wdwng,chd}@bupteducn http://wwwbupteducn : T(ebe mutct tnpot potoco) (ep eve) T,T ;,T,,T : ; ; ; : T393 : A Intenet,, T ],
Matrix Hartree-Fock Equations for a Closed Shell System
atix Hatee-Fock Equations fo a Closed Shell System A single deteminant wavefunction fo a system containing an even numbe of electon N) consists of N/ spatial obitals, each occupied with an α & β spin has
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Jeux d inondation dans les graphes Aurélie Lagoutte To cite this version: Aurélie Lagoutte. Jeux d inondation dans les graphes. 2010. HAL Id: hal-00509488
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rs r r â t át r st tíst Ó P ã t r r r â
rs r r â t át r st tíst P Ó P ã t r r r â ã t r r P Ó P r sã rs r s t à r çã rs r st tíst r q s t r r t çã r r st tíst r t r ú r s r ú r â rs r r â t át r çã rs r st tíst 1 r r 1 ss rt q çã st tr sã
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ibemo Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan Oblast, Aksai, Pramzone, BKKS office complex Phone: ; Fax:
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Solve the difference equation
Solve the differece equatio Solutio: y + 3 3y + + y 0 give tat y 0 4, y 0 ad y 8. Let Z{y()} F() Taig Z-trasform o both sides i (), we get y + 3 3y + + y 0 () Z y + 3 3y + + y Z 0 Z y + 3 3Z y + + Z y
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I Main Topics A Intoducon to stess fields and stess concentaons B An axisymmetic poblem B Stesses in a pola (cylindical) efeence fame C quaons of equilibium D Soluon of bounday value poblem fo a pessuized
&7'*IJ?; '67'8'%9-%&7'*/&-%''-%' %&'*%-%'*-/&-%''-%' 3%45 *7-R-%R-&*/%-37'&3%ST R'*9U%*7'MWK-%X'& 7-A*&**-*9 39YY[-W%_D37F&-%'D[Y*7-RD33`%L5?5 '-%4;?>@4;?>37-*'/&-%''-%' B'%46'%>>@4;>>D**-%/-*'3F*%'*%*%'
arxiv: v1 [math.ap] 22 Dec 2018
Pescbg Mose scala cuvatues: blow-up aalyss Adea Malchod ad Mat Maye Scuola Nomale Supeoe, Pazza de Cavale 7, 56 Psa, ITALY adeamalchod@sst, matmaye@sst axv:89457v [mathap] Dec 8 Decembe 7, 8 Abstact We
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If ABC is any oblique triangle with sides a, b, and c, the following equations are valid. 2bc. (a) a 2 b 2 c 2 2bc cos A or cos A b2 c 2 a 2.
etion 6. Lw of osines 59 etion 6. Lw of osines If is ny oblique tringle with sides, b, nd, the following equtions re vlid. () b b os or os b b (b) b os or os b () b b os or os b b You should be ble to
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Byeong-Joo Lee
yeg-j ee OTECH - ME alphad@psteh.a.k yeg-j ee www.psteh.a.k/~alphad ufae Tast ad Allyg Effet N.M. Hwag et al., 000. ue W W 0.4wt% N Vau Aealg yeg-j ee www.psteh.a.k/~alphad Abal a wth f N.M. Hwag yeg-j