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1 J Koren Mth Soc 47, No, pp DOI 434/JKMS47373 INTEGRAL INEQUALITY REGARDING r-convex AND r-concave FUNCTIONS WdAllh T Sulimn Astrct New integrl inequlities concerning r-conve nd r-concve functions re presented Introduction The following open question ws proposed in [5] Under wht conditions does the inequlity f + d f hold for nd? The uthors in [4], [], nd [] hve een delt grdully with this inequlity ssuming different conditions, ut I think the ide of [] is the est In [], the uthors gve n nswer y estlishing the following Theorem If the function f stisfies then 3 ftdt, [, ], f + d for every rel nd > f d Very recently, Liu, Cheng, nd Li estlished more generl cse y giving the following result Theorem Let f e continuous function on [, ] stisfying 4 f min, tdt t min, dt, [, ] Received June, 8; Revised Decemer 6, 8 Mthemtics Suject Clssifiction 6D5 Key words nd phrses integrl inequlity, conve nd concve functions 373 c The Koren Mthemticl Society

2 374 WAADALLAH T SULAIMAN Then the inequlity 5 f + d f d, holds for every positive rel numer >, > The gmm function is denoted y Γp nd is defined y Γp p e d, p > A function f : [, ] R is sid to e conve if 6 ft + ty tf + tfy,, y [, ], t [, ] If the inequlity is reversed, then f is sid to e concve A positive function f is log-conve on rel intervl [, ] if for ll, y [, ] nd t [, ], we hve 7 ft + ty f t + f t y A positive function f is r-conve on [, ] if for ll, y [, ] nd t [, ], { tf 8 ft + ty r + tf r y /r, r, f t f t y, r If the ove inequlity reverses, then f is r-concve Clerly, the -conve functions re simply the log-conve functions nd - conve functions re ordinry conve functions Hdmrd inequlity is s follows + 9 f fd f + f, provided f is conve Very recently, concerning inequlity 3, out more thn ppers hve een pulished Since Hdmrd inequlity deling with conve nd concve functions is importnt in nlysis, it is resonle to incorporte inequlities similr to 3 with Hdmrd inequlity to find new inequlities tht re proly importnt in nlysis nd pplictions A lemm nd Hdmrd inequlity Lemm Let, >, t [, ] Then t t + t t + Proof Set Then, we hve f + t t t t f t t t t t t, if,

3 INTEGRAL INEQUALITY REGARDING r-convex AND r-concave 375 nd [f ] [t t t t + t t t t ] t t This shows tht f ttins its minimum t which is zero Therefore f f Theorem Let f : [, ] R e positive r-conve function r Then f r stisfies the Hdmrd inequlity Tht is, + f r f r d f r + f r Furthermore, if f is -conve, then is stisfied, nd lso we hve 3 f r d f r f r ln f r ln f r If f is r-concve or -concve, then nd 3 re reversed Proof If f is r-conve, then f r is conve, nd therefore it stisfies the Hdmrd inequlity If f is -conve, then + f r + + f r r f / f / + d / f r d f r + d f r d f r t + tdt f r t + tdt + f tr f tr dt + f r + f r / f r t + tdt f tr f tr dt f tr f tr + f tr f tr dt f r + f r dt y Lemm

4 376 WAADALLAH T SULAIMAN Also, the -conveity of f implies f r d f r t + t dt f tr f tr dt rt f f r dt f f r f r ln f r ln f r We stte nd prove the following: 3 Min results Theorem 3 Let f, g e non-negtive continuous functions defined on [, ], g is -concve with g, [, ] nd let, > If 3 then 3 f tdt g tdt, [, ], f + d f ln d g + g + + g Γ + / If g is -concve with g, g/g is non-incresing nd 3 is stisfied, then 33 f + d g g f g g+ g + Proof In view of Theorem, we hve f t dtd f tdt g tdt +/ + d d

5 INTEGRAL INEQUALITY REGARDING r-convex AND r-concave 377 g + g d g g + g d g + g + + g Also, vi chnging the order of integrtion, we hve f t t dtd f tdt d ln f tdt t Collecting the ove results, we otin ln f tdt g + g + t Applying the AG inequlity, + f + + On putting h ln / or + f + + f + f ln Integrting the ove gives 34 Now, on putting ln + g + h+ f h, h >, we otin + ln+/ f ln, f ln ln +/ f + d f ln u, we hve ln +/ d f ln d d ln +/ u +/ e u du Γ + /, d

6 378 WAADALLAH T SULAIMAN nd hence f + f ln d g + g + + g Γ + / If g is -concve nd g, then y Theorem, f t ln g ln g dtd f ln g ln g tdt d g tdt g g d g g g d ln g ln g d g g+ g + By chnging the order of integrtion, we hve f t ln g ln g dtd f tdt t ln g ln g d t g c f tdt d gc for some c, < c <, y the men vlue theorem g c gc Collecting the ove, we otin t f tdt t f tdt gc g c g g g g+ g + g g+ g + Similrly, s we did in the previous result, we hve f + f f +/

7 INTEGRAL INEQUALITY REGARDING r-convex AND r-concave 379 Integrting the ove to otin f + g g f g g+ g + +/ + Theorem 3 Let f, g e non-negtive continuous functions defined on [, ], g is -conve or -conve with g, [, ], nd let, > If 3 is stisfied, then 35 f + d f ln d f d Γ + / + Proof By virtue of Theorem, we hve f t dtd f tdt f + d Also, y chnging the order of integrtion, we hve, s efore Therefore, we hve 36 f t dtd ln f tdt t ln d f tdt t t + f dt If we proceeding ectly s we did in the proof of Theorem 3, using the ove estimtion, we hve f + d f + + f ln d d Γ + / f d Γ + /

8 38 WAADALLAH T SULAIMAN If g is -conve with g, [, ], then y mking use of 34 nd 36, we otin f + d f ln d + f d Γ + / + f d Γ + / Theorem 33 Let f, g e non-negtive continuous functions defined on [, ], g is -conve with g, nd let < < < If 37 then 38 f d / f tdt g tdt g + g + [, ], + g + Γ / Also, if g is -conve with g nd g/g is non-incresing, we hve f g g + g + d 39 g g + / Proof By Theorem, f t dtd f tdt d g + g d Also, y chnging the order of integrtion, we hve f t dtd g + g g d g + g+ g + f tdt f t ln t d dt t

9 INTEGRAL INEQUALITY REGARDING r-convex AND r-concave 38 The ove result implies f t ln dt g + g + + g t Mking use of the AG inequlity, we hve f k f k, k > On putting k ln /, we otin f ln / f ln, or f /f ln + ln / Integrting the ove inequlity gives f d / f ln / g + g + d + Concerning inequlity 39, if we re ssuming I ln / d + g + Γ / f t ln g ln g dtd, then s we delt efore, it is not difficult to show tht nd I g+ g + g, I g d tf tdt, gd for some d, < d <, y the men vlue theorem, which together implies tf tdt gd g + g + g d g + g + g g By using the AG inequlity s efore, we get g g f /f + /

10 38 WAADALLAH T SULAIMAN Integrting the ove gives f d gc g c g + g + + / g Theorem 34 Let f, g e non-negtive continuous functions defined on [, ], g is -concve with g, nd let < < < If 3 is stisfied, then + 3 f d / f d + Γ / Proof By Theorem we hve As efore f t dtd f t dtd Therefore, we get f t ln dt t f + f t ln Mking use of the AG inequlity, we hve s efore f d / / f ln f + d + f tdt d d dt t t + f dt d + Γ / ln / d Acknowledgement The uthor is so indeted to the referee who red through the pper very well nd mentioned mny scientificlly nd grmmticlly mistkes References [] K Boukerriou nd A Guezne Lkoud, On n open question regrding n integrl inequlity, J Inequl Pure Appl Mth 8 7, no 3, Article 77, 3 pp [] L Bougoff, Note on n open prolem, J Inequl Pure Appl Mth 8 7, no, Article 58, 4 pp [3] W-J Liu, G-S Cheng, nd C-C Li, Further development of n open prolem concerning n integrl inequlity, J Inequl Pure Appl Mth 9 8, no, Article 4, 5 pp

11 INTEGRAL INEQUALITY REGARDING r-convex AND r-concave 383 [4] W-J Liu, C-C Li, nd J W Dong, On n open prolem concerning n integrl inequlity, J Inequl Pure Appl Mth 8 7, no 3, Article 74, 5 pp [5] Q A Ngo, D D Thng, T T Dt, nd D A Thn, Notes on n integrl inequlity, J Inequl Pure Appl Mth 7 6, no 4, Article, 5 pp Deprtment of Computer Engineering College of Engineering University of Mosul Mosul, Irq E-mil ddress: wdsulimn@hotmilcom

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w o = R 1 p. (1) R = p =. = 1

w o = R 1 p. (1) R = p =. = 1 Πανεπιστήµιο Κρήτης - Τµήµα Επιστήµης Υπολογιστών ΗΥ-570: Στατιστική Επεξεργασία Σήµατος 205 ιδάσκων : Α. Μουχτάρης Τριτη Σειρά Ασκήσεων Λύσεις Ασκηση 3. 5.2 (a) From the Wiener-Hopf equation we have:

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I Feel Pretty VOIX. MARIA et Trois Filles - N 12. BERNSTEIN Leonard Adaptation F. Pissaloux. ι œ. % α α α œ % α α α œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ ƒ.

I Feel Pretty VOIX. MARIA et Trois Filles - N 12. BERNSTEIN Leonard Adaptation F. Pissaloux. ι œ. % α α α œ % α α α œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ ƒ. VOX Feel Pretty MARA et Trois Filles - N 12 BERNSTEN Leonrd Adpttion F. Pissloux Violons Contrebsse A 2 7 2 7 Allegro qd 69 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 B 10 11 12 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 24 C 25 26 27 28 29

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Math 446 Homework 3 Solutions. (1). (i): Reverse triangle inequality for metrics: Let (X, d) be a metric space and let x, y, z X.

Math 446 Homework 3 Solutions. (1). (i): Reverse triangle inequality for metrics: Let (X, d) be a metric space and let x, y, z X. Math 446 Homework 3 Solutions. (1). (i): Reverse triangle inequalit for metrics: Let (X, d) be a metric space and let x,, z X. Prove that d(x, z) d(, z) d(x, ). (ii): Reverse triangle inequalit for norms:

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Some definite integrals connected with Gauss s sums

Some definite integrals connected with Gauss s sums Some definite integrls connected with Guss s sums Messenger of Mthemtics XLIV 95 75 85. If n is rel nd positive nd I(t where I(t is the imginry prt of t is less thn either n or we hve cos πtx coshπx e

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Lecture 15 - Root System Axiomatics

Lecture 15 - Root System Axiomatics Lecture 15 - Root System Axiomatics Nov 1, 01 In this lecture we examine root systems from an axiomatic point of view. 1 Reflections If v R n, then it determines a hyperplane, denoted P v, through the

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Takeaki Yamazaki (Toyo Univ.) 山崎丈明 ( 東洋大学 ) Oct. 24, RIMS

Takeaki Yamazaki (Toyo Univ.) 山崎丈明 ( 東洋大学 ) Oct. 24, RIMS Takeaki Yamazaki (Toyo Univ.) 山崎丈明 ( 東洋大学 ) Oct. 24, 2017 @ RIMS Contents Introduction Generalized Karcher equation Ando-Hiai inequalities Problem Introduction PP: The set of all positive definite operators

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2. THEORY OF EQUATIONS. PREVIOUS EAMCET Bits. EAMCET-. THEORY OF EQUATIONS PREVIOUS EAMCET Bits. Each of the roots of the equation x 6x + 6x 5= are increased by k so that the new transformed equation does not contain term. Then k =... - 4. - Sol.

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Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ.

Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ. Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο The time integral of a force is referred to as impulse, is determined by and is obtained from: Newton s 2 nd Law of motion states that the action

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Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude

Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Jan Behrens 2012-12-31 In this paper we shall provide a method to approximate distances between two points on earth

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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ω ω ω ω ω ω+2 ω ω+2 + ω ω ω ω+2 + ω ω+1 ω ω+2 2 ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω+1 ω ω2 ω ω2 + ω ω ω2 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω ω+1 ω ω2 + ω ω+1 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω

ω ω ω ω ω ω+2 ω ω+2 + ω ω ω ω+2 + ω ω+1 ω ω+2 2 ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω+1 ω ω2 ω ω2 + ω ω ω2 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω ω+1 ω ω2 + ω ω+1 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ω ω + 1 ω + 2 ω + 3 ω + 4 ω2 ω2 + 1 ω2 + 2 ω2 + 3 ω3 ω3 + 1 ω3 + 2 ω4 ω4 + 1 ω5 ω 2 ω 2 + 1 ω 2 + 2 ω 2 + ω ω 2 + ω + 1 ω 2 + ω2 ω 2 2 ω 2 2 + 1 ω 2 2 + ω ω 2 3 ω 3 ω 3 + 1 ω 3 + ω ω 3 +

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EE512: Error Control Coding

EE512: Error Control Coding EE512: Error Control Coding Solution for Assignment on Finite Fields February 16, 2007 1. (a) Addition and Multiplication tables for GF (5) and GF (7) are shown in Tables 1 and 2. + 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3

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Notes on Tobin s. Liquidity Preference as Behavior toward Risk

Notes on Tobin s. Liquidity Preference as Behavior toward Risk otes on Tobin s Liquidity Preference s Behvior towrd Risk By Richrd McMinn Revised June 987 Revised subsequently Tobin (Tobin 958 considers portfolio model in which there is one sfe nd one risky sset.

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Sequent Calculi for the Modal µ-calculus over S5. Luca Alberucci, University of Berne. Logic Colloquium Berne, July 4th 2008

Sequent Calculi for the Modal µ-calculus over S5. Luca Alberucci, University of Berne. Logic Colloquium Berne, July 4th 2008 Sequent Calculi for the Modal µ-calculus over S5 Luca Alberucci, University of Berne Logic Colloquium Berne, July 4th 2008 Introduction Koz: Axiomatisation for the modal µ-calculus over K Axioms: All classical

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2. Let H 1 and H 2 be Hilbert spaces and let T : H 1 H 2 be a bounded linear operator. Prove that [T (H 1 )] = N (T ). (6p)

2. Let H 1 and H 2 be Hilbert spaces and let T : H 1 H 2 be a bounded linear operator. Prove that [T (H 1 )] = N (T ). (6p) Uppsala Universitet Matematiska Institutionen Andreas Strömbergsson Prov i matematik Funktionalanalys Kurs: F3B, F4Sy, NVP 2005-03-08 Skrivtid: 9 14 Tillåtna hjälpmedel: Manuella skrivdon, Kreyszigs bok

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Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------

Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------- Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. 1. Sin ( ) = a) b) c) d) Ans b. Solution : Method 1. Ans a: 17 > 1 a) is rejected. w.k.t Sin ( sin ) = d is rejected. If sin

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ON NEGATIVE MOMENTS OF CERTAIN DISCRETE DISTRIBUTIONS Pa J Statist 2009 Vol 25(2), 135-140 ON NEGTIVE MOMENTS OF CERTIN DISCRETE DISTRIBUTIONS Masood nwar 1 and Munir hmad 2 1 Department of Maematics, COMSTS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad,

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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Review-2 and Practice problems. sin 2 (x) cos 2 (x)(sin(x)dx) (1 cos 2 (x)) cos 2 (x)(sin(x)dx) let u = cos(x), du = sin(x)dx. = (1 u 2 )u 2 ( du)

Review-2 and Practice problems. sin 2 (x) cos 2 (x)(sin(x)dx) (1 cos 2 (x)) cos 2 (x)(sin(x)dx) let u = cos(x), du = sin(x)dx. = (1 u 2 )u 2 ( du) . Trigonometric Integrls. ( sin m (x cos n (x Cse-: m is odd let u cos(x Exmple: sin 3 (x cos (x Review- nd Prctice problems sin 3 (x cos (x Cse-: n is odd let u sin(x Exmple: cos 5 (x cos 5 (x sin (x

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Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1

Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8  questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1 Eon : Fall 8 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 Email questions or omments to Dan Fetter Problem. Let X be a salar with density f(x, θ) (θx + θ) [ x ] with θ. (a) Find the most powerful level α test

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Bessel functions. ν + 1 ; 1 = 0 for k = 0, 1, 2,..., n 1. Γ( n + k + 1) = ( 1) n J n (z). Γ(n + k + 1) k!

Bessel functions. ν + 1 ; 1 = 0 for k = 0, 1, 2,..., n 1. Γ( n + k + 1) = ( 1) n J n (z). Γ(n + k + 1) k! Bessel functions The Bessel function J ν (z of the first kind of order ν is defined by J ν (z ( (z/ν ν Γ(ν + F ν + ; z 4 ( k k ( Γ(ν + k + k! For ν this is a solution of the Bessel differential equation

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Divergence for log concave functions

Divergence for log concave functions Divergence or log concave unctions Umut Caglar The Euler International Mathematical Institute June 22nd, 2013 Joint work with C. Schütt and E. Werner Outline 1 Introduction 2 Main Theorem 3 -divergence

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Research Article The Study of Triple Integral Equations with Generalized Legendre Functions

Research Article The Study of Triple Integral Equations with Generalized Legendre Functions Hindwi Pulishing Corportion Astrct nd Applied Anlysis Volume 28, Article ID 395257, 2 pges doi:.55/28/395257 Reserch Article The Study of Triple Integrl Equtions with Generlized Legendre Functions B. M.

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k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R +

k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R + Chapter 3. Fuzzy Arithmetic 3- Fuzzy arithmetic: ~Addition(+) and subtraction (-): Let A = [a and B = [b, b in R If x [a and y [b, b than x+y [a +b +b Symbolically,we write A(+)B = [a (+)[b, b = [a +b

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Pg The perimeter is P = 3x The area of a triangle is. where b is the base, h is the height. In our case b = x, then the area is

Pg The perimeter is P = 3x The area of a triangle is. where b is the base, h is the height. In our case b = x, then the area is Pg. 9. The perimeter is P = The area of a triangle is A = bh where b is the base, h is the height 0 h= btan 60 = b = b In our case b =, then the area is A = = 0. By Pythagorean theorem a + a = d a a =

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F19MC2 Solutions 9 Complex Analysis

F19MC2 Solutions 9 Complex Analysis F9MC Solutions 9 Complex Analysis. (i) Let f(z) = eaz +z. Then f is ifferentiable except at z = ±i an so by Cauchy s Resiue Theorem e az z = πi[res(f,i)+res(f, i)]. +z C(,) Since + has zeros of orer at

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5. Choice under Uncertainty

5. Choice under Uncertainty 5. Choice under Uncertainty Daisuke Oyama Microeconomics I May 23, 2018 Formulations von Neumann-Morgenstern (1944/1947) X: Set of prizes Π: Set of probability distributions on X : Preference relation

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If ABC is any oblique triangle with sides a, b, and c, the following equations are valid. 2bc. (a) a 2 b 2 c 2 2bc cos A or cos A b2 c 2 a 2.

If ABC is any oblique triangle with sides a, b, and c, the following equations are valid. 2bc. (a) a 2 b 2 c 2 2bc cos A or cos A b2 c 2 a 2. etion 6. Lw of osines 59 etion 6. Lw of osines If is ny oblique tringle with sides, b, nd, the following equtions re vlid. () b b os or os b b (b) b os or os b () b b os or os b b You should be ble to

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A summation formula ramified with hypergeometric function and involving recurrence relation

A summation formula ramified with hypergeometric function and involving recurrence relation South Asian Journal of Mathematics 017, Vol. 7 ( 1): 1 4 ISSN 51-151 RESEARCH ARTICLE A summation formula ramified with hypergeometric function and involving recurrence relation Salahuddin

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Διαβάστε περισσότερα Merging man and maths Merging man and maths Merging man and maths Exercise 10. (s) Page Textbook of Algebra and Trigonometry for Class XI Available online @, Version:.0 Question # 1 Find the values of sin, and tan when: 1 π (i) (ii)

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On the generalized fractional derivatives and their Caputo modification

On the generalized fractional derivatives and their Caputo modification Aville online t J. Nonliner Sci. Appl., 0 207), 2607 269 Reserch Article Journl Homepge: - On the generlized frctionl derivtives nd their

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Other Test Constructions: Likelihood Ratio & Bayes Tests

Other Test Constructions: Likelihood Ratio & Bayes Tests Other Test Constructions: Likelihood Ratio & Bayes Tests Side-Note: So far we have seen a few approaches for creating tests such as Neyman-Pearson Lemma ( most powerful tests of H 0 : θ = θ 0 vs H 1 :

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b. Use the parametrization from (a) to compute the area of S a as S a ds. Be sure to substitute for ds!

b. Use the parametrization from (a) to compute the area of S a as S a ds. Be sure to substitute for ds! MTH U341 urface Integrals, tokes theorem, the divergence theorem To be turned in Wed., Dec. 1. 1. Let be the sphere of radius a, x 2 + y 2 + z 2 a 2. a. Use spherical coordinates (with ρ a) to parametrize.

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Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential. be continuous functions on the interval

Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential. be continuous functions on the interval Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential Equations Let a (t), a 2 (t),..., a nn (t), b (t), b 2 (t),..., b n (t) be continuous functions on the interval I. The system of n first-order differential equations

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SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions

SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES GLMA Linear Mathematics 00- Examination Solutions. (a) i. ( + 5i)( i) = (6 + 5) + (5 )i = + i. Real part is, imaginary part is. (b) ii. + 5i i ( + 5i)( + i) = ( i)( + i)

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Arithmetical applications of lagrangian interpolation. Tanguy Rivoal. Institut Fourier CNRS and Université de Grenoble 1

Arithmetical applications of lagrangian interpolation. Tanguy Rivoal. Institut Fourier CNRS and Université de Grenoble 1 Arithmetical applications of lagrangian interpolation Tanguy Rivoal Institut Fourier CNRS and Université de Grenoble Conference Diophantine and Analytic Problems in Number Theory, The 00th anniversary

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On a Subclass of k-uniformly Convex Functions with Negative Coefficients

On a Subclass of k-uniformly Convex Functions with Negative Coefficients International Mathematical Forum, 1, 2006, no. 34, 1677-1689 On a Subclass of k-uniformly Convex Functions with Negative Coefficients T. N. SHANMUGAM Department of Mathematics Anna University, Chennai-600

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Differentiation exercise show differential equation

Differentiation exercise show differential equation Differentiation exercise show differential equation 1. If y x sin 2x, prove that x d2 y 2 2 + 2y x + 4xy 0 y x sin 2x sin 2x + 2x cos 2x 2 2cos 2x + (2 cos 2x 4x sin 2x) x d2 y 2 2 + 2y x + 4xy (2x cos

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Lecture 5: Numerical Integration

Lecture 5: Numerical Integration Lecture notes on Vritionl nd Approximte Metods in Applied Mtemtics - A Peirce UBC 1 Lecture 5: Numericl Integrtion Compiled 15 September 1 In tis lecture we introduce tecniques for numericl integrtion,

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CRASH COURSE IN PRECALCULUS CRASH COURSE IN PRECALCULUS Shiah-Sen Wang The graphs are prepared by Chien-Lun Lai Based on : Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus by J. Stuwart, L. Redin & S. Watson, 6th edition, 01, Brooks/Cole Chapter

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Fractional Calculus of a Class of Univalent Functions With Negative Coefficients Defined By Hadamard Product With Rafid -Operator

Fractional Calculus of a Class of Univalent Functions With Negative Coefficients Defined By Hadamard Product With Rafid -Operator EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS Vol. 4, No. 2, 2, 62-73 ISSN 37-5543 Fractional Calculus of a Class of Univalent Functions With Negative Coefficients Defined By Hadamard

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derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates

derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates swapnizzle 03-03- :5:43 We begin by recognizing the familiar conversion from rectangular to spherical coordinates (note that φ is used

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( y) Partial Differential Equations

( y) Partial Differential Equations Partial Dierential Equations Linear P.D.Es. contains no owers roducts o the deendent variables / an o its derivatives can occasionall be solved. Consider eamle ( ) a (sometimes written as a ) we can integrate

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Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics

Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics Fourier Series MATH 211, Calculus II J. Robert Buchanan Department of Mathematics Spring 2018 Introduction Not all functions can be represented by Taylor series. f (k) (c) A Taylor series f (x) = (x c)

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Second Order Partial Differential Equations

Second Order Partial Differential Equations Chapter 7 Second Order Partial Differential Equations 7.1 Introduction A second order linear PDE in two independent variables (x, y Ω can be written as A(x, y u x + B(x, y u xy + C(x, y u u u + D(x, y

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SOME PROPERTIES OF FUZZY REAL NUMBERS Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis (SCMA) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016), 21-27 SOME PROPERTIES OF FUZZY REAL NUMBERS BAYAZ DARABY 1 AND JAVAD JAFARI 2 Abstract. In the mathematical

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The challenges of non-stable predicates

The challenges of non-stable predicates The challenges of non-stable predicates Consider a non-stable predicate Φ encoding, say, a safety property. We want to determine whether Φ holds for our program. The challenges of non-stable predicates

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