Chapter 7a. Elements of Elasticity, Thermal Stresses
- Διοκλῆς Μακρή
- 6 χρόνια πριν
- Προβολές:
1 Chapte 7a lements of lasticit, Themal Stesses Mechanics of mateials method: 1. Defomation; guesswok, intuition, smmet, pio knowledge, epeiment, etc.. Stain; eact o appoimate solution fom defomation. Stess; constitutive elationship. Load; integation, equilibium equations 5. Displacement; invesion of defomation-load elationship, integation of stain, eneg method lasticit method: 1. quilibium equations; diffeential fom of Newton's law fo nomal stesses, smmet of shea stesses. Compatibilit; continuum estictions fo stains. Constitutive elationships; stess-stain elationships (isotopic o anisotopic mateial, linea o nonlinea mateial, etc.). Bounda conditions; loads and suppots 5. Solution; analtical o numeical
2 Isotopic mateial ε ν( ) z α Δ T γ G ε ν( ) z α Δ T γ z z G ε z ν( ) z α Δ T γ z z G 1 ( ν ) G Geneal (-D) state of stess α T ν ε νε νε ( ν)( ν) [( ) ] Δ ν z α T ν ε νε νε ( ν)( ν) [( ) ] Δ ν z α T ν ε νε νε ( ν)( ν) [( ) ] Δ ν z z G γ, z G γ z, z G γ z Plane (-D) state of stess z z z γz γz G γ γ G α ε νε T 1 ν ( ) Δ 1 ν ε ν α Δ T α ε νε T 1 ν ( ) Δ 1 ν ε ν α Δ T ε ν z α Δ T
3 Plane (-D) state of stain εz γz γz z z γ G γ G (1 ν ) ν (1 ν) ε (1 ν) αδ T (1 ν ) ν (1 ν) ε (1 ν) αδ T ( 1 ν) ε νε ( 1 ν) α ΔT ( 1 ν)( 1 ν) ( 1 ν) ε νε ( 1 ν) α ΔT ( 1 ν)( 1 ν) z νε νε ( 1 ν) αδt ( 1 ν)( 1 ν) Displacements and Stains nomal stain shea stain u() u( d) u( d) u() d d v( d) v() d α α1 o 9 - γ d v() v( d) ε, ε v, ε z w z γ v, γ z w v, γ z z z w z v, w v, z w z
4 -D Compatibilit (in the - plane) plane stain plane stess (appoimate) ε z γ z γ z z z z v w, z z v ε z ν( ε ε ), z z ε, ε v, γ v ε ε γ quilibium equations z Β z d d dz taction foces bod foces z d d z d d z d d z d dz d dz z d dz d dz d dz d dz Β d d dz Β d d dz
5 -diection: [ ( d) ( )] d dz [ ( d) ( )] d dz [ z( z dz) z( z)] d d B d d dz ( d) ( ) ( d) ( ) z( z dz) z( z) d d dz B z B z z B z z z z Bz z Bounda conditions suface tactions Φ dr da, Φ dr da, Φ dr z z da dr z dr da z m, dr n z z z Φ z Φ z m n Φz z z n i mj n k ( m n 1) fee bounda conditions Φ Φ Φz igid bounda conditions
6 slip bounda conditions u u uz (u v w ) u n ( ui u j uzk) ( i mj nk) u um uzn hdostatic bounda conditions shea-flow Φ n o Φ Φ n Φ p p Φ m p n Φz z s S T s S T s S V suface nomal n i bounda nomal S S j Sz k bounda tangent s s j sz k S o s s S z z z z Stess field solution fo plane stess poblems 1. quilibium equations. Compatibilit. Constitutive elationships. Bounda conditions 5. Solution
7 Plane stess in isotopic mateials (without themal stains and bod foces) 1. quilibium equations z z z z z z z z z z z. Compatibilit ε ε γ. Constitutive elationships ε ν, ε 1 ( ν) G ν, γ 1 ( ν) G G Compatibilit elationship in tems of stess ν ν ( 1 ν)( ) ( )( ) ( )
8 Ai Stess Function F (, ) (without bod foces and themal epansion) F, F, F z z z z z F F z F F z z z z z i.e., the equilibium equations ae automaticall satisfied ε ε γ ε ν, ε 1 ( ν) G ν, γ 1 ( ν) G G ν ν ν 1 ( ) F ν ν F F F F 1 ( ν) F F F
9 hamonic diffeential (Laplacian) opeato f f bihamonic diffeential (Laplacian-squae) opeato ( ) compatibilit elationship fo plane stess in an isotopic medium F Polnomial solutions in Catesian coodinates quadatic stess function F a1 a a a, a 1, a (unifom stess distibution) cubic stess function F a1 a a a (plus quadatic tems) a 6a, 6a1 a, a a pue bending (linea stess distibutions) F a1 a
10 6 a, 6 a 1, quatic stess function F a1 a a a a5 (plus quadatic and cubic tems) F ( )F a1 a5 8a shea bending 1 a 6 a a 5 1 a 6 a a 1 a a a 6 a, 6 a, a a quintic stess function F a a a a a a (plus quadatic, cubic, and quatic tems) 6 5 F 1 a a 1 a a a a a a5, 5a1 a, 5a6 a bending unde unning load of constant intensit (see tetbook) Displacements calculated fom stesses integation of stains ample: pue bending
11 , v M, u c L b M M I c, b M ε c b v M ε ν c b u M c b f v ν M c b f γ v f M f c b f M a 1 c b M f a 1 a c b f a 1 f a1 a u M a a c b 1 v ν M M a1 a c b c b bounda conditions M L u L a 1 and a c b ν M ML v L a c b c b
12 v L, a ML c b v a L L M L c b 1 v M c b L [( ) ν ] accoding to Saint-Venant's pinciple, the discepanc at the ight end ma be ignoed
13 Plane Stess Poblems in Pola Coodinates, z,,, z cos, sin and, tan 1 z z z γ z γ z constitutive elationships G γ γ G α ε νε T 1 ν ( ) Δ 1 ν ε ν α Δ T α ε νε T 1 ν ( ) Δ 1 ν ε ν α Δ T ε ν z α Δ T
14 equilibium equations: ( d ) ( d) ( d) ( ) B B ( d) ( ) ( ) d ( ) d O -diection: ( d)( d) d dz ( ) d dz ( d ) ( d) d dz d O ( d) ( ) d B ( ) ( ) d ( d) ddz ( ) ddz B d d dz o 1 ( d)( d) ( ) d 1 ( d) ( ) d B 1 ( ) 1 B 1 B
15 -diection: ( d ) ( d) ( ) B ( d) ( ) ( d) d dz ( ) d dz ( d)( d) ddz ( ) ddz d dz d d ( ) d B dd dz o O 1 1 B 1 B Stain-displacement elationships ε, ε u 1 u, γ 1 u ε u ( d) ε u u ( d) u ( ) u ( ) u ( ) d d d d O O
16 u ( d, ) u (, ) u ( d) γ 1 ε 1 u ( ) u (, ) d d d d O O u (, d ) u (, ) u ( d ) u ( ) γ u (, ) u γ u ( ) d d d d O O aismmetic case ( / ) ε, ε u, γ u no shea case (u C, u u ) ε, ε u, γ
17 ample I: Cicula Hole ma b D t in clindical coodinates d d ( b, ) and ( b, 9 )
18 lasticit Method: quilibium equations Compatibilit Constitutive elationships Solution Bounda conditions Mechanics of Solids Method: "Solution" Constitutive elationships quilibium equations Compatibilit Bounda conditions equilibium: 1 1 compatibilit: ( ) 1 1 bounda conditions: ( b, ) and ( b, ) lim (, ) (1 cos ), lim (, ) (1 cos ), and lim (, ) sin
19 Ai Stess Function in Clinbdical Coodinates 1 F 1 F, F, 1 1 F 1 F 1 F z z z 1 1 F 1 F 1 F F F (, ) f() g ()cos 1 f 1 f 1 g 1 g g f () C 1 ln C Cln C C g () C 7 5 C6 C 8 C 6C7 C8 C1(1 ln ) C C 5 cos C 6C7 C1( ln ) C C 5 1C6 cos 6C7 C8 C5 6C6 sin out of 8 constants C is ielevant C 1 C6 (boundedness) 5 bounda conditions
20 lasticit Solution b b b ( 1 ) ( 1 )cos ( 1 b ) ( 1 b )cos b b ( 1 )sin afte nomalization (b 1) ( ) ( )cos ( ) ( )cos 1 ( )sin equilibium equations: individual tems ( ) ( )cos ( )cos ( ) ( )cos ( )sin 5 1 ( )sin 5
21 6 ( )sin ( )cos 5 -diection ( )cos ( ) ( )cos ( ) ( )cos 5 1 ( )cos ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) diection ( )sin 5 ( )sin 5 ( )sin compatibilit 1 1 ( ),
22 cos 1 8 ( ) cos cos cos bounda conditions ( b, ) and ( b, ) lim (, ) (1 cos ), lim (, ) (1 cos ), and lim (, ) sin b b b ( 1 ) ( 1 )cos ( 1 b ) ( 1 b )cos b b ( 1 )sin stess concentation factos ( b, ) cos ( b, ) ( b, 9 )
23 ample II: Concentated (Line) Load P d d invaiance to scaling: a (, ) f() g() g() 1 ( ) 1 B cos a and equilibium equations cos a, a cos, 1 -diection 1
24 -diection 1 compatibilit 1 1 ( ), cos a cos cos cos a a a bounda conditions (, 9 ) and (, 9 ) π / π/ cos d P π/ / a π aπ a cos d (1 cos ) d P π/ π/ P cos π
25 Themal Stess ε ε γ without themal etension: ε ν, ε ν, γ G ( ) with themal etension (ΔT T ): ε ν αt, ε ν αt, γ G ( αt) uniaial stess fee ends, v T T ( ), u c b d d ( αt) αt a 1 a
26 bounda conditions on the top and the bottom (, ± c) and (, ± c) bounda conditions on the left and the ight ( ±, ) ( ) and ( ±, ) appoimate bounda conditions fo the ends (Saint-Venant's pinciple) F( ± ) and M( ± ) c c ( ) d and ( ) d c c c α T( ) d ca c and c α T( ) d a1 c c c α α α T ( ) T ( ) d T ( ) d c c c c c igidl held ends, v T T ( ), u c b ε α T d ( αt) d ( ) αt ( )
27 Disk with aismmetic tempeatue distibution ε, ε u 1 u, γ 1 u u u ( ) and u ε, ε u, γ ( ), ( ), equilibium equations 1 1 d d constitutive equations αt du ε νε u ( ) [ ν 1 ν 1 ν 1 ν d α( 1 ν) T] αt u du ( ε νε ) [ ν 1 ν 1 ν 1 ν d α( 1 ν) T] d du u 1 du u [ ( ) T] ν ν α 1 ν [ ] d d d d d du u 1 du u ( ) ν ν ( ) α( 1 ν) d d d u d u 1 du u ν du u dt ν ( ) ( ) α( 1 ν) d d d d d dt d
28 d u 1 du u dt α( 1 ν) d d d d 1 d ( u) (1 ) dt d α ν d d solution b integation 1 d ( 1 1 d u ) α( ν ) T ( ) C d d ( u ) α( 1 ν) T( ) C 1 u α (1 ν ) T( ) d C1 C b α (1 ν) u T() d C1 b C
29 ample: Hot spot solid disk with fee edge T T( ) a bounda conditions b C ( a) C1 du u ν α 1 ν T 1 ν [ d ( ) ] u du ν α 1 ν T 1 ν [ d ( ) ] u du (1 ) T() d C α ν 1 T() d (1 ) T() C α ν 1 d α (1 ν) α (1 ν) α (1 ν) [ T() d α (1 ν ) T() C ν T() d νc α (1 ν) T()] 1 ν α T() d C1 α (1 ν) α (1 ν) αν (1 ν) [ T( ) d C T( ) d αν (1 ν ) T( ) νc α (1 ν) T( )] 1 ν 1 1
30 1 C () 1 α Td T () α(1 ν) C1 α(1 ν) 1 a T() d a 1 1 [ a 1 1 a α T( ) d T( ) d] α T() d T() d T() a a unifoml heated cicula spot a T c T T T T if c and T else 1 T T() d if c and T c 1 T() d if c< a a a T c () T d a 1 α T c ( 1 ) if c a αt c c α ( ) and a T c c ( ) if c < a a
31 ( a) and c ( a) α T (unheated im) a in plane in plane if c α T c in plane ma{ in plane} α T if c < a at c
4.2 Differential Equations in Polar Coordinates
Section 4. 4. Diffeential qations in Pola Coodinates Hee the two-dimensional Catesian elations of Chapte ae e-cast in pola coodinates. 4.. qilibim eqations in Pola Coodinates One wa of epesg the eqations
21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) 21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) I Main Topics
I Main Topics A Intoducon to stess fields and stess concentaons B An axisymmetic poblem B Stesses in a pola (cylindical) efeence fame C quaons of equilibium D Soluon of bounday value poblem fo a pessuized
Fundamental Equations of Fluid Mechanics
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( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) λ = 1 + t t. θ = t ε t. Continuum Mechanics. Chapter 1. Description of Motion dt t. Chapter 2. Deformation and Strain
Continm Mechanics. Official Fom Chapte. Desciption of Motion χ (,) t χ (,) t (,) t χ (,) t t Chapte. Defomation an Stain s S X E X e i ij j i ij j F X X U F J T T T U U i j Uk U k E ( F F ) ( J J J J)
Tutorial Note - Week 09 - Solution
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y t t ysin y d y + d y y t z + y ty yz yz t z y + t + y + y + t y + t + y + + 4 y 4 + t t + 5 t Ae cos + Be sin 5t + 7 5 y + t / m_nadjafikhah@iustacir http://webpagesiustacir/m_nadjafikhah/courses/ode/fa5pdf
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D Alembert s Solution to the Wave Equation MATH 467 Partial Differential Equations J. Robert Buchanan Department of Mathematics Fall 2018 Objectives In this lesson we will learn: a change of variable technique
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Theoetical Competition: July Question Page of. Ένα πρόβλημα τριών σωμάτων και το LISA μ M O m EIKONA Ομοεπίπεδες τροχιές των τριών σωμάτων. Δύο μάζες Μ και m κινούνται σε κυκλικές τροχιές με ακτίνες και,
CHAPTER (2) Electric Charges, Electric Charge Densities and Electric Field Intensity
CHAPTE () Electric Chrges, Electric Chrge Densities nd Electric Field Intensity Chrge Configurtion ) Point Chrge: The concept of the point chrge is used when the dimensions of n electric chrge distriution
Determination of the Optimum Configuration for the FGM Rotating Cylinder Based on Thermo-mechanical Stresses
5-4! 96 4 8 -+ *-./ -,-+.-./, ()*+' %&' -)68 4 ' 5-6 -./ - - >. - < ; : -89 4 4.4 56- >. - < ; : -89 4 56- ' 9 )6 '& * * ; Q P< A K LMN ; OF.. H I. J 8 @. - < ABC D< @? YZ 5 J Q F H O VW. X ) H 5C?
Radiation Stress Concerned with the force (or momentum flux) exerted on the right hand side of a plane by water on the left hand side of the plane.
upplement on Radiation tress and Wave etup/et down Radiation tress oncerned wit te force (or momentum flu) eerted on te rit and side of a plane water on te left and side of te plane. plane z "Radiation
Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ.
Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο The time integral of a force is referred to as impulse, is determined by and is obtained from: Newton s 2 nd Law of motion states that the action
( y) Partial Differential Equations
Partial Dierential Equations Linear P.D.Es. contains no owers roducts o the deendent variables / an o its derivatives can occasionall be solved. Consider eamle ( ) a (sometimes written as a ) we can integrate
Differential equations
Differential equations Differential equations: An equation inoling one dependent ariable and its deriaties w. r. t one or more independent ariables is called a differential equation. Order of differential
1 3D Helmholtz Equation
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If we restrict the domain of y = sin x to [ π, π ], the restrict function. y = sin x, π 2 x π 2
Chapter 3. Analytic Trigonometry 3.1 The inverse sine, cosine, and tangent functions 1. Review: Inverse function (1) f 1 (f(x)) = x for every x in the domain of f and f(f 1 (x)) = x for every x in the
Problem 3.1 Vector A starts at point (1, 1, 3) and ends at point (2, 1,0). Find a unit vector in the direction of A. Solution: A = 1+9 = 3.
Problem 3.1 Vector A starts at point (1, 1, 3) and ends at point (, 1,0). Find a unit vector in the direction of A. Solution: A = ˆx( 1)+ŷ( 1 ( 1))+ẑ(0 ( 3)) = ˆx+ẑ3, A = 1+9 = 3.16, â = A A = ˆx+ẑ3 3.16
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b. Use the parametrization from (a) to compute the area of S a as S a ds. Be sure to substitute for ds!
MTH U341 urface Integrals, tokes theorem, the divergence theorem To be turned in Wed., Dec. 1. 1. Let be the sphere of radius a, x 2 + y 2 + z 2 a 2. a. Use spherical coordinates (with ρ a) to parametrize.
Bessel functions. ν + 1 ; 1 = 0 for k = 0, 1, 2,..., n 1. Γ( n + k + 1) = ( 1) n J n (z). Γ(n + k + 1) k!
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Chapter 3. Analytic Trigonometry 3.1 The inverse sine, cosine, and tangent functions 1. Review: Inverse function (1) f 1 (f(x)) = x for every x in the domain of f and f(f 1 (x)) = x for every x in the
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(a,b) Let s review the general definitions of trig functions first. (See back cover of your book) sin θ = b/r cos θ = a/r tan θ = b/a, a 0
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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.
Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given
Vol. 38 No Journal of Jiangxi Normal University Natural Science Nov. 2014
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Reminders: linear functions
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11.4 Graphing in Polar Coordinates Polar Symmetries
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Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο - Τμήμα Πληροφορικής
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Review Test 3. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Review Test MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Find the exact value of the expression. 1) sin - 11π 1 1) + - + - - ) sin 11π 1 ) ( -