Μετεκπαίδευση ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ

Σχετικά έγγραφα


MSM Men who have Sex with Men HIV -

ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ. Πτυχιακή διατριβή. Ονοματεπώνυμο: Αργυρώ Ιωάννου. Επιβλέπων καθηγητής: Δρ. Αντρέας Χαραλάμπους

Παρουσία θρόμβου στον αριστερό κόλπο και στο ωτίο του αριστερού κόλπου Παρουσία αυτόματης ηχοαντίθεσης στον αριστερό κόλπο/ωτίο Ύπαρξη αθηρωμάτωσης









ΘΩΡΑΚΙΚΑ ΕΝΔΟΜΟΣΧΕΥΜΑΤΑ (ΘΩΡΑΚΟΚΟΙΛΙΑΚΑ ΑΝΥΡΥΣΜΑΤΑ ΔΙΑΧΩΡΙΣΜΟΣ) Σταύρος Καλλιάφας, M.D. Aγγειοχειρουργός Ενδαγγειοχειρουργός Diplomate of the

Ελληνική Καρδιολογική Εταιρεία Ομάδα Εργασίας Αορτής και Περιφερικών Αγγείων

Οι επιδόσεις Ελλήνων στο Mini Mental State Examination με βάση την ηλικία και τη νοητική κατάσταση από την παιδική στην τρίτη ηλικία.




Διαβήτης και Στεφανιαία Νόσος

Η θέση ύπνου του βρέφους και η σχέση της με το Σύνδρομο του αιφνίδιου βρεφικού θανάτου. ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ

Προενταξιακός ασθενής - Επιλογή μεθόδου κάθαρσης



Ασθενής 81 ετών με σοβαρή ανεπάρκεια μιτροειδούς και τριγλώχινας

Περίπτωση ασθενούς µε ιδιαίτερα ανθεκτική υπέρταση επιτυχώς αντιµετωπισθείσα µε απονεύρωση νεφρικών αρτηριών

Mitomycin C application for the prevention of postoperative synechiae formation at the anterior commissure.




Ραγέντα ΑΚΑ-Προσπέλαση στην ενδοαυλική αποκατάσταση. Α. ΓΙΑΝΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ Αγγειοχειρουργός Αγγειοχειρ/κή κλινική Α.Π.Θ Παν. Νοσ.




Ομάδα Καρδιάς-Heart Team Η άποψη του Αγγειοχειρουργού

Ανεύρυσμα Κοιλιακής Αορτής


Επιλογή χρόνου κατάλυσης κολπικής μαρμαρυγής

HIV HIV HIV HIV AIDS 3 :.1 /-,**1 +332

Συνδυαστική αντιμετώπιση καρδιοπάθειας με περιφερική αγγειοπάθεια


ΝΕΩΤΕΡΕΣ ΚΑΤΕΥΘΥΝΤΗΡΙΕΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ STEMI. AΝΝΑ ΔΑΓΡΕ, FESC,FSCAI Κ α ρ δ ι ο λ ό γ ο ς Γ ε ν. Ν ο σ ο κο μ ε ί ο Ε λ ε υ σ ί ν α ς Θ ρ ι ά σ ι ο


Διαχωριστικό ανεύρυσµα Θωρακικής Αορτής Αντιµετώπιση. Α. Μαδέσης Επιµελητής Α Καρδιοχειρουργική κλινική Γ.Ν.Θ. Γ. Παπανικολάου


Αντώνιος Ζιάκας, Σταύρος Χατζημιλτιάδης, Γεώργιος Καζινάκης, Βασίλης Καμπερίδης, Λεωνιδας Λιλλής, Αθανασία Σαραφίδου, Ιωάννης Στυλιάδης


08/05/12 7. Θεραπεία (Ι) **



Το Ανεύρυσµα της Κοιλιακής Αορτής. Παπάζογλου Κωνσταντίνος. Αγγειοχειρουργός Επικ. Καθηγητής Α.Π.Θ.


ΠΤΥΧΙΑΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ. Λουκία Βασιλείου

Βουβωνοκήλες. ιαμαντής Θεόδωρος Καθηγητής Χειρουργικής Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Βουβωνοκήλες

Περιφερικά Αγγεία-Σύγχρονοι προβληματισμοί

þÿ ɺÁ Ä ÅÂ, ±»Î¼ Neapolis University þÿ Á̳Á±¼¼± ¼Ìù±Â ¹ º à Â, Ç» Ÿ¹º ½ ¼¹ºÎ½ À¹ÃÄ ¼Î½ º±¹ ¹ º à  þÿ ±½µÀ¹ÃÄ ¼¹ µ À»¹Â Æ Å




ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ. Εισαγωγή. Σκοπός

ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ. Πτυχιακή Εργασία. Σύνδρομο ευερέθιστου εντέρου και τρόποι αντιμετώπισης του

Αντιμετώπιση νόσων αρτηριών κάτω άκρων Μ. Γ. Περούλης MD, MSc, PhD Επικ. Επιµελητής Αγγειοχειρουργικής Πανεπιστηµιακού Γενικού Νοσοκοµείου Ιωαννίνων


Περιστροφική Αθηρεκτομή. Αθηνόδωρος Ν. Νικητόπουλος Επεμβατικός Καρδιολόγος Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης Β ΚΚ ΑΠΘ Ιατρικό Διαβαλκανικό Κέντρο

-Tα νεώτερα αντιπηκτικά θα πρέπει να αντικαταστήσουν τους αναστολείς της βιταμίνης Κ -Αστειεύεστε; Χρήστος Ντέλλος

ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ. Πτυχιακή Εργασία. Κόπωση και ποιότητα ζωής ασθενών με καρκίνο.



Ανεύρυσµα Κοιλιακής Αορτής



Εκπαιδευτικές Ημερίδες


Peripheral vascular and carotid disease with chronic coronary artery disease


Εκτεταμένη έκθεση σε υπεριώδη ακτινοβολία στην παιδική και εφηβική ηλικία και εμφάνιση μελανώματος.

Ο νοσηλευτικός ρόλος στην πρόληψη του μελανώματος

Σχέση στεφανιαίας νόσου και άγχους - κατάθλιψης

ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ. Παρασκευή, 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2015








Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations


Α Καρδιολογική Κλινική ΑΠΘ, Νοσοκομείο ΑΧΕΠΑ, Θεσσαλονίκη

Ομιλίες σε ελληνικά και διεθνή συνέδρια-επιστημονικές συναντήσεις. συνάντηση

Β-αναστολείς στην ανεπίπλεκτη υπέρταση: Έχουν θέση? ΚΑΜΠΟΥΡΙΔΗΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ MD, MSc, PhD Διευθυντής ΕΣΥ Καρδιολογικής Κλινικής Γ.Ν.


Multidisciplinary Foot Clinic


TAVR and Coronary Artery Disease

Αγγειακές προσβάσεις αιμοκάθαρσης. Σπύρος Παπαδούλας Επιμελητής Α Αγγειοχειρουργικής Κλινικής ΠΓΝΠατρών Διευθυντής: Καθηγητής Ι.

Επιλογή ασθενών και παρακολούθηση τους




ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ Νικόλαος Σαρατζής 55 ετών, Τακτικός Καθηγητής Αγγειοχειρουργικής Ιατρικής Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης Παντρεμένος με δυο παιδιά Πτυχίο από την Ιατρική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων 1983 στρατιωτική του θητεία (1984-86) 1986 υποχρεωτική υπηρεσία υπαίθρου. 1988 αναγορεύτηκε διδάκτορας της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων 2007 διδάκτορας της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης με θέμα Αιμοδυναμικές μεταβολές μετά από Βραχιονιο-Βασιλικη αρτηριοφλεβική επικοινωνία και με βαθμό "άριστα". 1994 ειδικότητα της αγγειοχειρουργικής στην Α Χειρουργική Κλινική του ΑΠΘ. επιστημονικός συνεργάτης Α Χειρουργικής Κλινικής από το 1994 έως το 1997. 1997-1999 Νοσοκομείου ΑΧΕΠΑ ως Επιμελητής Β Αγγειοχειρουργικής. 2000-4 Λέκτορας Αγγειοχειρουργικής Ιατρικής του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης 2004-10 Επίκουρος Καθηγητής 2010-14 Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Αγγειοχειρουργικής 2014- σήμερα τακτικός Καθηγητής Αγγειοχειρουργικής Μετεκπαίδευση Στο Arizona Heart Institute των ΗΠΑ υπό τον Δ/ντη Ε. Diethrich, στην ενδαγγειακή χειρουργική. Μετεκπαίδευση στη Νυρεμβέργη Γερμανίας (D. Raithel) Συμμετοχή στο μετεκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα που διοργανώνεται στο Λονδίνο κάθε χρόνο (Charing Cross International Symposium) υπό την προεδρεία του R. Greenhalgh. Συμμετοχή σε μετεκπαιδευτικά σεμινάρια και workshops όπως Εκπαίδευση στη χρήση ενδοπροθέσεων σε ανευρύσματα της αορτής στη Ραβέννα της Ιταλίας (Σεπτέμβριος, 1999) υπό τον Καθηγητή V. Stancanelli, Εκπαίδευση στη διαδερμική αγγειοπλαστική των καρωτίδων στη Φρανκφούρτη της Γερμανίας (Μάρτιος 2001) υπό τον κ. Horst Sievert, και στο Phoenix της Αριζόνας των ΗΠΑ (Φεβρ. 2003) υπό τον κ. E. Diethrich

Εκπαίδευση σε ενδαγγειακές τεχνικές αγγειοπλαστικής της καρωτίδος στο Καρδιοχειρουργικό κέντρο St. Katharinen της Φραγκφούρτης Γερμανίας (Μάρτιος 2006) υπό τον κ. Horst Sievert, Εκπαίδευση σε ενδοαυλικές τεχνικές αντιμετώπισης ανευρυσμάτων της θωρακικής αορτής στη Βιέννη (Δεκέμβριος 2006) υπό τον Δ/ντη Β. Secki και στο Scottsdale της Αριζόνα των ΗΠΑ (Μάιος 2005) υπό τον Δ/ντη Ε. Diethrich. Εκπαίδευση σε τεχνικές ενδαγγειακής αντιμετώπισης των βλαβών της επιπολής μηριαίας και των κνημιαίων αρτηριών (Σεπτέμβριος 2008) στις Βρυξέλλες υπό τους I. Baumgartner και F. Vermassen και στο νοσοκομείο Maria Cecilia στην Cotignola της Ιταλίας (Μάιος 2009) υπό τον A. Cremonezi. Εκπαίδευση στη χρήση νέων ενδοπροθέσεων για ανεύσματα κοιλιακής αορτής όπως Treovance, Βαρκελώνη 2012 Nellix, Όσλο 2014 Anaconda fenestrated graft, Λονδίνο 2014 ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ ΕΜΠΕΙΡΙΑ 28χρονη συνεχή νοσοκομειακή θητεία στην Α Χειρουργική Κλινική του ΑΠΘ που τώρα στεγάζεται στον 4 ο όροφο του Νοσοκομείου Παπαγεωργίου. Κατά το χρονικό αυτό διάστημα της θητείας του ως κλινικός ιατρός απέκτησε μεγάλη εμπειρία και είχε ουσιαστική συμμετοχή στη λειτουργία του αγγειοχειρουργικού τμήματος, της και των εξωτερικών ιατρείων. Λαμβάνει μέρος και εκτελεί ο ίδιος όλο το φάσμα των αγγειοχειρουργικών επεμβάσεων τόσο των προγραμματισμένων και επειγόντων της κλινικής όσο και αυτών των γενικών εφημεριών. Ως Καθηγητής στην Α Χειρουργική του ΑΠΘ στο νοσοκομείο Παπαγεωργίου εκτελεί περισσότερες από 400 επείγουσες και προγραμματισμένες αγγειοχειρουργικές επεμβάσεις ετησίως. Εφαρμόζει νέες τεχνικές ανοιχτής χειρουργικής, και μεθόδους ενδαγγειακής χειρουργικής όπως ενδοαυλική διόρθωση ανευρυσμάτων κοιλιακής και θωρακικής αορτής, ανευρυσμάτων σπλαγχικών αρτηριών (νεφρική, ηπατική, σπληνική αρτηρία) ανευρυσμάτων περιφερικών αρτηριών (ιγνυακή, μηριαία, υποκλείδιος αρτηρία) επεμβάσεις επαναγγείωσης των άνω και κάτω άκρων με χρήση stent ή δημιουργία παρακάμψεων (bypass), καρωτιδική χειρουργική με διαδερμική αγγειοπλαστική υπό τοπική αναισθησία και χρήση stent ή ανοιχτή αποκατάσταση με ενδαρτηριεκτομή χειρουργική των φλεβω ν των κάτω άκρων όπως σκληροθεραπεία και

σαφηνεκτομή για κιρσούς των κάτω άκρων ΔΙΔΑΚΤΙΚΟ ΕΡΓΟ Οργάνωσε το Endoschool Project Bard με πρακτική και θεωρητική εκπαίδευση ιατρών από την Ευρώπη, σε ενδαγγειακές τεχνικές αποκατάστασης βλαβών των μηριαίων και λαγονίων αρτηριών, στο νοσοκομείο Παπαγεωργίου και σε συνεργασία με τα νοσοκομεία Evangelisches Konigin Elisabeth Herzberge του Βερολίνου Γερμανίας και Santa Maria della Misericordia της Udine Ιταλίας (Ιούλιος, Σεπτέμβριος και Οκτώβριος 2013 ) Το διδακτικό έργο αφορά σε μαθήματα φοιτητών ιατρικής, ειδικευομένων ιατρών αγγειοχειρουργών. Υπεύθυνος για διδασκαλία του επιλεγόμενου μαθήματος της Αγγειοχειρουργικής του ΑΠΘ καθώς και στη διεξαγωγή των εξετάσεων. Διδάσκει στα μεταπτυχιακό μάθημα Χειρουργική Ογκολογία και Αγγειοχειρουργική του ΑΠΘ, και Μικροχειρουργική Συμμετοχή με το θέμα: Περιφερικά αγγεία και αθηρωσκλήρωση, στο προ γραμμα μεταπτυχιακω ν σπουδω ν του ΑΠΘ, Ιατρική ερευνητική μεθοδολογία> στο μάθημα: Αθηροθρόμβωση και Καρδιαγγειακές Παθήσεις, Γένεση, Εξέλιξη από το μοριακό επίπεδο στη Χειρουργική Θεραπεία. Διδάσκει στο Διακρατικο Μεταπτυχιακο Προ γραμμα σπουδω ν της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνω ν <Ενδαγγειακές Τεχνικές> με θέματα: Επιπλοκές και δευτερογενείς παρεμβάσεις Μετανάστευση ενδομοσχεύματος και Στένωση απόφραξη μοσχεύματος. (συντονιστές καθ. Χ. Λιάπης και G. Biasi ), από το 2010 μέχρι και σήμερα. ΜΕΛΟΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΩΝ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΩΝ 1. Ελληνική Αγγειοχειρουργική Εταιρεία (1994, τακτικό μέλος) 2. Ελληνική Φλεβολογική Εταιρεία (2006, τακτικό μέλος) 3. Ευρωπαι κή Αγγειοχειρουργική Εταιρεία (ESVS 1995, τακτικό μέλος,) 4. Διεθνής Εταιρεία Αγγειακών Προσπελάσεων (VAS 1998,τακτικό μέλος,) 5. Διεθνής Εταιρεία Ενδαγγειακής Χειρουργικής (ISES, τακτικό μέλος, 2003)

6. Διεθνές Κολλέγιο Χειρουργών ( 2012) Πήρε μέρος σε 122 Ιατρικά συνέδρια, Ελληνικά και Διεθνή. Ήταν στην Οργανωτική επιτροπή 11 συνεδρίων και εισηγητής σε 45 στρογγυλά τραπέζια σε επιστημονικές συναντήσεις. Συμμετείχε σε 3 Ευρωπαι κές πολυκεντρικές μελέτες (μελέτη ASSES, αγγειοπλαστική της επιπολής μηριαίας αρτηρίας με stents από νιτινόλη, μελέτη Calisto διερεύνηση της επιπολής θρομβοφλεβίτιδας και μελέτη Engage έλεγχος ασθενών μετά από ενδαγγειακή διόρθωση ανευρυσμάτων κοιλιακής αορτής με ενδοπρόθεση endurant). ΔΙΑΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΕΙΣΗΓΗΣΕΙΣ 7. 11 Ο Βορειοελλαδικό Συνέδριο. Δορυφορικό Συμπόσιο: Φλεβικές παθήσεις και σύγχρονη αντιμετώπισή τους. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «Σκληρυντική θεραπεία», Θεσσαλονίκη 6-4-1996 8. Μετεκπαιδευτικά μαθήματα Αγγειολογίας-Αγγειοχειρουργικής 1995-96. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «Μετεγχειρητική παρακολούθηση Αγγειοχειρουργικών ασθενών», Θεσσαλονίκη 3-2-1996 9. 2 nd Greek German Vascular Symposium. Aneurysms Εισήγηση με θέμα: Splachnic Aneurysms, Σιθωνία-Χαλκιδική 609 Ιουνίου 1996 10. Μαθήματα Χειρουργικής Νοσηλευτικής Ειδικότητας Νοσοκομείου ΑΧΕΠΑ 1996 Εισηγήσεις με θέματα: α. Οξεία αρτηριακή απόφραξη β. Ανευρύσματα κοιλιακής αορτής 11. Μαθήματα Χειρουργικής Νοσηλευτικής Ειδικότητας Νοσοκομείου ΑΧΕΠΑ, Από το 1997 κάθε ακαδημαι κό έτος μέχρι και 2003 Εισηγήσεις με θέματα: «Οξεία αρτηριακή απόφραξη» «Ανευρύσματα κοιλιακής αορτής» «Φλεβική θρόμβωση» 12. Ημερίδα Αγγειοχειρουργικών Προσπελάσεων σε Νεφροπαθείς. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «Μόνιμοι Ενδοκάρδιοι Καθετήρες», Τήνος, 31-5-1997 13. Αγγειοχειρουργική ημερίδα 424 ΓΣΝ Θεσσαλονίκης. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «Οξεία απόφραξη άνω μεσεντερίου αρτηρίας» Θεσσαλονίκη 14-3-98 8. Μετεκπαιδευτικά μαθήματα Αγγειολογίας-Αγγειοχειρουργικής 2001-2. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «Οξεία Απόφραξη Μεσεντερίων», Αθήνα 20-4-2002.

9. Μετεκπαιδευτικά μαθήματα Αγγειολογίας-Αγγειοχειρουργικής 1999-2000. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «Μεσεντέρια Αγγεία» και επίδειξη ενδιαφερόντων περιστατικών, Θεσσαλονίκη 5-11-1999 10. Μετεκπαιδευτικά μαθήματα Αγγειοχειρουργικής του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης 1999-2000 Εισήγηση με θέμα: «Ρήξη ανευρύσματος κοιλιακής αορτής» Κρήτη 22-6-2000 11. Μετεκπαιδευτικά μαθήματα Αγγειοχειρουργικής του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης 2001-2 Εισήγηση με θέμα «Το Ραγέν ανεύρυσμα της κοιλιακής αορτής. Η στρατηγική για καλά θεραπευτικά αποτελέσματα» Κρήτη 25-4-2002 12. Ημερίδα Θρομβοεμβολικών νοσημάτων που διοργανώθηκε από την επιστημονική επιτροπή του νοσοκομείου ΑΧΕΠΑ, 1998 Εισήγηση με θέμα: «Επιπολής και εν τω βάθει φλεβική θρόμβωση- κυανή επώδυνος φλεγμονή» Θεσσαλονίκη 7-10- 1998 13.4 nd Greek German Vascular Symposium. Emergency in Vascular Surgery Εισήγηση με θέμα: Acute Occlusion of Superior Mesenteric Artery, Αθήνα 18-6-1999 14.Συμπόσιο Φλεβικών Παθήσεων της Αγγειοχειρουργικής κλινικής του Δημοκρίτειου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης. «Προεγχειρητική μελέτη κιρσών. Αρκεί η κλινική εξέταση;» Αλεξανδρούπολη 5-5-2001 15. Ημερίδα επί του Αντιφωσφολιπιδικού Συνδρόμου που διοργανώθηκε από την επιστημονική επιτροπή του νοσοκομείου ΑΧΕΠΑ, 2000 Εισήγηση με θέμα: «προβλήματα που θέτει το Αντιφωσφολιπιδικό Σύνδρομο στον αγγειοχειρουργό» Θεσσαλονίκη 12-4-2000 16. Ημερίδα επί του Πολυαγγειακού Αρρώστου στο Αρεταίειο Νοσοκομείο Αθηνών. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «ανευρύσματα της κοιλιακής αορτής» Αθήνα 30-11-2002 17. Αγγειοχειρουργική ημερίδα επί της φλεβικής θρομβοεμβολικής νόσου στο 424 ΓΣΝ Θεσσαλονίκης. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «θρόμβωση κάτω κοίλης φλέβας- θρομβόλυση-φίλτρα-χειρουργική επέμβαση» Θεσσαλονίκη 27-2- 1999 18. XI Congress of the Mediterranean league of Angiology and Vascular Surgery MLAVS-2001. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «carotid artery bifurcation disease» Χίος 30-5 έως 2-6- 2001 19. XI Congress of the Mediterranean league of Angiology and Vascular Surgery MLAVS-2001. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «Endovascular treatment of AAA with Talent Device» Χίος 30-5 έως 2-6- 2001

20. 9ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Διπλωματούχων Νοσηλευτών Χειρουργείου. Εισήγηση με θέμα: «ανευρύσματα κοιλιακής αορτής» Αθήνα 15-17 Οκτωβρίου 1998 21. C.E.T. 2003, Carotid Endovascular Therapy Athens, Εισήγηση με θέμα «Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting The surgical point of view» Febr 28- March 1, 2003 22.9 ο Πανελλήνιο συνέδριο Αγγειοχειρουργικής, Εισήγηση με θέμα Υλικά στις επεμβάσεις διαδερμικής αγγειοπλαστικής καρωτίδων, Αθήνα, 23-25 Ιαν, 2004 23.9 ο Πανελλήνιο συνέδριο Αγγειοχειρουργικής, Εισήγηση με θέμα Τεχνική ενδαγγειακής αντιμετώπισης ανευρυσμάτων κοιλιακής αορτής, Αθήνα, 23-25 Ιαν, 2004 24. 3ο Διεθνές συνέδριο Quality in Clinical Practice, Εισήγηση με θέμα Quality inpatients undergoing endovascular abdominal aortic repair, 28 Σεπτ-1 Οκτ, 2006 25. 7 th Greek-German Vascular Symposium, Εισήγηση με θέμα carotid stenting, 25-26 Febr., Cologne, 2005 26. 3 ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αγγειακών Εγκεφαλικών Νόσων, Εισήγηση με θέμααποτελέσματα μελέτης ACST. Θεσσαλονίκη 13-15 Οκτ. 2004 27.1 ο Συμπόσιο Αγγειοχειρουργικής Παν. Θεσσαλίας Εισήγηση με θέμα Τραυματικές κακώσεις Θωρακικής Αορτής. Ενδαγγειακή αντιμετώπιση, 27-28 Μαίου 2006 28. 25 ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χειρουργικής, Εισήγηση με θέμα Ενδαγγειακή Χειρουργική, Παρόν-Μέλλον, Ανευρύσματα, Αθήνα, 22-26 Νοεμβρίου 2006 29. Επιστημονική συνάντηση, Διαλείπουσα χωλότητα, Εισήγηση με θέμα Ανοιχτή χειρουργική- Ενδαγγειακή αντιμετώπιση διαλείπουσας χωλότητας Καλαμπάκα, 5 Μαρτ. 2005. 30. ICE, Cardiovascular education, 6-8 Dec, Ιωάννινα, 2007 31. A VEM, Εισήγηση με θέμα: Asymptomatic Carotid stenosis, endovascular intervention, 11-13 October, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2007 32. 23 ο Βορειοελλαδικό συνέδριο 27-29 Μαρτίου, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2008. Εισήγηση με θέμα: ειδική φροντίδα σε γηριατρικούς σθενείς με φλεβική θρόμβωση. 33.Αγγειοχειρουργική Διημερίδα Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, Εισήγηση με θέμα ενδείξεις ενδαγγειακής αποκατάστασης αορτικών ανευρυσμάτων, Πάτρα, 18-19 Απριλίου, 2008. 34. Κλινικό φροντιστήριο για την περιφερική αρτηριακή νόσο. Εισήγηση με

θέμα: Παθοφυσιολογία, επιπολασμός, παράγοντες κινδύνου και επιπλοκές της περιφερικής αρτηριοπάθειας, Βεργίνα 5 Απριλίου, 2008. 35. Επιστημονική ημερίδα νοσοκομείου Παπαγεωργίου. Συζήτηση και σχολιασμός των κακώσεων των αγγείων στην ορθοπαιδική. Θεσσαλονίκη 2-2 -2008 36. 4 th World Congress on Quality in Medical practice, Εισήγηση με θέμα: Quality of Life in patients undergoing endovascular AAA repair. Thessaloniki, October 2-4, 2008 37. ICE, Cardiovascular education, 6-8 Dec, Ιωάννινα, 2007 Εισηγήσεις: Α.Technical problems encountering during endograft deployment και Β. Carotid artery stenting 38. 11 ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αγγειοχειρουργικής, 18-20 Ιανουαρίου 2008, Θεσσαλονίκη. Εισηγήσεις: Α. Παθήσεις αορτής, εμπειρία με χρήση Ενδομοσχεύματος Anaconda. Β. Παθήσεις σπλαγχνικών αγγείων-ανευρύσματα 39 12ο Πανελλήνιο συνέδριο Αγγειακής και Ενδαγγειακής Χειρουργικής 2010 Εισήγηση, Ανευρύσματα σπλαχνικών και περιφερικών αγγείων 40. 13ο Πανελλήνιο συνέδριο Αγγειακής και Ενδαγγειακής Χειρουργικής 22-24 Μαρτίου 2012 Εισήγηση Καρωτιδική στένωση Επιλογή ασθενων για ενδαγγειακή θεραπεία. 41. 14ο Πανελλήνιο συνέδριο Αγγειακής και Ενδαγγειακής Χειρουργικής 13-14 Μαρτιου 2013 Εισήγηση- Υπερνεφρική καθήλωση και νεφρική λειτουργία 42. Ουρολογική εταιρεία Β. Ελλάδος. Επίκαιρα θέματα χειρουργικής ογκολογίας. Εισήγηση με θέμα Καρκίνος νεφρού Επέκταση νεφρική φλέβα και κάτω κοίλη, 18 Ιουνίου 2011, Τελλόγλειο Ι δρυμα Θεσσαλονίκη 43. 28o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χειρουργικής Διεθνές Φόρουμ, Εισήγηση Η χειρουργική στο σύγχρονο Οικονολικό Περιβάλλον. 44. Εταιρεία Μελέτης Διαβητικού Ποδιού. Εισήγηση Περιφερική αγγειοπάθεια, η θέση της ενδαγγειακής θεραπείας 21-23 Φεβρουαρίου 2013 Μετ, Θεσσαλονίκη 45. Χειρουργική Εταιρεία Βορείου Ελλάδος, 15 Μαίου 2013, Εισήγηση- Νεφρικοί όγκοι με φλεβική διήθηση 45. Endoschool meeting 24 June 2013, Berlin GERMANY, Εισήγηση με θέμα Διαδερμική Αντιμετώπιση Περιφερικής αγγειοπάθειας (λαγόνιες μηριαίες αρτηρίες)

Συγγραφικο έργο Έχει συμβάλλει στην εκπόνηση 160 ολοκληρωμένων μελετω ν (πλήρεις δημοσιεύσεις) εκ των εκ των οποίων οι 41 δημοσιεύτηκαν σε Ελληνικά Ιατρικά περιοδικά οι 59 είναι ξενόγλωσσες σε Ιατρικά περιοδικά οι 4 είναι κεφάλαια σε Ελληνικά Ιατρικά βιβλία οι 5 είναι κεφάλαια σε Ξενόγλωσσα βιβλία οι 43 είναι δημοσιεύσεις ενδιαφερόντων περιστατικών σε Ελληνικά βιβλία οι 2 είναι διδακτορικές διατριβές οι 2 είναι δημοσιεύσεις σε τιμητικούς τόμους και οι 4 είναι δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά συνεδρίων. ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΟ ΕΡΓΟ Διδακτορικές διατριβές 1. Μελέτη των υπεζωκοτικω ν αποτιτανω σεων της περιοχής Μετσο βου (αποτιτανω σεις, συλλογές, κακοήθη μεσοθηλιω ματα). Σαρατζη ς Ν., διδακτορική διατριβή, Ιωάννινα 1988. Προοπτική επιδημιολογική και κλινικοεργαστηριακή μελέτη. ΙΤΑΡΙΚΗ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΩΝ Πρωτότυπη προοπτική επιδημιολογική και κλινικοεργαστηριακή μελέτη 702 κατοίκων 4 γειτονικών χωριών της περιοχής Μετσόβου. Ο έλεγχος περιελάμβανε ακτινογραφία θώρακα, σπειρομέτρηση, CT θώρακα, διαβρογχικές βιοψίες πνεύμονα και βιοψίες υπεζωκότα. Διαπιστώθηκε πως περιβαλλοντική έκθεση σε ίνες τρεμολίτη οδηγεί σε εμφάνιση υπεζωκοτικών αποτιτανώσεων πλευριτικών συλλογών και μεσοθηλιωμάτων του υπεζωκότα. Η πηγή αμιάντου βρέθηκε πως είναι το υλικό ασπρίσματος των κατοικιών. Η φασματομετρική ανάλυση του οποίου έδειξε παρόμοιες ίνες τρεμολίτη με τις διαβρογχικές βιοψίες πνεύμονα. Η μελέτη αποκάλυψε για πρώτη φορά πως υπάρχουν στην Ευρώπη περιοχές ενδημικής αμιάντωσης με σοβαρό κίνδυνο για τους κατοίκους κυρίως λόγω των μεσοθηλιωμάτων. 2. Αιμοδυναμικές μεταβολές μετά απο Βραχιονιο-Βασιλική αρτηριοφλεβική επικοινωνία. Σαρατζη ς Ν., διδακτορική διατριβή, Θεσσαλονίκη 2007, Α Χειρουργική κλινική ΑΠΘ. Προοπτική κλινικοεργαστηριακή μελέτη. ΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ Η μετάθεση της βασιλικής φλέβας αποτελεί δυνητικά μια εναλλακτική αυτόλογη αγγειακή προσπέλαση για αιμοκάθαρση με μεγάλη αιματική ροή, πριν την εφαρμογή συνθετικών προθέσεων. Μειονέκτημα όμως των ΑΦ επικοινωνιών με μεγάλη ροή αποτελεί η εμφάνιση συνδρόμου αρτηριακής υποκλοπής. Σκοπός της μελέτης ήταν η αναλυτική περιγραφή των λεπτομερειών της τροποποιημένης τεχνικής της μεθόδου και της συσχέτισης που έχουν οι προδιαγραφές που εφαρμόστηκαν ειδικά για τη μελέτη (μήκος αναστόμωσης 7mm, μήκος βασιλικής φλέβας τουλάχιστον 12 cm και διάμετρος > 3mm) με την ωρίμανση και το μέγεθος της αιματικής ροής της επικοινωνίας. Εκτιμήθηκε η πιθανότητα εμφάνισης συνδρόμου αρτηριακής υποκλοπής περιφερικότερα της ΑΦ επικοινωνίας και κατ επέκταση φαινομένων ισχαιμίας στην άκρα χείρα σε συσχέτιση με τις τοπικές και συστηματικές αιμοδυναμικές μεταβολές που προκαλούνται από τη μετάθεση της βασιλικής φλέβας. Μελετήθηκαν προοπτικά 10 μεταθέσεις της βασιλικής φλέβας σε νεφροπαθείς ασθενείς που υποβάλλονταν σε χρόνια περιοδική αιμοκάθαρση στο Νοσοκομείο «Γ. Παπαγεωργίου». Διεγχειρητικά, έγινε μέτρηση της δακτυλικής πίεσης (με ψηφιακό Dinamap) για εκτίμηση του Δακτυλο-Βραχιόνιου Δείκτη και αντικειμενικό έλεγχο του συνδρόμου αρτηριακής υποκλοπής. Μετρήθηκε η ροή στη βραχιόνιο αρτηρία περιφερικά από την αναστόμωση με ανοικτή την ΑΦ επικοινωνία με ροόμετρο υπερήχων transit-time ακριβείας (Medistim). Καταγράφηκε επίσης η ροή στη βασιλική φλέβα (με ροόμετρο υπερήχων transit-time, Medistim). Επιπρόσθετα, εκτιμήθηκε η καρδιακή παροχή και ο καρδιακός δείκτης πριν και μετά τη διάνοιξη της αρτηριοφλεβικής επικοινωνίας, με ελάχιστα επεμβατικές μεθόδους (Flowtrac, Vigileo). Η συσκευή και η διαδικασία των μετρήσεων διαθέτουν έγκριση FDA για χρήση σε κλινικές εφαρμογές. Τέλος, ελέγχθηκε κλινικά η εμφάνιση συνδρόμου αρτηριακής υποκλοπής βάσει συγκεκριμένου πρωτοκόλλου. Η επικοινωνία λειτούργησε σε όλους τους ασθενείς και χρησιμοποιήθηκε για

αιμοκάθαρση μετά από 24-30 ημέρες. Διεγχειρητικά μετά την ολοκλήρωση της ΑΦ επικοινωνίας η μέση τιμή των ροών που μετρήθηκαν στην βασιλική φλέβα ήταν 953.60 ± 313.28 ml/min. Κανένας ασθενής δεν εμφάνισε κλινική σημειολογία συνδρόμου αρτηριακής υποκλοπής από το σύστοιχο άκρο διεγχειρητικά και στη διάρκεια της παρακολούθησης. Οι τιμές του δακτυλο-βραχιόνιου δείκτη (ΔΒδ) ήταν σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις πάνω από 0.6 παρά το γεγονός ότι η τιμή του δείκτη μειώθηκε στατιστικώς σημαντικά μετά τη διάνοιξη της επικοινωνίας. Η τιμή ΔΒδ άνω του 0.6 αποτελεί αντικειμενικό σημείο της απουσίας συνδρόμου αρτηριακής υποκλοπής και ισχαιμίας των δακτύλων του σύστοιχου άνω άκρου. Παρ όλα αυτά, η μέση αρτηριακή πίεση στην ετερόπλευρη βραχιόνιο αρτηρία μετά τη διάνοιξη της επικοινωνίας από 98.17±11.40 mmhg μειώθηκε σε 89.40±11.38 mmhg, πτώση στατιστικά σημαντική. Η μέση αύξηση της καρδιακής παροχής μετά τη διάνοιξη της ΑΦ επικοινωνίας ήταν 1,18 L/min (21%). Η αύξηση της καρδιακής παροχής συσχετίζεται με το μέγεθος της αρτηριακής ροής που εκτρέπεται δια της επικοινωνίας. Ο ΔΒδ δε σχετίζεται με τρόπο στατιστικώς σημαντικό με τη μεταβολή των άλλων αιμοδυναμικών παραμέτρων (ροή στη βασιλική φλέβα, ροή στη βραχιόνιο αρτηρία περιφερικά από την αναστόμωση, καρδιακή παροχή). Στον επανέλεγχο των ασθενών μετά από 30 ημέρες οι τιμές του ΔΒδ αυξήθηκαν. Κατά το διάστημα παρακολούθησης 4-15 μηνών σημειώθηκαν 2 ανεπάρκειες των προσπελάσεων. Στον έναν ασθενή αναπτύχθηκε ίνωση στο στέλεχος της βασιλικής φλέβας και στον άλλο παρατηρήθηκε στένωση από υπερπλασία στην αναστόμωση. Συμπερασματικά η μετάθεση της βασιλικής φλέβας αποτελεί αξιόπιστη αυτόλογη αγγειακή προσπέλαση για χρόνια αιμοκάθαρση και προτείνεται ως εναλλακτική μέθοδος πριν την χρήση προθέσεων, με το πλεονέκτημα ότι δεν εμφανίζονται σημαντικά φαινόμενα αρτηριακής υποκλοπής στο σύστοιχο άνω άκρο. Α. ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΕΙΣ ΣΕ ΔΙΕΘΝΗ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΑ Α1. Δημοσιεύσεις σε περιοδικά που περιλαμβάνονται στις λίστες επιστημονικω ν εργασιω ν-δεδομένων PubMed και Scopus. α. Πλήρη Α ρθρα 1. Metsovo Lung: Pleural calcification and Restrictive lung function in North- Western Greece. Environmental exposure to mineral fiber as etiology. Environmental Research 1985; 38:319-331. Constantopoulos S, Goudevenos J, Saratzis N, Langer A, Selikoff I, Moutsopoulos H. University of Ioannina Medical School, Ioannina, Greece; Mount Sinai University, ΝΥ, USA Κλινικοεργαστηριακή μελέτη, impact factor = 1.617, citations = 31 Pleural calcifications are described in 122 of 268 (45.5%) inhabitants of four villages (Metsovo. Anilio. Milea. and Votonosi) in a small area of northwestern Greece (total population about 5000). All affected individuals are of one ethnic group. Vlachi. Calcifications were not noted in any of the 103 persons in the control group made up of 73 non-vlachi inhabitants from the same and neighboring villages and 30 Vlachi from distant villages. The calcifications were seen in both sexes, equally, and their frequenty increased with age, from 28.6% between 30 and 39 years to 81.O% in individuals over 70 years of age. When plaque development was extensive, a small restrictive pulmonary function defect was noted. Because of its prevalence in the Metsovo area we call this clinical pattern Metsovo lung. The identification of tremolite, related amphibole fibers, and traces of chrysotile fiber in settled dusts and soil specimens and of identical fibers in tissue specimens obtained at lung biopsy from 8 people with plaques supports the hypothesis that abestiform minerals are the agent responsible for these disease processes. Further, reports of the occurrence of mesothelioma and benign pleural effusions in inhabitants in the Metsovo area. along with the striking similarities to disease patterns observed in the Karain area of Turkey add further weight to the hypothesis that mineral fiber(s) in the environment of the four villages are agent(s) in the etiology of Metsovo lung.. 2. Tremolite whitewashing and pleural calcifications. Chest 1987;92:709-712. Constantopoulos S, Saratzis N, Kontogiannis D, Karantanas A, Goudevenos I, Katsiotis P. University of Ioannina Medical School, Ioannina, Greece Κλινικοεργαστηριακή μελέτη, impact factor = 2.410, citations = 21 Radiologic screening of 688 inhabitants of the Metsovo area in Northwest Greece revealed that 323 (46.9 percent) had pleural calcifications. The percentage of positive examinations rose with age. Calcifications were observed in all four villages of the area where a material ('luto' soil) had been extensively used for whitewashing until 1940 to 1950. In four other villages in the immediate vicinity, where 'luto' had never been used, pleural calcifications were not observed. Results suggest that Metsovo tremolite may have caused pleural calcifications to all individuals born in Metsovo before 1940. This is the first study indicating that environmental asbestos exposure can cause abnormalities in everyone exposed to it. 3. Regional findings in Metsovo lung. Lancet 1987; 2:452-453. Constantopoulos S, Langer A, Saratzis N, Nolan R.

University of Ioannina Medical School, Ioannina, Greece; Mount Sinai University, ΝΥ, USA Κλινική μελέτη, impact factor = 10.197, citations = 8 Pleural calcification (PC), observed among inhabitants of Metsovo and three adjacent villages in northwest Greece, is causally related to the inhalation of asbestiform tremolite fibre in the environment. We have also found a high incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) in the same area The source of the asbestiform tremolite was found to be a soil widely used before 1950 for interior whitewashing ("lulo" soil).3 Chest X-ray of a large group (more than 800) from Metsovo shows 46% of films with evidence of pleural disease. Again there is no sex or occupational factor; rather the incidence of PC increases with age. 81 % of adults over the age of 70 show X-ray evidence of calcified pleural plaques. We had difficulties explaining the lack of PC in some elderly Metsovites who had used and presumably had been exposed to the contents of the whitewash for decades. Chest X-ray is an insensitive diagnostic technique in cases of incipient forms of disease. Computerised tomography was used on 16 X-ray negative subjects born in Metsovo before 1940. All the scans showed evidence of PC Since 1970, some 500 Metsovites have emigrated to Trikala, a town on the plains of Thessaly, distant from Metsovo. We obtained chest X-rays on 71 of these people and found PC in 50 (70%). The age distribution and prevalence character of the PC were identical to those encountered in Metsovo,6 reinforcing the impression that the causative agent was asbestiform mineral fibre, with exposure taking place early in life in Metsovo. The geology of Thessaly precludes environmental exposure to asbestiform fibre, further lending support to our hypothesis. The similarity of this finding to the description of MPM among Turkish workers in Sweden, who emigrated from Karain, Turkey, is striking. In these cases, exposure was to erionite, a fibrous zeolite, which is contained in the local rocks and soils of Karain. The emigrees were exposed early in life in Karain and the disease developed elsewhere, after migration. Many villages in the mountainous areas of Greece (eg, Epirus in northwest Greece) also used similar whitewashes before about 1940. We have recently found four more areas in northwest Greece where PC occurs in the population. Examination of these populations, a search for MPM, and mineralogical evaluation of soils and whitewashes is now being done. Metsovo lung appears common in this region of Greece. We consider all the Balkan States, those which have the Dinaric Alps as mountainous highlands along the Adriatic coast, as a region in which clusters of Metsovo lung will be found. Yugoslavia, Albania, and the eastern extension into Bulgaria geologically provide opportunity for the formation of asbestiform tremolite within tectonically stressed carbonate rocks. If environmental conditions are similar to those in Metsovo, we anticipate that PC and MPM will be found. Bulgaria has one such report of pleural plaque development in a population exposed to mineral fibre in the environment? Metsovo lung appears to be more widespread than previously thought and may emerge as an important environmental disease in other areas of the world 4. Metsovo lung outside Metsovo. Endemic pleural calcifications in ophiolite belts of Greece. Chest 1991; 99:1158-61. Constantopoulos S, Theodoracopoulos P, Dascalopoulos G, Saratzis N, Sideris K. University of Ioannina Medical School, Ioannina, Greece Κλινική μελέτη, impact factor = 2.410, citations = 30 Endemic PCs and high incidence of malignant mesothelioma from household use of asbestos have been reported in Metsovo in northwestern Greece ('Metsovo lung'). In the present study, we present similar findings in six more areas of Greece. Like Metsovo, all these areas are located within ophiolite belts. Like Metsovo, material similar to 'Metsovo whitewash' has been used for various domestic uses. Asbestos fibers (chrysotile, antigorite and tremolite) were found in three of the six areas. Also, in two, MPM has been diagnosed. These findings suggest that 'Metsovo lung' occurs in several areas of Greece and has similar etiology and epidemiology. 5. Transposed Basilic vein- Brachial arteriovenous fistula: an alternative vascular access for hemodialysis. Artificial Organs 1992; 16:623-625. Α. Hatjibaloglou, D. Grekas, N. Saratzis, A. Megalopoulos, I. Moros, D. Kiskinis, V. Dalainas. 1 st Department of Surgery, AHEPA Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Κλινική μελέτη, impact factor = 0.854, citations = 12 Twenty-five brachial-basilic arteriovenous (AV) fistulas with transposed basilic vein for alternative vascular access were created in 22 chronic hemodialysis patients. This surgical procedure was performed under brachial block or general anesthesia. After a longitudinal skin incision that was made in the inner side of the arm, the basilic vein was exposed, transposed subcutaneously, and anaestomosed end-to-side to the brachial artery. The follow-up was between 7 and 24 months. Early complications were hemorrhage, thrombosis, steal syndrome, and swelling of the arm. Among the late complications were failure of the fistula because of thrombosis and multiple stenosis at the site of venipuncture. The accumulated one-year patency rate of fistulas was 81%. The complications of high-output cardiac failure or local infection were not seen in our study. On the basis of our results, the brachialbasilic AV fistula with transposed basilic vein is a useful and safe second- or third-choice vascular procedure for hemodialysis patients, in particular for women without good quality of vessels. 6. Primary aortocaval fistula in association with ruptured aneurysms.annals of

Vascular Surgery 1994; 8:496-499. Kiskinis D, Saratzis N, Megalopoulos A, Hatzibaloglou A, Gitas C, B. Dalainas V. 1 st Department of Surgery, AHEPA Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Κλινική μελέτη, impact factor = 1.064, citations = 16 We report three cases in which ruptured aneurysm and aortocaval fistula went undetected until surgery was performed. Preoperative features suggestive of an arteriovenous fistula were not apparent in any of these patients; they all presented with cardiovascular collapse and all underwent emergency laparotomy after a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm was diagnosed. The fistula was discovered unexpectedly only after the aneurysmal sac was opened and the thrombus evacuated. In the first two patients the fistula was successfully sutured from within the aneurysmal sac. The first patient died 1 week postoperatively from rupture of a previously known associated thoracic aortic aneurysm and the second patient died during the operation from excessive blood loss. The third patient had a large fistula requiring an interposition synthetic graft to restore the continuity of the vena cava; the graft has remained patent 15 months postoperatively. Aortocaval fistula is an uncommon complication of aneurysmal aortic disease and may coexist with a rupture of the aneurysm into the retroperitoneum. In emergency cases such as ours it is usually discovered unexpectedly during the operation. The established method of treatment is to oversew the fistula from within the aneurysm; however, when the fistula is large reconstruction of the infrarenal inferior vena cava with an interposition synthetic graft is a good alternative to caval ligation. 7. The technique of eversion Carotid Endarterectomy. International Angiology 1996; 15:312-5. D. Kiskinis, N. Saratzis, A. Megalopoulos, V. Dalainas. 1 st Department of Surgery, AHEPA Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Κλινική μελέτη, impact factor = 1.182 citation 0 Eversion endarterectomy of the Internal Carotid Artery (ICA) has been employed as a good alternative method to classical carotid endarterectomy. The details of this technique are presented. The main operative steps are: complete transection of the ICA from the carotid bifurcation, eversion endarterectomy of the ICA, endarterectomy of the External Carotid Artery, reimplantation of the ICA to its normal position and reconstruction of a new bifurcation. The major advantages of this attractive technique are optimum correction of an elongated ICA in combination with stenosis, avoidance of patch material for asteriotomy closure and low restenosis rate. 8. Inferior mesenteric artery aneurysm: Case report. International Angiology 1999;18:241-3. A. Hatzibaloglou, N. Saratzis, I. Moros, V. Dalainas 1 st Department of Surgery, AHEPA Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Ενδιαφέρουσα περίπτωση, impact factor = 1,182, citations = 3 This paper reports a large inferior mesenteric artery aneurysm discovered incidentally during the work-up in a male patient with a thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. Aortography disclosed an aneurysm in the inferior mesenteric artery with a large marginal artery which filled the branches of the coeliac and superior mesenteric arteries retrogradely. The thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm was reconstructed by a bifurcated aorto-biiliac Dacron graft while inferior mesenteric artery revascularisation was achieved with a PTFE graft, reconstruction being necessary because of its dominant blood supply to all of the viscera. This case highlights the importance of aneurysmal reconstruction when an anomalous arterial supply to the gastrointestinal tract from a dilated inferior mesenteric artery has been demonstrated on a preoperative angiogram 9. Spinal cord stimulation in Buerger's disease. Annals of Rheumatoid Disorders 2002;61:1114. Pace AV, Saratzis N, Karokis D, Dalainas D, Kitas GD. 1 st Department of Surgery Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; Department of Rheumatology, Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Trust, Dudley (Birmingham), UK. Κλινική Μελέτη, impact factor = 1.968, citations = 7 We present our experience of the use of SCS in three patients with BD. They were all male, middle aged smokers, who had presented with painful ischaemic ulcers of the legs at least six years earlier, had typical angiographic appearances of BD, no evidence of other relevant diseases and had been (and still are) unable to stop smoking. SCS may be a useful therapeutic option in BD, particularly for pain control and wound healing and may delay the need for amputation in selected patients who have exhausted all other therapeutic options. Return to work and reduced need for repeated hospital admissions may balance the overall expense of the procedure. Further studies are required to determine the exact indications for the use of SCS in BD, while stopping smoking should continue

to be emphasised as the most important treatment. 10. Endovascular Stent-graft Repair of an Aortobronchial Fistula: Case Report and Review of the Literature. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery - Extra 2005; 9:123 125. A. Saratzis, N. Saratzis, D. Fillipou, N. Melas, D. Kiskinis. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Περιγραφή περίπτωσης, impact factor = 2.159 citations = 7 A 79-year old male patient was admitted with hemoptysis and anemia. Eight years previously he underwent wrapping of a thoracic aortic aneurysm. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) disclosed a thoracic aortic aneurysm, which was ruptured into the left bronchus. This was successfully treated with two Endofit thoracic stent grafts. 11. Endovascular Treatment of Mobile Thoracic Aortic Thrombi: case report. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Εxtra 2006; 31:564. Saratzis N., Lykopoulos D., Lioupis A., Melas N., Ginis G., Tsavdaridis P., Saratzis A., Lazaridis I., Philippides A., Kiskinis D. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. περιγραφή περίπτωσης, impact factor = 2.159 citations = 4 Atherosclerotic lesions of the thoracic aorta and particularly mobile mural thrombi constitute a rare but important source of cerebral and peripheral emboli. Conventional treatment of such pathologies includes systematic anticoagulation therapy and surgical thromboendarterectomy, with potential segmental replacement of the thoracic aorta using synthetic grafts. We report the successful covering of a mobile thoracic aortic thrombus using a commercially available endograft (Endofit) in a patient presented with multiple peripheral emboli. The endovascular treatment of such lesions constitutes a new alternative treatment particularly effective and safe that decreases considerably both operational time and surgical risk. 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 12. Simultaneous Rupture of Bilateral Iliac Artery Aneurysm in a Patient with Obstructive Colon Carcinoma. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Extra 2005; 10: 107-109. I. Moros, N. Saratzis, P. Antonitsis, D. Kaitzis and A. Hatzibaloglou. 1st Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, AHEPA Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. impact factor = 2.159 citations = 0 A case of a 79-year-old patient is presented with simultaneous bilateral rupture of iliac artery aneurysms and an obstructive carcinoma of the left colon. Open surgical repair was performed with placement of a bifurcated aortobi-iliac graft followed by tight closure of the retroperitoneum and subsequent left hemicolectomy with exteriorization of both colon ends. The patient was discharged from hospital with no signs of graft infection during a 4-year follow-up period. Rupture of iliac artery aneurysm can occur concomitantly with bowel obstruction. Open synchronous repair of both life-threatening conditions is feasible requiring meticulous surgical technique for avoiding graft contamination. 13. Mid-term comparison of bifurcated modular endograft versus aorto-uni-iliac endograft in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. Annals of Vascular Surgery 2007;21:339-45. Dalainas I, Moros I, Gerasimidis T, Papadimitriou D, Saratzis N, Gitas CG, Kiskinis D, Lazaridis J. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Κλινική μελέτη, Impact factor = 1. 064, citations = 12 The aim of this prospective study was to compare the outcome of the Talent bifurcated endograft versus the Endofit aorto-uni-iliac endograft in the short-term and mid-term. Between March 2000 and December 2003, 86 patients were treated with the Talent bifurcated endograft (group A) and 21 with the Endofit aorto-uni-iliac endograft (group B) in the same institute by the same surgical team. All patients followed a prospective protocol of preoperative evaluation and postoperative follow-up. We compared groups A and B in terms of perioperative mortality and morbidity, mid-term endoleak rate, mid-term success rate, and mid-term survival. The perioperative mortality for group A was 1.63%, while that for group B was 0% (P = 0.62). The endoleak rate for group A was

4.65%, and that for group B was 14.29% (P = 0.135). The mid-term success rate was 96.5% for group A and 100% for group B (P = 0.386). There was no significant difference in outcome between the patients treated with the Talent and those treated with the Endofit endoprosthesis. Treating abdominal aortic aneurysms with aorto-uni-iliac endoprosthesis is as safe and effective as treating them with bifurcated endografts. 14. EndoFit stent-graft repair of isolated common iliac artery aneurysms with short necks. Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2006;13:667-71. Saratzis N, Melas N, Saratzis A, Lioupis A, Lazaridis J, Ginis G, Ktenidis K, Kiskinis D. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Κλινική μελέτη, Impact factor = 4.010, citation = 12 To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of repairing isolated iliac artery aneurysms with short proximal necks (<10 mm) by implanting the EndoFit stent-graft. Methods: Seven patients (6 men; median age 73 years, range 70-78) were diagnosed with an isolated common iliac artery (CIA) aneurysm that featured a short proximal landing zone, complicating endovascular treatment. The median aneurysm diameter was 4.4 cm (range 3.5-7.0), and the median proximal neck length was 7 mm (range 5-9). The aneurysms were treated using the EndoFit stent-graft, which can be deployed in a short proximal landing zone. The modified technique involves the deployment of the graft directly above the aneurysm sac without obstructing the contralateral iliac axis, thus affixing the bare proximal stent in the terminal aorta. Follow-up was performed by clinical evaluation and computed tomography at 1, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. Results: The EndoFit stent-graft was successfully deployed in all cases, with complete aneurysm exclusion. In 1 case, the deployment of a second cuff was necessary to secure complete aneurysm exclusion. The median follow-up was 18 months, during which no deaths occurred, and no endoleak or stent-graft migration was observed. Endograft thrombosis occurred in 1 case due to graft angulation caused by external iliac artery stenosis and kinking. None of the aneurysms has ruptured, and there have been no serious complications. Conclusion: Direct endoluminal repair of isolated CIA aneurysms with short proximal necks is feasible using this technique. Efficacy and long-term results are to be confirmed by larger scale series over a long time period.. 15. Midterm results of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair with Talent stent graft in a single center. International Angiology 2006;25:197-203. Saratzis N, Antonitsis P, Melas N, Lazaridis I, Ginis G, Lykopoulos D, Lioupis A, Kiskinis D. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Κλινική μελέτη, Impact factor = 1.182, citations = 13 The aim of this study is to investigate the safety and efficacy of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair with modular bifurcated Talent stent-graft. Between September 2001 and September 2005, 85 patients with infrarenal AAA underwent treatment with Talent stent-graft. There were 83 men and 2 women with a median age of 69.3 years. Anatomy of the abdominal aorta and the iliac arteries was investigated with high resolution contrast CT together with digital subtraction angiography. The majority of patients had comorbid illnesses like arterial hypertension (60%), CAD (38%) and previous CABG (26%). Duration of follow-up period ranged from 1 to 48 months (median 18 months). Repair was performed with transrenal fixation of the bifurcated Talent stent-graft under regional anesthesia in 80% of all cases. Technical success rate was 97.6%. Aneurysm related mortality was 2.4% due to aneurysm rupture in the postoperative period. Overall mortality rate was 9.4%. Morbidity rate was 16.5%. Immediate conversion to open repair was necessary in 1 patient (1.2%). Endoleak rate was 4.8% at 1 month follow-up period. Secondary intervention was required in 1.2% of patients. Iliac limb occlusion was detected in 1 patient (1.2%). Talent stent-graft exhibits a high degree of technical success in AAA repair in patients with comorbid conditions with a low perioperative morbidity and mortality rate. 16. Management of cervical paragangliomas: review of a 15-year experience. Langenbecks Arch Surg 2006; 391:396-402. Antonitsis P, Saratzis N, Velissaris I, Lazaridis I, Melas N, Ginis G, Giavroglou C, Kiskinis D. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Κλινική μελέτη, Impact factor = 1.175, citations = 22 Cervical paragangliomas are highly vascular neoplasms and should be considered in the evaluation of all lateral neck masses. The aim of this study is to review an institutional experience in the management of these tumors. Materials and methods: Thirteen patients with 14 paragangliomas were treated in our institution during a period of 15 years. There were eight women (61.5%) and five men (38.5%) with a mean age of 41.3±15 years. A painless lateral neck mass was the main finding in 69.2% of patients. There was no evidence of a functional tumor. Carotid

angiography was performed in all patients to define the vascular anatomy of the lesion. The 78.6% of paragangliomas underwent selective embolization of the major feeding arteries. Surgical resection followed within the next 48 h. Results: The majority of the lesions were paragangliomas of the carotid bifurcation (85.7%), while one patient was diagnosed with a jugular and one with a vagal paraganglioma. In one patient, bilateral paragangliomas in the carotid bifurcation were detected. There was no evidence of malignancy in any case. Preoperative embolization has proven successful in reducing tumor vascularity. Vascular reconstruction was necessary in one patient. The main postoperative complication was transient cranial nerve deficit in seven (53.8%) patients, and a permanent Horner's syndrome was documented in one patient. No stroke occurred. The jugular paraganglioma was treated with irradiation due to skull base extension with significant symptomatic relief. Conclusion: Combined therapeutic approach with preoperative selective embolization followed by surgical resection by an experienced team offers a safe and effective method for complete excision of the tumors with a reduced morbidity rate. 17. Endovascular AAA repair with the aortomonoiliac EndoFit stent-graft: two years' experience. Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2005;12:280-7. Saratzis N, Melas N, Lazaridis J, Ginis G, Antonitsis P, Lykopoulos D, Lioupis A, Gitas C, Kiskinis D. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Κλινική μελέτη, Impact factor = 4.010, citations = 24 To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of a specific aortomonoiliac endograft and the durability of the femorofemoral bypass for treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Methods: From 2002 to 2004, 39 highrisk (ASA III/IV) patients (36 men; median age 74 years, range 63-84) with AAA (n = 33) or AAA and common iliac artery aneurysm (n = 6) were treated with an EndoFit aortomonoiliac endograft and femorofemoral crossover bypass. The contralateral iliac axis was obstructed with an endoluminal occluder. Patients were followed with contrast-enhanced computed tomography at 1, 6, 12, and 24 months. Results: EndoFit AMI stent-grafts were implanted successfully in all patients. Perioperative mortality was zero. Endoleak occurred in 3 (7.7%) cases. A proximal type I endoleak was identified at 1 month and was treated with a proximal cuff. Two type II endoleaks are under surveillance because the aneurysm sac shows no enlargement. Thrombosis of the femorofemoral graft occurred in 1 case during the immediate postoperative period due to insufficient inflow from a residual stenosis of the endograft (primary patency 97.5%). The deficit was treated successfully (secondary patency 100%). Two (5.1%) tunnel hematomas were treated conventionally. Median follow-up was 14 months (range 6-30). All patients are alive. None of the aneurysms has ruptured or been converted to an open procedure. Graft migration, serious infection, paraplegia, distal embolization, or any other serious complication has not been observed. Conclusions: In high surgical risk patients with complex iliac anatomy, aortomonoiliac endograft with femorofemoral crossover bypass is feasible and efficacious. Moreover, the midterm patency of the extra-anatomic bypass appears quite satisfactory. 18. Priority of resection in concomitant abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and colorectal cancer (CRC): review of the literature and experience of our clinic. Tech Coloproctol 2004;8:19-21. Kiskinis D, Spanos C, Melas N, Efthimiopoulos G, Saratzis N, Lazaridis I, GkinisG. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Review, impact factor=1.533 citations = 15 The concomitant occurrence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and colorectal cancer (CRC), although rare, always represents a therapeutic dilemma. The incidence of coexistence ranges between 0.49 and 2.1%. Both lesions should be treated to achieve best life expectancy. But the main controversy revolves around whether to treat them simultaneously or as staged procedures. In our institution, we treated seven cases of concomitant AAA and CRC. In five of them, synchronous conventional resection was preferred. In the latest two, which we present, endovascular aortic repair was chosen. No graft infection was documented. 19. Carotid artery stent placement with embolic protection: single-center experience. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 2007;18:337-42. Saratzis N, Saratzis A, Melas N, Lioupis A, Lykopoulos D, Ginis G, Lazaridis J, Ktenidis K, Kiskinis D. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Κλινική μελέτη, Impact factor = 2.154, citations = 3 To evaluate the efficacy of carotid artery stent placement with embolic protection. Materials and Methods: During a 2-year period (May 2003 to April 2005), 232 patients underwent carotid artery stent placement with the Acculink RX stent-graft and an embolic protection device. There were 150 men (mean age, 70 years; age range, 58-85

years) and 82 women (mean age, 76 years; age range, 56-82 years). One hundred sixty-five patients were symptomatic and 67 were asymptomatic. All patients were at high risk for carotid endarterectomy. Results: The procedure was technically successful in 231 patients. The procedure was stopped in one patient due to asystole. In three patients, a cervical approach was necessary owing to aortic arch anatomy. During the procedure, 11 patients (4.74%) experienced bradycardia and two developed a major stroke (0.86%). The mean follow-up was 30 months (range, 12-36 months). Four patients died. No stent occlusion was observed. During the late follow-up period (>30 days), two patients (0.86%) had minor strokes, three (1.29%) had nonfatal transient ischemic attacks, and seven (3.01%) had myocardial infarctions. Conclusion: Carotid artery stent placement with cerebral protection by using the specific devices compares favorably to previously reported surgical results. 20. Endovascular repair of traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta: single-center experience. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 2007; 30:370-5. Saratzis NA, Saratzis AN, Melas N, Ginis G, Lioupis A, Lykopoulos D, Lazaridis J, D. Kiskinis. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Κλινική μελέτη, Impact factor = 1.178, citations = 13 Traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta secondary to blunt chest trauma is a life-threatening emergency and a common cause of death, usually following violent collisions. The objective of this retrospective report was to evaluate the efficacy of endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic disruptions with a single commercially available stent-graft. Methods: Nine men (mean age 29.5 years) were admitted to our institution between January 2003 and January 2006 due to blunt aortic trauma following violent motor vehicle collisions. Plain chest radiography, spiral computed tomography, aortography, and transesophageal echocardiography were used for diagnostic purposes in all cases. All patients were diagnosed with contained extramural thoracic aortic hematomas, secondary to aortic disruption. One patient was also diagnosed with a traumatic thoracic aortic dissection, secondary to blunt trauma. All subjects were poor surgical candidates, due to major injuries such as multiple bone fractures, abdominal hematomas, and pulmonary contusions. All repairs were performed using the EndoFit (LeMaitre Vascular) stentgraft. Results: Complete exclusion of the traumatic aortic disruption and pseudoaneurysm was achieved and verified at intraoperative arteriography and on CT scans, within 10 days of the repair in all patients. In 1 case the deployment of a second cuff was necessary due to a secondary endoleak. In 2 cases the left subclavian artery was occluded to achieve adequate graft fixation. No procedure-related deaths have occurred and no cardiac or peripheral vascular complications were observed within the 12 months (range 8-16 months) follow-up. Conclusions: This is the first time the EndoFit graft has been utilized in the treatment of thoracic aortic disruptions secondary to chest trauma. The repair of such pathologies is technically feasible and early follow-up results are promising 21. Endovascular treatment of descending thoracic aortic aneurysms with the EndoFit stent-graft. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 2007;30:177-81. Saratzis N, Saratzis A, Melas N, Ginis G, Lioupis A, Lykopoulos D, Lazaridis J, Kiskinis D. 1 st Department of Surgery, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece. Κλινική μελέτη, Impact factor = 1.178, citations = 7 To evaluate the mid-term feasibility, efficacy, and durability of descending thoracic aortic aneurysm (DTAA) exclusion using the EndoFit device (LeMaitre Vascular). Twenty-three (23) men (mean age 66 years) with a DTAA were admitted to our department for endovascular repair (21 were ASA III+ and 2 refused open repair) from January 2003 to July 2005. Complete aneurysm exclusion was feasible in all subjects (100% technical success). The median follow-up was 18 months (range 8 40 months). A single stent-graft was used in 6 cases. The deployment of a second stent-graft was required in the remaining 17 patients. All endografts were attached proximally, beyond the left subclavian artery, leaving the aortic arch branches intact. No procedure-related deaths have occurred. A distal type I endoleak was detected in 2 cases on the 1 month follow-up CT scan, and was repaired with reintervention and deployment of an extension graft. A nonfatal acute myocardial infarction occurred in 1 patient in the sixth postoperative month. Graft migration, graft infection, paraplegia, cerebral or distal embolization, renal impairment or any other major complications were not observed. The treatment of DTAAs using the EndoFit stent-graft is technically feasible. Mid-term results in this series are promising. 22. Non-randomized, prospective, multi-centre evaluation of the ABSOLUTE.035 peripheral self-expanding stent system for occluded or stenotic superficial femoral or proximal popliteal arteries (ASSESS Trial): Acute and 30-day results Zeller, T., Saratzis Ν, Scheinert, D., Minar, E., Beregi, J.P., Schillinger, M., Hausegger, H.A., Amor, M., Quaretti, P., Moratto, R., Dorange, C., Boone, E.,

Krankenberg, H. j a Department of Angiology, Herz-Zentrum Bad Krozingen, Südring 15, D-79189 Bad Krozingen, Germany b Papageorgiou Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece c Herzzentrum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany d Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt, Wien, Austria e Duplex and Angiographic Core Lab, Loos, France f Landeskrankenhaus, Klagenfurt, Austria g Policlinique Louis Pasteur, Essey-les-Nancy, France h Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy i Nuovo Ospedale Civile Sant'Agostino, Modena, Italy j Abbott Vascular International BVBA, Diegem, Belgium k Universitäres Herz- und Gefäßzentrum, Hamburg, Germany Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Δημοσίευση της μελέτης στο περιοδικο 2007 Dec;48(6):719-26 Impact factor = 1.57, citations = 10 Πολυκεντρική Ευρωπαική μελέτη The aim of the paper was to investigate the performance of the ABSOLUTE.035 Peripheral Self-Expanding Stent System in preventing restenosis of superficial femoral or proximal popliteal arteries. Due to a lack of large controlled trials proving its long-term durability femoropopliteal artery stenting is still a matter of debate. In this paper we report the study design, the acute and short-term results of a prospective European registry on the treatment of TASC B and C femoropopliteal lesions with the use of the ABSOLUTE stent. This prospective, nonrandomized, multi-centre study enrolled 122 patients with symptomatic peripheral occlusive disease at 14 sites in Europe. Patients were included with obstructed femoropopliteal arteries. Key inclusion criteria were de novo lesions > or = 4.0 mm and < or = 7.0 mm in diameter, and > or = 40 mm and < or = 200 mm in length. Single target vessel treatment had to be performed with a maximum of three stents. Mean target lesion length was 108 +/- 44 mm (range 22.2 to 200 mm) and mean reference vessel diameter 4.6 +/- 0.8 mm by quantitative angiography; 71% of the lesions analyzable by quantitative angiography (QA) had total occlusions. A total of 227 stents were implanted, 224 of which were deployed successfully (98.7%). Mean percentage of diameter stenosis was reduced from 90.9 +/- 15.5 % (range 41.3 to 100) to 19.0 +/- 8.4% (range 2.3 to 41.5). Device and procedural success were 83.6% each whereas technical success reached 100%. Sixteen lesions had a > or = 30% residual stenosis postprocedure, 6 of them (37.5%) rated as being calcified. Eleven patients experienced major complications (9.1%) and 6 patients experienced minor complications (5%) within 30 days. Duplex ultrasound based 1-month restenosis rate was 9.3%. Target lesion revascularization (TLR) and target vessel revascularization (TVR) rates were 0.8% and 1.7%, respectively and amputation rate was 0.8%. Mean ankle-brachial index (ABI) at rest and after exercise increased significantly from baseline to 30 days follow-up by 0.63 +/- 0.20 to 0.94 +/- 0.17 and from 0.44 +/- 0.23 to 0.85 +/- 0.21, respectively (P<0.001 each). The treatment of TASC B and C femoro-popliteal lesions with use of the ABSOLUTE stent is safe and feasible. Short-term follow-up documents persistent improvement of hemodynamics. The 6- and 12-month data have to be awaited for further conclusions: 1st Department of Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Anesthesiology,Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Δημοσίευση της μελέτης στο περιοδικο Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2008 feb; 15 (1):33-41 Impact factor = 4.010, citations = 36 To report a retrospective evaluation of the efficacy and midterm clinical results of the Anaconda stent-graft in the endovascular repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms. Fifty-one patients (48 men; mean age 71+/-8 years, range 62-89) were treated with the Anaconda stent-graft from January 2006 to September 2007. Six patients were considered at high risk for open repair (defined as ASA grade 3) and 10 had undergone previous laparotomy. The mean neck diameter and length were 26 mm (range 22-30) and 18.5 mm (range 14-35), respectively. Mean proximal neck angulation was 30 degrees (range 5-60). Severe iliac artery tortuosity (>60 degrees ) was seen in 20 (39%) patients; 3 (6%) had a proximal aneurysm neck angle >45 degrees.the technical success rate was 100%; intraprocedurally, 7 (14%) stent-grafts were repositioned to address renal artery occlusion by the graft (n = 1) or type I endoleak. This maneuver resolved 6 of the 7 situations; a remaining endoleak required a proximal cuff to seal it. The procedural success rate (no major complication at 30 days) was 94%. The mean follow-up was 16 months (range 1-21). Five (10%) endoleaks (1 type I, 4 type II) and 1 (2%) graft migration occurred. The overall reintervention rate was 6%. Two (4%) patients died in late follow-up. The Anaconda stent-graft appears both safe and effective in terms of midterm clinical outcome and compares favorably with previously reported EVAR results. The ability to reposition the stent-graft is a particular advantage 23. Anaconda aortic stent-graft: Single-center experience of a new commercially available device for abdominal aortic aneurysms Saratzis Ν, Melas, N., Saratzis, A., Lazarides, J., Ktenidis, K., Tsakiliotis, S., Kiskinis, D.

24. Non-activated autologous platelet-rich plasma for the prevention of inguinal wound-related complications after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms Saratzis Ν, Saratzis, A., Melas, N., Kiskinis, D. First Department of Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Δημοσίευση της μελέτης στο περιοδικο Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology 2008 March; 40 (1):52-6 Impact factor = 0.497 citation = 5 The endovascular repair (EVAR) of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) usually involves the surgical exposure and catheterization of the femoral arteries. Several inguinal surgical wound-related complications have been reported postoperatively. The aim of this report was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of intraoperative application of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for the prevention of wound-related complications in AAA EVAR. The authors conducted a patient- and assessor-blinded controlled trial involving 100 subjects undergoing EVAR of an AAA. PRP was produced using an autologous platelet separator and was applied, without prior thrombin activation, in 50 patients eligible for inclusion. The results were compared with a control group of 50 patients who underwent AAA EVAR within the same time period. The primary outcome was the difference in postoperative hospital stay. Secondary outcomes included subjective assessment of wound healing and woundrelated complications. Age, sex, and other comorbidities related to wound healing were not significantly different between cases and controls. One patient treated with PRP developed a unilateral wound infection with lymphorrhea, and two patients developed a bi-lateral superficial infection. Twelve patients within the control group developed a wound-related complication. The postoperative hospitalization was significantly lower in the PRP group. The overall surgical wound-related complications rate was also significantly lower in the PRP group. Application of non-thrombin-activated PRP seems to prevent major postoperative wound-related complications (p =.026) and shorten postoperative hospital stay duration after femoral artery exposure and catheterization for AAA EVAR (mean, 4.48 +/- 0.48 vs. 6.14 +/- 0.39 days). Δημοσίευση της μελέτης στο περιοδικο Thrombosis 2008 June; 36 suppl :16-20 impact factor= 1.129 citation = 0 Δημοσίευση της μελέτης στο περιοδικο Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2008 Augst; 15 (4):441-8 Impact factor = 4.010, citations = 27 To report a single-center experience with aortoduodenal fistula (ADF) after successful endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Five patients (all men; mean age 68.4 years, range 60-75) developed an ADF between 18 days to 1 year after successful EVAR using 3 types of commercially available endografts: 1 bifurcated Anaconda, 1 unibody Powerlink, and 3 EndoFit stent-grafts in a tubular (n=1) or aortomonoiliac configuration (n=2). The internal iliac artery was not occluded in any of the cases. Hematemesis and diffuse abdominal pain constituted the main symptoms leading to the diagnosis of ADF, which was confirmed on computed tomography. Infection was the etiology of the ADF in 3 patients; all underwent emergency surgical exploration, but 1 died in hospital; the other 2 have survived from 1 to 3 years after an emergency procedure. The other 2 ADFs developed in patients with large type I endoleaks; 1 patient died before surgery could be performed and the other one 18 hours after laparotomy. All stent-grafts were removed; none displayed any defects. ADF is a rare but dangerous complication of EVAR. The sequela may be primarily attributed to graft infection, as seen in this series. However, the exact pathogenesis of the pathology remains largely unknown. Prompt diagnosis and intervention are crucial to avoid a fatal outcome. 1st Department of Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Anesthesiology, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece Δημοσίευση της μελέτης στο περιοδικο Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2008 Augst; 15 (4):433-40 Impact factor = 4.010 citation = 1 To retrospectively analyze the efficacy and midterm results of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) with a tubular stent-graft using 2 different implantation techniques. Between November 2004 and September 2007, 53 patients (49 men; mean age 68.5+/-8.6 years, range 40-80) were treated with the EndoFit tube stent-graft. The majority (45, 85%) were treated using the trombone technique, in which 2 tubular aortoaortic endografts were deployed with 4 to 8 cm of overlap. This subgroup was compared to the 8 patients who received single tube grafts. Technical and procedural success were 100%; perioperative mortality was 0%. Operative results were similar for patients treated with 1 graft versus those treated with the overlapping trombone technique. The overall devicerelated complication rate was significantly lower for patients treated with the trombone technique (11% versus 75%, p<0.001). Mean follow-up was 24 months (range 6-36). Endoleak type II occurred in 3 (5.7%) cases. Three (5.7%) patients died, 1 from an aortoduodenal fistula secondary to a proximal type I endoleak and 2 from acute

myocardial infarction. 25. SOA IV: The status of endovascular surgery in aortic aneurysms Kiskinis, D., Saratzis Ν., Melas, N., Saratzis, A. 1st Department of Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Greece Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and 26. Aortoduodenal fistulas after endovascular stent-graft repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms: Single-center experience and review of the literature Saratzis Ν., Saratzis, A., Melas, N., Ktenidis, K., Kiskinis, D. a 1st Department of Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, 27. Midterm results of a modified technique for implanting tube grafts during endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair Saratzis Ν., Melas, N., Saratzis, A., Tsakiliotis, S., Lazarides, J., Ktenidis, K., Kiskinis, D. The tubular EndoFit device appears both safe and effective in terms of midterm clinical outcome, especially when the trombone technique is utilized. It compares favorably with previously reported EVAR results Δημοσίευση της μελέτης στο περιοδικο 2008 October; 64):240-9 Impact factor = 4.122, citations = 12 28. Pharmacotherapy before and after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Saratzis, A., Saratzis Ν., Melas, N., Kiskinis, D. 1st Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki. Current vascular pharmacology Endovascular (EVAR) abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair has been established as a successful procedure in the short term and may constitute a viable long-term alternative to open repair (OR). The procedure has been associated with lower operative and mid-term morbidity and mortality compared to OR, but long-term results remain largely controversial. EVAR has also been associated with a significant risk of implant and procedurerelated complications, such as graft thrombosis and cardiovascular events, necessitating interventional and pharmaceutical management. Medical management of patients undergoing EVAR is required for several different reasons. Patients with an AAA have an increased risk of cardiovascular death, necessitating treatment to reduce the overall risk for cardiovascular events. Treatment is in-line with the medical management of coronary artery disease including anti-platelet therapy and statins. Anti-platelet therapy is also mandatory to prevent complications such as graft-limb thrombosis and peripheral arterial disease (PAD), which is common in patients with an AAA. Especially in patients with PAD, aspirin, clopidogrel and statins remain the mainstay of medical management. Unfortunately, there is a lack of prospective randomised trials concerning the medical management of patients that have undergone abdominal aortic endo-grafting. We review the current literature on the medical treatment of patients undergoing EVAR, focusing on peri-operative management, anti-platelet agents and statins. 29. Minimally invasive endovascular intervention in emergent and urgent thoracic aortic pathologies: Single center experience Saratzis Ν., Melas, N., Saratzis, A., Lazaridis, J., Kiskinis, D. 1St Department of Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Hellenic Journal of Cardiology October Δημοσίευση της μελέτης στο περιοδικο 2008 49 (5) 312-9 Impact factor =1.23, citations = 8 We report mid -term results from the endovascular treatment of acute thoracic aortic pathologies in a single center. We retrospectively interrogated our clinical database and identified the following patients who were treated for an acute thoracic aortic pathology during a 3-year period (January 2003 to February 2006) with the deployment of a thoracic endograft: 8 male patients diagnosed with a thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm and/or a thoracic aortic disruption following blunt chest trauma; 1 male patient with a large mobile mural thrombus of the descending thoracic aorta; 1 patient with an aortobronchial fistula; and 8 patients with a symptomatic descending thoracic aortic aneurysm. Complete exclusion of the lesion was achieved in all patients. No procedure-related deaths

occurred. Postoperative complications included one case of a distal type 1 endoleak, repaired with re-intervention and deployment of an extension graft, and 1 case of moderate graft kinking without further complications. The endovascular treatment of acute thoracic aortic pathologies is technically feasible and safe. Early and intermediate results are promising. 30. Endovascular repair of inadvertent subclavian artery perforation during cannulation for dialysis access: case report and review of the literature. Melas N, Saratzis A, Saratzis N, Kiskinis D. 1St Department of Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Δημοσίευση της μελέτης στο περιοδικο Eur J Emerg Med. 2009 Mar 21. Impact factor = 1.021, citations = 2 Central venous catheterization is a routine vascular-access procedure; however, it may be associated with lifethreatening complications such as arterial puncture, leading to arterial occlusion, embolism, pseudoaneurysm formation, vessel laceration or dissection, haemopneumothorax or massive haemorrhage. We report a case of an accidental subclavian artery perforation with a wide dialysis catheter. A Jostent endovascular covered stent was deployed to seal the deficit. The specific device can easily conform to the anatomical configuration of most peripheral vessels, constituting a good alternative to open repair in cases of accidental vessel puncture. 31. Quantitative evaluation of the systemic effects of transposed basilic vein to brachial artery arteriovenous fistula: a prospective study. Saratzis N, Saratzis A, Sarafidis PA, Melas N, Ktenidis K, and Kiskinis D Δημοσίευση στο περιοδικο The journal of vascular access 2008, 9(4):285-90 Impact factor = 1.4, citations = 0 The transposed basilic vein to brachial artery arteriovenous fistula (BBAVF) constitutes an alternative autogenous vascular access (VA) site for chronic hemodialysis (HD); however, the hemodynamic effects of this procedure have not been adequately studied. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of BBAVF on systemic arterial pressure, cardiac function, and upper limb ischemia (ischemic steal syndrome) utilizing reproducible quantitative methods. Ten consecutive patients (eight males; mean age: 65.10+/-2.87 yrs) scheduled to undergo a brachial-basilic vein transposition were included, excluding patients with cardiac failure. Blood flow volume at the level of the AVF, systemic arterial pressure (SAP), cardiac output (CO) and digital brachial index (DBI) were measured intraoperatively, before and after the creation of the BBAVF, and post-operatively on the 30th post-operative day and on the 3rd post-operative month. SAP and DBI at 30 days and 3 months post-operatively were significantly lower compared to baseline. CO at 30 days and 3 months post-operatively was significantly higher compared to baseline; however, none of the patients developed cardiac failure. DBI remained >or=0.6 at 3 months, except in one case (0.59). Blood flow volume at the level of the AVF was positively correlated with CO levels on the 30th post-operative day. Mean clinical follow-up was 12 months (range: 4-15 months). In two cases (20%) the AVF was thrombosed (4th and 10th post-operative month). This prospective quantitative study proves that the BBAVF does impact significantly upon SAP, CO, and DBI; however, it is safe in terms of high-output cardiac failure and ischemic steal syndrome. The authors state that they do not have any commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in any products or companies described in this article. Impact factor = 3.272 citation = 12 This study evaluated the feasibility, efficacy, and durability of a specific aortomonoiliac endograft for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) during a midterm follow-up. From January 2002 until November 2008, 106 patients (6 women; mean age, 73.37 +/- 7.39 years) were treated for an AAA using an EndoFit aortomonoiliac graft (LeMaitre Vascular, Burlington, Mass). All procedures were elective. Mean follow-up was 34.9 months (SD, 20.08; range, 2-81 months). Long-term data (follow-up >60 months) were available for nine patients, none of which reported any vascular or procedure related complications. Three of the 106 patients (2.83%) died during early follow-up (<30 days); eight died during late follow-up (7.54%). Endograft infection developed in two patients (1.88%), and an aortoduodenal fistula developed in two (1.88%). Also observed were 15 type II (14.15%) and three type I (2.83%) endoleaks. Femorofemoral bypass thrombosis was detected in two patients (1.88%). In this retrospective analysis, the aortomonoiliac configuration for elective AAA repair was proven to be safe and efficacious. Midterm and long-term follow-up results in this series compare well with previously reported results for AAA endografting using both bifurcated and aortomonoiliac endoprostheses. 33. Stent implantation at subclavian artery in a patient with left internal mammary graft and subclavian steal syndrome Paraskevaidis, S.A., Giavroglou, K.E., Proios, T.D., Saratzis, N.A., Louridas, G.E. 1997, Hellenic Journal of Cardiology Cited 1 We describe the case of a 57 years old man who presented with a 6 months history of worsening exertional angina, associated with dizzines on simple movement of the left arm. The patient had aortofemoral bypass surgery 15 years ago and coronary bypass surgery 7 years ago with the use of the left internal mammary artery. On physical

examination there was a 40 mm Hg systolic pressure difference between the arms. Angiography revealed a severe 32. Reporting mid- and long-term results of endovascular grafting for abdominal aortic aneurysms using the aortomonoiliac configuration Lazaridis, J., Melas, N., Saratzis, A., Saratzis, N., Sarris, K., Fasoulas, K., Kiskinis, D. Δημοσίευση στο περιοδικο Journal of Vascular Surgery 2009, 50 (1), pp. 8-14 stenosis at the ostium and proximal part of the left subclavian artery. Two self-expanding stents were deployed at the site of the stenosis, through the left brachial artery, with good angiographic result. The systolic pressure difference between the arms disappeared. The patient had complete relief of his symptoms during exertion of the left arm and significant improvement of his anginal status. 34. Impaired renal function is associated with mortality and morbidity after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair Saratzis, A., Sarafidis, P., Melas, N., Saratzis, N., Kitas, G. 2013 Journal of Vascular Surgery Impact factor = 3.272 cited 1 Background: Renal function may be associated with poor outcome following endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR), but this relationship has not been adequately investigated. The aim of this study is to evaluate the association of estimated glomerular filtration rate (egfr) with cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality after EVAR. Methods: Prospective cohort study of patients undergoing elective EVAR; egfr was calculated using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration formula, and patients were divided in four groups (egfr?90 ml/min/1.73 m2, group 1; 60-89, group 2; 30-59, group 3; <30, group 4). Composite end point consisted of death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, stroke, and vascular complications. Kaplan-Meier curves were constructed, and between-group comparisons were performed adjusted for variables that differed at baseline. Results: A total of 383 patients (mean age, 69 ± 8 years; mean abdominal aortic aneurysm diameter, 6.2 ± 1.4 cm) were included. Over a mean follow-up of 34 ± 12 months, the following events occurred: 20 deaths (5.2%), 15 nonfatal myocardial infarctions (3.9%), 9 nonfatal strokes (2.3%), and 7 peripheral vascular complications (1.8%). Patients with an egfr <30 had the highest mortality (35%) and incidence of complications (80%) as per the end point (P =.009 and P <.001, respectively). Adjusted Cox-regression analysis showed that a higher egfr at baseline by 1 ml/min/1.73 m2 was associated with a 5% lower likelihood of complications as per the end point (P <.001; hazard ratio, 0.95; 95% confidence interval, 0.94-0.97) and a 6% lower likelihood of death (P <.001; hazard ratio, 0.94; 95% confidence interval, 0.92-0.97). Conclusions: Impaired renal function is associated with an increase in cardiovascular events and mortality following elective EVAR 35. The effectiveness of intralesional injection of platelet-rich plasma in accelerating the healing of chronic ulcers: An experimental and clinical study Dionyssiou, D., Demiri, E., Foroglou, P., Cheva A, Satatzis N., Aivazidis, C., Karkavelas, G. 2013 International Wound Journal Impact factor = 1.6 cited 2 The purpose of this prospective experimental and clinical study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the intralesional injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), in the management of non-healing chronic wounds. Skin defects were created in the ears of 20 white New Zealand rabbits. In the study group, autologous PRP was injected intralesionally. The control group was treated conservatively. Nineteen out of 20 cases of the study group healed within a mean time of 24 9 days. In the control group, seven defects healed within a mean period of 26 7 days, seven ulcers did not heal at day 28 and in six cases a full thickness ear defect was recorded. For a 3-year period, 26 patients with chronic ulcers underwent surgical debridement and intralesional injection of PRP. A histological study was performed before and 7 days after PRP injection. Ten patients healed within a mean period of 7 weeks. In 16 cases, PRP prepared the wound bed for the final and simpler reconstructive procedure. Intralesional injection is a newly described method for application of PRP and represents an effective therapeutic option when dealing with non-healing wounds. 36 A novel approach to minimize sealing defects: EndoAnchors reduce gutter size in an in vitro chimney graft model Melas, N., Perdikides, T., Saratzis, A., Lazaridis, J., Saratzis, N. 2013, Journal of Endovascular Therapy Impact factor = 4.01 citation = 0 During the past 25 years, many evolutionarydevices and techniques have been invented toimprove early and late outcomes related toendovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Unfortunately,imperfect proximal seal and fixation is still the major drawback of this technique.the chimney graft technique (Ch-EVAR) is anovel approach to deal with unfavorableinfrarenal, juxtarenal, pararenal, and, rarely,thoracoabdominal (TAAA) or arch aneurysms. This technique was invented to overcome the drawbacks of the fenestrated and branched approach (F-EVAR), mainly cost and the lackof off-the-shelf availability. Unfortunately,proximal seal is imperfect due to gutters (type Ia endoleak pathways) alongside the chimney grafts that may persist over time, jeopardizing permanent sac exclusion. In this issue of thejevt, Niepoth describe the effect ofadding Aptus EndoAnchors to chimney grafts in a silicone juxtarenal aortic aneurysm model to reduce the size of gutters produced between these parallel grafts