Study of Excess Gibbs Energy for a Lattice Solution by Random Number Simulation
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1 Journal of the Korean Chemical Society 007, Vol. 5, o. 4 Printed in the Republic of Korea ù x mw ½ w š w * w yw ( Study of Excess Gibbs Energy for a Lattice Solution by Random umber Simulation Hae-Young Jung* Department of Chemistry, DukSung Women's University, Seoul 3-74, Korea (Received May, 007. ù x ww w w s y w ³ s w. s l yw ½ G E w w. w -» sx w š» w. : yw, ½, ABSTRACT. Performing random number simulations, we approximated that the distribution of the number of ways for arranging molecules randomly on a lattice is a normal distributon for, the number of interactions between the nearest neighbors of different molecules. From this distribution, an approximate equation of the excess Gibbs energy G E for a lattice solution of nonrandom mixing was derived. Using the equation, liquid-vapor equilibria of several binary solutions were calculated and compared with the calculated result of other equations. Keywords: onrandom Mixing, Excess Gibbs Energy, Lattice w w w» w cell, hole, free volume (lattice. p wƒ w ƒ w x s š. yw w, w yw w w š. ù y w ywz w t wùƒ quasi-chemical. ƒ ywsx ƒ ¾ quasi-chemical š. k w 3, Wilson 4 w -» sx x w š. z Wilson UIQUAC 3 œw w ù ywz yw wš w. ù» w 5ƒ w w x ww. w w 3
2 s y w ³ s w š, y w ½ G E w w. w 0ƒ -» w sx w š, Redlich- Kister, Van Laar, Wilson 3 w. ù x mw s x ù» mw ù w w. x, s,,, 5ƒ w x. ƒ z, 4, 6, 8,. x w yw wƒ ù w x sw g. x j w yw y w - - y w. 5 ù x mw ½ w š 33 Fig.. Probability distribution of X/ from 0 6 trials when x =0.3, =0648 for a cubic lattice. HX!! ( ! ; X = = ( ( X! ( X!X! ( +! ( y s»w s w w X w s³ t r. 6 s³ X = ; = + ( Fig.. σ X/, X/ vs x from 0 6 trials when =0648 for a cubic lattice. t r (3 σ X = X x (4 x 0000~80000, - x = / 0., 0., 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 w ww. w wz 0 6 w. Fig. ƒ j, X w y s ³ s w, t ƒ j s w 6 w ³ s w w. š Fig. X s³ r, x ƒ w. σ X x (5 x mw (4, (5 Table,. Table, Linear, Square, Cubic, BCC, FCC ƒƒ x, s,,, ù kü x wš. Table, x w yw (, (3 mw (4, (5 ù 007, Vol. 5, o. 4
3 34 w Table. Slope of < X/ > vs x for 5 different lattice structures Linear Square Cubic BCC FCC in the st column are approximate values except for a linear lattice Table. Slope of σx/ vs x for 5 different lattice structures Linear Square Cubic BCC FCC average deviation in the st column are approximate values except for a linear lattice w ƒƒ z/, z., f w X y s s³ r ³ s w. z X = x x σ X = z -----x x (6 (7 (6, (7 j w y s ù w z w š. ³ s w ½ G E X w y s ³ s w» w., w Ω. ( Ω(,, X +! exp!! πσ -- X X σ X X (8 w m w w Q. 5 Q Ω,, X βe ( e ( X = ; β = kt { X} (9 (9 E(X -i,j y εij w t. (0 ( Q (9 w w. 5 ( X * w X. (8, (0, (3 l (8, (, (4 l EX ( = β εx + βz ( ε + ε ε + ε ε = ε ; ε ij < 0 ( Q Ω(,, X * e βex* [ ln Ω(,, X βex ( ] = 0 X X * = X β εσ X ( (3 (4 ( lnq +! ln ln( πσ X β ε X β ε = + σ X!! βz ( ε + ε (5 Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
4 , ƒ j (5 w. lnq lnx lnx β ε X β ε + σ X (6 (6, (7 w w 007, Vol. 5, o. 4 ù x mw ½ w š 35 (6 (7 yw v y Vmix wš m w œ 3 w (7 l yw½ Gmix G E t. (8, (9 βz ( ε + ε lnq x lnx x lnx zβ εx x ( β εx x zβ ( ε + ε G mix = x lnx + x lnx + x x ( A Bx x G E = x x ( A Bx x A = zβ ε, B = zβ ε = A z (8 (9 (0 (0 z š j (9 -. B yw ùkù z ùkü w. š (9 3- Redlich-Kister B'=0 w. G E = x x [ A + B ( x x + C ( x x ] ( (9 x =0.5 w e ùkü j», š». x, j» š w ( w» w. r φ = = ; r = --- r + r x + rx r ( ( r, r š w Flory- x r Huggins 7 š - ¼ ùkü j», š w x ƒ š. (9, ( l G E = φ φ ( A Bφ φ, B = A z (3 (3 z A, r. A, B yw w z ùkü, r j», w z ùkü w. (3 (8 l A, B ƒƒ x ƒw A, B, r 3- w ww š. CH 3O +CCl 48, EtOH +chloroform 9, MeOH+benzene 0, benzene+methylcyclohexane, cyclohexane +toluene, cyclopentane+benzene, propanol+benzene, EtOH+benzene, methylcyclopentane+benzene, methylcyclopentane+toluene 0ƒ w sx w. (3 sw w Redlich-Kister, Van Laar, Wilson w. Redlich-Kister, Van Laar, Wilson w š x 3. š ƒ ùkù yw» w» w x s³s (4 y j Barker 3 w. P = data i = ( P i P calc data (4 (4» Pcalc w w. P calc = γ x P + γ x P (5 γ, γ y ½ G l E. 3 (5
5 36 w Table 3. relative error % in vapor pressure calculated for 0 binary mixtures RK- RK-3 Eqn.(3 Eqn.(3-B Van Laar Wilson CH 3O +CCl 4 at 45 C EtOH+chloroform at 35,45,55 C MeOH+benzene at 35,55 C benzene+methylcyclohexane at atm cyclohexane+toluene at atm cyclopentane+benzene at atm propanol+benzene at atm EtOH+benzene at atm methylcyclopentane+benzene at atm methylcyclopentane+toluene at atm average [%] Table 4. y calculated for 0 binary mixtures RK- RK-3 Eqn.(3 Eqn.(3-B Van Laar Wilson CH 3O +CCl 4 at 45 C EtOH+chloroform at 35,45,55 C MeOH+benzene at 35,55 C benzene+methylcyclohexane at atm cyclohexane+toluene at atm cyclopentane+benzene at atm propanol+benzene at atm EtOH+benzene at atm methylcyclopentane+benzene at atm methylcyclopentane+toluene at atm average of y P P P s exp v s ( B ( P calc P P calc δ y = P s exp v s ( B ( P calc P P calc δ y = δ = B B B (6 (7 (6 v, v v modified Rackett 4 w, P s, P s ƒ s x» š x 4. B, B, B ƒ Hayden O Connell 5 w y v w š x 6. Table 3, 4 ùkü. Table 3» w %, Table 4» w s³s yƒ. Table 3, 4 RK-, RK-3 ƒƒ ƒ, 3 Redlich-Kister ùkü Eqn. (3-B (3 B w 3 w ùkü. Table 3, 4 3 w (3 ƒ š, (3 Redlich-Kister š. w Wilson ƒ š. ù x ww w s w ³ s w. l yw ½ G E w x œ w, ùkù Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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Αρχές Κβαντικής Χημείας και Φασματοσκοπίας
ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΟΙΚΤΑ ΑΚΑΔΗΜΑΪΚΑ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΑ Αρχές Κβαντικής Χημείας και Φασματοσκοπίας Ενότητα # (4): Συμμετρία, Πολικότητα και Οπτική Ενεργότητα των μορίων Σιγάλας Μιχάλης Άδειες
Homework 3 Solutions
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Solutions to Eercise Sheet 5 Let X and Y be random variables with joint pdf f(, y) = 3y( + y) where and y. Determine each of the following probabilities. Solutions. a. P (X ). b. P (X
Engineering Tunable Single and Dual Optical. Emission from Ru(II)-Polypyridyl Complexes. Through Excited State Design
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Copper-catalyzed formal O-H insertion reaction of α-diazo-1,3-dicarb- onyl compounds to carboxylic acids with the assistance of isocyanide
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Optimizing Microwave-assisted Extraction Process for Paprika Red Pigments Using Response Surface Methodology
2012 34 2 382-387 http / /xuebao. jxau. edu. cn Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis E - mail ndxb7775@ sina. com 212018 105 W 42 2 min 0. 631 TS202. 3 A 1000-2286 2012 02-0382 - 06 Optimizing
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Supplementary Information
Electronic upplementary Material (EI) for Photochemical & Photobiological ciences. This journal is The Royal ociety of Chemistry and wner ocieties 214 upplementary Information elective and sensitive fluorescence-shift
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Αρχές Κβαντικής Χημείας και Φασματοσκοπίας
ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΟΙΚΤΑ ΑΚΑΔΗΜΑΪΚΑ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΑ Αρχές Κβαντικής Χημείας και Φασματοσκοπίας Ενότητα # (3): Ομάδες Σημείου Σιγάλας Μιχάλης Τμήμα Χημείας Άδειες Χρήσης Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό
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Quantum dot sensitized solar cells with efficiency over 12% based on tetraethyl orthosilicate additive in polysulfide electrolyte
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2 ~ 8 Hz Hz. Blondet 1 Trombetti 2-4 Symans 5. = - M p. M p. s 2 x p. s 2 x t x t. + C p. sx p. + K p. x p. C p. s 2. x tp x t.
36 2010 8 8 Vol 36 No 8 JOURNAL OF BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Aug 2010 Ⅰ 100124 TB 534 + 2TP 273 A 0254-0037201008 - 1091-08 20 Hz 2 ~ 8 Hz 1988 Blondet 1 Trombetti 2-4 Symans 5 2 2 1 1 1b 6 M p
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J. of Math. (PRC) 6 n (nt ) + n V = 0, (1.1) n t + div. div(n T ) = n τ (T L(x) T ), (1.2) n)xx (nt ) x + nv x = J 0, (1.4) n. 6 n
Vol. 35 ( 215 ) No. 5 J. of Math. (PRC) a, b, a ( a. ; b., 4515) :., [3]. : ; ; MR(21) : 35Q4 : O175. : A : 255-7797(215)5-15-7 1 [1] : [ ( ) ] ε 2 n n t + div 6 n (nt ) + n V =, (1.1) n div(n T ) = n
1 h, , CaCl 2. pelamis) 58.1%, (Headspace solid -phase microextraction and gas chromatography -mass spectrometry,hs -SPME - Vol. 15 No.
2 0 1 5 7 Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology Vol. 15 No. 7 Jul. 2 0 1 5 1,2 1 1 1 1* ( 1 315211 2 315502) : ( ) : (E-Nose), - : GC-MS, 20.98% 2.5%, 53.15% 11.2%, 0. 51% 71.86%
ΧΗΜΕΙΑ ΦΥΣΙΚΩΝ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΩΝ-ΒΙΟΣΥΝΘΕΣΗ ΑΛΚΑΛΟΕΙΔΩΝ ΘΡΥΠΤΟΦΑΝΗΣ ΒΙΟΣΥΝΘΕΣΗ ΑΛΚΑΛΟΕΙΔΩΝ ΘΡΥΠΤΟΦΑΝΗΣ Η L-θρυπτοφάνη είναι ένα αρωματικό αμινοξύ το οποίο φέρει ένα ινδολικό δακτύλιο και προέρχεται από το βιοσυνθετικό
ΠΟΛΥΤΕΧΝΕΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΩΝ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΣ Τομέας Περιβαλλοντικής Υδραυλικής και Γεωπεριβαλλοντικής Μηχανικής (III) Εργαστήριο Γεωπεριβαλλοντικής Μηχανικής TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRETE SCHOOL of
A facile and general route to 3-((trifluoromethyl)thio)benzofurans and 3-((trifluoromethyl)thio)benzothiophenes
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for ChemComm. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 A facile and general route to 3-((trifluoromethyl)thio)benzofurans and 3-((trifluoromethyl)thio)benzothiophenes
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[2] T.S.G. Peiris and R.O. Thattil, An Alternative Model to Estimate Solar Radiation
References [1] B.V.R. Punyawardena and Don Kulasiri, Stochastic Simulation of Solar Radiation from Sunshine Duration in Srilanka [2] T.S.G. Peiris and R.O. Thattil, An Alternative Model to Estimate Solar
J. of Math. (PRC) Banach, , X = N(T ) R(T + ), Y = R(T ) N(T + ). Vol. 37 ( 2017 ) No. 5
Vol. 37 ( 2017 ) No. 5 J. of Math. (PRC) 1,2, 1, 1 (1., 225002) (2., 225009) :. I +AT +, T + = T + (I +AT + ) 1, T +. Banach Hilbert Moore-Penrose.. : ; ; Moore-Penrose ; ; MR(2010) : 47L05; 46A32 : O177.2