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1 HARDY AND RELLICH INEQUALITIES WITH REMAINDERS W. D. EVANS AND ROGER T. LEWIS Astract. I this paper our primary cocer is with the estalishmet of weighted Hardy iequalities i L p () ad Rellich iequalities i L () depedig upo the distace to the oudary of domais R with a fiite diameter D(). Improved costats are preseted i most cases.. Itroductio Recetly, cosiderale attetio has ee give to extesios of the multi-dimesioal Hardy iequality of the form u(x) u(x) dx µ() dx + λ() u(x) dx, u H δ(x) (), (.) where is a ope coected suset of R ad δ(x) := dist(x, ). It is kow that for µ() = there are smooth domais for which 4 λ(), ad for λ() =, there are smooth domais for which µ() < - see M. Marcus, V.J. Mizel, ad Y. Pichover [8] ad 4 T. Matskewich ad P.E. Soolevskii [9]. I [], H. Brezis ad M. Marcus showed that for domais of class C iequality (.) holds for µ() = 4 ad some λ() (, ) ad whe is covex λ() 4D() (.) i which D() is the diameter of. M. Hoffma-Ostehof, T. Hoffma-Ostehof, ad A. Laptev [6] aswered a questio posed y H. Brezis ad M. Markus i [] y estalishig the improvemet to (.) that (.) holds for a covex domai Date: March 8, Mathematics Suject Classificatio. Primary 47A63; Secodary 46E35, 6D. Key words ad phrases. Rellich iequality, Hardy iequality, Remaider terms.

2 W. D. EVANS AND R. T. LEWIS, with µ() = 4, K() λ(), ad K() := 4 [ s ] / (.3) i which s := S ad is the volume of. For a covex domai ad µ() = /4, a lower oud for λ() i (.) i terms of was also otaied y S. Filippas, V. Maz ya, ad A. Tertikas i [5] as a special case of results o L p Hardy iequalities. They prove that λ() 3D it (), where D it () = sup x δ(x), the iteral diameter of. Sice 3D it () 3 4 K()/ /, their result is a improvemet of (.3) for =, 3, ut the estimates do t compare for > 3. I this paper we show that (.) holds for (.3) replaced y µ() = 4 ad λ() 3K() as well as provig weighted versios of the Hardy iequality i L p () for p >. I the case p =, the followig are special cases of our results. If is covex ad σ (, ], the u(x) σ ( σ) dx 4D() σ B(, σ) δ(x) σ +3 ( s ) σ u(x) dx (.4) for p+ Γ( B(, p) := ) Γ( ) π Γ( +p ). (.5) If σ [, ] ad is covex, the δ(x) σ u(x) ( σ) dx B(, σ) δ(x) σ u(x) dx 4 + C H(, σ) δ(x) σ u(x) dx. ( σ) for C H (, σ) give i (3.4). Similar results for weighted forms of the Hardy iequality i L p () are give i sectio 4. Fially, we show that our oe-dimesioal iequalities i lead to improved costats for the Rellich iequality otaied y G. Baratis i [] for 4.. Oe-dimesioal iequalities As is the case i [6], our proofs are ased o oe-dimesioal Hardytype iequalities coupled with the use of the mea-distace fuctio itroduced y Davies to exted to higher dimesios; see [4]. The asic oe-dimesioal iequality is as follows:

3 HARDY AND RELLICH INEQUALITIES 3 Lemma. Let u C (, ), (t) := mit, t ad let f C [, ] e mootoic o [, ]. The for p > f ((t)) u(t) p dt p p f((t)) f() p f ((t)) p u (t) p dt. (.) Proof. First let u := vχ (,], the restrictio to (, ] of some v C (, ). For ay costat c [f(t) c] u(t) p dt = [f(t) c] u(t) p By choosig c = f(), we have that + [f(t) c] p [ u(t) ] p [ u(t) ] dt. f (t) u(t) p dt = p [f(t) f()] u(t) p Re[u(t)u (t)]dt. (.) Similarly, for u = vχ [,), v C (, ), we have f ( s) u(s) p ds = p [f( s) f()] u(s) p Re[u(s)u (s)]ds. Therefore, sice f is mootoic, for ay u C(, ) f ((t)) u(t) p dt = p f((t)) f() u(t) p Re[u(t)u (t)]dt p f ((t)) p p u(t) p f((t)) f() u (t) dt [ p f ((t)) u(t) p dt ] p p f ((t)) p p [ f((t)) f() p f ((t)) p u (t) p dt o applyig Hölder s iequality. Iequality (.) ow follows. The ext lemma provides the oe-dimesioal result eeded to improve (.3), which was proved i [6]. Lemma. Let σ ad defie µ(t) := (t). For all u C(, ) ( σ ) ( (t) ) σ ] u(t) (t) σ u (t) dt (t) [+k(σ) σ dt, µ(t) (.3) for [ k(σ) := ] σ σ, σ <,, σ [, ]. Proof. O settig f(t) = t σ i (.) we get σ p (t) σ u(t) p dt p p ] p (t) p+σ [(t) ] σ p u (t) p dt. (.4)

4 4 W. D. EVANS AND R. T. LEWIS With u C(, ), let p = ad sustitute v(t) = [ ( (t) ) σ]u(t) i (.4). We claim that this gives ( σ ) ( (t) ) σ ] v(t) σ (t) v (t) dt (t) [ σ dt (.5) for ay real umer σ. The sustitutio gives (t) σ/ v (t) = ( σ) σ (t) σ/ (t)u(t)+(t) σ/[ ( (t) ) σ ] u (t). Cosequetly, (t) σ v (t) = ( σ) σ (t) σ u(t) + (t) σ[ ( ) (t) σ ] u (t) ( σ) σ (t) [ ( (t) ) σ ] [ u ] which implies that (t)σ v (t) dt = (t)σ[ ( ) (t) σ ] u (t) dt + ( σ) σ (t) σ u(t) dt +( σ) [ σ d (t) [ ( (t) ) σ ] ] u dt dt = (t)σ[ ( (t) ) σ ] u (t) dt (.6) sice (t) = i (, ) ad i (, ). Therefore, (.5) follows from (.4). Sice = µ(t) + (t) for [ ( (t) k σ (x) := ) σ ] = [ + (t) σ = σ (t) σ ] [ + σ( (t) ) ] σkσ (.7) ( (t) ) µ(t) µ(t), x [, ), σ. ( + x) σ (x) σ For σ <, k σ (x) > i (, ), k σ () = ad k σ (x) as x. By examiig the derivative of k σ (x) we see that k σ(x) = ( σ)(( + x) σ σ x σ ) [( + x) σ (x) σ ] lim k σ(x) = x + For σ <, k σ (x) is miimized at Calculatios show that ( σ), σ <,,, σ =, < σ <. x σ := /( σ ) <. k σ (x σ ) = [ σ ] σ =: k(σ).

5 HARDY AND RELLICH INEQUALITIES 5 For σ [, ), k σ(x) is ever zero i (, ) idicatig that k σ (x) is miimized at x = for σ [, ) ad x [, ). The iequality (.3) ow follows. I order to treat the case i which p, we make use of the methods of Tidlom [] ad prove a weighted versio of Theorem. i []. Lemma 3. Let u C (, ), p (, ), ad σ p. The [ ] p (t)σ u (t) p p σ dt p (t)σ p + (p ) σ p u(t) p dt. Proof. We may assume that σ p sice otherwise the coclusio is trivial. Accordig to (.) for a mootoic fuctio f ad a positive fuctio g, f (t) u(t) p dt p f(t) f() u(t) p u (t) dt [ ] [ /p ( ) ] p g(t) u (t) p dt f(t) f() p /(p ) /p g(t) u(t) p dt. Cosequetly, p p g(t) u (t) p dt ( ( ) p f (t) u(t) p dt ) /(p ) p. u(t) p dt) ( f(t) f() p g(t) Now, as i [], usig a corollary to Youg s iequality, amely A p /B p pa (p )B, ) /p u(t) p dt, it fol- with A = f (t) u(t) p dt, B = lows that p p g(t) u (t) p dt p f (t) (p ) ( f(t) f() p g(t) ( f(t) f() p g(t) ) /(p ) u(t) p dt. Choose f(t) = t σ p+ ad g(t) = (p σ ) (p ) t σ. The ( f(t) f() p g(t) ) /(p ) = (p σ ) [ t σ p+ σ p+ p t σ ] p = (p σ )t [( σ p ( ) ) t p σ p ] p.

6 6 W. D. EVANS AND R. T. LEWIS Cosequetly, for t (, ) ( ) f(t) f() p /(p ) p f (t) (p ) g(t) [( = (p σ ) pt σ p (p )t σ p ( [ = (p σ )t σ p + (p ) (p σ )t σ p + (p ) ( ) t p σ ( t ( t ) ) p σ p ] p ) ] p ) p σ p (p σ ) t σ p + (p ) ( ). p σ ad the iequality follows. I the iequality aove we have used the fact that [ ( t p σ ] p ( p t ) p σ. ) The proof is completed y followig the last part of the proof of Lemma. For a certai rage of values take y σ, σ [ c σ, ) with c σ >, the iequality i L () give y Lemma gives a etter oud tha Lemma 3 with p =. I fact for σ < ( (t) ) σ ] (t) [ σ + k(σ) = (t) σ + σ k(σ) µ(t) (t)µ(t) + σ k(σ) σ (t) σ µ(t) σ with σ k(σ) + σ k(σ) (.8) (t)µ(t) σ (t) σ µ(t) σ 5 [ σ, σ [, ), σ σ + σ k(σ)(t) σ ] k(σ) σ, σ <. Sice k(σ) decreases to for σ < as σ ad k( 3)., the the left-had side of (.8) is greater tha σ for σ [ 3, ). 3. A Hardy iequality i L () We eed the followig otatio (c.f.[6]). For each x ad ν S, τ ν (x) := mis > : x + sν ; D ν (x) := τ ν (x) + τ ν (x); ν (x) := miτ ν (x), τ ν (x); µ ν (x) := maxτ ν (x), τ ν (x) = D ν (x) ν (x); D() := sup D ν (x); x, ν S x := y : x + t(y x), t [, ]. Note that D() is the diameter of ad x is the part of which ca e see from the poit x. The volume of x is deoted y x.

7 HARDY AND RELLICH INEQUALITIES 7 Let dω(ν) deote the ormalized measure o S (so that = dω(ν)) ad defie S (x; s) := ν (x) s dω(ν). S (3.) Hece / (x; ) = (x) the mea-distace fuctio itroduced y Davies i [4]. For B(, p) := cos(e, ν) p dω(ν) = Γ( p+ ) Γ( ) S π Γ( +p ), e R, (3.) it is kow that B(, p) (x; p) := dω(ν) (3.3) S ν (x) p δ(x) p for covex domais see Exercise 5.7 i [4], [3], ad []. Note that B(, ) =. This fact ca e applied to most of the results elow whe is covex. For a Hardy iequality i L () with weights we will eed to defie ( s ) ( σ) C H (, σ) := k(σ)[ σ + σ k(σ)]( σ) (3.4) for σ [, ] ad where as give i Lemma [ k(σ) := ] σ σ, σ <,, σ [, ]. Note that C H (, ) = 3 K() for K() defied i (.3). Theorem. If σ, the for ay u C () δ(x) σ u(x) ( σ) dx (x; σ ) u(x) dx 4 δ(x) σ + C H (, σ) u(x) dx. (3.5) x ( σ) If < σ, the u(x) dx σ ( σ) 4D() σ (x; σ ) + 3 ( s x ) σ u(x) dx. (3.6) If is covex, the for ay u C() δ(x) σ u(x) ( σ) dx B(, σ) δ(x) σ u(x) dx 4 + C H(, σ) δ(x) σ u(x) dx. ( σ)

8 8 W. D. EVANS AND R. T. LEWIS whe σ [, ] ad u(x) dx σ ( σ) 4D() σ whe σ (, ]. B(, σ)δ(x) σ + 3 ( s ) σ u(x) dx. Proof. Let ν u, ν S, deote the derivative of u i the directio of ν, i.e., ν u = ν ( u). It follows from Lemma that for σ (, ] σ ν(x) ν u dx ( σ ) ν(x) σ ( + k(σ) [ ν(x) µ ν(x) ] ( σ) ) u(x) dx. Expadig the itegrad i (3.7), we have ν (x) σ ( + k(σ) [ ν(x) ] ( σ) ) µ ν(x) = ν (x) σ + σ k(σ) ν(x) σ (τ ν(x)τ ν + ( σ) k(σ) ν(x) σ (x)) σ µ ν(x). ( σ) If σ ν (x) σ [ + k(σ) ( ν (x)) ( σ) ] µ ν (x) k(σ)δ(x) σ ν (x) σ + σ (τ ν(x)τ ν + ( σ) k(σ) δ(x) σ (x)) σ (3.7) (3.8) τ ν(x) ( σ) +τ ν (x) ( σ) sice ν (x) σ δ(x) σ i this case. As i [6], we ote that sice (τ S ν (x)τ ν (x)) σ dω(ν) (τ S ν (x)) ( σ) dω(ν) [ (τ S ν (x)) dω(ν) ] ( σ) = [ s x ] ( σ) for σ, the S (τ ν (x)τ ν dω(ν) [ (τ (x)) σ S ν (x)τ ν (x)) σ dω(ν) ] [ s x ] ( σ). For the third term i iequality (3.9) S (τ ν (x) ( σ) + τ ν (x) ( σ) )dω(ν) = implyig that for σ S (τ ν (x) ( σ) + τ ν (x) ( σ) ) dω(ν) S τ ν (x) ( σ) dω(ν) [ s x ] ( σ). (3.9) Cosequetly, for σ we have that S ν (x) σ [ + k(σ) ( ν (x)) ( σ) ] dω(ν) µ ν(x) (x; σ ) + C H (, σ)δ(x) σ / [ ] (3.) x ( σ).

9 HARDY AND RELLICH INEQUALITIES 9 Upo comiig this fact with (3.7) we have ( ) σ (x; σ ) + C H (,σ)δ(x) σ x ( σ)/ u(x) dx S ν (x) σ ν u(x) dω(ν)dx = δ(x)σ cos(ν, u(x)) dω(ν) (3.) S u(x) dx for σ. Sice cos(ν, α) dω(ν) = (3.) S for ay fixed α S (see Tidlom [], p.7), iequality (3.5) follows. For < σ, we cosider first the third term o the right-had side of (3.8). We have S ν (x) σ µ ν (x) ( σ) dω(ν) σ (τ S ν (x) + τ ν (x)) σ (τ ν (x) + τ ν (x)) ( σ) dω(ν) = σ τ ν (x) + τ ν (x) σ L σ (S ) σ[ ] σ τ ν (x) L σ (S ) + τ ν (x) L σ (S ) = ( σ) τ S ν (x) σ dω(ν) ( σ)[ (τ S ν (x)) dω(ν) ] σ = ( σ)[ s x ] σ for y the Mikowski ad Hölder iequalities. Therefore, the term ν (x) S σ dω(ν) µ ν (σ )( s ) σ (x) ( σ) x. Similarly, i the secod term of (3.8) S ν (x)µ ν (x) σ dω(ν) (τ S ν (x) + τ ν (x))(τ ν (x) + τ ν (x)) σ dω(ν) σ[ s x ] σ as efore implyig that dω(ν) S ν (x)µ ν σ ( s ) σ (x) σ x. For < σ < we ow have that S ν (x) σ [ + k(σ) ( ν (x)) ( σ) ] dω(ν) (x; σ ) + 3 ( s x ) σ µ ν (x) sice k(σ) = i this case. Cosequetly, S ν (x) σ cos(ν, u(x)) dω(ν) u(x) dx ( ) [ ( σ (x; σ ) + 3 s ) σ ] x u(x) dx.

10 W. D. EVANS AND R. T. LEWIS Accordig to (3.) it follows that S ν (x) σ cos(ν, u(x)) dω(ν) D()σ σ. Therefore, (3.6) holds. The iequalities i the statemet of the theorem for the case of a covex domai follow from (3.3) ad the fact that x = for all x. 4. A L p () iequality With the guidace of Tidlom s aalysis for the Hardy iequality i [], L p versios of the weighted Hardy theorem i the last sectio ca e proved y similar techiques. Whe σ =, the ext theorem reduces to Theorem. of []. Theorem. Let u C() ad p (, ). If σ, the for B(, p) defied i (3.) δ(x)σ u(x) p dx [ p σ /p] p B(,p) ad if σ [, p ], the u(x) p dx σ [ p σ /p] p B(,p) D() σ (x; σ p) + (p )[ s x (x; σ p) + (p )[ s x ] p σ u(x) p dx ] p σ u(x) p dx. (4.) (4.) If is covex, (x, σ p) ca e replaced i (4.) ad (4.) y the term B(, p σ)/δ(x) p σ (i view of (3.3)) ad x y. Proof. From Lemma 3 we have that for σ p, ay ν S, ad u C() ν(x) σ ν u(x) p dx [ p σ p ] p ν (x) σ p + (p )p σ D ν (x) u(x) p dx. p σ (4.3) If σ we oud ν (x) σ for ay ν S y δ(x) σ i the first itegral aove. If σ >, we oud it y D() σ / σ. As i [] we may use the fact that ν u(x) p dω(ν) = B(, p) u(x) p. (4.4) S After oudig ν (x) σ as descried aove, itegrate i (4.3) over S with respect to dω(ν). I order to evaluate the itegral of (/D ν (x)) p σ, we proceed as i []. Sice σ p, the f(t) = t σ p is covex for t > ad we have that ( ) p σdω(ν) ( D ν (x) ) σ p ( x ) p σ dω(ν) S D ν (x) S s (4.5)

11 HARDY AND RELLICH INEQUALITIES y Jese s iequality ad Lemma. of []. The coclusio follows. 5. Rellich s iequality The methods descried aove with Propositio elow ca e used to prove a weighted Rellich iequality which, for 4 ad without weights, improves the costat give i a Rellich iequality proved recetly y Baratis ([], Theorem.). A compariso is made elow. The methods used y Baratis depeds upo the idetity (5.) first proved y M.P. Owe ([], see the proof of Theorem.3). I order to icorporate weights, our proof requires the poit-wise idetity (5.) which does ot follow from the proof of Owe. Propositio. Let e a domai i R. The, for all u C (R ) νu(x) [ dω(ν) = u(x) + u(x) ], (5.) S ( + ) x i x j ad for all u C() S νu(x) dω(ν)dx = Proof. For ν = (ν,..., ν ) we have νu = (ν ) u = l,m= ν lν m u lm = l= ν l u ll + i,j= 3 u(x) dx. (5.) ( + ) l<m ν l ν m u lm i which u pq (x) := u(x) x p x q. Cosequetly, S νu dω(ν) = l,m= u llu mm (ν S l ) (ν m ) dω(ν) +4 m= Re(u mm u pq ) (ν S m ) ν p ν q dω(ν) p<q +4 Re(u pq u jk ) ν S p ν q ν j ν k dω(ν). j<k p<q (5.3) Let θ j [, π] for j =,...,, ad θ [, π]. Usig the covetio that Π p j=q = for p < q ad θ =, we have ν j = Π j k= si θ k cos θ j, j =,...,, ( )!! dω(ν) := Π k= (si θ k) k dθ k dθ, (5.4) γ for!! := ( ) ( 4) ad (π) ( )/ for odd, γ = (π) / for eve. Calculatios show that S (ν m ) ν p ν q dω(ν) =, m =,...,, p < q

12 W. D. EVANS AND R. T. LEWIS implyig that the secod term o the right-had side of (5.3) vaishes. A similar cosideratio for the third term o the right-had side of (5.3) shows that ν p ν q ν j ν k dω(ν), p < q, j < k, S oly if j = p ad k = q. Therefore, (5.3) reduces to S νu(x) dω(ν) = l,m= u llu mm (ν S l ) (ν m ) dω(ν) +4 u pq (ν S p ) (ν q ) dω(ν). (5.5) p<q However, further calculatios show that p < q, νpν q (+) dω(ν) = S p = q =,..., implyig that S νu dω(ν) = 3 (+) + (+) = (+) 3 (+) m= u mm [4 u pq + Re(u pp u qq )] p<q [ u(x) + i,j= u(x) ] x i x j which is (5.). Equality (5.) ow follows sice u(x) dx = u(x) dx. x i x j Defie ad i,j= δ(x) σ, σ <, d(x; σ) := ( D() ) σ, σ [, ]; β(, σ) := ( σ) (3 σ) ( + ) ; 6 C R (, σ) := 4 σ k(σ ) [ s for σ ad k(σ) defied i Lemma. Theorem 3. For σ ad u C (), d(x; σ) [ u(x) + holds whe 4 σ ad ] 4 σ ( ) + σ k(σ ) x i x j ]dx i,j= u(x) β(, σ) (x; σ 4) u(x) dx + 4 σ k(σ ) [ s ] 4 σ u(x) 4 σ x dx (5.6) (5.7) (5.8) (5.9)

13 HARDY AND RELLICH INEQUALITIES 3 d(x; σ) [ u(x) + x i x j ]dx i,j= u(x) β(, σ) (x; σ 4) u(x) dx + 4 σ k(σ ) [ s ] 4 σ + (3 σ) k(σ ) [ s ] 4+t σ u(x) 4 σ x dx δ(x) t u(x) 4+t σ x dx (5.) holds whe 4 + t σ ad t σ. Proof. For σ, it follows that (t) σ u (t) dt (t) σ[ ( (t) ) σ ] u (t) dt µ(t) ( σ ) (t) σ u (t) dt y (.4). Therefore, for σ ad u C (, ), (t)σ u (t) dt ( ( σ)(3 σ) 4 ) (t)σ 4[ + k(σ ) ( (t) µ(t) y (.3). From (5.) we have for u C () ν(x) σ νu(x) dx ( ) ( σ)(3 σ) ν(x) σ 4 + k(σ ) 4 for σ. As i (3.8) we write ( ν(x) ) 3 σ ] u(t) dt (5.) µ ν (x) ) 3 σ u(x) dx (5.) ( ) 3 σ ν (x) σ 4 + k(σ ) ν (x) µ ν(x) = ν (x) σ σ k(σ ) ν (x) µ ν + (3 σ) k(σ ) σ+ ν (x) (x) 3 σ µ ν. (x) (3 σ) (5.3) Sice ν (x)µ ν (x) = τ ν (x)τ ν (x), i the secod term o the right-had side of (5.3) we may write ν (x) µ ν (x) = 3 σ =: I(ν; x). [τ ν (x)τ ν (x)]µ ν (x) σ

14 4 W. D. EVANS AND R. T. LEWIS Thus S I(ν; x)dω(ν) = τ ν(x) τ ν (x) τ ν(x) σ 3 (x)τ ν (x) dω(ν) + τ ν (x) τ ν (x) τ ν(x) σ 3 (x)τ ν (x) dω(ν) τ ν (x) τ ν (x) τ ν(x) σ 4 (x)dω(ν) ad τ ν (x) dω(ν) σ 4 τ ν (x) τ ν (x) + τ ν (x) τ ν (x) τ ν(x) σ 4 (x)dω(ν) = τ ν (x) τ ν (x) τν (x)dω(ν) S ( ) (4 σ)/ x s τ ν (x) σ+4 dω(ν) (4 σ)/ for 4 σ. Therefore for the secod term o the right-had side of (5.3), for σ ad 4 σ, it follows that S ν (x)dω(ν) ( u(x) s ) 4 σ u(x) dx dx. (5.4) µ ν (x) 3 σ x 4 σ For ay t (, ), we may write the third term i (5.3) as σ+ ν (x) µ ν (x) = ν(x) t (τ (3 σ) ν (x)τ ν (x)) σ t µ(x) 8+3σ+t =: ν (x) t J(ν, x). If t σ S J(ν; x)dω(ν) As efore τ ν (x) τ ν (x) τ ν (x) 4+σ t dω(ν) τ ν (x) τ ν (x) τ ν(x) 4+σ t dω(ν) + τ ν (x) τ ν (x) τ ν(x) 4+σ t dω(ν). = τ ν (x) τ ν (x) τν (x)dω(ν) S ( x s τ ν (x) 4 σ+t dω(ν) ) (4 σ+t)/ (4 σ+t)/ if 4 σ + t. Associated with the third term o the right-had side of (5.3), we have for σ, t σ >, ad 4 σ + t S σ+ ν (x)dω(ν) ( u(x) s ) 4+t σ δ(x) t u(x) dx dx. µ ν (x) (3 σ ) x 4+t σ (5.5)

15 HARDY AND RELLICH INEQUALITIES 5 From (5.) (5.5) we otai S ν (x) σ νu(x) dω(ν)dx ( σ) (3 σ) (x; σ 4) u(x) dx + 4 σ k(σ ) [ s ] 4 σ + (3 σ) k(σ ) [ s ] 4+t σ u(x) x 4 σ dx 6 δ(x) t u(x) x 4+t σ dx provided σ, t σ, ad 4 + t σ. Note, that we may simply choose zero as a lower oud for the third term o the right-had side of (5.3) ad coclude that S ν (x) σ νu(x) dω(ν)dx ( σ) (3 σ) + 4 σ k(σ ) [ s ] 4 σ 6 u(x) x 4 σ for σ ad 4 σ. Now, it follows from Propositio that S ν (x) σ νu(x) dω(ν)dx [ u(x) d(x; σ) + (+) Thus, (5.9) ad (5.) are proved. (x; σ 4) u(x) dx dx x i x j ]dx. i,j= u(x) It follows from Theorem. of Baratis [] that for a covex ouded domai ad all u C () u(x) dx 9 u(x) [ dx + 6 δ(x) 4 48 ( + ) s ] 4/ u(x) dx. (5.6) As i Theorem, for a covex domai R, we may replace (x, σ 4) i Theorem 3 y B(, 4 σ)/δ(x) 4 σ ad x y to coclude from (5.9) that for 4 [ s ] 4/ u(x) dx 9 u(x) 6 δ(x) dx + c 4( + ) u(x) dx 4 (5.7) for all u C () i which c 4 = 3k( ).5. Therefore (5.7) improves the oud give y (5.6) for all 4. Refereces [] G. Baratis, Improved Rellich iequalities for the polyharmoic operator, Idiaa Uiversity Mathematics Joural 55(4) (6), 4 4. [] H. Brezis ad M. Marcus, Hardy s iequalities revisited, Dedicated to Eio De Giorgi, A. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4) 5 (997, 998), [3] E.B. Davies, A Review of Hardy Iequalities. The Maz ya Aiversary Collectio, Vol., Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., Vol., pp , Birkäuser, Basel, 999. [4] E.B. Davies, Spectral Theory ad Differetial Operators, Camridge Studies i Advaced Mathematics, Vol. 4, Camridge Uiv. Press, Camridge, 995.

16 6 W. D. EVANS AND R. T. LEWIS [5] S. Filippas, V. Maz ya, ad A. Tertikas, O a questio of Brezis ad Marcus, Calc. Var. Partial Differetial Equatios 5(4) (6), [6] M. Hoffma-Ostehof, T. Hoffma-Ostehof, ad A. Laptev, A geometrical versio of Hardy s iequality, J. Fuct. Aal., 89 (), [7] E.H. Lie ad M. Loss, Aalysis, Graduate Studies i Mathematics, vol. 4, d editio, America Mathematical Society, Providece, R.I.,. [8] M. Marcus, V.J. Mizel, ad Y. Pichover, O the est costat for Hardy s iequality i R, Tras. Amer. Math. Soc. 35 (998), [9] T. Matskewich ad P.E. Soolevskii, The est possile costat i a geeralized Hardy s iequality for covex domais i R, Noliear Aalysis TMA, 8 (997), 6 6. [] M.P. Owe, The Hardy-Rellich iequality for polyharmoic operators, Proc. Royal Society of Ediurgh, A 9 (999), [] J. Tidlom, A geometrical versio of Hardy s iequality for W,p (), Proc. A.M.S., 3(8) (4), School of Mathematics, Cardiff Uiversity, 3 Segheydd Road, Cardiff CF4 4AG, UK address: EvasWD@cardiff.ac.uk Departmet of Mathematics, Uiversity of Alaama at Birmigham, Birmigham, AL , USA address: lewis@math.ua.edu

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Uniform Estimates for Distributions of the Sum of i.i.d. Random Variables with Fat Tail in the Threshold Case

Uniform Estimates for Distributions of the Sum of i.i.d. Random Variables with Fat Tail in the Threshold Case J. Math. Sci. Uiv. Tokyo 8 (2, 397 427. Uiform Estimates for Distributios of the Sum of i.i.d. om Variables with Fat Tail i the Threshold Case By Keji Nakahara Abstract. We show uiform estimates for distributios

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Research Article Finite-Step Relaxed Hybrid Steepest-Descent Methods for Variational Inequalities

Research Article Finite-Step Relaxed Hybrid Steepest-Descent Methods for Variational Inequalities Hidawi Publishig Corporatio Joural of Iequalities ad Applicatios Volume 2008, Article ID 598632, 13 pages doi:10.1155/2008/598632 Research Article Fiite-Step Relaxed Hybrid Steepest-Descet Methods for

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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COMMON RANDOM FIXED POINT THEOREMS IN SYMMETRIC SPACES Iteratioal Joural of Avacemets i Research & Techology, Volume, Issue, Jauary-03 ISSN 78-7763 COMMON RANDOM FIXED POINT THEOREMS IN SYMMETRIC SPACES Dr Neetu Vishwakarma a Dr M S Chauha Sagar Istitute of

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MATH423 String Theory Solutions 4. = 0 τ = f(s). (1) dτ ds = dxµ dτ f (s) (2) dτ 2 [f (s)] 2 + dxµ. dτ f (s) (3)

MATH423 String Theory Solutions 4. = 0 τ = f(s). (1) dτ ds = dxµ dτ f (s) (2) dτ 2 [f (s)] 2 + dxµ. dτ f (s) (3) 1. MATH43 String Theory Solutions 4 x = 0 τ = fs). 1) = = f s) ) x = x [f s)] + f s) 3) equation of motion is x = 0 if an only if f s) = 0 i.e. fs) = As + B with A, B constants. i.e. allowe reparametrisations

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Data Dependence of New Iterative Schemes

Data Dependence of New Iterative Schemes Mathematics Volume : 4 Issue : 6 Jue 4 ISSN - 49-555X Data Depedece of New Iterative Schemes KEYWORDS CR Iteratio Data Depedece New Multistep Iteratio Quasi Cotractive * Aarti Kadia Assistat Professor

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w o = R 1 p. (1) R = p =. = 1

w o = R 1 p. (1) R = p =. = 1 Πανεπιστήµιο Κρήτης - Τµήµα Επιστήµης Υπολογιστών ΗΥ-570: Στατιστική Επεξεργασία Σήµατος 205 ιδάσκων : Α. Μουχτάρης Τριτη Σειρά Ασκήσεων Λύσεις Ασκηση 3. 5.2 (a) From the Wiener-Hopf equation we have:

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PROPERTIES OF CERTAIN INTEGRAL OPERATORS. a n z n (1.1) GEORGIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL: Vol. 2, No. 5, 995, 535-545 PROPERTIES OF CERTAIN INTEGRAL OPERATORS SHIGEYOSHI OWA Abstract. Two integral operators P α and Q α for analytic functions in the open unit disk

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FREE VIBRATION OF A SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM Revision B FREE VIBRATION OF A SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM Revisio B By Tom Irvie Email: tomirvie@aol.com February, 005 Derivatio of the Equatio of Motio Cosier a sigle-egree-of-freeom system. m x k c where m

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Lecture 13 - Root Space Decomposition II

Lecture 13 - Root Space Decomposition II Lecture 13 - Root Space Decomposition II October 18, 2012 1 Review First let us recall the situation. Let g be a simple algebra, with maximal toral subalgebra h (which we are calling a CSA, or Cartan Subalgebra).

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Coefficient Inequalities for a New Subclass of K-uniformly Convex Functions

Coefficient Inequalities for a New Subclass of K-uniformly Convex Functions International Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics. ISSN 0974-89 Volume, Number (00), pp. 67--75 International Research Publication House http://www.irphouse.com Coefficient Inequalities for

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A Two-Sided Laplace Inversion Algorithm with Computable Error Bounds and Its Applications in Financial Engineering

A Two-Sided Laplace Inversion Algorithm with Computable Error Bounds and Its Applications in Financial Engineering Electronic Companion A Two-Sie Laplace Inversion Algorithm with Computable Error Bouns an Its Applications in Financial Engineering Ning Cai, S. G. Kou, Zongjian Liu HKUST an Columbia University Appenix

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Nowhere-zero flows Let be a digraph, Abelian group. A Γ-circulation in is a mapping : such that, where, and : tail in X, head in

Nowhere-zero flows Let be a digraph, Abelian group. A Γ-circulation in is a mapping : such that, where, and : tail in X, head in Nowhere-zero flows Let be a digraph, Abelian group. A Γ-circulation in is a mapping : such that, where, and : tail in X, head in : tail in X, head in A nowhere-zero Γ-flow is a Γ-circulation such that

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Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics

Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics Fourier Series MATH 211, Calculus II J. Robert Buchanan Department of Mathematics Spring 2018 Introduction Not all functions can be represented by Taylor series. f (k) (c) A Taylor series f (x) = (x c)

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Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests

Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests Shirsendu Mukherjee Department of Statistics, Asutosh College, Kolkata, India. shirsendu st@yahoo.co.in So far we have treated the testing of one-sided

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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Introduction of Numerical Analysis #03 TAGAMI, Daisuke (IMI, Kyushu University)

Introduction of Numerical Analysis #03 TAGAMI, Daisuke (IMI, Kyushu University) Itroductio of Numerical Aalysis #03 TAGAMI, Daisuke (IMI, Kyushu Uiversity) web page of the lecture: http://www2.imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~tagami/lec/ Strategy of Numerical Simulatios Pheomea Error modelize

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Certain Sequences Involving Product of k-bessel Function

Certain Sequences Involving Product of k-bessel Function It. J. Appl. Coput. Math 018 4:101 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40819-018-053-8 ORIGINAL PAPER Certai Sequeces Ivolvig Product of k-bessel Fuctio M. Chad 1 P. Agarwal Z. Haouch 3 Spriger Idia Private Ltd.

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Math 446 Homework 3 Solutions. (1). (i): Reverse triangle inequality for metrics: Let (X, d) be a metric space and let x, y, z X.

Math 446 Homework 3 Solutions. (1). (i): Reverse triangle inequality for metrics: Let (X, d) be a metric space and let x, y, z X. Math 446 Homework 3 Solutions. (1). (i): Reverse triangle inequalit for metrics: Let (X, d) be a metric space and let x,, z X. Prove that d(x, z) d(, z) d(x, ). (ii): Reverse triangle inequalit for norms:

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LAD Estimation for Time Series Models With Finite and Infinite Variance

LAD Estimation for Time Series Models With Finite and Infinite Variance LAD Estimatio for Time Series Moels With Fiite a Ifiite Variace Richar A. Davis Colorao State Uiversity William Dusmuir Uiversity of New South Wales 1 LAD Estimatio for ARMA Moels fiite variace ifiite

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1. Matrix Algebra and Linear Economic Models

1. Matrix Algebra and Linear Economic Models Matrix Algebra ad Liear Ecoomic Models Refereces Ch 3 (Turkigto); Ch 4 5 (Klei) [] Motivatio Oe market equilibrium Model Assume perfectly competitive market: Both buyers ad sellers are price-takers Demad:

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SOME IDENTITIES FOR GENERALIZED FIBONACCI AND LUCAS SEQUENCES Hcettepe Jourl of Mthemtics d Sttistics Volume 4 4 013, 331 338 SOME IDENTITIES FOR GENERALIZED FIBONACCI AND LUCAS SEQUENCES Nuretti IRMAK, Murt ALP Received 14 : 06 : 01 : Accepted 18 : 0 : 013 Keywords:

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SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions

SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES GLMA Linear Mathematics 00- Examination Solutions. (a) i. ( + 5i)( i) = (6 + 5) + (5 )i = + i. Real part is, imaginary part is. (b) ii. + 5i i ( + 5i)( + i) = ( i)( + i)

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6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq.

6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq. 6.1. Dirac Equation Ref: M.Kaku, Quantum Field Theory, Oxford Univ Press (1993) η μν = η μν = diag(1, -1, -1, -1) p 0 = p 0 p = p i = -p i p μ p μ = p 0 p 0 + p i p i = E c 2 - p 2 = (m c) 2 H = c p 2

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Supplement to A theoretical framework for Bayesian nonparametric regression: random series and rates of contraction

Supplement to A theoretical framework for Bayesian nonparametric regression: random series and rates of contraction Supplemet to A theoretical framework for Bayesia oparametric regressio: radom series ad rates of cotractio A Proof of Theorem 31 Proof of Theorem 31 First defie the followig quatity: ɛ = 3 t α, δ = α α

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ORDINAL ARITHMETIC JULIAN J. SCHLÖDER ORDINAL ARITHMETIC JULIAN J. SCHLÖDER Abstract. We define ordinal arithmetic and show laws of Left- Monotonicity, Associativity, Distributivity, some minor related properties and the Cantor Normal Form.

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Problem Set 3: Solutions

Problem Set 3: Solutions CMPSCI 69GG Applied Information Theory Fall 006 Problem Set 3: Solutions. [Cover and Thomas 7.] a Define the following notation, C I p xx; Y max X; Y C I p xx; Ỹ max I X; Ỹ We would like to show that C

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Supplementary Materials: Trading Computation for Communication: Distributed Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent

Supplementary Materials: Trading Computation for Communication: Distributed Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent Supplemetary Materials: Tradig Computatio for Commuicatio: istributed Stochastic ual Coordiate Ascet Tiabao Yag NEC Labs America, Cupertio, CA 954 tyag@ec-labs.com Proof of Theorem ad Theorem For the proof

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Finite Field Problems: Solutions

Finite Field Problems: Solutions Finite Field Problems: Solutions 1. Let f = x 2 +1 Z 11 [x] and let F = Z 11 [x]/(f), a field. Let Solution: F =11 2 = 121, so F = 121 1 = 120. The possible orders are the divisors of 120. Solution: The

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Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set May 6, 2008 Abstract A set of first-order formulas, whatever the cardinality of the set of symbols, is equivalent to an independent

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Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5

Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5 Solutions to Eercise Sheet 5 jacques@ucsd.edu. Let X and Y be random variables with joint pdf f(, y) = 3y( + y) where and y. Determine each of the following probabilities. Solutions. a. P (X ). b. P (X

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Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016

Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Silvio Capobianco Exercise 1.7 Let H(n) = J(n + 1) J(n). Equation (1.8) tells us that H(2n) = 2, and H(2n+1) = J(2n+2) J(2n+1) = (2J(n+1) 1) (2J(n)+1)

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MATH 38061/MATH48061/MATH68061: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Solutions to Problems on Matrix Algebra

MATH 38061/MATH48061/MATH68061: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Solutions to Problems on Matrix Algebra MATH 38061/MATH48061/MATH68061: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Solutios to Poblems o Matix Algeba 1 Let A be a squae diagoal matix takig the fom a 11 0 0 0 a 22 0 A 0 0 a pp The ad So, log det A t log A t log

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DERIVATION OF MILES EQUATION Revision D By Tom Irvie Email: tomirvie@aol.com July, DERIVATION OF MILES EQUATION Revisio D Itroductio The obective is to derive Miles equatio. This equatio gives the overall respose of a sigle-degree-of-freedom

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Gauss Radau formulae for Jacobi and Laguerre weight functions

Gauss Radau formulae for Jacobi and Laguerre weight functions Mathematics ad Computers i Simulatio 54 () 43 41 Gauss Radau formulae for Jacobi ad Laguerre weight fuctios Walter Gautschi Departmet of Computer Scieces, Purdue Uiversity, West Lafayette, IN 4797-1398,

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α β

α β 6. Eerg, Mometum coefficiets for differet velocit distributios Rehbock obtaied ) For Liear Velocit Distributio α + ε Vmax { } Vmax ε β +, i which ε v V o Give: α + ε > ε ( α ) Liear velocit distributio

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Binet Type Formula For The Sequence of Tetranacci Numbers by Alternate Methods

Binet Type Formula For The Sequence of Tetranacci Numbers by Alternate Methods DOI: 545/mjis764 Biet Type Formula For The Sequece of Tetraacci Numbers by Alterate Methods GAUTAMS HATHIWALA AND DEVBHADRA V SHAH CK Pithawala College of Eigeerig & Techology, Surat Departmet of Mathematics,

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Lower Bounds for Laplacian and Fractional Laplacian Eigenvalues

Lower Bounds for Laplacian and Fractional Laplacian Eigenvalues Lower Bouds for Laplacia ad Fractioal Laplacia Eigevalues arxiv:.457v [math.dg] 7 Fe Guoxi Wei He-Ju Su ad Ligzhog Zeg Astract: I this paper, we ivestigate eigevalues of Laplacia o a ouded domai i a -dimesioal

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Estimators when the Correlation Coefficient. is Negative

Estimators when the Correlation Coefficient. is Negative It J Cotemp Math Sceces, Vol 5, 00, o 3, 45-50 Estmators whe the Correlato Coeffcet s Negatve Sad Al Al-Hadhram College of Appled Sceces, Nzwa, Oma abur97@ahoocouk Abstract Rato estmators for the mea of

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J. of Math. (PRC) Shannon-McMillan, , McMillan [2] Breiman [3] , Algoet Cover [10] AEP. P (X n m = x n m) = p m,n (x n m) > 0, x i X, 0 m i n. (1.

J. of Math. (PRC) Shannon-McMillan, , McMillan [2] Breiman [3] , Algoet Cover [10] AEP. P (X n m = x n m) = p m,n (x n m) > 0, x i X, 0 m i n. (1. Vol. 35 ( 205 ) No. 4 J. of Math. (PRC), (, 243002) : a.s. Marov Borel-Catelli. : Marov ; Borel-Catelli ; ; ; MR(200) : 60F5 : O2.4; O236 : A : 0255-7797(205)04-0969-08 Shao-McMilla,. Shao 948 [],, McMilla

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Εγχειρίδια Μαθηµατικών και Χταποδάκι στα Κάρβουνα

Εγχειρίδια Μαθηµατικών και Χταποδάκι στα Κάρβουνα [ 1 ] Πανεπιστήµιο Κύπρου Εγχειρίδια Μαθηµατικών και Χταποδάκι στα Κάρβουνα Νίκος Στυλιανόπουλος, Πανεπιστήµιο Κύπρου Λευκωσία, εκέµβριος 2009 [ 2 ] Πανεπιστήµιο Κύπρου Πόσο σηµαντική είναι η απόδειξη

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Reminders: linear functions

Reminders: linear functions Reminders: linear functions Let U and V be vector spaces over the same field F. Definition A function f : U V is linear if for every u 1, u 2 U, f (u 1 + u 2 ) = f (u 1 ) + f (u 2 ), and for every u U

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Μια εισαγωγή στα Μαθηματικά για Οικονομολόγους

Μια εισαγωγή στα Μαθηματικά για Οικονομολόγους Μια εισαγωγή στα Μαθηματικά για Οικονομολόγους Μαθηματικά Ικανές και αναγκαίες συνθήκες Έστω δυο προτάσεις Α και Β «Α είναι αναγκαία συνθήκη για την Β» «Α είναι ικανή συνθήκη για την Β» Α is ecessary for

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HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch:

HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch: HOMEWORK 4 Problem a For the fast loading case, we want to derive the relationship between P zz and λ z. We know that the nominal stress is expressed as: P zz = ψ λ z where λ z = λ λ z. Therefore, applying

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Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas

Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas 09 Section 7. Double and Half Angle Fmulas To derive the double-angles fmulas, we will use the sum of two angles fmulas that we developed in the last section. We will let α θ and β θ: cos(θ) cos(θ + θ)

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Lecture 2. Soundness and completeness of propositional logic

Lecture 2. Soundness and completeness of propositional logic Lecture 2 Soundness and completeness of propositional logic February 9, 2004 1 Overview Review of natural deduction. Soundness and completeness. Semantics of propositional formulas. Soundness proof. Completeness

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The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus Type Inference Instead of writing type annotations, can we use an algorithm to infer what the type annotations should be? That depends on the type system. For simple type systems the answer is yes, and

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