. 0 1\6yoc. TOU 0eou Kai T(l NeulTa

Σχετικά έγγραφα

2 Composition. Invertible Mappings

Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations

derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates


Επιβλέπουσα Καθηγήτρια: ΣΟΦΙΑ ΑΡΑΒΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΑΤΟΥ


Example Sheet 3 Solutions

þÿ»±íº »¹ Áà  : É º±¹ Ä þÿ Á³ Ä Å : ¼¹± ºÁ¹Ä¹º ±À Ä ¼


LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV. 18 February 2014

LESSON 6 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΞΙ) REF : 201/045/26-ADV. 10 December 2013

WEEK 21. The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles OUTLINE DAY 1

Policy Coherence. JEL Classification : J12, J13, J21 Key words :

C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions

Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required)

Homework 3 Solutions


Αζεκίλα Α. Μπνπράγηεξ (Α.Μ. 261)

Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού)

HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch:

Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Βάσεων Δεδομένων

Math221: HW# 1 solutions

ΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ. ΘΕΜΑ: «ιερεύνηση της σχέσης µεταξύ φωνηµικής επίγνωσης και ορθογραφικής δεξιότητας σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας»

Finite Field Problems: Solutions

7 Present PERFECT Simple. 8 Present PERFECT Continuous. 9 Past PERFECT Simple. 10 Past PERFECT Continuous. 11 Future PERFECT Simple

Instruction Execution Times

Writing for A class. Describe yourself Topic 1: Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live.

Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς Τμήμα Πληροφορικής Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών «Πληροφορική»

Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * *


14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense


EE512: Error Control Coding

3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β

3.4 Αζηίεξ ημζκςκζηήξ ακζζυηδηαξ ζημ ζπμθείμ Πανάβμκηεξ πνμέθεοζδξ ηδξ ημζκςκζηήξ ακζζυηδηαξ οιαμθή ηςκ εηπαζδεοηζηχκ ζηδκ


LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV. 4 February 2014

Matrices and Determinants

Section 1: Listening and responding. Presenter: Niki Farfara MGTAV VCE Seminar 7 August 2016


Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES

department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι

HIV HIV HIV HIV AIDS 3 :.1 /-,**1 +332

Κατανοώντας και στηρίζοντας τα παιδιά που πενθούν στο σχολικό πλαίσιο

Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg ( )

Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.


Strain gauge and rosettes


Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable

ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ΙΙΙ. Ενότητα 12b: The Little Prince. Ζωή Κανταρίδου Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής

Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb.



2nd Training Workshop of scientists- practitioners in the juvenile judicial system Volos, EVALUATION REPORT

Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door


I haven t fully accepted the idea of growing older

Στεγαστική δήλωση: Σχετικά με τις στεγαστικές υπηρεσίες που λαμβάνετε (Residential statement: About the residential services you get)

( ) 2 and compare to M.

BECAUSE WE REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT SCHOOL AND YOUR GARDEN. Fairly true If I decide to learn something hard, I can.


Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1

Πώς μπορεί κανείς να έχει έναν διερμηνέα κατά την επίσκεψή του στον Οικογενειακό του Γιατρό στο Ίσλινγκτον Getting an interpreter when you visit your

Chapter 29. Adjectival Participle

ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II

Other Test Constructions: Likelihood Ratio & Bayes Tests



Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

LESSON 28 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΟΚΤΩ) REF : 201/033/28. 2 December 2014


SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions

6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq.

Γιπλυμαηική Δπγαζία. «Ανθπυποκενηπικόρ ζσεδιαζμόρ γέθςπαρ πλοίος» Φοςζιάνηρ Αθανάζιορ. Δπιβλέπυν Καθηγηηήρ: Νηθφιανο Π. Βεληίθνο


Main source: "Discrete-time systems and computer control" by Α. ΣΚΟΔΡΑΣ ΨΗΦΙΑΚΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ 4 ΔΙΑΦΑΝΕΙΑ 1

The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus


Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests

Adjectives. Describing the Qualities of Things. A lesson for the Paideia web-app Ian W. Scott, 2015

The challenges of non-stable predicates

PARTIAL NOTES for 6.1 Trigonometric Identities


Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme

Copyright is owned by the Author of the thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for the purpose of research and

Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas

Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5

Homework Greek Math 5 th Grade 9/21/2017


ΦωτίστεΤονΚόσμο. ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ Νοεμβρίου Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations

Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3

Physical DB Design. B-Trees Index files can become quite large for large main files Indices on index files are possible.

Example of the Baum-Welch Algorithm

(1) Describe the process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube (3)


Πνευματική ιδιοκτησία και ιατρικά επιστημονικά έργα


.Kai En"I'lO'e.,oav anavfefi nveuijafafi. AViou. Kai "p~avta "a"eiv EdpcUfi v"wo'o'aifio. (npa~f!~v ~;41 IUIITaaOUOf una. Enflpon~ npovolq fou IEI300~.UWTdTOU. APXfEMfoKonou 242 Cleveland 51.. Redfern. 2016. Tel. 698-9915 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GAEEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA. EtllOlo IuvOpollr\- Annual Subscription $10.00 VOLUME 6 No. 6 Algisllred by Autlrllil PO$I Publication No NAR 3565 TEYXor 660v IOYNIOr 1985. 0 1\6yoc. TOU 0eou Kai T(l NeulTa Inlem.llon.1 Voulh Ve.r '85 ME Tr']V EUKOIpfo TOO dle9vous W ETOUS YUl Ti]V NeOnITO..;. EKKA'10fO 6EV EXEI VO KOJ..lEI noautij..iotepo 6wpo npo<,; TO VEI()TO ono TaU va rou<,; unev8uj..iioei Triv onou6010t'1to nou EXEIO Aoyos TaU eeou YI' OUTrlV i610ltepws TrlV KpfOlJ..l'1 r'laikfo. To vo eiooi veos. eivoi ouyxpovw<,; npov6jjlo Koi 60KIJJOaia. K08E J..IEyoA'1 o~fo OTrl ~wri TOO ov8pwnou elvoi 6E6oJJEVO Koi ~"TouJJevo J..Io~i. AUTO on06elkvueiotio eeosoyono J..IEV TOV av8pwno Kof TaU 6fvEI 6wpa. 6AAei ouyxpovwe; oepetol Kof TriV EAEu8Epia TaU WS npoownou, YI' auto 6EV TaU TO EOIPeiAAEI auto TO 6wpa. To SeTEI onawe; eie; Ti]v 61ei8EOt') TaU Kof TOV Oq>fVEI vei TO KOTOKTriOEI auronpoofpeto. rl ' OUTO 0 eeoe; KoAEi TOV av8pwno oe ouvepyooio. oe «ouvepyfo». onws AEEI okplpeotepo.; 'Op8060~'1 eeoaoyio.. 0 eeoe; Pei<EI «TO KecpoAOIO» O OUTrlV Ti]v ouvepyoofo. J..Ie TO va J..IOe; 6woel Trl V <Wrl, KI' EJ..Ieie; KoAouJ..IOOTe va npool:pepouj..ie Triv «npo OWnlKrl Epyooio n J..Ioe; noaaonaoolei<ovtos TO «TaAoVTov». ~ OAo AOlnov Ta 8eJ..leAlw6'1 Kof onou6oio npayj..loto eie; TOV ov8pwolvo j3fo eivol xoploj..levo J..Iev ana TOU Beau Ti]v yevvoio- 6wpia, ouyxpovws OJ..lWe; EXOUV Evanore8ei ora xeplo TOO 6v8pwnou WS nopokoro8rlk'1. To Exel 0 Beos EJ..IOIOrEU8ei auto TO oyo80 eis rr']v q>iaotlj..lio TOO ov8pwnou. Auro OKpIPWe; eivoi ro J..IeyoAeio oawv TWV nveuj..iotlkwv npoyj..leirwv, 0 OVTIVOJJIKOC; XOPOKTrlPoS TWV. - ErOl, EVa ana rei wpoio Kof J..IeyoAo npayj..loto eie; ri]v <wri eivol Kof TO va eivoi Koveie; veo<,;. To va oi080vetoi OT! 0 op8poe; r~e; 6ru.. Jloupyioe; 6ev EXEI OKOWI reaelwoel. 6,uoruxwe; noaaee; cpopee; oi VEal av8pwnol 6ev KoroAoj3ofvouv auto TO npovoj..lio. Aio80vovToi J..IEIOVEKTIKo J..InpOoro oroue; J..IeyoAurEpOUe;, TOUe; «rptaapivou~» Koi Ko8lepwJ..leVous. MOIpoio 06'1YEi O' OUTt') rriv «PE/ovE{ia» J..Ilo Eoq>oAJ..Iev'1 EKriJ..lrJorJ TWV npayj..l0twv: ITriv uai OTIKrl Koi npoyj..lotionkri KOlvwvio J..Ioe;. Duv'l8i~ouJ..le va TOUTf ~ouj..le 6uvoJ..lrJ Koi EAEU8Epio J..Ie TO XP~J..IO Koi TrlV KOIVWVIKO oikovoj..likrl oneaeu8epworj. LUJ..lq>WVO J..Ie ourri Triv Eoq>oAJ..IevrJ ovtiarj4jrj npayj..iotwv. TO npoowno nou 6ev Exel xpt')j..iato ii 6voJ..lel~rJ oto 6Ao KOIVwvIKo-noAITIKO naeyj..io TOU «KaTEuT'lpivou». 6ev 8EWPEiTOI J..IrlTE 6UVOTO J..IriTe EAeu8epo. Koi eivol YVWOTO on Tei velota exouv ouvri8we; eaoxloro xprij..lora. ocpou OKOJ..l'l KI' auto TO «xapr(iaiki» TWV Tie; 010 noaaee; q>opee; E~OPTOTOI ono Tr']V evvoia TWV EVrJAiKwvl.. OJ..lWe; TO XP~J..IO E~Oq>O Vf<ETOI ypriyopo KI' EXEI J..IOVclxa ouj..lj30tikri. 6rJA. «voj.1lapatikrj» o~fo. Kof TO KOTEonWEVO OVOTpeneTOI ii KAovi<ETOI OTi]v npwtrj KOIVWVIKO-noAITIKri oaaoyri. rl ' auto J..IOVOV oi j3agelee; Koi EowTepIKEe; OJ;iEe; TOU npoownou nopo~evouv otoaovteutee; J..IEXPI TOV ToCPO. Kof nepov TOU TOq>OU. ThOlES OJ..lWS 6~iee; 6ev Kep6i~ovTOI ono Ti]v J..IIO OTlYJ..Irl orriv aaarj. onwe; TO UAIKO oyo80 nou TO onoktoe; J..Ie J..II(] EmTuxfJ EJ..InOpIKr; 6paoTrJPIOTflTO ii Kep6f~oVTOe; EVa Aoxvo TuXepol Oi eowtepikee; oj;ie<,; TOO npoownou XTi~oVrOl olwnr)ao Kai ~E 8uofee; ono TO ayoupo ii6fl XPOVIO, Koi 6ev uneipxei ota8ep6tepo 8eJ..leAl0 YI' auto TO XTiOIJ..lO ono TOV Aoyo rou 0EOU.. AAAo 01 av8pwnol nou 6exovTai TOV -1610 novta Aoyo TOU eeou 6Iaq>epOUV J..IETOJ;U TWV. AUTO J..IOe; TO bl600kei noau onao.; nopopoafj ToO onopewe; (MoT9. 13. 1-52) - METO~U TWV OKPOOTWV TOO Aoyou ToO Eleou. autof nou EivOI 010 ETOIJ..lOI Va 6ex800v TO eeio J..IrlVU J..lO Kof va q>epouv KopnOUe; ov6aoyou<,;, elva I TO VEIOTO. rl ' auro 6 Xploroe; Elne: «au P6AAouolv olvov viov Ei~ aokou~ naaalou~» (MoT8. 9, 17). Olvoe; veoe; Eivol TO J..IrivUJ..lO TOO XploTOO. VI' auto xpelo<etoi VEOUe; ov8pwnou<,;. nola OJ..lWe; elval TWPO TO KPlTriPIO nou xopaktrjpi~ouv TOUe; veou<,; ov8pwnoue; Kof TOUe; 61ocpoponoi00v ana roue; yepooj..levoue;; 1. OJ veol av8pwnol 6ev 6eOJ..leUOvTOI OKOWI ono TOOTO ii EKeivo rov Tpono <w~s. Tt')V vootponia ri Tie; Duvri8elee;. rl ' auto 01 veol av8pwnol oi08ovovtoi nws EXouv J..Iio noau J..IeyoAuTepr) eowreplkr; EAeu8epio. Kof we; EK TOUroU voiw80uv buvototepoi. 2. Aio8ovoJ..levoi outr'j Trl V EOWTEPIKrl EAeu8epio TWV oov 6uvoJ..lrJ. 6ev EXOUV ovaykrj va unokpl90uv Koi va K0J..lOUV npo YJ..l0TO nou bev OIOTeUouv.. H unokploio EivOi TO Ev6uJ..lo TOO 6EIAou KGi 06UVeiTOU, YI' auto onoteaei OUJ..Inepl<1>opo Tou60u Aou... ETOI. yevlkwe; oi vewtepoi av8pwnol eivol neploootepo EiAIKplveie;. nap' 6Ao nou.; EiAIKpivEIO TOUe; outri noaaee; q>ope~ nope~rjyeitoi WS Spa COS Kof oveuaoj3eio Kof POpj3opOTrJTO. Kof npovj..iotl J..Inopei Keinore Va KOTOArl~el De 6A' auto ri eiaikpivelo TWV vewv. OTOV r~s Aei4Jel ri oej..lvotrjto Koi Tonelvoq>poouvrJ. 3. Me TO Va eivol eiaikplveotepol Koi 010 ou80pj..lrjtoi oi veol av8pwnol, yivovtoi ouj..lna8eotepoi oto neplpoaaov TOUe;. - ETOI EIVOI 010 eunpo06ektoi ana Ko8e KoAonpoofpero av8pwno nou TOUe; xopi<el YPrlYopo TrlV EJ..ImOToouvrJ Kof TriV q>iaio TOU. 4. Me TfS 010 navw npoun08eoele;. oi veal av8pwnol J..InopOUV va ElvOi 010 ripwi'koi Koi ETOIJ..lOI Yl(l 8uafee;. Kof 0 Aoyoe; TOO BEOU onoitei 8uoiEe;. ElvOi aaawore XOPOKTrJPIOTIKO 6T1 Kof VIO TOU KOoJ..lOU rourou Tei i6oviko SUOlO<OVTOI oi veo! av9pwnol. Ana Tie; To~ele; TWV vewv npoepxovtoi Kupiwe; OUToi nou KrlPua DOUV onepyio neiv'le; ii outonupnoaouvtol Vlei 6loq>opo i6ovlko. rloti oi VEOI av8pwnol 6ev EXOUV OUV8'lKOAoYlloel oe i61otea~ ouj..l4>epovto Koi OTriv EUTeAelO x8oj..loaile; <w~s.. AAAo Ko.! oi veal av8pwnol XPEIO~OVTOI va J..Io80uv Tr;V OKOAou8rJ ona~ Koi J..IeyaArJ oar;8eio ana Triv neipo Kof Triv ooq>io TWV EVrJAiKWV. nou auv04ji<ei oarj TrlV euyevelo TOO av8pwnou:. H ",6 rjpwikrj 8uaia 6iv elval T6 va auroktovrjoef KavE/~ ai Pia OTlYPr'J avappaopou Kai pi Pia plalf} aneplokenr'l XElpovoplo. 'AAAa ro va avepa(ei6igpkw~ rr'j (wrj TaU J.1i unopovr'j ai6aokai uf/l"a6t<pa frr'rre6a. aywv/ioilevo~ ilia 6AOKAfJP" IWr) fvavt/a a' OJI elvgf avrl8eta pi Tr'JV aar'j8eig Kai TO rpw~. + A.I. 77

~~{~~~M~I~K~O'~~~ IVNA::API f.'l'~~~':; MAKAPIOV TOV AlrVnTIOV (' O","io H') 1... EPXerol KanOIOS 66E~<p6s va npooeux~sei npos T6 0EO, Koi ve,.ji~ei ri Kop610 TOU an6 T~ aeio XOP'l Kof Euq>paivETOI Ii 4JUXr; TOU ana T~V napouafa TOU Kupiou, onws ri vu~<p'1 6n6 Tr'}V napouaia TOU vuij<i>iou, ali,.lcpwva IJE TO A,6yo TaU npo4>ritrl, Haoia nou AeYEl' «6nw~ EurppaivETGI 6 vujl</jio~ PE TfJ VUJ.1 fj, ETOI 86 ElJrppav8Ei KG! 6 KtJplo{ Drav EpeEI jjiaa oou». Kef oujj J3aivEI rote J..IE T6v 66eA<po, nou aaxoaeitoi Ko8r)IJEPIV6 jje Tel nveujjotiko, De KonOIO OTIYIJr) v' (u:poolw8ei 6AoKArlPWTlKO on'lv npoaeuxf), Kof 6pn6~ETal 6 eowtepikoc; 6v8pwnoc; Drllv npooeuxri. cp8civovroc; jje noaar; yaukut'lto or6 anelpo adaoe; TaU aiwva EKeivQu, wale va EKnAriaoETOI 6 vade; TOU nou J3piOKETOI 6A6KAllPoC; J.lETEWPOC; EKEi Kof oe 6Ao T6 XPOVIKO auro 61(1orrwo va ~exv6el TOUe; AOYlojJouC; TOO aapkikog q>pov~~atos, Enelb~ vej.llae ana 8eious AOVlaJ.lous Koi oix~oawtio8f')ke atc 8eio Koi OTa EnOUpaVIO, oe anepovro Koi a KOTaAf')nro npav~oro, oe 8ou ~oora npav~oro, nou elvol obuvoro va neplvpo4>ouv ~e ov8pwmvo ot6~0, wote r~v wpo EKeivf') va euxetol Koi va nopokoaei, G; ~OKapl ~o~i ~e T~V npoaeux~ va eixe ovef3,ei Koi ~ 4JUX~ ~ou OTOV oupovo». 2.. EpWTr]orr Mnopei Koveis va eioepxetoi navtote O EKeivo TOV nveu~otlko xwpo;. An6vTrlor]: 'H Xapf') TOU BeoG navtote auvunapxel ~e ToV 6v8pwno, KO! Exel pl~w8ej Koi ~u~w8ej ~o~i TOU ono T~ ~IKP~ TOU ~AIKlo, KO! evlve oav KaT I q>uoiko Koi oto8epo Ouvop~oo~evo ~e T~V unop~~ TOU, oav ~Ia ouaio, Kol q>povti~el ~e noaaous TPOnous, onws OUT~ 8eAel, Via TO ouj.lq>epov TOU ov8pwnou. Koi CiAAoTE ~ev Kolel EowTeplKo Koi ovof3,el aav q>wtio, Kol 6AAoTe KaVel T~V nopouoio Tf')S ~e J.lOAOKoTepo Koi ~m6tepo Tpono. Koi ~eplkes q>opes auto TO Hi:lS Aa~nel ~Wf')pa, KanOTe naai ~elwvel T~ Aa~4Jf') TOU Koi OKOTeIVla~EI. Koi OUT~ "Aomov ~ EowTeplKr; 4>Aovo, nou Kolel Koi A6~nEI novtote, OTOV ViVEI noau Ao~nEp~, npoo6evetoi OTr;V OVanf') rou BEau oav oe KaT oat oaf') ~e8f')s' OTOV naai, KOTa nopoxwpf')af') TOU BEaG, unoxwp~oei ~ Ao~npo Tf')Ta Tf')S, Civ Koi ouvunapxei TO q>wc; Tiis XOPf') S TOU BEOU ~e ToV /ivspwno, ESaoS,vi,E!. 3. ~ O~wS q>ovepw8f')ke OE ~EPIKOUS ro of')ljeio TOG oroupog ~e 4>WTEIVO Tpono, Kol Evw8f')Ke IJE TOV EOWTEPIKO av8pwno. - AAAoTE noai KOTa T~V wpo Tiis npoaeuxiis evlve aa va eneoe oe ekotoof') 6 av8pwnoc; Koi f3,pe8f')ke IJnpOOTO OTO 8uOIoaTrlPI0 IJIOS EKKAf')oioe;, Koi TOG npooq>ep8f')kov TpEie; aptoi, 00 va ~TOV ~UIJWlJeVOI lje Aobl, KO! 000 erpwve, TOOO neploootepo EKeivol na~80lvov Koi IJEVaAwvov... AAAoTE no AI Elba 00 va vtu8f')ke Eva q>wteivo evbulja, nou 0J.l010 ~e auto bev unapxel navw OT~ vii OTOV oiwva auto, Koi OUTE elvai 6UVOTO va KOTOOKEuoa8Ej ono av8pwmvo xepla (onwe; bf')a06ri OTOV ovef3,f')ke OTO opos 6 KuploS ~o~i ~e TOV 'lwavvil Kol TOV nerpo Koi have v' oaaa~ouv Koi v' aotpoq>touv TO pooxo TaU), TeTOIO ~Tav TO evbu~a EKEivo. Kol 8aUIJO~E Koi anopogoe 6 av8pwnoe; nou ~TOV VTUlJeVOS ~ ' auto, Kai KanOlO eaail q>opa auto TO q>ws. nou q>wti~ei ljeoo OTriv Kapbla, evolve bpa~o Via va 4>avEi TO EOWTeplKO Koi f3,08utepo Koi onokpuq>o q>ws, WOTe 6AaKAIlPOe; 6 av8pwnoe; va eivoi f3,u81 - oljevoe; ljeoo a ' EKEiVIl Tri VAUKUTf')TO Koi 8EWpio, J.lE anoteaeoljo va ~~ aio8avetoi naeov TO EOUTO TOU, oaaa va volji~el OTI elval oav J.lWpoe; Kai f3,apf3,apoe; OTOV KOO)JO auto, E~ oitioe; Tiie; lmepf3,oaikiis Ovanlle;, Tiie; yaukljrf')tae; KO! TWV onokpuq>wv )JU ot~piwv. (M<Tritpp. N. T.) 7S 'H 'Ayia MapTUS Cl>eJ3pwvia - 25 'Iouviou Evo VEO ovaos Konr]Ke 6n6 TOV Kfjno Tfje; v~s VIO VO otoaiael T6v Gp6vo TOU Oupovou. H 'Avio 4>E(3pwvio KOTOVOTOV ana Tf]V MEoonoTOjJio, ~TOV 6E TEKVO XPIOTIOVWV VOVEWV, A6VI.# ojjwe; T~e; EKnA'lKTlK~e; T'lS WPOIOTr]TOe; Koi Enel6f] 01 ei6waoa6rpee; EVOXAOOOOV 610pKWe; TIlV VEOPri nop9evo, 01 voveis T'lS OVOVKaOTflKOV va unoxwprl0ouv Kol va TriV OTeiAOUV, j,j0a1e; OE I')AIKio 17 xpovwv, OE MOVOOT~PI, 6nou ri rivouj,jevr] litov ri Selo TflS BPUEVr]. ' EKei ri 4>E(3pwvio nepvoooe Tie;rijJEpee; Tr]e;, KOTOVO'lTeUOuao Tie; jjovaxes IJE niv open'} Kof TrlV VAUKUT'lTO TfjS lj.luxijs T'lS. OjJwe; Ii 9ueAAO TOCi 61wVIJ00 EVEOKUlJ.lE Kof OTriV Movrl. MUl ojjo60 arpotlwtwv nep voooe Tie; eprlljoue; OVO~'lTOUOO XPIOTIOVOUS. " ETOJ Ecp900e jjlo rijjepo Kof OTI'}V Mov~ TijS 4>e(3pwvloS. 01 amee; 1J0VOXESOVTEArl e'l00v TOV Kiv6uvo Kol e uvov.. H 4>e(3pwvio ojjwe;, AOVI.# aogeveios, nopejjelve. OTOV oi OTpOTlWTee; el60v Tf]V jjovoxrl ejjelvov KOTanAflKTOI ana TO KaMas T'lS. Kof oneuaovtes, ei60noi'loov T6v opx'lv6 TOUe; IEAijVO Via TrlV veopl'} nop9evo.. 0 IeAijvoe; 61ETo~e va IJETo epgei OjJEOWe; ~ 4>e(3pwvlo evwmov TaU. OTOV TrlV el6e, EJ,Jelve a wvoc; 6no TO KaMoe; Tr]e;. npoono" 90uae va TrlV neloel va 9uOJooei OTO E"16wAO. Eie; J,JOT'lV OjJwS. TOTe, E~ovplwgeie;, 6leTO~e va KCToKonouv oi aapkes Tfle; J,JE jjoxolplo Koi vo KOTOKOOUV TO onmxvo HIS jje AOlJn06ee;. ' AKOAou9wS KTUn'ljJO J,JE ~i os e6woe TEAoe; OTl'1V ~w" TijS evloe; IJOpTUpOS.. AAA' Ii 6IKOIOOUVr] TOO 8mu ~Aee, To EonepOe; Tije;"1610e; njjepoe;o IeAijvoe; enoge nopo poouv'l.. HlJivulJvoS neplerpexe TO 6wj,Jono TOO onmoo TOU, KPOUVO~wv.. 0 A06e; 6nE6woe T6 KTunflJJO atov Geo Koi eaneuae va 6jJOAOVrloei niot'l OTrlV ep'lokeio TijS 4>e(3pwvioe;. H ' EKKA'l0io Kaf noalv elxe VIKf]oel. n. A. --1 FROM THE LIVES OF THE SAINTS ~ The Holy Martyr Fevronia - 25th June A new flower from earth's garden was cut to decorate the throne of heaven. Saint Fevronia was a descendant from Mesopotamia, and her parents were Christians, Because of her rare beauty and beacuse the pagans were continously annoying the young virgin, her parents were fo rced to send her to convent when she was only 17 years of age, where the abbess was her aunt, Vryeni. It was there that Fevronia passed her time captivating the sisters with her virtue and the sweetness of her soul. But the storm of persecution soon broke out in the convent. A group of soldiers was passing through the desert looking for Christians, and they soon reached Fevronia's convent. The other sisters managed to leave before danger arrived, but Fevronia remained because of ill-health, When the soldiers saw the nun, they were surprised at her beauty and wasted no time in informing their leader, Selinus. Selin us ordered that Fevronia appear before him immediately. When he saw her he was silenced by her beauty. He tried forcing her 10 make a sacrifice to the pagan gods, but in vain. Then, infuriated, he ordered her body to be cut with a knife and her entrails burnt with candles. Following this the Holy Martyr's life ended with the sword. But the justice of God followed soon. The evening of the same day Selin us became insane. Half-naked, he ran through the rooms of his house, screaming. The people attributed this to God and soon they all confessed faith in Fevronia's religion. The Church once again had conquered. Fr L <l>onh THl: OP00LlO:IAl: - VOICE OF ORTHODOXY 242 CLEVELAND STREET, REDFERN, 2016 RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION If you have not yet renewed your subscription of $10.00 for the year 1985, please do so at your earliest convenience, so that we may continue to send our periodical to your address..,

KUPIOKrl 30 'Iouviou (MaTe. 9: 36-10: 8) «' HYYIKev Ii BamAeia n.ov oupavwv». H oloaokoaia TOU ' 1r1000 IJOe; Eival T6ao 6nA~ Kof 10ur6- xpova T6ao (,"Tri. T6ao npooltri. KI OJ.lWS EI-IEiC; E'ITE 86: rriauyxiaoujje J-lE OIKE<; }Joe; i6eec), onore rriv Ko8roTou},JE anpoort'loaa6 Kof l_uofltri OlOV 0f1fJeptVO KOOJ-lO' eire naar So Triv j.jnepoe:lvoujje J-lE OIKeS!Joe; npokoroari4jeic). jje 6noTl~:AEaJ-la va KOTOVTriOEI aviapri Kof cjxpflot'l Yla rovolljjeprvo Civ8pwno. ~E HOVEI va neie; DE Kanolov nwe; av KOVEr Touro ~ EKEiVD TO KoA6 Kaf anoq>ljyei TOUTO Ii i::keivq TO KOKO 86 noel oro nap60eloo. npenei va TOO npoo<peperc; Kcm neploaorepo 6n' O,T! 8cAeyec; o Eva nar60ki TOO Kalll X'lTIKOO.. AAAOIwC; 86 6VTlOpaOEI ii. XErporepa, 86 6oro )Qp';oEl. Kei J.lE: TO 6iKIO TOU. 'Al;floG Klo"IOroc; 6 Xploroc; oi:vnpoana8ogoe va!-las KOVEI KoAAirEpous avepwnous, ~ va!-las au~pouaeuei ouvexeio... Eva okono ~ovaxo EIXE: va ~OS 608Ei OAOKAr)poS oav BEav8pwnos nou I)rov, va ~as npooq>epei rf) BoolAEio rwv Oupavwv - vai, ae ~ii, TOU, a~aptwaau, (1 0: 6)-, 6~Aa6~ va ~as 6yonf)oEI. 00 ii8eao buo orweio va roviow 6no ra AOYlo TOO Kupiou ~OS OTi «t]yyikev r7 BoO/Ada TWV oupavwv». npwrov, orov a Kuplos ~as rovi~eioti ri BamAEio rwvoupo vwv 6ev EivOi KanOU 6no~Epo 6AAa Eival nar)oiov ~os, ~as (JOEVeUl-li~EI orl ElvOI TOaD KOVra I-lOS 000 Koi a nar)oiov I-lOS, 6 66EAq>oS I-l0S. LJ.r)Ao6f) rooo nailola~ouije rr; BomAEio rou 0EOU 000 «GyarrGpE TOV rraf}oiov pa~» (Mare. 5 : 43). LJ.ev EivOI Karl ro 6q>IlPr)l-levo ri OWTr)pio J.las 6AAa rr; PpiOKOUI-lE orov 6mAovo J.las nou npenei va TOO 608oUJ.lE, va rov avonf)oou~e. Lro Korw Korw 6, rl npottouj.le orov ouvov8pwno J.lOS, TOV onolo6f)nore ouvav8pwno J.lOS, ro npattouj.le orov "1610 rov XPIOTO: EITE TOU npooq>epouj.le Eva notf)pl VEPO ~ EVa mara q>oyr)to orov bev EXEI' E'lre TOO nopexoui-le AiYr) ~EoroolO ~ napr)yopla orov Tf)v XPEI O ~ TOI' E'ITE 6nAws TaU ouj.lnopoorekoi-loote oe wpo 6vay KIlS (MaTfl. 25: 31 EK.j ' OnoTE, Elvol oro XEPI J.las TO av 80 nailoiooouj.le rf)v BomAEio TOG Beau. Kai Toao mo KOVTa EIJ.lOaTE orf)v BomAEio rwv oupavwv 000 mo KOVra PPIOKOJ.lOOTE orov KOOJ.lO rooo mo 8E'iKOi YIVOJ.l00rE, 000 010 noau EXOUJ.lE q>iaov8pwnia ii 6v8pwma. To 6eurEpo OIlJ.lEio nou ~8EAd' va uftoypaj.lj.liow 6no Tf) cppaor) «r]yyikev r7 BaO/Ada TWV oijpavwv» EivOiOTi0 KOT' e~oxf)v nar)oiov IJOS ETvOi 0 "lbloc; 0 0EOS, 0 onoios TOOO 6yanr)OE TOV KOOJ-lO nou EOTEIAE rov Yio Tou (' Iwav. 3: 16):. EvOapKW8'lKE AOlTTov 0 Xploros, nepmlr'loe 6Val-lEOa IJOS, J-lnflKE P08Ela J..leOO OTf)V iotopia J..lOS, OTDv iota pia TOU Ko8EVOS I-lOS, orrl Kop61a TOU Ko8e voc; I-lOS Kai eylve AUTOS o -lblos 0 Kor' E~OXr']V ' EyyuS I-lOC;... ETm I-lnOpEOE va I-lOS nei OTi ri BomAEio rou 0EOU 6ev EivOi nouseva amou napa «fvr6~ ill1wv» (llouk. 17: 21). KI auto Or)l-laiVEI OTi jjos nopa6681lke EvrEAws, OTII-lOS 6yanr)OE jjexpi TeAouS, OTi 6cpe81lKE orr; 6la8eor']l-loS 6 TWV navrwv Kriorr"lS. KI EjJEiS I-lE rr; OElpalJaS ~,mopoui-le va T6v 6yom;OOUI-lE'; va T 6v ~.HOr;OOUjJE, va T ov xo"i6elvoui-le.; va T ov KAwror']OOUI-lE, va T 6v ",'A~aou~E ~ va T 6v paaa",~~~aou~e.. H axea~ ~as ma ~E rov Xploro elvolonwo6r']note T600 npoowmkr'] nou IJnOpOUI-lE I-lE KaSE ~as npa~~, ~E KaSE ~as Myo, ~E KaSE ~as Ev66~ux~ ake4j~ va T6v 6yvOf)OOUIJE.; va Tov npookuvr']oouj..le. EOTI». rloti «r;yyikev r7 BaOlAEia TWV oupavwv»... «VTO~ EuavvEA1KC. Avavvwa~aTa 2 Ioull.: ' Iwav. 7: 37 52, 8: 12 9 louii.: MOTB. 10: 32 33, 37 38, 19: 27 30 16 ' louii. : MarS. 4: 18-23 23 Iouv.: MOTB. 6: 22-33 30 ' Iouv,; MOTB, 9: 36, 10: 1 8 Sundliy Go.pel R dlng. upwv n ' 1. X 2 June: John 7: 37-52, 8: 12 9 June: Mall. 10: 32-33, 37-38 19: 27-30 16 June: Mati. 4: 18-23 23 June: Mati. 6: 22-33 30 June: Matt. 9: 36, 10: 1-8 Sunday 30 June (Matt. 9:36-10:8) "The Kingdom of heaven is at hand" The teaching of our Lord is so simple and at the same time so approachable. Yet we so often confuse it with our own ideas, thus rendering it unapprochable and even hateful for our contemporary world. Or else we complicate it with aur own prejudices, thereby making it boring or useless for contemporary man. It is not sufficient to tell someone that if he does this or that good and if he avoids this or that evil he will "go to heaven". Yau must offer him more than what would perhaps satisfy a Sunday School child. Otherwise he will react or, worse, become indifferent. And rightly so. For even Christ Himself did not try to make us better persons, nor did He advise us unceasingly. He had only one purpose, namely to give Himself 10 us entirely, to offer us His Kingdom - to us sinners (10: 6) -, thai is to love us. There are two points from the above words of our Lord that should be emphasised: Firstly, when our Lord stresses that the Kingdom of heaven is not at some distance but is very close to us, at hand, He is in fact reminding us that it is as close to usasour neighbour, our fellow human. The more, therefore, we "love our neighbour" the more we approach the Kingdom (Matt. 5: 43). Our salvation is not something abstract but we find it in our neighbour to whom we must hand ourselves over in love. For whatever we do to our brethren, we do to Christ Himself: whether we offer him a glass af water or a plate of foad when he lacks these; or whether we give him some warmth or comfort when he needs these; or when we simply stand beside him at a time of need (Matt. 25: 31 ff). So it is up to us whether we approach the Kingdom of God; it is in our hands! And the more fully human we are, the more Gadly we become; the more we stretch our hand out to the world the more we bring the Kingdom within our reach, ' The second point to be underlined inthewordsofchrist is that our neighbour is, above all, Christ Himself. For "God so loved the world that Hesent His only begotten Son " (John 3: 16) : and Christ took up flesh, became man, walked among us, entered human history, the hislory of every human, he entered our very hearts and became our Neighbour. In this way he was able 10 say that the Kingdom of God is ta be found nowhere else but "within us" (Luke 17: 21), inside us. This means that He handed Himself over to us completely, that He loved us to the end, that the Lord and Master of all gave Himself overto us, placing Himself ataurdisposal. And we, in turn, may love Him or hate Him, we may caress or kick Him, kiss Him or betray Him. Our relationship with Christ is by nature so personal that with every act, word or even thaughl we can ignore Him or worship Him, For "the Kingdom of heaven is at hand... "it is within yau". F r. J. C. CPONH THI OP00AO:IAI - VOICE OF ORTHODOXY 242 CLEVELAND STREET, REDFERN, 2016 ANANE!UH IYNAPOMHI, Eov 6ev EXUE 6vavewael T~V EI( $10.00 ouv6polj~v 004) 610 ro1985, 0(4) napol(oaouije va 1-1(4) T~V oreiaue TO OUVTOIJWTEPOV, 610 vo OUvEXl0gei 66101(000.; 6nooToA~ TOU nepl061koo IJ04) or~ 6lEu9uva~ 004). 79

H MHTEPA* MEoa OT~ VEVV~Tpa <l>uo~ Kaf LI~~loupvfa, navw OT~ VEVV~ Tpa vii ~a~, avavvwpl~etal 00 eelo ou~~oao OVE~apT~TOu <l>uaii~ Kof XPWIJorOC; ri yevvrlrpa nau AeVETOI!Java. AeVETOI moe; o' oa.es TIC; yawaoes Kof ric; 610AEKTOUC; TWV Aawv Tii~ vii~, ~ npwt~ AE~~ nou ox~~atf~ouv TO na16'ko XEfA~ elvol ri AE~f'I C().JJlTEpa». Kef elvoi en6j.1evo OlJTO T6v uj.jvo va rrpw Torpayou6ouv TO noi61<), O' OlJTriv, nou an6 rrl VllmOKrl TOUe; KOUVIO Taue; rpayou6d TriV OiWVIOTIPO Kof TOUe; npoaq>epei TOV 'auto T~~, n~valo, aueop~~to, 6A6KA~po. flev elva! EUKOAo va KOIVWVr;OEI Koveic; oro IJuorrlPIO T~C; 1.. liltpot'ltoc; OUTe va ~avolxtei orov onepavto auto WKEOVO nou 6eXETot Kof 6cpoj.Jon.lJVEI!-IE KoBe Suoia OTI 6cpopa rriv unap~'l TaU onaoxvou T~~. n6vw oro XePlo Kof oro KOPCPO TIlS naipvouije ~~16Jla'l rrl ~w~. npotou KOITa~OU~E TOU naoot~ T~V EiKova, ~AEnou~E ~wvrovd or6 np6awn6 TrJC) T6v oyyea6 Tau. npiv on6 TlOV AouAou- 6u.JJv TO apwj.loro j.joaxoj.jupi~ei KOVlO j,joe; ri Kop6ltj Tr]S. npwr660ije TO novo or6 66KPU IllS Kof rr')v EUTUXio OTO onao xa~ovea6 T~~. KpOT~oa~E TO XEPI T~~ Via va nepnotlioou~e xwpie; EWOIEe;!JIKpol Kof OPYOTEPO KPOTajJE T~ neipo Tile; oe K08E ~nopa ~ euema. LlEvea~nwvEIIi ~op<l>1i T~~ ~E OT! KI' c;v 60UVTa!Jon a!joe; Kai 000 KI' OV q,sooouv OTO OUTI0!J0e;6ev oken6~etal Ii 61K~ T~~ <l>wv~. To ovo~a auto TO OUVeETOUV Op~ovlKa Ii uno~ov~, Ii avan~, Ii 'PVOTIK6T~Ta ~E O~ErP~TE~ unepwpie~, ~ nopojjepiloll TOCi EouToCi OTO epyo nou EntTEAEi. ElvOi 6 nupooe; nou o610kono AOjJno610~EI ana T~ <l>aoyo Tiie; Oq,OOlWOEWe;. To onokopu<l>w~a ~Iii~ ove~avta~t~~ 6IaeEO~~ Via npoo<l>opa Kaf 8uoio. ' Enavw OT~ ~ava neploootepo ana KaeE limo 6~~loup Yll!JO paenoui..ie T~ XOPll TOO EVWTIKOCi KUTTOPOU nou EVWVEI OTOI..IO, OhCOyEVEIEe;. Aooue; Kof e8vil.. Ana OUT~ T~ Seoll yivetoi 6 otuaopotile; Kof TO 8Ej.JeA10 TOO n01610ci. YloTi Eivol 6 KUPIWTEpOe; nopoyovtoe; nou EXEI Tax8Ei va 6166~EI TTVEUj.JOTIKee; KOlvWVIKee; Koi ~8IKee; O~fEe; Kof va E<I>06100EI T6 n0l6i I..IE Tie; EUYEVEie; nop066- OEIe; Tiie; q,uaiie; Kof TOO e8vous Tile;.. Ana TO KOIPO nou 6 XPIOTIOVIOj.JOe; oveoupe T~V. EAArlVi60 I..IIlTepO ana TO OKOT0610 TWV Ei60AoAoTPIKWV XPOVWV noaaes elvoi oi JJOVES nou EyoAouXIlOOV Kof ove8pelj.iov YEVVles ov8pwnwv nveujjonkwv, I..I0PTUpWV Koi ~pwwv nou oe okailpee; 60KljJOalEe; TOCi E8voue; Kof Tiie; nfotewe; okoaou81loov o610jjoptupllto TO 6p6!J0 TOCi xpeoue; Koi nopoljevouv o~enepooto ana TO Xp6vo napa6eiy!joto. IfliJEPO KOTW on6 TO <l>ws nou OKOpna 6 noaueaoioe; Tiis ~~TPIKii~ 6nooToAii~ ea 60U~E Via Aivo T~ eeo~ Tii ~ ~ava ~ OT~V Enox~ ~a~. l1uokoaoi at' oa~8eio oi KOlpoi OTOV oiwvo TOCi OTOjJOU. nap ' oao nou 8eAouIJE v apijotwoouj.je TO n0l6i lje EnOYVEAjJO TIK~ ov060 Kaf E~EAI~~, va TO onaam~ou~e ono TOU~ <l>o~ou~ TOU OiVIVIJOTIKOO OUPIO Kof TiS oneims TOCi O~IJEPO, ~ nepi<l>lllj1l Enox~ ~a~ ~E T~ ~Io~~xavonof~o~ TWV navtwv EXEI 6~~loupV~ OEI j.jlo 80VOTIl<l>6po EXSPOTIlTO onevovti OTO nveujjo Kof OVEU M~Ela OT~ 616ax~.. 0 6po~0~ Tii~ ovwvii~ <l>paooetai ana TO TumKO Ev6loq,epov Tii e; n0l6eioe; OTO OTpoTEujJevo 4-'eIJIJO, T~ OKOntjJOTIlTO. T~V TonElv~ ouvoaaov~. Meoo o ouro TO KUKAwvo TO n0l61ko 1J0no OTpe<l>ovTol iketeutiko OT~ IJOVO Kof T~ nopokoaoov va POll8~OEI Via va ~EnEpooToOV KOIVWVIKEe; novi6es Kof lj.iuxoaovikoi <l>povj,joi. Tiis ~IlTOOv va avookoujjnw8ei 6noq,OOlonKO novw ora OToup06pojJlO rwv VEOVIKWV npopailj.jonoljwv Koi avo~ilt~oewv. No OTO-. OlliAla umj KO) M. Au'(ouorlvou, noll E,(IV( (}TO nooxaalvo r ({jllo rrj{ K(VrpIKrj{ (/JIAonrwxou oro Iuov(u 30.4.85. 80 800v KOTOOTIl80 OTO ~EPOPOPI nou XTUnO lje ljovio Kof OPUVEI XOlJoYEAo, 80AwVEI IJOTla, ntkpaivei XEfAIl. To VEI(:lrO nou npwtonopoov Kof 61l1JIOUPVOOv 6AOKAIlPWIJeVES npoowmkorlltee; Mov EjJmOTEUToOV T~ 61K~ J.loe; EVTljJOTDTO, 8eAouv T~ }JaVO EVTIJ,JD Ko i pw!joaeo }JEOO OT~V oikoveveio. ~ OXI ErOl/JopponD Kof avol}jik~ OT~V anootoa~ Kof TO Ko8iiKOV. l1ev 8eAouv oi anotilaes OUVXpo VE~ OVT!AIiIjJEI~, ~ EA~~ TOU KOO~OU, TO ovxo~, Ii ~paxvii <l>wvli TOU Eywi'ojJoO, va ~E8poVIOOOUV T~ OIVOUPIO ana T~ 4JUX~ TOUe;.. Eav KonoTE Ei60AoAoTPES Kof aaa68pilokoi avo<l>wvoooav «xopa OTOUe; Xplonovous nou EXOUV TeToIEe; J,JOVEe;» TO 'i610 avo <l>wvei Kof ~ Enoxl'l TOO OTOJ.lOU Ko f TOO 6loarrwonAolou. Me TO q,oko Tiis EmKolpOTrJTOe;, jje ro noykoolj lo Tuno nou 6PVIO~EI OPKETO. noauo~jjovto neplotonko epxovtoi OT~V Emq,OVElo Kof jjoe; Ko81lAwvouv. ITonoTIKee; nave KI' epxovtoi nou Ko8opo <t>ovepwvouv OTI TO KOIVWVIKO 6~uyovo AIVOOTEUEI. 'H EiKOVO IJIOe; jjavos nou KAoiEI ElvOI TOaD OUXv~, ElvOi apove TO KAojJo TrJe; AUTPWTIKO; Elvol KAaJ,Jo npooeuxl'} ~ TpeXEI 6n6 T~ okouailkioojjevil pi~o Tiie; /JIlTpIKiie; o610q,opioe;; ElvOi TO omnko TrJe; KOTO<l>UYIO Koi vo6s nveujjotikos ~ "JUAUOIJEVrJ EOTia Via T~V 6ET04JUX~ TOO n0l6100 TIlS; :=epw nwe; ri 61EonapjJeVIl oe TOUTIl TI'} vii. EAAIlvi60 }JIlTepa, npoon08ei va OTl'}vEI vupw Tile; q,wteiva oujjpoao nou OIwa6Euouv Tii <l>uaetik~ T~~ ~v~~~. To onou6alotepo eivoi ~. EM~voxp lotla vlk~ TWV n0l6rwv Tr)e; 6vwV~ J.le Trl V anoia EK<PPO~EI OKOTaAuTES apxee; Kof noajjoue; nou 6ev 8eAEI note va opuoouv oe nukvrl OKlO oaaa va yivouv a EAm60q,opos 6EiKT'lc) TtlS Komo OTlKtlS TrJC) nope/os Kof TO anov81oijo TOO ~EVITElJeVOU Tr)S ~OXeou. nol\lteiaka l:vneapia NEOI\AIAl: To 8 ' ruvi:6plo 'EAA'lvop80oo~ou NEoAaiae; AUOTpaAiae; KaTe] n OAnEiae; 90 npoy~otonol'l9ei we; e~i)e; : Neo NOTloe; OuaAia: 24-25 AUYOUOTOU 1985 8IKTWPIO: 1-2 reme~f3plou 1985 Nonoe; AuoTpaAio: 14. OKTWf3piou 1985 Kou'lvoAov6'l: 5-7 'louaiou 1985 Ele; TO ruvt6pla auto KoAouvrOI VO OUIJIJETOOXOUV OOOV TO 6uvarov neploootepol vtol I'lAIKiae; QVW TWV 16 Erwv. ljo~i IJE TOUe; ' Iepeie; Koi ovnnpoownoue; TWV KOIVOTrlTWV/' Evoplwv ljoe;. Oi OIJIAIlTEe; wpio8'loov ana Ti e; KOTO noaneiee; 'OpyovwnKEe; ' EmTponee; Koi TO 6EIJa elvoi: n APALlOIH KAI ZOH. Lllo neploootepee; na'lpo lopiee;, oneu8uveoge eie; TO rpa leio Ti)e; 'ApXlemoKoni)e;!Joe; Koi rie;. OpvovWTI Kee;. Ennponee;. ' E Ani~olJe on QAOI 96 6ei~ouv TO ovoaoyo ev610 lepov VIO Tr')V ennuxia TWV noanelokwv ruveopiwv Ti)e; NeoAoioe;!Joe;. -.. STATE YOUTH CONFERENCES The Second State Conference of the Greek Orthodox Youth in Australia will take place as follows: New South Wales: 24-25 August 1985 Victoria: 1-2 September 1965 South Australia: 14 October 1965 Oueensland: 5-7 July 1985 It is desirable that as many clergy, youth delegates and Community representatives as possible attend these Conferences. The speakers have been appointed by the State Organising Committees and the theme wi ll be: "Tradition and Ufe". For further information, Registration forms etc, please apply to the Archdiocese Offices and State Organising Committees. We hope that all will show great interest to participate wholeheartedly and contribute to the success of these State Conferences of our Youth..,,- I.

The word of God and youth On the occasion of the Inlernatlonal Youlh Year, Ihe Church could not offer a more valuable gift to the Youth than to remind them of the significance which the word of God has especially for this critical age. By Archbishop Stylianos of Australia To be young is at the same time a privilege and a lest. Every great issue of man's life is at the same time something that is granted and accountable. This proves that, on the one hand God loves man and grants him gifts; but on the other hand God respects man and does not wish to underestimate his freedom. Therefore God calls man to work in a spirit of co-operation, in "synergy", as Orthodox Theology states. God gives the "capital resources", providing us with the significant gift of life, and expects us to multiply our talents with our "personal work ". Therefore all fundamental and essential goods of life are guaranteed by God's generosity, and at the same time entrusted and confided to our own selfrespecting initiative. This precisely is the grandeur of all great matters, namely their antinomian character. So among the beautiful and great things in life is to be young, to have the feeling that the morning of Creation has not yet come to an end. Unfortunately, young people often do not acknowledge this privilege. They feel at a disadvantage before people advanced in age and established in society. A basic prejudice fatally leads to this wrong assessment of things. In our pragmatistic and materialistic society, we have become accustomed to identifying freedom and power with money and socia-economic liberation. According to this wrong idea, the person who has no money or involvement in the network of the "status quo", is considered neither free nor powerful, and young people usually have so little money, since even for their mere "pocket- money" they depend in most cases on the favourof adults. However, money soon disappears and has only conventional value. The status quo is upturned at the first sociopolitical change. Therefore it's the inner qualities of the person that remain undisturbed up to the grave and even beyond the grave. Such qualities are not won from one minute to the next, as in the case of material goods in the success of a commercial negotiation, or the good fortune of a lottery ticket. The inner qualities of the person are built silently and with sacrifice from an early tender age, and there is no steadier foundation for the personality of man than the word of God. But the people receiving the word of God differ among themselves. The famous parable of the Sower plainly teaches this to us (Mat. 13, 1-52). Among the hearers of God's word, those more apt to embrace the divine message and to bear fruit accordingly are the young people. For this reason Christ said : "no one pours new wine into old wineskins" (Mat. 9, 17). New wine is the message of Christ, and young people are needed. Now which are the principles that characterise and differentiate young people from old and aged ones? 1. Young people have not yet been tied down to one or another form of life style, mentality, or set of customs. Therefore the youth feel a lot more inner freedom, and for this reason they feel stronger. 2. By feeling this inner freedom and strength, young people are not obliged to be hypocritical and to do things they do not believe. Hypocricy is the dress of the coward and of the weak, and constitutes the behaviour of the slave. In general therefore young people are more sincere, even though this Sincerity isat times misinterpreted as impudence or coarseness, and sincerity may indeed result in impudence and coarseness, when it ceases to be accompanied by decency and humility. 3. Being more sincere and spontaneous, young people become more sympathetic in their environment. They are more welcomed by every well-disposed person, and one may soon confide in them one's own friendship. 4. With the above qualifications, young people can become more heroic and eagerly led to sacrifice, and the word of God requires sacrifice. It is also characteristic that the young suffer even for the ideals of this world. Persons who are immolate and sacrifice themselves always come from the ranks of young people. Because young people have not capitulated to self interest and pettiness of low life. Of course, young people will need to learn from the experience and wisdom of adults the following plain and great truth, which epitomises man's entire nobility. The most heroic sacrifice is not to commit suicide by a violent gesture at a moment of exasperation, but to elevate your life continually and with endurance, to higher and higher levels, fighting throughout one's whole life against what is opposed to the light and the truth. i II YOUTH SECTION II Youth Conference I Following upon the National youth Conference of 1984, several Australian States will be conducting individual Conferences, later this year. The N.S. W. Conference will be h.osted by the Bankstown Parish of St. Euphemia on 25th and 26th August. The theme "Tradition and Life" is identical with the National Meeting Theme, the purpose being to take it further by way of commentary and active discussion. National and State Conferences are not intended to be. merely a gathering of Orthodox Christians. Their purpose is to develop understanding by Orthodox Christians of their faith. The transformation of the Services and Church History into a life experience. Thereby, Orthodoxy becomes a vibrant meaningful part of a person's life not some historic ancient faith. The Organising Committee has already had three meetings for planning the Conference. The next meeting is on June 18th at the Bankstown Parish Hall. A good representation of parish Youth from the Metropolitan Parishes is involved on this Committee. This is fitting as 1985 is International Youth Year. All persons are invited to contribute to the success of this important Conference. Registration forms are available at the Archdiocese and Parish Churches. J. Comino Convener, N.S.w. State Conference 81

I Mia YOVljJOS 6EKOETrlS noljjovtopio Me T~ aui.,joaf)pwoll 6EKQETioe; ana rr;c; i::kaoviic; Kof Ev8povicrewe; TOO LEfJOcr~IWTCITOU ' ApXIEmOKonou Koi noi~ev6pxou jjq<; 1<.1<. LTUA,OVOO, yuj Tf) 610iK'lOIl Koi 610noilJovO''l Tiic; IJ Ey6A'lS Kof anou6010totfv; TOUTr)C; ' Enapxioc; TOO OiKOUjJEVIKOO 9p6vou. T~~. APXIE",oKon~~ AUoTpaAja~. 6o~a~w Kaj u~voaovw T6v T P'- 06,1<6 Sea. nou Ii Bela np6volo Kof npootoaia Tou, r]u66k'loe WOTE ~. EM~VIK~. Ope66o~o~. EKKA~oja Kaj. O~oVEvEla ~a~ va fjpoov oro np6awno TOO Ief3aOj..IIWTOTOU TOV n Oll..lEVQ nau Toipl a~e OTii 6UOKOA~ Ka~n~ TOu~. K,' auto TO EK4>p6~w IJE 6eo<;. Ylall cnwc; oro jjlkpo IJOU TO j.juaa6 jjevei QKoroA'lnTO TO )JEya ljuorr')plo Tiic; 6y6n'lC; TOO SeoO Via TOV Eu6AwTO 6n6 Tr'jV oj.joptia dv8pwno, T600 66ronepaOTO OTr')V 6vioXUP'l OKElV'l J.JOU napojjevei TO )JUOTr')PIO Tii<; np6voloc; TOO SeoG VIC] Til ToAomwprUJEVr) ' EKKA'loia KO! EKAEKTr;. OjJOVE VE IO jjoe; OT~ jjokpuv~ Kof OXOV~ TOUTf1 ~ HnElpo. T~V AUOTpoAio., OnOlooo~nOTE EXEI ~I XVOe; EVTljJOTf1TOe; 90 n penei vo ajjoaov~oei OTi TO EmTEUVjJOTO TOO. EAArlVop90oo~ou EUOEPOOe; AooO jjoe; KOTa T~ TEAEUTOio OEKOETfo. ElvOI 80UjJOOTO Kof 6~EnEpooTo. OXI ~6vo ~ Eaa at6 xwpo nod AEVETal. EKKA~aja, ~. Ope06o~~ ~w~ Koi nopaooof1. oaao Kof OTO VEVIKWTEPO xwpo nou AEVETOI OIEev~~ Xp IOTI avik~ 6paaT ~ p I 6T~Ta Kaj ~w~. ' H TEAEUTOfo OEKOETfo nopouofooe EUXOpIOTEe; EKnA~~EIe; T600 OT~ olofkf1of1 Kof 6pvovwof1 TWV. EKKAf10100 TIKWV jjoe; npo VjJOTWV 000 Kof OT~V 6VOOUVTO~tl Kof XPf101jJono ftlotl a' EVa jjeyoautepo j308jjo TWV nveujjotikwv jjoe; OUVOTO T~T WV coov note 6AAoTE. IIEVW Eux6plaTE~ EKnA~~EI~. VlaTI a' ME~ Tj ~ ",aaei~ T~~ ~w~~ T~ ~. O~oVEvEla~ ~a~ nod <xouv axea~ ~E T~ np6060. T~V 6~lOnpEnEIO. TO ~80e;. T~V EVTljJOTtlTO Kof T~ OIKOIOOUVtl, a lepoojjllinotoc; KO TEj3oAE K08E OUVOT~ npoon08eio. Kof TO onoteae OjJOTO ~enepoaov K08e npoaookio jjo e;. KA~poe; Kof A06C; VVWP IOE TOV 64>OOlWjJEVO noljjevo Kof EPVa T~ TOU EuaYYEA!ou, T6v joxup6 ~ax~t~ OT~ 6 IaT~ p~a~ T~~ 6 jjwjj~tou ' Op80oo~ou nfotewc; jjoe;. onwe; etvoi EKnE4>POOjJEVtl ~Eoa OT~ ~akpajwv~ ~W~ Kal nap66oo~ TOU VEVOU~ ~a ~. KA~poe; Kof Aooe; EVOIwoe EVa anovlo.sptlokeutiko VOtlTPO. nou TOO TO OtljJlouPVtloe TO jjevoao 8EOAoVIKO 6vOOTrWO TOO ~EVaAou ~VErOU ~O~, EVT6~ Kaj EKT6~ T~~. Opeo6o~ja~, ~Eoa ot6v AuoTpaAlov6 6AM Kaj T6v 6IEeV~. E KKA~OIao TlK6 xwpo. KA~poe; Kof AooC; jje onepovttl euvvwjjoouvtl orov IWT~PO XploT6 ~ac;, npoo~ AEnouv ata ~EVaAa.oj eou~aot 6, nou KOTOp8woov Va emteaeoouv uno T~V ejjnveuojjevtl Ko80o~Vtlotl Kof T~V euaovlo, TOO apxitektovot; Tile; OEKOETfoe;. ' 0 KOUPOOjJEVOe; Kof ToAomwPtljJEvoe; EUOEP~e; TOU SEOO Aooe; jjoe;. enf TEAoue; j3p~ke jjlo veo ~ekoupootl Kof evo KOIVOUP VIO eappo~, 6TEVj~OVTO~ naeov ~E ajol06o~la T6 ~EMov.. 0 OEnT6~ nol~evap X~~ ~a ~, 6KoupaoTo~. OTOPVIK6~. avpu nvo~, EIAIKPIV~~ Kal 6jKOIO~. ~O~e~aE ~E TO 6'K6 TOU napa- IEPA APXIEnIl:KOnH AYHPA/\IAl: 6EOIIOriKH IXOIIH AnOnOIlOY ANdPEOY ANAKOINOl:Il: rlvetoi YVWOTO npo/) Ko9E Ev610 lep0 j.jevov on ~ un6 aveyepoll 0EO... oy1kn Ixo... n IJoe;; 96... EtTOupynoEI ouv 0Elij apxoe;; TOO 1986. 610 TI'lV KO... UTEpo Kof 61KOIOTEPO Em... oyl'l niiv Ev610 lepo~evwv v6 lqttl'loouv E669lloov axetikof 661lyfOi EIt;; TOU/) KOTO T6noue;; 'IEpEie;;. nopa KO... OOvrol... 01n6v oj Ev610 lepo~e VOI va oneu8uv900v EI/) TOV ' lepta T~e;; nepiox~e;; TWV. 82 OEIVj.JO T~V ' OjJOVEVEIO jjoe; vo EnovEupEI Tie; j300lkee; 6~ie e; T~e; XplariOVIKiie; ~wiie; Kof noaiteioe;. nou TEAIKa T~V wo~vfjoov OE VEEe; JJEpEe; npo6eou Kof oo~oe; aveu npofjvoujjevou. ME novo. OWjJOTIKO Kof lijuxiko. OEV OTOjJaTtl0E OUTe AenTO va OKEnTETOI. va 0XEOla(EI. va evepvei Kof va npoxwpei JJnpOOTa. jje JJOVOOIKO TOU okono T~V uaonoitlol1 KanOIOU euvevooe; avefpou TOU. K08we; Koi Tr'JV ekn... ~pwoi1 noaawv euvevwv no8wv ekotovtoowv XI... laowv 6oe... cpwv JJoe;. nop' CAEe; Tie; ouoko... ee; Kof 6VTf~OEe; neplotooele; a lej3oojjl WTOTO e; jje T~V emjjov~ TOU Koi Trl V avpunvo nopokoaou811011 TWV novtwv. KOTOp8wOE va OVUlIJwoel TO neojjevo ~8IKO TWV KOIVOT ~TWV-' Evoplwv jjoe;. vo OfJJJloupv~oe l jjeta~u TWV EVa nveojjo ojj6vol0e; Koi 6AAI1AoKOTOVOr'jOEWe;. Kof va VpallJEI VEEe; oeai6e~ ~EvoAEjOU Kaj npo~oa~~ T~~. EM~vope06o~~~ KA~po VOjJIOe; JJoe;. jje TOUe; mo KaTW j3apu0rljjovtoue; iotopikoue; OTOe~od~ OT~ ~w~ Kaj 6pao~ T~~ 6EKaETja~. ME T~ OKElIJl1 jjou npoo'l... wjjevi1 on) oucetio I3AEnw va nopeaauvouv jjnpoota jjou no... Ao Ol1jJOVTIKO VEVOVOTO, jjeplko ek TWV anoiwv Elvol: NEa OIOIK,.,TIKIj OPVOVWO,., TWV rpa</jeiwv Tl7t; 'ApXlemOKOn;jt; pa~ o ' caee; TiS jjeyoaee; noaiteiee;. nou OXI jjovo ~ e~unl1pe TI1011 TWV ntotwv jjoe; VfVETOI KO... utepl1. oaa6 Kof arfe; AUOTpoAlovee; 'ApxEe; napouolo~ojjoore n eplooorepo VOIKOKUPEUjJEVOI. ~ Evoe; OPIOTO WPVOVWjJEVOe; Koi jje na~pl1 EntTuxfo ' EOPTOallOr; T;jt; 50HfJpiooe; T;jt;. ApXlemoKon;je; pot;. KOTO TrlOIOPKEIO TaU anoiou onoo08'lke ~ TljJrl Koi EKTijJ'lOI1 TOO EPVOU TWV npo KOTOXWV TOU. EVIVE VVWOT~ ~ jjevoai1 EnEKTOOI1 TaU epyou Tli e;. EKKAl1oioc; Kof ~ 6AI1 olopvovwoi1 Koi OUj.ljJETOX~ E~OXWV npoowmkotr'}twv TOO ole8vooe; 'EKKAfJOiOOTIKOO Koi nveujjotikoo KUKAou. 6CPiiKE Tie; 010 OpIOTEe; evtunwoeie;. 'EmTuxioTaTEt; KA,.,pIKoAaiicit; LuveAEUOE/e; otie; anoies Via npwti1 4>Opo nopek0811oov Kai anek6jjioov Tie; 010 oplotee; EVTUmiJoEIe; EKnp60wnOl TOO OiKOUjJeVIKOO j.loe; notpiopxeiou. navauotpaalavo Koi noaitelako LUVEOPJa NEoAaiae; jje OUO Tl1jJOTl K~ 6pVavwol1 Koi jjlo enttuxfo npwtocf>ov~. ' H 6VEvep0l1 KTIPIOKOU OUVKPOT~ jjotoe; Koi ~ evop~11 Tlie; GE"OAOYIK!Je; LxoA;jr; KOTO TO en6jjevo LxoAIKO EToe;. nou j.lexpi npo 6uo etwv e8ewpeito oov KaTt OKOTOp8wTO. AU T ~ ~ ~EXWP I OTr'} EuAoVfo VEj.llOE T~ lijuxr'j TOO lej3ooj.ltwtotou JJE ikovonoil1ol1 KOI cnwe; 6Aol moteuoujje. TO enlreuvjjo TOOTO anoteaei Tr'} KOpWvioo nou 80 OTElIJEI Tr'jV ' E AAl1vop806o~0. OJ.lOVEVEIO j.le VEO OTECPOVIO oo~oc; Koi j.levoaeiou uno Tr'j oo >r'l Koi notpikr'} eni ~AE4i~ TOU nol~ EVapXOU ~a~.. H aveyepa,., TOO ouykpotl'lllotoe; r,.,pokolleiou Koi 'EKKAI1- oios OTr'l neploxrl Noarlunga 'Aoe... oiooe;. jjeto TOO JJEVO... UTEpOU OUVKPOTrljJOTOe; nou AEVElOI XWPIO TOO Aiyaiou. onote... ei EnEKTOO fj TOO 'OPVOVIOj.l OO ri1pokojjeiwv-noookojjeiwv OTO Lu6vEU Kaj T~ 8pla~av~. n poxwpeite. lef!ooj.llwtote, OTO nveujjotika Koi wcpealjjo OXEOIO nou EXETE Via T~V. Op8060~io JJoe; arr'jv AUOTpoAio. VIOTI oj navtee; EljJOOTE napa T6 naeupo ooe;. ~ OAol 80 npooeux6jjoote - VIOTI ntoteuw nwe; KA~poe; Kof... 06S auj.ljjetexouv OT~V EKCPPOOfJ TO UTile; Tli e; euvvwjjoouvi1e; j.lou oe OOS TOV unepo~lo ~VErI1 Koi noljjevopx'lj.l0s - onwe; a Kuploe; jjoe; ooc; xopi(el UVE/OV. 6VTOX~ Kof jjokpoxpovio noljjovtopfo, Via va onoaouoete' TOUe; OjJopcf>oue; KopnOUe; TWV K6nwv ooe;. GAM Kaj Via T~ auvexla~. 6la6oo~ Kaj 6IaT~p~0~ T~~. Opeo6o ~ioe; jjoe; Koi Tiie; 6vvtis Kol jjokpoiwvl1e; noaitlotiktie; KAfJPOVOjJIOe; ~a~. no... Ao TO TI1 OOe;. lej3oojjiwtote. notep Koi.6.eonOTO. npwtonp. KUPlaKO~ 4'aAlo~ -,

His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos A TRIBUTE TO TEN YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE The Church in Australia flourishes. testimony to the oneness of Orthodoxy and the Greek soul. Ten years have passed since the Holy Synod at Constantinople placed in our midst a new spiritual leader. His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos. The ten years have been turbulent, challenging. symptomatic of a vital community in rapid evolution. Progress there has been,. measured as numbers of adherents. priests ordained, parishes founded. churches built. schools established. welfare centres developed. indeed in those matt ers immediately concerned with the spiritual and cultural wellbeing of the Hellenes of Australia. This is no mean feat in a society impregnated with philistine values and acute cynicism. The Archbishop is a public figure. recognised by all. but one may ask. how well do people know this man whose destiny it is to spiritually care for seven hundred thousand Australians of Greek heritage? He is seen often; a leaderin worship; a fearless and passionate speaker; he is a presence. We see him as caring, compassionate but we see him also ina strong, unyielding stance when it comes to issues which threaten principle and conscience. He speaks with the conviction of one who is absolutely certain of his faith. his sense of history. his intellect. Archbishop Stylianos could have pursued a career in Academia - after all he had been Associate Professor in Systematic Theology at the University of Thessaloniki. Currently he lectures in Theology at the University of Sydney. He is recognised internationally as a scholar, a Theologian. a poet of distinction. Seven of his volumes of poetry have been published and more than forty theological and philosophical essays. It is pertinent to mention some of the awards and recognition given him, jf for no other reason than to indicate an intellectual dimension which is not generally known within the Community. I could cite the prestigious Gottfried von-herder Prize which he was awarded in 1973 (an international literary prize); the 1980 Prize of the Academy of Athens (for his published poems); a Visiting Professorship at the University of Regensburg in Germany (1973); the invitation from the University of Graz, Austria. to lecture there (in German. his second language after Greek) on the occasion of the 400th Anniversary of the establishment of the Theological Faculty; his giving of the keynote address at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Schools. These are examples which spring to mind - the list is not exhaustive. In another type of international forum. His Eminence has taken a leading role in discussions with the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches. He is co-chairman of The Joint Official Commission for Theological Oialogue between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The implications of such dialogue are momentous. Within the Greek Community of Australia the ten year period has been characterised by innovation. A new and expansive spirit, an early taste of things to come, was introduced for the celebrations (in 1976) of the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. His Eminence. Archbishop lakovos of North and South America represented His All Holiness the Oecumenical Patriarch. As well there came distinguished representatives of the ecclesiastic and academic world of Greece. The meetings were alive; they were not parochial; they involved to a substantive degree appropriate elements of the general Australian community. The same spirit pervaded the later Clergy Laity Congresses held in Sydney (1981) and in 8risbane (1985). Procedures more comprehensive and more professional than before were clearly in evidence. The 1981 Congress was honoured by the attendance of representatives of the Oecumenical Patriarchate. 80th the 1981 and 1985 Congresses were honoured with the presence of the Governor-General of Australia. An important development reflecting the concern by His Eminence for the Greek Orthodox youth of Australia was the institution of biennial National and State Youth Conferences. At these conferences our youth are encouraged to understand the value of heritage. the value of their bicultural existence, to voice their concerns and apprehensions, to work out solutions, to communicate and work with the clergy and the lay members of the Church. It must be regarded a progressive step. One could go on to mention the further development and organisation of the Church schools system to be undertaken by a newly formed Archdiocese Education Committee; the setting up of bicultural day schools such as Saint Spyridon College. Kingsford; t he organisation of Saint Andrew's Theological College which wi II commence in February 1986; the expansion in scope and number of homes for the aged; the establishment of the Saint Andrew's 8rotherhood for furthering the mission of the Church in general. Again I must emphasise that this is only a selection from the broad spectrum of activities pursued under the guidance and with the inspiration and direct involvement of His Eminence. It is my feeling that the spirit of these few words of tribute will have wide acceptance. It is a modest recognition of the efforts of a man whose life is completely dedicated to serving the Hellenes of Australia. Prof. Manuel James Aroney, o.s.e. University of Sydney Corresponding Member of the Academy of Athens Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission of Australia. 83

(130 ETHl:IO npol:khnyma) To 'EAArlVOnouAa Tiic; AuuTpaAiac; vvwpi~ouv Trl vii nov natepwv TOUC; T6 npoakuv~jjata T~C; veoaaiac; JJOS at~ M'lTepa. EAA66a KoBe.6.EKEIJ~PIO EXOUV yivei nap66001l ma, Xcipr) OT~V npwtof30uaia riis 'lepac; 'APXIEniOKoniic; I-JOS nplv apketo XPOVIO DE auvepyaaia ~E T/jv. EM~VIK~ Ku~Epv~a~. ToO npwtou npoakuv~ljatoc; ~y~e'1ke TO 1972 6 nat~p MIATIC:lOlll) Xpuaauvi)c;, arujeplvot.; revlkoc; 'ApXlepoTIKoC;. Eni Tponoc; riis ' ApXIEmoKonr;C; }Joe;.. An6 rote, Ko6e Xpovo Ii, EKKAr)oia IJO<; 6i6el Trw EUKOlpia De eaa'lv6nouaa riic; AuoTpa Aiac,; va emokeq>600v T~V. EAA66a oav )lao~evouj..leva TaU 'EAA'1VIKOG KpclTouC; IJE q>povri6a TOO. E9vIKOU. lopuljoroc; NEOT~TOS. neplou J..lE apxrjyo roo npoakuv~ljatoc; TOV norepe LTU;"Iavo LKolno 6n6 TO LUOVEU Koi J..lE ouvo6ouc; TOUe; K.K. BaoiAEIOV. AyyeAou KO! KwaTa nauaou Kai T~V KO M EAoll T OOYKOPIl. 90 veol Kai vee!) 4>IAo~ev~SIlKav OT~V ' EAAooo KOTO Tpono aailoijo VIlTO, 01 Konol TOOWV xpovwv OTO 8povio TOO' EAAf'lVIKOO ' AnoveUIJOTlVoO IxoAeiou E~O$VO ikovonoi~81lkov lje ElJnelpie!) nou IJETocppoaov T~ 8ewpio oe npo~f'l XOPO~OVTOS poselo OTi!) lj.iuxe!) TOUS T~V EKTi~~a~ Yla T~V. Op8660~~. EKK'\~ala Kai T~V reve Teipo TWV YOVIWV Koi npoyovwv TOU!).!::lev npokeltol note auto TO noioio va ~exoaouv TOI\OPOpo T~S. ETTavaaTaaEWS TOU 1821 at~v Mov~. Ayias/laupas Ka'\a PPUTWV. OUTe TO Mevo In~Aolo. OUTe T6 Kpu4>0 IxoAElo OT~ Mov~ nevtear"js. OUTe TO M AYIO I\Ei4JOVO OTOV M AVlo!::If'lIJ~TPIO EleoooAoviKIl!). OTOV.. AYlo. Avopeo notpwv. ani Mov~ Tii!) <l>ovepwljevf'ls Kopiv80u Koi OT~ Mov~ Tii!), AVlo!), AVOOTOoio!) XoAKloIKii!) OUTe akoijo npokeltoi va Af'lolJov~oouv T~V ' AKpOnoAf'l Kof TOV nop8evwvo. TO. ApxoloAoVIKO Mouaeio ' A8r"Jvwv. TO Bu~ovlIVO Mouoeio Kai T~V KoSr"J).IepIV~. AS~vo - T~V naoteio IUVToVIJOTO!). TOV l\ukoppilto. T~V naoko - Kof T6v nelpoio).le TO YPO$IKO AI).IOVIO TOU. Mo oev npokeltoi note va ~exooouv Koi TO QAAo ).Iepr"J Tii!) notpioo!) onw!) TO apxoio SeoTpo. Emooupou. OOV. "Evolwoov noau EVTOVO TO a"iosf'l).lo Tii!) unepf'l$oveio!) 0XI J,lOVO Via T~V eaailvikr) TOU!) KOTOVWVrl 6AAo Kof Via TO OTI avr) KOUV at~v. Op8060~~. EKK'\~aia. ETOI OTTO T~ ~Ia ~Epla, ~,\EnOVTO!) TO eupr'lijoto TOO Ta4>OU TOO <l>iainnou B.. OTO Mouoeio EleoooAovfKf'le; ouvelolltonoif'loov OKOJ,lO neplaootepo 011 ~ MOKeoovio uniip~e navtote eaar"jvik~.. Ana T~V aaaf'l J,lepla napokoaou8wvtoe; Tie; nepiypo4>ee; nov enla~j.lwv KPOTlKWV ~evo VWV OTO 610$opo ).IOVaOT~pIO Koi AOi'KO ).IOUOEio EKTiJ.lr"Joav neploaotepo all ~. Op80oo~ia uniip~e 6 tfljoupeio~ -/rrrro~» nou at~pl~e T~V OTTE'\Eu8Epwa~ T~S VEWTEP~S. EMa6as - 600 LTD apxaio (J.aTpo. Emoaupou..\. AnD TrjV frr/okefilf] TOU rrpoakuvrjpator; OTrjv. AKpDrro).,f]. TO NounAlo Kof T~ 4>UAOK~ TOO KoAoKOTPWVIl, Ti!) MUKr;Ve!) Kof T6v Ta<\>o TOU. Aya~E~vwva, T~V narpa, T~V. O'\u~TTla, TOUS IIE'\<\>OUS, T~V. Apaxw~a, T~ Xa'\Ki6a, Ta Ka~Eva Boup'\a, Tis eep~ottu'\es, TOV ropyott6ra~o, Ta xwpla TOU n~aiou T~V noprapid, T6v B6,\o, T~ Ka'\a~TTdKa, Ta METEwpa, T~ eeaaa'\ovik~, Ta T plka'\a, T~V nema, T~ BEpyfva, T~ BEppOla, T~V E6Eaaa, T~ /ldplaaa Kai T6aa oma o~op4>a Kaf o~exaara ~Ep~. To noiolo TOO npookuv~).iotos eneotpelj.lov ar~v Auarpo Ala e).lnaoutioj,leva nveu).iotiko J,lETO 6no TO 000 ejoov Koi OKOU- 84 XTryvapxala 'OAujJ"la olopyavwef/kav«' OAujJmaKoi 'AYWVE~» Via Ta rralolo TOU npookuvt7potor;.. EotiJ ppapeuovtal 01 tf' OAupmovIKer;» pi KAooou~ fala~. J.la8~IJOTa tferr! Torrou» nou empepoiwaav 6TpovroXTo noaa tfkou IO» elvoi TO emxelp~j,lato TWV noaej.liwv Tiie; notpiooe; ).IOe; Kai T~S. EKK'\~alas ~as. ITO npookuvr"jlja TO eaaf'lvonouao roo eowteplkoo Koi TOO e~wtepikoo aov J.l10 oikovevelo IJE KOIV~ KAf'lPOVOJ.lIO ovtoaao~av an6lj.1eie;, xopelj.lov 1J0~f TOUe; norpiwtikoue; ).IOe; Xopoue; Koi yevlko xap~kav T~ 6uva~~ T~S OM~'\EYYU~S Kai T~S 66E'\<\>oaUv~s. XapaKT'lPIOTIKO. OE ouveotioaf] nou 66811Ke OT~V 'E8vIK~. EOTla 'Ayiwv 'Avopyupwv. AS'lvwv. Aiyo npiv T~V EmOTpO$~ TOO npookuv~j.lotoe; OT~V AuorpoAio, 6 nat~p ITuAlovoe; elne -tforrd/or; EXEI a/pg faaf]viko atir; Aiper; TOU rroti 6iv a opon.ijveral GrroAuTG pi 6AAour; rroamopour; YlaTI rrpaypatiko tfto a/pg vep6 6E yivetoi». Ta em~v6ttou'\a T~S AuaTpaAias 6EV ~p8av OT~V. EAA06a Ylo TOUPIO),.lO. OUTe 6nAws ylo va <pave OOUPAOKI... Hp8av va npookuv~oouv TiS pi~es TOUe; - Tie; n'lvee; riis. Op80-60~las Kal TOU EM~VIKOU TTO'\lTIa~ou. LT~V Auarpa,\la 6 EM~voe; ~ei EVTova TrlV nopoooof] KovTa OTrlV. EKKAr)oio TOU. To noiolo TOO npookuvrlj.lotos niipov noaao 6AAo KO! eowoov Korl TTlaw - T~V uttoaxea~ OTI 8d KpaT~aouv T~V EM~VIK~ K'\~POVO ),.110 TOUe; ~Ear~ otie; lj.iuxe!) TOUe;.. nws TTEpvdEI 6 KOIp6S1 Ba6i~ou~E Kl6'\as Yla T6 TTpoaKuv~~a TOU 1985. TT. L. L.

At first sight the Anniversary of the Battle of Crete appears to be unrelated to religious life in general, and more particularly to th e life of a true Christian. Yet, our life, in our fallen state of existence, extends over all aspects of its experience in the world. It includes periods of peaceful existence, as well as wars of all kinds, and presupposes our involvement in the stru ggles and an xieties that result from th e injustice imposed on nations or individuals. ) A MEMORIAL * We have assembled at this Cathedral Church today in order to remember those heroic people, both Australians and Greeks, who offered their life at the memorable BaUle of Crete in 1941 for the high and noble cause of true liberty_ But first, let me express my gratitude to His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos for honouring me to represent him at this Memorial Service, at which he would love to officiate personally, if tie were in Sydney, not merely because he is a Cretan himself, nor also because the death of his father is associated with the events of this Battle, but mainly because His Eminence is a great supporter of the ideal of freedom. In the short service that was just completed, we offered glory, praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God for his many gifts to us, and especially for the gift of liberty, "wherewith Christ has made us free" (Gal. 5, 1). Thus, when the eternat values and ideals, by which humankind is nourished and strengthened, are openly violated by the selfish and arrogant demands of some, then defending one's own rights is the only alternative that rem ains for one's very survival. The Church has always been the ark for the preservation of one's freedom. Furthermore, it has always been the constant guarantee for justice among people, And when people are denied suc h privileges, then it takes the side of those that suffer from injustice - and runs to their defence, In this respect. those who took part in the Battle of Crete are able to relate ample evidence of their c lose association with Arcadi and other monasteries and Church authorities in Crete, Now, in supporting ac ti ve defence against an enemy, the Church does not extol war as such; rather, it condemns war as a necessary evil and actively protests against its blatant infliction. When Australians and Greeks joined forces against the common enemy at the Battle of Crete, they did so for the restoration of freedom and the preservation of the sense of dignity for th e human person in general, even that of the enemy. And they did so at a very high price: they laid down their life for others, Indeed, there can be no greater sacrifice than this - "that a man fay down his life for his friends" (John 15, 13). 50, th e Memorial Service today brings memories of the heroic Battle to some; creates sentiments of admiration for high ideals in others; and instills in us all a deep sense of gratitude towards our brothers who fell at the battlefield for faith and freedom, We are thankful to God for this great country of Australia, in which we enjoy the high democratic ideals that Originated in Greece. The fact that we enjoy freedom today makes the remembrance of the Battle of Crete an ever memorable anniversary and presents to the entire world the great lesson that the gift of freedom is worth more than all other goods. Brothers and sisters, we have offered our prayers in behalf of our brothers who sacrificed their lives on the fields of battle for the noble cause of freedom, justice and peace, What remains for us to do is to proclaim to all in a loud voice that we shall imitate their example in this beloved land of Australia in our struggle to perpetuate the high ideals tor which others laid down their very life. May this Memorial Service be an appropriate occasion for all of us, both to dedicate ourselves to those high ideals in life and to manifest our willingness to continue to be always faithful to them. Sermon by Protopresbyter Milliedes ChryssBvgis, Chancellor of the Archdi ocese. represen ting His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, at B Memorial Ser vice on the occasion of the 44th Anniversary of the Battle 01 Crete. at the Cathedra l Church 0/ the Annunciation, Red/ern, N.S, W. on Sunday, 26th May 1985, :rt<> 6poJJo TlOV. Ayiwv* '0 n, ~ AIIYEAa( a Vi EPE otolxeia Jllat; fv6orepfjt; "f'/j.loolac; TWI! Eoprwv TWI! 'Ay/wl! Tlje; ' I(I()''lolac; JJoC; KoloIKOJOA6Yf}Of rql! al/rono' I(PI0'1Ko1ouJJJJETOXt'J Ttl( KOlVwvia c; TWI! mattijvor;( novfjyuplkfc; ),arpeu, TlKi( "pa{e/(; T'1(. 1(0/ KOTiAIJ{E EPWTf]JJOTlKO oro nwe; 66 JJnopouoE 6 Ko9ivac; JiOt; v6 JJJJJ'18ei TO nop(u5ewpo TWI! 'Ay/wl! pat;,..,.. I ' aut6 TO arll.jeio 66 Ji8EAa v6 ota6tii Via Alyo Kaf v6 KOVW ~EPIKEc; OKEljJEIS ~ a~i oat; un6 Tunali anopu.ijv XPllo l~ onolc,iivtac; jjepiko.... rlnwc;.. nau 96 ImOpoCioQv v6!joe; ~o'le"a o u v Kof EVlOxuaouv, OTOV Ko9rUJEpiVO jjoe; 6vwvo Kol OTiC; QUVEXUlt; ou~av6jjevec; OywvlEC; jjo e;, Mrlnwc; 96 iirov 6UVOTOV Koi DE I"I(JC; vo npoyijotonoi"aou jje auto nou EBEaE 6 0EOC; 06v okon6 01(lV ov8pwmvr'l (,"ap~" jjoe;, 611A. v6 yivouije.. em/ko,a XaPIII», «8dJv8pwnol KOra XaPlv" Koi «Xploroi KOra XtiPIV»,' Mr'llTwC; 80 jjnopouoo jje vo EljJOOTE XPlonovoi 6.,A, XPIOTOq,0POI Koi Eno jjevwe; lopeie; Kol KOTOXOI Til e; olwvlo e; (wile; Koi olit6 80 TO KOTOP ' 8WVOjJE KOTO TO jjetpov Tile; niotewe; jjoe; Kof KaTe:' TO jjetpov Tile;oYIOTI1TOe; jjoe; ri anoia EivOI KopnOe; Tile; nio'tewe; jjoe;: Mr'lnwc; 86 jjnopouooije va E"IIJOO'TE a XpIOTOe; enovoaojj(3o'v6jjevoe;: Mrinwc; 80 jjnopouoojje va (OUjJE EV XplO'Tlii Koi va KOVOUjJE TO EPYO TOO XplO'TOU, onwc;oi 0Yloi jj OC;, KO'i 61' AUTOU va yivwjje 6XI jj6vov buvo'toi, 6AAo Kof novtobuvoijoi; «n6vra iaxuw EV rlji (v6uvojiouvti JiE XplOrlji;" MrilTwC; 80 jjnopouo'ojje va ovtlyp04l0ujje Kof vo (rlo'oulje Trl ~W rl nov oyiwv jj OC; nou Kof outol avtiyp04l0v TiC; np6~elc; TlOV 6yiwv ' AnoO'T6Awv nou bev elvo. 6AAo 6no TO EPYO TaU XpIO'TOO, 6 6noioc; ~il EV outoic; Koi EvepYEi bl' OUTWV; Mr'llTwC; KO'i EjJeic; 80 jjnopauoo'lje va bwo'oujje 1J0pTupio nepf Tilc; 8ou jjotoupyikf'te; 6UVOjJEWC; TOU Kupiou jjoc;. II1O'ou XplO'Tau, onwc; 01 aylal jjoptupee;, onwc; oi aylol onoo'toaol nou Eivol oi npwto IJOpTUpEe;; Mr'lnwc; 80 IJnopouO'o jje vo ~ rioou jj E oe OUPOVIO xwpa KOVOVTOC; Trl yil IJ OC; oupovo; Koi auto 80 TO netuxolvo jje 6VEV6uojJOOTOV TOV XPIOTO Koi YIVOIJOOTOV XPIOTO lopoi. ' OnaTE EKEI 86 ~TOV Kof 6Aac; 6 Kuplae; eeoc;. It' 0 ee6~ 6 EV 6vlo/~ avonau6jifvo~, 6 ee6~ tv JiE04J eewv". 06 npoune8ete OIJWC; v6 ~ouoojje TrlV oiwvio oarl8e10 TOU SEOU, T';V O'lwvlo 61KOIOOUV I1 TOU BEOU, Tr,V oiwvio ~wr, TOO Beou, Mr'lnwc; 80 jjnopau" OOjJE va (3pe800jJE Kof va ~oulje jjo(i jje TOUC; oyiau e; jjoc;otr,v olwvioti1to Kei nou 6Ev unopxe l naeav xpovoe;; riot! OTOV EjJeie; (aujje jjera~u TOU C; Enovw ele; Tr,V yijv, jjeto~u OUTWV TWV jjov061ko Kol6AI181VO 080VOTWV, oi onoial EviK'100V Ko8e 80VOTO, Ko8E ojjoptlo, K08E n08ac;, Ko8E 6ofjJovO', K08e d6'1v, KovEVO ElboC; 80VOTOU 6EV tijjnopei vo jj OC; f3j..641ei, blon 0'1 CiYIOI elvol OOv OAE~IKEPOUVO' Tau 80voTau. Mr'lnwc; 80 jjnopouoo jje jjo ~1 jje 6Aauc; TOUC; oylouc; jjo'c; VO (auoojje TrlV CiYlo 60YjJOTI Kri 6J..r,8EI0 nepf Til c; 'AyloC; Tp1060C; ovtawvrac; ETOI IJE Tr,V ap8rl niot'1 jjo C; TIC; 8eie c; EvepyelEC; T'1e;; Tr,v aylo oarl8ero nepl TOO 0eov8pwnau ' l'1oou nau Tr\V (3pfoKaujJe Ko80pWTOTO OTriV (Wrl TWV 6yiwv jjoc; ai 6naiol YI' out6 OKpl(3 WC; Elvol CiYlal YloTi (ouv Mov T6v Beov8pwnov. 1I')00uV we; Tt')V 41UXr\v Til e; 41uxilc; TWV, WC; TIlV ouvei61l0fl TijC; ouve lbf'loewc; TWV, we; T6v YOU TOU VOU TWV, WC; TrlV unop~ fl Tij C; u nop ~ewc; TWV, WC; Tr')V~Wf) Tile;~wiie; TWV, Kof vo (3POVTO lwvoujje Koi IJETC; jjo(f TWV «ZtiJ Of OUKETI EVW, (;; 6i EV EJiol Xplor6~,.. Mr'lnwc; 80 jjnopouoojje vo EXW jje jjov061k6 eq,6610 OTf) ~wr'l jjoc; Tf)v e li1pljaojjevll (3lwjJonKo op86bo~11 ti81kf) TWV 6ylwv 1J0e; Kof TtlV onepovti1 i616jjap l'1 op86bo~1l eykukaonoi6elo Tilc; ~wile; TWV 6 n ' onou 80 (3piOKOjJE nojjnaaauc;6pojjouc; OWTI1PioC;, lwtlojjou, ayioo jjau, jjetojjapq,woewc;, XPloTanol';oewc;, 8EWOEWe;. ITrlv ~w ri TWV 6yiwv jjoc; av TrlV naflolo~ojje... rinwc; 86 (3piOKOlJe nopobeiyljora Yla ljijj'lo'l K08e ';AIKfoC;, K08E 1610TI1TOe;, K08e To~ewc;, Ko8E enoyyealjotoe;, K08e ojj0 60C;, Ko8e KO lvwvioc; nou 80 TOI P la ~e l ana AUTO OTr, 61Krl jjoe; napelo OE TaUT., Ttl npookoip'l ~wti jjoe;, I ' OAo OUTO TO «jjrinwc;. 80 jjnapouoojje va OPXIOWIJE "lowe; ana Tlope, ana TOUTI1 Tri OTIYjJri vo npo(3a'ljjon(wijoote Koi ei 6UVOTOV vo ~e8appe4ioujje 6pxj~av T oe; OIYo OIYO TriV 6noPX'; jji OC; VEOC; n poc; Tr\V 6YIOTflTO (wr;c;, av npwtopxiko, Koi npoyijotiko ovo(30ntl(ojjootoveie; TO YEYOVOC; 6J..wv TWV yeyavotwv 6no Tri (Wrl TOU ' IrJooO jjo C;, TWV 'AnOOTO' Awv, TWV. Ayiwv, OAou TOU XPIOTI O'VIOjJOU ljoe;. TO YEyov6C; Tile; ' AvaarooEWe; an ' TO 6naTo nflyo(er Ko8e 6A,,8EIO, Ko8e npoyjjotikot'1to, K08E 8oujJo. Kol ETOI yvwpl(avrac; naeav Kof EXOVTOC; Ko8E eq,obla, K08E un66eiy jjo oiyoupo Koi (3lwjJEva jjexpi T"V Ko8e nopojjlkp" AenTajJEpelo, Tr, (wr'j TWV 6yiwv jjo e;. yvwpl(ovtoc; enlol1e; nou eivor TO KAElbi Tilc; (mop xiie; TOU ~eklvriijotoe;. r'l ' AvooraolC; TaU 0Eov9pwnou... ac; ae; OvoM ~auije TI e; AIYEe; 6UVOIJEIe; nou IJOC; 6noIJEvouV Koi 6C; ~E K I Vr,O OU IJE IJE okan6 vo OUvovTr'!oaUlJe 0,11 TO. Opoiov, T6 KaAov, TO 'MI18E e;, T6 n pooq,iaee;. T6 XapIJ6ouvav, T6 0elav, T6 Ioq,o, T6 AlwVIO, TtiV 'Ay6nl1 IJOC;, Tr'jV ' AAr'j8E10 IJOC;, Tr'j Xapd IJO e;, TO. Ay096v IJOe;, Tr,V Zwr'!IJOe;, rr'jv A iwvlo (wr'j 1J0 e; IJE OAEe; TiC; oiwvlotrltec; Kof anepovtwouvee; T.,C;. Kof T6 KoupOYla ljoe;; Oi npeo(3eiec; TWV ayiwv nou or'jijepo eopto ' (auije, Kol 6Awv TWV oyfwv IJOC; 90 IJOe; un o~aoto(ouv oe K08e ljo e; 66uvoIJl0 Kol Amo4luxlo. ' H X6P'l Tauc; ae; eivoi 1J0(i IJOC;. ' A IJr'jvl ' AnoonOoJ,lo,o on6 "I'IPUYI)O lou n,. A. ' AAIC'M(p6~1') OlOY novl')vupiko EonfpiVO,lilY ' AyilJN Kc..Mnovrlwu Kol ' EMvI')/j., Newtown, N,N,O, 85

TO XPONIKON THI: APXIEnlI:KOnHI: MAI: M6i'oc,; A' APXIEnlIKOniKH nepl<i>epeia OJ KalWS. ESEOpoawnrlOOV TOV Iel300jJu''':ITOTOV. ApXIEnioKon6v!Joe; K.K. :hualov6v Kof TI'lY ' Iepav. ApXlemOKonr'}v!Joe; eie; 6Io l6pouc; EK6I1AwaelC;: rllv 18., 'AnptAiolJ, 6 ' IClPOC; K. r ewpyloc; T~wpT~6no u Aoc;napI1Ko Aou9r')OE o uve6pfoor) TOU N.S.W. Ecumenical Council eie; TO rpa leia TaU AuorpaAlovou IUjJj3ouAfou. Et<KAIlOlwv. Ttjv Tpl111 231"). AnplAiou, 6 npwtonp. n. ' lwow 'll) EUOYYEAlvi6rV; nap'lko'\ous'10e nlv TeAETrlv n oaltoypo lfloewt; 600 noaltwv jjetosu TUIV 6noiwv ~oov Ko f EAA"vet). ele; rr'}v A:',6ouoav lllljjopxefou T~ C; n6aewc; Iu6vEU, napouo iq TaU 1\6p6ou Llrll"l(lPXOU K. 166epAovT Kof amwv enror'ujwv. Tllv TETO PTf"] 24'1.. A nplaiou Koi 27., Maiou. 6 K. TljJ6geoc; Smith nap'lkoaou9'loe lllv ouve6plaol1 r wv Church Administrative Officers Koi O UVE~r'lHlo E 8E~O TO O loplovto Tr'jV 610py6vwol1 TlOV ' EKKAI101lOV, Tllv TuapTI1 111 Moiou, 0 revi KOe; ' APXIEpOTIKOe; ' EniTponos n, MIATlobl1e; Xpuoouyiie;, JJETel TlOV K0811Yl1TlOV K,K, ' E~~, ' Apwvl1 Koi, AAE~. Ko~n itoyaou Koi TOO lllokovou n, ' Iwawou Xpuoouyil, enmke l81100v Tr'lV KOOj,Jr'jTOPO TlOV q>iaoaoyiklov Inou6lOv TOU novenlotl1jjiou Iu6vEU, Dr Patricia Lahy, Kol OUVE(I'}TI100V ~ET ' outiie; 8E j,joto 6 l0- plovto Tr'lV, npooexil AEITOUpyiov riie; 0EOAOYIKile; IXOAlie; Tiie; 'APXIEnI okonile; I-Ioe;, Tr)v nopookeur) 311 M oiou, I'l KO PiTa KO~l1vOU, ' AvTlnpOE6poe; Tile; cplaontwxou 'A6EA loti1toe; Tiie; 'ApXIEmOKonile;, nopl1koaou8 11OE Tr)V q>iaoaoyikr) Bp06uel Tiie; 'EVWoEWe; ' EAAt'jvwv AOYOTEXVlOV - KoMITE XVlOv AUOTPOAloc;. Eie; TllV A~180uoov Tii e; 'EMl1vIKii e; AEOXIle;. I u6veu, To I 6J3J3oTO 411 Moiou r) KO Moplo ' Avbpwvou, EK Til e; KEVTpIKile; HAomwxou 'A6EA l6tfltoe; Til e; ' I.. APXIEnioKoniie;, nopeotil Ele; Tr'}V TEAETr'}V Tiie; 'YnooXEOEWe;, EMflVi6wv ' 06I1YWV, K08we; Koi Tel. EYKOivlO Tiie; 111e; 'O ~ 06os. EAAI1vi6wv. 06rlYlOv Iu6vEU. Tr'}v lleutepo 6fl Moiou, 6 r EVIKOe;. APXIEpaTiKOe;. Enirponoe; n. MIATl0611e; nopeupe8fl Eie; nopouoiooi1 TOO EPYOU nou yivetoi Eie; TO Taize r oaaiae;, ' H 610AE~11 eylve 6no T6v 'A6EA l0 Ghislain TOU l aize, Eie; TO 5 1. John's College TOU novenlot1wiou TOU Iu6vEU, Tr)v lleutepo 611 Moiou. r'l Ko PiTa KOjJl1vou npor'j6peuoe Tiie; jjf)vialoe; IUVE6pIOoEWe; Tiie; KEVTpIKile; q>iaomwxou ' AbEA lotiltoe; Tiie;. ApXIEnIOKonile;, Tr'lv TETOPTI1 811 Maiou, 6lllel KOVOe; n.. Jwawlle; Xpuoouyile; nope OTI1 Eie; TOV ' AvvAIKaviKov K08E6pIK6v Noov. Ay. ' Av6pEOU Eie; Ei6 1KI'lV ' AKoAou8iav Ylo TI'lV 401'}. EnETElo Til e; Ar1~EWe; TOU B ' naykoo ~iou noa E ~OU. Tr'}v n E~ mf) V 911 Maiou, 6 n. MIATl0611e; ~ETO TOU lllakovou n. ' Iwow ou Xpuoauyii eneokeq>81100v TOV llieu8uvtr')v TOU 0EOAOYIKOU KoMEyiou Tile; Uniting Church OTO Enfield, Dr G. Ferguson, Kai ouvelpyo08110av Eni TOU npoypoijijotoe; Kof Tiie; ev YEVEt AelTOupyla e; Tile; 0EOAOYIKile; IXOAil e; TOU ' AnooToAou ' Av6pEOU Til e;, APXIEnioKonile; 1J0e;. TI}v lleutepa 1311 Matou, 6 revikoe; ' APXIEpaTlK6e; ' EniTponOe;, n. MIArlobl1e; Xpuoauyiie;, nopeotfl Eie; TI'lV EVOp~ f) Tile; 120ile; revlkiie; IUVE AEUOEWe; Tile; npeoj3uteploviie;. EKKAllofa e; OT"V AuoTpoMa, OTO I u6veu. 'Enlolle; 6 n. MIArlo6f)e; EnEoKEq>811 TOV IEJ3aojJ. ' ApXIEnioKonov Tiie; PwoolKiie;. EKKAllOfae; Tiie; llioonopae; K.K. nouaov. KO! ouve~i'}ti10e 8EjJaTo oq>opwvta Tr'lV M 6vl ~ov. EniTponl}v KavovlKlOV. Op8060~wv. EKKAl10lwv AUoTpoAiae;. Tt'jv TpiTf)V 1411 Mal'ou, 6 revikoe;. ApXIEpaTiKOe; n. MIATI0611e; Xpuoouyiie; nopl1 KoAou8110E ouve6ploof) Tii e;. EniTponiie; NEOAOioe; r'l 6noio EPyO~ETOI 610 TO B ' noaiteio KOV IUVE6plov NEOAOioe; Tiie; A'. ApXIEnl OKOnlKiie; neplq>epeio e;. To I0J3J30TOV 1811 Moiou, 6 n. 'Iwowl'le; llookomki1e; nopeupe8f) Ele; TrlV. EonEpl60 Tiie; Kpl1T1Kiie; ' A6EAq>OTI1TOe; Ylo TrlV. EnErEIO Tii e; MaXI1e; T~ S Kp~T~S, To I0J3J30TOV 18f) Moiou, 0 revikoe;. APXIEpoTII(Oe; n. MIATI()611e; EreAEOE TplOOYIOV ele; TO KEVOTOq>IOV TOO Martin Place, Iu6vEU, En ' EUKOlplQ Tiie;. EnElElou Tii e; MOXI1e; riie; KpI'}TI1e;. 86 T"v KUPIOK"V 1911 Moiou, 6 lliokovoe; n. ' lwowf)e; Xpuoouyiie; napl1koaou8110e. AKoAou8fav Kaf CrvEYVWOE Ei61Kr'jv EUXI1V eie; TOV AVVAIKOVIK6v Naov 'Ay. Tp1060e; OTO Iu6vEU En' EUKOlpiQ Tiie; ' EnE TEiou Tiie; MaXf)e; Tiie; KpriT I1 e;. ' H. AKOAOUSio CrvojJET0608f) KE 6no TOV KuIlEpvf)T IKOV IT08~ov ABC TrlV eno~evl1 KUPIOKrl Trlv lleutepa 2011 M oiou, 6 revikoe;. APXIEpOTIKOe; ' Enirponoe; n. MIATI06r)e; XpuoouYile;. JJETO TOU AolOou ' I. KArlpou TOO Iu6vEU, EAollE ~EpOe; Eie; TOV nov.,yupikov ' EonEplvov TWV ' Aylwv KWVOTovrivou Kol ' EM:vl1e;, Newtown. Tov 8Eiov Myov EKrlPU~E 6 n. "AvvEAOe; AAJq>IEpOKfle; Tr'}v TETOPTI1 220 Moiou 6 n. MIATla6fle; OUVEIPYOOSI1 Eie; ouve6pi- 0011 TOU. AK0611~OrKOU IUjJJ3ouAiou T~e; 0eoAoY I K~e; IXOAiie;!Joe; ~Ero TOU ll'0kovou n, ' Iwovvou Xpuoauyii Kat TWV Ka8f)YI1 Twv K.K.. AAE~OV- 6pou KO!JniTOYAOU Koi. E~!JOVOU~A ' ApwVI1 Via Tr'}V EKnOVflOI1 TOO EYXEIPl6iou nou neplexei nal1poq>opfee; YIO TO ~08rl~OTO Kol T~V AEITOUPylav Tiic; IXOAiie; T~v KUPIOKrl 26f) MoTou, 6 revik6e;. APXIEpOTlK6e; n. MIATl061le;, J301l80uIJEvoe; uno TOU lllokovou n.. Iwovvou Xpuoauyii, EAEI TOU PYflOE Kol ErEAeOE ' Ent~vf)jJoouvo llef)oi1 Eie; TOV '1. K08E6pIKOV Noov TOU EUOYYEAIO~OU En' EUKOlpiQ Tiie; 'EnETElou Tii e; M OXf) e; Tiie; KprlTf) e;. To EonEpOe; Tiie; KuploKiie; 2611e; Maiou 6 n. MIATlo611e; Xpuoouy~e; nopeotf) Eie; TrlV ' EVOPKT~PIO V TEAETrlV Tiie; ll' IUVEAEUOEW<; Tiie; Uniting Church OTrlV A",80uoo TOO Llf)jJoPXEiou TOO Iu6vEU. Trl V Tpirllv, 281lv Marou 6 re VIKOe;. APXIEpOTlK6e;. EniTponoe; n, MIATl06.,e; nopeko8110e OTO Eniol1jJo lletnvo nou E60SI1 OTOUe; xwpoue; TOU n ave ntotil~i ou Iu6vEU, En ' EUKolpiQ T~ e; OUYKAt)OEWe; Tiie; ll' IUVE AeUOEWC; Tiic; Uniting Church. r ' APXIEnl1:KOniKH nepici>epeia KivIlOlS 0eo<!>,AeOTOTOU BOlleoii 'EmOK6nou Xp'OT,avoun6Aews K, nauaou Tl'}v TETOPTflV 1.,'1 Moiou E.E. Tr'jV npwiov, Ele; TO rpoq>eiov TOU b lvawooou KoMEyiou ' Ayfou rewpyfou Thebarton. 60EOq>IAEO TOT Oe;, ouvelpyoo8.,!jeto TOU n poe6pou Kai!JEAWV Tiie; ' EntTponiie; TOU KoMEyiou.!JETO TOU n poe6pou T~ e;. Evopioe;-Kolv6rI1TOe; we; Koi T~ e; 61EU8u VOUOI1e; TO we; ovw EKnOl6EUTIKOV "16puIJ0, 610 8E!JOTO TO onota aq>opouv Tr'}V Eupu8j,Jov AElToupylav autou,. Ev ouvexeiq E6eXellOOV Tt)V EnioKElJ.'IV TOO noaiteiokou 'Ynoupyou n016e10e; K. Lyn Arnold OUV06Euo!Jevou uno ouvepyattilv OUTOO oi onotol, EnteEwpr'loOVTEe; TOe; AEIToupyouoae; To~e le;, EV wpo!j08rijjotoe;, e~eq>pooov Tr'\V ~aeutot'1v ikovonoil1olv Kof TO ouyxapf)tr'lpio TWV 6 10 TO EntTEAOUIJEVOV EPYO V. '0 K. Lyn Arnold uneoxe8fl 6 ~ ep lot ov ou ljnopaotoolv EK ~EpoUe; TOU ' YnoupYEiou n OlbEioe; Tii e; noaitefoe; ~o e; npae; TO npatunov auto EKnOI - 6EUTrlPIOV Tile;. EKKAl1oiae;!Joe; EV. A6EAOi6,. T~ v nopookeu r'lv 3f)V Moiou E.E. Eie; TO EV. A6EAOi61 rpoq>eto Tiie;' J. APXIEntOKOn~e;!Jo e; e6ex81l TOV EV KOj,Jneppo unl1perouvto uneu8uvov 610 8E~ OTO uyeloc; Kol6oq>oAioEwv T~ C;. O~oonov6IaKiie; KuIlEpvr'joEwe; K. Max Caluzzi Kaf ouvelpyoo811!jet ' OUTOO. T~v KUPIOKr)V 5f)V Moiou, E.E, iepoupyl10e Kol O!JIAllOE entkolpwe; Eie; TOV ' I. Noov TOU np0 lr'jtou ' HAloO Norwood, EuAoyr'jooe;, nopouolq Kof TOO EVTljJ. revikou npo~evo U K. Kwv/ vou KapO!JnETOI1, ' ApToKAaolav Tr')V onolov npooeq>epev unep uyeioe; TWV IJEAwv OUTOO 0 I uaaoyoc; noaaaltilv Kol NEwv noaelj'otwv N, AUOTpaAloe;, 'EvouvEXelQ, 6 0EOq>IAEOTO TOC; EUA6YflOE KOIVr'lV Tp6nE(o Tt)V 6nolov napeseoev a npoovoq>epselc; IuMoyOS np6e; TO EKKJ..'1oloo~a Eie; Tr')V alsouoa Tile; We; 6vw. Evoplae; KOIVOT'lTOe;, r"v TplTI)V 71)v MoTou E.E. npor'l6peuoe ouve6piooewe; Tii e; KEVTPI Kf'jC; $,Aomwxou. Tr'Jv KUPIOKr'jV 12f)v Moiou E.E, iepoupyl10e Kof O~IAf)OE EntKalpw<; Ele; TOV ' I. Noov ' Ay. novteaer'jj,jovoe; Glenelg. Trlv TpITf)V 14f)v MaTou E.e. npor'l6peuoe ouve6ptooewe; TWV ' IEPEWV Tii e; r '. APXIEntOKOntKiie; neplq>epeloe;, TWV npoe6pwv Kaf ~ EAWV llioiki1t1kwv IU!JJ3ouAfwv TWV. EVOPIWV-Kolvorr'jTwv!Joe; we; Koi TWV q>iaonrwxwv. A6eAq>oTt'jTWV Ele; Tr1V 0"180uoo TEAETWV T~e;. Evoploe; KOtVOTf)TOe;. Ay. rewpyfou Thebarton. '.

ERITREA 53 million FIM.J aid in,, ~ c, ~~,If Sl.5,mitll'n channdl,',j Ihwu)\h ACe and oth.. r a~t'nci... s., ' 1(1 Pori Su,hn. GOYOI'rnrn.. nt and "tt,.., r;pt.'cmi ~rant~ uf SI.J m,lii"n. Purchas.. "r trucks I>y ACe fur transpurt 515U,OOO. < l TIGRAY $45,000 Ur)o;I'nt h",,j ",-,'o s in thl Nnrth..,rn provine... uf Eth'''pia. GUINEA BISSAU 550,000 ". 0 nivokoc; aur6e; oe/xv!i Tr]V avton6kp10f] rou AuorpaAJOvou LuppouAiou 'EKK),I]OIlVV GrDV av9pwmvo novo OTr]V. A PIKt}. H 'ApXIEmoKom'J )JOt; np6of/jepe OfJPOVTIK!J porj8elo DrDV OKono auto pi: EiOIKrJ fkk),i]ofj npoe; TOUe; f7u7touc; }JOt; nou auykfvrpwoe 6vw TWV $80,000 OTIJV ijpxij rod 1985, Ko8wC; Koi jje rk; ETrjOIEt; eiarpopi:c; YJ(i TO Christmas Bowl, nou i: i:toc; (eni:paoe rk; $16,000 ana Tk; KOlvDTf]TEt;- 'Evopiec; /lac;. Triv ll.eutepav 20r'I''' Maiou E.E. EXOPOOTOTIlOE KaTO T6v noviwupik6v ' EonEplv6v Ell; T6v ' I. N06v ' Ay. Kwv/ vou Kol. EMvllC; Renmark. Triv TpiTIlv 21"v Moiou E.E, 6 0EOqlIAeOTaToc; naololou~ev OC; un6 nov aibeo. ' IEpewv ~0C; n. nevey. KWTOIv06eAA" Koi n. 61l~IlTp. MwpaiT" iepoupyiloe Kei 6 ~IAIlOE, Evwnrov nukvoo EKKA"0I6o~OTOe;, Eie; T6v npoovo Ep8EVTO ' L No6v. npoeot" AnovEUOEWe; Tlic; ' 1. EiK6voC; TWV, Ayiwv KOj EuMYIlOE KOIVriV Tp6nE~Ov Eie; TO npoaualov TOO ' I. NaoO, Tr'JV 6nojov nape80e ri EOPTo~ouoa. Evopia-Kolv6TIle; Renmark. T6 on6- yeu~o Tile; outile; ri~ e poe; 6 0Eo IAeoTOTOe; EIXE rriv EUKOlpiov va ouvov TIleil Eie; Berri ~ E 6PKETOU C; 6 ~OYEVEie; ~oe; wi va OU~I1Trioll ~ET' alnwv 6lo ope 8E~aTa TO anoia 6 opoov Triv ov6ntu~iv Til e; KEi. Evopiae; KOlv6TIl T6e; ~ae;. T6 16!3!3orov 25rw Moi'ou E.E. E6eX8" Eie; E81~o T unrkriv EnloKElj./lv T6v E~ 'EAAci60e; 'YnompoTIlYoV ne~ikoo K. 611~. Zri0llv. OUV06EU6 ~ EVOV uln6 TOU EVTI~. rev. npo~evou K. Kwv/ vou Kapa~nErOIl. TI'jv KUPIOK"V 261lv Moiou E.E. naolol ou ~EVOe; un6 TaU novoo,. APX I}J. n. r EPllaoiou Ko~noup6K" iepoupyiloe Kof o~fal1oe EnlKojpwe; Eie; T6v vo6v Tile; '1. Movile;. Ay. NEKTopiou. MET6 T6 nepee; Tile; 0.I\EITOUpviae; KOj nopouoiq TOO EVTl}J. r EV. npo~evou K. Kwv/ vou KOpOlJneTO". TOO' YnOOTpOTriyou K. 6111J. ZriOIl. Aornwv OTPOTlWTlKWV KOj n OAITIKWV. APXwv Tile; noanejae; 1J0e;. TOU n poe6pou KOj IJEAwv TOO 610lKIlTl KOO LUlJl3ouAiou Tile; KPIlTIKils. A6EA 6TIlTOe; Kol n"'rieous nrotwv ETeAEoE En, llj v,, ~ 6ouvov 6e:Ilorv unep TWV ilpwrkws neo6vtwv Eie; Tr')V IJOXIlV Tile; KPriTrIS,. Ev OUVEXEiQ IJETO TWV npoavo Ep8eVTwv lj Tel3" Eie; T6 IJvl1- IJEiov TOU. AYVWOTOU LTpomtJTou Ele; North Terrace onou KOTETE81loov OTEq>OVOI. 87

AVITPAI\.IA - ruvexi<ovtoi oj Epyooie~ TWV 6lo lopwv. EmTponwvyU] Tr'}V 0eoAoYIKI') rxoari TOU. AnooToAou 'Av6peou nou 80 apxioel va AelToupyei ano TOV <Dej3pouaplo TOU 1986.. H. AK06rH..IoiKr't ' EmTponr'} E~OKOAouaei Til') 6lonpOY~OTeUoell') ~e Til') navemorrwiokei') Koi amel') EKnOl6euTtKEI') 'Apxel') Yla TI')V avoyvwploll TOU ntuxiou Tiil') rxoaiil') ~ol') Koi Triv yevlki') ouvepyooio oe npokttko 8Ej..IOTO. TouToXPovo ri aveyepcrll TOU Knpiou Tiil') rxoafji') npoxwpei KovovlKa. AVITPAI\.IA -. H lj.' ruveaeuoll Tiil') Uniting Church OTI')V AUoTPOAiO npoy~otonoi1')81lke ~eto~u 26 Moiou Kai 1 'Iouviou, 1985. navwono 225 avnnpoownol ano 6AIl Triv AUoTpoAia nopeupe81lkov aro Lu6veu, KO; OU<I')TIloov 8E~OTO nou O lopouv Tr;V EV MY4J. EKKAIloia, Tov rej3., ApX1enioKono ~ol') avnnpoowneuoe 6 r evikoi') ' APX1epOTlKOl'). EniTponol'), npwtonp. n. MIATlo61l1') Xpuoauyii~ OTr)V 'EvopKTl')pro TeAerl') Tiil') ruveaeuoewl'). AVITPAI\.IA - 'H 61eKKAIlOloonKI'). EnrTponl') 'leponootoaiil') OTO E~nopro Koi TI') Bro~Ilxovio EopTo~el TI')V 2511. EnETeio ana Tiil') OUoTl] oewl') Till'), Oi Eopraoj..loi 80 Mj30uv ~epo~otr; MeAj30upvIl TOV AUYOUoTO, 1985, Koi neprao~j3ovouv. AKOAouBio otov. AyyArKovlKo Ko8e6pIKo No6 ' Ayiou nouaou, 'Enioll~o 6einvo Koi ruve6pro Twvovnnpoownwv ~eawv. EKKAIlOlWV J.lETO~U 7-11 AUYOUoTOU, T6v rej300j..l1wtoto 90 ovtlnpoownetioel ot6v EV A6Y4J. Eoprao~o 6 0eoq:"AeOTOTol') 8011861') En/oKOnOI') 6Epj31l1') K. ' le<ekii')a. KOPEA -. H. Op8060~Il NeoAoio OTri reoua 6pyovwoe re~lvoplo OTO leponootoaiko KeVTpo TOU. Ay. NIKoMou otil') 23 ct>ej3pouopiou, 1985, ~e Be~o «Kolvol') voul') Ylo ~IO YEO nepi060-. To npoypoj..lj..lo neplemj..ij3ove ou~i')tiloll. npooeuxri Koi iepei') okoaou8iec;. nop0j..loio re~lvapro EAoj3e xwpo OTO Pusan anou ri NeoAoio opyovwoe OU<riTIloll. npooeuxei') Koi npoj3oar; 6ro<l>overwv ~E BE~O «Bu~ovTlv6<; noartloj..lol')". BOV I\.r APIA -. H 'OpB060~Il 'EKKAIlOio Tiil') BouAyopiol') yropta<el >ETOI') Triv 40ri. EnETero Tiil')anoKOTooTooewc; Tiil')-EKKA/lOloonKiiI')EvOTIl TOI') j..ie TI')V apoll TOU oxloj..lotol') J..IeTO~U TWV. EKKAIlOlWV Kwv/ noaewl') Koi BouAyopiol').. H onokonlotoo'l Eylve OTII') 22 $ej3pouopiou, 1945. EI\BETIA - To. Op8060~o KEVTPO TOU OiKouJ..levlKou J..IOC; notpiopxelou otr'} reveull npayj..lotono/'loe TO Go TriOlO lj.le8vei') 0eoAoYIKO re~l vaplo J..IETO~U 27. AnplAiou - 20 Moiou,,1985. rto rej..llvoplo auto EAoj3ov J..Iepol') KO; veo! geoaoyoi nou nopakoaou80uv J..IETonrUXIOKEI') onou6el'). To 8eJ..lOTO ~oov oc Op806o~fo Kol OiKouJ..levlKr'l KivIlOll" Koi «T 0 XPIOTIOVIKO '16ew6ee; Tiic; Eipl')v'le;-. METo~u TWV oj..liailtwv rioov 6 rej3. MIlTponoAiT'le; 'EAj3eTiol') 1(.lJ.OJ..lOOKIlVO~. 6 rev. rp0j..lj..l0teue; TOU n.r.a. Emilio Castro, 6 Ko8rW. K. NIK. NIlOlWTIle;, 6 Iej3. MIlTponoAiT'l~ rllauj3piol'). K. AiJ..lIAlov6<;, 0 POUJ..lOVOe; 0eoAoyoc; n.lon Sria, 6 npwtonp. n. r. ToeTorre;, 6 Ko9rry. K. <DeI6oc; Koi 6 KoBrryrrTr'}e; TOU TIJ..Ifou rraupou BooTWVrrl') n. I. XOpOKOC;. EI\.I\.AlJ.A - Me npwtoj3ouaio TOU MOKaplwTOTOU. APXIEOIOKonou K. repoq,efj..l ouvepxovral TO npooexee; <D9,vonwpo OTriV. A9rivo OE npoou OKEl.J.lrr avnnpoownor TWV XP'OTIOVIKWV 'EKKAIlOIWV, 'Op9060~wv Koi ' ETEp060~wv, Yla va OVTIJ..IETWnioouv oe npwto at0610 TO 8Ej..Ia TOU OUVTOVIO~OU TWV EVEPYEIWV TWV XplonOVIKWV. EKKArrolwv Ylci TIlV KOTOnOAEj..Irro'l TOU TPOYIKOU <l>oiv0j..levou TWV 9avoTwv 6no neiva, ae 6Ao KAIlPO TOV KOoJ..lO. Oi avnnpoownol nou wpio8rroav ana Til'). EKKAIlOiEe; Eivol npoowna Ei61KEUJ..lEVO OTO 8eJ..lora nou 8ci onooxoal')oouv TriV npoouokel.j.lll HNOMENEI noi\iteiei: - To OiKOUJ..IEVIKOV notplopxeiov E~eAe~E TOV. EnloKonov 'AJ..Irrooou K. NIKOAoov, BOllBov. EnioKonov TOU MrrTponoAiTou EUKopnfoe; K.. Av6prou Tiil) OUKpovIKiie;. Op9066~ou 'EKKArlOlol'). AJ..IEpIKr;e;. we; 61060xov TOU. EmoK6nou Nuoorre; KUPOU 'Iwawou, 6 6noiol') npoo lorwe; EKOIJ..lri8rr EV Kupi4J. - To 150v 6.E8vEe; IUj..lnoolov TOU ' AJ..IEpIKoVIKou 'IvonTouTou noteplkwv Kof Bu~avTlvwv rnou6wv 8ci AOj3EI xwpov ele; TI')V <DIA06EA <l>eiov TWV 'HVW~EVWV noaiteiwv otie; 1B-19 ' OKTWj3pfou 1985,!..IE 8eJ..lo:.. Of 0XEOEII') TWV. EKKA'lOIWV ' AvoToArie; Koi lj.uoewe; KOHl TOV 1Gov olwva. ' 0 notplcipx'le; 'IEpeJ..liac; 8' Kof oi l\ou9rrpavol TOU TouJ..IOIYKEv". KOP EA - ' H r EVIKI') IuvEAEuall TOU XPIOTIOVIKOU IUVE6piou. Aoio<; 96 88 AUSTRALIA - The various Committees appointed by Archbishop Stylianos for the St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College continue to meet in their respective capacities so that the College may function in 1986. The Academic Board has met with the University of Sydney and other Educational Authorities for the recognition of the College Degree and in general matters of co-opera lion. At the same time. the building of the College is progressing well. AUSTRALIA - The Fourth Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia was held between 26 May - 1 June, 1985. Over 225 representatives from the whole of Australia mel in Sydney, and discussed matters affecting the administration and mission of the said Church. His Eminence our Archbishop was represented by the Chancellor, Fr Miltiades Chryssavgis, at the Opening Ceremony of this Assembly. AUSTRALIA - The Inter-Church Trade and Industry Mission (I.T.I.M.) Councit celebrates its 25th Anniversary in Melbourne, August 1985. The programme includes a Service at St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral, an Official Dinner and a Conference of the delegates from member Churches between 7-11 August. His Eminence our Archbishop will be represented by His Grace Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis. KOREA - The Orthodox Youth of Seoul organised a special Seminar at the MiSSionary Centre of SI. Nicholas on the 23rd February. 1985. The theme of the Seminar was "A New Mind for New Semester", and the programme included discussions. prayer and services. A similar Seminar was held at Pusan on the theme "Byzantine Culture". BULGARIA - The Orthodox Church of Bulgaria is currently celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the restoration of Ecclesiastical union with the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The restoration took place on the 22 February, 1945. SWITZERLAND - The Orthodox Centre of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambesy, Geneva, held its 6th Annual International Theological Seminar between 27 April - 20May, 1985. The Seminar was attended by many young post-graduate theologians. The subjects of the lectures were "Orthodoxy and the Ecumenical Movement" and "The Christian Ideal of Peace". Among the many speakers were: His Eminence Oamaskenos of Switzerland, the Gen. Secretary of the W.C.C. Dr Emilio Castro. the Rev. Fr, lon Bria, Pretopr. FrG. Tsetsis, Prof. N. Nissiotes, His Eminence Aimilianos of Selyvria, Prof. V. Pheidas and the Rev. Fr. S. Harakas from Holy Cross in Boston. GREECE - At the initiative of Archbishop Seraphim of Athens, representatives of the Christian Churches will meet next autumn in Athens in order to coordinate their work for the confrontation of the tragedy of hunger throughout the world. These representatives, appointed by their respective Churches. are specialists in this field. UNITED STATES - The Ecumenical Patriarchate has elected Bishop Nikolaos of Amissos. Assistant Bishop of Metropolitan Andrew of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in America, as successor to Bishop John of Nyssa who recently died, - The 15th International Symposium of the American Institute of Patristic and Byzantine Studies will take place in Philadelphia between 18-19 October, 1985. The theme of the Symposium is "The Relations between East and West in the 16th Century: Patriarch Jeremiah II and the Lutherans of Tubingen". KOREA - The Christian Conference of Asia General Assembly will be held in Seoul, Korea from June 25 to 2 July 1985at the PreSbyterian Theological Seminary. The theme is "Jesus Christ sets us free to serve". Among participants from the Australian Council of Churches is Catherine Kapodistrias of our Archdiocese. yivei OTI')V reoua Tiie; KopEoe; 6no 25 ' Iouviou J..IeXPI 2 'louaiou 1985. To BeJ..lo ETvar: «' 0 'l/looue; XpIOTOe; J..IOI) EAEu9Epti.rvel Eil') 6roKoviov-. METO~U TWV avtlnpoownwv TOU AUOTpoAlovou IUI..lj3ouAiou ' EKKAIlOlWV Eivol Koi r'i AiKOTEpiv'l Kon061oTpiO EK Tiie;. ApXlenloKonrie; J..IOe;.