Fourier Series. Fourier Series
- Ξένη Λιάπης
- 8 χρόνια πριν
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1 ECE 37 Z. Aliyazicioglu Elecrical & Compuer Egieerig Dep. Cal Poly Pomoa Periodic sigal is a fucio ha repeas iself every secods. x() x( ± ) : period of a fucio, : ieger,,3, x() 3 x() x()
2 Periodic sigal ca be represeed as sum of siusoidals if he sigal is square-iegrable over a arbirary ierval (). + x () d < So, i ca be expressed as x() a + a cos( ω ) + b si( ω ) c + c cos( ω + θ ) Xe ω j where π ω ω fudameal frequecy of he periodic fucio i [rad/s]. are ω, harmoic for,3,4,... frequecies he parameers are called Fourier series expasio or coefficies ad give by + a + x() d a x()cos( ω ) d,, 3,... + ()si( ) ω,, 3,... b x d c a + b θ a + jω X xe () d b a,, 3,... c Where is arbirary. I ca be se or / a
3 Usig Euler s rule, ca be wrie as X + + X x ( )cos( ω d ) j x ( )si( ω d ) X a j b If x() is a real-valued periodic sigal, we have + + jω jω X x() e d x() e d X X * * X a + j b o obai ad a Re{ X } b Im{ X } jθ X ce,,,3 Remember ha + cos( ω ) d for all + si( ω ) d for all + cos( ω ) si( mω ) d for all ad m + cos( ω ) cos( mω ) d for all m for all m + si( ω ) si( mω ) d for all m for all m
4 Example: Vm v () V m Fid he Fourier series of he followig periodic sigal v() 3 + Vm Vm m a x() d d V Vm Vm ω ω a cos( ) d cos( ) d V m cos( ω ) + si( ω ) ω ω V π m cos( ) for all ω ω Vm Vm ω ω b si( ) d si( ) d V m si( ω ) cos( ω ) ω ω V π m Vm cos( ) for ω π he v () a b si( ω ) + Vm Vm v () si( ω ) π Vm Vm Vm Vm v ( ) si( ω) si( ω) si(3 ω)... π π 3π
5 Le s assume ha V m V ad ms π ω π rad/s >> Vm; >>.; >> w*pi/; >> :.:.; >> vvm/-vm/pi*si(w*); >> plo (,v) >> hold o; >> vvm/-vm/pi*si(w*)- Vm/(*pi)*si(*w*); >> plo (,v) >> v3vm/-vm/pi*si(w*)- Vm/(*pi)*si(*w*)- Vm/(3*pi)*si(3*w*); >> plo (,v3) >> v4vm/-vm/pi*si(w*)- Vm/(*pi)*si(*w*)- Vm/(3*pi)*si(3*w*)- Vm/(4*pi)*si(4*w*); >> plo (,v4) >> xlabel ('[s]') >> ile('v()') V b m for,,3,... π c a b V π + m b θ a 9 for,,3,... a ω Vm X a j b j π v () c + c cos( + θ ) X c jθ V m X ce e π j9
6 he Effec of symmery o he Fourier Coefficies Eve-fucio symmery Eve-fucio is defied as x() x( ) + a x() d / 4 a x()cos( ω ) d x() b forall he Effec of symmery o he Fourier Coefficies Odd-fucio symmery Odd-fucio is defied as x() x( ) + a x() d x() / 4 b x()si( ω ) d a for all -
7 Example: x() A - - Assume ha,a, ad Deermie Fourier series coefficies of i expoeial ad rigoomeric form. 4 Plo he discree specrum of x(). s s x() x( ) + a x() d / 4 a x()cos( ω ) d b forall Example: a d /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 cos( ω ) si( ω ) ω 4 4 a d a 4 π π si( ) si π 4 π,,,,,,,... π 3π 5π 7π x( ) + cos( ω) cos(3 ω) + si(5 ω) cos(7 ω)... π 3π 5π 7π
8 >> :.:8; >> 4; >> w*pi/; >> v/+/pi*cos(w*)- /(3*pi)*cos(3*w*)+/(5*pi )*cos(5*w*)- /(7*pi)*cos(7*w*); >> plo (,v) >> xlabel ('[s]') >> ile('v()') Example : X 4 e d e e j4ω jω jω e e ω j si( ω ) si( ω ) ω ω si( π /4) si( π /) π /4 π / sic( ) jω jω jω where si( π x) sic( x) π x
9 Example.: (co) x () Xe sic( ) e jω jω Sice is real ad eve, a X sic( ) b X si( X ) a x( ) + sic( )cos( ω ) Sice ω π /4 π x () + sic( )cos( ) θ, π c sic( ) x(),3, 5, has odd umbers harmoics. he eve umbers harmoics are zero. X is always real, so ha he phase is eiher zero or π. he magiude of discree specrum is show i ex page. Example.: (co) X sigal as sic fucio >> -::; >> x.5*sic(/); >> sem (,x) >> ile('he /*sic(/) sigal'); >> xlabel('');
10 Example.: (co) Fourier series approximaio of sigal x() for.,,3,5, ad 7 >> -5:.:5; >> ; >> x.5; >> plo (,x) >> hold o >> ; >> a(sic(/)*cos(*pi**/4)); >> xx+a; >> plo (,x) >> 3; >> a(sic(/)*cos(*pi**/4)); >> xx+a; >> plo (,x) >> 5; >> a(sic(/)*cos(*pi**/4)); >> plo (,x) >> xx+a; >> plo (,x) >> 7; >> a(sic(/)*cos(*pi**/4)); >> xx+a; >> plo (,x,'r') >> ile(' approximaio for Differe values') >> Example. : x() - - /4 - / - a + x() d + jω X xe () d,, 3,... / jω jω X e d e d + /
11 Example. : (co) X e e jω jω / jω jω / X e e e e jω jω ( jω / jω ) ( jω jω / ) X e + e e π j π π π j j j X e + e e jπ jπ jπ jπ X e jπ jπ Example. : (co) X e e e jπ π π π j j j π j π X e si π π π si π j j X e e sic( ) π -j >> :; >> x(./(pi*)).*(si(pi/*)).*exp(-j*(pi*/)); ±, ±, ± 3, X -j j -j. +j -j. 7 +j -j. 99 +j -j. 77 +j
12 Example. : (co) X a j b b(-)*imag(x) b x ( ).73siω si3ω si5ω +.88si7 ω x( ) siω si3ω si5ω si7 ω... π Example. : (co) >> :.:.; >> b.73*si(*pi**); >> plo (,b) >> hold o >> b3.444*si(*3*pi**); >> bb+b3; >> plo (,b,'r') >> b5.546*si(*5*pi**); >> bb+b3+b5; >> plo (,b,'g') >> b7.889*si(*7*pi**); >> bb+b3+b5+b7; >> plo (,b,'y') >> b9.447*si(*9*pi**); >> plo (,b,'m') >> ile ('sum (b_ si( \omega )') >>
13 Example. : (co) >>:; >> x(./()).*(si(pi/*)).*exp(j *(pi*/)); xabs(x); hea(8*agle(x))/pi; subplo (,,); sem(,x) xlabel('\omega_'); ylabel('x_'); ile('x_(\omega_)'); subplo (,,) sem(,hea) xlabel('\omega_') ylabel('\hea') ile('\hea (\omega_)'); Problem. x() A - Assume ha,a, ad Deermie Fourier series coefficies of i expoeial ad rigoomeric form. 4 Plo he discree specrum of x(). Compare wih Example s s
14 Problem: Wrie he Fourier series for he followig periodic sigal ad plo he sum of firs harmoics x() - - /4 - /4 - x( ).73cosω.444cos3ω +.546cos5ω.88cos7 ω +...
CHAPTER 3 EVEN AND ODD FUNCTIONS AND HALF-RANGE FOURIER SERIES EXERCISE 364 Page 76. Determie the Fourier series for the fuctio defied by: f(x), x, x, x which is periodic outside of this rage of period.
Fourier Transform. Fourier Transform
ECE 307 Z. Aliyziioglu Eleril & Compuer Engineering Dep. Cl Poly Pomon The Fourier rnsform (FT is he exension of he Fourier series o nonperiodi signls. The Fourier rnsform of signl exis if sisfies he following
1. For each of the following power series, find the interval of convergence and the radius of convergence:
Math 6 Practice Problems Solutios Power Series ad Taylor Series 1. For each of the followig power series, fid the iterval of covergece ad the radius of covergece: (a ( 1 x Notice that = ( 1 +1 ( x +1.
CHAPTER FOURIER SERIES FOR PERIODIC FUNCTIONS OF PERIOD EXERCISE 36 Page 66. Determine the Fourier series for the periodic function: f(x), when x +, when x which is periodic outside this rge of period.
APPENDIX A DERIVAION OF JOIN FAILRE DENSIIES I his Appedi we prese he derivaio o he eample ailre models as show i Chaper 3. Assme ha he ime ad se o ailre are relaed by he cio g ad he sochasic are o his
Vidyalankar. Vidyalankar S.E. Sem. III [BIOM] Applied Mathematics - III Prelim Question Paper Solution. 1 e = 1 1. f(t) =
. (a). (b). (c) f() L L e i e Vidyalakar S.E. Sem. III [BIOM] Applied Mahemaic - III Prelim Queio Paper Soluio L el e () i ( ) H( ) u e co y + 3 3y u e co y + 6 uy e i y 6y uyy e co y 6 u + u yy e co y
1. Functions and Operators (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) (1.6) 2. Trigonometric Identities (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) (2.4) (2.5) (2.6) (2.7) (2.8) (2.
ECE 3 Mh le Sprig, 997. Fucio d Operor, (. ic( i( π (. ( β,, π (.3 Im, Re (.4 δ(, ; δ( d, < (.5 u( 5., (.6 rec u( + 5. u( 5., > rc( β /, π + rc( β /,
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Fourier Series. constant. The ;east value of T>0 is called the period of f(x). f(x) is well defined and single valued periodic function
Fourier Series Periodic uctio A uctio is sid to hve period T i, T where T is ve costt. The ;est vlue o T> is clled the period o. Eg:- Cosider we kow tht, si si si si si... Etc > si hs the periods,,6,..
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1 a + bi, aεr, bεr i = 1 z = a + bi a = Re(z), b = Im(z) give z = a + bi & w = c + di, a + bi = c + di a = c & b = d The complex cojugate of z = a + bi is z = a bi The sum of complex cojugates is real:
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= 0.927rad, t = 1.16ms
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16. 17. r t te 2t i t 1. 18 19 Find the derivative of the vector function. 19. r t e t cos t i e t sin t j ln t k. 31 33 Evaluate the integral.
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2 M2 Fourier Series answers in Mathematica Note the function HeavisideTheta is for x>0 and 0 for x
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Appendix. The solution begins with Eq. (2.15) from the text, which we repeat here for 1, (A.1)
Aenix Aenix A: The equaion o he sock rice. The soluion egins wih Eq..5 rom he ex, which we reea here or convenience as Eq.A.: [ [ E E X, A. c α where X u ε, α γ, an c α y AR. Take execaions o Eq. A. as
Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------
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The Euler Equations! λ 1. λ 2. λ 3. ρ ρu. E = e + u 2 /2. E + p ρ. = de /dt. = dh / dt; h = h( T ); c p. / c v. ; γ = c p. p = ( γ 1)ρe. c v.
hp://www.nd.ed/~gryggva/cfd-corse/ The Eler Eqaions The Eler Eqaions The Eler eqaions for D flow: + + p = x E E + p where Define E = e + / H = h + /; h = e + p/ Gréar Tryggvason Spring 3 Ideal Gas: p =
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6.003: Signals and Systems. Modulation
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14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense
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h(t) δ(t+3) ( ) h(t)*δ(t)
f()* δ ( ) = f( ) x () = δ ( + 3) = 3 h () = u () u ( ) h()* δ ( + 3) = h ( + 3) = u ( + 3) u ( + 1) 1 h() * -3 δ(+3) ( ) h()*δ() 1-3 -1 MY : Σήματα και Συστήματα Ι ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ #6 Μοντέλα διαφορικών εξισώσεων
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Το Λήμμα του Fejér και Εφαρμογές
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Second Order RLC Filters
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Multi-dimensional Central Limit Theorem
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Differentiation exercise show differential equation
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n r f ( n-r ) () x g () r () x (1.1) = Σ g() x = Σ n f < -n+ r> g () r -n + r dx r dx n + ( -n,m) dx -n n+1 1 -n -1 + ( -n,n+1)
8 Higher Derivative of the Product of Two Fuctios 8. Leibiz Rule about the Higher Order Differetiatio Theorem 8.. (Leibiz) Whe fuctios f ad g f g are times differetiable, the followig epressio holds. r
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On Generating Relations of Some Triple. Hypergeometric Functions
It. Joural of Math. Aalysis, Vol. 5,, o., 5 - O Geeratig Relatios of Some Triple Hypergeometric Fuctios Fadhle B. F. Mohse ad Gamal A. Qashash Departmet of Mathematics, Faculty of Educatio Zigibar Ade
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Numerical Analysis FMN011
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Multi-dimensional Central Limit Theorem
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Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5
Solutions to Eercise Sheet 5 Let X and Y be random variables with joint pdf f(, y) = 3y( + y) where and y. Determine each of the following probabilities. Solutions. a. P (X ). b. P (X
Εγχειρίδια Μαθηµατικών και Χταποδάκι στα Κάρβουνα
[ 1 ] Πανεπιστήµιο Κύπρου Εγχειρίδια Μαθηµατικών και Χταποδάκι στα Κάρβουνα Νίκος Στυλιανόπουλος, Πανεπιστήµιο Κύπρου Λευκωσία, εκέµβριος 2009 [ 2 ] Πανεπιστήµιο Κύπρου Πόσο σηµαντική είναι η απόδειξη
Poularikas A. D. The Hilbert Transform The Handbook of Formulas and Tables for Signal Processing. Ed. Alexander D. Poularikas Boca Raton: CRC Press
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