. H navavia Kai 0. Av9pwTTlvoe; novoe;

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1 Kol EnA"'o9l1oov 6nOvTE~ n VE U~OTO~. AVlou, 1(01 "P~OVTO AoAEiv E TEPOI~ va waaal~" fnp6~e~v 2 :41 IvvIOoOUOI uno ' Enllponllc;. npovolq ToU.bjkJajJlWTChou. APXIEnlOK6nou 242 Cleveland 51.. Redfern, Tel OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GAEEK ORTHODOX ARCHOIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA ' ETI101a IU\l6pojJI'! - Annual Subscription $10.00 VOLUME 6 NO.8 Registered by Australia Post Publication No NAR 3565 TEYXO r 680v AyrOYHm H navavia Kai 0. Av9pwTTlvoe; novoe;, H napaooolok~ vl10teia TOU llekonevtouvouotou 90 iltov IJ OP 4>~ onaou «qjgklpiopou» ii KonOIO eiooe; KOOIJIKiie; «6iGI TO ) >>, Civ OEV eixe POOI1 OJ.JETOKiVI1TI1 T~ V Ko911j.JepIV~ OKoAou6io Tiie; iepoe; nopoka~ oewe; OT~V novavio Koi oo4>aawe; KonOIOUe; OTOXOOIJOUe; - EOTW Koi onoonooijotikoue; - ' Op8006~ou KOTovu~eWe; KO! IJETOVO!Oe;. MEoo OTO n Aa iolo TErOlWV onoonaoj..latikwv OTOxaOj..lWv xapo~o Uj..Ie O~llepo autee; Tie; onaee; ypaj..lllee;, oov Eva Tanelvo Kepi OT~V novavia, «rrjv Ka8apwrEpav Aapn,,6dvwv I]AIGKWV». llev etvoi OVOVKIl va eivoi Kaveie; onoioiooo~oe;, j..i~te neloi- 60vaTOe;. IJ~Te 6AlyOntOTOe;. Via va napaoex8ei ono T~V ov8po1- mvi1 neipo, TOOO T~ OIK~ TOU 00'0 Koi TWV vupw TOU, OTI OEv unopxel oe TOUTO TOV K6all0 q>alvollevo a T0 8epoTepo Koi mo auvkekplj..lj..levo ono TO aiwj..io Koi TO q>oivollevo TOU n6vou. ToO novou TOO 4>UOlKOG Kof TOU novou TOU lvuxikoo. ToO novou TOO neplooikou Kaf TOU novou TOO XPOVIOU. TOU novou TOO ijl KPO O Koi TOO novou TOO IJevoAou. TOU novou TOU OlWnl1POO KO! TOO novou TOO KpouvoAeou. T 000 auvil61aijevl1 KO! TOOO OlaOEOOiJEV I1 eivoi Ii npoyj.jotikotilto TOO novou O T~ V eow ~W ~. WOTE va ijnopooije va ioxupla800ije on 61KoloAoVIlj..lEVa "tow e; aaao~e KonOIOe; T~ VVWOT~ e~ iowal1 TOO KapTeofou ono «OKEnTOpOl apo unopxw~ oe «novw cpa unapxw».. Ev TOUTOte; 6 6uIJ oao4>0e; Aooe; IJOe; 6Ev nouei va moteuei Kof va 6IJoAOYEi KOPTEPIKa on «Kai PE r6 roaa pooovo. noai tj (wtj VAUKfIO ' val». KonOloe; OIJW e; 8alJnOPOOOE va PWT~O E I : nota Elvot 1i6uvOllll nou IJOe; KaVEI va IJr; XOVOUIJE TO KOUPOVIO KO! Tr;V ovonll 1l0e; np6s T~,w ~ ; 06 TOO anovt~aou~e: aa<poaw, 6ev elval ~ <PIAou Tia ii 6 evw iaj.jo e;. rtoti TO va ~E ie; - i6iwe; UOTEPO and wploijevil tiaikio - 6ev elva! navto EUXOpIOTO. KanOTE ElvOI ljlo KOSI1IJE PIV~ TonEivwoll. jjlo OOK ljjoaio, KanOTE IJaAlaTO KI EVOe; npoyijo TIKOe; e~euteatojjo e;. AUTr; Tr; TonEivwol1, Tr; ooktijaofa Kai T6v e~eu T EAIOIl6 elvoi nou 6Ev OVEXOVTOI oi 6AIVOlVUXOt Kof 6Alvom OTOI. VI ' auro Koi KonOTE autoktovou V. OJ noaaoi OVTI6hwe; Qv8pwnOi EXOUV jjla EIJq>U TI1, 6appEie;. oiol060~fo. on uarep ' 6no ' 6nolOorinoTE m Kp ~ wpo. 6' okoaou8r;oei naat IJIO wpa XOPO UIJEvll AUTr; ti olwnl1pr') oiol060~ia Elvot KaTo Pa60e; IJlcl niotil Koi IJIO eijntotoouvi1 OTr;V oy080tilta Kai Tr;V navr06uvo IJio TOO 0EOU.. A6to4>opo av ek4>po~eto t navto oe npooeuxr') ~ OXI. TO P080e; OUTOO TOO oi08r;lj atoe; Elvot Ka8apa 8PI10KEUTIKO. r t' auto KI EXEI Tr; 6uVOIJ I1 va 6VTIIJETWni~EI TOOEe; KaTOIv/6ee;. ' EKEi OlJWe; nou oi caaol cv8pwnol EXOUV EVa 80Ao 9pl1- OKEUTIKO o-1061l IJo OiOlOOo~ io e;, oj XP IOTlovoi EXOUV jjlo 6Ao4>o1- TEIVI1 IJOp4>r; jjavvoe; v ' 6n08eoouv oav OPOr')61lTO n0l610 TOV novo TOUe;: Tr')V n ovoyio. ' EnElor; KI 1i noveoe ot6v OlV10TO p08ij6. KI OlJWe; 6Ev eauvtoe OTOV n6vo. vt' auto Ka6E XPIOTIOVO e; jjnopei va emkoaeitoi TO EAEOe; Tile; Koi Tie; npeopei Ee; Til e;. 'AAA ' onwe; orr') nepintwo I1 TOO XPIOTOU of Xplonavoi Tiie; LlUOEWe; Tovl~ouv neploo6tepo Tr;V ov8pwmvil naeupa T OU, Koi 6ivouv jjeyoautepil ElJ4>oOll OTO XPloTouvewo napa OTr;V 'AVaOTOOI1, ErOI Koi OTr; nepintwoi1 Tii e; novoyioe;. Tovi~ouv neploootepo T6 Ti Ena9E Koi OXI TO Ti IJnopEi va KO}JEI Ii novoyia. - ETGI Tr;V 6vo~6,ouv Mater Doforosa (M6vva novf/jevrt) KO; Mater Lacrimosa (M6vva ijakpuapevfj).. Evw oj. Op8060~o t, ~EKIVo1VTOe; OKptPWe; ono T6 Ti line$epe Koi nwi) TO une4>epe I'} novovio. ' H rrfpi rtl1'l Mauprt navavia r;j~ TafOr6xopa OU IJnEpaivouv Koi ovavvwpi~o u v TO Ti IJnopEi va KOIJEI Ka8e Ae nto j..ie Tie; npeopei ee; Tile;. rl ' auto Tr; V 6vo jj o ~ ouv «'EAfouaa»..r AUKo /Aouaa»,.' Oortvljrp/O»,.n aprtvopljrp/o»,.r opvomlj KOO». «' EAfU8EpWTPIO». «ngvrovaaao» K.a. 'YnoPxe t ev TOUTOIe; jjlo xwpo Koi IJIO n avavia onou ti AaTpEia. Op8 060~wv Kai PWIJOIOK060AIKWV nai101a~ei TOOO noau I'} jjlo Tr;V caai1. wote va VOIJiOEIe; npoe; OTI VIJr;V on O auto TO KE4>oAOIO Oev Oto4>Epouv, evw Ola4>Epouv OE xiala-6uo CiAAa. n pokeitoi Via Tr;V n oawvio Koi Tr;V nepi4>ilj..ll1 «MaupfJ navavio» 101

2 T~S, T~V Black Madonna at~v Ta EOToxo~o.. E",aKE4>8~Ka~E npoaq>oto OlJTO TO e9viko npooku VrUJO TWV nof..wvwv, Koi 6Aol 0; 'Op866o~0I - KAI1PIKOi Kof Aai'Koi - {IXOjJE evtov'l Tr'JV EVTlJnwaf] on f3p IOKOjJoorov OTl'lv Tiivo 11') OIKri!Joe; r"i or6 LlJoAtvOK Tile; Pwaiac;.., As napouj.l E QIJWC; nptih' 6n' caa olml Tr'l v~16 Ia ' TI't)V eikova. Elval jjl(l eikova Ko8ap6 8u~avTlvr'J nou I'j nap66oor) Tr'JV 6vciYEI IJEXPI TOV 60 fl Kof T6 50 aiwva. EiKovi~EI n avayia Aenn,] Ko f 8AljJjJEVll nou TO xeiail HIS aq>iyyouv JJE T60'1 EYKOPTE PflO'l Koi 8eArU..lOTlKOTflTO TOV novo HIS onwc; OKPIf3WC; Kof T6 jjo l6pjo nau TUAiYEI TO 6PXOVTIKO T'lS KEq>ciAI. ETXE jjey6aec; e8vikes nepjneteiec; olm'! r'l nepinuotil eik6va. "AAAoTE rl']v epna ~av 6n6 TOU e; noawvouc; KI 6:AAoTE oj noawvoi IIlV enolpvav njow. -OAec; OlJTES oi roaolnwpies EXOUV ocpr'}oel IJta EVTOV'l OKOTEIV6T'lTO navw a' 6AOKf..'lP'l Tr'}V Emq>oVetO TOO iepoo eikovi OIJOTOe;, VI' aut6 q,ofvetoi Tr'j Aeve trmaupfj navayla», 'EKeivo OIJWe; nou auvkaovf~e l OKOIJ'l neplaaotepo, etvoi TO nar'l8'l TWV mon.llv nou OlapKwe; auppeouv Exei va npookuvrloouv Kof va ovlao600v, Ei60IJe XtAtaoee; av8pwnwv oe oupee; oteaefwtee; va epxovtoi, Kof IJoAte; Ecp8avav ato nep fj3oao TOO NaoO EoepvoVTo OTa y6vata ljexpi va CP8aaouv KOTW ono TO iep6 KOuJ30UKAIO, anou lfj'laa elval Tono8ET'lIJeV'l ljeoa oe OnAET'l q,wtoxuoia trtj BaalAlaaa rod noawvikod Aoou»,onwe; Tr'jV 6volJa~oUV, ':A.vopee; Kaf vuvaikes Ko8e "f..tkias Kaf Ka8e Enayyef..lJaTOe;, jje pooxa Tii e; oouaetae; i'i KanWe; enfo'lija, KoneAAes Kt 6vopta lje IJOVTepVa EIJ HlVtOll, l.maou - T~l'jv Kaf Tayopla, q,8avouv KaSmJeplVO vovuneteie; Kof ~'ltoov npootaofa Kaf ovakou >tail otie; oj3ej301otiltee; Ka! ouotuxies TOO J3iou, ~ ETOIlJnOpOOIJe va noolje OTI, nepa Kai novw ono Tie; 6raq,0- pee; Tt.llv XPIOTtOVWV avoijeoa oe. AvaToAI'j Kai Llu0'l, 1'1 navavia oteker Via TOUS motous OUPOVIO TO~O nou trfvwv!1 r6ol!orwrg», Mova nof..ueuonaavxv'l oexetat TfS napokal'joets OKOIJfl Kof ono MwolJe80vi6ee; T oupkoaee; OTOV OTOIJOTa TO voaa 6no TO OTI'j81l TWV Kof TOUS TO oivel nfaw IJe 8epIJI'j npeoj3eio npos TOV Sea, Kt aao OUTO TO onaa i'i TO 80UIJOOIO enlteaoovtoi IJe TI'jV~IOtO ou80plj'loio Koi q,uoikot'lto, 66taq,opo av etvoi OTI'j Tr;vo il ata Ku8~pa, at~ Ta EOT6xo~a ~ at~ <1>6TI~O, at~ lioup6~ ~ at6 L~O AevOK. rloti Ii novovfa uniip~e TO euveveotepo J3AOOTilIJO nou eowoe Ii vr;. vt' auto 6 Seoe; Kaf npiv on6 ToV epxoljo TilS exovtae; euopeoh18ei ana Tn OtKI'j Tile; onoaut'l unakor) Kof ToneivwOll - nou TI'jV Evvwpr~e ek TWV npotepwv KOHl Tr']V aiwvio npovvwor) T ou - euepvetiloe naouoto TO ovspwmvo vevoe; XaptV Tr;C; novo Viae;, A UTI'j TI'jV OUVKf..OVloTrKr)oAr'j8elo Kai 5toOOKaAia IJOS Eowoe EmvpaIJIJOTI KO 6 IJeyaAoS SeoAovoc; Kof n OTepos Tr;S 'EKKf..flOfo e; rp'lvoplos noaaijoe;, AEvOVToe; Vto TI'jV navavfo OTI KoAu nter lje TiS npeo~eies T~S 6A6KA ~po T6v xp6vo an' apx~s T~S L\ ~~IOU P vias jje TO VO elvoi trrwv np6 ourij~ olrla, KGI rwv j.l!r aurr,v ~=0m~ +A. L ; avrmp6awnol rou Bou n OAm IOKoU L UVf:Opiou Kour/VaAciv O'1{ flj{ ' EAAr]Vop()oc56(ou N w Aaia{. 5-7 ' louaiou 1985,.~ - = -. MIKPO '-,- ' - - :;,-- o OIIOI IOAIA<I> - 26 AUYOUOTOU. H XPIOTIOVIKr) 8Pl10KEfo OlllJEiwOE 010 IJeaou nov oiwvwv KOToKTr;aEIe; Koi EKei, nou 6 K6o).JoS oev q,ovto~otov, 'Ana eva Otr;Vflj.JO. emvpoq,oijevo trbapaaa/..l», narlpo >opoulje80 OTI eni Tr;C; enoxfis TOO MeVaAou KWVOTOVTivou unr;pxe OTis ' Ivoiee; J30Otf..IOC;, 6vojJo~0IJevOe; 'AJ3evip. 'Enerol'j KonolOS etne. OTt 6 veovevvi1tos uioe; TOU 'Iwaooq,. e~oioloc; eis WpatOTtl TO. enp6- KeiTO va Vivet XP IOTIOVOe;, 6 J3aatAlaS EKAetoe OUTOV oe onojjokpu - 0IJeVO naaati Kof otwploe neptq,oveie; ooq,oue; we; oaokoaoue; TOO uioo TOU, )J e Tr']V PI1Tr'j evtoa r'] va jjrl TOO nouv TinOTe Vta Tr'jV XptOTIOVtKr'] 8Pl10Keio. '0 ' Iwaooq, ElJeVaAwve Kof nopouofo~e EKTOKTO OIOVO'lTiKO Koi lj..iuxtka XapiOjJOTO,. AnopoOoe OjJWS VloTi 6 notepoe; TOU TOV eixe Kf..eraj.Jevo jjokpio ana ToV KOO)JO, Mia I'1IJepo EVOe; Tuq,AoS vepo<; TOO ClneKaAulJ..le Tr;V oa~8e l o. 'An6 Tl'jv ~)Jepo EKEivfl 6, Iwaoo!p napekaaeae T6v 0e6 va TOO anokoaulfjet Tr']V veo niotfl. Kaf 6 n68oe; TOU elookouo8fl,.. EvoS XPIOTiOVOC; iepeue;. IJe TO OVOIJO BopAooIJ, VTU8'lKe oov npo)joteutr']e; Kaf KOTwp8woe va!psooel IJexpt TOO ow)jotiou TOO J3oatAonouAou,. EKei KOTrlXflOe TOV ' Iwaoaq, Kof T6v EKo)Je xprottovo. '0 'AJ3evip clvpielfje OPXIKWS Via TO oujj~av. BpaoUTepov OjJwe; nefosflke ana TO Aovro TOU nololoo TOU Koi evlve Ka! ocltgs XPIOTtOVoC;. METa ToV 8aVOTO TOO' AJ3evip 6 'Iwaaoq, oveoel~e caao ~aoif..ta enelol'j 6 UrotOS oneoup8flke oe EPilWITr;pIO, 6nou Koi E~~aE 6aK ~TlK~ ~w~ Via Ta unoaomo xp6vla T~S ~w~s TOU. --i FROM THE LIVES OF THE SAINTS ~ Saint loasaf - 26th August n. II. During the ages the Christian religion conquered unimaginable places. From a story entitled "Varfaam" we are in formed that during the reign of Constantine the Great there was a king in India called Avenir, Because someone stated that his newborn son, loasa1, who was very handsome, was to become a Christian, the king decided to close him in a remote palace. He then appointed l amous and wise teachers for his son. These teachers were ordered never to speak to him about the Christian religion. As loasal grew he showed his intellectual and psychical talents. He wondered why his lather had him shut away lar Irom everyone. One day a blind old man revealed to him the truth. From that day on loasal asked God to reveal to him the new laith. His desire was answered. A Christian priest called Varlaam dressed as a tradesman was able to enter the prince's room. There he instructed loasal and baptised him a Christian. In the beginning, when Aven ir heard 01 this, he became wild with rage; but later persuaded by his son, he also became a Christian. After Avenir's death loasal presented another king to his people because he decided to live in a hermitage where he lived a hermit's lile lor the rest 01 his days. Fr L.

3 KVPIAKH. 4 AVrOVl:TOV (Mar8. 14: 22-34) «Ka; a"o).t.jaa~ "poaeij[aa8g1.. O'l'io~ 6t YEVO/1EVf/<; /16vo~ Ijv EKEi». (at. 23). TOU~ 6XAou!)' dvip" Ei!)' r6 6po!)' KaT' ioiav T peic; l30glkes olooroaeu; riis npooeuxiis unoypaj..lj..li~ovtal 0 ' auto TOV eva OTiXD. npwtov, 6 '1'1000<; clvqxwpr]oe YHJ va npooeuxil6et" na'loiaoe KonOlD aouvo nou ~TOV DE anootoo'l 6n6 TOV KOOj..lO. KI DJ,JWC; Eva TETOID l3iijjo, nou EXEI enovaa'l<p8ei X1AI66es <popes av6 Taus OiWVE<;. bev EivOl T600 l.. lio anoxwp'lo'l 600 J..IIO npoan66elo Evwoewc; j..i' Al.ITOV nou ElvOI TO KEVTPO TOO KOOIJOU. l1ev elva! luxoia OTI 6 ' e; 6vE13aivEI Eva opoc;ylo va npooeux'l6ei: npooeuxfl orwoivei ~.1I6 OVclrOal'l, J-IIO npoawolkr; nepmetelo Via va I3pei Koveic; TOV SeQ, 1_110 ava 4>opO npoe; TOV oupavo. KI alno oev OrHJo ivei OTI oev J..Inl)pei Koveic; va I3pei rov SeD or6 OUVWOTIOI-l0 ~.JlOC; n6aewc;, )Jeoo on'lv Ko9rU..lEpIVrl j..ioc; ~ wr'j OTOV KOO)JO.. AM.a j..iovoxo OTOV yvwpfoouj..ie npoowniko TOV SEO OTO opoc; TfjC; npooeuxfjc; I-lnOpOU)JE Kaf va T OV ovayvwpioouj..ie o Eva nafj90c; ~ vo 610KpfvoU)JE TOV "oyo Tou OTO 8opuf3,0. MoAloTa, ljov6xa oq,ou avtlijetwniooui-le TOV SEO OTO I1VQ Ti'lC; KapOIOC; j..ioc; IJnOpOUIJE Kof va Tov KaTonTpf~oUj..IE OTic; Oloq,OPEC; ri8lkec; 6noq,OOEIC; nou OVTII-lETWnf~ouj..IE oe Ko8E atiy~~ lj.eutepov, ri EuaYYEAtKr'} nepikonr'}ijoc; Tovi~EI OTI 6 XPIOTOC; npotij..lr)oe va npooeuxr)8ei OTav p,p6oloae, oq,oo OKoTEivtaoE. - OTav TO q,wc; TOU KOOj..lOU TOUTOU Of3,uvEI, TOTE TO Cf>wc; nou elvoi 6 XploT6~ (" Iwov. 8: 12) M~nEI. "OTOV pplak6~oate ae 66,e ~OOO, TOTE OVOiYEI noptec; 6 SEOC;. "OTav exoui..ie af3,uooo KOTW ono TO noota ljac; (onwc; 6 nerpoc; OTO at/xo 30) Kaf TOV EXep6 ato n66,0 ~o~ (onw~ OMOTE 6 Mw(jo~~ Koi oi ' l opo~ai TEC;), TOTE IJOC; Or)KWVEt 6 SEOC; Ka t OVOfYEI Tr'}V 'Epu8po S6Aaooa TfjC; ~wfjc; j..ioc;. n OpOIJOla, Tr'JV vuxta, EVW npooeuxoijoote, ovof VOUV oj oupovoi Kaf OVTIKPU~OUIJE TOV SE~, npoowno npoc; n poawno. ' AKol..lr) KI r'l Ae~r) «SEOC;» npoepxetat ono TO pi'llja «fjewpo/», nou or)j..iaivel p/painw». KI oi notepec; Aeve OTt ~ TPOq,r'} TWV 6vyeAwv efvol ri 8ea TOO Seou. rl' auto OTr'} Seia Ae ttoupyia ovaq,epovtoi TO noauoljljota Xepouf3,EilJ. napooelooc; elvoi OKPIf3,WC; auto: ri auvexr'}c; 8ea TOO Seou. npooeuxl'} Aomov eivoi TO OpOC; 6nou 6 XPIOTOS 1..I0C; onokaauntetoi' eivol TO 0ap,wp T~~ Kop6la~ ~o~. TpiTOV, 0 EuayveAIOTrlC; IJOC; ovaq,epel OTt 6 ' lr)oouc; p/avipi} Ei) r6 opo)". Kai p6vo) rjv EKEi». MovoC; Tau f3,piokotov 6 Kuploc; Via v6 npooeuxr)8ei. Oi notepec; 8ewpouv TOV Qv8pwno aav Eva I..IIKpOKOOI..IO. MEaa OTOV Ctv8pwno neplkaeietal 6AoKAr)pr) ri KTior), opatrl Kat 60paTr)' IJEaa OTOV Qv8pwno unopxouv OXt 1J0VoXO oi 00povlec; OUVOlJetC;, 6:AAo Koi 6 NIOIOS 6 Seoc;, Kai npooeuxtl eivol npoownikos ot6aoyoc; IJE TOV Seo nou T OV yvwpi ~E t Kaveic; npoownlk6 Kaf OTOV 'Onoiov ElJnlOTeUETal Kove/c;. npooeuxtl arwoivel npoooxrl a ' AUTov nou eival rior)ijeoa ljac;., OnoTE OTrlV npoaeuxr'j elval Kaveic; IJOVOC;, oaa6 note OEv VO tw- 8el ljova~16. LTr'JV riouxia TfjC; npooeuxiic; VfVETOI OKOUOTOC; 6 "oyoc; TOU Beou. E'llJaOTe novtote OTr'jV napouoia TOO SEOU «evwmoc; Evwni4J», «J.lOVOC; T4:i M6v4J», OKOIJr) KI OTOV VOIWeOU~E OTI.6 0e6s (laos) eykoteame. (Mare. 27: 46). names q,opec; 0,0 TOU otauplkoo n6vou TOU roayoea Tiic; oeoijevr)c; KOPOIOC; /..los, 6 eeoc; enakouel Kai EAeei. n. ' 1. X. SUNDA Y 4 AUGUST (Matt. 14: 22-34) ''And when (Jesus) had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone" (v. 23). Three fundamental aspects of prayer are underlined in this si ngle verse. First of all, Jesus went away to pray; He moved to a mountain that was some distance from where He was before. This move, however, which has been imitated by thousands throughout the centuries, is not so much separation from the world as union with Him who is the centre of the world. It is not by chance that Jesus ascends a mountain in order to pray: He does not merely remove Himself from the multitude but rather He sets off on an upward journey to meet God. This does not. of course, mean that one cannot meet God in the hustle and bustle of city life, in the routine of daily life. But only when one has come to know God personally, meeting Him on the mountain of prayer, is one able to recognise God in a crowd and to discern His Word in the noise of a city. Furthermore, only when we have faced God on the Mt. Sinal of our heart are we able to reflect God in the various moral decisions that we face at each moment. Secondly, we are told that Christ chose to pray in the evening, when it was dark. It is precisely when the light of this world fades that the Light that is Christ (John 8: 12) shines. It is when we face a dead end that God opens doors. When we reach the abyss of the waters below (as Peter does in v. 30) and the enemy is close behind us (as in the case of Moses and the Israelites), then God raises us and opens up the Red Sea of our life. Likewise, it is at night, during prayer, that the heavens open and one is able to be face to face with God. The word for "God" in Greek (Theos) stems from the verb "to see". The Fathers say that the food of the angels is the sight of God. And in the Liturgy we speak of the many-eyed Cherubim - this is what Paradise consists of, namely the vision of God. Prayer, then, is the mountain on which Christ reveals Himself to us; it is the Mt. Tabor of our heart. Finally, Matthew tells us that Jesus was on the mountain "and He was there alone". The Fathers view man as a microcosm, as a small universe. Within man is the entire creation, visible and invisible; within man are the heavenly hosts of angels; within man is God. And prayer is a personal dialogue with the God whom one knows, trusts and believes in. It signifies an attitude of listening to Him of whom one is wholly conscious from within. In prayer, therefore, one is alone but never lonely. In the stillness of prayer, the Word of God can be heard, We are always in God's presence, even when we feel that "our God has forsaken us" (Matt. 27: 46). It is often through the painful cross of the Golgotha within our heart that God hears our prayer and has mercy. Fr J. C. 103

4 H VnEPAriA 0EOTOKO~ ~THN EKKI\H~IA MA~ Tic; ri~epe<; TOO llekonevrouyouorou ri OKE4J'l nov. EAA'1- vopeo66~wv XproTlovwv jjo<; neplijtpe$etoi YUPW an6 TO iep6 npoawno ri'je; 'Ynepayiac; 0eoroKou. EfvOI Aomev enikoipo va noujje Aiya Aeyro axetiko jje T~V 8eo'l nou EXEI ri EleoToKoc; jjeoo oro MUOTIKO miijjo rfje; 'EKKArlOfac; jjoc;. EV axeoei jje rrlv awt'lpia jjoe;. KaT' 6pX~v oi 'Op866oso1 ~IIIou~e V'a T~V navayia nov TOTE OE auaxetiojjo jje T6v LWTfjpa XpIOTOV.. H aar')8eio Dun') cpaivetoi 6n6 TO yeyov6c; OTi oi. Op866o~e<; EiKDVEC; yevlko napou0l6~ouv rl'jv novayfo jja~i jje T6v XPIOTDv - ape loc;, TOV 'EvaapKw~evov 1\6yov, ~ 6e navayia ~e T6 6eSi Tns XePI 6eixvel TOV Xplorov aav JJova61K6 LWTfjpa. '0 TirAoe; «0eorOKOC;», KOHl TOV.. AYID 'lw6vv'lllojjook'lvd, neplkaeiej 6AoKArlPo TO jjuan'lplov TijC; EvaapKwoewc; Kof 8eiee; OiKovojJiac; eic; T6v KOOjJOV. Me TO 6VOj..lO auto EK lp6~ouj.le Tr'JV niotil J.lOe; OTI I') novoyio OEV elvol J.lflTepO KOIVOO 6v8pwnou, 6AAd J.lIlTEPO TOO 0eov8pwnou "11000 XPIOTOO, TOO YioO TOO 0eoO. 'H OWTflPio J.lOe; yivetoi npooltr'j OE J.lOe;, 6Kpl~We; OIOTt r') novoyfo, avtlnpoowneuouoo TrlV av8pwnotilto, oivel Tr'JV av8pl.lmivil q>uoil OTOV XptoT6v, yivetot MIlTEpo TOO 0eoO Kaf c:pepvel TOV 0e6v KOVTO ot6v av8pwno. 'O'i6,oS norepas T~e; 'EKKilnaias, 6 "AYloe; 'lwovvnslla~a.. OKflV6e;, 0noypaj.lJ.lil;el T6 aemop8evov Ttie; novoyiae;, nou eixe emkupw8ei OTr'JV nej.lntil OiKouJ.levlKrlLuVOoO T6 EToe; 553, LTO 0eOTOKiov TOO BOpEOe; "Hxou, nou 4JoAAETOI J.lETO TO' AVOOTO OIJ.lOV 'AnoAuTiKIOV, C:POiVETOI Ko8op6 r') aar'j8ela aljtrl: «... ~u vap TOu~ um=u()uvou~ rfj a/japtlq Eawoo~, r KOUaa rljv owrf} plav, ri np6 T6KOU nap9evos Kai EV T6K4J nap9evos. Kai J,lEn] T6KOV naalv ouaa n ap9evos.» Of 'Op6000~OI XPloTlovoi novtote anec:puyov Tie; akpotil Tee;. OUTE apvoovtoi Tr'JV npoakuvlloll Tile; 0eOT6KOU, OUTe Tr'JV OO~O~OUV neplo06tepo an' OOOV npenel. KOTO TOV ~ AYlov 'Em <l>oviov Kunpou,. "A~ TljlOra11j Mapia, ciaa' Ij AarpEia o~ 608., ar6v KUplov». ~ HOIl ana TOV TpiTOV aiwvo r') 'EKK~llofa e1xe oex6ei Kaf ETlJ.lOUae TO npoownov Tile; n ovoyioe;, aov 0eoToKov Kof aov T6v TEAeiov Tunov TOU Ti EAni~el Ko8e XPloTlavOe; va yivel, ofla. TEAEIOV J.lEAoe; Tile; 'EKKAIlOioe; «TE8EWjJEVOV au] T1j~ XaplTO~ KO! (WV EV nal'!pei Ev6Tf}TI PE T6v GE6v». 'H novoyio eival T6 TEAelOv J.leAoe; Tile; AUTpWj.leVfle; KOIVWviae; TWV nlotwv, eie; Tr'JV 6noiovoAoi KoAouJ.le80 va OUJ.lJ.lETOOXW ~ev. ria T6v lioyov aut6v ~ 'Op8660sn 'EKKilnoia T~V Ton08erei ato KEVTPOV Tile; nveuj.lotikile; Tile; ~wile; Kof Tr'JV 8ewpei aav TOV naeov TEAEIOV Tunov j.leto T6v XplOT6v. Tr'Jv 8ETei OTO J.lEOOV TWV motwv OOV J.lflTepO oawv, onwe; 6Kpl~We; Kof of J.lo8llTaf Tr'JV elxov OTO ~eaov TOUS KorO T~V npoaeux~ TOUS (np6sels 1, 14), T ~v 616aaKOilia T~S 'EKKilnaias Ylo T~V 0eoToKo T~V ppi OKOUJ.le Ka8apo OTa AeITOupy.'KO KeiJ.lEVa, onou ~AEnouJ.le Tr'JV navayia oov Tr'jV EnoupovlO KAijJoKa, 010 Tile; 6noiae; KaTe~1l 6 0eoe;, aov YEC:PUPO, r') 6noio J.lEToc:pepel TOUe; motoue; ano TrlV yfj OTOV o0povo Kof oov nuail Tile; OWTllpfoe;. ria TOUe; Aoyoue; aljtoue; oj 'Op8ooo~ol XPlOTlovoi avo<pe POVTOt OTO npoawnov Tfje;; novoyioe;; novtote J,JE oe~aaj,j6 Koi euao~elo Kof Tr'JV npoocpwvoov J,JE TOUe; A6youe; TOO 'APXOYYE Aou : «XaFpE, KExapITw/JEV/]. 6 Kuplo~ J..1ErO aod» (J\OUKO 1, 2S). Koi noa,v, J,JE TOUe;; Aoyoue; Tile; 'EAtOO~ET np6e;; OUTr'JV: «EuAoVf} Jllv/] au EV VUVGI[IKO! EuAoV/]J..1EVO~ 6 Kopn6~ T!'j~ KOIAiO~ aou» (I\OUKO 1, 42) Ynepayia 0eoT6Ke. npea~eue unep rij,lwv. n. M. X, B' nol\lteiakon IYNE8PION NEOI\AIAI THI KOYHNII\AN8HI 'AvTmp6ownoi T~S 'Eililnvop8066sou Neollaias T~S KounvaMv6nS auv~ii80v OT~V BploPavn 6no 5-7 'Ioulliou 1985 yu:i va Ao~ouv J,JEpOe;; OTO Bov noalteloko LUVEOpIO. napeupe81loov so nepinou avttnpoownol Toaov ano TO KEVTPOV, Tr'JV Bplo~OVIl, OOOV Kof ano TO neploa6tepo KevTpa., ECPETOe;; {Ixoj.le avtmpoownoue;; ano ~ IvvJoc:peIA, Kepve;, T oouvo~ia, X6J,J XiA, POKoJ,JnTov, TouyouJ,Jna Koi rkoavt KWOT. T6 Luveoplov r,pxlae T~V nopoakeu~ 511 'louafou onou 01 6vTmpoownoi npoofja80v Kaf EAo~ov TOUe; cpokeaaoue; TWV Kaf TOUe; KaAoowploe Kaf aventu~e 01' 6Aiywv TOV OKonov TOO Luve- 6piou 6 0eocptAEOTOTOe;; 'EnioKonoc;.6ep~fle; K. 'le~eki~a Kof ole ~i~ooe npoe; TOUe; LUVEOpOUe;; Tie; euxee; Kof euaoyfee; TOO Le~aO~lwTCtTOU. ApXJenlOK6nou J,Joe; K.K. LTUA,OVOO Ko6we; Koi 6 revikos nposevoe; T~S 'Ellll060e; EV KounvaMv6~ K, 'AlleS, <l>puiliykoe;. T~v Eno~eVn IaPPaTOV 6nv 'Ioulliou ETellea8n un6 TOU 0eO<l>IIIeaToTOu 'EmaK6nou LlepPns K. 'le,eki~ii 6 6Ylaa~6s rropouoia oawv TWV auve6pwv, TOU 'Ynoupyou KOlvwvlKfje; npovoiae;, NeoAaioe; Kaf 'E8vIKWV. Yn08Eoewv K. T~E4> MOVT~ Koi 6AAwv emar'jj,jwv. 'AKOllou8wS 6 np6e6poe; T~e; KOIV6TnTOe; K. rewpyios ninnoe;; KaAoowploe TOUe; LUVEOpOUe; Koi aveq>ep8fl OTr'JV avoykil onws ~ veollaia ildpn Evepywe; 6poan ~eaa at~,w~ TWV 'Evoptwv-KoIVOTr'JTWV. 'Ev ouvexeio auveotlloe TOV 'Ynoupyov K. T,e<l> MavT, 6 6noios 6<1>ou w~illnae ~e 8au~aa~6 Ylo TOV. Ellllnvla~6 T~S Kounvoildv6ns EK~puse T~V Evapsn TOU Luveopfou.. H npwtfl6j.liaia Eylve uno TOO J\oyiou-KaeIlYIlTOO K. 'EJ,Jj.l. lltokoj.lavwail J,Je 6eJ,Jo «napoooaf} Kol Zwl}». OUTOe; aveq,epe oelpo 6ej.lOTWV TO anoio EXOUV OUOlwoll ouyyevela J,JE T~V Ko6fl J.leplvr'J J,Joe;; ~wr'j Koi b6vloe OTI r') nap6000ll Kof ~wr'j EXOUV J,JeyoAIl onouoolotilta eie; oaoue; J,Joe; Kof 6TI r') nap6000ll «napl X I TIjV auvkevrpwjlevf} aotfjla TOD napea86vto~ Ka! Eral aloei npoontikij ot6 nap6v». 'H oeutepa 6J,JlAia EYlve un6 TOO l\iokovou 'Iwovvou Xpuaauy~ ~e 8e~a.' H I1moupyia w~ nap660al~ Kai Ij nap6600/~ w~ I1EITOupylo». '0 8eocpIAEoTOTOC; 'EnioKonOe; OUvEoTlloe TOV n. 'lw6vvfl Kai uneypoj,jj,jlae OTt OLITOe; npoepxetoi an6 T~V veo YEveo. '0 n. 'lw6vvile; aveq,ep8fl OTr'J 0. J\elToupyia we; Tr'JV onouoolotepa EKcppaOl Tiie; n opooooew<;.. Ev aaiyole; oaa atr'j J\el Toupyici 6J,JoAoyouv TO ",010: T ov XPIOTO, 6 anoioe; 6EV eivol j.l6vov TO napell86v ~as, 6l1li0 T6 nap6v Kai T6 ~ellllov. AUT~ ~ 611~8ela EToviaellKe Ka6' oallv Tr'JV olopkelo Tfje; 6J,JlAfae;. Kai 01 ouo a~iafee; EOWOOV apketo EPWTIlJ,JOTlKCt Kof 6ej.lOTO va OU,nTn80uv 6py6Tepa ata 6,a<l>opa YKpO"ne; TWV 6vTmpoownwv Kof va ole~ox8fj yevlkr'j ou~r'jtllare; Koi va yivouv axetikee; eiany~aele;, XOPOKTIlPIOTtKOV TOO Luveopiou rlto Kai TO yeyovoe;; OTtoAot oi ovttnp6awnol EKTOe; Tfje; Bplo~ovllS nopouoiaoov axetikee; EK8eoele; ~E T~V OPOOTflPl6TIlTO nou ExOUV Koi TO oloq:>opa npo ~A~J,JOTO nou 6vTI~ETwni~ouv. nap6 T6 yeyovoe; OTt 6 api8j.loe; niiv ovrtnpoownwv rlto J,JIKpOTEpOe; TOO npoflyouj.levou Iuveopiou 6 Ev80UOlOOJ,JOS Kai 6,~IIoe; 6awv napeupe8naav ~TO ae uljjnm 'nlne6a. n. r L \

5 Report From The Second Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Conference 5, 6, 7th July, 1985 I The Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Council constituting representatives of the various Greek Youth Associations in Queensland, emanated from the inaugural Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Forum of It is this Youth Council that after months of preparation and anticipation, had the immense satisfaction of seeing their efforts come to life on the 5th, 6th and 7th July 1985, at the Second Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Conference at Griffith University. Approximately eighty delegates orginating from au parts of the State converged on Brisbane, fifteen of whom arri ved from country regions, these being Rockhamplon, Innisfail, Townsville, Home Hill, Cairns, Gold Coast and Toowoomba. The Conference was conducive to genuine feelings 01 consideration and concern hence creating and maintaining a very warm and welcoming atmosphere throughout the proceedings of the two day Conference. The Papers presented by two highly versatile and confident speakers induced a deep sense of unity, friendship and understanding amongst those present. The attractive atmosphere created eliminated any inhibitions, thus encouraging a broad scope of views and opinions to be voiced. Reaching out tothe young people present and to the level of their convictions is the basis of communication and this was ultimately achieved. Conference proceedings commenced on Friday Evening, 5th July. All delegates were formally registered and subsequently were welcomed by the spoken words of His Gace Bishop Ezekiel of Oervis: The Consul- General of Greece, Mr Alex Freeleagus; and the President of the Greek Orthodox Community of St. George, Mr George Pippos. On Saturday, 6th July 9.30 a.m., Mr George Pippos initiated proceedings by emphatically stressing the importance and need for our youth's involvement in the Greek Community. Following this Mr Pippos introduced our guest speaker for the morning, the Minister for Welfare Services, Youth and Ethnic Affairs, The Hon. Geoff Muntz, who officially opened the Second Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Conference. Mr Muntz spoke very highly and in admiration of the accomplishments of Greek-Australians in the wider Australian Community, in the rea lms of Business and Politics. The speech given by Mr Muntz imbued in us all an air of pride and encouragement which we should be highly proud of. The ensuing two days were influenced and enhanced by the potent words and presence o f our two Guest Speakers, Reverend Deacon John Chryssavgis, and Mr Emmanuel Anthony and of course His Grace Bishop EzekieL As previously mentioned two papers were presented: PAPER ONE: Speaker - Mr Emmanuel Anthony Topic - "Tradition and Life" Mr Anthony outlined several aspects of Tradition from a Greek Orthodox viewpoint and the substantial relevance of tradition to our lives today. Mr Anthony states that Tradition and Life is of crucial importance to all of us in that tradition, "provides the accumulated wisdom of the past, and by doing so it gives perspective to life today". I f we can understand and accept our tradition this ultimately wi ll engender an understanding of our cultural identity which is essential if we are to interact effectively with life around us. Mr Anthony also states that, "Our family harmony, our capacity to deal with the stresses of life in a bi-cultural environment, our very happiness and self-image. are all profoundly influenced by our sense of identity." PAPER TWO: Speaker - Reverend Deacon John Chryssavgis Topic - "The Liturgy as Tradition and Tradition as Liturgy". His Grace Bishop Ezekiel introduced Father John's talk which was entitled "The Liturgy as Tradition and Tradition as Liturgy". The introduction given by His Grace bore encouragement in that he pointed out that Father John himself came "from you", the youth. The talk itself dealt with the Liturgy as being the fundamental expression of Traditio n. In short, everything in the Liturgy proclaims the same thing: Christ, who is not only our past, but present and future. this truth was expressed throughout the paper through the various sub-themes: The Universality of the Eucharist, The Liturgy as Openness, the Liturgy as Transfiguration, Tradition as the Living Christ. The paper generated much discussion amongst participants in their various workshop groups. Many young people, particularly those from country areas, expressed frustration at knowing so little about their faith. Some shared that for the first time they were given some understanding of the Liturgy; that it was not just some "religious ritual but a mutual act - of both God and the faithful." What was most encouraging was that after the talk and discussions, many participants resolved that they would like to participate in the Liturgy and not merely attend as 'spectators'. Both papers presented ignited a great deal of thought and consequent discussion amongst delegates and throughout the workshop sessions. One particular aspect of the Conference which will leave a lasting impression on Brisbane delegates were the reports delivered by the Intrastate delegates on the activities of their respective Communities and Youth Groups. Although the attendance was lower than for the previous Conference this did not detract from the enthusiasm of those present. The recommendations resulting from the Conference were indicative of the concern for th e enhancement of close ties between Greek Youth in Queensland. Members of the Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Council must be congratulated for their efforts. RESOLUTIONS 1. That as soon as possible, two of the Executive of either the Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Council or their Youth Association are chosen to be Youth representatives on all Greek Orthodox Community Committees in Queensland. 2. That there be a delegation of Greek youths in a unified expression of concern against the nuclear arms race - possibly an expression in writing through the Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Council to State and Commonwealth leaders. 3. That the Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Council and its individual Youth Groups include the out-of-brisbane Greek Orthodox Youth Clubs on their mailing list. 4. That the various Youth Groups with the co-ordination of the Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Council provide financial assistance and support to further the development of the library of the Theological College of St. Andrew in Sydney, through donations and social functions especially prior to the commencement of the College in January That the past President of a Youth Association remain as a Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Council Committee Member for the term immediately fo llowing his term in addition to the new President of his respective Youth Association. 6. That the Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Council hold an annual sports day (Athletics) and recommend at the next National Forum, that a National Sports Day be held annually where each stale has a representative team. 7. That a Steering Committee be formed to look into the possibility of bringing Greek Youth from cities outside of Brisbane to Brisbane for a long weekend to attend for instance the Paniyiri, a Queensland Greek Orthodox Youth Council Meeting, Dances, etc. M. F. 105

6 The Theotokos and Human Suffering The traditional fast of August would be a form of mere "fakirism" or some kind of worldly "diet", if it did not have as sure basis the daily service of the Supplication to the Virgin Mary and surely certain meditations - even though fragmentary - of Orthodox contrition and repentance. Within the framework of such fragmentary meditations, we would like to sketch these simple lines as a humble offering to the Theotokos, "who is purer than the radiance of the sun". One need not be a pessimist, fatalistic or lacking in faith in order to accept from human eperience - both his own and that of people around him - that here is no surer and no more concrete phenomenon in this world than the experience and phenomenon of suffering: both physical and spiritual pain; occasional and chronic pain; small and great pain; si lent and crying pain. The reality of suffering in this life is so common and so widespread that we could say that it was with some justification that the known Cartesian equation "I think, therefore I exist"was changed into "I suffer, therefore I exist", Nevertheless, our wise people continue to believe and to confess with endurance that "even with so much suffering, stil/life is sweet". But someone could ask: what is this power that allows us not to lose courage and our love for life? We would answer: surely it is not selfishness or egoism. For life - especially after a certain age - is not always pleasant. Sometimes it becomes a daily humiliation, a test, and at times even a real debasement. It is this humiliation, this test and this debasement that those lacking in courage and those lacking in faith do not tolerate, and sometimes they resort to suicide. Yet the majority of people, on the contrary, have an innate - one would say - optimism that after any bitter trial there will follow a time of joy. This silent optimism is at heart a faith and a trust in the goodness and omnipotence of God. And irrespective of whether it is always expressed as prayer or not, the depth of this sentiment is purely religious. This is why one has the strength to face so many storms. While, however, some people have a blurred religious feeling of pessimism, Christians have a bright motherly figure to lay down their suffering as helpless children, namely the Virgin Mary. Since she, too, suffered to the highest degree and yet did not succumb, each Christian can invoke her mercy and intercessions. But just as in the case of Christ, Christians of the West emphasise more His humanity and underline more the Feast of Christmas than the Resurrection, likewise in the case of Ihe Virgin Mary they emphasise more what the Virgin Mary suffered and not what she is able c,., I, 'A"o rryv XElpo8foia Ei~ ~Apxovra L1166aKoAov TOO rivouc; TOO 'AKa6flj.JoiKOD K. n. npepea6l<f], nou lv/ve de; rrlv norplgpxlla'j 'E(apxia TOO navayiau T6 au rnmw Ae"vwv). 106

7 I I- ro ao. Ana so mey name ner "Marer uolorosa" ana "Marer Lacrimosa". Whereas the Orthodox, starting precisely from what the Virgin Mary suffered and how she suffered, conclude and recognise what she is able to do at each moment through her intercessions. And so they name her "Merciful", "Sweet-Kissing", "Guide", "Comforter", "Quick Listener", "Liberator", "Queen of all" etc. Nevertheless, there is onecountry and one Theotokos in which the worship of Orthodox and Roman Catholics converges so much that one would for a moment think that there is no difference in this case, though they would differ in so many other instances. We Jefer to Poland and its famous "Black Madonna" in Chestochova. We recently visited this Polish national pilgrimage, and all Orthodox - clergy and lay -had the vivid impression that we were at our Tinos or Russia's Smolensk. But first let us consider the icon itself. It is a purely Byzantine icon which tradition dates back to the 6th or 5th century. It depicts a delicate and sorrowful Virgin Mary whose lips press her pain tightly with such endurance and willingness, just as her veil that envelopes her royal head. This famous icon has been through many national adventures, being at times stolen from the Poles and again regained by the Poles. All these ordeals have left a vivid blackness on the surface of this sacred icon; hence, it appears, its name "Black Madonna". But that which strikes one even more are the multitudes of the faithful that continually gather there in order to pay their respects and to be blessed. We saw thousands of people in unending queues arriving in the courtyard of the Church on their knees right up to the sacred stand on which "the Queen of the Poles" (as she is known) is set high up and in full sp lendour. Men and women of every age and profession, dressed in working or office clothing, girls and boys in modern appearance with jeans and peasant's bags, arrive every day kneeling and seeking protection and relief for the uncertainties and sufferings of life. So we can say that beyond and above the differences of Christians between East and West, the Virgin Mary stands for the faithful as the rainbow that "unites those things that are divided". As a compassionate Mothershe accepts the supplications even of Mohammedan women, when milk stops from their breasts and gives it back to 'them through her fervent prayer to God. And all these Simple or wonderful deeds are done in the same spontaneous and natural manner, regardless whether it is at Tinos or Kythera, at Chestochowa or Fatima. at Lourdes or Smolensk. The Virgin Mary was the noblest creature on ea rth; this is why God offered her as a gift and benefit to the entire human race. For God was pleased with her absolute obedience and humility even before she was born; He knew her in His eternal Foreknowledge. This striking truth and doctrine is given to us epigrammatically by the great Theologian and Father of our Church. Gregory Palamas who says about the Virgin Mary that, through her intercessions, she covers the entire period from Creation by being "the cause of all before her, and the protector of all after her". + A. S. "VOICE OF ORTHODOXY" 242 Cleveland Street, Redfern, 2016 Our Periodical is posted monthly to all subscribers. If you do not receive it, then it means ei ther that you have not ren ewed your subscription or that it is lost in the post. If you need any missing issues, please write to us or ring (02) Moments in the Divine Liturgy "THE TRISAGION HYMN" The Trisagion hymn, "Holy God, Holy and Strong, Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us", is sung repeatedly after the priest enters the Holy Doors at the Small Entrance. This ancient hymn is used also in the Orthros at the end of the Great Doxology, and, in almost every office, as part of the short petitions preceeding the Lord's prayer. There seem to be more than one account of the origin of the Trisagion Hymn. However, tradition connects the revelation of this hymn with an earthquake that shook Constantinople before 450 AD. It is reported that the earthquake was catastrophic and Emperor Theodosius II with the Patriarch Proclus, gathered with the people outside of the town asking God to have mercy upon them. Suddenly, a young boy was taken up into the air where he heard the angels exclaim the Trisagion Hymn. When the boy returned to earth and told the crowd what the angels were singing, the people took up the same cry and the earthquake ceased. The memory of this miracle is kept on September 25th and some details of these events are recorded in the Menaion for this day. The popularity of this hymn also stems from the fact that it was among the exclamations made by the Fathers at the 4th Ecumenical Council in the Chalcedon in 415 AD. Later, when it became subject to dogmatic controversy, the Trisagion hymn came to be understood as a common statement of faith, a communal declaration of praise and adoration to the Holy Trinity. At the Small Entrance, by the singing of the Trisagion Hymn we raise our thoughts to heaven and attempt to follow and unite ourselves with the angels in praise, ascribing sancti ty at God. So the angels and mankind form one Church, a single choir, because of the coming of Christ who was of both heaven and earth. Through the singing of this hymn and prayer, the Church arouses believers to spiritual contemplation of the Lord of Glory whom the heavenly powers extol, to repent of their sins and to turn to Him for mercy and grace bestowing aid. We may recall the vision of the prophet Isaiah. He saw the throne of God surrounded by holy angels who sang, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts". Shaken by this vision, the prophet cried, "I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of people of unclean lips... " (Isaiah 6: 1-5). Here, as else where, much can also be learnt from a study of the si lent priestly prayers. Here, the beautiful prayer of the Trisagion hymn summarizes the theology expressed in this hymn. To God, who rests in the holies (Isaiah 57: 15. LX X), the seraphim sing the thrice-holy hymn (Isaiah 6: 3). He who created mankind in His own image and likeness (Genesis 1: 26-27), gives wisdom to those who ask, and is not angry with the sinner (Isaiah 54: 8-9) but gives salvation to those who repent (2 Corinthians 7: 10). We ask our Master, to accept from our mouths, the mouths of sinners, the Trisagion Hymn; to pardon us, sanctifying our bodies and souls; and grant us to serve Him in holiness all the days of our life (Luke 1: 74-75). JvdH 107

8 XPIl:TIANIKO l:yne6pio Al:IAl: (CCA) art IuveAeuull 26 'Iouviou - 2 'louaiou 1985 H. APXIEntOKonf) ~o<; eaose ~tpot; oro 80 Iuvt6plo XPIOTIOVIKWV. EKKAilollov rfjc;;. AcioS nou 6IE~rlX8'l orl'jv LeauA. TriV npwteuouoa flit; Koptac;.. H AiKCTEpivll Kano6iarplo rilov ri j.jovfl avtinpeotuno!) rlit;. Op9066SDU. EKKAllOioC; oro Iuvi:6plo. ETXE enrolls rpeic; avtl npoown ouc; 6 n6 Trlv Iuplovrl. Ope66o~ 'l. EKKA.'1oio r fjc;. Ivbiee;. OU}.lnEPIA0I-l!3oV0I-IEVOU TaU Iellaoj.Jlwrorou MrlTPonoAiTou n6oaou Mop rprlyopiou 6 onoioe; EKOVE j,jia 6n6 ric; TEOOEPEH'; KUpiEC; 610AESEIC;. To Iuvt6plo eaolle xwpo oro KoMtVlo Koi 0eoAoYIKrl IxoAJi rile; npeof]uteplovi;c;. EKKAr)oiac; orr}v reoua. ITO Iuvt6pIO eaapov!-iepoc; neploaotepa 6n6 200 OTOj,JO. n epinou EKorov nevlivro ouve6pol ~TOV avn npoownol IUl-ll3ouAiwv Kaf. EKKAI') OIWV j,jeawv TOU XPIOTIOVIKOU IUVEOpiou. AOlo<;; (CCA). Oi 0noAomol OUVEOPOI i)tqv IJe)..'l TOU Tunou Koi q>iaol emo TO e~wtepiko Koi 6no T~ V KopEo. ' Ano T~V A0oTpoAio EiXE OEKO OVTlnpoownouc;, TEOOEpEle; ono TOU<;; onoioue; OVTlnpOOWnouoov TO A00Tpa)..lovO IUIJj3ou)..lo. EKK)..I1- OIWV (ACG) Koi oi 0n6)..omol 6no O IO~OpEe; EKKA'loiEe;, IJEA'l TOU ACC. T6 OUVEOPIO apxioe IJE T~V EvapKr ~plo npooeuxr'\. 01 ouev6pol eiofia8av KOTO Tr'JV xwpo Tfie; npooe)..e UOEWe; TWV, nponopeuoijevou TOU novw-oilijoioe; Ko8e xwpo<;;.. AVTlnpoOWnEuH1KoV 16 XWPE<;;. 0 Ai6EOIIJWTOTOe; I:J.p TOlovYK rouov napk, 6 npoe:opo<;; Tii<;; q>iao~evouooe; 0EOAoYIKiie; Ixo)..iie; KoAwoap loe TOUe;OUVEOpOUe;.. AKo)..ou9we; 6 n poeopoe; TOU XPIOTIOVIKOU Iuve6piou. Aoioe;, AioEO IIJWTOTOe; I:J.p " AAov TOl6v eowoe Tr'JV npoeopikr'j 6IaAE~ ll olvovtoe;eij4>oo Il OTOV oywvo TWV XPIOTIOVIKWV. EKK)..IlOU,OV OT~V. Aoio YII:' va EOI~r'lOOUV.. H Ex9EOll TOU revikou rpoijijotel.ij<;; TaU CCA K. rlon KiIJ Xoo EowoE IJIO nepiailmlkrl EiKovo nov OiKOUIJEVIKWV OXEOEWV IJETO~U TWV XpIOTtaVIKWV EKKAIlOIlOV otliv. Aoio. To IuvEoplo E~E)..E~E veo reviko rpoijijoteo, TEooepEI<;; npoeopoue; Koi KOlonlv TOIJiO, oi anoioi 90 4lepouv T';V KUPIO Eu8uVIl Yla Tf'1v KOleu9uvoll TWV oikouijevikwv oxeoewv oti'jv. Aoio IJEXPI TO 90 IUVEOPIO Tfi<;; CCA TO ITO IUVEOPIO E"IXOIJE TeOOEpEIe; OIO)..t ~EI<;; Koi TtooEpel<;; OElpte; IJE)..ETWV ' Ayio<;; rpo lile;.oi IUVEOPOI xwpiotil KOV OE TpEie; OIJOoee; YIO va IJEAET rloouv TrlV OlllJooio TaU 8eIJoToe; TOU IUVEOpiou YIO Tie; XPIOTtOVIKEe;. EKK)..IlOiEe;OTr'jV Aoio ono Tic;oKoAou8EC; TpEie; Cn04JEIC;: 1.. Aywvl(oIJevol Yla TI;V EAEU8Epio Koi OKEpOHhqTO TIle; (w~" 2. npoyijotonoh.ovtoe; TriV EAEu8epio Koi EVOT'lTO Til e;. hkailoioe;. 3.. EKTEAwVTO <;; Tr'jV unilpeoiokt'j, o lokoviq Til<;;. EKKAIlOioe;. Tr'jv KupIOKr) TO npwl 01 ouve6poi xwpiotr1kov Ko i ntiyov otie; EKKAfl OiEC; TOU 1:J.0YIJOTOe; TOU e; OTr)V I eoua, TOTE rl ypo ouoo EnlOKEq>TIlKE Tr)V Op8000~1l. EKKAIlOio OTr'}V Kopeo. METa ljo(eutqkov no)..1 OE EVO ruj..lvoolo YIO TO " q>eotij3oa Tii e; niotew<;;-,. 0 AioEOIIJwTOTO<;; I:J.p AiJ..li)..lo KaoTpo, 0 revikoe; rpoijijoteoc; TOU noykooljiou IUIJj3ouAiou 'hltail OIWV EltOVE TO KI']PUYIJO. '0 Tunoe; Til<;; IEouA EOWOE opket'; OI)J..looio ot ie; OIOOJKooiEe; TOO ouveopiou.. Eniolle;. oi OpYOVWTee; TOO OUVEopiou Tu nwvov Koi KUKAo(po pouoov Ko9E IJEpa OUO EV'llJepWTtKa EVTuno.. 0 XPIOTIOVIKO<;; POOIOOTO - 9J..l0e; KopEoe;, EiXE i'jljiwpil EVIlIJePWTIK'; EKnOJ..lnrl Ko9E IJEPO YIC TO IUVEOPIO, Kupiwe; OTrlV KopEOTlKI'l yawooo. M ia EK9EOll. AOIoTlKilc; XplonovlKtie; TExvlle;, onoteaouljevfl OnO 8 1 eiolko EKAEYIJEVO EK8EIJOTO ana 11. AOIOTIKEe; xwpee; elxe npoetoi IJoo8fi EiolKO YIC TO IUVE6pIO. IE IJEPIKO oloaeiijijotq TOO IUVEOpiou {IXOIJE npoj3o)..r'} WTEIVWV EiKOVWV Kai j3ivteo YIO olci opo EniKOlpo, AEYOVTO 8EIJOTO. To j3paou npiv Tr'JV TEAEUTOio IJ EPO TOO ouveopiou TO EopniOlJ..lO oeinvo E lepe Ti<;; OIOOIKOoiEe; OTO onokopu41wijo TOUC;. " OAol oi OUVEOPOI nfipov ljep o<;; oe IJIO OMKOpOq OIOOKEOOOIl Koi OUIJIJETOXr) otie; nopooo OEIe; nov 6AAwv xwpwv. To 80 Iuveoplo TOU XplOTlaVIKOO IUVE6piou Aoioe" TEAE iwoe IJE npooeuxee; Kai J..lIKTO oio9,;j..loto xopoc; Kol Aunlle; (nov oi ouveopol ovtoaao~ov EUXOPIOTl;PIE<;; KO! onoxolpetiotrlpiee; EUXE<;;. H ypo ouoo nopokoaou81l0e TO IuvE6plO avtmpoowneuovto<;; TI;'". EAAllvlKrl. Op966o~Il. ApXlenloKonr'} AuoTpoAiae; 010 XPIlJ..lOTIKile; En,xoPIly';oewc; TaU AuoTpoAlovou IUJ..lj3ouAiou. EKKAtl0lwv. T600 at~v ApXIEnloKonr; IJO<; 600 Ko i OTO AUoTp0)..lovo IUJ..lj3ouAlo. EKKAIlOlwV ~ ypa ouoa EK lpo~ei EuyvWIJOOUVIl Koi EuxaploTiE<;;. A. K, 1DB CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE OF ASIA 8th ASSEMBLY JUNE 26 - JULY THEME: "Jesus Ch rist sets free to serve" (Gal, 5: I, 13) Our A rchdiocese took part in the 8th Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia. Katerina Kapodistrias was the only representative of the Orthodox Church at the Conference. There were also 3 representatives f rom the Syrian Orthodox Church of India, including H is Eminence Metropolitan Paolos Mar Gregorios. who delivered one of the 4 main lectures. The Assembly m et in the Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary of Kor ea, Seoul. Over two hundred attended the Assembly, some one-hundred and fifty being voting delegates from the member councils and churches of the Christian Conference of Asia (CGA). Others at the assembly were international fraternal visitors, members of the press. staff and local friends. l here were ten delegates from Australia, four of wh ic h represen ted the A ustralian Council of Churches (AGC) the remaining from member churches. The assembly began with an opening worship. Here, led by their country's banner, the delegate made their high-spirited entrance to begin proceedings. Sixteen member countries were represented. Rev. Dr. Chang Wan Park, president of the Presbyterian Theological Seminarygavea welcoming address to all participants. President of the CCA Rev. Canon Dr. Alan Chan, gave the p residential address, communicating the churches' struggle for survival in Asia. The General Secretary's Report from Mr Yap Kim Haw, gave un assessment of the ecumenical situation in Asia. A new general secretary, four presidents and treasurer were elected to bear princ ipal responsibility for the shape and direction o f the Asian Ecumenical movement ti ll the 9th Assembly in The Assembly proceedings incorporated four bible studies and four Niles memorial lectures. The participants were divided into three sections to consider further what the assembly theme meant for the Asian churches, in the context o f their own situatio ns. I. Struggling for freedom and fullness o f life. II. Realising the freedom and unity of the church. III. Fulfilling the Servant Ministry of the church. After the blessing of worship with loca l congregations Sunday morning, where the writer visited the Ko rean Orthodox c hurch. the Assembly reuni ted at the Ewha Girls High School fo r the Festival of Faith. Rev. Dr. Emi lio Castro, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches. gave his sermon. The local press gave significant exposure 10 the proceedings of the conlerence. The daity "ASSEMBL Y NEWS" and" HAM SEONG - Paper o f the CCA Youth Forum" publications were circulated by the p articipants. The Christian Broadcasting Serviceof Korea (CBS) p rovided a halt-hour broadcast daily about the assembly, m oslly in Korean. An exhibition of Asian Christian Art was especially prepared for the assembly. comprising of eighty-one carefully selected art works from eleven different Asian coun tries. Slides and videos were ' screened during b reaks depicting various c u rre nt, relevan t issues. On the evening before the final day of assembly programme, a dinner and celebration brought all proceedings to a c limax. The entire assembly joined in a high spirited celebration of each others culture, and spirits were truly set free in the participation of song, rhythm and dance. The Eighth Assembly o f the CCA concluded with a closing worship and with mixed sentiments of joy and sorrow, as participants exchanged thanksgivings and farewells. The writer attended the assembly representing the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, through the expenses of the Austra lian Council of Chu rches, to both of who m she is truly g rateful. K. K.

9 Ano TO BA~II\EIO TON ZOON ~aal-loi. I-IETaVaaTEC; 4>avaTIKoi o, Ke8e 6pvavlol-l6~ erva. KI" Eva KOI-lIJOTI rile; vile;, nou TOV e8pel.j.le. Elval IJEPOC; 6n6 TO XWiJO Kof TiC; netpec;;, TO CJ>WC; KalTOV ayepa, TO vepolmi T(] AouAOlJ610 Tiie; ei6lkiic; KEivrv; YWVl(lC; riic;vrlivil<; o4>oipac;;, nou npwtoyvwptoe aro 00l61KO TOU XP6vlo... H xrujeia TOO r6nou T0010U elvoi wi 61Krl TaU XIlIJ1Kr'j ouv8eo'l. T6 OKopi TOU 6AOKA'lPO,!-lOptO np6e;!-loptc, KTioH]KE!-IE n:l OAIKO nou np6a4>epe 6 Tonoe;; TOUTOe;;. t!.e8ilke 1-1' oun::l Vepa, ucpriv81lke Kof IJOPKOpiOT'lKE oav orepylovoc; ii 8oAaoOlvoc;;, Kal.mi H1S Jil3ouvioro<;. Auro elval TO dl).jo TOU. =EPI~WIJ6C; Kof ~EKAr'tploJJa 6n6 TOTono TOUTO npokoaei "JlClcKoTOvi Kiln] vootoayia VIC YUPIOIJO. NOI-lD1; 4>uoIK6<;... Anop6I3oTOC;... Av6YKf'] emwktikrl. Mia 6uVOI-I'l novioxup'l, nou Kuf3epvo 6vepwnou~ Kof ~wo Ii TOUTIOIl TOU TIlIJE T6 T6no nou IJO~ vewlloe.. Ana TI']V oaail naeupo 61Jw~ IJIO 6AAIl oves"viltil pon" Ae~ Koi 1300lAEuEI jjeoo o CAo TO ~WVTOVO.. H jjovio VIO KOIVOUPVIOU~ Tono u~, 010 ct>ovtoxtepou~, nr6 naouoiou~. Mia ct>wvl'] eowt pik", EniTOKTlK", nou OE KOVEI VO: VOjJi~EI~ nw~ TO: nro jjo KPIVO 1l00KoTomo EivOI Kof nl KoMT po. ZWO K08E Aovii~, jjlkpo Koi jjevoao, <l>tepwto, TETponooo Kof ~OPIO, 6Ao xwpi~ KOjJjJ lo E~o ipeoil OKOUOUV TOUTIl Trl <l>wvl'] Koi Tii~ unotaooov TOI jje XiAIE~ 6uo OIKOIOAoViE~ Koi npocj>ooei~. To XEAIOoVIO netogv Ka8E xpovo OE 010 ~EOTO KAilJOTO Via va SEXEljJWVIOOOUV. Oi neaopvoi YIO va vevv"oouv T' OUVO rou~ Koi v' OV08PE~OUV TO KAwooonouAo rou~. To EAO<l>IO KI' 01 ToPOVOOI Via KOTO<l>UVIO Kol TpOct>r). KI' EjJEi~ oi av8pwnol <l>euvouije Kol noije Via IJIO KOAUTEPIl ~wr). "AVEOIl, EUIlIJEpio, Via TO IJEMov TWV nolon.vv 1J 0~ TEAo~ novtwv. NOIJOOE~ Aomov 6Ao IIJ 0~.. AVI KovonolllTol, ovr'touxoi jjetovoote~, nou novto li)(lxvoulje Via KOTI TO OIO<l>OPETIKO. KCITI 010 <l>ovtoxtepo an ' EKEivo nou vvwpi~oujje KI' exou IJE, on ' TO XElpOnioarO. Xwpf~ 61Jw~ ol-l<l>lj3oafo TO j3polleio Via T6v 010 ikovo, ToV 016 ToAI-IIlPO, jjo Kol TOUT6Xpovo T6 010 KOTOnAIlKTIKO an' daouc; j.j0~ jjetovootil 80 npenel va TO OWOOUjJE OTo noauxpwjjo Koi novel-lop<i>o lvopi, TO VPO IKOTOTO ooajjo. rloti TOLVOPI TOUro ~enepvo oe ikov6tilte~ Koi 6AIl81vo I-IETOVOOTEUTIKO nveuijo, K08E 6Mo ~WVTOVO 6PvovlojJo. ElvOI EVo~ <l>ovotikoc; I-IETOVOOTIl e;. 2TO KPUOTOAAIVO VEPO TWV PUOKIWV Tii~ VEVETEIPO~ TOU nopojjevei 6 ooal-lo~, j.j6vo 600 KOIPO rog XPEIO~ETOI VIO va I-I EOTWOel. No KOToMI3EI TOV EOUTO TOU, va 6vopw8ei. MoAI~ OE o nokt"oel TI ~ ouvoljel~ Kof T6 I-IUiKo OUOTlljJO nou TOU xpel(j~etol, noipvel TO OpolJO TOU ~evilteljo(j.. Apxi~e l EVa To~eiol EniKo. Mia. 06uooelo npovi-i0tikr), nou OlopKei -AnotpfJ Il(Awv uj{ IUVEAEUUEW{. SomB of the participants at e.c.a. nepl006tepo 6no ou6 XpoVIO..6looXf~EI aj.jetpilto puokio peijotle~ Kof notoijou~. I TOXOe; TOU Koi okono~ Ii 80Aoooo r'l naarela, To 0P0I-I0AoVlo TOU OYVWOTO. nepinaoko, EmKivouvo, KOUPOOTIKO. 'H onootooil Tep6 - OTeto. novw ono TEooeple; XIAlooe~ XIAIOj.JETpO. Ti 90ppo~! Ti 09EVO~1 Ti ov6pwouvll! Movoe; 6VOIJEOO OE EKarovT60ec; OUVTO~16IWTE~, oe ~EVO ljepl1, vepo Koi TOnou~..6uoxepele~, KivouVOI, neplnerele~. KoAulJno ouvexelo. npo ~ xwpei OorOj.JOTI1TO. TpEXet oolokono, IJEXPI nou vo <l>tooet TO J308e16 voao~lo vepo TOU wkeovog. Mo KI' E6w OEV IlpioKel ovonouol1. IUVExEIO TO~IOEUEI. 'OAOEVO e~epeuvo. nepulyeitoi OXt IJOVO TOV. ATAOVTtK Koi ToV EiPIlVIKo wkeov vOToc; ToV nopoljoveue. OE K08e TOU Kivl1ol). 01 EX8poiTOU noaaoi Koi EnIKivouvo,. =Epouv6Ao TO KaT atonia TOO OXOVOU~OTOIXEiou, nou ElvOI TO oniti TOUe;. 'Evw OUTOe; Exelj.Jovo TO AOlJnpo <l>w~ TOU ~Alou VIO 1J0VOOIKrl TOU nu~ioa. 'AVOj.JETPIErOI o loj3o jj' 6Ao TO 81lPio TWV j3u8wv. =EVEAo TOUe; novoupyoue; Kopxopie~, nou TOKTIKO TOV KUVrlYOUv Koi TOU OTr)VOUV novfoee;. =evauotpo IJEOO on' TO XEPIO TWV nove~unvwv 6EA liviwv, nou T6v KOTOOIWKOUV OUOTrllJOlIKO. M6 TO KOPOIOXTuma KI 01 avwvie~ TOU rout e; OEV ToV on090ppuvouv. ' H 1J0vio TOU VA E~EPEuvI')oEt Koi va EnE~EpvoOTEi TOUe; novrae; Koi TO novto OEV ToV EVKOToAeinEI OUTE OTlVIJr'j. nepmaovotoi OUVEXEIO Kof Via XPOVIO 6AoKAr)pa onoppo<l>otoi IJE TO jjuotiko: nou Kpullouv 01 OnEpOVTO. WKEovoi wi 01 i6.oppu81j01 KOTOIKOi TOU~. Tf neplepvelo! Ti EVOlo<l>EPOV! Mo epxetoi KonoTE r'l OTIVIJr'), nou ri OUVKAOVIOTIK" TOUTIl nepmetelo noipvel EVo TeAo~. T 6 OKOIJOTO TOOTO '-POPI oi090vetoi, nw~ npenei va EKnArlPwOel TollloAoVIKO TOU npooploijo. nw~ ~A8E r'l lopo TOU VO nomonaootoorel "Elat IJ'O IJ EPO noipvel TO op6j.jo TOO YUPIOjJOU, nou 90 ToV <l>epei noai niow, OKPll3tii~ OTO "1010 0l1lJeio, on ' 6nou ~EKivI10E npiv an6 Xp6v10..6I1Aool') OTo Tono nou YEwr'j8r)KE. Mlo nopeio O<l>OvrOOTO E~OV TAIlTlKr'j. YnEpov8pwnl1. w E voe;ovwvo~ TpOj.JEPo~. '0 6poIJ0e;6130Toe; Ko i avil lopik6e;, To Ej.Jnoolo ovunep~ai1to. Nepo O<l>PI0I-lEVO, KPUO, novw IJEVO, PEUI-lOTO OUVOTO, KOTOPPOXTE~ anpooneaootol, vunee; Kof 6pvlo opnoktiko TOV nopoljoveuouv oe Ko8E VWVIO, Via vo ToV KOToonopo~ouv IJE T' OVKUOTPWTO TOUe; POI-l<l>I1 Koi VUXIO. 'Y6po1l1E~ WKIEe;, novllpe~ Kol j.joupec; opkouoe~ pooioopve~ ToV KOpOOOKOGV VIa vo ToV E~oA09pEU" OOUV. Mo OUToe; ouvexi~ei T" l-levoai1 TOU nopeio okoton6viltoe;. niotoe; OTO nenpwljevo Kof TI') 1J0ipo TOU. KoAulJno ovti8eto OTO jjovi00i-levo PEU j.joto. nr)oo TO <l>povjjoto Koi TOU<; KOToppOXTe~ IJE EuAIVIlOio 6AuJJ- 0I0ViKI1 08AIlTr). OUTE OTlVl-lr't OE OTOjJOTO vo ~onootooei, VIOli dv K08uoTepr')oEI 80 XOOEI TO nolxvi6t. BAenETe npenei va ltooei EVKOipw~ VIa v6 npoa61lei TO 81lAUKO OE 6pvoolJ0. =onootoivei Kof ~EKOUpO~ETOI jjovo Mav KOlonAEuoEI jjeoo OTo j.jikpo EKeivo PUOKI nou VEWr'j9IlKe. 'EKei nou npwtoei6e TO lw~ TOU f1alou. ' E6tii 010, OTO notplko TOU VEPo, ~ovoj3piokei Ti~ ouvojjel~ TOU. 01 nar)ve~ TOU EnouAwvoVTOI.. H ovwvio Koi TO rookiojjo ~exviouvtoi. 01 l0uptoovee; nepvouv Koi t'l ~W" XOlJoveAo VAUKO. IUVOVTO EVa Toipl, ~euvopwvovtoi Koi <l>epvouv OTo KoOjJO TO veo TOU~ J3AOOTOPIO, nou 60 ouvexioouv Tie; nopooooei~ Kof TO e81jjo Tti~ potooe; TtiiV ooajjwv. ntiie; 6JJw~ IlpiOKOUV 01 ooaj.joi TO OWOTo 6poIJ0 Ti1~ Enlarpo<l>iie;, jjeoo ana Ti~ jjupiee; OIOKAoowOel!) n.ov notoijwv; nwe; OEV XOVOVTOIIJEOO OTO noauooiooao PUOKIO, TWV TOOWV ovopi8j.jiltwv u6povwvwv; Ti e"looue; OUOTIlIJO npooovotoaioijoo EXouv, WOTE va KOTEU8uvOVTOI, xwpie; va Ao~06polJ "oouv Kof va nepmaovil80uv, OToV EVa Koi I-I0VOOIKo Tono nou VEvv,,8r)KOV; Karop8wl-l0 OnIOTEuTO. - OXI 61-lw~ VIO TOU~ ooaljoue;. To IJUOTIK o TOU~;., E VO~X r)iji Ko~ jjito~. API06vr)~, IJEOO OToV IJEvaAo UYPO Ao13uplv8o rou~. noo eivoi oar'j8elo onepovto~, VIOlf TO Tpio TETOPTO rile; Vr')IVr)C; EOI loveio~ elvoi novto OKEnOOIJEVO IJE VEpO. MUOTIKO rou~ Ii novioxupil Oo$PllOll.. 0 E~OIPET I KO aventuvijevoe; pivikoe; TOU~ I3Aewovovoe; ETvol ikovo~ va ~eoloauvel Ti~ XIlIJIKE~ OUOiEe; oe onelpoemxlotil OloAuo'1 j.jeoo OTo VEpO. Mnopei OllAoO" Koi OVI XVEUEI, 6no TO UAIKO nou KOleJ3a~ouv TO PUOK IO Koi TO notoljlo OTi~ 80Aoooee;, Ti~ OUOfE~ EKEjve~ nou epxovtoi EIOIKO on6 TO OIKO TOU IJUpw jjevo XWI-IOTO. Tie; ovvee; EKeive~ OUOfE~, nou lepvel jjeoo OT6 "1610 TOU TO cilj.jo, = epei 0 '1A06 1') 6 ooaj.j0~ov6 noaa OTlVIJ", "TO OTiVIJO TOU», nou AevE 01 VOUTIM6IJEVOI OT" vawooa TOUe;. "EXEI ElOi TEAelonol"oe. EVo avunep I3AI1To, eva om811to Xr)j.JI Ko POVTOP, nou 80 TO ~"AEUE K08E OUVXpOVO~ ma6to~. r. r. 109

10 TO XPONIKON THI APXIEnlIKOnHI MAI A' APXIEnlIKOniKH nepl<i>epeia KivllO'S TOU ~EllaOIl'UlTO TOU. APX'Enoo Konou K.K. ~Tu'\,avo u. a IE ~ OO ~mlltaroc; IJETO an6 6u61JIOU IJ'lVWV (mrtpeoiqkr') unepn6vn o anauaia - KOHl TI'JV 6noio eowoe 6 l aaese l ~ OTa n Ovenlmr')IJIO Graz, 0eoooAoviK'lS Koi. AS.,vwv, 6nwc:; En ioll!) Kof CJT6 Pro O ri ente T ~<; BIEv Vile;, npol'l6peuoe OTl'tv n oawvia Til e; IUVTOVIOTlKi'j C;. EmTponi'i c; TOO Ll IO A6you ' Op8066~wv ICoj PWJ,lOIOK090AtKWV, en eoke4>8n T6 Q i KOU IJEVIK6 n or plopxei o, TO "Aylov -Opal) KOl TOUe; EV Kpr')TI] OiKEioue; TOU - ETTe OTpE4JE auv 0e4i OTl'1V eopo TOU TI'IV KUPIOKr'! 711 ' louaiou KOj "pouncv Tl'181l or6 oepo6poij1o TOO Iuoveu 6n6 KA'1PIKOUC; Kol AoiKOUC; ouvepyons TOU KOj 6n6 "mnouc;. 0lJoYEvei c;. Ti')v lleutepa 811 ' louaiou, 6 Iel3aojJlwTOTOC; etxe o uvepyaoia eie; TIl EV Iu6veu r pa<t>eia jj T6v EV MeASoupvl] BO'l86 TOU ' EnioKono 0eoq>l MOTOTO AEPPIlt; K, ' l e~ek l ~A, nou EnEarpeq>e cn6 T6 IUVEOPIO NeoAolot; an'! BP10povIl, Trw n ElJnTll 'loua/ou, 6 Iepoo~ IWTCTOt; Eowoe auvevteu~ 1l ar6 'EAAIlvlK6 Po010<PWV1K6 n p6yo~ ljo 2EA Kol ot6 6voAoyo 'EKKAIlOlO OTlK6 EPOOlJooloiO n p6vpo jjljo oc wvr'l Tfjt; 'Op90oo~iot;", 0XETIKO IJE T6 E ETelv6 To~efol TOU ot6 E~WTEPIK6 Koi Tit; 6104>opet; unllpeoloket; TOU OpooTr}pI6TllTet;. Tr'lv KuploKr'l1 41l 'louaiou, 6 lepooljlwtctot; eaeltoupylloe KOj EKr'lpu~e eft; T6v 'I. Na6 ' AV. lnupi6wvo<;, Kingsford, V ouvexei9 OE nape Ko91loe OE veojja IJE T6 A.OIKI111K6 IUlJpouAIO Koi 6Mout; ouvepyotet; ei~ Tr'lV OiKio TOO ' lepot. npo"jota~evo u TOO NooO n. ITUA10VOO IKOUTO. Tr'lv n EIJnTI11811 ' louaiou, 6 lepooljlwtotot; npol'\opeuoe Iuv6~ewt; IJE T6 ' I, KAfjpo Tfjt;A' 'ApXlemoKomKfjt; n epl epeiat;, T6v6noiovEvr}~Epwoe EKTevEoTepo lilt; np6t; T6 np60 loto unllpe010k6 TOU TO~e i o l. KOla TI'\ IuvO~ 11 ouve~r}ti'\9110ov Kol 9EIJOTO TpeXOUOI1t; notijovtikfjt;ol1ljooiot;, 6nwt; Enior}t; Kol Tfit; ljeaaouollt; va AelToupvl'\oel EVT6t; 6Aivou geoaoyikfit; IXoAfit; TOO' Anoar6Aou. AVOpEOU. T!'Jv n OpooKeul'\ 1911 ' louaiou, 6 l ejlooljlwtotot;, ouvooeu6ljevot; on6 T6v r evik6. ApX 1epoTlK6 TOU 'EniTpono Koi T6v Aleu9uvTI'\ TOO ' IOlalTEpou TOU rpo eiou, IJETEf311 KOT6mv npooka!'joewt; eie; T6 St. Patrick's College (Manly) Kai EOwoe o l oae~ 11 OTO naoioio TOO Erlloiou luveopiou n.ov OITIlTWV 6Awv TWV 0eoAoVIKWV KoAAeyiwv Tfje; N,N.O. IJE 9EIJO '" '/EpWOUVI] - nioti] Iwi noamoj.j6\". Tl'\v KUPIOK!'J ' louaiou, 6 IeJlaOIJIWTOTOe; EAelTouPVl1oe elt; T6v ' I. Na6 'AV. KwvoTovrivou Kai 'HEVI1e; Koi ETEAeoe )JVIl1J6aUVO unep ovonouoewe; Tfje; ljiuxfje; TOO oel ljv!'jotou 'EmoK6nou XplaTlovoun6Aewe; KupoO MeAETiou TptnOOOKI1, KOaWe; Kaj TWV au)jotwv Tfje; EV Kunp4J eiopoafie;. KOTO T6 EV A6V4J )Jvl1)J6ouvo 6 IeJlaOIJIWTOTOe; wlj ialloe KOlOA AI'\Awe; VIO r l'\ or}ljooio Tfie; iepae; 9uaioe; TWV vewtepwv OUTWV ' EavolJop TUPWV 1J0e; w i Via TI'\V npoowmk6ti1to TOO OellJvl'\OTOU ' Iepapxou MeAETiou. KOla T6 K~pUV)JO, 6 IeJloOlJlWTOlO<,; ioicltepwe; 6vo Ep8l1Ke OTO npojlar'lijoto Tfje; ve6tiltoe; Kai Tie; eu90vee; TWV wpiijwv onevovti TOUe;, npaylja noli r't. ApXlemOKonr'J 1J0e; E lp6vtloe va unovpo)jljjoel np6e; 50., 'ETTETEIO<'; - Special Celebration. H. EM ~ v ' K ~. Op966o~oo; KO I V6T~o; TOG Innislail. N.Q.. 96 EopnjoEI T~ V 1 3 ~ v. OKTWPpiou 1985 TO 50 Xp6vlo 6n6 T ~o; i6puoeujs TOO'!. N aoo KO I~r1 0EUJS Tiic; 8eoT6Kou. 80 J,lOS TIJ,ll'loel ~ E Tr'}V n apouoia TOU 6 Lef!aOJ,lIWTaTOS 'ApXlenioKon oc; I'J J,l WV K.K. L TUA lov6s Kol aaaes e~exo u oec; npooujntk6tiltec;, The Greek Orthodox Community 01 Innisfail and North Queensland will celebrate the 501h Anniversary of our Church o f the Dormition of the Theotokos. His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos will officiate in the presence of many distinguished guests. 110 Fr Kyriacos Potiris, Rector Stavros Tailalos. Presi dent Ma ri a Lemonis, Secretary 6Aoue; TOUe; <popele;, o lepwvovtoe; T~ KUPloKI'\ OUT~ atl'\ Ne6TI1To (unev- 8 u lj i~oulje 6TI 6MKAllPil r't v npokeiijev4j EJlOOIJOOO 6nwe; Kol 6A6KAIlPoe; 6 E<peTeIV6e; xp6voe; EXOUV 0le8vwe; a<plepw8ei at ~ Ne6TI1To). T ~v Aeu TEpo 220 ' louaiou, 6 l ejlooij11ljrotoe; oex8 11 Ke OE unllpeol OK~ ouvepyooio T6v Aleu8uVTI'\ TOO ' EAAI1VIKOO KEVTPOU npovoioe; m6 Iuoveu, K, ' I, M ovooa6nouao, Koi T ~V l UVTovioTplo np ovp O)J ~OTWV Ne6 TIlTo~, Ai60.. HEVIl ltouponouaou. Tf)v TEToPTIl241l ' louafou, 6 Ief3001JIWTOTOe; EOEX81l ae unllpealok!'j ouvepyoalo T6v ' Iepor. n poioto ~ evo Tfje; EV I uoveu 'O p8006~ou Pou- 1J0VIKfj e; KOlv6T IlTO ~" Evopioe; Rev. Dr Gabriel Popescu. T ~v n E)JnTll 2511 ' louaiou, 6 Ie!300IJH.JTOTo~ n eplotoixou~evoe; on6 T6v v Iuoveu ' 1. KAfjpo EXOpOarClTllOe or 6v.. Eoneplv6 TOO novllvupl ~OVTOe; 'I. NooO. Ay. nopookeufje; B lacktown Koi wljia I10e KOTOAAr'tAwe;, EV TEAel OE nopeko8r}oe OE KOIV6 oeinvo IJE TOUe; KAllpIKOUe; Kol T6 EKKAllOioolJo. Tl'\v n apookeu~ 2611 'louaiou, 6 Ief3oo~.. IIWTOTOe; EAelTouPVlloe KOj EK~pu~e ot6v aut6 n ov I1yupi~OVTO ' I. N06. AV. n apookeufjt; Blacktown, EV ouvexei9 6E nopeka81l0e OE novilvupik6 veoljo ~E TO AIOIK I1 - TIK6 IU)JJlouAlo KOj 6Moue; auvepvotee; OTr'lV OiKIo TOO '1. npoiotoijevou n. 'AVT. n on060kokoaakil. T6 lopjloto 2711 'louaiou, 6 I e Jloo~lwTOTOe; ouv06eu6jjevoe; on6 T6v AleuauVTf) TOO ' 16101TEPOU r po leiou IJETEf311 OT~ 6euTEpa Erf)0I0 Xopoeoneploo TOO.. EAAIlVOp8006~ou KoMeviou 'AV. Inupiowvoe; 016 ':;evoooxeio Sheraton-Wentworth Kol wljialloe KOToAAI'\Awe;. Tl'\v KUPIOKI'\ 2811 ' louaiou, 6 Ief3oo)J1WTOTOe; EAen oupv I1oe ar6v nov I1VUpl~OVTO ' I. No6. Av. novteaer'tjjovoe; Goulbu rn Kof ot6 TEAot; Tfje; okoaou9ioe; wljialloe KOTOAAr'JAwe;. ' I OIOITEPW~ EXOlpETlOe)JE noaaf) xopo T6v YEO n peof3u Tile;. HAaooe; 'E~OXWTOTOV K. Eu8uIJIOV "~O EP Il V Koi TOO EOI'\Awoe Kof OIl)Jooi(,1 n600 Emj3ef3AIlIJEvll Koi noautlljll etvoi VIO 6AOlJ~ TOUe; Evolo<pepo jjevout; r't ouvepvaojo TWV 'E8vIKWV Koi 'EKKAI101 - OOTl KWV IJOt; 'AvTlnpoownwv eie; TOV 'An6ollj..lO 'EAAIlVl01J6, 'Enior}t; ExaipETIOe 6 lejloojjlwtotoe; IJE ioloitepll auvklvi101l T!'JV nopouoio TOO Ko811VI1TOO K. rpllv. I I1 OKI1, npoeopou Tftt; AIOIKOUO Ile; 'EnlTponfie; TOO n ovematl1ljiou Kpr'tTlle;, Kol TOO EnlOKEnTOU n ovooloaov.. ApXIIJ. n... lep08eou ct>pot~ e okokll.. 0 K. npeoj3ue; on!'jvtlloe ouvt6j..1we; Koi ~E T6 auro nveoljo Via TO ovo80 Tfte; ouvepvooioe; Kol ouvooea lwaewe; TWV novtwv. ITI'\ ouvexelo QAOI oi Eniollj..lOI Kol T6 noaunal18ee; ekkalloiaoljo TWV npookuvlltwv napeko81)oav ae novllyupik6 veo)jo nou nope8eoe r') EopTa~ouoo 'Evopia-Kolv6Tr}e; eie; TI'\ AEOXll TOO R.S.L. B' APXIEnll:KOniKH nepl<i>epeia KivllOOS 9E04>''\EOTOTOU BOll90u. EmOK6nou deppils K.. IE~eK'oi'\ Tr'tv AeuTEpov 11lv ' louaiou E.E. EXOPOOTOTI10ev Koi EKrlPU~eV eie; T6v.. I. No6v TWV. Avlwv KWVOTOVTivou KOj. EAEVIle; nep81le;. T6 on6veuij0 Tile; ioioe; ~ IJ EpOe; eneotpeljlev eie; MeAj3oupvI1V. Tr'tv TETOPTIlV 31lv ' loualou E.E. npot'!6peuoe ouveoploaewe; Tfj e; ' EnlTponiie;. AveVEpoewe; TOO VEOU KTlplou Tfje;. ApXleniOKon fjt;, Tr'Jv n OpoOKeu~v 511V ' louaiou ovexwpl)oev oeponoplkwe; 010 BpI o13ovllv npoke lj..levou va nopaotet eie; T6 n OAITeloK6v IuvE6plov Neo Aoioe; Tfje; Kou l1voaovoile; T6 OnEpO~ Tfj~ ioioe; rl IJEpOe; nopeotil efe; Tr'tV TeAETf)v Tfje; vop~ewe; TOU luveoplou Kof wljjalloe np6e; TOUe; auveopout;, 61013'13000e; TOUTOxp6vwe; TOe; EUxae; Kof euaovioe; TOO Ie13001JIWTOTOU. T6 l6jljlotov 61lv ' louaiou E.E. 6A6KAIlPOV Tr'lV r')ijepov nopeotll eie; T6 luve6plov avtmpoowneuwv T6v IeJloOIJIWTOTOV. ErEAwe T6v ' AYloo ~ ov enl Tfj Evop~el TOO Iuveopiou Koi IJ ETEaxe ei e; Tae; ouveoplooele; oawv TWV riljepwv. Tr'Jv KUp I OK~V 71lv.. 10uAlou E.E. EAelTOUPVl1aEv )JETO TOO n pwtonpe OJlUTE-POU r pllvopiou lokeaaopiou, ' lepatlkwe; n poioto IJEVOU Kol TOO t uok6vou n. ' lw6wou Xpuoouyfj eie; T6v ' lep6v Na6v TOO' AVlou r ewp Viou BploP6vl1e; Kof wj..iiailoe KOloAAI'\Awe; eie; T6 noaunall8e~ E:KKAIlOio OIJO, T6 an6veuijo Tfje; ioloe; r't~ Epoe; ljeteixe Kof noalv eie; TOe; ouveoplaoele; Kol EKAeioe T6 IuvE6plov lje vevlkee; nopoll1p~oe l e; EVTUnwoelC; Kof npooeuxr'jv. Tl'\v f),eutepov 811v ' loua/ou E.E. eneotpe4je eie; MeAJloupvll cepono PIKWt;. 0leA8wv 010 l uoveu Ev80 Ka l napeljelvev K08' oailv Tr'lv riljepov ouvepvao8eic; IJETO TOO lej3. 'ApXlemOK6nou. Tl'\v TplTIlV 911v ' louaiou E..E. Tr'lV npwiav E6EX8 11 ei e; TO r pa<peio T6v NOl-IIK6v IUIJ!3ouAov Tfje; 'ApXlemoKon fje; v MEAj30upvlJ K. Tony Rose Kof ouveipyao811 IJET' autoo.

11 I T6 tone-pac; rlic; iolae; "IJJepac; npotorll auveoprooewc; Tils KEVTPIKriS,AOOTWXOU Kof EV auvexeiq auveopraoewc; avnnpoawnwv OAwv TWV <t>iaontwxwv 'A6eA otl'ltwv OU] TO auvka.,a 'l a6~evov n OAITEIOKOV Iuveoplov Tiic; NeoAaiac;. Tl')v neljtttrjv 11 'lv 'loualou E.E. npwt i:oi:xs., eie; TO rpoq>eia TOV np6e6pov riic; «IEKA» K. n. rlovvouorlv Kof TO eonepac; napeotf") auveoplaoewc; riic; 6pyavwTlKi;s 'EmTponi;c; TOO no)\ltejokou Iuveopiou Neo Aoioe;. Tr'}v KUPIOKr']V 14r]V. louaiou e.e. EAEITOUPYIlOE Kof :Kr')PU~EV eie; r6v ' I. Na6v Tau' Ayiou BomAeiou Brunswick. Tr'Jv.c::lEUTEpav 15rW ' loualou E.E. npoeot'l ouve6ploaewc;, eic; TO rpaq>eia rijc;. r.. ApXIEmoKoni;c;, ri'lc;. EmTponiic; TOO Watk-A-Thon,!wi EV auvexelq ri;c; KEVTPIKi;s. Ennponfjc; Tile; NeoAoiac;. Tr']v TETOPTrlV 171lV 'loua/ou U:. ebex9'l Eh; Tel rpo$eio TO.610IKflTIKOV IUjJj30UAIOV T~ S 'EMIlVIK~S 'Op90bo~ou 'Evopioe;-KOIVOTflTOS TWV 0EO$OVElwv Frankston Kol ouve~rltrloe jjet' OUTWV 9EjJoTo a$opwvto TrlV ev MY41, Evopiov-KoIVOTflTO. Tr'jv KUPIOKr'jV 21 'loumou U:. eaeitoupy'loe Koi ekr'jpu~ev eistov 1. 'APXIEnlOKOmKOv Noov Tau' Ayfou EUOT09iou. METa T6 nepos Tiis 0. AEITOUpyioS nopouoi9 TOU. APjJOOTOO T~S Kunpou.6p. n. Bove~'l, TOO rev. npo~evou K,.6lljJ, MovwAonouAou, jjea'l T~ S «IEKA» Kof dmwv emor'jjjwv eteaeoe TplooYlov blo TOUS neoovtos, enf TI] 111] enetei41ono T~S Eioj3oMis nov TOUPKWV efs Tr'jV Kunpov Koi WjJiAflOE KOTOMr'jAwe;. Triv jjeo'li.jj3pfov nopek09rloev eis reojjo, TO onoiov nope8eoev rl POUjJOV'Kr'j, Op8060~0e; KOIVOTflS netpou Kof nouaou npos TljJrlV TOO i:k POUlJovioe; 6$lxgeVTOe; M'lTpOnoAiTou. OATEVioe; K. NeOTOpOe;, Tfiv TpiT'lv 23'lv ' louaiou E.E. rljjepov K08' ~v 6 0EO IAEOTOTOS ElXE TO avoljootrlpio TOU, eaeitoupy'l0ev we; onaoue; iepeue; jjeto TOO.6loK6- vou Ele; TOV ' IEPOV Noov TOO' Aviou EUOT08iou Sth Melbourne nopou- 010 TWV ' IEpewv T~e; Boe; 'ApXleOloKOnlKiie; nepl Epeioe;, avtmpoownwv 'EVOPIWV-KoIVOTrlTWV, CPIAOnTWXWV 'A6EAcpOTrlTWV Kaf iiaawv OjJOVEVWV. METa TO nepae; T~e; 0Eioe; AElToupyias 0 0EOq:lIAEOTOTOe; e6ex9'l TO ouyxaplltr'jpla Koi EUxOe; eie; Tr'jV.A:,80uoov.6E~IWOEWV ev T4) OiKrijJOTI T~e; ' IEpas 'APXIEOloKon~s, onou of KupiOi T~S KevTplKiie; IAOnTWXOU npooe Epov Tooi Kof KO$e. Trw TETOPTllv 241lv 'louaiou E.E. TO npwi" e6ex8 1l E8'IJOTUnlKrlV eni OKE4JIV TOU IEl3aOlJlWTOTOU M'lTponoAiTou 'OATEVioe; K. Nearopoe;. Tr'jv n eljnt'lv 25'lv ' 10uAiou e. :. T6 J.lEOlwep, npoeot'l OUV6~EWS TOO, IEPOO KAr'jpou M EAj3oupv'le; Eie; T6 XwA TaU 'IEPOO NooO ' Avioe; T p1660e; Richmond Koi EV OUVEXEi9 nopek09'l0ev eie; KOIVOV r EOjJO lje8' oaou roo, lepoo KArlPou. T6 Eonepos T~e; ibioe; ijjjepos noplotoixoujjevoe; un6 TOO ' IEpou KAr'jpou M EAj3oupvlle; exopoototiloe KOTO Tr'JV 'AKOAou8iov TOU 'EonEp'voO Eie; T6v novllvupi~ovto ' IEpov Noov T~S ' Avioe; nopookeune; St. A lbans Tr'jV be Eno jjev'lv KUP'WVUJ.lov I'llJepov Tiie; eopt ~e; T~e; 'Ayioe; nopaokeuns EAEITOUPYIlOEV Eie; TOV"16,ov 'IEpov Noov, Trjv nopookeuriv 261lv 'louaiou E, :, TO Eo nepoe;, nepiotoixouj.levoe; uno TOO ' I. KAr'jpou MeAl3oupv'le; ExoPOOTOTIlOE KOTO TI)V ' AKOAou9fov TOO EoneplVOO Eie; TOV nov'lyupi~ovto 'I. No6v Tau' AVfou novteaerljjo VOe; Dandenong Ko f wjjia'l0ev EiS T6 noaunaflges ekka'loiooljo. Tr'Jv EnOIJEv'lV Iol3j3arov 27'lv ' louafou KUPIWVUjJOV rlljepov T~e; EOPTne; TOO' Ayfou n OVTEAEl')lJOVOS EAEITOUPVlloev I(oi EI(rjPU~EV Eie; TOV "1610V '1. Noov. Tfiv KUPIOKriv 281lv ' IOUAfou EAEITOUPYflOEV Kof EI(ripU~EV Eie; TOV novllvupi~ovto 'I. Noov Tfje; 'Ayiae; nopookeuiie; St. Albans. r' APXIEnll:KOniKH nepl<i>epeia KiVI]OIS 0eocp,AeOTCtTOu BOl]90U. EmOK6nou Xp,oTlavoun6Aews K, nauaou Tr'Jv 8euTEpov 11lv ' louaiou E.E. EiS ro EV 'AbEAaibl rpo Eio Tiie; '1. 'APXIEnlOKOnne; jjoe; npor)6peuoe ouvebpiijoewe; Tfje;. OpyavwTlKfje;. EnlTponfje; TOO noaiteiokoo IUVE6piou. E AArlVop806o~ou NEOAo ioe;, ro 6noiov 80 MI3Il xwpov Eie; TO KoAAeYlov Tije; 'Evopiae;"Ko,v6TIlTOS ' Ayiou rewpyiou Thebarton KOHl TI'Iv 1 3flv Koi 14r)V. OKTWj3piou E. :. To Iol3l3OloV 6'lv ' louaiou e.e. Tr']V npwiov nep,otoixouljevoe; uno TOU 'I. KAr)pOU. A6EAoi60e; Koi nopouoio TOO evtljj. r EV. n po~evou Tile; reveteipoe; JJOS K, Kwv. KopoJ.lnEr0fl. TWV IJEAwv Tne;. EntTpOnne; St. Basil's Homes for the Aged in S,A, we; Kof avtlnpoownwv TWV 8101KIlTl KWV ruljpouaiwv TWV 'Evoprwv-KoIVOTr']TWV Kof TWV,AOOTWXWV. A6EA - lotl'ltwv ETeAEOEV. AVroojJov En' euko'pio TfjS evop~ew ; wvepvoolwv TOU OUVKPOTr']IJOTOe; nis 600lAE16boe; EiS Noarlunga, 6,.IlAr'jooe; EntKOfpwe;. To EonepOe; Tne; OUTne; I')lJepOe; nopeupe9'l Eie; ek61')awgiv Tflv onoiov 6,WpyovwOEv Ii KEVTprKf) qllmnrwxos eie; TnV o~18ouoo TaU 8fljJOPXEIOU Glenelg. Tf)v KUPIOKr'jV 7flV ' louaiou e,e. iepoupyiloe Koi 0lJfA'lOEV EntKOipwe; Eie; TOV 'I, Noov TaU ' Ay. 8fl~IlTpiou Tne; 'EvopioS Salisbury Koi EV ouvexeio jjetcl TOO EKKA'lOrOOjJOlOe; nopek091l0ev Ele; YEUjJO TO 6noiov nope9eoe TO 8roiKIlTlKOV Iu~l3ouAlov IJETO TWV jjeawv Tile; 4HAonTwxou Tile; we; ovw 'EvopioS En' EUKOIpia Tfje; EopTfje; TWV 'Ay, 'Avopyupwv, Tr']v 8euTEpov 8rlV 'IOUAiou E,E. OUVEIPVOaSIl jjeto TWV IJEAwv Tn e;. EntTPOnne; TOO KEVTPOU npovoioe; TfjS 'I.. APXIEntOKonfje; jjoe;. Trjv TETOPTIlV 10llV ' louaiou E. :. npor)bpeuoe ouvebpiooewe; Tfje; KEVTPIKil~ <l>iaonrwxou.. EKTOe; TWV oaawv KOla Triv we;ovw OUVEbpioOlV one ooi081l cnwe; KOTO rf)v 41lv AUYOUOTOU b09il onoveu jjoli VO TOoi Ele; TriV d'lsouoo TOU 'Ay. rewpyiou Thebarton unep Tils BOOiAEl060e; Kol Tr,V 51lV TOO OUTOU jjilvoe; oi Kuplal npoo lepouv TOe; unllpeoioe; oun.liv e l ~ TO uno TOO Kffipou n povoiae; Tils ' I. 'ApXIEnroKonije; jjo e; npoypo~jjotl- 09EV KOIVOV VEUjJO unep TWV unepilaikwv 'A6EAoi"60e;, Trw 8EuTepov 151lV 'louaiou E.E. OUVEIPV609'ljJETOjJEAwv unoent Tponiie; TOO KEVTPOU n povofoe; 610 TO unep EvroxuOEWe; TWV okonwv OUTOO err']oiov Walk-A-Thon TO onoiov E Eroe; 96 Aoj3'l xwpav Tf)V 6 flv, OKTWl3piou. Tr'jv n OpooKEul')V 19r1V ' louaiou e,e. oujjnopootolou~evoe; uno rou '1. KAr']pou. AbEAai60e; ExopoarorllOE KOI 6lJfAflOEV emkofpwe; KOla TOV M, 'EonEplvov Eie; TOV novilyupi~ovto 'I. Noov TOO npo f)tou. HAroO Tfje;. Evopioe;-KOIvOTIlTOS Norwood. To r6j3l3arov 20l')v ' 10uAiou e. :, naoloiou~evoe; uno nov EuAoI3EOTO TWV 'lepewv. AbeAo"iboe; iepoupyiloe Koi oljiailoe EntKOipwe; Evwnrov nukvou ekkaflolooijoroe; ei e; TOV npoovo EpgeVTa no vflyupi~ovto ' I. Noov, 6ro13,pooos npoe; DAoue; TOS EUxOe; KoiTr)V EuAoyiov TOO IEj3001JIW TOTOU. APXIEntOKonou J.loe; K.K. ITUA,OVOO, Triv KUPIOKr'jV 211lv. 10uAiou e. :. iepoupviloe Koi 6jJ iailoe ele; TOV ' I. Noov TOO npo ritou. HAlou Norwood.. Ev OUVEXEio nopouoio TOO evn~. rev. npo~evou Tfje; reveteipoe; lij.lwv K. Kwv. KopOlJneTOIl, TOU 'YnouPYou KOIVWVIKWV 'YnllPEOIWV K. Greg Crafter TOO EKnpoownou Tije;. A~IWjJOTlKiiC; OVTlnoA1TEUOEWe; K, Murray Hill, TOO npoe6pou Tije; IEKA K. T. 8 10jJOVTi61l, TOO npoebpou rile; KUnPIOKne; KOIVOTIlTOe; Kof nar)9 0u~ OjJOYEVWV, npoeotil entjjviljjoouvou 6Erl0EWe; unep TWV unep niolewe; Koi notpi60e; ne06vtwv Ele; Tr'jV jjoprupikr)v MeyoMvlloov, To anoveujjo Tiie; outile; riljepoe; nopeupe81l eic; Tr'jV un6 Tfje; IEKA npoypoj.l J.lOT1 09Eioo OUVKevTPWOIV Eie; Victori a Square jjeto TOU rev, npo~evou, TOO noaiteiokoo 'Ynoupyou fl.rkoloouvile; Kof. E8vIKWV un08eoewv 1(. Chris Sumner K.O, oneu9uvae; EniKolpoV XOIPETIOIJOV npoe; ClAoue; EI( /Jepoue; Tfje;. EKKAIloioe; euxrl9eis. ouv Toie; 6AAOIe;. Toxeiov, blkoiov Koi EiPllvIKr'jV AUorv TaU KunprOKOU. Tr)v TpiTIlV 231lV 'louaiou e.e. nporibpeuoe ouve6plooewe; TOO YUVOIKEiou TjJrijJOTO~ Tne; BOGIAEIOboe;, KOTO Tr'jV wi'; OVW ouvebpioolv KOTE13An9fl npoon09elo WOTE ri uno TWV <I>,Aonpo06wv IJEAwv TOO npoo vo EpgeVTOe; TjJr'jjJOlOe; npovpojjojjti09eioo EK6r)AwOlS KOla T11V 291lV TOO OUTOO jjilvoe; Ei e; TO Hilton' A6EAoi60e; OlljJelw0'l EnlruXiov. Tf)V nopookeur']v 26'lv E,E, Kof IJETO TO nepoe; Tfje; 0, AElToupviae; EOiOKECPSIl E9 ljjorunlkwe; eie; TO EV. AbEAo"ibl rpo$eio Tn e; ' I.. ApXIEnl okonfje; jjo e; TOV 0EO,;.eOTOTOV 6 IEj300lJIWTOTOe; M IlTponoAiTIle; 'OAEV ' TIo e; K. NeOTWp (TOO nolp'opxeiou PouJ.lovioe;) OUVObEUOlJEVOe; uno roo 'IEPOlIKWS npoiotojjevou Tfje; EV. AbEAoibl PoulJovlKiie; KOIVOTIlT Oe; n, Kwv/ vou lana. To EonepOe;. nep,otoixoujjevoe; uno TOO' I. KAripou. AbEAoi60e;, EXopooTorlloE KOla T6v M. 'EonEprvov Kai OlJfAIlOEV en rkoipwe; Eie; TOV ' I. Noov TaU' Ay, novleaer'jljovoe; Glenelg, To rol3l3orov 271lv ' louaiou E.e. ouj.lnapoototoujjevos uno TWV EuAoj3EOTOTWV 'Iepewv Tfje; noaewe; jjoe; iepoupylloe I(oi ojjia'l0ev EOII(oi pwe; EVWOIOV nukvou EKKAIlOIOOJ.lOTOe; Eie; TOV nov'lyupi~ovto 'I. Naov 'AV. novteaefijjovoe;. To Eonepae; Tii e; QUTne; rijjepos nopeupe9fl Eie; KOI ' vwvikriv EK6fiAWOlV Tr)V onoiov 6,wpyovwoev ri. Evopio-KoIVOT'lS Norwood Eie; Payneham C ivic Centre, Tr'jv KuproKriv 28'lv 'louaiou E.E. iepoupviloe Kof oj.lia'loevele; TOV 'I. Noov. Av. novteae"r']/jovoe; Glenelg. EUXIl9Eie; IJETO TO nepoe; Tile; 0. AEITouPyioe;, npoe; TOjJeA'l Tfje; VEOOUOTOTOU IAonTwxoU 'AbEA 6TIlTOe; TOO we; avw ' I. Naou, Ko9E EvioxUOIV napa Kupiou eie; TO iepov epyov TO onoiov oveaol3ov. 111

12 AYITPAJ\IA - T6 B' noal TEIOK6 Iuve6pl0 'EAAIlVOp8066~ou Neo AoioS 86 yivel OTOUS XwpOUS rfts ' EvopioS-Kolv6rllros 'AVioS EU lll~io S, Bankstown, Iu6veu 6n Auyouorou, ' 0~IAIlTEe;:S6ETvO I6 Dr G. Freeland, 'Y lllvilrr')s or6 no vemotr')~lo N.N.O., 61<. MIX. nlepfts, Ael<ropos or6 no vemotr')~lo Tiis Kpr')TIlS, I<oi 6 loitilrr')e;: TOO novemorllljiou TOO Iu6veu, K. N. Auvouorivoe;:. T6 SelJa roo Iuve6piou elvol.. nap06ooll Koi Zwr') >>. nop61j010 IuvE6plo NEoAoioS So VIVEI orr') MeAj30upvll on6 30 Auv - 1 Ieme~~p., 1985, lje 61J1AIlree;: r6v K. MIX. nlepii. r6v n.. HAlo Kev TPWTii Koi T6v K. 0eIJIl. A6olJ6nouAo, on6 l0110 Tiis 0eoAoVIKiis IxoAiie;: TOO TllJlou ITaupoO, OTr') BooTlilVll 'AlJep lkils, TAI:MANIA - Tr')v KUPIOKr') 4 AUVOUOTOU 60 ViVEI ovojjet6600ll Tiis Seios Ael1ouPvioe;: 6n6 T6v ' I. Na6 TOO ' Av. rewpviou or6 X6j.mopT,. H ovaijft0600ll 60 vivelon6 T6v Ku~epvllTlK6 ITOSIJ6 TIlAeopooews (ABC) o 6A6KAIlPll Tr')V AUoTpaAlo.. H S eio Ael1ouPvio TeAeiTolon6 r6v ' Iepo TIKWS npo ioto ~ evo n, XPiiOTO nc~lo. nep9h - h.uo 6jJOVEVEiS 6n6 Tr')V 'EAAIlVIKr'). Op6660so KOlv6TIlTO Tiis nepsils etlijr')silkov VIC TiS UnllPEoies TOU S arr')v AUOTpoAlovr') KOlvwvio. '0 Ko61lV, ' lotp6s M. A ll3eplls, O.B.E., wvojjco61lke "noairfj) roo -Erou~» VIC TO ' EmoTIljJoviKO enoyyeaijoto. T6. YnouPveio nol6eios wv6ijooe T6 oxoaeio K06UOTepllIJeVwv Koi ovonr')pwv n0l61wv ot6 Kellerberin " Iris Litis School" oe avoyvwplo., TWV un.,peolwv Tiis Kupias AUT., Koi vevlko Tiis ' OJJoveveios. novrkov\abia - T6v MoTo. 1985, I'). lepoiuv06oc;: riis 'EKKAIloiae;: Tiis Iep~ias eseaese TPEiS veous ' EmoK6noue;:: T6v. APXl jj. n. 'AjJCPIMXlo PovroJ3lrs eis. EnioKonov Banat, T6v KaS.,v. Aoyylvo Krko eie;: Bo.,66v ' EnioKonov TOO norplopxou, Ko i T6v NIKovopo Bogunovic EiS Bo.,66v. EnioKonov roo MIlTponoAirou Maupo~ouviou. '0 veos 'EnioKonos Banat K.. A IJ IA6XI0e;: ETXE emokecp6el rr')v AuorpoAio nepuol we;: 6jJIA., rr')s or6 A' IuvE6pl0 NeoAoias Tils Iepl3lKiis 'EKKA.,oioS. noaonia - Tr')v a.,v ' Iouviou, oe nov.,vupikr') TEAfTr') TO n ovenlorr')jjlo roo Aoul3Aivou OVEKl')puSE emrijjoush.16oktop OS Tils 0eoAoviae;: TOUS 6uo ou jjnpoe6pous roo 61Esovo jj evou emol'ljjou 0eoAoVIKOO h.io A6vou ~ etosu 'Op6066swv Koi PWIJ0IOK060AIKWV.. H TljJr') au Tr') EVIVE eis TOUe;: 6uo a UJ.mpoe6pous. r6v IE1300 jj IWTOTOV 'ApXIEnlOiconov I')jJwv K.K. ITUAJOv6v Koi T6v Kop61voAlov a imejjnpovrs. Via Tr')V au~l3oar') Koi roue;: jj6x60us TWV VIC rr')v eipl')veua., rwv. EKKAllOlwv. EI\AAAA Iuv6eojJoe;:» 610PVOVWVEI r6 h.iesves Iuve6plo Neor., TOS jjetosu 25 AUVOUOTOU Koi 1 Iem EjJl3piou OT6 ' lwvik6 Xwpl6 KOvrO OT6 Bop60AOjJJ6 Tiis n eaonovvr')oou. MfTo~u rwv Kupiwv 61J1All TWV 60 ETvOl6 Ko611V. K. XpiiOTOs rlovvopoe;: (nou jjia.,oe or6 B' navouorpoalov6 Iuve6pJo. EM.,vop8066Sou NEoAaios jjos), 6 'ApXljJ. n. BooiAeloS (K08.,voUjJEVOS rils ' L Moviis IroupovIKr')TO). 6 n. IepocpeijJ Storheim (Kovo6oS) Koi 6 K. KwoTOS Bendali (Ail3ovov). T6 VEVIKO SejJo TOO IUVE6piou EfvOl.. ' H 0eio EUxoplorio». '0 ~,6Aovo~ I'ETa~u. Op9066~wv Koi PWI'0I0Ka9o'\"KWV. H jjiktr') IuvrovlorlKr'). EOiTponr') TOO h.loa6vou ~ETO~U TWV. EKKA.,olwv. Op8066sou Koi PWI-lCIOK080AIKfjS ouvilasev ot6. On6AE Tiis noawvio<; an6 2-8 'Iouviou, 610 va ouvtovioei Tr')V epvaoio TWV unoenttponwv Kof va 6AOKA.,pWOEI Tr')V epvaoio Tiis 61e8voOs jjlktils. Emrponfje;: TOO 0eoAoVIKOO h.lomvou OTr')V Kpr1T., r ETOII-l008.,KE T6 evloio oxe610 KE I ~evou, nou 80 uno~a"se I np6s EVKPIOIV OTr')V 6AOlJeAEIO TWV ovrmpoownwv-jjeawv roo h.lomyou. nou 86 ouvea60uv OT6 Bari rils 'lloaiae;: T6v ' Iouvlo TOO IuvXp6vwS 6no4>00106.,Ke va npoto8ei OTr')V 6AojJeAeio r 6 6EjJo: «MaaVOfG EVT6~ TWV 0e60jJEVWV ni) jjuotfjpiokik KO! KOVOVIKry~ oojjry) Try~ 'EKKAfJola~», r 6 onolov 80 onaaxoar')oel r6v h.loaovo JJETC T6 Bari. AUSTRALIA - The 2nd State Youth Conference of our Archdiocese will be held in Parish-Community of St. Euphemia, Bankstown, N.S.W., between August, The main speakers will be Dr G. Freeland, Lecturer at the University of N.S.W., Mr M, Pieris, Lecturer at the University of Crete, and Mr. N. Avgoustinos, student at the Unive rsity of Sydney. The theme of the Conference w ill be "Tradition and Life". A similar Youth Conference is to be held in Melbourne between 30Aug. -1 Sept., The main speakers will be Mr M. Pieris, Fr Elias Kentrotis and Mr Themis Adamopoulos who recently graduated from Holy Cross School of Theology, in Boston U.S.A. TASMANIA - The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom for the Sunday of the Ho ly Fathers of the Six Ecumenica l Councils will be telecast throughout Australia from St. George's Greek Orthodox Church, Hobart, Tasmania on Sunday 4 August from ABC Channel 2. The celebrant is Rev. C, Pamias, PERTH - Two persons from the Greek Orthodox Community in Perth were accorded a special honour for their services to the Community at large. Dr M. Live ris, O.B.E., was named "Citizen of the Year", for the Professions, by the Western Australia Week Committee. The Education Departmen t acknowledged the I ris litis School in recognition of the inva luable contributions by Mrs Litis and other members of the Community in furthering the education of children w ith special needs. YUGOSLAVIA -In May, 1985, the Holy Synod of the Patriarch ate of Serbia elected three new Bishops: Archim. Amphilochios Randovic as Bishop of Banat, Prof. Lo nginos Krko as Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch, and Nikanor Bogunovic as Assistant Bishop to the Metropolitan of Mavrovouni. The new Bishop of Banat, His Grace Bishop Amphilochios, hadvisiled Australia last year as guest-speaker at the 1st Serbian Youth Conference. POLAND - On 8 June, 1985, the University of Loublin bestowed on the two co-chairmen of the Official Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, His EminenceArchbishop Slylianos and Cardinal Willebrands, the honourary Degree of Doctorate in Theology. This honour was accorded to the two cochairmen for their contribution and services for the union of the Churches. GREECE - Syndesmos International Youth Festival will be held between 25 August and 1 September, 1985, at th e Ionian Village, Greece. Among the guest-speakers are Prof. Christos Yannaras (who spoke at the 2nd National Greek O rthodox Youth Conference in Australia, 1984), Archim. Vassileios (Abbot of Stavronikita Monastery, Mt. Athos), Fr. Serapheim Storheim (Canada) and Mr Costa Bendali (Lebanon). The general theme of the Festival is "The Euchari st". Progreu of the OHlclal Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox and Roman Cothollc Churches The Joint Co-ordinating Committee of the Dialogue between the two churches assembled at Opole, Poland, from 2-8 June, in order to co-ordinate the work of the sub-committees and to conclude the work of th e International Jo int Committee of the Theological Dialogue at Crete in A common draft text was prepared to be submitted for approval by the full session of the representatives-members of the Dialogue, who will assemble at Bari, in Italy, on June, It was also decided to propose tothe full committee the theme "Repentance within the sacramental and canonical structure of the church ", as the theme of the Dialogue after the meeting at Bari. 112

WEEK 21. The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles OUTLINE DAY 1

WEEK 21. The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles OUTLINE DAY 1 WEEK 21 The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles OUTLINE DAY 1 I. The Feast of Firstfruits signifies the resurrected Christ as the firstfruits for our enjoyment as

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7 Present PERFECT Simple. 8 Present PERFECT Continuous. 9 Past PERFECT Simple. 10 Past PERFECT Continuous. 11 Future PERFECT Simple

7 Present PERFECT Simple. 8 Present PERFECT Continuous. 9 Past PERFECT Simple. 10 Past PERFECT Continuous. 11 Future PERFECT Simple A/ Ονόματα και ένα παράδειγμα 1 Present Simple 7 Present PERFECT Simple 2 Present Continuous 8 Present PERFECT Continuous 3 Past Simple (+ used to) 9 Past PERFECT Simple she eats she is eating she ate

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HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch:

HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch: HOMEWORK 4 Problem a For the fast loading case, we want to derive the relationship between P zz and λ z. We know that the nominal stress is expressed as: P zz = ψ λ z where λ z = λ λ z. Therefore, applying

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derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates

derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates derivation of the Laplacian from rectangular to spherical coordinates swapnizzle 03-03- :5:43 We begin by recognizing the familiar conversion from rectangular to spherical coordinates (note that φ is used

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LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV. 18 February 2014

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ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ΣΕ ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ & ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ΣΕ ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ & ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ Ενότητα 1β: Principles of PS Ιφιγένεια Μαχίλη Τμήμα Οικονομικών Επιστημών Άδειες Χρήσης Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό υπόκειται σε άδειες χρήσης

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FINAL TEST B TERM-JUNIOR B STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR UNITS 8-17 FINAL TEST B TERM-JUNIOR B STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR UNITS 8-17 Name: Surname: Date: Class: 1. Write these words in the correct order. /Γράψε αυτέσ τισ λέξεισ ςτη ςωςτή ςειρά. 1) playing / his / not /

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Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations

Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations 99 Section 8. Trigonometric Equations Objective 1: Solve Equations Involving One Trigonometric Function. In this section and the next, we will exple how to solving equations involving trigonometric functions.

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LESSON 6 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΞΙ) REF : 201/045/26-ADV. 10 December 2013

LESSON 6 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΞΙ) REF : 201/045/26-ADV. 10 December 2013 LESSON 6 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΞΙ) REF : 201/045/26-ADV 10 December 2013 I get up/i stand up I wash myself I shave myself I comb myself I dress myself Once (one time) Twice (two times) Three times Salary/wage/pay Alone/only

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ΣΟΡΟΠΤΙΜΙΣΤΡΙΕΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΔΕΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΔΕΣ ΣΟΡΟΠΤΙΜΙΣΤΡΙΕΣ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΟΡΟΠΤΙΜΙΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΝΩΣΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΤΕΥΧΟΣ Νο 110 - Δ ΤΡΙΜΗΝΟ 2014 Το πρώτο βραβείο κέρδισε η Ελλάδα για την φωτογραφία Blue + Yellow = Green στον διαγωνισμό 2014 του

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Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * *

Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * * Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * * In the first chapter, we practiced the skill of reading Greek words. Now we want to try to understand some parts of what we read. There are a

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Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού)

Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού) Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού) Προσδοκώμενα αποτελέσματα Περιεχόμενο Ενδεικτικές δραστηριότητες

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ΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΛΗΨΕΩΣ. Greek Orthodox Church. Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION

ΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΛΗΨΕΩΣ. Greek Orthodox Church. Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION Greek Orthodox Church FAIRVIEW - NEW JERSEY Weekly Bulletin Sunday June 1 st, 2014 Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council Οικουμενικόν

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2 Composition. Invertible Mappings

2 Composition. Invertible Mappings Arkansas Tech University MATH 4033: Elementary Modern Algebra Dr. Marcel B. Finan Composition. Invertible Mappings In this section we discuss two procedures for creating new mappings from old ones, namely,

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Writing for A class. Describe yourself Topic 1: Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live.

Writing for A class. Describe yourself Topic 1: Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live. Topic 1: Describe yourself Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live. Χρησιμοποίησε το and. WRITE your paragraph in 40-60 words... 1 Topic 2: Describe your room Χρησιμοποίησε

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Finite Field Problems: Solutions

Finite Field Problems: Solutions Finite Field Problems: Solutions 1. Let f = x 2 +1 Z 11 [x] and let F = Z 11 [x]/(f), a field. Let Solution: F =11 2 = 121, so F = 121 1 = 120. The possible orders are the divisors of 120. Solution: The

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Επιβλέπουσα Καθηγήτρια: ΣΟΦΙΑ ΑΡΑΒΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΑΤΟΥ

Επιβλέπουσα Καθηγήτρια: ΣΟΦΙΑ ΑΡΑΒΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΑΤΟΥ EΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΤΕΙ ΙΟΝΙΩΝ ΝΗΣΩΝ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ & ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ Ταχ. Δ/νση : Λεωφ. Αντ.Τρίτση, Αργοστόλι Κεφαλληνίας Τ.Κ. 28 100 τηλ. : 26710-27311 fax : 26710-27312

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ΤΟ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΔΡΟΜΙ ΤΟΥ ΝΟΤΟΥ ΤΟ ΛΙΜΑΝΙ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΛΑΜΑΤΑΣ ΤΟ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΔΡΟΜΙ ΤΟΥ ΝΟΤΟΥ ΤΟ ΛΙΜΑΝΙ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΛΑΜΑΤΑΣ ΖΑΡΑΒΕΛΑ Δ. 1, και ΒΡΥΩΝΗΣ Δ. 1 1 4ο Τ.Ε.Ε. Καλαμάτας, Δ/νση Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκ/σης Μεσσηνίας e-mail: dzaravela@yahoo.qr ΕΚΤΕΝΗΣ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Από τις κύριες

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Policy Coherence. JEL Classification : J12, J13, J21 Key words :

Policy Coherence. JEL Classification : J12, J13, J21 Key words : ** 80%1.89 2005 7 35 Policy Coherence JEL Classification : J12, J13, J21 Key words : ** Family Life and Family Policy in France and Germany: Implications for Japan By Tomoko Hayashi and Rieko Tamefuji

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I haven t fully accepted the idea of growing older

I haven t fully accepted the idea of growing older I haven t fully accepted the idea of growing older 1 Peter Authorship Questions Πέτρος ἀπόστολος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ ἐκλεκτοῖς παρεπιδήμοις διασπορᾶς Πόντου, Γαλατίας, Καππαδοκίας, Ἀσίας 1 Peter Authorship

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LESSON 16 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΕΞΙ) REF : 102/018/16-BEG. 4 March 2014

LESSON 16 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΕΞΙ) REF : 102/018/16-BEG. 4 March 2014 LESSON 16 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΕΞΙ) REF : 102/018/16-BEG 4 March 2014 Family η οικογένεια a/one(fem.) μία a/one(masc.) ένας father ο πατέρας mother η μητέρα man/male/husband ο άντρας letter το γράμμα brother ο

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Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required)

Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required) Phys460.nb 81 ψ n (t) is still the (same) eigenstate of H But for tdependent H. The answer is NO. 5.5.5. Solution for the tdependent Schrodinger s equation If we assume that at time t 0, the electron starts

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Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door

Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door Right Rear Door Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door You may have been already guessed my steps, so there is not much to describe in detail. Old upper one file:///c /Documents

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Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb.

Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb. LUMP SUM Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb. LUMP SUM Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb. Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb. LUMP SUM Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb. LUMP SUM Lump sum lump sum lump sum. lump sum fixed price lump sum lump

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EE512: Error Control Coding

EE512: Error Control Coding EE512: Error Control Coding Solution for Assignment on Finite Fields February 16, 2007 1. (a) Addition and Multiplication tables for GF (5) and GF (7) are shown in Tables 1 and 2. + 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3

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Πώς μπορεί κανείς να έχει έναν διερμηνέα κατά την επίσκεψή του στον Οικογενειακό του Γιατρό στο Ίσλινγκτον Getting an interpreter when you visit your

Πώς μπορεί κανείς να έχει έναν διερμηνέα κατά την επίσκεψή του στον Οικογενειακό του Γιατρό στο Ίσλινγκτον Getting an interpreter when you visit your Πώς μπορεί κανείς να έχει έναν διερμηνέα κατά την επίσκεψή του στον Οικογενειακό του Γιατρό στο Ίσλινγκτον Getting an interpreter when you visit your GP practice in Islington Σε όλα τα Ιατρεία Οικογενειακού

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C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions

C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions Paul Liu November 15, 2007 Note that these are sample solutions only; in many cases there were many acceptable answers. 1 Reynolds Problem 10.1 1.1 Normal-order

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The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus Type Inference Instead of writing type annotations, can we use an algorithm to infer what the type annotations should be? That depends on the type system. For simple type systems the answer is yes, and

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CHAPTER 25 SOLVING EQUATIONS BY ITERATIVE METHODS CHAPTER 5 SOLVING EQUATIONS BY ITERATIVE METHODS EXERCISE 104 Page 8 1. Find the positive root of the equation x + 3x 5 = 0, correct to 3 significant figures, using the method of bisection. Let f(x) =

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Στεγαστική δήλωση: Σχετικά με τις στεγαστικές υπηρεσίες που λαμβάνετε (Residential statement: About the residential services you get)

Στεγαστική δήλωση: Σχετικά με τις στεγαστικές υπηρεσίες που λαμβάνετε (Residential statement: About the residential services you get) Νόμος περί Αναπηριών 2006 (Disability Act 2006) Στεγαστική δήλωση: Σχετικά με τις στεγαστικές υπηρεσίες που λαμβάνετε (Residential statement: About the residential services you get) Greek Νόμος περί Αναπηριών

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14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense

14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense Day one I. Word Study and Grammar 1. Most Greek verbs end in in the first person singular. 2. The present tense is formed by adding endings to the present stem.

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Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES

Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES TEACHER s NOTES Time: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: To relate the genetic code to the assembly of proteins To summarize factors that lead to different types of mutations To distinguish among positive,

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3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β

3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β 3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS Page Theorem cos(αβ cos α cos β -sin α cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α NOTE: cos(αβ cos α cos β cos(α-β cos α -cos β Proof of cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α Let s use a unit circle

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ΦωτίστεΤονΚόσμο. ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ Νοεμβρίου Δεκεμβρίου 2017

ΦωτίστεΤονΚόσμο. ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ Νοεμβρίου Δεκεμβρίου 2017 ΦωτίστεΤονΚόσμο ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ 2017 24 Νοεμβρίου -- 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2017 ΘΕΜΑ «Καθώς ακολουθούμε το παράδειγμα του Σωτήρος και ζούμε όπως ζούσε Εκείνος και όπως δίδασκε, αυτό το φως θα καίει μέσα

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Srednicki Chapter 55

Srednicki Chapter 55 Srednicki Chapter 55 QFT Problems & Solutions A. George August 3, 03 Srednicki 55.. Use equations 55.3-55.0 and A i, A j ] = Π i, Π j ] = 0 (at equal times) to verify equations 55.-55.3. This is our third

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Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)

Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) 1 Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) Αναγνώσματα από το βιβλίο Η Απόλαυση της Μουσικής (Machlis, Forney), για τους μαθητές που θα μελετήσουν το έργο: «Ο Σαίνμπεργκ

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Homework 3 Solutions

Homework 3 Solutions Homework 3 Solutions Igor Yanovsky (Math 151A TA) Problem 1: Compute the absolute error and relative error in approximations of p by p. (Use calculator!) a) p π, p 22/7; b) p π, p 3.141. Solution: For

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the total number of electrons passing through the lamp.

the total number of electrons passing through the lamp. 1. A 12 V 36 W lamp is lit to normal brightness using a 12 V car battery of negligible internal resistance. The lamp is switched on for one hour (3600 s). For the time of 1 hour, calculate (i) the energy

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1 ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ Δ. ΤΡΙΤΑΡΗΣ 69 Φεβρουάριος 2011 Περιεχόμενα Η συμβολή του Ιωάννη Καποδίστρια στην εδραίωση της ανεξαρτησίας και της ουδετερότητας της Ελβετίας σ. 1 Οι νέες ισορροπίες στην Ασία και Μ. Ανατολή Η ινδοϊστραηλινή συνεργασία

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ΠΤΥΧΙΑΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ ΒΑΛΕΝΤΙΝΑ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Α.Μ.: 09/061. Υπεύθυνος Καθηγητής: Σάββας Μακρίδης

ΠΤΥΧΙΑΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ ΒΑΛΕΝΤΙΝΑ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Α.Μ.: 09/061. Υπεύθυνος Καθηγητής: Σάββας Μακρίδης Α.Τ.Ε.Ι. ΙΟΝΙΩΝ ΝΗΣΩΝ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΥ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ ΠΤΥΧΙΑΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ «Η διαμόρφωση επικοινωνιακής στρατηγικής (και των τακτικών ενεργειών) για την ενδυνάμωση της εταιρικής

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Modern Greek Extension

Modern Greek Extension Centre Number 2017 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Student Number Modern Greek Extension Written Examination General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes Write

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Example Sheet 3 Solutions

Example Sheet 3 Solutions Example Sheet 3 Solutions. i Regular Sturm-Liouville. ii Singular Sturm-Liouville mixed boundary conditions. iii Not Sturm-Liouville ODE is not in Sturm-Liouville form. iv Regular Sturm-Liouville note

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ΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ. ΘΕΜΑ: «ιερεύνηση της σχέσης µεταξύ φωνηµικής επίγνωσης και ορθογραφικής δεξιότητας σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας»


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Κατανοώντας και στηρίζοντας τα παιδιά που πενθούν στο σχολικό πλαίσιο

Κατανοώντας και στηρίζοντας τα παιδιά που πενθούν στο σχολικό πλαίσιο Κατανοώντας και στηρίζοντας τα παιδιά που πενθούν στο σχολικό πλαίσιο Δρ. Παναγιώτης Πεντάρης - University of Greenwich - Association for the Study of Death and Society (ASDS) Περιεχόµενα Εννοιολογικές

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department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι

department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι She selects the option. Jenny starts with the al listing. This has employees listed within She drills down through the employee. The inferred ER sttricture relates this to the redcords in the databasee

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LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26. 18 November 2014

LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26. 18 November 2014 LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26 18 November 2014 But Weekend I love The song I sing I smile I laugh Greek (thing) Greek(people) Greek (man) αλλά (το) Σαββατοκύριακο αγαπώ (το) τραγούδι τραγουδώ

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Αστικές παρεμβάσεις ανάπλασης αδιαμόρφωτων χώρων. Δημιουργία βιώσιμου αστικού περιβάλλοντος και σύνδεση τριών κομβικών σημείων στην πόλη της Δράμας

Αστικές παρεμβάσεις ανάπλασης αδιαμόρφωτων χώρων. Δημιουργία βιώσιμου αστικού περιβάλλοντος και σύνδεση τριών κομβικών σημείων στην πόλη της Δράμας ΤΕΙ ΚΑΒΑΛΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΔΡΑΜΑΣ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΗΤΟΠΙΟΥ Αστικές παρεμβάσεις ανάπλασης αδιαμόρφωτων χώρων. Δημιουργία βιώσιμου αστικού περιβάλλοντος και σύνδεση τριών κομβικών σημείων στην πόλη της Δράμας

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Section 1: Listening and responding. Presenter: Niki Farfara MGTAV VCE Seminar 7 August 2016

Section 1: Listening and responding. Presenter: Niki Farfara MGTAV VCE Seminar 7 August 2016 Section 1: Listening and responding Presenter: Niki Farfara MGTAV VCE Seminar 7 August 2016 Section 1: Listening and responding Section 1: Listening and Responding/ Aκουστική εξέταση Στο πρώτο μέρος της

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Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1776/04 Edexcel GCSE Modern Greek Paper 4 Writing. Thursday 21 May 2009 Afternoon Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1776/04 Edexcel GCSE Modern Greek Paper 4 Writing. Thursday 21 May 2009 Afternoon Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1776/04 Edexcel GCSE Modern Greek Paper 4 Writing Thursday 21 May 2009 Afternoon Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Materials required for examination Nil Paper Reference

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4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(1,1)

4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(1,1) 84 CHAPTER 4. STATIONARY TS MODELS 4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(,) This section is an introduction to a wide class of models ARMA(p,q) which we will consider in more detail later in this

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Math221: HW# 1 solutions

Math221: HW# 1 solutions Math: HW# solutions Andy Royston October, 5 7.5.7, 3 rd Ed. We have a n = b n = a = fxdx = xdx =, x cos nxdx = x sin nx n sin nxdx n = cos nx n = n n, x sin nxdx = x cos nx n + cos nxdx n cos n = + sin

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 19/5/2007 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Αν κάπου κάνετε κάποιες υποθέσεις να αναφερθούν στη σχετική ερώτηση. Όλα τα αρχεία που αναφέρονται στα προβλήματα βρίσκονται στον ίδιο φάκελο με το εκτελέσιμο

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9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr

9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr 9.9 #. Area inside the oval limaçon r = + cos. To graph, start with = so r =. Compute d = sin. Interesting points are where d vanishes, or at =,,, etc. For these values of we compute r:,,, and the values

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Πτυχιακή Εργασία. Παραδοσιακά Προϊόντα Διατροφική Αξία και η Πιστοποίηση τους

Πτυχιακή Εργασία. Παραδοσιακά Προϊόντα Διατροφική Αξία και η Πιστοποίηση τους ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΟ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ ΤΡΟΦΙΜΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗΣ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΙΤΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ Πτυχιακή Εργασία Παραδοσιακά Προϊόντα Διατροφική Αξία και η Πιστοποίηση τους Εκπόνηση:

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GREECE BULGARIA 6 th JOINT MONITORING GREECE BULGARIA 6 th JOINT MONITORING COMMITTEE BANSKO 26-5-2015 «GREECE BULGARIA» Timeline 02 Future actions of the new GR-BG 20 Programme June 2015: Re - submission of the modified d Programme according

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ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ΙΙΙ. Ενότητα 12b: The Little Prince. Ζωή Κανταρίδου Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής

ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ΙΙΙ. Ενότητα 12b: The Little Prince. Ζωή Κανταρίδου Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής Ενότητα 12b: The Little Prince Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής Άδειες Χρήσης Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό υπόκειται σε άδειες χρήσης Creative Commons. Για εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, όπως εικόνες, που υπόκειται

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Ephesians. Wayne Stewart

Ephesians. Wayne Stewart Ephesians Wayne Stewart 1 Shadows of a ministry independent of Jerusalem and the 12 Taken from CH Welch 2 Acts 28:25 25 (AV) And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 6/5/2006 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Ολοι οι αριθμοί που αναφέρονται σε όλα τα ερωτήματα είναι μικρότεροι το 1000 εκτός αν ορίζεται διαφορετικά στη διατύπωση του προβλήματος. Διάρκεια: 3,5 ώρες Καλή

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ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 1: Elements of Syntactic Structure Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια

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ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 11: The Unreal Past Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια Creative Commons

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Κάθε γνήσιο αντίγραφο φέρει υπογραφή του συγγραφέα. / Each genuine copy is signed by the author.

Κάθε γνήσιο αντίγραφο φέρει υπογραφή του συγγραφέα. / Each genuine copy is signed by the author. Κάθε γνήσιο αντίγραφο φέρει υπογραφή του συγγραφέα. / Each genuine copy is signed by the author. 2012, Γεράσιμος Χρ. Σιάσος / Gerasimos Siasos, All rights reserved. Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας συγγραφέα / Author

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ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α. Διαβάστε τις ειδήσεις και εν συνεχεία σημειώστε. Οπτική γωνία είδησης 1:.

ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α.  Διαβάστε τις ειδήσεις και εν συνεχεία σημειώστε. Οπτική γωνία είδησης 1:. ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α 2 ειδήσεις από ελληνικές εφημερίδες: 1. Τα Νέα, 13-4-2010, Σε ανθρώπινο λάθος αποδίδουν τη συντριβή του αεροσκάφους, http://www.tanea.gr/default.asp?pid=2&artid=4569526&ct=2 2. Τα Νέα,

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Αζεκίλα Α. Μπνπράγηεξ (Α.Μ. 261)


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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.

Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1. Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given

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Notes are available 1

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The challenges of non-stable predicates

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On a four-dimensional hyperbolic manifold with finite volume

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5.4 The Poisson Distribution.

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Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs

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