~O; '\l COLLEGE. _Kaf enar'la8r"joav anavtec; nveuj,loto<;. Ayiou, Kof "p~avto liaaeiv ETEPOlfi yawnoo'... (npci~ew V 2:4)

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Download "~O; '\l COLLEGE. _Kaf enar'la8r"joav anavtec; nveuj,loto<;. Ayiou, Kof "p~avto liaaeiv ETEPOlfi yawnoo'... (npci~ew V 2:4)"


1 «' 0 A6yoC; 6\1 (U<OUETE out( EOTv E~6C; _ oam TOU nejvovt6c; JE notpoc;". ('lw6v. 14:24) ~O; o.6,usttau/\ '\l COEGE _Kaf ena'la8"joav anavtec; nveuj,loto<;. Ayiou, Kof "p~avto laaeiv ETEPOlfi yawnoo'... (npi~ew V 2:4) \.. UVTQOOHO uno EnlTpon~<;. npovofq l OU EloOJWf(~TOU ' ApXlEmo~onou 242 Cleveland St., Redlen, Tel OFFCA PUBCATON OF THE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDOCESE OF AUSTRAA ' Eljolo uv6pojj~ - Annual Subsiption $10.00 VOUME 7 NO. 5 fgilt,ld by Aull.li. Post Publiation No NAR ahmhtpo: E\EO 0EOV APXEnll:KOnOl: KONl:TANTNOVnO\EOl:. NEAl: POMHl: KA OKOVMENKOl: natpapxhl: nant TO nl\hpomat THl: EKK\Hl:Al: XAPN KA EPHNHN napa TOV ENl.O:::Ol: ANAHANTOl: l:othpol: XPHOV l l l, AveoTfl aa'l8wc; 6 KUPO<;, TEKVO 'UJWV EV Kupi4J 6van)TO Koi nepm69]to. 6AA' OUK 6nEOT'l O<p' i).lwv.. AVeOT'l. 6AAi bev one xwpjas~ EK T~~ ~w~~ niiv ovspwnwv.. AV at~, om' E~elve ~es' il.jwv. «Kai i60u fyw Jif8' jjliijv eipl ndoa~ o{ 'JjJfpa{, iw{ ;;{ ouveaeia{ od aiiijvo{» (MoTS ). nopwv Ei«; naoo«; Ta C; otly~a«; TOU f3iou ~1.. J(jJV, Ei«; naoo«; TO«; CPdOE«; Kat Ta«; neplneteio«; T~«; ov8pwniv'l«; ~w~«; Koi jotopio«;. 'HYEp8'l ono TWV VEKPWV 6 Kuplo«; Koi ~ unooxeo«; AlJTOU Oll 80 EupioKETO EV TW JE041 ~~WV, auv~y~ VWV Ev TW 'OvO~OTj Tou (MOTS. 18,20), ~ vel f3ef301wtk) T~«; unep 'UJWV npovoio«; Tau Koi ou unep 'HJWV npoolwviou OWOTKOU 0XE6iou Tau. AV at~ 6 Kuplo~ 6VTW~.. AM' OUK On at~ 0<1>' ~~wv. - E~el VEV EYYU«; npo«; ~~o«;. npoolto«; Ei«; novto«; Koi KOTa navto. KAivwv eu~koov TO OU~ Tou np6~ ~~ii~ KOj T6~ oe~ael~ ~~wv... ETOlj.JOC; ivo npoo6paj.j] Koi 8EpOnEUOl] TOC; aa8eveioc;. Ta«; EAAEilVEC; Koi TO uatep1~oto ijwv. 160u, TEKVO ~ljwv ayon'lto, TO JEYO -luot1pov T~«; nepi TOV DVOOTOVTO Kuplov 8EioC; OiKovoj.Jio«;. To q>pktov 6po~o TOU ToupoO Kof TOU n080u«; EupioKel EV Tl. AVOOTOOE Tiv 8oulJooiov AuOV Koi niotelviv TOU. 0 ToupoC;. E<t>' ou )naw8loovoi axpovto xeipe«; TOU!\UTpwTOU, UlVW8'l WC; ouj.jf3oaov oef36oj.j10v Koi Tij.JlOV 6AoKA1POU T~C; nloteuou0'lc; av8pwnot'ltoc;. 0 AiSoC; EKuAioSll, 01 CPUAOKE«; 6lEoKOpnio8'loov Koi 6 KuploC; aveot'l EK TOU Topou. «W{ fk ooooo{ poea8wv». To KEVOV MV'lJEiov, onou ~ KOKio TWV av8pwnwv EVOj.JlOE npo; OTlYj.J;v OT 80 EVE KAElev Eooei T)V ~wt;v EV T 04>41. anef30ae T;V npotepov OKOTEV;V OlVV TOU.. AVEOT'l EK VEKpWV 6 KuploC; WC; :inopx; TWV KEKOlj.J'l JEVWV, WC; f3oolaeu«; TWV ~WvTWV, wc; i ioxu C; TWV EiC; AUTOV moteuovtwv. 0 xoivwv T6q)QC; 6ev E-VO nmov opuy}.jo, EiC; 6 KOTaA;YE i 6v8pwniv'l npoowmkot'lc;, am i nua'l, 61 ~C; 65euo~ev np6~ T~V O;WVOV ~w~v KOj E~ ~~ avon~5ii 6 KPOTWV ej~ T6~ xejp6~ T ou T~V ~w~v TWV ov8pwnwv KUplo~. 'Aq>' i~ atly~~~ OVeOT'l 6 KuploC;, 6 6v8pwno; }.J08E naeov n08ev epxetol Koi nog UnaYE Kof KAeiwv TO tina TOU Ei«; TO aouototo Kof 6Ae8plo K'lpUY}.JOTO T~«; 08EOU OKElVEWC;. Tii; K'lPUTTOUO'lC; VEKPOV TOV 8eov Kof apvou}.jev'lc; Tt;V )8Kt;V o~iov TOG 6v8pwnou. OTPE<PE TO OJ.Jj.JOTO TQU npo; TOV OVOOTaVTO XP OTOV, TOV <pwti~ovto Koi OW~OVTO navtoc; TOUC; Ei«; AUTOV moteuovto«;. YnepEnA'l8uv8'lOov o1j.jepov ai okav801 Koi oj Tpif3oAol EV T~ ~wfj TWV 6v8pwnwv. 'Ynepef3'loov nov jjetpov Koi nooov q>uo K1V avtoxf'tv TO ToAomwpOUVTO TiV avspwnotilto npof3a'jj.joto Koi 6EVa. ' Ano TOU 6AE8piou KOKOU TWV noae}.jwv Kof TWV akowv noaejwv, }.Jexpi Koi TWV KOTOTPUXOVTWV Tou«;ov8pwnou; 6elvwv Tii; neiv)«;, TWV OTEp'jOEWV. TWV KOKOUXWV, TWV KOTomEoewv. TWV q:>uaetkwv Koi 6AAwv 610KpioEWV, TWV Ko8EOTWTKWV upovvwv Koi TWV i6eoaoykwv EvTOOEWV' ono T~«; oof30uo'lc; OnElA~~ KOTaaTpoq>~~ T~~ jaopponja~ T~~ ~w~~ KOj TOU nepl~oa AOVTOC;, JEXP TWV akotovo~aotwv KOTOOTP0<PWV TWV anoppe OUOWV EK TWV E~onAO~WV, TWV nup0vkwv 60K}.JWV Kof TWV nokiawv avtoywvojwv, }.JEXP Koi TWV CPPKTWV OUVEnEWV T~«; aaoyiotou TExvoAoyio«; Koi TWV onotokwv TOUT'lC; OPV'lTKWV EmnTWoewv Koi 6n6 TWV KOVWVKWV neplnetelwv j.jexp Koi TWV KaT OTOJO 6UOTUXWV Koi ayxw6wv KOTOOTOOEWV, TO KOKOV unepenae6vooe Koi 6 ov8pwno«; EYVE 6UOTUXEOTEPO«;. oo<pu KTlWV un6 TiV nieov T~C; EV T4J KOO}.J41 CPPKTii; 08A16TllToC;. "'Ev nmko~ev jepe~16oo~. OUO unep~6mo~ev ej~ neplypo <pac;.. AnAw; 61omoTou}.JEV KOTOOTaOEC; Kof npoo610pi(ojev YEYOVOTO, VO npooefnw}.jev j.jeto TOG ' AnOOToAou nouaou, OT OVTWC; «oil faiovaoev ; ojjapia, unepenepiooeuoev j XOP{» (PwtJ. 5, 20). npayj.jot, EKEi Ev80 EnAeovOOE TO KOKOV, 01«; KUPOV onotokov T~«; OJopTio«;, EKei unepenepiooeuoev ~ XaP«;, ; 6no TOU 6VOOTOVTOC; Kupiou EKnOpeUOJev"). Ei«; oao«; TO «; avwtepw apv'ltlkac; 04JE«; T~«; ~W~C;, EiC; EKOOT")V E~ OUTWV, Ei«; Ko8' EKOOTOV OTOJOV Koi 610 Ko8' EKOOTfJV nepintw OV. 6 6VOOTOC; KuploC; nopiototo. f30'lsoc; Kat OKEnOOT~C;, npootoq«; Koi XOp")YOC;, iw}.jevoc; KOt 8EponEUWv, ovonalpwv TO EAAEinoVTO KOt OVOTWV o nentwkoto, E~Of3EAi(wv TO KOKa Koi onoko8'otwv TO 6yo8d, avalpwv TO 6Ae8plo Koi nopexwv TO OWT'lPW6'l, OUTOC; «OOOU{ mjo (w1v Koi nvo;v Koi ei neiva» (np6~. 17,25). «XPOTO~ 0 OTOeavwv,llaAAov M KG; EYfpeEi~, 6~,wi EolV fv offlii oil 8EOU, O{ Koi fvuyxove unip,jjwv. Ti{ jjg{ XWpiOE dnd ij{ ayonf]{ ou XPOoU, ()Aill'f{ ij OTEvoxwpia j t5lwyld~ j AlD~ j YUllvDTf/~ j K;Vt5UVO~ j ldxmpa:... ' AAA 'EV ouo/{ noolv unepvlkwjjev 5'G oil ayon1oovo{ ;jjg{» (PWJ. 8,34/ 37). AU TOV, TOV ayanloovto ij.jo; Kuplov, TOV avootavto ono TWV VEKPWV, «ov YE OU POKpeiV ana EVO{ fkooou 'JjJwv undpxovto».(npo~. 17,27), 16wJEV, TEKVO ;jjwv OYOn'lTa, WC; TOV EV novti KOt navtote ou~noplotoj.jevov ;Jiv Koi Toi«; 66uvol«; ;jjwv. Kaf npo; AUTOV ot Vi~oVTE«;. KOTO TlV AOj.Jnp<><t>6pov TOUT'lV ;-lepov T~C; ' AVOOTdoEWC;, T') V Koi EOPTWV. EOPTlV, Koi T~ npotpon~ T~C; M)TpoC;. EKKA'loioC; KOTOKOAou800VTE«;, JJETa xop6«; Koi 6yoAAooew; XWp;OWJEV npo; TOV EOPTOOJOV. EAAoj.Jno~Evol 6no TO CPWC; T~C;. AvaOTooew ; Kat av'lj.jjevo«; Ta«; AOj.Jna6oC; TWV 4JUXWV ijwv KPOTOUVTEC;. ' EOpTOOWJeV TO nooxo TOU ETOUC; outou ouxi KOO JKWC;, OUOE oapkkw;, 6AAo nveu}.jotkwc;. «Mj KWjJO/{ Koi jjf8ol{» (Pw~. 13,13). «Mj EV (Ul] TaAola, lf/m EV (Ul] KGK;a~ Ka; 41

2 . Avan~TOi 66EA<><>i. «' AVOOTOOlV XPOTOO eeaa6~evo npookuvl0wjjev "AYlov. KuplOv, ' l'luoov. TOV JJOVOV OVO}jOPT1TOVO, KaAou},Jooe VC),.m) OKOJ..Jfl >opi va EOpOaWJ..lE «AaJlnaoo p6po/» TO nd8'l Koi T~V. AvioTOO) TaU XPJaTOU, XwpiC; va { '},JOOH OjJ WC; 6A,YOniOTO il 6uaE~Ei;. aia8avojjo OTE TO "Xploo; 'AVEOTfJ» VO }.Jlv EXE me neotlko lvtikpuojo j..leoa OlDV KOO-lO 4'iXVO-E va PPOUjJE oll..l06,o i'js. AvaoooEw; - EOTW Koi o}.ju6p6-6aa6 navtou i }.JOlla JO;auvavo nokaies 8av6TOU. 0dvOTOS ~ yvwo~ ~as, 9dvOTOS ~ EnlOT~~~ ~as, 9dvaTOS ~ OTOJ,J1Kl Koi KOVWVK'} ;81Ki JJOC;. vwpi<o-le aepolo OT npo noaaoo oi AeYO jjeves XP 'OTOVKES KOlvwvies EXOUV 6nOXPW)jOTlo8Ei OTa KoiplO Ti'jC; niotew; KO! Ti'jS \wii;, 6AAd 6ev 86 nepl},jevo},je va 60uJE 6AoKAlPO ov KOO},JO va E~EAjoOETO 600 yp'}yopa, Koi oxebov ~.JOPTUp)TO. OE 6EDnOTEia 9aVOTOU. - E~ TouAoXloTOV XAlo6ee; XPovla 6v8pwnlOTKfje; n0l6eioe; Kai buo XAlabee; XPOVO XPOTOVKfje; 6ywyiie; Koi ~optupiae; 6ev KaTwp8woov 6UoTUXWe; va neioouv TOV Qv8pwno TaU Eupwnol KOU noaltlo~ou Yl(l ']V 6~io Tile; 6v8pwniv)e; ~wiie;. AeYOVTOe; 6~we; ~w'l. 6o<J>oAwe; 6ev npenel va EVVOlOOu~e Tie; ~lo AoY K ee; AelTouPyiee; nou ~6 e; OUVbEOUV ~e TO unoaolno ~Wi'KO ~ooia e l o. Yla Tie; enoiee; Kop610KTunou~e KoSe AenTO. ZWl YO TO XPOTOVO o)~oivel 6blOKon) 6voTOoll TOU KT OTOU 6v9pujnou OTO ~ etpo nou TOV KoAei i XOPl TaU OKTOTOU SEOO, Zwi owoivel 6VOOTOO). T 6 va 6vioTOOO b)ao6'} 6bloAEinTWe; 6n6 T6 enine60 nou OE Ko9)AwVE i onolo6'}note 6nOTuxio OOU o Eva epi~ovto nou KOTouy6~ETa l 6no T'lV 6A'lSEO TOO 'AVOOTaVTO e; XpOTOU.. H tfjiao'l» T; e; 'AVOOTOoEWe; 6EV ~nop e i va eivo na8)tlk'l nopakoaou9)o) TOU «uuxoil~ EAou~». TOO Happy End TWV ' EPWV naswv TOO 8eov8pu)nou. 'Ebw bev npokeltol Yla oio9) TK; OU~~ETOX'j otie; neplneelee; TOO npo~) Seo lleo~wt ). «'Avdoaolv XPGTOU 8fOOOjlEVO, npookuvjowjlev...»!. H 'AvOOTOOl TOU XPOTOU OUVEnaYETO AOlnov 6VEn<J>U AOKT) 6~oAoyio 6no ~EpOUe; ~oe; Tiie; 'AYOTlTOe; Tou. Koi Tile; KUPOTlTOf) T ou novw OTl ~w'j Koi TO SaVOTO. 6AA6 ouyxpovwe; o~oaoyio Koi Til e; b lkiie; ~oe; oj,joptwaot)toc;. E<J>' COOV AUTOe; EivOi «0 jl6vo~ 6voJlap'lo~». Movo jje TEOO npoyp o~~o nveu~otlkile; eyp)yopoewe; nou bev EniTpEnE lel)aee; Spla~loAoyiee; KO t>opookoue; ioxuplo~oue; nepi owt)pioe;. 6AAa OUVbEE app)kto T'lV 'AvaoTOOl f1ov'lplo~. aa' EV a(uj.jo/~ EiAKPlvElo~ Kol 611,,8Elo(» (A ' Kop.5,8). «neplaaeuovte~ fv EUxaplOTia. (KoA.2. 7). n av~vu piow~ev 'lv i~epov KEKOeOp~evOe; bovoiole;, ouyxwpouvtee; 6AA'jAoue;, EV avonl) we; npoe; abeat>ouc;, TWV ntwxwv, TwvaagevWv. TWV 60TEYWV, TWV 6VEPYWV, TWV 6UOTUXOUVTWV, ljaaloo be TWV nevwvtwv J.V)OK6jJEVO, Koi 6olV1AEOTEPOV T'lV 6t>' ljjwv aottseov Koi ouvovtia)lj.lv eie; OUTOUe; napexovtee;, 'iva Kai outoi Koi oi navte e; Tttv xapov Til e;. AvoaTooewe; J3a8uTEpoV o io Sov6~EVO Koi t>aavspwnwe; KOU t> ~OJEVO, Euyvw~ova jjes ' l~wv 61VOV Kai bo~oaoy iov ei e; TOV avaotovto XPOTOV npo OKo ~iowov. 42 T auto EV ayon) notplk] np6e; navto e; u~ae; 6neuSuvoVTEe;, jje npookuvllol Koi J,JETJVOlO 61)VEKil. jjnopou~e va ~ovolpoujje TO KOUPJYO va ~'lowjje Koi v6 K)pu~w~e ~ov6 T'lV. Av6- OTOO) ~eoo OTOV KOOjJO T;e; anot)e; Koi TOU SOV6TOU. Movo ETO jjnopoujje va nloteuowjje Koi T'lV bloleaoiwol TWV natepwv OTi «avio'l Xplo6~ Kol nfnwkool ooi}jove~». AUT4i l 60;0 Koi TO KpOTOe; eie; TOUe; aiwvae;. ' A~'lv. n doxa 1986 llionupoe; npoe; Kuplov EUXET)e;. 0 AtloTpoAias HVlANO GOGOTHA od Chist; You wept in Gethsemani And said, "Fathe, take this up fom Me". You wee betayed, fom You ompany, Souged, owned, stipped and nailed to a tee. And fo all You silent agony As Vou hung on the Coss fo ou iniquity, You said, "Fogive them fo thei enmity Fo they know not what they do to Me:" o Theatokos, you wee thee When Chist. you Son was made to wea The own of thons, the oss to bea You saw them spit, blaspheme and swea, Shout. "Cuify Him!" How ould they dae Fo they'd sung "Hosanna", eveywhee And waved palms joyfully in the ai: What gief! What soow! What despai! The Son you loved with tende ae Now uified, fo all to stae: od Chist; eah bleeding peious wound Had wept. and wept. and wept. until No moe You thon-owned head ould move O feel the lane to piee You though, No hea Theotokos' gief fo Vou Fo he heat was pieed with soow too. You did not feel the nails undo To shoud and lay You in the tomb: od Chist; eah time that we ae had and uel Fogive us fo offending You By smeaing any good we do And pieing eah wound though and though: When we ae needing spiitually, n tempoal tials, in misey, Ou onstant onsolation be Chist died and ose fo humanity. His soowful death on Golgotha Was tampled down by His bight Pasha. A.C.. Peth ekva i~wv EV Kupi4J eyanllto, Kai ov at> ' lljwv aonoojov npoe; novtoe; TOUe; EV XPOT4i 66EAt>oue; onove~ovtee;, Koi T'lv an6 TOU 8povou TOUTOU EUXttv Kat EuAoyiov eni Til Ao~nPO<J>op4' TOUTl] i~epo Tile; 'AVoOTOOEWe;, Eie; novto TO TEKVO Tiie; MlTpOe; ' EKKA)oioe;, TO Eyyue; Koi TO.OKPOV, EnEKTEivoVTEe;. TO KPOTOTO ono JEO)e; Kop6ioe; Toie; ncotv eneux6 ~E90. XPHO ANEHH, TEKva ~~wv 6van~Td KGi nepm69~to. ndoxa '0 KWVOTOvT lvounoaewe; blonupoe; npoe; eeov EUXETle; n6vtwv UlJwv

3 . ". KUPOKl TOU 0w~a: 11 Mo'iou (lw6v. 20: 19-31) ~ lawe; eq>eto; i6loitepa. nou ') XPOllCl elvoj a4>tepwjjev'l besvwe; oill EiPlVl. TO "OY O TOU Kupiou nou EVTunwOli~ouv n<plaaotepo <lvoi ~ <l>paa~ <fipjvl) Uj.1;v. (at. 19, 21)... OAol ~O(j J E Till QV }ouxia TiS 6olpeOEwt;. TOO nupllvlkou XE.. l.llvoe:,. T~C; TPDJ.JoKpoia;. Td AOVlo auo TOU Xpl oou bev eivol ax'] JaTO, Konolo; TUniKOC; XO PETOJOC;. ~T 6 OTOJO TaU npiv }dya nasavtoe;. eovdvtos Koi ovaotovtoe; Kupiou, ') npooq:)tajvllo'l teipfjvf} upiv» aumive eani6a. OX onaw; Ko nold npoowplv) 61oKoni noaej..jou, 6AA eiplvl is onoioe; TO KEVT PO KO! ') ouaio ElVO 6 -,6,0, 6 XplaT6, (' E<>eo. 2: 14 wi. Ha. 9 : 6). npoa8ete :) 8E1Kl 611:l0TOO, oiv EVVOia TiS eiplv)s wav. 14: 27) nou J3 {.oveto 016 J,JOVD olv ovan., (' Epeo. 4: 3), "ElOl KOToAaJ3aivE Koveis TiV TpaYK~ nepmete JO TOU 8w~o. 66noiot; t()u( flv J.1ET OUTluv» (o. 24): o') J,lovo~ld Koi 6noJ.lOvwoll. ESW 6no ~v KOlvwvio ~ E ov 8eQ Kai TOut; ouvav8pwnou t;. oev J,lnopEi Kaveit; vd Exel eip')v], OEV J,lnopei o]aao; vd auvav~oe ov XPOT(). Koi TO npofjawo ~ E~00 OEV eivol!-e ov Xploo nou!-noivel «Koi wv 8upwv Kf<Af/OJ.1EVWV» (at. 19, 26), 6AAd J,lE ov Ko8EVO nou 6noKAeiei lov eouo ou... ono l out; 6AAout;. loti EKEi OKPPwt; PpiOKETO 6 XPOTOt;: «ou fioi oud 'j pfi~ OUVf}YJJE' VOl fi, o Ej.10V OVOj.1o. (MaS. 18: 20), EV ~ Ea4J 6 ~ Ao6 ~ EKKA]o io t;.. H am OTia TOU 0w!-lo, nou jjdajoto npopoaaeto 6no T ~V. EKKA]oio O!-l EOWt;!-EH] ~ v KuploK; TOO n OOXo. ouokoao yiveo oekt~ : npoono80u!-e vo T;V o l Ko l oaoy~ooujje odv «olyjjloia 6auvGJJia», «npoowplv'/ <OJ.1J1}», OKO!-l ] Koi «1(0).1 omoia» i eow «auomaia». Koi Eivol!-lEV 6Ao au TO. 6AAd ndvw an ' 6Ao eivol!-ld amoio.!-l d eaae J4J] E!-moToOUvll e;, Eva oq>oa fjo npot; 6noq>u y;v. "owt; va TOV OTO J,lOT]oe ov 0wfJ O i o u ppo ~ TWV TEAeuoiwv 8Alpepwv YEYOVOTWV ' "lowcj.va elxe Koupoo8ei md, vd eixe E~ovA 1l 8E i.. H. EKKA]oio 6~we; OEV npopdaae T')V amo io, 6AAo fj oaaov ov peoalojjo T]e;: yvwpi<e KoAa nwe; Yla 6Aoue; unopxel fj lo KpiOlfJ'l wpo. l' auto Koi npo] YOUjJEVWC; EiXE 8u j.ji OE T ~V 6pv]0 1l TOO nepou. Ka8we; Koi T~V npooooia TOU. louoo. Kai oti; TpEie; nepjntwoelt; 6 KuploC; EnEfJPaivE npoowmko. Yloi Ji npoowmk; E n a >~ fje TOV Xpoo EVO Ji jjov] 6uvaToT]To ow]piae;.. 0. louoat; ooq,oawe; 6EV ouvfia8e, JoA Aov «auk jpauajf)1) OUVEVO. (T ponaplov M.. EP60 ~ a60' ) '. 0 n EpOe; OJ-lWe; ouvtp i<t>8] KE J-lE fjlo jjalo, K 6 0 wjjoe; enioteuoe jje ov Aoyo' 6MoTe i oifjoppooooo AUTpw8] KE fje T~ V Ena<P i Kai i ~o jj ope it l 60 ow8 11 KE JE eva noip vepa. K EJJei; 6pOYE OE nola KOT]yopio axa 6V ~ KO UjJ E; novo Eo ljjo { JJOOTE, OTOV nepvou JJE jj O ouokoa" OTlYJ;, EVa nupeo 6ywviot;. EVa TPOYKO novo i Koi 80VOTO. nooo ETOljJO { JOOTE vo OO UjJE!- EOO 6n' 6A' outa ov 'AVOOTOVTO «Kuplo Kai BED J.10~» (at. 28); n ' 1 X... 7 _ Golgotha (Geek Kpaviou -,Ollo<;) vi 'Didilll1fl!l ilj (fm'k Olfliltfat'! Fom h 800k A OuonMV ot G,ook O 'lh XlO~ V by AC\ NO PnlnnlCOS.', ' ~. '. :... SUNDAY OF THOMAS: 11th May (John 20: 19-31) Pehaps this yea in patiula, sine it is the ntenational Yea of Peae, the wods of Chist wh ih ae espeially stiking ae those addessed to His disiples: "Peae be unto you" (v. 19, 21). Eveyone today expeienes the anxiety of division. of a nulea winte, of teoism. The wods of Chist, howeve, ae not meely a fomal geeting. Spoken by the Chist who only days ealie suffeed, died and aose, th is phase signifies hope. Peae is not simply a tempoay ease-fie, but its essene and ente is Chist Himself (Eph. 2: 14 and s. 9: 6). The od adds a divine dimension to the notion of peae (John 14: 27) whih is lived only in love (Eph. 4: 3). One may, theefoe, fu lly appeiate he tag i pediament of Thomas who "was not among the twelve" (v. 24) : alone, individually, ut off fom God and othes, one annot hope to attain peae, to meet Chist. And the poblem does not belong to Chist who may ente even "when the doos ae shut" (v. 19,26), but to those exlude themselves fom othes, who ex-ommuniate themselves. Fo "whee thee ae two o thee gatheed in Hisl name" (Matt. 18: 20), that is whee Chist is also, namely in the Ch uh. The lalthlessness of Thomas, whih is even "polaimed" by the Chuh immediately afte Easte Sunday, is not easy to aept: we ty to just ify it as a "momentay weakness", as "doubt" (we speak of the "doubting Thomas"), and even as ''welt-ntentioned fallhlessness". And it may be all of these, but above all it is lak of faith and onfidene, an example to avo id. Pe h aps Thomas was hindeed by eent events o peh aps he was even ex hausted by them. Yet the Chuh is, hee, not pojeting faithlessness but eality: th e Chuh knows that fo all pesons thee ae times of isis. This is why peviously we wee eminded of Pete's denial and of Judas' betayal. On eah oassion, the od intevenes pesonall y. beause only pe sonal ommu nion with Chist may es toe and save us. Judas, of ou se. did not epent, o athe "did not wish to be bought to his senses" (Hymn of Holy Week). Pete, howeve, was tansfomed w ith just one glane of the od ; Thomas believed with just His wod ; peviously, the woman with the issue of blood was healed by a mee touh and the Samaitan woman was saved by simply offeing wate. But whee do we stand in ou elationship with Chist? How pepaed ae we, when going though a diffiult o anx ious time of pain o even death. how pepaed ae we to peeive though all of this the Risen "od and Gad" (v. 28)7 F J.C. The plae whet'e Chist was uified, just outside J el'usalem. t may have been oiginall y a plae of publi exeutions whee the sku lls of t he exeuted ou ld be seen; 0 1', pehaps the name may have been dei ved fl'om a neighboi ng emetey, o may have been eally onneted wi th t he shape of t he gl'olltld, a hill whih may have esembled a skull. Aoding to t!'adition, Golgotha was the buial plae of Adam's skull. 43 \

4 , An6 Tf)V XPOTOVKf). H9Kf) T6 'EOPTOA6Ylo Til., 2411., Mo'iou Mia lied ~ aptu p K~ OEPO ~pwwv i)s nionw; ~XE va... a; nopouolooe ~ ' EKKA ~o io ~o,. AUTOi nepe~a~9~oov T6v ~OPTUpK6 OTE<!>OVO Eni TOU AUToKpoTOPO, ' H Aloyo~6Aou.. ApX ~ yoi TiS q>6aayyo; TWV nlowv ltav 6 MeA Tlo;, 6 TE<PaVOS Koi 6 ' lw6w'ls..6.etox8f'loqv v6 apv"soov T)V nl01'1 TOU e;. ' EKEivol avteojaav. Toue; i:6elpav KaT' apx1v JE ~uaa 6YKW61l. 6,ETPUn,oav OTlV OUVEXE O TO Ue; aopay6aouc; TOUe; KO! 6 11 vo ~av i; naeupes TOUe;. TeAS T6v!JEll MeAETO anlyxovoav, TOV 6e TE lovo KO! TOV ' lw6vv'l anekepiaoov. ~ OJWC; 6 Savooe; TOU e; vlle 64>oPlJl v6 npoaeakuo800v aaaol o )v nioh}.. 0!Joyoe; KoAAivKOC;, i6wv on 6 MeAETOC; bell elxe ndse TinDlE 6n6 eova T'l<P<)po 6'lA'lT1PO. JE TO 6noia TOV elxe n OTioE, ffiioteuoe Koi autoc;.. 0 KUPOK6C; Koi 6 XPOTlOVOC; ltov JKpO n EKva XPOT OVWV vovewv. n apakoaous~oavta TOUS voveis TOUS VOU~EvoUS OT6 ~OPTUPO, PW T~Slloav Koi outol nolos ~TOV 0 eoos TaUS.. EKEiva 6naVT1l00v: 6 XploT6S. Koi TOTE 'l Ei6wAoAo TPK~ SlPlw6io 6EV E$EioSl Tiis ~Kpas 'la Kios TaUS Koi TO one KEp6AOE. napa TOUTO Ao6; noaus, ~ETO~U njv 6noiwv npiykllnes Kof K6 ~ltes, npoo~pxovtov 6~061KWS OT~V veo niotl.. H ~ovio TWV Ex9ptiiv T~, 6A~9Eio, EOTPO<l> ~ T6TE 6 ~ EiA KTo, EvOVTfov TWV 6nabWv TOG XpOTOU.. E~opTuPlOOV KOTO T~V nepio60 EKEiVl Ko i ESE ~ EAiwo av ~ E TO O~~O TaUS T6 XPOT O' V K6 OiKo66~'l~a, OT~V KOP UqJ~ TOG 6notou EOT'lOav nov'lvupko T~V o'l~oia TOU WTiipoS XpOTOG. -eto! EKPO T~S'l KE 'l6a~eela TOG E0oYYEAiou. ME dl~o Koi SUOiES. nou onoteaouv T~V naeov flopeo KAlPovo~io VC ~as TaUS ouvxp6vous XP OTOVOUS. n. 1\ ----i FROM THE VES OF THE SA NTS ~ MARTYRS OF THE 24TH MAY A new lisl of the heoi matys of he failh is pesenled by ou Chuh. They wee suounded by he owns of matydom duing the eign of the Empeo Hiliogabalus. eades of he failhful toop wee Meletios, Stephanos and John. They wee odeed 10 ejet hei faith. They esisted. At fist hey wee flagged with a lage boad, then thei ankles wee puntued and thei ibs opened. n he end Meletios was hanged and Stephan os and John deapilaled. Thei death was he motive fo othes to be onveted to the Chislian faith. Kailinikos, who was a magiian, upon seeing that Meletios suffeed nothing alle being given deadly poison by him, also believed. Kyiakos and Chistianos wee small hilden of Chistian paents. Alle following heipaents to matydom, they wee asked who thei God was. They eplied, Chist. Then, pagan uelty, nat spaing thei young age, had them deapitaled. n spite of his, many people. among them pines and ounts, ame folwad in teams to join he anks of the new faith. The fuy of the enemies of the ulh was then tuned against the followes of Chist. Duing this peiod 11,208 wee matyed and hey laid, with hei blood, the foundations of he Chistian 'building' on he lop of whih tiumphantly hey plaed the flag of Chisl the Saviou. So wilh blood and saifies whih have a gave aent on the inheitane of us moden Chislians, the uth of the Gospel was held fast. F 44 XponovK' )ek'l Elvo i 6600KoAio TWV flewv nou 6$EAE v okoaoueei 6 KoBE Xp otlo v6~ Koi poaf<eto novw Eie; ToS. AyioS pop6s Koi Ti)V EpoV n apo6oov Tils. EKKAlOioS.. H XponoVKf'l 61lA. l'ekf'l. exouoo we; KupWTOT OV oltile; 661ly6v TOe; ypa loe; Koi T'V omlv 660- OKoAiov Tile;. EKKA}oloe;. E~ETO<E noi~ npene va Elvo 6 J3ioe; TOU XpOT ovoo. nolous Kov6voe; liekoue; npene v okoaoueei, noio EivO TO KOelKOVTO TOU np6e; T6v 0E6v. np6e; TOV nalloiov Koi np6e; T6v EOUTOV TOU. nwe; va npotte navote TO KoAov. Kof v ono leuye TO KOKOV, 66 v6 EivO npov~onk6e; K' 6Allel'le; XPOTlov6s n omoi Xpon ovoi 6EV yvwpl<ouv noioe; Elvo 6 6Alle'le; n pooplo ~ 6e; TOO xponovoo, T 6Al8il OUTOO Koe'lKOvo, Kof we; EK TOUTOU <ouv eva J3iov 6nop6bE)(TOV 610 TOV Xplonovov. bonoe; AOln6v Tile; XplonovlKils '}8Kile; Elvo, ovoauov TOe; TO KOeE n, v6 b 160~E Eie; T6v Xplonovov Ti dvol KoAov Koi Ti KOKOV, Ti EivO l 6iKOOV Koi Tf 06KOV. Ti Elvo 6Af'l8EO Koi T \VEu60S, T Eiva l npokteov Koi Ti OnpO<Tov. o u~ lwvo ~ E TO eeaujo TOO 0EOO.. H XplonovlK'l i811<" Xwpi<ETo OE 6uo ~EPl. 10v) TO EVKOV Kof 20v) TO Ei6KOV. Eie; TO EVKOV ~EPas ~oe; ~Ao 616 T6e; 6pxae; TilSXPOnOVll<ile; '}91Kile;. 610 T6v '}e'<ov j3iov TOO XplonovoO, 611,.\. noloe; EvOi 0 U\VOToe; 'te1< 6e; VOJOe; TOV onoiov npene v' ol<oaou8ei 6 XPlonovoe;. Ti ElvO Ko9f'!KOV. Ti eivol 611<0 jw~o, T Elvo l ouveibllos, Ti EAEU9EPO eealos, Ti 6PETi) <oi Ti KOK io. Eie; TO Ei61KOV ~EPOS JOe; jjl"\o onokaeottl<o bl6 T6 Ko8'j<OVTo TOO ov9pojnou np6s TOV 0EOV. npbe; TOV nalloiov Koi npoe; TOV "lbov EOUTDV TaU. - Ko9'11<ovTO np6e; T6v 0E6v ivo i on6autl niotte; ~oe;. 'l oyonll 1J0S K i EAni6a ~o e; np6e; AU TOV. nw; va npooeuxw~eeo Koi nux; v6 Xpqol ~ onoloo ~ E KoAw<; T OVOjJo TOO 0EOU. - Ko9'1KovTO npoe; T6v n"\lloiov Eivo i 6V6nll J,loS np6; auov. K 6 oepooj,l6 e; np6e; T'lV ~w'lv. n~f'lv. neplouoia K EAEU9Epio OUTOU. HAas Koe'lKovTO np6s TOV EOUT6v eivol 6 oej3001j0s Til e; <wile; 'l~v. 6loyovE{ Piov fv6phov. CHRSTAN ETHCS M. Chistian ethis deal with the moals of evey Chistian and ely on the Holy Siptues and the Holy Tadition of the Chuh. n shot, histian ethis, having the siptues and the othe teahings of the huh as its main guide. examines that whih must be the life of evey histian, inluding the moal ules that must follow. Whih ae his obligations towads God, his fe llow man and himself? How an one always do good and avoid evid in ode to be a eal and tue Chi stian? These questions ae fundamental to Chistian thinking. Many Chistian don't know whih is the tue destination of evey histian o even his eal obligalions. Consequen tly they live a life whih is not tuly histian. Theefoe the main pupose of the Chistian Ethis is to leah evey Chistian-what is good and what bad, what is ight and whal not ight, what is tuth and what not tuth, what an be done and what annot, aoding to God's wish. Chistian Ethis ae divided in two pats. 1st The Geneal and 2nd Th e Patiula. The Geneal efes to the foundations o f the Chistian Ethis, the Chistian's moal life, whih is the highest ommand evey Chistian must follow. t also defines duty, pivilege. onsiene, fee will. wisdom and evil. The Patiula efes mainly to the duties of man towads God, his fellow man, and himself. Duties towads God ae ou absolute faith, love and hope towads Him. They inlude, fo example paye and espet fo H is name. Duties towads ou fellow man ae, ou love fo him, and espet fo his life, honou popety and feedom. The last duties ae towads ouself. They ae the espet of ou life, and of its welfae. S.M.

5 l The Othodox Chuh in Geek Austalian Community ife The fist Geek settles in Austalia, although isolated within the teifying vastness of the land, nevetheless, immediately beame awae that the establishment of some "Oganised Geek life" was indispensable fo them and fo the othes who would ontinue to seek a bette futue in this geat and pospeous ounty of ous. The spiitual foe whih ould bing them togethe, unite them togethe and help them to pogess togethe was found in thei ommon Faith, thei national sentiments and thei ommon u ltual bakgound. ndeed the fist geneation of Geek migants managed to deive fom the above spiitual foe, the inspiation and stength they needed to establish a geat numbe of Ch uh Communities, in spite of a multitude of adjustment poblems, whih wee individually and olletively expeiened. am using the wo ds "national sentiments " beause the so-alled nat ional ism o phyletism, as the expession of the nationalisti spi it and haate, is unknown to and ieonilable with the teahing, tad ition and anonial ode of the Othodox Chuh. t is fo these easons that the Othodox Chu h ondemns exessive nationalism, aism and aial distintion in geneal, sine the Chuh of Chist "is not 01 this wold", but a the is of devine oigin, natue and mission. Of ouse, well-intended, healthy national sentiments, wh ih exist and opeate within the famewok of the un ity and atholii ty of the Chuh, and whih ae difined and limited by it, ae not ejeted by the Othodox Chuh. Coming bak to the adjustment poblems of the fist and seond geneation of Geek Austalians, annot help but to agee with the onlusion of many wites, that the fist geneation of Geek migants faed a numbe of psyhologial poblems povoked by the influene of two diffeent - and often advese - ultual goals. t is also geneally aepted that the esult of two opposing influenes eates what is sientifially alled "the maginal man", that is to say, a human being ton between two loyalties and unde pessue fom two diffeent soues of influene. Th is seems to be the ase of the seond Geek Austalian geneation. Had it not been fo the influene and the impotant ole of the Othodox Chuh in the life of its adheents, the psyhologial poblems, as well as, the stong impat of the stange soial envionment that the fist Geek Austalian geneation had to fae, would have made thei settlement in Austalia muh moe diffiult if not impossible. The Geek Othodox Chuh in Austalia is not only an inheent pat of the vey life, evolution and pogess of the Geeks in Austalia; it is above all the guadian and the poteto of thei eligious and spiitual ideals in Austalia. t ould not have been othewise. Thee is no othe oganization whih an assume suh a mission. n spite of some objetion aised against this histoial ole of the Geek Othodox Chuh, whethe we like it o not, the Othodox Chuh in Austalia will be esponsible fo whateve fom Geek Othodoxy and Hellenism will etain in the futue in this pat of the wold. Today, thanks to the effots and ativities of the Geek Othodox Chuh, Othodoxy has taken its plae among the majo faiths in Austalia, it is m'aki ng its pesene neessay and stated attating due attention of the othe eligious eeds to its goals and to its ativities. The Geek Othodox Chuh's ole o mission is to shae the fa ith and to pemit the light of Othodoxy to sh ine foth. t means indeed that evey Pimate of the Othodox Chuh is to all his Chuh to ease thinking of itself as a passing visito to the Austal ian sene and to assume a stane of involvement in the life of the nation. Thee is patially no aspet o faet of the Geek Austalian life, whih emains uninfluened by the faith, the ih tadition and spiituality of the Geek Othodox Chuh. The Othodox Chuh has assumed leadeship oles and has enegetially patiipated in all that onens, philanthopy, unity of heat and soul, onstution and admi nist ation. spiitual and moal ahievement and ommitment within its Paishes and Communities. t has offeed geat sevies and inestimable ounsel in deali ng with the seu la spiit and ouption of moals in ou soiety, publi elations, intehuh elations and Youth Wok. The Geek Othodox Chuh has beome duing ClegY-aity Congesses, as well as, Nationa l and State Youth Confeenes, a geat egeneating powe, eligious and ethial. t exeises a pofound influene upon the delegates and the Chuh Communities, wh ile in addition, it ats as a geat ohesive bond among them, theeby eating ommon aspiations, sentiments and ustoms, whih povide unity and hamony. Repeatedly Ahbishop Stylianos, the Pimate of the Geek Othodox Chuh in Austalia, in his vaious addesses analysed the moal limate of ou times and has shown geat soial onen, emphasizing that, the spiitual and moal piniples and values whih fo ages wee used as guidelines and as the basis fo foming and developing human haate, suffeed a teible, onfusion, invesion and distotion. But he also undelined that the wok of the Chuh is not to diagnose a symptom, but to heal the afflition, no matte how long it takes, no matte how geat the pain o the ost. The Geek Othodox Chuh plays always an impotant ole in poviding the dietive spiit, neessay to the faithful to fae the ha llenge, wheneve eligion, language, family tadition and ethni heitage ae unde judgment. The Geek Othodox Chuh is vey muh onened and does not emain inative when justie beomes injustie, the dignity of man gives way to the malteatment of man, fiendship tuns into evengeful hated, self-onfidene into moal bankupty, espet of law into lawless ebellion, modesty into insolene, tuth into ugliest lie, beautiful into ugliness. Othodoxy, as a faith, as a theology, as a woship, as a tadition, and as a satisfying and salutay powe, ineasingly beomes an insepaable element and dynami pat of the Geek Austalian life.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"',,,.,,,.,,,"',,,"'i',,,...,,,..."'."'..."'..."'."'."'..."'."'."'."'."'."'..."'..."'.'"...",...",...",.",...",...",.",...", Vey Rev. K. C. Psalios...",.",.",.","'","'1, 45

6 Patiahal Message fo Easte DMTROS BY THE MERCY OF GOD ARCHBSHOP OF CONSTANTNOPE, NEW ROME AND ECUMENCA PATRARCH TO A THE FATHFU OF THE CHURCH G RA CE AND PEACE FROM THE GOROUSY RSEN SA VOUR CHR ST Tuly the od has isen, beloved hilden of the od, but He has not depated fom us. He is isen, but He is not sepaated fom the life of people. He ose, but He stayed with us. "Behold, am with you always, even to the end of the wold" (Mat. 28: 20). He is pesent evey moment of ou life, in all aspets and adventues of human life and histoy. The od has isen fom the dead and His pomise that He w ill be in ou midst, as we ae gatheed in His Name (Mat. 18: 20), emains as assuane of His povidene fo us and of His eten al saving plan fo us. Tuly the od has isen. But He has not left us. He stayed lose to us, aessible to all and fo all, bending, inlining His listening ea to us and to ou payes, eady to hasten to the ue of ou infim ities, shotomings, and defiienies. Behold, ou beloved hilden, the geat mystey of the divine plan about the isen od. The awful dama of the Coss and the Passion finds its wondeful solution and onsummation in the Resuetion. The Coss, on whih the immaulate hands of the Delivee wee spead, was eeted as a espeted and honouable symbol of the entie believing humankind. The stone was olled down. the guads wee dispesed and the od ose fom the Tomb "as if oming fom a bidal hambe". The empty Gave. whee human spite thought fo a moment would one fo all enlose life in the Tomb. emoved its fome dak fae. The od ose fom the dead as the fist-fuits of the dead, as the King of the living. as the stength of those who believe in Him. The open Tomb is not meely the opening in whih humanity ends up, but the gate though whih we poeed to etenal life and fom whih the od omes up holding in His hands the life of the people. Fom the moment that the od aose. man has leant his oigin and his destination. And losing his eas to the untenable and detimental semons of godless thought, that peahes a dead God and denies the moal valueof man, he tuns his eyes to the Risen Chist. who illumines and saves all that believe in Him. Today the thons and thistles in the life of people have multiplied. The poblems and the evils that toment mankind have exeeded in measue and ae beyond all natual enduane. Fom the detimental evil of wa and the heaing of was to the many evils that toment people. the evils of hunge. depivations. suffeings, oppessions. aial and othe disiminations. the established tyannies and ideologial tendenies; fom the impending theat of destution of the balane of life and envionment to the unnamed atastophy esulting fom ams build up, nulea tests and vaious ompetitions, the teible onsequenes of uneasonable tehnology and its onomitant negative epeussions; and fom the soial adventues to the known misfotunes and agonising situations. the evils have multiplied and man has beome moe unhappy. suffoating unde the pessue of teible misey in the wold. 46 We do not b the situation. no do we exaggeate the desiption. We simply affim the situation and define the fats. so that togethe with the Apostle Paul we may asset that tuly "whee sin ineased. God's gae ineased muh moe" (Rom. 5: 20). ndeed. whee the evil ineased. as the hief esult of sin, the gae ineased muh moe. oming fom the Risen od. n all the above negative aspets of life, in eah single one of them and in eah peson and ase in patiula, the isen od is standing by as helpe. poteto and povide. healing and aing, ompleting all defiienies and lifting up the fa llen. diving away the evils and estoing what is good. emov ing what is detimental and offeing salvation. Himself "giving life. and beath and eveything to all" (Ats 17: 25). "Chist, who died, o athe who was aised to life and is at the ight-hand side of God, pleading with him fo us. Who. then. an sepaate us fom the love of Chist? Can touble do it. o hadship o peseution o hunge o povety o dange o death?.. No. in all these things we have omplete vitoy though Him who loved us" (Rom. 8: 34-37). et us behold the od who loved us, who ose fom the dead. "who is atually not fa fom anyone of us" (Ats 17: 27); let us behold Him. beloved bethen; as the one who is always pesent with us and in ou toubles. And looking upon Him duing this bight day of the Resuetion. the Feast of Feasts. following the exhotation of ou mothe Chuh. let us poeed with joy and gladness to elebate. illumined by the light of the Resuetion and holding the andles of ou souls alight. et us elebate Easte this yea spiitually. not in a woldly manne. "not in ogies o dunkenness" (Rom. 13: 13). "et us elebate ou Passove. not with bead having the old yeast of sin and wikedness, but with the bead that has no yeast, the bead of puity and tuth" (1 Co. 5: 8), and filled with thanksgiving" (Col. 2: 7). et us elebate the day with a pue mind. fogiving one anothe. in love as with bothes, the poo. the sik. those without shelte and without wok. those in misfotune. emembeing espeially those in hunge and offeing them ou assistane in a geate measue, so that they. too. with all may feel the joy of the Resuetion moe deeply and being haitable to all, we may expess to the isen Chist a gateful paise and thanksgiving. AddeSSing these woks in patenal love to you all, dea Childen in the od. and bestowing ou geeting to all bothes in Chist. we extend fom this thone ou paye and blessing to all the hilden of the Mothe Chuh. those nea and those afa. on the oassion of the Bight Feast of the Resuetion. and we offe ou best wishes to all fom the depths of ou heat. CHRST S RSEN. dealy beloved bethen. Easte 1986 With fevent payes to God fo you all tdmtros. Eumenial Patiah

7 ~~ t~~ 1~~iY~:f~G;dl, :~:~:2:~0: ~~s::a:i: \ Dea Bethen. To all the Reveend Clegy and Pious Faithful of ou Holy Ahdioese Gae and Peae fom the Risen od "et us who have beheld the Resuetion of Chist. woship ou Holy od Jesus. Who alone is without sin" One aga in beaing ou andles we ae alled to elebate the Passion and th e Resuetion o f Chist. Yet without lak ing in fai th o espet. we fee l that the phase "Chis t is Risen " no longe has any onvi ning effet n the wold. We seah lo signs of the Resue tion - even fai nt ones bu t eveywhee we meet w ith death in vaious foms: ou knowledge S death. ou siene is dea th, ou individual and soial m o ality S death. We know. o f ouse, that the so-alled histian soieties have long ago faded away on uial issues of fa ith and life, but we would no t expet the entie wo ld to develop so apidly. and almost without potest, in to the dominion of death. At least si x thousand yeas of humanitai an eduation and two thousand yea s of histian life and w itness have un fotunately not sueeded in pesuading people of Euopean ivilisation onening th e value of human life. By li fe. howeve, we suely do not mean the bio log ial fun tions wh ih bmd us with th e est of the animal kingdom, fo wh ih we anguish at eah moment. i fe fo the histian means the uneasing elevation of the eated humani ty to the measues to wh ih he is alled by th e gae o f th e uneated God. i fe means esuetion: namely, to ise up ontinually tom th e level at whih one is nailed down by whateve lail ue to a hoizon illuminated by the tuth of the Risen Chist The "beholding" of the Resuetion annot be a passive o bsevation of the "happy end " of the Holy Passion of the God-Man. t is not a matte of an aestheti pa tiipation in the advent ues of Pometheus Bound. "et us who have beheld the Resuetion o f Chist. woship... " The Resuetion of Chist entail s, then, an uneseved on fession on ou pat 0 1 His Santity and His lodship ove life and death, but at th e same time a onfession of ou own sinfulness too, sme "He alone is without sin ", Only with suh a pogamme of spiitual vigilane that does not allow pofane tiumphalisms and phai sa i laims fo salvat ion, but insepa ably unites the Resuetion with woship and ontinual epentane, may we again find the ouage to live and peah one moe the Resue tion in a wold of deeipl and death. Only thus may we also believe the afiimation of the Fathes that "Chist is Risen and the evil ones ae ast down ", To Him be gloy and powe unto th e ages. Amen. Payefully yous. Ahbishop STYANOS CHRSTAN ETHCS (2nd) e ' We peviously said that Chistian Ethis ae divided into two ategoies: the Geneal and the Patiula. Fistl y, we will study the Geneal pat whih analyses the supeme moal law aoding to Holy Siptue. This involves one's elation both to God and to one's fellow-man (when we say 'man' we mean both male and female). The supeme moal law is onsideed to be love fo God and fo one's neighbou, The Old Testament desibes the duties of man towads God in tems of love. This is evident in the fist fou of the Commandments. Thee ae no onditions in loving God. ove must be omplete, and not patial. The last si x Commandments efe to eah peson's duty towad his o he neighbou. Examples of these ae: to honou you fathe and mothe, do not steal o bea false witness against you neighbou. Chist ame, as He himself said, not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. When asked whih wee the geatest ommandments, He said : "ove the od you God with all you heat, with all you soul and with all you mind, and you neighbou as you love youself. " (Mat. 22: 37-40). As we know, God made man last of all, afte the eation of the wold in whih we now live. He made man aoding to His own image; man was made the own of all Ceation (Gen. 1: 26-27). Endowed with spiit and fee-will, man's ultimate pupose is also his geatest spiitual desie: to eah pefetion and to attain the divine likeness - to be united with God. God not only made mankind. Though shee love, He povided and ontinues to povide lo the needs of eah individual. That is why the Holy Bible a lls Him "Ou Fathe in Heaven" (Mat. 5-16). Theefoe. man owes all good things, inluding his vey existene, to GOd. Evey peson is a unique eation of God, and, as suh, beas the image of God. Holy Siptue tells us that all people have ome fom the vey fist family. The Apostle Paul wote: "He made of the same blood evey nation of people in ode to live on eath. " (if. 26) Elsewhee he stesses that thee is no'cfiffeene between Jews and Gentiles, o between slaves and fee men. (Gal. 3, 28). Rathe, all ae equal and all deseve to be teated like bothes. t follows that the elationship between man and God is also the elation of eatue and Ceato, of fathe and son. Th e elationship between man and his fellow-man is the elation between the same kind of eatue, one to whom the same value has been given. Theefoe, it is a elation of bothe towads bothe. S.M. 47

8 THE PHARMACOOGY OF NARCOTC DRUGS By Athanasios Paadellis Polesso 01 Phamaology, Medial Shool, Aistotelian Univesity 01 Thessa loniki, Geee. Naoti dugs ompise seveal types of substanes, the ommon featue of wh ih is ation on the ental nevous system (bain and spinal od). These dugs ae used by addits, eithe sepaately o in vaious ombinations, fo the pupose of poduing a feeling of euphoia (well-being) o deam-like state, so the individual an esape fa ing daily life and its poblems. When used egulaly these dugs fist podue the state of habituation o phys ial dependene. Subsequently, the individual beomes addited to the dug(s), both physially and psyholog ially. Naoti (additive) dugs an be lassified as follows:- 1. Naoti analgesis. The paent substane is mophine dei ved l om the opium poppy. Heoin is a hemial dei vative 01 mo phine. Othe substanes inlude pethidine and methadone. On ly mo phine and pethidine ae used in mediine fo thei analgesi (pain-killing) effet. Both mo phine and heo in ause euphoia (well-being) edue the inteest of the individual in his daily poblems, tho ugh his onsiene emains unaffeted. They apidly podue physial dependene. Ove dosage auses depession of the esp iatoy entes in the bain (diffiulty with beathing) whih an lead to death. Withdawal podues symptoms within hous of the pevious dose and ae most pominent within 24 to 48 hous. They onsist of shiveing, sweating. genealised pains, insomnia, nausea. vomiting. d iahoea, goose-flesh and unning of the nose. On oasions they may subside, but when seve e they an ause the death of the addit. Choni ompliations of the use of these d ugs ae th ombophlebitis, hepatitis. septiaemia. and the ondition of ADS. 2. Coaine. The dug is deived fom the leaves of the oa plant (eythoxylon oa) whih gows in atin Ameia. t podues a feel ing of euphoia (we ll-being) and kills bodily pains. The dug is geneally taken th'ough the nose by inhalation, and podues only psyhologial but not physial dependene. 3. ndian Hemp (Cannabis). The plant gows in topial and subtopial limates. n Afia and Asia it has been in use fo entuies. whee it is smoked eithe alone o mi xed with tobao o used in dinks o sweets. ts use appeas to be wo l d w i de. The at i ve ingedien t is 09- tetahyd oannabinol o THC. whih is onentated in the sap of the tee (hasish oil ). Maijouana is a mixtue of leaves and flowes fom the tee and is not as poweful as the oil. The effets of hasish ae a fee ling of euphoia (well-being), pleasuable sensations, talka tiveness, distotion of peeption of time and plae, t)anges in memoy, visual and auditoy halluinations, ed eyes and bo nhitis, and ed ution of libido. 4. SD. ysegi aid diethylamide (SD), is a poweful d ug whih an ause addition within a shot peiod of time (weeks). t podues sevee hanges in mood, suh as a fee ling of euphoia (well-being). anxiety, halluinations, paanoid delusions and depession. 5. Stimulant dugs. The main stimulant dug of the nevous system is amphetamine. t auses addition ap idly and may lead to toxi psyhosis within a few weeks, whih is diffiult to diffeentiate fom shizophenia. n summay, naoti dugs ae highly dangeous substanes, as they alte the funtion of the nevous system and 48 the behaviou of the individual, leading to antisoial and iminal ats. They ause physial and psyhologial dependene and make the addit an objet of exploitation by the distibutos of theses dugs. An addit an die eithe fom the esu lts of o ovedosage with the dug. Thee is little doubt that the use of naoti dugs is a dangeous habit, an esapism fom eality and a negative attitude towads Soiety. t is ou duty to infom the young people of the danges of them looking fo solutions elsewhee, whih may lead to th e destution o death of ou young. Xp lut avkl. H 9 1Kl (2o v) M "~O O~ E n PO 1Vou~ EvW; OTt i Xp l o Tl av l K ~. H e K ~ XWpi(ETO OTO EVKOV Ko i OTO Eib lkov ~ EpOC;. nptih ov 60 ~ e"et )o ou ~ e TO evkov ~EPOC;, TO onoiov ovo" uel TOV ulvloto li91ko VO~ o KOla T ~ V. Ayiov po$) Ko i Ti;oXEOEC; TOU 6v9puJnou np6<; TOV 0eov w i np6; TOV na)o iov. OTOV "E~e a v9pwnov EvvoouJ,Je Koi TO buo yevj). "YlJ.loT O<; li9,koc; VO ~ OC; 8EwpeiTol Ko i KJPUOOETO i A A n H npoe; TOV Beov Koi TOV n"joiov.. H no"oo A 108)Kl nepaojpove. 6"0 TO K09)KOVTO ov9pwnou npo; TOV BeDv OE K08 ')KOVTO oyonllc; Koi J"O Y ' auto O T i~ 4 npwte e; evtoaee;. AEV unopxouv opoloy:in) e; npoe; TOV Geov. '" H TOV ayonoe; ~ E o"j o ou T')V lj.ux'), fl6ev TOV 6yonos K090"ou. To 6E K09lKOVTO npas TOV n"1o iov Ko i no'" OUJ$WVO JE TlV no"ola D,o9i KJ, 610 TWV 6 TeAeuToiwv evto"wv. A1A... ipo ov f70fpo GOU KO; fqv f.j1}ffpa OOU, p q v KM jje/ ~ ov na1}oiov oou. pqv poptupqoe/~fvov ;o v TOU tjjfjjo a 010 VO fau KO VE~ KOKO, K. A. n.. 0 6E XPOT6<;" 6 onoios i"ee va ou ljn" 1PuJoE K OX v6 KOTOAlOE TaUS VOJOUe;, <QUK ]A8ov KO foa uoo 6AAd nafjpwoo". 6TOV TOV lip..llh100v noies eivol oi ~ EYO" UT EP O EVTO"O;, EinE TO <(j yanqof/~ Kuplov TOV $fov oou ivoaf] TO jjuxij oou Koiiv oaf] fj olovoio oou.. Koi,,6yonqo /~ ov nafjoiov oou w~ omutov" (Ma9. KP ', ). Almx; elvo a Ul.J.llaTa<; 'l8 K6<;, VOJ O<;, OUJt:puJvo JE TOV onoiov npene v6 publji( WVTO oi npo~e S KoBe Xp,onovoO, KOla T'}V. Ayiov pa <l>~v. "Onws yvwpi(o~ e Ko i nloteuolje, a 0e6<;, en"ooe TOV av8pwnov TeAeuToiov. 64>00 npojyoujevw<; enaooe TOV KOO JO nou 3AEnoJe yupw JO(" JEOO eis TOV onoiov (ooje Ko i K VOU~EeO. Tov enaooe KOT' EiKOVO BEOU (ev. a '. 26, a' 7), 611A. 6 1J010V JE T'}V E;KOVO TOU '16iou, Koi TOV TonoBET10E OTEJJO (KOpWVO) novw OTO KTio\.lO Tou, TOV enaooe naoo ~o nveu~onkov, 6 11A. "OVKOV Koi eaeu9epov, TOO 6no;ou npooploj,joe; EivO, 610 Tiie; 6uVOTfiS eaeonolloews TaU, va OJOOOE npos TOV BEOV Koi va EvwBei JE AUTOV, ou.m" JPwvOVTOS KOT ' OUTOV TOV Tponov TOV JEVoAU " TEpaV nveuljom:ov n680 TOU. '0 Be6<; OX JOVOV enaooe TOV 6v9pwnov. amo E$povnoe Koi povti(e navtote 6, ' OUTOV 610n Elval VE JOTOe; ayan J 61 ' au Tov. A,' auto 'l. Ayio po$f'j TOV 6vo~0(el,..naipo jjo( Ei( ou( oupavou~" (MOTa. e' 16). '0 6vapwno;; AO ln6v Oq>eiAE TlV u n op~1l TOU Koi 6.T oyoaov EXE EiS TOV 0eov.. 0 6E nalloiov, 6)A. 6 KoBE ov9pwno;, we;; naao~o TOO Geou lepe T)V EiKOVO TaU GeoO, K exe U.J.ll1AOv npooplo..ov va 6JOOOel JE AUTOV 610 ie; TeAelonOllOeWe; TOU Koi va EVWaEi J,JE AUTOV.. H. Avio po f'j 8Ewpei 6n 6Aol oi 6vapumol EXOUV npoi:aae on6 Tf'Jv i6iov OiKOYEVEO TWV npwtona6otwv.. 0. An. nooaoe; MYEl '" EnoifJo i{ fvo( aipao~ nov E8vo~ 6v8pu)nwv KOTOKEiv tni nov fo npoownov fj~ yij~.. (np6~.,<, 26) 611A. 6 0e6<;, en AOOE 6Ao TO ebvfl niv 6v9puJnwv 6no TO "1610 O'JO, 6,0 va KOTOKf'JOOUV Eie; 6A 1 Tf'JV viiv.. EnOJEvwS ou Jt:puJvo J,J ' auto nou elne 010 novw 6. An60oAo;, Mv 610$Epelo. lou6oid<; an a TOV "EMllvO ~ 6 600Ao;ono TOV EAEU8EpaV, 6 ~oupos on o TOV oonpo, (oa. V', 28), omo 6Aol E!VQ"OO }J ETO~U TWV KO; o6eapo i. u ~ t:pujvo j,j' OUTO 'l OXEOt e;; TOO ov8pujnou nd6s T6v GEOV eivol OXES naooj,jolos npo<; T6v n M OTflv OUTOO, uioo npch; TOV nolepo, Eie; TOV 6noiov 6:pE;Ael TlV u nop~fl TaU Koi 6, T ijaao ov08ov Exel.. H 6E OXES np6<; T6v najo iov EivO OXEoS np6<;, TO"1610V n" ooj,jo eie; T6 onoiov E668flOOV"16101 Ov9pWOVO " oyko i a~iol, enoj,jevw e; OXEOES a6ea$ 00 np6<; M EA<P6v..M. ( l

9 e EPA A PXEn:1:KOnH *\ AYHPA/\A ~ 0EOl\OlKH ~XO\H «AnO~TO\O~ ANaPEA~»..wpee<; ana nep'<>opov E KTOKTOU 6ioKOU eis TOUS 'epous Noous "as NEA NOTOl: OYAlA KA KAMnEPPA KA0EPKo NAD EYAElllMOY TH 0EOTOKOY REDFERN $ N. AiON KONNOY & EENH NEWTOWN N. AiA TPAD SURRY HS N KOMHm 0EOTOKOY REDFERN N. AlOY EOPlOY ROSE BAy N. AlOY OANNOY PARRA MATTA , N. AlOY mypllona KNGSFORD N. A loy NKOlAOY MARRCKVE N. AlA EY<l>HMA BANKSTOWN N. TA=APXOY nanopm TOY NTH SYDNEY.1, N. AlOY NEKTAPOY BURWOOD N. AnOHOlOY ANPEA GADESVE N. AiA AKATEPNH MASCOT N. AlOY HE<l>ANOY HURSTONE PARK N. A ion PA <l>ah, NKOlAOY & EPHNH VERPOO..N. AlA n APAKEYH BACK TOWN..N. AlOY HMHTPOY ST. MARY'S N. nanaa MYPTlllOTHA DUBBO.. N. TA=APXON ABURy N. AlOY nanteehmono GOUBURN. N. AlOY ONYHOY GOSFORD...N. AOY NKOlAOY CANBERRA.. SPRNGWOOD MONASTERY.. EARWOOD MONASTERY. N. ANAHAEm TOY XPHOY KOGARAH TO nalal KA H OKOENEA H KOK) auv;8e O ~EPKWV YOVWV v6 KOVOUV ouykpioec) J.lET a~u wv nolbll.l;v TOUe;. MeplKoi 6n6 J OS EXO J.lE Tl'lv KOK) ouv')8elo va auykpivouje TO nolbl() J-10C; J-lETa~U TOUe; i v6 auykpivoujje o nol616 jjot; J.lE aaaa nol blc), ~ Elm noaaoi yove i; 8ul-lwvouv J.lE Eva 6n6 TO nolblo TOUe; Vlol bev elva T6ao ikav6 600 KonOlD 6AAo ii bev J EAETO noali 600 TO 66eA >6K TOU i TO YETovonouA6 TOU... Oov AE J.lE o6 VO J.lOC;:.... Axalpt:UTE, oiv " poke/tal va "PO KOpE/t; fou note. Koia(e 6 aoe"a<p6t; oou i Efunvot; nou Elval; E/OEt; Tout; pa8j.1ou; TDU. vox1 a6v Eoiva TO P)'(iKO nou oiv{ipec; l"oto»... i OTOV Ae ~ E OTlV KOPfl ~oe; : «"AX. va,oouva KG au oav Jv K6p'7 ij; Kupla; Mapla;. lto "POKOJlJ.1EVJ, Ko80plj. va lji poj8ii; o6 anln... Eau 6T! mooec; ata XEPO oou 86 6 O" aoej;. 6Ao (JJEC; KaVEC;...» bev npoketo OUTE KoAuTEPOUj) va TOUe; KOVOUlJe OUTE 010 E~unvOUe;. To!Jovo nou eo KOTo<pepOUJE, oiyoupo, EivO va TOUe; KoVOUJE va JOlOOUV T' 6beA<plo TOUe;, TOUe; <PAoue; lou e; Koi noaaee; <po pee; Koi TOV"lbO TOV eout6 TOU e;. n pene va ~epou!je nwe;, onwe; TO boxtuao OTo xeplo!joe;. Kovevo be JOlo ~el lje TO aaaa, etm KO TO nolblo ~oe;, TO Ko8evo Exel T'} blk'; TOU npoow OlKOTflTO, TO blko TOU Tuno, Tie; 6 1Kee; TOU ikovotfltee; Kai 66uvolJ iee;. Ti npene va KovOUjJ e; n PWTO 6n ' oaa va 6EXTOUjJE T6 K08E jjoe; n0l61 onwe; eivo, Koi jje unojjov,; va npoona8';oou)je va yive KoAuTEPO 6n ' 011 ~TOV npiv. ETvOo)Jwe; nop6aoyo va em!jevou!je va yivouv oao TO nol610!joe; T6 ~161o E~unvo ") ikov6. T. X. N. AlA W<l>A - TAYOR SQ N. AlOY EPAlMOY ECHHARDT N. TMOY HAYPOY WOONGONG N. AiON AnOHOlON NEWCASTE N. KOMHHm 0EOTOKOY WAGGA WAGGA N. A ion nanton BEMORE , BKTOPA APXEnlKOnlKo NAD AlOY EYHA010Y SOUTH MEBOURNE $ N. EYA ElllMOY TH 0EOTOKOY EAST MEBOURNE N. A-lOY HMHTPOY PRAHRAN N. AlA TPAllo FOOTSCRAY N. AlOY EEY0EP OY BRUNSWCK N. AlOY EoplOY THORNBURY N. AiON KONNOY & EENH SOUTH yarra N. AlOY BAlllEOY BRUNSWCK N AiA TPAllo R CHMOND N. AlOY HMHTPOY ASCOT VAE N. AlOY ANTON loy SU NSH N E N. AiA AKATEPNH MAVERN N. AiON ANAPYPON OAKEGH N. AiON KYPOY & ME001l10Y PRESTON N. AlOY NEKTAPO Y FAWKNER N. TA= APXON MENTONE N. KOMHHm 0EOTOKOY NTH A TONA.. N. TlMOY HAYPOY BOX H.... N. AlOY nanteehmono DANDENONG... N. AiON 0EO<l>ANEON FRANKSTON N. TP ON EPAPXON CA non. N. AlOY A0ANAlOY SPR NGVAE N. METAMOP<l>mm TOY WTHPo AOR-THOMASTOWN N. H y n AnAN TH TOY KYP OY GOBURG & PASCOE VAE N. EWlA TH 0EOTOKOY N TH BAWYN N. AOY PA<l>AHl MOORABN N. KOMHm 0EOTOKOY GEEONG N. AiA napakeyh ST. ABANS. N. AlOY NKOlAOY YARRA VE. MEBPURNE & VCTORA N. KOMHEm 0EOTOKOY G PPSAND.N. AlOY mploy SHEPPARTON N. AlOY EO PlOY HOBART NOTOl: KA BOPEOl: AYHPAlA N. AlOY n ANTEEHMONo GENEG $ N. AlOY NEKTAPOY CROYDON PARK N. n po<l>htoy HOY NORWOOD N. AlOY EO PlOY THEBARTON N EN NHEm TOY XPHOY PORT ADEADE N. AlOY ANTONOY PROSPECT N. AlOY HMHTPOY SASBURY N. AlOY A NPEA NOARUNGA N. AlOY mploy PORT PRE N. AlOY NKOlAOY DARW N N. AlOY HMHTPOY BERR N. AlOY mypllono UNEY N. AiON KON / NOY & EENH RENM ARK KOYHNl:ANH N. AlOY EOPlOY BRSBANE.. N. KO MHm 0EOTOKOY STH SDE. N. KOMHEm 0EOTOKOY NNSFA. N. AiON 0EOOPON TOWNSVE.. N. AiA ANNH SUR FERS PARADSE... $ YTKH AYHPAlA N. AiON KONNOY & EENH PERTH.. $ N. EYAElllMOY PERTH , uvoaov EK TaU 6iO KOU $ Eniol1C; 6WPEOC; npooetlepav 61otlopol i61..i:1n::c; Koi CP,Aonwxol. A6E A OT1TEC; TO OVOJOTO nov onoiwv 6EV nep1aojpovovto ovw TEpW. 49 \

10 - T_o x_p_o_n K_o_N T_H_~ A_P_X_E_n ~_K_O_n_H_~ M_A ~ ~ A' APXEmmOniKH nep<pepea KiV]UlS TOU :Eel3001JWTCTOU. ApXlenooKonou K,K. TUAOVOU T'jv TETopT'lv, 20v. AnptAlou 6 EPOOjJtWTOTOS E6EX8'l TOV 8 EO H AEOTOTOV. EnioKonov nojj$iaou K. XPUOOOTOjJOV, BO'l96v napa T4) EP. M'lTponoAiTt) EpjJOvios, 6 6noios tla9e npos EnloKE4JV Tt.OV tv u6veu OiKEfwv TOU. Tt'}v nejjnt'lv, 3'lv. AnptAiou 6 EPOOjJWTOTOe; E6Exe'l Un'lpEOta KOUS nopoyovtm; TOU Bientennial Authoity Ko l TOU poq>elou TOU noatteokou npw8unoupyou K. Wan, 01 6noiOl ovtonokpvoj.levo EiS oneu8uv9eioo hka'lolv TOU EPOO)JWTOTOU npos Tall npw8unoupyo f)a80v Kof E)JEAt'lOO'" Enl Tonou TO TEpOOTtO np6pa'lljo OUVT'lP'jOEW<; ou 'EPOU K08E6ptKOU Naou, 6 6noio; we; YVWOTOV Elvot E~OXO iotopko )J"''ljJEioll. EKKA)Oo0TtKiiS 0PXTEKTOVKiis nov. AVVAooo~wvwv. Tt'}v n OpooKEu'lv, 4flv. AnptAiou 6 EPOO ~.JJWTOTo; E4JOAE T'!'" ' TOOlV TtOV XOPETtO)JWV TiS 0 EOTOKOU Eie;. T'JV' EvopioVTOU. Ay. eq>6 YOU Koi w)jia'loe KOTOMiAwe;.. T'Jv KUPOKt'JV 6'lv. AnplAfou, 6 EPOO)JtWTOTOS ETeAEoE Tt'lV 0. \ETOupyio... Eie;. TOV ' Ep6v Noov 'Ay. nupi6w... o; Kof w).jia'loe KOTOAA'J AwS Efs TO EKKAlOioo ).JO. Tt'Jv n E)JnT'lV 10)v. AnptAlou, 6 EPOO)JWTOTOS E6EX81l TOV EE ' EAA660S ea80vto 610 OU).J).JETOXt'JV EfS tue8vee;. UVE6ptov K, NuoAaov 0E).JEA), npoe6po TOU. EAEYKTlKOU UVE6piou iie;. ' EAA660e;.. T'J nopookeu'jv, AnplAiou, 6 El3001-.WTOTOe; npoeot'l Eie;. TlV. AKoAou81011 Tiie;.lJ. TOOEWe;. TWV XOPETO).JW EiS TOV '. Ka8E6pl KO Noo, Ko i Ev OUVEXEiO po'l60u..levos Koi on6 TOUe;. 6uo. AYlopeiTOS n OTEpOe;, EEAEOE. Aypunviov ).JETO 0Eio;. \EToupyfoe; Ko i w).j A)OE KOTOAA'JAl...<;, Tt'}v EV AOY4J. Aypunviov nop)koaou8)oe naii60s motwv, KA'lPUClOV Kol AoiKlOl. Tlv KuplOKflv. 13'lv. AnplAlou, 6 E1300).JlwToToseEAEoE Tflv 8Eloll \ElToupyloll EiS TOV 'JEpO Nooll. Ayiou Ewpyiou Rose Bay Coi wlj i A'lOE KOTOM'JAwe;... Ell OUVEXEfO )JETEP) ES T'JV A'"180uOO Tiie;.. EKKAl)oloS onou nopeteel)oall OVO ",",UKTlKO np6s oaov TO ekkal)oioo)jo.. EK )JEPOUS TiS 'EvopioS 6 np6e6po; K. T. Kou4>6S EvEXEfplOEV ES Tall EjJoO)JWTO TOil enltoy't1l $1500 unep TiS 0EOAoYKii<;, )JoS XoA';S. Tlv TETOPT'lV 16'lv. AnplAlou, 6 EjJoO}JWTOTOS E6EX8) e81)jotum KWe; Tall EKOJ.Eu8uvt'} T';e;.\OKiis T po n E~ l) e;. Kunpou K. KK)V \o~o p6'l, OUV06EUOJEVO on6 TOV NOJJKo U).JpouAo Tiie;. TponE~ ) SKoinpW ) '" ' Ynoupyo K. Tooo nan060nouao. T6 onoyeu )Jo iis i6ios 'l)jepos 6 Ej300)JWTOTo; e6ex8) TOV E~. A )JEPKiie;. Ko8)Y)T'JV K.. EJ)Jollou'tA XOT~ 'l OvwV 'l. OUV06EUO)JEO... uno TOU EV u6veu 06EA4>Ou TOU K.. EAEU8Epiou. ' And TO odnvo'll nou OPJlO'llWO 10 'APXllniOKOnl(O'll UJl{JOUAO' n{hi( TJl'll ToU n{)(ulonp n " WOVOU EUoW A'OOU wi 1(. "EnaJlll'llw'oo M napnou,,., 0/0 "1'11 in; O(l(OlTio( unjploio'll tou( d( auto '0 {JaOJl,jTDex, npoocpw'lj'll l OO( fljlwjll'llou( ( ), 50 Tl'lv nejjml')v 171')\1. AnplAiou, 6 e~ool-l l ti.totoc; auvo6eu6ljevoc; ana 6v flo' MEA!3oupv:l BOllBoy TaU 0e04)1AtoTOTOV. EnioKonov.o.epP'lt; K. ' le(ek 'JA KO' T6v n.. HAio KEVTpw'; KDi TOV /\oylo'jv ii;. ApXEmOKO nile; 1<,. 4JWJO, nopek69'oev eie; 6eifTVOv nou nopete91l eie; 1ftv tv Templestowe OiKOV TOO 1<, ),)J.lflTplou TEPY!OU, onou E668)'; EUKOpio va a uvepvoogei JE 6MKA'lPl T')V. EKkA')OOOTK'l. EniTpon'l ile; uno ",6puol'v. Evopiot; TOU. Ayiou XOpoAOl-lflOUC;. T')v nopaokeu'jv,, a"". AnplAiou, 6 ej300-jlwto TOC;. ouvo6eu6je* '110<:; 6n6 T6v - AYDV 6.tpf3l'ls Koi ov npwtonp. n. 800iAE0 XPUOTO ;. eneokt >9) T6v veo Kul3epvl'lTl B.KTWpioC; K. Davis MCaughey, KO j elxe JET' OlJTOU 6KPtut; Ev61Qptpouoa auvolj lmo. 608t\l10t; OTiO veoe; Ku13ep "nhc; eivoi 610nPEnt'}s 8EOAoyOS TiS Uniting Chuh, XP'ljJOTOE npwos npoe6pos ouie; Koi 'AvTmpuTovlS TOU Melboune Univesity, T6 ap66u ie; i610s 'lj.lepos 6 EPOOjJlWTOTo; EXOPOOTOT'lOE Kol EK'lpuEEv EiS 6(10 NoouS KOTO TiV ' AKoAou8iav Tau' AKa8ioTou, "jto ES -AYlov NEKTopO... Ko l METOjJOpq>wOlv XpOTOU. To OP3OTO 19l). AnplAiou, 0 Ej300)JWTOTOS e6ex9'l TO... YQ>u TlouPYo n oam o)jou K.. nonov6peou, nou E... OJ Koi 6 op)j6610s ana naeupos. EAA'lVK';S Kuj3EpllnoEWS Yla 8E).JOTO. An06nJou. EAA)"'O)JOU, Kol EiXE J.lo<i TaU 6iwpo ouvepyooio. To... K. YQ>unoupyoouv66EUE ) E... po)j)j OTEUe;.. Ano6'JlJou. EAA'lvlo )Jou KO A. KopoAii-J.))J'lTpto60u Ko i daaol unllpeookoi nopayovtes, nopiototo 6E Eie; Tffv OU~'JT 'l O '" npo OKEKA'l..lEOt TOU Epao)JlwToTOU Koi oj 6)JOYEE;S BouAEUTOi K.K. J.. KoMis Kol J.. OJJOS, Ko8wS enio)s Kai 6 Ell. 'APX1EPOTKOS. EnfTpono; n. MAn06'lS Xpuoouyiis. Tt'Jv KUPOK'tV 20.,11. AnplAiou, 6 :j300)jwtotoe;. eaeloupy'loev ES TOV '. Noo T OEOPXW, Noth Sydney, Ko i teaeoe TEOOOPOKOv8't)JEPOV MV))Jooullo is OEljJ... 'totou M'lTpOe; TaU, o)ja'jooe; KOTOM')Awe;.. Tnv TpT)V A nplaiou, 6 EPOOJWTOTOe;. eteaeoe TlV 0. \E Toupyio TWV n po'lyoo JJEVWV T )J iwv J.wpwv Eie; T'\11. MOll'). Ay. ewpyiou TOU Bouvou. T'JV 6noio nop)koaou8'lool noaaof OOTo o j 6noiOl :4>8ooov )JE noua)jol 6n6 TO u6veu Koi T'J YETOVKn neptox'\. T'Jv KuploK 'J TlOV BOW, 27'l1l. AnplAlou, a EPOO)JWTOTOC; eae TOUPY'lOE Ko i e K'J P U ~EV Eis TO'" ' 1. N.. Ay. Kwv/ vou Koi. EMv'lS, Newtown, Ko l 6tEVE)JE TO Eis TO nai80s wv mow... Ev OUEXEiO nopek08'loe Eie; TO nopo6oa10ko etnoo EU)JO unep TlOV i6pu)jotwv T';S 800lAE66o<; nou nopoti8eto EUYEW<; ana TOV K. MOVETO, Eis TO EOlia' oplo TOU "Cyen". Ai xopootooio Ko l iepoupyiol TOU EpaO)JWTOTOU KOHl Tt'}V. Ayio Koi M EyoA). E136oJ660 enpoy )JOTonO't9'lOOV KOTO TO OKOAou80 np6ypo)j..o: KUPOU' TWV BGlWV EonfpO;:. AKOAou8io TOU NU..lq>iou ES ' 1. N. ' Ay. TEq>6vou. Hulstone Pak (7.00) MfydAf] tjwfpa ' onipo(:. AKOAou8io TOU NU..lq>iou Efe; ' 1. N.. Ay. AiKOTEpiv'lS, Masot (7.00) MfyOAf] TpiTf] EonfpO;:. AKoAou8 io TaU NUJQ>lou EiS. N.. Ay. nupi6wlloe;. Kingsfod (l.oo) MfYOAf] TaOpTf] Anoy uf..la: ' AKOAou8io TOU. EuxEAoi, ou ' is '1. N.. Av. O<l>ios Taylo Sq. (3.30) ' Eonipof).' 'AKOAou8io TOU NU )JQ>iou EfS '1. N. 'Ayiou 'Av6pEOU Gladesvilie (7. 00). MfyOAf] nff..lntf] onfpo;:' ACoAou8io TWV ' Ayiwv no8wv EiS.N. ' Ay. ' lw6wou, Pa amalta (6.(0) Koi. N. ' Ay, EUQ>'llJio;.. Bankstown (7.00) MfydAf]napaol<w'J ' AnoK08'JAwo1SEis.N.. Ay. NKoAoou Maikville. (3.00) ' Eontpof: n Epl$OpO ' Enno llou Eie;..N.. Ay. novtw... Belmoe (7.00) M YOAO Eippao AVOOTOO'l EiS ' J. Ko8E6pKO... Noov Euoy YEAlo)Jou T~S 0EOTOKOU, Redfen, (' 1.00) Kuplol<j TOU naoxa Eo nepllloe;. T';e;. Ayon'le; Eis Ko8E6p KO'" Nooll )JE 'Jv OU)J).JETOXt'} TaU'. KA '!pou T~S noaews )JoS. Red fen. ( a.m.) ' Eantpof -. EonEplvos is. Ayan'lS Eis.N.. AVOOTOOEWS TOU Kupiou. Kogaa h (5.00)

11 Y'loe Koi EKl'lpu~ev ei, TOV ' 1. Noov TWV 'Ayiwv KupiMou Ko i MeS06iou. B' APXEm~:KOniKH nep<pepea Kiv'101S 0 0$'A UTlTOU B0'1900. En'UKOnOu l.ep3'1 S K.. 1 ~ K'oiA Ttt" napooktu''' 4W. AnplAiou U:. (oo Tttv. AKO;'ou8iov ile; ' TOOEUK;; ltov XOPETlOjJWV ExopooolloE Kai b:'tpu~ev EiC; ov '. Noov ii;. YnanavlC; TOU Kupiou Cobug. Ttt" KUPOKiV 6lV. AnplAiou t.e. KuplaKftv ils T' auponpooku V}OEWC; eae TOuPY'lOEV KOt EK ipu~ EV EiC; ov '. Noov TOU TJ.liou aupou Box HiliKoi enapouaiooev ov VEOV '!epotkw; n pooojevov n. eu)p VC nlokiiv. T}v lleutepov 71lv. AnplAiou E.e. npaeoh} ouve6plooews i); Kev plkii;. Ennponi ; NEOAoioC; Ei; TO PO leio f];. Epa,. A PXEOoKonii; T;v TeOpHjV 9'1v. AnptAiou t.e. npooka.,seic; uno ii; 8UJopXio; TaU Flindes. ouv06wo jjevo; uno TOG n pwonpeoj3utepou BOOiAe iou XPOT0<P1 Ki TOU OiKO. TOU OiKOUjJEVKOU 0p6vou n.. EAeugepiou TOTOl nopeotl t i, ouve6pioolv TOt} flll~otlkou u~ j3oua iou T~ C, flwop Xio, Flindes KO; ouve<lt lloev ~et ouniiv 9E ~ OTO Q lopwvto Tllv " epov MovlV T~C, novoy;o, Ko~opov~, Red Hill. Tl)v nopookeu)v 111lv. AnplAiou E.E, KOTO T)V 'AKOAou9joVT~,fl ' Tooew<, TWV XOPET O ~ WV EXoPooToTlloe Koi EK l) pu~e ei, TOV "epov Noov TOU 'Ayiou n oveael) ~ ovo, Dandenong, Tl)v KUPOK)V 181lv. AnplAiou E,E, EAelToupYlloe Koi EKipu~ev t i, TOV '. Noov TOU 'Ay, flll~ltp iou Asot Va le 6nou Koi te.aeoe E~O~lVO ~vll~oouvo T~C; ael ~ V)OTOU npeo j3utepoc, Xop o Ao~nio, TuAlovonouAou Tlv fleutepov 14}v 'AnplAiou E,E. E6EX91l ei, TO poq>eia T~;. '. ' ApXle ntokon~, lj eal T~ C;...AXEn A.. ano TO u6veu ~ ETOSU TWV onoiwv KO ; TOV K,, OKOUJ~ KO; ouve<)t'lcle J ET' autwvgejoto 6 lopwvto TOV ev A6Y4J 'OpyovolJov, To onoyeu ljo fj, i6io, )lj epae; E6EX9q TOV EV MeA30upv) NOlJKOV UlJlJouAov fj; '.. ApXle mokonfj; K, Tony Rose peto TaU onoiou ouve <')Hl oe 6lo:popo SEJOO a<j>opwvto T')V '. 'ApXlemOKon')v, T'tv Tpilv 15flV 'AnplAiou E E. npoeotf) ouvosew; TaU'. KA,ipou ii, Bo, 'ApXlemoKomKli, nepl:pepeio; M ealjoupv f)e;, To Eonepo, ouv06euwv TOV elj, ' ApXlenioKonov noptotl ei;ouve 6pioolv TijC; 'EK(AlOOOTlKfj C, 'EnTponij, Tii; veoouototou 'EvopioC; Templestowe JETO TO ntpa, Tij,onoio, nopekoslloev ei, fleinvov nopa TeStv eie, T')V oikiov TOU K. fl. Tepy iou. T')v nopaokeui)v 18flv. AnpAiou E.E. ouv06euwv TOV elj.. ApX leniokonov EnEOKt lsloov ESJOTU01KWe, TOV VEOV KulJepv')Tflv Tije, BKTW' pioe;. E~OXWTOTOV K. Davis MCaughey To Eontpoe, KOHl TiV ' AKOAouSiov TOU ' AKOSioTOU ' YJVOU EXOPO ' OToTqoe Koi EK ')pusev ei; TOV ' lepov Naov TOU. Ayiou. ASavooiou Spnngvale Koi EV ouvexeiq: eie, TOV '. Naov wv Tpn,iJv 'lepopxwv C layton. T')v KUPOK'tV 20llv 'AnplAiou E.E. EAe ltoupy'l0e Koi EK)pu~ev ei, ov ' Noov TOU 'Ayiou BOOiAeiou Bunswk T 6 anoyeuj.lo nopeotl eie; T)V MeAtTqv TOU KUKAou. Ayioe, poq>ii; Tfje; ' EKKAlOioe, TaU ' Ay. BoolAe iou Bunswik Koi EV ouvexeiq nopeotl KO ; wj.lialoev eie; T)V ouva~lv TftC; NeoAoiae; Tije, v A6Y4J KOlvOTlTOe, Koi. Evopioe,. T')v fleutepov 211lv. AnplAiou E.E, TO Eontpoe; npoeohl ouve6pl0- oewe, TaU fllolkl TKOU UlJl3ouAiou TOU veoouotctou KEvTPOU npovoioe, Tfj C, ' 1. ' ApXlemoKonfie, v M eal3oupvl). Ti)v KUPOK')V 271lv. AnplAiou E,E. KUplOK)V TWV BOWv EAeiTOup Peston. METO TO ntpoe, ~, 0. AelTOupyio, nopek09floev eie, eu~o ~eo TWV ~e Awv ij,. EKKA'looo TlKi; e; 'EnTponii;, Tfje, Aomwxou. A6eA4>6 T'loe, TaU ' lepatlkwe, npootojevou. APXJ, n, MeS06iou AlJovou Koi 6AAwv o~oyevwv fi; neploxde,. To 6noyeu~0 fj, i610e; i'ljepo, ouv06euo~evo, uno TOU flokovou n. fllovuoiou fluj'ltp06f") Koi TaU npwtonpeoljutepau BOOiAeiou XP o oq>ii noptot'l eie, EK6')Awolv fit; n ovopk06lkijc, 'A6eA4>6T'lTOC; Koi EEAeoe TOV ' AYloolJoV TOU veou NoooKo~eloKou. OX')j.JOTOe, TO 6noiov 'lyopooev ') EV AOY4J ' A6eA4>6Tle; 610 VO 6wpioll ei, T6 novopko61kov NOaOKOlJeiov TpmoAeWt;. To Eonepot; KOTO T')V. AKOAou9iov TOU NU~ lk>u ExopoooTlloe Koi EK')PU~EV eie; T6v ' lep6v N06v TWV. Ayiwv KwvOTOvivou Koi ' EAEV1, South Yaa-Pahan. T')v fleutepov 28'lv. AnplAiou E.E, Koo ')v. AKOAouSiov ou Nu~ liou EXOpoO"TOT'lOe Kol EK ')pu~ ev eie, TOV ' lep6v Noov ou. Ayiou Papo'tA Mooabbin. Tl'lv TpiTW 291lv' AnpAiou E.E. KOTOT ')V 'AKOAouSiov TOU Nu~ io u EXOPOOHl'loe Kai EK ')pu~ev ei, TOV '. Noov TOU 'AViou BOOlAeiou Bunswik. Ti)v TETOPTlV 30tv 'AnplAiou E.E:. o Eantpa, ETEAeoe l'lv ' AKOAou- 9iov TaU 'Ayiou EuxeAoiou ei, TOV '. N06v ije, 'Ayioe, T plo60e, Rihmond. ' APXEn:!:KOniKH nep<pepea KiV'1U'~ 0 0$'A Un'TOu B0'1900. EnouKonou XPOTovounoAew<; K, nauaou Tl'lv n OpooKeul'lv 41lv' AnplAiou E.E. TotonEpoe" KOTOT')V 'AKOAou Siov TWV ' Xolpe TlO~W V, EXOpooTOT'lOe KO; ojjiaf")oev eie; TOV '. Noov TOU. Ay. nupi6wvoe; Un ley. T')v KUPOK~V 6'lv. AnplAiou E,E. iepoupyj0e Koi 6~iA lloev EOJKOi pwe; eie; TOV '. Noov 'Ay. flflljl"ltpiou Salisbuy, T')v fleutepav 71lv. AnpAiou E.E. eie; TO Ev 'A6eAo61 po leio nlt; '.. ApX lenlokoniie, JO, ouvelpyoo9'l ~ET6 TaU n poe6pau Koi wv ~ eawv Til, 'E OJTponi), KOVWVKi)C, npovoio" T~v Tpillv 8'lv 'AnplAiou E.E. npo')6peuoe KoTO T')V UVo~V ' eptwv Tije; '. ApxemoKonKij, n epu:pepeio,. KOTO Tl'lvwe; 6vw uvo~ v ouve<'l'ls'loov 61opopo 9EjJoo un'lpeolokile; luoew, Ko i nveu~otlkfjc, oiko60lj ile; Tl'lv TeopTllv 911v 'AnplAiou E.E. npo')6peuoe ouve6plooewe, ijt; KevTplKil, <paonwxou. T')v nopaokeul'lv 111lv 'AnplAiou E,E. TO EonEpoe" KOTO Tl'lv 'AKa' AouS;ov TWV /1' XopeTOJWV, EXOPOOTOTfloe Koi oljiafl OeV ei, TOV '. Noov Tau ' Ay, ewpyiou Thebaton. Tl'lv KUpJOK'V 13'lv 'AnplAiou E.E, iepoupyqoe KO; OjJiAlOE EntKOi pw, ei, ov ', Noov TOU ' Ay. novt EAe l'l~ovo e;g l ene l g. Toonoyeu~o ij, OUTDC, 'l~epo" ljeo TOU EVT J, ev, npo~evo U ij, eveteipa, jjo, K. Kwv l vou Kopo~ n tto ll, nopeupesl ei, EK61'lAwOv KOVWVKOU XOPOKTij poe, T)V onoiov 61wpyavwoev i laonp6060e; oikoy. K. 'AA. Kovop'l eie; 6 West Toens Auditoium, unep Evoxuoewe, TWV okonwv Tfj,KevpKfj, (l>aomwxou. Tl'lv nopookeul'lv 181lv ' AnplAiou E.E. T')V npwlov ~ETelJf] eie; Bei Koi TO Eontpoe; KOTO T'V. AKOAouSiov Tau ' AK09ioou -Y~vou EXOPO ' ootlloe Koi OlJiAf]oev EmKoipwe; ei, TOV '. Noov TOU ' Ay, fl)jfltp iou, Tl'lv KUPloK')V 20lV 'AnplAiou E.E. iepoupylloe KO; oj ialoe ei, TOV '. Noov. AV. Kwv l vou Ko i 'EAevf] e, Renmak. KOTO TO TP')JEPOV ije, nopo~ovile; TaU t i, Riveland a 0eO$AenoTo, Elxe T')V eukolpiov vo ouvepyoo9il JETO TWV Ekei Seo lawt; Un'lPETOUVTWV ieptwv!joe; n. novoy. KWTOv06tMf] Koi n. fl'l~'ltpjou MwpalT'l, TOU K, 'Ap, Kooopo (npoe6pou Renmak) TaU K. T. OiKOVOJOU (npoe6pou Be;) KO! 6pKe TWV ou~ljouawv TWV fllokjtl KWV u~ljouaiwv TWV EKei 'EVOplWV' KOlvoTl'!wv -O,. 610 SE~Olo TO 6noio 6<J>Opouv T'lV nveu~otlk')v (VOm U~ l v TaU EKei 610Jouvo, 6~OYEVOUC, otoxeiou. T')v KUPOKl'lv TWV BOWv 27f]v 'AnplAiou t.e:. T')V ~EV npwov iepoupy'10e KO; OlJiAlOEV ei, ov Noov Tile, '. Movfje;. Ay. NeKTopiou eit; Coydon Pak. TO 6t Eonepoe" KOTO T'V. AKOAouS iov ou Nu~ l iou, EXOpOOo'loe Koi 0lJiAlOEV eie; TOV ' 1. Noov TOU n po l'tou. HAlou Nowood Tl'lv M. fleutepov 28'lv. AnplAiou t.e. txopootot'loe Ki oljia'1oe Koo T'lV' AKOAouSioVTOU Nu~ l iou eie; ov ' 1. Noov TOU 'Ay. fll)jqtpiou Salisbuy T;v M. TpiTllv 291lv 'AnplAiou t.e. ExoPOOTO TlOE Koi oj ialoe K01(:' T'jV. AKOAouSiov TaU NUJ liou Eie, TOV Nov ij;. '. Movije, Tau' Ay. NeKTOpiou. Ti)v M. TeopTflv 30tv. AnpAiou t.e, txopoootfloe KOTO Tl'lv 'AKo, Aou9iov TOU ' Opepou Ti)e; M, ne~mll, Ko i ETeAeoe TO '. MUOT'P10VTOU EuxeAoiou, 61-1A'tooe, EmKoipw" ei; TOV '1. Noov TOO. Ay.. AVTwviou Pospet, 51

12 nakoma XPHANKA NEA WORD CHRSTAN' NEWS :EY~NEY - ' H ' O~OonOV610K~ KU~EPV~O~ EVEKPVE Emxop~ V~O~ U'llOU~ $1,115,160 6,a T~V EnEKTOo~ TOO V~POTPEiou "ouantos Village" TOO ' 16pu~OTo~ BOOiAEla60~, To <PVO TOO V~P OTPEiou 90 apxioe OuVTO~O Koi 9a 6~~loupV~900v 60 KAivee; ae xwpo nau PpiOKETO niaw 6n6 6 YlPOKolJEio o6 akemba, :EY ~NEY - T~v ne~nt~ 24~ ' AnpAiou, 6 Ai6EO~, npwtonpeo~, n, ' wavv~~ E0oVVEAlvi6~~, EK T~~ 0P~OKEUTlK~~ 'Y n~peio; $UAOKWV T~S. lepac; JOS 'APXEflioKon;;;. emokeq,9lke i; 'PUAOKE) TOO UOVEU, 6nou ET AeOE OUVTO.. Hl okoaousia KOi, KOTomv E~o~oAoY~OEW~, 6~OVEVEi~ wi 6AAO 'Op906o ~0 EKOvwvfloav TWV. AXpaVTWV MUOTlPiwv. :EY~NEY - T~ v nopookeu~ 9~ Moiou, Ei~ TO Twin Restauant, TO. APXEOOKomKOV U..lJ3ouAlov olopy6vwoe leinvo np6; TlJ'l TWV npwtonpeoputepou n. 'wowou E0oYYEA,vi6ou Koi K.. EnOiJElvwv60 Mnapl-JnouTl. OK] i; Eni oekoeies unllpe OiEC; TOUe; Eie; TO. ApX1EmOKomK6v UJPouAOV..T'jV EKO'lAwOlv ~ia~oov 6 E~OO~",)TOTO~ 'ApX lnio Ko no ~ K. TUAOVO~ wi 6 Si Athu Geoge, Ko8wC; Koi oi 000 T)JWJEVO Ei e; T6 oeinvq, KoTO TO 6noiov 6 ej3aoj 1TOOC; JnevE)JE OTOUe; TlJWJEVOUC;; T6v XpuooOv TOUPO T~ ~ '. 'A px,,",okon~~ A0oTpoAio~, nopeup E9~ KOV novw ono 250 6~OVEVEi~ ono noaae~ ' EvopiE~ wi KOlv6TllTEC;. A YTPAJ\A - KOTo",v npooka~oe~ T~~, Epa ~, APX,,",oKon~; AUoTpoAfa; J., ac; EneOKEq,efloav Koi E41ETOC; 6n6 T6 -AYlov ~ OpOC; of ' lepo.,..6vaxol n. Tu xwv ToupOVKlTlov6C; Ko f n. MeAt: TlO ~ p~vop l at~~ np6 ~ E~o~oA6y~Ov TWV ",OTWV ~o ~ Ei~ Ti~ 6 l a<l>ope~ no AE~ T~~ AUOTpoAio~, n A ~90~ ",OTWV npoo~ A90v otic; 6uo. Aypunvie ; nou eylvov OT')V MeApoupvll Koi u6veu KOTO TO TUOKOV TOU. Ayiou - OpOUC;. AYTPAJ\A - To ' novouotpoa,ovo UVE6pO T~ ~ ' E AA ~ vope06o~ou NeoAaio; AuoTpaAioe; 86 npoy J.,lOTOnOl1l8ei OT') MEA~oupv~, ono AUVOUOTOU, 1986, T6 9E~O TOU UVE- 6piou 80 eivol «' H tjluxo)'ovia ou METavioTOu». ME Ei61K0. EYKUKAlo 86 KAlleOUV va au J.,J.,ETOOXOUV ovtmpoownol T~e; NEOAoio~ an6 6AE~ Ti~ KOlvo T~T E~ Koi ' E vopie~ T~ ~ ' Epa~ ' APX EmaKo n~ e; AUoTpoAioe;. EJ\J\A~A - ME on6<1>oo~ T~~ 'Ep6~ uv060u T~~ 'EKKA~o io ~ T~~ 'EAA66o~, 90 EOPTOo9Ei TO 1987 ~ 1200 En E TElO~ T~~ Z' OiKOUJ.,EVK~C; uvo60u. '0 EOpTOOJ.,lOe; eo ouv6uooeei J.,E Tie; EK6'lAWOEe; nou eo yivouv OT') J.,v') J.,1l TaU iepou >wtiou OTiC; 6 <1>E~pouopiou 1987, noykol:j\aba - ' H ' Op906o~0~ 'EKKA ~ oio T~~ Ep~io~ EWPTOOE T')V 700')v. EnETElov ono Tiie; i6puoewe; Tiie; iotopkiie; Movtie; Studenia, nou i6pu81lke 6no TOV BOOAEO Nemanja. ' H ' Epo uv060~ T ~~ ' E KKA~o io~ T~~ Ep~io~ ewptooe TO VEVO Voe; J.,E 8Eiov \ETOUpyiov KO! 8EOAoYKOV Ul-lnoOlOV, Eie; TO 6noiov eaopav J.,EpOe; nomoi 9EOA6yoi. Geek Othodox Ahdioese of Austalia ST. ANDREW'S Theologial College ANNOUNCEMENT Appliations fo enolment at S1. Andew's Theologial Coltege fo the aademi yea 1987 ae now being aepted and should ~e subm itted by the 31st August Fo th e bette and faie seletion of new students, appopiate dietions have been given to the loal Paish Piests. 52 Pesons inteested should appoah thei Paish Piest. SYDNEY - The Commonwealth Govenment has appoved a gant of $1,115,160 fo he extension of ouantos Village, whih is pat of the St. Basil's Homes, The wok on the sheduled hostel will begin soon and 60 beds ae envisaged to be built behind the homes fo the aged in akemba, SYDNEY - On Thusday 24 Apil, V, Rev, Potopesbyte John Evangelinidis, Chaplain of the Coetive Sevies, visited ong Bay gaol. whee he held a sevie fo Othodox pisones and offeed the saaments of Holy Confession and Communion. SYDNEY - On Fiday, 9 May, at the Twin RestauJan t, the Ahdioesan Counil oganised a Dinne in honou of the V. Rev. Potopesbyte John Evangelinidis and M Mihael Babouttis, in eognition of thei long sevies to the Ahdioesan Counil sine 1959, Main speakes wee His Eminene Ahbishop Stylianos and Si Athu Geoge, as well as the honoued guests, Ove 250 pesons attended the funtion, at whih His Eminene deoated F John and M Babouttis with the Golden Coss of the Ahdioese of Austalia, AUSTRAA - Following the invitation by ou Holy Ahdioese, two piest-monks fom Mt. Athos, Geee, ame to Austalia in Apil fo the Saamenl of Holy Confession, Fathe Tyhon fom the Monastey of Stavonikita and Fathe Meletios fom the Monastey of Gigoiou tavelled the entie ounty heaing the onfessions of ou faithful and advising on spiitual mattes. AUSTRAA - The Thid National You th Confeene of the Geek Othodox Ahdioese of Austalia will be held in Melboune fom 24th to 26th August 1986, The theme of the Confeene will be " The Psyhology 01 the Migant", His Eminene, Ahbishop Stylianos, is to invi te all paishes, ommunities and elative oganisations to patiipate. GREECE - The Chuh of Geee has deided to elebate in 1987 the 1200th Annivesay of the Seventh Eumenial Synod, The elebalions will take plae in onjuntion with the Feast of St. Photios On 6th Febuay YUGOSAVA - The Othodox Chuh of Sebia ommemoated the 700th Annivesay sine he establishment of the histoi Monastey of Studenia, whih was founded by King Nemauja, The Holy Synod of the Chuh of Sebia elebated the event with an oasional itugy and a Theologial Symposium in whih many theologians patiipated, tepa 'ApxfWfO(Ont1 AuopaAiof eeoaoyk~ xoaj TOU AnOTO\OY ANlPEOY ANAKONOl:H. AVOKOVOUTa on 1'\61"] yivovto 60:TEe; oit~oee; Eyypoq>';e; 6n6 6ooue; EmSu~ouv va Q>oT')oouv Eie; T')V 0EO;"0YK'jV xo;"'jv ~oe; 610 T6 6K061"]~O t K6v hoe; 1987, Koi npene va EXOUV unol3;"flsei ~EXP TE;"OUe; AuyouOTou TOU T'jV KO;"UTEP"] Koi 61KOl6TEPfl enl... oy'j TWV Ev6to<pEpoJEVWV va qk>t')oouv EXOUV 60SEi 0XET KE<; 66WiE<; Ei<; TOU <; KOTO Tonou<; EPEi<;. n OpoKO;"OUVTO oi Ev6oq>Ep6~EvO va oneu8uv90uv Ei<; TOV ' EpEo T'; <; neplox,;<; TOUe;..

(a,b) Let s review the general definitions of trig functions first. (See back cover of your book) sin θ = b/r cos θ = a/r tan θ = b/a, a 0

(a,b) Let s review the general definitions of trig functions first. (See back cover of your book) sin θ = b/r cos θ = a/r tan θ = b/a, a 0 TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES (a,b) Let s eview the geneal definitions of tig functions fist. (See back cove of you book) θ b/ θ a/ tan θ b/a, a 0 θ csc θ /b, b 0 sec θ /a, a 0 cot θ a/b, b 0 By doing some

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Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1

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Example 1: THE ELECTRIC DIPOLE Example 1: THE ELECTRIC DIPOLE 1 The Electic Dipole: z + P + θ d _ Φ = Q 4πε + Q = Q 4πε 4πε 1 + 1 2 The Electic Dipole: d + _ z + Law of Cosines: θ A B α C A 2 = B 2 + C 2 2ABcosα P ± = 2 ( + d ) 2 2

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ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II

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Fax no +302106505936 To. 2310263139 Page: 1/12

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Srednicki Chapter 55

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Chapter 22 - Heat Engines, Entropy, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

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Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

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Homework 3 Solutions

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Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES

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SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions

SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES GLMA Linear Mathematics 00- Examination Solutions. (a) i. ( + 5i)( i) = (6 + 5) + (5 )i = + i. Real part is, imaginary part is. (b) ii. + 5i i ( + 5i)( + i) = ( i)( + i)

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ΣΟΡΟΠΤΙΜΙΣΤΡΙΕΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΔΕΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΔΕΣ ΣΟΡΟΠΤΙΜΙΣΤΡΙΕΣ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΟΡΟΠΤΙΜΙΣΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΝΩΣΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΤΕΥΧΟΣ Νο 110 - Δ ΤΡΙΜΗΝΟ 2014 Το πρώτο βραβείο κέρδισε η Ελλάδα για την φωτογραφία Blue + Yellow = Green στον διαγωνισμό 2014 του

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21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) 21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) I Main Topics

21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) 21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) I Main Topics I Main Topics A Intoducon to stess fields and stess concentaons B An axisymmetic poblem B Stesses in a pola (cylindical) efeence fame C quaons of equilibium D Soluon of bounday value poblem fo a pessuized

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Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Βάσεων Δεδομένων

Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Βάσεων Δεδομένων ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Βάσεων Δεδομένων Φροντιστήριο 9: Transactions - part 1 Δημήτρης Πλεξουσάκης Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών Tutorial on Undo, Redo and Undo/Redo

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Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5

Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5 Solutions to Eercise Sheet 5 jacques@ucsd.edu. Let X and Y be random variables with joint pdf f(, y) = 3y( + y) where and y. Determine each of the following probabilities. Solutions. a. P (X ). b. P (X

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Writing for A class. Describe yourself Topic 1: Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live.

Writing for A class. Describe yourself Topic 1: Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live. Topic 1: Describe yourself Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live. Χρησιμοποίησε το and. WRITE your paragraph in 40-60 words... 1 Topic 2: Describe your room Χρησιμοποίησε

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Space Physics (I) [AP-3044] Lecture 1 by Ling-Hsiao Lyu Oct Lecture 1. Dipole Magnetic Field and Equations of Magnetic Field Lines

Space Physics (I) [AP-3044] Lecture 1 by Ling-Hsiao Lyu Oct Lecture 1. Dipole Magnetic Field and Equations of Magnetic Field Lines Space Physics (I) [AP-344] Lectue by Ling-Hsiao Lyu Oct. 2 Lectue. Dipole Magnetic Field and Equations of Magnetic Field Lines.. Dipole Magnetic Field Since = we can define = A (.) whee A is called the

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LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV. 18 February 2014

LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV. 18 February 2014 LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV 18 February 2014 Slowly/quietly Clear/clearly Clean Quickly/quick/fast Hurry (in a hurry) Driver Attention/caution/notice/care Dance Σιγά Καθαρά Καθαρός/η/ο

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.

Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1. Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given

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Math221: HW# 1 solutions

Math221: HW# 1 solutions Math: HW# solutions Andy Royston October, 5 7.5.7, 3 rd Ed. We have a n = b n = a = fxdx = xdx =, x cos nxdx = x sin nx n sin nxdx n = cos nx n = n n, x sin nxdx = x cos nx n + cos nxdx n cos n = + sin

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Επιβλέπουσα Καθηγήτρια: ΣΟΦΙΑ ΑΡΑΒΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΑΤΟΥ

Επιβλέπουσα Καθηγήτρια: ΣΟΦΙΑ ΑΡΑΒΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΑΤΟΥ EΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΤΕΙ ΙΟΝΙΩΝ ΝΗΣΩΝ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ & ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ Ταχ. Δ/νση : Λεωφ. Αντ.Τρίτση, Αργοστόλι Κεφαλληνίας Τ.Κ. 28 100 τηλ. : 26710-27311 fax : 26710-27312

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I Feel Pretty VOIX. MARIA et Trois Filles - N 12. BERNSTEIN Leonard Adaptation F. Pissaloux. ι œ. % α α α œ % α α α œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ ƒ.

I Feel Pretty VOIX. MARIA et Trois Filles - N 12. BERNSTEIN Leonard Adaptation F. Pissaloux. ι œ. % α α α œ % α α α œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ ƒ. VOX Feel Pretty MARA et Trois Filles - N 12 BERNSTEN Leonrd Adpttion F. Pissloux Violons Contrebsse A 2 7 2 7 Allegro qd 69 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 B 10 11 12 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 24 C 25 26 27 28 29

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LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV. 4 February 2014

LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV. 4 February 2014 LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV 4 February 2014 Somewhere κάπου (kapoo) Nowhere πουθενά (poothena) Elsewhere αλλού (aloo) Drawer το συρτάρι (sirtari) Page η σελίδα (selida) News τα νέα (nea)

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Fractional Colorings and Zykov Products of graphs

Fractional Colorings and Zykov Products of graphs Fractional Colorings and Zykov Products of graphs Who? Nichole Schimanski When? July 27, 2011 Graphs A graph, G, consists of a vertex set, V (G), and an edge set, E(G). V (G) is any finite set E(G) is

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Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme

Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme. (a) Note: Award A for vertical line to right of mean, A for shading to right of their vertical line. AA N (b) evidence of recognizing symmetry

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FINAL TEST B TERM-JUNIOR B STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR UNITS 8-17 FINAL TEST B TERM-JUNIOR B STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR UNITS 8-17 Name: Surname: Date: Class: 1. Write these words in the correct order. /Γράψε αυτέσ τισ λέξεισ ςτη ςωςτή ςειρά. 1) playing / his / not /

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Instruction Execution Times

Instruction Execution Times 1 C Execution Times InThisAppendix... Introduction DL330 Execution Times DL330P Execution Times DL340 Execution Times C-2 Execution Times Introduction Data Registers This appendix contains several tables

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY 21 ος ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ Δεύτερος Γύρος - 30 Μαρτίου 2011 Διάρκεια Διαγωνισμού: 3 ώρες Απαντήστε όλες τις ερωτήσεις Μέγιστο Βάρος (20 Μονάδες) Δίνεται ένα σύνολο από N σφαιρίδια τα οποία δεν έχουν όλα το ίδιο βάρος μεταξύ τους και ένα κουτί που αντέχει μέχρι

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Solutions to the Schrodinger equation atomic orbitals. Ψ 1 s Ψ 2 s Ψ 2 px Ψ 2 py Ψ 2 pz

Solutions to the Schrodinger equation atomic orbitals. Ψ 1 s Ψ 2 s Ψ 2 px Ψ 2 py Ψ 2 pz Solutions to the Schrodinger equation atomic orbitals Ψ 1 s Ψ 2 s Ψ 2 px Ψ 2 py Ψ 2 pz ybridization Valence Bond Approach to bonding sp 3 (Ψ 2 s + Ψ 2 px + Ψ 2 py + Ψ 2 pz) sp 2 (Ψ 2 s + Ψ 2 px + Ψ 2 py)

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5.4 The Poisson Distribution.

5.4 The Poisson Distribution. The worst thing you can do about a situation is nothing. Sr. O Shea Jackson 5.4 The Poisson Distribution. Description of the Poisson Distribution Discrete probability distribution. The random variable

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ΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΛΗΨΕΩΣ. Greek Orthodox Church. Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION

ΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΛΗΨΕΩΣ. Greek Orthodox Church. Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION Greek Orthodox Church FAIRVIEW - NEW JERSEY Weekly Bulletin Sunday June 1 st, 2014 Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council Οικουμενικόν

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Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O

Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O Q1. (a) Explain the meaning of the terms mean bond enthalpy and standard enthalpy of formation. Mean bond enthalpy... Standard enthalpy of formation... (5) (b) Some mean bond enthalpies are given below.

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Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------

Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------- Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. 1. Sin ( ) = a) b) c) d) Ans b. Solution : Method 1. Ans a: 17 > 1 a) is rejected. w.k.t Sin ( sin ) = d is rejected. If sin

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Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)

Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) 1 Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) Αναγνώσματα από το βιβλίο Η Απόλαυση της Μουσικής (Machlis, Forney), για τους μαθητές που θα μελετήσουν το έργο: «Ο Σαίνμπεργκ

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Tutorial Note - Week 09 - Solution

Tutorial Note - Week 09 - Solution Tutoial Note - Week 9 - Solution ouble Integals in Pola Coodinates. a Since + and + 5 ae cicles centeed at oigin with adius and 5, then {,θ 5, θ π } Figue. f, f cos θ, sin θ cos θ sin θ sin θ da 5 69 5

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ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ΣΕ ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ & ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ΣΕ ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ & ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ Ενότητα 3β: Types of Speeches & Strong Language Ιφιγένεια Μαχίλη Άδειες Χρήσης Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό υπόκειται σε άδειες χρήσης Creative

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.Kai tnar'jo8f')oav anavtet; nveuj,lotos. AVlou, Kal "p~avto AaAEiv ETtPOII; vawaaoll;-, (npaeelijv 2:4)

.Kai tnar'jo8f')oav anavtet; nveuj,lotos. AVlou, Kal p~avto AaAEiv ETtPOII; vawaaoll;-, (npaeelijv 2:4) lire, '4'24~.Kai tna'jo8f')oav anavtet; nveuj,lotos. AVlou, Kal "p~avto AaAEiv ETtPO; vawaaoll;-, (npaeeljv 2:4). L,VTOOOETO un6 ' EnHpon~~, npovojo TOU E!JoOj.JWTOTOU ' ApXfEmaltOnOu 242 Cleveland 51"

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Q π (/) ^ ^ ^ Η φ. <f) c>o. ^ ο. ö ê ω Q. Ο. o 'c. _o _) o U 03. ,,, ω ^ ^ -g'^ ο 0) f ο. Ε. ιη ο Φ. ο 0) κ. ο 03.,Ο. g 2< οο"" ο φ.

Q π (/) ^ ^ ^ Η φ. <f) c>o. ^ ο. ö ê ω Q. Ο. o 'c. _o _) o U 03. ,,, ω ^ ^ -g'^ ο 0) f ο. Ε. ιη ο Φ. ο 0) κ. ο 03.,Ο. g 2< οο ο φ. II 4»» «i p û»7'' s V -Ζ G -7 y 1 X s? ' (/) Ζ L. - =! i- Ζ ) Η f) " i L. Û - 1 1 Ι û ( - " - ' t - ' t/î " ι-8. Ι -. : wî ' j 1 Τ J en " il-' - - ö ê., t= ' -; '9 ',,, ) Τ '.,/,. - ϊζ L - (- - s.1 ai

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Oscillating dipole system Suppose we have two small spheres separated by a distance s. The charge on one sphere changes with time and is described by

Oscillating dipole system Suppose we have two small spheres separated by a distance s. The charge on one sphere changes with time and is described by 5 Radiation (Chapte 11) 5.1 Electic dipole adiation Oscillating dipole system Suppose we have two small sphees sepaated by a distance s. The chage on one sphee changes with time and is descibed by q(t)

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Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door

Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door Right Rear Door Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door You may have been already guessed my steps, so there is not much to describe in detail. Old upper one file:///c /Documents

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ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ΙΙΙ. Ενότητα 12b: The Little Prince. Ζωή Κανταρίδου Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής

ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ΙΙΙ. Ενότητα 12b: The Little Prince. Ζωή Κανταρίδου Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής Ενότητα 12b: The Little Prince Τμήμα Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής Άδειες Χρήσης Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό υπόκειται σε άδειες χρήσης Creative Commons. Για εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, όπως εικόνες, που υπόκειται

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Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics

Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics Fourier Series MATH 211, Calculus II J. Robert Buchanan Department of Mathematics Spring 2018 Introduction Not all functions can be represented by Taylor series. f (k) (c) A Taylor series f (x) = (x c)

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Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ.

Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ. Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο The time integral of a force is referred to as impulse, is determined by and is obtained from: Newton s 2 nd Law of motion states that the action

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Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs

Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs 180 Section 9. Polar Equations and Graphs In this section, we will be graphing polar equations on a polar grid. In the first few examples, we will write the polar equation in rectangular form to help identify

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A Note on Intuitionistic Fuzzy. Equivalence Relation

A Note on Intuitionistic Fuzzy. Equivalence Relation International Mathematical Forum, 5, 2010, no. 67, 3301-3307 A Note on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Equivalence Relation D. K. Basnet Dept. of Mathematics, Assam University Silchar-788011, Assam, India dkbasnet@rediffmail.com

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Homework 8 Model Solution Section

Homework 8 Model Solution Section MATH 004 Homework Solution Homework 8 Model Solution Section 14.5 14.6. 14.5. Use the Chain Rule to find dz where z cosx + 4y), x 5t 4, y 1 t. dz dx + dy y sinx + 4y)0t + 4) sinx + 4y) 1t ) 0t + 4t ) sinx

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb.

Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb. LUMP SUM Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb. LUMP SUM Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb. Assalamu `alaikum wr. wb. LUMP SUM Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb. LUMP SUM Lump sum lump sum lump sum. lump sum fixed price lump sum lump

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EE512: Error Control Coding

EE512: Error Control Coding EE512: Error Control Coding Solution for Assignment on Finite Fields February 16, 2007 1. (a) Addition and Multiplication tables for GF (5) and GF (7) are shown in Tables 1 and 2. + 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3

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Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού)

Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού) Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού) Προσδοκώμενα αποτελέσματα Περιεχόμενο Ενδεικτικές δραστηριότητες

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Στην παθητική φωνή η έμφαση δίνεται στην πράξη όχι στο ποιος την διέπραξε.

Στην παθητική φωνή η έμφαση δίνεται στην πράξη όχι στο ποιος την διέπραξε. THE PASSIVE VOICE ΠΑΘΗΤΙΚΗ ΦΩΝΗ Στην παθητική φωνή η έμφαση δίνεται στην πράξη όχι στο ποιος την διέπραξε. Είναι επίσης πιθανό είτε κάποιος να αγνοεί το άτομο που έκανε κάτι (το ποιητικό αίτιο agent) είτε

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Lanczos and biorthogonalization methods for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices

Lanczos and biorthogonalization methods for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices Lanzos and iorthogonalization methods for eigenvalues and eigenvetors of matries rolem formulation Many prolems are redued to solving the following system: x x where is an unknown numer А a matrix n n

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 19/5/2007 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Αν κάπου κάνετε κάποιες υποθέσεις να αναφερθούν στη σχετική ερώτηση. Όλα τα αρχεία που αναφέρονται στα προβλήματα βρίσκονται στον ίδιο φάκελο με το εκτελέσιμο

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Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude

Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Jan Behrens 2012-12-31 In this paper we shall provide a method to approximate distances between two points on earth

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Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable

Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable Your source for quality GNSS Networking Solutions and Design Services! Page 1 of 5 Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable The delay of a cable or velocity factor is determined by the dielectric

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ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 1: Elements of Syntactic Structure Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 6/5/2006 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Ολοι οι αριθμοί που αναφέρονται σε όλα τα ερωτήματα είναι μικρότεροι το 1000 εκτός αν ορίζεται διαφορετικά στη διατύπωση του προβλήματος. Διάρκεια: 3,5 ώρες Καλή

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e t e r Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinate Representation of grad, div, curl and 2

e t e r Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinate Representation of grad, div, curl and 2 Cylindical and Spheical Coodinate Repesentation of gad, div, cul and 2 Thus fa, we have descibed an abitay vecto in F as a linea combination of i, j and k, which ae unit vectos in the diection of inceasin,

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SUPERPOSITION, MEASUREMENT, NORMALIZATION, EXPECTATION VALUES. Reading: QM course packet Ch 5 up to 5.6 SUPERPOSITION, MEASUREMENT, NORMALIZATION, EXPECTATION VALUES Readig: QM course packet Ch 5 up to 5. 1 ϕ (x) = E = π m( a) =1,,3,4,5 for xa (x) = πx si L L * = πx L si L.5 ϕ' -.5 z 1 (x) = L si

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wkal t na.r\ae.,oov 6nOVTEt; nv Eu ~atoc;. AVlou. Mal "P~OVTO "aadv TEPOI" yawooolc;_. (np6~ew V 2 :4) +'&HMHTPIO!:

wkal t na.r\ae.,oov 6nOVTEt; nv Eu ~atoc;. AVlou. Mal P~OVTO aadv TEPOI yawooolc;_. (np6~ew V 2 :4) +'&HMHTPIO!: wkal t na.\ae.,oov 6nOVTEt; nv Eu ~atoc;. AVlou. Mal "P~OVTO "aadv TEPOI" yawooolc;_. (np6~ew V 2 :4) EnIIHMD EKAOIII IEPA! APXIEnIIKonHI AYITPAAIAI IUYIOOOETOI uno ' Enllpon1o:;. npovojq IOU IdJoo!JII,II('nou

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ΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ. ΘΕΜΑ: «ιερεύνηση της σχέσης µεταξύ φωνηµικής επίγνωσης και ορθογραφικής δεξιότητας σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας»


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Strain gauge and rosettes

Strain gauge and rosettes Strain gauge and rosettes Introduction A strain gauge is a device which is used to measure strain (deformation) on an object subjected to forces. Strain can be measured using various types of devices classified

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Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016

Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Silvio Capobianco Exercise 1.7 Let H(n) = J(n + 1) J(n). Equation (1.8) tells us that H(2n) = 2, and H(2n+1) = J(2n+2) J(2n+1) = (2J(n+1) 1) (2J(n)+1)

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τεύχος #20, Οκτώβριος#Νοέμβριος#Δεκέμβριος 2009, περιοδικό των Μεγάλων Οδηγών

τεύχος #20, Οκτώβριος#Νοέμβριος#Δεκέμβριος 2009, περιοδικό των Μεγάλων Οδηγών τεύχος #20, Οκτώβριος#Νοέμβριος#Δεκέμβριος 2009, περιοδικό των Μεγάλων Οδηγών [ ] Ματούλα Βελιανίτη, Έφορος Κλάδου Μεγάλων Οδηγών 2004-2009 20 τεύχη κυκλοφορίας συμπληρώνει ο Τρόπος Ζωής. Ήταν πριν από

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Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11

Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11 Potential Dividers 46 minutes 46 marks Page 1 of 11 Q1. In the circuit shown in the figure below, the battery, of negligible internal resistance, has an emf of 30 V. The pd across the lamp is 6.0 V and

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ΦωτίστεΤονΚόσμο. ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ Νοεμβρίου Δεκεμβρίου 2017

ΦωτίστεΤονΚόσμο. ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ Νοεμβρίου Δεκεμβρίου 2017 ΦωτίστεΤονΚόσμο ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ 2017 24 Νοεμβρίου -- 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2017 ΘΕΜΑ «Καθώς ακολουθούμε το παράδειγμα του Σωτήρος και ζούμε όπως ζούσε Εκείνος και όπως δίδασκε, αυτό το φως θα καίει μέσα

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